define(['dart_sdk'], function(dart_sdk) { 'use strict'; const core = dart_sdk.core; const async = dart_sdk.async; const isolate = dart_sdk.isolate; const _http = dart_sdk._http; const io =; const _interceptors = dart_sdk._interceptors; const _js_helper = dart_sdk._js_helper; const collection = dart_sdk.collection; const convert = dart_sdk.convert; const _internal = dart_sdk._internal; const math = dart_sdk.math; const _native_typed_data = dart_sdk._native_typed_data; const typed_data = dart_sdk.typed_data; const dart = dart_sdk.dart; const dartx = dart_sdk.dartx; const _root = Object.create(null); const main = Object.create(_root); const angel_framework = Object.create(_root); const angel_production = Object.create(_root); const pub_sub = Object.create(_root); const src__core__core = Object.create(_root); const src__http__http = Object.create(_root); const src__instance_info = Object.create(_root); const src__options = Object.create(_root); const src__runner = Object.create(_root); const src__protocol__protocol = Object.create(_root); const src__core__anonymous_service = Object.create(_root); const src__core__hooked_service = Object.create(_root); const src__core__map_service = Object.create(_root); const src__core__metadata = Object.create(_root); const src__core__request_context = Object.create(_root); const src__core__response_context = Object.create(_root); const src__core__routable = Object.create(_root); const src__core__server = Object.create(_root); const src__core__service = Object.create(_root); const src__core__typed_service = Object.create(_root); const angel_http_exception = Object.create(_root); const angel_model = Object.create(_root); const angel_route = Object.create(_root); const body_parser = Object.create(_root); const src__http__angel_http = Object.create(_root); const src__http__controller = Object.create(_root); const src__http__http_request_context = Object.create(_root); const src__http__http_response_context = Object.create(_root); const args = Object.create(_root); const angel_container = Object.create(_root); const ansi = Object.create(_root); const io$ = Object.create(_root); const logging = Object.create(_root); const isolate$ = Object.create(_root); const src__protocol__client__sync_client = Object.create(_root); const src__protocol__server__sync_server = Object.create(_root); const src__util = Object.create(_root); const http_parser = Object.create(_root); const meta = Object.create(_root); const path$ = Object.create(_root); const file = Object.create(_root); const mime = Object.create(_root); const combinator = Object.create(_root); const tuple = Object.create(_root); const merge_map = Object.create(_root); const convert$ = Object.create(_root); const src__middleware_pipeline = Object.create(_root); const src__router = Object.create(_root); const src__routing_exception = Object.create(_root); const src__body_parse_result = Object.create(_root); const src__file_upload_info = Object.create(_root); const src__parse_body = Object.create(_root); const stack_trace = Object.create(_root); const src__arg_parser = Object.create(_root); const src__arg_parser_exception = Object.create(_root); const src__arg_results = Object.create(_root); const src__option = Object.create(_root); const src__container = Object.create(_root); const src__empty__empty = Object.create(_root); const src__exception = Object.create(_root); const src__reflector = Object.create(_root); const src__ansi_code = Object.create(_root); const src__copy_path = Object.create(_root); const src__exit_code = Object.create(_root); const src__permissions = Object.create(_root); const src__process_manager = Object.create(_root); const src__shared_stdin = Object.create(_root); const src__shell_words = Object.create(_root); const src__isolate__client = Object.create(_root); const src__isolate__server = Object.create(_root); const src__protocol__client__client = Object.create(_root); const src__protocol__server__adapter = Object.create(_root); const src__protocol__server__client = Object.create(_root); const src__protocol__server__publish = Object.create(_root); const src__protocol__server__server = Object.create(_root); const src__protocol__server__subscription = Object.create(_root); const src__authentication_challenge = Object.create(_root); const src__case_insensitive_map = Object.create(_root); const src__chunked_coding = Object.create(_root); const src__http_date = Object.create(_root); const src__media_type = Object.create(_root); const src__context = Object.create(_root); const src__style = Object.create(_root); const src__path_exception = Object.create(_root); const src__path_map = Object.create(_root); const src__path_set = Object.create(_root); const src__forwarding = Object.create(_root); const src__interface = Object.create(_root); const src__mime_multipart_transformer = Object.create(_root); const src__mime_shared = Object.create(_root); const src__mime_type = Object.create(_root); const src__combinator__combinator = Object.create(_root); const src__error = Object.create(_root); const core$ = Object.create(_root); const string_scanner = Object.create(_root); const string_util = Object.create(_root); const http_server = Object.create(_root); const src__map_from_uri = Object.create(_root); const src__chain = Object.create(_root); const src__frame = Object.create(_root); const src__trace = Object.create(_root); const src__unparsed_frame = Object.create(_root); const src__allow_anything_parser = Object.create(_root); const src__parser = Object.create(_root); const src__usage = Object.create(_root); const collection$ = Object.create(_root); const charcode = Object.create(_root); const uuid = Object.create(_root); const src__scan = Object.create(_root); const src__utils = Object.create(_root); const src__chunked_coding__encoder = Object.create(_root); const src__chunked_coding__decoder = Object.create(_root); const src__characters = Object.create(_root); const src__internal_style = Object.create(_root); const src__parsed_path = Object.create(_root); const src__style__posix = Object.create(_root); const src__style__url = Object.create(_root); const src__style__windows = Object.create(_root); const src__forwarding__forwarding_directory = Object.create(_root); const src__forwarding__forwarding_file = Object.create(_root); const src__forwarding__forwarding_file_system = Object.create(_root); const src__forwarding__forwarding_file_system_entity = Object.create(_root); const src__forwarding__forwarding_link = Object.create(_root); const src__interface__directory = Object.create(_root); const src__interface__error_codes = Object.create(_root); const src__interface__file = Object.create(_root); const src__interface__file_system = Object.create(_root); const src__interface__file_system_entity = Object.create(_root); const src__interface__link = Object.create(_root); const src__io = Object.create(_root); const src__bound_multipart_stream = Object.create(_root); const src__char_code = Object.create(_root); const src__default_extension_map = Object.create(_root); const src__magic_number = Object.create(_root); const code_buffer = Object.create(_root); const matcher = Object.create(_root); const source_span = Object.create(_root); const src__exception$ = Object.create(_root); const src__line_scanner = Object.create(_root); const src__span_scanner = Object.create(_root); const src__string_scanner = Object.create(_root); const src__http_body = Object.create(_root); const src__http_multipart_form_data = Object.create(_root); const src__virtual_directory = Object.create(_root); const src__virtual_host = Object.create(_root); const src__get_value = Object.create(_root); const src__lazy_chain = Object.create(_root); const src__stack_zone_specification = Object.create(_root); const src__utils$ = Object.create(_root); const src__lazy_trace = Object.create(_root); const src__vm_trace = Object.create(_root); const src__algorithms = Object.create(_root); const src__canonicalized_map = Object.create(_root); const src__combined_wrappers__combined_iterable = Object.create(_root); const src__combined_wrappers__combined_list = Object.create(_root); const src__combined_wrappers__combined_map = Object.create(_root); const src__comparators = Object.create(_root); const src__equality = Object.create(_root); const src__equality_map = Object.create(_root); const src__equality_set = Object.create(_root); const src__functions = Object.create(_root); const src__iterable_zip = Object.create(_root); const src__priority_queue = Object.create(_root); const src__queue_list = Object.create(_root); const src__union_set = Object.create(_root); const src__union_set_controller = Object.create(_root); const src__unmodifiable_wrappers = Object.create(_root); const src__wrappers = Object.create(_root); const ascii = Object.create(_root); const html_entity = Object.create(_root); const uuid_util = Object.create(_root); const crypto = Object.create(_root); const convert$0 = Object.create(_root); const typed_data$ = Object.create(_root); const src__utils$0 = Object.create(_root); const src__interface__error_codes_dart_io = Object.create(_root); const src__core_matchers = Object.create(_root); const src__custom_matcher = Object.create(_root); const src__description = Object.create(_root); const src__equals_matcher = Object.create(_root); const src__error_matchers = Object.create(_root); const src__interfaces = Object.create(_root); const src__iterable_matchers = Object.create(_root); const src__map_matchers = Object.create(_root); const src__numeric_matchers = Object.create(_root); const src__operator_matchers = Object.create(_root); const src__order_matchers = Object.create(_root); const src__string_matchers = Object.create(_root); const src__type_matcher = Object.create(_root); const src__util$ = Object.create(_root); const src__file = Object.create(_root); const src__location = Object.create(_root); const src__location_mixin = Object.create(_root); const src__span = Object.create(_root); const src__span_exception = Object.create(_root); const src__span_mixin = Object.create(_root); const src__span_with_context = Object.create(_root); const src__eager_span_scanner = Object.create(_root); const src__relative_span_scanner = Object.create(_root); const src__utils$1 = Object.create(_root); const src__http_body_impl = Object.create(_root); const src__http_multipart_form_data_impl = Object.create(_root); const src__utils$2 = Object.create(_root); const src__empty_unmodifiable_set = Object.create(_root); const aes = Object.create(_root); const src__digest = Object.create(_root); const src__hash = Object.create(_root); const src__hmac = Object.create(_root); const src__md5 = Object.create(_root); const src__sha1 = Object.create(_root); const src__sha256 = Object.create(_root); const src__accumulator_sink = Object.create(_root); const src__byte_accumulator_sink = Object.create(_root); const src__hex = Object.create(_root); const src__percent = Object.create(_root); const src__string_accumulator_sink = Object.create(_root); const typed_buffers = Object.create(_root); const src__feature_matcher = Object.create(_root); const src__pretty_print = Object.create(_root); const src__having_matcher = Object.create(_root); const src__colors = Object.create(_root); const src__utils$3 = Object.create(_root); const src__digest_sink = Object.create(_root); const src__hash_sink = Object.create(_root); const src__utils$4 = Object.create(_root); const src__hex__encoder = Object.create(_root); const src__hex__decoder = Object.create(_root); const src__percent__encoder = Object.create(_root); const src__percent__decoder = Object.create(_root); const src__utils$5 = Object.create(_root); const $_get = dartx._get; const $toString = dartx.toString; const $trim = dartx.trim; const $add = dartx.add; const $isEmpty = dartx.isEmpty; const $first = dartx.first; const $_equals = dartx._equals; const $addAll = dartx.addAll; const $clear = dartx.clear; const $replaceAll = dartx.replaceAll; const $_set = dartx._set; const $fold = dartx.fold; const $insertAll = dartx.insertAll; const $isNotEmpty = dartx.isNotEmpty; const $length = dartx.length; const $removeLast = dartx.removeLast; const $join = dartx.join; const $putIfAbsent = dartx.putIfAbsent; const $contains = dartx.contains; const $keys = dartx.keys; const $split = dartx.split; const $where = dartx.where; const $forEach = dartx.forEach; const $map =; const $containsKey = dartx.containsKey; const $toList = dartx.toList; const $firstWhere = dartx.firstWhere; const $runtimeType = dartx.runtimeType; const $any = dartx.any; const $remove = dartx.remove; const $last = dartx.last; const $values = dartx.values; const $toLowerCase = dartx.toLowerCase; const $toUpperCase = dartx.toUpperCase; const $startsWith = dartx.startsWith; const $lastIndexOf = dartx.lastIndexOf; const $substring = dartx.substring; const $compareTo = dartx.compareTo; const $hashCode = dartx.hashCode; const $take = dartx.take; const $codeUnits = dartx.codeUnits; const $toSet = dartx.toSet; const $sort = dartx.sort; const $leftShift = dartx['<<']; const $addEntries = dartx.addEntries; const $cast = dartx.cast; const $entries = dartx.entries; const $removeWhere = dartx.removeWhere; const $update = dartx.update; const $updateAll = dartx.updateAll; const $containsValue = dartx.containsValue; const $indexOf = dartx.indexOf; const $replaceAllMapped = dartx.replaceAllMapped; const $insert = dartx.insert; const $removeAt = dartx.removeAt; const $codeUnitAt = dartx.codeUnitAt; const $endsWith = dartx.endsWith; const $iterator = dartx.iterator; const $setRange = dartx.setRange; const $reduce = dartx.reduce; const $elementAt = dartx.elementAt; const $rightShift = dartx['>>']; const $skip = dartx.skip; const $single = dartx.single; const $expand = dartx.expand; const $padRight = dartx.padRight; const $allMatches = dartx.allMatches; const $skipWhile = dartx.skipWhile; const $reversed = dartx.reversed; const $sublist = dartx.sublist; const $removeRange = dartx.removeRange; const $times = dartx['*']; const $modulo = dartx['%']; const $toRadixString = dartx.toRadixString; const $asUint8List = dartx.asUint8List; const $lastWhere = dartx.lastWhere; const $replaceFirst = dartx.replaceFirst; const $matchAsPrefix = dartx.matchAsPrefix; const $isNaN = dartx.isNaN; const $every = dartx.every; const $sign = dartx.sign; const $followedBy = dartx.followedBy; const $singleWhere = dartx.singleWhere; const $takeWhile = dartx.takeWhile; const $whereType = dartx.whereType; const $isOdd = dartx.isOdd; const $truncate = dartx.truncate; const $fillRange = dartx.fillRange; const $plus = dartx['+']; const $asMap = dartx.asMap; const $getRange = dartx.getRange; const $indexWhere = dartx.indexWhere; const $lastIndexWhere = dartx.lastIndexWhere; const $replaceRange = dartx.replaceRange; const $retainWhere = dartx.retainWhere; const $setAll = dartx.setAll; const $shuffle = dartx.shuffle; const $floor = dartx.floor; const $toInt = dartx.toInt; const $runes = dartx.runes; const $padLeft = dartx.padLeft; const $abs = dartx.abs; const $buffer = dartx.buffer; const $lengthInBytes = dartx.lengthInBytes; const $asByteData = dartx.asByteData; const $setUint32 = dartx.setUint32; const $getUint32 = dartx.getUint32; const $elementSizeInBytes = dartx.elementSizeInBytes; const $offsetInBytes = dartx.offsetInBytes; const $isEven = dartx.isEven; let AngelToFuture = () => (AngelToFuture = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(async.Future, [src__core__server.Angel])))(); let StringTovoid = () => (StringTovoid = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.void, [core.String])))(); let RequestContextAndResponseContextToString = () => (RequestContextAndResponseContextToString = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.String, [src__core__request_context.RequestContext, src__core__response_context.ResponseContext])))(); let FutureOfHttpServer = () => (FutureOfHttpServer = dart.constFn(async.Future$(_http.HttpServer)))(); let dynamicAndintToFutureOfHttpServer = () => (dynamicAndintToFutureOfHttpServer = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(FutureOfHttpServer(), [dart.dynamic,])))(); let _RunnerArgsWithIdTovoid = () => (_RunnerArgsWithIdTovoid = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.void, [src__runner._RunnerArgsWithId])))(); let IsolateToNull = () => (IsolateToNull = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Null, [isolate.Isolate])))(); let dynamicTovoid = () => (dynamicTovoid = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.void, [dart.dynamic])))(); let dynamicToNull = () => (dynamicToNull = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Null, [dart.dynamic])))(); let JSArrayOfAdapter = () => (JSArrayOfAdapter = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(src__protocol__server__adapter.Adapter)))(); let ListOfFuture = () => (ListOfFuture = dart.constFn(core.List$(async.Future)))(); let intToFuture = () => (intToFuture = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(async.Future, [])))(); let ZoneAndZoneDelegateAndZone__ToNull = () => (ZoneAndZoneDelegateAndZone__ToNull = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Null, [async.Zone, async.ZoneDelegate, async.Zone, core.String])))(); let FutureOfNull = () => (FutureOfNull = dart.constFn(async.Future$(core.Null)))(); let LogRecordTovoid = () => (LogRecordTovoid = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.void, [logging.LogRecord])))(); let VoidToFutureOfNull = () => (VoidToFutureOfNull = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(FutureOfNull(), [])))(); let VoidToFutureOr = () => (VoidToFutureOr = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, [])))(); let RequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr = () => (RequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, [src__core__request_context.RequestContext, src__core__response_context.ResponseContext])))(); let JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr = () => (JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(RequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr())))(); let dynamicTodynamic = () => (dynamicTodynamic = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [dart.dynamic])))(); let IdentityMapOfString$Providers = () => (IdentityMapOfString$Providers = dart.constFn(_js_helper.IdentityMap$(core.String, src__core__service.Providers)))(); let ListOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr = () => (ListOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr = dart.constFn(core.List$(RequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr())))(); let JSArrayOfMap = () => (JSArrayOfMap = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(core.Map)))(); let MapOfString$dynamic = () => (MapOfString$dynamic = dart.constFn(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic)))(); let MapOfString$dynamicToFuture = () => (MapOfString$dynamicToFuture = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(async.Future, [MapOfString$dynamic()])))(); let RequestContextAndResponseContextToFuture = () => (RequestContextAndResponseContextToFuture = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(async.Future, [src__core__request_context.RequestContext, src__core__response_context.ResponseContext])))(); let MapToFuture = () => (MapToFuture = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(async.Future, [core.Map])))(); let RequestContextAndResponseContextTobottom = () => (RequestContextAndResponseContextTobottom = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.bottom, [src__core__request_context.RequestContext, src__core__response_context.ResponseContext])))(); let LinkedMapOfPattern$Service = () => (LinkedMapOfPattern$Service = dart.constFn(_js_helper.LinkedMap$(core.Pattern, src__core__service.Service)))(); let StreamControllerOfService = () => (StreamControllerOfService = dart.constFn(async.StreamController$(src__core__service.Service)))(); let IterableOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr = () => (IterableOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr = dart.constFn(core.Iterable$(RequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr())))(); let MapOfPattern$Router = () => (MapOfPattern$Router = dart.constFn(core.Map$(core.Pattern, src__router.Router)))(); let VoidToNull = () => (VoidToNull = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Null, [])))(); let RouterToNull = () => (RouterToNull = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Null, [src__router.Router])))(); let ObjectTovoid = () => (ObjectTovoid = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.void, [core.Object])))(); let JSArrayOfString = () => (JSArrayOfString = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(core.String)))(); let IdentityMapOfString$dynamic = () => (IdentityMapOfString$dynamic = dart.constFn(_js_helper.IdentityMap$(core.String, dart.dynamic)))(); let BodyParseResultToMapOfString$dynamic = () => (BodyParseResultToMapOfString$dynamic = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(MapOfString$dynamic(), [src__body_parse_result.BodyParseResult])))(); let ListOfFileUploadInfo = () => (ListOfFileUploadInfo = dart.constFn(core.List$(src__file_upload_info.FileUploadInfo)))(); let BodyParseResultToListOfFileUploadInfo = () => (BodyParseResultToListOfFileUploadInfo = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(ListOfFileUploadInfo(), [src__body_parse_result.BodyParseResult])))(); let ListOfint = () => (ListOfint = dart.constFn(core.List$(; let BodyParseResultToListOfint = () => (BodyParseResultToListOfint = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(ListOfint(), [src__body_parse_result.BodyParseResult])))(); let FutureOfMapOfString$dynamic = () => (FutureOfMapOfString$dynamic = dart.constFn(async.Future$(MapOfString$dynamic())))(); let FutureOfBodyParseResult = () => (FutureOfBodyParseResult = dart.constFn(async.Future$(src__body_parse_result.BodyParseResult)))(); let BodyParseResultToBodyParseResult = () => (BodyParseResultToBodyParseResult = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__body_parse_result.BodyParseResult, [src__body_parse_result.BodyParseResult])))(); let IdentityMapOfString$String = () => (IdentityMapOfString$String = dart.constFn(_js_helper.IdentityMap$(core.String, core.String)))(); let JSArrayOfCookie = () => (JSArrayOfCookie = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(_http.Cookie)))(); let ConverterOfListOfint$ListOfint = () => (ConverterOfListOfint$ListOfint = dart.constFn(convert.Converter$(ListOfint(), ListOfint())))(); let IdentityMapOfString$ConverterOfListOfint$ListOfint = () => (IdentityMapOfString$ConverterOfListOfint$ListOfint = dart.constFn(_js_helper.IdentityMap$(core.String, ConverterOfListOfint$ListOfint())))(); let FutureOfString = () => (FutureOfString = dart.constFn(async.Future$(core.String)))(); let LinkedHashMapOfString$dynamic = () => (LinkedHashMapOfString$dynamic = dart.constFn(collection.LinkedHashMap$(core.String, dart.dynamic)))(); let FutureOrOfString = () => (FutureOrOfString = dart.constFn(async.FutureOr$(core.String)))(); let VoidToFutureOrOfString = () => (VoidToFutureOrOfString = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(FutureOrOfString(), [])))(); let StringToNull = () => (StringToNull = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Null, [core.String])))(); let RouterToRoute = () => (RouterToRoute = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__router.Route, [src__router.Router])))(); let MapOfString$dynamicAnddynamicToMapOfString$dynamic = () => (MapOfString$dynamicAnddynamicToMapOfString$dynamic = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(MapOfString$dynamic(), [MapOfString$dynamic(), dart.dynamic])))(); let JSArrayOfint = () => (JSArrayOfint = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(; let StreamControllerOfHookedServiceEvent = () => (StreamControllerOfHookedServiceEvent = dart.constFn(async.StreamController$(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent)))(); let JSArrayOfStreamControllerOfHookedServiceEvent = () => (JSArrayOfStreamControllerOfHookedServiceEvent = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(StreamControllerOfHookedServiceEvent())))(); let dynamicTobool = () => (dynamicTobool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.bool, [dart.dynamic])))(); let MapAnddynamicToMap = () => (MapAnddynamicToMap = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Map, [core.Map, dart.dynamic])))(); let StreamControllerOfHookedServiceEventTovoid = () => (StreamControllerOfHookedServiceEventTovoid = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.void, [StreamControllerOfHookedServiceEvent()])))(); let HookedServiceEventTodynamic = () => (HookedServiceEventTodynamic = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent])))(); let JSArrayOfHookedServiceEventTodynamic = () => (JSArrayOfHookedServiceEventTodynamic = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(HookedServiceEventTodynamic())))(); let FunctionAndHookedServiceEventDispatcherAndboolTovoid = () => (FunctionAndHookedServiceEventDispatcherAndboolTovoid = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.void, [core.Function, src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEventDispatcher], [core.bool])))(); let RequestContextAndResponseContextTobool = () => (RequestContextAndResponseContextTobool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.bool, [src__core__request_context.RequestContext, src__core__response_context.ResponseContext])))(); let StringToHookedServiceEventDispatcher = () => (StringToHookedServiceEventDispatcher = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEventDispatcher, [core.String])))(); let HookedServiceEventDispatcherTovoid = () => (HookedServiceEventDispatcherTovoid = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.void, [src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEventDispatcher])))(); let dynamicToFuture = () => (dynamicToFuture = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(async.Future, [dart.dynamic])))(); let HookedServiceEventToFuture = () => (HookedServiceEventToFuture = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(async.Future, [src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent])))(); let VoidTodynamic = () => (VoidTodynamic = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [])))(); let FutureOfHookedServiceEvent = () => (FutureOfHookedServiceEvent = dart.constFn(async.Future$(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent)))(); let dynamicToFutureOfHookedServiceEvent = () => (dynamicToFutureOfHookedServiceEvent = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(FutureOfHookedServiceEvent(), [dart.dynamic])))(); let dynamicToHookedServiceEvent = () => (dynamicToHookedServiceEvent = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent, [dart.dynamic])))(); let FutureOrOfHookedServiceEvent = () => (FutureOrOfHookedServiceEvent = dart.constFn(async.FutureOr$(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent)))(); let HookedServiceEventToFutureOrOfHookedServiceEvent = () => (HookedServiceEventToFutureOrOfHookedServiceEvent = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(FutureOrOfHookedServiceEvent(), [src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent])))(); let JSArrayOfMapOfString$dynamic = () => (JSArrayOfMapOfString$dynamic = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(MapOfString$dynamic())))(); let MapTobool = () => (MapTobool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.bool, [core.Map])))(); let FutureOfList = () => (FutureOfList = dart.constFn(async.Future$(core.List)))(); let MapOfString$dynamicTobool = () => (MapOfString$dynamicTobool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.bool, [MapOfString$dynamic()])))(); let FutureOfMap = () => (FutureOfMap = dart.constFn(async.Future$(core.Map)))(); let VoidTobottom = () => (VoidTobottom = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.bottom, [])))(); let MapToFutureOfMap = () => (MapToFutureOfMap = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(FutureOfMap(), [core.Map])))(); let MapToMap = () => (MapToMap = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Map, [core.Map])))(); let CookieTobool = () => (CookieTobool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.bool, [_http.Cookie])))(); let IdentityMapOfString$Type = () => (IdentityMapOfString$Type = dart.constFn(_js_helper.IdentityMap$(core.String, core.Type)))(); let IdentityMapOfString$Parameter = () => (IdentityMapOfString$Parameter = dart.constFn(_js_helper.IdentityMap$(core.String, src__core__metadata.Parameter)))(); let FutureOfbool = () => (FutureOfbool = dart.constFn(async.Future$(core.bool)))(); let RequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOfbool = () => (RequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOfbool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(FutureOfbool(), [src__core__request_context.RequestContext, src__core__response_context.ResponseContext])))(); let ParameterTobool = () => (ParameterTobool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.bool, [src__core__metadata.Parameter])))(); let LinkedMapOfSymbol$dynamic = () => (LinkedMapOfSymbol$dynamic = dart.constFn(_js_helper.LinkedMap$(core.Symbol, dart.dynamic)))(); let JSArrayOfObject = () => (JSArrayOfObject = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(core.Object)))(); let StringAndTypeToNull = () => (StringAndTypeToNull = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Null, [core.String, core.Type])))(); let RequestContextAndResponseContextTodynamic = () => (RequestContextAndResponseContextTodynamic = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [src__core__request_context.RequestContext, src__core__response_context.ResponseContext])))(); let ReflectedInstanceTobool = () => (ReflectedInstanceTobool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.bool, [src__reflector.ReflectedInstance])))(); let VoidToFuture = () => (VoidToFuture = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(async.Future, [])))(); let JSArrayOfAngel = () => (JSArrayOfAngel = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(src__core__server.Angel)))(); let ParseResultOfMapOfString$dynamic = () => (ParseResultOfMapOfString$dynamic = dart.constFn(src__combinator__combinator.ParseResult$(MapOfString$dynamic())))(); let Tuple3OfList$MapOfString$dynamic$ParseResultOfMapOfString$dynamic = () => (Tuple3OfList$MapOfString$dynamic$ParseResultOfMapOfString$dynamic = dart.constFn(tuple.Tuple3$(core.List, MapOfString$dynamic(), ParseResultOfMapOfString$dynamic())))(); let IdentityMapOfString$Tuple3OfList$MapOfString$dynamic$ParseResultOfMapOfString$dynamic = () => (IdentityMapOfString$Tuple3OfList$MapOfString$dynamic$ParseResultOfMapOfString$dynamic = dart.constFn(_js_helper.IdentityMap$(core.String, Tuple3OfList$MapOfString$dynamic$ParseResultOfMapOfString$dynamic())))(); let LinkedMapOfdynamic$InjectionRequest = () => (LinkedMapOfdynamic$InjectionRequest = dart.constFn(_js_helper.LinkedMap$(dart.dynamic, src__core__request_context.InjectionRequest)))(); let LinkedMapOfPattern$Controller = () => (LinkedMapOfPattern$Controller = dart.constFn(_js_helper.LinkedMap$(core.Pattern, src__http__controller.Controller)))(); let AngelToFutureOr = () => (AngelToFutureOr = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, [src__core__server.Angel])))(); let JSArrayOfAngelToFutureOr = () => (JSArrayOfAngelToFutureOr = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(AngelToFutureOr())))(); let AngelHttpExceptionAndRequestContextAndResponseContextToNull = () => (AngelHttpExceptionAndRequestContextAndResponseContextToNull = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Null, [angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException, src__core__request_context.RequestContext, src__core__response_context.ResponseContext])))(); let ListOfAngel = () => (ListOfAngel = dart.constFn(core.List$(src__core__server.Angel)))(); let RouterOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr = () => (RouterOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr = dart.constFn(src__router.Router$(RequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr())))(); let ServiceToNull = () => (ServiceToNull = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Null, [src__core__service.Service])))(); let StringAndMapToString = () => (StringAndMapToString = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.String, [core.String], [core.Map])))(); let StringAndMapOfString$dynamicToFutureOrOfString = () => (StringAndMapOfString$dynamicToFutureOrOfString = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(FutureOrOfString(), [core.String], [MapOfString$dynamic()])))(); let dynamicToString = () => (dynamicToString = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.String, [dart.dynamic])))(); let dynamicAndint__ToFutureOfHttpServer = () => (dynamicAndint__ToFutureOfHttpServer = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(FutureOfHttpServer(), [dart.dynamic,], {backlog:, shared: core.bool, v6Only: core.bool})))(); let ListToHttpServer = () => (ListToHttpServer = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(_http.HttpServer, [core.List])))(); let HttpServerToFutureOfHttpServer = () => (HttpServerToFutureOfHttpServer = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(FutureOfHttpServer(), [_http.HttpServer])))(); let dynamicToFutureOfHttpServer = () => (dynamicToFutureOfHttpServer = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(FutureOfHttpServer(), [dart.dynamic])))(); let MapOfString$dynamicAndRoutingResultToMapOfString$dynamic = () => (MapOfString$dynamicAndRoutingResultToMapOfString$dynamic = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(MapOfString$dynamic(), [MapOfString$dynamic(), src__router.RoutingResult])))(); let VoidToTuple3OfList$MapOfString$dynamic$ParseResultOfMapOfString$dynamic = () => (VoidToTuple3OfList$MapOfString$dynamic$ParseResultOfMapOfString$dynamic = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(Tuple3OfList$MapOfString$dynamic$ParseResultOfMapOfString$dynamic(), [])))(); let VoidToFutureOfbool = () => (VoidToFutureOfbool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(FutureOfbool(), [])))(); let dynamicAndStackTraceToNull = () => (dynamicAndStackTraceToNull = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Null, [dart.dynamic, core.StackTrace])))(); let ObjectTobool = () => (ObjectTobool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.bool, [core.Object])))(); let dynamicAndStackTraceToFuture = () => (dynamicAndStackTraceToFuture = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(async.Future, [dart.dynamic, core.StackTrace])))(); let ZoneAndZoneDelegateAndZone__Tovoid = () => (ZoneAndZoneDelegateAndZone__Tovoid = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.void, [async.Zone, async.ZoneDelegate, async.Zone, core.Object, core.StackTrace])))(); let ResponseContextToFutureOr = () => (ResponseContextToFutureOr = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, [src__core__response_context.ResponseContext])))(); let HttpRequestContextToFuture = () => (HttpRequestContextToFuture = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(async.Future, [src__http__http_request_context.HttpRequestContext])))(); let boolToFuture = () => (boolToFuture = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(async.Future, [core.bool])))(); let dynamicToFutureOr = () => (dynamicToFutureOr = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, [dart.dynamic])))(); let FutureAndFnToFuture = () => (FutureAndFnToFuture = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(async.Future, [async.Future, RequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr()])))(); let StringToString = () => (StringToString = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.String, [core.String])))(); let StringTobool = () => (StringTobool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.bool, [core.String])))(); let FutureOfResponseContext = () => (FutureOfResponseContext = dart.constFn(async.Future$(src__core__response_context.ResponseContext)))(); let IdentityMapOfString$Route = () => (IdentityMapOfString$Route = dart.constFn(_js_helper.IdentityMap$(core.String, src__router.Route)))(); let ReflectedInstanceToObject = () => (ReflectedInstanceToObject = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Object, [src__reflector.ReflectedInstance])))(); let ReflectedDeclarationToNull = () => (ReflectedDeclarationToNull = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Null, [src__reflector.ReflectedDeclaration])))(); let BodyParseResultToHttpRequestContext = () => (BodyParseResultToHttpRequestContext = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__http__http_request_context.HttpRequestContext, [src__body_parse_result.BodyParseResult])))(); let FutureOfHttpRequestContext = () => (FutureOfHttpRequestContext = dart.constFn(async.Future$(src__http__http_request_context.HttpRequestContext)))(); let StreamOfListOfint = () => (StreamOfListOfint = dart.constFn(async.Stream$(ListOfint())))(); let UnmodifiableMapViewOfString$Logger = () => (UnmodifiableMapViewOfString$Logger = dart.constFn(collection.UnmodifiableMapView$(core.String, logging.Logger)))(); let VoidToLogger = () => (VoidToLogger = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(logging.Logger, [])))(); let LinkedMapOfString$Logger = () => (LinkedMapOfString$Logger = dart.constFn(_js_helper.LinkedMap$(core.String, logging.Logger)))(); let StreamControllerOfLogRecord = () => (StreamControllerOfLogRecord = dart.constFn(async.StreamController$(logging.LogRecord)))(); let IdentityMapOfString$Logger = () => (IdentityMapOfString$Logger = dart.constFn(_js_helper.IdentityMap$(core.String, logging.Logger)))(); let ParseResultOfString = () => (ParseResultOfString = dart.constFn(src__combinator__combinator.ParseResult$(core.String)))(); let ParseResultOfStringToString = () => (ParseResultOfStringToString = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.String, [ParseResultOfString()])))(); let ParseResultOfRegExp = () => (ParseResultOfRegExp = dart.constFn(src__combinator__combinator.ParseResult$(core.RegExp)))(); let ParseResultOfRegExpToRegExp = () => (ParseResultOfRegExpToRegExp = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.RegExp, [ParseResultOfRegExp()])))(); let ParseResultOfbool = () => (ParseResultOfbool = dart.constFn(src__combinator__combinator.ParseResult$(core.bool)))(); let ParseResultOfboolTobool = () => (ParseResultOfboolTobool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.bool, [ParseResultOfbool()])))(); let ParserOfObject = () => (ParserOfObject = dart.constFn(src__combinator__combinator.Parser$(core.Object)))(); let JSArrayOfParserOfObject = () => (JSArrayOfParserOfObject = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(ParserOfObject())))(); let ListOfObject = () => (ListOfObject = dart.constFn(core.List$(core.Object)))(); let ParseResultOfListOfObject = () => (ParseResultOfListOfObject = dart.constFn(src__combinator__combinator.ParseResult$(ListOfObject())))(); let ParseResultOfListOfObjectToParameterSegment = () => (ParseResultOfListOfObjectToParameterSegment = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__router.ParameterSegment, [ParseResultOfListOfObject()])))(); let ParseResultToString = () => (ParseResultToString = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.String, [src__combinator__combinator.ParseResult])))(); let ParseResultOfListOfObjectToParsedParameterSegment = () => (ParseResultOfListOfObjectToParsedParameterSegment = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__router.ParsedParameterSegment, [ParseResultOfListOfObject()])))(); let ParseResultOfWildcardSegment = () => (ParseResultOfWildcardSegment = dart.constFn(src__combinator__combinator.ParseResult$(src__router.WildcardSegment)))(); let ParseResultOfWildcardSegmentToWildcardSegment = () => (ParseResultOfWildcardSegmentToWildcardSegment = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__router.WildcardSegment, [ParseResultOfWildcardSegment()])))(); let ParseResultOfStringToConstantSegment = () => (ParseResultOfStringToConstantSegment = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__router.ConstantSegment, [ParseResultOfString()])))(); let ParserOfRouteSegment = () => (ParserOfRouteSegment = dart.constFn(src__combinator__combinator.Parser$(src__router.RouteSegment)))(); let JSArrayOfParserOfRouteSegment = () => (JSArrayOfParserOfRouteSegment = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(ParserOfRouteSegment())))(); let JSArrayOfRouteSegment = () => (JSArrayOfRouteSegment = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(src__router.RouteSegment)))(); let ListOfRouteSegment = () => (ListOfRouteSegment = dart.constFn(core.List$(src__router.RouteSegment)))(); let ParseResultOfListOfRouteSegment = () => (ParseResultOfListOfRouteSegment = dart.constFn(src__combinator__combinator.ParseResult$(ListOfRouteSegment())))(); let ParseResultOfListOfRouteSegmentToRouteDefinition = () => (ParseResultOfListOfRouteSegmentToRouteDefinition = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__router.RouteDefinition, [ParseResultOfListOfRouteSegment()])))(); let ParseResultOfMapOfString$dynamicToMapOfString$dynamic = () => (ParseResultOfMapOfString$dynamicToMapOfString$dynamic = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(MapOfString$dynamic(), [ParseResultOfMapOfString$dynamic()])))(); let ParseResultOfList = () => (ParseResultOfList = dart.constFn(src__combinator__combinator.ParseResult$(core.List)))(); let ParseResultOfListToMapOfString$dynamic = () => (ParseResultOfListToMapOfString$dynamic = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(MapOfString$dynamic(), [ParseResultOfList()])))(); let ParseResultOfStringToMapOfString$dynamic = () => (ParseResultOfStringToMapOfString$dynamic = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(MapOfString$dynamic(), [ParseResultOfString()])))(); let IdentityMapOfString$MapOfString$dynamic = () => (IdentityMapOfString$MapOfString$dynamic = dart.constFn(_js_helper.IdentityMap$(core.String, MapOfString$dynamic())))(); let RoutingResultTovoid = () => (RoutingResultTovoid = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.void, [src__router.RoutingResult])))(); let JSArrayOfFileUploadInfo = () => (JSArrayOfFileUploadInfo = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(src__file_upload_info.FileUploadInfo)))(); let BytesBuilderAndListOfintToBytesBuilder = () => (BytesBuilderAndListOfintToBytesBuilder = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(io.BytesBuilder, [io.BytesBuilder, ListOfint()])))(); let BytesBuilderToListOfint = () => (BytesBuilderToListOfint = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(ListOfint(), [io.BytesBuilder])))(); let FutureOfListOfint = () => (FutureOfListOfint = dart.constFn(async.Future$(ListOfint())))(); let VoidToFutureOfListOfint = () => (VoidToFutureOfListOfint = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(FutureOfListOfint(), [])))(); let ListOfintToString = () => (ListOfintToString = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.String, [ListOfint()])))(); let VoidToFutureOfString = () => (VoidToFutureOfString = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(FutureOfString(), [])))(); let StreamControllerOfListOfint = () => (StreamControllerOfListOfint = dart.constFn(async.StreamController$(ListOfint())))(); let MimeMultipartToHttpMultipartFormData = () => (MimeMultipartToHttpMultipartFormData = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__http_multipart_form_data.HttpMultipartFormData, [src__mime_shared.MimeMultipart])))(); let BytesBuilderAnddynamicToBytesBuilder = () => (BytesBuilderAnddynamicToBytesBuilder = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(io.BytesBuilder, [io.BytesBuilder, dart.dynamic])))(); let UnmodifiableMapViewOfString$Option = () => (UnmodifiableMapViewOfString$Option = dart.constFn(collection.UnmodifiableMapView$(core.String, src__option.Option)))(); let UnmodifiableMapViewOfString$ArgParser = () => (UnmodifiableMapViewOfString$ArgParser = dart.constFn(collection.UnmodifiableMapView$(core.String, src__arg_parser.ArgParser)))(); let IdentityMapOfString$Option = () => (IdentityMapOfString$Option = dart.constFn(_js_helper.IdentityMap$(core.String, src__option.Option)))(); let IdentityMapOfString$ArgParser = () => (IdentityMapOfString$ArgParser = dart.constFn(_js_helper.IdentityMap$(core.String, src__arg_parser.ArgParser)))(); let ListOfString = () => (ListOfString = dart.constFn(core.List$(core.String)))(); let OptionTobool = () => (OptionTobool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.bool, [src__option.Option])))(); let UnmodifiableListViewOfString = () => (UnmodifiableListViewOfString = dart.constFn(collection.UnmodifiableListView$(core.String)))(); let LinkedHashSetOfString = () => (LinkedHashSetOfString = dart.constFn(collection.LinkedHashSet$(core.String)))(); let StringAndOptionToNull = () => (StringAndOptionToNull = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Null, [core.String, src__option.Option])))(); let MapOfString$String = () => (MapOfString$String = dart.constFn(core.Map$(core.String, core.String)))(); let LinkedMapOfType$dynamic = () => (LinkedMapOfType$dynamic = dart.constFn(_js_helper.LinkedMap$(core.Type, dart.dynamic)))(); let ContainerTodynamic = () => (ContainerTodynamic = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [src__container.Container])))(); let LinkedMapOfType$ContainerTodynamic = () => (LinkedMapOfType$ContainerTodynamic = dart.constFn(_js_helper.LinkedMap$(core.Type, ContainerTodynamic())))(); let ReflectedFunctionTobool = () => (ReflectedFunctionTobool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.bool, [src__reflector.ReflectedFunction])))(); let JSArrayOfType = () => (JSArrayOfType = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(core.Type)))(); let VoidToString = () => (VoidToString = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.String, [])))(); let ListEqualityOfReflectedInstance = () => (ListEqualityOfReflectedInstance = dart.constFn(src__equality.ListEquality$(src__reflector.ReflectedInstance)))(); let ListEqualityOfReflectedFunction = () => (ListEqualityOfReflectedFunction = dart.constFn(src__equality.ListEquality$(src__reflector.ReflectedFunction)))(); let ListEqualityOfReflectedDeclaration = () => (ListEqualityOfReflectedDeclaration = dart.constFn(src__equality.ListEquality$(src__reflector.ReflectedDeclaration)))(); let ListEqualityOfReflectedTypeParameter = () => (ListEqualityOfReflectedTypeParameter = dart.constFn(src__equality.ListEquality$(src__reflector.ReflectedTypeParameter)))(); let ListEqualityOfReflectedParameter = () => (ListEqualityOfReflectedParameter = dart.constFn(src__equality.ListEquality$(src__reflector.ReflectedParameter)))(); let LinkedMapOfSymbol$String = () => (LinkedMapOfSymbol$String = dart.constFn(_js_helper.LinkedMap$(core.Symbol, core.String)))(); let LinkedMapOfObject$Object = () => (LinkedMapOfObject$Object = dart.constFn(_js_helper.LinkedMap$(core.Object, core.Object)))(); let AnsiCodeToint = () => (AnsiCodeToint = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(, [src__ansi_code.AnsiCode])))(); let FutureOfFileStat = () => (FutureOfFileStat = dart.constFn(async.Future$(io.FileStat)))(); let StringToFutureOfFileStat = () => (StringToFutureOfFileStat = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(FutureOfFileStat(), [core.String])))(); let FileStatTobool = () => (FileStatTobool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.bool, [io.FileStat])))(); let _FilePermissionRoleTobool = () => (_FilePermissionRoleTobool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.bool, [src__permissions._FilePermissionRole])))(); let _EmptyStreamOfListOfint = () => (_EmptyStreamOfListOfint = dart.constFn(async._EmptyStream$(ListOfint())))(); let intTovoid = () => (intTovoid = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.void, [])))(); let ListOfintToNull = () => (ListOfintToNull = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Null, [ListOfint()])))(); let FutureOfProcess = () => (FutureOfProcess = dart.constFn(async.Future$(io.Process)))(); let StringAndListOfString__ToFutureOfProcess = () => (StringAndListOfString__ToFutureOfProcess = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(FutureOfProcess(), [core.String, ListOfString()], {environment: MapOfString$String(), includeParentEnvironment: core.bool, mode: io.ProcessStartMode, runInShell: core.bool, workingDirectory: core.String})))(); let CompleterOfString = () => (CompleterOfString = dart.constFn(async.Completer$(core.String)))(); let ListQueueOfCompleterOfString = () => (ListQueueOfCompleterOfString = dart.constFn(collection.ListQueue$(CompleterOfString())))(); let CompleterOfMap = () => (CompleterOfMap = dart.constFn(async.Completer$(core.Map)))(); let IdentityMapOfString$CompleterOfMap = () => (IdentityMapOfString$CompleterOfMap = dart.constFn(_js_helper.IdentityMap$(core.String, CompleterOfMap())))(); let JSArrayOf_IsolateClientSubscription = () => (JSArrayOf_IsolateClientSubscription = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(src__isolate__client._IsolateClientSubscription)))(); let _IsolateClientSubscriptionTobool = () => (_IsolateClientSubscriptionTobool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.bool, [src__isolate__client._IsolateClientSubscription])))(); let IdentityMapOfString$Object = () => (IdentityMapOfString$Object = dart.constFn(_js_helper.IdentityMap$(core.String, core.Object)))(); let VoidToFutureOfMap = () => (VoidToFutureOfMap = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(FutureOfMap(), [])))(); let MapTo_IsolateClientSubscription = () => (MapTo_IsolateClientSubscription = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__isolate__client._IsolateClientSubscription, [core.Map])))(); let FutureOfClientSubscription = () => (FutureOfClientSubscription = dart.constFn(async.Future$(src__protocol__client__client.ClientSubscription)))(); let VoidToFutureOfClientSubscription = () => (VoidToFutureOfClientSubscription = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(FutureOfClientSubscription(), [])))(); let MapToNull = () => (MapToNull = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Null, [core.Map])))(); let IdentityMapOfString$SendPort = () => (IdentityMapOfString$SendPort = dart.constFn(_js_helper.IdentityMap$(core.String, isolate.SendPort)))(); let StreamControllerOfPublishRequest = () => (StreamControllerOfPublishRequest = dart.constFn(async.StreamController$(src__protocol__server__publish.PublishRequest)))(); let StreamControllerOfSubscriptionRequest = () => (StreamControllerOfSubscriptionRequest = dart.constFn(async.StreamController$(src__protocol__server__subscription.SubscriptionRequest)))(); let StreamControllerOfUnsubscriptionRequest = () => (StreamControllerOfUnsubscriptionRequest = dart.constFn(async.StreamController$(src__protocol__server__subscription.UnsubscriptionRequest)))(); let IdentityMapOfString$int = () => (IdentityMapOfString$int = dart.constFn(_js_helper.IdentityMap$(core.String,; let JSArrayOfClientInfo = () => (JSArrayOfClientInfo = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(src__protocol__server__client.ClientInfo)))(); let ListOfSubscription = () => (ListOfSubscription = dart.constFn(core.List$(src__protocol__server__subscription.Subscription)))(); let IdentityMapOfString$ListOfSubscription = () => (IdentityMapOfString$ListOfSubscription = dart.constFn(_js_helper.IdentityMap$(core.String, ListOfSubscription())))(); let AdapterToFuture = () => (AdapterToFuture = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(async.Future, [src__protocol__server__adapter.Adapter])))(); let ClientInfoTobool = () => (ClientInfoTobool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.bool, [src__protocol__server__client.ClientInfo])))(); let SubscriptionTobool = () => (SubscriptionTobool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.bool, [src__protocol__server__subscription.Subscription])))(); let JSArrayOfSubscription = () => (JSArrayOfSubscription = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(src__protocol__server__subscription.Subscription)))(); let PublishRequestToNull = () => (PublishRequestToNull = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Null, [src__protocol__server__publish.PublishRequest])))(); let VoidToListOfSubscription = () => (VoidToListOfSubscription = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(ListOfSubscription(), [])))(); let SubscriptionRequestToFutureOfNull = () => (SubscriptionRequestToFutureOfNull = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(FutureOfNull(), [src__protocol__server__subscription.SubscriptionRequest])))(); let UnsubscriptionRequestToNull = () => (UnsubscriptionRequestToNull = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Null, [src__protocol__server__subscription.UnsubscriptionRequest])))(); let UnmodifiableMapViewOfString$String = () => (UnmodifiableMapViewOfString$String = dart.constFn(collection.UnmodifiableMapView$(core.String, core.String)))(); let CaseInsensitiveMapOfString = () => (CaseInsensitiveMapOfString = dart.constFn(src__case_insensitive_map.CaseInsensitiveMap$(core.String)))(); let ListOfAuthenticationChallenge = () => (ListOfAuthenticationChallenge = dart.constFn(core.List$(src__authentication_challenge.AuthenticationChallenge)))(); let VoidToAuthenticationChallenge = () => (VoidToAuthenticationChallenge = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__authentication_challenge.AuthenticationChallenge, [])))(); let VoidToListOfAuthenticationChallenge = () => (VoidToListOfAuthenticationChallenge = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(ListOfAuthenticationChallenge(), [])))(); let VoidTovoid = () => (VoidTovoid = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.void, [])))(); let VoidToDateTime = () => (VoidToDateTime = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.DateTime, [])))(); let VoidToMediaType = () => (VoidToMediaType = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__media_type.MediaType, [])))(); let LinkedHashMapOfString$String = () => (LinkedHashMapOfString$String = dart.constFn(collection.LinkedHashMap$(core.String, core.String)))(); let MatchToString = () => (MatchToString = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.String, [core.Match])))(); let StringAndStringToNull = () => (StringAndStringToNull = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Null, [core.String, core.String])))(); let StringAndStringTobool = () => (StringAndStringTobool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.bool, [core.String, core.String])))(); let StringToint = () => (StringToint = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(, [core.String])))(); let IterableOfString = () => (IterableOfString = dart.constFn(core.Iterable$(core.String)))(); let SetOfString = () => (SetOfString = dart.constFn(core.Set$(core.String)))(); let JSArrayOfMagicNumber = () => (JSArrayOfMagicNumber = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(src__magic_number.MagicNumber)))(); let JSArrayOfSyntaxError = () => (JSArrayOfSyntaxError = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(src__error.SyntaxError)))(); let SyntaxErrorAndSyntaxErrorTobool = () => (SyntaxErrorAndSyntaxErrorTobool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.bool, [src__error.SyntaxError, src__error.SyntaxError])))(); let JSArrayOfParser = () => (JSArrayOfParser = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(src__combinator__combinator.Parser)))(); let QueueOfint = () => (QueueOfint = dart.constFn(collection.Queue$(; let LinkedMapOfParser$QueueOfint = () => (LinkedMapOfParser$QueueOfint = dart.constFn(_js_helper.LinkedMap$(src__combinator__combinator.Parser, QueueOfint())))(); let Tuple2Ofint$ParseResult = () => (Tuple2Ofint$ParseResult = dart.constFn(tuple.Tuple2$(, src__combinator__combinator.ParseResult)))(); let ListOfTuple2Ofint$ParseResult = () => (ListOfTuple2Ofint$ParseResult = dart.constFn(core.List$(Tuple2Ofint$ParseResult())))(); let LinkedMapOfParser$ListOfTuple2Ofint$ParseResult = () => (LinkedMapOfParser$ListOfTuple2Ofint$ParseResult = dart.constFn(_js_helper.LinkedMap$(src__combinator__combinator.Parser, ListOfTuple2Ofint$ParseResult())))(); let Tuple2Ofint$ParseResultTobool = () => (Tuple2Ofint$ParseResultTobool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.bool, [Tuple2Ofint$ParseResult()])))(); let JSArrayOfTuple2Ofint$ParseResult = () => (JSArrayOfTuple2Ofint$ParseResult = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(Tuple2Ofint$ParseResult())))(); let VoidToListOfTuple2Ofint$ParseResult = () => (VoidToListOfTuple2Ofint$ParseResult = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(ListOfTuple2Ofint$ParseResult(), [])))(); let ListQueueOfint = () => (ListQueueOfint = dart.constFn(collection.ListQueue$(; let VoidToQueueOfint = () => (VoidToQueueOfint = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(QueueOfint(), [])))(); let ListOfSyntaxError = () => (ListOfSyntaxError = dart.constFn(core.List$(src__error.SyntaxError)))(); let JSArrayOfFileSpan = () => (JSArrayOfFileSpan = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(src__file.FileSpan)))(); let FileSpanAndFileSpanToFileSpan = () => (FileSpanAndFileSpanToFileSpan = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__file.FileSpan, [src__file.FileSpan, src__file.FileSpan])))(); let SyntaxErrorTobool = () => (SyntaxErrorTobool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.bool, [src__error.SyntaxError])))(); let ListOfSyntaxErrorAndSyntaxErrorToListOfSyntaxError = () => (ListOfSyntaxErrorAndSyntaxErrorToListOfSyntaxError = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(ListOfSyntaxError(), [ListOfSyntaxError(), src__error.SyntaxError])))(); let intAnddynamicToint = () => (intAnddynamicToint = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(, [, dart.dynamic])))(); let ListOfTrace = () => (ListOfTrace = dart.constFn(core.List$(src__trace.Trace)))(); let dynamicAnddynamicToNull = () => (dynamicAnddynamicToNull = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Null, [dart.dynamic, dart.dynamic])))(); let LinkedMapOfObject$bool = () => (LinkedMapOfObject$bool = dart.constFn(_js_helper.LinkedMap$(core.Object, core.bool)))(); let JSArrayOfTrace = () => (JSArrayOfTrace = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(src__trace.Trace)))(); let VoidToChain = () => (VoidToChain = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__chain.Chain, [])))(); let StringToTrace = () => (StringToTrace = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__trace.Trace, [core.String])))(); let FrameTobool = () => (FrameTobool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.bool, [src__frame.Frame])))(); let TraceToTrace = () => (TraceToTrace = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__trace.Trace, [src__trace.Trace])))(); let TraceTobool = () => (TraceTobool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.bool, [src__trace.Trace])))(); let ListOfFrame = () => (ListOfFrame = dart.constFn(core.List$(src__frame.Frame)))(); let TraceToListOfFrame = () => (TraceToListOfFrame = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(ListOfFrame(), [src__trace.Trace])))(); let FrameToint = () => (FrameToint = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(, [src__frame.Frame])))(); let TAndTToT = () => (TAndTToT = dart.constFn(dart.gFnType(T => [T, [T, T]], T => [core.num])))(); let TraceToint = () => (TraceToint = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(, [src__trace.Trace])))(); let FrameToString = () => (FrameToString = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.String, [src__frame.Frame])))(); let TraceToString = () => (TraceToString = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.String, [src__trace.Trace])))(); let dynamicAndChainTovoid = () => (dynamicAndChainTovoid = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.void, [dart.dynamic, src__chain.Chain])))(); let VoidToFrame = () => (VoidToFrame = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__frame.Frame, [])))(); let dynamicAnddynamicToFrame = () => (dynamicAnddynamicToFrame = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__frame.Frame, [dart.dynamic, dart.dynamic])))(); let StringToFrame = () => (StringToFrame = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__frame.Frame, [core.String])))(); let JSArrayOfFrame = () => (JSArrayOfFrame = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(src__frame.Frame)))(); let VoidToTrace = () => (VoidToTrace = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__trace.Trace, [])))(); let FrameToFrame = () => (FrameToFrame = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__frame.Frame, [src__frame.Frame])))(); let VoidToListOfString = () => (VoidToListOfString = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(ListOfString(), [])))(); let intAndintToint = () => (intAndintToint = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(, [,])))(); let LinkedMapOfString$int = () => (LinkedMapOfString$int = dart.constFn(_js_helper.LinkedMap$(core.String,; let LinkedMapOfString$dynamic = () => (LinkedMapOfString$dynamic = dart.constFn(_js_helper.LinkedMap$(core.String, dart.dynamic)))(); let MapOfSymbol$dynamic = () => (MapOfSymbol$dynamic = dart.constFn(core.Map$(core.Symbol, dart.dynamic)))(); let SinkOfListOfint = () => (SinkOfListOfint = dart.constFn(core.Sink$(ListOfint())))(); let intAndStringToNull = () => (intAndStringToNull = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Null, [, core.String])))(); let intToString = () => (intToString = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.String, [])))(); let _CodesToint = () => (_CodesToint = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(, [src__interface__error_codes._Codes])))(); let StreamControllerOfMimeMultipart = () => (StreamControllerOfMimeMultipart = dart.constFn(async.StreamController$(src__mime_shared.MimeMultipart)))(); let LinkedMapOfString$String = () => (LinkedMapOfString$String = dart.constFn(_js_helper.LinkedMap$(core.String, core.String)))(); let JSArrayOfCodeBufferLine = () => (JSArrayOfCodeBufferLine = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(code_buffer.CodeBufferLine)))(); let ListOfCodeBufferLine = () => (ListOfCodeBufferLine = dart.constFn(core.List$(code_buffer.CodeBufferLine)))(); let LinkedMapOfSourceSpan$SourceSpan = () => (LinkedMapOfSourceSpan$SourceSpan = dart.constFn(_js_helper.LinkedMap$(src__span.SourceSpan, src__span.SourceSpan)))(); let StreamOfHttpRequest = () => (StreamOfHttpRequest = dart.constFn(async.Stream$(_http.HttpRequest)))(); let StringToFuture = () => (StringToFuture = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(async.Future, [core.String])))(); let FileSystemEntityTypeToObject = () => (FileSystemEntityTypeToObject = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Object, [io.FileSystemEntityType])))(); let intToNull = () => (intToNull = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Null, [])))(); let DateTimeToFuture = () => (DateTimeToFuture = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(async.Future, [core.DateTime])))(); let StringAndStringAnddynamic__Tovoid = () => (StringAndStringAnddynamic__Tovoid = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.void, [core.String, core.String, dart.dynamic, core.bool])))(); let FileSystemEntityToNull = () => (FileSystemEntityToNull = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Null, [io.FileSystemEntity])))(); let FileStatToNull = () => (FileStatToNull = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Null, [io.FileStat])))(); let DirectoryAndHttpRequestTodynamic = () => (DirectoryAndHttpRequestTodynamic = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [io.Directory, _http.HttpRequest])))(); let HttpRequestTodynamic = () => (HttpRequestTodynamic = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [_http.HttpRequest])))(); let IdentityMapOfString$_VirtualHostDomain = () => (IdentityMapOfString$_VirtualHostDomain = dart.constFn(_js_helper.IdentityMap$(core.String, src__virtual_host._VirtualHostDomain)))(); let StreamControllerOfHttpRequest = () => (StreamControllerOfHttpRequest = dart.constFn(async.StreamController$(_http.HttpRequest)))(); let HttpRequestToNull = () => (HttpRequestToNull = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Null, [_http.HttpRequest])))(); let ExpandoOf_Node = () => (ExpandoOf_Node = dart.constFn(core.Expando$(src__stack_zone_specification._Node)))(); let DefaultEqualityOfNull = () => (DefaultEqualityOfNull = dart.constFn(src__equality.DefaultEquality$(core.Null)))(); let LinkedMapOf_MapEntry$int = () => (LinkedMapOf_MapEntry$int = dart.constFn(_js_helper.LinkedMap$(src__equality._MapEntry,; let _InOfObject = () => (_InOfObject = dart.constFn(src__core_matchers._In$(core.Object)))(); let _InOfPattern = () => (_InOfPattern = dart.constFn(src__core_matchers._In$(core.Pattern)))(); let TypeMatcherOfMap = () => (TypeMatcherOfMap = dart.constFn(src__type_matcher.TypeMatcher$(core.Map)))(); let TypeMatcherOfList = () => (TypeMatcherOfList = dart.constFn(src__type_matcher.TypeMatcher$(core.List)))(); let dynamicAnddynamicAndString__ToListOfString = () => (dynamicAnddynamicAndString__ToListOfString = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(ListOfString(), [dart.dynamic, dart.dynamic, core.String,])))(); let TypeMatcherOfArgumentError = () => (TypeMatcherOfArgumentError = dart.constFn(src__type_matcher.TypeMatcher$(core.ArgumentError)))(); let TypeMatcherOfCastError = () => (TypeMatcherOfCastError = dart.constFn(src__type_matcher.TypeMatcher$(core.CastError)))(); let TypeMatcherOfConcurrentModificationError = () => (TypeMatcherOfConcurrentModificationError = dart.constFn(src__type_matcher.TypeMatcher$(core.ConcurrentModificationError)))(); let TypeMatcherOfCyclicInitializationError = () => (TypeMatcherOfCyclicInitializationError = dart.constFn(src__type_matcher.TypeMatcher$(core.CyclicInitializationError)))(); let TypeMatcherOfException = () => (TypeMatcherOfException = dart.constFn(src__type_matcher.TypeMatcher$(core.Exception)))(); let TypeMatcherOfFormatException = () => (TypeMatcherOfFormatException = dart.constFn(src__type_matcher.TypeMatcher$(core.FormatException)))(); let TypeMatcherOfNoSuchMethodError = () => (TypeMatcherOfNoSuchMethodError = dart.constFn(src__type_matcher.TypeMatcher$(core.NoSuchMethodError)))(); let TypeMatcherOfNullThrownError = () => (TypeMatcherOfNullThrownError = dart.constFn(src__type_matcher.TypeMatcher$(core.NullThrownError)))(); let TypeMatcherOfRangeError = () => (TypeMatcherOfRangeError = dart.constFn(src__type_matcher.TypeMatcher$(core.RangeError)))(); let TypeMatcherOfStateError = () => (TypeMatcherOfStateError = dart.constFn(src__type_matcher.TypeMatcher$(core.StateError)))(); let TypeMatcherOfUnimplementedError = () => (TypeMatcherOfUnimplementedError = dart.constFn(src__type_matcher.TypeMatcher$(core.UnimplementedError)))(); let TypeMatcherOfUnsupportedError = () => (TypeMatcherOfUnsupportedError = dart.constFn(src__type_matcher.TypeMatcher$(core.UnsupportedError)))(); let dynamicAndintToMatcher = () => (dynamicAndintToMatcher = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__interfaces.Matcher, [dart.dynamic], [])))(); let dynamicToMatcher = () => (dynamicToMatcher = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__interfaces.Matcher, [dart.dynamic])))(); let ListOfListOfint = () => (ListOfListOfint = dart.constFn(core.List$(ListOfint())))(); let intToListOfint = () => (intToListOfint = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(ListOfint(), [])))(); let intTobool = () => (intTobool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.bool, [])))(); let _IdentityHashSetOfint = () => (_IdentityHashSetOfint = dart.constFn(collection._IdentityHashSet$(; let NullTobool = () => (NullTobool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.bool, [core.Null])))(); let StreamOfHttpRequestBody = () => (StreamOfHttpRequestBody = dart.constFn(async.Stream$(src__http_body.HttpRequestBody)))(); let EventSinkOfHttpRequestBody = () => (EventSinkOfHttpRequestBody = dart.constFn(async.EventSink$(src__http_body.HttpRequestBody)))(); let EventSinkOfHttpRequestBodyTo_HttpBodyHandlerTransformerSink = () => (EventSinkOfHttpRequestBodyTo_HttpBodyHandlerTransformerSink = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__http_body_impl._HttpBodyHandlerTransformerSink, [EventSinkOfHttpRequestBody()])))(); let HttpBodyTo_HttpRequestBody = () => (HttpBodyTo_HttpRequestBody = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__http_body_impl._HttpRequestBody, [src__http_body.HttpBody])))(); let HttpBodyTo_HttpClientResponseBody = () => (HttpBodyTo_HttpClientResponseBody = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__http_body_impl._HttpClientResponseBody, [src__http_body.HttpBody])))(); let dynamicAndListOfintTodynamic = () => (dynamicAndListOfintTodynamic = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [dart.dynamic, ListOfint()])))(); let dynamicTo_HttpBody = () => (dynamicTo_HttpBody = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__http_body_impl._HttpBody, [dart.dynamic])))(); let FutureOfHttpBody = () => (FutureOfHttpBody = dart.constFn(async.Future$(src__http_body.HttpBody)))(); let VoidToFutureOfHttpBody = () => (VoidToFutureOfHttpBody = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(FutureOfHttpBody(), [])))(); let dynamicAndStringTodynamic = () => (dynamicAndStringTodynamic = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [dart.dynamic, core.String])))(); let EncodingToFutureOfHttpBody = () => (EncodingToFutureOfHttpBody = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(FutureOfHttpBody(), [convert.Encoding])))(); let dynamicAnddynamicTodynamic = () => (dynamicAnddynamicTodynamic = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [dart.dynamic, dart.dynamic])))(); let dynamicToList = () => (dynamicToList = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.List, [dart.dynamic])))(); let HttpMultipartFormDataToFutureOfList = () => (HttpMultipartFormDataToFutureOfList = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(FutureOfList(), [src__http_multipart_form_data.HttpMultipartFormData])))(); let dynamicAndFutureOfListTodynamic = () => (dynamicAndFutureOfListTodynamic = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [dart.dynamic, FutureOfList()])))(); let dynamicToFutureOfList = () => (dynamicToFutureOfList = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(FutureOfList(), [dart.dynamic])))(); let ListTo_HttpBody = () => (ListTo_HttpBody = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__http_body_impl._HttpBody, [core.List])))(); let HttpBodyTo_HttpBody = () => (HttpBodyTo_HttpBody = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(src__http_body_impl._HttpBody, [src__http_body.HttpBody])))(); let JSArrayOfListOfint = () => (JSArrayOfListOfint = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(ListOfint())))(); let SinkOfDigest = () => (SinkOfDigest = dart.constFn(core.Sink$(src__digest.Digest)))(); let dynamicAndintAndSet__ToString = () => (dynamicAndintAndSet__ToString = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.String, [dart.dynamic,, core.Set, core.bool])))(); let JSArrayOf_FunctionMatcher = () => (JSArrayOf_FunctionMatcher = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(src__having_matcher._FunctionMatcher)))(); let JSArrayOfMatcher = () => (JSArrayOfMatcher = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(src__interfaces.Matcher)))(); let SinkOfString = () => (SinkOfString = dart.constFn(core.Sink$(core.String)))(); let const$; main.main = function(args) { return new"example", dart.fn(main.configureServer, AngelToFuture())).run(args); }; main.configureServer = function(app) { return async.async(dart.dynamic, function* configureServer() { let client = app.container.make(src__protocol__client__client.Client); let greeting = "Hello! This is the default greeting."; let onGreetingChanged = (yield client.subscribe("greeting_changed")); onGreetingChanged.cast(core.String).listen(dart.fn(newGreeting => greeting = newGreeting, StringTovoid())); app.get("/", dart.fn((req, res) => "Hello, production world!", RequestContextAndResponseContextToString())); app.get("/greeting", dart.fn((req, res) => greeting, RequestContextAndResponseContextToString())); app.get("/change_greeting/:newGreeting", dart.fn((req, res) => { greeting =[$_get]("newGreeting")); client.publish("greeting_changed", greeting); return "Changed greeting -> " + dart.str(greeting); }, RequestContextAndResponseContextToString())); app.get("/crash", dart.fn((req, res) => {$ || (const$ = dart.const(new{seconds: 3}))), dart.bind(isolate.Isolate.current, 'kill')); return "Crashing in 3s..."; }, RequestContextAndResponseContextToString())); }); }; src__http__http.startShared = function(address, port) { let t0, t0$; return _http.HttpServer.bind((t0 = address, t0 == null ? "" : t0), (t0$ = port, t0$ == null ? 0 : t0$), {shared: true}); }; src__http__http.startSharedSecure = function(securityContext) { return dart.fn((address, port) => { let t0, t0$; return _http.HttpServer.bindSecure((t0 = address, t0 == null ? "" : t0), (t0$ = port, t0$ == null ? 0 : t0$), securityContext, {shared: true}); }, dynamicAndintToFutureOfHttpServer()); }; src__instance_info.InstanceInfo = class InstanceInfo extends core.Object { get id() { return this[id$]; } set id(value) { = value; } }; ( = function(opts) { let id = opts && 'id' in opts ? : null; this[id$] = id; ; }).prototype = src__instance_info.InstanceInfo.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__instance_info.InstanceInfo); const id$ = Symbol(""); dart.setFieldSignature(src__instance_info.InstanceInfo, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__instance_info.InstanceInfo.__proto__), id: dart.finalFieldType( })); src__options.RunnerOptions = class RunnerOptions extends core.Object { get hostname() { return this[hostname$]; } set hostname(value) { super.hostname = value; } get concurrency() { return this[concurrency$]; } set concurrency(value) { super.concurrency = value; } get port() { return this[port$]; } set port(value) { super.port = value; } get useZone() { return this[useZone$]; } set useZone(value) { super.useZone = value; } get respawn() { return this[respawn$]; } set respawn(value) { super.respawn = value; } static fromArgResults(argResults) { return new{hostname:"address")), port:"port"))), concurrency:"concurrency"))), useZone:"use-zone")), respawn:"respawn"))}); } }; ( = function(opts) { let hostname = opts && 'hostname' in opts ? opts.hostname : ""; let port = opts && 'port' in opts ? opts.port : 3000; let concurrency = opts && 'concurrency' in opts ? opts.concurrency : 1; let useZone = opts && 'useZone' in opts ? opts.useZone : false; let respawn = opts && 'respawn' in opts ? opts.respawn : true; this[hostname$] = hostname; this[port$] = port; this[concurrency$] = concurrency; this[useZone$] = useZone; this[respawn$] = respawn; ; }).prototype = src__options.RunnerOptions.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__options.RunnerOptions); const hostname$ = Symbol("RunnerOptions.hostname"); const concurrency$ = Symbol("RunnerOptions.concurrency"); const port$ = Symbol("RunnerOptions.port"); const useZone$ = Symbol("RunnerOptions.useZone"); const respawn$ = Symbol("RunnerOptions.respawn"); dart.setFieldSignature(src__options.RunnerOptions, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__options.RunnerOptions.__proto__), hostname: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), concurrency: dart.finalFieldType(, port: dart.finalFieldType(, useZone: dart.finalFieldType(core.bool), respawn: dart.finalFieldType(core.bool) })); dart.defineLazy(src__options.RunnerOptions, { /*src__options.RunnerOptions.argParser*/get argParser() { let t0; return t0 =, t0.addFlag("help", {abbr: "h", help: "Print this help information.", negatable: false}), t0.addFlag("respawn", {help: "Automatically respawn crashed application instances.", defaultsTo: true, negatable: true}), t0.addFlag("use-zone", {negatable: false, help: "Create a new Zone for each request."}), t0.addOption("address", {abbr: "a", defaultsTo: "", help: "The address to listen on."}), t0.addOption("concurrency", {abbr: "j", defaultsTo: dart.toString(io.Platform.numberOfProcessors), help: "The number of isolates to spawn."}), t0.addOption("port", {abbr: "p", defaultsTo: "3000", help: "The port to listen on."}), t0; } }); let const$0; const _spawnIsolate = Symbol('_spawnIsolate'); src__runner.Runner = class Runner extends core.Object { get name() { return this[name$]; } set name(value) { = value; } get configureServer() { return this[configureServer$]; } set configureServer(value) { super.configureServer = value; } get reflector() { return this[reflector$]; } set reflector(value) { super.reflector = value; } static handleLogRecord(record) { let code = src__runner.Runner.chooseLogColor(record.level); if (record.error == null) core.print(code.wrap(dart.toString(record))); if (record.error != null) { let err = record.error; if ( && err.statusCode !== 500) return; core.print(code.wrap(dart.notNull(dart.toString(record)) + "\n")); core.print(code.wrap(dart.toString(err))); if (record.stackTrace != null) { core.print(code.wrap(dart.toString(record.stackTrace))); } } } static chooseLogColor(level) { if (dart.equals(level, logging.Level.SHOUT)) return src__ansi_code.backgroundRed; else if (dart.equals(level, logging.Level.SEVERE)) return; else if (dart.equals(level, logging.Level.WARNING)) return src__ansi_code.yellow; else if (dart.equals(level, logging.Level.INFO)) return src__ansi_code.cyan; else if (dart.equals(level, logging.Level.FINER) || dart.equals(level, logging.Level.FINEST)) return src__ansi_code.lightGray; return src__ansi_code.resetAll; } spawnIsolate(id, options, pubSubSendPort) { return this[_spawnIsolate](id,, options, pubSubSendPort); } [_spawnIsolate](id, c, options, pubSubSendPort) { let onLogRecord = new; let onExit = new; let onError = new; let runnerArgs = new, this.configureServer, options, this.reflector, onLogRecord.sendPort, pubSubSendPort); let argsWithId = new, runnerArgs); isolate.Isolate.spawn(src__runner._RunnerArgsWithId, dart.fn(src__runner.Runner.isolateMain, _RunnerArgsWithIdTovoid()), argsWithId, {onExit: onExit.sendPort, onError: onError.sendPort, errorsAreFatal: true && false}).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(isolate => { }, IsolateToNull())).catchError(dart.bind(c, 'completeError')); onLogRecord.listen(dart.fn(msg => src__runner.Runner.handleLogRecord(, dynamicTovoid())); onError.listen(dart.fn(msg => { if ( { let e = msg[$_get](0); let st = new[$_get](1))); src__runner.Runner.handleLogRecord(new, "Fatal error", runnerArgs.loggerName, e, st)); } else { src__runner.Runner.handleLogRecord(new, "Fatal error", runnerArgs.loggerName, msg)); } }, dynamicToNull())); onExit.listen(dart.fn(_ => { if (dart.test(options.respawn)) { src__runner.Runner.handleLogRecord(new, "Instance #" + dart.str(id) + " at " + dart.str(new + ". Respawning immediately...", runnerArgs.loggerName)); this[_spawnIsolate](id, c, options, pubSubSendPort); } else { c.complete(); } }, dynamicToNull())); return c.future.whenComplete(dart.bind(onExit, 'close')).whenComplete(dart.bind(onError, 'close')).whenComplete(dart.bind(onLogRecord, 'close')); } run(args) { return async.async(dart.dynamic, (function* run() { let t0, t1, t1$, t1$0; let server = null; try { let argResults = src__options.RunnerOptions.argParser.parse(args); let options = src__options.RunnerOptions.fromArgResults(argResults); core.print(src__ansi_code.darkGray.wrap("____________ ________________________ \n___ |__ | / /_ ____/__ ____/__ / \n__ /| |_ |/ /_ / __ __ __/ __ / \n_ ___ | /| / / /_/ / _ /___ _ /___\n/_/ |_/_/ |_/ ____/ /_____/ /_____/\n \n"[$trim]() + "\n\n" + "A batteries-included, full-featured, full-stack framework in Dart." + "\n\n" + "\n")); if (dart.equals(argResults._get("help"), true)) { t0 = io.stdout; t0.writeln("Options:"); t0.writeln(src__options.RunnerOptions.argParser.usage); t0; return; } core.print("Starting `" + dart.str( + "` application..."); core.print("Arguments: " + dart.str(args) + "...\n"); let adapter = new; server = new[adapter])); for (let i = 0; i < dart.notNull(io.Platform.numberOfProcessors); i = i + 1) { server.registerClient(new"client" + dart.str(i))); } server.start(); yield async.Future.wait(dart.dynamic, ListOfFuture().generate(options.concurrency, dart.fn(id => this.spawnIsolate(id, options, adapter.receivePort.sendPort), intToFuture()))); } catch (e$) { if ($)) { let e = e$; t1$ = io.stderr; t1$.writeln(e.message); t1$.writeln(); t1$.writeln("Options:"); t1$.writeln(src__options.RunnerOptions.argParser.usage); t1$; io.exitCode = src__exit_code.ExitCode.usage.code; } else { let e = e$; t1 = io.stderr; t1.writeln("fatal error: " + dart.str(e)); t1; io.exitCode = 1; } } finally { t1$0 = server; t1$0 == null ? null : t1$0.close(); } }).bind(this)); } static isolateMain(argsWithId) { let args = argsWithId.args; logging.hierarchicalLoggingEnabled = true; let zone = async.Zone.current.fork({specification: new{print: dart.fn((self, parent, zone, msg) => { args.loggingSendPort.send(new, msg, args.loggerName)); }, ZoneAndZoneDelegateAndZone__ToNull())})});, dart.fn(() => async.async(core.Null, function*() { let t1, t1$; let client = new"client" + dart.str(, args.pubSubSendPort); let app = (t1 = new{reflector: args.reflector}), t1.container.registerSingleton(src__protocol__client__client.Client, client), t1.container.registerSingleton(src__instance_info.InstanceInfo, new{id:})), t1); app.shutdownHooks[$add](dart.fn(_ => client.close(), AngelToFuture())); yield app.configure(args.configureServer); if (app.logger == null) { app.logger = (t1$ =, t1$.onRecord.listen(dart.fn(src__runner.Runner.handleLogRecord, LogRecordTovoid())), t1$); } let http = src__http__angel_http.AngelHttp.custom(app, dart.fn(src__http__http.startShared, dynamicAndintToFutureOfHttpServer()), {useZone: args.options.useZone}); let server = (yield http.startServer(args.options.hostname, args.options.port)); let url ={scheme: "http", host: server.address.address, port: server.port}); core.print("Instance #" + dart.str( + " listening at " + dart.str(url)); }), VoidToFutureOfNull())); } }; ( = function(name, configureServer, opts) { let reflector = opts && 'reflector' in opts ? opts.reflector : const$0 || (const$0 = dart.const(new; this[name$] = name; this[configureServer$] = configureServer; this[reflector$] = reflector; ; }).prototype = src__runner.Runner.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__runner.Runner); const name$ = Symbol(""); const configureServer$ = Symbol("Runner.configureServer"); const reflector$ = Symbol("Runner.reflector"); dart.setMethodSignature(src__runner.Runner, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__runner.Runner.__proto__), spawnIsolate: dart.fnType(async.Future, [, src__options.RunnerOptions, isolate.SendPort]), [_spawnIsolate]: dart.fnType(async.Future, [, async.Completer, src__options.RunnerOptions, isolate.SendPort]), run: dart.fnType(async.Future, [core.List$(core.String)]) })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__runner.Runner, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__runner.Runner.__proto__), name: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), configureServer: dart.finalFieldType(dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, [src__core__server.Angel])), reflector: dart.finalFieldType(src__reflector.Reflector) })); dart.defineLazy(src__runner.Runner, { /*src__runner.Runner.asciiArt*/get asciiArt() { return "____________ ________________________ \n___ |__ | / /_ ____/__ ____/__ / \n__ /| |_ |/ /_ / __ __ __/ __ / \n_ ___ | /| / / /_/ / _ /___ _ /___\n/_/ |_/_/ |_/ ____/ /_____/ /_____/\n \n"; } }); src__runner._RunnerArgsWithId = class _RunnerArgsWithId extends core.Object {}; ( = function(id, args) { = id; this.args = args; ; }).prototype = src__runner._RunnerArgsWithId.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__runner._RunnerArgsWithId); dart.setFieldSignature(src__runner._RunnerArgsWithId, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__runner._RunnerArgsWithId.__proto__), id: dart.finalFieldType(, args: dart.finalFieldType(src__runner._RunnerArgs) })); src__runner._RunnerArgs = class _RunnerArgs extends core.Object { get loggerName() { return; } }; ( = function(name, configureServer, options, reflector, loggingSendPort, pubSubSendPort) { = name; this.configureServer = configureServer; this.options = options; this.reflector = reflector; this.loggingSendPort = loggingSendPort; this.pubSubSendPort = pubSubSendPort; ; }).prototype = src__runner._RunnerArgs.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__runner._RunnerArgs); dart.setGetterSignature(src__runner._RunnerArgs, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getGetters(src__runner._RunnerArgs.__proto__), loggerName: core.String })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__runner._RunnerArgs, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__runner._RunnerArgs.__proto__), name: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), configureServer: dart.finalFieldType(dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, [src__core__server.Angel])), options: dart.finalFieldType(src__options.RunnerOptions), reflector: dart.finalFieldType(src__reflector.Reflector), loggingSendPort: dart.finalFieldType(isolate.SendPort), pubSubSendPort: dart.finalFieldType(isolate.SendPort) })); const _index = Symbol('_index'); const _read = Symbol('_read'); const _create = Symbol('_create'); const _remove = Symbol('_remove'); const _modify = Symbol('_modify'); const _update = Symbol('_update'); const _addRoutesInner = Symbol('_addRoutesInner'); const _services = Symbol('_services'); const _onService = Symbol('_onService'); const _container = Symbol('_container'); let const$1; const _cache = Symbol('_cache'); const _middleware = Symbol('_middleware'); const _mounted = Symbol('_mounted'); const _routes = Symbol('_routes'); const _useCache = Symbol('_useCache'); let const$2; let const$3; const _resolveAll = Symbol('_resolveAll'); const _is_Router_default = Symbol('_is_Router_default'); src__router.Router$ = dart.generic(T => { let RoutingResultOfT = () => (RoutingResultOfT = dart.constFn(src__router.RoutingResult$(T)))(); let IterableOfRoutingResultOfT = () => (IterableOfRoutingResultOfT = dart.constFn(core.Iterable$(RoutingResultOfT())))(); let IdentityMapOfString$IterableOfRoutingResultOfT = () => (IdentityMapOfString$IterableOfRoutingResultOfT = dart.constFn(_js_helper.IdentityMap$(core.String, IterableOfRoutingResultOfT())))(); let JSArrayOfT = () => (JSArrayOfT = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(T)))(); let RouterOfT = () => (RouterOfT = dart.constFn(src__router.Router$(T)))(); let LinkedMapOfPattern$RouterOfT = () => (LinkedMapOfPattern$RouterOfT = dart.constFn(_js_helper.LinkedMap$(core.Pattern, RouterOfT())))(); let RouteOfT = () => (RouteOfT = dart.constFn(src__router.Route$(T)))(); let JSArrayOfRouteOfT = () => (JSArrayOfRouteOfT = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(RouteOfT())))(); let ListOfT = () => (ListOfT = dart.constFn(core.List$(T)))(); let ListOfRouteOfT = () => (ListOfRouteOfT = dart.constFn(core.List$(RouteOfT())))(); let SymlinkRouteOfT = () => (SymlinkRouteOfT = dart.constFn(src__router.SymlinkRoute$(T)))(); let ListOfRouteOfTAndRouteOfTToListOfRouteOfT = () => (ListOfRouteOfTAndRouteOfTToListOfRouteOfT = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(ListOfRouteOfT(), [ListOfRouteOfT(), RouteOfT()])))(); let IterableOfT = () => (IterableOfT = dart.constFn(core.Iterable$(T)))(); let _ChainedRouterOfT = () => (_ChainedRouterOfT = dart.constFn(src__router._ChainedRouter$(T)))(); let LinkedHashMapOfPattern$RouterOfT = () => (LinkedHashMapOfPattern$RouterOfT = dart.constFn(collection.LinkedHashMap$(core.Pattern, RouterOfT())))(); let ListOfRoutingResultOfT = () => (ListOfRoutingResultOfT = dart.constFn(core.List$(RoutingResultOfT())))(); let RouterOfTTobool = () => (RouterOfTTobool = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.bool, [RouterOfT()])))(); let VoidToIterableOfRoutingResultOfT = () => (VoidToIterableOfRoutingResultOfT = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(IterableOfRoutingResultOfT(), [])))(); let JSArrayOfRoutingResultOfT = () => (JSArrayOfRoutingResultOfT = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(RoutingResultOfT())))(); class Router extends core.Object { get middleware() { return ListOfT().unmodifiable(this[_middleware]); } get mounted() { return MapOfPattern$Router().unmodifiable(this[_mounted]); } get routes() { return this[_routes][$fold](ListOfRouteOfT(), JSArrayOfRouteOfT().of([]), dart.fn((out, route) => { let t1, t1$; if (SymlinkRouteOfT().is(route)) { let childRoutes = route.router.routes[$fold](ListOfRouteOfT(), JSArrayOfRouteOfT().of([]), dart.fn((out, r) => { let t1; t1 = out; t1[$add](route.path[$isEmpty] ? r : RouteOfT().join(route, r)); return t1; }, ListOfRouteOfTAndRouteOfTToListOfRouteOfT())); t1 = out; t1[$addAll](childRoutes); return t1; } else { t1$ = out; t1$[$add](route); return t1$; } }, ListOfRouteOfTAndRouteOfTToListOfRouteOfT())); } enableCache() { this[_useCache] = true; } addRoute(method, path, handler, opts) { T._check(handler); let middleware = opts && 'middleware' in opts ? opts.middleware : const$2 || (const$2 = dart.constList([], core.Null)); IterableOfT()._check(middleware); if (dart.equals(this[_useCache], true)) dart.throw(new"Cannot add routes after caching is enabled.")); let handlers = JSArrayOfT().of([handler]); if (middleware != null) handlers[$insertAll](0, middleware); let route = new (RouteOfT()).new(path, {method: method, handlers: handlers}); this[_routes][$add](route); return route; } chain(middleware) { IterableOfT()._check(middleware); let piped = new (_ChainedRouterOfT()).new(this, middleware); let route = new (SymlinkRouteOfT()).new("/", piped); this[_routes][$add](route); return piped; } clone() { let t1; let router = new (RouterOfT()).new(); let newMounted = LinkedHashMapOfPattern$RouterOfT().from(this.mounted); for (let route of this.routes) { if (!SymlinkRouteOfT().is(route)) { router[_routes][$add](route.clone()); } else if (SymlinkRouteOfT().is(route)) { let newRouter = route.router.clone(); newMounted[$_set](route.path, newRouter); let symlink = new (SymlinkRouteOfT()).new(route.path, newRouter); router[_routes][$add](symlink); } } t1 = router; t1[_mounted][$addAll](newMounted); return t1; } dumpTree(opts) { let t1; let callback = opts && 'callback' in opts ? opts.callback : null; let header = opts && 'header' in opts ? opts.header : "Dumping route tree:"; let tab = opts && 'tab' in opts ? : " "; let buf = new; let tabs = 0; if (header != null && header[$isNotEmpty]) { buf.writeln(header); } buf.writeln(""); function indent() { for (let i = 0; i < tabs; i = i + 1) buf.write(tab); } dart.fn(indent, VoidToNull()); function dumpRouter(router) { indent(); tabs = tabs + 1; for (let route of router.routes) { indent(); buf.write("- "); if (! buf.write(dart.str(route.method) + " "); buf.write(dart.str(route.path[$isNotEmpty] ? route.path : "/")); if (SymlinkRouteOfT().is(route)) { buf.writeln(); dumpRouter(route.router); } else { buf.writeln(" => " + dart.str(route.handlers[$length]) + " handler(s)"); } } tabs = tabs - 1; } dart.fn(dumpRouter, RouterToNull()); dumpRouter(this); (t1 = callback, t1 == null ? dart.fn(core.print, ObjectTovoid()) : t1)(buf.toString()); } group(path, callback, opts) { let t1, t1$; let middleware = opts && 'middleware' in opts ? opts.middleware : const$3 || (const$3 = dart.constList([], core.Null)); IterableOfT()._check(middleware); let name = opts && 'name' in opts ? : null; let router = (t1 = new (RouterOfT()).new(), t1[_middleware][$addAll](middleware), t1); callback(router); t1$ = this.mount(path, router); t1$.name = name; return t1$; } navigate(linkParams, opts) { let absolute = opts && 'absolute' in opts ? opts.absolute : true; let segments = JSArrayOfString().of([]); let search = this; let lastRoute = null; for (let param of linkParams) { let resolved = false; if (typeof param == 'string') { for (let route of search.routes) { if ( == param) { segments[$add](route.path[$replaceAll](src__router._straySlashes, "")); lastRoute = route; if (SymlinkRouteOfT().is(route)) { search = route.router; } resolved = true; break; } } if (!resolved) { let scanner = new[$replaceAll](src__router._straySlashes, "")); for (let route of search.routes) { let pos = scanner.position; if (dart.test(route.parser.parse(scanner).successful) && dart.test(scanner.isDone)) { segments[$add](route.path[$replaceAll](src__router._straySlashes, "")); lastRoute = route; if (SymlinkRouteOfT().is(route)) { search = route.router; } resolved = true; break; } else scanner.position = pos; } } if (!resolved) { dart.throw("Cannot resolve route for link param \"" + dart.str(param) + "\".")); } } else if ( { segments[$add](param.path[$replaceAll](src__router._straySlashes, "")); } else if (MapOfString$dynamic().is(param)) { if (lastRoute == null) { dart.throw("Maps in link params must be preceded by a Route or String.")); } else { segments[$removeLast](); segments[$add](lastRoute.makeUri(param)[$replaceAll](src__router._straySlashes, "")); } } else dart.throw("Link param " + dart.str(param) + " is not Route, String, or Map.")); } return dart.test(absolute) ? "/" + segments[$join]("/")[$replaceAll](src__router._straySlashes, "") : segments[$join]("/"); } resolve(absolute, relative, out, opts) { ListOfRoutingResultOfT()._check(out); let method = opts && 'method' in opts ? opts.method : "GET"; let strip = opts && 'strip' in opts ? opts.strip : true; let cleanRelative = dart.equals(strip, false) ? relative : string_util.stripStraySlashes(relative); let scanner = new; const crawl = (function(r) { let success = false; for (let route of r.routes) { let pos = scanner.position; if (SymlinkRouteOfT().is(route)) { if (dart.test(route.parser.parse(scanner).successful)) { let s = crawl(route.router); if (dart.test(s)) success = true; } scanner.position = pos; } else if (route.method === "*" || route.method == method) { let parseResult = route.parser.parse(scanner); if (dart.test(parseResult.successful) && dart.test(scanner.isDone)) { let result = new (RoutingResultOfT()).new({parseResult: parseResult, params: parseResult.value, shallowRoute: route, shallowRouter: this}); out[$add](result); success = true; } scanner.position = pos; } } return success; }).bind(this); dart.fn(crawl, RouterOfTTobool()); return crawl(this); } resolveAbsolute(path, opts) { let method = opts && 'method' in opts ? opts.method : "GET"; let strip = opts && 'strip' in opts ? opts.strip : true; return this.resolveAll(path, path, {method: method, strip: strip}); } resolveAll(absolute, relative, opts) { let method = opts && 'method' in opts ? opts.method : "GET"; let strip = opts && 'strip' in opts ? opts.strip : true; if (dart.equals(this[_useCache], true)) { return this[_cache][$putIfAbsent](dart.str(method) + dart.str(absolute), dart.fn(() => this[_resolveAll](absolute, relative, {method: method, strip: strip}), VoidToIterableOfRoutingResultOfT())); } return this[_resolveAll](absolute, relative, {method: method, strip: strip}); } [_resolveAll](absolute, relative, opts) { let method = opts && 'method' in opts ? opts.method : "GET"; let strip = opts && 'strip' in opts ? opts.strip : true; let results = JSArrayOfRoutingResultOfT().of([]); this.resolve(absolute, relative, results, {method: method, strip: strip}); return results; } mount(path, router) { RouterOfT()._check(router); let route = new (SymlinkRouteOfT()).new(path, router); this[_mounted][$_set](route.path, router); this[_routes][$add](route); return route; } all(path, handler, opts) { T._check(handler); let middleware = opts && 'middleware' in opts ? opts.middleware : null; IterableOfT()._check(middleware); return this.addRoute("*", path, handler, {middleware: middleware}); } delete(path, handler, opts) { T._check(handler); let middleware = opts && 'middleware' in opts ? opts.middleware : null; IterableOfT()._check(middleware); return this.addRoute("DELETE", path, handler, {middleware: middleware}); } get(path, handler, opts) { T._check(handler); let middleware = opts && 'middleware' in opts ? opts.middleware : null; IterableOfT()._check(middleware); return this.addRoute("GET", path, handler, {middleware: middleware}); } head(path, handler, opts) { T._check(handler); let middleware = opts && 'middleware' in opts ? opts.middleware : null; IterableOfT()._check(middleware); return this.addRoute("HEAD", path, handler, {middleware: middleware}); } options(path, handler, opts) { T._check(handler); let middleware = opts && 'middleware' in opts ? opts.middleware : null; IterableOfT()._check(middleware); return this.addRoute("OPTIONS", path, handler, {middleware: middleware}); } post(path, handler, opts) { T._check(handler); let middleware = opts && 'middleware' in opts ? opts.middleware : null; IterableOfT()._check(middleware); return this.addRoute("POST", path, handler, {middleware: middleware}); } patch(path, handler, opts) { T._check(handler); let middleware = opts && 'middleware' in opts ? opts.middleware : null; IterableOfT()._check(middleware); return this.addRoute("PATCH", path, handler, {middleware: middleware}); } put(path, handler, opts) { T._check(handler); let middleware = opts && 'middleware' in opts ? opts.middleware : null; IterableOfT()._check(middleware); return this.addRoute("PUT", path, handler, {middleware: middleware}); } } ( = function() { this[_cache] = new (IdentityMapOfString$IterableOfRoutingResultOfT()).new(); this[_middleware] = JSArrayOfT().of([]); this[_mounted] = new (LinkedMapOfPattern$RouterOfT()).new(); this[_routes] = JSArrayOfRouteOfT().of([]); this[_useCache] = false; ; }).prototype = Router.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(Router); Router.prototype[_is_Router_default] = true; dart.setMethodSignature(Router, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(Router.__proto__), enableCache: dart.fnType(dart.void, []), addRoute: dart.fnType(src__router.Route$(T), [core.String, core.String, core.Object], {middleware: core.Object}), chain: dart.fnType(src__router._ChainedRouter$(T), [core.Object]), clone: dart.fnType(src__router.Router$(T), []), dumpTree: dart.fnType(dart.void, [], {callback: dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [core.String]), header: core.String, tab: core.String}), group: dart.fnType(src__router.SymlinkRoute$(T), [core.String, dart.fnType(dart.void, [src__router.Router])], {middleware: core.Object, name: core.String}), navigate: dart.fnType(core.String, [core.Iterable], {absolute: core.bool}), resolve: dart.fnType(core.bool, [core.String, core.String, core.Object], {method: core.String, strip: core.bool}), resolveAbsolute: dart.fnType(core.Iterable$(src__router.RoutingResult$(T)), [core.String], {method: core.String, strip: core.bool}), resolveAll: dart.fnType(core.Iterable$(src__router.RoutingResult$(T)), [core.String, core.String], {method: core.String, strip: core.bool}), [_resolveAll]: dart.fnType(core.Iterable$(src__router.RoutingResult$(T)), [core.String, core.String], {method: core.String, strip: core.bool}), mount: dart.fnType(src__router.SymlinkRoute$(T), [core.String, core.Object]), all: dart.fnType(src__router.Route$(T), [core.String, core.Object], {middleware: core.Object}), delete: dart.fnType(src__router.Route$(T), [core.String, core.Object], {middleware: core.Object}), get: dart.fnType(src__router.Route$(T), [core.String, core.Object], {middleware: core.Object}), head: dart.fnType(src__router.Route$(T), [core.String, core.Object], {middleware: core.Object}), options: dart.fnType(src__router.Route$(T), [core.String, core.Object], {middleware: core.Object}), post: dart.fnType(src__router.Route$(T), [core.String, core.Object], {middleware: core.Object}), patch: dart.fnType(src__router.Route$(T), [core.String, core.Object], {middleware: core.Object}), put: dart.fnType(src__router.Route, [core.String, core.Object], {middleware: core.Object}) })); dart.setGetterSignature(Router, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getGetters(Router.__proto__), middleware: core.List$(T), mounted: core.Map$(core.Pattern, src__router.Router), routes: core.List$(src__router.Route$(T)) })); dart.setFieldSignature(Router, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(Router.__proto__), [_cache]: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map$(core.String, core.Iterable$(src__router.RoutingResult$(T)))), [_middleware]: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(T)), [_mounted]: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map$(core.Pattern, src__router.Router$(T))), [_routes]: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(src__router.Route$(T))), [_useCache]: dart.fieldType(core.bool) })); return Router; }); src__router.Router = src__router.Router$(); dart.addTypeTests(src__router.Router, _is_Router_default); const _acceptHeaderCache = Symbol('_acceptHeaderCache'); const _extensionCache = Symbol('_extensionCache'); const _acceptsAllCache = Symbol('_acceptsAllCache'); const _body = Symbol('_body'); const _provisionalQuery = Symbol('_provisionalQuery'); const _is_RequestContext_default = Symbol('_is_RequestContext_default'); src__core__request_context.RequestContext$ = dart.generic(RawRequest => { class RequestContext extends core.Object { get serviceParams() { return this[serviceParams]; } set serviceParams(value) { super.serviceParams = value; } get app() { return this[app]; } set app(value) { this[app] = value; } get params() { return this[params]; } set params(value) { this[params] = value; } get ip() { return this.remoteAddress.address; } get extension() { let t1; t1 = this[_extensionCache]; return t1 == null ? this[_extensionCache] = path$.extension(this.uri.path) : t1; } accepts(contentType, opts) { let t1; let strict = opts && 'strict' in opts ? opts.strict : false; let contentTypeString = ? contentType.mimeType : (t1 = contentType, t1 == null ? null : dart.toString(t1)); if (contentTypeString == null) dart.throw(new"RequestContext.accepts expects the `contentType` parameter to NOT be null.")); this[_acceptHeaderCache] == null ? this[_acceptHeaderCache] = this.headers.value("accept") : null; if (this[_acceptHeaderCache] == null) return false; else if (!dart.equals(strict, true) && this[_acceptHeaderCache][$contains]("*/*")) return true; else return this[_acceptHeaderCache][$contains](contentTypeString); } get acceptsAll() { let t1; t1 = this[_acceptsAllCache]; return t1 == null ? this[_acceptsAllCache] = this.accepts("*/*") : t1; } parseBody() { return this.parse().then(core.Map, dart.fn(b => b.body, BodyParseResultToMapOfString$dynamic())); } parseUploadedFiles() { return this.parse().then(ListOfFileUploadInfo(), dart.fn(b => b.files, BodyParseResultToListOfFileUploadInfo())); } parseRawRequestBuffer() { return this.parse().then(ListOfint(), dart.fn(b => b.originalBuffer, BodyParseResultToListOfint())); } parseQuery(opts) { let forceParse = opts && 'forceParse' in opts ? opts.forceParse : false; if (this[_body] == null && !dart.equals(forceParse, true)) return FutureOfMapOfString$dynamic().value(this.uri.queryParameters); else return this.parse().then(MapOfString$dynamic(), dart.fn(b => b.query, BodyParseResultToMapOfString$dynamic())); } parse() { if (this[_body] != null) return FutureOfBodyParseResult().value(this[_body]); else this[_provisionalQuery] = null; return this.parseOnce().then(src__body_parse_result.BodyParseResult, dart.fn(body => this[_body] = body, BodyParseResultToBodyParseResult())); } close() { let t1; this[_body] = null; this[_acceptsAllCache] = null; this[_acceptHeaderCache] = null; t1 = this[_provisionalQuery]; t1 == null ? null : t1[$clear](); this.serviceParams[$clear](); this.params[$clear](); return async.Future.value(); } } ( = function() { this[_acceptHeaderCache] = null; this[_extensionCache] = null; this[_acceptsAllCache] = null; this[_body] = null; this[_provisionalQuery] = null; this[serviceParams] = new; this[app] = null; this[params] = new (IdentityMapOfString$dynamic()).new(); ; }).prototype = RequestContext.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(RequestContext); RequestContext.prototype[_is_RequestContext_default] = true; const serviceParams = Symbol("RequestContext.serviceParams"); const app = Symbol(""); const params = Symbol("RequestContext.params"); dart.setMethodSignature(RequestContext, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(RequestContext.__proto__), accepts: dart.fnType(core.bool, [dart.dynamic], {strict: core.bool}), parseBody: dart.fnType(async.Future$(core.Map), []), parseUploadedFiles: dart.fnType(async.Future$(core.List$(src__file_upload_info.FileUploadInfo)), []), parseRawRequestBuffer: dart.fnType(async.Future$(core.List$(, []), parseQuery: dart.fnType(async.Future$(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic)), [], {forceParse: core.bool}), parse: dart.fnType(async.Future$(src__body_parse_result.BodyParseResult), []), close: dart.fnType(async.Future, []) })); dart.setGetterSignature(RequestContext, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getGetters(RequestContext.__proto__), ip: core.String, extension: core.String, acceptsAll: core.bool })); dart.setFieldSignature(RequestContext, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(RequestContext.__proto__), [_acceptHeaderCache]: dart.fieldType(core.String), [_extensionCache]: dart.fieldType(core.String), [_acceptsAllCache]: dart.fieldType(core.bool), [_body]: dart.fieldType(src__body_parse_result.BodyParseResult), [_provisionalQuery]: dart.fieldType(core.Map), serviceParams: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map), app: dart.fieldType(src__core__server.Angel), params: dart.fieldType(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic)) })); return RequestContext; }); src__core__request_context.RequestContext = src__core__request_context.RequestContext$(); dart.addTypeTests(src__core__request_context.RequestContext, _is_RequestContext_default); const _headers = Symbol('_headers'); const _done = Symbol('_done'); const _statusCode = Symbol('_statusCode'); const _is_ResponseContext_default = Symbol('_is_ResponseContext_default'); src__core__response_context.ResponseContext$ = dart.generic(RawResponse => { class ResponseContext extends core.Object { get properties() { return this[properties]; } set properties(value) { = value; } get app() { return this[app]; } set app(value) { this[app] = value; } get chunked() { return this[chunked]; } set chunked(value) { this[chunked] = value; } get cookies() { return this[cookies]; } set cookies(value) { super.cookies = value; } get encoders() { return this[encoders]; } set encoders(value) { super.encoders = value; } get renderParams() { return this[renderParams]; } set renderParams(value) { super.renderParams = value; } get serializer() { return this[serializer]; } set serializer(value) { this[serializer] = value; } get contentType() { return this[contentType]; } set contentType(value) { this[contentType] = value; } get done() { let t1; return (t1 = this[_done], t1 == null ? : t1).future; } get headers() { return this[_headers]; } get statusCode() { return this[_statusCode]; } set statusCode(value) { let t1; if (!dart.test(this.isOpen)) dart.throw(src__core__response_context.ResponseContext.closed()); else this[_statusCode] = (t1 = value, t1 == null ? 200 : t1); } static closed() { return new"Cannot modify a closed response."); } download(file, opts) { let t1; let filename = opts && 'filename' in opts ? opts.filename : null; if (!dart.test(this.isOpen)) dart.throw(src__core__response_context.ResponseContext.closed()); this.headers[$_set]("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + dart.str((t1 = filename, t1 == null ? file.path : t1)) + "\""); this.contentType = src__media_type.MediaType.parse(src__mime_type.lookupMimeType(file.path)); this.headers[$_set]("content-length", dart.toString(file.lengthSync())); if (!dart.test(this.isBuffered)) { file.openRead().pipe(this); } else { this.buffer.add(file.readAsBytesSync()); this.close(); } } close() { let t1; if ( {; } if (dart.equals((t1 = this[_done], t1 == null ? null : t1.isCompleted), false)) this[_done].complete(); return async.Future.value(); } json(value) { let t1; t1 = this; t1.contentType = new"application", "json"); t1.serialize(value); return t1; } jsonp(value, opts) { let t1; let callbackName = opts && 'callbackName' in opts ? opts.callbackName : "callback"; let contentType = opts && 'contentType' in opts ? opts.contentType : null; if (!dart.test(this.isOpen)) dart.throw(src__core__response_context.ResponseContext.closed()); this.write(dart.str(callbackName) + "(" + dart.str(this.serializer(value)) + ")"); this.contentType = (t1 = contentType, t1 == null ? new"application", "javascript") : t1); this.close(); } render(view, data) { if (data === void 0) data = null; if (!dart.test(this.isOpen)) dart.throw(src__core__response_context.ResponseContext.closed()); return FutureOfString().sync(dart.fn(() => { let t2, t1; return, (t1 = LinkedHashMapOfString$dynamic().from(this.renderParams), t1[$addAll]((t2 = data, t2 == null ? new (IdentityMapOfString$dynamic()).new() : t2)), t1)); }, VoidToFutureOrOfString())).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(content => { this.write(content); this.contentType = new"text", "html"); this.close(); }, StringToNull())); } redirect(url, opts) { let t1, t1$; let absolute = opts && 'absolute' in opts ? opts.absolute : true; let code = opts && 'code' in opts ? opts.code : 302; if (!dart.test(this.isOpen)) dart.throw(src__core__response_context.ResponseContext.closed()); t1 = this.headers; t1[$_set]("content-type", "text/html"); t1[$_set]("location", typeof url == 'string' ? url :, {absolute: absolute})); t1; this.statusCode = (t1$ = code, t1$ == null ? 302 : t1$); this.write(" \n \n \n Redirecting...\n \n \n \n

Currently redirecting you...

