# Mustache Template Renderer for Angel3

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A service that renders Mustache template into HTML view for [Angel3](https://github.com/dukefirehawk/angel) framework.

Thanks so much @c4wrd for his help with bringing this project to life!

## Installation

In `pubspec.yaml`:

    angel3_mustache: ^3.0.0

## Usage

const FileSystem fs = const LocalFileSystem();

configureServer(Angel app) async {
  // Run the plug-in
  await app.configure(mustache(fs.directory('views')));
  // Render `hello.mustache`
  await res.render('hello', {'name': 'world'});

@# Options

- **partialsPath**: A path within the viewsDirectory to search for partials in.
    Default is `./partials`.
- **fileExtension**: The file extension to search for. Default is `.mustache`.