import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:angel3_auth/angel3_auth.dart'; import 'package:angel3_framework/angel3_framework.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'package:path/path.dart' as p; //import 'package:oauth1/oauth1.dart' as oauth; import 'package:belatuk_oauth1/belatuk_oauth1.dart' as oauth; import 'package:dart_twitter_api/twitter_api.dart'; /// Authenticates users by connecting to Twitter's API. class TwitterStrategy<User> extends AuthStrategy<User> { /// The options defining how to connect to the third-party. final ExternalAuthOptions options; /// A callback that uses Twitter to authenticate a [User]. /// /// As always, return `null` if authentication fails. final FutureOr<User> Function(TwitterApi, RequestContext, ResponseContext) verifier; /// A callback that is triggered when an OAuth2 error occurs (i.e. the user declines to login); final FutureOr<dynamic> Function( TwitterAuthorizationException, RequestContext, ResponseContext) onError; /// The root of Twitter's API. Defaults to `''`. final Uri baseUrl; oauth.Client? _client; /// The underlying [oauth.Client] used to query Twitter. oauth.Client get client => _client!; TwitterStrategy(this.options, this.verifier, this.onError, {http.BaseClient? client, Uri? baseUrl}) : baseUrl = baseUrl ?? Uri.parse('') { // define platform (server) final oauth.Platform platform = oauth.Platform( '$baseUrl/oauth/request_token', // temporary credentials request '$baseUrl/oauth/authorize', // resource owner authorization '$baseUrl/oauth/access_token', // token credentials request oauth.SignatureMethods.hmacSha1 // signature method ); // define client credentials (consumer keys) final oauth.ClientCredentials clientCredentials = oauth.ClientCredentials(options.clientId, options.clientSecret); // create Authorization object with client credentials and platform definition final oauth.Authorization auth = oauth.Authorization(clientCredentials, platform); // request temporary credentials (request tokens) auth.requestTemporaryCredentials('oob').then((res) { // redirect to authorization page print( "Open with your browser: ${auth.getResourceOwnerAuthorizationURI(res.credentials.token)}"); // get verifier (PIN) stdout.write("PIN: "); String verifier = stdin.readLineSync() ?? ''; // request token credentials (access tokens) return auth.requestTokenCredentials(res.credentials, verifier); }).then((res) { // create Client object _client = oauth.Client( platform.signatureMethod, clientCredentials, res.credentials); }); } /// Handle a response from Twitter. Future<Map<String, String>> handleUrlEncodedResponse(http.Response rs) async { var body = rs.body; if (rs.statusCode != 200) { var err = json.decode(rs.body) as Map; var errors = err['errors'] as List; if (errors.isNotEmpty) { throw TwitterAuthorizationException( errors[0]['message'] as String, false); } else { throw StateError( 'Twitter returned an error response without an error message: ${rs.body}'); } } return Uri.splitQueryString(body); } /// Get an access token. Future<Map<String, String>> getAccessToken(String token, String verifier) { return baseUrl.replace(path: p.join(baseUrl.path, 'oauth/access_token')), headers: { 'accept': 'application/json' }, body: { 'oauth_token': token, 'oauth_verifier': verifier }).then(handleUrlEncodedResponse); // var request = await createRequest("oauth/access_token", // method: "POST", data: {"verifier": verifier}, accessToken: token); } /// Get a request token. Future<Map<String, String>> getRequestToken() { return baseUrl.replace(path: p.join(baseUrl.path, 'oauth/request_token')), headers: { 'accept': 'application/json' }, body: { 'oauth_callback': options.redirectUri.toString() }).then(handleUrlEncodedResponse); } @override Future<User?> authenticate(RequestContext req, ResponseContext res, [AngelAuthOptions? options]) async { try { if (options != null) { var result = await authenticateCallback(req, res, options); if (result is User) { return result; } else { return null; } } else { var result = await getRequestToken(); var token = result['oauth_token']; var url = baseUrl.replace( path: p.join(baseUrl.path, 'oauth/authorize'), queryParameters: {'oauth_token': token}); await res.redirect(url); return null; } } on TwitterAuthorizationException catch (e) { var result = await onError(e, req, res); await, req, res); await res.close(); return null; } } Future authenticateCallback( RequestContext req, ResponseContext res, AngelAuthOptions options) async { try { if (req.queryParameters.containsKey('denied')) { throw TwitterAuthorizationException( 'The user denied the Twitter authorization attempt.', true); } var token = req.queryParameters['oauth_token'] as String; var verifier = req.queryParameters['oauth_verifier'] as String; var loginData = await getAccessToken(token, verifier); var twitter = TwitterApi( client: TwitterClient( consumerKey: this.options.clientId, consumerSecret: this.options.clientSecret, token: loginData['oauth_token'] ?? '', secret: loginData['oauth_token_secret'] ?? '')); return await this.verifier(twitter, req, res); } on TwitterAuthorizationException catch (e) { return await onError(e, req, res); } } } class TwitterAuthorizationException implements Exception { /// The message associated with this exception. final String message; /// Whether the user denied the authorization attempt. final bool isDenial; TwitterAuthorizationException(this.message, this.isDenial); @override String toString() => 'TwitterAuthorizationException: $message'; }