\n Click here if you are not automatically redirected...\n \n \n \n "); this.close(); } redirectTo(name, params, code) { if (params === void 0) params = null; if (code === void 0) code = null; if (!dart.test(this.isOpen)) dart.throw(src__core__response_context.ResponseContext.closed()); function _findRoute(r) { for (let route of r.routes) { if ( { let m = _findRoute(route.router); if (m != null) return m; } else if ( == name) return route; } return null; } dart.fn(_findRoute, RouterToRoute()); let matched = _findRoute(; if (matched != null) { this.redirect(matched.makeUri(params[$keys][$fold](MapOfString$dynamic(), new (IdentityMapOfString$dynamic()).new(), dart.fn((out, k) => { let t1; t1 = out; t1[$_set](dart.toString(k), params[$_get](k)); return t1; }, MapOfString$dynamicAnddynamicToMapOfString$dynamic()))), {code: code}); return; } dart.throw(new core.ArgumentError.notNull("Route to redirect to (" + dart.str(name) + ")")); } redirectToAction(action, params, code) { if (params === void 0) params = null; if (code === void 0) code = null; if (!dart.test(this.isOpen)) dart.throw(src__core__response_context.ResponseContext.closed()); let split = action[$split]("@"); if (dart.notNull(split[$length]) < 2) dart.throw("Controller redirects must take the form of 'Controller@action'. You gave: " + dart.str(action))); let controller =[$_get](split[$_get](0)[$replaceAll](src__core__response_context._straySlashes, "")); if (controller == null) dart.throw("Could not find a controller named '" + dart.str(split[$_get](0)) + "'")); let matched = controller.routeMappings[$_get](split[$_get](1)); if (matched == null) dart.throw("Controller '" + dart.str(split[$_get](0)) + "' does not contain any action named '" + dart.str(split[$_get](1)) + "'")); let head = dart.toString(controller.findExpose([$replaceAll](src__core__response_context._straySlashes, ""); let tail = matched.makeUri(params[$keys][$fold](MapOfString$dynamic(), new (IdentityMapOfString$dynamic()).new(), dart.fn((out, k) => { let t1; t1 = out; t1[$_set](dart.toString(k), params[$_get](k)); return t1; }, MapOfString$dynamicAnddynamicToMapOfString$dynamic())))[$replaceAll](src__core__response_context._straySlashes, ""); this.redirect((head + "/" + tail)[$replaceAll](src__core__response_context._straySlashes, ""), {code: code}); } sendFile(file) { if (!dart.test(this.isOpen)) dart.throw(src__core__response_context.ResponseContext.closed()); this.contentType = src__media_type.MediaType.parse(src__mime_type.lookupMimeType(file.path)); this.buffer.add(file.readAsBytesSync()); this.close(); } serialize(value, opts) { let t1; let contentType = opts && 'contentType' in opts ? opts.contentType : null; if (!dart.test(this.isOpen)) dart.throw(src__core__response_context.ResponseContext.closed()); this.contentType = (t1 = contentType, t1 == null ? new"application", "json") : t1); let text = this.serializer(value); if (text[$isEmpty]) return true; this.write(text); this.close(); return false; } streamFile(file) { if (!dart.test(this.isOpen)) dart.throw(src__core__response_context.ResponseContext.closed()); this.contentType = src__media_type.MediaType.parse(src__mime_type.lookupMimeType(file.path)); return file.openRead().pipe(this); } addError(error, stackTrace) { let t1; if (stackTrace === void 0) stackTrace = null; if (dart.equals((t1 = this[_done], t1 == null ? null : t1.isCompleted), false)) this[_done].completeError(error, stackTrace); } write(value, opts) { let encoding = opts && 'encoding' in opts ? opts.encoding : null; encoding == null ? encoding = convert.utf8 : null; if (!dart.test(this.isOpen) && dart.test(this.isBuffered)) dart.throw(src__core__response_context.ResponseContext.closed()); else if (!dart.test(this.isBuffered)) { this.add(encoding.encode(dart.toString(value))); } else { this.buffer.add(encoding.encode(dart.toString(value))); } } writeCharCode(charCode) { if (!dart.test(this.isOpen) && dart.test(this.isBuffered)) dart.throw(src__core__response_context.ResponseContext.closed()); else if (!dart.test(this.isBuffered)) this.add(JSArrayOfint().of([charCode])); else this.buffer.addByte(charCode); } writeln(obj) { if (obj === void 0) obj = ""; this.write(dart.toString(obj)); this.write("\r\n"); } writeAll(objects, separator) { if (separator === void 0) separator = ""; this.write(objects[$join](separator)); } } ( = function() { this[properties] = new; this[_headers] = new (IdentityMapOfString$String()).from(["server", "angel"]); this[_done] = null; this[_statusCode] = 200; this[app] = null; this[chunked] = null; this[cookies] = JSArrayOfCookie().of([]); this[encoders] = new (IdentityMapOfString$ConverterOfListOfint$ListOfint()).new(); this[renderParams] = new (IdentityMapOfString$dynamic()).new(); this[serializer] = dart.bind(convert.json, 'encode'); this[contentType] = new"text", "plain"); ; }).prototype = ResponseContext.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(ResponseContext); ResponseContext.prototype[_is_ResponseContext_default] = true; const properties = Symbol(""); const app = Symbol(""); const chunked = Symbol("ResponseContext.chunked"); const cookies = Symbol("ResponseContext.cookies"); const encoders = Symbol("ResponseContext.encoders"); const renderParams = Symbol("ResponseContext.renderParams"); const serializer = Symbol("ResponseContext.serializer"); const contentType = Symbol("ResponseContext.contentType"); ResponseContext[dart.implements] = () => [async.StreamSink$(core.List$(, core.StringSink]; dart.setMethodSignature(ResponseContext, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(ResponseContext.__proto__), download: dart.fnType(dart.void, [src__interface__file.File], {filename: core.String}), close: dart.fnType(async.Future, []), json: dart.fnType(dart.void, [dart.dynamic]), jsonp: dart.fnType(dart.void, [dart.dynamic], {callbackName: core.String, contentType: src__media_type.MediaType}), render: dart.fnType(async.Future, [core.String], [core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic)]), redirect: dart.fnType(dart.void, [dart.dynamic], {absolute: core.bool, code:}), redirectTo: dart.fnType(dart.void, [core.String], [core.Map,]), redirectToAction: dart.fnType(dart.void, [core.String], [core.Map,]), sendFile: dart.fnType(dart.void, [src__interface__file.File]), serialize: dart.fnType(core.bool, [dart.dynamic], {contentType: src__media_type.MediaType}), streamFile: dart.fnType(async.Future, [src__interface__file.File]), addError: dart.fnType(dart.void, [core.Object], [core.StackTrace]), write: dart.fnType(dart.void, [core.Object], {encoding: convert.Encoding}), writeCharCode: dart.fnType(dart.void, []), writeln: dart.fnType(dart.void, [], [core.Object]), writeAll: dart.fnType(dart.void, [core.Iterable], [core.String]) })); dart.setGetterSignature(ResponseContext, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getGetters(ResponseContext.__proto__), done: async.Future, headers: core.Map$(core.String, core.String), statusCode: })); dart.setSetterSignature(ResponseContext, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getSetters(ResponseContext.__proto__), statusCode: })); dart.setFieldSignature(ResponseContext, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(ResponseContext.__proto__), properties: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map), [_headers]: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map$(core.String, core.String)), [_done]: dart.fieldType(async.Completer), [_statusCode]: dart.fieldType(, app: dart.fieldType(src__core__server.Angel), chunked: dart.fieldType(core.bool), cookies: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(_http.Cookie)), encoders: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map$(core.String, convert.Converter$(core.List$(, core.List$(, renderParams: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic)), serializer: dart.fieldType(dart.fnType(core.String, [dart.dynamic])), contentType: dart.fieldType(src__media_type.MediaType) })); return ResponseContext; }); src__core__response_context.ResponseContext = src__core__response_context.ResponseContext$(); dart.addTypeTests(src__core__response_context.ResponseContext, _is_ResponseContext_default); src__core__routable.Routable = class Routable extends src__router.Router$(dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, [src__core__request_context.RequestContext, src__core__response_context.ResponseContext])) { get configuration() { return this[configuration]; } set configuration(value) { super.configuration = value; } get container() { return this[_container]; } close() { this[_services][$clear](); this.configuration[$clear](); this[_onService].close(); } get services() { return this[_services]; } get onService() { return this[_onService].stream; } service(path) { let t1; t1 = this[_services][$_get](path); return t1 == null ? this[_services][$_get](dart.toString(path)[$replaceAll](src__core__routable._straySlashes, "")) : t1; } addRoute(method, path, handler, opts) { let t1, t1$; RequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr()._check(handler); let middleware = opts && 'middleware' in opts ? opts.middleware : const$1 || (const$1 = dart.constList([], RequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr())); IterableOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr()._check(middleware); let handlers = JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().of([]); let middlewareDeclaration = src__core__metadata.Middleware._check(src__util.getAnnotation(handler, dart.wrapType(src__core__metadata.Middleware), (t1 = this[_container], t1 == null ? null : t1.reflector))); if (middlewareDeclaration != null) { handlers[$addAll](middlewareDeclaration.handlers); } let handlerSequence = JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().of([]); handlerSequence[$addAll]((t1$ = middleware, t1$ == null ? JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().of([]) : t1$)); handlerSequence[$addAll](handlers); return super.addRoute(method, dart.toString(path), handler, {middleware: handlerSequence}); } use(path, service) { let hooked = new; this[_services][$_set](dart.toString(path)[$trim]()[$replaceAll]("(^/+)|(/+$)"), ""), hooked); hooked.addRoutes(); this.mount(dart.toString(path), hooked); service.onHooked(hooked); this[_onService].add(hooked); return hooked; } }; ( = function(reflector) { if (reflector === void 0) reflector = null; this[_services] = new (LinkedMapOfPattern$Service()).new(); this[configuration] = new; this[_onService] = StreamControllerOfService().broadcast(); this[_container] = reflector == null ? null : new;; ; }).prototype = src__core__routable.Routable.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__core__routable.Routable); const configuration = Symbol("Routable.configuration"); dart.setMethodSignature(src__core__routable.Routable, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__core__routable.Routable.__proto__), close: dart.fnType(dart.void, []), service: dart.fnType(src__core__service.Service, [core.Pattern]), use: dart.fnType(src__core__hooked_service.HookedService, [core.String, src__core__service.Service]) })); dart.setGetterSignature(src__core__routable.Routable, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getGetters(src__core__routable.Routable.__proto__), container: src__container.Container, services: core.Map$(core.Pattern, src__core__service.Service), onService: async.Stream$(src__core__service.Service) })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__core__routable.Routable, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__core__routable.Routable.__proto__), [_services]: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map$(core.Pattern, src__core__service.Service)), configuration: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map), [_container]: dart.finalFieldType(src__container.Container), [_onService]: dart.fieldType(async.StreamController$(src__core__service.Service)) })); src__core__service.Service = class Service extends src__core__routable.Routable { get app() { return this[app]; } set app(value) { this[app] = value; } get bootstrappers() { return JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().of([]); } close() { } findOne(params, errorMessage) { if (params === void 0) params = null; if (errorMessage === void 0) errorMessage = "No record was found matching the given query."; return this.index(params).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(result => { if (result == null) { dart.throw(angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException.notFound({message: errorMessage})); } else if ( { if (dart.test(result[$isEmpty])) { dart.throw(angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException.notFound({message: errorMessage})); } else { return result[$first]; } } else { return result; } }, dynamicTodynamic())); } index(params) { if (params === void 0) params = null; dart.throw(angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException.methodNotAllowed()); } read(id, params) { if (params === void 0) params = null; dart.throw(angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException.methodNotAllowed()); } create(data, params) { if (params === void 0) params = null; dart.throw(angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException.methodNotAllowed()); } modify(id, data, params) { if (params === void 0) params = null; dart.throw(angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException.methodNotAllowed()); } update(id, data, params) { if (params === void 0) params = null; dart.throw(angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException.methodNotAllowed()); } remove(id, params) { if (params === void 0) params = null; dart.throw(angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException.methodNotAllowed()); } static parseId(T, id) { let t1; if (dart.equals(id, "null") || id == null) return null; else if (dart.wrapType(T)[$_equals](dart.wrapType(core.String))) return; else if (dart.wrapType(T)[$_equals](dart.wrapType( return; else if (dart.wrapType(T)[$_equals](dart.wrapType(core.bool))) return, true) || (t1 = id, t1 == null ? null : dart.toString(t1)) === "true"); else if (dart.wrapType(T)[$_equals](dart.wrapType(core.double))) return; else if (dart.wrapType(T)[$_equals](dart.wrapType(core.num))) return; else return; } addRoutes(service) { let t1; if (service === void 0) service = null; this[_addRoutesInner]((t1 = service, t1 == null ? this : t1), this.bootstrappers); } [_addRoutesInner](service, handlerss) { let t1, t1$, t1$0, t1$1, t1$2, t1$3, t1$4, t1$5; let restProvider = new (IdentityMapOfString$Providers()).from(["provider",]); let handlers = ListOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().from(handlerss); let before = src__core__metadata.Middleware._check(src__util.getAnnotation(service, dart.wrapType(src__core__metadata.Middleware),; if (before != null) handlers[$addAll](before.handlers); let indexMiddleware = src__core__metadata.Middleware._check(src__util.getAnnotation(dart.bind(service, 'index'), dart.wrapType(src__core__metadata.Middleware),; this.get("/", dart.fn((req, res) => req.parseQuery().then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(query => this.index(merge_map.mergeMap(dart.dynamic, dart.dynamic, JSArrayOfMap().of([new _js_helper.LinkedMap.from(["query", query]), restProvider, req.serviceParams]))), MapOfString$dynamicToFuture())), RequestContextAndResponseContextToFuture()), {middleware: (t1 = JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().of([]), t1[$addAll](handlers), t1[$addAll](indexMiddleware == null ? JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().of([]) : indexMiddleware.handlers), t1)}); let createMiddleware = src__core__metadata.Middleware._check(src__util.getAnnotation(dart.bind(service, 'create'), dart.wrapType(src__core__metadata.Middleware),;"/", dart.fn((req, res) => req.parseQuery().then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(query => req.parseBody().then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(body => this.create(body, merge_map.mergeMap(dart.dynamic, dart.dynamic, JSArrayOfMap().of([new _js_helper.LinkedMap.from(["query", query]), restProvider, req.serviceParams]))).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(r => { res.statusCode = 201; return r; }, dynamicTodynamic())), MapToFuture())), MapOfString$dynamicToFuture())), RequestContextAndResponseContextToFuture()), {middleware: (t1$ = JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().of([]), t1$[$addAll](handlers), t1$[$addAll](createMiddleware == null ? JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().of([]) : createMiddleware.handlers), t1$)}); let readMiddleware = src__core__metadata.Middleware._check(src__util.getAnnotation(dart.bind(service, 'read'), dart.wrapType(src__core__metadata.Middleware),; this.get("/:id", dart.fn((req, res) => req.parseQuery().then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(query =>, req.params[$_get]("id")), merge_map.mergeMap(dart.dynamic, dart.dynamic, JSArrayOfMap().of([new _js_helper.LinkedMap.from(["query", query]), restProvider, req.serviceParams]))), MapOfString$dynamicToFuture())), RequestContextAndResponseContextToFuture()), {middleware: (t1$0 = JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().of([]), t1$0[$addAll](handlers), t1$0[$addAll](readMiddleware == null ? JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().of([]) : readMiddleware.handlers), t1$0)}); let modifyMiddleware = src__core__metadata.Middleware._check(src__util.getAnnotation(dart.bind(service, 'modify'), dart.wrapType(src__core__metadata.Middleware),; this.patch("/:id", dart.fn((req, res) => req.parseBody().then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(body => req.parseQuery().then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(query => this.modify(src__core__service.Service.parseId(dart.dynamic, req.params[$_get]("id")), body, merge_map.mergeMap(dart.dynamic, dart.dynamic, JSArrayOfMap().of([new _js_helper.LinkedMap.from(["query", query]), restProvider, req.serviceParams]))), MapOfString$dynamicToFuture())), MapToFuture())), RequestContextAndResponseContextToFuture()), {middleware: (t1$1 = JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().of([]), t1$1[$addAll](handlers), t1$1[$addAll](modifyMiddleware == null ? JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().of([]) : modifyMiddleware.handlers), t1$1)}); let updateMiddleware = src__core__metadata.Middleware._check(src__util.getAnnotation(dart.bind(service, 'update'), dart.wrapType(src__core__metadata.Middleware),;"/:id", dart.fn((req, res) => req.parseBody().then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(body => req.parseQuery().then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(query => this.update(src__core__service.Service.parseId(dart.dynamic, req.params[$_get]("id")), body, merge_map.mergeMap(dart.dynamic, dart.dynamic, JSArrayOfMap().of([new _js_helper.LinkedMap.from(["query", query]), restProvider, req.serviceParams]))), MapOfString$dynamicToFuture())), MapToFuture())), RequestContextAndResponseContextToFuture()), {middleware: (t1$2 = JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().of([]), t1$2[$addAll](handlers), t1$2[$addAll](updateMiddleware == null ? JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().of([]) : updateMiddleware.handlers), t1$2)}); this.put("/:id", dart.fn((req, res) => req.parseBody().then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(body => req.parseQuery().then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(query => this.update(src__core__service.Service.parseId(dart.dynamic, req.params[$_get]("id")), body, merge_map.mergeMap(dart.dynamic, dart.dynamic, JSArrayOfMap().of([new _js_helper.LinkedMap.from(["query", query]), restProvider, req.serviceParams]))), MapOfString$dynamicToFuture())), MapToFuture())), RequestContextAndResponseContextToFuture()), {middleware: (t1$3 = JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().of([]), t1$3[$addAll](handlers), t1$3[$addAll](updateMiddleware == null ? JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().of([]) : updateMiddleware.handlers), t1$3)}); let removeMiddleware = src__core__metadata.Middleware._check(src__util.getAnnotation(dart.bind(service, 'remove'), dart.wrapType(src__core__metadata.Middleware),; this.delete("/", dart.fn((req, res) => req.parseQuery().then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(query => this.remove(null, merge_map.mergeMap(dart.dynamic, dart.dynamic, JSArrayOfMap().of([new _js_helper.LinkedMap.from(["query", query]), restProvider, req.serviceParams]))), MapOfString$dynamicToFuture())), RequestContextAndResponseContextToFuture()), {middleware: (t1$4 = JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().of([]), t1$4[$addAll](handlers), t1$4[$addAll](removeMiddleware == null ? JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().of([]) : removeMiddleware.handlers), t1$4)}); this.delete("/:id", dart.fn((req, res) => req.parseQuery().then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(query => this.remove(src__core__service.Service.parseId(dart.dynamic, req.params[$_get]("id")), merge_map.mergeMap(dart.dynamic, dart.dynamic, JSArrayOfMap().of([new _js_helper.LinkedMap.from(["query", query]), restProvider, req.serviceParams]))), MapOfString$dynamicToFuture())), RequestContextAndResponseContextToFuture()), {middleware: (t1$5 = JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().of([]), t1$5[$addAll](handlers), t1$5[$addAll](removeMiddleware == null ? JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().of([]) : removeMiddleware.handlers), t1$5)}); this.put("/", dart.fn((req, res) => dart.throw(angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException.notFound()), RequestContextAndResponseContextTobottom())); this.patch("/", dart.fn((req, res) => dart.throw(angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException.notFound()), RequestContextAndResponseContextTobottom())); } onHooked(hookedService) { } }; ( = function() { this[app] = null;; ; }).prototype = src__core__service.Service.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__core__service.Service); const app = Symbol(""); dart.setMethodSignature(src__core__service.Service, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__core__service.Service.__proto__), findOne: dart.fnType(async.Future, [], [core.Map, core.String]), index: dart.fnType(async.Future, [], [core.Map]), read: dart.fnType(async.Future, [dart.dynamic], [core.Map]), create: dart.fnType(async.Future, [dart.dynamic], [core.Map]), modify: dart.fnType(async.Future, [dart.dynamic, dart.dynamic], [core.Map]), update: dart.fnType(async.Future, [dart.dynamic, dart.dynamic], [core.Map]), remove: dart.fnType(async.Future, [dart.dynamic], [core.Map]), addRoutes: dart.fnType(dart.void, [], [src__core__service.Service]), [_addRoutesInner]: dart.fnType(dart.void, [src__core__service.Service, core.Iterable$(dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, [src__core__request_context.RequestContext, src__core__response_context.ResponseContext]))]), onHooked: dart.fnType(dart.void, [src__core__hooked_service.HookedService]) })); dart.setGetterSignature(src__core__service.Service, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getGetters(src__core__service.Service.__proto__), bootstrappers: core.List$(dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, [src__core__request_context.RequestContext, src__core__response_context.ResponseContext])) })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__core__service.Service, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__core__service.Service.__proto__), app: dart.fieldType(src__core__server.Angel) })); dart.defineLazy(src__core__service.Service, { /*src__core__service.Service.specialQueryKeys*/get specialQueryKeys() { return dart.constList(["$limit", "$sort", "page", "token"], core.String); } }); src__core__anonymous_service.AnonymousService = class AnonymousService extends src__core__service.Service { index(params) { if (params === void 0) params = null; return async.Future.sync(dart.fn(() => this[_index] != null ? this[_index](params) : super.index(params), VoidToFutureOr())); } read(id, params) { if (params === void 0) params = null; return async.Future.sync(dart.fn(() => this[_read] != null ? this[_read](id, params) :, params), VoidToFutureOr())); } create(data, params) { if (params === void 0) params = null; return async.Future.sync(dart.fn(() => this[_create] != null ? this[_create](data, params) : super.create(data, params), VoidToFutureOr())); } modify(id, data, params) { if (params === void 0) params = null; return async.Future.sync(dart.fn(() => this[_modify] != null ? this[_modify](id, data, params) : super.modify(id, data, params), VoidToFutureOr())); } update(id, data, params) { if (params === void 0) params = null; return async.Future.sync(dart.fn(() => this[_update] != null ? this[_update](id, data, params) : super.update(id, data, params), VoidToFutureOr())); } remove(id, params) { if (params === void 0) params = null; return async.Future.sync(dart.fn(() => this[_remove] != null ? this[_remove](id, params) : super.remove(id, params), VoidToFutureOr())); } }; ( = function(opts) { let index = opts && 'index' in opts ? opts.index : null; let read = opts && 'read' in opts ? : null; let create = opts && 'create' in opts ? opts.create : null; let modify = opts && 'modify' in opts ? opts.modify : null; let update = opts && 'update' in opts ? opts.update : null; let remove = opts && 'remove' in opts ? opts.remove : null; this[_index] = null; this[_read] = null; this[_create] = null; this[_remove] = null; this[_modify] = null; this[_update] = null;; this[_index] = index; this[_read] = read; this[_create] = create; this[_modify] = modify; this[_update] = update; this[_remove] = remove; }).prototype = src__core__anonymous_service.AnonymousService.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__core__anonymous_service.AnonymousService); dart.setFieldSignature(src__core__anonymous_service.AnonymousService, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__core__anonymous_service.AnonymousService.__proto__), [_index]: dart.fieldType(dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, [], [core.Map])), [_read]: dart.fieldType(dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, [core.Object], [core.Map])), [_create]: dart.fieldType(dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, [core.Object], [core.Map])), [_remove]: dart.fieldType(dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, [core.Object], [core.Map])), [_modify]: dart.fieldType(dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, [core.Object, core.Object], [core.Map])), [_update]: dart.fieldType(dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, [core.Object, core.Object], [core.Map])) })); const _ctrl = Symbol('_ctrl'); const _getRequest = Symbol('_getRequest'); const _getResponse = Symbol('_getResponse'); const _stripReq = Symbol('_stripReq'); const _close = Symbol('_close'); const _emit = Symbol('_emit'); const _canceled = Symbol('_canceled'); src__core__hooked_service.HookedService = class HookedService extends src__core__service.Service { get inner() { return this[inner$]; } set inner(value) { super.inner = value; } get beforeIndexed() { return this[beforeIndexed]; } set beforeIndexed(value) { super.beforeIndexed = value; } get beforeRead() { return this[beforeRead]; } set beforeRead(value) { super.beforeRead = value; } get beforeCreated() { return this[beforeCreated]; } set beforeCreated(value) { super.beforeCreated = value; } get beforeModified() { return this[beforeModified]; } set beforeModified(value) { super.beforeModified = value; } get beforeUpdated() { return this[beforeUpdated]; } set beforeUpdated(value) { super.beforeUpdated = value; } get beforeRemoved() { return this[beforeRemoved]; } set beforeRemoved(value) { super.beforeRemoved = value; } get afterIndexed() { return this[afterIndexed]; } set afterIndexed(value) { super.afterIndexed = value; } get afterRead() { return this[afterRead]; } set afterRead(value) { super.afterRead = value; } get afterCreated() { return this[afterCreated]; } set afterCreated(value) { super.afterCreated = value; } get afterModified() { return this[afterModified]; } set afterModified(value) { super.afterModified = value; } get afterUpdated() { return this[afterUpdated]; } set afterUpdated(value) { super.afterUpdated = value; } get afterRemoved() { return this[afterRemoved]; } set afterRemoved(value) { super.afterRemoved = value; } [_getRequest](params) { if (params == null) return null; return[$_get]("__requestctx")); } [_getResponse](params) { if (params == null) return null; return[$_get]("__responsectx")); } [_stripReq](params) { if (params == null) return params; else return params[$keys][$where](dart.fn(key => !dart.equals(key, "__requestctx") && !dart.equals(key, "__responsectx"), dynamicTobool()))[$fold](core.Map, new, dart.fn((map, key) => { let t1; t1 = map; t1[$_set](key, params[$_get](key)); return t1; }, MapAnddynamicToMap())); } close() { this[_ctrl][$forEach](dart.fn(c => c.close(), StreamControllerOfHookedServiceEventTovoid())); this.beforeIndexed[_close](); this.beforeRead[_close](); this.beforeCreated[_close](); this.beforeModified[_close](); this.beforeUpdated[_close](); this.beforeRemoved[_close](); this.afterIndexed[_close](); this.afterRead[_close](); this.afterCreated[_close](); this.afterModified[_close](); this.afterUpdated[_close](); this.afterRemoved[_close](); this.inner.close(); return async.Future.value(); } addHooks(app) { let hooks = src__core__metadata.Hooks._check(src__util.getAnnotation(this.inner, dart.wrapType(src__core__metadata.Hooks), app.container.reflector)); let before = JSArrayOfHookedServiceEventTodynamic().of([]); let after = JSArrayOfHookedServiceEventTodynamic().of([]); if (hooks != null) { before[$addAll](hooks.before); after[$addAll](hooks.after); } function applyListeners(fn, dispatcher, isAfter) { let t1; if (isAfter === void 0) isAfter = null; let hooks = src__core__metadata.Hooks._check(src__util.getAnnotation(fn, dart.wrapType(src__core__metadata.Hooks), app.container.reflector)); let listeners = (t1 = JSArrayOfHookedServiceEventTodynamic().of([]), t1[$addAll](dart.equals(isAfter, true) ? after : before), t1); if (hooks != null) listeners[$addAll](dart.equals(isAfter, true) ? hooks.after : hooks.before); listeners[$forEach](dart.bind(dispatcher, 'listen')); } dart.fn(applyListeners, FunctionAndHookedServiceEventDispatcherAndboolTovoid()); applyListeners(dart.bind(this.inner, 'index'), this.beforeIndexed); applyListeners(dart.bind(this.inner, 'read'), this.beforeRead); applyListeners(dart.bind(this.inner, 'create'), this.beforeCreated); applyListeners(dart.bind(this.inner, 'modify'), this.beforeModified); applyListeners(dart.bind(this.inner, 'update'), this.beforeUpdated); applyListeners(dart.bind(this.inner, 'remove'), this.beforeRemoved); applyListeners(dart.bind(this.inner, 'index'), this.afterIndexed, true); applyListeners(dart.bind(this.inner, 'read'), this.afterRead, true); applyListeners(dart.bind(this.inner, 'create'), this.afterCreated, true); applyListeners(dart.bind(this.inner, 'modify'), this.afterModified, true); applyListeners(dart.bind(this.inner, 'update'), this.afterUpdated, true); applyListeners(dart.bind(this.inner, 'remove'), this.afterRemoved, true); } get bootstrappers() { let t1; t1 = ListOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().from(super.bootstrappers); t1[$add](dart.fn((req, res) => { let t2; t2 = req.serviceParams; t2[$_set]("__requestctx", req); t2[$_set]("__responsectx", res); t2; return true; }, RequestContextAndResponseContextTobool())); return t1; } addRoutes(s) { let t1; if (s === void 0) s = null; super.addRoutes((t1 = s, t1 == null ? this.inner : t1)); } before(eventNames, listener) { eventNames[$map](src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEventDispatcher, dart.fn(name => { switch (name) { case "indexed": { return this.beforeIndexed; } case "read": { return this.beforeRead; } case "created": { return this.beforeCreated; } case "modified": { return this.beforeModified; } case "updated": { return this.beforeUpdated; } case "removed": { return this.beforeRemoved; } default: { dart.throw(new"Invalid service method: " + dart.str(name))); } } }, StringToHookedServiceEventDispatcher()))[$forEach](dart.fn(dispatcher => dispatcher.listen(listener), HookedServiceEventDispatcherTovoid())); } after(eventNames, listener) { eventNames[$map](src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEventDispatcher, dart.fn(name => { switch (name) { case "indexed": { return this.afterIndexed; } case "read": { return this.afterRead; } case "created": { return this.afterCreated; } case "modified": { return this.afterModified; } case "updated": { return this.afterUpdated; } case "removed": { return this.afterRemoved; } default: { dart.throw(new"Invalid service method: " + dart.str(name))); } } }, StringToHookedServiceEventDispatcher()))[$forEach](dart.fn(dispatcher => dispatcher.listen(listener), HookedServiceEventDispatcherTovoid())); } beforeAll(listener) { this.beforeIndexed.listen(listener); this.beforeRead.listen(listener); this.beforeCreated.listen(listener); this.beforeModified.listen(listener); this.beforeUpdated.listen(listener); this.beforeRemoved.listen(listener); } afterAll(listener) { this.afterIndexed.listen(listener); this.afterRead.listen(listener); this.afterCreated.listen(listener); this.afterModified.listen(listener); this.afterUpdated.listen(listener); this.afterRemoved.listen(listener); } beforeAllStream() { let ctrl = StreamControllerOfHookedServiceEvent().new(); this[_ctrl][$add](ctrl); this.before(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent.all, dart.bind(ctrl, 'add')); return; } afterAllStream() { let ctrl = StreamControllerOfHookedServiceEvent().new(); this[_ctrl][$add](ctrl); this.before(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent.all, dart.bind(ctrl, 'add')); return; } beforeStream(eventNames) { let ctrl = StreamControllerOfHookedServiceEvent().new(); this[_ctrl][$add](ctrl); this.before(eventNames, dart.bind(ctrl, 'add')); return; } afterStream(eventNames) { let ctrl = StreamControllerOfHookedServiceEvent().new(); this[_ctrl][$add](ctrl); this.after(eventNames, dart.bind(ctrl, 'add')); return; } beforeModify(listener) { this.beforeCreated.listen(listener); this.beforeModified.listen(listener); this.beforeUpdated.listen(listener); } index(_params) { if (_params === void 0) _params = null; let params = this[_stripReq](_params); return this.beforeIndexed[_emit](new, this[_getRequest](_params), this[_getResponse](_params), this.inner, "indexed", {params: params})).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(before => { if (dart.test(before[_canceled])) { return this.beforeIndexed[_emit](new, this[_getRequest](_params), this[_getResponse](_params), this.inner, "indexed", {params: params, result: before.result})).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(after => after.result, HookedServiceEventTodynamic())); } return this.inner.index(params).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(result => this.afterIndexed[_emit](new, this[_getRequest](_params), this[_getResponse](_params), this.inner, "indexed", {params: params, result: result})).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(after => after.result, HookedServiceEventTodynamic())), dynamicToFuture())); }, HookedServiceEventToFuture())); } read(id, _params) { if (_params === void 0) _params = null; let params = this[_stripReq](_params); return this.beforeRead[_emit](new, this[_getRequest](_params), this[_getResponse](_params), this.inner, "read", {id: id, params: params})).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(before => { if (dart.test(before[_canceled])) { return this.beforeRead[_emit](new, this[_getRequest](_params), this[_getResponse](_params), this.inner, "read", {id: id, params: params, result: before.result})).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(after => after.result, HookedServiceEventTodynamic())); } return, params).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(result => this.afterRead[_emit](new, this[_getRequest](_params), this[_getResponse](_params), this.inner, "read", {id: id, params: params, result: result})).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(after => after.result, HookedServiceEventTodynamic())), dynamicToFuture())); }, HookedServiceEventToFuture())); } create(data, _params) { if (_params === void 0) _params = null; let params = this[_stripReq](_params); return this.beforeCreated[_emit](new, this[_getRequest](_params), this[_getResponse](_params), this.inner, "created", {data: data, params: params})).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(before => { if (dart.test(before[_canceled])) { return this.beforeCreated[_emit](new, this[_getRequest](_params), this[_getResponse](_params), this.inner, "created", {data: data, params: params, result: before.result})).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(after => after.result, HookedServiceEventTodynamic())); } return this.inner.create(data, params).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(result => this.afterCreated[_emit](new, this[_getRequest](_params), this[_getResponse](_params), this.inner, "created", {data: data, params: params, result: result})).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(after => after.result, HookedServiceEventTodynamic())), dynamicToFuture())); }, HookedServiceEventToFuture())); } modify(id, data, _params) { if (_params === void 0) _params = null; let params = this[_stripReq](_params); return this.beforeModified[_emit](new, this[_getRequest](_params), this[_getResponse](_params), this.inner, "modified", {id: id, data: data, params: params})).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(before => { if (dart.test(before[_canceled])) { return this.beforeModified[_emit](new, this[_getRequest](_params), this[_getResponse](_params), this.inner, "modified", {id: id, data: data, params: params, result: before.result})).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(after => after.result, HookedServiceEventTodynamic())); } return this.inner.modify(id, data, params).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(result => this.afterModified[_emit](new, this[_getRequest](_params), this[_getResponse](_params), this.inner, "created", {id: id, data: data, params: params, result: result})).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(after => after.result, HookedServiceEventTodynamic())), dynamicToFuture())); }, HookedServiceEventToFuture())); } update(id, data, _params) { if (_params === void 0) _params = null; let params = this[_stripReq](_params); return this.beforeUpdated[_emit](new, this[_getRequest](_params), this[_getResponse](_params), this.inner, "updated", {id: id, data: data, params: params})).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(before => { if (dart.test(before[_canceled])) { return this.beforeUpdated[_emit](new, this[_getRequest](_params), this[_getResponse](_params), this.inner, "updated", {id: id, data: data, params: params, result: before.result})).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(after => after.result, HookedServiceEventTodynamic())); } return this.inner.update(id, data, params).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(result => this.afterUpdated[_emit](new, this[_getRequest](_params), this[_getResponse](_params), this.inner, "updated", {id: id, data: data, params: params, result: result})).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(after => after.result, HookedServiceEventTodynamic())), dynamicToFuture())); }, HookedServiceEventToFuture())); } remove(id, _params) { if (_params === void 0) _params = null; let params = this[_stripReq](_params); return this.beforeRemoved[_emit](new, this[_getRequest](_params), this[_getResponse](_params), this.inner, "removed", {id: id, params: params})).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(before => { if (dart.test(before[_canceled])) { return this.beforeRemoved[_emit](new, this[_getRequest](_params), this[_getResponse](_params), this.inner, "removed", {id: id, params: params, result: before.result})).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(after => after.result, HookedServiceEventTodynamic())); } return this.inner.remove(id, params).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(result => this.afterRemoved[_emit](new, this[_getRequest](_params), this[_getResponse](_params), this.inner, "removed", {id: id, params: params, result: result})).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(after => after.result, HookedServiceEventTodynamic())), dynamicToFuture())); }, HookedServiceEventToFuture())); } fire(eventName, result, callback) { if (callback === void 0) callback = null; let dispatcher = null; switch (eventName) { case "indexed": { dispatcher = this.afterIndexed; break; } case "read": { dispatcher = this.afterRead; break; } case "created": { dispatcher = this.afterCreated; break; } case "modified": { dispatcher = this.afterModified; break; } case "updated": { dispatcher = this.afterUpdated; break; } case "removed": { dispatcher = this.afterRemoved; break; } default: { dart.throw(new"Invalid service event name: '" + dart.str(eventName) + "'")); } } let ev = new, null, null, this, eventName); return this.fireEvent(dispatcher, ev, callback); } fireEvent(dispatcher, event, callback) { let t1; if (callback === void 0) callback = null; let f = null; if (callback != null && !dart.equals((t1 = event, t1 == null ? null : t1[_canceled]), true)) f = async.Future.sync(dart.fn(() => callback(event), VoidTodynamic())); f == null ? f = async.Future.value() : null; return f.then(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent, dart.fn(_ => dispatcher[_emit](event), dynamicToFutureOfHookedServiceEvent())); } }; ( = function(inner) { this[_ctrl] = JSArrayOfStreamControllerOfHookedServiceEvent().of([]); this[beforeIndexed] = new; this[beforeRead] = new; this[beforeCreated] = new; this[beforeModified] = new; this[beforeUpdated] = new; this[beforeRemoved] = new; this[afterIndexed] = new; this[afterRead] = new; this[afterCreated] = new; this[afterModified] = new; this[afterUpdated] = new; this[afterRemoved] = new; this[inner$] = inner;; if ( != null) =; }).prototype = src__core__hooked_service.HookedService.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__core__hooked_service.HookedService); const inner$ = Symbol("HookedService.inner"); const beforeIndexed = Symbol("HookedService.beforeIndexed"); const beforeRead = Symbol("HookedService.beforeRead"); const beforeCreated = Symbol("HookedService.beforeCreated"); const beforeModified = Symbol("HookedService.beforeModified"); const beforeUpdated = Symbol("HookedService.beforeUpdated"); const beforeRemoved = Symbol("HookedService.beforeRemoved"); const afterIndexed = Symbol("HookedService.afterIndexed"); const afterRead = Symbol("HookedService.afterRead"); const afterCreated = Symbol("HookedService.afterCreated"); const afterModified = Symbol("HookedService.afterModified"); const afterUpdated = Symbol("HookedService.afterUpdated"); const afterRemoved = Symbol("HookedService.afterRemoved"); dart.setMethodSignature(src__core__hooked_service.HookedService, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__core__hooked_service.HookedService.__proto__), [_getRequest]: dart.fnType(src__core__request_context.RequestContext, [core.Map]), [_getResponse]: dart.fnType(src__core__response_context.ResponseContext, [core.Map]), [_stripReq]: dart.fnType(core.Map, [core.Map]), close: dart.fnType(async.Future, []), addHooks: dart.fnType(dart.void, [src__core__server.Angel]), before: dart.fnType(dart.void, [core.Iterable$(core.String), dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent])]), after: dart.fnType(dart.void, [core.Iterable$(core.String), dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent])]), beforeAll: dart.fnType(dart.void, [dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent])]), afterAll: dart.fnType(dart.void, [dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent])]), beforeAllStream: dart.fnType(async.Stream$(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent), []), afterAllStream: dart.fnType(async.Stream$(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent), []), beforeStream: dart.fnType(async.Stream$(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent), [core.Iterable$(core.String)]), afterStream: dart.fnType(async.Stream$(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent), [core.Iterable$(core.String)]), beforeModify: dart.fnType(dart.void, [dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent])]), fire: dart.fnType(async.Future$(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent), [core.String, dart.dynamic], [dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent])]), fireEvent: dart.fnType(async.Future$(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent), [src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEventDispatcher, src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent], [dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent])]) })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__core__hooked_service.HookedService, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__core__hooked_service.HookedService.__proto__), [_ctrl]: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(async.StreamController$(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent))), inner: dart.finalFieldType(src__core__service.Service), beforeIndexed: dart.finalFieldType(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEventDispatcher), beforeRead: dart.finalFieldType(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEventDispatcher), beforeCreated: dart.finalFieldType(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEventDispatcher), beforeModified: dart.finalFieldType(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEventDispatcher), beforeUpdated: dart.finalFieldType(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEventDispatcher), beforeRemoved: dart.finalFieldType(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEventDispatcher), afterIndexed: dart.finalFieldType(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEventDispatcher), afterRead: dart.finalFieldType(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEventDispatcher), afterCreated: dart.finalFieldType(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEventDispatcher), afterModified: dart.finalFieldType(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEventDispatcher), afterUpdated: dart.finalFieldType(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEventDispatcher), afterRemoved: dart.finalFieldType(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEventDispatcher) })); const _id = Symbol('_id'); const _params = Symbol('_params'); const _isAfter$ = Symbol('_isAfter'); const _request$ = Symbol('_request'); const _response$ = Symbol('_response'); const _eventName$ = Symbol('_eventName'); src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent = class HookedServiceEvent extends core.Object { get data() { return this[data$]; } set data(value) { this[data$] = value; } get result() { return this[result$]; } set result(value) { this[result$] = value; } get service() { return this[service$]; } set service(value) { this[service$] = value; } cancel(result) { let t1; if (result === void 0) result = null; this[_canceled] = true; this.result = (t1 = result, t1 == null ? this.result : t1); } getService(path) { return; } get eventName() { return this[_eventName$]; } get id() { return this[_id]; } get isAfter() { return dart.equals(this[_isAfter$], true); } get isBefore() { return !dart.test(this.isAfter); } get params() { return this[_params]; } get request() { return this[_request$]; } get response() { return this[_response$]; } }; ( = function(_isAfter, _request, _response, service, _eventName, opts) { let t1; let id = opts && 'id' in opts ? : null; let data = opts && 'data' in opts ? : null; let params = opts && 'params' in opts ? opts.params : null; let result = opts && 'result' in opts ? opts.result : null; this[_canceled] = false; this[_id] = null; this[_params] = null; this[_isAfter$] = _isAfter; this[_request$] = _request; this[_response$] = _response; this[service$] = service; this[_eventName$] = _eventName; this[data$] = data; this[result$] = result; this[_id] = id; this[_params] = (t1 = params, t1 == null ? new : t1); }).prototype = src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent); const data$ = Symbol(""); const result$ = Symbol("HookedServiceEvent.result"); const service$ = Symbol("HookedServiceEvent.service"); dart.setMethodSignature(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent.__proto__), cancel: dart.fnType(dart.void, [], [dart.dynamic]), getService: dart.fnType(src__core__service.Service, [core.Pattern]) })); dart.setGetterSignature(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getGetters(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent.__proto__), eventName: core.String, id: dart.dynamic, isAfter: core.bool, isBefore: core.bool, params: core.Map, request: src__core__request_context.RequestContext, response: src__core__response_context.ResponseContext })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent.__proto__), [_canceled]: dart.fieldType(core.bool), [_eventName$]: dart.fieldType(core.String), [_id]: dart.fieldType(dart.dynamic), [_isAfter$]: dart.fieldType(core.bool), data: dart.fieldType(dart.dynamic), [_params]: dart.fieldType(core.Map), [_request$]: dart.fieldType(src__core__request_context.RequestContext), [_response$]: dart.fieldType(src__core__response_context.ResponseContext), result: dart.fieldType(dart.dynamic), service: dart.fieldType(src__core__service.Service) })); dart.defineLazy(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent, { /*src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent.indexed*/get indexed() { return "indexed"; }, /**/get read() { return "read"; }, /*src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent.created*/get created() { return "created"; }, /*src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent.modified*/get modified() { return "modified"; }, /*src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent.updated*/get updated() { return "updated"; }, /*src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent.removed*/get removed() { return "removed"; }, /*src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent.all*/get all() { return dart.constList(["indexed", "read", "created", "modified", "updated", "removed"], core.String); } }); src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEventDispatcher = class HookedServiceEventDispatcher extends core.Object { get listeners() { return this[listeners]; } set listeners(value) { super.listeners = value; } [_close]() { this[_ctrl][$forEach](dart.fn(c => c.close(), StreamControllerOfHookedServiceEventTovoid())); this.listeners[$clear](); } [_emit](event) { let t1; if (dart.equals((t1 = event, t1 == null ? null : t1[_canceled]), true) || event == null || dart.test(this.listeners[$isEmpty])) return FutureOfHookedServiceEvent().value(event); let f = FutureOfHookedServiceEvent().value(event); for (let listener of this.listeners) { f = f.then(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent, dart.fn(event => { if (dart.test(event[_canceled])) return event; return async.Future.sync(dart.fn(() => listener(event), VoidTodynamic())).then(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent, dart.fn(_ => event, dynamicToHookedServiceEvent())); }, HookedServiceEventToFutureOrOfHookedServiceEvent())); } return f; } asStream() { let ctrl = StreamControllerOfHookedServiceEvent().new(); this[_ctrl][$add](ctrl); this.listen(dart.bind(ctrl, 'add')); return; } listen(listener) { this.listeners[$add](listener); } }; ( = function() { this[_ctrl] = JSArrayOfStreamControllerOfHookedServiceEvent().of([]); this[listeners] = JSArrayOfHookedServiceEventTodynamic().of([]); ; }).prototype = src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEventDispatcher.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEventDispatcher); const listeners = Symbol("HookedServiceEventDispatcher.listeners"); dart.setMethodSignature(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEventDispatcher, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEventDispatcher.__proto__), [_close]: dart.fnType(dart.void, []), [_emit]: dart.fnType(async.Future$(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent), [src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent]), asStream: dart.fnType(async.Stream$(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent), []), listen: dart.fnType(dart.void, [dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent])]) })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEventDispatcher, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEventDispatcher.__proto__), [_ctrl]: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(async.StreamController$(src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent))), listeners: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent]))) })); src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEventListener = dart.typedef('HookedServiceEventListener', () => HookedServiceEventTodynamic()); const _matchesId = Symbol('_matchesId'); const _foldStringDynamic = Symbol('_foldStringDynamic'); src__core__map_service.MapService = class MapService extends src__core__service.Service { get allowRemoveAll() { return this[allowRemoveAll$]; } set allowRemoveAll(value) { super.allowRemoveAll = value; } get allowQuery() { return this[allowQuery$]; } set allowQuery(value) { super.allowQuery = value; } get autoIdAndDateFields() { return this[autoIdAndDateFields$]; } set autoIdAndDateFields(value) { super.autoIdAndDateFields = value; } get autoSnakeCaseNames() { return this[autoSnakeCaseNames$]; } set autoSnakeCaseNames(value) { super.autoSnakeCaseNames = value; } get items() { return this[items]; } set items(value) { super.items = value; } get createdAtKey() { return dart.equals(this.autoSnakeCaseNames, false) ? "createdAt" : "created_at"; } get updatedAtKey() { return dart.equals(this.autoSnakeCaseNames, false) ? "updatedAt" : "updated_at"; } [_matchesId](id) { return dart.fn(item => { let t1; if (item[$_get]("id") == null) return false; else if (!dart.equals(this.autoIdAndDateFields, false)) return dart.equals(item[$_get]("id"), (t1 = id, t1 == null ? null : dart.toString(t1))); else return dart.equals(item[$_get]("id"), id); }, MapTobool()); } index(params) { if (params === void 0) params = null; if (dart.equals(this.allowQuery, false) || params == null || ![$_get]("query"))) return FutureOfList().value(this.items); else { let query = core.Map._check(params[$_get]("query")); return FutureOfList().value(this.items[$where](dart.fn(item => { for (let key of query[$keys]) { if (!dart.test(item[$containsKey](key))) return false; else if (!dart.equals(item[$_get](key), query[$_get](key))) return false; } return true; }, MapOfString$dynamicTobool()))[$toList]()); } } read(id, params) { if (params === void 0) params = null; return FutureOfMap().value(this.items[$firstWhere](this[_matchesId](id), {orElse: dart.fn(() => dart.throw(angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException.notFound({message: "No record found for ID " + dart.str(id)})), VoidTobottom())})); } create(data, params) { let t1; if (params === void 0) params = null; if (! dart.throw(angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException.badRequest({message: "MapService does not support `create` with " + dart.str(dart.runtimeType(data)) + "."})); let now = new; let result =; if (dart.equals(this.autoIdAndDateFields, true)) { t1 = result; t1[$_set]("id", dart.toString(this.items[$length])); t1[$_set](dart.equals(this.autoSnakeCaseNames, false) ? "createdAt" : "created_at", now); t1[$_set](dart.equals(this.autoSnakeCaseNames, false) ? "updatedAt" : "updated_at", now); t1; } this.items[$add](this[_foldStringDynamic](result)); return FutureOfMap().value(result); } [_foldStringDynamic](map) { return map == null ? null : map[$keys][$fold](MapOfString$dynamic(), new (IdentityMapOfString$dynamic()).new(), dart.fn((out, k) => { let t1; t1 = out; t1[$_set](dart.toString(k), map[$_get](k)); return t1; }, MapOfString$dynamicAnddynamicToMapOfString$dynamic())); } modify(id, data, params) { if (params === void 0) params = null; if (! dart.throw(angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException.badRequest({message: "MapService does not support `modify` with " + dart.str(dart.runtimeType(data)) + "."})); if (!dart.test(this.items[$any](this[_matchesId](id)))) return this.create(data, params); return, dart.fn(item => { let t1, t1$; let result = (t1 = item, t1[$addAll](, t1); if (dart.equals(this.autoIdAndDateFields, true)) { t1$ = result; t1$[$_set](dart.equals(this.autoSnakeCaseNames, false) ? "updatedAt" : "updated_at", new; t1$; } return FutureOfMap().value(result); }, MapToFutureOfMap())); } update(id, data, params) { if (params === void 0) params = null; if (! dart.throw(angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException.badRequest({message: "MapService does not support `update` with " + dart.str(dart.runtimeType(data)) + "."})); if (!dart.test(this.items[$any](this[_matchesId](id)))) return this.create(data, params); return, dart.fn(old => { let t2, t1; if (!dart.test(this.items[$remove](old))) dart.throw(angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException.notFound({message: "No record found for ID " + dart.str(id)})); let result =; if (dart.equals(this.autoIdAndDateFields, true)) { t1 = result; t1[$_set]("id", (t2 = id, t2 == null ? null : dart.toString(t2))); t1[$_set](dart.equals(this.autoSnakeCaseNames, false) ? "createdAt" : "created_at", old[$_get](dart.equals(this.autoSnakeCaseNames, false) ? "createdAt" : "created_at")); t1[$_set](dart.equals(this.autoSnakeCaseNames, false) ? "updatedAt" : "updated_at", new; t1; } this.items[$add](this[_foldStringDynamic](result)); return FutureOfMap().value(result); }, MapToFutureOfMap())); } remove(id, params) { let t1; if (params === void 0) params = null; if (id == null || dart.equals(id, "null") && (dart.equals(this.allowRemoveAll, true) || !dart.equals((t1 = params, t1 == null ? null : t1[$containsKey]("provider")), true))) { this.items[$clear](); return FutureOfMap().value(new; } return, params).then(core.Map, dart.fn(result => { if (dart.test(this.items[$remove](result))) return result; else dart.throw(angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException.notFound({message: "No record found for ID " + dart.str(id)})); }, MapToMap())); } }; ( = function(opts) { let allowRemoveAll = opts && 'allowRemoveAll' in opts ? opts.allowRemoveAll : false; let allowQuery = opts && 'allowQuery' in opts ? opts.allowQuery : true; let autoIdAndDateFields = opts && 'autoIdAndDateFields' in opts ? opts.autoIdAndDateFields : true; let autoSnakeCaseNames = opts && 'autoSnakeCaseNames' in opts ? opts.autoSnakeCaseNames : true; this[items] = JSArrayOfMapOfString$dynamic().of([]); this[allowRemoveAll$] = allowRemoveAll; this[allowQuery$] = allowQuery; this[autoIdAndDateFields$] = autoIdAndDateFields; this[autoSnakeCaseNames$] = autoSnakeCaseNames;; ; }).prototype = src__core__map_service.MapService.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__core__map_service.MapService); const allowRemoveAll$ = Symbol("MapService.allowRemoveAll"); const allowQuery$ = Symbol("MapService.allowQuery"); const autoIdAndDateFields$ = Symbol("MapService.autoIdAndDateFields"); const autoSnakeCaseNames$ = Symbol("MapService.autoSnakeCaseNames"); const items = Symbol("MapService.items"); dart.setMethodSignature(src__core__map_service.MapService, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__core__map_service.MapService.__proto__), [_matchesId]: dart.fnType(dart.fnType(core.bool, [core.Map]), [dart.dynamic]), index: dart.fnType(async.Future$(core.List), [], [core.Map]), read: dart.fnType(async.Future$(core.Map), [dart.dynamic], [core.Map]), create: dart.fnType(async.Future$(core.Map), [dart.dynamic], [core.Map]), [_foldStringDynamic]: dart.fnType(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic), [core.Map]), modify: dart.fnType(async.Future$(core.Map), [dart.dynamic, dart.dynamic], [core.Map]), update: dart.fnType(async.Future$(core.Map), [dart.dynamic, dart.dynamic], [core.Map]), remove: dart.fnType(async.Future$(core.Map), [dart.dynamic], [core.Map]) })); dart.setGetterSignature(src__core__map_service.MapService, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getGetters(src__core__map_service.MapService.__proto__), createdAtKey: core.String, updatedAtKey: core.String })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__core__map_service.MapService, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__core__map_service.MapService.__proto__), allowRemoveAll: dart.finalFieldType(core.bool), allowQuery: dart.finalFieldType(core.bool), autoIdAndDateFields: dart.finalFieldType(core.bool), autoSnakeCaseNames: dart.finalFieldType(core.bool), items: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic))) })); src__core__metadata.Middleware = class Middleware extends core.Object { get handlers() { return this[handlers$]; } set handlers(value) { super.handlers = value; } }; ( = function(handlers) { this[handlers$] = handlers; ; }).prototype = src__core__metadata.Middleware.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__core__metadata.Middleware); const handlers$ = Symbol("Middleware.handlers"); dart.setFieldSignature(src__core__metadata.Middleware, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__core__metadata.Middleware.__proto__), handlers: dart.finalFieldType(core.Iterable$(dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, [src__core__request_context.RequestContext, src__core__response_context.ResponseContext]))) })); let const$4; let const$5; src__core__metadata.Hooks = class Hooks extends core.Object { get before() { return this[before$]; } set before(value) { super.before = value; } get after() { return this[after$]; } set after(value) { super.after = value; } }; ( = function(opts) { let before = opts && 'before' in opts ? opts.before : const$4 || (const$4 = dart.constList([], HookedServiceEventTodynamic())); let after = opts && 'after' in opts ? opts.after : const$5 || (const$5 = dart.constList([], HookedServiceEventTodynamic())); this[before$] = before; this[after$] = after; ; }).prototype = src__core__metadata.Hooks.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__core__metadata.Hooks); const before$ = Symbol("Hooks.before"); const after$ = Symbol("Hooks.after"); dart.setFieldSignature(src__core__metadata.Hooks, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__core__metadata.Hooks.__proto__), before: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent]))), after: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [src__core__hooked_service.HookedServiceEvent]))) })); let const$6; let const$7; src__core__metadata.Expose = class Expose extends core.Object { get method() { return this[method$]; } set method(value) { super.method = value; } get path() { return this[path$0]; } set path(value) { super.path = value; } get middleware() { return this[middleware$]; } set middleware(value) { super.middleware = value; } get as() { return this[as$]; } set as(value) { = value; } get allowNull() { return this[allowNull$]; } set allowNull(value) { super.allowNull = value; } }; ( = function(path, opts) { let method = opts && 'method' in opts ? opts.method : "GET"; let middleware = opts && 'middleware' in opts ? opts.middleware : const$6 || (const$6 = dart.constList([], RequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr())); let as = opts && 'as' in opts ? : null; let allowNull = opts && 'allowNull' in opts ? opts.allowNull : const$7 || (const$7 = dart.constList([], core.String)); this[path$0] = path; this[method$] = method; this[middleware$] = middleware; this[as$] = as; this[allowNull$] = allowNull; ; }).prototype = src__core__metadata.Expose.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__core__metadata.Expose); const method$ = Symbol("Expose.method"); const path$0 = Symbol("Expose.path"); const middleware$ = Symbol("Expose.middleware"); const as$ = Symbol(""); const allowNull$ = Symbol("Expose.allowNull"); dart.setFieldSignature(src__core__metadata.Expose, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__core__metadata.Expose.__proto__), method: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), path: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), middleware: dart.finalFieldType(core.Iterable$(dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, [src__core__request_context.RequestContext, src__core__response_context.ResponseContext]))), as: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), allowNull: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(core.String)) })); src__core__metadata.Parameter = class Parameter extends core.Object { get cookie() { return this[cookie$]; } set cookie(value) { super.cookie = value; } get header() { return this[header$]; } set header(value) { super.header = value; } get session() { return this[session$]; } set session(value) { super.session = value; } get query() { return this[query$]; } set query(value) { super.query = value; } get match() { return this[match$]; } set match(value) { super.match = value; } get defaultValue() { return this[defaultValue$]; } set defaultValue(value) { super.defaultValue = value; } get required() { return this[required$]; } set required(value) { super.required = value; } get error() { let t1, t1$, t1$0, t1$1; if (dart.equals((t1 = this.cookie, t1 == null ? null : t1[$isNotEmpty]), true)) return angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException.badRequest({message: "Missing required cookie \"" + dart.str(this.cookie) + "\"."}); if (dart.equals((t1$ = this.header, t1$ == null ? null : t1$[$isNotEmpty]), true)) return angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException.badRequest({message: "Missing required header \"" + dart.str(this.header) + "\"."}); if (dart.equals((t1$0 = this.query, t1$0 == null ? null : t1$0[$isNotEmpty]), true)) return angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException.badRequest({message: "Missing required query parameter \"" + dart.str(this.query) + "\"."}); if (dart.equals((t1$1 = this.session, t1$1 == null ? null : t1$1[$isNotEmpty]), true)) return new"Session does not contain required key \"" + dart.str(this.session) + "\"."); } getValue(req) { let t1, t1$, t1$0, t1$1, t1$2, t1$3, t1$4, t1$5, t1$6; if (dart.equals((t1 = this.cookie, t1 == null ? null : t1[$isNotEmpty]), true)) { t1$0 = (t1$ = req.cookies[$firstWhere](dart.fn(c => == this.cookie, CookieTobool())), t1$ == null ? null : t1$.value); return t1$0 == null ? this.defaultValue : t1$0; } if (dart.equals((t1$1 = this.header, t1$1 == null ? null : t1$1[$isNotEmpty]), true)) { t1$2 = req.headers.value(this.header); return t1$2 == null ? this.defaultValue : t1$2; } if (dart.equals((t1$3 = this.session, t1$3 == null ? null : t1$3[$isNotEmpty]), true)) { t1$4 = req.session[$_get](this.session); return t1$4 == null ? this.defaultValue : t1$4; } if (dart.equals((t1$5 = this.query, t1$5 == null ? null : t1$5[$isNotEmpty]), true)) { t1$6 = req.uri.queryParameters[$_get](this.query); return t1$6 == null ? this.defaultValue : t1$6; } return this.defaultValue; } }; ( = function(opts) { let cookie = opts && 'cookie' in opts ? opts.cookie : null; let query = opts && 'query' in opts ? opts.query : null; let header = opts && 'header' in opts ? opts.header : null; let session = opts && 'session' in opts ? opts.session : null; let match = opts && 'match' in opts ? opts.match : null; let defaultValue = opts && 'defaultValue' in opts ? opts.defaultValue : null; let required = opts && 'required' in opts ? opts.required : null; this[cookie$] = cookie; this[query$] = query; this[header$] = header; this[session$] = session; this[match$] = match; this[defaultValue$] = defaultValue; this[required$] = required; ; }).prototype = src__core__metadata.Parameter.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__core__metadata.Parameter); const cookie$ = Symbol("Parameter.cookie"); const header$ = Symbol("Parameter.header"); const session$ = Symbol("Parameter.session"); const query$ = Symbol("Parameter.query"); const match$ = Symbol("Parameter.match"); const defaultValue$ = Symbol("Parameter.defaultValue"); const required$ = Symbol("Parameter.required"); dart.setMethodSignature(src__core__metadata.Parameter, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__core__metadata.Parameter.__proto__), getValue: dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [src__core__request_context.RequestContext]) })); dart.setGetterSignature(src__core__metadata.Parameter, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getGetters(src__core__metadata.Parameter.__proto__), error: dart.dynamic })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__core__metadata.Parameter, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__core__metadata.Parameter.__proto__), cookie: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), header: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), session: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), query: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), match: dart.finalFieldType(dart.dynamic), defaultValue: dart.finalFieldType(dart.dynamic), required: dart.finalFieldType(core.bool) })); src__core__metadata.Header = class Header extends src__core__metadata.Parameter {}; ( = function(header, opts) { let match = opts && 'match' in opts ? opts.match : null; let defaultValue = opts && 'defaultValue' in opts ? opts.defaultValue : null; let required = opts && 'required' in opts ? opts.required : true;, {header: header, match: match, defaultValue: defaultValue, required: required}); ; }).prototype = src__core__metadata.Header.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__core__metadata.Header); src__core__metadata.Session = class Session extends src__core__metadata.Parameter {}; ( = function(session, opts) { let match = opts && 'match' in opts ? opts.match : null; let defaultValue = opts && 'defaultValue' in opts ? opts.defaultValue : null; let required = opts && 'required' in opts ? opts.required : true;, {session: session, match: match, defaultValue: defaultValue, required: required}); ; }).prototype = src__core__metadata.Session.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__core__metadata.Session); src__core__metadata.Query = class Query extends src__core__metadata.Parameter {}; ( = function(query, opts) { let match = opts && 'match' in opts ? opts.match : null; let defaultValue = opts && 'defaultValue' in opts ? opts.defaultValue : null; let required = opts && 'required' in opts ? opts.required : true;, {query: query, match: match, defaultValue: defaultValue, required: required}); ; }).prototype = src__core__metadata.Query.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__core__metadata.Query); src__core__metadata.CookieValue = class CookieValue extends src__core__metadata.Parameter {}; ( = function(cookie, opts) { let match = opts && 'match' in opts ? opts.match : null; let defaultValue = opts && 'defaultValue' in opts ? opts.defaultValue : null; let required = opts && 'required' in opts ? opts.required : true;, {cookie: cookie, match: match, defaultValue: defaultValue, required: required}); ; }).prototype = src__core__metadata.CookieValue.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__core__metadata.CookieValue); let const$8; let const$9; let const$10; let const$11; src__core__request_context.InjectionRequest = class InjectionRequest extends core.Object { get named() { return this[named$]; } set named(value) { super.named = value; } get required() { return this[required$0]; } set required(value) { super.required = value; } get optional() { return this[optional$]; } set optional(value) { super.optional = value; } get parameters() { return this[parameters$]; } set parameters(value) { super.parameters = value; } }; (src__core__request_context.InjectionRequest.constant = function(opts) { let named = opts && 'named' in opts ? opts.named : const$8 || (const$8 = dart.constMap(core.String, core.Type, [])); let required = opts && 'required' in opts ? opts.required : const$9 || (const$9 = dart.constList([], dart.dynamic)); let optional = opts && 'optional' in opts ? opts.optional : const$10 || (const$10 = dart.constList([], core.String)); let parameters = opts && 'parameters' in opts ? opts.parameters : const$11 || (const$11 = dart.constMap(core.String, src__core__metadata.Parameter, [])); this[named$] = named; this[required$0] = required; this[optional$] = optional; this[parameters$] = parameters; ; }).prototype = src__core__request_context.InjectionRequest.prototype; ( = function() { this[named$] = new (IdentityMapOfString$Type()).new(); this[required$0] = []; this[optional$] = JSArrayOfString().of([]); this[parameters$] = new (IdentityMapOfString$Parameter()).new(); ; }).prototype = src__core__request_context.InjectionRequest.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__core__request_context.InjectionRequest); const named$ = Symbol("InjectionRequest.named"); const required$0 = Symbol("InjectionRequest.required"); const optional$ = Symbol("InjectionRequest.optional"); const parameters$ = Symbol("InjectionRequest.parameters"); dart.setFieldSignature(src__core__request_context.InjectionRequest, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__core__request_context.InjectionRequest.__proto__), named: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map$(core.String, core.Type)), required: dart.finalFieldType(core.List), optional: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(core.String)), parameters: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map$(core.String, src__core__metadata.Parameter)) })); let const$12; src__core__request_context.ioc = function(handler, opts) { let optional = opts && 'optional' in opts ? opts.optional : const$12 || (const$12 = dart.constList([], core.String)); let injection = null; let contained = null; return dart.fn((req, res) => { let t1; if (injection == null) { injection = src__core__request_context.preInject(handler,; injection.optional[$addAll]((t1 = optional, t1 == null ? JSArrayOfString().of([]) : t1)); contained = src__core__request_context.handleContained(handler, injection); } return, req, res); }, RequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOfbool()); }; src__core__request_context.resolveInjection = function(requirement, injection, req, res, throwOnUnresolved) { let propFromApp = null; if (dart.equals(requirement, dart.wrapType(src__core__request_context.RequestContext))) { return req; } else if (dart.equals(requirement, dart.wrapType(src__core__response_context.ResponseContext))) { return res; } else if (typeof requirement == 'string' && dart.test(injection.parameters[$containsKey](requirement))) { let param = injection.parameters[$_get](requirement); let value = param.getValue(req); if (value == null && !dart.equals(param.required, false)) dart.throw(param.error); return value; } else if (typeof requirement == 'string') { if (dart.test(req.params[$containsKey](requirement))) { return req.params[$_get](requirement); } else if ((propFromApp = != null) return propFromApp; else if (dart.test(injection.optional[$contains](requirement))) return null; else if (dart.test(throwOnUnresolved)) { dart.throw(new"Cannot resolve parameter '" + dart.str(requirement) + "' within handler.")); } } else if ( && requirement[$length] === 2 && typeof requirement[$first] == 'string' &&[$last])) { let key = core.String._check(requirement[$first]); let type = core.Type._check(requirement[$last]); if (dart.test(req.params[$containsKey](key)) || dart.test([$containsKey](key)) || dart.test(src__core__request_context._primitiveTypes[$contains](type))) { return src__core__request_context.resolveInjection(key, injection, req, res, throwOnUnresolved); } else return src__core__request_context.resolveInjection(type, injection, req, res, throwOnUnresolved); } else if ( && !dart.equals(requirement, dart.wrapType(dart.dynamic))) { return, requirement); } else if (dart.test(throwOnUnresolved)) { dart.throw(new + " cannot be injected into a request handler.")); } }; src__core__request_context.suitableForInjection = function(req, res, injection) { return injection.parameters[$values][$any](dart.fn(p => { if (p.match == null) return false; let value = p.getValue(req); return dart.equals(value, p.match); }, ParameterTobool())); }; src__core__request_context.handleContained = function(handler, injection) { return dart.fn((req, res) => { if (dart.test(injection.parameters[$isNotEmpty]) && dart.test(injection.parameters[$values][$any](dart.fn(p => p.match != null, ParameterTobool()))) && !dart.test(src__core__request_context.suitableForInjection(req, res, injection))) return async.Future.value(true); let args = []; let named = new (LinkedMapOfSymbol$dynamic()).new(); args[$addAll](injection.required[$map](dart.dynamic, dart.fn(r => src__core__request_context.resolveInjection(r, injection, req, res, true), dynamicTodynamic()))); injection.named[$forEach](dart.fn((k, v) => { let name = new; named[$_set](name, src__core__request_context.resolveInjection(JSArrayOfObject().of([k, v]), injection, req, res, false)); }, StringAndTypeToNull())); return core.Function.apply(handler, args, named); }, RequestContextAndResponseContextTodynamic()); }; src__core__request_context.preInject = function(handler, reflector) { let t1; let injection = new; let closureMirror = reflector.reflectFunction(handler); if (dart.test(closureMirror.parameters[$isEmpty])) return injection; for (let parameter of closureMirror.parameters) { let name =; let type = parameter.type.reflectedType; let _Parameter = reflector.reflectType(dart.wrapType(src__core__metadata.Parameter)); let p = = parameter.annotations[$firstWhere](dart.fn(m => m.type.isAssignableTo(_Parameter), ReflectedInstanceTobool()), {orElse: dart.fn(() => null, VoidToNull())}), t1 == null ? null : t1.reflectee)); if (p != null) { injection.parameters[$_set](name, new{cookie: p.cookie, header: p.header, query: p.query, session: p.session, match: p.match, defaultValue: p.defaultValue, required: dart.test(parameter.isNamed) ? false : !dart.equals(p.required, false)})); } if (!dart.test(parameter.isNamed)) { if (!dart.test(parameter.isRequired)) injection.optional[$add](name); if (dart.equals(type, dart.wrapType(src__core__request_context.RequestContext)) || dart.equals(type, dart.wrapType(src__core__response_context.ResponseContext))) { injection.required[$add](type); } else if (name === "req") { injection.required[$add](dart.wrapType(src__core__request_context.RequestContext)); } else if (name === "res") { injection.required[$add](dart.wrapType(src__core__response_context.ResponseContext)); } else if (dart.equals(type, dart.wrapType(dart.dynamic))) { injection.required[$add](name); } else { injection.required[$add](JSArrayOfObject().of([name, type])); } } else { injection.named[$_set](name, type); } } return injection; }; dart.defineLazy(src__core__request_context, { /*src__core__request_context._primitiveTypes*/get _primitiveTypes() { return dart.constList([dart.wrapType(core.String), dart.wrapType(, dart.wrapType(core.num), dart.wrapType(core.double), dart.wrapType(core.Null)], core.Type); } }); src__core__response_context.LockableBytesBuilder = class LockableBytesBuilder extends io.BytesBuilder { static new() { return new; } }; dart.addTypeTests(src__core__response_context.LockableBytesBuilder); const _buf = Symbol('_buf'); const _closed = Symbol('_closed'); const _deny = Symbol('_deny'); src__core__response_context._LockableBytesBuilderImpl = class _LockableBytesBuilderImpl extends core.Object { [_deny]() { return new"Cannot modified a closed response's buffer."); } lock() { this[_closed] = true; } add(bytes) { if (dart.test(this[_closed])) dart.throw(this[_deny]()); else this[_buf].add(bytes); } addByte(byte) { if (dart.test(this[_closed])) dart.throw(this[_deny]()); else this[_buf].addByte(byte); } clear() { this[_buf].clear(); } get isEmpty() { return this[_buf].isEmpty; } get isNotEmpty() { return this[_buf].isNotEmpty; } get length() { return this[_buf].length; } takeBytes() { return this[_buf].takeBytes(); } toBytes() { return this[_buf].toBytes(); } }; ( = function() { this[_buf] ={copy: false}); this[_closed] = false; ; }).prototype = src__core__response_context._LockableBytesBuilderImpl.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__core__response_context._LockableBytesBuilderImpl); src__core__response_context._LockableBytesBuilderImpl[dart.implements] = () => [src__core__response_context.LockableBytesBuilder]; dart.setMethodSignature(src__core__response_context._LockableBytesBuilderImpl, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__core__response_context._LockableBytesBuilderImpl.__proto__), [_deny]: dart.fnType(core.StateError, []), lock: dart.fnType(dart.void, []), add: dart.fnType(dart.void, [core.List$(]), addByte: dart.fnType(dart.void, []), clear: dart.fnType(dart.void, []), takeBytes: dart.fnType(core.List$(, []), toBytes: dart.fnType(core.List$(, []) })); dart.setGetterSignature(src__core__response_context._LockableBytesBuilderImpl, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getGetters(src__core__response_context._LockableBytesBuilderImpl.__proto__), isEmpty: core.bool, isNotEmpty: core.bool, length: })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__core__response_context._LockableBytesBuilderImpl, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__core__response_context._LockableBytesBuilderImpl.__proto__), [_buf]: dart.finalFieldType(io.BytesBuilder), [_closed]: dart.fieldType(core.bool) })); dart.defineLazy(src__core__response_context, { /*src__core__response_context._straySlashes*/get _straySlashes() { return"(^/+)|(/+$)"); } }); src__core__routable.RequestHandler = dart.typedef('RequestHandler', () => RequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr()); src__core__routable.waterfall = function(handlers) { return dart.fn((req, res) => { let runPipeline = null; for (let handler of handlers) { if (handler == null) break; if (runPipeline == null) runPipeline = dart.fn(() => async.Future.sync(dart.fn(() => handler(req, res), VoidToFutureOr())), VoidToFuture()); else { let current = runPipeline; runPipeline = dart.fn(() => current().then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(result => !dart.test(res.isOpen) ? async.Future.value(result) :, req, res), dynamicToFuture())), VoidToFuture()); } } runPipeline == null ? runPipeline = dart.fn(() => async.Future.value(), VoidToFuture()) : null; return runPipeline(); }, RequestContextAndResponseContextToFuture()); }; dart.defineLazy(src__core__routable, { /*src__core__routable._straySlashes*/get _straySlashes() { return"(^/+)|(/+$)"); } }); let const$13; const _children = Symbol('_children'); const _flattened = Symbol('_flattened'); const _http$ = Symbol('_http'); const _isProduction = Symbol('_isProduction'); const _parent = Symbol('_parent'); const _preContained = Symbol('_preContained'); const _controllers = Symbol('_controllers'); let const$14; src__core__server.Angel = class Angel extends src__core__routable.Routable { get handlerCache() { return this[handlerCache]; } set handlerCache(value) { super.handlerCache = value; } get encoders() { return this[encoders]; } set encoders(value) { super.encoders = value; } get serializer() { return this[serializer$]; } set serializer(value) { this[serializer$] = value; } get allowMethodOverrides() { return this[allowMethodOverrides$]; } set allowMethodOverrides(value) { this[allowMethodOverrides$] = value; } get logger() { return this[logger$]; } set logger(value) { this[logger$] = value; } get startupHooks() { return this[startupHooks]; } set startupHooks(value) { super.startupHooks = value; } get shutdownHooks() { return this[shutdownHooks]; } set shutdownHooks(value) { super.shutdownHooks = value; } get responseFinalizers() { return this[responseFinalizers]; } set responseFinalizers(value) { super.responseFinalizers = value; } get configuration() { return this[configuration$]; } set configuration(value) { super.configuration = value; } get eagerParseRequestBodies() { return this[eagerParseRequestBodies$]; } set eagerParseRequestBodies(value) { this[eagerParseRequestBodies$] = value; } get keepRawRequestBuffers() { return this[keepRawRequestBuffers$]; } set keepRawRequestBuffers(value) { this[keepRawRequestBuffers$] = value; } get viewGenerator() { return this[viewGenerator$]; } set viewGenerator(value) { this[viewGenerator$] = value; } get errorHandler() { return this[errorHandler]; } set errorHandler(value) { this[errorHandler] = value; } get preContained() { return this[_preContained]; } get optimizedRouter() { let t1; t1 = this[_flattened]; return t1 == null ? this : t1; } get children() { return ListOfAngel().unmodifiable(this[_children]); } get controllers() { return this[_controllers]; } get isProduction() { let t1; t1 = this[_isProduction]; return t1 == null ? this[_isProduction] = io.Platform.environment[$_get]("ANGEL_ENV") === "production" : t1; } get parent() { return this[_parent]; } addRoute(method, path, handler, opts) { let t1, t1$, t1$0; RequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr()._check(handler); let middleware = opts && 'middleware' in opts ? opts.middleware : const$14 || (const$14 = dart.constList([], RequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr())); IterableOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr()._check(middleware); if (this[_flattened] != null) { t1 = this.logger; t1 == null ? null : t1.warning("WARNING: You added a route (" + dart.str(method) + " " + dart.str(path) + ") to the router, after it had been optimized."); t1$ = this.logger; t1$ == null ? null : t1$.warning("This route will be ignored, and no requests will ever reach it."); } return super.addRoute(method, path, handler, {middleware: (t1$0 = middleware, t1$0 == null ? JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().of([]) : t1$0)}); } mount(path, router) { let t1, t1$; RouterOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr()._check(router); if (this[_flattened] != null) { t1 = this.logger; t1 == null ? null : t1.warning("WARNING: You added mounted a child router (" + dart.str(path) + ") on the router, after it had been optimized."); t1$ = this.logger; t1$ == null ? null : t1$.warning("This route will be ignored, and no requests will ever reach it."); } if ( { router[_parent] = this; this[_children][$add](router); } return super.mount(dart.toString(path), router); } bootstrapContainer() { if (!dart.equals(this[$runtimeType], dart.wrapType(src__core__server.Angel))) { this.container.registerSingleton(src__core__server.Angel, this); } this.container.registerSingleton(src__core__server.Angel, this); this.container.registerSingleton(src__core__routable.Routable, this); this.container.registerSingleton(src__router.Router, this); } close() { let t1, t1$; async.Future.forEach(src__core__service.Service,[$values], dart.fn(service => { service.close(); }, ServiceToNull())); super.close(); this.viewGenerator = src__core__server.Angel.noViewEngineConfigured; this[_preContained][$clear](); this.handlerCache[$clear](); this.encoders[$clear](); this[_children][$clear](); this[_parent] = null; this.logger = null; this.startupHooks[$clear](); this.shutdownHooks[$clear](); this.responseFinalizers[$clear](); this[_flattened] = null; t1 = this[_http$]; t1 == null ? null : t1.close(); return async.Future.value((t1$ = this[_http$], t1$ == null ? null : t1$.httpServer)); } dumpTree(opts) { let t1, t1$, t1$0, t1$1; let callback = opts && 'callback' in opts ? opts.callback : null; let header = opts && 'header' in opts ? opts.header : "Dumping route tree:"; let tab = opts && 'tab' in opts ? : " "; let showMatchers = opts && 'showMatchers' in opts ? opts.showMatchers : false; if (dart.test(this.isProduction)) { this[_flattened] == null ? this[_flattened] = src__router.flatten(dart.dynamic, this) : null; this[_flattened].dumpTree({callback: callback, header: dart.equals((t1 = header, t1 == null ? null : t1[$isNotEmpty]), true) ? header : dart.test(this.isProduction) ? "Dumping flattened route tree:" : "Dumping route tree:", tab: (t1$ = tab, t1$ == null ? " " : t1$)}); } else { super.dumpTree({callback: callback, header: dart.equals((t1$0 = header, t1$0 == null ? null : t1$0[$isNotEmpty]), true) ? header : dart.test(this.isProduction) ? "Dumping flattened route tree:" : "Dumping route tree:", tab: (t1$1 = tab, t1$1 == null ? " " : t1$1)}); } } getHandlerResult(handler, req, res) { if (RequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().is(handler)) { let result = handler(req, res); return this.getHandlerResult(result, req, res); } if ( { return handler.then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(result => this.getHandlerResult(result, req, res), dynamicToFuture())); } if ( { let result = this.runContained(handler, req, res); return this.getHandlerResult(result, req, res); } if ( { return this.getHandlerResult(handler.toList(), req, res); } return async.Future.value(handler); } executeHandler(handler, req, res) { return this.getHandlerResult(handler, req, res).then(core.bool, dart.fn(result => { if (result == null) return false; else if (typeof result == 'boolean') { return result; } else if (result != null) { return res.serialize(result); } else return res.isOpen; }, dynamicTobool())); } findProperty(key) { if (dart.test(this.configuration[$containsKey](key))) return this.configuration[$_get](key); return this.parent != null ? this.parent.findProperty(key) : null; } optimizeForProduction(opts) { let t1; let force = opts && 'force' in opts ? opts.force : false; if (dart.equals(this.isProduction, true) || dart.equals(force, true)) { this[_isProduction] = true; this[_flattened] == null ? this[_flattened] = src__router.flatten(dart.dynamic, this) : null; t1 = this.logger; t1 == null ? null : t1.config("Angel is running in production mode."); } } runContained(handler, req, res) { return async.Future.sync(dart.fn(() => { if (dart.test(this[_preContained][$containsKey](handler))) { return src__core__request_context.handleContained(handler, this[_preContained][$_get](handler))(req, res); } return this.runReflected(handler, req, res); }, VoidToFutureOr())); } runReflected(handler, req, res) { let t3, t2, t1; let h = src__core__request_context.handleContained(handler, (t1 = this[_preContained], t2 = handler, t3 = src__core__request_context.preInject(handler,, t1[$_set](t2, t3), t3)); return async.Future.sync(dart.fn(() => h(req, res), VoidToFutureOr())); } configure(configurer) { return async.Future.sync(dart.fn(() => configurer(this), VoidToFutureOr())); } fallback(handler) { return this.all("*", handler); } use(path, service) { let t1; = this; t1 = super.use(path, service); = this; return t1; } }; ( = function(opts) { let reflector = opts && 'reflector' in opts ? opts.reflector : const$13 || (const$13 = dart.const(new; let logger = opts && 'logger' in opts ? opts.logger : null; let eagerParseRequestBodies = opts && 'eagerParseRequestBodies' in opts ? opts.eagerParseRequestBodies : false; let allowMethodOverrides = opts && 'allowMethodOverrides' in opts ? opts.allowMethodOverrides : true; let keepRawRequestBuffers = opts && 'keepRawRequestBuffers' in opts ? opts.keepRawRequestBuffers : false; let serializer = opts && 'serializer' in opts ? opts.serializer : null; let viewGenerator = opts && 'viewGenerator' in opts ? opts.viewGenerator : null; this[_children] = JSArrayOfAngel().of([]); this[handlerCache] = new (IdentityMapOfString$Tuple3OfList$MapOfString$dynamic$ParseResultOfMapOfString$dynamic()).new(); this[_flattened] = null; this[_http$] = null; this[_isProduction] = null; this[_parent] = null; this[encoders] = new (IdentityMapOfString$ConverterOfListOfint$ListOfint()).new(); this[_preContained] = new (LinkedMapOfdynamic$InjectionRequest()).new(); this[_controllers] = new (LinkedMapOfPattern$Controller()).new(); this[startupHooks] = JSArrayOfAngelToFutureOr().of([]); this[shutdownHooks] = JSArrayOfAngelToFutureOr().of([]); this[responseFinalizers] = JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().of([]); this[configuration$] = new; this[viewGenerator$] = src__core__server.Angel.noViewEngineConfigured; this[errorHandler] = dart.fn((e, req, res) => { if (!dart.test(req.accepts("text/html", {strict: true})) && (dart.test(req.accepts("application/json")) || dart.test(req.accepts("application/javascript")))) { res.json(e.toJson()); return; } res.contentType = new"text", "html", new (IdentityMapOfString$String()).from(["charset", "utf8"])); res.statusCode = e.statusCode; res.write("" + dart.str(e.message) + ""); res.write("

" + dart.str(e.message) + "

