import 'dart:async'; import 'package:angel3_reactivex/angel3_reactivex.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import '../utils.dart'; Stream<int> _getStream() => Stream<int>.fromIterable(const <int>[1, 2, 3, 4]); void main() { test('Rx.delay', () async { var value = 1; _getStream() .delay(const Duration(milliseconds: 200)) .listen(expectAsync1((result) { expect(result, value++); }, count: 4)); }); test('', () { expect( _getStream().delay(, emitsInOrder(<int>[1, 2, 3, 4]), ); }); test('Rx.delay.shouldBeDelayed', () async { var value = 1; _getStream() .delay(const Duration(milliseconds: 500)) .timeInterval() .listen(expectAsync1((result) { expect(result.value, value++); if (result.value == 1) { expect(result.interval.inMilliseconds, greaterThanOrEqualTo(500)); // should be delayed } else { expect(result.interval.inMilliseconds, lessThanOrEqualTo(20)); // should be near instantaneous } }, count: 4)); }); test('Rx.delay.reusable', () async { final transformer = DelayStreamTransformer<int>(const Duration(milliseconds: 200)); var valueA = 1, valueB = 1; _getStream().transform(transformer).listen(expectAsync1((result) { expect(result, valueA++); }, count: 4)); _getStream().transform(transformer).listen(expectAsync1((result) { expect(result, valueB++); }, count: 4)); }); test('Rx.delay.asBroadcastStream', () async { final stream = _getStream() .asBroadcastStream() .delay(const Duration(milliseconds: 200)); // listen twice on same stream stream.listen(null); stream.listen(null); // code should reach here await expectLater(true, true); }); test('Rx.delay.error.shouldThrowA', () async { final streamWithError = Stream<void>.error(Exception()) .delay(const Duration(milliseconds: 200)); streamWithError.listen(null, onError: expectAsync2((Exception e, StackTrace s) { expect(e, isException); })); }); test('Rx.delay.pause.resume', () async { late StreamSubscription<int> subscription; final stream = Stream.fromIterable(const [1, 2, 3]).delay(Duration(milliseconds: 1)); subscription = stream.listen(expectAsync1((value) { expect(value, 1); subscription.cancel(); }, count: 1)); subscription.pause(); subscription.resume(); }); test( 'Rx.delay.cancel.emits.nothing', () async { late StreamSubscription<int> subscription; final stream = Stream.fromIterable(const [1, 2, 3]).doOnDone(() { subscription.cancel(); }).delay(Duration(seconds: 10)); // We expect the onData callback to be called 0 times because the // subscription is cancelled when the base stream ends. subscription = stream.listen(expectAsync1((_) {}, count: 0)); }, timeout: Timeout(Duration(seconds: 3)), ); test('Rx.delay accidental broadcast', () async { final controller = StreamController<int>(); final stream = 10)); stream.listen(null); expect(() => stream.listen(null), throwsStateError); controller.add(1); }); test('Rx.delay.nullable', () { nullableTest<String?>( (s) => s.delay(, ); }); }