import 'package:analyzer/dart/constant/value.dart'; import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart'; import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart'; import 'package:angel3_serialize/angel3_serialize.dart'; import 'package:code_builder/code_builder.dart'; import 'package:recase/recase.dart'; import 'package:source_gen/source_gen.dart'; /// A base context for building serializable classes. class BuildContext { ReCase? _modelClassNameRecase; TypeReference? _modelClassType; /// A map of fields that are absolutely required, and error messages for when they are absent. final Map<String, String> requiredFields = {}; /// A map of field names to resolved names from `@Alias()` declarations. final Map<String, String> aliases = {}; /// A map of field names to their default values. final Map<String, DartObject> defaults = {}; /// A map of fields to their related information. final Map<String, SerializableFieldMirror> fieldInfo = {}; /// A map of fields that have been marked as to be excluded from serialization. // ignore: deprecated_member_use final Map<String, Exclude> excluded = {}; /// A map of "synthetic" fields, i.e. `id` and `created_at` injected automatically. final Map<String, bool> shimmed = {}; final bool autoIdAndDateFields; final bool autoSnakeCaseNames; final String? originalClassName, sourceFilename; /// The fields declared on the original class. final List<FieldElement> fields = []; final List<ParameterElement> constructorParameters = []; final ConstantReader annotation; final ClassElement clazz; /// Any annotations to include in the generated class. final List<DartObject> includeAnnotations; /// The name of the field that identifies data of this model type. String primaryKeyName = 'id'; BuildContext(this.annotation, this.clazz, {this.originalClassName, this.sourceFilename, this.autoSnakeCaseNames = true, this.autoIdAndDateFields = true, this.includeAnnotations = const <DartObject>[]}); /// The name of the generated class. String? get modelClassName => originalClassName?.startsWith('_') == true ? originalClassName?.substring(1) : originalClassName; /// A [ReCase] instance reflecting on the [modelClassName]. ReCase get modelClassNameRecase { if (modelClassName == null) { throw ArgumentError('Model class cannot be null'); } _modelClassNameRecase ??= ReCase(modelClassName!); return _modelClassNameRecase!; } TypeReference get modelClassType => _modelClassType ??= TypeReference((b) => b.symbol = modelClassName); /// The [FieldElement] pointing to the primary key. FieldElement get primaryKeyField => fields.firstWhere((f) => == primaryKeyName); bool get importsPackageMeta { return clazz.library.imports.any((i) => i.uri == 'package:meta/meta.dart'); } /// Get the aliased name (if one is defined) for a field. String? resolveFieldName(String name) => aliases.containsKey(name) ? aliases[name] : name; /// Finds the type that the field [name] should serialize to. DartType resolveSerializedFieldType(String name) { return fieldInfo[name]?.serializesTo ?? fields.firstWhere((f) => == name).type; } } class SerializableFieldMirror { final String? alias; final DartObject? defaultValue; final Symbol? serializer, deserializer; final String? errorMessage; final bool isNullable; final bool canDeserialize; final bool canSerialize; final bool exclude; final DartType? serializesTo; SerializableFieldMirror( {this.alias, this.defaultValue, this.serializer, this.deserializer, this.errorMessage, this.isNullable = false, this.canDeserialize = true, this.canSerialize = true, this.exclude = false, this.serializesTo}); }