"); res.close(); }, AngelHttpExceptionAndRequestContextAndResponseContextToNull()); this[logger$] = logger; this[eagerParseRequestBodies$] = eagerParseRequestBodies; this[allowMethodOverrides$] = allowMethodOverrides; this[keepRawRequestBuffers$] = keepRawRequestBuffers; this[serializer$] = serializer; this[viewGenerator$] = viewGenerator;, reflector); this.bootstrapContainer(); this.viewGenerator == null ? this.viewGenerator = src__core__server.Angel.noViewEngineConfigured : null; this.serializer == null ? this.serializer = dart.bind(convert.json, 'encode') : null; }).prototype = src__core__server.Angel.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__core__server.Angel); const handlerCache = Symbol("Angel.handlerCache"); const encoders = Symbol("Angel.encoders"); const serializer$ = Symbol("Angel.serializer"); const allowMethodOverrides$ = Symbol("Angel.allowMethodOverrides"); const logger$ = Symbol("Angel.logger"); const startupHooks = Symbol("Angel.startupHooks"); const shutdownHooks = Symbol("Angel.shutdownHooks"); const responseFinalizers = Symbol("Angel.responseFinalizers"); const configuration$ = Symbol("Angel.configuration"); const eagerParseRequestBodies$ = Symbol("Angel.eagerParseRequestBodies"); const keepRawRequestBuffers$ = Symbol("Angel.keepRawRequestBuffers"); const viewGenerator$ = Symbol("Angel.viewGenerator"); const errorHandler = Symbol("Angel.errorHandler"); dart.setMethodSignature(src__core__server.Angel, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__core__server.Angel.__proto__), bootstrapContainer: dart.fnType(dart.void, []), close: dart.fnType(async.Future, []), dumpTree: dart.fnType(dart.void, [], {callback: dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [core.String]), header: core.String, showMatchers: core.bool, tab: core.String}), getHandlerResult: dart.fnType(async.Future, [dart.dynamic, src__core__request_context.RequestContext, src__core__response_context.ResponseContext]), executeHandler: dart.fnType(async.Future$(core.bool), [dart.dynamic, src__core__request_context.RequestContext, src__core__response_context.ResponseContext]), findProperty: dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [dart.dynamic]), optimizeForProduction: dart.fnType(dart.void, [], {force: core.bool}), runContained: dart.fnType(async.Future, [core.Function, src__core__request_context.RequestContext, src__core__response_context.ResponseContext]), runReflected: dart.fnType(async.Future, [core.Function, src__core__request_context.RequestContext, src__core__response_context.ResponseContext]), configure: dart.fnType(async.Future, [dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, [src__core__server.Angel])]), fallback: dart.fnType(src__router.Route$(dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, [src__core__request_context.RequestContext, src__core__response_context.ResponseContext])), [dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, [src__core__request_context.RequestContext, src__core__response_context.ResponseContext])]) })); dart.setGetterSignature(src__core__server.Angel, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getGetters(src__core__server.Angel.__proto__), preContained: core.Map$(dart.dynamic, src__core__request_context.InjectionRequest), optimizedRouter: src__router.Router, children: core.List$(src__core__server.Angel), controllers: core.Map$(core.Pattern, src__http__controller.Controller), isProduction: core.bool, parent: src__core__server.Angel })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__core__server.Angel, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__core__server.Angel.__proto__), [_children]: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(src__core__server.Angel)), handlerCache: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map$(core.String, tuple.Tuple3$(core.List, core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic), src__combinator__combinator.ParseResult$(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic))))), [_flattened]: dart.fieldType(src__router.Router), [_http$]: dart.fieldType(src__http__angel_http.AngelHttp), [_isProduction]: dart.fieldType(core.bool), [_parent]: dart.fieldType(src__core__server.Angel), encoders: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map$(core.String, convert.Converter$(core.List$(, core.List$(, [_preContained]: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map$(dart.dynamic, src__core__request_context.InjectionRequest)), serializer: dart.fieldType(dart.fnType(core.String, [dart.dynamic])), allowMethodOverrides: dart.fieldType(core.bool), [_controllers]: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map$(core.Pattern, src__http__controller.Controller)), logger: dart.fieldType(logging.Logger), startupHooks: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, [src__core__server.Angel]))), shutdownHooks: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, [src__core__server.Angel]))), responseFinalizers: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, [src__core__request_context.RequestContext, src__core__response_context.ResponseContext]))), configuration: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map), eagerParseRequestBodies: dart.fieldType(core.bool), keepRawRequestBuffers: dart.fieldType(core.bool), viewGenerator: dart.fieldType(dart.fnType(async.FutureOr$(core.String), [core.String], [core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic)])), errorHandler: dart.fieldType(dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException, src__core__request_context.RequestContext, src__core__response_context.ResponseContext])) })); dart.defineLazy(src__core__server.Angel, { /*src__core__server.Angel.noViewEngineConfigured*/get noViewEngineConfigured() { return dart.fn((view, data) => { if (data === void 0) data = null; return "No view engine has been configured yet."; }, StringAndMapToString()); }, set noViewEngineConfigured(_) {} }); src__core__server.AngelConfigurer = dart.typedef('AngelConfigurer', () => AngelToFutureOr()); src__core__server.ViewGenerator = dart.typedef('ViewGenerator', () => StringAndMapOfString$dynamicToFutureOrOfString()); src__core__service.Providers = class Providers extends core.Object { get via() { return this[via$]; } set via(value) { super.via = value; } _equals(other) { if (other == null) return false; return && other.via == this.via; } toJson() { return new (IdentityMapOfString$String()).from(["via", this.via]); } toString() { return "via:" + dart.str(this.via); } }; ( = function(via) { this[via$] = via; ; }).prototype = src__core__service.Providers.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__core__service.Providers); const via$ = Symbol("Providers.via"); dart.setMethodSignature(src__core__service.Providers, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__core__service.Providers.__proto__), toJson: dart.fnType(core.Map$(core.String, core.String), []) })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__core__service.Providers, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__core__service.Providers.__proto__), via: dart.finalFieldType(core.String) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(src__core__service.Providers, ['_equals', 'toString']); dart.defineLazy(src__core__service.Providers, { /*src__core__service.Providers.viaRest*/get viaRest() { return "rest"; }, /*src__core__service.Providers.viaWebsocket*/get viaWebsocket() { return "websocket"; }, /*src__core__service.Providers.viaGraphQL*/get viaGraphQL() { return "graphql"; }, /**/get rest() { return dart.const(new"rest")); }, /*src__core__service.Providers.websocket*/get websocket() { return dart.const(new"websocket")); }, /*src__core__service.Providers.graphQL*/get graphQL() { return dart.const(new"graphql")); } }); let const$15; let const$16; angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException = class AngelHttpException extends core.Object { get error() { return this[error$]; } set error(value) { this[error$] = value; } get errors() { return this[errors$]; } set errors(value) { super.errors = value; } get message() { return this[message$]; } set message(value) { this[message$] = value; } get stackTrace() { return this[stackTrace$]; } set stackTrace(value) { this[stackTrace$] = value; } get statusCode() { return this[statusCode$]; } set statusCode(value) { this[statusCode$] = value; } toJson() { return new _js_helper.LinkedMap.from(["isError", true, "status_code", this.statusCode, "message", this.message, "errors", this.errors]); } toMap() { return this.toJson(); } toString() { return dart.str(this.statusCode) + ": " + dart.str(this.message); } static fromMap(data) { let t1, t1$; return new, {statusCode: = data[$_get]("status_code"), t1 == null ? data[$_get]("statusCode") : t1)), message: (t1$ = data[$_get]("message"), t1$ == null ? null : dart.toString(t1$)), errors:[$_get]("errors")) ?[$_get]("errors"))[$map](core.String, dart.fn(x => dart.toString(x), dynamicToString()))[$toList]() : JSArrayOfString().of([])}); } static fromJson(str) { return angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException.fromMap($.json.decode(str))); } static badRequest(opts) { let message = opts && 'message' in opts ? opts.message : "400 Bad Request"; let errors = opts && 'errors' in opts ? opts.errors : const$16 || (const$16 = dart.constList([], core.String)); return new, {message: message, errors: errors, statusCode: 400}); } static notAuthenticated(opts) { let message = opts && 'message' in opts ? opts.message : "401 Not Authenticated"; return new, {message: message, statusCode: 401}); } static paymentRequired(opts) { let message = opts && 'message' in opts ? opts.message : "402 Payment Required"; return new, {message: message, statusCode: 402}); } static forbidden(opts) { let message = opts && 'message' in opts ? opts.message : "403 Forbidden"; return new, {message: message, statusCode: 403}); } static notFound(opts) { let message = opts && 'message' in opts ? opts.message : "404 Not Found"; return new, {message: message, statusCode: 404}); } static methodNotAllowed(opts) { let message = opts && 'message' in opts ? opts.message : "405 Method Not Allowed"; return new, {message: message, statusCode: 405}); } static notAcceptable(opts) { let message = opts && 'message' in opts ? opts.message : "406 Not Acceptable"; return new, {message: message, statusCode: 406}); } static methodTimeout(opts) { let message = opts && 'message' in opts ? opts.message : "408 Timeout"; return new, {message: message, statusCode: 408}); } static conflict(opts) { let message = opts && 'message' in opts ? opts.message : "409 Conflict"; return new, {message: message, statusCode: 409}); } static notProcessable(opts) { let message = opts && 'message' in opts ? opts.message : "422 Not Processable"; return new, {message: message, statusCode: 422}); } static notImplemented(opts) { let message = opts && 'message' in opts ? opts.message : "501 Not Implemented"; return new, {message: message, statusCode: 501}); } static unavailable(opts) { let message = opts && 'message' in opts ? opts.message : "503 Unavailable"; return new, {message: message, statusCode: 503}); } }; ( = function(error, opts) { let message = opts && 'message' in opts ? opts.message : "500 Internal Server Error"; let stackTrace = opts && 'stackTrace' in opts ? opts.stackTrace : null; let statusCode = opts && 'statusCode' in opts ? opts.statusCode : 500; let errors = opts && 'errors' in opts ? opts.errors : const$15 || (const$15 = dart.constList([], core.String)); this[errors$] = JSArrayOfString().of([]); this[error$] = error; this[message$] = message; this[stackTrace$] = stackTrace; this[statusCode$] = statusCode; if (errors != null) { this.errors[$addAll](errors); } }).prototype = angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException); const error$ = Symbol("AngelHttpException.error"); const errors$ = Symbol("AngelHttpException.errors"); const message$ = Symbol("AngelHttpException.message"); const stackTrace$ = Symbol("AngelHttpException.stackTrace"); const statusCode$ = Symbol("AngelHttpException.statusCode"); angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException[dart.implements] = () => [core.Exception]; dart.setMethodSignature(angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException.__proto__), toJson: dart.fnType(core.Map, []), toMap: dart.fnType(core.Map, []) })); dart.setFieldSignature(angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException.__proto__), error: dart.fieldType(dart.dynamic), errors: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(core.String)), message: dart.fieldType(core.String), stackTrace: dart.fieldType(core.StackTrace), statusCode: dart.fieldType( })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException, ['toString']); angel_model.Model = class Model extends core.Object { get id() { return this[id$0]; } set id(value) { this[id$0] = value; } get createdAt() { return this[createdAt$]; } set createdAt(value) { this[createdAt$] = value; } get updatedAt() { return this[updatedAt$]; } set updatedAt(value) { this[updatedAt$] = value; } }; ( = function(opts) { let id = opts && 'id' in opts ? : null; let createdAt = opts && 'createdAt' in opts ? opts.createdAt : null; let updatedAt = opts && 'updatedAt' in opts ? opts.updatedAt : null; this[id$0] = id; this[createdAt$] = createdAt; this[updatedAt$] = updatedAt; ; }).prototype = angel_model.Model.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(angel_model.Model); const id$0 = Symbol(""); const createdAt$ = Symbol("Model.createdAt"); const updatedAt$ = Symbol("Model.updatedAt"); dart.setFieldSignature(angel_model.Model, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(angel_model.Model.__proto__), id: dart.fieldType(core.String), createdAt: dart.fieldType(core.DateTime), updatedAt: dart.fieldType(core.DateTime) })); const _closed$ = Symbol('_closed'); const _server = Symbol('_server'); const _serverGenerator = Symbol('_serverGenerator'); const _sub = Symbol('_sub'); src__http__angel_http.AngelHttp = class AngelHttp extends core.Object { get app() { return this[app$]; } set app(value) { = value; } get useZone() { return this[useZone$0]; } set useZone(value) { super.useZone = value; } get serverGenerator() { return this[_serverGenerator]; } static custom(app, serverGenerator, opts) { let t1; let useZone = opts && 'useZone' in opts ? opts.useZone : true; t1 = new, {useZone: useZone}); t1[_serverGenerator] = serverGenerator; return t1; } static fromSecurityContext(app, context, opts) { let useZone = opts && 'useZone' in opts ? opts.useZone : true; let http = new, {useZone: useZone}); http[_serverGenerator] = dart.fn((address, port) => _http.HttpServer.bindSecure(address, port, context), dynamicAndintToFutureOfHttpServer()); return http; } static secure(app, certificateChainPath, serverKeyPath, opts) { let password = opts && 'password' in opts ? opts.password : null; let useZone = opts && 'useZone' in opts ? opts.useZone : true; let certificateChain = io.Platform.script.resolve(certificateChainPath).toFilePath(); let serverKey = io.Platform.script.resolve(serverKeyPath).toFilePath(); let serverContext =; serverContext.useCertificateChain(certificateChain, {password: password}); serverContext.usePrivateKey(serverKey, {password: password}); return src__http__angel_http.AngelHttp.fromSecurityContext(app, serverContext, {useZone: useZone}); } get httpServer() { return this[_server]; } startServer(address, port) { let t1, t1$; if (address === void 0) address = null; if (port === void 0) port = null; let host = (t1 = address, t1 == null ? "" : t1); return this[_serverGenerator](host, (t1$ = port, t1$ == null ? 0 : t1$)).then(_http.HttpServer, dart.fn(server => { this[_server] = server; return async.Future.wait(dart.dynamic,[$map](async.Future, dart.bind(, 'configure'))).then(_http.HttpServer, dart.fn(_ => {; this[_sub] = this[_server].listen(dart.bind(this, 'handleRequest')); return this[_server]; }, ListToHttpServer())); }, HttpServerToFutureOfHttpServer())); } close() { let t1; if (dart.test(this[_closed$])) return FutureOfHttpServer().value(this[_server]); this[_closed$] = true; t1 = this[_sub]; t1 == null ? null : t1.cancel(); return, dart.fn(_ => async.Future.wait(dart.dynamic,[$map](async.Future, dart.bind(, 'configure'))).then(_http.HttpServer, dart.fn(_ => this[_server], ListToHttpServer())), dynamicToFutureOfHttpServer())); } handleRequest(request) { return this.createRequestContext(request).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(req => this.createResponseContext(request.response, req).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(res => { const handle = (function() { let t1; let path = req.path; if (path === "/") path = ""; const resolveTuple = (function() { let r =; let resolved = r.resolveAbsolute(path, {method: req.method, strip: false}); return new (Tuple3OfList$MapOfString$dynamic$ParseResultOfMapOfString$dynamic()).new(new, resolved[$fold](MapOfString$dynamic(), new (IdentityMapOfString$dynamic()).new(), dart.fn((out, r) => { let t1; t1 = out; t1[$addAll](r.allParams); return t1; }, MapOfString$dynamicAndRoutingResultToMapOfString$dynamic())), dart.test(resolved[$isEmpty]) ? null : resolved[$first].parseResult); }).bind(this); dart.fn(resolveTuple, VoidToTuple3OfList$MapOfString$dynamic$ParseResultOfMapOfString$dynamic()); let cacheKey = dart.notNull(req.method) + dart.notNull(path); let tuple = dart.test( ?[$putIfAbsent](cacheKey, resolveTuple) : resolveTuple(); req.params[$addAll](tuple.item2); req.container.registerSingleton(ParseResultOfMapOfString$dynamic(), tuple.item3); req.container.registerSingleton(src__combinator__combinator.ParseResult, tuple.item3); if (!dart.test( && != null) { req.container.registerSingleton(core.Stopwatch, (t1 = new, t1.start(), t1)); } let pipeline = tuple.item1; let runPipeline = null; for (let handler of pipeline) { if (handler == null) break; if (runPipeline == null) runPipeline = dart.fn(() => async.Future.sync(dart.fn(() =>, req, res), VoidToFutureOfbool())), VoidToFuture()); else { let current = runPipeline; runPipeline = dart.fn(() => current().then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(result => !dart.test(res.isOpen) ? async.Future.value(result) :, req, res), dynamicToFuture())), VoidToFuture()); } } return runPipeline == null ? this.sendResponse(request, req, res) : runPipeline().then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(_ => this.sendResponse(request, req, res), dynamicToFuture())); }).bind(this); dart.fn(handle, VoidToFuture()); if (dart.equals(this.useZone, false)) { let f = null; try { f = handle(); } catch (e) { let st = dart.stackTrace(e); f = async.Future.error(e, st); } return f.catchError(dart.fn((e, st) => { let t1, t1$, t1$0; if ( dart.throw((t1 = angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException.badRequest({message: e.message}), t1.stackTrace = st, t1)); dart.throw(new, {stackTrace: st, statusCode: 500, message: (t1$0 = (t1$ = e, t1$ == null ? null : dart.toString(t1$)), t1$0 == null ? "500 Internal Server Error" : t1$0)})); }, dynamicAndStackTraceToNull()), {test: dart.fn(e => !, ObjectTobool())}).catchError(dart.fn((ee, st) => { let t1, t1$, t1$0, t1$1; let e =; if ( != null) { let error = (t1 = e.error, t1 == null ? e : t1); let trace = src__trace.Trace.from((t1$ = e.stackTrace, t1$ == null ? core.StackTrace.current : t1$)).terse;$0 = e.message, t1$0 == null ? dart.toString(e) : t1$0), error, trace); } return this.handleAngelHttpException(e, (t1$1 = e.stackTrace, t1$1 == null ? st : t1$1), req, res, request); }, dynamicAndStackTraceToFuture())); } else { let zoneSpec = new{print: dart.fn((self, parent, zone, line) => { if ( != null); else parent.print(zone, line); }, ZoneAndZoneDelegateAndZone__ToNull()), handleUncaughtError: dart.fn((self, parent, zone, error, stackTrace) => { let t1; let trace = src__trace.Trace.from((t1 = stackTrace, t1 == null ? core.StackTrace.current : t1)).terse; return => { let t1, t1$, t1$0; let e = null; if ( { e = angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException.badRequest({message: error.message}); } else if ( { e = error; } else { e = new, {stackTrace: stackTrace, message: (t1$ = (t1 = error, t1 == null ? null : dart.toString(t1)), t1$ == null ? "500 Internal Server Error" : t1$)}); } if ( != null) {$0 = e.message, t1$0 == null ? dart.toString(e) : t1$0), error, trace); } return this.handleAngelHttpException(e, trace, req, res, request); }, VoidToFuture())).catchError(dart.fn((e, st) => { let t1, t1$; let trace = src__trace.Trace.from((t1 = st, t1 == null ? core.StackTrace.current : t1)).terse; request.response.close(); if ( != null) {"Fatal error occurred when processing " + dart.str(request.uri) + ".", e, trace); } else { t1$ = io.stderr; t1$.writeln("Fatal error occurred when processing " + dart.str(request.uri) + ":"); t1$.writeln(e); t1$.writeln(trace); t1$; } }, dynamicAndStackTraceToNull())); }, ZoneAndZoneDelegateAndZone__Tovoid())}); let zone = async.Zone.current.fork({specification: zoneSpec}); req.container.registerSingleton(async.Zone, zone); req.container.registerSingleton(async.ZoneSpecification, zoneSpec); try { return, handle); } catch (e) { let st = dart.stackTrace(e); zone.handleUncaughtError(e, st); return async.Future.value(); } } }, ResponseContextToFutureOr())), HttpRequestContextToFuture())); } handleAngelHttpException(e, st, req, res, request, opts) { let t1, t1$; let ignoreFinalizers = opts && 'ignoreFinalizers' in opts ? opts.ignoreFinalizers : false; if (req == null || res == null) { try { t1 =; t1 == null ? null : t1.severe(e, st); t1$ = request.response; t1$.statusCode = 500; t1$.write("500 Internal Server Error"); t1$.close(); t1$; } finally { return null; } } let handleError = null; if (!dart.test(res.isOpen)) handleError = async.Future.value(); else { res.statusCode = e.statusCode; handleError = async.Future.sync(dart.fn(() =>, req, res), VoidTodynamic())).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(result =>, req, res).then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(_ => res.close(), boolToFuture())), dynamicToFuture())); } return handleError.then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(_ => this.sendResponse(request, req, res, {ignoreFinalizers: dart.equals(ignoreFinalizers, true)}), dynamicToFuture())); } sendResponse(request, req, res, opts) { let ignoreFinalizers = opts && 'ignoreFinalizers' in opts ? opts.ignoreFinalizers : false; const _cleanup = (function(_) { let t1, t1$; if (!dart.test( && != null) { let sw = req.container.make(core.Stopwatch); + " " + dart.str(req.method) + " " + dart.str(req.uri) + " (" + dart.str((t1$ = (t1 = sw, t1 == null ? null : t1.elapsedMilliseconds), t1$ == null ? "unknown" : t1$)) + " ms)"); } }).bind(this); dart.fn(_cleanup, dynamicTovoid()); if (!dart.test(res.isBuffered)) return res.close().then(dart.dynamic, _cleanup); let finalizers = dart.equals(ignoreFinalizers, true) ? async.Future.value() :[$fold](async.Future, async.Future.value(), dart.fn((out, f) => out.then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(_ => f(req, res), dynamicToFutureOr())), FutureAndFnToFuture())); return finalizers.then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(_ => { let t1, t1$, t1$0, t1$1, t1$2, t1$3; if (dart.test(res.isOpen)) res.close(); for (let key of res.headers[$keys]) { request.response.headers.add(key, res.headers[$_get](key)); } request.response.contentLength = res.buffer.length; request.response.headers.chunkedTransferEncoding = (t1 = res.chunked, t1 == null ? true : t1); let outputBuffer = res.buffer.toBytes(); if (dart.test(res.encoders[$isNotEmpty])) { let allowedEncodings = (t1$2 = (t1$1 = (t1$0 = (t1$ = req.headers.value("accept-encoding"), t1$ == null ? null : t1$[$split](",")), t1$0 == null ? null : t1$0[$map](core.String, dart.fn(s => s[$trim](), StringToString()))), t1$1 == null ? null : t1$1[$where](dart.fn(s => s[$isNotEmpty], StringTobool()))), t1$2 == null ? null : t1$2[$map](core.String, dart.fn(str => { if (!str[$contains](";")) return str; return str[$split](";")[$_get](0); }, StringToString()))); if (allowedEncodings != null) { for (let encodingName of allowedEncodings) { let encoder = null; let key = encodingName; if (dart.test(res.encoders[$containsKey](encodingName))) encoder = res.encoders[$_get](encodingName); else if (encodingName === "*") { encoder = res.encoders[$_get](key = res.encoders[$keys][$first]); } if (encoder != null) { request.response.headers.set("content-encoding", key); outputBuffer = res.encoders[$_get](key).convert(outputBuffer); request.response.contentLength = outputBuffer[$length]; break; } } } } t1$3 = request.response; t1$3.statusCode = res.statusCode; t1$3.cookies[$addAll](res.cookies); t1$3.add(outputBuffer); t1$3; return request.response.close().then(dart.dynamic, _cleanup); }, dynamicToFuture())); } createRequestContext(request) { let path = request.uri.path[$replaceAll](src__http__angel_http._straySlashes, ""); if (path.length === 0) path = "/"; return src__http__http_request_context.HttpRequestContext.from(request,, path); } createResponseContext(response, correspondingRequest) { let t2, t2$, t1; if (correspondingRequest === void 0) correspondingRequest = null; return FutureOfResponseContext().value((t1 = new,,, t1.serializer = (t2 =, t2 == null ? dart.bind(convert.json, 'encode') : t2), t1.encoders[$addAll]((t2$ =, t2$ == null ? new (IdentityMapOfString$ConverterOfListOfint$ListOfint()).new() : t2$)), t1)); } }; ( = function(app, opts) { let useZone = opts && 'useZone' in opts ? opts.useZone : false; this[_closed$] = false; this[_server] = null; this[_serverGenerator] = dart.fn(_http.HttpServer.bind, dynamicAndint__ToFutureOfHttpServer()); this[_sub] = null; this[app$] = app; this[useZone$0] = useZone; ; }).prototype = src__http__angel_http.AngelHttp.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__http__angel_http.AngelHttp); const app$ = Symbol(""); const useZone$0 = Symbol("AngelHttp.useZone"); dart.setMethodSignature(src__http__angel_http.AngelHttp, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__http__angel_http.AngelHttp.__proto__), startServer: dart.fnType(async.Future$(_http.HttpServer), [], [dart.dynamic,]), close: dart.fnType(async.Future$(_http.HttpServer), []), handleRequest: dart.fnType(async.Future, [_http.HttpRequest]), handleAngelHttpException: dart.fnType(async.Future, [angel_http_exception.AngelHttpException, core.StackTrace, src__core__request_context.RequestContext, src__core__response_context.ResponseContext, _http.HttpRequest], {ignoreFinalizers: core.bool}), sendResponse: dart.fnType(async.Future, [_http.HttpRequest, src__core__request_context.RequestContext, src__core__response_context.ResponseContext], {ignoreFinalizers: core.bool}), createRequestContext: dart.fnType(async.Future$(src__http__http_request_context.HttpRequestContext), [_http.HttpRequest]), createResponseContext: dart.fnType(async.Future$(src__core__response_context.ResponseContext), [_http.HttpResponse], [src__core__request_context.RequestContext]) })); dart.setGetterSignature(src__http__angel_http.AngelHttp, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getGetters(src__http__angel_http.AngelHttp.__proto__), serverGenerator: dart.fnType(async.Future$(_http.HttpServer), [dart.dynamic,]), httpServer: _http.HttpServer })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__http__angel_http.AngelHttp, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__http__angel_http.AngelHttp.__proto__), app: dart.finalFieldType(src__core__server.Angel), useZone: dart.finalFieldType(core.bool), [_closed$]: dart.fieldType(core.bool), [_server]: dart.fieldType(_http.HttpServer), [_serverGenerator]: dart.fieldType(dart.fnType(async.Future$(_http.HttpServer), [dart.dynamic,])), [_sub]: dart.fieldType(async.StreamSubscription$(_http.HttpRequest)) })); dart.defineLazy(src__http__angel_http, { /*src__http__angel_http._straySlashes*/get _straySlashes() { return"(^/+)|(/+$)"); } }); const _app = Symbol('_app'); const _routeBuilder = Symbol('_routeBuilder'); src__http__controller.Controller = class Controller extends core.Object { get injectSingleton() { return this[injectSingleton$]; } set injectSingleton(value) { super.injectSingleton = value; } get middleware() { return this[middleware]; } set middleware(value) { this[middleware] = value; } get routeMappings() { return this[routeMappings]; } set routeMappings(value) { this[routeMappings] = value; } get app() { return this[_app]; } configureServer(app) { let t1, t1$; this[_app] = app; if (!dart.equals(this.injectSingleton, false)) { this[_app].container.registerSingleton(src__http__controller.Controller, this, {as: this[$runtimeType]}); } let classMirror = app.container.reflector.reflectClass(this[$runtimeType]); let exposeDecl = this.findExpose(app.container.reflector); if (exposeDecl == null) { dart.throw("All controllers must carry an @Expose() declaration.")); } let routable = new; app.mount(exposeDecl.path, routable); let typeMirror = app.container.reflector.reflectType(this[$runtimeType]); let name = dart.equals((t1 =, t1 == null ? null : t1[$isNotEmpty]), true) ? :; app.controllers[$_set](name, this); let instanceMirror = app.container.reflector.reflectInstance(this); let handlers = (t1$ = JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().of([]), t1$[$addAll](exposeDecl.middleware), t1$[$addAll](this.middleware), t1$); let routeBuilder = this[_routeBuilder](instanceMirror, routable, handlers); classMirror.declarations[$forEach](routeBuilder); this.configureRoutes(routable); return async.Future.value(); } [_routeBuilder](instanceMirror, routable, handlers) { return dart.fn(decl => { let t1, t1$, t1$0, t1$1, t1$2; let methodName =; if (methodName !== "toString" && methodName !== "noSuchMethod" && methodName !== "call" && methodName !== "equals" && methodName !== "==") { let exposeDecl = src__core__metadata.Expose._check(decl.function.annotations[$map](core.Object, dart.fn(m => m.reflectee, ReflectedInstanceToObject()))[$firstWhere](dart.fn(r =>, ObjectTobool()), {orElse: dart.fn(() => null, VoidToNull())})); if (exposeDecl == null) return; let reflectedMethod =; let middleware = (t1 = JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().of([]), t1[$addAll](handlers), t1[$addAll](exposeDecl.middleware), t1); let name = dart.equals((t1$ =, t1$ == null ? null : t1$[$isNotEmpty]), true) ? : methodName; let method = decl.function; if (method.parameters[$length] === 2 && dart.equals(method.parameters[$_get](0).type.reflectedType, dart.wrapType(src__core__request_context.RequestContext)) && dart.equals(method.parameters[$_get](1).type.reflectedType, dart.wrapType(src__core__response_context.ResponseContext))) { this.routeMappings[$_set](name, routable.addRoute(exposeDecl.method, exposeDecl.path, dart.fn((req, res) => { let result = dart.dcall(reflectedMethod, [req, res]); return RequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().is(result) ? result(req, res) : result; }, RequestContextAndResponseContextTodynamic()), {middleware: middleware})); return; } let injection = src__core__request_context.preInject(reflectedMethod,; if (dart.equals((t1$1 = (t1$0 = exposeDecl, t1$0 == null ? null : t1$0.allowNull), t1$1 == null ? null : t1$1[$isNotEmpty]), true)) { t1$2 = injection.optional; t1$2 == null ? null : t1$2[$addAll](exposeDecl.allowNull); } this.routeMappings[$_set](name, routable.addRoute(exposeDecl.method, exposeDecl.path, src__core__request_context.handleContained(reflectedMethod, injection), {middleware: middleware})); } }, ReflectedDeclarationToNull()); } configureRoutes(routable) { } findExpose(reflector) { return[$runtimeType]).annotations[$map](core.Object, dart.fn(m => m.reflectee, ReflectedInstanceToObject()))[$firstWhere](dart.fn(r =>, ObjectTobool()), {orElse: dart.fn(() => null, VoidToNull())})); } }; ( = function(opts) { let injectSingleton = opts && 'injectSingleton' in opts ? opts.injectSingleton : true; this[_app] = null; this[middleware] = JSArrayOfRequestContextAndResponseContextToFutureOr().of([]); this[routeMappings] = new (IdentityMapOfString$Route()).new(); this[injectSingleton$] = injectSingleton; ; }).prototype = src__http__controller.Controller.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__http__controller.Controller); const injectSingleton$ = Symbol("Controller.injectSingleton"); const middleware = Symbol("Controller.middleware"); const routeMappings = Symbol("Controller.routeMappings"); dart.setMethodSignature(src__http__controller.Controller, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__http__controller.Controller.__proto__), configureServer: dart.fnType(async.Future, [src__core__server.Angel]), [_routeBuilder]: dart.fnType(dart.fnType(dart.void, [src__reflector.ReflectedDeclaration]), [src__reflector.ReflectedInstance, src__core__routable.Routable, core.Iterable$(dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, [src__core__request_context.RequestContext, src__core__response_context.ResponseContext]))]), configureRoutes: dart.fnType(dart.void, [src__core__routable.Routable]), findExpose: dart.fnType(src__core__metadata.Expose, [src__reflector.Reflector]) })); dart.setGetterSignature(src__http__controller.Controller, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getGetters(src__http__controller.Controller.__proto__), app: src__core__server.Angel })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__http__controller.Controller, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__http__controller.Controller.__proto__), [_app]: dart.fieldType(src__core__server.Angel), injectSingleton: dart.finalFieldType(core.bool), middleware: dart.fieldType(core.List$(dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, [src__core__request_context.RequestContext, src__core__response_context.ResponseContext]))), routeMappings: dart.fieldType(core.Map$(core.String, src__router.Route)) })); const _container$ = Symbol('_container'); const _contentType = Symbol('_contentType'); const _io = Symbol('_io'); const _override = Symbol('_override'); const _path = Symbol('_path'); src__http__http_request_context.HttpRequestContext = class HttpRequestContext extends src__core__request_context.RequestContext$(_http.HttpRequest) { get container() { return this[_container$]; } get contentType() { return this[_contentType]; } get cookies() { return this.rawRequest.cookies; } get headers() { return this.rawRequest.headers; } get hostname() { return this.rawRequest.headers.value("host"); } get rawRequest() { return this[_io]; } get method() { let t1; t1 = this[_override]; return t1 == null ? this.originalMethod : t1; } get originalMethod() { return this.rawRequest.method; } get path() { return this[_path]; } get remoteAddress() { return this.rawRequest.connectionInfo.remoteAddress; } get session() { return this.rawRequest.session; } get uri() { return this.rawRequest.uri; } get xhr() { let t1, t1$; return (t1$ = (t1 = this.rawRequest.headers.value("X-Requested-With"), t1 == null ? null : t1[$trim]()), t1$ == null ? null : t1$[$toLowerCase]()) === "xmlhttprequest"; } static from(request, app, path) { let t1, t1$, t1$0; let ctx = (t1 = new, t1[_container$] = app.container.createChild(), t1); let override = request.method; if (dart.equals(app.allowMethodOverrides, true)) override = (t1$0 = (t1$ = request.headers.value("x-http-method-override"), t1$ == null ? null : t1$[$toUpperCase]()), t1$0 == null ? request.method : t1$0); = app; ctx[_contentType] = request.headers.contentType == null ? null : src__media_type.MediaType.parse(dart.toString(request.headers.contentType)); ctx[_override] = override; ctx[_path] = path; ctx[_io] = request; if (dart.equals(app.eagerParseRequestBodies, true)) { return ctx.parse().then(src__http__http_request_context.HttpRequestContext, dart.fn(_ => ctx, BodyParseResultToHttpRequestContext())); } return FutureOfHttpRequestContext().value(ctx); } close() { this[_contentType] = null; this[_io] = null; this[_override] = this[_path] = null; return super.close(); } parseOnce() { return src__parse_body.parseBodyFromStream(this.rawRequest, this.rawRequest.headers.contentType != null ? src__media_type.MediaType.parse(dart.toString(this.rawRequest.headers.contentType)) : null, this.rawRequest.uri, {storeOriginalBuffer: dart.equals(, true)}); } }; ( = function() { this[_container$] = null; this[_contentType] = null; this[_io] = null; this[_override] = null; this[_path] = null;; ; }).prototype = src__http__http_request_context.HttpRequestContext.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__http__http_request_context.HttpRequestContext); dart.setMethodSignature(src__http__http_request_context.HttpRequestContext, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__http__http_request_context.HttpRequestContext.__proto__), parseOnce: dart.fnType(async.Future$(src__body_parse_result.BodyParseResult), []) })); dart.setGetterSignature(src__http__http_request_context.HttpRequestContext, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getGetters(src__http__http_request_context.HttpRequestContext.__proto__), container: src__container.Container, contentType: src__media_type.MediaType, cookies: core.List$(_http.Cookie), headers: _http.HttpHeaders, hostname: core.String, rawRequest: _http.HttpRequest, method: core.String, originalMethod: core.String, path: core.String, remoteAddress: io.InternetAddress, session: _http.HttpSession, uri: core.Uri, xhr: core.bool })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__http__http_request_context.HttpRequestContext, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__http__http_request_context.HttpRequestContext.__proto__), [_container$]: dart.fieldType(src__container.Container), [_contentType]: dart.fieldType(src__media_type.MediaType), [_io]: dart.fieldType(_http.HttpRequest), [_override]: dart.fieldType(core.String), [_path]: dart.fieldType(core.String) })); const _buffer = Symbol('_buffer'); const _isDetached = Symbol('_isDetached'); const _isClosed = Symbol('_isClosed'); const _streamInitialized = Symbol('_streamInitialized'); const __allowedEncodings = Symbol('__allowedEncodings'); const _correspondingRequest$ = Symbol('_correspondingRequest'); const _allowedEncodings = Symbol('_allowedEncodings'); const _openStream = Symbol('_openStream'); src__http__http_response_context.HttpResponseContext = class HttpResponseContext extends src__core__response_context.ResponseContext$(_http.HttpResponse) { get rawResponse() { return this[rawResponse$]; } set rawResponse(value) { super.rawResponse = value; } get app() { return this[app$0]; } set app(value) { this[app$0] = value; } detach() { this[_isDetached] = true; return this.rawResponse; } get correspondingRequest() { return this[_correspondingRequest$]; } get isOpen() { return !dart.test(this[_isClosed]) && !dart.test(this[_isDetached]); } get isBuffered() { return this[_buffer] != null; } get buffer() { return this[_buffer]; } addError(error, stackTrace) { if (stackTrace === void 0) stackTrace = null; this.rawResponse.addError(error, stackTrace); super.addError(error, stackTrace); } useBuffer() { this[_buffer] =; } get [_allowedEncodings]() { let t2, t2$, t2$0, t2$1, t1; t1 = this[__allowedEncodings]; return t1 == null ? this[__allowedEncodings] = (t2$1 = (t2$0 = (t2$ = (t2 = this.correspondingRequest.headers.value("accept-encoding"), t2 == null ? null : t2[$split](",")), t2$ == null ? null : t2$[$map](core.String, dart.fn(s => s[$trim](), StringToString()))), t2$0 == null ? null : t2$0[$where](dart.fn(s => s[$isNotEmpty], StringTobool()))), t2$1 == null ? null : t2$1[$map](core.String, dart.fn(str => { if (!str[$contains](";")) return str; return str[$split](";")[$_get](0); }, StringToString()))) : t1; } [_openStream]() { let t1; if (!dart.test(this[_streamInitialized])) { t1 = this.rawResponse; t1.statusCode = this.statusCode; t1.cookies[$addAll](this.cookies); t1; this.headers[$forEach](dart.bind(this.rawResponse.headers, 'set')); this.rawResponse.headers.contentType =, this.contentType.subtype, {charset: this.contentType.parameters[$_get]("charset"), parameters: this.contentType.parameters}); if (dart.test(this.encoders[$isNotEmpty]) && this.correspondingRequest != null) { if (this[_allowedEncodings] != null) { for (let encodingName of this[_allowedEncodings]) { let encoder = null; let key = encodingName; if (dart.test(this.encoders[$containsKey](encodingName))) encoder = this.encoders[$_get](encodingName); else if (encodingName === "*") { encoder = this.encoders[$_get](key = this.encoders[$keys][$first]); } if (encoder != null) { this.rawResponse.headers.set("content-encoding", key); break; } } } } return this[_streamInitialized] = true; } return false; } addStream(stream) { StreamOfListOfint()._check(stream); if (dart.test(this[_isClosed]) && dart.test(this.isBuffered)) dart.throw(src__core__response_context.ResponseContext.closed()); this[_openStream](); let output = stream; if (dart.test(this.encoders[$isNotEmpty]) && this.correspondingRequest != null) { if (this[_allowedEncodings] != null) { for (let encodingName of this[_allowedEncodings]) { let encoder = null; let key = encodingName; if (dart.test(this.encoders[$containsKey](encodingName))) encoder = this.encoders[$_get](encodingName); else if (encodingName === "*") { encoder = this.encoders[$_get](key = this.encoders[$keys][$first]); } if (encoder != null) { output = this.encoders[$_get](key).bind(output); break; } } } } return this.rawResponse.addStream(output); } add(data) { ListOfint()._check(data); if (dart.test(this[_isClosed]) && dart.test(this.isBuffered)) dart.throw(src__core__response_context.ResponseContext.closed()); else if (!dart.test(this.isBuffered)) { this[_openStream](); if (dart.test(this.encoders[$isNotEmpty]) && this.correspondingRequest != null) { if (this[_allowedEncodings] != null) { for (let encodingName of this[_allowedEncodings]) { let encoder = null; let key = encodingName; if (dart.test(this.encoders[$containsKey](encodingName))) encoder = this.encoders[$_get](encodingName); else if (encodingName === "*") { encoder = this.encoders[$_get](key = this.encoders[$keys][$first]); } if (encoder != null) { data = this.encoders[$_get](key).convert(data); break; } } } } this.rawResponse.add(data); } else this.buffer.add(data); } close() { if (!dart.test(this[_isDetached])) { if (!dart.test(this[_isClosed])) { if (!dart.test(this.isBuffered)) { try { this.rawResponse.close(); } catch (_) { } } else { this[_buffer].lock(); } this[_isClosed] = true; } super.close(); } return async.Future.value(); } }; ( = function(rawResponse, app, _correspondingRequest) { if (_correspondingRequest === void 0) _correspondingRequest = null; this[_buffer] = null; this[_isDetached] = false; this[_isClosed] = false; this[_streamInitialized] = false; this[__allowedEncodings] = null; this[rawResponse$] = rawResponse; this[app$0] = app; this[_correspondingRequest$] = _correspondingRequest;; ; }).prototype = src__http__http_response_context.HttpResponseContext.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__http__http_response_context.HttpResponseContext); const rawResponse$ = Symbol("HttpResponseContext.rawResponse"); const app$0 = Symbol(""); dart.setMethodSignature(src__http__http_response_context.HttpResponseContext, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__http__http_response_context.HttpResponseContext.__proto__), detach: dart.fnType(_http.HttpResponse, []), useBuffer: dart.fnType(dart.void, []), [_openStream]: dart.fnType(core.bool, []), addStream: dart.fnType(async.Future, [core.Object]), add: dart.fnType(dart.void, [core.Object]) })); dart.setGetterSignature(src__http__http_response_context.HttpResponseContext, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getGetters(src__http__http_response_context.HttpResponseContext.__proto__), correspondingRequest: src__core__request_context.RequestContext, isOpen: core.bool, isBuffered: core.bool, buffer: io.BytesBuilder, [_allowedEncodings]: core.Iterable$(core.String) })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__http__http_response_context.HttpResponseContext, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__http__http_response_context.HttpResponseContext.__proto__), rawResponse: dart.finalFieldType(_http.HttpResponse), app: dart.fieldType(src__core__server.Angel), [_buffer]: dart.fieldType(src__core__response_context.LockableBytesBuilder), [_correspondingRequest$]: dart.finalFieldType(src__http__http_request_context.HttpRequestContext), [_isDetached]: dart.fieldType(core.bool), [_isClosed]: dart.fieldType(core.bool), [_streamInitialized]: dart.fieldType(core.bool), [__allowedEncodings]: dart.fieldType(core.Iterable$(core.String)) })); let const$17; let const$18; let const$19; angel_container.GenerateReflector = class GenerateReflector extends core.Object { get types() { return this[types$]; } set types(value) { super.types = value; } get functions() { return this[functions$]; } set functions(value) { super.functions = value; } get symbols() { return this[symbols$]; } set symbols(value) { super.symbols = value; } get name() { return this[name$0]; } set name(value) { = value; } }; ( = function(opts) { let types = opts && 'types' in opts ? opts.types : const$17 || (const$17 = dart.constList([], core.Type)); let functions = opts && 'functions' in opts ? opts.functions : const$18 || (const$18 = dart.constList([], core.Function)); let symbols = opts && 'symbols' in opts ? opts.symbols : const$19 || (const$19 = dart.constList([], core.Symbol)); let name = opts && 'name' in opts ? : null; this[types$] = types; this[functions$] = functions; this[symbols$] = symbols; this[name$0] = name; ; }).prototype = angel_container.GenerateReflector.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(angel_container.GenerateReflector); const types$ = Symbol("GenerateReflector.types"); const functions$ = Symbol("GenerateReflector.functions"); const symbols$ = Symbol("GenerateReflector.symbols"); const name$0 = Symbol(""); dart.setFieldSignature(angel_container.GenerateReflector, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(angel_container.GenerateReflector.__proto__), types: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(core.Type)), functions: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(core.Function)), symbols: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(core.Symbol)), name: dart.finalFieldType(core.String) })); const _level = Symbol('_level'); const _controller = Symbol('_controller'); const _children$ = Symbol('_children'); const _getStream = Symbol('_getStream'); const _publish = Symbol('_publish'); logging.Logger = class Logger extends core.Object { get name() { return this[name$1]; } set name(value) { = value; } get parent() { return this[parent$]; } set parent(value) { super.parent = value; } get children() { return this[children$]; } set children(value) { super.children = value; } get fullName() { return this.parent == null || === "" ? : dart.str(this.parent.fullName) + "." + dart.str(; } static new(name) { return logging.Logger._loggers[$putIfAbsent](name, dart.fn(() => logging.Logger._named(name), VoidToLogger())); } static detached(name) { return new logging.Logger._internal(name, null, new (LinkedMapOfString$Logger()).new()); } static _named(name) { if (name[$startsWith](".")) { dart.throw(new"name shouldn't start with a '.'")); } let dot = name[$lastIndexOf]("."); let parent = null; let thisName = null; if (dot === -1) { if (name !== "") parent =""); thisName = name; } else { parent =[$substring](0, dot)); thisName = name[$substring](dot + 1); } return new logging.Logger._internal(thisName, parent, new (LinkedMapOfString$Logger()).new()); } get level() { if (dart.test(logging.hierarchicalLoggingEnabled)) { if (this[_level] != null) return this[_level]; if (this.parent != null) return this.parent.level; } return logging._rootLevel; } set level(value) { if (dart.test(logging.hierarchicalLoggingEnabled) && this.parent != null) { this[_level] = value; } else { if (this.parent != null) { dart.throw(new"Please set \"hierarchicalLoggingEnabled\" to true if you want to " + "change the level on a non-root logger.")); } logging._rootLevel = value; } } get onRecord() { return this[_getStream](); } clearListeners() { if (dart.test(logging.hierarchicalLoggingEnabled) || this.parent == null) { if (this[_controller] != null) { this[_controller].close(); this[_controller] = null; } } else { logging.Logger.root.clearListeners(); } } isLoggable(value) { return value['>='](this.level); } log(logLevel, message, error, stackTrace, zone) { if (error === void 0) error = null; if (stackTrace === void 0) stackTrace = null; if (zone === void 0) zone = null; let object = null; if (dart.test(this.isLoggable(logLevel))) { if ( { message = dart.dcall(message, []); } let msg = null; if (typeof message == 'string') { msg = message; } else { msg = dart.toString(message); object = message; } if (stackTrace == null && dart.test(logLevel['>='](logging.recordStackTraceAtLevel))) { stackTrace = core.StackTrace.current; error == null ? error = "autogenerated stack trace for " + dart.str(logLevel) + " " + dart.str(msg) : null; } if (zone == null) zone = async.Zone.current; let record = new, msg, this.fullName, error, stackTrace, zone, object); if (dart.test(logging.hierarchicalLoggingEnabled)) { let target = this; while (target != null) { target[_publish](record); target = target.parent; } } else { logging.Logger.root[_publish](record); } } } finest(message, error, stackTrace) { if (error === void 0) error = null; if (stackTrace === void 0) stackTrace = null; return this.log(logging.Level.FINEST, message, error, stackTrace); } finer(message, error, stackTrace) { if (error === void 0) error = null; if (stackTrace === void 0) stackTrace = null; return this.log(logging.Level.FINER, message, error, stackTrace); } fine(message, error, stackTrace) { if (error === void 0) error = null; if (stackTrace === void 0) stackTrace = null; return this.log(logging.Level.FINE, message, error, stackTrace); } config(message, error, stackTrace) { if (error === void 0) error = null; if (stackTrace === void 0) stackTrace = null; return this.log(logging.Level.CONFIG, message, error, stackTrace); } info(message, error, stackTrace) { if (error === void 0) error = null; if (stackTrace === void 0) stackTrace = null; return this.log(logging.Level.INFO, message, error, stackTrace); } warning(message, error, stackTrace) { if (error === void 0) error = null; if (stackTrace === void 0) stackTrace = null; return this.log(logging.Level.WARNING, message, error, stackTrace); } severe(message, error, stackTrace) { if (error === void 0) error = null; if (stackTrace === void 0) stackTrace = null; return this.log(logging.Level.SEVERE, message, error, stackTrace); } shout(message, error, stackTrace) { if (error === void 0) error = null; if (stackTrace === void 0) stackTrace = null; return this.log(logging.Level.SHOUT, message, error, stackTrace); } [_getStream]() { if (dart.test(logging.hierarchicalLoggingEnabled) || this.parent == null) { if (this[_controller] == null) { this[_controller] = StreamControllerOfLogRecord().broadcast({sync: true}); } return this[_controller].stream; } else { return logging.Logger.root[_getStream](); } } [_publish](record) { if (this[_controller] != null) { this[_controller].add(record); } } }; (logging.Logger._internal = function(name, parent, children) { this[_level] = null; this[_controller] = null; this[name$1] = name; this[parent$] = parent; this[_children$] = children; this[children$] = new (UnmodifiableMapViewOfString$Logger()).new(children); if (this.parent != null) this.parent[_children$][$_set](, this); }).prototype = logging.Logger.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(logging.Logger); const name$1 = Symbol(""); const parent$ = Symbol("Logger.parent"); const children$ = Symbol("Logger.children"); dart.setMethodSignature(logging.Logger, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(logging.Logger.__proto__), clearListeners: dart.fnType(dart.void, []), isLoggable: dart.fnType(core.bool, [logging.Level]), log: dart.fnType(dart.void, [logging.Level, dart.dynamic], [core.Object, core.StackTrace, async.Zone]), finest: dart.fnType(dart.void, [dart.dynamic], [core.Object, core.StackTrace]), finer: dart.fnType(dart.void, [dart.dynamic], [core.Object, core.StackTrace]), fine: dart.fnType(dart.void, [dart.dynamic], [core.Object, core.StackTrace]), config: dart.fnType(dart.void, [dart.dynamic], [core.Object, core.StackTrace]), info: dart.fnType(dart.void, [dart.dynamic], [core.Object, core.StackTrace]), warning: dart.fnType(dart.void, [dart.dynamic], [core.Object, core.StackTrace]), severe: dart.fnType(dart.void, [dart.dynamic], [core.Object, core.StackTrace]), shout: dart.fnType(dart.void, [dart.dynamic], [core.Object, core.StackTrace]), [_getStream]: dart.fnType(async.Stream$(logging.LogRecord), []), [_publish]: dart.fnType(dart.void, [logging.LogRecord]) })); dart.setGetterSignature(logging.Logger, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getGetters(logging.Logger.__proto__), fullName: core.String, level: logging.Level, onRecord: async.Stream$(logging.LogRecord) })); dart.setSetterSignature(logging.Logger, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getSetters(logging.Logger.__proto__), level: logging.Level })); dart.setFieldSignature(logging.Logger, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(logging.Logger.__proto__), name: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), parent: dart.finalFieldType(logging.Logger), [_level]: dart.fieldType(logging.Level), [_children$]: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map$(core.String, logging.Logger)), children: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map$(core.String, logging.Logger)), [_controller]: dart.fieldType(async.StreamController$(logging.LogRecord)) })); dart.defineLazy(logging.Logger, { /*logging.Logger.root*/get root() { return""); }, /*logging.Logger._loggers*/get _loggers() { return new (IdentityMapOfString$Logger()).new(); } }); logging.Level = class Level extends core.Object { get name() { return this[name$2]; } set name(value) { = value; } get value() { return this[value$]; } set value(value) { super.value = value; } _equals(other) { if (other == null) return false; return && this.value == other.value; } ['<'](other) { return dart.notNull(this.value) < dart.notNull(other.value); } ['<='](other) { return dart.notNull(this.value) <= dart.notNull(other.value); } ['>'](other) { return dart.notNull(this.value) > dart.notNull(other.value); } ['>='](other) { return dart.notNull(this.value) >= dart.notNull(other.value); } compareTo(other) { logging.Level._check(other); return dart.notNull(this.value) - dart.notNull(other.value); } get hashCode() { return this.value; } toString() { return; } }; ( = function(name, value) { this[name$2] = name; this[value$] = value; ; }).prototype = logging.Level.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(logging.Level); const name$2 = Symbol(""); const value$ = Symbol("Level.value"); logging.Level[dart.implements] = () => [core.Comparable$(logging.Level)]; dart.setMethodSignature(logging.Level, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(logging.Level.__proto__), _equals: dart.fnType(core.bool, [core.Object]), [$_equals]: dart.fnType(core.bool, [core.Object]), '<': dart.fnType(core.bool, [logging.Level]), '<=': dart.fnType(core.bool, [logging.Level]), '>': dart.fnType(core.bool, [logging.Level]), '>=': dart.fnType(core.bool, [logging.Level]), compareTo: dart.fnType(, [core.Object]), [$compareTo]: dart.fnType(, [core.Object]) })); dart.setFieldSignature(logging.Level, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(logging.Level.__proto__), name: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), value: dart.finalFieldType( })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(logging.Level, ['_equals', 'compareTo', 'toString']); dart.defineExtensionAccessors(logging.Level, ['hashCode']); dart.defineLazy(logging.Level, { /*logging.Level.ALL*/get ALL() { return dart.const(new"ALL", 0)); }, /*logging.Level.OFF*/get OFF() { return dart.const(new"OFF", 2000)); }, /*logging.Level.FINEST*/get FINEST() { return dart.const(new"FINEST", 300)); }, /*logging.Level.FINER*/get FINER() { return dart.const(new"FINER", 400)); }, /*logging.Level.FINE*/get FINE() { return dart.const(new"FINE", 500)); }, /*logging.Level.CONFIG*/get CONFIG() { return dart.const(new"CONFIG", 700)); }, /*logging.Level.INFO*/get INFO() { return dart.const(new"INFO", 800)); }, /*logging.Level.WARNING*/get WARNING() { return dart.const(new"WARNING", 900)); }, /*logging.Level.SEVERE*/get SEVERE() { return dart.const(new"SEVERE", 1000)); }, /*logging.Level.SHOUT*/get SHOUT() { return dart.const(new"SHOUT", 1200)); }, /*logging.Level.LEVELS*/get LEVELS() { return dart.constList([logging.Level.ALL, logging.Level.FINEST, logging.Level.FINER, logging.Level.FINE, logging.Level.CONFIG, logging.Level.INFO, logging.Level.WARNING, logging.Level.SEVERE, logging.Level.SHOUT, logging.Level.OFF], logging.Level); } }); logging.LogRecord = class LogRecord extends core.Object { get level() { return this[level$]; } set level(value) { super.level = value; } get message() { return this[message$0]; } set message(value) { super.message = value; } get object() { return this[object$]; } set object(value) { super.object = value; } get loggerName() { return this[loggerName$]; } set loggerName(value) { super.loggerName = value; } get time() { return this[time]; } set time(value) { super.time = value; } get sequenceNumber() { return this[sequenceNumber]; } set sequenceNumber(value) { super.sequenceNumber = value; } get error() { return this[error$0]; } set error(value) { super.error = value; } get stackTrace() { return this[stackTrace$0]; } set stackTrace(value) { super.stackTrace = value; } get zone() { return this[zone$]; } set zone(value) { = value; } toString() { return "[" + dart.str( + "] " + dart.str(this.loggerName) + ": " + dart.str(this.message); } }; ( = function(level, message, loggerName, error, stackTrace, zone, object) { let t1; if (error === void 0) error = null; if (stackTrace === void 0) stackTrace = null; if (zone === void 0) zone = null; if (object === void 0) object = null; this[level$] = level; this[message$0] = message; this[loggerName$] = loggerName; this[error$0] = error; this[stackTrace$0] = stackTrace; this[zone$] = zone; this[object$] = object; this[time] = new; this[sequenceNumber] = (t1 = logging.LogRecord._nextNumber, logging.LogRecord._nextNumber = dart.notNull(t1) + 1, t1); ; }).prototype = logging.LogRecord.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(logging.LogRecord); const level$ = Symbol("LogRecord.level"); const message$0 = Symbol("LogRecord.message"); const object$ = Symbol("LogRecord.object"); const loggerName$ = Symbol("LogRecord.loggerName"); const time = Symbol("LogRecord.time"); const sequenceNumber = Symbol("LogRecord.sequenceNumber"); const error$0 = Symbol("LogRecord.error"); const stackTrace$0 = Symbol("LogRecord.stackTrace"); const zone$ = Symbol(""); dart.setFieldSignature(logging.LogRecord, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(logging.LogRecord.__proto__), level: dart.finalFieldType(logging.Level), message: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), object: dart.finalFieldType(core.Object), loggerName: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), time: dart.finalFieldType(core.DateTime), sequenceNumber: dart.finalFieldType(, error: dart.finalFieldType(core.Object), stackTrace: dart.finalFieldType(core.StackTrace), zone: dart.finalFieldType(async.Zone) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(logging.LogRecord, ['toString']); dart.defineLazy(logging.LogRecord, { /*logging.LogRecord._nextNumber*/get _nextNumber() { return 0; }, set _nextNumber(_) {} }); logging.LoggerHandler = dart.typedef('LoggerHandler', () => LogRecordTovoid()); dart.defineLazy(logging, { /*logging.hierarchicalLoggingEnabled*/get hierarchicalLoggingEnabled() { return false; }, set hierarchicalLoggingEnabled(_) {}, /*logging.recordStackTraceAtLevel*/get recordStackTraceAtLevel() { return logging.Level.OFF; }, set recordStackTraceAtLevel(_) {}, /*logging._rootLevel*/get _rootLevel() { return logging.Level.INFO; }, set _rootLevel(_) {} }); src__util.matchingAnnotation = function(metadata, T) { for (let metaDatum of metadata) { if (dart.equals(metaDatum.type.reflectedType, T)) { return metaDatum.reflectee; } } return null; }; src__util.getAnnotation = function(obj, T, reflector) { if (reflector == null) { return null; } else { if ( { let methodMirror = reflector.reflectFunction(obj); return src__util.matchingAnnotation(methodMirror.annotations, T); } else { let classMirror = reflector.reflectClass(dart.runtimeType(obj)); return src__util.matchingAnnotation(classMirror.annotations, T); } } }; dart.defineLazy(src__util, { /*src__util.straySlashes*/get straySlashes() { return"(^/+)|(/+$)"); } }); meta.Immutable = class Immutable extends core.Object { get reason() { return this[reason$]; } set reason(value) { super.reason = value; } }; ( = function(reason) { if (reason === void 0) reason = null; this[reason$] = reason; ; }).prototype = meta.Immutable.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(meta.Immutable); const reason$ = Symbol("Immutable.reason"); dart.setFieldSignature(meta.Immutable, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(meta.Immutable.__proto__), reason: dart.finalFieldType(core.String) })); meta.Required = class Required extends core.Object { get reason() { return this[reason$0]; } set reason(value) { super.reason = value; } }; ( = function(reason) { if (reason === void 0) reason = null; this[reason$0] = reason; ; }).prototype = meta.Required.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(meta.Required); const reason$0 = Symbol("Required.reason"); dart.setFieldSignature(meta.Required, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(meta.Required.__proto__), reason: dart.finalFieldType(core.String) })); meta._AlwaysThrows = class _AlwaysThrows extends core.Object {}; ( = function() { ; }).prototype = meta._AlwaysThrows.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(meta._AlwaysThrows); meta._Checked = class _Checked extends core.Object {}; ( = function() { ; }).prototype = meta._Checked.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(meta._Checked); meta._Experimental = class _Experimental extends core.Object {}; ( = function() { ; }).prototype = meta._Experimental.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(meta._Experimental); meta._Factory = class _Factory extends core.Object {}; ( = function() { ; }).prototype = meta._Factory.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(meta._Factory); meta._IsTest = class _IsTest extends core.Object {}; ( = function() { ; }).prototype = meta._IsTest.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(meta._IsTest); meta._IsTestGroup = class _IsTestGroup extends core.Object {}; ( = function() { ; }).prototype = meta._IsTestGroup.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(meta._IsTestGroup); meta._Literal = class _Literal extends core.Object {}; ( = function() { ; }).prototype = meta._Literal.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(meta._Literal); meta._MustCallSuper = class _MustCallSuper extends core.Object {}; ( = function() { ; }).prototype = meta._MustCallSuper.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(meta._MustCallSuper); meta._OptionalTypeArgs = class _OptionalTypeArgs extends core.Object {}; ( = function() { ; }).prototype = meta._OptionalTypeArgs.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(meta._OptionalTypeArgs); meta._Protected = class _Protected extends core.Object {}; ( = function() { ; }).prototype = meta._Protected.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(meta._Protected); meta._Virtual = class _Virtual extends core.Object {}; ( = function() { ; }).prototype = meta._Virtual.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(meta._Virtual); meta._VisibleForOverriding = class _VisibleForOverriding extends core.Object {}; ( = function() { ; }).prototype = meta._VisibleForOverriding.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(meta._VisibleForOverriding); meta._VisibleForTesting = class _VisibleForTesting extends core.Object {}; ( = function() { ; }).prototype = meta._VisibleForTesting.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(meta._VisibleForTesting); dart.defineLazy(meta, { /*meta.alwaysThrows*/get alwaysThrows() { return dart.const(new; }, /*meta.checked*/get checked() { return dart.const(new; }, /*meta.experimental*/get experimental() { return dart.const(new; }, /*meta.factory*/get factory() { return dart.const(new; }, /*meta.immutable*/get immutable() { return dart.const(new; }, /*meta.isTest*/get isTest() { return dart.const(new; }, /*meta.isTestGroup*/get isTestGroup() { return dart.const(new; }, /*meta.literal*/get literal() { return dart.const(new; }, /*meta.mustCallSuper*/get mustCallSuper() { return dart.const(new; }, /*meta.optionalTypeArgs*/get optionalTypeArgs() { return dart.const(new; }, /*meta.protected*/get protected() { return dart.const(new; }, /*meta.required*/get required() { return dart.const(new; }, /*meta.virtual*/get virtual() { return dart.const(new; }, /*meta.visibleForOverriding*/get visibleForOverriding() { return dart.const(new; }, /*meta.visibleForTesting*/get visibleForTesting() { return dart.const(new; } }); path$.absolute = function(part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7) { if (part2 === void 0) part2 = null; if (part3 === void 0) part3 = null; if (part4 === void 0) part4 = null; if (part5 === void 0) part5 = null; if (part6 === void 0) part6 = null; if (part7 === void 0) part7 = null; return path$.context.absolute(part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7); }; path$.basename = function(path) { return path$.context.basename(path); }; path$.basenameWithoutExtension = function(path) { return path$.context.basenameWithoutExtension(path); }; path$.dirname = function(path) { return path$.context.dirname(path); }; path$.extension = function(path) { return path$.context.extension(path); }; path$.rootPrefix = function(path) { return path$.context.rootPrefix(path); }; path$.isAbsolute = function(path) { return path$.context.isAbsolute(path); }; path$.isRelative = function(path) { return path$.context.isRelative(path); }; path$.isRootRelative = function(path) { return path$.context.isRootRelative(path); }; path$.join = function(part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7, part8) { if (part2 === void 0) part2 = null; if (part3 === void 0) part3 = null; if (part4 === void 0) part4 = null; if (part5 === void 0) part5 = null; if (part6 === void 0) part6 = null; if (part7 === void 0) part7 = null; if (part8 === void 0) part8 = null; return path$.context.join(part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7, part8); }; path$.joinAll = function(parts) { return path$.context.joinAll(parts); }; path$.split = function(path) { return path$.context.split(path); }; path$.canonicalize = function(path) { return path$.context.canonicalize(path); }; path$.normalize = function(path) { return path$.context.normalize(path); }; path$.relative = function(path, opts) { let from = opts && 'from' in opts ? opts.from : null; return path$.context.relative(path, {from: from}); }; path$.isWithin = function(parent, child) { return path$.context.isWithin(parent, child); }; path$.equals = function(path1, path2) { return path$.context.equals(path1, path2); }; path$.hash = function(path) { return path$.context.hash(path); }; path$.withoutExtension = function(path) { return path$.context.withoutExtension(path); }; path$.setExtension = function(path, extension) { return path$.context.setExtension(path, extension); }; path$.fromUri = function(uri) { return path$.context.fromUri(uri); }; path$.toUri = function(path) { return path$.context.toUri(path); }; path$.prettyUri = function(uri) { return path$.context.prettyUri(uri); }; dart.copyProperties(path$, { get style() { return path$; }, get current() { let uri = core.Uri.base; if (dart.equals(uri, path$._currentUriBase)) return path$._current; path$._currentUriBase = uri; if (dart.equals(src__style.Style.platform, src__style.Style.url)) { path$._current = dart.toString(uri.resolve(".")); return path$._current; } else { let path = uri.toFilePath(); let lastIndex = path.length - 1; if (!(path[$_get](lastIndex) === "/" || path[$_get](lastIndex) === "\\")) dart.assertFailed(); path$._current = lastIndex === 0 ? path : path[$substring](0, lastIndex); return path$._current; } }, get separator() { return path$.context.separator; } }); dart.defineLazy(path$, { /*path$.posix*/get posix() { return{style: src__style.Style.posix}); }, /*path$.windows*/get windows() { return{style:}); }, /*path$.url*/get url() { return{style: src__style.Style.url}); }, /*path$.context*/get context() { return src__context.createInternal(); }, /*path$._currentUriBase*/get _currentUriBase() { return null; }, set _currentUriBase(_) {}, /*path$._current*/get _current() { return null; }, set _current(_) {} }); const _is_Tuple2_default = Symbol('_is_Tuple2_default'); tuple.Tuple2$ = dart.generic((T1, T2) => { let Tuple2OfT1$T2 = () => (Tuple2OfT1$T2 = dart.constFn(tuple.Tuple2$(T1, T2)))(); class Tuple2 extends core.Object { get item1() { return this[item1$]; } set item1(value) { super.item1 = value; } get item2() { return this[item2$]; } set item2(value) { super.item2 = value; } static fromList(items) { if (items[$length] !== 2) { dart.throw(new"items must have length 2")); } return new (tuple.Tuple2$(T1, T2)).new([$_get](0)),[$_get](1))); } withItem1(v) { T1._check(v); return new (Tuple2OfT1$T2()).new(v, this.item2); } withItem2(v) { T2._check(v); return new (Tuple2OfT1$T2()).new(this.item1, v); } toList(opts) { let growable = opts && 'growable' in opts ? opts.growable : false; return core.List.from([this.item1, this.item2], {growable: growable}); } toString() { return "[" + dart.str(this.item1) + ", " + dart.str(this.item2) + "]"; } _equals(o) { if (o == null) return false; return && dart.equals(o.item1, this.item1) && dart.equals(o.item2, this.item2); } get hashCode() { return core$.hash2(dart.hashCode(this.item1), dart.hashCode(this.item2)); } } ( = function(item1, item2) { this[item1$] = item1; this[item2$] = item2; ; }).prototype = Tuple2.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(Tuple2); Tuple2.prototype[_is_Tuple2_default] = true; const item1$ = Symbol("Tuple2.item1"); const item2$ = Symbol("Tuple2.item2"); dart.setMethodSignature(Tuple2, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(Tuple2.__proto__), withItem1: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple2$(T1, T2), [core.Object]), withItem2: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple2$(T1, T2), [core.Object]), toList: dart.fnType(core.List, [], {growable: core.bool}) })); dart.setFieldSignature(Tuple2, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(Tuple2.__proto__), item1: dart.finalFieldType(T1), item2: dart.finalFieldType(T2) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(Tuple2, ['toString', '_equals']); dart.defineExtensionAccessors(Tuple2, ['hashCode']); return Tuple2; }); tuple.Tuple2 = tuple.Tuple2$(); dart.addTypeTests(tuple.Tuple2, _is_Tuple2_default); const _is_Tuple3_default = Symbol('_is_Tuple3_default'); tuple.Tuple3$ = dart.generic((T1, T2, T3) => { let Tuple3OfT1$T2$T3 = () => (Tuple3OfT1$T2$T3 = dart.constFn(tuple.Tuple3$(T1, T2, T3)))(); class Tuple3 extends core.Object { get item1() { return this[item1$]; } set item1(value) { super.item1 = value; } get item2() { return this[item2$]; } set item2(value) { super.item2 = value; } get item3() { return this[item3$]; } set item3(value) { super.item3 = value; } static fromList(items) { if (items[$length] !== 3) { dart.throw(new"items must have length 3")); } return new (tuple.Tuple3$(T1, T2, T3)).new([$_get](0)),[$_get](1)),[$_get](2))); } withItem1(v) { T1._check(v); return new (Tuple3OfT1$T2$T3()).new(v, this.item2, this.item3); } withItem2(v) { T2._check(v); return new (Tuple3OfT1$T2$T3()).new(this.item1, v, this.item3); } withItem3(v) { T3._check(v); return new (Tuple3OfT1$T2$T3()).new(this.item1, this.item2, v); } toList(opts) { let growable = opts && 'growable' in opts ? opts.growable : false; return core.List.from([this.item1, this.item2, this.item3], {growable: growable}); } toString() { return "[" + dart.str(this.item1) + ", " + dart.str(this.item2) + ", " + dart.str(this.item3) + "]"; } _equals(o) { if (o == null) return false; return && dart.equals(o.item1, this.item1) && dart.equals(o.item2, this.item2) && dart.equals(o.item3, this.item3); } get hashCode() { return core$.hash3(dart.hashCode(this.item1), dart.hashCode(this.item2), dart.hashCode(this.item3)); } } ( = function(item1, item2, item3) { this[item1$] = item1; this[item2$] = item2; this[item3$] = item3; ; }).prototype = Tuple3.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(Tuple3); Tuple3.prototype[_is_Tuple3_default] = true; const item1$ = Symbol("Tuple3.item1"); const item2$ = Symbol("Tuple3.item2"); const item3$ = Symbol("Tuple3.item3"); dart.setMethodSignature(Tuple3, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(Tuple3.__proto__), withItem1: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple3$(T1, T2, T3), [core.Object]), withItem2: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple3$(T1, T2, T3), [core.Object]), withItem3: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple3$(T1, T2, T3), [core.Object]), toList: dart.fnType(core.List, [], {growable: core.bool}) })); dart.setFieldSignature(Tuple3, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(Tuple3.__proto__), item1: dart.finalFieldType(T1), item2: dart.finalFieldType(T2), item3: dart.finalFieldType(T3) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(Tuple3, ['toString', '_equals']); dart.defineExtensionAccessors(Tuple3, ['hashCode']); return Tuple3; }); tuple.Tuple3 = tuple.Tuple3$(); dart.addTypeTests(tuple.Tuple3, _is_Tuple3_default); const _is_Tuple4_default = Symbol('_is_Tuple4_default'); tuple.Tuple4$ = dart.generic((T1, T2, T3, T4) => { let Tuple4OfT1$T2$T3$T4 = () => (Tuple4OfT1$T2$T3$T4 = dart.constFn(tuple.Tuple4$(T1, T2, T3, T4)))(); class Tuple4 extends core.Object { get item1() { return this[item1$]; } set item1(value) { super.item1 = value; } get item2() { return this[item2$]; } set item2(value) { super.item2 = value; } get item3() { return this[item3$]; } set item3(value) { super.item3 = value; } get item4() { return this[item4$]; } set item4(value) { super.item4 = value; } static fromList(items) { if (items[$length] !== 4) { dart.throw(new"items must have length 4")); } return new (tuple.Tuple4$(T1, T2, T3, T4)).new([$_get](0)),[$_get](1)),[$_get](2)),[$_get](3))); } withItem1(v) { T1._check(v); return new (Tuple4OfT1$T2$T3$T4()).new(v, this.item2, this.item3, this.item4); } withItem2(v) { T2._check(v); return new (Tuple4OfT1$T2$T3$T4()).new(this.item1, v, this.item3, this.item4); } withItem3(v) { T3._check(v); return new (Tuple4OfT1$T2$T3$T4()).new(this.item1, this.item2, v, this.item4); } withItem4(v) { T4._check(v); return new (Tuple4OfT1$T2$T3$T4()).new(this.item1, this.item2, this.item3, v); } toList(opts) { let growable = opts && 'growable' in opts ? opts.growable : false; return core.List.from([this.item1, this.item2, this.item3, this.item4], {growable: growable}); } toString() { return "[" + dart.str(this.item1) + ", " + dart.str(this.item2) + ", " + dart.str(this.item3) + ", " + dart.str(this.item4) + "]"; } _equals(o) { if (o == null) return false; return && dart.equals(o.item1, this.item1) && dart.equals(o.item2, this.item2) && dart.equals(o.item3, this.item3) && dart.equals(o.item4, this.item4); } get hashCode() { return core$.hash4(dart.hashCode(this.item1), dart.hashCode(this.item2), dart.hashCode(this.item3), dart.hashCode(this.item4)); } } ( = function(item1, item2, item3, item4) { this[item1$] = item1; this[item2$] = item2; this[item3$] = item3; this[item4$] = item4; ; }).prototype = Tuple4.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(Tuple4); Tuple4.prototype[_is_Tuple4_default] = true; const item1$ = Symbol("Tuple4.item1"); const item2$ = Symbol("Tuple4.item2"); const item3$ = Symbol("Tuple4.item3"); const item4$ = Symbol("Tuple4.item4"); dart.setMethodSignature(Tuple4, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(Tuple4.__proto__), withItem1: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple4$(T1, T2, T3, T4), [core.Object]), withItem2: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple4$(T1, T2, T3, T4), [core.Object]), withItem3: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple4$(T1, T2, T3, T4), [core.Object]), withItem4: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple4$(T1, T2, T3, T4), [core.Object]), toList: dart.fnType(core.List, [], {growable: core.bool}) })); dart.setFieldSignature(Tuple4, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(Tuple4.__proto__), item1: dart.finalFieldType(T1), item2: dart.finalFieldType(T2), item3: dart.finalFieldType(T3), item4: dart.finalFieldType(T4) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(Tuple4, ['toString', '_equals']); dart.defineExtensionAccessors(Tuple4, ['hashCode']); return Tuple4; }); tuple.Tuple4 = tuple.Tuple4$(); dart.addTypeTests(tuple.Tuple4, _is_Tuple4_default); const _is_Tuple5_default = Symbol('_is_Tuple5_default'); tuple.Tuple5$ = dart.generic((T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) => { let Tuple5OfT1$T2$T3$T4$T5 = () => (Tuple5OfT1$T2$T3$T4$T5 = dart.constFn(tuple.Tuple5$(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5)))(); class Tuple5 extends core.Object { get item1() { return this[item1$]; } set item1(value) { super.item1 = value; } get item2() { return this[item2$]; } set item2(value) { super.item2 = value; } get item3() { return this[item3$]; } set item3(value) { super.item3 = value; } get item4() { return this[item4$]; } set item4(value) { super.item4 = value; } get item5() { return this[item5$]; } set item5(value) { super.item5 = value; } static fromList(items) { if (items[$length] !== 5) { dart.throw(new"items must have length 5")); } return new (tuple.Tuple5$(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5)).new([$_get](0)),[$_get](1)),[$_get](2)),[$_get](3)),[$_get](4))); } withItem1(v) { T1._check(v); return new (Tuple5OfT1$T2$T3$T4$T5()).new(v, this.item2, this.item3, this.item4, this.item5); } withItem2(v) { T2._check(v); return new (Tuple5OfT1$T2$T3$T4$T5()).new(this.item1, v, this.item3, this.item4, this.item5); } withItem3(v) { T3._check(v); return new (Tuple5OfT1$T2$T3$T4$T5()).new(this.item1, this.item2, v, this.item4, this.item5); } withItem4(v) { T4._check(v); return new (Tuple5OfT1$T2$T3$T4$T5()).new(this.item1, this.item2, this.item3, v, this.item5); } withItem5(v) { T5._check(v); return new (Tuple5OfT1$T2$T3$T4$T5()).new(this.item1, this.item2, this.item3, this.item4, v); } toList(opts) { let growable = opts && 'growable' in opts ? opts.growable : false; return core.List.from([this.item1, this.item2, this.item3, this.item4, this.item5], {growable: growable}); } toString() { return "[" + dart.str(this.item1) + ", " + dart.str(this.item2) + ", " + dart.str(this.item3) + ", " + dart.str(this.item4) + ", " + dart.str(this.item5) + "]"; } _equals(o) { if (o == null) return false; return && dart.equals(o.item1, this.item1) && dart.equals(o.item2, this.item2) && dart.equals(o.item3, this.item3) && dart.equals(o.item4, this.item4) && dart.equals(o.item5, this.item5); } get hashCode() { return core$.hashObjects([dart.hashCode(this.item1), dart.hashCode(this.item2), dart.hashCode(this.item3), dart.hashCode(this.item4), dart.hashCode(this.item5)]); } } ( = function(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5) { this[item1$] = item1; this[item2$] = item2; this[item3$] = item3; this[item4$] = item4; this[item5$] = item5; ; }).prototype = Tuple5.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(Tuple5); Tuple5.prototype[_is_Tuple5_default] = true; const item1$ = Symbol("Tuple5.item1"); const item2$ = Symbol("Tuple5.item2"); const item3$ = Symbol("Tuple5.item3"); const item4$ = Symbol("Tuple5.item4"); const item5$ = Symbol("Tuple5.item5"); dart.setMethodSignature(Tuple5, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(Tuple5.__proto__), withItem1: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple5$(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5), [core.Object]), withItem2: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple5$(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5), [core.Object]), withItem3: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple5$(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5), [core.Object]), withItem4: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple5$(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5), [core.Object]), withItem5: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple5$(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5), [core.Object]), toList: dart.fnType(core.List, [], {growable: core.bool}) })); dart.setFieldSignature(Tuple5, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(Tuple5.__proto__), item1: dart.finalFieldType(T1), item2: dart.finalFieldType(T2), item3: dart.finalFieldType(T3), item4: dart.finalFieldType(T4), item5: dart.finalFieldType(T5) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(Tuple5, ['toString', '_equals']); dart.defineExtensionAccessors(Tuple5, ['hashCode']); return Tuple5; }); tuple.Tuple5 = tuple.Tuple5$(); dart.addTypeTests(tuple.Tuple5, _is_Tuple5_default); const _is_Tuple6_default = Symbol('_is_Tuple6_default'); tuple.Tuple6$ = dart.generic((T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) => { let Tuple6OfT1$T2$T3$T4$T5$T6 = () => (Tuple6OfT1$T2$T3$T4$T5$T6 = dart.constFn(tuple.Tuple6$(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6)))(); class Tuple6 extends core.Object { get item1() { return this[item1$]; } set item1(value) { super.item1 = value; } get item2() { return this[item2$]; } set item2(value) { super.item2 = value; } get item3() { return this[item3$]; } set item3(value) { super.item3 = value; } get item4() { return this[item4$]; } set item4(value) { super.item4 = value; } get item5() { return this[item5$]; } set item5(value) { super.item5 = value; } get item6() { return this[item6$]; } set item6(value) { super.item6 = value; } static fromList(items) { if (items[$length] !== 6) { dart.throw(new"items must have length 6")); } return new (tuple.Tuple6$(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6)).new([$_get](0)),[$_get](1)),[$_get](2)),[$_get](3)),[$_get](4)),[$_get](5))); } withItem1(v) { T1._check(v); return new (Tuple6OfT1$T2$T3$T4$T5$T6()).new(v, this.item2, this.item3, this.item4, this.item5, this.item6); } withItem2(v) { T2._check(v); return new (Tuple6OfT1$T2$T3$T4$T5$T6()).new(this.item1, v, this.item3, this.item4, this.item5, this.item6); } withItem3(v) { T3._check(v); return new (Tuple6OfT1$T2$T3$T4$T5$T6()).new(this.item1, this.item2, v, this.item4, this.item5, this.item6); } withItem4(v) { T4._check(v); return new (Tuple6OfT1$T2$T3$T4$T5$T6()).new(this.item1, this.item2, this.item3, v, this.item5, this.item6); } withItem5(v) { T5._check(v); return new (Tuple6OfT1$T2$T3$T4$T5$T6()).new(this.item1, this.item2, this.item3, this.item4, v, this.item6); } withItem6(v) { T6._check(v); return new (Tuple6OfT1$T2$T3$T4$T5$T6()).new(this.item1, this.item2, this.item3, this.item4, this.item5, v); } toList(opts) { let growable = opts && 'growable' in opts ? opts.growable : false; return core.List.from([this.item1, this.item2, this.item3, this.item4, this.item5, this.item6], {growable: growable}); } toString() { return "[" + dart.str(this.item1) + ", " + dart.str(this.item2) + ", " + dart.str(this.item3) + ", " + dart.str(this.item4) + ", " + dart.str(this.item5) + ", " + dart.str(this.item6) + "]"; } _equals(o) { if (o == null) return false; return && dart.equals(o.item1, this.item1) && dart.equals(o.item2, this.item2) && dart.equals(o.item3, this.item3) && dart.equals(o.item4, this.item4) && dart.equals(o.item5, this.item5) && dart.equals(o.item6, this.item6); } get hashCode() { return core$.hashObjects([dart.hashCode(this.item1), dart.hashCode(this.item2), dart.hashCode(this.item3), dart.hashCode(this.item4), dart.hashCode(this.item5), dart.hashCode(this.item6)]); } } ( = function(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6) { this[item1$] = item1; this[item2$] = item2; this[item3$] = item3; this[item4$] = item4; this[item5$] = item5; this[item6$] = item6; ; }).prototype = Tuple6.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(Tuple6); Tuple6.prototype[_is_Tuple6_default] = true; const item1$ = Symbol("Tuple6.item1"); const item2$ = Symbol("Tuple6.item2"); const item3$ = Symbol("Tuple6.item3"); const item4$ = Symbol("Tuple6.item4"); const item5$ = Symbol("Tuple6.item5"); const item6$ = Symbol("Tuple6.item6"); dart.setMethodSignature(Tuple6, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(Tuple6.__proto__), withItem1: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple6$(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6), [core.Object]), withItem2: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple6$(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6), [core.Object]), withItem3: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple6$(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6), [core.Object]), withItem4: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple6$(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6), [core.Object]), withItem5: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple6$(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6), [core.Object]), withItem6: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple6$(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6), [core.Object]), toList: dart.fnType(core.List, [], {growable: core.bool}) })); dart.setFieldSignature(Tuple6, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(Tuple6.__proto__), item1: dart.finalFieldType(T1), item2: dart.finalFieldType(T2), item3: dart.finalFieldType(T3), item4: dart.finalFieldType(T4), item5: dart.finalFieldType(T5), item6: dart.finalFieldType(T6) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(Tuple6, ['toString', '_equals']); dart.defineExtensionAccessors(Tuple6, ['hashCode']); return Tuple6; }); tuple.Tuple6 = tuple.Tuple6$(); dart.addTypeTests(tuple.Tuple6, _is_Tuple6_default); const _is_Tuple7_default = Symbol('_is_Tuple7_default'); tuple.Tuple7$ = dart.generic((T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7) => { let Tuple7OfT1$T2$T3$T4$T5$T6$T7 = () => (Tuple7OfT1$T2$T3$T4$T5$T6$T7 = dart.constFn(tuple.Tuple7$(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7)))(); class Tuple7 extends core.Object { get item1() { return this[item1$]; } set item1(value) { super.item1 = value; } get item2() { return this[item2$]; } set item2(value) { super.item2 = value; } get item3() { return this[item3$]; } set item3(value) { super.item3 = value; } get item4() { return this[item4$]; } set item4(value) { super.item4 = value; } get item5() { return this[item5$]; } set item5(value) { super.item5 = value; } get item6() { return this[item6$]; } set item6(value) { super.item6 = value; } get item7() { return this[item7$]; } set item7(value) { super.item7 = value; } static fromList(items) { if (items[$length] !== 7) { dart.throw(new"items must have length 7")); } return new (tuple.Tuple7$(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7)).new([$_get](0)),[$_get](1)),[$_get](2)),[$_get](3)),[$_get](4)),[$_get](5)),[$_get](6))); } withItem1(v) { T1._check(v); return new (Tuple7OfT1$T2$T3$T4$T5$T6$T7()).new(v, this.item2, this.item3, this.item4, this.item5, this.item6, this.item7); } withItem2(v) { T2._check(v); return new (Tuple7OfT1$T2$T3$T4$T5$T6$T7()).new(this.item1, v, this.item3, this.item4, this.item5, this.item6, this.item7); } withItem3(v) { T3._check(v); return new (Tuple7OfT1$T2$T3$T4$T5$T6$T7()).new(this.item1, this.item2, v, this.item4, this.item5, this.item6, this.item7); } withItem4(v) { T4._check(v); return new (Tuple7OfT1$T2$T3$T4$T5$T6$T7()).new(this.item1, this.item2, this.item3, v, this.item5, this.item6, this.item7); } withItem5(v) { T5._check(v); return new (Tuple7OfT1$T2$T3$T4$T5$T6$T7()).new(this.item1, this.item2, this.item3, this.item4, v, this.item6, this.item7); } withItem6(v) { T6._check(v); return new (Tuple7OfT1$T2$T3$T4$T5$T6$T7()).new(this.item1, this.item2, this.item3, this.item4, this.item5, v, this.item7); } withItem7(v) { T7._check(v); return new (Tuple7OfT1$T2$T3$T4$T5$T6$T7()).new(this.item1, this.item2, this.item3, this.item4, this.item5, this.item6, v); } toList(opts) { let growable = opts && 'growable' in opts ? opts.growable : false; return core.List.from([this.item1, this.item2, this.item3, this.item4, this.item5, this.item6, this.item7], {growable: growable}); } toString() { return "[" + dart.str(this.item1) + ", " + dart.str(this.item2) + ", " + dart.str(this.item3) + ", " + dart.str(this.item4) + ", " + dart.str(this.item5) + ", " + dart.str(this.item6) + ", " + dart.str(this.item7) + "]"; } _equals(o) { if (o == null) return false; return && dart.equals(o.item1, this.item1) && dart.equals(o.item2, this.item2) && dart.equals(o.item3, this.item3) && dart.equals(o.item4, this.item4) && dart.equals(o.item5, this.item5) && dart.equals(o.item5, this.item6) && dart.equals(o.item6, this.item7); } get hashCode() { return core$.hashObjects([dart.hashCode(this.item1), dart.hashCode(this.item2), dart.hashCode(this.item3), dart.hashCode(this.item4), dart.hashCode(this.item5), dart.hashCode(this.item6), dart.hashCode(this.item7)]); } } ( = function(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7) { this[item1$] = item1; this[item2$] = item2; this[item3$] = item3; this[item4$] = item4; this[item5$] = item5; this[item6$] = item6; this[item7$] = item7; ; }).prototype = Tuple7.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(Tuple7); Tuple7.prototype[_is_Tuple7_default] = true; const item1$ = Symbol("Tuple7.item1"); const item2$ = Symbol("Tuple7.item2"); const item3$ = Symbol("Tuple7.item3"); const item4$ = Symbol("Tuple7.item4"); const item5$ = Symbol("Tuple7.item5"); const item6$ = Symbol("Tuple7.item6"); const item7$ = Symbol("Tuple7.item7"); dart.setMethodSignature(Tuple7, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(Tuple7.__proto__), withItem1: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple7$(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7), [core.Object]), withItem2: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple7$(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7), [core.Object]), withItem3: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple7$(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7), [core.Object]), withItem4: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple7$(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7), [core.Object]), withItem5: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple7$(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7), [core.Object]), withItem6: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple7$(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7), [core.Object]), withItem7: dart.fnType(tuple.Tuple7$(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7), [core.Object]), toList: dart.fnType(core.List, [], {growable: core.bool}) })); dart.setFieldSignature(Tuple7, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(Tuple7.__proto__), item1: dart.finalFieldType(T1), item2: dart.finalFieldType(T2), item3: dart.finalFieldType(T3), item4: dart.finalFieldType(T4), item5: dart.finalFieldType(T5), item6: dart.finalFieldType(T6), item7: dart.finalFieldType(T7) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(Tuple7, ['toString', '_equals']); dart.defineExtensionAccessors(Tuple7, ['hashCode']); return Tuple7; }); tuple.Tuple7 = tuple.Tuple7$(); dart.addTypeTests(tuple.Tuple7, _is_Tuple7_default); merge_map._copyValues = function(K, V, from, to, recursive, acceptNull) { for (let key of from[$keys]) { if (core.Map$(K, V).is(from[$_get](key)) && dart.test(recursive)) { if (!core.Map$(K, V).is(to[$_get](key))) { to[$_set](key, (_js_helper.LinkedMap$(K, V)).new())); } merge_map._copyValues(dart.dynamic, dart.dynamic,[$_get](key)),[$_get](key)), recursive, acceptNull); } else { if (from[$_get](key) != null || dart.test(acceptNull)) to[$_set](key, from[$_get](key)); } } }; merge_map.mergeMap = function(K, V, maps, opts) { let recursive = opts && 'recursive' in opts ? opts.recursive : true; let acceptNull = opts && 'acceptNull' in opts ? opts.acceptNull : false; let result = new (_js_helper.LinkedMap$(K, V)).new(); maps[$forEach](dart.fn(map => { if (map != null) merge_map._copyValues(K, V, map, result, recursive, acceptNull); }, dart.fnType(core.Null, [core.Map$(K, V)]))); return result; }; convert$.HtmlEscapeMode = class HtmlEscapeMode extends core.Object {}; (convert$ = function() { ; }).prototype = convert$.HtmlEscapeMode.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(convert$.HtmlEscapeMode); dart.defineLazy(convert$.HtmlEscapeMode, { /*convert$.HtmlEscapeMode.unknown*/get unknown() { return convert.HtmlEscapeMode.unknown; }, /*convert$.HtmlEscapeMode.attribute*/get attribute() { return convert.HtmlEscapeMode.attribute; }, /*convert$.HtmlEscapeMode.sqAttribute*/get sqAttribute() { return convert.HtmlEscapeMode.sqAttribute; }, /*convert$.HtmlEscapeMode.element*/get element() { return convert.HtmlEscapeMode.element; } }); dart.defineLazy(convert$, { /*convert$.ascii*/get ascii() { return convert.ascii; }, /*convert$.base64*/get base64() { return convert.base64; }, /*convert$.base64Url*/get base64Url() { return convert.base64Url; }, /*convert$.htmlEscape*/get htmlEscape() { return convert.htmlEscape; }, /*convert$.json*/get json() { return convert.json; }, /*convert$.latin1*/get latin1() { return convert.latin1; }, /*convert$.unicodeReplacementCharacterRune*/get unicodeReplacementCharacterRune() { return 65533; }, /*convert$.unicodeBomCharacterRune*/get unicodeBomCharacterRune() { return 65279; }, /*convert$.utf8*/get utf8() { return convert.utf8; } }); const _handlers = Symbol('_handlers'); const _is_MiddlewarePipeline_default = Symbol('_is_MiddlewarePipeline_default'); src__middleware_pipeline.MiddlewarePipeline$ = dart.generic(T => { let ListOfT = () => (ListOfT = dart.constFn(core.List$(T)))(); let JSArrayOfT = () => (JSArrayOfT = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(T)))(); class MiddlewarePipeline extends core.Object { get routingResults() { return this[routingResults$]; } set routingResults(value) { super.routingResults = value; } get [_handlers]() { return this[_handlers$]; } set [_handlers](value) { this[_handlers$] = ListOfT()._check(value); } get handlers() { if (this[_handlers] != null) return this[_handlers]; let handlers = JSArrayOfT().of([]); for (let result of this.routingResults) { handlers[$addAll](result.allHandlers); } return this[_handlers] = handlers; } } ( = function(routingResults) { this[_handlers$] = null; this[routingResults$] = routingResults[$toList](); ; }).prototype = MiddlewarePipeline.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(MiddlewarePipeline); MiddlewarePipeline.prototype[_is_MiddlewarePipeline_default] = true; const routingResults$ = Symbol("MiddlewarePipeline.routingResults"); const _handlers$ = Symbol("MiddlewarePipeline._handlers"); dart.setGetterSignature(MiddlewarePipeline, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getGetters(MiddlewarePipeline.__proto__), handlers: core.List$(T) })); dart.setFieldSignature(MiddlewarePipeline, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(MiddlewarePipeline.__proto__), routingResults: dart.finalFieldType(core.Iterable$(src__router.RoutingResult$(T))), [_handlers]: dart.fieldType(core.List$(T)) })); return MiddlewarePipeline; }); src__middleware_pipeline.MiddlewarePipeline = src__middleware_pipeline.MiddlewarePipeline$(); dart.addTypeTests(src__middleware_pipeline.MiddlewarePipeline, _is_MiddlewarePipeline_default); const _handlers$ = Symbol('_handlers'); const _root$ = Symbol('_root'); let const$20; let const$21; const _is__ChainedRouter_default = Symbol('_is__ChainedRouter_default'); src__router._ChainedRouter$ = dart.generic(T => { let JSArrayOfT = () => (JSArrayOfT = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(T)))(); let IterableOfT = () => (IterableOfT = dart.constFn(core.Iterable$(T)))(); let _ChainedRouterOfT = () => (_ChainedRouterOfT = dart.constFn(src__router._ChainedRouter$(T)))(); let RouterOfT = () => (RouterOfT = dart.constFn(src__router.Router$(T)))(); let SymlinkRouteOfT = () => (SymlinkRouteOfT = dart.constFn(src__router.SymlinkRoute$(T)))(); class _ChainedRouter extends src__router.Router$(T) { addRoute(method, path, handler, opts) { let t2, t1; T._check(handler); let middleware = opts && 'middleware' in opts ? opts.middleware : const$20 || (const$20 = dart.constList([], core.Null)); IterableOfT()._check(middleware); let route = super.addRoute(method, path, handler, {middleware: (t1 = JSArrayOfT().of([]), t1[$addAll](this[_handlers$]), t1[$addAll]((t2 = middleware, t2 == null ? JSArrayOfT().of([]) : t2)), t1)}); return route; } group(path, callback, opts) { let t1, t1$; let middleware = opts && 'middleware' in opts ? opts.middleware : const$21 || (const$21 = dart.constList([], core.Null)); IterableOfT()._check(middleware); let name = opts && 'name' in opts ? : null; let router = new (_ChainedRouterOfT()).new(this[_root$], (t1 = JSArrayOfT().of([]), t1[$addAll](this[_handlers$]), t1[$addAll](middleware), t1)); callback(router); t1$ = this.mount(path, router); t1$.name = name; return t1$; } mount(path, router) { RouterOfT()._check(router); let route = super.mount(path, router); route.router[_middleware][$insertAll](0, this[_handlers$]); return route; } chain(middleware) { let t1, t1$; IterableOfT()._check(middleware); let piped = (t1 = new (_ChainedRouterOfT()).empty(), t1[_root$] = this[_root$], t1); piped[_handlers$][$addAll]((t1$ = JSArrayOfT().of([]), t1$[$addAll](this[_handlers$]), t1$[$addAll](middleware), t1$)); let route = new (SymlinkRouteOfT()).new("/", piped); this[_routes][$add](route); return piped; } } (_ChainedRouter.empty = function() { this[_handlers$] = JSArrayOfT().of([]); this[_root$] = null;; ; }).prototype = _ChainedRouter.prototype; ( = function(root, middleware) { this[_handlers$] = JSArrayOfT().of([]); this[_root$] = null;; this[_root$] = root; this[_handlers$][$addAll](middleware); }).prototype = _ChainedRouter.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(_ChainedRouter); _ChainedRouter.prototype[_is__ChainedRouter_default] = true; dart.setMethodSignature(_ChainedRouter, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(_ChainedRouter.__proto__), group: dart.fnType(src__router.SymlinkRoute$(T), [core.String, dart.fnType(dart.void, [src__router.Router$(T)])], {middleware: core.Object, name: core.String}) })); dart.setFieldSignature(_ChainedRouter, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(_ChainedRouter.__proto__), [_handlers$]: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(T)), [_root$]: dart.fieldType(src__router.Router) })); return _ChainedRouter; }); src__router._ChainedRouter = src__router._ChainedRouter$(); dart.addTypeTests(src__router._ChainedRouter, _is__ChainedRouter_default); src__router.RouteGrammar = class RouteGrammar extends core.Object {}; ( = function() { ; }).prototype = src__router.RouteGrammar.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__router.RouteGrammar); dart.defineLazy(src__router.RouteGrammar, { /*src__router.RouteGrammar.rgx*/get rgx() { return"\\((.+)\\)"); }, /*src__router.RouteGrammar.notSlash*/get notSlash() { return src__combinator__combinator.match(core.String,"[^/]+")).value(dart.fn(r => r.span.text, ParseResultOfStringToString())); }, /*src__router.RouteGrammar.regExp*/get regExp() { return src__combinator__combinator.match(core.RegExp,"\\((.+)\\)")).value(dart.fn(r =>, ParseResultOfRegExpToRegExp())); }, /*src__router.RouteGrammar.parameterName*/get parameterName() { return src__combinator__combinator.match(core.String,":([A-Za-z0-9_]+)")).value(dart.fn(r => r.span.text[$substring](1), ParseResultOfStringToString())); }, /*src__router.RouteGrammar.parameterSegment*/get parameterSegment() { return src__combinator__combinator.chain(core.Object, JSArrayOfParserOfObject().of([src__router.RouteGrammar.parameterName, src__combinator__combinator.match(core.bool, "?").value(dart.fn(r => true, ParseResultOfboolTobool())).opt(), src__router.RouteGrammar.regExp.opt()])).map(src__router.ParameterSegment, dart.fn(r => { let s = new[$_get](0)),[$_get](2))); return dart.equals(r.value[$_get](1), true) ? new : s; }, ParseResultOfListOfObjectToParameterSegment())); }, /*src__router.RouteGrammar.parsedParameterSegment*/get parsedParameterSegment() { return src__combinator__combinator.chain(core.Object, JSArrayOfParserOfObject().of([src__combinator__combinator.match(dart.dynamic,"(int|num|double)"), {errorMessage: "Expected \"int\",\"double\", or \"num\"."