#!/usr/bin/env dart library demon.tool; import "dart:io"; import "package:args/command_runner.dart"; import 'package:angel_cli/angel_cli.dart'; import 'package:angel_cli/pubspec.update.g.dart'; import 'package:console/console.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; final String DOCTOR = "doctor"; main(List args) async { var runner = new CommandRunner("angel", "Command-line tools for the Angel framework."); runner ..addCommand(new DoctorCommand()) ..addCommand(new KeyCommand()) ..addCommand(new ServiceCommand()) ..addCommand(new InitCommand()) ..addCommand(new TestCommand()) ..addCommand(new PluginCommand()) ..addCommand(new StartCommand()) ..addCommand(new RenameCommand()); stdout.write('Checking for update... '); var client = new http.Client(); var update = await checkForUpdate(client); client.close(); if (update != null) { stdout.writeln(); var pen = new TextPen(); pen.cyan(); pen.text( 'ATTENTION: There is a new version of the Angel CLI available (version $update).'); pen.text('\nTo update, run `pub global activate angel_cli`.'); pen(); stdout.writeln(); } else stdout.writeln('No update available.'); return await runner.run(args).then((_) {}).catchError((exc) { stderr.writeln("Oops, something went wrong: $exc"); exitCode = 1; }); }