import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart'; import 'package:angel_relations/angel_relations.dart' as relations; import 'package:angel_seeder/angel_seeder.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'common.dart'; main() { Angel app; setUp(() async { app = new Angel() ..use('/authors', new MapService()) ..use('/books', new MapService()); await app.configure(seed( 'authors', new SeederConfiguration<Map>( count: 10, template: {'name': (Faker faker) =>}, callback: (Map author, seed) { return seed( 'books', new SeederConfiguration(delete: false, count: 10, template: { 'authorId': author['id'], 'title': (Faker faker) => 'I love to eat ${}' })); }))); app.service('books').afterAll(relations.belongsTo('authors')); }); test('index', () async { var books = await app.service('books').index(); print(books); expect(books, allOf(isList, isNotEmpty)); for (Map book in books) { expect(book.keys, contains('author')); Map author = book['author']; expect(author['id'], equals(book['authorId'])); } }); test('create', () async { var warAndPeace = await app .service('books') .create(new Book(title: 'War and Peace').toJson()); print(warAndPeace); expect(warAndPeace.keys, contains('author')); expect(warAndPeace['author'], isNull); }); }