import 'dart:io'; import 'package:args/command_runner.dart'; import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart'; class StartCommand extends Command { @override String get name => 'start'; @override String get description => 'Runs any `start` scripts, and then runs the server.'; StartCommand() : super() { argParser.addFlag('production', help: 'Starts the server in production mode.', negatable: false, defaultsTo: false); } @override run() async { final pubspec = new File('pubspec.yaml'); if (await pubspec.exists()) { // Run start scripts final doc = loadYamlDocument(await pubspec.readAsString()); final scriptsNode = doc.contents['scripts']; if (scriptsNode != null && scriptsNode.containsKey('start')) { final scripts = scriptsNode['start'] is List ? scriptsNode['start'] : [scriptsNode['start']]; for (String script in scripts) { final split = script.split(' '); final result = await, split.skip(1).toList(), stdoutEncoding: null, stderrEncoding: null); final code = result.exitCode; stdout.add(result.stdout); stderr.add(result.stderr); if (code != 0) { throw new Exception("Command '$script' exited with code $code."); } } } } print('Starting server...'); final env = {}; if (argResults['production']) env['ANGEL_ENV'] = 'production'; final server = await Process.start(Platform.executable, ['bin/server.dart'], environment: env); server.stdout.pipe(stdout); server.stderr.pipe(stderr); exitCode = await server.exitCode; } }