/// Client library for the Angel framework. library angel_client; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; export 'package:angel_framework/src/http/angel_http_exception.dart'; /// A function that configures an [Angel] client in some way. typedef Future AngelConfigurer(Angel app); /// Represents an Angel server that we are querying. abstract class Angel { String get authToken; String basePath; Angel(String this.basePath); Future authenticate( {String type, credentials, String authEndpoint: '/auth', String reviveEndpoint: '/auth/token'}); Future close(); /// Applies an [AngelConfigurer] to this instance. Future configure(AngelConfigurer configurer) async { await configurer(this); } Service service(Pattern path, {Type type}); } /// Represents the result of authentication with an Angel server. class AngelAuthResult { String _token; final Map data = {}; String get token => _token; AngelAuthResult({String token, Map data: const {}}) { _token = token; this.data.addAll(data ?? {}); } factory AngelAuthResult.fromMap(Map data) { final result = new AngelAuthResult(); if (data is Map && data.containsKey('token') && data['token'] is String) result._token = data['token']; if (data is Map) result.data.addAll(data['data'] ?? {}); return result; } factory AngelAuthResult.fromJson(String json) => new AngelAuthResult.fromMap(JSON.decode(json)); Map toJson() { return {'token': token, 'data': data}; } } /// Queries a service on an Angel server, with the same API. abstract class Service { /// The Angel instance powering this service. Angel get app; /// Retrieves all resources. Future index([Map params]); /// Retrieves the desired resource. Future read(id, [Map params]); /// Creates a resource. Future create(data, [Map params]); /// Modifies a resource. Future modify(id, data, [Map params]); /// Overwrites a resource. Future update(id, data, [Map params]); /// Removes the given resource. Future remove(id, [Map params]); }