}).map(core.String, dart.fn(r => r.span.text, ParseResultToString())), src__router.RouteGrammar.parameterSegment])).map(src__router.ParsedParameterSegment, dart.fn(r => new[$_get](0)),[$_get](1))), ParseResultOfListOfObjectToParsedParameterSegment())); }, /*src__router.RouteGrammar.wildcardSegment*/get wildcardSegment() { return src__combinator__combinator.match(src__router.WildcardSegment, "*").value(dart.fn(r => new, ParseResultOfWildcardSegmentToWildcardSegment())); }, /*src__router.RouteGrammar.constantSegment*/get constantSegment() { return, dart.fn(r => new, ParseResultOfStringToConstantSegment())); }, /*src__router.RouteGrammar.routeSegment*/get routeSegment() { return src__combinator__combinator.any(src__router.RouteSegment, JSArrayOfParserOfRouteSegment().of([src__router.RouteGrammar.parsedParameterSegment, src__router.RouteGrammar.parameterSegment, src__router.RouteGrammar.wildcardSegment, src__router.RouteGrammar.constantSegment])); }, /*src__router.RouteGrammar.routeDefinition*/get routeDefinition() { return src__router.RouteGrammar.routeSegment.separatedBy(src__combinator__combinator.match(dart.dynamic, "/")).map(src__router.RouteDefinition, dart.fn(r => { let t1; return new = r.value, t1 == null ? JSArrayOfRouteSegment().of([]) : t1)); }, ParseResultOfListOfRouteSegmentToRouteDefinition())).surroundedBy(src__combinator__combinator.match(dart.dynamic, "/").star().opt()); } }); src__router.RouteDefinition = class RouteDefinition extends core.Object { get segments() { return this[segments$]; } set segments(value) { super.segments = value; } compile() { let out = null; for (let i = 0; i < dart.notNull(this.segments[$length]); i = i + 1) { let s = this.segments[$_get](i); let isLast = i === dart.notNull(this.segments[$length]) - 1; if (out == null) out = s.compile(isLast); else out = s.compileNext(out.then(src__combinator__combinator.match(dart.dynamic, "/")).index(0).cast(MapOfString$dynamic()), isLast); } return out; } }; ( = function(segments) { this[segments$] = segments; ; }).prototype = src__router.RouteDefinition.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__router.RouteDefinition); const segments$ = Symbol("RouteDefinition.segments"); dart.setMethodSignature(src__router.RouteDefinition, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__router.RouteDefinition.__proto__), compile: dart.fnType(src__combinator__combinator.Parser$(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic)), []) })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__router.RouteDefinition, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__router.RouteDefinition.__proto__), segments: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(src__router.RouteSegment)) })); src__router.RouteSegment = class RouteSegment extends core.Object {}; ( = function() { ; }).prototype = src__router.RouteSegment.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__router.RouteSegment); src__router.ConstantSegment = class ConstantSegment extends src__router.RouteSegment { get text() { return this[text$]; } set text(value) { super.text = value; } toString() { return "Constant: " + dart.str(this.text); } compile(isLast) { return src__combinator__combinator.match(MapOfString$dynamic(), this.text).value(dart.fn(r => new (IdentityMapOfString$dynamic()).new(), ParseResultOfMapOfString$dynamicToMapOfString$dynamic())); } compileNext(p, isLast) { return p.then(this.compile(isLast)).index(0).cast(MapOfString$dynamic()); } }; ( = function(text) { this[text$] = text; ; }).prototype = src__router.ConstantSegment.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__router.ConstantSegment); const text$ = Symbol("ConstantSegment.text"); dart.setMethodSignature(src__router.ConstantSegment, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__router.ConstantSegment.__proto__), compile: dart.fnType(src__combinator__combinator.Parser$(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic)), [core.bool]), compileNext: dart.fnType(src__combinator__combinator.Parser$(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic)), [src__combinator__combinator.Parser$(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic)), core.bool]) })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__router.ConstantSegment, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__router.ConstantSegment.__proto__), text: dart.finalFieldType(core.String) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(src__router.ConstantSegment, ['toString']); const _compile = Symbol('_compile'); src__router.WildcardSegment = class WildcardSegment extends src__router.RouteSegment { toString() { return "Wildcard segment"; } [_compile](isLast) { if (dart.test(isLast)) return src__combinator__combinator.match(MapOfString$dynamic(),".*")); return src__combinator__combinator.match(MapOfString$dynamic(),"[^/]*")); } compile(isLast) { return this[_compile](isLast).map(MapOfString$dynamic(), dart.fn(r => new (IdentityMapOfString$dynamic()).new(), ParseResultOfMapOfString$dynamicToMapOfString$dynamic())); } compileNext(p, isLast) { return p.then(this[_compile](isLast)).index(0).cast(MapOfString$dynamic()); } }; ( = function() { ; }).prototype = src__router.WildcardSegment.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__router.WildcardSegment); dart.setMethodSignature(src__router.WildcardSegment, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__router.WildcardSegment.__proto__), [_compile]: dart.fnType(src__combinator__combinator.Parser$(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic)), [core.bool]), compile: dart.fnType(src__combinator__combinator.Parser$(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic)), [core.bool]), compileNext: dart.fnType(src__combinator__combinator.Parser$(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic)), [src__combinator__combinator.Parser$(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic)), core.bool]) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(src__router.WildcardSegment, ['toString']); src__router.ParameterSegment = class ParameterSegment extends src__router.RouteSegment { get name() { return this[name$3]; } set name(value) { = value; } get regExp() { return this[regExp$]; } set regExp(value) { super.regExp = value; } toString() { if (this.regExp != null) return "Param: " + dart.str( + " (" + dart.str(this.regExp.pattern) + ")"; return "Param: " + dart.str(; } [_compile]() { return this.regExp != null ? src__combinator__combinator.match(core.String, this.regExp).value(dart.fn(r => r.span.text, ParseResultOfStringToString())) : src__router.RouteGrammar.notSlash; } compile(isLast) { return this[_compile]().map(MapOfString$dynamic(), dart.fn(r => new (IdentityMapOfString$dynamic()).from([, core.Uri.decodeComponent(r.span.text)]), ParseResultOfStringToMapOfString$dynamic())); } compileNext(p, isLast) { return p.then(this[_compile]()).map(MapOfString$dynamic(), dart.fn(r => { let t1; t1 = MapOfString$dynamic().as(r.value[$_get](0)); t1[$addAll](new (IdentityMapOfString$dynamic()).from([, core.Uri.decodeComponent([$_get](1)))])); return t1; }, ParseResultOfListToMapOfString$dynamic())); } }; ( = function(name, regExp) { this[name$3] = name; this[regExp$] = regExp; ; }).prototype = src__router.ParameterSegment.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__router.ParameterSegment); const name$3 = Symbol(""); const regExp$ = Symbol("ParameterSegment.regExp"); dart.setMethodSignature(src__router.ParameterSegment, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__router.ParameterSegment.__proto__), [_compile]: dart.fnType(src__combinator__combinator.Parser$(core.String), []), compile: dart.fnType(src__combinator__combinator.Parser$(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic)), [core.bool]), compileNext: dart.fnType(src__combinator__combinator.Parser$(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic)), [src__combinator__combinator.Parser$(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic)), core.bool]) })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__router.ParameterSegment, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__router.ParameterSegment.__proto__), name: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), regExp: dart.finalFieldType(core.RegExp) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(src__router.ParameterSegment, ['toString']); src__router.OptionalSegment = class OptionalSegment extends src__router.ParameterSegment { get parameter() { return this[parameter$]; } set parameter(value) { super.parameter = value; } toString() { return "Optional: " + dart.str(this.parameter); } compile(isLast) { return super.compile(isLast).opt(); } compileNext(p, isLast) { return p.then(this[_compile]().opt()).map(MapOfString$dynamic(), dart.fn(r => { let t1; if (r.value[$_get](1) == null) return MapOfString$dynamic().as(r.value[$_get](0)); t1 = MapOfString$dynamic().as(r.value[$_get](0)); t1[$addAll](new (IdentityMapOfString$dynamic()).from([, core.Uri.decodeComponent([$_get](1)))])); return t1; }, ParseResultOfListToMapOfString$dynamic())); } }; ( = function(parameter) { this[parameter$] = parameter;,, parameter.regExp); ; }).prototype = src__router.OptionalSegment.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__router.OptionalSegment); const parameter$ = Symbol("OptionalSegment.parameter"); dart.setFieldSignature(src__router.OptionalSegment, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__router.OptionalSegment.__proto__), parameter: dart.finalFieldType(src__router.ParameterSegment) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(src__router.OptionalSegment, ['toString']); src__router.ParsedParameterSegment = class ParsedParameterSegment extends src__router.RouteSegment { get type() { return this[type$]; } set type(value) { super.type = value; } get parameter() { return this[parameter$0]; } set parameter(value) { super.parameter = value; } getValue(s) { switch (this.type) { case "int": { return; } case "double": { return core.double.parse(s); } default: { return core.num.parse(s); } } } compile(isLast) { return this.parameter[_compile]().map(MapOfString$dynamic(), dart.fn(r => new (IdentityMapOfString$dynamic()).from([, this.getValue(core.Uri.decodeComponent(r.span.text))]), ParseResultOfStringToMapOfString$dynamic())); } compileNext(p, isLast) { return p.then(this.parameter[_compile]()).map(MapOfString$dynamic(), dart.fn(r => { let t1; t1 = MapOfString$dynamic().as(r.value[$_get](0)); t1[$addAll](new (IdentityMapOfString$dynamic()).from([, this.getValue(core.Uri.decodeComponent([$_get](1))))])); return t1; }, ParseResultOfListToMapOfString$dynamic())); } }; ( = function(type, parameter) { this[type$] = type; this[parameter$0] = parameter; ; }).prototype = src__router.ParsedParameterSegment.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__router.ParsedParameterSegment); const type$ = Symbol("ParsedParameterSegment.type"); const parameter$0 = Symbol("ParsedParameterSegment.parameter"); dart.setMethodSignature(src__router.ParsedParameterSegment, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__router.ParsedParameterSegment.__proto__), getValue: dart.fnType(core.num, [core.String]), compile: dart.fnType(src__combinator__combinator.Parser$(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic)), [core.bool]), compileNext: dart.fnType(src__combinator__combinator.Parser$(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic)), [src__combinator__combinator.Parser$(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic)), core.bool]) })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__router.ParsedParameterSegment, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__router.ParsedParameterSegment.__proto__), type: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), parameter: dart.finalFieldType(src__router.ParameterSegment) })); const _parser = Symbol('_parser'); const _routeDefinition = Symbol('_routeDefinition'); const _is_Route_default = Symbol('_is_Route_default'); src__router.Route$ = dart.generic(T => { let RouteOfT = () => (RouteOfT = dart.constFn(src__router.Route$(T)))(); class Route extends core.Object { get method() { return this[method$]; } set method(value) { super.method = value; } get path() { return this[path$]; } set path(value) { super.path = value; } get handlers() { return this[handlers$]; } set handlers(value) { super.handlers = value; } get name() { return this[name]; } set name(value) { this[name] = value; } static join(a, b) { let start = a.path[$replaceAll](src__router._straySlashes, ""); let end = b.path[$replaceAll](src__router._straySlashes, ""); return new (src__router.Route$(T)).new((start + "/" + end)[$replaceAll](src__router._straySlashes, ""), {method: b.method, handlers: b.handlers}); } get parser() { let t1; t1 = this[_parser]; return t1 == null ? this[_parser] = this[_routeDefinition].compile() : t1; } toString() { return dart.str(this.method) + " " + dart.str(this.path) + " => " + dart.str(this.handlers); } clone() { let t1; t1 = new (RouteOfT()).new(this.path, {method: this.method, handlers: this.handlers}); t1[_cache][$addAll](this[_cache]); return t1; } makeUri(params) { let t1; let b = new; let i = 0; for (let seg of this[_routeDefinition].segments) { if ((t1 = i, i = t1 + 1, t1) > 0) b.write("/"); if ( b.write(seg.text); else if ( { if (!dart.test(params[$containsKey]( dart.throw(new"Missing parameter \"" + dart.str( + "\".")); b.write(params[$_get](; } } return b.toString(); } } ( = function(path, opts) { let t1, t1$; let method = opts && 'method' in opts ? opts.method : null; let handlers = opts && 'handlers' in opts ? opts.handlers : null; this[_cache] = new (IdentityMapOfString$MapOfString$dynamic()).new(); this[name] = null; this[_parser] = null; this[path$] = path; this[method$] = method; this[handlers$] = handlers; this[_routeDefinition] = src__router.RouteGrammar.routeDefinition.parse(new[$replaceAll](src__router._straySlashes, ""))).value; if (!dart.equals((t1$ = (t1 = this[_routeDefinition], t1 == null ? null : t1.segments), t1$ == null ? null : t1$[$isNotEmpty]), true)) this[_parser] = src__combinator__combinator.match(MapOfString$dynamic(), "").value(dart.fn(r => new (IdentityMapOfString$dynamic()).new(), ParseResultOfMapOfString$dynamicToMapOfString$dynamic())); }).prototype = Route.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(Route); Route.prototype[_is_Route_default] = true; const method$ = Symbol("Route.method"); const path$ = Symbol("Route.path"); const handlers$ = Symbol("Route.handlers"); const name = Symbol(""); dart.setMethodSignature(Route, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(Route.__proto__), clone: dart.fnType(src__router.Route$(T), []), makeUri: dart.fnType(core.String, [core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic)]) })); dart.setGetterSignature(Route, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getGetters(Route.__proto__), parser: src__combinator__combinator.Parser$(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic)) })); dart.setFieldSignature(Route, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(Route.__proto__), method: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), path: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), handlers: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(T)), [_cache]: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map$(core.String, core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic))), [_routeDefinition]: dart.finalFieldType(src__router.RouteDefinition), name: dart.fieldType(core.String), [_parser]: dart.fieldType(src__combinator__combinator.Parser$(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic))) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(Route, ['toString']); return Route; }); src__router.Route = src__router.Route$(); dart.addTypeTests(src__router.Route, _is_Route_default); let const$22; const _is_RoutingResult_default = Symbol('_is_RoutingResult_default'); src__router.RoutingResult$ = dart.generic(T => { let JSArrayOfT = () => (JSArrayOfT = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(T)))(); let RoutingResultOfT = () => (RoutingResultOfT = dart.constFn(src__router.RoutingResult$(T)))(); let RoutingResultOfTTovoid = () => (RoutingResultOfTTovoid = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.void, [RoutingResultOfT()])))(); class RoutingResult extends core.Object { get parseResult() { return this[parseResult$]; } set parseResult(value) { super.parseResult = value; } get nested() { return this[nested$]; } set nested(value) { super.nested = value; } get params() { return this[params$]; } set params(value) { super.params = value; } get shallowRoute() { return this[shallowRoute$]; } set shallowRoute(value) { super.shallowRoute = value; } get shallowRouter() { return this[shallowRouter$]; } set shallowRouter(value) { super.shallowRouter = value; } get tail() { return this[tail$]; } set tail(value) { super.tail = value; } get deepest() { let t1, t1$; let search = this; while (dart.equals((t1$ = (t1 = search, t1 == null ? null : t1.nested), t1$ == null ? null : t1$[$isNotEmpty]), true)) search = search.nested[$first]; return search; } get route() { return this.deepest.shallowRoute; } get router() { return this.deepest.shallowRouter; } get handlers() { let t1; t1 = JSArrayOfT().of([]); t1[$addAll](this.shallowRouter.middleware); t1[$addAll](this.shallowRoute.handlers); return t1; } get allHandlers() { let handlers = JSArrayOfT().of([]); function crawl(result) { let t1; handlers[$addAll](result.handlers); if (dart.equals((t1 = result.nested, t1 == null ? null : t1[$isNotEmpty]), true)) { for (let r of result.nested) crawl(r); } } dart.fn(crawl, RoutingResultOfTTovoid()); crawl(this); return handlers; } get allParams() { let params = new (IdentityMapOfString$dynamic()).new(); function crawl(result) { let t1; params[$addAll](result.params); if (dart.equals((t1 = result.nested, t1 == null ? null : t1[$isNotEmpty]), true)) { for (let r of result.nested) crawl(r); } } dart.fn(crawl, RoutingResultTovoid()); crawl(this); return params; } } ( = function(opts) { let t1; let parseResult = opts && 'parseResult' in opts ? opts.parseResult : null; let params = opts && 'params' in opts ? opts.params : const$22 || (const$22 = dart.constMap(core.String, dart.dynamic, [])); let nested = opts && 'nested' in opts ? opts.nested : null; let shallowRoute = opts && 'shallowRoute' in opts ? opts.shallowRoute : null; let shallowRouter = opts && 'shallowRouter' in opts ? opts.shallowRouter : null; let tail = opts && 'tail' in opts ? opts.tail : null; this[params$] = new (IdentityMapOfString$dynamic()).new(); this[parseResult$] = parseResult; this[nested$] = nested; this[shallowRoute$] = shallowRoute; this[shallowRouter$] = shallowRouter; this[tail$] = tail; this.params[$addAll]((t1 = params, t1 == null ? new (IdentityMapOfString$dynamic()).new() : t1)); }).prototype = RoutingResult.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(RoutingResult); RoutingResult.prototype[_is_RoutingResult_default] = true; const parseResult$ = Symbol("RoutingResult.parseResult"); const nested$ = Symbol("RoutingResult.nested"); const params$ = Symbol("RoutingResult.params"); const shallowRoute$ = Symbol("RoutingResult.shallowRoute"); const shallowRouter$ = Symbol("RoutingResult.shallowRouter"); const tail$ = Symbol("RoutingResult.tail"); dart.setGetterSignature(RoutingResult, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getGetters(RoutingResult.__proto__), deepest: src__router.RoutingResult$(T), route: src__router.Route$(T), router: src__router.Router$(T), handlers: core.List$(T), allHandlers: core.List$(T), allParams: core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic) })); dart.setFieldSignature(RoutingResult, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(RoutingResult.__proto__), parseResult: dart.finalFieldType(src__combinator__combinator.ParseResult$(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic))), nested: dart.finalFieldType(core.Iterable$(src__router.RoutingResult$(T))), params: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic)), shallowRoute: dart.finalFieldType(src__router.Route$(T)), shallowRouter: dart.finalFieldType(src__router.Router$(T)), tail: dart.finalFieldType(core.String) })); return RoutingResult; }); src__router.RoutingResult = src__router.RoutingResult$(); dart.addTypeTests(src__router.RoutingResult, _is_RoutingResult_default); const _is_SymlinkRoute_default = Symbol('_is_SymlinkRoute_default'); src__router.SymlinkRoute$ = dart.generic(T => { class SymlinkRoute extends src__router.Route$(T) { get router() { return this[router$]; } set router(value) { super.router = value; } } ( = function(path, router) { this[router$] = router;, path, {method: null, handlers: null}); ; }).prototype = SymlinkRoute.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(SymlinkRoute); SymlinkRoute.prototype[_is_SymlinkRoute_default] = true; const router$ = Symbol("SymlinkRoute.router"); dart.setFieldSignature(SymlinkRoute, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(SymlinkRoute.__proto__), router: dart.finalFieldType(src__router.Router$(T)) })); return SymlinkRoute; }); src__router.SymlinkRoute = src__router.SymlinkRoute$(); dart.addTypeTests(src__router.SymlinkRoute, _is_SymlinkRoute_default); src__router.flatten = function(T, router) { let t1; let flattened = new (src__router.Router$(T)).new(); for (let route of router.routes) { if (src__router.SymlinkRoute$(T).is(route)) { let base = route.path[$replaceAll](src__router._straySlashes, ""); let child = src__router.flatten(T, route.router); for (let route of child.routes) { let path = route.path[$replaceAll](src__router._straySlashes, ""); let joined = (base + "/" + path)[$replaceAll](src__router._straySlashes, ""); flattened.addRoute(route.method, joined[$replaceAll](src__router._straySlashes, ""), route.handlers[$last], {middleware: route.handlers[$take](dart.notNull(route.handlers[$length]) - 1)[$toList]()}); } } else { flattened.addRoute(route.method, route.path, route.handlers[$last], {middleware: route.handlers[$take](dart.notNull(route.handlers[$length]) - 1)[$toList]()}); } } t1 = flattened; t1.enableCache(); return t1; }; dart.defineLazy(src__router, { /*src__router._straySlashes*/get _straySlashes() { return"(^/+)|(/+$)"); } }); src__routing_exception.RoutingException = class RoutingException extends core.Exception { static new(message) { return new; } static orphan() { return new"Tried to resolve path '..' on a route that has no parent."); } static noSuchRoute(path) { return new"Tried to navigate to non-existent route: '" + dart.str(path) + "'."); } }; dart.addTypeTests(src__routing_exception.RoutingException); src__routing_exception._RoutingExceptionImpl = class _RoutingExceptionImpl extends core.Object { toString() { return this.message; } }; ( = function(message) { this.message = message; ; }).prototype = src__routing_exception._RoutingExceptionImpl.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__routing_exception._RoutingExceptionImpl); src__routing_exception._RoutingExceptionImpl[dart.implements] = () => [src__routing_exception.RoutingException]; dart.setFieldSignature(src__routing_exception._RoutingExceptionImpl, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__routing_exception._RoutingExceptionImpl.__proto__), message: dart.finalFieldType(core.String) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(src__routing_exception._RoutingExceptionImpl, ['toString']); src__body_parse_result.BodyParseResult = class BodyParseResult extends core.Object {}; ( = function() { ; }).prototype = src__body_parse_result.BodyParseResult.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__body_parse_result.BodyParseResult); let const$23; src__file_upload_info.FileUploadInfo = class FileUploadInfo extends core.Object { get mimeType() { return this[mimeType$]; } set mimeType(value) { this[mimeType$] = value; } get name() { return this[name$4]; } set name(value) { this[name$4] = value; } get filename() { return this[filename$]; } set filename(value) { this[filename$] = value; } get data() { return this[data$0]; } set data(value) { this[data$0] = value; } }; ( = function(opts) { let mimeType = opts && 'mimeType' in opts ? opts.mimeType : null; let name = opts && 'name' in opts ? : null; let filename = opts && 'filename' in opts ? opts.filename : null; let data = opts && 'data' in opts ? : const$23 || (const$23 = dart.constList([],; this[mimeType$] = mimeType; this[name$4] = name; this[filename$] = filename; this[data$0] = data; }).prototype = src__file_upload_info.FileUploadInfo.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__file_upload_info.FileUploadInfo); const mimeType$ = Symbol("FileUploadInfo.mimeType"); const name$4 = Symbol(""); const filename$ = Symbol("FileUploadInfo.filename"); const data$0 = Symbol(""); dart.setFieldSignature(src__file_upload_info.FileUploadInfo, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__file_upload_info.FileUploadInfo.__proto__), mimeType: dart.fieldType(core.String), name: dart.fieldType(core.String), filename: dart.fieldType(core.String), data: dart.fieldType(core.List$( })); src__parse_body._BodyParseResultImpl = class _BodyParseResultImpl extends core.Object {}; ( = function() { this.body = new (IdentityMapOfString$dynamic()).new(); this.files = JSArrayOfFileUploadInfo().of([]); this.originalBuffer = null; this.query = new (IdentityMapOfString$dynamic()).new(); this.error = null; this.stack = null; ; }).prototype = src__parse_body._BodyParseResultImpl.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__parse_body._BodyParseResultImpl); src__parse_body._BodyParseResultImpl[dart.implements] = () => [src__body_parse_result.BodyParseResult]; dart.setFieldSignature(src__parse_body._BodyParseResultImpl, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__parse_body._BodyParseResultImpl.__proto__), body: dart.fieldType(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic)), files: dart.fieldType(core.List$(src__file_upload_info.FileUploadInfo)), originalBuffer: dart.fieldType(core.List$(, query: dart.fieldType(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic)), error: dart.fieldType(dart.dynamic), stack: dart.fieldType(core.StackTrace) })); src__parse_body.parseBody = function(request, opts) { let storeOriginalBuffer = opts && 'storeOriginalBuffer' in opts ? opts.storeOriginalBuffer : false; return src__parse_body.parseBodyFromStream(request, request.headers.contentType != null ? src__media_type.MediaType.parse(dart.toString(request.headers.contentType)) : null, request.uri, {storeOriginalBuffer: storeOriginalBuffer}); }; src__parse_body.parseBodyFromStream = function(data, contentType, requestUri, opts) { return async.async(src__body_parse_result.BodyParseResult, function* parseBodyFromStream() { let t1, t1$; let storeOriginalBuffer = opts && 'storeOriginalBuffer' in opts ? opts.storeOriginalBuffer : false; let result = new; function getBytes() { return data.fold(io.BytesBuilder,{copy: false}), dart.fn((a, b) => { let t1; t1 = a; t1.add(b); return t1; }, BytesBuilderAndListOfintToBytesBuilder())).then(ListOfint(), dart.fn(b => b.takeBytes(), BytesBuilderToListOfint())); } dart.fn(getBytes, VoidToFutureOfListOfint()); function getBody() { if (dart.test(storeOriginalBuffer)) { return getBytes().then(core.String, dart.fn(bytes => { result.originalBuffer = bytes; return convert$.utf8.decode(bytes); }, ListOfintToString())); } else return data.transform(core.String, convert$.utf8.decoder).join(); } dart.fn(getBody, VoidToFutureOfString()); try { if (contentType != null) { if (contentType.type === "multipart" && dart.test(contentType.parameters[$containsKey]("boundary"))) { let stream = null; if (dart.test(storeOriginalBuffer)) { let bytes = result.originalBuffer = (yield getBytes()); let ctrl = (t1 = StreamControllerOfListOfint().new(), t1.add(bytes), t1.close(), t1); stream =; } else { stream = data; } let parts = stream.transform(src__mime_shared.MimeMultipart, new[$_get]("boundary"))).map(src__http_multipart_form_data.HttpMultipartFormData, dart.fn(part => src__http_multipart_form_data.HttpMultipartFormData.parse(part, {defaultEncoding: convert$.utf8}), MimeMultipartToHttpMultipartFormData())); let iter =; try { while (yield iter.moveNext()) { let part = iter.current; { if (dart.test(part.isBinary) || dart.test(part.contentDisposition.parameters[$containsKey]("filename"))) { let builder = (yield part.fold(io.BytesBuilder,{copy: false}), dart.fn((b, d) => { let t1; t1 = b; t1.add(!(typeof d == 'string') ? ListOfint().as(d) :[$codeUnits]); return t1; }, BytesBuilderAnddynamicToBytesBuilder()))); let upload = new{mimeType: part.contentType.mimeType, name: part.contentDisposition.parameters[$_get]("name"), filename: (t1$ = part.contentDisposition.parameters[$_get]("filename"), t1$ == null ? "file" : t1$), data: builder.takeBytes()}); result.files[$add](upload); } else if (dart.test(part.isText)) { let text = (yield part.join()); src__map_from_uri.buildMapFromUri(result.body, dart.str(part.contentDisposition.parameters[$_get]("name")) + "=" + dart.str(text)); } } } } finally { yield iter.cancel(); } } else if (contentType.mimeType === "application/json") { result.body[$addAll](src__parse_body._foldToStringDynamic($.json.decode(yield getBody())))); } else if (contentType.mimeType === "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") { let body = (yield getBody()); src__map_from_uri.buildMapFromUri(result.body, body); } else if (dart.equals(storeOriginalBuffer, true)) { result.originalBuffer = (yield getBytes()); } } else { if (dart.test(requestUri.hasQuery)) { src__map_from_uri.buildMapFromUri(result.query, requestUri.query); } if (dart.equals(storeOriginalBuffer, true)) { result.originalBuffer = (yield getBytes()); } } } catch (e) { let st = dart.stackTrace(e); result.error = e; result.stack = st; } return result; }); }; src__parse_body._foldToStringDynamic = function(map) { return map == null ? null : map[$keys][$fold](MapOfString$dynamic(), new (IdentityMapOfString$dynamic()).new(), dart.fn((out, k) => { let t1; t1 = out; t1[$_set](dart.toString(k), map[$_get](k)); return t1; }, MapOfString$dynamicAnddynamicToMapOfString$dynamic())); }; const _optionsAndSeparators = Symbol('_optionsAndSeparators'); const _options = Symbol('_options'); const _commands = Symbol('_commands'); const _addOption = Symbol('_addOption'); src__arg_parser.ArgParser = class ArgParser extends core.Object { get options() { return this[options$]; } set options(value) { super.options = value; } get commands() { return this[commands$]; } set commands(value) { super.commands = value; } get allowTrailingOptions() { return this[allowTrailingOptions$]; } set allowTrailingOptions(value) { super.allowTrailingOptions = value; } get usageLineLength() { return this[usageLineLength$]; } set usageLineLength(value) { super.usageLineLength = value; } get allowsAnything() { return false; } static new(opts) { let allowTrailingOptions = opts && 'allowTrailingOptions' in opts ? opts.allowTrailingOptions : true; let usageLineLength = opts && 'usageLineLength' in opts ? opts.usageLineLength : null; return new src__arg_parser.ArgParser.__(new (IdentityMapOfString$Option()).new(), new (IdentityMapOfString$ArgParser()).new(), {allowTrailingOptions: allowTrailingOptions, usageLineLength: usageLineLength}); } addCommand(name, parser) { if (parser === void 0) parser = null; if (dart.test(this[_commands][$containsKey](name))) { dart.throw(new"Duplicate command \"" + dart.str(name) + "\".")); } if (parser == null) parser =; this[_commands][$_set](name, parser); return parser; } addFlag(name, opts) { let abbr = opts && 'abbr' in opts ? opts.abbr : null; let help = opts && 'help' in opts ? : null; let defaultsTo = opts && 'defaultsTo' in opts ? opts.defaultsTo : false; let negatable = opts && 'negatable' in opts ? opts.negatable : true; let callback = opts && 'callback' in opts ? opts.callback : null; let hide = opts && 'hide' in opts ? opts.hide : false; this[_addOption](name, abbr, help, null, null, null, defaultsTo, callback == null ? null : dart.fn(value => callback(, dynamicTovoid()), src__option.OptionType.flag, {negatable: negatable, hide: hide}); } addOption(name, opts) { let abbr = opts && 'abbr' in opts ? opts.abbr : null; let help = opts && 'help' in opts ? : null; let valueHelp = opts && 'valueHelp' in opts ? opts.valueHelp : null; let allowed = opts && 'allowed' in opts ? opts.allowed : null; let allowedHelp = opts && 'allowedHelp' in opts ? opts.allowedHelp : null; let defaultsTo = opts && 'defaultsTo' in opts ? opts.defaultsTo : null; let callback = opts && 'callback' in opts ? opts.callback : null; let allowMultiple = opts && 'allowMultiple' in opts ? opts.allowMultiple : false; let splitCommas = opts && 'splitCommas' in opts ? opts.splitCommas : null; let hide = opts && 'hide' in opts ? opts.hide : false; if (!dart.test(allowMultiple) && splitCommas != null) { dart.throw(new"splitCommas may not be set if allowMultiple is false.")); } this[_addOption](name, abbr, help, valueHelp, allowed, allowedHelp, dart.test(allowMultiple) ? defaultsTo == null ? JSArrayOfString().of([]) : JSArrayOfString().of([defaultsTo]) : defaultsTo, callback, dart.test(allowMultiple) ? src__option.OptionType.multiple : src__option.OptionType.single, {splitCommas: splitCommas, hide: hide}); } addMultiOption(name, opts) { let t1, t1$; let abbr = opts && 'abbr' in opts ? opts.abbr : null; let help = opts && 'help' in opts ? : null; let valueHelp = opts && 'valueHelp' in opts ? opts.valueHelp : null; let allowed = opts && 'allowed' in opts ? opts.allowed : null; let allowedHelp = opts && 'allowedHelp' in opts ? opts.allowedHelp : null; let defaultsTo = opts && 'defaultsTo' in opts ? opts.defaultsTo : null; let callback = opts && 'callback' in opts ? opts.callback : null; let splitCommas = opts && 'splitCommas' in opts ? opts.splitCommas : true; let hide = opts && 'hide' in opts ? opts.hide : false; this[_addOption](name, abbr, help, valueHelp, allowed, allowedHelp, (t1$ = (t1 = defaultsTo, t1 == null ? null : t1[$toList]()), t1$ == null ? JSArrayOfString().of([]) : t1$), callback == null ? null : dart.fn(value => callback(ListOfString().as(value)), dynamicTovoid()), src__option.OptionType.multiple, {splitCommas: splitCommas, hide: hide}); } [_addOption](name, abbr, help, valueHelp, allowed, allowedHelp, defaultsTo, callback, type, opts) { let negatable = opts && 'negatable' in opts ? opts.negatable : false; let splitCommas = opts && 'splitCommas' in opts ? opts.splitCommas : null; let hide = opts && 'hide' in opts ? opts.hide : false; if (dart.test(this[_options][$containsKey](name))) { dart.throw(new"Duplicate option \"" + dart.str(name) + "\".")); } if (abbr != null) { let existing = this.findByAbbreviation(abbr); if (existing != null) { dart.throw(new"Abbreviation \"" + dart.str(abbr) + "\" is already used by \"" + dart.str( + "\".")); } } let option = src__option.newOption(name, abbr, help, valueHelp, allowed, allowedHelp, defaultsTo, callback, type, {negatable: negatable, splitCommas: splitCommas, hide: hide}); this[_options][$_set](name, option); this[_optionsAndSeparators][$add](option); } addSeparator(text) { this[_optionsAndSeparators][$add](text); } parse(args) { return new, this, args[$toList]()).parse(); } getUsage() { return this.usage; } get usage() { return new[_optionsAndSeparators], {lineLength: this.usageLineLength}).generate(); } getDefault(option) { if (!dart.test(this.options[$containsKey](option))) { dart.throw(new"No option named " + dart.str(option))); } return this.options[$_get](option).defaultsTo; } findByAbbreviation(abbr) { return this.options[$values][$firstWhere](dart.fn(option => option.abbr == abbr, OptionTobool()), {orElse: dart.fn(() => null, VoidToNull())}); } }; (src__arg_parser.ArgParser.__ = function(options, commands, opts) { let allowTrailingOptions = opts && 'allowTrailingOptions' in opts ? opts.allowTrailingOptions : true; let usageLineLength = opts && 'usageLineLength' in opts ? opts.usageLineLength : null; this[_optionsAndSeparators] = []; this[usageLineLength$] = usageLineLength; this[_options] = options; this[options$] = new (UnmodifiableMapViewOfString$Option()).new(options); this[_commands] = commands; this[commands$] = new (UnmodifiableMapViewOfString$ArgParser()).new(commands); this[allowTrailingOptions$] = allowTrailingOptions != null ? allowTrailingOptions : false; ; }).prototype = src__arg_parser.ArgParser.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__arg_parser.ArgParser); const options$ = Symbol("ArgParser.options"); const commands$ = Symbol("ArgParser.commands"); const allowTrailingOptions$ = Symbol("ArgParser.allowTrailingOptions"); const usageLineLength$ = Symbol("ArgParser.usageLineLength"); dart.setMethodSignature(src__arg_parser.ArgParser, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__arg_parser.ArgParser.__proto__), addCommand: dart.fnType(src__arg_parser.ArgParser, [core.String], [src__arg_parser.ArgParser]), addFlag: dart.fnType(dart.void, [core.String], {abbr: core.String, callback: dart.fnType(dart.void, [core.bool]), defaultsTo: core.bool, help: core.String, hide: core.bool, negatable: core.bool}), addOption: dart.fnType(dart.void, [core.String], {abbr: core.String, allowMultiple: core.bool, allowed: core.Iterable$(core.String), allowedHelp: core.Map$(core.String, core.String), callback: core.Function, defaultsTo: core.String, help: core.String, hide: core.bool, splitCommas: core.bool, valueHelp: core.String}), addMultiOption: dart.fnType(dart.void, [core.String], {abbr: core.String, allowed: core.Iterable$(core.String), allowedHelp: core.Map$(core.String, core.String), callback: dart.fnType(dart.void, [core.List$(core.String)]), defaultsTo: core.Iterable$(core.String), help: core.String, hide: core.bool, splitCommas: core.bool, valueHelp: core.String}), [_addOption]: dart.fnType(dart.void, [core.String, core.String, core.String, core.String, core.Iterable$(core.String), core.Map$(core.String, core.String), dart.dynamic, core.Function, src__option.OptionType], {hide: core.bool, negatable: core.bool, splitCommas: core.bool}), addSeparator: dart.fnType(dart.void, [core.String]), parse: dart.fnType(src__arg_results.ArgResults, [core.Iterable$(core.String)]), getUsage: dart.fnType(core.String, []), getDefault: dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [core.String]), findByAbbreviation: dart.fnType(src__option.Option, [core.String]) })); dart.setGetterSignature(src__arg_parser.ArgParser, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getGetters(src__arg_parser.ArgParser.__proto__), allowsAnything: core.bool, usage: core.String })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__arg_parser.ArgParser, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__arg_parser.ArgParser.__proto__), [_options]: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map$(core.String, src__option.Option)), [_commands]: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map$(core.String, src__arg_parser.ArgParser)), options: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map$(core.String, src__option.Option)), commands: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map$(core.String, src__arg_parser.ArgParser)), [_optionsAndSeparators]: dart.finalFieldType(core.List), allowTrailingOptions: dart.finalFieldType(core.bool), usageLineLength: dart.finalFieldType( })); let const$24; src__arg_parser_exception.ArgParserException = class ArgParserException extends core.FormatException { get commands() { return this[commands$0]; } set commands(value) { super.commands = value; } }; ( = function(message, commands) { if (commands === void 0) commands = null; this[commands$0] = commands == null ? const$24 || (const$24 = dart.constList([], core.String)) : ListOfString().unmodifiable(commands);, message); ; }).prototype = src__arg_parser_exception.ArgParserException.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__arg_parser_exception.ArgParserException); const commands$0 = Symbol("ArgParserException.commands"); dart.setFieldSignature(src__arg_parser_exception.ArgParserException, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__arg_parser_exception.ArgParserException.__proto__), commands: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(core.String)) })); const _parser$ = Symbol('_parser'); const _parsed$ = Symbol('_parsed'); src__arg_results.ArgResults = class ArgResults extends core.Object { get name() { return this[name$5]; } set name(value) { = value; } get command() { return this[command$]; } set command(value) { super.command = value; } get rest() { return this[rest$]; } set rest(value) { = value; } get arguments() { return this[arguments$]; } set arguments(value) { super.arguments = value; } _get(name) { if (!dart.test(this[_parser$].options[$containsKey](name))) { dart.throw(new"Could not find an option named \"" + dart.str(name) + "\".")); } return this[_parser$].options[$_get](name).getOrDefault(this[_parsed$][$_get](name)); } get options() { let result = LinkedHashSetOfString().from(this[_parsed$][$keys]); this[_parser$].options[$forEach](dart.fn((name, option) => { if (option.defaultsTo != null) result.add(name); }, StringAndOptionToNull())); return result; } wasParsed(name) { let option = this[_parser$].options[$_get](name); if (option == null) { dart.throw(new"Could not find an option named \"" + dart.str(name) + "\".")); } return this[_parsed$][$containsKey](name); } }; (src__arg_results.ArgResults.__ = function(_parser, _parsed, name, command, rest, arguments$0) { this[_parser$] = _parser; this[_parsed$] = _parsed; this[name$5] = name; this[command$] = command; this[rest$] = new (UnmodifiableListViewOfString()).new(rest); this[arguments$] = new (UnmodifiableListViewOfString()).new(arguments$0); ; }).prototype = src__arg_results.ArgResults.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__arg_results.ArgResults); const name$5 = Symbol(""); const command$ = Symbol("ArgResults.command"); const rest$ = Symbol(""); const arguments$ = Symbol("ArgResults.arguments"); dart.setMethodSignature(src__arg_results.ArgResults, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__arg_results.ArgResults.__proto__), _get: dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [core.String]), wasParsed: dart.fnType(core.bool, [core.String]) })); dart.setGetterSignature(src__arg_results.ArgResults, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getGetters(src__arg_results.ArgResults.__proto__), options: core.Iterable$(core.String) })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__arg_results.ArgResults, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__arg_results.ArgResults.__proto__), [_parser$]: dart.finalFieldType(src__arg_parser.ArgParser), [_parsed$]: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic)), name: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), command: dart.finalFieldType(src__arg_results.ArgResults), rest: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(core.String)), arguments: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(core.String)) })); src__arg_results.newArgResults = function(parser, parsed, name, command, rest, arguments$0) { return new src__arg_results.ArgResults.__(parser, parsed, name, command, rest, arguments$0); }; src__option.Option = class Option extends core.Object { get name() { return this[name$6]; } set name(value) { = value; } get abbr() { return this[abbr$]; } set abbr(value) { super.abbr = value; } get help() { return this[help$]; } set help(value) { = value; } get valueHelp() { return this[valueHelp$]; } set valueHelp(value) { super.valueHelp = value; } get allowed() { return this[allowed$]; } set allowed(value) { super.allowed = value; } get allowedHelp() { return this[allowedHelp$]; } set allowedHelp(value) { super.allowedHelp = value; } get defaultsTo() { return this[defaultsTo$]; } set defaultsTo(value) { super.defaultsTo = value; } get negatable() { return this[negatable$]; } set negatable(value) { super.negatable = value; } get callback() { return this[callback$]; } set callback(value) { super.callback = value; } get type() { return this[type$0]; } set type(value) { super.type = value; } get splitCommas() { return this[splitCommas$]; } set splitCommas(value) { super.splitCommas = value; } get hide() { return this[hide$]; } set hide(value) { super.hide = value; } get abbreviation() { return this.abbr; } get defaultValue() { return this.defaultsTo; } get isFlag() { return dart.equals(this.type, src__option.OptionType.flag); } get isSingle() { return dart.equals(this.type, src__option.OptionType.single); } get isMultiple() { return dart.equals(this.type, src__option.OptionType.multiple); } getOrDefault(value) { let t1; if (value != null) return value; if (dart.test(this.isMultiple)) { t1 = this.defaultsTo; return t1 == null ? JSArrayOfString().of([]) : t1; } return this.defaultsTo; } }; (src__option.Option.__ = function(name, abbr, help, valueHelp, allowed, allowedHelp, defaultsTo, callback, type, opts) { let negatable = opts && 'negatable' in opts ? opts.negatable : null; let splitCommas = opts && 'splitCommas' in opts ? opts.splitCommas : null; let hide = opts && 'hide' in opts ? opts.hide : false; this[name$6] = name; this[abbr$] = abbr; this[help$] = help; this[valueHelp$] = valueHelp; this[defaultsTo$] = defaultsTo; this[callback$] = callback; this[negatable$] = negatable; this[hide$] = hide; this[allowed$] = allowed == null ? null : ListOfString().unmodifiable(allowed); this[allowedHelp$] = allowedHelp == null ? null : MapOfString$String().unmodifiable(allowedHelp); this[type$0] = type; this[splitCommas$] = splitCommas == null ? dart.equals(type, src__option.OptionType.multiple) : splitCommas; if ([$isEmpty]) { dart.throw(new"Name cannot be empty.")); } else if ([$startsWith]("-")) { dart.throw(new"Name " + dart.str( + " cannot start with \"-\".")); } if (dart.test(src__option.Option._invalidChars.hasMatch( { dart.throw(new"Name \"" + dart.str( + "\" contains invalid characters.")); } if (this.abbr != null) { if (this.abbr.length !== 1) { dart.throw(new"Abbreviation must be null or have length 1.")); } else if (this.abbr === "-") { dart.throw(new"Abbreviation cannot be \"-\".")); } if (dart.test(src__option.Option._invalidChars.hasMatch(this.abbr))) { dart.throw(new"Abbreviation is an invalid character.")); } } }).prototype = src__option.Option.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__option.Option); const name$6 = Symbol(""); const abbr$ = Symbol("Option.abbr"); const help$ = Symbol(""); const valueHelp$ = Symbol("Option.valueHelp"); const allowed$ = Symbol("Option.allowed"); const allowedHelp$ = Symbol("Option.allowedHelp"); const defaultsTo$ = Symbol("Option.defaultsTo"); const negatable$ = Symbol("Option.negatable"); const callback$ = Symbol("Option.callback"); const type$0 = Symbol("Option.type"); const splitCommas$ = Symbol("Option.splitCommas"); const hide$ = Symbol("Option.hide"); dart.setMethodSignature(src__option.Option, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__option.Option.__proto__), getOrDefault: dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [dart.dynamic]) })); dart.setGetterSignature(src__option.Option, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getGetters(src__option.Option.__proto__), abbreviation: core.String, defaultValue: dart.dynamic, isFlag: core.bool, isSingle: core.bool, isMultiple: core.bool })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__option.Option, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__option.Option.__proto__), name: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), abbr: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), help: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), valueHelp: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), allowed: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(core.String)), allowedHelp: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map$(core.String, core.String)), defaultsTo: dart.finalFieldType(dart.dynamic), negatable: dart.finalFieldType(core.bool), callback: dart.finalFieldType(core.Function), type: dart.finalFieldType(src__option.OptionType), splitCommas: dart.finalFieldType(core.bool), hide: dart.finalFieldType(core.bool) })); dart.defineLazy(src__option.Option, { /*src__option.Option._invalidChars*/get _invalidChars() { return"[ \\t\\r\\n\"'\\\\/]"); } }); src__option.OptionType = class OptionType extends core.Object { get name() { return this[name$7]; } set name(value) { = value; } }; (src__option.OptionType.__ = function(name) { this[name$7] = name; ; }).prototype = src__option.OptionType.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__option.OptionType); const name$7 = Symbol(""); dart.setFieldSignature(src__option.OptionType, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__option.OptionType.__proto__), name: dart.finalFieldType(core.String) })); dart.defineLazy(src__option.OptionType, { /*src__option.OptionType.flag*/get flag() { return dart.const(new src__option.OptionType.__("OptionType.flag")); }, /*src__option.OptionType.FLAG*/get FLAG() { return src__option.OptionType.flag; }, /*src__option.OptionType.single*/get single() { return dart.const(new src__option.OptionType.__("OptionType.single")); }, /*src__option.OptionType.SINGLE*/get SINGLE() { return src__option.OptionType.single; }, /*src__option.OptionType.multiple*/get multiple() { return dart.const(new src__option.OptionType.__("OptionType.multiple")); }, /*src__option.OptionType.MULTIPLE*/get MULTIPLE() { return src__option.OptionType.multiple; } }); src__option.newOption = function(name, abbr, help, valueHelp, allowed, allowedHelp, defaultsTo, callback, type, opts) { let negatable = opts && 'negatable' in opts ? opts.negatable : null; let splitCommas = opts && 'splitCommas' in opts ? opts.splitCommas : null; let hide = opts && 'hide' in opts ? opts.hide : false; return new src__option.Option.__(name, abbr, help, valueHelp, allowed, allowedHelp, defaultsTo, callback, type, {negatable: negatable, splitCommas: splitCommas, hide: hide}); }; const _singletons = Symbol('_singletons'); const _factories = Symbol('_factories'); const _parent$ = Symbol('_parent'); src__container.Container = class Container extends core.Object { get reflector() { return this[reflector$0]; } set reflector(value) { super.reflector = value; } get isRoot() { return this[_parent$] == null; } createChild() { return new src__container.Container._child(this); } has(T, t) { if (t === void 0) t = null; let search = this; t == null ? t = dart.wrapType(T)[$_equals](dart.wrapType(dart.dynamic)) ? t : dart.wrapType(T) : null; while (search != null) { if (dart.test(search[_singletons][$containsKey](t))) { return true; } else if (dart.test(search[_factories][$containsKey](t))) { return true; } else { search = search[_parent$]; } } return false; } make(T, type) { if (type === void 0) type = null; type == null ? type = dart.wrapType(T) : null; let search = this; while (search != null) { if (dart.test(search[_singletons][$containsKey](type))) { return[_singletons][$_get](type)); } else if (dart.test(search[_factories][$containsKey](type))) { return[_factories][$_get](type)(this)); } else { search = search[_parent$]; } } let reflectedType = this.reflector.reflectType(type); let positional = []; let named = new (IdentityMapOfString$dynamic()).new(); if ( { function isDefault(name) { return name[$isEmpty] || name ==; } dart.fn(isDefault, StringTobool()); let constructor = reflectedType.constructors[$firstWhere](dart.fn(c => isDefault(, ReflectedFunctionTobool()), {orElse: dart.fn(() => dart.throw(new + " has no default constructor, and therefore cannot be instantiated.")), VoidTobottom())}); for (let param of constructor.parameters) { let value = this.make(dart.dynamic, param.type.reflectedType); if (dart.test(param.isNamed)) { named[$_set](, value); } else { positional[$add](value); } } return T._check(reflectedType.newInstance(dart.test(isDefault( ? "" :, positional, named, JSArrayOfType().of([])).reflectee); } else { dart.throw(new + " is not a class, and therefore cannot be instantiated.")); } } registerFactory(T, f, opts) { let as = opts && 'as' in opts ? : null; as == null ? as = dart.wrapType(T) : null; if (dart.test(this[_factories][$containsKey](as))) { dart.throw(new"This container already has a factory for " + dart.str(as) + ".")); } this[_factories][$_set](as, f); } registerSingleton(T, object, opts) { let t1, t1$, t1$0; let as = opts && 'as' in opts ? : null; as == null ? as = dart.wrapType(T)[$_equals](dart.wrapType(dart.dynamic)) ? as : dart.wrapType(T) : null; if (dart.test(this[_singletons][$containsKey]((t1 = as, t1 == null ? dart.runtimeType(object) : t1)))) { dart.throw(new"This container already has a singleton for " + dart.str((t1$ = as, t1$ == null ? dart.runtimeType(object) : t1$)) + ".")); } this[_singletons][$_set]((t1$0 = as, t1$0 == null ? dart.runtimeType(object) : t1$0), object); } }; ( = function(reflector) { this[_singletons] = new (LinkedMapOfType$dynamic()).new(); this[_factories] = new (LinkedMapOfType$ContainerTodynamic()).new(); this[reflector$0] = reflector; this[_parent$] = null; ; }).prototype = src__container.Container.prototype; (src__container.Container._child = function(_parent) { this[_singletons] = new (LinkedMapOfType$dynamic()).new(); this[_factories] = new (LinkedMapOfType$ContainerTodynamic()).new(); this[_parent$] = _parent; this[reflector$0] = _parent.reflector; ; }).prototype = src__container.Container.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__container.Container); const reflector$0 = Symbol("Container.reflector"); dart.setMethodSignature(src__container.Container, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__container.Container.__proto__), createChild: dart.fnType(src__container.Container, []), has: dart.gFnType(T => [core.bool, [], [core.Type]], T => [core.Object]), make: dart.gFnType(T => [T, [], [core.Type]], T => [core.Object]), registerFactory: dart.gFnType(T => [dart.void, [dart.fnType(T, [src__container.Container])], {as: core.Type}], T => [core.Object]), registerSingleton: dart.gFnType(T => [dart.void, [T], {as: core.Type}], T => [core.Object]) })); dart.setGetterSignature(src__container.Container, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getGetters(src__container.Container.__proto__), isRoot: core.bool })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__container.Container, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__container.Container.__proto__), reflector: dart.finalFieldType(src__reflector.Reflector), [_singletons]: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map$(core.Type, dart.dynamic)), [_factories]: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map$(core.Type, dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [src__container.Container]))), [_parent$]: dart.finalFieldType(src__container.Container) })); let const$25; let const$26; let const$27; let const$28; src__empty__empty.EmptyReflector = class EmptyReflector extends core.Object { getName(symbol) { return src__empty__empty._symbolNames[$putIfAbsent](symbol, dart.fn(() => src__empty__empty.EmptyReflector.symbolRegex.firstMatch(dart.toString(symbol)).group(1), VoidToString())); } reflectClass(clazz) { return const$25 || (const$25 = dart.const(new; } reflectInstance(object) { return const$26 || (const$26 = dart.const(new; } reflectType(type) { return const$27 || (const$27 = dart.const(new; } reflectFunction(function$0) { return const$28 || (const$28 = dart.const(new; } }; ( = function() { ; }).prototype = src__empty__empty.EmptyReflector.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__empty__empty.EmptyReflector); src__empty__empty.EmptyReflector[dart.implements] = () => [src__reflector.Reflector]; dart.setMethodSignature(src__empty__empty.EmptyReflector, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__empty__empty.EmptyReflector.__proto__), getName: dart.fnType(core.String, [core.Symbol]), reflectClass: dart.fnType(src__reflector.ReflectedClass, [core.Type]), reflectInstance: dart.fnType(src__reflector.ReflectedInstance, [core.Object]), reflectType: dart.fnType(src__reflector.ReflectedType, [core.Type]), reflectFunction: dart.fnType(src__reflector.ReflectedFunction, [core.Function]) })); dart.defineLazy(src__empty__empty.EmptyReflector, { /*src__empty__empty.EmptyReflector.symbolRegex*/get symbolRegex() { return"Symbol\\(\"([^\"]+)\"\\)"); } }); let const$29; let const$30; let const$31; let const$32; let const$33; let const$34; let const$35; let const$36; src__reflector.ReflectedType = class ReflectedType extends core.Object { get name() { return this[name$8]; } set name(value) { = value; } get typeParameters() { return this[typeParameters$]; } set typeParameters(value) { super.typeParameters = value; } get reflectedType() { return this[reflectedType$]; } set reflectedType(value) { super.reflectedType = value; } get hashCode() { return core$.hash3(, this.typeParameters, this.reflectedType); } _equals(other) { if (other == null) return false; return && == && dart.test((const$36 || (const$36 = dart.const(new (ListEqualityOfReflectedTypeParameter()).new()))).equals(other.typeParameters, this.typeParameters)) && dart.equals(other.reflectedType, this.reflectedType); } }; ( = function(name, typeParameters, reflectedType) { this[name$8] = name; this[typeParameters$] = typeParameters; this[reflectedType$] = reflectedType; ; }).prototype = src__reflector.ReflectedType.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__reflector.ReflectedType); const name$8 = Symbol(""); const typeParameters$ = Symbol("ReflectedType.typeParameters"); const reflectedType$ = Symbol("ReflectedType.reflectedType"); dart.setFieldSignature(src__reflector.ReflectedType, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__reflector.ReflectedType.__proto__), name: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), typeParameters: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(src__reflector.ReflectedTypeParameter)), reflectedType: dart.finalFieldType(core.Type) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(src__reflector.ReflectedType, ['_equals']); dart.defineExtensionAccessors(src__reflector.ReflectedType, ['hashCode']); src__reflector.ReflectedClass = class ReflectedClass extends src__reflector.ReflectedType { get annotations() { return this[annotations$]; } set annotations(value) { super.annotations = value; } get constructors() { return this[constructors$]; } set constructors(value) { super.constructors = value; } get declarations() { return this[declarations$]; } set declarations(value) { super.declarations = value; } get hashCode() { return core$.hash4(super.hashCode, this.annotations, this.constructors, this.declarations); } _equals(other) { if (other == null) return false; return && super._equals(other) && dart.test((const$33 || (const$33 = dart.const(new (ListEqualityOfReflectedInstance()).new()))).equals(other.annotations, this.annotations)) && dart.test((const$34 || (const$34 = dart.const(new (ListEqualityOfReflectedFunction()).new()))).equals(other.constructors, this.constructors)) && dart.test((const$35 || (const$35 = dart.const(new (ListEqualityOfReflectedDeclaration()).new()))).equals(other.declarations, this.declarations)); } }; ( = function(name, typeParameters, annotations, constructors, declarations, reflectedType) { this[annotations$] = annotations; this[constructors$] = constructors; this[declarations$] = declarations;, name, typeParameters, reflectedType); ; }).prototype = src__reflector.ReflectedClass.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__reflector.ReflectedClass); const annotations$ = Symbol("ReflectedClass.annotations"); const constructors$ = Symbol("ReflectedClass.constructors"); const declarations$ = Symbol("ReflectedClass.declarations"); dart.setFieldSignature(src__reflector.ReflectedClass, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__reflector.ReflectedClass.__proto__), annotations: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(src__reflector.ReflectedInstance)), constructors: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(src__reflector.ReflectedFunction)), declarations: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(src__reflector.ReflectedDeclaration)) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(src__reflector.ReflectedClass, ['_equals']); dart.defineExtensionAccessors(src__reflector.ReflectedClass, ['hashCode']); src__empty__empty._EmptyReflectedClass = class _EmptyReflectedClass extends src__reflector.ReflectedClass { newInstance(constructorName, positionalArguments, namedArguments, typeArguments) { if (namedArguments === void 0) namedArguments = null; if (typeArguments === void 0) typeArguments = null; dart.throw(new"Classes reflected via an EmptyReflector cannot be instantiated.")); } isAssignableTo(other) { return dart.equals(other, this); } _equals(other) { if (other == null) return false; return && dart.hashCode(other) == this.hashCode; } }; ( = function() {, "(empty)", const$29 || (const$29 = dart.constList([], src__reflector.ReflectedTypeParameter)), const$30 || (const$30 = dart.constList([], src__reflector.ReflectedInstance)), const$31 || (const$31 = dart.constList([], src__reflector.ReflectedFunction)), const$32 || (const$32 = dart.constList([], src__reflector.ReflectedDeclaration)), dart.wrapType(dart.dynamic)); ; }).prototype = src__empty__empty._EmptyReflectedClass.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__empty__empty._EmptyReflectedClass); dart.setMethodSignature(src__empty__empty._EmptyReflectedClass, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__empty__empty._EmptyReflectedClass.__proto__), newInstance: dart.fnType(src__reflector.ReflectedInstance, [core.String, core.List], [core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic), core.List$(core.Type)]), isAssignableTo: dart.fnType(core.bool, [src__reflector.ReflectedType]) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(src__empty__empty._EmptyReflectedClass, ['_equals']); let const$37; src__empty__empty._EmptyReflectedType = class _EmptyReflectedType extends src__reflector.ReflectedType { newInstance(constructorName, positionalArguments, namedArguments, typeArguments) { if (namedArguments === void 0) namedArguments = null; if (typeArguments === void 0) typeArguments = null; dart.throw(new"Types reflected via an EmptyReflector cannot be instantiated.")); } isAssignableTo(other) { return dart.equals(other, this); } _equals(other) { if (other == null) return false; return && dart.hashCode(other) == this.hashCode; } }; ( = function() {, "(empty)", const$37 || (const$37 = dart.constList([], src__reflector.ReflectedTypeParameter)), dart.wrapType(dart.dynamic)); ; }).prototype = src__empty__empty._EmptyReflectedType.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__empty__empty._EmptyReflectedType); dart.setMethodSignature(src__empty__empty._EmptyReflectedType, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__empty__empty._EmptyReflectedType.__proto__), newInstance: dart.fnType(src__reflector.ReflectedInstance, [core.String, core.List], [core.Map$(core.String, dart.dynamic), core.List$(core.Type)]), isAssignableTo: dart.fnType(core.bool, [src__reflector.ReflectedType]) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(src__empty__empty._EmptyReflectedType, ['_equals']); let const$38; let const$39; src__reflector.ReflectedInstance = class ReflectedInstance extends core.Object { get type() { return this[type$1]; } set type(value) { super.type = value; } get clazz() { return this[clazz$]; } set clazz(value) { super.clazz = value; } get reflectee() { return this[reflectee$]; } set reflectee(value) { super.reflectee = value; } get hashCode() { return core$.hash2(this.type, this.clazz); } _equals(other) { if (other == null) return false; return && dart.equals(other.type, this.type) && dart.equals(other.clazz, this.clazz); } }; ( = function(type, clazz, reflectee) { this[type$1] = type; this[clazz$] = clazz; this[reflectee$] = reflectee; ; }).prototype = src__reflector.ReflectedInstance.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__reflector.ReflectedInstance); const type$1 = Symbol("ReflectedInstance.type"); const clazz$ = Symbol("ReflectedInstance.clazz"); const reflectee$ = Symbol("ReflectedInstance.reflectee"); dart.setFieldSignature(src__reflector.ReflectedInstance, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__reflector.ReflectedInstance.__proto__), type: dart.finalFieldType(src__reflector.ReflectedType), clazz: dart.finalFieldType(src__reflector.ReflectedClass), reflectee: dart.finalFieldType(core.Object) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(src__reflector.ReflectedInstance, ['_equals']); dart.defineExtensionAccessors(src__reflector.ReflectedInstance, ['hashCode']); src__empty__empty._EmptyReflectedInstance = class _EmptyReflectedInstance extends src__reflector.ReflectedInstance { _equals(other) { if (other == null) return false; return && dart.hashCode(other) == this.hashCode; } getField(name) { dart.throw(new"Instances reflected via an EmptyReflector cannot call getField().")); } }; ( = function() {, const$38 || (const$38 = dart.const(new, const$39 || (const$39 = dart.const(new, null); ; }).prototype = src__empty__empty._EmptyReflectedInstance.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__empty__empty._EmptyReflectedInstance); dart.setMethodSignature(src__empty__empty._EmptyReflectedInstance, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__empty__empty._EmptyReflectedInstance.__proto__), getField: dart.fnType(src__reflector.ReflectedInstance, [core.String]) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(src__empty__empty._EmptyReflectedInstance, ['_equals']); let const$40; let const$41; let const$42; let const$43; let const$44; let const$45; let const$46; src__reflector.ReflectedFunction = class ReflectedFunction extends core.Object { get name() { return this[name$9]; } set name(value) { = value; } get typeParameters() { return this[typeParameters$0]; } set typeParameters(value) { super.typeParameters = value; } get annotations() { return this[annotations$0]; } set annotations(value) { super.annotations = value; } get returnType() { return this[returnType$]; } set returnType(value) { super.returnType = value; } get parameters() { return this[parameters$0]; } set parameters(value) { super.parameters = value; } get isGetter() { return this[isGetter$]; } set isGetter(value) { super.isGetter = value; } get isSetter() { return this[isSetter$]; } set isSetter(value) { super.isSetter = value; } get hashCode() { return core$.hashObjects([, this.typeParameters, this.annotations, this.returnType, this.parameters, this.isGetter, this.isSetter]); } _equals(other) { if (other == null) return false; return && == && dart.test((const$44 || (const$44 = dart.const(new (ListEqualityOfReflectedTypeParameter()).new()))).equals(other.typeParameters, this.typeParameters)) && dart.test((const$45 || (const$45 = dart.const(new (ListEqualityOfReflectedInstance()).new()))).equals(other.annotations, this.annotations)) && dart.equals(other.returnType, this.returnType) && dart.test((const$46 || (const$46 = dart.const(new (ListEqualityOfReflectedParameter()).new()))).equals(other.parameters, other.parameters)) && dart.equals(other.isGetter, this.isGetter) && dart.equals(other.isSetter, this.isSetter); } }; ( = function(name, typeParameters, annotations, returnType, parameters, isGetter, isSetter) { this[name$9] = name; this[typeParameters$0] = typeParameters; this[annotations$0] = annotations; this[returnType$] = returnType; this[parameters$0] = parameters; this[isGetter$] = isGetter; this[isSetter$] = isSetter; ; }).prototype = src__reflector.ReflectedFunction.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__reflector.ReflectedFunction); const name$9 = Symbol(""); const typeParameters$0 = Symbol("ReflectedFunction.typeParameters"); const annotations$0 = Symbol("ReflectedFunction.annotations"); const returnType$ = Symbol("ReflectedFunction.returnType"); const parameters$0 = Symbol("ReflectedFunction.parameters"); const isGetter$ = Symbol("ReflectedFunction.isGetter"); const isSetter$ = Symbol("ReflectedFunction.isSetter"); dart.setFieldSignature(src__reflector.ReflectedFunction, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__reflector.ReflectedFunction.__proto__), name: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), typeParameters: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(src__reflector.ReflectedTypeParameter)), annotations: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(src__reflector.ReflectedInstance)), returnType: dart.finalFieldType(src__reflector.ReflectedType), parameters: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(src__reflector.ReflectedParameter)), isGetter: dart.finalFieldType(core.bool), isSetter: dart.finalFieldType(core.bool) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(src__reflector.ReflectedFunction, ['_equals']); dart.defineExtensionAccessors(src__reflector.ReflectedFunction, ['hashCode']); src__empty__empty._EmptyReflectedFunction = class _EmptyReflectedFunction extends src__reflector.ReflectedFunction { invoke(invocation) { dart.throw(new"Instances reflected via an EmptyReflector cannot call invoke().")); } }; ( = function() {, "(empty)", const$40 || (const$40 = dart.constList([], src__reflector.ReflectedTypeParameter)), const$41 || (const$41 = dart.constList([], src__reflector.ReflectedInstance)), const$42 || (const$42 = dart.const(new, const$43 || (const$43 = dart.constList([], src__reflector.ReflectedParameter)), false, false); ; }).prototype = src__empty__empty._EmptyReflectedFunction.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__empty__empty._EmptyReflectedFunction); dart.setMethodSignature(src__empty__empty._EmptyReflectedFunction, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__empty__empty._EmptyReflectedFunction.__proto__), invoke: dart.fnType(src__reflector.ReflectedInstance, [core.Invocation]) })); dart.defineLazy(src__empty__empty, { /*src__empty__empty._symbolNames*/get _symbolNames() { return new (LinkedMapOfSymbol$String()).new(); } }); src__exception.ReflectionException = class ReflectionException extends core.Object { get message() { return this[message$1]; } set message(value) { super.message = value; } toString() { return this.message; } }; ( = function(message) { this[message$1] = message; ; }).prototype = src__exception.ReflectionException.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__exception.ReflectionException); const message$1 = Symbol("ReflectionException.message"); src__exception.ReflectionException[dart.implements] = () => [core.Exception]; dart.setFieldSignature(src__exception.ReflectionException, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__exception.ReflectionException.__proto__), message: dart.finalFieldType(core.String) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(src__exception.ReflectionException, ['toString']); src__reflector.Reflector = class Reflector extends core.Object {}; ( = function() { ; }).prototype = src__reflector.Reflector.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__reflector.Reflector); src__reflector.ReflectedDeclaration = class ReflectedDeclaration extends core.Object { get name() { return this[name$10]; } set name(value) { = value; } get isStatic() { return this[isStatic$]; } set isStatic(value) { super.isStatic = value; } get function() { return this[func]; } set function(value) { super.function = value; } get hashCode() { return core$.hash3(, this.isStatic, this.function); } _equals(other) { if (other == null) return false; return && == && dart.equals(other.isStatic, this.isStatic) && dart.equals(other.function, this.function); } }; ( = function(name, isStatic, function$0) { this[name$10] = name; this[isStatic$] = isStatic; this[func] = function$0; ; }).prototype = src__reflector.ReflectedDeclaration.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__reflector.ReflectedDeclaration); const name$10 = Symbol(""); const isStatic$ = Symbol("ReflectedDeclaration.isStatic"); const func = Symbol("ReflectedDeclaration.function"); dart.setFieldSignature(src__reflector.ReflectedDeclaration, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__reflector.ReflectedDeclaration.__proto__), name: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), isStatic: dart.finalFieldType(core.bool), function: dart.finalFieldType(src__reflector.ReflectedFunction) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(src__reflector.ReflectedDeclaration, ['_equals']); dart.defineExtensionAccessors(src__reflector.ReflectedDeclaration, ['hashCode']); let const$47; src__reflector.ReflectedParameter = class ReflectedParameter extends core.Object { get name() { return this[name$11]; } set name(value) { = value; } get annotations() { return this[annotations$1]; } set annotations(value) { super.annotations = value; } get type() { return this[type$2]; } set type(value) { super.type = value; } get isRequired() { return this[isRequired$]; } set isRequired(value) { super.isRequired = value; } get isNamed() { return this[isNamed$]; } set isNamed(value) { super.isNamed = value; } get hashCode() { return core$.hashObjects([, this.annotations, this.type, this.isRequired, this.isNamed]); } _equals(other) { if (other == null) return false; return && == && dart.test((const$47 || (const$47 = dart.const(new (ListEqualityOfReflectedInstance()).new()))).equals(other.annotations, this.annotations)) && dart.equals(other.type, this.type) && dart.equals(other.isRequired, this.isRequired) && dart.equals(other.isNamed, this.isNamed); } }; ( = function(name, annotations, type, isRequired, isNamed) { this[name$11] = name; this[annotations$1] = annotations; this[type$2] = type; this[isRequired$] = isRequired; this[isNamed$] = isNamed; ; }).prototype = src__reflector.ReflectedParameter.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__reflector.ReflectedParameter); const name$11 = Symbol(""); const annotations$1 = Symbol("ReflectedParameter.annotations"); const type$2 = Symbol("ReflectedParameter.type"); const isRequired$ = Symbol("ReflectedParameter.isRequired"); const isNamed$ = Symbol("ReflectedParameter.isNamed"); dart.setFieldSignature(src__reflector.ReflectedParameter, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__reflector.ReflectedParameter.__proto__), name: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), annotations: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(src__reflector.ReflectedInstance)), type: dart.finalFieldType(src__reflector.ReflectedType), isRequired: dart.finalFieldType(core.bool), isNamed: dart.finalFieldType(core.bool) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(src__reflector.ReflectedParameter, ['_equals']); dart.defineExtensionAccessors(src__reflector.ReflectedParameter, ['hashCode']); src__reflector.ReflectedTypeParameter = class ReflectedTypeParameter extends core.Object { get name() { return this[name$12]; } set name(value) { = value; } get hashCode() { return core$.hashObjects([]); } _equals(other) { if (other == null) return false; return && ==; } }; ( = function(name) { this[name$12] = name; ; }).prototype = src__reflector.ReflectedTypeParameter.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__reflector.ReflectedTypeParameter); const name$12 = Symbol(""); dart.setFieldSignature(src__reflector.ReflectedTypeParameter, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__reflector.ReflectedTypeParameter.__proto__), name: dart.finalFieldType(core.String) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(src__reflector.ReflectedTypeParameter, ['_equals']); dart.defineExtensionAccessors(src__reflector.ReflectedTypeParameter, ['hashCode']); const _name$ = Symbol('_name'); src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType = class AnsiCodeType extends core.Object { toString() { return "AnsiType." + dart.str(this[_name$]); } }; (src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.__ = function(_name) { this[_name$] = _name; ; }).prototype = src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType); dart.setFieldSignature(src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.__proto__), [_name$]: dart.finalFieldType(core.String) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType, ['toString']); dart.defineLazy(src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType, { /*src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.foreground*/get foreground() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.__("foreground")); }, /**/get style() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.__("style")); }, /*src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.background*/get background() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.__("background")); }, /*src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.reset*/get reset() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.__("reset")); } }); const _escapeValue = Symbol('_escapeValue'); src__ansi_code.AnsiCode = class AnsiCode extends core.Object { get code() { return this[code$]; } set code(value) { super.code = value; } get reset() { return this[reset$]; } set reset(value) { super.reset = value; } get name() { return this[name$13]; } set name(value) { = value; } get type() { return this[type$3]; } set type(value) { super.type = value; } get escape() { return dart.str("") + "[" + dart.str(this.code) + "m"; } get escapeForScript() { return dart.str("\\033") + "[" + dart.str(this.code) + "m"; } [_escapeValue](opts) { let forScript = opts && 'forScript' in opts ? opts.forScript : false; forScript == null ? forScript = false : null; return dart.test(forScript) ? this.escapeForScript : this.escape; } wrap(value, opts) { let forScript = opts && 'forScript' in opts ? opts.forScript : false; return dart.test(src__ansi_code._isNoop(dart.equals(this.type, src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.reset), value, forScript)) ? value : dart.str(this[_escapeValue]({forScript: forScript})) + dart.str(value) + dart.str(this.reset[_escapeValue]({forScript: forScript})); } toString() { return dart.str( + " " + dart.str(this.type[_name$]) + " (" + dart.str(this.code) + ")"; } }; (src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__ = function(name, type, code, reset) { this[name$13] = name; this[type$3] = type; this[code$] = code; this[reset$] = reset; ; }).prototype = src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__ansi_code.AnsiCode); const code$ = Symbol("AnsiCode.code"); const reset$ = Symbol("AnsiCode.reset"); const name$13 = Symbol(""); const type$3 = Symbol("AnsiCode.type"); dart.setMethodSignature(src__ansi_code.AnsiCode, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__proto__), [_escapeValue]: dart.fnType(core.String, [], {forScript: core.bool}), wrap: dart.fnType(core.String, [core.String], {forScript: core.bool}) })); dart.setGetterSignature(src__ansi_code.AnsiCode, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getGetters(src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__proto__), escape: core.String, escapeForScript: core.String })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__ansi_code.AnsiCode, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__proto__), code: dart.finalFieldType(, reset: dart.finalFieldType(src__ansi_code.AnsiCode), name: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), type: dart.finalFieldType(src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(src__ansi_code.AnsiCode, ['toString']); src__ansi_code._isNoop = function(skip, input, forScript) { let t1; return dart.test(skip) || input == null || input[$isEmpty] || !(dart.test((t1 = forScript, t1 == null ? false : t1)) || dart.test(src__ansi_code.ansiOutputEnabled)); }; src__ansi_code.overrideAnsiOutput = function(T, enableAnsiOutput, body) { return async.runZoned(T, body, {zoneValues: new (LinkedMapOfObject$Object()).from([dart.wrapType(src__ansi_code.AnsiCode), enableAnsiOutput])}); }; src__ansi_code.wrapWith = function(value, codes, opts) { let t1; let forScript = opts && 'forScript' in opts ? opts.forScript : false; forScript == null ? forScript = false : null; let myCodes = codes[$toSet](); if (dart.test(src__ansi_code._isNoop(myCodes[$isEmpty], value, forScript))) { return value; } let foreground = 0; let background = 0; for (let code of myCodes) { switch (code.type) { case src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.foreground: { foreground = foreground + 1; if (foreground > 1) { dart.throw(new core.ArgumentError.value(codes, "codes", "Cannot contain more than one foreground color code.")); } break; } case src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.background: { background = background + 1; if (background > 1) { dart.throw(new core.ArgumentError.value(codes, "codes", "Cannot contain more than one foreground color code.")); } break; } case src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.reset: { dart.throw(new core.ArgumentError.value(codes, "codes", "Cannot contain reset codes.")); break; } } } let sortedCodes = (t1 = myCodes[$map](, dart.fn(ac => ac.code, AnsiCodeToint()))[$toList](), t1[$sort](), t1); let escapeValue = dart.test(forScript) ? "\\033" : ""; return dart.str(escapeValue) + "[" + dart.str(sortedCodes[$join](";")) + "m" + dart.str(value) + dart.str(src__ansi_code.resetAll[_escapeValue]({forScript: forScript})); }; dart.copyProperties(src__ansi_code, { get ansiOutputEnabled() { let t1; t1 =; return t1 == null ? dart.test(io.stdout.supportsAnsiEscapes) && dart.test(io.stderr.supportsAnsiEscapes) : t1; } }); dart.defineLazy(src__ansi_code, { /*src__ansi_code._ansiEscapeLiteral*/get _ansiEscapeLiteral() { return ""; }, /*src__ansi_code._ansiEscapeForScript*/get _ansiEscapeForScript() { return "\\033"; }, /*src__ansi_code.styleBold*/get styleBold() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("bold",, 1, src__ansi_code.resetBold)); }, /*src__ansi_code.styleDim*/get styleDim() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("dim",, 2, src__ansi_code.resetDim)); }, /*src__ansi_code.styleItalic*/get styleItalic() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("italic",, 3, src__ansi_code.resetItalic)); }, /*src__ansi_code.styleUnderlined*/get styleUnderlined() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("underlined",, 4, src__ansi_code.resetUnderlined)); }, /*src__ansi_code.styleBlink*/get styleBlink() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("blink",, 5, src__ansi_code.resetBlink)); }, /*src__ansi_code.styleReverse*/get styleReverse() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("reverse",, 7, src__ansi_code.resetReverse)); }, /*src__ansi_code.styleHidden*/get styleHidden() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("hidden",, 8, src__ansi_code.resetHidden)); }, /*src__ansi_code.styleCrossedOut*/get styleCrossedOut() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("crossed out",, 9, src__ansi_code.resetCrossedOut)); }, /*src__ansi_code.resetAll*/get resetAll() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("all", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.reset, 0, null)); }, /*src__ansi_code.resetBold*/get resetBold() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("bold", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.reset, 22, null)); }, /*src__ansi_code.resetDim*/get resetDim() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("dim", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.reset, 22, null)); }, /*src__ansi_code.resetItalic*/get resetItalic() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("italic", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.reset, 23, null)); }, /*src__ansi_code.resetUnderlined*/get resetUnderlined() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("underlined", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.reset, 24, null)); }, /*src__ansi_code.resetBlink*/get resetBlink() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("blink", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.reset, 25, null)); }, /*src__ansi_code.resetReverse*/get resetReverse() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("reverse", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.reset, 27, null)); }, /*src__ansi_code.resetHidden*/get resetHidden() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("hidden", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.reset, 28, null)); }, /*src__ansi_code.resetCrossedOut*/get resetCrossedOut() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("crossed out", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.reset, 29, null)); }, /**/get black() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("black", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.foreground, 30, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /**/get red() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("red", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.foreground, 31, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /**/get green() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("green", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.foreground, 32, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.yellow*/get yellow() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("yellow", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.foreground, 33, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /**/get blue() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("blue", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.foreground, 34, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.magenta*/get magenta() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("magenta", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.foreground, 35, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.cyan*/get cyan() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("cyan", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.foreground, 36, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.lightGray*/get lightGray() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("light gray", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.foreground, 37, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.defaultForeground*/get defaultForeground() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("default", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.foreground, 39, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.darkGray*/get darkGray() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("dark gray", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.foreground, 90, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.lightRed*/get lightRed() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("light red", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.foreground, 91, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.lightGreen*/get lightGreen() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("light green", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.foreground, 92, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.lightYellow*/get lightYellow() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("light yellow", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.foreground, 93, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.lightBlue*/get lightBlue() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("light blue", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.foreground, 94, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.lightMagenta*/get lightMagenta() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("light magenta", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.foreground, 95, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.lightCyan*/get lightCyan() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("light cyan", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.foreground, 96, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.white*/get white() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("white", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.foreground, 97, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.backgroundBlack*/get backgroundBlack() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("black", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.background, 40, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.backgroundRed*/get backgroundRed() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("red", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.background, 41, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.backgroundGreen*/get backgroundGreen() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("green", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.background, 42, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.backgroundYellow*/get backgroundYellow() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("yellow", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.background, 43, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.backgroundBlue*/get backgroundBlue() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("blue", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.background, 44, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.backgroundMagenta*/get backgroundMagenta() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("magenta", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.background, 45, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.backgroundCyan*/get backgroundCyan() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("cyan", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.background, 46, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.backgroundLightGray*/get backgroundLightGray() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("light gray", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.background, 47, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.backgroundDefault*/get backgroundDefault() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("default", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.background, 49, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.backgroundDarkGray*/get backgroundDarkGray() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("dark gray", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.background, 100, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.backgroundLightRed*/get backgroundLightRed() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("light red", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.background, 101, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.backgroundLightGreen*/get backgroundLightGreen() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("light green", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.background, 102, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.backgroundLightYellow*/get backgroundLightYellow() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("light yellow", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.background, 103, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.backgroundLightBlue*/get backgroundLightBlue() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("light blue", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.background, 104, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.backgroundLightMagenta*/get backgroundLightMagenta() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("light magenta", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.background, 105, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.backgroundLightCyan*/get backgroundLightCyan() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("light cyan", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.background, 106, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.backgroundWhite*/get backgroundWhite() { return dart.const(new src__ansi_code.AnsiCode.__("white", src__ansi_code.AnsiCodeType.background, 107, src__ansi_code.resetAll)); }, /*src__ansi_code.styles*/get styles() { return dart.constList([src__ansi_code.styleBold, src__ansi_code.styleDim, src__ansi_code.styleItalic, src__ansi_code.styleUnderlined, src__ansi_code.styleBlink, src__ansi_code.styleReverse, src__ansi_code.styleHidden, src__ansi_code.styleCrossedOut], src__ansi_code.AnsiCode); }, /*src__ansi_code.foregroundColors*/get foregroundColors() { return dart.constList([,,, src__ansi_code.yellow,, src__ansi_code.magenta, src__ansi_code.cyan, src__ansi_code.lightGray, src__ansi_code.defaultForeground, src__ansi_code.darkGray, src__ansi_code.lightRed, src__ansi_code.lightGreen, src__ansi_code.lightYellow, src__ansi_code.lightBlue, src__ansi_code.lightMagenta, src__ansi_code.lightCyan, src__ansi_code.white], src__ansi_code.AnsiCode); }, /*src__ansi_code.backgroundColors*/get backgroundColors() { return dart.constList([src__ansi_code.backgroundBlack, src__ansi_code.backgroundRed, src__ansi_code.backgroundGreen, src__ansi_code.backgroundYellow, src__ansi_code.backgroundBlue, src__ansi_code.backgroundMagenta, src__ansi_code.backgroundCyan, src__ansi_code.backgroundLightGray, src__ansi_code.backgroundDefault, src__ansi_code.backgroundDarkGray, src__ansi_code.backgroundLightRed, src__ansi_code.backgroundLightGreen, src__ansi_code.backgroundLightYellow, src__ansi_code.backgroundLightBlue, src__ansi_code.backgroundLightMagenta, src__ansi_code.backgroundLightCyan, src__ansi_code.backgroundWhite], src__ansi_code.AnsiCode); } }); src__copy_path._doNothing = function(from, to) { if (path$.canonicalize(from) == path$.canonicalize(to)) { return true; } if (dart.test(path$.isWithin(from, to))) { dart.throw(new"Cannot copy from " + dart.str(from) + " to " + dart.str(to))); } return false; }; src__copy_path.copyPath = function(from, to) { return async.async(core.Null, function* copyPath() { if (dart.test(src__copy_path._doNothing(from, to))) { return; } yield{recursive: true}); let iter ={recursive: true})); try { while (yield iter.moveNext()) { let file = iter.current; { let copyTo = path$.join(to, path$.relative(file.path, {from: from})); if ( { yield{recursive: true}); } else if ( { yield; } else if ( { yield, {recursive: true}); } } } } finally { yield iter.cancel(); } }); }; src__copy_path.copyPathSync = function(from, to) { if (dart.test(src__copy_path._doNothing(from, to))) { return; }{recursive: true}); for (let file of{recursive: true})) { let copyTo = path$.join(to, path$.relative(file.path, {from: from})); if ( {{recursive: true}); } else if ( {; } else if ( {, {recursive: true}); } } }; const _name$0 = Symbol('_name'); src__exit_code.ExitCode = class ExitCode extends core.Object { get code() { return this[code$0]; } set code(value) { super.code = value; } toString() { return dart.str(this[_name$0]) + ": " + dart.str(this.code); } }; (src__exit_code.ExitCode.__ = function(code, _name) { this[code$0] = code; this[_name$0] = _name; ; }).prototype = src__exit_code.ExitCode.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__exit_code.ExitCode); const code$0 = Symbol("ExitCode.code"); dart.setFieldSignature(src__exit_code.ExitCode, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__exit_code.ExitCode.__proto__), code: dart.finalFieldType(, [_name$0]: dart.finalFieldType(core.String) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(src__exit_code.ExitCode, ['toString']); dart.defineLazy(src__exit_code.ExitCode, { /*src__exit_code.ExitCode.success*/get success() { return dart.const(new src__exit_code.ExitCode.__(0, "success")); }, /*src__exit_code.ExitCode.usage*/get usage() { return dart.const(new src__exit_code.ExitCode.__(64, "usage")); }, /**/get data() { return dart.const(new src__exit_code.ExitCode.__(65, "data")); }, /*src__exit_code.ExitCode.noInput*/get noInput() { return dart.const(new src__exit_code.ExitCode.__(66, "noInput")); }, /*src__exit_code.ExitCode.noUser*/get noUser() { return dart.const(new src__exit_code.ExitCode.__(67, "noUser")); }, /*src__exit_code.ExitCode.noHost*/get noHost() { return dart.const(new src__exit_code.ExitCode.__(68, "noHost")); }, /*src__exit_code.ExitCode.unavailable*/get unavailable() { return dart.const(new src__exit_code.ExitCode.__(69, "unavailable")); }, /**/get software() { return dart.const(new src__exit_code.ExitCode.__(70, "software")); }, /*src__exit_code.ExitCode.osError*/get osError() { return dart.const(new src__exit_code.ExitCode.__(71, "osError")); }, /*src__exit_code.ExitCode.osFile*/get osFile() { return dart.const(new src__exit_code.ExitCode.__(72, "osFile")); }, /*src__exit_code.ExitCode.cantCreate*/get cantCreate() { return dart.const(new src__exit_code.ExitCode.__(73, "cantCreate")); }, /*src__exit_code.ExitCode.ioError*/get ioError() { return dart.const(new src__exit_code.ExitCode.__(74, "ioError")); }, /*src__exit_code.ExitCode.tempFail*/get tempFail() { return dart.const(new src__exit_code.ExitCode.__(75, "tempFail")); }, /*src__exit_code.ExitCode.noPerm*/get noPerm() { return dart.const(new src__exit_code.ExitCode.__(77, "noPerm")); }, /*src__exit_code.ExitCode.config*/get config() { return dart.const(new src__exit_code.ExitCode.__(78, "config")); } }); const _name$1 = Symbol('_name'); src__permissions._FilePermission = class _FilePermission extends core.Object { toString() { return this[_name$1]; } }; ( = function(index, _name) { this.index = index; this[_name$1] = _name; ; }).prototype = src__permissions._FilePermission.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__permissions._FilePermission); dart.setFieldSignature(src__permissions._FilePermission, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__permissions._FilePermission.