import 'dart:async'; import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart'; import 'package:sembast/sembast.dart'; class SembastService extends Service> { final Database database; final Store store; /// If set to `true`, clients can remove all items by passing a `null` `id` to `remove`. /// /// `false` by default. final bool allowRemoveAll; /// If set to `true`, parameters in `req.query` are applied to the database query. final bool allowQuery; SembastService(this.database, {String store, this.allowRemoveAll = false, this.allowQuery = true}) : = (store == null ? database.mainStore : database.getStore(store)), super(); Finder _makeQuery([Map params]) { params = new Map.from(params ?? {}); Filter out; var sort = []; // You can pass a Finder as 'query': if (params['query'] is Finder) { return params['query'] as Finder; } for (var key in params.keys) { if (key == r'$sort' && (allowQuery == true || !params.containsKey('provider'))) { var v = params[key]; if (v is! Map) { sort.add(new SortOrder(v.toString(), true)); } else { var m = v as Map; m.forEach((k, sorter) { if (sorter is SortOrder) { sort.add(sorter); } else if (sorter is String) { sort.add(new SortOrder(k.toString(), sorter == "-1")); } else if (sorter is num) { sort.add(new SortOrder(k.toString(), sorter == -1)); } }); } } else if (key == 'query' && (allowQuery == true || !params.containsKey('provider'))) { var queryObj = params[key]; if (queryObj is Map) { queryObj.forEach((k, v) { if (k != 'provider' && !const ['__requestctx', '__responsectx'].contains(k)) { var filter = new Filter.equal(k.toString(), v); if (out == null) out = filter; else out = new Filter.or([out, filter]); } }); } } } return new Finder(filter: out, sortOrders: sort); } Map _jsonify(Record record) { return new Map.from(record.value as Map) ..['id'] = record.key.toString(); } @override Future> findOne( [Map params, String errorMessage = 'No record was found matching the given query.']) { return store.findRecord(_makeQuery(params)).then(_jsonify); } @override Future>> index( [Map params]) async { var records = await store.findRecords(_makeQuery(params)); return records.where((r) => r.value != null).map(_jsonify).toList(); } @override Future> read(String id, [Map params]) async { var record = await store.get(int.parse(id)); if (record == null) { throw new AngelHttpException.notFound( message: 'No record found for ID $id'); } return (record as Map)..['id'] = id; } @override Future> create(Map data, [Map params]) async { return await database.transaction((txn) async { var store = txn.getStore(; var key = await store.put(data) as int; var id = key.toString(); data = new Map.from(data)..['id'] = id; return data; }); } @override Future> modify(String id, Map data, [Map params]) async { data = new Map.from(data)..['id'] = id; return await database.transaction((txn) async { var store = txn.getStore(; var existing = await store.get(int.parse(id)); data = new Map.from(existing as Map ?? {}) ..addAll(data) ..['id'] = id; await store.put(data, int.parse(id)); return (await store.get(int.parse(id)) as Map) ..['id'] = id; }); } @override Future> update(String id, Map data, [Map params]) async { data = new Map.from(data)..['id'] = id; return await database.transaction((txn) async { var store = txn.getStore(; await store.put(data, int.parse(id)); return (await store.get(int.parse(id)) as Map) ..['id'] = id; }); } @override Future> remove(String id, [Map params]) async { if (id == null || id == 'null') { // Remove everything... if (!(allowRemoveAll == true || params?.containsKey('provider') != true)) { throw AngelHttpException.forbidden( message: 'Clients are not allowed to delete all items.'); } else { await store.deleteAll(await store.findKeys(new Finder())); return {}; } } return database.transaction((txn) async { var store = txn.getStore(; var record = await store.get(int.parse(id)) as Map; if (record == null) { throw new AngelHttpException.notFound( message: 'No record found for ID $id'); } else { await store.delete(id); } return record..['id'] = id; }); } }