import 'dart:async';
import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart';
import 'package:angel_framework/http.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:pretty_logging/pretty_logging.dart';

Future<void> apiConfigurer(Angel app) async {
  app.get('/', (req, res) => 'Hello, API!');
  app.fallback((req, res) {
    return 'fallback on ${req.uri} (within the API)';

Future<void> frontendConfigurer(Angel app) async {
  app.fallback((req, res) => '(usually an index page would be shown here.)');

main() async {
  // Logging set up/boilerplate
  hierarchicalLoggingEnabled = true;

  var app = Angel(logger: Logger('angel'));
  var http = AngelHttp(app);
  var multiHost = HostnameRouter.configure({
    'api.localhost:3000': apiConfigurer,
    'localhost:3000': frontendConfigurer,

    ..fallback((req, res) {
      res.write('Uncaught hostname: ${req.hostname}');

  app.errorHandler = (e, req, res) {
    print(e.message ?? e.error ?? e);
    return e.toJson();

  await http.startServer('', 3000);
  print('Listening at ${http.uri}');
  print('See what happens when you visit http://localhost:3000 instead '
      'of Then, try '