__proto__), index: dart.finalFieldType(, [_name$1]: dart.finalFieldType(core.String) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(src__permissions._FilePermission, ['toString']); src__permissions._FilePermission.execute = dart.const(new, "_FilePermission.execute")); src__permissions._FilePermission.write = dart.const(new, "_FilePermission.write")); = dart.const(new, "")); src__permissions._FilePermission.setGid = dart.const(new, "_FilePermission.setGid")); src__permissions._FilePermission.setUid = dart.const(new, "_FilePermission.setUid")); src__permissions._FilePermission.sticky = dart.const(new, "_FilePermission.sticky")); src__permissions._FilePermission.values = dart.constList([src__permissions._FilePermission.execute, src__permissions._FilePermission.write,, src__permissions._FilePermission.setGid, src__permissions._FilePermission.setUid, src__permissions._FilePermission.sticky], src__permissions._FilePermission); src__permissions._FilePermissionRole = class _FilePermissionRole extends core.Object { toString() { return this[_name$1]; } }; ( = function(index, _name) { this.index = index; this[_name$1] = _name; ; }).prototype = src__permissions._FilePermissionRole.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__permissions._FilePermissionRole); dart.setFieldSignature(src__permissions._FilePermissionRole, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__permissions._FilePermissionRole.__proto__), index: dart.finalFieldType(, [_name$1]: dart.finalFieldType(core.String) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(src__permissions._FilePermissionRole, ['toString']); = dart.const(new, "")); = dart.const(new, "")); src__permissions._FilePermissionRole.user = dart.const(new, "_FilePermissionRole.user")); src__permissions._FilePermissionRole.values = dart.constList([,, src__permissions._FilePermissionRole.user], src__permissions._FilePermissionRole); src__permissions._hasPermission = function(stat, permission, opts) { let role = opts && 'role' in opts ? opts.role :; let index = src__permissions._permissionBitIndex(permission, role); return (dart.notNull(stat.mode) & (1)[$leftShift](index)) !== 0; }; src__permissions._permissionBitIndex = function(permission, role) { switch (permission) { case src__permissions._FilePermission.setUid: { return 11; } case src__permissions._FilePermission.setGid: { return 10; } case src__permissions._FilePermission.sticky: { return 9; } default: { return dart.notNull(role.index) * 3 + dart.notNull(permission.index); } } }; src__permissions.isExecutable = function(path, opts) { let t1; let isWindows = opts && 'isWindows' in opts ? opts.isWindows : null; let getStat = opts && 'getStat' in opts ? opts.getStat : dart.fn(io.FileStat.stat, StringToFutureOfFileStat()); if (dart.test((t1 = isWindows, t1 == null ? io.Platform.isWindows : t1))) return true; let stat = getStat(path); if ( { return src__permissions._isExecutable(stat); } return FutureOfFileStat().as(stat).then(core.bool, dart.fn(src__permissions._isExecutable, FileStatTobool())); }; src__permissions._isExecutable = function(stat) { return dart.equals(stat.type, io.FileSystemEntityType.file) && dart.test(src__permissions._FilePermissionRole.values[$any](dart.fn(role => src__permissions._hasPermission(stat, src__permissions._FilePermission.execute, {role: role}), _FilePermissionRoleTobool()))); }; const _stdin$ = Symbol('_stdin'); const _stdout$ = Symbol('_stdout'); const _stderr$ = Symbol('_stderr'); let const$48; src__process_manager.ProcessManager = class ProcessManager extends core.Object { static terminateStdIn() { return async.async(core.Null, function* terminateStdIn() { yield src__shared_stdin.sharedStdIn.terminate(); }); } static new(opts) { let stdin = opts && 'stdin' in opts ? opts.stdin : null; let stdout = opts && 'stdout' in opts ? opts.stdout : null; let stderr = opts && 'stderr' in opts ? opts.stderr : null; let isWindows = opts && 'isWindows' in opts ? opts.isWindows : null; stdin == null ? stdin = src__shared_stdin.sharedStdIn : null; stdout == null ? stdout = io.stdout : null; stderr == null ? stderr = io.stderr : null; isWindows == null ? isWindows = io.Platform.isWindows : null; if (dart.test(isWindows)) { return new, stdout, stderr); } return new, stdout, stderr); } spawn(executable, arguments$0, opts) { return async.async(io.Process, (function* spawn() { let workingDirectory = opts && 'workingDirectory' in opts ? opts.workingDirectory : null; let environment = opts && 'environment' in opts ? opts.environment : null; let includeParentEnvironment = opts && 'includeParentEnvironment' in opts ? opts.includeParentEnvironment : true; let runInShell = opts && 'runInShell' in opts ? opts.runInShell : false; let mode = opts && 'mode' in opts ? opts.mode : io.ProcessStartMode.normal; let process = io.Process.start(executable, arguments$0[$toList](), {workingDirectory: workingDirectory, environment: environment, includeParentEnvironment: includeParentEnvironment, runInShell: runInShell, mode: mode}); return process, this[_stdin$], this[_stdout$], this[_stderr$]); }).bind(this)); } spawnBackground(executable, arguments$0, opts) { return async.async(io.Process, (function* spawnBackground() { let workingDirectory = opts && 'workingDirectory' in opts ? opts.workingDirectory : null; let environment = opts && 'environment' in opts ? opts.environment : null; let includeParentEnvironment = opts && 'includeParentEnvironment' in opts ? opts.includeParentEnvironment : true; let runInShell = opts && 'runInShell' in opts ? opts.runInShell : false; let mode = opts && 'mode' in opts ? opts.mode : io.ProcessStartMode.normal; let process = io.Process.start(executable, arguments$0[$toList](), {workingDirectory: workingDirectory, environment: environment, includeParentEnvironment: includeParentEnvironment, runInShell: runInShell, mode: mode}); return process, const$48 || (const$48 = dart.const(new (_EmptyStreamOfListOfint()).new())), this[_stdout$], this[_stderr$]); }).bind(this)); } spawnDetached(executable, arguments$0, opts) { return async.async(io.Process, function* spawnDetached() { let workingDirectory = opts && 'workingDirectory' in opts ? opts.workingDirectory : null; let environment = opts && 'environment' in opts ? opts.environment : null; let includeParentEnvironment = opts && 'includeParentEnvironment' in opts ? opts.includeParentEnvironment : true; let runInShell = opts && 'runInShell' in opts ? opts.runInShell : false; let mode = opts && 'mode' in opts ? opts.mode : io.ProcessStartMode.normal; return io.Process.start(executable, arguments$0[$toList](), {workingDirectory: workingDirectory, environment: environment, includeParentEnvironment: includeParentEnvironment, runInShell: runInShell, mode: mode}); }); } }; (src__process_manager.ProcessManager.__ = function(_stdin, _stdout, _stderr) { this[_stdin$] = _stdin; this[_stdout$] = _stdout; this[_stderr$] = _stderr; ; }).prototype = src__process_manager.ProcessManager.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__process_manager.ProcessManager); dart.setMethodSignature(src__process_manager.ProcessManager, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__process_manager.ProcessManager.__proto__), spawn: dart.fnType(async.Future$(io.Process), [core.String, core.Iterable$(core.String)], {environment: core.Map$(core.String, core.String), includeParentEnvironment: core.bool, mode: io.ProcessStartMode, runInShell: core.bool, workingDirectory: core.String}), spawnBackground: dart.fnType(async.Future$(io.Process), [core.String, core.Iterable$(core.String)], {environment: core.Map$(core.String, core.String), includeParentEnvironment: core.bool, mode: io.ProcessStartMode, runInShell: core.bool, workingDirectory: core.String}), spawnDetached: dart.fnType(async.Future$(io.Process), [core.String, core.Iterable$(core.String)], {environment: core.Map$(core.String, core.String), includeParentEnvironment: core.bool, mode: io.ProcessStartMode, runInShell: core.bool, workingDirectory: core.String}) })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__process_manager.ProcessManager, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__process_manager.ProcessManager.__proto__), [_stdin$]: dart.finalFieldType(async.Stream$(core.List$(, [_stdout$]: dart.finalFieldType(io.IOSink), [_stderr$]: dart.finalFieldType(io.IOSink) })); const _delegate$ = Symbol('_delegate'); const _onClosed = Symbol('_onClosed'); src__process_manager.Spawn = class Spawn extends core.Object { [_onClosed]() { } kill(signal) { if (signal === void 0) signal = io.ProcessSignal.sigterm; return this[_delegate$].kill(signal); } get exitCode() { return this[_delegate$].exitCode; } get pid() { return this[_delegate$].pid; } get stderr() { return this[_delegate$].stderr; } get stdin() { return this[_delegate$].stdin; } get stdout() { return this[_delegate$].stdout; } }; (src__process_manager.Spawn.__ = function(_delegate) { this[_delegate$] = _delegate; this[_delegate$].exitCode.then(dart.void, dart.fn(_ => this[_onClosed](), intTovoid())); }).prototype = src__process_manager.Spawn.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__process_manager.Spawn); src__process_manager.Spawn[dart.implements] = () => [io.Process]; dart.setMethodSignature(src__process_manager.Spawn, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__process_manager.Spawn.__proto__), [_onClosed]: dart.fnType(dart.void, []), kill: dart.fnType(core.bool, [], [io.ProcessSignal]) })); dart.setGetterSignature(src__process_manager.Spawn, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getGetters(src__process_manager.Spawn.__proto__), exitCode: async.Future$(, pid:, stderr: async.Stream$(core.List$(, stdin: io.IOSink, stdout: async.Stream$(core.List$( })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__process_manager.Spawn, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__process_manager.Spawn.__proto__), [_delegate$]: dart.finalFieldType(io.Process) })); const _stdInSub$ = Symbol('_stdInSub'); const _stdOutSub$ = Symbol('_stdOutSub'); const _stdErrSub$ = Symbol('_stdErrSub'); const _stdOut$ = Symbol('_stdOut'); const _stdErr$ = Symbol('_stdErr'); src__process_manager._ForwardingSpawn = class _ForwardingSpawn extends src__process_manager.Spawn { static new(delegate, stdin, stdout, stderr) { let stdoutSelf = StreamControllerOfListOfint().new(); let stderrSelf = StreamControllerOfListOfint().new(); let stdInSub = stdin.listen(dart.bind(delegate.stdin, 'add')); let stdOutSub = delegate.stdout.listen(dart.fn(event => { stdout.add(event); stdoutSelf.add(event); }, ListOfintToNull())); let stdErrSub = delegate.stderr.listen(dart.fn(event => { stderr.add(event); stderrSelf.add(event); }, ListOfintToNull())); return new src__process_manager._ForwardingSpawn._delegate(delegate, stdInSub, stdOutSub, stdErrSub, stdoutSelf, stderrSelf); } [_onClosed]() { this[_stdInSub$].cancel(); this[_stdOutSub$].cancel(); this[_stdErrSub$].cancel(); super[_onClosed](); } get stdout() { return this[_stdOut$].stream; } get stderr() { return this[_stdErr$].stream; } }; (src__process_manager._ForwardingSpawn._delegate = function(delegate, _stdInSub, _stdOutSub, _stdErrSub, _stdOut, _stdErr) { this[_stdInSub$] = _stdInSub; this[_stdOutSub$] = _stdOutSub; this[_stdErrSub$] = _stdErrSub; this[_stdOut$] = _stdOut; this[_stdErr$] = _stdErr;, delegate); ; }).prototype = src__process_manager._ForwardingSpawn.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__process_manager._ForwardingSpawn); dart.setFieldSignature(src__process_manager._ForwardingSpawn, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__process_manager._ForwardingSpawn.__proto__), [_stdInSub$]: dart.finalFieldType(async.StreamSubscription), [_stdOutSub$]: dart.finalFieldType(async.StreamSubscription), [_stdErrSub$]: dart.finalFieldType(async.StreamSubscription), [_stdOut$]: dart.finalFieldType(async.StreamController$(core.List$(, [_stdErr$]: dart.finalFieldType(async.StreamController$(core.List$( })); src__process_manager._UnixProcessManager = class _UnixProcessManager extends src__process_manager.ProcessManager {}; ( = function(stdin, stdout, stderr) {, stdin, stdout, stderr); ; }).prototype = src__process_manager._UnixProcessManager.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__process_manager._UnixProcessManager); src__process_manager._WindowsProcessManager = class _WindowsProcessManager extends src__process_manager.ProcessManager {}; ( = function(stdin, stdout, stderr) {, stdin, stdout, stderr); ; }).prototype = src__process_manager._WindowsProcessManager.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__process_manager._WindowsProcessManager); src__process_manager.StartProcess = dart.typedef('StartProcess', () => StringAndListOfString__ToFutureOfProcess()); const _current = Symbol('_current'); const _sub$ = Symbol('_sub'); const _onInput = Symbol('_onInput'); let const$49; const _getCurrent = Symbol('_getCurrent'); src__shared_stdin.SharedStdIn = class SharedStdIn extends async.Stream$(core.List$( { nextLine(opts) { let encoding = opts && 'encoding' in opts ? opts.encoding : io.systemEncoding; return this.lines({encoding: encoding}).first; } lines(opts) { let encoding = opts && 'encoding' in opts ? opts.encoding : io.systemEncoding; return this.transform(core.String, convert.utf8.decoder).transform(core.String, const$49 || (const$49 = dart.const(new; } [_onInput](event) { return this[_getCurrent]().add(event); } [_getCurrent]() { if (this[_current] == null) { this[_current] = StreamControllerOfListOfint().new({onCancel: dart.fn(() => { this[_current] = null; }, VoidToNull()), sync: true}); } return this[_current]; } listen(onData, opts) { let onError = opts && 'onError' in opts ? opts.onError : null; let onDone = opts && 'onDone' in opts ? opts.onDone : null; let cancelOnError = opts && 'cancelOnError' in opts ? opts.cancelOnError : null; if (this[_sub$] == null) { dart.throw(new"Stdin has already been terminated.")); } let controller = this[_getCurrent](); if (dart.test(controller.hasListener)) { dart.throw(new"Subscriber already listening. The existing subscriber must cancel " + "before another may be added.")); } return, {onDone: onDone, onError: onError, cancelOnError: cancelOnError}); } terminate() { return async.async(core.Null, (function* terminate() { let t1; if (this[_sub$] == null) { dart.throw(new"Stdin has already been terminated.")); } yield this[_sub$].cancel(); yield (t1 = this[_current], t1 == null ? null : t1.close()); this[_sub$] = null; }).bind(this)); } }; ( = function(stream) { let t1; if (stream === void 0) stream = null; this[_current] = null; this[_sub$] = null;; this[_sub$] = (t1 = stream, t1 == null ? stream = io.stdin : t1).listen(dart.bind(this, _onInput)); }).prototype = src__shared_stdin.SharedStdIn.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__shared_stdin.SharedStdIn); dart.setMethodSignature(src__shared_stdin.SharedStdIn, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__shared_stdin.SharedStdIn.__proto__), nextLine: dart.fnType(async.Future$(core.String), [], {encoding: convert.Encoding}), lines: dart.fnType(async.Stream$(core.String), [], {encoding: convert.Encoding}), [_onInput]: dart.fnType(dart.void, [core.List$(]), [_getCurrent]: dart.fnType(async.StreamController$(core.List$(, []), listen: dart.fnType(async.StreamSubscription$(core.List$(, [dart.fnType(dart.void, [core.List$(])], {cancelOnError: core.bool, onDone: dart.fnType(dart.void, []), onError: core.Function}), terminate: dart.fnType(async.Future$(core.Null), []) })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__shared_stdin.SharedStdIn, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__shared_stdin.SharedStdIn.__proto__), [_current]: dart.fieldType(async.StreamController$(core.List$(, [_sub$]: dart.fieldType(async.StreamSubscription$(core.List$( })); dart.defineLazy(src__shared_stdin, { /*src__shared_stdin.sharedStdIn*/get sharedStdIn() { return new; } }); src__shell_words.shellSplit = function(command) { let t1; let scanner = new; let results = JSArrayOfString().of([]); let token = new; let hasToken = false; while (!dart.test(scanner.isDone)) { let next = scanner.readChar(); switch (next) { case 92: { if (dart.test(scanner.scanChar(10))) break; hasToken = true; token.writeCharCode(scanner.readChar()); break; } case 39: { hasToken = true; let firstQuote = dart.notNull(scanner.position) - 1; while (!dart.test(scanner.scanChar(39))) { src__shell_words._checkUnmatchedQuote(scanner, firstQuote); token.writeCharCode(scanner.readChar()); } break; } case 34: { hasToken = true; let firstQuote = dart.notNull(scanner.position) - 1; while (!dart.test(scanner.scanChar(34))) { src__shell_words._checkUnmatchedQuote(scanner, firstQuote); if (dart.test(scanner.scanChar(92))) { src__shell_words._checkUnmatchedQuote(scanner, firstQuote); let next = scanner.readChar(); if (next == 10) continue; if (next == 36 || next == 96 || next == 34 || next == 92) { token.writeCharCode(next); } else { t1 = token; t1.writeCharCode(92); t1.writeCharCode(next); t1; } } else { token.writeCharCode(scanner.readChar()); } } break; } case 35: { if (hasToken) { token.writeCharCode(35); break; } while (!dart.test(scanner.isDone) && scanner.peekChar() != 10) { scanner.readChar(); } break; } case 32: case 9: case 10: { if (hasToken) results[$add](token.toString()); hasToken = false; token.clear(); break; } default: { hasToken = true; token.writeCharCode(next); break; } } } if (hasToken) results[$add](token.toString()); return results; }; src__shell_words._checkUnmatchedQuote = function(scanner, openingQuote) { if (!dart.test(scanner.isDone)) return; let type = scanner.substring(openingQuote, dart.notNull(openingQuote) + 1) === "\"" ? "double" : "single"; scanner.error("Unmatched " + type + " quote.", {position: openingQuote, length: 1}); }; const _onConnect = Symbol('_onConnect'); const _requests = Symbol('_requests'); const _subscriptions = Symbol('_subscriptions'); const _uuid = Symbol('_uuid'); const _id$ = Symbol('_id'); const _stream = Symbol('_stream'); const _whenConnected = Symbol('_whenConnected'); const _close$ = Symbol('_close'); src__protocol__client__client.Client = class Client extends core.Object {}; ( = function() { ; }).prototype = src__protocol__client__client.Client.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__protocol__client__client.Client); src__isolate__client.IsolateClient = class IsolateClient extends src__protocol__client__client.Client { get clientId() { return this[clientId$]; } set clientId(value) { super.clientId = value; } get serverSendPort() { return this[serverSendPort$]; } set serverSendPort(value) { super.serverSendPort = value; } get receivePort() { return this[receivePort]; } set receivePort(value) { super.receivePort = value; } [_whenConnected](T, callback) { if (this[_id$] != null) return async.Future$(T).sync(callback); else { let c = CompleterOfString().new(); this[_onConnect].add(c); return c.future.then(T, dart.fn(_ => callback(), dart.fnType(async.FutureOr$(T), [core.String]))); } } publish(eventName, value) { return this[_whenConnected](dart.dynamic, dart.fn(() => { let c = CompleterOfMap().new(); let requestId =[_uuid].v4()); this[_requests][$_set](requestId, c); this.serverSendPort.send(new (IdentityMapOfString$Object()).from(["id", this[_id$], "request_id", requestId, "method", "publish", "params", new (IdentityMapOfString$dynamic()).from(["client_id", this.clientId, "event_name", eventName, "value", value])])); return c.future; }, VoidToFutureOfMap())); } subscribe(eventName) { return this[_whenConnected](src__protocol__client__client.ClientSubscription, dart.fn(() => { let c = CompleterOfMap().new(); let requestId =[_uuid].v4()); this[_requests][$_set](requestId, c); this.serverSendPort.send(new (IdentityMapOfString$Object()).from(["id", this[_id$], "request_id", requestId, "method", "subscribe", "params", new (IdentityMapOfString$String()).from(["client_id", this.clientId, "event_name", eventName])])); return c.future.then(src__protocol__client__client.ClientSubscription, dart.fn(result => { let s = new,[$_get]("subscription_id")), this); this[_subscriptions][$add](s); return s; }, MapTo_IsolateClientSubscription())); }, VoidToFutureOfClientSubscription())); } close() { this.receivePort.close(); for (let c of this[_onConnect]) { if (!dart.test(c.isCompleted)) { c.completeError(new"The client was closed before the server ever accepted the connection.")); } } for (let c of this[_requests][$values]) { if (!dart.test(c.isCompleted)) { c.completeError(new"The client was closed before the server responded to this request.")); } } for (let s of this[_subscriptions]) s[_close$](); this[_requests][$clear](); return async.Future.value(); } }; ( = function(clientId, serverSendPort) { this[_onConnect] = new (ListQueueOfCompleterOfString()).new(); this[_requests] = new (IdentityMapOfString$CompleterOfMap()).new(); this[_subscriptions] = JSArrayOf_IsolateClientSubscription().of([]); this[_uuid] = new; this[_id$] = null; this[receivePort] = new; this[clientId$] = clientId; this[serverSendPort$] = serverSendPort; this.receivePort.listen(dart.fn(data => { let t1, t1$; if ( && typeof data[$_get]("request_id") == 'string') { let requestId =[$_get]("request_id")); let c = this[_requests][$remove](requestId); if (c != null && !dart.test(c.isCompleted)) { if (!(typeof data[$_get]("status") == 'boolean')) { c.completeError(new"The server sent an invalid response.")); } else if (!dart.test([$_get]("status")))) { c.completeError(new$ = (t1 = data[$_get]("error_message"), t1 == null ? null : dart.toString(t1)), t1$ == null ? "The server sent a failure response, but did not provide an error message." : t1$))); } else if (![$_get]("result"))) { c.completeError(new"The server sent a success response, but did not include a result.")); } else { c.complete([$_get]("result"))); } } } else if ( && typeof data[$_get]("id") == 'string' && this[_id$] == null) { this[_id$] =[$_get]("id")); for (let c of this[_onConnect]) { if (!dart.test(c.isCompleted)) c.complete(this[_id$]); } this[_onConnect].clear(); } else if ( && data[$length] === 2 && typeof data[$_get](0) == 'string') { let eventName =[$_get](0)); let event = data[$_get](1); for (let s of this[_subscriptions][$where](dart.fn(s => s.eventName == eventName, _IsolateClientSubscriptionTobool()))) { if (!dart.test(s[_stream].isClosed)) s[_stream].add(event); } } }, dynamicToNull())); this.serverSendPort.send(this.receivePort.sendPort); }).prototype = src__isolate__client.IsolateClient.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__isolate__client.IsolateClient); const clientId$ = Symbol("IsolateClient.clientId"); const serverSendPort$ = Symbol("IsolateClient.serverSendPort"); const receivePort = Symbol("IsolateClient.receivePort"); dart.setMethodSignature(src__isolate__client.IsolateClient, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__isolate__client.IsolateClient.__proto__), [_whenConnected]: dart.gFnType(T => [async.Future$(T), [dart.fnType(async.FutureOr$(T), [])]], T => [core.Object]), publish: dart.fnType(async.Future, [core.String, dart.dynamic]), subscribe: dart.fnType(async.Future$(src__protocol__client__client.ClientSubscription), [core.String]), close: dart.fnType(async.Future, []) })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__isolate__client.IsolateClient, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__isolate__client.IsolateClient.__proto__), [_onConnect]: dart.finalFieldType(collection.Queue$(async.Completer$(core.String))), [_requests]: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map$(core.String, async.Completer$(core.Map))), [_subscriptions]: dart.finalFieldType(core.List$(src__isolate__client._IsolateClientSubscription)), [_uuid]: dart.finalFieldType(uuid.Uuid), [_id$]: dart.fieldType(core.String), clientId: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), serverSendPort: dart.finalFieldType(isolate.SendPort), receivePort: dart.finalFieldType(isolate.ReceivePort) })); src__protocol__client__client.ClientSubscription = class ClientSubscription extends async.Stream {}; ( = function() {; ; }).prototype = src__protocol__client__client.ClientSubscription.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__protocol__client__client.ClientSubscription); src__isolate__client._IsolateClientSubscription = class _IsolateClientSubscription extends src__protocol__client__client.ClientSubscription { [_close$]() { if (!dart.test(this[_stream].isClosed)) this[_stream].close(); } listen(onData, opts) { let onError = opts && 'onError' in opts ? opts.onError : null; let onDone = opts && 'onDone' in opts ? opts.onDone : null; let cancelOnError = opts && 'cancelOnError' in opts ? opts.cancelOnError : null; return this[_stream].stream.listen(onData, {onError: onError, onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: cancelOnError}); } unsubscribe() { return this.client[_whenConnected](dart.dynamic, dart.fn(() => { let c = CompleterOfMap().new(); let requestId =[_uuid].v4()); this.client[_requests][$_set](requestId, c); this.client.serverSendPort.send(new (IdentityMapOfString$Object()).from(["id", this.client[_id$], "request_id", requestId, "method", "unsubscribe", "params", new (IdentityMapOfString$String()).from(["client_id", this.client.clientId, "subscription_id",])])); return c.future.then(dart.dynamic, dart.fn(_ => { this[_close$](); }, MapToNull())); }, VoidToFuture())); } }; ( = function(eventName, id, client) { this[_stream] =; this.eventName = eventName; = id; this.client = client;; ; }).prototype = src__isolate__client._IsolateClientSubscription.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__isolate__client._IsolateClientSubscription); dart.setMethodSignature(src__isolate__client._IsolateClientSubscription, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__isolate__client._IsolateClientSubscription.__proto__), [_close$]: dart.fnType(dart.void, []), listen: dart.fnType(async.StreamSubscription, [dart.fnType(dart.void, [dart.dynamic])], {cancelOnError: core.bool, onDone: dart.fnType(dart.void, []), onError: core.Function}), unsubscribe: dart.fnType(async.Future, []) })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__isolate__client._IsolateClientSubscription, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__isolate__client._IsolateClientSubscription.__proto__), [_stream]: dart.finalFieldType(async.StreamController), eventName: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), id: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), client: dart.finalFieldType(src__isolate__client.IsolateClient) })); const _clients = Symbol('_clients'); const _onPublish = Symbol('_onPublish'); const _onSubscribe = Symbol('_onSubscribe'); const _onUnsubscribe = Symbol('_onUnsubscribe'); const _uuid$ = Symbol('_uuid'); src__protocol__server__adapter.Adapter = class Adapter extends core.Object {}; ( = function() { ; }).prototype = src__protocol__server__adapter.Adapter.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__protocol__server__adapter.Adapter); src__isolate__server.IsolateAdapter = class IsolateAdapter extends src__protocol__server__adapter.Adapter { get receivePort() { return this[receivePort$]; } set receivePort(value) { super.receivePort = value; } get onPublish() { return this[_onPublish].stream; } get onSubscribe() { return this[_onSubscribe].stream; } get onUnsubscribe() { return this[_onUnsubscribe].stream; } close() { this.receivePort.close(); this[_clients][$clear](); this[_onPublish].close(); this[_onSubscribe].close(); this[_onUnsubscribe].close(); return async.Future.value(); } start() { this.receivePort.listen(dart.fn(data => { if ( { let id =[_uuid$].v4()); this[_clients][$_set](id, data); data.send(new (IdentityMapOfString$Object()).from(["status", true, "id", id])); } else if ( && typeof data[$_get]("id") == 'string' && typeof data[$_get]("request_id") == 'string' && typeof data[$_get]("method") == 'string' &&[$_get]("params"))) { let id = core.String._check(data[$_get]("id")); let requestId = core.String._check(data[$_get]("request_id")); let method = core.String._check(data[$_get]("method")); let params = core.Map._check(data[$_get]("params")); let sp = this[_clients][$_get](id); if (sp == null) { } else if (method === "publish") { if (typeof params[$_get]("client_id") == 'string' && typeof params[$_get]("event_name") == 'string' && dart.test(params[$containsKey]("value"))) { let clientId = core.String._check(params[$_get]("client_id")); let eventName = core.String._check(params[$_get]("event_name")); let value = params[$_get]("value"); let rq = new, clientId, eventName, value, sp); this[_onPublish].add(rq); } else { sp.send(new (IdentityMapOfString$Object()).from(["status", false, "request_id", requestId, "error_message", "Expected client_id, event_name, and value."])); } } else if (method === "subscribe") { if (typeof params[$_get]("client_id") == 'string' && typeof params[$_get]("event_name") == 'string') { let clientId = core.String._check(params[$_get]("client_id")); let eventName = core.String._check(params[$_get]("event_name")); let rq = new, eventName, sp, requestId, this[_uuid$]); this[_onSubscribe].add(rq); } else { sp.send(new (IdentityMapOfString$Object()).from(["status", false, "request_id", requestId, "error_message", "Expected client_id, and event_name."])); } } else if (method === "unsubscribe") { if (typeof params[$_get]("client_id") == 'string' && typeof params[$_get]("subscription_id") == 'string') { let clientId = core.String._check(params[$_get]("client_id")); let subscriptionId = core.String._check(params[$_get]("subscription_id")); let rq = new, subscriptionId, sp, requestId); this[_onUnsubscribe].add(rq); } else { sp.send(new (IdentityMapOfString$Object()).from(["status", false, "request_id", requestId, "error_message", "Expected client_id, and subscription_id."])); } } else { sp.send(new (IdentityMapOfString$Object()).from(["status", false, "request_id", requestId, "error_message", "Unrecognized method \"" + dart.str(method) + "\". Or, you omitted id, request_id, method, or params."])); } } }, dynamicToNull())); } }; ( = function() { this[_clients] = new (IdentityMapOfString$SendPort()).new(); this[_onPublish] = StreamControllerOfPublishRequest().new(); this[_onSubscribe] = StreamControllerOfSubscriptionRequest().new(); this[_onUnsubscribe] = StreamControllerOfUnsubscriptionRequest().new(); this[_uuid$] = new; this[receivePort$] = new; ; }).prototype = src__isolate__server.IsolateAdapter.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__isolate__server.IsolateAdapter); const receivePort$ = Symbol("IsolateAdapter.receivePort"); dart.setMethodSignature(src__isolate__server.IsolateAdapter, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__isolate__server.IsolateAdapter.__proto__), close: dart.fnType(async.Future, []), start: dart.fnType(dart.void, []) })); dart.setGetterSignature(src__isolate__server.IsolateAdapter, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getGetters(src__isolate__server.IsolateAdapter.__proto__), onPublish: async.Stream$(src__protocol__server__publish.PublishRequest), onSubscribe: async.Stream$(src__protocol__server__subscription.SubscriptionRequest), onUnsubscribe: async.Stream$(src__protocol__server__subscription.UnsubscriptionRequest) })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__isolate__server.IsolateAdapter, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__isolate__server.IsolateAdapter.__proto__), [_clients]: dart.finalFieldType(core.Map$(core.String, isolate.SendPort)), [_onPublish]: dart.finalFieldType(async.StreamController$(src__protocol__server__publish.PublishRequest)), [_onSubscribe]: dart.finalFieldType(async.StreamController$(src__protocol__server__subscription.SubscriptionRequest)), [_onUnsubscribe]: dart.finalFieldType(async.StreamController$(src__protocol__server__subscription.UnsubscriptionRequest)), [_uuid$]: dart.finalFieldType(uuid.Uuid), receivePort: dart.finalFieldType(isolate.ReceivePort) })); src__protocol__server__publish.PublishRequest = class PublishRequest extends core.Object {}; ( = function() { ; }).prototype = src__protocol__server__publish.PublishRequest.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__protocol__server__publish.PublishRequest); src__isolate__server._IsolatePublishRequestImpl = class _IsolatePublishRequestImpl extends src__protocol__server__publish.PublishRequest { get clientId() { return this[clientId$0]; } set clientId(value) { super.clientId = value; } get eventName() { return this[eventName$]; } set eventName(value) { super.eventName = value; } get value() { return this[value$0]; } set value(value) { super.value = value; } accept(response) { this.sendPort.send(new (IdentityMapOfString$Object()).from(["status", true, "request_id", this.requestId, "result", new (IdentityMapOfString$int()).from(["listeners", response.listeners])])); } reject(errorMessage) { this.sendPort.send(new (IdentityMapOfString$Object()).from(["status", false, "request_id", this.requestId, "error_message", errorMessage])); } }; ( = function(requestId, clientId, eventName, value, sendPort) { this.requestId = requestId; this[clientId$0] = clientId; this[eventName$] = eventName; this[value$0] = value; this.sendPort = sendPort; ; }).prototype = src__isolate__server._IsolatePublishRequestImpl.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__isolate__server._IsolatePublishRequestImpl); const clientId$0 = Symbol("_IsolatePublishRequestImpl.clientId"); const eventName$ = Symbol("_IsolatePublishRequestImpl.eventName"); const value$0 = Symbol("_IsolatePublishRequestImpl.value"); dart.setMethodSignature(src__isolate__server._IsolatePublishRequestImpl, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__isolate__server._IsolatePublishRequestImpl.__proto__), accept: dart.fnType(dart.void, [src__protocol__server__publish.PublishResponse]), reject: dart.fnType(dart.void, [core.String]) })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__isolate__server._IsolatePublishRequestImpl, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__isolate__server._IsolatePublishRequestImpl.__proto__), clientId: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), eventName: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), value: dart.finalFieldType(dart.dynamic), sendPort: dart.finalFieldType(isolate.SendPort), requestId: dart.finalFieldType(core.String) })); src__protocol__server__subscription.SubscriptionRequest = class SubscriptionRequest extends core.Object {}; ( = function() { ; }).prototype = src__protocol__server__subscription.SubscriptionRequest.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__protocol__server__subscription.SubscriptionRequest); src__isolate__server._IsolateSubscriptionRequestImpl = class _IsolateSubscriptionRequestImpl extends src__protocol__server__subscription.SubscriptionRequest { get clientId() { return this[clientId$1]; } set clientId(value) { super.clientId = value; } get eventName() { return this[eventName$0]; } set eventName(value) { super.eventName = value; } reject(errorMessage) { this.sendPort.send(new (IdentityMapOfString$Object()).from(["status", false, "request_id", this.requestId, "error_message", errorMessage])); } accept() { let id =[_uuid$].v4()); this.sendPort.send(new (IdentityMapOfString$Object()).from(["status", true, "request_id", this.requestId, "result", new (IdentityMapOfString$String()).from(["subscription_id", id])])); return new, id, this.eventName, this.sendPort); } }; ( = function(clientId, eventName, sendPort, requestId, _uuid) { this[clientId$1] = clientId; this[eventName$0] = eventName; this.sendPort = sendPort; this.requestId = requestId; this[_uuid$] = _uuid; ; }).prototype = src__isolate__server._IsolateSubscriptionRequestImpl.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__isolate__server._IsolateSubscriptionRequestImpl); const clientId$1 = Symbol("_IsolateSubscriptionRequestImpl.clientId"); const eventName$0 = Symbol("_IsolateSubscriptionRequestImpl.eventName"); dart.setMethodSignature(src__isolate__server._IsolateSubscriptionRequestImpl, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__isolate__server._IsolateSubscriptionRequestImpl.__proto__), reject: dart.fnType(dart.void, [core.String]), accept: dart.fnType(async.FutureOr$(src__protocol__server__subscription.Subscription), []) })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__isolate__server._IsolateSubscriptionRequestImpl, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__isolate__server._IsolateSubscriptionRequestImpl.__proto__), clientId: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), eventName: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), sendPort: dart.finalFieldType(isolate.SendPort), requestId: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), [_uuid$]: dart.finalFieldType(uuid.Uuid) })); src__protocol__server__subscription.Subscription = class Subscription extends core.Object {}; ( = function() { ; }).prototype = src__protocol__server__subscription.Subscription.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__protocol__server__subscription.Subscription); src__isolate__server._IsolateSubscriptionImpl = class _IsolateSubscriptionImpl extends src__protocol__server__subscription.Subscription { get clientId() { return this[clientId$2]; } set clientId(value) { super.clientId = value; } get id() { return this[id$1]; } set id(value) { = value; } dispatch(event) { this.sendPort.send([this.eventName, event]); } }; ( = function(clientId, id, eventName, sendPort) { this[clientId$2] = clientId; this[id$1] = id; this.eventName = eventName; this.sendPort = sendPort; ; }).prototype = src__isolate__server._IsolateSubscriptionImpl.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__isolate__server._IsolateSubscriptionImpl); const clientId$2 = Symbol("_IsolateSubscriptionImpl.clientId"); const id$1 = Symbol(""); dart.setMethodSignature(src__isolate__server._IsolateSubscriptionImpl, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__isolate__server._IsolateSubscriptionImpl.__proto__), dispatch: dart.fnType(dart.void, [dart.dynamic]) })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__isolate__server._IsolateSubscriptionImpl, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__isolate__server._IsolateSubscriptionImpl.__proto__), clientId: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), id: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), eventName: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), sendPort: dart.finalFieldType(isolate.SendPort) })); src__protocol__server__subscription.UnsubscriptionRequest = class UnsubscriptionRequest extends core.Object {}; ( = function() { ; }).prototype = src__protocol__server__subscription.UnsubscriptionRequest.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__protocol__server__subscription.UnsubscriptionRequest); src__isolate__server._IsolateUnsubscriptionRequestImpl = class _IsolateUnsubscriptionRequestImpl extends src__protocol__server__subscription.UnsubscriptionRequest { get clientId() { return this[clientId$3]; } set clientId(value) { super.clientId = value; } get subscriptionId() { return this[subscriptionId$]; } set subscriptionId(value) { super.subscriptionId = value; } reject(errorMessage) { this.sendPort.send(new (IdentityMapOfString$Object()).from(["status", false, "request_id", this.requestId, "error_message", errorMessage])); } accept() { this.sendPort.send(new (IdentityMapOfString$Object()).from(["status", true, "request_id", this.requestId, "result", new])); } }; ( = function(clientId, subscriptionId, sendPort, requestId) { this[clientId$3] = clientId; this[subscriptionId$] = subscriptionId; this.sendPort = sendPort; this.requestId = requestId; ; }).prototype = src__isolate__server._IsolateUnsubscriptionRequestImpl.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__isolate__server._IsolateUnsubscriptionRequestImpl); const clientId$3 = Symbol("_IsolateUnsubscriptionRequestImpl.clientId"); const subscriptionId$ = Symbol("_IsolateUnsubscriptionRequestImpl.subscriptionId"); dart.setMethodSignature(src__isolate__server._IsolateUnsubscriptionRequestImpl, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getMethods(src__isolate__server._IsolateUnsubscriptionRequestImpl.__proto__), reject: dart.fnType(dart.void, [core.String]), accept: dart.fnType(async.FutureOr, []) })); dart.setFieldSignature(src__isolate__server._IsolateUnsubscriptionRequestImpl, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__isolate__server._IsolateUnsubscriptionRequestImpl.__proto__), clientId: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), subscriptionId: dart.finalFieldType(core.String), sendPort: dart.finalFieldType(isolate.SendPort), requestId: dart.finalFieldType(core.String) })); src__protocol__client__client.PubSubException = class PubSubException extends core.Object { get message() { return this[message$2]; } set message(value) { super.message = value; } toString() { return "`pub_sub` exception: " + dart.str(this.message); } }; ( = function(message) { this[message$2] = message; ; }).prototype = src__protocol__client__client.PubSubException.prototype; dart.addTypeTests(src__protocol__client__client.PubSubException); const message$2 = Symbol("PubSubException.message"); src__protocol__client__client.PubSubException[dart.implements] = () => [core.Exception]; dart.setFieldSignature(src__protocol__client__client.PubSubException, () => ({ __proto__: dart.getFields(src__protocol__client__client.PubSubException.__proto__), message: dart.finalFieldType(core.String) })); dart.defineExtensionMethods(src__protocol__client__client.PubSubException, ['toString']); src__protocol__server__client.ClientInfo = class ClientInfo extends core.Object { get id() { return this[id$2]; } set id(value) { = value; } get canPublish() { return this[canPublish$]; } set canPublish(value) { super.canPublish = value; } get canSubscribe() { return this[canSubscribe$]; } set canSubscribe(value) { super.canSubscribe = value; } :J.J.HK.AKcܦ,,`:J.J.F.nb#.yn(.Yy+.F'".ynWb`cܨߨx s``>I!% ;`~J+x5;?NLVQ`~&LX;`~Ngn`wp.HKxxHKJ#(.AKxƁxAK`ܩݩs``>I!% 3`uJ+13?NHMP`~&HO.&VV3`u`~Ic%mg3`~>I".HKw3`~AK3`~HKw.AK>=0$'R.'3`~'S?>I#"3,.HKw?;53ye\UOI3ewc.AK>=0s}$'R.'Ā3'S?Jnܫ۫(s[`>I!%`uJ(!?I,!%60`~>JM"Z(]pf.7(ys7?J"".HK(HK.AK(ƀAK.7(逬7ܭEMgzVg`JY_zܮ:CkIkSs`u`u>I`!nd.7(wq*7>=0$'T.7'U'7܀*7'V?I%*`~>N(.`0h`>.HKLF*`~HKN_cy`ei`s.AKy*`~AKJ.>N˯`Ӽh`.HK*xekN y`i`.AK,("*yyekJ;FP.VI]2|P  N܁WK`7 O܁XK`7 PAF݂#)Y`] `݂ 7`݃M e`݃ `݃ :`݆MM[`e`i7[+x`+:`+\>IP[T>=0hr$'7'%I"!(+΂>=0$'@'%I$"!/($(+A:$>=0NX$'G$'%?&#% `: `: [`#(+`#0)$(+:C$` M݄`:>N6`#.7(+'Z.7`J$'.閘W'.:W݉ [$ 4s``>IA!OE.7(XRy7>=0ku$'T.7'U'y7'V?J.eyye\݊U`_i`Jos..'݊x s``>I!%.7(.(p7>=0AK$'Tj.7'U'p7'V?J.eyπpe݋ދ\(\s[`J""%%`* .7(3-%`7MF.e(VP%`e݌aizr`Juu.7zW.e݌A`:J$'.$'.e'R.㖛'w[R8ݍ>D]`ݍrre`7[+`+:`+\? 7邍:z]ރ^``\? ރDOZ`:>Ndk6`#wm.7(+'Z.7`J$'.閘W'.:Wރփڄ[s``>I! .7(-7>=0)3$'TR.7'U'zt-7'V?J.ey-e\ބ΄م_`J얾..'ޅ x( s``>I5!C9.7(LF$7>=0_i$'T.7'U'$7'V?J.ey퀅$eޅ z( z s[`J""%#`H>.7(QK`7kd.e(tn`eކz`J.7zW.eކA†`:J$'.$'.e'R.㖫'wsL2߁BQ_`] ` ߁`߁ y `߂6AEEE`:߂7`߃)17(77`߄OWaq`y``:`J9DO߅s``߆QUpx^pj s``€߈5<\C\K`:U`[+`:Àߊa`[+`:gL Āߋ~b`ƀߋ `ǀߋ y`Ȁߋ `:ʀߋ `y`)`:\>I5!G=9.yǑ7(PJ.Ƒ7>=0cm$'T.Ƒ7'U'7.yǑ7'VI.yLJe.Ƈe>=0$H'N&.y'OA.'%IV!f_Z.ȁ(^(oi.Ɩ[x.y>=0$'c.'d.Ɩ[.y'R'e?ƀǁȂ zC}̀6I.P(+J .?J)'iW0+.PӀ8.`HϖGM=؀j``wۀT [`:P`[+\?ۂ ݀-9J6@J[JCC.˖ހ`heo`Jr#wr.P(++.PӀe`mR~[3 ?CG%kg{*l``\?  =Ea7Oa`JRXR.7em(t`Jw{w.yey.eვ$x$ s``>N`.xހɀJ#(.yx Ʉy`)49Es``>IR!`V.7(icr7>=0|$'T.7'U'7΀r7'V?N] [, .rN(,y] [.-7.yB<ryNPZm`#b\(j..yr`Nn`#(.y.r`IŃByxۄw>=0$-'R.'Ār'S?N?D`:UPFBWlg_wXvBy[wHGJ&`&` ҆و`:`[+`:>N `=,%$f'oE@:.閘W'paZT.:WIm!{q.7(+=$'c.7?=$'N܇a`:.a`іI ! `>=1*~=IBO?JftmAሇa`[+`:>I_()=_ə'?I܀_(*=_+?N:` .:N#`)NDq`:IR%[.`>N`:&.`ĖND`ʙ. .I"!((+(w>=/(ց=5 XJ(H=_ qi X{(H?Nr` 'XE=#Ն(ؔW  XWH`:=h`#4+(^IHSL.((>Ja'>=.'XU=NËs`ּh`恋W.yey.e (^I!#_(+>=;4ցJAXWH=ngցt_=ցXH=ÂցЙ)=䂌ցXH>=#ց)I>!LC'XC=c\ց'X?Eu~`ćććW>IćA(>=ӂւᒈ>=ւI0!:4_(+=JCցP_?=c\ցm'ڂhoi`xyLI!_(+=ց)?JԂAG(Gs[`J""%"`%.(.("`;7.y(D>"`yLTz]`J`of`.zWu7h{w.yzᏉA`:J$ '.$'t.'.y'7.'WT@ƑP }*iou`S v`:&=`Sy`_`:jv`:\>I!.ĖnO>=0$'w.Ė'x'E?I#R'.5.Ė>JD:(+>=0cm$'y'z'{:W'|.Ė'E? |$/B7B`:J::.v.aǷnp|^ゑ)}`K` L`::JR3`:[7[+j1`+\? }71 Ȃ͂`J.K:`J.L1xM7x`yJ@D.a.1k.q.:}N`J".W(.( ÃDž-M̅-M`y\>I"!%˓`!H&-'˓`O.>=0ak$'P'Q?=܄1퀄˓1}=.K ˓~=.L#˓: 2651>5CR`\>NZfS`h.1=|1[I[wn>NąT],`.U.3Xn[H=.K.KW ̴(YI.;2̴ >=N.LVN.LWeY[ygn>=.L[y̴y>NՆT],`.U.3X[ nHI#.N=:1͸7I?=O.KUO.KyaX͸(YIo|s͸ >=.L.Lyny[>=.L [y.3U[Fy ㈹BƉBV``>I!J*?=.W#J3) GKS`>N`jV`r=.WχJχ W %V`\>I6"D:(G"YO(\!nc.(q>=.K.KW=.L>=.L.LW̊ьGՌr``>I!GкJ*?N'T],`).U>5.R=H.KNH.KWZQ(YIfsj >=.L.LW.R܁(^>=.L.R܁(^y큏yJ)'U'`:],`>NT],`XI.N=<7I?J<Qʄʷu=_МҤ ioT~``y㍽ O` 1` ` :`RR"O`11`@`K:`\?Wbo| Y`*'ZɨV W#^?[y=̂ҍ)``!䃙 \`P"\ `h#䇠D`u+2??R\P`u\?!}xԯw"ԯx ԯ7рԯ7 %ow|`J.\!]."ekW.1]y."n&ۄ:`>N`.\!]%."ekW'.1]N:A:`WK.\!^wpa."ekWy.1逅յaJ#յ(."nȁy.":o`'<M<`yJ<.3.1,AElMJl\M`y\>Ii"!%sm`3!&`3O6.>=0$'P'Q?=O.1`Z1}(q~`uJ.D#)䇮Ȉ`hJ.\!."ekW.1\* :#:`uJ&/&.ݗ)_q.ab`y!c`y+`u>N6Bd`#MDo(+W.1kbo1}`Jy.\!P."ekWd1}."ekW؃[/Lr``>I!"L*H>=<.D+#JT*?=m.Dy.\!P."ekW.1."ekW.Ry[#J)0'S'`:@`+!1`+/(`+\>=>?P.3X+_9iGIw""{+(+9(+G(+=+.R?IԂ9(+>=9#+(+.1+`?I'2+G(+=;G#JD+(+Ŕb^X+yփyjd+`?NzP`u.\!P."ekW9."ekW9WG[=0] ۓ.3 Ս֪z׫ F*2 3cie``y6 O`7 1`<||O`1`\?6ܽ7 |9 99`J(.O6\!]0.17]:=Ew:Lw`JOdXO.O6\!^n.17aJݙDcݪݬ=?>->53`:C@`N1`\(`\>Ih"!rl(+"!~ (+!(+>=0'?I! 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This is the default greeting.'; // We can listen for an event to perform some behavior. // // Here, we use message passing to synchronize some common state. var onGreetingChanged = await client.subscribe('greeting_changed'); onGreetingChanged .cast() .listen((newGreeting) => greeting = newGreeting); // Add some routes... app.get('/', (req, res) => 'Hello, production world!'); // Create some routes to demonstrate message passing. app.get('/greeting', (req, res) => greeting); // This route will push a new value for `greeting`. app.get('/change_greeting/:newGreeting', (req, res) { greeting = req.params['newGreeting'] as String; client.publish('greeting_changed', greeting); return 'Changed greeting -> $greeting'; }); // The `Runner` helps with fault tolerance. app.get('/crash', (req, res) { // We'll crash this instance deliberately, but the Runner will auto-respawn for us. new Timer(const Duration(seconds: 3), Isolate.current.kill); return 'Crashing in 3s...'; }); } +792M*959:DF8:806842,.!XA pfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ An easily-extensible web server framework in Dart. library angel_framework; export 'src/core/core.dart'; export 'src/http/http.dart'; 7Hfile:///Users/thosakwe/Source/Angel/production/lib/angel_production.dartUexport 'src/instance_info.dart'; export 'src/options.dart'; export 'src/runner.dart';!Xfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/$export 'src/protocol/protocol.dart';%nfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'anonymous_service.dart'; export 'hooked_service.dart'; export 'map_service.dart'; export 'metadata.dart'; export 'request_context.dart'; export 'response_context.dart'; export 'routable.dart'; export 'server.dart'; export 'service.dart'; export 'typed_service.dart'; ! nfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Various libraries useful for creating highly-extensible servers. library angel_framework.http; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; export 'package:angel_http_exception/angel_http_exception.dart'; export 'package:angel_model/angel_model.dart'; export 'package:angel_route/angel_route.dart'; export 'package:body_parser/body_parser.dart' show FileUploadInfo; export 'angel_http.dart'; export 'controller.dart'; export 'http_request_context.dart'; export 'http_response_context.dart'; /// Boots a shared server instance. Use this if launching multiple isolates Future startShared(address, int port) => HttpServer.bind(address ?? '', port ?? 0, shared: true); Future Function(dynamic, int) startSharedSecure( SecurityContext securityContext) { return (address, int port) => HttpServer.bindSecure( address ?? '', port ?? 0, securityContext, shared: true); } EA//C$%L5F='7:Ifile:///Users/thosakwe/Source/Angel/production/lib/src/instance_info.dart~/// Information about the currently-running instance. class InstanceInfo { final int id; const InstanceInfo({}); }6!Cfile:///Users/thosakwe/Source/Angel/production/lib/src/options.dartimport 'dart:io'; import 'package:args/args.dart'; class RunnerOptions { static final ArgParser argParser = new ArgParser() ..addFlag('help', abbr: 'h', help: 'Print this help information.', negatable: false) ..addFlag('respawn', help: 'Automatically respawn crashed application instances.', defaultsTo: true, negatable: true) ..addFlag('use-zone', negatable: false, help: 'Create a new Zone for each request.') ..addOption('address', abbr: 'a', defaultsTo: '', help: 'The address to listen on.') ..addOption('concurrency', abbr: 'j', defaultsTo: Platform.numberOfProcessors.toString(), help: 'The number of isolates to spawn.') ..addOption('port', abbr: 'p', defaultsTo: '3000', help: 'The port to listen on.'); final String hostname; final int concurrency, port; final bool useZone, respawn; RunnerOptions( {this.hostname: '', this.port: 3000, this.concurrency: 1, this.useZone: false, this.respawn: true}); factory RunnerOptions.fromArgResults(ArgResults argResults) { return new RunnerOptions( hostname: argResults['address'] as String, port: int.parse(argResults['port'] as String), concurrency: int.parse(argResults['concurrency'] as String), useZone: argResults['use-zone'] as bool, respawn: argResults['respawn'] as bool, ); } } -!5KFGO<2H#@15C/.Bfile:///Users/thosakwe/Source/Angel/production/lib/src/runner.dartimport 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:isolate'; import 'package:angel_container/angel_container.dart'; import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart'; import 'package:args/args.dart'; import 'package:io/ansi.dart'; import 'package:io/io.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:pub_sub/isolate.dart' as pub_sub; import 'package:pub_sub/pub_sub.dart' as pub_sub; import 'instance_info.dart'; import 'options.dart'; /// A command-line utility for easier running of multiple instances of an Angel application. /// /// Makes it easy to do things like configure SSL, log messages, and send messages between /// all running instances. class Runner { final String name; final AngelConfigurer configureServer; final Reflector reflector; Runner(, this.configureServer, {this.reflector: const EmptyReflector()}); static const String asciiArt = ''' ____________ ________________________ ___ |__ | / /_ ____/__ ____/__ / __ /| |_ |/ /_ / __ __ __/ __ / _ ___ | /| / / /_/ / _ /___ _ /___ /_/ |_/_/ |_/ \____/ /_____/ /_____/ '''; static void handleLogRecord(LogRecord record) { var code = chooseLogColor(record.level); if (record.error == null) print(code.wrap(record.toString())); if (record.error != null) { var err = record.error; if (err is AngelHttpException && err.statusCode != 500) return; print(code.wrap(record.toString() + '\n')); print(code.wrap(err.toString())); if (record.stackTrace != null) { print(code.wrap(record.stackTrace.toString())); } } } /// Chooses a color based on the logger [level]. static AnsiCode chooseLogColor(Level level) { if (level == Level.SHOUT) return backgroundRed; else if (level == Level.SEVERE) return red; else if (level == Level.WARNING) return yellow; else if (level == Level.INFO) return cyan; else if (level == Level.FINER || level == Level.FINEST) return lightGray; return resetAll; } /// Spawns a new instance of the application in a separate isolate. /// /// If the command-line arguments permit, then the instance will be respawned on crashes. /// /// The returned [Future] completes when the application instance exits. /// /// If respawning is enabled, the [Future] will *never* complete. Future spawnIsolate(int id, RunnerOptions options, SendPort pubSubSendPort) { return _spawnIsolate(id, new Completer(), options, pubSubSendPort); } Future _spawnIsolate( int id, Completer c, RunnerOptions options, SendPort pubSubSendPort) { var onLogRecord = new ReceivePort(); var onExit = new ReceivePort(); var onError = new ReceivePort(); var runnerArgs = new _RunnerArgs(name, configureServer, options, reflector, onLogRecord.sendPort, pubSubSendPort); var argsWithId = new _RunnerArgsWithId(id, runnerArgs); Isolate.spawn(isolateMain, argsWithId, onExit: onExit.sendPort, onError: onError.sendPort, errorsAreFatal: true && false) .then((isolate) {}) .catchError(c.completeError); onLogRecord.listen((msg) => handleLogRecord(msg as LogRecord)); onError.listen((msg) { if (msg is List) { var e = msg[0], st = StackTrace.fromString(msg[1].toString()); handleLogRecord(new LogRecord( Level.SEVERE, 'Fatal error', runnerArgs.loggerName, e, st)); } else { handleLogRecord(new LogRecord( Level.SEVERE, 'Fatal error', runnerArgs.loggerName, msg)); } }); onExit.listen((_) { if (options.respawn) { handleLogRecord(new LogRecord( Level.WARNING, 'Instance #$id at ${new}. Respawning immediately...', runnerArgs.loggerName)); _spawnIsolate(id, c, options, pubSubSendPort); } else { c.complete(); } }); return c.future .whenComplete(onExit.close) .whenComplete(onError.close) .whenComplete(onLogRecord.close); } /// Starts a number of isolates, running identical instances of an Angel application. Future run(List args) async { pub_sub.Server server; try { var argResults = RunnerOptions.argParser.parse(args); var options = new RunnerOptions.fromArgResults(argResults); print(darkGray.wrap(asciiArt.trim() + '\n\n' + "A batteries-included, full-featured, full-stack framework in Dart." + '\n\n' + '\n')); if (argResults['help'] == true) { stdout..writeln('Options:')..writeln(RunnerOptions.argParser.usage); return; } print('Starting `${name}` application...'); print('Arguments: $args...\n'); var adapter = new pub_sub.IsolateAdapter(); server = new pub_sub.Server([adapter]); // Register clients for (int i = 0; i < Platform.numberOfProcessors; i++) { server.registerClient(new pub_sub.ClientInfo('client$i')); } server.start(); await Future.wait(new List.generate(options.concurrency, (id) => spawnIsolate(id, options, adapter.receivePort.sendPort))); } on ArgParserException catch (e) { stderr ..writeln(e.message) ..writeln() ..writeln('Options:') ..writeln(RunnerOptions.argParser.usage); exitCode = ExitCode.usage.code; } catch (e) { stderr..writeln('fatal error: $e'); exitCode = 1; } finally { server?.close(); } } static void isolateMain(_RunnerArgsWithId argsWithId) { var args = argsWithId.args; hierarchicalLoggingEnabled = true; var zone = Zone.current.fork(specification: new ZoneSpecification( print: (self, parent, zone, msg) { args.loggingSendPort .send(new LogRecord(Level.INFO, msg, args.loggerName)); }, )); async { var client = new pub_sub.IsolateClient( 'client${}', args.pubSubSendPort); var app = new Angel(reflector: args.reflector) ..container.registerSingleton(client) ..container.registerSingleton(new InstanceInfo(id:; app.shutdownHooks.add((_) => client.close()); await app.configure(args.configureServer); if (app.logger == null) { app.logger = new Logger(args.loggerName) ..onRecord.listen(Runner.handleLogRecord); } var http = new AngelHttp.custom(app, startShared, useZone: args.options.useZone); var server = await http.startServer(args.options.hostname, args.options.port); var url = new Uri( scheme: 'http', host: server.address.address, port: server.port); print('Instance #${} listening at $url'); }); } } class _RunnerArgsWithId { final int id; final _RunnerArgs args; _RunnerArgsWithId(, this.args); } class _RunnerArgs { final String name; final AngelConfigurer configureServer; final RunnerOptions options; final Reflector reflector; final SendPort loggingSendPort, pubSubSendPort; _RunnerArgs(, this.configureServer, this.options, this.reflector, this.loggingSendPort, this.pubSubSendPort); String get loggerName => name; } 77!'22][)*1%))))))2-C F2('830$%"NF\KDPHM)$%P/<+%'+&DG'I'G'Q%7$%*X( C?M( 2&*: 'G)D .:5>L41 15QLL=))2M2!ffile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'client/sync_client.dart'; export 'server/sync_server.dart';""{file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'dart:async'; import 'service.dart'; /// An easy helper class to create one-off services without having to create an entire class. /// /// Well-suited for testing. class AnonymousService extends Service { FutureOr Function([Map]) _index; FutureOr Function(Object, [Map]) _read, _create, _remove; FutureOr Function(Object, Object, [Map]) _modify, _update; AnonymousService( {FutureOr index([Map params]), FutureOr read(id, [Map params]), FutureOr create(data, [Map params]), FutureOr modify(id, data, [Map params]), FutureOr update(id, data, [Map params]), FutureOr remove(id, [Map params])}) : super() { _index = index; _read = read; _create = create; _modify = modify; _update = update; _remove = remove; } @override index([Map params]) => new Future.sync( () => _index != null ? _index(params) : super.index(params)); @override read(id, [Map params]) => new Future.sync( () => _read != null ? _read(id, params) :, params)); @override create(data, [Map params]) => new Future.sync(() => _create != null ? _create(data, params) : super.create(data, params)); @override modify(id, data, [Map params]) => new Future.sync(() => _modify != null ? _modify(id, data, params) : super.modify(id, data, params)); @override update(id, data, [Map params]) => new Future.sync(() => _update != null ? _update(id, data, params) : super.update(id, data, params)); @override remove(id, [Map params]) => new Future.sync( () => _remove != null ? _remove(id, params) : super.remove(id, params)); } 7^)#<=%'+//* *D -I 6M J") J") /Oxfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ angel_framework.core.hooked_service; import 'dart:async'; import '../util.dart'; import 'request_context.dart'; import 'response_context.dart'; import 'routable.dart'; import 'metadata.dart'; import 'server.dart'; import 'service.dart'; /// Wraps another service in a service that broadcasts events on actions. class HookedService extends Service { final List> _ctrl = []; /// Tbe service that is proxied by this hooked one. final Service inner; final HookedServiceEventDispatcher beforeIndexed = new HookedServiceEventDispatcher(); final HookedServiceEventDispatcher beforeRead = new HookedServiceEventDispatcher(); final HookedServiceEventDispatcher beforeCreated = new HookedServiceEventDispatcher(); final HookedServiceEventDispatcher beforeModified = new HookedServiceEventDispatcher(); final HookedServiceEventDispatcher beforeUpdated = new HookedServiceEventDispatcher(); final HookedServiceEventDispatcher beforeRemoved = new HookedServiceEventDispatcher(); final HookedServiceEventDispatcher afterIndexed = new HookedServiceEventDispatcher(); final HookedServiceEventDispatcher afterRead = new HookedServiceEventDispatcher(); final HookedServiceEventDispatcher afterCreated = new HookedServiceEventDispatcher(); final HookedServiceEventDispatcher afterModified = new HookedServiceEventDispatcher(); final HookedServiceEventDispatcher afterUpdated = new HookedServiceEventDispatcher(); final HookedServiceEventDispatcher afterRemoved = new HookedServiceEventDispatcher(); HookedService(Service this.inner) { // Clone app instance if ( != null) =; } RequestContext _getRequest(Map params) { if (params == null) return null; return params['__requestctx'] as RequestContext; } ResponseContext _getResponse(Map params) { if (params == null) return null; return params['__responsectx'] as ResponseContext; } Map _stripReq(Map params) { if (params == null) return params; else return params.keys .where((key) => key != '__requestctx' && key != '__responsectx') .fold({}, (map, key) => map..[key] = params[key]); } /// Closes any open [StreamController]s on this instance. **Internal use only**. @override Future close() { _ctrl.forEach((c) => c.close()); beforeIndexed._close(); beforeRead._close(); beforeCreated._close(); beforeModified._close(); beforeUpdated._close(); beforeRemoved._close(); afterIndexed._close(); afterRead._close(); afterCreated._close(); afterModified._close(); afterUpdated._close(); afterRemoved._close(); inner.close(); return new Future.value(); } /// Adds hooks to this instance. void addHooks(Angel app) { Hooks hooks = getAnnotation(inner, Hooks, app.container.reflector); List before = [], after = []; if (hooks != null) { before.addAll(hooks.before); after.addAll(hooks.after); } void applyListeners(Function fn, HookedServiceEventDispatcher dispatcher, [bool isAfter]) { Hooks hooks = getAnnotation(fn, Hooks, app.container.reflector); final listeners = [] ..addAll(isAfter == true ? after : before); if (hooks != null) listeners.addAll(isAfter == true ? hooks.after : hooks.before); listeners.forEach(dispatcher.listen); } applyListeners(inner.index, beforeIndexed); applyListeners(, beforeRead); applyListeners(inner.create, beforeCreated); applyListeners(inner.modify, beforeModified); applyListeners(inner.update, beforeUpdated); applyListeners(inner.remove, beforeRemoved); applyListeners(inner.index, afterIndexed, true); applyListeners(, afterRead, true); applyListeners(inner.create, afterCreated, true); applyListeners(inner.modify, afterModified, true); applyListeners(inner.update, afterUpdated, true); applyListeners(inner.remove, afterRemoved, true); } List get bootstrappers => new List.from(super.bootstrappers) ..add((RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) { req.serviceParams ..['__requestctx'] = req ..['__responsectx'] = res; return true; }); void addRoutes([Service s]) { super.addRoutes(s ?? inner); } /// Runs the [listener] before every service method specified. void before( Iterable eventNames, HookedServiceEventListener listener) { { switch (name) { case HookedServiceEvent.indexed: return beforeIndexed; case return beforeRead; case HookedServiceEvent.created: return beforeCreated; case HookedServiceEvent.modified: return beforeModified; case HookedServiceEvent.updated: return beforeUpdated; case HookedServiceEvent.removed: return beforeRemoved; default: throw new ArgumentError('Invalid service method: ${name}'); } }).forEach((HookedServiceEventDispatcher dispatcher) => dispatcher.listen(listener)); } /// Runs the [listener] after every service method specified. void after(Iterable eventNames, HookedServiceEventListener listener) { { switch (name) { case HookedServiceEvent.indexed: return afterIndexed; case return afterRead; case HookedServiceEvent.created: return afterCreated; case HookedServiceEvent.modified: return afterModified; case HookedServiceEvent.updated: return afterUpdated; case HookedServiceEvent.removed: return afterRemoved; default: throw new ArgumentError('Invalid service method: ${name}'); } }).forEach((HookedServiceEventDispatcher dispatcher) => dispatcher.listen(listener)); } /// Runs the [listener] before every service method. void beforeAll(HookedServiceEventListener listener) { beforeIndexed.listen(listener); beforeRead.listen(listener); beforeCreated.listen(listener); beforeModified.listen(listener); beforeUpdated.listen(listener); beforeRemoved.listen(listener); } /// Runs the [listener] after every service method. void afterAll(HookedServiceEventListener listener) { afterIndexed.listen(listener); afterRead.listen(listener); afterCreated.listen(listener); afterModified.listen(listener); afterUpdated.listen(listener); afterRemoved.listen(listener); } /// Returns a [Stream] of all events fired before every service method. /// /// *NOTE*: Only use this if you do not plan to modify events. There is no guarantee /// that events coming out of this [Stream] will see changes you make within the [Stream] /// callback. Stream beforeAllStream() { var ctrl = new StreamController(); _ctrl.add(ctrl); before(HookedServiceEvent.all, ctrl.add); return; } /// Returns a [Stream] of all events fired after every service method. /// /// *NOTE*: Only use this if you do not plan to modify events. There is no guarantee /// that events coming out of this [Stream] will see changes you make within the [Stream] /// callback. Stream afterAllStream() { var ctrl = new StreamController(); _ctrl.add(ctrl); before(HookedServiceEvent.all, ctrl.add); return; } /// Returns a [Stream] of all events fired before every service method specified. /// /// *NOTE*: Only use this if you do not plan to modify events. There is no guarantee /// that events coming out of this [Stream] will see changes you make within the [Stream] /// callback. Stream beforeStream(Iterable eventNames) { var ctrl = new StreamController(); _ctrl.add(ctrl); before(eventNames, ctrl.add); return; } /// Returns a [Stream] of all events fired AFTER every service method specified. /// /// *NOTE*: Only use this if you do not plan to modify events. There is no guarantee /// that events coming out of this [Stream] will see changes you make within the [Stream] /// callback. Stream afterStream(Iterable eventNames) { var ctrl = new StreamController(); _ctrl.add(ctrl); after(eventNames, ctrl.add); return; } /// Runs the [listener] before [create], [modify] and [update]. void beforeModify(HookedServiceEventListener listener) { beforeCreated.listen(listener); beforeModified.listen(listener); beforeUpdated.listen(listener); } @override Future index([Map _params]) { var params = _stripReq(_params); return beforeIndexed ._emit(new HookedServiceEvent(false, _getRequest(_params), _getResponse(_params), inner, HookedServiceEvent.indexed, params: params)) .then((before) { if (before._canceled) { return beforeIndexed ._emit(new HookedServiceEvent(true, _getRequest(_params), _getResponse(_params), inner, HookedServiceEvent.indexed, params: params, result: before.result)) .then((after) => after.result); } return inner.index(params).then((result) { return afterIndexed ._emit(new HookedServiceEvent(true, _getRequest(_params), _getResponse(_params), inner, HookedServiceEvent.indexed, params: params, result: result)) .then((after) => after.result); }); }); } @override Future read(id, [Map _params]) { var params = _stripReq(_params); return beforeRead ._emit(new HookedServiceEvent(false, _getRequest(_params), _getResponse(_params), inner,, id: id, params: params)) .then((before) { if (before._canceled) { return beforeRead ._emit(new HookedServiceEvent(true, _getRequest(_params), _getResponse(_params), inner,, id: id, params: params, result: before.result)) .then((after) => after.result); } return, params).then((result) { return afterRead ._emit(new HookedServiceEvent(true, _getRequest(_params), _getResponse(_params), inner,, id: id, params: params, result: result)) .then((after) => after.result); }); }); } @override Future create(data, [Map _params]) { var params = _stripReq(_params); return beforeCreated ._emit(new HookedServiceEvent(false, _getRequest(_params), _getResponse(_params), inner, HookedServiceEvent.created, data: data, params: params)) .then((before) { if (before._canceled) { return beforeCreated ._emit(new HookedServiceEvent(true, _getRequest(_params), _getResponse(_params), inner, HookedServiceEvent.created, data: data, params: params, result: before.result)) .then((after) => after.result); } return inner.create(data, params).then((result) { return afterCreated ._emit(new HookedServiceEvent(true, _getRequest(_params), _getResponse(_params), inner, HookedServiceEvent.created, data: data, params: params, result: result)) .then((after) => after.result); }); }); } @override Future modify(id, data, [Map _params]) { var params = _stripReq(_params); return beforeModified ._emit(new HookedServiceEvent(false, _getRequest(_params), _getResponse(_params), inner, HookedServiceEvent.modified, id: id, data: data, params: params)) .then((before) { if (before._canceled) { return beforeModified ._emit(new HookedServiceEvent(true, _getRequest(_params), _getResponse(_params), inner, HookedServiceEvent.modified, id: id, data: data, params: params, result: before.result)) .then((after) => after.result); } return inner.modify(id, data, params).then((result) { return afterModified ._emit(new HookedServiceEvent(true, _getRequest(_params), _getResponse(_params), inner, HookedServiceEvent.created, id: id, data: data, params: params, result: result)) .then((after) => after.result); }); }); } @override Future update(id, data, [Map _params]) { var params = _stripReq(_params); return beforeUpdated ._emit(new HookedServiceEvent(false, _getRequest(_params), _getResponse(_params), inner, HookedServiceEvent.updated, id: id, data: data, params: params)) .then((before) { if (before._canceled) { return beforeUpdated ._emit(new HookedServiceEvent(true, _getRequest(_params), _getResponse(_params), inner, HookedServiceEvent.updated, id: id, data: data, params: params, result: before.result)) .then((after) => after.result); } return inner.update(id, data, params).then((result) { return afterUpdated ._emit(new HookedServiceEvent(true, _getRequest(_params), _getResponse(_params), inner, HookedServiceEvent.updated, id: id, data: data, params: params, result: result)) .then((after) => after.result); }); }); } @override Future remove(id, [Map _params]) { var params = _stripReq(_params); return beforeRemoved ._emit(new HookedServiceEvent(false, _getRequest(_params), _getResponse(_params), inner, HookedServiceEvent.removed, id: id, params: params)) .then((before) { if (before._canceled) { return beforeRemoved ._emit(new HookedServiceEvent(true, _getRequest(_params), _getResponse(_params), inner, HookedServiceEvent.removed, id: id, params: params, result: before.result)) .then((after) => after.result); } return inner.remove(id, params).then((result) { return afterRemoved ._emit(new HookedServiceEvent(true, _getRequest(_params), _getResponse(_params), inner, HookedServiceEvent.removed, id: id, params: params, result: result)) .then((after) => after.result); }); }); } /// Fires an `after` event. This will not be propagated to clients, /// but will be broadcasted to WebSockets, etc. Future fire(String eventName, result, [HookedServiceEventListener callback]) { HookedServiceEventDispatcher dispatcher; switch (eventName) { case HookedServiceEvent.indexed: dispatcher = afterIndexed; break; case dispatcher = afterRead; break; case HookedServiceEvent.created: dispatcher = afterCreated; break; case HookedServiceEvent.modified: dispatcher = afterModified; break; case HookedServiceEvent.updated: dispatcher = afterUpdated; break; case HookedServiceEvent.removed: dispatcher = afterRemoved; break; default: throw new ArgumentError("Invalid service event name: '$eventName'"); } var ev = new HookedServiceEvent(true, null, null, this, eventName); return fireEvent(dispatcher, ev, callback); } /// Sends an arbitrary event down the hook chain. Future fireEvent( HookedServiceEventDispatcher dispatcher, HookedServiceEvent event, [HookedServiceEventListener callback]) { Future f; if (callback != null && event?._canceled != true) f = new Future.sync(() => callback(event)); f ??= new Future.value(); return f.then((_) => dispatcher._emit(event)); } } /// Fired when a hooked service is invoked. class HookedServiceEvent { static const String indexed = 'indexed'; static const String read = 'read'; static const String created = 'created'; static const String modified = 'modified'; static const String updated = 'updated'; static const String removed = 'removed'; static const List all = const [ indexed, read, created, modified, updated, removed ]; /// Use this to end processing of an event. void cancel([result]) { _canceled = true; this.result = result ?? this.result; } /// Resolves a service from the application. /// /// Shorthand for ``. Service getService(Pattern path) =>; bool _canceled = false; String _eventName; var _id; bool _isAfter; var data; Map _params; RequestContext _request; ResponseContext _response; var result; String get eventName => _eventName; get id => _id; bool get isAfter => _isAfter == true; bool get isBefore => !isAfter; Map get params => _params; RequestContext get request => _request; ResponseContext get response => _response; /// The inner service whose method was hooked. Service service; HookedServiceEvent(this._isAfter, this._request, this._response, Service this.service, String this._eventName, {id,, Map params, this.result}) { _id = id; _params = params ?? {}; } } /// Triggered on a hooked service event. typedef HookedServiceEventListener(HookedServiceEvent event); /// Can be listened to, but events may be canceled. class HookedServiceEventDispatcher { final List> _ctrl = []; final List listeners = []; void _close() { _ctrl.forEach((c) => c.close()); listeners.clear(); } /// Fires an event, and returns it once it is either canceled, or all listeners have run. Future _emit(HookedServiceEvent event) { if (event?._canceled == true || event == null || listeners.isEmpty) return new Future.value(event); var f = new Future.value(event); for (var listener in listeners) { f = f.then((event) { if (event._canceled) return event; return new Future.sync(() => listener(event)).then((_) => event); }); } return f; } /// Returns a [Stream] containing all events fired by this dispatcher. /// /// *NOTE*: Callbacks on the returned [Stream] cannot be guaranteed to run before other [listeners]. /// Use this only if you need a read-only stream of events. Stream asStream() { // TODO: Close StreamController var ctrl = new StreamController(); _ctrl.add(ctrl); listen(ctrl.add); return; } /// Registers the listener to be called whenever an event is triggered. void listen(HookedServiceEventListener listener) { listeners.add(listener); } } <- J&?65*2*5*6*5*5*4*1*4*5*4*4*&1+%5-%7 K=S %#H>#!NG74H,0,1211516766,9:%'  !AJ) &) *!) ) F<&@Q)&)* ))F<&78$!$%$$67# #$##JW\1;.IW\0;.TW\I;"SW\H;!B;$%$ %CFFJ8,1FJ1,  #%CC%FG@,4FG9,  '%CF)FJD,8FJ=,  +%CG1FKL,<FJE,  +%CF1FJL,<FJE,  %%CF%FJ@,6FJ9, F24%?9%\?H&9&+J Ig>*$;J5ufile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'dart:async'; import 'package:angel_http_exception/angel_http_exception.dart'; import 'service.dart'; /// A basic service that manages an in-memory list of maps. class MapService extends Service { /// If set to `true`, clients can remove all items by passing a `null` `id` to `remove`. /// /// `false` by default. final bool allowRemoveAll; /// If set to `true`, parameters in `req.query` are applied to the database query. final bool allowQuery; /// If set to `true` (default), then the service will manage an `id` string and `createdAt` and `updatedAt` fields. final bool autoIdAndDateFields; /// If set to `true` (default), then the keys `created_at` and `updated_at` will automatically be snake_cased. final bool autoSnakeCaseNames; final List> items = []; MapService( {this.allowRemoveAll: false, this.allowQuery: true, this.autoIdAndDateFields: true, this.autoSnakeCaseNames: true}) : super(); String get createdAtKey => autoSnakeCaseNames == false ? 'createdAt' : 'created_at'; String get updatedAtKey => autoSnakeCaseNames == false ? 'updatedAt' : 'updated_at'; bool Function(Map) _matchesId(id) { return (Map item) { if (item['id'] == null) return false; else if (autoIdAndDateFields != false) return item['id'] == id?.toString(); else return item['id'] == id; }; } @override Future index([Map params]) { if (allowQuery == false || params == null || params['query'] is! Map) return new Future.value(items); else { Map query = params['query']; return new Future.value(items.where((item) { for (var key in query.keys) { if (!item.containsKey(key)) return false; else if (item[key] != query[key]) return false; } return true; }).toList()); } } @override Future read(id, [Map params]) { return new Future.value(items.firstWhere(_matchesId(id), orElse: () => throw new AngelHttpException.notFound( message: 'No record found for ID $id'))); } @override Future create(data, [Map params]) { if (data is! Map) throw new AngelHttpException.badRequest( message: 'MapService does not support `create` with ${data.runtimeType}.'); var now = new; var result = data as Map; if (autoIdAndDateFields == true) { result ..['id'] = items.length.toString() ..[autoSnakeCaseNames == false ? 'createdAt' : 'created_at'] = now ..[autoSnakeCaseNames == false ? 'updatedAt' : 'updated_at'] = now; } items.add(_foldStringDynamic(result)); return new Future.value(result); } Map _foldStringDynamic(Map map) { return map == null ? null : map.keys.fold>( {}, (out, k) => out..[k.toString()] = map[k]); } @override Future modify(id, data, [Map params]) { if (data is! Map) throw new AngelHttpException.badRequest( message: 'MapService does not support `modify` with ${data.runtimeType}.'); if (!items.any(_matchesId(id))) return create(data, params); return read(id).then((item) { var result = item..addAll(data as Map); if (autoIdAndDateFields == true) result ..[autoSnakeCaseNames == false ? 'updatedAt' : 'updated_at'] = new; return new Future.value(result); }); } @override Future update(id, data, [Map params]) { if (data is! Map) throw new AngelHttpException.badRequest( message: 'MapService does not support `update` with ${data.runtimeType}.'); if (!items.any(_matchesId(id))) return create(data, params); return read(id).then((old) { if (!items.remove(old)) throw new AngelHttpException.notFound( message: 'No record found for ID $id'); var result = data as Map; if (autoIdAndDateFields == true) { result ..['id'] = id?.toString() ..[autoSnakeCaseNames == false ? 'createdAt' : 'created_at'] = old[autoSnakeCaseNames == false ? 'createdAt' : 'created_at'] ..[autoSnakeCaseNames == false ? 'updatedAt' : 'updated_at'] = new; } items.add(_foldStringDynamic(result)); return new Future.value(result); }); } @override Future remove(id, [Map params]) { if (id == null || id == 'null' && (allowRemoveAll == true || params?.containsKey('provider') != true)) { items.clear(); return new Future.value({}); } return read(id, params).then((result) { if (items.remove(result)) return result; else throw new AngelHttpException.notFound( message: 'No record found for ID $id'); }); } } A<#[Uv"q!/#&&@@&-- ! %J& #3&&:  '==6 +/Q4' +KL+%5/L //QA".'I4' //QA!/4 )$ILI4-' )'<#,  /4rfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ angel_framework.http.metadata; import 'package:angel_http_exception/angel_http_exception.dart'; import 'hooked_service.dart' show HookedServiceEventListener; import 'request_context.dart'; import 'routable.dart'; /// Annotation to map middleware onto a handler. class Middleware { final Iterable handlers; const Middleware(this.handlers); } /// Attaches hooks to a [HookedService]. class Hooks { final List before; final List after; const Hooks({this.before: const [], this.after: const []}); } /// Exposes a [Controller] to the Internet. class Expose { final String method; final String path; final Iterable middleware; final String as; final List allowNull; const Expose(this.path, {this.method: "GET", this.middleware: const [], null, this.allowNull: const []}); } /// Used to apply special dependency injections or functionality to a function parameter. class Parameter { /// Inject the value of a request cookie. final String cookie; /// Inject the value of a request header. final String header; /// Inject the value of a key from the session. final String session; /// Inject the value of a key from the query. final String query; /// Only execute the handler if the value of this parameter matches the given value. final match; /// Specify a default value. final defaultValue; /// If `true` (default), then an error will be thrown if this parameter is not present. final bool required; const Parameter( {this.cookie, this.query, this.header, this.session, this.match, this.defaultValue, this.required}); /// Returns an error that can be thrown when the parameter is not present. get error { if (cookie?.isNotEmpty == true) return new AngelHttpException.badRequest( message: 'Missing required cookie "$cookie".'); if (header?.isNotEmpty == true) return new AngelHttpException.badRequest( message: 'Missing required header "$header".'); if (query?.isNotEmpty == true) return new AngelHttpException.badRequest( message: 'Missing required query parameter "$query".'); if (session?.isNotEmpty == true) return new StateError( 'Session does not contain required key "$session".'); } /// Obtains a value for this parameter from a [RequestContext]. getValue(RequestContext req) { if (cookie?.isNotEmpty == true) return req.cookies.firstWhere((c) => == cookie)?.value ?? defaultValue; if (header?.isNotEmpty == true) return req.headers.value(header) ?? defaultValue; if (session?.isNotEmpty == true) return req.session[session] ?? defaultValue; if (query?.isNotEmpty == true) return req.uri.queryParameters[query] ?? defaultValue; return defaultValue; } } /// Shortcut for declaring a request header [Parameter]. class Header extends Parameter { const Header(String header, {match, defaultValue, bool required: true}) : super( header: header, match: match, defaultValue: defaultValue, required: required); } /// Shortcut for declaring a request session [Parameter]. class Session extends Parameter { const Session(String session, {match, defaultValue, bool required: true}) : super( session: session, match: match, defaultValue: defaultValue, required: required); } /// Shortcut for declaring a request query [Parameter]. class Query extends Parameter { const Query(String query, {match, defaultValue, bool required: true}) : super( query: query, match: match, defaultValue: defaultValue, required: required); } /// Shortcut for declaring a request cookie [Parameter]. class CookieValue extends Parameter { const CookieValue(String cookie, {match, defaultValue, bool required: true}) : super( cookie: cookie, match: match, defaultValue: defaultValue, required: required); } 'A>1+#)10>,- !"Z,,20WZM$0:$0:#0B%@B!$G$8%3#=9!J(!:"L(!8 H(!9&O(!yfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ angel_framework.http.request_context; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io' show Cookie, HttpHeaders, HttpSession, InternetAddress; import 'package:angel_container/angel_container.dart'; import 'package:body_parser/body_parser.dart'; import 'package:http_parser/http_parser.dart'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as p; import 'metadata.dart'; import 'response_context.dart'; import 'routable.dart'; import 'server.dart' show Angel; part 'injection.dart'; /// A convenience wrapper around an incoming [RawRequest]. abstract class RequestContext { String _acceptHeaderCache, _extensionCache; bool _acceptsAllCache; BodyParseResult _body; Map _provisionalQuery; /// The underlying [RawRequest] provided by the driver. RawRequest get rawRequest; /// Additional params to be passed to services. final Map serviceParams = {}; /// The [Angel] instance that is responding to this request. Angel app; /// Any cookies sent with this request. List get cookies; /// All HTTP headers sent with this request. HttpHeaders get headers; /// The requested hostname. String get hostname; /// The IoC container that can be used to provide functionality to produce /// objects of a given type. /// /// This is a *child* of the container found in `app`. Container get container; /// The user's IP. String get ip => remoteAddress.address; /// This request's HTTP method. /// /// This may have been processed by an override. See [originalMethod] to get the real method. String get method; /// The original HTTP verb sent to the server. String get originalMethod; /// The content type of an incoming request. MediaType get contentType; /// The URL parameters extracted from the request URI. Map params = {}; /// The requested path. String get path; /// The remote address requesting this resource. InternetAddress get remoteAddress; /// The user's HTTP session. HttpSession get session; /// The [Uri] instance representing the path this request is responding to. Uri get uri; /// Is this an **XMLHttpRequest**? bool get xhr; /// Returns the file extension of the requested path, if any. /// /// Includes the leading `.`, if there is one. String get extension => _extensionCache ??= p.extension(uri.path); /// Returns `true` if the client's `Accept` header indicates that the given [contentType] is considered a valid response. /// /// You cannot provide a `null` [contentType]. /// If the `Accept` header's value is `*/*`, this method will always return `true`. /// To ignore the wildcard (`*/*`), pass [strict] as `true`. /// /// [contentType] can be either of the following: /// * A [ContentType], in which case the `Accept` header will be compared against its `mimeType` property. /// * Any other Dart value, in which case the `Accept` header will be compared against the result of a `toString()` call. bool accepts(contentType, {bool strict: false}) { var contentTypeString = contentType is MediaType ? contentType.mimeType : contentType?.toString(); // Change to assert if (contentTypeString == null) throw new ArgumentError( 'RequestContext.accepts expects the `contentType` parameter to NOT be null.'); _acceptHeaderCache ??= headers.value('accept'); if (_acceptHeaderCache == null) return false; else if (strict != true && _acceptHeaderCache.contains('*/*')) return true; else return _acceptHeaderCache.contains(contentTypeString); } /// Returns as `true` if the client's `Accept` header indicates that it will accept any response content type. bool get acceptsAll => _acceptsAllCache ??= accepts('*/*'); /// Retrieves the request body if it has already been parsed, or lazy-parses it before returning the body. Future parseBody() => parse().then((b) => b.body); /// Retrieves a list of all uploaded files if it has already been parsed, or lazy-parses it before returning the files. Future> parseUploadedFiles() => parse().then((b) => b.files); /// Retrieves the original request buffer if it has already been parsed, or lazy-parses it before returning the buffer.. /// /// This will return an empty `List` if you have not enabled `keepRawRequestBuffers` on your [Angel] instance. Future> parseRawRequestBuffer() => parse().then((b) => b.originalBuffer); /// Retrieves the request body if it has already been parsed, or lazy-parses it before returning the query. /// /// If [forceParse] is not `true`, then [uri].query will be returned, and no parsing will be performed. Future> parseQuery({bool forceParse: false}) { if (_body == null && forceParse != true) return new Future.value(uri.queryParameters); else return parse().then((b) => b.query); } /// Manually parses the request body, if it has not already been parsed. Future parse() { if (_body != null) return new Future.value(_body); else _provisionalQuery = null; return parseOnce().then((body) => _body = body); } /// Override this method to one-time parse an incoming request. @virtual Future parseOnce(); /// Disposes of all resources. Future close() { _body = null; _acceptsAllCache = null; _acceptHeaderCache = null; _provisionalQuery?.clear(); serviceParams.clear(); params.clear(); return new Future.value(); } } .I7//!& !;,.:2 ? */M9*"`1/953%N%@1E|1V?4m|45##Y4$C =q>m:z7${q/-njF-4 +K$& 5B '! sfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ of angel_framework.http.request_context; const List _primitiveTypes = [String, int, num, double, Null]; /// Shortcut for calling [preInject], and then [handleContained]. /// /// Use this to instantly create a request handler for a DI-enabled method. /// /// Calling [ioc] also auto-serializes the result of a [handler]. RequestHandler ioc(Function handler, {Iterable optional: const []}) { InjectionRequest injection; RequestHandler contained; return (req, res) { if (injection == null) { injection = preInject(handler,; injection.optional.addAll(optional ?? []); contained = handleContained(handler, injection); } return, req, res); }; } resolveInjection(requirement, InjectionRequest injection, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res, bool throwOnUnresolved) { var propFromApp; if (requirement == RequestContext) { return req; } else if (requirement == ResponseContext) { return res; } else if (requirement is String && injection.parameters.containsKey(requirement)) { var param = injection.parameters[requirement]; var value = param.getValue(req); if (value == null && param.required != false) throw param.error; return value; } else if (requirement is String) { if (req.params.containsKey(requirement)) { return req.params[requirement]; } else if ((propFromApp = != null) return propFromApp; else if (injection.optional.contains(requirement)) return null; else if (throwOnUnresolved) { throw new ArgumentError( "Cannot resolve parameter '$requirement' within handler."); } } else if (requirement is List && requirement.length == 2 && requirement.first is String && requirement.last is Type) { String key = requirement.first; Type type = requirement.last; if (req.params.containsKey(key) || || _primitiveTypes.contains(type)) { return resolveInjection(key, injection, req, res, throwOnUnresolved); } else return resolveInjection(type, injection, req, res, throwOnUnresolved); } else if (requirement is Type && requirement != dynamic) { return; } else if (throwOnUnresolved) { throw new ArgumentError( '$requirement cannot be injected into a request handler.'); } } /// Checks if an [InjectionRequest] can be sufficiently executed within the current request/response context. bool suitableForInjection( RequestContext req, ResponseContext res, InjectionRequest injection) { return injection.parameters.values.any((p) { if (p.match == null) return false; var value = p.getValue(req); return value == p.match; }); } /// Handles a request with a DI-enabled handler. RequestHandler handleContained(Function handler, InjectionRequest injection) { return (RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) { if (injection.parameters.isNotEmpty && injection.parameters.values.any((p) => p.match != null) && !suitableForInjection(req, res, injection)) return new Future.value(true); List args = []; Map named = {}; args.addAll(injection.required .map((r) => resolveInjection(r, injection, req, res, true))); injection.named.forEach((k, v) { var name = new Symbol(k); named[name] = resolveInjection([k, v], injection, req, res, false); }); return Function.apply(handler, args, named); }; } /// Contains a list of the data required for a DI-enabled method to run. /// /// This improves performance by removing the necessity to reflect a method /// every time it is requested. /// /// Regular request handlers can also skip DI entirely, lowering response time /// and memory use. class InjectionRequest { /// Optional, typed data that can be passed to a DI-enabled method. final Map named; /// A list of the arguments required for a DI-enabled method to run. final List required; /// A list of the arguments that can be null in a DI-enabled method. final List optional; /// Extended parameter definitions. final Map parameters; const InjectionRequest.constant( {this.named: const {}, this.required: const [], this.optional: const [], this.parameters: const {}}); InjectionRequest() : named = {}, required = [], optional = [], parameters = {}; } /// Predetermines what needs to be injected for a handler to run. InjectionRequest preInject(Function handler, Reflector reflector) { var injection = new InjectionRequest(); var closureMirror = reflector.reflectFunction(handler); if (closureMirror.parameters.isEmpty) return injection; // Load parameters for (var parameter in closureMirror.parameters) { var name =; var type = parameter.type.reflectedType; var _Parameter = reflector.reflectType(Parameter); var p = parameter.annotations .firstWhere((m) => m.type.isAssignableTo(_Parameter), orElse: () => null) ?.reflectee as Parameter; //print(p); if (p != null) { injection.parameters[name] = new Parameter( cookie: p.cookie, header: p.header, query: p.query, session: p.session, match: p.match, defaultValue: p.defaultValue, required: parameter.isNamed ? false : p.required != false, ); } if (!parameter.isNamed) { if (!parameter.isRequired) injection.optional.add(name); if (type == RequestContext || type == ResponseContext) { injection.required.add(type); } else if (name == 'req') { injection.required.add(RequestContext); } else if (name == 'res') { injection.required.add(ResponseContext); } else if (type == dynamic) { injection.required.add(name); } else { injection.required.add([name, type]); } } else { injection.named[name] = type; } } return injection; } .EBLBNC178N3'/&73%E&/&J7"F$!%"$"'2*L M>0"DnK/'!1O5+C4%%#F% J1IL OF!GG&+##BD*::4-7"> "2&C ??&"0"1$&. $zfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ library angel_framework.http.response_context; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:convert' as c show json; import 'dart:io' show BytesBuilder, Cookie; import 'package:angel_route/angel_route.dart'; import 'package:file/file.dart'; import 'package:http_parser/http_parser.dart'; import 'package:mime/mime.dart'; import '../http/http.dart'; import 'request_context.dart'; import 'server.dart' show Angel; final RegExp _straySlashes = new RegExp(r'(^/+)|(/+$)'); /// A convenience wrapper around an outgoing HTTP request. abstract class ResponseContext implements StreamSink>, StringSink { final Map properties = {}; final Map _headers = {'server': 'angel'}; Completer _done; int _statusCode = 200; /// The [Angel] instance that is sending a response. Angel app; /// Is `Transfer-Encoding` chunked? bool chunked; /// Any and all cookies to be sent to the user. final List cookies = []; /// A set of [Converter] objects that can be used to encode response data. /// /// At most one encoder will ever be used to convert data. final Map, List>> encoders = {}; /// A [Map] of data to inject when `res.render` is called. /// /// This can be used to reduce boilerplate when using templating engines. final Map renderParams = {}; /// Points to the [RequestContext] corresponding to this response. RequestContext get correspondingRequest; @override Future get done => (_done ?? new Completer()).future; /// Headers that will be sent to the user. /// /// Note that if you have already started writing to the underlying stream, headers will not persist. Map get headers => _headers; /// Serializes response data into a String. /// /// The default is conversion into JSON via `package:json_god`. /// /// If you are 100% sure that your response handlers will only /// be JSON-encodable objects (i.e. primitives, `List`s and `Map`s), /// then consider setting [serializer] to `JSON.encode`. /// /// To set it globally for the whole [app], use the following helper: /// ```dart /// app.injectSerializer(JSON.encode); /// ``` String Function(dynamic) serializer = c.json.encode; /// This response's status code. int get statusCode => _statusCode; void set statusCode(int value) { if (!isOpen) throw closed(); else _statusCode = value ?? 200; } /// Returns `true` if the response is still available for processing by Angel. /// /// If it is `false`, then Angel will stop executing handlers, and will only run /// response finalizers if the response [isBuffered]. bool get isOpen; /// Returns `true` if response data is being written to a buffer, rather than to the underlying stream. bool get isBuffered; /// A set of UTF-8 encoded bytes that will be written to the response. BytesBuilder get buffer; /// The underlying [RawResponse] under this instance. RawResponse get rawResponse; /// Signals Angel that the response is being held alive deliberately, and that the framework should not automatically close it. /// /// This is mostly used in situations like WebSocket handlers, where the connection should remain /// open indefinitely. FutureOr detach(); /// Gets or sets the content type to send back to a client. MediaType contentType = new MediaType('text', 'plain'); static StateError closed() => new StateError('Cannot modify a closed response.'); /// Sends a download as a response. void download(File file, {String filename}) { if (!isOpen) throw closed(); headers["Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="${filename ?? file.path}"'; contentType = MediaType.parse(lookupMimeType(file.path)); headers['content-length'] = file.lengthSync().toString(); if (!isBuffered) { file.openRead().pipe(this); } else { buffer.add(file.readAsBytesSync()); close(); } } /// Prevents more data from being written to the response, and locks it entire from further editing. /// /// This method should be overwritten, setting [streaming] to `false`, **after** a `super` call. Future close() { if (buffer is LockableBytesBuilder) { (buffer as LockableBytesBuilder).lock(); } if (_done?.isCompleted == false) _done.complete(); return new Future.value(); } /// Serializes JSON to the response. void json(value) => this ..contentType = MediaType('application', 'json') ..serialize(value); /// Returns a JSONP response. /// /// You can override the [contentType] sent; by default it is `application/javascript`. void jsonp(value, {String callbackName: "callback", MediaType contentType}) { if (!isOpen) throw closed(); write("$callbackName(${serializer(value)})"); this.contentType = contentType ?? new MediaType('application', 'javascript'); close(); } /// Renders a view to the response stream, and closes the response. Future render(String view, [Map data]) { if (!isOpen) throw closed(); return Future.sync(() => app.viewGenerator( view, new Map.from(renderParams) ..addAll(data ?? {}))).then((content) { write(content); contentType = new MediaType('text', 'html'); close(); }); } /// Redirects to user to the given URL. /// /// [url] can be a `String`, or a `List`. /// If it is a `List`, a URI will be constructed /// based on the provided params. /// /// See [Router]#navigate for more. :) void redirect(url, {bool absolute: true, int code: 302}) { if (!isOpen) throw closed(); headers ..['content-type'] = 'text/html' ..['location'] = url is String ? url : app.navigate(url as Iterable, absolute: absolute); statusCode = code ?? 302; write(''' Redirecting...

Currently redirecting you...

