import 'dart:async'; import 'package:dart_language_server/src/protocol/language_server/interface.dart'; import 'package:dart_language_server/src/protocol/language_server/messages.dart'; import 'package:file/file.dart'; import 'package:file/local.dart'; import 'package:file/memory.dart'; import 'package:jael/jael.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as p; import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart'; import 'package:symbol_table/symbol_table.dart'; import 'analyzer.dart'; import 'object.dart'; class JaelLanguageServer extends LanguageServer { var _diagnostics = new StreamController(sync: true); var _done = new Completer(); var _memFs = new MemoryFileSystem(); var _localFs = const LocalFileSystem(); Directory _localRootDir; var logger = new Logger('jael'); Uri _rootUri; var _workspaceEdits = new StreamController(); @override Stream get diagnostics =>; @override Future get onDone => _done.future; @override Stream get workspaceEdits =>; @override Future shutdown() { if (!_done.isCompleted) _done.complete(); _diagnostics.close(); _workspaceEdits.close(); return super.shutdown(); } @override Future initialize(int clientPid, String rootUri, ClientCapabilities clientCapabilities, String trace) async { // Find our real root dir. _localRootDir = = Uri.parse(rootUri)); // Copy all real files that end in *.jael (and *.jl for legacy) into the in-memory filesystem. await for (var entity in _localRootDir.list(recursive: true)) { if (entity is File && p.extension(entity.path) == '.jael') { var relativePath = p.relative(entity.absolute.path, from: _localRootDir.absolute.path); var file = _memFs.file(relativePath); await file.create(recursive: true); await entity.openRead().pipe(file.openWrite(mode: FileMode.write));'Found Jael file ${file.path}'); // Analyze it var documentId = new TextDocumentIdentifier((b) { b..uri = _rootUri.replace(path: relativePath).toString(); }); await analyzerForId(documentId); } } return new ServerCapabilities((b) { b ..codeActionProvider = false ..completionProvider = new CompletionOptions((b) { b ..resolveProvider = true ..triggerCharacters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdeghijklmnopqrstuvxwyz' .codeUnits .map((c) => new String.fromCharCode(c)) .toList(); }) ..definitionProvider = true ..documentHighlightProvider = true ..documentRangeFormattingProvider = false ..documentOnTypeFormattingProvider = null ..documentSymbolProvider = true ..documentFormattingProvider = true ..hoverProvider = true ..implementationProvider = true ..referencesProvider = true ..renameProvider = true ..signatureHelpProvider = new SignatureHelpOptions((b) {}) ..textDocumentSync = new TextDocumentSyncOptions((b) { b ..openClose = true ..change = TextDocumentSyncKind.incremental = new SaveOptions((b) { b..includeText = false; }) ..willSave = false ..willSaveWaitUntil = false; }) ..workspaceSymbolProvider = true; }); } Future fileForId(TextDocumentIdentifier documentId) async { var uri = Uri.parse(documentId.uri); var relativePath = p.relative(uri.path, from: _rootUri.path); var file = _memFs.file(relativePath); if (!await file.exists()) { await file.create(recursive: true); await _localFs.file(uri).openRead().pipe(file.openWrite());'Opened Jael file ${file.path}'); } return file; } Future scannerForId(TextDocumentIdentifier documentId) async { var file = await fileForId(documentId); return scan(await file.readAsString(), sourceUrl: file.uri); } Future analyzerForId(TextDocumentIdentifier documentId) async { var scanner = await scannerForId(documentId); var analyzer = new Analyzer(scanner, logger)..errors.addAll(scanner.errors); analyzer.parseDocument(); 'Done ${documentId.uri} ${await (await fileForId(documentId)).readAsString()}');; emitDiagnostics(documentId.uri,; return analyzer; } Diagnostic toDiagnostic(JaelError e) { return new Diagnostic((b) { b ..message = e.message ..range = toRange(e.span) ..severity = toSeverity(e.severity) ..source = e.span.start.sourceUrl.toString(); }); } int toSeverity(JaelErrorSeverity s) { switch (s) { case JaelErrorSeverity.warning: return DiagnosticSeverity.warning; default: return DiagnosticSeverity.error; } } Range toRange(FileSpan span) { return new Range((b) { b ..start = toPosition(span.start) ..end = toPosition(span.end); }); } Range emptyRange() { return new Range((b) => b ..start = b.end = new Position((b) { b ..character = 1 ..line = 0; })); } Position toPosition(SourceLocation location) { return new Position((b) { b ..line = location.line ..character = location.column; }); } Location toLocation(String uri, FileSpan span) { return new Location((b) { b ..range = toRange(span) ..uri = uri; }); } bool isReachable(JaelObject obj, Position position) { return obj.span.start.line <= position.line && obj.span.start.column <= position.character; } CompletionItem toCompletion(Variable symbol) { var value = symbol.value; if (value is JaelCustomElement) { var name =; return new CompletionItem((b) { b ..kind = CompletionItemKind.classKind ..label = ..textEdit = new TextEdit((b) { b ..range = emptyRange() ..newText = '<$name\$1>\n \$2\n'; }); }); } return null; } void emitDiagnostics(String uri, Iterable diagnostics) { if (diagnostics.isEmpty) return; _diagnostics.add(new Diagnostics((b) { b ..diagnostics = diagnostics.toList() ..uri = uri.toString(); })); } @override Future textDocumentDidOpen(TextDocumentItem document) async { await analyzerForId( new TextDocumentIdentifier((b) => b..uri = document.uri)); } @override Future textDocumentDidChange(VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier documentId, List changes) async { var id = new TextDocumentIdentifier((b) => b..uri = documentId.uri); var file = await fileForId(id); for (var change in changes) { if (change.range != null) { await file.writeAsString(change.text); } else { var contents = await file.readAsString(); int findIndex(Position position) { var lines = contents.split('\n'); // Sum the length of the previous lines. int lineLength = lines .take(position.line - 1) .map((s) => s.length) .reduce((a, b) => a + b); return lineLength + position.character - 1; } if (change.range == null) { contents = change.text; } else { var start = findIndex(change.range.start), end = findIndex(change.range.end); contents = contents.replaceRange(start, end, change.text); } await file.writeAsString(contents); } } await analyzerForId(id); } @override Future textDocumentCodeAction(TextDocumentIdentifier documentId, Range range, CodeActionContext context) async { // TODO: implement textDocumentCodeAction return []; } @override Future textDocumentCompletion( TextDocumentIdentifier documentId, Position position) async { var analyzer = await analyzerForId(documentId); var symbols = analyzer.scope.allVariables; var reachable = symbols.where((s) => isReachable(s.value, position)); return new CompletionList((b) { b ..isIncomplete = false ..items =; }); } Future currentSymbol( TextDocumentIdentifier documentId, Position position) async { var analyzer = await analyzerForId(documentId); var symbols = analyzer.allDefinitions; // analyzer.scope.allVariables;'Current synmbols: ${ =>}'); for (var s in symbols) { var v = s.value; if (position.line == v.span.start.line && position.character == v.span.start.column) {'Success ${}'); return v; } else { 'Nope ${} (${v.span.start.toolString} vs ${position.line}:${position.character})'); } } return null; } @override Future textDocumentDefinition( TextDocumentIdentifier documentId, Position position) async { var symbol = await currentSymbol(documentId, position); if (symbol != null) { return toLocation(documentId.uri, symbol.span); } return null; } @override Future> textDocumentHighlight( TextDocumentIdentifier documentId, Position position) async { var symbol = await currentSymbol(documentId, position); if (symbol != null) { return { return new DocumentHighlight((b) { b ..range = toRange(u.span) ..kind = u.type == SymbolUsageType.definition ? DocumentHighlightKind.write :; }); }).toList(); } return []; } @override Future textDocumentHover( TextDocumentIdentifier documentId, Position position) async { var symbol = await currentSymbol(documentId, position); if (symbol != null) { return new Hover((b) { b..range = toRange(symbol.span); }); } return null; } @override Future> textDocumentImplementation( TextDocumentIdentifier documentId, Position position) async { var defn = await textDocumentDefinition(documentId, position); return defn == null ? [] : [defn]; } @override Future> textDocumentReferences( TextDocumentIdentifier documentId, Position position, ReferenceContext context) async { var symbol = await currentSymbol(documentId, position); if (symbol != null) { return { return toLocation(documentId.uri, u.span); }).toList(); } return []; } @override Future textDocumentRename(TextDocumentIdentifier documentId, Position position, String newName) async { var symbol = await currentSymbol(documentId, position); if (symbol != null) { return new WorkspaceEdit((b) { b ..changes = { { return new TextEdit((b) { b ..range = toRange(u.span) ..newText = newName; }); }).toList() }; }); } return new WorkspaceEdit((b) { b..changes = {}; }); } @override Future> textDocumentSymbols( TextDocumentIdentifier documentId) async { var analyzer = await analyzerForId(documentId); return { return new SymbolInformation((b) { b ..kind = SymbolKind.classSymbol = ..location = toLocation(documentId.uri, symbol.value.span); }); }).toList(); } @override Future workspaceExecuteCommand(String command, List arguments) async { // TODO: implement workspaceExecuteCommand } @override Future> workspaceSymbol(String query) async { // TODO: implement workspaceSymbol return []; } } abstract class DiagnosticSeverity { static const int error = 0, warning = 1, information = 2, hint = 3; }