import 'dart:async'; import 'builder.dart'; /// A base class for objects that compile to SQL queries, typically within an ORM. abstract class QueryBase { String compile(); T deserialize(List row); Future> get(QueryExecutor executor) async { var sql = compile(); return executor.query(sql).then((it) =>; } Future getOne(QueryExecutor executor) { return get(executor).then((it) => it.isEmpty ? null : it.first); } Union union(QueryBase other) { return new Union(this, other); } Union unionAll(QueryBase other) { return new Union(this, other, all: true); } } /// A SQL `SELECT` query builder. abstract class Query extends QueryBase { /// The table against which to execute this query. String get tableName; /// The list of fields returned by this query. /// /// If it's `null`, then this query will perform a `SELECT *`. List get fields; /// A reference to an abstract query builder. /// /// This is often a generated class. Where get where; @override String compile() { var b = new StringBuffer('SELECT '); if (fields == null) b.write('*'); else b.write(fields.join(', ')); b.write(' FROM $tableName'); var whereClause = where.compile(); if (whereClause.isNotEmpty) b.write(' WHERE $whereClause'); return b.toString(); } } /// Builds a SQL `WHERE` clause. abstract class QueryWhere { final Set _and = new Set(); final Set _or = new Set(); Map get expressionBuilders; void and(QueryWhere other) { _and.add(other); } void or(QueryWhere other) { _or.add(other); } String compile() { var b = new StringBuffer(); int i = 0; for (var entry in expressionBuilders.entries) { var key = entry.key, builder = entry.value; if (builder.hasValue) { if (i++ > 0) b.write(' AND '); b.write('$key ${builder.compile()}'); } } for (var other in _and) { var sql = other.compile(); if (sql.isNotEmpty) b.write(' AND $sql'); } for (var other in _or) { var sql = other.compile(); if (sql.isNotEmpty) b.write(' OR $sql'); } return b.toString(); } } /// Represents the `UNION` of two subqueries. class Union extends QueryBase { final QueryBase left, right; final bool all; Union(this.left, this.right, {this.all: false}); @override T deserialize(List row) => left.deserialize(row); @override String compile() { var selector = all == true ? 'UNION ALL' : 'UNION'; return '(${left.compile()}) $selector (${right.compile()})'; } } /// An abstract interface that performs queries. /// /// This class should be implemented. abstract class QueryExecutor { const QueryExecutor(); Future> query(String query); }