library angel3_configuration; import 'dart:async'; import 'package:angel3_framework/angel3_framework.dart'; import 'package:dotenv/dotenv.dart' as dotenv; import 'package:file/file.dart'; import 'package:angel3_merge_map/angel3_merge_map.dart'; import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart'; Future<void> _loadYamlFile(Map map, File yamlFile, Map<String, String> env, void Function(String msg) warn) async { if (await yamlFile.exists()) { var config = loadYaml(await yamlFile.readAsString()); if (config is! Map) { warn( 'The configuration at "${yamlFile.absolute.path}" is not a Map. Refusing to load it.'); return; } var out = {}; var configMap = Map.of(config); // Check for _include if (configMap.containsKey('_include')) { var include = configMap.remove('_include'); var includeList = include is Iterable ? include.toList() : [include]; for (var inc in includeList) { if (inc is! String) { warn('Included item $inc is not a String.'); } else { var p = yamlFile.fileSystem.path; var includeFilePath = p.join(yamlFile.parent.path, inc); var includeFile = yamlFile.fileSystem.file(includeFilePath); if (!await includeFile.exists()) { warn( 'Included configuration file "$includeFilePath" does not exist.'); } else { await _loadYamlFile(out, includeFile, env, warn); } } } } for (var key in configMap.keys) { out[key] = _applyEnv(configMap[key], env, warn); } map.addAll(mergeMap( [ map, out, ], acceptNull: true, )); } } Object? _applyEnv( var v, Map<String, String> env, void Function(String msg) warn) { if (v is String) { if (v.startsWith(r'$') && v.length > 1) { var key = v.substring(1); if (env.containsKey(key)) { return env[key]; } else { warn( 'Your configuration calls for loading the value of "$key" from the system environment, but it is not defined. Defaulting to `null`.'); return null; } } else { return v; } } else if (v is Iterable) { return => _applyEnv(x, env, warn)).toList(); } else if (v is Map) { return v.keys .fold<Map>({}, (out, k) => out..[k] = _applyEnv(v[k], env, warn)); } else { return v; } } /// Loads [configuration], and returns a [Map]. /// /// You can override [onWarning]; otherwise, configuration errors will throw. Future<Map> loadStandaloneConfiguration(FileSystem fileSystem, {String directoryPath = './config', String? overrideEnvironmentName, String? envPath, void Function(String message)? onWarning}) async { var sourceDirectory =; var env = dotenv.env; var envFile = sourceDirectory.childFile(envPath ?? '.env'); if (await envFile.exists()) { dotenv.load(envFile.absolute.uri.toFilePath()); } var environmentName = env['ANGEL_ENV'] ?? 'development'; if (overrideEnvironmentName != null) { environmentName = overrideEnvironmentName; } onWarning ??= (String message) => throw StateError(message); var out = {}; var defaultYaml = sourceDirectory.childFile('default.yaml'); await _loadYamlFile(out, defaultYaml, env, onWarning); var configFilePath = '$environmentName.yaml'; var configFile = sourceDirectory.childFile(configFilePath); await _loadYamlFile(out, configFile, env, onWarning); return out; } /// Dynamically loads application configuration from configuration files. /// /// You can modify which [directoryPath] to search in, or explicitly /// load from a [overrideEnvironmentName]. /// /// You can also specify a custom [envPath] to load system configuration from. AngelConfigurer configuration(FileSystem fileSystem, {String directoryPath = './config', String? overrideEnvironmentName, String? envPath}) { return (Angel app) async { var config = await loadStandaloneConfiguration( fileSystem, directoryPath: directoryPath, overrideEnvironmentName: overrideEnvironmentName, envPath: envPath, onWarning: app.logger == null ? null : (msg) => app.logger?.warning('WARNING: $msg'), ); app.configuration.addAll(mergeMap( [ app.configuration, config, ], acceptNull: true, )); }; }