Click here if you are not automatically redirected... '''); close(); } /// Redirects to the given named [Route]. void redirectTo(String name, [Map params, int code]) { if (!isOpen) throw closed(); Route _findRoute(Router r) { for (Route route in r.routes) { if (route is SymlinkRoute) { final m = _findRoute(route.router); if (m != null) return m; } else if ( == name) return route; } return null; } Route matched = _findRoute(app); if (matched != null) { redirect( matched.makeUri(params.keys.fold>({}, (out, k) { return out..[k.toString()] = params[k]; })), code: code); return; } throw new ArgumentError.notNull('Route to redirect to ($name)'); } /// Redirects to the given [Controller] action. void redirectToAction(String action, [Map params, int code]) { if (!isOpen) throw closed(); // UserController@show List split = action.split("@"); if (split.length < 2) throw new Exception( "Controller redirects must take the form of 'Controller@action'. You gave: $action"); Controller controller = app.controllers[split[0].replaceAll(_straySlashes, '')]; if (controller == null) throw new Exception("Could not find a controller named '${split[0]}'"); Route matched = controller.routeMappings[split[1]]; if (matched == null) throw new Exception( "Controller '${split[0]}' does not contain any action named '${split[1]}'"); final head = controller .findExpose(app.container.reflector) .path .toString() .replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''); final tail = matched .makeUri(params.keys.fold>({}, (out, k) { return out..[k.toString()] = params[k]; })) .replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''); redirect('$head/$tail'.replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''), code: code); } /// Copies a file's contents into the response buffer. void sendFile(File file) { if (!isOpen) throw closed(); contentType = MediaType.parse(lookupMimeType(file.path)); buffer.add(file.readAsBytesSync()); close(); } /// Serializes data to the response. bool serialize(value, {MediaType contentType}) { if (!isOpen) throw closed(); this.contentType = contentType ?? new MediaType('application', 'json'); var text = serializer(value); if (text.isEmpty) return true; write(text); close(); return false; } /// Streams a file to this response. Future streamFile(File file) { if (!isOpen) throw closed(); contentType = MediaType.parse(lookupMimeType(file.path)); return file.openRead().pipe(this); } /// Configure the response to write to an intermediate response buffer, rather than to the stream directly. void useBuffer(); /// Adds a stream directly the underlying response. /// /// This will also set [willCloseItself] to `true`, thus canceling out response finalizers. /// /// If this instance has access to a [correspondingRequest], then it will attempt to transform /// the content using at most one of the response [encoders]. @override Future addStream(Stream> stream); @override void addError(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) { if (_done?.isCompleted == false) _done.completeError(error, stackTrace); } /// Writes data to the response. void write(value, {Encoding encoding}) { encoding ??= utf8; if (!isOpen && isBuffered) throw closed(); else if (!isBuffered) { add(encoding.encode(value.toString())); } else { buffer.add(encoding.encode(value.toString())); } } @override void writeCharCode(int charCode) { if (!isOpen && isBuffered) throw closed(); else if (!isBuffered) add([charCode]); else buffer.addByte(charCode); } @override void writeln([Object obj = ""]) { write(obj.toString()); write('\r\n'); } @override void writeAll(Iterable objects, [String separator = ""]) { write(objects.join(separator)); } } abstract class LockableBytesBuilder extends BytesBuilder { factory LockableBytesBuilder() { return new _LockableBytesBuilderImpl(); } void lock(); } class _LockableBytesBuilderImpl implements LockableBytesBuilder { final BytesBuilder _buf = new BytesBuilder(copy: false); bool _closed = false; StateError _deny() => new StateError('Cannot modified a closed response\'s buffer.'); @override void lock() { _closed = true; } @override void add(List bytes) { if (_closed) throw _deny(); else _buf.add(bytes); } @override void addByte(int byte) { if (_closed) throw _deny(); else _buf.addByte(byte); } @override void clear() { _buf.clear(); } @override bool get isEmpty => _buf.isEmpty; @override bool get isNotEmpty => _buf.isNotEmpty; @override int get length => _buf.length; @override List takeBytes() { return _buf.takeBytes(); } @override List toBytes() { return _buf.toBytes(); } } /&,/!/!!9;,3<7 &2#M=D=L0E+ 8-h/.BAG;H) 7#%# "QS8jI8d">: :&0!%;>>" *gc*/7'5 ZP!2C F( '3!L"# '!!>'n6^a@ . 9M#+. 5 %  $ =$;#,B;F       $ * !  rfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ angel_framework.http.routable; import 'dart:async'; import 'package:angel_container/angel_container.dart'; import 'package:angel_route/angel_route.dart'; import '../util.dart'; import 'hooked_service.dart'; import 'metadata.dart'; import 'request_context.dart'; import 'response_context.dart'; import 'service.dart'; final RegExp _straySlashes = new RegExp(r'(^/+)|(/+$)'); /// A function that receives an incoming [RequestContext] and responds to it. typedef FutureOr RequestHandler(RequestContext req, ResponseContext res); /// Sequentially runs a list of [handlers] of middleware, and returns early if any does not /// return `true`. Works well with [Router].chain. RequestHandler waterfall(Iterable handlers) { return (req, res) { Future Function() runPipeline; for (var handler in handlers) { if (handler == null) break; if (runPipeline == null) runPipeline = () => Future.sync(() => handler(req, res)); else { var current = runPipeline; runPipeline = () => current().then((result) => !res.isOpen ? new Future.value(result) :, req, res)); } } runPipeline ??= () => new Future.value(); return runPipeline(); }; } /// A routable server that can handle dynamic requests. class Routable extends Router { final Map _services = {}; final Map configuration = {}; final Container _container; Routable([Reflector reflector]) : _container = reflector == null ? null : new Container(reflector), super(); /// A [Container] used to inject dependencies. Container get container => _container; void close() { _services.clear(); configuration.clear(); _onService.close(); } /// A set of [Service] objects that have been mapped into routes. Map get services => _services; StreamController _onService = new StreamController.broadcast(); /// Fired whenever a service is added to this instance. /// /// **NOTE**: This is a broadcast stream. Stream get onService =>; /// Retrieves the service assigned to the given path. Service service(Pattern path) => _services[path] ?? _services[path.toString().replaceAll(_straySlashes, '')]; @override Route addRoute( String method, String path, RequestHandler handler, {Iterable middleware: const []}) { final handlers = []; // Merge @Middleware declaration, if any Middleware middlewareDeclaration = getAnnotation(handler, Middleware, _container?.reflector); if (middlewareDeclaration != null) { handlers.addAll(middlewareDeclaration.handlers); } final handlerSequence = []; handlerSequence.addAll(middleware ?? []); handlerSequence.addAll(handlers); return super.addRoute(method, path.toString(), handler, middleware: handlerSequence); } /// Mounts a [service] at the given [path]. /// /// Returns a [HookedService] that can be used to hook into /// events dispatched by this service. HookedService use(String path, Service service) { var hooked = new HookedService(service); _services[path .toString() .trim() .replaceAll(new RegExp(r'(^/+)|(/+$)'), '')] = hooked; hooked.addRoutes(); mount(path.toString(), hooked); service.onHooked(hooked); _onService.add(hooked); return hooked; } } v'7/ 9NJ\3>#$"B #C':.80. "J1)D3)1:,68#@ ":I)-'C)70.&<&.>)4-?$pfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ angel_framework.http.server; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:collection' show HashMap; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:angel_container/angel_container.dart'; import 'package:angel_http_exception/angel_http_exception.dart'; import 'package:angel_route/angel_route.dart'; import 'package:combinator/combinator.dart'; import 'package:http_parser/http_parser.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart'; import '../http/http.dart'; import 'hooked_service.dart'; import 'request_context.dart'; import 'response_context.dart'; import 'routable.dart'; import 'service.dart'; //final RegExp _straySlashes = new RegExp(r'(^/+)|(/+$)'); /// A function that configures an [Angel] server in some way. typedef FutureOr AngelConfigurer(Angel app); /// A function that asynchronously generates a view from the given path and data. typedef FutureOr ViewGenerator(String path, [Map data]); /// A powerful real-time/REST/MVC server class. class Angel extends Routable { static ViewGenerator noViewEngineConfigured = (String view, [Map data]) => 'No view engine has been configured yet.'; final List _children = []; final Map, ParseResult>>> handlerCache = new HashMap(); Router _flattened; AngelHttp _http; bool _isProduction; Angel _parent; /// A global Map of converters that can transform responses bodies. final Map, List>> encoders = {}; final Map _preContained = {}; /// A middleware to inject a serialize on every request. String Function(dynamic) serializer; /// A [Map] of dependency data obtained via reflection. /// /// You may modify this [Map] yourself if you intend to avoid reflection entirely. Map get preContained => _preContained; /// Returns the [flatten]ed version of this router in production. Router get optimizedRouter => _flattened ?? this; /// Determines whether to allow HTTP request method overrides. bool allowMethodOverrides = true; /// All child application mounted on this instance. List get children => new List.unmodifiable(_children); final Map _controllers = {}; /// A set of [Controller] objects that have been loaded into the application. Map get controllers => _controllers; /// Indicates whether the application is running in a production environment. /// /// The criteria for this is the `ANGEL_ENV` environment variable being set to /// `'production'`. /// /// This value is memoized the first time you call it, so do not change environment /// configuration at runtime! bool get isProduction { return _isProduction ??= (Platform.environment['ANGEL_ENV'] == 'production'); } /// Returns the parent instance of this application, if any. Angel get parent => _parent; /// Outputs diagnostics and debug messages. Logger logger; /// Plug-ins to be called right before server startup. /// /// If the server is never started, they will never be called. final List startupHooks = []; /// Plug-ins to be called right before server shutdown. /// /// If the server is never [close]d, they will never be called. final List shutdownHooks = []; /// Always run before responses are sent. /// /// These will only not run if a response's `willCloseItself` is set to `true`. final List responseFinalizers = []; /// A [Map] of application-specific data that can be accessed by any /// piece of code that can see this [Angel] instance. /// /// Packages like `package:angel_configuration` populate this map /// for you. final Map configuration = {}; /// When set to `true` (default: `false`), the request body will be parsed /// automatically; otherwise, you must call [RequestContext].parseBody() manually, /// or use `lazyBody()`. bool eagerParseRequestBodies = false; /// When set to `true`, the original body bytes will be stored /// on requests. `false` by default. bool keepRawRequestBuffers = false; /// A function that renders views. /// /// Called by [ResponseContext]@`render`. ViewGenerator viewGenerator = noViewEngineConfigured; /// The handler currently configured to run on [AngelHttpException]s. Function(AngelHttpException e, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) errorHandler = (AngelHttpException e, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) { if (!req.accepts('text/html', strict: true) && (req.accepts('application/json') || req.accepts('application/javascript'))) { res.json(e.toJson()); return; } res.contentType = new MediaType('text', 'html', {'charset': 'utf8'}); res.statusCode = e.statusCode; res.write("${e.message}"); res.write("


    "); for (String error in e.errors) { res.write("
  • $error
  • "); } res.write("
"); res.close(); }; @override Route addRoute( String method, String path, RequestHandler handler, {Iterable middleware: const []}) { if (_flattened != null) { logger?.warning( 'WARNING: You added a route ($method $path) to the router, after it had been optimized.'); logger?.warning( 'This route will be ignored, and no requests will ever reach it.'); } return super.addRoute(method, path, handler, middleware: middleware ?? []); } @override mount(String path, Router router) { if (_flattened != null) { logger?.warning( 'WARNING: You added mounted a child router ($path) on the router, after it had been optimized.'); logger?.warning( 'This route will be ignored, and no requests will ever reach it.'); } if (router is Angel) { router._parent = this; _children.add(router); } return super.mount(path.toString(), router); } /// Loads some base dependencies into the service container. void bootstrapContainer() { if (runtimeType != Angel) { container.registerSingleton(this); } container.registerSingleton(this); container.registerSingleton(this); container.registerSingleton(this); } /// Shuts down the server, and closes any open [StreamController]s. /// /// The server will be **COMPLETELY DEFUNCT** after this operation! Future close() { Future.forEach(services.values, (Service service) { service.close(); }); super.close(); viewGenerator = noViewEngineConfigured; _preContained.clear(); handlerCache.clear(); encoders.clear(); //_serializer = json.encode; _children.clear(); _parent = null; logger = null; startupHooks.clear(); shutdownHooks.clear(); responseFinalizers.clear(); _flattened = null; _http?.close(); return new Future.value(_http?.httpServer); } @override void dumpTree( {callback(String tree), String header: 'Dumping route tree:', String tab: ' ', bool showMatchers: false}) { if (isProduction) { _flattened ??= flatten(this); _flattened.dumpTree( callback: callback, header: header?.isNotEmpty == true ? header : (isProduction ? 'Dumping flattened route tree:' : 'Dumping route tree:'), tab: tab ?? ' '); } else { super.dumpTree( callback: callback, header: header?.isNotEmpty == true ? header : (isProduction ? 'Dumping flattened route tree:' : 'Dumping route tree:'), tab: tab ?? ' '); } } Future getHandlerResult(handler, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) { if (handler is RequestHandler) { var result = handler(req, res); return getHandlerResult(result, req, res); } if (handler is Future) { return handler.then((result) => getHandlerResult(result, req, res)); } if (handler is Function) { var result = runContained(handler, req, res); return getHandlerResult(result, req, res); } if (handler is Stream) { return getHandlerResult(handler.toList(), req, res); } return new Future.value(handler); } /// Runs some [handler]. Returns `true` if request execution should continue. Future executeHandler( handler, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) { return getHandlerResult(handler, req, res).then((result) { if (result == null) return false; else if (result is bool) { return result; } else if (result != null) { return res.serialize(result); } else return res.isOpen; }); } /// Attempts to find a property by the given name within this application. findProperty(key) { if (configuration.containsKey(key)) return configuration[key]; return parent != null ? parent.findProperty(key) : null; } /// Runs several optimizations, *if* [isProduction] is `true`. /// /// * Preprocesses all dependency injection, and eliminates the burden of reflecting handlers /// at run-time. /// * [flatten]s the route tree into a linear one. /// /// You may [force] the optimization to run, if you are not running in production. void optimizeForProduction({bool force: false}) { if (isProduction == true || force == true) { _isProduction = true; _flattened ??= flatten(this); logger?.config('Angel is running in production mode.'); } } /// Run a function after injecting from service container. /// If this function has been reflected before, then /// the execution will be faster, as the injection requirements were stored beforehand. Future runContained( Function handler, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) { return new Future.sync(() { if (_preContained.containsKey(handler)) { return handleContained(handler, _preContained[handler])(req, res); } return runReflected(handler, req, res); }); } /// Runs with DI, and *always* reflects. Prefer [runContained]. Future runReflected( Function handler, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) { var h = handleContained( handler, _preContained[handler] = preInject(handler,; return new Future.sync(() => h(req, res)); // return closureMirror.apply(args).reflectee; } /// Applies an [AngelConfigurer] to this instance. Future configure(AngelConfigurer configurer) { return new Future.sync(() => configurer(this)); } /// Shorthand for calling `all('*', handler)`. Route fallback(RequestHandler handler) { return all('*', handler); } @override HookedService use(String path, Service service) { = this; return super.use(path, service) = this; } Angel( {Reflector reflector: const EmptyReflector(), this.logger, this.eagerParseRequestBodies: false, this.allowMethodOverrides: true, this.keepRawRequestBuffers: false, this.serializer, this.viewGenerator}) : super(reflector) { bootstrapContainer(); viewGenerator ??= noViewEngineConfigured; serializer ??= json.encode; } } j%'7A/-/'# ;>-R4"00N$Q$FD;;':UDD4A$6G4P<PQV =?.9A1:B2,R6G8D MU(A'&%,8HJH3,6J#I9%$& ":IeNP 6lN1? ).1/FF8,! 0 ,#$-4, -4,N%&1K41;&P:?!#& MC=A`5U41$>=7ZC 0K.BC!>/55141; 41 4+'). qfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ angel_framework.http.service; import 'dart:async'; import 'package:angel_http_exception/angel_http_exception.dart'; import 'package:merge_map/merge_map.dart'; import '../util.dart'; import 'hooked_service.dart' show HookedService; import 'metadata.dart'; import 'response_context.dart'; import 'routable.dart'; import 'server.dart'; /// Indicates how the service was accessed. /// /// This will be passed to the `params` object in a service method. /// When requested on the server side, this will be null. class Providers { /// The transport through which the client is accessing this service. final String via; const Providers(String this.via); static const String viaRest = "rest"; static const String viaWebsocket = "websocket"; static const String viaGraphQL = "graphql"; /// Represents a request via REST. static const Providers rest = Providers(viaRest); /// Represents a request over WebSockets. static const Providers websocket = Providers(viaWebsocket); /// Represents a request parsed from GraphQL. static const Providers graphQL = Providers(viaGraphQL); @override bool operator ==(other) => other is Providers && other.via == via; Map toJson() { return {'via': via}; } @override String toString() { return 'via:$via'; } } /// A front-facing interface that can present data to and operate on data on behalf of the user. /// /// Heavily inspired by FeathersJS. <3 class Service extends Routable { /// A [List] of keys that services should ignore, should they see them in the query. static const List specialQueryKeys = [ r'$limit', r'$sort', 'page', 'token' ]; /// Handlers that must run to ensure this service's functionality. List get bootstrappers => []; /// The [Angel] app powering this service. Angel app; /// Closes this service, including any database connections or stream controllers. void close() {} /// Retrieves the first object from the result of calling [index] with the given [params]. /// /// If the result of [index] is `null`, OR an empty [Iterable], a 404 `AngelHttpException` will be thrown. /// /// If the result is both non-null and NOT an [Iterable], it will be returned as-is. /// /// If the result is a non-empty [Iterable], [findOne] will return `it.first`, where `it` is the aforementioned [Iterable]. /// /// A custom [errorMessage] may be provided. Future findOne( [Map params, String errorMessage = 'No record was found matching the given query.']) { return index(params).then((result) { if (result == null) { throw new AngelHttpException.notFound(message: errorMessage); } else if (result is Iterable) { if (result.isEmpty) { throw new AngelHttpException.notFound(message: errorMessage); } else { return result.first; } } else { return result; } }); } /// Retrieves all resources. Future index([Map params]) { throw new AngelHttpException.methodNotAllowed(); } /// Retrieves the desired resource. Future read(id, [Map params]) { throw new AngelHttpException.methodNotAllowed(); } /// Creates a resource. Future create(data, [Map params]) { throw new AngelHttpException.methodNotAllowed(); } /// Modifies a resource. Future modify(id, data, [Map params]) { throw new AngelHttpException.methodNotAllowed(); } /// Overwrites a resource. Future update(id, data, [Map params]) { throw new AngelHttpException.methodNotAllowed(); } /// Removes the given resource. Future remove(id, [Map params]) { throw new AngelHttpException.methodNotAllowed(); } /// Transforms an [id] (whether it is a String, num, etc.) into one acceptable by a service. /// /// The single type argument, [T], is used to determine how to parse the [id]. /// /// For example, `parseId` attempts to parse the value as a [bool]. static T parseId(id) { if (id == 'null' || id == null) return null; else if (T == String) return id.toString() as T; else if (T == int) return int.parse(id.toString()) as T; else if (T == bool) return (id == true || id?.toString() == 'true') as T; else if (T == double) return int.parse(id.toString()) as T; else if (T == num) return num.parse(id.toString()) as T; else return id as T; } /// Generates RESTful routes pointing to this class's methods. void addRoutes([Service service]) { _addRoutesInner(service ?? this, bootstrappers); } void _addRoutesInner(Service service, Iterable handlerss) { var restProvider = {'provider':}; var handlers = new List.from(handlerss); // Add global middleware if declared on the instance itself Middleware before = getAnnotation(service, Middleware, app.container.reflector); if (before != null) handlers.addAll(before.handlers); Middleware indexMiddleware = getAnnotation(service.index, Middleware, app.container.reflector); get('/', (req, res) { return req.parseQuery().then((query) { return this.index(mergeMap([ {'query': query}, restProvider, req.serviceParams ])); }); }, middleware: [] ..addAll(handlers) ..addAll((indexMiddleware == null) ? [] : indexMiddleware.handlers)); Middleware createMiddleware = getAnnotation(service.create, Middleware, app.container.reflector); post('/', (req, ResponseContext res) { return req.parseQuery().then((query) { return req.parseBody().then((body) { return this .create( body, mergeMap([ {'query': query}, restProvider, req.serviceParams ])) .then((r) { res.statusCode = 201; return r; }); }); }); }, middleware: [] ..addAll(handlers) ..addAll( (createMiddleware == null) ? [] : createMiddleware.handlers)); Middleware readMiddleware = getAnnotation(, Middleware, app.container.reflector); get('/:id', (req, res) { return req.parseQuery().then((query) { return parseId(req.params['id']), mergeMap([ {'query': query}, restProvider, req.serviceParams ])); }); }, middleware: [] ..addAll(handlers) ..addAll((readMiddleware == null) ? [] : readMiddleware.handlers)); Middleware modifyMiddleware = getAnnotation(service.modify, Middleware, app.container.reflector); patch( '/:id', (req, res) => req.parseBody().then((body) { return req.parseQuery().then((query) { return this.modify( parseId(req.params['id']), body, mergeMap([ {'query': query}, restProvider, req.serviceParams ])); }); }), middleware: [] ..addAll(handlers) ..addAll( (modifyMiddleware == null) ? [] : modifyMiddleware.handlers)); Middleware updateMiddleware = getAnnotation(service.update, Middleware, app.container.reflector); post( '/:id', (req, res) => req.parseBody().then((body) { return req.parseQuery().then((query) { return this.update( parseId(req.params['id']), body, mergeMap([ {'query': query}, restProvider, req.serviceParams ])); }); }), middleware: [] ..addAll(handlers) ..addAll( (updateMiddleware == null) ? [] : updateMiddleware.handlers)); put( '/:id', (req, res) => req.parseBody().then((body) { return req.parseQuery().then((query) { return this.update( parseId(req.params['id']), body, mergeMap([ {'query': query}, restProvider, req.serviceParams ])); }); }), middleware: [] ..addAll(handlers) ..addAll( (updateMiddleware == null) ? [] : updateMiddleware.handlers)); Middleware removeMiddleware = getAnnotation(service.remove, Middleware, app.container.reflector); delete('/', (req, res) { return req.parseQuery().then((query) { return this.remove( null, mergeMap([ {'query': query}, restProvider, req.serviceParams ])); }); }, middleware: [] ..addAll(handlers) ..addAll( (removeMiddleware == null) ? [] : removeMiddleware.handlers)); delete('/:id', (req, res) { return req.parseQuery().then((query) { return this.remove( parseId(req.params['id']), mergeMap([ {'query': query}, restProvider, req.serviceParams ])); }); }, middleware: [] ..addAll(handlers) ..addAll( (removeMiddleware == null) ? [] : removeMiddleware.handlers)); // REST compliance put('/', (req, res) => throw new AngelHttpException.notFound()); patch('/', (req, res) => throw new AngelHttpException.notFound()); } /// Invoked when this service is wrapped within a [HookedService]. void onHooked(HookedService hookedService) {} } F&A+1 ,D:H$(2.%4,>0: E! a'!W9 E0- U]mW~/P)F'H 5&"5&5*5*5"$5_QL$!,<,, A&5N5=@E:!K-% 'P"L+--&"&" M J-'   N"L 45$/($(M"L 45$/($(M 45$/($(M"L-   M -'   MEGE0wfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ tfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ angel_http_exception; import 'package:dart2_constant/convert.dart'; /// Basically the same as /// [feathers-errors]( class AngelHttpException implements Exception { var error; /// A list of errors that occurred when this exception was thrown. final List errors = []; /// The cause of this exception. String message; /// The [StackTrace] associated with this error. StackTrace stackTrace; /// An HTTP status code this exception will throw. int statusCode; AngelHttpException(this.error, {this.message: '500 Internal Server Error', this.stackTrace, this.statusCode: 500, List errors: const []}) { if (errors != null) { this.errors.addAll(errors); } } Map toJson() { return { 'isError': true, 'status_code': statusCode, 'message': message, 'errors': errors }; } Map toMap() => toJson(); @override String toString() { return "$statusCode: $message"; } factory AngelHttpException.fromMap(Map data) { return new AngelHttpException( null, statusCode: (data['status_code'] ?? data['statusCode']) as int, message: data['message']?.toString(), errors: data['errors'] is Iterable ? ((data['errors'] as Iterable).map((x) => x.toString()).toList()) : [], ); } factory AngelHttpException.fromJson(String str) => new AngelHttpException.fromMap(json.decode(str) as Map); /// Throws a 400 Bad Request error, including an optional arrray of (validation?) /// errors you specify. factory AngelHttpException.badRequest( {String message: '400 Bad Request', List errors: const []}) => new AngelHttpException(null, message: message, errors: errors, statusCode: 400); /// Throws a 401 Not Authenticated error. factory AngelHttpException.notAuthenticated( {String message: '401 Not Authenticated'}) => new AngelHttpException(null, message: message, statusCode: 401); /// Throws a 402 Payment Required error. factory AngelHttpException.paymentRequired( {String message: '402 Payment Required'}) => new AngelHttpException(null, message: message, statusCode: 402); /// Throws a 403 Forbidden error. factory AngelHttpException.forbidden({String message: '403 Forbidden'}) => new AngelHttpException(null, message: message, statusCode: 403); /// Throws a 404 Not Found error. factory AngelHttpException.notFound({String message: '404 Not Found'}) => new AngelHttpException(null, message: message, statusCode: 404); /// Throws a 405 Method Not Allowed error. factory AngelHttpException.methodNotAllowed( {String message: '405 Method Not Allowed'}) => new AngelHttpException(null, message: message, statusCode: 405); /// Throws a 406 Not Acceptable error. factory AngelHttpException.notAcceptable( {String message: '406 Not Acceptable'}) => new AngelHttpException(null, message: message, statusCode: 406); /// Throws a 408 Timeout error. factory AngelHttpException.methodTimeout({String message: '408 Timeout'}) => new AngelHttpException(null, message: message, statusCode: 408); /// Throws a 409 Conflict error. factory AngelHttpException.conflict({String message: '409 Conflict'}) => new AngelHttpException(null, message: message, statusCode: 409); /// Throws a 422 Not Processable error. factory AngelHttpException.notProcessable( {String message: '422 Not Processable'}) => new AngelHttpException(null, message: message, statusCode: 422); /// Throws a 501 Not Implemented error. factory AngelHttpException.notImplemented( {String message: '501 Not Implemented'}) => new AngelHttpException(null, message: message, statusCode: 501); /// Throws a 503 Unavailable error. factory AngelHttpException.unavailable({String message: '503 Unavailable'}) => new AngelHttpException(null, message: message, statusCode: 503); } x.F0 E"#35!2(" ! $1# F,)M5?T)Q#>,/8G+.7G$MG$LG-/9G),5G"OG#KG*-6G*-6G&QGbfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Represents arbitrary data, with an associated ID and timestamps. class Model { String id; DateTime createdAt; DateTime updatedAt; Model({, this.createdAt, this.updatedAt}); } E 4`file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/|library angel_route; export 'src/middleware_pipeline.dart'; export 'src/router.dart'; export 'src/routing_exception.dart'; '%`file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ A library for parsing HTTP request bodies and queries. library body_parser; export 'src/body_parse_result.dart'; export 'src/file_upload_info.dart'; export 'src/parse_body.dart'; ;%$tfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io' show stderr, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpServer, Platform, SecurityContext; import 'package:angel_http_exception/angel_http_exception.dart'; import 'package:angel_route/angel_route.dart'; import 'package:combinator/combinator.dart'; import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart'; import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart'; import '../core/core.dart'; import 'http_request_context.dart'; import 'http_response_context.dart'; final RegExp _straySlashes = new RegExp(r'(^/+)|(/+$)'); /// Adapts `dart:io`'s [HttpServer] to serve Angel. class AngelHttp { final Angel app; final bool useZone; bool _closed = false; HttpServer _server; Future Function(dynamic, int) _serverGenerator = HttpServer.bind; StreamSubscription _sub; AngelHttp(, {this.useZone: false}); /// The function used to bind this instance to an HTTP server. Future Function(dynamic, int) get serverGenerator => _serverGenerator; /// An instance mounted on a server started by the [serverGenerator]. factory AngelHttp.custom( Angel app, Future Function(dynamic, int) serverGenerator, {bool useZone: true}) { return new AngelHttp(app, useZone: useZone) .._serverGenerator = serverGenerator; } factory AngelHttp.fromSecurityContext(Angel app, SecurityContext context, {bool useZone: true}) { var http = new AngelHttp(app, useZone: useZone); http._serverGenerator = (address, int port) { return HttpServer.bindSecure(address, port, context); }; return http; } /// Creates an HTTPS server. /// /// Provide paths to a certificate chain and server key (both .pem). /// If no password is provided, a random one will be generated upon running /// the server. factory Angel app, String certificateChainPath, String serverKeyPath, {String password, bool useZone: true}) { var certificateChain = Platform.script.resolve(certificateChainPath).toFilePath(); var serverKey = Platform.script.resolve(serverKeyPath).toFilePath(); var serverContext = new SecurityContext(); serverContext.useCertificateChain(certificateChain, password: password); serverContext.usePrivateKey(serverKey, password: password); return new AngelHttp.fromSecurityContext(app, serverContext, useZone: useZone); } /// The native HttpServer running this instance. HttpServer get httpServer => _server; /// Starts the server. /// /// Returns false on failure; otherwise, returns the HttpServer. Future startServer([address, int port]) { var host = address ?? ''; return _serverGenerator(host, port ?? 0).then((server) { _server = server; return Future.wait( { app.optimizeForProduction(); _sub = _server.listen(handleRequest); return _server; }); }); } /// Shuts down the underlying server. Future close() { if (_closed) return new Future.value(_server); _closed = true; _sub?.cancel(); return app.close().then((_) => Future.wait( => _server)); } /// Handles a single request. Future handleRequest(HttpRequest request) { return createRequestContext(request).then((req) { return createResponseContext(request.response, req).then((res) { handle() { var path = req.path; if (path == '/') path = ''; Tuple3, ParseResult>> resolveTuple() { Router r = app.optimizedRouter; var resolved = r.resolveAbsolute(path, method: req.method, strip: false); return new Tuple3( new MiddlewarePipeline(resolved).handlers, resolved.fold>( {}, (out, r) => out..addAll(r.allParams)), resolved.isEmpty ? null : resolved.first.parseResult, ); } var cacheKey = req.method + path; var tuple = app.isProduction ? app.handlerCache.putIfAbsent(cacheKey, resolveTuple) : resolveTuple(); req.params.addAll(tuple.item2); req.container.registerSingleton>>( tuple.item3); req.container.registerSingleton(tuple.item3); if (!app.isProduction && app.logger != null) { req.container .registerSingleton(new Stopwatch()..start()); } var pipeline = tuple.item1; Future Function() runPipeline; for (var handler in pipeline) { if (handler == null) break; if (runPipeline == null) runPipeline = () => Future.sync(() => app.executeHandler(handler, req, res)); else { var current = runPipeline; runPipeline = () => current().then((result) => !res.isOpen ? new Future.value(result) : app.executeHandler(handler, req, res)); } } return runPipeline == null ? sendResponse(request, req, res) : runPipeline().then((_) => sendResponse(request, req, res)); } if (useZone == false) { Future f; try { f = handle(); } catch (e, st) { f = Future.error(e, st); } return f.catchError((e, StackTrace st) { if (e is FormatException) throw new AngelHttpException.badRequest(message: e.message) ..stackTrace = st; throw new AngelHttpException(e, stackTrace: st, statusCode: 500, message: e?.toString() ?? '500 Internal Server Error'); }, test: (e) => e is! AngelHttpException).catchError( (ee, StackTrace st) { var e = ee as AngelHttpException; if (app.logger != null) { var error = e.error ?? e; var trace = new Trace.from(e.stackTrace ?? StackTrace.current).terse; app.logger.severe(e.message ?? e.toString(), error, trace); } return handleAngelHttpException( e, e.stackTrace ?? st, req, res, request); }); } else { var zoneSpec = new ZoneSpecification( print: (self, parent, zone, line) { if (app.logger != null); else parent.print(zone, line); }, handleUncaughtError: (self, parent, zone, error, stackTrace) { var trace = new Trace.from(stackTrace ?? StackTrace.current).terse; return new Future(() { AngelHttpException e; if (error is FormatException) { e = new AngelHttpException.badRequest(message: error.message); } else if (error is AngelHttpException) { e = error; } else { e = new AngelHttpException(error, stackTrace: stackTrace, message: error?.toString() ?? '500 Internal Server Error'); } if (app.logger != null) { app.logger.severe(e.message ?? e.toString(), error, trace); } return handleAngelHttpException(e, trace, req, res, request); }).catchError((e, StackTrace st) { var trace = new Trace.from(st ?? StackTrace.current).terse; request.response.close(); // Ideally, we won't be in a position where an absolutely fatal error occurs, // but if so, we'll need to log it. if (app.logger != null) { app.logger.severe( 'Fatal error occurred when processing ${request.uri}.', e, trace); } else { stderr ..writeln('Fatal error occurred when processing ' '${request.uri}:') ..writeln(e) ..writeln(trace); } }); }, ); var zone = Zone.current.fork(specification: zoneSpec); req.container.registerSingleton(zone); req.container.registerSingleton(zoneSpec); // If a synchronous error is thrown, it's not caught by ``, // so use a try/catch, and recover when need be. try { return; } catch (e, st) { zone.handleUncaughtError(e, st); return Future.value(); } } }); }); } /// Handles an [AngelHttpException]. Future handleAngelHttpException(AngelHttpException e, StackTrace st, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res, HttpRequest request, {bool ignoreFinalizers: false}) { if (req == null || res == null) { try { app.logger?.severe(e, st); request.response ..statusCode = 500 ..write('500 Internal Server Error') ..close(); } finally { return null; } } Future handleError; if (!res.isOpen) handleError = new Future.value(); else { res.statusCode = e.statusCode; handleError = new Future.sync(() => app.errorHandler(e, req, res)).then((result) { return app.executeHandler(result, req, res).then((_) => res.close()); }); } return handleError.then((_) => sendResponse(request, req, res, ignoreFinalizers: ignoreFinalizers == true)); } /// Sends a response. Future sendResponse( HttpRequest request, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res, {bool ignoreFinalizers: false}) { void _cleanup(_) { if (!app.isProduction && app.logger != null) { var sw = req.container.make(); "${res.statusCode} ${req.method} ${req.uri} (${sw?.elapsedMilliseconds ?? 'unknown'} ms)"); } } if (!res.isBuffered) return res.close().then(_cleanup); Future finalizers = ignoreFinalizers == true ? new Future.value() : app.responseFinalizers.fold( new Future.value(), (out, f) => out.then((_) => f(req, res))); return finalizers.then((_) { if (res.isOpen) res.close(); for (var key in res.headers.keys) { request.response.headers.add(key, res.headers[key]); } request.response.contentLength = res.buffer.length; request.response.headers.chunkedTransferEncoding = res.chunked ?? true; List outputBuffer = res.buffer.toBytes(); if (res.encoders.isNotEmpty) { var allowedEncodings = req.headers .value('accept-encoding') ?.split(',') ?.map((s) => s.trim()) ?.where((s) => s.isNotEmpty) ?.map((str) { // Ignore quality specifications in accept-encoding // ex. gzip;q=0.8 if (!str.contains(';')) return str; return str.split(';')[0]; }); if (allowedEncodings != null) { for (var encodingName in allowedEncodings) { Converter, List> encoder; String key = encodingName; if (res.encoders.containsKey(encodingName)) encoder = res.encoders[encodingName]; else if (encodingName == '*') { encoder = res.encoders[key = res.encoders.keys.first]; } if (encoder != null) { request.response.headers.set('content-encoding', key); outputBuffer = res.encoders[key].convert(outputBuffer); request.response.contentLength = outputBuffer.length; break; } } } } request.response ..statusCode = res.statusCode ..cookies.addAll(res.cookies) ..add(outputBuffer); return request.response.close().then(_cleanup); }); } Future createRequestContext(HttpRequest request) { var path = request.uri.path.replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''); if (path.length == 0) path = '/'; return HttpRequestContext.from(request, app, path); } Future createResponseContext(HttpResponse response, [RequestContext correspondingRequest]) => new Future.value(new HttpResponseContext( response, app, correspondingRequest as HttpRequestContext) ..serializer = (app.serializer ?? json.encode) ..encoders.addAll(app.encoders ?? {})); }  A/-/#$%94P(.ACHL0,L52<GND/DI/M@A3(C8'=I%. (3#Q .6G&P,K93ND ,'E *NE9I &)*(%"L)I-< %0L  % 3&J#, !H@$.&(LJ-;00&'*KJ%&0Q:4.M*NN1L*^4*%NF+!& A7HN;%-# 'GD(& #/( %ON C6D(52h<1/K!#*=:N5%+&#)>.$ (75'84,E#EFD &&6I?&8G4AE70tfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ angel_framework.http.controller; import 'dart:async'; import 'package:angel_container/angel_container.dart'; import 'package:angel_route/angel_route.dart'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import '../core/core.dart'; /// Supports grouping routes with shared functionality. class Controller { Angel _app; /// The [Angel] application powering this controller. Angel get app => _app; /// If `true` (default), this class will inject itself as a singleton into the [app]'s container when bootstrapped. final bool injectSingleton; /// Middleware to run before all handlers in this class. List middleware = []; /// A mapping of route paths to routes, produced from the [Expose] annotations on this class. Map routeMappings = {}; Controller({this.injectSingleton: true}); @mustCallSuper Future configureServer(Angel app) { _app = app; if (injectSingleton != false) { _app.container.registerSingleton(this, as: runtimeType); } // Load global expose decl var classMirror = app.container.reflector.reflectClass(this.runtimeType); Expose exposeDecl = findExpose(app.container.reflector); if (exposeDecl == null) { throw new Exception( "All controllers must carry an @Expose() declaration."); } var routable = new Routable(); app.mount(exposeDecl.path, routable); var typeMirror = app.container.reflector.reflectType(this.runtimeType); String name = == true ? :; app.controllers[name] = this; // Pre-reflect methods var instanceMirror = app.container.reflector.reflectInstance(this); final handlers = [] ..addAll(exposeDecl.middleware) ..addAll(middleware); final routeBuilder = _routeBuilder(instanceMirror, routable, handlers); classMirror.declarations.forEach(routeBuilder); configureRoutes(routable); return new Future.value(); } void Function(ReflectedDeclaration) _routeBuilder( ReflectedInstance instanceMirror, Routable routable, Iterable handlers) { return (ReflectedDeclaration decl) { var methodName =; if (methodName != 'toString' && methodName != 'noSuchMethod' && methodName != 'call' && methodName != 'equals' && methodName != '==') { Expose exposeDecl = decl.function.annotations .map((m) => m.reflectee) .firstWhere((r) => r is Expose, orElse: () => null); if (exposeDecl == null) return; var reflectedMethod = instanceMirror.getField(methodName).reflectee as Function; var middleware = [] ..addAll(handlers) ..addAll(exposeDecl.middleware); String name = == true ? : methodName; // Check if normal var method = decl.function; if (method.parameters.length == 2 && method.parameters[0].type.reflectedType == RequestContext && method.parameters[1].type.reflectedType == ResponseContext) { // Create a regular route routeMappings[name] = routable .addRoute(exposeDecl.method, exposeDecl.path, (RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) { var result = reflectedMethod(req, res); return result is RequestHandler ? result(req, res) : result; }, middleware: middleware); return; } var injection = preInject(reflectedMethod, app.container.reflector); if (exposeDecl?.allowNull?.isNotEmpty == true) injection.optional?.addAll(exposeDecl.allowNull); routeMappings[name] = routable.addRoute(exposeDecl.method, exposeDecl.path, handleContained(reflectedMethod, injection), middleware: middleware); } }; } /// Used to add additional routes to the router from within a [Controller]. void configureRoutes(Routable routable) {} /// Finds the [Expose] declaration for this class. Expose findExpose(Reflector reflector) => reflector .reflectClass(runtimeType) .annotations .map((m) => m.reflectee) .firstWhere((r) => r is Expose, orElse: () => null) as Expose; } )7/!88v;(`),&$?N=C#*LM"H(&L45(+)"&*"$ 6%A(G,+L$-IJ$)<>4I& M7<CJ%N-56!E~file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:angel_container/angel_container.dart'; import 'package:body_parser/body_parser.dart'; import 'package:http_parser/http_parser.dart'; import '../core/core.dart'; /// An implementation of [RequestContext] that wraps a [HttpRequest]. class HttpRequestContext extends RequestContext { Container _container; MediaType _contentType; HttpRequest _io; String _override, _path; @override Container get container => _container; @override MediaType get contentType { return _contentType; } @override List get cookies { return rawRequest.cookies; } @override HttpHeaders get headers { return rawRequest.headers; } @override String get hostname { return rawRequest.headers.value('host'); } /// The underlying [HttpRequest] instance underneath this context. HttpRequest get rawRequest => _io; @override String get method { return _override ?? originalMethod; } @override String get originalMethod { return rawRequest.method; } @override String get path { return _path; } @override InternetAddress get remoteAddress { return rawRequest.connectionInfo.remoteAddress; } @override HttpSession get session { return rawRequest.session; } @override Uri get uri { return rawRequest.uri; } @override bool get xhr { return rawRequest.headers .value("X-Requested-With") ?.trim() ?.toLowerCase() == 'xmlhttprequest'; } /// Magically transforms an [HttpRequest] into a [RequestContext]. static Future from( HttpRequest request, Angel app, String path) { HttpRequestContext ctx = new HttpRequestContext() .._container = app.container.createChild(); String override = request.method; if (app.allowMethodOverrides == true) override = request.headers.value('x-http-method-override')?.toUpperCase() ?? request.method; = app; ctx._contentType = request.headers.contentType == null ? null : MediaType.parse(request.headers.contentType.toString()); ctx._override = override; /* // Faster way to get path List _path = []; // Go up until we reach a ? for (int ch in request.uri.toString().codeUnits) { if (ch != $question) _path.add(ch); else break; } // Remove trailing slashes int lastSlash = -1; for (int i = _path.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (_path[i] == $slash) lastSlash = i; else break; } if (lastSlash > -1) ctx._path = new String.fromCharCodes(_path.take(lastSlash)); else ctx._path = new String.fromCharCodes(_path); */ ctx._path = path; ctx._io = request; if (app.eagerParseRequestBodies == true) { return ctx.parse().then((_) => ctx); } return new Future.value(ctx); } @override Future close() { _contentType = null; _io = null; _override = _path = null; return super.close(); } @override Future parseOnce() { return parseBodyFromStream( rawRequest, rawRequest.headers.contentType != null ? new MediaType.parse(rawRequest.headers.contentType.toString()) : null, rawRequest.uri, storeOriginalBuffer: app.keepRawRequestBuffers == true); } } 7//F? )    -E% (   &4   'E*562&*L;C 7 2 C 3 /+"  ( /MAfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import '../core/core.dart'; import 'http_request_context.dart'; /// An implementation of [ResponseContext] that abstracts over an [HttpResponse]. class HttpResponseContext extends ResponseContext { /// The underlying [HttpResponse] under this instance. @override final HttpResponse rawResponse; Angel app; LockableBytesBuilder _buffer; final HttpRequestContext _correspondingRequest; bool _isDetached = false, _isClosed = false, _streamInitialized = false; HttpResponseContext(this.rawResponse,, [this._correspondingRequest]); @override HttpResponse detach() { _isDetached = true; return rawResponse; } @override RequestContext get correspondingRequest { return _correspondingRequest; } @override bool get isOpen { return !_isClosed && !_isDetached; } @override bool get isBuffered => _buffer != null; @override BytesBuilder get buffer => _buffer; @override void addError(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) { rawResponse.addError(error, stackTrace); super.addError(error, stackTrace); } @override void useBuffer() { _buffer = new LockableBytesBuilder(); } Iterable __allowedEncodings; Iterable get _allowedEncodings { return __allowedEncodings ??= correspondingRequest.headers .value('accept-encoding') ?.split(',') ?.map((s) => s.trim()) ?.where((s) => s.isNotEmpty) ?.map((str) { // Ignore quality specifications in accept-encoding // ex. gzip;q=0.8 if (!str.contains(';')) return str; return str.split(';')[0]; }); } bool _openStream() { if (!_streamInitialized) { // If this is the first stream added to this response, // then add headers, status code, etc. rawResponse ..statusCode = statusCode ..cookies.addAll(cookies); headers.forEach(rawResponse.headers.set); rawResponse.headers.contentType = new ContentType( contentType.type, contentType.subtype, charset: contentType.parameters['charset'], parameters: contentType.parameters); if (encoders.isNotEmpty && correspondingRequest != null) { if (_allowedEncodings != null) { for (var encodingName in _allowedEncodings) { Converter, List> encoder; String key = encodingName; if (encoders.containsKey(encodingName)) encoder = encoders[encodingName]; else if (encodingName == '*') { encoder = encoders[key = encoders.keys.first]; } if (encoder != null) { rawResponse.headers.set('content-encoding', key); break; } } } } //_isClosed = true; return _streamInitialized = true; } return false; } @override Future addStream(Stream> stream) { if (_isClosed && isBuffered) throw ResponseContext.closed(); _openStream(); Stream> output = stream; if (encoders.isNotEmpty && correspondingRequest != null) { if (_allowedEncodings != null) { for (var encodingName in _allowedEncodings) { Converter, List> encoder; String key = encodingName; if (encoders.containsKey(encodingName)) encoder = encoders[encodingName]; else if (encodingName == '*') { encoder = encoders[key = encoders.keys.first]; } if (encoder != null) { output = encoders[key].bind(output); break; } } } } return rawResponse.addStream(output); } @override void add(List data) { if (_isClosed && isBuffered) throw ResponseContext.closed(); else if (!isBuffered) { _openStream(); if (encoders.isNotEmpty && correspondingRequest != null) { if (_allowedEncodings != null) { for (var encodingName in _allowedEncodings) { Converter, List> encoder; String key = encodingName; if (encoders.containsKey(encodingName)) encoder = encoders[encodingName]; else if (encodingName == '*') { encoder = encoders[key = encoders.keys.first]; } if (encoder != null) { data = encoders[key].convert(data); break; } } } } rawResponse.add(data); } else buffer.add(data); } @override Future close() { if (!_isDetached) { if (!_isClosed) { if (!isBuffered) { try { rawResponse.close(); } catch (_) { // This only seems to occur on `MockHttpRequest`, but // this try/catch prevents a crash. } } else { _buffer.lock(); } _isClosed = true; } super.close(); } return new Future.value(); } } $RB9 "  2KQ  ," ' * & 9-' *'+?"%:* =-"#0916/A)85'40,=#@ ( /A'?'63%2.*; !1 * !&A)85'40,=#2   !B0  Rfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. export 'src/arg_parser.dart'; export 'src/arg_parser_exception.dart'; export 'src/arg_results.dart' hide newArgResults; export 'src/option.dart' hide newOption; NN<(2)pfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ angel_container; export 'src/container.dart'; export 'src/empty/empty.dart'; export 'src/exception.dart'; export 'src/reflector.dart'; /// An annotation used by `package:angel_container_generator` to generate reflection metadata for types chosen by the user. /// /// When attached to a library, it generates a class that implements the `Reflector` interface. /// /// When attached to a class, it can be used to customize the output of the generator. class GenerateReflector { /// The list of types that should have reflection metadata generated for them. final List types; /// The list of top-level functions that should have reflection metadata generated for them. final List functions; /// The list of symbols within this class that should have reflection metadata generated for them. /// /// If omitted, then all symbols will be included. final List symbols; /// An explicit name for the generated reflector. /// /// By default, a class with the library's name in PascalCase is created, /// with the text "Reflector" appended. /// /// Ex. `my_cool_library` becomes `const MyCoolLibraryReflector()`. final String name; const GenerateReflector( {this.types: const [], this.functions: const [], this.symbols: const [],}); } (|`WQ_"e54L*F#*&Pfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. export 'src/ansi_code.dart'; JN<Nfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. export 'src/copy_path.dart' show copyPath, copyPathSync; export 'src/exit_code.dart' show ExitCode; export 'src/permissions.dart' show isExecutable; export 'src/process_manager.dart' show ProcessManager, Spawn, StartProcess; export 'src/shared_stdin.dart' show SharedStdIn, sharedStdIn; export 'src/shell_words.dart' show shellSplit; JN<9+1L>/[file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library logging; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:collection'; /// Whether to allow fine-grain logging and configuration of loggers in a /// hierarchy. /// /// When false, all logging is merged in the root logger. bool hierarchicalLoggingEnabled = false; /// Automatically record stack traces for any message of this level or above. /// /// Because this is expensive, this is off by default. Level recordStackTraceAtLevel = Level.OFF; /// Level for the root-logger. /// /// This will be the level of all loggers if [hierarchicalLoggingEnabled] is /// false. Level _rootLevel = Level.INFO; /// Use a [Logger] to log debug messages. /// /// [Logger]s are named using a hierarchical dot-separated name convention. class Logger { /// Simple name of this logger. final String name; /// The full name of this logger, which includes the parent's full name. String get fullName => (parent == null || == '') ? name : '${parent.fullName}.$name'; /// Parent of this logger in the hierarchy of loggers. final Logger parent; /// Logging [Level] used for entries generated on this logger. Level _level; final Map _children; /// Children in the hierarchy of loggers, indexed by their simple names. final Map children; /// Controller used to notify when log entries are added to this logger. StreamController _controller; /// Singleton constructor. Calling `new Logger(name)` will return the same /// actual instance whenever it is called with the same string name. factory Logger(String name) { return _loggers.putIfAbsent(name, () => new Logger._named(name)); } /// Creates a new detached [Logger]. /// /// Returns a new [Logger] instance (unlike `new Logger`, which returns a /// [Logger] singleton), which doesn't have any parent or children, /// and is not a part of the global hierarchical loggers structure. /// /// It can be useful when you just need a local short-living logger, /// which you'd like to be garbage-collected later. factory Logger.detached(String name) { return new Logger._internal(name, null, new Map()); } factory Logger._named(String name) { if (name.startsWith('.')) { throw new ArgumentError("name shouldn't start with a '.'"); } // Split hierarchical names (separated with '.'). int dot = name.lastIndexOf('.'); Logger parent; String thisName; if (dot == -1) { if (name != '') parent = new Logger(''); thisName = name; } else { parent = new Logger(name.substring(0, dot)); thisName = name.substring(dot + 1); } return new Logger._internal(thisName, parent, new Map()); } Logger._internal(, this.parent, Map children) : this._children = children, this.children = new UnmodifiableMapView(children) { if (parent != null) parent._children[name] = this; } /// Effective level considering the levels established in this logger's /// parents (when [hierarchicalLoggingEnabled] is true). Level get level { if (hierarchicalLoggingEnabled) { if (_level != null) return _level; if (parent != null) return parent.level; } return _rootLevel; } /// Override the level for this particular [Logger] and its children. set level(Level value) { if (hierarchicalLoggingEnabled && parent != null) { _level = value; } else { if (parent != null) { throw new UnsupportedError( 'Please set "hierarchicalLoggingEnabled" to true if you want to ' 'change the level on a non-root logger.'); } _rootLevel = value; } } /// Returns a stream of messages added to this [Logger]. /// /// You can listen for messages using the standard stream APIs, for instance: /// /// ```dart /// logger.onRecord.listen((record) { ... }); /// ``` Stream get onRecord => _getStream(); void clearListeners() { if (hierarchicalLoggingEnabled || parent == null) { if (_controller != null) { _controller.close(); _controller = null; } } else { root.clearListeners(); } } /// Whether a message for [value]'s level is loggable in this logger. bool isLoggable(Level value) => (value >= level); /// Adds a log record for a [message] at a particular [logLevel] if /// `isLoggable(logLevel)` is true. /// /// Use this method to create log entries for user-defined levels. To record a /// message at a predefined level (e.g. [Level.INFO], [Level.WARNING], etc) /// you can use their specialized methods instead (e.g. [info], [warning], /// etc). /// /// If [message] is a [Function], it will be lazy evaluated. Additionally, if /// [message] or its evaluated value is not a [String], then 'toString()' will /// be called on the object and the result will be logged. The log record will /// contain a field holding the original object. /// /// The log record will also contain a field for the zone in which this call /// was made. This can be advantageous if a log listener wants to handler /// records of different zones differently (e.g. group log records by HTTP /// request if each HTTP request handler runs in it's own zone). void log(Level logLevel, message, [Object error, StackTrace stackTrace, Zone zone]) { Object object; if (isLoggable(logLevel)) { if (message is Function) { message = message(); } String msg; if (message is String) { msg = message; } else { msg = message.toString(); object = message; } if (stackTrace == null && logLevel >= recordStackTraceAtLevel) { stackTrace = StackTrace.current; error ??= 'autogenerated stack trace for $logLevel $msg'; } if (zone == null) zone = Zone.current; var record = new LogRecord( logLevel, msg, fullName, error, stackTrace, zone, object); if (hierarchicalLoggingEnabled) { var target = this; while (target != null) { target._publish(record); target = target.parent; } } else { root._publish(record); } } } /// Log message at level [Level.FINEST]. void finest(message, [Object error, StackTrace stackTrace]) => log(Level.FINEST, message, error, stackTrace); /// Log message at level [Level.FINER]. void finer(message, [Object error, StackTrace stackTrace]) => log(Level.FINER, message, error, stackTrace); /// Log message at level [Level.FINE]. void fine(message, [Object error, StackTrace stackTrace]) => log(Level.FINE, message, error, stackTrace); /// Log message at level [Level.CONFIG]. void config(message, [Object error, StackTrace stackTrace]) => log(Level.CONFIG, message, error, stackTrace); /// Log message at level [Level.INFO]. void info(message, [Object error, StackTrace stackTrace]) => log(Level.INFO, message, error, stackTrace); /// Log message at level [Level.WARNING]. void warning(message, [Object error, StackTrace stackTrace]) => log(Level.WARNING, message, error, stackTrace); /// Log message at level [Level.SEVERE]. void severe(message, [Object error, StackTrace stackTrace]) => log(Level.SEVERE, message, error, stackTrace); /// Log message at level [Level.SHOUT]. void shout(message, [Object error, StackTrace stackTrace]) => log(Level.SHOUT, message, error, stackTrace); Stream _getStream() { if (hierarchicalLoggingEnabled || parent == null) { if (_controller == null) { _controller = new StreamController.broadcast(sync: true); } return; } else { return root._getStream(); } } void _publish(LogRecord record) { if (_controller != null) { _controller.add(record); } } /// Top-level root [Logger]. static final Logger root = new Logger(''); /// All [Logger]s in the system. static final Map _loggers = {}; } /// Handler callback to process log entries as they are added to a [Logger]. typedef void LoggerHandler(LogRecord record); /// [Level]s to control logging output. Logging can be enabled to include all /// levels above certain [Level]. [Level]s are ordered using an integer /// value [Level.value]. The predefined [Level] constants below are sorted as /// follows (in descending order): [Level.SHOUT], [Level.SEVERE], /// [Level.WARNING], [Level.INFO], [Level.CONFIG], [Level.FINE], [Level.FINER], /// [Level.FINEST], and [Level.ALL]. /// /// We recommend using one of the predefined logging levels. If you define your /// own level, make sure you use a value between those used in [Level.ALL] and /// [Level.OFF]. class Level implements Comparable { final String name; /// Unique value for this level. Used to order levels, so filtering can /// exclude messages whose level is under certain value. final int value; const Level(, this.value); /// Special key to turn on logging for all levels ([value] = 0). static const Level ALL = const Level('ALL', 0); /// Special key to turn off all logging ([value] = 2000). static const Level OFF = const Level('OFF', 2000); /// Key for highly detailed tracing ([value] = 300). static const Level FINEST = const Level('FINEST', 300); /// Key for fairly detailed tracing ([value] = 400). static const Level FINER = const Level('FINER', 400); /// Key for tracing information ([value] = 500). static const Level FINE = const Level('FINE', 500); /// Key for static configuration messages ([value] = 700). static const Level CONFIG = const Level('CONFIG', 700); /// Key for informational messages ([value] = 800). static const Level INFO = const Level('INFO', 800); /// Key for potential problems ([value] = 900). static const Level WARNING = const Level('WARNING', 900); /// Key for serious failures ([value] = 1000). static const Level SEVERE = const Level('SEVERE', 1000); /// Key for extra debugging loudness ([value] = 1200). static const Level SHOUT = const Level('SHOUT', 1200); static const List LEVELS = const [ ALL, FINEST, FINER, FINE, CONFIG, INFO, WARNING, SEVERE, SHOUT, OFF ]; @override bool operator ==(Object other) => other is Level && value == other.value; bool operator <(Level other) => value < other.value; bool operator <=(Level other) => value <= other.value; bool operator >(Level other) => value > other.value; bool operator >=(Level other) => value >= other.value; @override int compareTo(Level other) => value - other.value; @override int get hashCode => value; @override String toString() => name; } /// A log entry representation used to propagate information from [Logger] to /// individual handlers. class LogRecord { final Level level; final String message; /// Non-string message passed to Logger. final Object object; /// Logger where this record is stored. final String loggerName; /// Time when this record was created. final DateTime time; /// Unique sequence number greater than all log records created before it. final int sequenceNumber; static int _nextNumber = 0; /// Associated error (if any) when recording errors messages. final Object error; /// Associated stackTrace (if any) when recording errors messages. final StackTrace stackTrace; /// Zone of the calling code which resulted in this LogRecord. final Zone zone; LogRecord(this.level, this.message, this.loggerName, [this.error, this.stackTrace,, this.object]) : time = new, sequenceNumber = LogRecord._nextNumber++; @override String toString() => '[${}] $loggerName: $message'; } sNN<J:)N7+M *L"KQ9A'K&K+MG F'LFFG6)H' B6%/ 3*NI#<7J;&)/H8 $N7;P0 28! H4F&QNM PQQ3OLMC$: !"G)B-"E(!#" +A5*@4)?3+A5)?3,B6+A5*@4#8!M! $-#BM.NHNBP%PO+J;&C2<57:7836=:662<1;99,  L7979 5  N+*)M@EA7=#2 @Xfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'src/isolate/client.dart'; export 'src/isolate/server.dart';""pfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'client.dart';pfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'adapter.dart'; export 'client.dart'; export 'publish.dart'; export 'server.dart'; export 'subscription.dart';ifile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'package:angel_container/angel_container.dart'; final RegExp straySlashes = new RegExp(r'(^/+)|(/+$)'); matchingAnnotation(List metadata, Type T) { for (ReflectedInstance metaDatum in metadata) { if (metaDatum.type.reflectedType == T) { return metaDatum.reflectee; } } return null; } getAnnotation(obj, Type T, Reflector reflector) { if (reflector == null) { return null; } else { if (obj is Function) { var methodMirror = reflector.reflectFunction(obj); return matchingAnnotation(methodMirror.annotations, T); } else { var classMirror = reflector.reflectClass(obj.runtimeType as Type); return matchingAnnotation(classMirror.annotations, T); } } } 78?2-"2 9> I=`file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. export 'src/authentication_challenge.dart'; export 'src/case_insensitive_map.dart'; export 'src/chunked_coding.dart'; export 'src/http_date.dart'; export 'src/media_type.dart'; NN<,("Rfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// Constants for use in metadata annotations. /// /// See also `@deprecated` and `@override` in the `dart:core` library. /// /// Annotations provide semantic information that tools can use to provide a /// better user experience. For example, an IDE might not autocomplete the name /// of a function that's been marked `@deprecated`, or it might display the /// function's name differently. /// /// For information on installing and importing this library, see the /// [meta package on] ( /// For examples of using annotations, see /// [Metadata]( /// in the language tour. library meta; /// Used to annotate a function `f`. Indicates that `f` always throws an /// exception. Any functions that override `f`, in class inheritence, are also /// expected to conform to this contract. /// /// Tools, such as the analyzer, can use this to understand whether a block of /// code "exits". For example: /// /// ```dart /// @alwaysThrows toss() { throw 'Thrown'; } /// /// int fn(bool b) { /// if (b) { /// return 0; /// } else { /// toss(); /// print("Hello."); /// } /// } /// ``` /// /// Without the annotation on `toss`, it would look as though `fn` doesn't /// always return a value. The annotation shows that `fn` does always exit. In /// addition, the annotation reveals that any statements following a call to /// `toss` (like the `print` call) are dead code. /// /// Tools, such as the analyzer, can also expect this contract to be enforced; /// that is, tools may emit warnings if a function with this annotation /// _doesn't_ always throw. const _AlwaysThrows alwaysThrows = const _AlwaysThrows(); /// Used to annotate a parameter of an instance method that overrides another /// method. /// /// Indicates that this parameter may have a tighter type than the parameter on /// its superclass. The actual argument will be checked at runtime to ensure it /// is a subtype of the overridden parameter type. /// /// DEPRECATED: Use the `covariant` modifier instead. @deprecated const _Checked checked = const _Checked(); /// Used to annotate a library, or any declaration that is part of the public /// interface of a library (such as top-level members, class members, and /// function parameters) to indicate that the annotated API is experimental and /// may be removed or changed at any-time without updating the version of the /// containing package, despite the fact that it would otherwise be a breaking /// change. /// /// If the annotation is applied to a library then it is equivalent to applying /// the annotation to all of the top-level members of the library. Applying the /// annotation to a class does *not* apply the annotation to subclasses, but /// does apply the annotation to members of the class. /// /// Tools, such as the analyzer, can provide feedback if /// /// * the annotation is associated with a declaration that is not part of the /// public interface of a library (such as a local variable or a declaration /// that is private) or a directive other than the first directive in the /// library, or /// * the declaration is referenced by a package that has not explicitly /// indicated its intention to use experimental APIs (details TBD). const _Experimental experimental = const _Experimental(); /// Used to annotate an instance or static method `m`. Indicates that `m` must /// either be abstract or must return a newly allocated object or `null`. In /// addition, every method that either implements or overrides `m` is implicitly /// annotated with this same annotation. /// /// Tools, such as the analyzer, can provide feedback if /// /// * the annotation is associated with anything other than a method, or /// * the annotation is associated with a method that has this annotation that /// can return anything other than a newly allocated object or `null`. const _Factory factory = const _Factory(); /// Used to annotate a class `C`. Indicates that `C` and all subtypes of `C` /// must be immutable. /// /// A class is immutable if all of the instance fields of the class, whether /// defined directly or inherited, are `final`. /// /// Tools, such as the analyzer, can provide feedback if /// * the annotation is associated with anything other than a class, or /// * a class that has this annotation or extends, implements or mixes in a /// class that has this annotation is not immutable. const Immutable immutable = const Immutable(); /// Used to annotate a test framework function that runs a single test. /// /// Tools, such as IDEs, can show invocations of such function in a file /// structure view to help the user navigating in large test files. /// /// The first parameter of the function must be the description of the test. const _IsTest isTest = const _IsTest(); /// Used to annotate a test framework function that runs a group of tests. /// /// Tools, such as IDEs, can show invocations of such function in a file /// structure view to help the user navigating in large test files. /// /// The first parameter of the function must be the description of the group. const _IsTestGroup isTestGroup = const _IsTestGroup(); /// Used to annotate a const constructor `c`. Indicates that any invocation of /// the constructor must use the keyword `const` unless one or more of the /// arguments to the constructor is not a compile-time constant. /// /// Tools, such as the analyzer, can provide feedback if /// /// * the annotation is associated with anything other than a const constructor, /// or /// * an invocation of a constructor that has this annotation is not invoked /// using the `const` keyword unless one or more of the arguments to the /// constructor is not a compile-time constant. const _Literal literal = const _Literal(); /// Used to annotate an instance method `m`. Indicates that every invocation of /// a method that overrides `m` must also invoke `m`. In addition, every method /// that overrides `m` is implicitly annotated with this same annotation. /// /// Note that private methods with this annotation cannot be validly overridden /// outside of the library that defines the annotated method. /// /// Tools, such as the analyzer, can provide feedback if /// /// * the annotation is associated with anything other than an instance method, /// or /// * a method that overrides a method that has this annotation can return /// without invoking the overridden method. const _MustCallSuper mustCallSuper = const _MustCallSuper(); /// Used to annotate a class declaration `C`. Indicates that any type arguments /// declared on `C` are to be treated as optional. Tools such as the analyzer /// and linter can use this information to suppress warnings that would /// otherwise require type arguments to be provided for instances of `C`. const _OptionalTypeArgs optionalTypeArgs = const _OptionalTypeArgs(); /// Used to annotate an instance member (method, getter, setter, operator, or /// field) `m` in a class `C`. If the annotation is on a field it applies to the /// getter, and setter if appropriate, that are induced by the field. Indicates /// that `m` should only be invoked from instance methods of `C` or classes that /// extend, implement or mix in `C`, either directly or indirectly. Additionally /// indicates that `m` should only be invoked on `this`, whether explicitly or /// implicitly. /// /// Tools, such as the analyzer, can provide feedback if /// /// * the annotation is associated with anything other than an instance member, /// or /// * an invocation of a member that has this annotation is used outside of an /// instance member defined on a class that extends or mixes in the class in /// which the protected member is defined, or that uses a receiver other than /// `this`. const _Protected protected = const _Protected(); /// Used to annotate a named parameter `p` in a method or function `f`. /// Indicates that every invocation of `f` must include an argument /// corresponding to `p`, despite the fact that `p` would otherwise be an /// optional parameter. /// /// Tools, such as the analyzer, can provide feedback if /// /// * the annotation is associated with anything other than a named parameter, /// * the annotation is associated with a named parameter in a method `m1` that /// overrides a method `m0` and `m0` defines a named parameter with the same /// name that does not have this annotation, or /// * an invocation of a method or function does not include an argument /// corresponding to a named parameter that has this annotation. const Required required = const Required(); /// Used to annotate a field that is allowed to be overridden in Strong Mode. const _Virtual virtual = const _Virtual(); /// Used to annotate an instance member that was made public so that it could be /// overridden but that is not intended to be referenced from outside the /// defining library. /// /// Tools, such as the analyzer, can provide feedback if /// /// * the annotation is associated with a declaration other than a public /// instance member in a class, or /// * the member is referenced outside of the defining library. const _VisibleForOverriding visibleForOverriding = const _VisibleForOverriding(); /// Used to annotate a declaration was made public, so that it is more visible /// than otherwise necessary, to make code testable. /// /// Tools, such as the analyzer, can provide feedback if /// /// * the annotation is associated with a declaration not in the `lib` folder /// of a package, or /// * the declaration is referenced outside of its the defining library or a /// library which is in the `test` folder of the defining package. const _VisibleForTesting visibleForTesting = const _VisibleForTesting(); /// Used to annotate a class. /// /// See [immutable] for more details. class Immutable { /// A human-readable explanation of the reason why the class is immutable. final String reason; /// Initialize a newly created instance to have the given [reason]. const Immutable([this.reason]); } /// Used to annotate a named parameter `p` in a method or function `f`. /// /// See [required] for more details. class Required { /// A human-readable explanation of the reason why the annotated parameter is /// required. For example, the annotation might look like: /// /// ButtonWidget({ /// Function onHover, /// @Required('Buttons must do something when pressed') /// Function onPressed, /// ... /// }) ... final String reason; /// Initialize a newly created instance to have the given [reason]. const Required([this.reason]); } class _AlwaysThrows { const _AlwaysThrows(); } class _Checked { const _Checked(); } class _Experimental { const _Experimental(); } class _Factory { const _Factory(); } class _IsTest { const _IsTest(); } class _IsTestGroup { const _IsTestGroup(); } class _Literal { const _Literal(); } class _MustCallSuper { const _MustCallSuper(); } class _OptionalTypeArgs { const _OptionalTypeArgs(); } class _Protected { const _Protected(); } class _Virtual { const _Virtual(); } class _VisibleForOverriding { const _VisibleForOverriding(); } class _VisibleForTesting { const _VisibleForTesting(); } +NN</GMPL!FP+UIO*O -KOM2OH:N PP36 +NJPNO PPM79NOLIF:OMQ)9IOI+MM09HL7/HIDM(KIDN7OKA9Q MK2+PPJP>9P K.=POHJFNQPQQO9P OOP1HDJ9OPO2IC,N+QJ9J%@3#O59NMEI&MF"H%P= B"F!!Rfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// A comprehensive, cross-platform path manipulation library. /// /// ## Installing ## /// /// Use [pub][] to install this package. Add the following to your /// `pubspec.yaml` file. /// /// dependencies: /// path: any /// /// Then run `pub install`. /// /// For more information, see the [path package on][pkg]. /// /// [pub]: /// [pkg]: /// /// ## Usage ## /// /// The path library was designed to be imported with a prefix, though you don't /// have to if you don't want to: /// /// import 'package:path/path.dart' as p; /// /// The most common way to use the library is through the top-level functions. /// These manipulate path strings based on your current working directory and /// the path style (POSIX, Windows, or URLs) of the host platform. For example: /// /// p.join("directory", "file.txt"); /// /// This calls the top-level [join] function to join "directory" and "file.txt" /// using the current platform's directory separator. /// /// If you want to work with paths for a specific platform regardless of the /// underlying platform that the program is running on, you can create a /// [Context] and give it an explicit [Style]: /// /// var context = new p.Context(style:; /// context.join("directory", "file.txt"); /// /// This will join "directory" and "file.txt" using the Windows path separator, /// even when the program is run on a POSIX machine. import 'src/context.dart'; import 'src/style.dart'; export 'src/context.dart' hide createInternal; export 'src/path_exception.dart'; export 'src/path_map.dart'; export 'src/path_set.dart'; export 'src/style.dart'; /// A default context for manipulating POSIX paths. final Context posix = new Context(style: Style.posix); /// A default context for manipulating Windows paths. final Context windows = new Context(style:; /// A default context for manipulating URLs. /// /// URL path equality is undefined for paths that differ only in their /// percent-encoding or only in the case of their host segment. final Context url = new Context(style: Style.url); /// The system path context. /// /// This differs from a context created with [new Context] in that its /// [Context.current] is always the current working directory, rather than being /// set once when the context is created. final Context context = createInternal(); /// Returns the [Style] of the current context. /// /// This is the style that all top-level path functions will use. Style get style =>; /// Gets the path to the current working directory. /// /// In the browser, this means the current URL, without the last file segment. String get current { var uri = Uri.base; // Converting the base URI to a file path is pretty slow, and the base URI // rarely changes in practice, so we cache the result here. if (uri == _currentUriBase) return _current; _currentUriBase = uri; if (Style.platform == Style.url) { _current = uri.resolve('.').toString(); return _current; } else { var path = uri.toFilePath(); // Remove trailing '/' or '\' unless it is the only thing left // (for instance the root on Linux). var lastIndex = path.length - 1; assert(path[lastIndex] == '/' || path[lastIndex] == '\\'); _current = lastIndex == 0 ? path : path.substring(0, lastIndex); return _current; } } /// The last value returned by [Uri.base]. /// /// This is used to cache the current working directory. Uri _currentUriBase; /// The last known value of the current working directory. /// /// This is cached because [current] is called frequently but rarely actually /// changes. String _current; /// Gets the path separator for the current platform. This is `\` on Windows /// and `/` on other platforms (including the browser). String get separator => context.separator; /// Creates a new path by appending the given path parts to [current]. /// Equivalent to [join()] with [current] as the first argument. Example: /// /// p.absolute('path', 'to/foo'); // -> '/your/current/dir/path/to/foo' String absolute(String part1, [String part2, String part3, String part4, String part5, String part6, String part7]) => context.absolute(part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7); /// Gets the part of [path] after the last separator. /// /// p.basename('path/to/foo.dart'); // -> 'foo.dart' /// p.basename('path/to'); // -> 'to' /// /// Trailing separators are ignored. /// /// p.basename('path/to/'); // -> 'to' String basename(String path) => context.basename(path); /// Gets the part of [path] after the last separator, and without any trailing /// file extension. /// /// p.basenameWithoutExtension('path/to/foo.dart'); // -> 'foo' /// /// Trailing separators are ignored. /// /// p.basenameWithoutExtension('path/to/foo.dart/'); // -> 'foo' String basenameWithoutExtension(String path) => context.basenameWithoutExtension(path); /// Gets the part of [path] before the last separator. /// /// p.dirname('path/to/foo.dart'); // -> 'path/to' /// p.dirname('path/to'); // -> 'path' /// /// Trailing separators are ignored. /// /// p.dirname('path/to/'); // -> 'path' /// /// If an absolute path contains no directories, only a root, then the root /// is returned. /// /// p.dirname('/'); // -> '/' (posix) /// p.dirname('c:\'); // -> 'c:\' (windows) /// /// If a relative path has no directories, then '.' is returned. /// /// p.dirname('foo'); // -> '.' /// p.dirname(''); // -> '.' String dirname(String path) => context.dirname(path); /// Gets the file extension of [path]: the portion of [basename] from the last /// `.` to the end (including the `.` itself). /// /// p.extension('path/to/foo.dart'); // -> '.dart' /// p.extension('path/to/foo'); // -> '' /// p.extension(''); // -> '' /// p.extension('path/to/foo.dart.js'); // -> '.js' /// /// If the file name starts with a `.`, then that is not considered the /// extension: /// /// p.extension('~/.bashrc'); // -> '' /// p.extension('~/.notes.txt'); // -> '.txt' String extension(String path) => context.extension(path); // TODO(nweiz): add a UNC example for Windows once issue 7323 is fixed. /// Returns the root of [path], if it's absolute, or the empty string if it's /// relative. /// /// // Unix /// p.rootPrefix('path/to/foo'); // -> '' /// p.rootPrefix('/path/to/foo'); // -> '/' /// /// // Windows /// p.rootPrefix(r'path\to\foo'); // -> '' /// p.rootPrefix(r'C:\path\to\foo'); // -> r'C:\' /// /// // URL /// p.rootPrefix('path/to/foo'); // -> '' /// p.rootPrefix(''); /// // -> '' String rootPrefix(String path) => context.rootPrefix(path); /// Returns `true` if [path] is an absolute path and `false` if it is a /// relative path. /// /// On POSIX systems, absolute paths start with a `/` (forward slash). On /// Windows, an absolute path starts with `\\`, or a drive letter followed by /// `:/` or `:\`. For URLs, absolute paths either start with a protocol and /// optional hostname (e.g. ``, `file://`) or with a `/`. /// /// URLs that start with `/` are known as "root-relative", since they're /// relative to the root of the current URL. Since root-relative paths are still /// absolute in every other sense, [isAbsolute] will return true for them. They /// can be detected using [isRootRelative]. bool isAbsolute(String path) => context.isAbsolute(path); /// Returns `true` if [path] is a relative path and `false` if it is absolute. /// On POSIX systems, absolute paths start with a `/` (forward slash). On /// Windows, an absolute path starts with `\\`, or a drive letter followed by /// `:/` or `:\`. bool isRelative(String path) => context.isRelative(path); /// Returns `true` if [path] is a root-relative path and `false` if it's not. /// /// URLs that start with `/` are known as "root-relative", since they're /// relative to the root of the current URL. Since root-relative paths are still /// absolute in every other sense, [isAbsolute] will return true for them. They /// can be detected using [isRootRelative]. /// /// No POSIX and Windows paths are root-relative. bool isRootRelative(String path) => context.isRootRelative(path); /// Joins the given path parts into a single path using the current platform's /// [separator]. Example: /// /// p.join('path', 'to', 'foo'); // -> 'path/to/foo' /// /// If any part ends in a path separator, then a redundant separator will not /// be added: /// /// p.join('path/', 'to', 'foo'); // -> 'path/to/foo /// /// If a part is an absolute path, then anything before that will be ignored: /// /// p.join('path', '/to', 'foo'); // -> '/to/foo' String join(String part1, [String part2, String part3, String part4, String part5, String part6, String part7, String part8]) => context.join(part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7, part8); /// Joins the given path parts into a single path using the current platform's /// [separator]. Example: /// /// p.joinAll(['path', 'to', 'foo']); // -> 'path/to/foo' /// /// If any part ends in a path separator, then a redundant separator will not /// be added: /// /// p.joinAll(['path/', 'to', 'foo']); // -> 'path/to/foo /// /// If a part is an absolute path, then anything before that will be ignored: /// /// p.joinAll(['path', '/to', 'foo']); // -> '/to/foo' /// /// For a fixed number of parts, [join] is usually terser. String joinAll(Iterable parts) => context.joinAll(parts); // TODO(nweiz): add a UNC example for Windows once issue 7323 is fixed. /// Splits [path] into its components using the current platform's [separator]. /// /// p.split('path/to/foo'); // -> ['path', 'to', 'foo'] /// /// The path will *not* be normalized before splitting. /// /// p.split('path/../foo'); // -> ['path', '..', 'foo'] /// /// If [path] is absolute, the root directory will be the first element in the /// array. Example: /// /// // Unix /// p.split('/path/to/foo'); // -> ['/', 'path', 'to', 'foo'] /// /// // Windows /// p.split(r'C:\path\to\foo'); // -> [r'C:\', 'path', 'to', 'foo'] /// /// // Browser /// p.split(''); /// // -> ['', 'path', 'to', 'foo'] List split(String path) => context.split(path); /// Canonicalizes [path]. /// /// This is guaranteed to return the same path for two different input paths /// if and only if both input paths point to the same location. Unlike /// [normalize], it returns absolute paths when possible and canonicalizes /// ASCII case on Windows. /// /// Note that this does not resolve symlinks. /// /// If you want a map that uses path keys, it's probably more efficient to /// pass [equals] and [hash] to [new HashMap] than it is to canonicalize every /// key. String canonicalize(String path) => context.canonicalize(path); /// Normalizes [path], simplifying it by handling `..`, and `.`, and /// removing redundant path separators whenever possible. /// /// Note that this is *not* guaranteed to return the same result for two /// equivalent input paths. For that, see [canonicalize]. Or, if you're using /// paths as map keys, pass [equals] and [hash] to [new HashMap]. /// /// p.normalize('path/./to/..//file.text'); // -> 'path/file.txt' String normalize(String path) => context.normalize(path); /// Attempts to convert [path] to an equivalent relative path from the current /// directory. /// /// // Given current directory is /root/path: /// p.relative('/root/path/a/b.dart'); // -> 'a/b.dart' /// p.relative('/root/other.dart'); // -> '../other.dart' /// /// If the [from] argument is passed, [path] is made relative to that instead. /// /// p.relative('/root/path/a/b.dart', from: '/root/path'); // -> 'a/b.dart' /// p.relative('/root/other.dart', from: '/root/path'); /// // -> '../other.dart' /// /// If [path] and/or [from] are relative paths, they are assumed to be relative /// to the current directory. /// /// Since there is no relative path from one drive letter to another on Windows, /// or from one hostname to another for URLs, this will return an absolute path /// in those cases. /// /// // Windows /// p.relative(r'D:\other', from: r'C:\home'); // -> 'D:\other' /// /// // URL /// p.relative('', from: ''); /// // -> '' String relative(String path, {String from}) => context.relative(path, from: from); /// Returns `true` if [child] is a path beneath `parent`, and `false` otherwise. /// /// p.isWithin('/root/path', '/root/path/a'); // -> true /// p.isWithin('/root/path', '/root/other'); // -> false /// p.isWithin('/root/path', '/root/path') // -> false bool isWithin(String parent, String child) => context.isWithin(parent, child); /// Returns `true` if [path1] points to the same location as [path2], and /// `false` otherwise. /// /// The [hash] function returns a hash code that matches these equality /// semantics. bool equals(String path1, String path2) => context.equals(path1, path2); /// Returns a hash code for [path] such that, if [equals] returns `true` for two /// paths, their hash codes are the same. /// /// Note that the same path may have different hash codes on different platforms /// or with different [current] directories. int hash(String path) => context.hash(path); /// Removes a trailing extension from the last part of [path]. /// /// p.withoutExtension('path/to/foo.dart'); // -> 'path/to/foo' String withoutExtension(String path) => context.withoutExtension(path); /// Returns [path] with the trailing extension set to [extension]. /// /// If [path] doesn't have a trailing extension, this just adds [extension] to /// the end. /// /// p.setExtension('path/to/foo.dart', '.js') // -> 'path/to/foo.js' /// p.setExtension('path/to/foo.dart.js', '.map') /// // -> 'path/to/' /// p.setExtension('path/to/foo', '.js') // -> 'path/to/foo.js' String setExtension(String path, String extension) => context.setExtension(path, extension); /// Returns the path represented by [uri], which may be a [String] or a [Uri]. /// /// For POSIX and Windows styles, [uri] must be a `file:` URI. For the URL /// style, this will just convert [uri] to a string. /// /// // POSIX /// p.fromUri('file:///path/to/foo') // -> '/path/to/foo' /// /// // Windows /// p.fromUri('file:///C:/path/to/foo') // -> r'C:\path\to\foo' /// /// // URL /// p.fromUri('') /// // -> '' /// /// If [uri] is relative, a relative path will be returned. /// /// p.fromUri('path/to/foo'); // -> 'path/to/foo' String fromUri(uri) => context.fromUri(uri); /// Returns the URI that represents [path]. /// /// For POSIX and Windows styles, this will return a `file:` URI. For the URL /// style, this will just convert [path] to a [Uri]. /// /// // POSIX /// p.toUri('/path/to/foo') /// // -> Uri.parse('file:///path/to/foo') /// /// // Windows /// p.toUri(r'C:\path\to\foo') /// // -> Uri.parse('file:///C:/path/to/foo') /// /// // URL /// p.toUri('') /// // -> Uri.parse('') /// /// If [path] is relative, a relative URI will be returned. /// /// p.toUri('path/to/foo') // -> Uri.parse('path/to/foo') Uri toUri(String path) => context.toUri(path); /// Returns a terse, human-readable representation of [uri]. /// /// [uri] can be a [String] or a [Uri]. If it can be made relative to the /// current working directory, that's done. Otherwise, it's returned as-is. This /// gracefully handles non-`file:` URIs for [Style.posix] and []. /// /// The returned value is meant for human consumption, and may be either URI- /// or path-formatted. /// /// // POSIX at "/root/path" /// p.prettyUri('file:///root/path/a/b.dart'); // -> 'a/b.dart' /// p.prettyUri(''); // -> '' /// /// // Windows at "C:\root\path" /// p.prettyUri('file:///C:/root/path/a/b.dart'); // -> r'a\b.dart' /// p.prettyUri(''); // -> '' /// /// // URL at "" /// p.prettyUri(''); // -> r'a/b.dart' /// p.prettyUri('file:///root/path'); // -> 'file:///root/path' String prettyUri(uri) => context.prettyUri(uri); NN<?CK#1Q".ONP)P6MI/;/P5/"476;-G@3GQ**0B"4OM>/%, !C)%?E+9;N M8+GJLG693%+8OD%E0,774%,L+1A%"6O/:558H.2:HN.0/6.9&<HJNLMIQP,:OJN:NIQP,2BO9N9N6JO>N>N;;BHP<8<OBH4=8MGK.KO @E:INBF:O2<>OP< PQPDL&/(Q==;OJHIQ*Q--?DHCO I6'D6+OK5>D52<6-,N5 1#43=<>/=JQON!DI%HI2QD1Rfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// Core interfaces containing the abstract `FileSystem` interface definition /// and all associated types used by `FileSystem`. export 'src/forwarding.dart'; export 'src/interface.dart'; NN<N3Tfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /** * Help for working with file format identifiers * such as `text/html` and `image/png`. * * More details, including a list of types, are in the Wikipedia article * [Internet media type]( * For information on installing and importing this library, see the * [mime package on] * ( */ library mime; export 'src/mime_multipart_transformer.dart'; export 'src/mime_shared.dart'; export 'src/mime_type.dart'; NN<1(ILE&,.`file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'src/combinator/combinator.dart'; export 'src/error.dart'; )Tfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the tuple project authors. Please see the AUTHORS // file for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed // by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// # Tuple data structure /// /// - [Tuple2], [Tuple3]... /// /// ## Usage example /// /// ```dart /// const t = const Tuple2('a', 10); /// /// print(t.item1); // prints 'a' /// print(t.item2); // prints '10' /// ``` /// /// ```dart /// const t1 = const Tuple2('a', 10); /// final t2 = t1.withItem1('c'); /// // t2 is a new [Tuple2] object with item1 is 'c' and item2 is 10. /// ``` library tuple; import 'package:quiver/core.dart'; part 'package:tuple/src/tuple.dart'; INA 2"# 3"F#%Xfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the tuple project authors. Please see the AUTHORS // file for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed // by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of tuple; /// Represents a 2-tuple, or pair. class Tuple2 { /// Returns the first item of the tuple final T1 item1; /// Returns the second item of the tuple final T2 item2; /// Creates a new tuple value with the specified items. const Tuple2(this.item1, this.item2); /// Create a new tuple value with the specified list [items]. factory Tuple2.fromList(List items) { if (items.length != 2) { throw new ArgumentError('items must have length 2'); } return new Tuple2(items[0] as T1, items[1] as T2); } /// Returns a tuple with the first item set to the specified value. Tuple2 withItem1(T1 v) { return new Tuple2(v, item2); } /// Returns a tuple with the second item set to the specified value. Tuple2 withItem2(T2 v) { return new Tuple2(item1, v); } /// Creates a [List] containing the items of this [Tuple2]. /// /// The elements are in item order. The list is variable-length /// if [growable] is true. List toList({bool growable: false}) => new List.from([item1, item2], growable: growable); @override String toString() => '[$item1, $item2]'; @override bool operator ==(o) => o is Tuple2 && o.item1 == item1 && o.item2 == item2; @override int get hashCode => hash2(item1.hashCode, item2.hashCode); } /// Represents a 3-tuple, or triple. class Tuple3 { /// Returns the first item of the tuple final T1 item1; /// Returns the second item of the tuple final T2 item2; /// Returns the third item of the tuple final T3 item3; /// Creates a new tuple value with the specified items. const Tuple3(this.item1, this.item2, this.item3); /// Create a new tuple value with the specified list [items]. factory Tuple3.fromList(List items) { if (items.length != 3) { throw new ArgumentError('items must have length 3'); } return new Tuple3( items[0] as T1, items[1] as T2, items[2] as T3); } /// Returns a tuple with the first item set to the specified value. Tuple3 withItem1(T1 v) { return new Tuple3(v, item2, item3); } /// Returns a tuple with the second item set to the specified value. Tuple3 withItem2(T2 v) { return new Tuple3(item1, v, item3); } /// Returns a tuple with the third item set to the specified value. Tuple3 withItem3(T3 v) { return new Tuple3(item1, item2, v); } /// Creates a [List] containing the items of this [Tuple3]. /// /// The elements are in item order. The list is variable-length /// if [growable] is true. List toList({bool growable: false}) => new List.from([item1, item2, item3], growable: growable); @override String toString() => '[$item1, $item2, $item3]'; @override bool operator ==(o) => o is Tuple3 && o.item1 == item1 && o.item2 == item2 && o.item3 == item3; @override int get hashCode => hash3(item1.hashCode, item2.hashCode, item3.hashCode); } /// Represents a 4-tuple, or quadruple. class Tuple4 { /// Returns the first item of the tuple final T1 item1; /// Returns the second item of the tuple final T2 item2; /// Returns the third item of the tuple final T3 item3; /// Returns the fourth item of the tuple final T4 item4; /// Creates a new tuple value with the specified items. const Tuple4(this.item1, this.item2, this.item3, this.item4); /// Create a new tuple value with the specified list [items]. factory Tuple4.fromList(List items) { if (items.length != 4) { throw new ArgumentError('items must have length 4'); } return new Tuple4( items[0] as T1, items[1] as T2, items[2] as T3, items[3] as T4); } /// Returns a tuple with the first item set to the specified value. Tuple4 withItem1(T1 v) { return new Tuple4(v, item2, item3, item4); } /// Returns a tuple with the second item set to the specified value. Tuple4 withItem2(T2 v) { return new Tuple4(item1, v, item3, item4); } /// Returns a tuple with the third item set to the specified value. Tuple4 withItem3(T3 v) { return new Tuple4(item1, item2, v, item4); } /// Returns a tuple with the fourth item set to the specified value. Tuple4 withItem4(T4 v) { return new Tuple4(item1, item2, item3, v); } /// Creates a [List] containing the items of this [Tuple4]. /// /// The elements are in item order. The list is variable-length /// if [growable] is true. List toList({bool growable: false}) => new List.from([item1, item2, item3, item4], growable: growable); @override String toString() => '[$item1, $item2, $item3, $item4]'; @override bool operator ==(o) => o is Tuple4 && o.item1 == item1 && o.item2 == item2 && o.item3 == item3 && o.item4 == item4; @override int get hashCode => hash4(item1.hashCode, item2.hashCode, item3.hashCode, item4.hashCode); } /// Represents a 5-tuple, or quintuple. class Tuple5 { /// Returns the first item of the tuple final T1 item1; /// Returns the second item of the tuple final T2 item2; /// Returns the third item of the tuple final T3 item3; /// Returns the fourth item of the tuple final T4 item4; /// Returns the fifth item of the tuple final T5 item5; /// Creates a new tuple value with the specified items. const Tuple5(this.item1, this.item2, this.item3, this.item4, this.item5); /// Create a new tuple value with the specified list [items]. factory Tuple5.fromList(List items) { if (items.length != 5) { throw new ArgumentError('items must have length 5'); } return new Tuple5(items[0] as T1, items[1] as T2, items[2] as T3, items[3] as T4, items[4] as T5); } /// Returns a tuple with the first item set to the specified value. Tuple5 withItem1(T1 v) { return new Tuple5(v, item2, item3, item4, item5); } /// Returns a tuple with the second item set to the specified value. Tuple5 withItem2(T2 v) { return new Tuple5(item1, v, item3, item4, item5); } /// Returns a tuple with the third item set to the specified value. Tuple5 withItem3(T3 v) { return new Tuple5(item1, item2, v, item4, item5); } /// Returns a tuple with the fourth item set to the specified value. Tuple5 withItem4(T4 v) { return new Tuple5(item1, item2, item3, v, item5); } /// Returns a tuple with the fifth item set to the specified value. Tuple5 withItem5(T5 v) { return new Tuple5(item1, item2, item3, item4, v); } /// Creates a [List] containing the items of this [Tuple5]. /// /// The elements are in item order. The list is variable-length /// if [growable] is true. List toList({bool growable: false}) => new List.from([item1, item2, item3, item4, item5], growable: growable); @override String toString() => '[$item1, $item2, $item3, $item4, $item5]'; @override bool operator ==(o) => o is Tuple5 && o.item1 == item1 && o.item2 == item2 && o.item3 == item3 && o.item4 == item4 && o.item5 == item5; @override int get hashCode => hashObjects([ item1.hashCode, item2.hashCode, item3.hashCode, item4.hashCode, item5.hashCode ]); } /// Represents a 6-tuple, or sextuple. class Tuple6 { /// Returns the first item of the tuple final T1 item1; /// Returns the second item of the tuple final T2 item2; /// Returns the third item of the tuple final T3 item3; /// Returns the fourth item of the tuple final T4 item4; /// Returns the fifth item of the tuple final T5 item5; /// Returns the sixth item of the tuple final T6 item6; /// Creates a new tuple value with the specified items. const Tuple6( this.item1, this.item2, this.item3, this.item4, this.item5, this.item6); /// Create a new tuple value with the specified list [items]. factory Tuple6.fromList(List items) { if (items.length != 6) { throw new ArgumentError('items must have length 6'); } return new Tuple6(items[0] as T1, items[1] as T2, items[2] as T3, items[3] as T4, items[4] as T5, items[5] as T6); } /// Returns a tuple with the first item set to the specified value. Tuple6 withItem1(T1 v) { return new Tuple6( v, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6); } /// Returns a tuple with the second item set to the specified value. Tuple6 withItem2(T2 v) { return new Tuple6( item1, v, item3, item4, item5, item6); } /// Returns a tuple with the third item set to the specified value. Tuple6 withItem3(T3 v) { return new Tuple6( item1, item2, v, item4, item5, item6); } /// Returns a tuple with the fourth item set to the specified value. Tuple6 withItem4(T4 v) { return new Tuple6( item1, item2, item3, v, item5, item6); } /// Returns a tuple with the fifth item set to the specified value. Tuple6 withItem5(T5 v) { return new Tuple6( item1, item2, item3, item4, v, item6); } /// Returns a tuple with the sixth item set to the specified value. Tuple6 withItem6(T6 v) { return new Tuple6( item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, v); } /// Creates a [List] containing the items of this [Tuple5]. /// /// The elements are in item order. The list is variable-length /// if [growable] is true. List toList({bool growable: false}) => new List.from([item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6], growable: growable); @override String toString() => '[$item1, $item2, $item3, $item4, $item5, $item6]'; @override bool operator ==(o) => o is Tuple6 && o.item1 == item1 && o.item2 == item2 && o.item3 == item3 && o.item4 == item4 && o.item5 == item5 && o.item6 == item6; @override int get hashCode => hashObjects([ item1.hashCode, item2.hashCode, item3.hashCode, item4.hashCode, item5.hashCode, item6.hashCode ]); } /// Represents a 7-tuple, or septuple. class Tuple7 { /// Returns the first item of the tuple final T1 item1; /// Returns the second item of the tuple final T2 item2; /// Returns the third item of the tuple final T3 item3; /// Returns the fourth item of the tuple final T4 item4; /// Returns the fifth item of the tuple final T5 item5; /// Returns the sixth item of the tuple final T6 item6; /// Returns the seventh item of the tuple final T7 item7; /// Creates a new tuple value with the specified items. const Tuple7(this.item1, this.item2, this.item3, this.item4, this.item5, this.item6, this.item7); /// Create a new tuple value with the specified list [items]. factory Tuple7.fromList(List items) { if (items.length != 7) { throw new ArgumentError('items must have length 7'); } return new Tuple7( items[0] as T1, items[1] as T2, items[2] as T3, items[3] as T4, items[4] as T5, items[5] as T6, items[6] as T7); } /// Returns a tuple with the first item set to the specified value. Tuple7 withItem1(T1 v) { return new Tuple7( v, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7); } /// Returns a tuple with the second item set to the specified value. Tuple7 withItem2(T2 v) { return new Tuple7( item1, v, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7); } /// Returns a tuple with the third item set to the specified value. Tuple7 withItem3(T3 v) { return new Tuple7( item1, item2, v, item4, item5, item6, item7); } /// Returns a tuple with the fourth item set to the specified value. Tuple7 withItem4(T4 v) { return new Tuple7( item1, item2, item3, v, item5, item6, item7); } /// Returns a tuple with the fifth item set to the specified value. Tuple7 withItem5(T5 v) { return new Tuple7( item1, item2, item3, item4, v, item6, item7); } /// Returns a tuple with the sixth item set to the specified value. Tuple7 withItem6(T6 v) { return new Tuple7( item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, v, item7); } /// Returns a tuple with the seventh item set to the specified value. Tuple7 withItem7(T7 v) { return new Tuple7( item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, v); } /// Creates a [List] containing the items of this [Tuple5]. /// /// The elements are in item order. The list is variable-length /// if [growable] is true. List toList({bool growable: false}) => new List.from([item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7], growable: growable); @override String toString() => '[$item1, $item2, $item3, $item4, $item5, $item6, $item7]'; @override bool operator ==(o) => o is Tuple7 && o.item1 == item1 && o.item2 == item2 && o.item3 == item3 && o.item4 == item4 && o.item5 == item5 && o.item5 == item6 && o.item6 == item7; @override int get hashCode => hashObjects([ item1.hashCode, item2.hashCode, item3.hashCode, item4.hashCode, item5.hashCode, item6.hashCode, item7.hashCode ]); } INA#*+:(@(;?F#)G#)>B)9 + N =%*+*:4@(;#9F'4G'4F'4>B)@ 3 O M(*+*+:@@(;'IF+?G+?F+?G+?