part of 'router.dart'; /// Represents a virtual location within an application. class Route { final String method; final String path; final Map> _cache = {}; final RouteDefinition? _routeDefinition; final List handlers; String? name; Parser? _parser; Route(this.path, {required this.method, required this.handlers}) : _routeDefinition = RouteGrammar.routeDefinition .parse(SpanScanner(path.replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''))) .value { if (_routeDefinition?.segments.isNotEmpty != true) { _parser = match('').map((r) => RouteResult({})); } /* var result = RouteGrammar.routeDefinition .parse(SpanScanner(path.replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''))); if (result.value != null) { //throw ArgumentError('[Route] Failed to create route for $path'); _routeDefinition = result.value; if (_routeDefinition.segments.isEmpty) { _parser = match('').map((r) => RouteResult({})); } } else { _parser = match('').map((r) => RouteResult({})); } */ } factory Route.join(Route a, Route b) { var start = a.path.replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''); var end = b.path.replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''); return Route('$start/$end'.replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''), method: b.method, handlers: b.handlers); } //List get handlers => _handlers; Parser? get parser => _parser ??= _routeDefinition?.compile(); @override String toString() { return '$method $path => $handlers'; } Route clone() { return Route(path, method: method, handlers: handlers) .._cache.addAll(_cache); } String makeUri(Map params) { var b = StringBuffer(); var i = 0; if (_routeDefinition != null) { for (var seg in _routeDefinition.segments) { if (i++ > 0) b.write('/'); if (seg is ConstantSegment) { b.write(seg.text); } else if (seg is ParameterSegment) { if (!params.containsKey( { throw ArgumentError('Missing parameter "${}".'); } b.write(params[]); } } } return b.toString(); } } /// The result of matching an individual route. class RouteResult { /// The parsed route parameters. final Map params; /// Optional. An explicit "tail" value to set. String? get tail => _tail; String? _tail; RouteResult(this.params, {String? tail}) : _tail = tail; void _setTail(String? v) => _tail ??= v; /// Adds parameters. void addAll(Map map) { params.addAll(map); } }