# 2.0.6 * Support `--observe=*`, `--enable-vm-service=*` (`startsWith`, instead of `==`). # 2.0.5 * Use `dart:developer` to find the Observatory URI. * Use the app's logger when necessary. * Apply `package:pedantic`. # 2.0.4 * Forcibly close app loggers on shutdown. # 2.0.3 * Fixed up manual restart. * Remove stutter on hotkey press. # 2.0.2 * Fixed for compatibility with `package:angel_websocket@^2.0.0-alpha.5`. # 2.0.1 * Add import of `package:angel_framework/http.dart` * https://github.com/angel-dart/hot/pull/7 # 2.0.0 * Update for Dart 2 + Angel 2. # 1.1.1+1 * Fix a bug that threw when `--observe` was not present. # 1.1.1 * Disable the observatory from pausing the isolate on exceptions, because Angel already handles all exceptions by itself.