import 'dart:async'; import 'package:dart2_constant/convert.dart'; import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:mock_request/mock_request.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; Future readResponse(MockHttpResponse rs) { return rs.transform(utf8.decoder).join(); } Future printResponse(MockHttpResponse rs) { return readResponse(rs).then((text) { print(text.isEmpty ? '' : text); }); } main() { Angel app; AngelHttp http; setUp(() { app = new Angel()..lazyParseBodies = true; http = new AngelHttp(app); app.get('/cookie', (@CookieValue('token') String jwt) { return jwt; }); app.get('/header', (@Header('x-foo') String header) { return header; }); app.get('/query', (@Query('q') String query) { return query; }); app.get('/session', (@Session('foo') String foo) { return foo; }); app.get('/match', (@Query('mode', match: 'pos') String mode) { return 'YES $mode'; }); app.get('/match', (@Query('mode', match: 'neg') String mode) { return 'NO $mode'; }); app.get('/match', (@Query('mode') String mode) { return 'DEFAULT $mode'; }); /*app.logger = new Logger('parameter_meta_test') ..onRecord.listen((rec) { print(rec); if (rec.error != null) print(rec.error); if (rec.stackTrace != null) print(rec.stackTrace); }); */ }); test('injects header or throws', () async { // Invalid request var rq = new MockHttpRequest('GET', Uri.parse('/header'))..close(); var rs = rq.response; http.handleRequest(rq); await printResponse(rs); expect(rs.statusCode, 400); // Valid request rq = new MockHttpRequest('GET', Uri.parse('/header')) ..headers.add('x-foo', 'bar') ..close(); rs = rq.response; await http.handleRequest(rq); var body = await readResponse(rs); print('Body: $body'); expect(rs.statusCode, 200); expect(body, json.encode('bar')); }); test('injects session or throws', () async { // Invalid request var rq = new MockHttpRequest('GET', Uri.parse('/session'))..close(); var rs = rq.response; http.handleRequest(rq).timeout(const Duration(seconds: 5)).catchError((_) => null); await printResponse(rs); expect(rs.statusCode, 500); rq = new MockHttpRequest('GET', Uri.parse('/session')); rq.session['foo'] = 'bar'; rq.close(); rs = rq.response; http.handleRequest(rq); await printResponse(rs); expect(rs.statusCode, 200); }); // Originally, the plan was to test cookie, session, header, etc., // but that behavior has been consolidated into `getValue`. Thus, // they will all function the same way. test('pattern matching', () async { var rq = new MockHttpRequest('GET', Uri.parse('/match?mode=pos'))..close(); var rs = rq.response; http.handleRequest(rq); var body = await readResponse(rs); print('Body: $body'); expect(rs.statusCode, 200); expect(body, json.encode('YES pos')); rq = new MockHttpRequest('GET', Uri.parse('/match?mode=neg'))..close(); rs = rq.response; http.handleRequest(rq); body = await readResponse(rs); print('Body: $body'); expect(rs.statusCode, 200); expect(body, json.encode('NO neg')); // Fallback rq = new MockHttpRequest('GET', Uri.parse('/match?mode=ambi'))..close(); rs = rq.response; http.handleRequest(rq); body = await readResponse(rs); print('Body: $body'); expect(rs.statusCode, 200); expect(body, json.encode('DEFAULT ambi')); }); }