>B)G ;  M(#*+*+*:L@(;J9F/JG/JF/JG/JF/J>B)N C  $ ''*+*+**:O@(;NIF3//G3//F3//G3//F3//F3//>B)@ K  $ '+*+*+**,:K@(;3F736G736F736G736F736F736H736>B)G B  $ \file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Exposes the [mergeMap] function, which... merges Maps. library merge_map; _copyValues( Map from, Map to, bool recursive, bool acceptNull) { for (var key in from.keys) { if (from[key] is Map && recursive) { if (!(to[key] is Map)) { to[key] = {} as V; } _copyValues(from[key] as Map, to[key] as Map, recursive, acceptNull); } else { if (from[key] != null || acceptNull) to[key] = from[key]; } } } /// Merges the values of the given maps together. /// /// `recursive` is set to `true` by default. If set to `true`, /// then nested maps will also be merged. Otherwise, nested maps /// will overwrite others. /// /// `acceptNull` is set to `false` by default. If set to `false`, /// then if the value on a map is `null`, it will be ignored, and /// that `null` will not be copied. Map mergeMap(Iterable> maps, {bool recursive: true, bool acceptNull: false}) { Map result = {}; maps.forEach((Map map) { if (map != null) _copyValues(map, result, recursive, acceptNull); }); return result; } $;E/%!L @2?ABB$36!Fefile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:convert' as convert; const ascii = convert.ascii; const base64 = convert.base64; const base64Url = convert.base64Url; const htmlEscape = convert.htmlEscape; abstract class HtmlEscapeMode { static const unknown = convert.HtmlEscapeMode.unknown; static const attribute = convert.HtmlEscapeMode.attribute; static const sqAttribute = convert.HtmlEscapeMode.sqAttribute; static const element = convert.HtmlEscapeMode.element; } const json = convert.json; const latin1 = convert.latin1; const unicodeReplacementCharacterRune = convert.unicodeReplacementCharacterRune; const unicodeBomCharacterRune = convert.unicodeBomCharacterRune; const utf8 = convert.utf8; NN<"%' 9=A9QAlfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'router.dart'; /// A chain of arbitrary handlers obtained by routing a path. class MiddlewarePipeline { /// All the possible routes that matched the given path. final Iterable> routingResults; List _handlers; /// An ordered list of every handler delegated to handle this request. List get handlers { if (_handlers != null) return _handlers; final handlers = []; for (var result in routingResults) { handlers.addAll(result.allHandlers); } return _handlers = handlers; } MiddlewarePipeline(Iterable> routingResults) : this.routingResults = routingResults.toList(); } >;3I-)+!@7_file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/!library angel_route.src.router; import 'package:combinator/combinator.dart'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import 'package:string_scanner/string_scanner.dart'; import '../string_util.dart'; import 'routing_exception.dart'; part 'grammar.dart'; part 'route.dart'; part 'routing_result.dart'; part 'symlink_route.dart'; //final RegExp _param = new RegExp(r':([A-Za-z0-9_]+)(\((.+)\))?'); //final RegExp _rgxEnd = new RegExp(r'\$+$'); //final RegExp _rgxStart = new RegExp(r'^\^+'); //final RegExp _rgxStraySlashes = // new RegExp(r'(^((\\+/)|(/))+)|(((\\+/)|(/))+$)'); //final RegExp _slashDollar = new RegExp(r'/+\$'); final RegExp _straySlashes = new RegExp(r'(^/+)|(/+$)'); /// An abstraction over complex [Route] trees. Use this instead of the raw API. :) class Router { final Map>> _cache = {}; //final List<_ChainedRouter> _chained = []; final List _middleware = []; final Map> _mounted = {}; final List> _routes = []; bool _useCache = false; List get middleware => new List.unmodifiable(_middleware); Map get mounted => new Map.unmodifiable(_mounted); List> get routes { return _routes.fold>>([], (out, route) { if (route is SymlinkRoute) { var childRoutes = route.router.routes.fold>>([], (out, r) { return out ..add( route.path.isEmpty ? r : new Route.join(route, r), ); }); return out..addAll(childRoutes); } else { return out..add(route); } }); } /// Provide a `root` to make this Router revolve around a pre-defined route. /// Not recommended. Router(); /// Enables the use of a cache to eliminate the overhead of consecutive resolutions of the same path. void enableCache() { _useCache = true; } /// Adds a route that responds to the given path /// for requests with the given method (case-insensitive). /// Provide '*' as the method to respond to all methods. Route addRoute(String method, String path, T handler, {Iterable middleware: const []}) { if (_useCache == true) throw new StateError('Cannot add routes after caching is enabled.'); // Check if any mounted routers can match this final handlers = [handler]; if (middleware != null) handlers.insertAll(0, middleware); final route = new Route(path, method: method, handlers: handlers); _routes.add(route); return route; } /// Prepends the given [middleware] to any routes created /// by the resulting router. /// /// The resulting router can be chained, too. _ChainedRouter chain(Iterable middleware) { var piped = new _ChainedRouter(this, middleware); var route = new SymlinkRoute('/', piped); _routes.add(route); return piped; } /// Returns a [Router] with a duplicated version of this tree. Router clone() { final router = new Router(); final newMounted = new Map>.from(mounted); for (var route in routes) { if (route is! SymlinkRoute) { router._routes.add(route.clone()); } else if (route is SymlinkRoute) { final newRouter = route.router.clone(); newMounted[route.path] = newRouter; final symlink = new SymlinkRoute(route.path, newRouter); router._routes.add(symlink); } } return router.._mounted.addAll(newMounted); } /// Creates a visual representation of the route hierarchy and /// passes it to a callback. If none is provided, `print` is called. void dumpTree( {callback(String tree), String header: 'Dumping route tree:', String tab: ' '}) { final buf = new StringBuffer(); int tabs = 0; if (header != null && header.isNotEmpty) { buf.writeln(header); } buf.writeln(''); indent() { for (int i = 0; i < tabs; i++) buf.write(tab); } dumpRouter(Router router) { indent(); tabs++; for (Route route in router.routes) { indent(); buf.write('- '); if (route is! SymlinkRoute) buf.write('${route.method} '); buf.write('${route.path.isNotEmpty ? route.path : '/'}'); if (route is SymlinkRoute) { buf.writeln(); dumpRouter(route.router); } else { buf.writeln(' => ${route.handlers.length} handler(s)'); } } tabs--; } dumpRouter(this); (callback ?? print)(buf.toString()); } /// Creates a route, and allows you to add child routes to it /// via a [Router] instance. /// /// Returns the created route. /// You can also register middleware within the router. SymlinkRoute group(String path, void callback(Router router), {Iterable middleware: const [], String name: null}) { final router = new Router().._middleware.addAll(middleware); callback(router); return mount(path, router) = name; } /// Generates a URI string based on the given input. /// Handy when you have named routes. /// /// Each item in `linkParams` should be a [Route], /// `String` or `Map`. /// /// Strings should be route names, namespaces, or paths. /// Maps should be parameters, which will be filled /// into the previous route. /// /// Paths and segments should correspond to the way /// you declared them. /// /// For example, if you declared a route group on /// `'users/:id'`, it would not be resolved if you /// passed `'users'` in [linkParams]. /// /// Leading and trailing slashes are automatically /// removed. /// /// Set [absolute] to `true` to insert a forward slash /// before the generated path. /// /// Example: /// ```dart /// router.navigate(['users/:id', {'id': '1337'}, 'profile']); /// ``` String navigate(Iterable linkParams, {bool absolute: true}) { final List segments = []; Router search = this; Route lastRoute; for (final param in linkParams) { bool resolved = false; if (param is String) { // Search by name for (Route route in search.routes) { if ( == param) { segments.add(route.path.replaceAll(_straySlashes, '')); lastRoute = route; if (route is SymlinkRoute) { search = route.router; } resolved = true; break; } } // Search by path if (!resolved) { var scanner = new SpanScanner(param.replaceAll(_straySlashes, '')); for (Route route in search.routes) { int pos = scanner.position; if (route.parser.parse(scanner).successful && scanner.isDone) { segments.add(route.path.replaceAll(_straySlashes, '')); lastRoute = route; if (route is SymlinkRoute) { search = route.router; } resolved = true; break; } else scanner.position = pos; } } if (!resolved) { throw new RoutingException( 'Cannot resolve route for link param "$param".'); } } else if (param is Route) { segments.add(param.path.replaceAll(_straySlashes, '')); } else if (param is Map) { if (lastRoute == null) { throw new RoutingException( 'Maps in link params must be preceded by a Route or String.'); } else { segments.removeLast(); segments.add(lastRoute.makeUri(param).replaceAll(_straySlashes, '')); } } else throw new RoutingException( 'Link param $param is not Route, String, or Map.'); } return absolute ? '/${segments.join('/').replaceAll(_straySlashes, '')}' : segments.join('/'); } /// Finds the first [Route] that matches the given path, /// with the given method. bool resolve(String absolute, String relative, List> out, {String method: 'GET', bool strip: true}) { final cleanRelative = strip == false ? relative : stripStraySlashes(relative); var scanner = new SpanScanner(cleanRelative); bool crawl(Router r) { bool success = false; for (var route in r.routes) { int pos = scanner.position; if (route is SymlinkRoute) { if (route.parser.parse(scanner).successful) { var s = crawl(route.router); if (s) success = true; } scanner.position = pos; } else if (route.method == '*' || route.method == method) { var parseResult = route.parser.parse(scanner); if (parseResult.successful && scanner.isDone) { var result = new RoutingResult( parseResult: parseResult, params: parseResult.value, shallowRoute: route, shallowRouter: this); out.add(result); success = true; } scanner.position = pos; } } return success; } return crawl(this); } /// Returns the result of [resolve] with [path] passed as /// both `absolute` and `relative`. Iterable> resolveAbsolute(String path, {String method: 'GET', bool strip: true}) => resolveAll(path, path, method: method, strip: strip); /// Finds every possible [Route] that matches the given path, /// with the given method. Iterable> resolveAll(String absolute, String relative, {String method: 'GET', bool strip: true}) { if (_useCache == true) { return _cache.putIfAbsent('$method$absolute', () => _resolveAll(absolute, relative, method: method, strip: strip)); } return _resolveAll(absolute, relative, method: method, strip: strip); } Iterable> _resolveAll(String absolute, String relative, {String method: 'GET', bool strip: true}) { var results = >[]; resolve(absolute, relative, results, method: method, strip: strip); // _printDebug( // 'Results of $method "/${absolute.replaceAll(_straySlashes, '')}": ${ => r.route).toList()}'); return results; } /// Incorporates another [Router]'s routes into this one's. SymlinkRoute mount(String path, Router router) { final route = new SymlinkRoute(path, router); _mounted[route.path] = router; _routes.add(route); //route._head = new RegExp(route.matcher.pattern.replaceAll(_rgxEnd, '')); return route; } /// Adds a route that responds to any request matching the given path. Route all(String path, T handler, {Iterable middleware}) { return addRoute('*', path, handler, middleware: middleware); } /// Adds a route that responds to a DELETE request. Route delete(String path, T handler, {Iterable middleware}) { return addRoute('DELETE', path, handler, middleware: middleware); } /// Adds a route that responds to a GET request. Route get(String path, T handler, {Iterable middleware}) { return addRoute('GET', path, handler, middleware: middleware); } /// Adds a route that responds to a HEAD request. Route head(String path, T handler, {Iterable middleware}) { return addRoute('HEAD', path, handler, middleware: middleware); } /// Adds a route that responds to a OPTIONS request. Route options(String path, T handler, {Iterable middleware}) { return addRoute('OPTIONS', path, handler, middleware: middleware); } /// Adds a route that responds to a POST request. Route post(String path, T handler, {Iterable middleware}) { return addRoute('POST', path, handler, middleware: middleware); } /// Adds a route that responds to a PATCH request. Route patch(String path, T handler, {Iterable middleware}) { return addRoute('PATCH', path, handler, middleware: middleware); } /// Adds a route that responds to a PUT request. Route put(String path, T handler, {Iterable middleware}) { return addRoute('PUT', path, handler, middleware: middleware); } } class _ChainedRouter extends Router { final List _handlers = []; Router _root; _ChainedRouter.empty(); _ChainedRouter(Router root, Iterable middleware) { this._root = root; _handlers.addAll(middleware); } @override Route addRoute(String method, String path, handler, {Iterable middleware: const []}) { var route = super.addRoute(method, path, handler, middleware: []..addAll(_handlers)..addAll(middleware ?? [])); //_root._routes.add(route); return route; } SymlinkRoute group(String path, void callback(Router router), {Iterable middleware: const [], String name: null}) { final router = new _ChainedRouter(_root, []..addAll(_handlers)..addAll(middleware)); callback(router); return mount(path, router) = name; } @override SymlinkRoute mount(String path, Router router) { final route = super.mount(path, router); route.router._middleware.insertAll(0, _handlers); //_root._routes.add(route); return route; } @override _ChainedRouter chain(Iterable middleware) { final piped = new _ChainedRouter.empty().._root = _root; piped._handlers.addAll([]..addAll(_handlers)..addAll(middleware)); var route = new SymlinkRoute('/', piped); _routes.add(route); return piped; } } /// Optimizes a router by condensing all its routes into one level. Router flatten(Router router) { var flattened = new Router(); for (var route in router.routes) { if (route is SymlinkRoute) { var base = route.path.replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''); var child = flatten(route.router); for (var route in child.routes) { var path = route.path.replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''); var joined = '$base/$path'.replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''); flattened.addRoute(route.method, joined.replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''), route.handlers.last, middleware: route.handlers.take(route.handlers.length - 1).toList()); } } else { flattened.addRoute(route.method, route.path, route.handlers.last, middleware: route.handlers.take(route.handlers.length - 1).toList()); } } return flattened..enableCache(); } -!5!D.0"839S=."/%C&7;&DA ) O h3=;;,K3#?J<0491A$B '+-0,D%0AG,$/5 +CB($B )@!:C?D-7(5*;6645(59!A @&&-%D,% N/(LF!.'& &@ #@2!&M!P $QA;M2A2$$(8)# "D9:/*+%& " <&:7<@J24PJK2(Hw>95#OICA6FF3CC4DD7GG4DD5EE3@C,#8" 9,6F F?Q- 9-6  4@G1D)#%$;)(=BO!J HP#`file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ of angel_route.src.router; class RouteGrammar { static final RegExp rgx = new RegExp(r'\((.+)\)'); static final Parser notSlash = match(new RegExp(r'[^/]+')).value((r) => r.span.text); static final Parser regExp = match(new RegExp(r'\((.+)\)')) .value((r) => new RegExp(r.scanner.lastMatch[1])); static final Parser parameterName = match(new RegExp(r':([A-Za-z0-9_]+)')) .value((r) => r.span.text.substring(1)); static final Parser parameterSegment = chain([ parameterName, match('?').value((r) => true).opt(), regExp.opt(), ]).map((r) { var s = new ParameterSegment(r.value[0] as String, r.value[2] as RegExp); return r.value[1] == true ? new OptionalSegment(s) : s; }); static final Parser parsedParameterSegment = chain([ match(new RegExp(r'(int|num|double)'), errorMessage: 'Expected "int","double", or "num".') .map((r) => r.span.text), parameterSegment, ]).map((r) { return new ParsedParameterSegment( r.value[0] as String, r.value[1] as ParameterSegment); }); static final Parser wildcardSegment = match('*').value((r) => new WildcardSegment()); static final Parser constantSegment = => new ConstantSegment(r.value)); static final Parser routeSegment = any([ parsedParameterSegment, parameterSegment, wildcardSegment, constantSegment ]); static final Parser routeDefinition = routeSegment .separatedBy(match('/')) .map((r) => new RouteDefinition(r.value ?? [])) .surroundedBy(match('/').star().opt()); } class RouteDefinition { final List segments; RouteDefinition(this.segments); Parser> compile() { Parser> out; for (int i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) { var s = segments[i]; bool isLast = i == segments.length - 1; if (out == null) out = s.compile(isLast); else out = s.compileNext( out.then(match('/')).index(0).cast>(), isLast); } return out; } } abstract class RouteSegment { Parser> compile(bool isLast); Parser> compileNext( Parser> p, bool isLast); } class ConstantSegment extends RouteSegment { final String text; ConstantSegment(this.text); @override String toString() { return 'Constant: $text'; } @override Parser> compile(bool isLast) { return match>(text).value((r) => {}); } @override Parser> compileNext( Parser> p, bool isLast) { return p.then(compile(isLast)).index(0).cast>(); } } class WildcardSegment extends RouteSegment { @override String toString() { return 'Wildcard segment'; } Parser> _compile(bool isLast) { if (isLast) return match(new RegExp(r'.*')); return match(new RegExp(r'[^/]*')); } @override Parser> compile(bool isLast) { return _compile(isLast).map((r) => {}); } @override Parser> compileNext( Parser> p, bool isLast) { return p.then(_compile(isLast)).index(0).cast>(); } } class OptionalSegment extends ParameterSegment { final ParameterSegment parameter; OptionalSegment(this.parameter) : super(, parameter.regExp); @override String toString() { return 'Optional: $parameter'; } @override Parser> compile(bool isLast) { return super.compile(isLast).opt(); } @override Parser> compileNext( Parser> p, bool isLast) { return p.then(_compile().opt()).map((r) { if (r.value[1] == null) return r.value[0] as Map; return (r.value[0] as Map) ..addAll({name: Uri.decodeComponent(r.value[1] as String)}); }); } } class ParameterSegment extends RouteSegment { final String name; final RegExp regExp; ParameterSegment(, this.regExp); @override String toString() { if (regExp != null) return 'Param: $name (${regExp.pattern})'; return 'Param: $name'; } Parser _compile() { return regExp != null ? match(regExp).value((r) => r.span.text) : RouteGrammar.notSlash; } @override Parser> compile(bool isLast) { return _compile().map>( (r) => {name: Uri.decodeComponent(r.span.text)}); } @override Parser> compileNext( Parser> p, bool isLast) { return p.then(_compile()).map((r) { return (r.value[0] as Map) ..addAll({name: Uri.decodeComponent(r.value[1] as String)}); }); } } class ParsedParameterSegment extends RouteSegment { final String type; final ParameterSegment parameter; ParsedParameterSegment(this.type, this.parameter); num getValue(String s) { switch (type) { case 'int': return int.parse(s); case 'double': return double.parse(s); default: return num.parse(s); } } @override Parser> compile(bool isLast) { return parameter._compile().map( (r) => { getValue(Uri.decodeComponent(r.span.text))}); } @override Parser> compileNext( Parser> p, bool isLast) { return p.then(parameter._compile()).map((r) { return (r.value[0] as Map) ..addAll({ getValue(Uri.decodeComponent(r.value[1] as String)) }); }); } } 5)EN9.53C/N<O+@"'?9G9JGFG.%"+&0.! Q5,4-  6P ,5J- 71( 6, ,5K1$M # 6( ,5.I2E., C:! 61: ,5(2E4$5  6%N ,522N ^file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ of angel_route.src.router; /// Represents a virtual location within an application. class Route { final String method; final String path; final List handlers; final Map> _cache = {}; final RouteDefinition _routeDefinition; String name; Parser> _parser; Route(this.path, {@required this.method, @required this.handlers}) : _routeDefinition = RouteGrammar.routeDefinition .parse(new SpanScanner(path.replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''))) .value { if (_routeDefinition?.segments?.isNotEmpty != true) _parser = match>('').value((r) => {}); } factory Route.join(Route a, Route b) { var start = a.path.replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''); var end = b.path.replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''); return new Route('$start/$end'.replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''), method: b.method, handlers: b.handlers); } Parser> get parser => _parser ??= _routeDefinition.compile(); @override String toString() { return '$method $path => $handlers'; } Route clone() { return new Route(path, method: method, handlers: handlers) .._cache.addAll(_cache); } String makeUri(Map params) { var b = new StringBuffer(); int i = 0; for (var seg in _routeDefinition.segments) { if (i++ > 0) b.write('/'); if (seg is ConstantSegment) b.write(seg.text); else if (seg is ParameterSegment) { if (!params.containsKey( throw new ArgumentError('Missing parameter "${}".'); b.write(params[]); } } return b.toString(); } } = 97*(E8H8M/64B1-. )B0 1!"*+G#gfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ of angel_route.src.router; /// Represents a complex result of navigating to a path. class RoutingResult { /// The parse result that matched the given sub-path. final ParseResult> parseResult; /// A nested instance, if a sub-path was matched. final Iterable> nested; /// All route params matching this route on the current sub-path. final Map params = {}; /// The [Route] that answered this sub-path. /// /// This is mostly for internal use, and useless in production. final Route shallowRoute; /// The [Router] that answered this sub-path. /// /// Only really for internal use. final Router shallowRouter; /// The remainder of the full path that was not matched, and was passed to [nested] routes. final String tail; /// The [RoutingResult] that matched the most specific sub-path. RoutingResult get deepest { var search = this; while (search?.nested?.isNotEmpty == true) search = search.nested.first; return search; } /// The most specific route. Route get route => deepest.shallowRoute; /// The most specific router. Router get router => deepest.shallowRouter; /// The handlers at this sub-path. List get handlers { return [] ..addAll(shallowRouter.middleware) ..addAll(shallowRoute.handlers); } /// All handlers on this sub-path and its children. List get allHandlers { final handlers = []; void crawl(RoutingResult result) { handlers.addAll(result.handlers); if (result.nested?.isNotEmpty == true) { for (var r in result.nested) crawl(r); } } crawl(this); return handlers; } /// All parameters on this sub-path and its children. Map get allParams { final Map params = {}; void crawl(RoutingResult result) { params.addAll(result.params); if (result.nested?.isNotEmpty == true) { for (var r in result.nested) crawl(r); } } crawl(this); return params; } RoutingResult( {this.parseResult, Map params: const {}, this.nested, this.shallowRoute, this.shallowRouter, this.tail}) { this.params.addAll(params ?? {}); } } ] 9874+D*/B0$!^C!M. 1%)'6*(//8','$//-&ffile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ of angel_route.src.router; /// Placeholder [Route] to serve as a symbolic link /// to a mounted [Router]. class SymlinkRoute extends Route { final Router router; SymlinkRoute(String path, this.router) : super(path, method: null, handlers: null); } 4))3jfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Represents an error in route configuration or navigation. abstract class RoutingException extends Exception { factory RoutingException(String message) => new _RoutingExceptionImpl(message); /// Occurs when trying to resolve the parent of a [Route] without a parent. factory RoutingException.orphan() => new _RoutingExceptionImpl( "Tried to resolve path '..' on a route that has no parent."); /// Occurs when the user attempts to navigate to a non-existent route. factory RoutingException.noSuchRoute(String path) => new _RoutingExceptionImpl( "Tried to navigate to non-existent route: '$path'."); } class _RoutingExceptionImpl implements RoutingException { final String message; _RoutingExceptionImpl(this.message); @override String toString() => message; } >4.*NBDI7!@:' jfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ import 'file_upload_info.dart'; /// A representation of data from an incoming request. abstract class BodyParseResult { /// The parsed body. Map get body; /// The parsed query string. Map get query; /// All files uploaded within this request. List get files; /// The original body bytes sent with this request. /// /// You must set [storeOriginalBuffer] to `true` to see this. List get originalBuffer; /// If an error was encountered while parsing the body, it will appear here. /// /// Otherwise, this is `null`. dynamic get error; /// If an error was encountered while parsing the body, the call stack will appear here. /// /// Otherwise, this is `null`. StackTrace get stack; }  7!!"."6@ O![!ifile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Represents a file uploaded to the server. class FileUploadInfo { /// The MIME type of the uploaded file. String mimeType; /// The name of the file field from the request. String name; /// The filename of the file. String filename; /// The bytes that make up this file. List data; FileUploadInfo( {this.mimeType,, this.filename, const []}) {} } .*3 (Icfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:dart2_constant/convert.dart'; import 'package:http_parser/http_parser.dart'; import 'package:http_server/http_server.dart'; import 'package:mime/mime.dart'; import 'body_parse_result.dart'; import 'file_upload_info.dart'; import 'map_from_uri.dart'; /// Forwards to [parseBodyFromStream]. @deprecated Future parseBody(HttpRequest request, {bool storeOriginalBuffer: false}) { return parseBodyFromStream( request, request.headers.contentType != null ? new MediaType.parse(request.headers.contentType.toString()) : null, request.uri, storeOriginalBuffer: storeOriginalBuffer); } /// Grabs data from an incoming request. /// /// Supports URL-encoded and JSON, as well as multipart/* forms. /// On a file upload request, only fields with the name **'file'** are processed /// as files. Anything else is put in the body. You can change the upload file name /// via the *fileUploadName* parameter. :) /// /// Use [storeOriginalBuffer] to add the original request bytes to the result. Future parseBodyFromStream( Stream> data, MediaType contentType, Uri requestUri, {bool storeOriginalBuffer: false}) async { var result = new _BodyParseResultImpl(); Future> getBytes() { return data .fold(new BytesBuilder(copy: false), (a, b) => a..add(b)) .then((b) => b.takeBytes()); } Future getBody() { if (storeOriginalBuffer) { return getBytes().then((bytes) { result.originalBuffer = bytes; return utf8.decode(bytes); }); } else return data.transform(utf8.decoder).join(); } try { if (contentType != null) { if (contentType.type == 'multipart' && contentType.parameters.containsKey('boundary')) { Stream> stream; if (storeOriginalBuffer) { var bytes = result.originalBuffer = await getBytes(); var ctrl = new StreamController>() ..add(bytes) ..close(); stream =; } else { stream = data; } var parts = stream .transform(new MimeMultipartTransformer( contentType.parameters['boundary'])) .map((part) => HttpMultipartFormData.parse(part, defaultEncoding: utf8)); await for (HttpMultipartFormData part in parts) { if (part.isBinary || part.contentDisposition.parameters.containsKey("filename")) { BytesBuilder builder = await part.fold( new BytesBuilder(copy: false), (BytesBuilder b, d) => b ..add(d is! String ? (d as List) : (d as String).codeUnits)); var upload = new FileUploadInfo( mimeType: part.contentType.mimeType, name: part.contentDisposition.parameters['name'], filename: part.contentDisposition.parameters['filename'] ?? 'file', data: builder.takeBytes()); result.files.add(upload); } else if (part.isText) { var text = await part.join(); buildMapFromUri(result.body, '${part.contentDisposition.parameters["name"]}=$text'); } } } else if (contentType.mimeType == 'application/json') { result.body .addAll(_foldToStringDynamic(json.decode(await getBody()) as Map)); } else if (contentType.mimeType == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') { String body = await getBody(); buildMapFromUri(result.body, body); } else if (storeOriginalBuffer == true) { result.originalBuffer = await getBytes(); } } else { if (requestUri.hasQuery) { buildMapFromUri(result.query, requestUri.query); } if (storeOriginalBuffer == true) { result.originalBuffer = await getBytes(); } } } catch (e, st) { result.error = e; result.stack = st; } return result; } class _BodyParseResultImpl implements BodyParseResult { @override Map body = {}; @override List files = []; @override List originalBuffer; @override Map query = {}; @override var error = null; @override StackTrace stack = null; } Map _foldToStringDynamic(Map map) { return map == null ? null : map.keys.fold>( {}, (out, k) => out..[k.toString()] = map[k]); } .//!! ' 7)*H1)AQT+P-C/+!P%''# 2-<"#@7  55K:L4/)%)3-5BN,&$*)H ?PP',02 !9)28 " #  #  5 -J`file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /** * Stack trace generation and parsing. * * ## Installing ## * * Use [pub][] to install this package. Add the following to your `pubspec.yaml` * file. * * dependencies: * stack_trace: any * * Then run `pub install`. * * For more information, see the * [stack_trace package on][pkg]. * * [pub]: * [pkg]: */ export 'src/chain.dart'; export 'src/frame.dart'; export 'src/trace.dart'; export 'src/unparsed_frame.dart'; NN<'Q !3"7"\file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:collection'; import 'allow_anything_parser.dart'; import 'arg_results.dart'; import 'option.dart'; import 'parser.dart'; import 'usage.dart'; /// A class for taking a list of raw command line arguments and parsing out /// options and flags from them. class ArgParser { final Map _options; final Map _commands; /// The options that have been defined for this parser. final Map options; /// The commands that have been defined for this parser. final Map commands; /// A list of the [Option]s in [options] intermingled with [String] /// separators. final _optionsAndSeparators = []; /// Whether or not this parser parses options that appear after non-option /// arguments. final bool allowTrailingOptions; /// An optional maximum line length for [usage] messages. /// /// If specified, then help messages in the usage are wrapped at the given /// column, after taking into account the width of the options. Will refuse to /// wrap help text to less than 10 characters of help text per line if there /// isn't enough space on the line. It preserves embedded newlines, and /// attempts to wrap at whitespace breaks (although it will split words if /// there is no whitespace at which to split). /// /// If null (the default), help messages are not wrapped. final int usageLineLength; /// Whether or not this parser treats unrecognized options as non-option /// arguments. bool get allowsAnything => false; /// Creates a new ArgParser. /// /// If [allowTrailingOptions] is `true` (the default), the parser will parse /// flags and options that appear after positional arguments. If it's `false`, /// the parser stops parsing as soon as it finds an argument that is neither /// an option nor a command. factory ArgParser({bool allowTrailingOptions: true, int usageLineLength}) => new ArgParser._({}, {}, allowTrailingOptions: allowTrailingOptions, usageLineLength: usageLineLength); /// Creates a new ArgParser that treats *all input* as non-option arguments. /// /// This is intended to allow arguments to be passed through to child /// processes without needing to be redefined in the parent. /// /// Options may not be defined for this parser. factory ArgParser.allowAnything() = AllowAnythingParser; ArgParser._(Map options, Map commands, {bool allowTrailingOptions: true, this.usageLineLength}) : this._options = options, this.options = new UnmodifiableMapView(options), this._commands = commands, this.commands = new UnmodifiableMapView(commands), this.allowTrailingOptions = allowTrailingOptions != null ? allowTrailingOptions : false; /// Defines a command. /// /// A command is a named argument which may in turn define its own options and /// subcommands using the given parser. If [parser] is omitted, implicitly /// creates a new one. Returns the parser for the command. ArgParser addCommand(String name, [ArgParser parser]) { // Make sure the name isn't in use. if (_commands.containsKey(name)) { throw new ArgumentError('Duplicate command "$name".'); } if (parser == null) parser = new ArgParser(); _commands[name] = parser; return parser; } /// Defines a boolean flag. /// /// This adds an [Option] with the given properties to [options]. /// /// The [abbr] argument is a single-character string that can be used as a /// shorthand for this flag. For example, `abbr: "a"` will allow the user to /// pass `-a` to enable the flag. /// /// The [help] argument is used by [usage] to describe this flag. /// /// The [defaultsTo] argument indicates the value this flag will have if the /// user doesn't explicitly pass it in. /// /// The [negatable] argument indicates whether this flag's value can be set to /// `false`. For example, if [name] is `flag`, the user can pass `--no-flag` /// to set its value to `false`. /// /// The [callback] argument is invoked with the flag's value when the flag /// is parsed. Note that this makes argument parsing order-dependent in ways /// that are often surprising, and its use is discouraged in favor of reading /// values from the [ArgResult]. /// /// If [hide] is `true`, this option won't be included in [usage]. /// /// Throws an [ArgumentError] if: /// /// * There is already an option named [name]. /// * There is already an option using abbreviation [abbr]. void addFlag(String name, {String abbr, String help, bool defaultsTo: false, bool negatable: true, void callback(bool value), bool hide: false}) { _addOption( name, abbr, help, null, null, null, defaultsTo, callback == null ? null : (value) => callback(value as bool), OptionType.flag, negatable: negatable, hide: hide); } /// Defines an option that takes a value. /// /// This adds an [Option] with the given properties to [options]. /// /// The [abbr] argument is a single-character string that can be used as a /// shorthand for this option. For example, `abbr: "a"` will allow the user to /// pass `-a value` or `-avalue`. /// /// The [help] argument is used by [usage] to describe this option. /// /// The [valueHelp] argument is used by [usage] as a name for the value this /// option takes. For example, `valueHelp: "FOO"` will include /// `--option=` rather than just `--option` in the usage string. /// /// The [allowed] argument is a list of valid values for this option. If /// it's non-`null` and the user passes a value that's not included in the /// list, [parse] will throw a [FormatException]. The allowed values will also /// be included in [usage]. /// /// The [allowedHelp] argument is a map from values in [allowed] to /// documentation for those values that will be included in [usage]. /// /// The [defaultsTo] argument indicates the value this option will have if the /// user doesn't explicitly pass it in (or `null` by default). /// /// The [callback] argument is invoked with the option's value when the option /// is parsed. Note that this makes argument parsing order-dependent in ways /// that are often surprising, and its use is discouraged in favor of reading /// values from the [ArgResult]. /// /// The [allowMultiple] and [splitCommas] options are deprecated; the /// [addMultiOption] method should be used instead. /// /// If [hide] is `true`, this option won't be included in [usage]. /// /// Throws an [ArgumentError] if: /// /// * There is already an option with name [name]. /// * There is already an option using abbreviation [abbr]. /// * [splitCommas] is passed but [allowMultiple] is `false`. void addOption(String name, {String abbr, String help, String valueHelp, Iterable allowed, Map allowedHelp, String defaultsTo, Function callback, @Deprecated("Use addMultiOption() instead.") bool allowMultiple: false, @Deprecated("Use addMultiOption() instead.") bool splitCommas, bool hide: false}) { if (!allowMultiple && splitCommas != null) { throw new ArgumentError( 'splitCommas may not be set if allowMultiple is false.'); } _addOption( name, abbr, help, valueHelp, allowed, allowedHelp, allowMultiple ? (defaultsTo == null ? [] : [defaultsTo]) : defaultsTo, callback, allowMultiple ? OptionType.multiple : OptionType.single, splitCommas: splitCommas, hide: hide); } /// Defines an option that takes multiple values. /// /// The [abbr] argument is a single-character string that can be used as a /// shorthand for this option. For example, `abbr: "a"` will allow the user to /// pass `-a value` or `-avalue`. /// /// The [help] argument is used by [usage] to describe this option. /// /// The [valueHelp] argument is used by [usage] as a name for the value this /// argument takes. For example, `valueHelp: "FOO"` will include /// `--option=` rather than just `--option` in the usage string. /// /// The [allowed] argument is a list of valid values for this argument. If /// it's non-`null` and the user passes a value that's not included in the /// list, [parse] will throw a [FormatException]. The allowed values will also /// be included in [usage]. /// /// The [allowedHelp] argument is a map from values in [allowed] to /// documentation for those values that will be included in [usage]. /// /// The [defaultsTo] argument indicates the values this option will have if /// the user doesn't explicitly pass it in (or `[]` by default). /// /// The [callback] argument is invoked with the option's value when the option /// is parsed. Note that this makes argument parsing order-dependent in ways /// that are often surprising, and its use is discouraged in favor of reading /// values from the [ArgResult]. /// /// If [splitCommas] is `true` (the default), multiple options may be passed /// by writing `--option a,b` in addition to `--option a --option b`. /// /// If [hide] is `true`, this option won't be included in [usage]. /// /// Throws an [ArgumentError] if: /// /// * There is already an option with name [name]. /// * There is already an option using abbreviation [abbr]. void addMultiOption(String name, {String abbr, String help, String valueHelp, Iterable allowed, Map allowedHelp, Iterable defaultsTo, void callback(List values), bool splitCommas: true, bool hide: false}) { _addOption( name, abbr, help, valueHelp, allowed, allowedHelp, defaultsTo?.toList() ?? [], callback == null ? null : (value) => callback(value as List), OptionType.multiple, splitCommas: splitCommas, hide: hide); } void _addOption( String name, String abbr, String help, String valueHelp, Iterable allowed, Map allowedHelp, defaultsTo, Function callback, OptionType type, {bool negatable: false, bool splitCommas, bool hide: false}) { // Make sure the name isn't in use. if (_options.containsKey(name)) { throw new ArgumentError('Duplicate option "$name".'); } // Make sure the abbreviation isn't too long or in use. if (abbr != null) { var existing = findByAbbreviation(abbr); if (existing != null) { throw new ArgumentError( 'Abbreviation "$abbr" is already used by "${}".'); } } var option = newOption(name, abbr, help, valueHelp, allowed, allowedHelp, defaultsTo, callback, type, negatable: negatable, splitCommas: splitCommas, hide: hide); _options[name] = option; _optionsAndSeparators.add(option); } /// Adds a separator line to the usage. /// /// In the usage text for the parser, this will appear between any options /// added before this call and ones added after it. void addSeparator(String text) { _optionsAndSeparators.add(text); } /// Parses [args], a list of command-line arguments, matches them against the /// flags and options defined by this parser, and returns the result. ArgResults parse(Iterable args) => new Parser(null, this, args.toList()).parse(); /// Generates a string displaying usage information for the defined options. /// /// This is basically the help text shown on the command line. @Deprecated("Replaced with get usage. getUsage() will be removed in args 1.0") String getUsage() => usage; /// Generates a string displaying usage information for the defined options. /// /// This is basically the help text shown on the command line. String get usage { return new Usage(_optionsAndSeparators, lineLength: usageLineLength) .generate(); } /// Get the default value for an option. Useful after parsing to test if the /// user specified something other than the default. getDefault(String option) { if (!options.containsKey(option)) { throw new ArgumentError('No option named $option'); } return options[option].defaultsTo; } /// Finds the option whose abbreviation is [abbr], or `null` if no option has /// that abbreviation. Option findByAbbreviation(String abbr) { return options.values .firstWhere((option) => option.abbr == abbr, orElse: () => null); } } aNN<%L!&*:%;)F$M#<MQOJM1<K$OQOOA6-OH?2;L?!9#;$IQM=:('=2DMO$DO*QO#MOP#E$1>!F,DMQ$FOAHKMQFGQAQOP#H6E$5>@ 'NE1D?A"4MQ$FOCHMMQFGNCQOP#OHE$5># '#*,N" '(&<</!LN$E'*M6#%PH-5OAQOAIO7(:'P+Jffile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// An exception thrown by `ArgParser`. class ArgParserException extends FormatException { /// The command(s) that were parsed before discovering the error. /// /// This will be empty if the error was on the root parser. final List commands; ArgParserException(String message, [Iterable commands]) : commands = commands == null ? const [] : new List.unmodifiable(commands), super(message); } NN<(3D>BK]file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:collection'; import 'arg_parser.dart'; /// Creates a new [ArgResults]. /// /// Since [ArgResults] doesn't have a public constructor, this lets [ArgParser] /// get to it. This function isn't exported to the public API of the package. ArgResults newArgResults( ArgParser parser, Map parsed, String name, ArgResults command, List rest, List arguments) { return new ArgResults._(parser, parsed, name, command, rest, arguments); } /// The results of parsing a series of command line arguments using /// [ArgParser.parse()]. /// /// Includes the parsed options and any remaining unparsed command line /// arguments. class ArgResults { /// The [ArgParser] whose options were parsed for these results. final ArgParser _parser; /// The option values that were parsed from arguments. final Map _parsed; /// If these are the results for parsing a command's options, this will be the /// name of the command. For top-level results, this returns `null`. final String name; /// The command that was selected, or `null` if none was. /// /// This will contain the options that were selected for that command. final ArgResults command; /// The remaining command-line arguments that were not parsed as options or /// flags. /// /// If `--` was used to separate the options from the remaining arguments, /// it will not be included in this list unless parsing stopped before the /// `--` was reached. final List rest; /// The original list of arguments that were parsed. final List arguments; /// Creates a new [ArgResults]. ArgResults._(this._parser, this._parsed,, this.command, List rest, List arguments) : = new UnmodifiableListView(rest), this.arguments = new UnmodifiableListView(arguments); /// Gets the parsed command-line option named [name]. operator [](String name) { if (!_parser.options.containsKey(name)) { throw new ArgumentError('Could not find an option named "$name".'); } return _parser.options[name].getOrDefault(_parsed[name]); } /// Get the names of the available options as an [Iterable]. /// /// This includes the options whose values were parsed or that have defaults. /// Options that weren't present and have no default will be omitted. Iterable get options { var result = new Set.from(_parsed.keys); // Include the options that have defaults. _parser.options.forEach((name, option) { if (option.defaultsTo != null) result.add(name); }); return result; } /// Returns `true` if the option with [name] was parsed from an actual /// argument. /// /// Returns `false` if it wasn't provided and the default value or no default /// value would be used instead. bool wasParsed(String name) { var option = _parser.options[name]; if (option == null) { throw new ArgumentError('Could not find an option named "$name".'); } return _parsed.containsKey(name); } } dNN< PN!KDHC9&QG<IN MM7 "D14>8.J>?PH!5/-7IP# (J&Xfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// Creates a new [Option]. /// /// Since [Option] doesn't have a public constructor, this lets `ArgParser` /// get to it. This function isn't exported to the public API of the package. Option newOption( String name, String abbr, String help, String valueHelp, Iterable allowed, Map allowedHelp, defaultsTo, Function callback, OptionType type, {bool negatable, bool splitCommas, bool hide: false}) { return new Option._(name, abbr, help, valueHelp, allowed, allowedHelp, defaultsTo, callback, type, negatable: negatable, splitCommas: splitCommas, hide: hide); } /// A command-line option. /// /// This represents both boolean flags and options which take a value. class Option { /// The name of the option that the user passes as an argument. final String name; /// A single-character string that can be used as a shorthand for this option. /// /// For example, `abbr: "a"` will allow the user to pass `-a value` or /// `-avalue`. final String abbr; @Deprecated("Use abbr instead.") String get abbreviation => abbr; /// A description of this option. final String help; /// A name for the value this option takes. final String valueHelp; /// A list of valid values for this option. final List allowed; /// A map from values in [allowed] to documentation for those values. final Map allowedHelp; /// The value this option will have if the user doesn't explicitly pass it in final defaultsTo; @Deprecated("Use defaultsTo instead.") get defaultValue => defaultsTo; /// Whether this flag's value can be set to `false`. /// /// For example, if [name] is `flag`, the user can pass `--no-flag` to set its /// value to `false`. /// /// This is `null` unless [type] is [OptionType.flag]. final bool negatable; /// The callback to invoke with the option's value when the option is parsed. final Function callback; /// Whether this is a flag, a single value option, or a multi-value option. final OptionType type; /// Whether multiple values may be passed by writing `--option a,b` in /// addition to `--option a --option b`. final bool splitCommas; /// Whether this option should be hidden from usage documentation. final bool hide; /// Whether the option is boolean-valued flag. bool get isFlag => type == OptionType.flag; /// Whether the option takes a single value. bool get isSingle => type == OptionType.single; /// Whether the option allows multiple values. bool get isMultiple => type == OptionType.multiple; Option._(, this.abbr,, this.valueHelp, Iterable allowed, Map allowedHelp, this.defaultsTo, this.callback, OptionType type, {this.negatable, bool splitCommas, this.hide: false}) : this.allowed = allowed == null ? null : new List.unmodifiable(allowed), this.allowedHelp = allowedHelp == null ? null : new Map.unmodifiable(allowedHelp), this.type = type, // If the user doesn't specify [splitCommas], it defaults to true for // multiple options. this.splitCommas = splitCommas == null ? type == OptionType.multiple : splitCommas { if (name.isEmpty) { throw new ArgumentError('Name cannot be empty.'); } else if (name.startsWith('-')) { throw new ArgumentError('Name $name cannot start with "-".'); } // Ensure name does not contain any invalid characters. if (_invalidChars.hasMatch(name)) { throw new ArgumentError('Name "$name" contains invalid characters.'); } if (abbr != null) { if (abbr.length != 1) { throw new ArgumentError('Abbreviation must be null or have length 1.'); } else if (abbr == '-') { throw new ArgumentError('Abbreviation cannot be "-".'); } if (_invalidChars.hasMatch(abbr)) { throw new ArgumentError('Abbreviation is an invalid character.'); } } } /// Returns [value] if non-`null`, otherwise returns the default value for /// this option. /// /// For single-valued options, it will be [defaultsTo] if set or `null` /// otherwise. For multiple-valued options, it will be an empty list or a /// list containing [defaultsTo] if set. dynamic getOrDefault(value) { if (value != null) return value; if (isMultiple) return defaultsTo ?? []; return defaultsTo; } static final _invalidChars = new RegExp(r'''[ \t\r\n"'\\/]'''); } /// What kinds of values an option accepts. class OptionType { /// An option that can only be `true` or `false`. /// /// The presence of the option name itself in the argument list means `true`. static const flag = const OptionType._("OptionType.flag"); @Deprecated("Use OptionType.flag instead.") static const FLAG = flag; /// An option that takes a single value. /// /// Examples: /// /// --mode debug /// -mdebug /// --mode=debug /// /// If the option is passed more than once, the last one wins. static const single = const OptionType._("OptionType.single"); @Deprecated("Use OptionType.single instead.") static const SINGLE = single; /// An option that allows multiple values. /// /// Example: /// /// --output text --output xml /// /// In the parsed `ArgResults`, a multiple-valued option will always return /// a list, even if one or no values were passed. static const multiple = const OptionType._("OptionType.multiple"); @Deprecated("Use OptionType.multiple instead.") static const MULTIPLE = multiple; final String name; const OptionType._(; } NN<LN%I"CGBQI##$..H)P)"7Q9PNI+E1./216  'PLNN8'D<(LP @*JMJL+ %5B,4P=.+AA0 -%N4E2$!nfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'exception.dart'; import 'reflector.dart'; class Container { final Reflector reflector; final Map _singletons = {}; final Map _factories = {}; final Container _parent; Container(this.reflector) : _parent = null; Container._child(this._parent) : reflector = _parent.reflector; bool get isRoot => _parent == null; /// Creates a child [Container] that can define its own singletons and factories. /// /// Use this to create children of a global "scope." Container createChild() { return new Container._child(this); } bool has([Type t]) { var search = this; t ??= T == dynamic ? t : T; while (search != null) { if (search._singletons.containsKey(t)) { return true; } else if (search._factories.containsKey(t)) { return true; } else { search = search._parent; } } return false; } /// Instantiates an instance of [T]. /// /// In contexts where a static generic type cannot be used, use /// the [type] argument, instead of [T]. T make([Type type]) { type ??= T; var search = this; while (search != null) { if (search._singletons.containsKey(type)) { // Find a singleton, if any. return search._singletons[type] as T; } else if (search._factories.containsKey(type)) { // Find a factory, if any. return search._factories[type](this) as T; } else { search = search._parent; } } var reflectedType = reflector.reflectType(type); var positional = []; var named = {}; if (reflectedType is ReflectedClass) { bool isDefault(String name) { return name.isEmpty || name ==; } var constructor = reflectedType.constructors.firstWhere( (c) => isDefault(, orElse: () => throw new ReflectionException( '${} has no default constructor, and therefore cannot be instantiated.')); for (var param in constructor.parameters) { var value = make(param.type.reflectedType); if (param.isNamed) { named[] = value; } else { positional.add(value); } } return reflectedType.newInstance( isDefault( ? '' :, positional, named, []).reflectee; } else { throw new ReflectionException( '$type is not a class, and therefore cannot be instantiated.'); } } void registerFactory(T Function(Container) f, {Type as}) { as ??= T; if (_factories.containsKey(as)) { throw new StateError('This container already has a factory for $as.'); } _factories[as] = f; } void registerSingleton(T object, {Type as}) { as ??= T == dynamic ? as : T; if (_singletons.containsKey(as ?? object.runtimeType)) { throw new StateError( 'This container already has a singleton for ${as ?? object.runtimeType}.'); } _singletons[as ?? object.runtimeType] = object; } } u-@.B&T7' /5!'B+2%.8#3!5%+$;?$7k24%! (? %J@&M3"=V4pfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'package:angel_container/angel_container.dart'; final Map _symbolNames = {}; /// A [Reflector] implementation that performs no actual reflection, /// instead returning empty objects on every invocation. /// /// Use this in contexts where you know you won't need any reflective capabilities. class EmptyReflector implements Reflector { /// A [RegExp] that can be used to extract the name of a symbol without reflection. static final RegExp symbolRegex = new RegExp(r'Symbol\("([^"]+)"\)'); const EmptyReflector(); @override String getName(Symbol symbol) { return _symbolNames.putIfAbsent( symbol, () => symbolRegex.firstMatch(symbol.toString()).group(1)); } @override ReflectedClass reflectClass(Type clazz) { return const _EmptyReflectedClass(); } @override ReflectedInstance reflectInstance(Object object) { return const _EmptyReflectedInstance(); } @override ReflectedType reflectType(Type type) { return const _EmptyReflectedType(); } @override ReflectedFunction reflectFunction(Function function) { return const _EmptyReflectedFunction(); } } class _EmptyReflectedClass extends ReflectedClass { const _EmptyReflectedClass() : super( '(empty)', const [], const [], const [], const [], dynamic); @override ReflectedInstance newInstance( String constructorName, List positionalArguments, [Map namedArguments, List typeArguments]) { throw new UnsupportedError( 'Classes reflected via an EmptyReflector cannot be instantiated.'); } @override bool isAssignableTo(ReflectedType other) { return other == this; } @override bool operator ==(other) { return other is ReflectedClass && other.hashCode == hashCode; } } class _EmptyReflectedType extends ReflectedType { const _EmptyReflectedType() : super('(empty)', const [], dynamic); @override ReflectedInstance newInstance( String constructorName, List positionalArguments, [Map namedArguments, List typeArguments]) { throw new UnsupportedError( 'Types reflected via an EmptyReflector cannot be instantiated.'); } @override bool isAssignableTo(ReflectedType other) { return other == this; } @override bool operator ==(other) { return other is ReflectedType && other.hashCode == hashCode; } } class _EmptyReflectedInstance extends ReflectedInstance { const _EmptyReflectedInstance() : super(const _EmptyReflectedType(), const _EmptyReflectedClass(), null); @override bool operator ==(other) { return other is ReflectedInstance && other.hashCode == hashCode; } @override ReflectedInstance getField(String name) { throw new UnsupportedError( 'Instances reflected via an EmptyReflector cannot call getField().'); } } class _EmptyReflectedFunction extends ReflectedFunction { const _EmptyReflectedFunction() : super( '(empty)', const [], const [], const _EmptyReflectedType(), const [], false, false); @override ReflectedInstance invoke(Invocation invocation) { throw new UnsupportedError( 'Instances reflected via an EmptyReflector cannot call invoke().'); } } 7=E9T,VH "%K ,) 5, )( 9,4.)), !8I L - B2E !8I J - A:"P E , N:".))* 4 Lnfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ ReflectionException implements Exception { final String message; ReflectionException(this.message); @override String toString() => message; } 1% nfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'package:collection/collection.dart'; import 'package:quiver/core.dart'; abstract class Reflector { String getName(Symbol symbol); ReflectedClass reflectClass(Type clazz); ReflectedFunction reflectFunction(Function function); ReflectedType reflectType(Type type); ReflectedInstance reflectInstance(Object object); } abstract class ReflectedInstance { final ReflectedType type; final ReflectedClass clazz; final Object reflectee; const ReflectedInstance(this.type, this.clazz, this.reflectee); @override int get hashCode => hash2(type, clazz); @override bool operator ==(other) => other is ReflectedInstance && other.type == type && other.clazz == clazz; ReflectedInstance getField(String name); } abstract class ReflectedType { final String name; final List typeParameters; final Type reflectedType; const ReflectedType(, this.typeParameters, this.reflectedType); @override int get hashCode => hash3(name, typeParameters, reflectedType); @override bool operator ==(other) => other is ReflectedType && == name && const ListEquality() .equals(other.typeParameters, typeParameters) && other.reflectedType == reflectedType; ReflectedInstance newInstance( String constructorName, List positionalArguments, [Map namedArguments, List typeArguments]); bool isAssignableTo(ReflectedType other); } abstract class ReflectedClass extends ReflectedType { final List annotations; final List constructors; final List declarations; const ReflectedClass( String name, List typeParameters, this.annotations, this.constructors, this.declarations, Type reflectedType) : super(name, typeParameters, reflectedType); @override int get hashCode => hash4(super.hashCode, annotations, constructors, declarations); @override bool operator ==(other) => other is ReflectedClass && super == other && const ListEquality() .equals(other.annotations, annotations) && const ListEquality() .equals(other.constructors, constructors) && const ListEquality() .equals(other.declarations, declarations); } class ReflectedDeclaration { final String name; final bool isStatic; final ReflectedFunction function; const ReflectedDeclaration(, this.isStatic, this.function); @override int get hashCode => hash3(name, isStatic, function); @override bool operator ==(other) => other is ReflectedDeclaration && == name && other.isStatic == isStatic && other.function == function; } abstract class ReflectedFunction { final String name; final List typeParameters; final List annotations; final ReflectedType returnType; final List parameters; final bool isGetter, isSetter; const ReflectedFunction(, this.typeParameters, this.annotations, this.returnType, this.parameters, this.isGetter, this.isSetter); @override int get hashCode => hashObjects([ name, typeParameters, annotations, returnType, parameters, isGetter, isSetter ]); @override bool operator ==(other) => other is ReflectedFunction && == name && const ListEquality() .equals(other.typeParameters, typeParameters) && const ListEquality() .equals(other.annotations, annotations) && other.returnType == returnType && const ListEquality() .equals(other.parameters, other.parameters) && other.isGetter == isGetter && other.isSetter == isSetter; ReflectedInstance invoke(Invocation invocation); } class ReflectedParameter { final String name; final List annotations; final ReflectedType type; final bool isRequired; final bool isNamed; const ReflectedParameter(, this.annotations, this.type, this.isRequired, this.isNamed); @override int get hashCode => hashObjects([name, annotations, type, isRequired, isNamed]); @override bool operator ==(other) => other is ReflectedParameter && == name && const ListEquality() .equals(other.annotations, annotations) && other.type == type && other.isRequired == isRequired && other.isNamed == isNamed; } class ReflectedTypeParameter { final String name; const ReflectedTypeParameter(; @override int get hashCode => hashObjects([name]); @override bool operator ==(other) => other is ReflectedTypeParameter && == name; } -#!+8(4#B * P+5K B  3;,!8H,6-.134 F !.5.715$G 7 '$"#5-"-!LG $  $3;.5(/9$"3-N C %.5( + + =Yfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/'// Copyright 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io' as io; const _ansiEscapeLiteral = '\x1B'; const _ansiEscapeForScript = '\\033'; /// Whether formatted ANSI output is enabled for [wrapWith] and [AnsiCode.wrap]. /// /// By default, returns `true` if both `stdout.supportsAnsiEscapes` and /// `stderr.supportsAnsiEscapes` from `dart:io` are `true`. /// /// The default can be overridden by setting the [Zone] variable [AnsiCode] to /// either `true` or `false`. /// /// [overrideAnsiOutput] is provided to make this easy. bool get ansiOutputEnabled => Zone.current[AnsiCode] as bool ?? (io.stdout.supportsAnsiEscapes && io.stderr.supportsAnsiEscapes); /// Returns `true` no formatting is required for [input]. bool _isNoop(bool skip, String input, bool forScript) => skip || input == null || input.isEmpty || !((forScript ?? false) || ansiOutputEnabled); /// Allows overriding [ansiOutputEnabled] to [enableAnsiOutput] for the code run /// within [body]. T overrideAnsiOutput(bool enableAnsiOutput, T body()) => runZoned(body, zoneValues: {AnsiCode: enableAnsiOutput}); /// The type of code represented by [AnsiCode]. class AnsiCodeType { final String _name; /// A foreground color. static const AnsiCodeType foreground = const AnsiCodeType._('foreground'); /// A style. static const AnsiCodeType style = const AnsiCodeType._('style'); /// A background color. static const AnsiCodeType background = const AnsiCodeType._('background'); /// A reset value. static const AnsiCodeType reset = const AnsiCodeType._('reset'); const AnsiCodeType._(this._name); @override String toString() => 'AnsiType.$_name'; } /// Standard ANSI escape code for customizing terminal text output. /// /// [Source]( class AnsiCode { /// The numeric value associated with this code. final int code; /// The [AnsiCode] that resets this value, if one exists. /// /// Otherwise, `null`. final AnsiCode reset; /// A description of this code. final String name; /// The type of code that is represented. final AnsiCodeType type; const AnsiCode._(, this.type, this.code, this.reset); /// Represents the value escaped for use in terminal output. String get escape => "$_ansiEscapeLiteral[${code}m"; /// Represents the value as an unescaped literal suitable for scripts. String get escapeForScript => "$_ansiEscapeForScript[${code}m"; String _escapeValue({bool forScript: false}) { forScript ??= false; return forScript ? escapeForScript : escape; } /// Wraps [value] with the [escape] value for this code, followed by /// [resetAll]. /// /// If [forScript] is `true`, the return value is an unescaped literal. The /// value of [ansiOutputEnabled] is also ignored. /// /// Returns `value` unchanged if /// * [value] is `null` or empty /// * both [ansiOutputEnabled] and [forScript] are `false`. /// * [type] is [AnsiCodeType.reset] String wrap(String value, {bool forScript: false}) => _isNoop(type == AnsiCodeType.reset, value, forScript) ? value : "${_escapeValue(forScript: forScript)}$value" "${reset._escapeValue(forScript: forScript)}"; @override String toString() => "$name ${type._name} ($code)"; } /// Returns a [String] formatted with [codes]. /// /// If [forScript] is `true`, the return value is an unescaped literal. The /// value of [ansiOutputEnabled] is also ignored. /// /// Returns `value` unchanged if /// * [value] is `null` or empty. /// * both [ansiOutputEnabled] and [forScript] are `false`. /// * [codes] is empty. /// /// Throws an [ArgumentError] if /// * [codes] contains more than one value of type [AnsiCodeType.foreground]. /// * [codes] contains more than one value of type [AnsiCodeType.background]. /// * [codes] contains any value of type [AnsiCodeType.reset]. String wrapWith(String value, Iterable codes, {bool forScript: false}) { forScript ??= false; // Eliminate duplicates final myCodes = codes.toSet(); if (_isNoop(myCodes.isEmpty, value, forScript)) { return value; } var foreground = 0, background = 0; for (var code in myCodes) { switch (code.type) { case AnsiCodeType.foreground: foreground++; if (foreground > 1) { throw new ArgumentError.value(codes, 'codes', "Cannot contain more than one foreground color code."); } break; case AnsiCodeType.background: background++; if (background > 1) { throw new ArgumentError.value(codes, 'codes', "Cannot contain more than one foreground color code."); } break; case AnsiCodeType.reset: throw new ArgumentError.value( codes, 'codes', "Cannot contain reset codes."); break; } } final sortedCodes = => ac.code).toList()..sort(); final escapeValue = forScript ? _ansiEscapeForScript : _ansiEscapeLiteral; return "$escapeValue[${sortedCodes.join(';')}m$value" "${resetAll._escapeValue(forScript: forScript)}"; } // // Style values // const styleBold = const AnsiCode._('bold',, 1, resetBold); const styleDim = const AnsiCode._('dim',, 2, resetDim); const styleItalic = const AnsiCode._('italic',, 3, resetItalic); const styleUnderlined = const AnsiCode._('underlined',, 4, resetUnderlined); const styleBlink = const AnsiCode._('blink',, 5, resetBlink); const styleReverse = const AnsiCode._('reverse',, 7, resetReverse); /// Not widely supported. const styleHidden = const AnsiCode._('hidden',, 8, resetHidden); /// Not widely supported. const styleCrossedOut = const AnsiCode._('crossed out',, 9, resetCrossedOut); // // Reset values // const resetAll = const AnsiCode._('all', AnsiCodeType.reset, 0, null); // NOTE: bold is weird. The reset code seems to be 22 sometimes – not 21 // See const resetBold = const AnsiCode._('bold', AnsiCodeType.reset, 22, null); const resetDim = const AnsiCode._('dim', AnsiCodeType.reset, 22, null); const resetItalic = const AnsiCode._('italic', AnsiCodeType.reset, 23, null); const resetUnderlined = const AnsiCode._('underlined', AnsiCodeType.reset, 24, null); const resetBlink = const AnsiCode._('blink', AnsiCodeType.reset, 25, null); const resetReverse = const AnsiCode._('reverse', AnsiCodeType.reset, 27, null); const resetHidden = const AnsiCode._('hidden', AnsiCodeType.reset, 28, null); const resetCrossedOut = const AnsiCode._('crossed out', AnsiCodeType.reset, 29, null); // // Foreground values // const black = const AnsiCode._('black', AnsiCodeType.foreground, 30, resetAll); const red = const AnsiCode._('red', AnsiCodeType.foreground, 31, resetAll); const green = const AnsiCode._('green', AnsiCodeType.foreground, 32, resetAll); const yellow = const AnsiCode._('yellow', AnsiCodeType.foreground, 33, resetAll); const blue = const AnsiCode._('blue', AnsiCodeType.foreground, 34, resetAll); const magenta = const AnsiCode._('magenta', AnsiCodeType.foreground, 35, resetAll); const cyan = const AnsiCode._('cyan', AnsiCodeType.foreground, 36, resetAll); const lightGray = const AnsiCode._('light gray', AnsiCodeType.foreground, 37, resetAll); const defaultForeground = const AnsiCode._('default', AnsiCodeType.foreground, 39, resetAll); const darkGray = const AnsiCode._('dark gray', AnsiCodeType.foreground, 90, resetAll); const lightRed = const AnsiCode._('light red', AnsiCodeType.foreground, 91, resetAll); const lightGreen = const AnsiCode._('light green', AnsiCodeType.foreground, 92, resetAll); const lightYellow = const AnsiCode._('light yellow', AnsiCodeType.foreground, 93, resetAll); const lightBlue = const AnsiCode._('light blue', AnsiCodeType.foreground, 94, resetAll); const lightMagenta = const AnsiCode._('light magenta', AnsiCodeType.foreground, 95, resetAll); const lightCyan = const AnsiCode._('light cyan', AnsiCodeType.foreground, 96, resetAll); const white = const AnsiCode._('white', AnsiCodeType.foreground, 97, resetAll); // // Background values // const backgroundBlack = const AnsiCode._('black', AnsiCodeType.background, 40, resetAll); const backgroundRed = const AnsiCode._('red', AnsiCodeType.background, 41, resetAll); const backgroundGreen = const AnsiCode._('green', AnsiCodeType.background, 42, resetAll); const backgroundYellow = const AnsiCode._('yellow', AnsiCodeType.background, 43, resetAll); const backgroundBlue = const AnsiCode._('blue', AnsiCodeType.background, 44, resetAll); const backgroundMagenta = const AnsiCode._('magenta', AnsiCodeType.background, 45, resetAll); const backgroundCyan = const AnsiCode._('cyan', AnsiCodeType.background, 46, resetAll); const backgroundLightGray = const AnsiCode._('light gray', AnsiCodeType.background, 47, resetAll); const backgroundDefault = const AnsiCode._('default', AnsiCodeType.background, 49, resetAll); const backgroundDarkGray = const AnsiCode._('dark gray', AnsiCodeType.background, 100, resetAll); const backgroundLightRed = const AnsiCode._('light red', AnsiCodeType.background, 101, resetAll); const backgroundLightGreen = const AnsiCode._('light green', AnsiCodeType.background, 102, resetAll); const backgroundLightYellow = const AnsiCode._('light yellow', AnsiCodeType.background, 103, resetAll); const backgroundLightBlue = const AnsiCode._('light blue', AnsiCodeType.background, 104, resetAll); const backgroundLightMagenta = const AnsiCode._('light magenta', AnsiCodeType.background, 105, resetAll); const backgroundLightCyan = const AnsiCode._('light cyan', AnsiCodeType.background, 106, resetAll); const backgroundWhite = const AnsiCode._('white', AnsiCodeType.background, 107, resetAll); /// All of the [AnsiCode] values that represent []. const List styles = const [ styleBold, styleDim, styleItalic, styleUnderlined, styleBlink, styleReverse, styleHidden, styleCrossedOut ]; /// All of the [AnsiCode] values that represent [AnsiCodeType.foreground]. const List foregroundColors = const [ black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, lightGray, defaultForeground, darkGray, lightRed, lightGreen, lightYellow, lightBlue, lightMagenta, lightCyan, white ]; /// All of the [AnsiCode] values that represent [AnsiCodeType.background]. const List backgroundColors = const [ backgroundBlack, backgroundRed, backgroundGreen, backgroundYellow, backgroundBlue, backgroundMagenta, backgroundCyan, backgroundLightGray, backgroundDefault, backgroundDarkGray, backgroundLightRed, backgroundLightGreen, backgroundLightYellow, backgroundLightBlue, backgroundLightMagenta, backgroundLightCyan, backgroundWhite ]; KJN<#&QH<O8&F:9 2Q!PPA8!4&$8F $8F '<EM88NKDLQFDMGI6JHNBLPNCPLPGNHNKHJJLMKNKPFDFGEHEKHKKMNLOLGF& K0       K0Yfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as p; bool _doNothing(String from, String to) { if (p.canonicalize(from) == p.canonicalize(to)) { return true; } if (p.isWithin(from, to)) { throw new ArgumentError('Cannot copy from $from to $to'); } return false; } /// Copies all of the files in the [from] directory to [to]. /// /// This is similar to `cp -R `: /// * Symlinks are supported. /// * Existing files are over-written, if any. /// * If [to] is within [from], throws [ArgumentError] (an infinite operation). /// * If [from] and [to] are canonically the same, no operation occurs. /// /// Returns a future that completes when complete. Future copyPath(String from, String to) async { if (_doNothing(from, to)) { return; } await new Directory(to).create(recursive: true); await for (final file in new Directory(from).list(recursive: true)) { final copyTo = p.join(to, p.relative(file.path, from: from)); if (file is Directory) { await new Directory(copyTo).create(recursive: true); } else if (file is File) { await new File(file.path).copy(copyTo); } else if (file is Link) { await new Link(copyTo).create(await, recursive: true); } } } /// Copies all of the files in the [from] directory to [to]. /// /// This is similar to `cp -R `: /// * Symlinks are supported. /// * Existing files are over-written, if any. /// * If [to] is within [from], throws [ArgumentError] (an infinite operation). /// * If [from] and [to] are canonically the same, no operation occurs. /// /// This action is performed synchronously (blocking I/O). void copyPathSync(String from, String to) { if (_doNothing(from, to)) { return; } new Directory(to).createSync(recursive: true); for (final file in new Directory(from).listSync(recursive: true)) { final copyTo = p.join(to, p.relative(file.path, from: from)); if (file is Directory) { new Directory(copyTo).createSync(recursive: true); } else if (file is File) { new File(file.path).copySync(copyTo); } else if (file is Link) { new Link(copyTo).createSync(file.targetSync(), recursive: true); } } } HJN<&*4>=,/PH36 3HB;.K=,/PH;, 1FB9,GYfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// Exit code constants. /// /// [Source]( class ExitCode { /// Command completed successfully. static const success = const ExitCode._(0, 'success'); /// Command was used incorrectly. /// /// This may occur if the wrong number of arguments was used, a bad flag, or /// bad syntax in a parameter. static const usage = const ExitCode._(64, 'usage'); /// Input data was used incorrectly. /// /// This should occur only for user data (not system files). static const data = const ExitCode._(65, 'data'); /// An input file (not a system file) did not exist or was not readable. static const noInput = const ExitCode._(66, 'noInput'); /// User specified did not exist. static const noUser = const ExitCode._(67, 'noUser'); /// Host specified did not exist. static const noHost = const ExitCode._(68, 'noHost'); /// A service is unavailable. /// /// This may occur if a support program or file does not exist. This may also /// be used as a catch-all error when something you wanted to do does not /// work, but you do not know why. static const unavailable = const ExitCode._(69, 'unavailable'); /// An internal software error has been detected. /// /// This should be limited to non-operating system related errors as possible. static const software = const ExitCode._(70, 'software'); /// An operating system error has been detected. /// /// This intended to be used for such thing as `cannot fork` or `cannot pipe`. static const osError = const ExitCode._(71, 'osError'); /// Some system file (e.g. `/etc/passwd`) does not exist or could not be read. static const osFile = const ExitCode._(72, 'osFile'); /// A (user specified) output file cannot be created. static const cantCreate = const ExitCode._(73, 'cantCreate'); /// An error occurred doing I/O on some file. static const ioError = const ExitCode._(74, 'ioError'); /// Temporary failure, indicating something is not really an error. /// /// In some cases, this can be re-attempted and will succeed later. static const tempFail = const ExitCode._(75, 'tempFail'); /// You did not have sufficient permissions to perform the operation. /// /// This is not intended for file system problems, which should use [noInput] /// or [cantCreate], but rather for higher-level permissions. static const noPerm = const ExitCode._(77, 'noPerm'); /// Something was found in an unconfigured or misconfigured state. static const config = const ExitCode._(78, 'config'); /// Exit code value. final int code; /// Name of the exit code. final String _name; const ExitCode._(this.code, this._name); @override String toString() => '$_name: $code'; } TJN<B&9$O!6'?4K:$8$8 PL%B4Q<3Q:Q88@0:FF<HP@8E8+ ([file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; /// What type of permission is granted to a file based on file permission roles. enum _FilePermission { execute, write, read, setGid, setUid, sticky, } /// What type of role is assigned to a file. enum _FilePermissionRole { world, group, user, } /// Returns whether file [stat] has [permission] for a [role] type. bool _hasPermission( FileStat stat, _FilePermission permission, { _FilePermissionRole role:, }) { final index = _permissionBitIndex(permission, role); return (stat.mode & (1 << index)) != 0; } int _permissionBitIndex(_FilePermission permission, _FilePermissionRole role) { switch (permission) { case _FilePermission.setUid: return 11; case _FilePermission.setGid: return 10; case _FilePermission.sticky: return 9; default: return (role.index * 3) + permission.index; } } /// Returns whether [path] is considered an executable file on this OS. /// /// May optionally define how to implement [getStat] or whether to execute based /// on whether this is the windows platform ([isWindows]) - if not set it is /// automatically extracted from `dart:io#Platform`. /// /// **NOTE**: On windows this always returns `true`. FutureOr isExecutable( String path, { bool isWindows, FutureOr getStat(String path): FileStat.stat, }) { // Windows has no concept of executable. if (isWindows ?? Platform.isWindows) return true; final stat = getStat(path); if (stat is FileStat) { return _isExecutable(stat); } return (stat as Future).then(_isExecutable); } bool _isExecutable(FileStat stat) => stat.type == FileSystemEntityType.file && _FilePermissionRole.values.any( (role) => _hasPermission(stat, _FilePermission.execute, role: role)); JJN<Q  - D 77*P!!! 2HQM55:+4 9%.$N_file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io' as io; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import 'shared_stdin.dart'; /// Type definition for both [io.Process.start] and [ProcessManager.spawn]. /// /// Useful for taking different implementations of this base functionality. typedef Future StartProcess( String executable, List arguments, { String workingDirectory, Map environment, bool includeParentEnvironment, bool runInShell, io.ProcessStartMode mode, }); /// A high-level abstraction around using and managing processes on the system. abstract class ProcessManager { /// Terminates the global `stdin` listener, making future listens impossible. /// /// This method should be invoked only at the _end_ of a program's execution. static Future terminateStdIn() async { await sharedStdIn.terminate(); } /// Create a new instance of [ProcessManager] for the current platform. /// /// May manually specify whether the current platform [isWindows], otherwise /// this is derived from the Dart runtime (i.e. [io.Platform.isWindows]). factory ProcessManager({ Stream> stdin, io.IOSink stdout, io.IOSink stderr, bool isWindows, }) { stdin ??= sharedStdIn; stdout ??= io.stdout; stderr ??= io.stderr; isWindows ??= io.Platform.isWindows; if (isWindows) { return new _WindowsProcessManager(stdin, stdout, stderr); } return new _UnixProcessManager(stdin, stdout, stderr); } final Stream> _stdin; final io.IOSink _stdout; final io.IOSink _stderr; const ProcessManager._(this._stdin, this._stdout, this._stderr); /// Spawns a process by invoking [executable] with [arguments]. /// /// This is _similar_ to [io.Process.start], but all standard input and output /// is forwarded/routed between the process and the host, similar to how a /// shell script works. /// /// Returns a future that completes with a handle to the spawned process. Future spawn( String executable, Iterable arguments, { String workingDirectory, Map environment, bool includeParentEnvironment: true, bool runInShell: false, io.ProcessStartMode mode: io.ProcessStartMode.normal, }) async { final process = io.Process.start( executable, arguments.toList(), workingDirectory: workingDirectory, environment: environment, includeParentEnvironment: includeParentEnvironment, runInShell: runInShell, mode: mode, ); return new _ForwardingSpawn(await process, _stdin, _stdout, _stderr); } /// Spawns a process by invoking [executable] with [arguments]. /// /// This is _similar_ to [io.Process.start], but `stdout` and `stderr` is /// forwarded/routed between the process and host, similar to how a shell /// script works. /// /// Returns a future that completes with a handle to the spawned process. Future spawnBackground( String executable, Iterable arguments, { String workingDirectory, Map environment, bool includeParentEnvironment: true, bool runInShell: false, io.ProcessStartMode mode: io.ProcessStartMode.normal, }) async { final process = io.Process.start( executable, arguments.toList(), workingDirectory: workingDirectory, environment: environment, includeParentEnvironment: includeParentEnvironment, runInShell: runInShell, mode: mode, ); return new _ForwardingSpawn( await process, const Stream.empty(), _stdout, _stderr, ); } /// Spawns a process by invoking [executable] with [arguments]. /// /// This is _identical to [io.Process.start] (no forwarding of I/O). /// /// Returns a future that completes with a handle to the spawned process. Future spawnDetached( String executable, Iterable arguments, { String workingDirectory, Map environment, bool includeParentEnvironment: true, bool runInShell: false, io.ProcessStartMode mode: io.ProcessStartMode.normal, }) async { return io.Process.start( executable, arguments.toList(), workingDirectory: workingDirectory, environment: environment, includeParentEnvironment: includeParentEnvironment, runInShell: runInShell, mode: mode, ); } } /// A process instance created and managed through [ProcessManager]. /// /// Unlike one created directly by [io.Process.start] or [], a /// spawned process works more like executing a command in a shell script. class Spawn implements io.Process { final io.Process _delegate; Spawn._(this._delegate) { _delegate.exitCode.then((_) => _onClosed()); } @mustCallSuper void _onClosed() {} @override bool kill([io.ProcessSignal signal = io.ProcessSignal.sigterm]) => _delegate.kill(signal); @override Future get exitCode => _delegate.exitCode; @override int get pid =>; @override Stream> get stderr => _delegate.stderr; @override io.IOSink get stdin => _delegate.stdin; @override Stream> get stdout => _delegate.stdout; } /// Forwards `stdin`/`stdout`/`stderr` to/from the host. class _ForwardingSpawn extends Spawn { final StreamSubscription _stdInSub; final StreamSubscription _stdOutSub; final StreamSubscription _stdErrSub; final StreamController> _stdOut; final StreamController> _stdErr; factory _ForwardingSpawn( io.Process delegate, Stream> stdin, io.IOSink stdout, io.IOSink stderr, ) { final stdoutSelf = new StreamController>(); final stderrSelf = new StreamController>(); final stdInSub = stdin.listen(delegate.stdin.add); final stdOutSub = delegate.stdout.listen((event) { stdout.add(event); stdoutSelf.add(event); }); final stdErrSub = delegate.stderr.listen((event) { stderr.add(event); stderrSelf.add(event); }); return new _ForwardingSpawn._delegate( delegate, stdInSub, stdOutSub, stdErrSub, stdoutSelf, stderrSelf, ); } _ForwardingSpawn._delegate( io.Process delegate, this._stdInSub, this._stdOutSub, this._stdErrSub, this._stdOut, this._stdErr, ) : super._(delegate); @override void _onClosed() { _stdInSub.cancel(); _stdOutSub.cancel(); _stdErrSub.cancel(); super._onClosed(); } @override Stream> get stdout =>; @override Stream> get stderr =>; } class _UnixProcessManager extends ProcessManager { const _UnixProcessManager( Stream> stdin, io.IOSink stdout, io.IOSink stderr, ) : super._( stdin, stdout, stderr, ); } class _WindowsProcessManager extends ProcessManager { const _WindowsProcessManager( Stream> stdin, io.IOSink stdout, io.IOSink stderr, ) : super._( stdin, stdout, stderr, ); } JN<!LL)#!P PP/#JOL)@;"CBQML"%): &* :JBLLL&"%): &* :!BGL$"%): * :EMK$1 E 2  4 * 49'&''--::777+  2 23 6  \file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; /// A shared singleton instance of `dart:io`'s [stdin] stream. /// /// _Unlike_ the normal [stdin] stream, [sharedStdIn] may switch subscribers /// as long as the previous subscriber cancels before the new subscriber starts /// listening. /// /// [SharedStdIn.terminate] *must* be invoked in order to close the underlying /// connection to [stdin], allowing your program to close automatically without /// hanging. final SharedStdIn sharedStdIn = new SharedStdIn(stdin); /// A singleton wrapper around `stdin` that allows new subscribers. /// /// This class is visible in order to be used as a test harness for mock /// implementations of `stdin`. In normal programs, [sharedStdIn] should be /// used directly. @visibleForTesting class SharedStdIn extends Stream> { StreamController> _current; StreamSubscription> _sub; SharedStdIn([Stream> stream]) { _sub = (stream ??= stdin).listen(_onInput); } /// Returns a future that completes with the next line. /// /// This is similar to the standard [Stdin.readLineSync], but asynchronous. Future nextLine({Encoding encoding: systemEncoding}) { return lines(encoding: encoding).first; } /// Returns the stream transformed as UTF8 strings separated by line breaks. /// /// This is similar to synchronous code using [Stdin.readLineSync]: /// ```dart /// while (true) { /// var line = stdin.readLineSync(); /// // ... /// } /// ``` /// /// ... but asynchronous. Stream lines({Encoding encoding: systemEncoding}) { return transform(utf8.decoder).transform(const LineSplitter()); } void _onInput(List event) => _getCurrent().add(event); StreamController> _getCurrent() { if (_current == null) { _current = new StreamController>( onCancel: () { _current = null; }, sync: true); } return _current; } @override StreamSubscription> listen( void onData(List event), { Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError, }) { if (_sub == null) { throw new StateError('Stdin has already been terminated.'); } final controller = _getCurrent(); if (controller.hasListener) { throw new StateError('' 'Subscriber already listening. The existing subscriber must cancel ' 'before another may be added.'); } return onData, onDone: onDone, onError: onError, cancelOnError: cancelOnError, ); } /// Terminates the connection to `stdin`, closing all subscription. Future terminate() async { if (_sub == null) { throw new StateError('Stdin has already been terminated.'); } await _sub.cancel(); await _current?.close(); _sub = null; } } jJN<!?MPOP 8DIL.(&,0:NA,OF) >D>.2  ($B&"O+%$F#B[file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // ignore_for_file: comment_references import 'package:charcode/charcode.dart'; import 'package:string_scanner/string_scanner.dart'; /// Splits [command] into tokens according to [the POSIX shell /// specification][spec]. /// /// [spec]: /// /// This returns the unquoted values of quoted tokens. For example, /// `shellSplit('foo "bar baz"')` returns `["foo", "bar baz"]`. It does not /// currently support here-documents. It does *not* treat dynamic features such /// as parameter expansion specially. For example, `shellSplit("foo $(bar /// baz)")` returns `["foo", "$(bar", "baz)"]`. /// /// This will discard any comments at the end of [command]. /// /// Throws a [FormatException] if [command] isn't a valid shell command. List shellSplit(String command) { final scanner = new StringScanner(command); final results = []; final token = new StringBuffer(); // Whether a token is being parsed, as opposed to a separator character. This // is different than just [token.isEmpty], because empty quoted tokens can // exist. var hasToken = false; while (!scanner.isDone) { final next = scanner.readChar(); switch (next) { case $backslash: // Section 2.2.1: A that is not quoted shall preserve the // literal value of the following character, with the exception of a // . If a follows the , the shell shall // interpret this as line continuation. The and // shall be removed before splitting the input into tokens. Since the // escaped is removed entirely from the input and is not // replaced by any white space, it cannot serve as a token separator. if (scanner.scanChar($lf)) break; hasToken = true; token.writeCharCode(scanner.readChar()); break; case $single_quote: hasToken = true; // Section 2.2.2: Enclosing characters in single-quotes ( '' ) shall // preserve the literal value of each character within the // single-quotes. A single-quote cannot occur within single-quotes. final firstQuote = scanner.position - 1; while (!scanner.scanChar($single_quote)) { _checkUnmatchedQuote(scanner, firstQuote); token.writeCharCode(scanner.readChar()); } break; case $double_quote: hasToken = true; // Section 2.2.3: Enclosing characters in double-quotes ( "" ) shall // preserve the literal value of all characters within the // double-quotes, with the exception of the characters backquote, // , and . // // (Note that this code doesn't preserve special behavior of backquote // or dollar sign within double quotes, since those are dynamic // features.) final firstQuote = scanner.position - 1; while (!scanner.scanChar($double_quote)) { _checkUnmatchedQuote(scanner, firstQuote); if (scanner.scanChar($backslash)) { _checkUnmatchedQuote(scanner, firstQuote); // The shall retain its special meaning as an escape // character (see Escape Character (Backslash)) only when followed // by one of the following characters when considered special: // // $ ` " \ final next = scanner.readChar(); if (next == $lf) continue; if (next == $dollar || next == $backquote || next == $double_quote || next == $backslash) { token.writeCharCode(next); } else { token..writeCharCode($backslash)..writeCharCode(next); } } else { token.writeCharCode(scanner.readChar()); } } break; case $hash: // Section 2.3: If the current character is a '#' [and the previous // characters was not part of a word], it and all subsequent characters // up to, but excluding, the next shall be discarded as a // comment. The that ends the line is not considered part of // the comment. if (hasToken) { token.writeCharCode($hash); break; } while (!scanner.isDone && scanner.peekChar() != $lf) { scanner.readChar(); } break; case $space: case $tab: case $lf: // ignore: invariant_booleans if (hasToken) results.add(token.toString()); hasToken = false; token.clear(); break; default: hasToken = true; token.writeCharCode(next); break; } } if (hasToken) results.add(token.toString()); return results; } /// Throws a [FormatException] if [scanner] is done indicating that a closing /// quote matching the one at position [openingQuote] is missing. void _checkUnmatchedQuote(StringScanner scanner, int openingQuote) { if (!scanner.isDone) return; final type = scanner.substring(openingQuote, openingQuote + 1) == '"' ? "double" : "single"; scanner.error("Unmatched $type quote.", position: openingQuote, length: 1); } JN<')5?TDLPJ0<I*.$PM %NMNNNKN*1MCL1353 MCJ+ OH135.7MOK%-'#&)&)E5 LPLO& ? &5#/NBEHNcfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'dart:async'; import 'dart:collection'; import 'dart:isolate'; import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart'; import '../../pub_sub.dart'; /// A [Client] implementation that communicates via [SendPort]s and [ReceivePort]s. class IsolateClient extends Client { final Queue> _onConnect = new Queue>(); final Map> _requests = {}; final List<_IsolateClientSubscription> _subscriptions = []; final Uuid _uuid = new Uuid(); String _id; /// The ID of the client we are authenticating as. final String clientId; /// A server's [SendPort] that messages should be sent to. final SendPort serverSendPort; /// A [ReceivePort] that receives messages from the server. final ReceivePort receivePort = new ReceivePort(); IsolateClient(this.clientId, this.serverSendPort) { receivePort.listen((data) { if (data is Map && data['request_id'] is String) { var requestId = data['request_id'] as String; var c = _requests.remove(requestId); if (c != null && !c.isCompleted) { if (data['status'] is! bool) { c.completeError( new FormatException('The server sent an invalid response.')); } else if (!(data['status'] as bool)) { c.completeError(new PubSubException(data['error_message'] ?.toString() ?? 'The server sent a failure response, but did not provide an error message.')); } else if (data['result'] is! Map) { c.completeError(new FormatException( 'The server sent a success response, but did not include a result.')); } else { c.complete(data['result'] as Map); } } } else if (data is Map && data['id'] is String && _id == null) { _id = data['id'] as String; for (var c in _onConnect) { if (!c.isCompleted) c.complete(_id); } _onConnect.clear(); } else if (data is List && data.length == 2 && data[0] is String) { var eventName = data[0] as String, event = data[1]; for (var s in _subscriptions.where((s) => s.eventName == eventName)) { if (!s._stream.isClosed) s._stream.add(event); } } }); serverSendPort.send(receivePort.sendPort); } Future _whenConnected(FutureOr callback()) { if (_id != null) return new Future.sync(callback); else { var c = new Completer(); _onConnect.add(c); return c.future.then((_) => callback()); } } @override Future publish(String eventName, value) { return _whenConnected(() { var c = new Completer(); var requestId = _uuid.v4() as String; _requests[requestId] = c; serverSendPort.send({ 'id': _id, 'request_id': requestId, 'method': 'publish', 'params': { 'client_id': clientId, 'event_name': eventName, 'value': value } }); return c.future; }); } @override Future subscribe(String eventName) { return _whenConnected(() { var c = new Completer(); var requestId = _uuid.v4() as String; _requests[requestId] = c; serverSendPort.send({ 'id': _id, 'request_id': requestId, 'method': 'subscribe', 'params': {'client_id': clientId, 'event_name': eventName} }); return c.future.then((result) { var s = new _IsolateClientSubscription( eventName, result['subscription_id'] as String, this); _subscriptions.add(s); return s; }); }); } @override Future close() { receivePort.close(); for (var c in _onConnect) { if (!c.isCompleted) { c.completeError(new StateError( 'The client was closed before the server ever accepted the connection.')); } } for (var c in _requests.values) { if (!c.isCompleted) { c.completeError(new StateError( 'The client was closed before the server responded to this request.')); } } for (var s in _subscriptions) s._close(); _requests.clear(); return new Future.value(); } } class _IsolateClientSubscription extends ClientSubscription { final StreamController _stream = new StreamController(); final String eventName, id; final IsolateClient client; _IsolateClientSubscription(this.eventName,, this.client); void _close() { if (!_stream.isClosed) _stream.close(); } @override StreamSubscription listen(void onData(event), {Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError}) { return, onError: onError, onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: cancelOnError); } @override Future unsubscribe() { return client._whenConnected(() { var c = new Completer(); var requestId = client._uuid.v4() as String; client._requests[requestId] = c; client.serverSendPort.send({ 'id': client._id, 'request_id': requestId, 'method': 'unsubscribe', 'params': {'client_id': client.clientId, 'subscription_id': id} }); return c.future.then((_) { _close(); }); }); } } !T%N4>!5=!>56 96-+)N2F$_/1W/ G$$/ J;D, 0?)I &$3'#!!H ! cfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'dart:async'; import 'dart:isolate'; import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart'; import '../../pub_sub.dart'; /// A [Adapter] implementation that communicates via [SendPort]s and [ReceivePort]s. class IsolateAdapter extends Adapter { final Map _clients = {}; final StreamController _onPublish = new StreamController(); final StreamController _onSubscribe = new StreamController(); final StreamController _onUnsubscribe = new StreamController(); final Uuid _uuid = new Uuid(); /// A [ReceivePort] on which to listen for incoming data. final ReceivePort receivePort = new ReceivePort(); @override Stream get onPublish =>; @override Stream get onSubscribe =>; @override Stream get onUnsubscribe =>; @override Future close() { receivePort.close(); _clients.clear(); _onPublish.close(); _onSubscribe.close(); _onUnsubscribe.close(); return new Future.value(); } @override void start() { receivePort.listen((data) { if (data is SendPort) { var id = _uuid.v4() as String; _clients[id] = data; data.send({'status': true, 'id': id}); } else if (data is Map && data['id'] is String && data['request_id'] is String && data['method'] is String && data['params'] is Map) { String id = data['id'], requestId = data['request_id'], method = data['method']; Map params = data['params']; var sp = _clients[id]; if (sp == null) { // There's nobody to respond to, so don't send anything to anyone. Oops. } else if (method == 'publish') { if (params['client_id'] is String && params['event_name'] is String && params.containsKey('value')) { String clientId = params['client_id'], eventName = params['event_name']; var value = params['value']; var rq = new _IsolatePublishRequestImpl( requestId, clientId, eventName, value, sp); _onPublish.add(rq); } else { sp.send({ 'status': false, 'request_id': requestId, 'error_message': 'Expected client_id, event_name, and value.' }); } } else if (method == 'subscribe') { if (params['client_id'] is String && params['event_name'] is String) { String clientId = params['client_id'], eventName = params['event_name']; var rq = new _IsolateSubscriptionRequestImpl( clientId, eventName, sp, requestId, _uuid); _onSubscribe.add(rq); } else { sp.send({ 'status': false, 'request_id': requestId, 'error_message': 'Expected client_id, and event_name.' }); } } else if (method == 'unsubscribe') { if (params['client_id'] is String && params['subscription_id'] is String) { String clientId = params['client_id'], subscriptionId = params['subscription_id']; var rq = new _IsolateUnsubscriptionRequestImpl( clientId, subscriptionId, sp, requestId); _onUnsubscribe.add(rq); } else { sp.send({ 'status': false, 'request_id': requestId, 'error_message': 'Expected client_id, and subscription_id.' }); } } else { sp.send({ 'status': false, 'request_id': requestId, 'error_message': 'Unrecognized method "$method". Or, you omitted id, request_id, method, or params.' }); } } }); } } class _IsolatePublishRequestImpl extends PublishRequest { @override final String clientId; @override final String eventName; @override final value; final SendPort sendPort; final String requestId; _IsolatePublishRequestImpl( this.requestId, this.clientId, this.eventName, this.value, this.sendPort); @override void accept(PublishResponse response) { sendPort.send({ 'status': true, 'request_id': requestId, 'result': {'listeners': response.listeners} }); } @override void reject(String errorMessage) { sendPort.send({ 'status': false, 'request_id': requestId, 'error_message': errorMessage }); } } class _IsolateSubscriptionRequestImpl extends SubscriptionRequest { @override final String clientId; @override final String eventName; final SendPort sendPort; final String requestId; final Uuid _uuid; _IsolateSubscriptionRequestImpl( this.clientId, this.eventName, this.sendPort, this.requestId, this._uuid); @override void reject(String errorMessage) { sendPort.send({ 'status': false, 'request_id': requestId, 'error_message': errorMessage }); } @override FutureOr accept() { var id = _uuid.v4() as String; sendPort.send({ 'status': true, 'request_id': requestId, 'result': {'subscription_id': id} }); return new _IsolateSubscriptionImpl(clientId, id, eventName, sendPort); } } class _IsolateSubscriptionImpl extends Subscription { @override final String clientId, id; final String eventName; final SendPort sendPort; _IsolateSubscriptionImpl( this.clientId,, this.eventName, this.sendPort); @override void dispatch(event) { sendPort.send([eventName, event]); } } class _IsolateUnsubscriptionRequestImpl extends UnsubscriptionRequest { @override final String clientId; @override final String subscriptionId; final SendPort sendPort; final String requestId; _IsolateUnsubscriptionRequestImpl( this.clientId, this.subscriptionId, this.sendPort, this.requestId); @override void reject(String errorMessage) { sendPort.send({ 'status': false, 'request_id': requestId, 'error_message': errorMessage }); } @override accept() { sendPort.send({'status': true, 'request_id': requestId, 'result': {}}); } } !U'-6.=3A5!<5 = F L   '/ "*&# ,%%S*/0-32)5< 'L ,Q32:<"'E ./53<<:$'J %d :   Q *2 %$D  #Q %$ $#(L6 > 'H  %J %$ Lkfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'dart:async'; /// Queries a `pub_sub` server. abstract class Client { /// Publishes an event to the server. Future publish(String eventName, value); /// Request a [ClientSubscription] to the desired [eventName] from the server. Future subscribe(String eventName); /// Disposes of this client. Future close(); } /// A client-side implementation of a subscription, which acts as a [Stream], and can be cancelled easily. abstract class ClientSubscription extends Stream { /// Stops listening for new events, and instructs the server to cancel the subscription. Future unsubscribe(); } /// Thrown as the result of an invalid request, or an attempt to perform an action without the correct privileges. class PubSubException implements Exception { /// The error message sent by the server. final String message; const PubSubException(this.message); @override String toString() => '`pub_sub` exception: $message'; }  (+Q:k3[s-,' 8lfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'dart:async'; import 'publish.dart'; import 'subscription.dart'; /// Adapts an abstract medium to serve the `pub_sub` RPC protocol. abstract class Adapter { /// Fires an event whenever a client tries to publish data. Stream get onPublish; /// Fires whenever a client tries to subscribe to an event. Stream get onSubscribe; /// Fires whenever a client cancels a subscription. Stream get onUnsubscribe; /// Disposes of this adapter. Future close(); /// Start listening for incoming clients. void start(); }C>(>/63 ,kfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Represents information about a client that will be accessing /// this `angel_sync` server. class ClientInfo { /// A unique identifier for this client. final String id; /// If `true` (default), then the client is allowed to publish events. final bool canPublish; /// If `true` (default), then the client can subscribe to events. final bool canSubscribe; const ClientInfo(, {this.canPublish: true, this.canSubscribe: true}); } A+IDOlfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Represents a request to publish information to other clients. abstract class PublishRequest { /// The ID of the client sending this request. String get clientId; /// The name of the event to be sent. String get eventName; /// The value to be published as an event. dynamic get value; /// Accept the request, with a response. void accept(PublishResponse response); /// Deny the request with an error message. void reject(String errorMessage); } /// A response to a publish request. Informs the caller of how much clients received the event. class PublishResponse { /// The number of unique listeners to whom this event was propogated. final int listeners; const PublishResponse(this.listeners); }B 1(-+).