import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart'; import 'angel_paginate.dart'; export 'angel_paginate.dart'; /// Paginates the results of service events. /// /// Users can add a `page` to the query to display a certain page, i.e. ``. /// /// Users can also add a `$limit` to the query to display more or less items than specified in [itemsPerPage] (default: `5`). /// If [maxItemsPerPage] is set, then even if the query contains a `$limit` parameter, it will be limited to the maximum. HookedServiceEventListener paginate( {int itemsPerPage, int maxItemsPerPage}) { return (HookedServiceEvent e) { if (e.isBefore) throw new UnsupportedError( '`package:angel_paginate` can only be run as an after hook.'); if (e.result is! Iterable) return; int page = 1, nItems = itemsPerPage; if (e.params.containsKey('query') && e.params['query'] is Map) { var query = e.params['query'] as Map; if (query.containsKey('page')) { try { page = int.parse(query['page']?.toString()); } catch (e) { // Fail silently... } } if (query.containsKey(r'$limit')) { try { var lim = int.parse(query[r'$limit']?.toString()); if (lim > 0 && (maxItemsPerPage == null || lim <= maxItemsPerPage)) nItems = lim; } catch (e) { // Fail silently... } } } var paginator = new Paginator( e.result, itemsPerPage: nItems) ..goToPage(page); e.result = paginator.current; }; }