# Change Log

## 8.2.1

* Updated README
* Updated example to use MongoDB authentication

## 8.2.0

* Require Dart >= 3.3
* Updated `mongo_dart` to 0.10.3
* Updated `lints` to 4.0.0
* Refactored `mongo_service` class
* Refactored test cases

## 8.1.1

* Updated repository link

## 8.1.0

* Updated `lints` to 3.0.0
* Fixed linter warnings

## 8.0.0

* Require Dart >= 3.0
* Upgraded `mongo_dart` to 0.9.3

## 7.0.0

* Require Dart >= 2.17

## 6.0.0

* Require Dart >= 2.16

## 5.0.0

* Skipped release

## 4.0.0

* Skipped release

## 3.1.0

* Updated to use `package:belatuk_merge_map`
* Updated to use `package:belatuk_json_serializer`
* Updated linter to `package:lints`

## 3.0.0

* Migrated to support Dart >= 2.12 NNBD

## 2.0.3

* Add null-coalescing check when processing queries: <https://github.com/angel-dart/mongo/pull/12>

## 2.0.2

* Fix flaw where clients could remove all records, even if `allowRemoveAll` were `false`.

## 2.0.1

* Override `readMany` and `findOne`.

## 2.0.0-

* Delete `mongo_service_typed`.
* Update for Angel 2.