# 1.0.0-alpha+7 * Added a `@belongsToMany` annotation class. * Resolved [#20](https://github.com/angel-dart/orm/issues/20). The `PostgreSQLConnectionPool` keeps track of which connections have been opened now. # 1.0.0-alpha+6 * `DateTimeSqlExpressionBuilder` will no longer automatically insert quotation marks around names. # 1.0.0-alpha+5 * Corrected a typo that was causing the aforementioned test failures. `==` becomes `=`. # 1.0.0-alpha+4 * Added a null-check in `lib/src/query.dart#L24` to (hopefully) prevent it from crashing on Travis. # 1.0.0-alpha+3 * Added `isIn`, `isNotIn`, `isBetween`, `isNotBetween` to `SqlExpressionBuilder` and its subclasses. * Added a dependency on `package:meta`.