$`H)kfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'dart:async'; import 'adapter.dart'; import 'client.dart'; import 'publish.dart'; import 'subscription.dart'; /// A server that implements the `pub_sub` protocol. /// /// It can work using multiple [Adapter]s, to simultaneously /// serve local and remote clients alike. class Server { final List _adapters = []; final List _clients = []; final Map> _subscriptions = {}; bool _started = false; /// Initialize a server, optionally with a number of [adapters]. Server([Iterable adapters = const []]) { _adapters.addAll(adapters ?? []); } /// Adds a new [Adapter] to adapt incoming clients from a new interface. void addAdapter(Adapter adapter) { if (_started) throw new StateError( 'You cannot add new adapters after the server has started listening.'); else { _adapters.add(adapter); } } /// Registers a new client with the server. void registerClient(ClientInfo client) { if (_started) throw new StateError( 'You cannot register new clients after the server has started listening.'); else { _clients.add(client); } } /// Disposes of this server, and closes all of its adapters. Future close() { Future.wait( => a.close())); _adapters.clear(); _clients.clear(); _subscriptions.clear(); return new Future.value(); } void start() { if (_adapters.isEmpty) throw new StateError( 'Cannot start a SyncServer that has no adapters attached.'); else if (_started) throw new StateError('A SyncServer may only be started once.'); _started = true; for (var adapter in _adapters) { adapter.start(); } for (var adapter in _adapters) { // Handle publishes adapter.onPublish.listen((rq) { var client = _clients.firstWhere((c) => == rq.clientId, orElse: () => null); if (client == null) { rq.reject('Unrecognized client ID "${rq.clientId}".'); } else if (!client.canPublish) { rq.reject('You are not allowed to publish events.'); } else { var listeners = _subscriptions[rq.eventName] ?.where((s) => s.clientId != rq.clientId) ?? []; if (listeners.isEmpty) { rq.accept(const PublishResponse(0)); } else { for (var listener in listeners) { listener.dispatch(rq.value); } rq.accept(new PublishResponse(listeners.length)); } } }); // Listen for incoming subscriptions adapter.onSubscribe.listen((rq) async { var client = _clients.firstWhere((c) => == rq.clientId, orElse: () => null); if (client == null) { rq.reject('Unrecognized client ID "${rq.clientId}".'); } else if (!client.canSubscribe) { rq.reject('You are not allowed to subscribe to events.'); } else { var sub = await rq.accept(); var list = _subscriptions.putIfAbsent(rq.eventName, () => []); list.add(sub); } }); // Unregister subscriptions on unsubscribe adapter.onUnsubscribe.listen((rq) { Subscription toRemove; List sourceList; for (var list in _subscriptions.values) { toRemove = list.firstWhere((s) => == rq.subscriptionId, orElse: () => null); if (toRemove != null) { sourceList = list; break; } } if (toRemove == null) { rq.reject('The specified subscription does not exist.'); } else if (toRemove.clientId != rq.clientId) { rq.reject('That is not your subscription to cancel.'); } else { sourceList.remove(toRemove); rq.accept(); } }); } } } 5=*&(=C4&K%R .+V ?2GF%%&QA)?7?#1.+> +.QA+D'I 1*'2G#"  C7A' qfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'dart:async'; /// Represents a request to subscribe to an event. abstract class SubscriptionRequest { /// The ID of the client requesting to subscribe. String get clientId; /// The name of the event the client wants to subscribe to. String get eventName; /// Accept the request, and grant the client access to subscribe to the event. FutureOr accept(); /// Deny the request with an error message. void reject(String errorMessage); } /// Represents a request to unsubscribe to an event. abstract class UnsubscriptionRequest { /// The ID of the client requesting to unsubscribe. String get clientId; /// The name of the event the client wants to unsubscribe from. String get subscriptionId; /// Accept the request. FutureOr accept(); /// Deny the request with an error message. void reject(String errorMessage); } /// Represents a client's subscription to an event. /// /// Also provides a means to fire an event. abstract class Subscription { /// A unique identifier for this subscription. String get id; /// The ID of the client who requested this subscription. String get clientId; /// Alerts a client of an event. void dispatch(event); }.3%4>Q#.$5'6B.$4,1<#qfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:collection'; import 'package:string_scanner/string_scanner.dart'; import 'case_insensitive_map.dart'; import 'scan.dart'; import 'utils.dart'; /// A single challenge in a WWW-Authenticate header, parsed as per [RFC 2617][]. /// /// [RFC 2617]: /// /// Each WWW-Authenticate header contains one or more challenges, representing /// valid ways to authenticate with the server. class AuthenticationChallenge { /// The scheme describing the type of authentication that's required, for /// example "basic" or "digest". /// /// This is normalized to always be lower-case. final String scheme; /// The parameters describing how to authenticate. /// /// The semantics of these parameters are scheme-specific. The keys of this /// map are case-insensitive. final Map parameters; /// Parses a WWW-Authenticate header, which should contain one or more /// challenges. /// /// Throws a [FormatException] if the header is invalid. static List parseHeader(String header) { return wrapFormatException("authentication header", header, () { var scanner = new StringScanner(header); scanner.scan(whitespace); var challenges = parseList(scanner, () { var scheme = _scanScheme(scanner, whitespaceName: '" " or "="'); // Manually parse the inner list. We need to do some lookahead to // disambiguate between an auth param and another challenge. var params = {}; // Consume initial empty values. while (scanner.scan(",")) { scanner.scan(whitespace); } _scanAuthParam(scanner, params); var beforeComma = scanner.position; while (scanner.scan(",")) { scanner.scan(whitespace); // Empty elements are allowed, but excluded from the results. if (scanner.matches(",") || scanner.isDone) continue; scanner.expect(token, name: "a token"); var name = scanner.lastMatch[0]; scanner.scan(whitespace); // If there's no "=", then this is another challenge rather than a // parameter for the current challenge. if (!scanner.scan('=')) { scanner.position = beforeComma; break; } scanner.scan(whitespace); if (scanner.scan(token)) { params[name] = scanner.lastMatch[0]; } else { params[name] = expectQuotedString(scanner, name: "a token or a quoted string"); } scanner.scan(whitespace); beforeComma = scanner.position; } return new AuthenticationChallenge(scheme, params); }); scanner.expectDone(); return challenges; }); } /// Parses a single WWW-Authenticate challenge value. /// /// Throws a [FormatException] if the challenge is invalid. factory AuthenticationChallenge.parse(String challenge) { return wrapFormatException("authentication challenge", challenge, () { var scanner = new StringScanner(challenge); scanner.scan(whitespace); var scheme = _scanScheme(scanner); var params = {}; parseList(scanner, () => _scanAuthParam(scanner, params)); scanner.expectDone(); return new AuthenticationChallenge(scheme, params); }); } /// Scans a single scheme name and asserts that it's followed by a space. /// /// If [whitespaceName] is passed, it's used as the name for exceptions thrown /// due to invalid trailing whitespace. static String _scanScheme(StringScanner scanner, {String whitespaceName}) { scanner.expect(token, name: "a token"); var scheme = scanner.lastMatch[0].toLowerCase(); scanner.scan(whitespace); // The spec specifically requires a space between the scheme and its // params. if (scanner.lastMatch == null || !scanner.lastMatch[0].contains(" ")) { scanner.expect(" ", name: whitespaceName); } return scheme; } /// Scans a single authentication parameter and stores its result in [params]. static void _scanAuthParam(StringScanner scanner, Map params) { scanner.expect(token, name: "a token"); var name = scanner.lastMatch[0]; scanner.scan(whitespace); scanner.expect('='); scanner.scan(whitespace); if (scanner.scan(token)) { params[name] = scanner.lastMatch[0]; } else { params[name] = expectQuotedString(scanner, name: "a token or a quoted string"); } scanner.scan(whitespace); } /// Creates a new challenge value with [scheme] and [parameters]. AuthenticationChallenge(this.scheme, Map parameters) : parameters = new UnmodifiableMapView(new CaseInsensitiveMap.from(parameters)); } NN<5$Q3O0 L#25N (I;DE/ /IJE))$$ ),$$H@2+$M2$, $%1Q $* < 8> extends CanonicalizedMap { CaseInsensitiveMap() : super((key) => key.toLowerCase(), isValidKey: (key) => key != null); CaseInsensitiveMap.from(Map other) : super.from(other, (key) => key.toLowerCase(), isValidKey: (key) => key != null); } NN<-3MJM06/gfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:convert'; import 'chunked_coding/encoder.dart'; import 'chunked_coding/decoder.dart'; export 'chunked_coding/encoder.dart' hide chunkedCodingEncoder; export 'chunked_coding/decoder.dart' hide chunkedCodingDecoder; /// The canonical instance of [ChunkedCodingCodec]. const chunkedCoding = const ChunkedCodingCodec._(); /// A codec that encodes and decodes the [chunked transfer coding][]. /// /// [chunked transfer coding]: /// /// The [encoder] creates a *single* chunked message for each call to /// [ChunkedCodingEncoder.convert] or /// [ChunkedCodingEncoder.startChunkedConversion]. This means that it will /// always add an end-of-message footer once conversion has finished. It doesn't /// support generating chunk extensions or trailing headers. /// /// Similarly, the [decoder] decodes a *single* chunked message into a stream of /// byte arrays that must be concatenated to get the full list (like most Dart /// byte streams). It doesn't support decoding a stream that contains multiple /// chunked messages, nor does it support a stream that contains chunked data /// mixed with other types of data. /// /// Currently, [decoder] will fail to parse chunk extensions and trailing /// headers. It may be updated to silently ignore them in the future. class ChunkedCodingCodec extends Codec, List> { ChunkedCodingEncoder get encoder => chunkedCodingEncoder; ChunkedCodingDecoder get decoder => chunkedCodingDecoder; const ChunkedCodingCodec._(); } )NN<&&@@44F_F&KQ=QOON$JF?<< bfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:string_scanner/string_scanner.dart'; import 'utils.dart'; const _WEEKDAYS = const ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"]; const _MONTHS = const [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ]; final _shortWeekdayRegExp = new RegExp(r"Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun"); final _longWeekdayRegExp = new RegExp(r"Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday|Saturday|Sunday"); final _monthRegExp = new RegExp(r"Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec"); final _digitRegExp = new RegExp(r"\d+"); /// Return a HTTP-formatted string representation of [date]. /// /// This follows [RFC 822]( as updated by [RFC /// 1123]( String formatHttpDate(DateTime date) { date = date.toUtc(); var buffer = new StringBuffer() ..write(_WEEKDAYS[date.weekday - 1]) ..write(", ") ..write( <= 9 ? "0" : "") ..write( ..write(" ") ..write(_MONTHS[date.month - 1]) ..write(" ") ..write(date.year.toString()) ..write(date.hour <= 9 ? " 0" : " ") ..write(date.hour.toString()) ..write(date.minute <= 9 ? ":0" : ":") ..write(date.minute.toString()) ..write(date.second <= 9 ? ":0" : ":") ..write(date.second.toString()) ..write(" GMT"); return buffer.toString(); } /// Parses an HTTP-formatted date into a UTC [DateTime]. /// /// This follows [RFC /// 2616]( It will /// throw a [FormatException] if [date] is invalid. DateTime parseHttpDate(String date) { return wrapFormatException("HTTP date", date, () { var scanner = new StringScanner(date); if (scanner.scan(_longWeekdayRegExp)) { // RFC 850 starts with a long weekday. scanner.expect(", "); var day = _parseInt(scanner, 2); scanner.expect("-"); var month = _parseMonth(scanner); scanner.expect("-"); var year = 1900 + _parseInt(scanner, 2); scanner.expect(" "); var time = _parseTime(scanner); scanner.expect(" GMT"); scanner.expectDone(); return _makeDateTime(year, month, day, time); } // RFC 1123 and asctime both start with a short weekday. scanner.expect(_shortWeekdayRegExp); if (scanner.scan(", ")) { // RFC 1123 follows the weekday with a comma. var day = _parseInt(scanner, 2); scanner.expect(" "); var month = _parseMonth(scanner); scanner.expect(" "); var year = _parseInt(scanner, 4); scanner.expect(" "); var time = _parseTime(scanner); scanner.expect(" GMT"); scanner.expectDone(); return _makeDateTime(year, month, day, time); } // asctime follows the weekday with a space. scanner.expect(" "); var month = _parseMonth(scanner); scanner.expect(" "); var day = scanner.scan(" ") ? _parseInt(scanner, 1) : _parseInt(scanner, 2); scanner.expect(" "); var time = _parseTime(scanner); scanner.expect(" "); var year = _parseInt(scanner, 4); scanner.expectDone(); return _makeDateTime(year, month, day, time); }); } /// Parses a short-form month name to a form accepted by [DateTime]. int _parseMonth(StringScanner scanner) { scanner.expect(_monthRegExp); // DateTime uses 1-indexed months. return _MONTHS.indexOf(scanner.lastMatch[0]) + 1; } /// Parses an int an enforces that it has exactly [digits] digits. int _parseInt(StringScanner scanner, int digits) { scanner.expect(_digitRegExp); if (scanner.lastMatch[0].length != digits) { scanner.error("expected a $digits-digit number."); } return int.parse(scanner.lastMatch[0]); } /// Parses an timestamp of the form "HH:MM:SS" on a 24-hour clock. DateTime _parseTime(StringScanner scanner) { var hours = _parseInt(scanner, 2); if (hours >= 24) scanner.error("hours may not be greater than 24."); scanner.expect(':'); var minutes = _parseInt(scanner, 2); if (minutes >= 60) scanner.error("minutes may not be greater than 60."); scanner.expect(':'); var seconds = _parseInt(scanner, 2); if (seconds >= 60) scanner.error("seconds may not be greater than 60."); return new DateTime(1, 1, 1, hours, minutes, seconds); } /// Returns a UTC [DateTime] from the given components. /// /// Validates that [day] is a valid day for [month]. If it's not, throws a /// [FormatException]. DateTime _makeDateTime(int year, int month, int day, DateTime time) { var dateTime = new DateTime.utc(year, month, day, time.hour, time.minute, time.second); // If [day] was too large, it will cause [month] to overflow. if (dateTime.month != month) { throw new FormatException("invalid day '$day' for month '$month'."); } return dateTime; } NN<5K HMD)=Q/'")&!%")"+$+$9Q4&5+,-'(/&4=)4'((&41&Q$&2E) %4C3 /7*C-%G'K'K98KFO@!Icfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; import 'package:string_scanner/string_scanner.dart'; import 'case_insensitive_map.dart'; import 'scan.dart'; import 'utils.dart'; /// A regular expression matching a character that needs to be backslash-escaped /// in a quoted string. final _escapedChar = new RegExp(r'["\x00-\x1F\x7F]'); /// A class representing an HTTP media type, as used in Accept and Content-Type /// headers. /// /// This is immutable; new instances can be created based on an old instance by /// calling [change]. class MediaType { /// The primary identifier of the MIME type. /// /// This is always lowercase. final String type; /// The secondary identifier of the MIME type. /// /// This is always lowercase. final String subtype; /// The parameters to the media type. /// /// This map is immutable and the keys are case-insensitive. final Map parameters; /// The media type's MIME type. String get mimeType => "$type/$subtype"; /// Parses a media type. /// /// This will throw a FormatError if the media type is invalid. factory MediaType.parse(String mediaType) { // This parsing is based on sections 3.6 and 3.7 of the HTTP spec: // return wrapFormatException("media type", mediaType, () { var scanner = new StringScanner(mediaType); scanner.scan(whitespace); scanner.expect(token); var type = scanner.lastMatch[0]; scanner.expect('/'); scanner.expect(token); var subtype = scanner.lastMatch[0]; scanner.scan(whitespace); var parameters = {}; while (scanner.scan(';')) { scanner.scan(whitespace); scanner.expect(token); var attribute = scanner.lastMatch[0]; scanner.expect('='); String value; if (scanner.scan(token)) { value = scanner.lastMatch[0]; } else { value = expectQuotedString(scanner); } scanner.scan(whitespace); parameters[attribute] = value; } scanner.expectDone(); return new MediaType(type, subtype, parameters); }); } MediaType(String type, String subtype, [Map parameters]) : type = type.toLowerCase(), subtype = subtype.toLowerCase(), parameters = new UnmodifiableMapView( parameters == null ? {} : new CaseInsensitiveMap.from(parameters)); /// Returns a copy of this [MediaType] with some fields altered. /// /// [type] and [subtype] alter the corresponding fields. [mimeType] is parsed /// and alters both the [type] and [subtype] fields; it cannot be passed along /// with [type] or [subtype]. /// /// [parameters] overwrites and adds to the corresponding field. If /// [clearParameters] is passed, it replaces the corresponding field entirely /// instead. MediaType change( {String type, String subtype, String mimeType, Map parameters, bool clearParameters: false}) { if (mimeType != null) { if (type != null) { throw new ArgumentError("You may not pass both [type] and [mimeType]."); } else if (subtype != null) { throw new ArgumentError("You may not pass both [subtype] and " "[mimeType]."); } var segments = mimeType.split('/'); if (segments.length != 2) { throw new FormatException('Invalid mime type "$mimeType".'); } type = segments[0]; subtype = segments[1]; } if (type == null) type = this.type; if (subtype == null) subtype = this.subtype; if (parameters == null) parameters = {}; if (!clearParameters) { var newParameters = parameters; parameters = new Map.from(this.parameters); parameters.addAll(newParameters); } return new MediaType(type, subtype, parameters); } /// Converts the media type to a string. /// /// This will produce a valid HTTP media type. String toString() { var buffer = new StringBuffer()..write(type)..write("/")..write(subtype); parameters.forEach((attribute, value) { buffer.write("; $attribute="); if (nonToken.hasMatch(value)) { buffer ..write('"') ..write( value.replaceAllMapped(_escapedChar, (match) => "\\" + match[0])) ..write('"'); } else { buffer.write(value); } }); return buffer.toString(); } } NN<-5$Q6P P/ 1 (?("+B.G>=2 '* +"".#(/ "'7K#).PCPQ FP&&Q$G*"E(1-&2(5+1N,%&PYfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:math' as math; import 'characters.dart' as chars; import 'internal_style.dart'; import 'style.dart'; import 'parsed_path.dart'; import 'path_exception.dart'; import '../path.dart' as p; Context createInternal() => new Context._internal(); /// An instantiable class for manipulating paths. Unlike the top-level /// functions, this lets you explicitly select what platform the paths will use. class Context { /// Creates a new path context for the given style and current directory. /// /// If [style] is omitted, it uses the host operating system's path style. If /// only [current] is omitted, it defaults ".". If *both* [style] and /// [current] are omitted, [current] defaults to the real current working /// directory. /// /// On the browser, [style] defaults to [Style.url] and [current] defaults to /// the current URL. factory Context({Style style, String current}) { if (current == null) { if (style == null) { current = p.current; } else { current = "."; } } if (style == null) { style = Style.platform; } else if (style is! InternalStyle) { throw new ArgumentError("Only styles defined by the path package are " "allowed."); } return new Context._(style as InternalStyle, current); } /// Create a [Context] to be used internally within path. Context._internal() : style = Style.platform as InternalStyle, _current = null; Context._(, this._current); /// The style of path that this context works with. final InternalStyle style; /// The current directory given when Context was created. If null, current /// directory is evaluated from 'p.current'. final String _current; /// The current directory that relative paths are relative to. String get current => _current != null ? _current : p.current; /// Gets the path separator for the context's [style]. On Mac and Linux, /// this is `/`. On Windows, it's `\`. String get separator => style.separator; /// Creates a new path by appending the given path parts to [current]. /// Equivalent to [join()] with [current] as the first argument. Example: /// /// var context = new Context(current: '/root'); /// context.absolute('path', 'to', 'foo'); // -> '/root/path/to/foo' /// /// If [current] isn't absolute, this won't return an absolute path. String absolute(String part1, [String part2, String part3, String part4, String part5, String part6, String part7]) { _validateArgList( "absolute", [part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7]); // If there's a single absolute path, just return it. This is a lot faster // for the common case of `p.absolute(path)`. if (part2 == null && isAbsolute(part1) && !isRootRelative(part1)) { return part1; } return join(current, part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7); } /// Gets the part of [path] after the last separator on the context's /// platform. /// /// context.basename('path/to/foo.dart'); // -> 'foo.dart' /// context.basename('path/to'); // -> 'to' /// /// Trailing separators are ignored. /// /// context.basename('path/to/'); // -> 'to' String basename(String path) => _parse(path).basename; /// Gets the part of [path] after the last separator on the context's /// platform, and without any trailing file extension. /// /// context.basenameWithoutExtension('path/to/foo.dart'); // -> 'foo' /// /// Trailing separators are ignored. /// /// context.basenameWithoutExtension('path/to/foo.dart/'); // -> 'foo' String basenameWithoutExtension(String path) => _parse(path).basenameWithoutExtension; /// Gets the part of [path] before the last separator. /// /// context.dirname('path/to/foo.dart'); // -> 'path/to' /// context.dirname('path/to'); // -> 'path' /// /// Trailing separators are ignored. /// /// context.dirname('path/to/'); // -> 'path' String dirname(String path) { var parsed = _parse(path); parsed.removeTrailingSeparators(); if ( return parsed.root == null ? '.' : parsed.root; if ( == 1) { return parsed.root == null ? '.' : parsed.root; }; parsed.separators.removeLast(); parsed.removeTrailingSeparators(); return parsed.toString(); } /// Gets the file extension of [path]: the portion of [basename] from the last /// `.` to the end (including the `.` itself). /// /// context.extension('path/to/foo.dart'); // -> '.dart' /// context.extension('path/to/foo'); // -> '' /// context.extension(''); // -> '' /// context.extension('path/to/foo.dart.js'); // -> '.js' /// /// If the file name starts with a `.`, then it is not considered an /// extension: /// /// context.extension('~/.bashrc'); // -> '' /// context.extension('~/.notes.txt'); // -> '.txt' String extension(String path) => _parse(path).extension; // TODO(nweiz): add a UNC example for Windows once issue 7323 is fixed. /// Returns the root of [path] if it's absolute, or an empty string if it's /// relative. /// /// // Unix /// context.rootPrefix('path/to/foo'); // -> '' /// context.rootPrefix('/path/to/foo'); // -> '/' /// /// // Windows /// context.rootPrefix(r'path\to\foo'); // -> '' /// context.rootPrefix(r'C:\path\to\foo'); // -> r'C:\' /// /// // URL /// context.rootPrefix('path/to/foo'); // -> '' /// context.rootPrefix(''); /// // -> '' String rootPrefix(String path) => path.substring(0, style.rootLength(path)); /// Returns `true` if [path] is an absolute path and `false` if it is a /// relative path. /// /// On POSIX systems, absolute paths start with a `/` (forward slash). On /// Windows, an absolute path starts with `\\`, or a drive letter followed by /// `:/` or `:\`. For URLs, absolute paths either start with a protocol and /// optional hostname (e.g. ``, `file://`) or with a `/`. /// /// URLs that start with `/` are known as "root-relative", since they're /// relative to the root of the current URL. Since root-relative paths are /// still absolute in every other sense, [isAbsolute] will return true for /// them. They can be detected using [isRootRelative]. bool isAbsolute(String path) => style.rootLength(path) > 0; /// Returns `true` if [path] is a relative path and `false` if it is absolute. /// On POSIX systems, absolute paths start with a `/` (forward slash). On /// Windows, an absolute path starts with `\\`, or a drive letter followed by /// `:/` or `:\`. bool isRelative(String path) => !this.isAbsolute(path); /// Returns `true` if [path] is a root-relative path and `false` if it's not. /// /// URLs that start with `/` are known as "root-relative", since they're /// relative to the root of the current URL. Since root-relative paths are /// still absolute in every other sense, [isAbsolute] will return true for /// them. They can be detected using [isRootRelative]. /// /// No POSIX and Windows paths are root-relative. bool isRootRelative(String path) => style.isRootRelative(path); /// Joins the given path parts into a single path. Example: /// /// context.join('path', 'to', 'foo'); // -> 'path/to/foo' /// /// If any part ends in a path separator, then a redundant separator will not /// be added: /// /// context.join('path/', 'to', 'foo'); // -> 'path/to/foo /// /// If a part is an absolute path, then anything before that will be ignored: /// /// context.join('path', '/to', 'foo'); // -> '/to/foo' /// String join(String part1, [String part2, String part3, String part4, String part5, String part6, String part7, String part8]) { var parts = [ part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7, part8 ]; _validateArgList("join", parts); return joinAll(parts.where((part) => part != null)); } /// Joins the given path parts into a single path. Example: /// /// context.joinAll(['path', 'to', 'foo']); // -> 'path/to/foo' /// /// If any part ends in a path separator, then a redundant separator will not /// be added: /// /// context.joinAll(['path/', 'to', 'foo']); // -> 'path/to/foo /// /// If a part is an absolute path, then anything before that will be ignored: /// /// context.joinAll(['path', '/to', 'foo']); // -> '/to/foo' /// /// For a fixed number of parts, [join] is usually terser. String joinAll(Iterable parts) { var buffer = new StringBuffer(); var needsSeparator = false; var isAbsoluteAndNotRootRelative = false; for (var part in parts.where((part) => part != '')) { if (this.isRootRelative(part) && isAbsoluteAndNotRootRelative) { // If the new part is root-relative, it preserves the previous root but // replaces the path after it. var parsed = _parse(part); var path = buffer.toString(); parsed.root = path.substring(0, style.rootLength(path, withDrive: true)); if (style.needsSeparator(parsed.root)) { parsed.separators[0] = style.separator; } buffer.clear(); buffer.write(parsed.toString()); } else if (this.isAbsolute(part)) { isAbsoluteAndNotRootRelative = !this.isRootRelative(part); // An absolute path discards everything before it. buffer.clear(); buffer.write(part); } else { if (part.length > 0 && style.containsSeparator(part[0])) { // The part starts with a separator, so we don't need to add one. } else if (needsSeparator) { buffer.write(separator); } buffer.write(part); } // Unless this part ends with a separator, we'll need to add one before // the next part. needsSeparator = style.needsSeparator(part); } return buffer.toString(); } // TODO(nweiz): add a UNC example for Windows once issue 7323 is fixed. /// Splits [path] into its components using the current platform's /// [separator]. Example: /// /// context.split('path/to/foo'); // -> ['path', 'to', 'foo'] /// /// The path will *not* be normalized before splitting. /// /// context.split('path/../foo'); // -> ['path', '..', 'foo'] /// /// If [path] is absolute, the root directory will be the first element in the /// array. Example: /// /// // Unix /// context.split('/path/to/foo'); // -> ['/', 'path', 'to', 'foo'] /// /// // Windows /// context.split(r'C:\path\to\foo'); // -> [r'C:\', 'path', 'to', 'foo'] List split(String path) { var parsed = _parse(path); // Filter out empty parts that exist due to multiple separators in a row. = => !part.isEmpty).toList(); if (parsed.root != null), parsed.root); return; } /// Canonicalizes [path]. /// /// This is guaranteed to return the same path for two different input paths /// if and only if both input paths point to the same location. Unlike /// [normalize], it returns absolute paths when possible and canonicalizes /// ASCII case on Windows. /// /// Note that this does not resolve symlinks. /// /// If you want a map that uses path keys, it's probably more efficient to /// pass [equals] and [hash] to [new HashMap] than it is to canonicalize every /// key. String canonicalize(String path) { path = absolute(path); if (style != && !_needsNormalization(path)) return path; var parsed = _parse(path); parsed.normalize(canonicalize: true); return parsed.toString(); } /// Normalizes [path], simplifying it by handling `..`, and `.`, and /// removing redundant path separators whenever possible. /// /// Note that this is *not* guaranteed to return the same result for two /// equivalent input paths. For that, see [canonicalize]. Or, if you're using /// paths as map keys, pass [equals] and [hash] to [new HashMap]. /// /// context.normalize('path/./to/..//file.text'); // -> 'path/file.txt' String normalize(String path) { if (!_needsNormalization(path)) return path; var parsed = _parse(path); parsed.normalize(); return parsed.toString(); } /// Returns whether [path] needs to be normalized. bool _needsNormalization(String path) { var start = 0; var codeUnits = path.codeUnits; int previousPrevious; int previous; // Skip past the root before we start looking for snippets that need // normalization. We want to normalize "//", but not when it's part of // "http://". var root = style.rootLength(path); if (root != 0) { start = root; previous = chars.SLASH; // On Windows, the root still needs to be normalized if it contains a // forward slash. if (style == { for (var i = 0; i < root; i++) { if (codeUnits[i] == chars.SLASH) return true; } } } for (var i = start; i < codeUnits.length; i++) { var codeUnit = codeUnits[i]; if (style.isSeparator(codeUnit)) { // Forward slashes in Windows paths are normalized to backslashes. if (style == && codeUnit == chars.SLASH) return true; // Multiple separators are normalized to single separators. if (previous != null && style.isSeparator(previous)) return true; // Single dots and double dots are normalized to directory traversals. // // This can return false positives for ".../", but that's unlikely // enough that it's probably not going to cause performance issues. if (previous == chars.PERIOD && (previousPrevious == null || previousPrevious == chars.PERIOD || style.isSeparator(previousPrevious))) { return true; } } previousPrevious = previous; previous = codeUnit; } // Empty paths are normalized to ".". if (previous == null) return true; // Trailing separators are removed. if (style.isSeparator(previous)) return true; // Single dots and double dots are normalized to directory traversals. if (previous == chars.PERIOD && (previousPrevious == null || style.isSeparator(previousPrevious) || previousPrevious == chars.PERIOD)) { return true; } return false; } /// Attempts to convert [path] to an equivalent relative path relative to /// [root]. /// /// var context = new Context(current: '/root/path'); /// context.relative('/root/path/a/b.dart'); // -> 'a/b.dart' /// context.relative('/root/other.dart'); // -> '../other.dart' /// /// If the [from] argument is passed, [path] is made relative to that instead. /// /// context.relative('/root/path/a/b.dart', /// from: '/root/path'); // -> 'a/b.dart' /// context.relative('/root/other.dart', /// from: '/root/path'); // -> '../other.dart' /// /// If [path] and/or [from] are relative paths, they are assumed to be /// relative to [current]. /// /// Since there is no relative path from one drive letter to another on /// Windows, this will return an absolute path in that case. /// /// context.relative(r'D:\other', from: r'C:\other'); // -> 'D:\other' /// /// This will also return an absolute path if an absolute [path] is passed to /// a context with a relative path for [current]. /// /// var context = new Context(r'some/relative/path'); /// context.relative(r'/absolute/path'); // -> '/absolute/path' /// /// If [root] is relative, it may be impossible to determine a path from /// [from] to [path]. For example, if [root] and [path] are "." and [from] is /// "/", no path can be determined. In this case, a [PathException] will be /// thrown. String relative(String path, {String from}) { // Avoid expensive computation if the path is already relative. if (from == null && this.isRelative(path)) return this.normalize(path); from = from == null ? current : absolute(from); // We can't determine the path from a relative path to an absolute path. if (this.isRelative(from) && this.isAbsolute(path)) { return this.normalize(path); } // If the given path is relative, resolve it relative to the context's // current directory. if (this.isRelative(path) || this.isRootRelative(path)) { path = this.absolute(path); } // If the path is still relative and `from` is absolute, we're unable to // find a path from `from` to `path`. if (this.isRelative(path) && this.isAbsolute(from)) { throw new PathException('Unable to find a path to "$path" from "$from".'); } var fromParsed = _parse(from)..normalize(); var pathParsed = _parse(path)..normalize(); if ( > 0 &&[0] == '.') { return pathParsed.toString(); } // If the root prefixes don't match (for example, different drive letters // on Windows), then there is no relative path, so just return the absolute // one. In Windows, drive letters are case-insenstive and we allow // calculation of relative paths, even if a path has not been normalized. if (fromParsed.root != pathParsed.root && ((fromParsed.root == null || pathParsed.root == null) || !style.pathsEqual(fromParsed.root, pathParsed.root))) { return pathParsed.toString(); } // Strip off their common prefix. while ( > 0 && > 0 && style.pathsEqual([0],[0])) {; fromParsed.separators.removeAt(1);; pathParsed.separators.removeAt(1); } // If there are any directories left in the from path, we need to walk up // out of them. If a directory left in the from path is '..', it cannot // be cancelled by adding a '..'. if ( > 0 &&[0] == '..') { throw new PathException('Unable to find a path to "$path" from "$from".'); } .insertAll(0, new List.filled(, '..')); pathParsed.separators[0] = ''; pathParsed.separators.insertAll( 1, new List.filled(, style.separator)); // Corner case: the paths completely collapsed. if ( == 0) return '.'; // Corner case: path was '.' and some '..' directories were added in front. // Don't add a final '/.' in that case. if ( > 1 && == '.') {; pathParsed.separators ..removeLast() ..removeLast() ..add(''); } // Make it relative. pathParsed.root = ''; pathParsed.removeTrailingSeparators(); return pathParsed.toString(); } /// Returns `true` if [child] is a path beneath `parent`, and `false` /// otherwise. /// /// path.isWithin('/root/path', '/root/path/a'); // -> true /// path.isWithin('/root/path', '/root/other'); // -> false /// path.isWithin('/root/path', '/root/path'); // -> false bool isWithin(String parent, String child) => _isWithinOrEquals(parent, child) == _PathRelation.within; /// Returns `true` if [path1] points to the same location as [path2], and /// `false` otherwise. /// /// The [hash] function returns a hash code that matches these equality /// semantics. bool equals(String path1, String path2) => _isWithinOrEquals(path1, path2) == _PathRelation.equal; /// Compares two paths and returns an enum value indicating their relationship /// to one another. /// /// This never returns [_PathRelation.inconclusive]. _PathRelation _isWithinOrEquals(String parent, String child) { // Make both paths the same level of relative. We're only able to do the // quick comparison if both paths are in the same format, and making a path // absolute is faster than making it relative. var parentIsAbsolute = isAbsolute(parent); var childIsAbsolute = isAbsolute(child); if (parentIsAbsolute && !childIsAbsolute) { child = absolute(child); if (style.isRootRelative(parent)) parent = absolute(parent); } else if (childIsAbsolute && !parentIsAbsolute) { parent = absolute(parent); if (style.isRootRelative(child)) child = absolute(child); } else if (childIsAbsolute && parentIsAbsolute) { var childIsRootRelative = style.isRootRelative(child); var parentIsRootRelative = style.isRootRelative(parent); if (childIsRootRelative && !parentIsRootRelative) { child = absolute(child); } else if (parentIsRootRelative && !childIsRootRelative) { parent = absolute(parent); } } var result = _isWithinOrEqualsFast(parent, child); if (result != _PathRelation.inconclusive) return result; String relative; try { relative = this.relative(child, from: parent); } on PathException catch (_) { // If no relative path from [parent] to [child] is found, [child] // definitely isn't a child of [parent]. return _PathRelation.different; } if (!this.isRelative(relative)) return _PathRelation.different; if (relative == '.') return _PathRelation.equal; if (relative == '..') return _PathRelation.different; return (relative.length >= 3 && relative.startsWith('..') && style.isSeparator(relative.codeUnitAt(2))) ? _PathRelation.different : _PathRelation.within; } /// An optimized implementation of [_isWithinOrEquals] that doesn't handle a /// few complex cases. _PathRelation _isWithinOrEqualsFast(String parent, String child) { // Normally we just bail when we see "." path components, but we can handle // a single dot easily enough. if (parent == '.') parent = ''; var parentRootLength = style.rootLength(parent); var childRootLength = style.rootLength(child); // If the roots aren't the same length, we know both paths are absolute or // both are root-relative, and thus that the roots are meaningfully // different. // // isWithin("C:/bar", "//foo/bar/baz") //=> false // isWithin("", "") //=> false if (parentRootLength != childRootLength) return _PathRelation.different; // Make sure that the roots are textually the same as well. // // isWithin("C:/bar", "D:/bar/baz") //=> false // isWithin("", "") //=> false for (var i = 0; i < parentRootLength; i++) { var parentCodeUnit = parent.codeUnitAt(i); var childCodeUnit = child.codeUnitAt(i); if (!style.codeUnitsEqual(parentCodeUnit, childCodeUnit)) { return _PathRelation.different; } } // Start by considering the last code unit as a separator, since // semantically we're starting at a new path component even if we're // comparing relative paths. var lastCodeUnit = chars.SLASH; /// The index of the last separator in [parent]. int lastParentSeparator; // Iterate through both paths as long as they're semantically identical. var parentIndex = parentRootLength; var childIndex = childRootLength; while (parentIndex < parent.length && childIndex < child.length) { var parentCodeUnit = parent.codeUnitAt(parentIndex); var childCodeUnit = child.codeUnitAt(childIndex); if (style.codeUnitsEqual(parentCodeUnit, childCodeUnit)) { if (style.isSeparator(parentCodeUnit)) { lastParentSeparator = parentIndex; } lastCodeUnit = parentCodeUnit; parentIndex++; childIndex++; continue; } // Ignore multiple separators in a row. if (style.isSeparator(parentCodeUnit) && style.isSeparator(lastCodeUnit)) { lastParentSeparator = parentIndex; parentIndex++; continue; } else if (style.isSeparator(childCodeUnit) && style.isSeparator(lastCodeUnit)) { childIndex++; continue; } // If a dot comes after a separator, it may be a directory traversal // operator. To check that, we need to know if it's followed by either // "/" or "./". Otherwise, it's just a normal non-matching character. // // isWithin("foo/./bar", "foo/bar/baz") //=> true // isWithin("foo/bar/../baz", "foo/bar/.foo") //=> false if (parentCodeUnit == chars.PERIOD && style.isSeparator(lastCodeUnit)) { parentIndex++; // We've hit "/." at the end of the parent path, which we can ignore, // since the paths were equivalent up to this point. if (parentIndex == parent.length) break; parentCodeUnit = parent.codeUnitAt(parentIndex); // We've hit "/./", which we can ignore. if (style.isSeparator(parentCodeUnit)) { lastParentSeparator = parentIndex; parentIndex++; continue; } // We've hit "/..", which may be a directory traversal operator that // we can't handle on the fast track. if (parentCodeUnit == chars.PERIOD) { parentIndex++; if (parentIndex == parent.length || style.isSeparator(parent.codeUnitAt(parentIndex))) { return _PathRelation.inconclusive; } } // If this isn't a directory traversal, fall through so we hit the // normal handling for mismatched paths. } // This is the same logic as above, but for the child path instead of the // parent. if (childCodeUnit == chars.PERIOD && style.isSeparator(lastCodeUnit)) { childIndex++; if (childIndex == child.length) break; childCodeUnit = child.codeUnitAt(childIndex); if (style.isSeparator(childCodeUnit)) { childIndex++; continue; } if (childCodeUnit == chars.PERIOD) { childIndex++; if (childIndex == child.length || style.isSeparator(child.codeUnitAt(childIndex))) { return _PathRelation.inconclusive; } } } // If we're here, we've hit two non-matching, non-significant characters. // As long as the remainders of the two paths don't have any unresolved // ".." components, we can be confident that [child] is not within // [parent]. var childDirection = _pathDirection(child, childIndex); if (childDirection != _PathDirection.belowRoot) { return _PathRelation.inconclusive; } var parentDirection = _pathDirection(parent, parentIndex); if (parentDirection != _PathDirection.belowRoot) { return _PathRelation.inconclusive; } return _PathRelation.different; } // If the child is shorter than the parent, it's probably not within the // parent. The only exception is if the parent has some weird ".." stuff // going on, in which case we do the slow check. // // isWithin("foo/bar/baz", "foo/bar") //=> false // isWithin("foo/bar/baz/../..", "foo/bar") //=> true if (childIndex == child.length) { if (parentIndex == parent.length || style.isSeparator(parent.codeUnitAt(parentIndex))) { lastParentSeparator = parentIndex; } else { lastParentSeparator ??= math.max(0, parentRootLength - 1); } var direction = _pathDirection(parent, lastParentSeparator ?? parentRootLength - 1); if (direction == _PathDirection.atRoot) return _PathRelation.equal; return direction == _PathDirection.aboveRoot ? _PathRelation.inconclusive : _PathRelation.different; } // We've reached the end of the parent path, which means it's time to make a // decision. Before we do, though, we'll check the rest of the child to see // what that tells us. var direction = _pathDirection(child, childIndex); // If there are no more components in the child, then it's the same as // the parent. // // isWithin("foo/bar", "foo/bar") //=> false // isWithin("foo/bar", "foo/bar//") //=> false // equals("foo/bar", "foo/bar") //=> true // equals("foo/bar", "foo/bar//") //=> true if (direction == _PathDirection.atRoot) return _PathRelation.equal; // If there are unresolved ".." components in the child, no decision we make // will be valid. We'll abort and do the slow check instead. // // isWithin("foo/bar", "foo/bar/..") //=> false // isWithin("foo/bar", "foo/bar/baz/bang/../../..") //=> false // isWithin("foo/bar", "foo/bar/baz/bang/../../../bar/baz") //=> true if (direction == _PathDirection.aboveRoot) { return _PathRelation.inconclusive; } // The child is within the parent if and only if we're on a separator // boundary. // // isWithin("foo/bar", "foo/bar/baz") //=> true // isWithin("foo/bar/", "foo/bar/baz") //=> true // isWithin("foo/bar", "foo/barbaz") //=> false return (style.isSeparator(child.codeUnitAt(childIndex)) || style.isSeparator(lastCodeUnit)) ? _PathRelation.within : _PathRelation.different; } // Returns a [_PathDirection] describing the path represented by [codeUnits] // starting at [index]. // // This ignores leading separators. // // pathDirection("foo") //=> below root // pathDirection("foo/bar/../baz") //=> below root // pathDirection("//foo/bar/baz") //=> below root // pathDirection("/") //=> at root // pathDirection("foo/..") //=> at root // pathDirection("foo/../baz") //=> reaches root // pathDirection("foo/../..") //=> above root // pathDirection("foo/../../foo/bar/baz") //=> above root _PathDirection _pathDirection(String path, int index) { var depth = 0; var reachedRoot = false; var i = index; while (i < path.length) { // Ignore initial separators or doubled separators. while (i < path.length && style.isSeparator(path.codeUnitAt(i))) { i++; } // If we're at the end, stop. if (i == path.length) break; // Move through the path component to the next separator. var start = i; while (i < path.length && !style.isSeparator(path.codeUnitAt(i))) { i++; } // See if the path component is ".", "..", or a name. if (i - start == 1 && path.codeUnitAt(start) == chars.PERIOD) { // Don't change the depth. } else if (i - start == 2 && path.codeUnitAt(start) == chars.PERIOD && path.codeUnitAt(start + 1) == chars.PERIOD) { // ".." backs out a directory. depth--; // If we work back beyond the root, stop. if (depth < 0) break; // Record that we reached the root so we don't return // [_PathDirection.belowRoot]. if (depth == 0) reachedRoot = true; } else { // Step inside a directory. depth++; } // If we're at the end, stop. if (i == path.length) break; // Move past the separator. i++; } if (depth < 0) return _PathDirection.aboveRoot; if (depth == 0) return _PathDirection.atRoot; if (reachedRoot) return _PathDirection.reachesRoot; return _PathDirection.belowRoot; } /// Returns a hash code for [path] that matches the semantics of [equals]. /// /// Note that the same path may have different hash codes in different /// [Context]s. int hash(String path) { // Make [path] absolute to ensure that equivalent relative and absolute // paths have the same hash code. path = absolute(path); var result = _hashFast(path); if (result != null) return result; var parsed = _parse(path); parsed.normalize(); return _hashFast(parsed.toString()); } /// An optimized implementation of [hash] that doesn't handle internal `..` /// components. /// /// This will handle `..` components that appear at the beginning of the path. int _hashFast(String path) { var hash = 4603; var beginning = true; var wasSeparator = true; for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { var codeUnit = style.canonicalizeCodeUnit(path.codeUnitAt(i)); // Take advantage of the fact that collisions are allowed to ignore // separators entirely. This lets us avoid worrying about cases like // multiple trailing slashes. if (style.isSeparator(codeUnit)) { wasSeparator = true; continue; } if (codeUnit == chars.PERIOD && wasSeparator) { // If a dot comes after a separator, it may be a directory traversal // operator. To check that, we need to know if it's followed by either // "/" or "./". Otherwise, it's just a normal character. // // hash("foo/./bar") == hash("foo/bar") // We've hit "/." at the end of the path, which we can ignore. if (i + 1 == path.length) break; var next = path.codeUnitAt(i + 1); // We can just ignore "/./", since they don't affect the semantics of // the path. if (style.isSeparator(next)) continue; // If the path ends with "/.." or contains "/../", we need to // canonicalize it before we can hash it. We make an exception for ".."s // at the beginning of the path, since those may appear even in a // canonicalized path. if (!beginning && next == chars.PERIOD && (i + 2 == path.length || style.isSeparator(path.codeUnitAt(i + 2)))) { return null; } } // Make sure [hash] stays under 32 bits even after multiplication. hash &= 0x3FFFFFF; hash *= 33; hash ^= codeUnit; wasSeparator = false; beginning = false; } return hash; } /// Removes a trailing extension from the last part of [path]. /// /// context.withoutExtension('path/to/foo.dart'); // -> 'path/to/foo' String withoutExtension(String path) { var parsed = _parse(path); for (var i = - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (![i].isEmpty) {[i] = parsed.basenameWithoutExtension; break; } } return parsed.toString(); } /// Returns [path] with the trailing extension set to [extension]. /// /// If [path] doesn't have a trailing extension, this just adds [extension] to /// the end. /// /// context.setExtension('path/to/foo.dart', '.js') /// // -> 'path/to/foo.js' /// context.setExtension('path/to/foo.dart.js', '.map') /// // -> 'path/to/' /// context.setExtension('path/to/foo', '.js') /// // -> 'path/to/foo.js' String setExtension(String path, String extension) => withoutExtension(path) + extension; /// Returns the path represented by [uri], which may be a [String] or a [Uri]. /// /// For POSIX and Windows styles, [uri] must be a `file:` URI. For the URL /// style, this will just convert [uri] to a string. /// /// // POSIX /// context.fromUri('file:///path/to/foo') /// // -> '/path/to/foo' /// /// // Windows /// context.fromUri('file:///C:/path/to/foo') /// // -> r'C:\path\to\foo' /// /// // URL /// context.fromUri('') /// // -> '' /// /// If [uri] is relative, a relative path will be returned. /// /// path.fromUri('path/to/foo'); // -> 'path/to/foo' String fromUri(uri) => style.pathFromUri(_parseUri(uri)); /// Returns the URI that represents [path]. /// /// For POSIX and Windows styles, this will return a `file:` URI. For the URL /// style, this will just convert [path] to a [Uri]. /// /// // POSIX /// context.toUri('/path/to/foo') /// // -> Uri.parse('file:///path/to/foo') /// /// // Windows /// context.toUri(r'C:\path\to\foo') /// // -> Uri.parse('file:///C:/path/to/foo') /// /// // URL /// context.toUri('') /// // -> Uri.parse('') Uri toUri(String path) { if (isRelative(path)) { return style.relativePathToUri(path); } else { return style.absolutePathToUri(join(current, path)); } } /// Returns a terse, human-readable representation of [uri]. /// /// [uri] can be a [String] or a [Uri]. If it can be made relative to the /// current working directory, that's done. Otherwise, it's returned as-is. /// This gracefully handles non-`file:` URIs for [Style.posix] and /// []. /// /// The returned value is meant for human consumption, and may be either URI- /// or path-formatted. /// /// // POSIX /// var context = new Context(current: '/root/path'); /// context.prettyUri('file:///root/path/a/b.dart'); // -> 'a/b.dart' /// context.prettyUri(''); // -> '' /// /// // Windows /// var context = new Context(current: r'C:\root\path'); /// context.prettyUri('file:///C:/root/path/a/b.dart'); // -> r'a\b.dart' /// context.prettyUri(''); // -> '' /// /// // URL /// var context = new Context(current: ''); /// context.prettyUri(''); /// // -> r'a/b.dart' /// context.prettyUri('file:///root/path'); // -> 'file:///root/path' String prettyUri(uri) { var typedUri = _parseUri(uri); if (typedUri.scheme == 'file' && style == Style.url) { return typedUri.toString(); } else if (typedUri.scheme != 'file' && typedUri.scheme != '' && style != Style.url) { return typedUri.toString(); } var path = normalize(fromUri(typedUri)); var rel = relative(path); // Only return a relative path if it's actually shorter than the absolute // path. This avoids ugly things like long "../" chains to get to the root // and then go back down. return split(rel).length > split(path).length ? path : rel; } ParsedPath _parse(String path) => new ParsedPath.parse(path, style); } /// Parses argument if it's a [String] or returns it intact if it's a [Uri]. /// /// Throws an [ArgumentError] otherwise. Uri _parseUri(uri) { if (uri is String) return Uri.parse(uri); if (uri is Uri) return uri; throw new ArgumentError.value(uri, 'uri', 'Value must be a String or a Uri'); } /// Validates that there are no non-null arguments following a null one and /// throws an appropriate [ArgumentError] on failure. void _validateArgList(String method, List args) { for (var i = 1; i < args.length; i++) { // Ignore nulls hanging off the end. if (args[i] == null || args[i - 1] != null) continue; int numArgs; for (numArgs = args.length; numArgs >= 1; numArgs--) { if (args[numArgs - 1] != null) break; } // Show the arguments. var message = new StringBuffer(); message.write("$method("); message.write(args .take(numArgs) .map((arg) => arg == null ? "null" : '"$arg"') .join(", ")); message.write("): part ${i - 1} was null, but part $i was not."); throw new ArgumentError(message.toString()); } } /// An enum of possible return values for [Context._pathDirection]. class _PathDirection { /// The path contains enough ".." components that at some point it reaches /// above its original root. /// /// Note that this applies even if the path ends beneath its original root. It /// takes precendence over any other return values that may apple. static const aboveRoot = const _PathDirection("above root"); /// The path contains enough ".." components that it ends at its original /// root. static const atRoot = const _PathDirection("at root"); /// The path contains enough ".." components that at some point it reaches its /// original root, but it ends beneath that root. static const reachesRoot = const _PathDirection("reaches root"); /// The path never reaches to or above its original root. static const belowRoot = const _PathDirection("below root"); final String name; const _PathDirection(; String toString() => name; } /// An enum of possible return values for [Context._isWithinOrEquals]. class _PathRelation { /// The first path is a proper parent of the second. /// /// For example, `foo` is a proper parent of `foo/bar`, but not of `foo`. static const within = const _PathRelation("within"); /// The two paths are equivalent. /// /// For example, `foo//bar` is equivalent to `foo/bar`. static const equal = const _PathRelation("equal"); /// The first path is neither a parent of nor equal to the second. static const different = const _PathRelation("different"); /// We couldn't quickly determine any information about the paths' /// relationship to each other. /// /// Only returned by [Context._isWithinOrEqualsFast]. static const inconclusive = const _PathRelation("inconclusive"); final String name; const _PathRelation(; String toString() => name; } {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new Context(style: this); @Deprecated("Most Style members will be removed in path 2.0.") String get separator; @Deprecated("Most Style members will be removed in path 2.0.") Pattern get separatorPattern; @Deprecated("Most Style members will be removed in path 2.0.") Pattern get needsSeparatorPattern; @Deprecated("Most Style members will be removed in path 2.0.") Pattern get rootPattern; @Deprecated("Most Style members will be removed in path 2.0.") Pattern get relativeRootPattern; @Deprecated("Most style members will be removed in path 2.0.") String getRoot(String path); @Deprecated("Most style members will be removed in path 2.0.") String getRelativeRoot(String path); @Deprecated("Most style members will be removed in path 2.0.") String pathFromUri(Uri uri); @Deprecated("Most style members will be removed in path 2.0.") Uri relativePathToUri(String path); @Deprecated("Most style members will be removed in path 2.0.") Uri absolutePathToUri(String path); String toString() => name; } XNN<0NA/QLP3O+NI+&PF5*%GLM58KA(3AA A%AA#AA'AA&A&`file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// An exception class that's thrown when a path operation is unable to be /// computed accurately. class PathException implements Exception { String message; PathException(this.message); String toString() => "PathException: $message"; } NN<K+2Zfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:collection'; import '../path.dart' as p; /// A map whose keys are paths, compared using [equals] and [hash]. class PathMap extends MapView { /// Creates an empty [PathMap] whose keys are compared using `context.equals` /// and `context.hash`. /// /// The [context] defaults to the current path context. PathMap({p.Context context}) : super(_create(context)); /// Creates a [PathMap] with the same keys and values as [other] whose keys /// are compared using `context.equals` and `context.hash`. /// /// The [context] defaults to the current path context. If multiple keys in /// [other] represent the same logical path, the last key's value will be /// used. PathMap.of(Map other, {p.Context context}) : super(_create(context)..addAll(other)); /// Creates a map that uses [context] for equality and hashing. static Map _create(p.Context context) { context ??= p.context; return new LinkedHashMap( equals: (path1, path2) { if (path1 == null) return path2 == null; if (path2 == null) return false; return context.equals(path1, path2); }, hashCode: (path) => path == null ? 0 : context.hash(path), isValidKey: (path) => path is String || path == null); } } (NN<D.P::N>NL 80B8!3+/ C?Zfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:collection'; import '../path.dart' as p; /// A set containing paths, compared using [equals] and [hash]. class PathSet extends IterableBase implements Set { /// The set to which we forward implementation methods. final Set _inner; /// Creates an empty [PathSet] whose contents are compared using /// `context.equals` and `context.hash`. /// /// The [context] defaults to the current path context. PathSet({p.Context context}) : _inner = _create(context); /// Creates a [PathSet] with the same contents as [other] whose elements are /// compared using `context.equals` and `context.hash`. /// /// The [context] defaults to the current path context. If multiple elements /// in [other] represent the same logical path, the first value will be /// used. PathSet.of(Iterable other, {p.Context context}) : _inner = _create(context)..addAll(other); /// Creates a set that uses [context] for equality and hashing. static Set _create(p.Context context) { context ??= p.context; return new LinkedHashSet( equals: (path1, path2) { if (path1 == null) return path2 == null; if (path2 == null) return false; return context.equals(path1, path2); }, hashCode: (path) => path == null ? 0 : context.hash(path), isValidKey: (path) => path is String || path == null); } // Normally we'd use DelegatingSetView from the collection package to // implement these, but we want to avoid adding dependencies from path because // it's so widely used that even brief version skew can be very painful. Iterator get iterator => _inner.iterator; int get length => _inner.length; bool add(String value) => _inner.add(value); void addAll(Iterable elements) => _inner.addAll(elements); Set cast() => _inner.cast(); void clear() => _inner.clear(); bool contains(Object other) => _inner.contains(other); bool containsAll(Iterable other) => _inner.containsAll(other); Set difference(Set other) => _inner.difference(other); Set intersection(Set other) => _inner.intersection(other); String lookup(Object element) => _inner.lookup(element); bool remove(Object value) => _inner.remove(value); void removeAll(Iterable elements) => _inner.removeAll(elements); void removeWhere(bool test(String element)) => _inner.removeWhere(test); void retainAll(Iterable elements) => _inner.retainAll(elements); void retainWhere(bool test(String element)) => _inner.retainWhere(test); Set union(Set other) => _inner.union(other); Set toSet() => _inner.toSet(); } SNN<@D:C+:<O:OJ :2B2!3+/ C?HQK4#/E("9IIM;5KKKK?)\file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. export 'forwarding/forwarding_directory.dart'; export 'forwarding/forwarding_file.dart'; export 'forwarding/forwarding_file_system.dart'; export 'forwarding/forwarding_file_system_entity.dart'; export 'forwarding/forwarding_link.dart'; NN</*18*[file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ // Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library file.src.interface; export 'interface/directory.dart'; export 'interface/error_codes.dart'; export 'interface/file.dart'; export 'interface/file_system.dart'; export 'interface/file_system_entity.dart'; export 'interface/link.dart'; export 'io.dart' hide Directory, File, FileSystemEntity, Link; NN<#%%,?nfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library mime.multipart_transformer; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'bound_multipart_stream.dart'; import 'char_code.dart'; import 'mime_shared.dart'; Uint8List _getBoundary(String boundary) { var charCodes = boundary.codeUnits; var boundaryList = new Uint8List(4 + charCodes.length); // Set-up the matching boundary preceding it with CRLF and two // dashes. boundaryList[0] = CharCode.CR; boundaryList[1] = CharCode.LF; boundaryList[2] = CharCode.DASH; boundaryList[3] = CharCode.DASH; boundaryList.setRange(4, 4 + charCodes.length, charCodes); return boundaryList; } /** * Parser for MIME multipart types of data as described in RFC 2046 * section 5.1.1. The data is transformed into [MimeMultipart] objects, each * of them streaming the multipart data. */ class MimeMultipartTransformer extends StreamTransformerBase, MimeMultipart> { final List _boundary; /** * Construct a new MIME multipart parser with the boundary * [boundary]. The boundary should be as specified in the content * type parameter, that is without the -- prefix. */ MimeMultipartTransformer(String boundary) : _boundary = _getBoundary(boundary); Stream bind(Stream> stream) { return new BoundMultipartStream(_boundary, stream).stream; } } 1NN<$&*&:A !!##=DM)>=D4,,9?_file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library mime.shared; import 'dart:async'; class MimeMultipartException implements Exception { final String message; const MimeMultipartException([this.message = ""]); String toString() => "MimeMultipartException: $message"; } /** * A Mime Multipart class representing each part parsed by * [MimeMultipartTransformer]. The data is streamed in as it become available. */ abstract class MimeMultipart extends Stream> { Map get headers; } NN<45;;O9#]file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library mime.mime_type; import 'default_extension_map.dart'; import 'magic_number.dart'; final MimeTypeResolver _globalResolver = new MimeTypeResolver(); /** * The maximum number of bytes needed, to match all default magic-numbers. */ int get defaultMagicNumbersMaxLength => _globalResolver.magicNumbersMaxLength; /** * Extract the extension from [path] and use that for MIME-type lookup, using * the default extension map. * * If no matching MIME-type was found, `null` is returned. * * If [headerBytes] is present, a match for known magic-numbers will be * performed first. This allows the correct mime-type to be found, even though * a file have been saved using the wrong file-name extension. If less than * [defaultMagicNumbersMaxLength] bytes was provided, some magic-numbers won't * be matched against. */ String lookupMimeType(String path, {List headerBytes}) => _globalResolver.lookup(path, headerBytes: headerBytes); /** * MIME-type resolver class, used to customize the lookup of mime-types. */ class MimeTypeResolver { final Map _extensionMap = {}; final List _magicNumbers = []; final bool _useDefault; int _magicNumbersMaxLength; /** * Create a new empty [MimeTypeResolver]. */ MimeTypeResolver.empty() : _useDefault = false, _magicNumbersMaxLength = 0; /** * Create a new [MimeTypeResolver] containing the default scope. */ MimeTypeResolver() : _useDefault = true, _magicNumbersMaxLength = DEFAULT_MAGIC_NUMBERS_MAX_LENGTH; /** * Get the maximum number of bytes required to match all magic numbers, when * performing [lookup] with headerBytes present. */ int get magicNumbersMaxLength => _magicNumbersMaxLength; /** * Extract the extension from [path] and use that for MIME-type lookup. * * If no matching MIME-type was found, `null` is returned. * * If [headerBytes] is present, a match for known magic-numbers will be * performed first. This allows the correct mime-type to be found, even though * a file have been saved using the wrong file-name extension. If less than * [magicNumbersMaxLength] bytes was provided, some magic-numbers won't * be matched against. */ String lookup(String path, {List headerBytes}) { String result; if (headerBytes != null) { result = _matchMagic(headerBytes, _magicNumbers); if (result != null) return result; if (_useDefault) { result = _matchMagic(headerBytes, DEFAULT_MAGIC_NUMBERS); if (result != null) return result; } } var ext = _ext(path); result = _extensionMap[ext]; if (result != null) return result; if (_useDefault) { result = defaultExtensionMap[ext]; if (result != null) return result; } return null; } /** * Add a new MIME-type mapping to the [MimeTypeResolver]. If the [extension] * is already present in the [MimeTypeResolver], it'll be overwritten. */ void addExtension(String extension, String mimeType) { _extensionMap[extension] = mimeType; } /** * Add a new magic-number mapping to the [MimeTypeResolver]. * * If [mask] is present,the [mask] is used to only perform matching on * selective bits. The [mask] must have the same length as [bytes]. */ void addMagicNumber(List bytes, String mimeType, {List mask}) { if (mask != null && bytes.length != mask.length) { throw new ArgumentError('Bytes and mask are of different lengths'); } if (bytes.length > _magicNumbersMaxLength) { _magicNumbersMaxLength = bytes.length; } _magicNumbers.add(new MagicNumber(mimeType, bytes, mask: mask)); } static String _matchMagic( List headerBytes, List magicNumbers) { for (var mn in magicNumbers) { if (mn.matches(headerBytes)) return mn.mimeType; } return null; } static String _ext(String path) { int index = path.lastIndexOf('.'); if (index < 0 || index + 1 >= path.length) return path; return path.substring(index + 1).toLowerCase(); } } NN<%AKON;HOLO?<I0.,$CCO3;J=JQNJ88)B+!'))OI9)?IFL7J1-E?#7$'<4ofile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ lex.src.combinator; import 'dart:collection'; import 'package:code_buffer/code_buffer.dart'; import 'package:matcher/matcher.dart'; import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart'; import 'package:string_scanner/string_scanner.dart'; import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart'; import '../error.dart'; part 'any.dart'; part 'advance.dart'; part 'cache.dart'; part 'cast.dart'; part 'chain.dart'; part 'check.dart'; part 'compare.dart'; part 'fold_errors.dart'; part 'index.dart'; part 'longest.dart'; part 'map.dart'; part 'match.dart'; part 'max_depth.dart'; part 'negate.dart'; part 'opt.dart'; part 'recursion.dart'; part 'reduce.dart'; part 'reference.dart'; part 'repeat.dart'; part 'safe.dart'; part 'to_list.dart'; part 'util.dart'; part 'value.dart'; class ParseArgs { final Trampoline trampoline; final SpanScanner scanner; final int depth; ParseArgs(this.trampoline, this.scanner, this.depth); ParseArgs increaseDepth() => new ParseArgs(trampoline, scanner, depth + 1); } /// A parser combinator, which can parse very complicated grammars in a manageable manner. abstract class Parser { ParseResult __parse(ParseArgs args); ParseResult _parse(ParseArgs args) { var pos = args.scanner.position; if (args.trampoline.hasMemoized(this, pos)) return args.trampoline.getMemoized(this, pos); if (args.trampoline.isActive(this, pos)) return new ParseResult(args.trampoline, args.scanner, this, false, []); args.trampoline.enter(this, pos); var result = __parse(args); args.trampoline.memoize(this, pos, result); args.trampoline.exit(this); return result; } /// Parses text from a [SpanScanner]. ParseResult parse(SpanScanner scanner, [int depth = 1]) { var args = new ParseArgs(new Trampoline(), scanner, depth); return _parse(args); } /// Skips forward a certain amount of steps after parsing, if it was successful. Parser forward(int amount) => new _Advance(this, amount); /// Moves backward a certain amount of steps after parsing, if it was successful. Parser back(int amount) => new _Advance(this, amount * -1); /// Casts this parser to produce [U] objects. Parser cast() => new _Cast(this); /// Casts this parser to produce [dynamic] objects. Parser castDynamic() => new _CastDynamic(this); /// Runs the given function, which changes the returned [ParseResult] into one relating to a [U] object. Parser change(ParseResult Function(ParseResult) f) { return new _Change(this, f); } /// Validates the parse result against a [Matcher]. /// /// You can provide a custom [errorMessage]. Parser check(Matcher matcher, {String errorMessage, SyntaxErrorSeverity severity}) => new _Check( this, matcher, errorMessage, severity ?? SyntaxErrorSeverity.error); /// Binds an [errorMessage] to a copy of this parser. Parser error({String errorMessage, SyntaxErrorSeverity severity}) => new _Alt(this, errorMessage, severity ?? SyntaxErrorSeverity.error); /// Removes multiple errors that occur in the same spot; this can reduce noise in parser output. Parser foldErrors({bool equal(SyntaxError a, SyntaxError b)}) { equal ??= (b, e) => b.span.start.offset == e.span.start.offset; return new _FoldErrors(this, equal); } /// Transforms the parse result using a unary function. Parser map(U Function(ParseResult) f) { return new _Map(this, f); } /// Prevents recursion past a certain [depth], preventing stack overflow errors. Parser maxDepth(int depth) => new _MaxDepth(this, depth); Parser operator ~() => negate(); /// Ensures this pattern is not matched. /// /// You can provide an [errorMessage]. Parser negate({String errorMessage, SyntaxErrorSeverity severity}) => new _Negate(this, errorMessage, severity ?? SyntaxErrorSeverity.error); /// Caches the results of parse attempts at various locations within the source text. /// /// Use this to prevent excessive recursion. Parser cache() => new _Cache(this); Parser operator &(Parser other) => and(other); /// Consumes `this` and another parser, but only considers the result of `this` parser. Parser and(Parser other) => then(other).change((r) { return new ParseResult( r.trampoline, r.scanner, this, r.successful, r.errors, span: r.span, value: (r.value != null ? r.value[0] : r.value) as T, ); }); Parser operator |(Parser other) => or(other); /// Shortcut for [or]-ing two parsers. Parser or(Parser other) => any([this, other]); /// Parses this sequence one or more times. ListParser plus() => times(1, exact: false); /// Safely escapes this parser when an error occurs. /// /// The generated parser only runs once; repeated uses always exit eagerly. Parser safe( {bool backtrack: true, String errorMessage, SyntaxErrorSeverity severity}) => new _Safe( this, backtrack, errorMessage, severity ?? SyntaxErrorSeverity.error); Parser> separatedByComma() => separatedBy(match>(',').space()); /// Expects to see an infinite amounts of the pattern, separated by the [other] pattern. /// /// Use this as a shortcut to parse arrays, parameter lists, etc. Parser> separatedBy(Parser other) { var suffix = other.then(this).index(1).cast(); return this.then( { var preceding = r.value.isEmpty ? [] : (r.value[0] == null ? [] : [r.value[0]]); var out = new List.from(preceding); if (r.value[1] != null) out.addAll(r.value[1] as Iterable); return out; }); } Parser surroundedByCurlyBraces({T defaultValue}) => opt() .surroundedBy(match('{').space(), match('}').space()) .map((r) => r.value ?? defaultValue); Parser surroundedBySquareBrackets({T defaultValue}) => opt() .surroundedBy(match('[').space(), match(']').space()) .map((r) => r.value ?? defaultValue); /// Expects to see the pattern, surrounded by the others. /// /// If no [right] is provided, it expects to see the same pattern on both sides. /// Use this parse things like parenthesized expressions, arrays, etc. Parser surroundedBy(Parser left, [Parser right]) { return chain([ left, this, right ?? left, ]).index(1).castDynamic().cast(); } /// Parses `this`, either as-is or wrapped in parentheses. Parser maybeParenthesized() { return any([parenthesized(), this]); } /// Parses `this`, wrapped in parentheses. Parser parenthesized() => surroundedBy(match('(').space(), match(')').space()); /// Consumes any trailing whitespace. Parser space() => trail(new RegExp(r'[ \n\r\t]+')); /// Consumes 0 or more instance(s) of this parser. ListParser star({bool backtrack: true}) => times(1, exact: false, backtrack: backtrack).opt(); /// Shortcut for [chain]-ing two parsers together. ListParser then(Parser other) => chain([this, other]); /// Casts this instance into a [ListParser]. ListParser toList() => new _ToList(this); /// Consumes and ignores any trailing occurrences of [pattern]. Parser trail(Pattern pattern) => then(match(pattern).opt()).first().cast(); /// Expect this pattern a certain number of times. /// /// If [exact] is `false` (default: `true`), then the generated parser will accept /// an infinite amount of occurrences after the specified [count]. /// /// You can provide custom error messages for when there are [tooFew] or [tooMany] occurrences. ListParser times(int count, {bool exact: true, String tooFew, String tooMany, bool backtrack: true, SyntaxErrorSeverity severity}) { return new _Repeat(this, count, exact, tooFew, tooMany, backtrack, severity ?? SyntaxErrorSeverity.error); } /// Produces an optional copy of this parser. /// /// If [backtrack] is `true` (default), then a failed parse will not /// modify the scanner state. Parser opt({bool backtrack: true}) => new _Opt(this, backtrack); /// Sets the value of the [ParseResult]. Parser value(T Function(ParseResult) f) { return new _Value(this, f); } /// Prints a representation of this parser, ideally without causing a stack overflow. void stringify(CodeBuffer buffer); @override String toString() { return super.toString(); var b = new CodeBuffer(); stringify(b); return b.toString(); } } /// A [Parser] that produces [List]s of a type [T]. abstract class ListParser extends Parser> { /// Shortcut for calling [index] with `0`. Parser first() => index(0); /// Modifies this parser to only return the value at the given index [i]. Parser index(int i) => new _Index(this, i); /// Shortcut for calling [index] with the greatest-possible index. Parser last() => index(-1); /// Modifies this parser to call `List.reduce` on the parsed values. Parser reduce(T Function(T, T) combine) => new _Reduce(this, combine); /// Sorts the parsed values, using the given [Comparator]. ListParser sort(Comparator compare) => new _Compare(this, compare); @override ListParser opt({bool backtrack: true}) => new _ListOpt(this, backtrack); /// Modifies this parser, returning only the values that match a predicate. Parser> where(bool Function(T) f) => map>((r) => r.value.where(f).toList()); /// Condenses a [ListParser] into having a value of the combined span's text. Parser flatten() => map((r) => r.span.text); } /// Prevents stack overflow in recursive parsers. class Trampoline { final Map> _active = {}; final Map>> _memo = {}; bool hasMemoized(Parser parser, int position) { var list = _memo[parser]; return list?.any((t) => t.item1 == position) == true; } ParseResult getMemoized(Parser parser, int position) { return _memo[parser].firstWhere((t) => t.item1 == position).item2 as ParseResult; } void memoize(Parser parser, int position, ParseResult result) { if (result != null) { var list = _memo.putIfAbsent(parser, () => []); var tuple = new Tuple2(position, result); if (!list.contains(tuple)) list.add(tuple); } } bool isActive(Parser parser, int position) { if (!_active.containsKey(parser)) return false; var q = _active[parser]; if (q.isEmpty) return false; //return q.contains(position); return q.first == position; } void enter(Parser parser, int position) { _active.putIfAbsent(parser, () => new Queue()).addFirst(position); } void exit(Parser parser) { if (_active.containsKey(parser)) _active[parser].removeFirst(); } } /// The result generated by a [Parser]. class ParseResult { final Parser parser; final bool successful; final Iterable errors; final FileSpan span; final T value; final SpanScanner scanner; final Trampoline trampoline; ParseResult( this.trampoline, this.scanner, this.parser, this.successful, this.errors, {this.span, this.value}); ParseResult change( {Parser parser, bool successful, Iterable errors, FileSpan span, T value}) { return new ParseResult( trampoline, scanner, parser ?? this.parser, successful ?? this.successful, errors ?? this.errors, span: span ?? this.span, value: value ?? this.value, ); } ParseResult addErrors(Iterable errors) { return change( errors: new List.from(this.errors)..addAll(errors), ); } } /'/5#8N[**%08-N& 0 (?@SBTD0:6>kC'6/#BO8JNcED,:3$SB&+)KQX/,7Z= @ 6)=.27N!,QR[D.6.K-E?<,B<,<SI8 )=#)-<(950:5K/2B&45UEb!'J00G F+2#X% 47-!L4E!GO=L NN/6P?2.@2:?YB602/4!# ,GD(&P $%";Ghfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ of lex.src.combinator; /// Matches any one of the given [parsers]. /// /// If [backtrack] is `true` (default), a failed parse will not modify the scanner state. /// /// You can provide a custom [errorMessage]. You can set it to `false` to not /// generate any error at all. Parser any(Iterable> parsers, {bool backtrack: true, errorMessage, SyntaxErrorSeverity severity}) { return new _Any(parsers, backtrack != false, errorMessage, severity ?? SyntaxErrorSeverity.error); } class _Any extends Parser { final Iterable> parsers; final bool backtrack; final errorMessage; final SyntaxErrorSeverity severity; _Any(this.parsers, this.backtrack, this.errorMessage, this.severity); @override ParseResult _parse(ParseArgs args) { var inactive = parsers .where((p) => !args.trampoline.isActive(p, args.scanner.position)); if (inactive.isEmpty) { return new ParseResult(args.trampoline, args.scanner, this, false, []); } var errors = []; int replay = args.scanner.position; for (var parser in inactive) { var result = parser._parse(args.increaseDepth()); if (result.successful) return result; else { if (backtrack) args.scanner.position = replay; if (parser is _Alt) errors.addAll(result.errors); } } if (errorMessage != false) { errors.add( new SyntaxError( severity, errorMessage?.toString() ?? 'No match found for ${parsers.length} alternative(s)', args.scanner.emptySpan, ), ); } return new ParseResult(args.trampoline, args.scanner, this, false, errors); } @override ParseResult __parse(ParseArgs args) { // Never called return null; } @override void stringify(CodeBuffer buffer) { buffer ..writeln('any(${parsers.length}) (') ..indent(); int i = 1; for (var parser in parsers) { buffer ..writeln('#${i++}:') ..indent(); parser.stringify(buffer); buffer.outdent(); } buffer ..outdent() ..writeln(')'); } } V,ZN.J=."%&H *LN"(#8 7:!]" P + & ,"   lfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/;part of lex.src.combinator; class _Advance extends Parser { final Parser parser; final int amount; _Advance(this.parser, this.amount); @override ParseResult __parse(ParseArgs args) { var result = parser._parse(args.increaseDepth()).change(parser: this); if (result.successful) args.scanner.position += amount; return result; } @override void stringify(CodeBuffer buffer) { buffer ..writeln('advance($amount) (') ..indent(); parser.stringify(buffer); buffer ..outdent() ..writeln(')'); } } && +K< & & jfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ of lex.src.combinator; class _Cache extends Parser { final Map> _cache = {}; final Parser parser; _Cache(this.parser); @override ParseResult __parse(ParseArgs args) { return _cache.putIfAbsent(args.scanner.position, () { return parser._parse(args.increaseDepth()); }).change(parser: this); } @override void stringify(CodeBuffer buffer) { buffer ..writeln('cache(${_cache.length}) (') ..indent(); parser.stringify(buffer); buffer ..outdent() ..writeln(')'); } } $. +:2 & - ifile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ of lex.src.combinator; class _Cast extends Parser { final Parser parser; _Cast(this.parser); @override ParseResult __parse(ParseArgs args) { var result = parser._parse(args.increaseDepth()); return new ParseResult( args.trampoline, args.scanner, this, result.successful, result.errors, span: result.span, value: result.value as U, ); } @override void stringify(CodeBuffer buffer) { buffer ..writeln('cast<$U> (') ..indent(); parser.stringify(buffer); buffer ..outdent() ..writeln(')'); } } class _CastDynamic extends Parser { final Parser parser; _CastDynamic(this.parser); @override ParseResult __parse(ParseArgs args) { var result = parser._parse(args.increaseDepth()); return new ParseResult( args.trampoline, args.scanner, this, result.successful, result.errors, span: result.span, value: result.value, ); } @override void stringify(CodeBuffer buffer) { buffer ..writeln('cast (') ..indent(); parser.stringify(buffer); buffer ..outdent() ..writeln(')'); } } A0 +6   &  0 16%  & # jfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ of lex.src.combinator; /// Expects to parse a sequence of [parsers]. /// /// If [failFast] is `true` (default), then the first failure to parse will abort the parse. ListParser chain(Iterable> parsers, {bool failFast: true, SyntaxErrorSeverity severity}) { return new _Chain( parsers, failFast != false, severity ?? SyntaxErrorSeverity.error); } class _Alt extends Parser { final Parser parser; final String errorMessage; final SyntaxErrorSeverity severity; _Alt(this.parser, this.errorMessage, this.severity); @override ParseResult __parse(ParseArgs args) { var result = parser._parse(args.increaseDepth()); return result.successful ? result : result.addErrors([ new SyntaxError(severity ?? SyntaxErrorSeverity.error, errorMessage, result.span ?? args.scanner.emptySpan), ]); } @override void stringify(CodeBuffer buffer) { parser.stringify(buffer); } } class _Chain extends ListParser { final Iterable> parsers; final bool failFast; final SyntaxErrorSeverity severity; _Chain(this.parsers, this.failFast, this.severity); @override ParseResult> __parse(ParseArgs args) { var errors = []; var results = []; var spans = []; bool successful = true; for (var parser in parsers) { var result = parser._parse(args.increaseDepth()); if (!result.successful) { if (parser is _Alt) errors.addAll(result.errors); if (failFast) { return new ParseResult( args.trampoline, args.scanner, this, false, result.errors); } successful = false; } results.add(result.value); if (result.span != null) spans.add(result.span); } FileSpan span; if (spans.isNotEmpty) { span = spans.reduce((a, b) => a.expand(b)); } return new ParseResult>( args.trampoline, args.scanner, this, successful, errors, span: span, value: new List.unmodifiable(results), ); } @override void stringify(CodeBuffer buffer) { buffer ..writeln('chain(${parsers.length}) (') ..indent(); int i = 1; for (var parser in parsers) { buffer ..writeln('#${i++}:') ..indent(); parser.stringify(buffer); buffer.outdent(); } buffer ..outdent() ..writeln(')'); } } k.]4;J"&7 +6Q8 &(%&6 1""8 :"J !72% 0 & ."   jfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ extends Parser { final Parser parser; final Matcher matcher; final String errorMessage; final SyntaxErrorSeverity severity; _Check(this.parser, this.matcher, this.errorMessage, this.severity); @override ParseResult __parse(ParseArgs args) { var matchState = {}; var result = parser._parse(args.increaseDepth()).change(parser: this); if (!result.successful) return result; else if (!matcher.matches(result.value, matchState)) { return result.change(successful: false).addErrors([ new SyntaxError( severity, errorMessage ?? matcher.describe(new StringDescription('Expected ')).toString() + '.', result.span, ), ]); } else return result; } @override void stringify(CodeBuffer buffer) { var d = matcher.describe(new StringDescription()); buffer ..writeln('check($d) (') ..indent(); parser.stringify(buffer); buffer ..outdent() ..writeln(')'); } } ,$&G +K;:P  &7  lfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/|part of lex.src.combinator; class _Compare extends ListParser { final ListParser parser; final Comparator compare; _Compare(this.parser,; @override ParseResult> __parse(ParseArgs args) { var result = parser._parse(args.increaseDepth()); if (!result.successful) return result; result = result.change( value: result.value?.isNotEmpty == true ? result.value : []); result = result.change(value: new List.from(result.value)); return new ParseResult>( args.trampoline, args.scanner, this, true, [], span: result.span, value: result.value..sort(compare), ); } @override void stringify(CodeBuffer buffer) { buffer ..writeln('sort($compare) (') ..indent(); parser.stringify(buffer); buffer ..outdent() ..writeln(')'); } } (*' 16+FC% * & $ pfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ of lex.src.combinator; class _FoldErrors extends Parser { final Parser parser; final bool Function(SyntaxError, SyntaxError) equal; _FoldErrors(this.parser, this.equal); @override ParseResult __parse(ParseArgs args) { var result = parser._parse(args.increaseDepth()).change(parser: this); var errors = result.errors.fold>([], (out, e) { if (!out.any((b) => equal(e, b))) out.add(e); return out; }); return result.change(errors: errors); } @override void stringify(CodeBuffer buffer) { buffer ..writeln('fold errors (') ..indent(); parser.stringify(buffer); buffer ..outdent() ..writeln(')'); } } )7( +KF4* & ! jfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ part of lex.src.combinator; class _Index extends Parser { final ListParser parser; final int index; _Index(this.parser, this.index); @override ParseResult __parse(ParseArgs args) { var result = parser._parse(args.increaseDepth()); Object value; if (result.successful) value = index == -1 ? result.value.last : result.value.elementAt(index); return new ParseResult( args.trampoline, args.scanner, this, result.successful, result.errors, span: result.span, value: value as T, ); } @override void stringify(CodeBuffer buffer) { buffer ..writeln('index($index) (') ..indent(); parser.stringify(buffer); buffer ..outdent() ..writeln(')'); } } ($# +6O  & # lfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ of lex.src.combinator; /// Matches any one of the given [parsers]. /// /// You can provide a custom [errorMessage]. Parser longest(Iterable> parsers, {Object errorMessage, SyntaxErrorSeverity severity}) { return new _Longest( parsers, errorMessage, severity ?? SyntaxErrorSeverity.error); } class _Longest extends Parser { final Iterable> parsers; final Object errorMessage; final SyntaxErrorSeverity severity; _Longest(this.parsers, this.errorMessage, this.severity); @override ParseResult _parse(ParseArgs args) { var inactive = parsers .toList() .where((p) => !args.trampoline.isActive(p, args.scanner.position)); if (inactive.isEmpty) { return new ParseResult(args.trampoline, args.scanner, this, false, []); } int replay = args.scanner.position; var errors = []; var results = >[]; for (var parser in inactive) { var result = parser._parse(args.increaseDepth()); if (result.successful && result.span != null) results.add(result); else if (parser is _Alt) errors.addAll(result.errors); args.scanner.position = replay; } if (results.isNotEmpty) { results.sort((a, b) => b.span.length.compareTo(a.span.length)); args.scanner.scan(results.first.span.text); return results.first; } if (errorMessage != false) errors.add( new SyntaxError( severity, errorMessage?.toString() ?? 'No match found for ${parsers.length} alternative(s)', args.scanner.emptySpan, ), ); return new ParseResult(args.trampoline, args.scanner, this, false, errors); } @override ParseResult __parse(ParseArgs args) { int replay = args.scanner.position; var errors = []; var results = >[]; for (var parser in parsers) { var result = parser._parse(args.increaseDepth()); if (result.successful) results.add(result); else if (parser is _Alt) errors.addAll(result.errors); args.scanner.position = replay; } if (results.isNotEmpty) { results.sort((a, b) => b.span.length.compareTo(a.span.length)); args.scanner.scan(results.first.span.text); return results.first; } errors.add( new SyntaxError( severity, errorMessage?.toString() ?? 'No match found for ${parsers.length} alternative(s)', args.scanner.emptySpan, ), ); return new ParseResult(args.trampoline, args.scanner, this, false, errors); } @override void stringify(CodeBuffer buffer) { buffer ..writeln('longest(${parsers.length}) (') ..indent(); int i = 1; for (var parser in parsers) { buffer ..writeln('#${i++}:') ..indent(); parser.stringify(buffer); buffer.outdent(); } buffer ..outdent() ..writeln(')'); } } s,-2;E&%&< *LN("&#84=&F2]" P +("&"8=&F2[ P & 0"   hfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ of lex.src.combinator; class _Map extends Parser { final Parser parser; final U Function(ParseResult) f; _Map(this.parser, this.f); @override ParseResult __parse(ParseArgs args) { var result = parser._parse(args.increaseDepth()); return new ParseResult( args.trampoline, args.scanner, this, result.successful, result.errors, span: result.span, value: result.successful ? f(result) : null, ); } @override void stringify(CodeBuffer buffer) { buffer ..writeln('map<$U> (') ..indent(); parser.stringify(buffer); buffer ..outdent() ..writeln(')'); } } class _Change extends Parser { final Parser parser; final ParseResult Function(ParseResult) f; _Change(this.parser, this.f); @override ParseResult __parse(ParseArgs args) { return f(parser._parse(args.increaseDepth())).change(parser: this); } @override void stringify(CodeBuffer buffer) { buffer ..writeln('change($f) (') ..indent(); parser.stringify(buffer); buffer ..outdent() ..writeln(')'); } } :%& +6 3 &  (3  +H &  jfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ of lex.src.combinator; /// Expects to match a given [pattern]. If it is not matched, you can provide a custom [errorMessage]. Parser match(Pattern pattern, {String errorMessage, SyntaxErrorSeverity severity}) => new _Match(pattern, errorMessage, severity ?? SyntaxErrorSeverity.error); class _Match extends Parser { final Pattern pattern; final String errorMessage; final SyntaxErrorSeverity severity; _Match(this.pattern, this.errorMessage, this.severity); @override ParseResult __parse(ParseArgs args) { var scanner = args.scanner; if (!scanner.scan(pattern)) return new ParseResult(args.trampoline, scanner, this, false, [ new SyntaxError( severity, errorMessage ?? 'Expected "$pattern".', scanner.emptySpan, ), ]); return new ParseResult( args.trampoline, scanner, this, true, [], span: scanner.lastSpan, ); } @override void stringify(CodeBuffer buffer) { buffer.writeln('match($pattern)'); } } *g$@Q$&: + F2   &'nfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ of lex.src.combinator; class _MaxDepth extends Parser { final Parser parser; final int cap; _MaxDepth(this.parser, this.cap); @override ParseResult __parse(ParseArgs args) { if (args.depth > cap) { return new ParseResult(args.trampoline, args.scanner, this, false, []); } return parser._parse(args.increaseDepth()); } @override void stringify(CodeBuffer buffer) { buffer ..writeln('max depth($cap) (') ..indent(); parser.stringify(buffer); buffer ..outdent() ..writeln(')'); } } '$ +Q0 & % kfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ of lex.src.combinator; class _Negate extends Parser { final Parser parser; final String errorMessage; final SyntaxErrorSeverity severity; _Negate(this.parser, this.errorMessage, this.severity); @override ParseResult __parse(ParseArgs args) { var result = parser._parse(args.increaseDepth()).change(parser: this); if (!result.successful) { return new ParseResult( args.trampoline, args.scanner, this, true, [], span: result.span ?? args.scanner.lastSpan ?? args.scanner.emptySpan, value: result.value, ); } result = result.change(successful: false); if (errorMessage != null) { result = result.addErrors([ new SyntaxError( severity, errorMessage, result.span, ), ]); } return result; } @override void stringify(CodeBuffer buffer) { buffer ..writeln('negate (') ..indent(); parser.stringify(buffer); buffer ..outdent() ..writeln(')'); } } 5%&: +K! N / "  &  hfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ of lex.src.combinator; class _Opt extends Parser { final Parser parser; final bool backtrack; _Opt(this.parser, this.backtrack); @override ParseResult __parse(ParseArgs args) { var replay = args.scanner.position; var result = parser._parse(args.increaseDepth()); if (!result.successful) args.scanner.position = replay; return result.change(parser: this, successful: true); } @override void stringify(CodeBuffer buffer) { buffer ..writeln('optional (') ..indent(); parser.stringify(buffer); buffer ..outdent() ..writeln(')'); } } class _ListOpt extends ListParser { final ListParser parser; final bool backtrack; _ListOpt(this.parser, this.backtrack); @override ParseResult> __parse(ParseArgs args) { var replay = args.scanner.position; var result = parser._parse(args.increaseDepth()); if (!result.successful) args.scanner.position = replay; return result.change(parser: this, successful: true); } @override void stringify(CodeBuffer buffer) { buffer ..writeln('optional (') ..indent(); parser.stringify(buffer); buffer ..outdent() ..writeln(')'); } } ;"% +(6<: &  *) 1(6<: &  kfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ of lex.src.combinator; class _Reduce extends Parser { final ListParser parser; final T Function(T, T) combine; _Reduce(this.parser, this.combine); @override ParseResult __parse(ParseArgs args) { var result = parser._parse(args.increaseDepth()); if (!result.successful) return new ParseResult( args.trampoline, args.scanner, this, false, result.errors, ); result = result.change( value: result.value?.isNotEmpty == true ? result.value : []); return new ParseResult( args.trampoline, args.scanner, this, result.successful, [], span: result.span, value: result.value.isEmpty ? null : result.value.reduce(combine), ); } @override void stringify(CodeBuffer buffer) { buffer ..writeln('reduce($combine) (') ..indent(); parser.stringify(buffer); buffer ..outdent() ..writeln(')'); } } /%"& +6! F  I & & nfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ of lex.src.combinator; Reference reference() => new Reference._(); class Reference extends Parser { Parser _parser; bool printed = false; Reference._(); void set parser(Parser value) { if (_parser != null) throw new StateError( 'There is already a parser assigned to this reference.'); _parser = value; } @override ParseResult __parse(ParseArgs args) { if (_parser == null) throw new StateError('There is no parser assigned to this reference.'); return _parser._parse(args); } @override ParseResult _parse(ParseArgs args) { return _parser._parse(args); } @override void stringify(CodeBuffer buffer) { if (_parser == null) buffer.writeln('(undefined reference <$T>)'); else if (!printed) _parser.stringify(buffer); printed = true; buffer.writeln('(previously printed reference)'); } } (5'%D +N! *! &426kfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ of lex.src.combinator; class _Repeat extends ListParser { final Parser parser; final int count; final bool exact, backtrack; final String tooFew, tooMany; final SyntaxErrorSeverity severity; _Repeat(this.parser, this.count, this.exact, this.tooFew, this.tooMany, this.backtrack, this.severity); @override ParseResult> __parse(ParseArgs args) { var errors = []; var results = []; var spans = []; int success = 0, replay = args.scanner.position; ParseResult result; do { result = parser._parse(args.increaseDepth()); if (result.successful) { success++; results.add(result.value); replay = args.scanner.position; } else if (backtrack) args.scanner.position = replay; if (result.span != null) spans.add(result.span); } while (result.successful); if (success < count) { errors.addAll(result.errors); errors.add( new SyntaxError( severity, tooFew ?? 'Expected at least $count occurence(s).', result.span ?? args.scanner.emptySpan, ), ); if (backtrack) args.scanner.position = replay; return new ParseResult>( args.trampoline, args.scanner, this, false, errors); } else if (success > count && exact) { if (backtrack) args.scanner.position = replay; return new ParseResult>( args.trampoline, args.scanner, this, false, [ new SyntaxError( severity, tooMany ?? 'Expected no more than $count occurence(s).', result.span ?? args.scanner.emptySpan, ), ]); } var span = spans.reduce((a, b) => a.expand(b)); return new ParseResult>( args.trampoline, args.scanner, this, true, [], span: span, value: results, ); } @override void stringify(CodeBuffer buffer) { var r = new StringBuffer('{$count'); if (!exact) r.write(','); r.write('}'); buffer ..writeln('repeat($r) (') ..indent(); parser.stringify(buffer); buffer ..outdent() ..writeln(')'); } } V) &J& 1"5 4#(<7!$>1 5'?+5'8C1 4%  &)  ifile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ of lex.src.combinator; class _Safe extends Parser { final Parser parser; final bool backtrack; final String errorMessage; final SyntaxErrorSeverity severity; bool _triggered = false; _Safe(this.parser, this.backtrack, this.errorMessage, this.severity); @override ParseResult __parse(ParseArgs args) { var replay = args.scanner.position; try { if (_triggered) throw null; return parser._parse(args.increaseDepth()); } catch (_) { _triggered = true; if (backtrack) args.scanner.position = replay; var errors = []; if (errorMessage != null) { // TODO: Custom severity for all errors? errors.add( new SyntaxError( severity, errorMessage, args.scanner.lastSpan ?? args.scanner.emptySpan, ), ); } return new ParseResult( args.trampoline, args.scanner, this, false, errors); } } @override void stringify(CodeBuffer buffer) { var t = _triggered ? 'triggered' : 'not triggered'; buffer ..writeln('safe($t) (') ..indent(); parser.stringify(buffer); buffer ..outdent() ..writeln(')'); } } 5#&H +( "25$"1= !? &8  lfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ of lex.src.combinator; class _ToList extends ListParser { final Parser parser; _ToList(this.parser); @override ParseResult> __parse(ParseArgs args) { var result = parser._parse(args.increaseDepth()); if (result.value is List) { return (result as ParseResult>).change(parser: this); } return new ParseResult( args.trampoline, args.scanner, this, result.successful, result.errors, span: result.span, value: [result.value], ); } @override void stringify(CodeBuffer buffer) { buffer ..writeln('to list (') ..indent(); parser.stringify(buffer); buffer ..outdent() ..writeln(')'); } } ') 16 D  &  jfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/;part of lex.src.combinator; class _Value extends Parser { final Parser parser; final T Function(ParseResult) f; _Value(this.parser, this.f); @override ParseResult __parse(ParseArgs args) { var result = parser._parse(args.increaseDepth()).change(parser: this); return result.successful ? result.change(value: f(result)) : result; } @override void stringify(CodeBuffer buffer) { buffer ..writeln('set value($f) (') ..indent(); parser.stringify(buffer); buffer ..outdent() ..writeln(')'); } } $& +KI & # _file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/$import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart'; class SyntaxError implements Exception { final SyntaxErrorSeverity severity; final String message; final FileSpan span; String _toolString; SyntaxError(this.severity, this.message, this.span); String get toolString { if (_toolString != null) return _toolString; var type = severity == SyntaxErrorSeverity.warning ? 'warning' : 'error'; return _toolString = '$type: ${span.start.toolString}: $message'; } } enum SyntaxErrorSeverity { warning, error, info, hint, } /)&71NF Vfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /// Simple code with broad use cases. library quiver.core; import 'dart:collection'; part 'src/core/hash.dart'; part 'src/core/optional.dart'; /// Returns the first non-null argument. If all arguments are null, throws an /// [ArgumentError]. /// /// Note: if [o1] is an [Optional], this can be accomplished with `o1.or(o2)`. firstNonNull(o1, o2, [o3, o4]) { if (o1 != null) return o1; if (o2 != null) return o2; if (o3 != null) return o3; if (o4 != null) return o4; throw new ArgumentError('All arguments were null'); } #3CD+2GELG"&NO!6cfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. part of quiver.core; /// A value that might be absent. /// /// Use Optional as an alternative to allowing fields, parameters or return /// values to be null. It signals that a value is not required and provides /// convenience methods for dealing with the absent case. class Optional extends IterableBase { final T _value; /// Constructs an empty Optional. const Optional.absent() : _value = null; /// Constructs an Optional of the given [value]. /// /// Throws [ArgumentError] if [value] is null. Optional.of(T value) : this._value = value { if (this._value == null) throw new ArgumentError('Must not be null.'); } /// Constructs an Optional of the given [value]. /// /// If [value] is null, returns [absent()]. const Optional.fromNullable(T value) : this._value = value; /// Whether the Optional contains a value. bool get isPresent => _value != null; /// Gets the Optional value. /// /// Throws [StateError] if [value] is null. T get value { if (this._value == null) { throw new StateError('value called on absent Optional.'); } return _value; } /// Executes a function if the Optional value is present. void ifPresent(void ifPresent(T value)) { if (isPresent) { ifPresent(_value); } } /// Execution a function if the Optional value is absent. void ifAbsent(void ifAbsent()) { if (!isPresent) { ifAbsent(); } } /// Gets the Optional value with a default. /// /// The default is returned if the Optional is [absent()]. /// /// Throws [ArgumentError] if [defaultValue] is null. T or(T defaultValue) { if (defaultValue == null) { throw new ArgumentError('defaultValue must not be null.'); } return _value == null ? defaultValue : _value; } /// Gets the Optional value, or [null] if there is none. T get orNull => _value; /// Transforms the Optional value. /// /// If the Optional is [absent()], returns [absent()] without applying the transformer. /// /// The transformer must not return [null]. If it does, an [ArgumentError] is thrown. Optional transform(S transformer(T value)) { return _value == null ? new Optional.absent() : new Optional.of(transformer(_value)); } @override Iterator get iterator => isPresent ? [_value].iterator : new Iterable.empty().iterator; /// Delegates to the underlying [value] hashCode. int get hashCode => _value.hashCode; /// Delegates to the underlying [value] operator==. bool operator ==(o) => o is Optional && o._value == _value; String toString() { return _value == null ? 'Optional { absent }' : 'Optional { value: ${_value} }'; } } n3CD+2GELG""LL:,$+31/K3.>-(.@<,<#.=8 A3;%ZX5 0 K4'6A +_file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. part of quiver.core; /// Generates a hash code for multiple [objects]. int hashObjects(Iterable objects) => _finish(objects.fold(0, (h, i) => _combine(h, i.hashCode))); /// Generates a hash code for two objects. int hash2(a, b) => _finish(_combine(_combine(0, a.hashCode), b.hashCode)); /// Generates a hash code for three objects. int hash3(a, b, c) => _finish( _combine(_combine(_combine(0, a.hashCode), b.hashCode), c.hashCode)); /// Generates a hash code for four objects. int hash4(a, b, c, d) => _finish(_combine( _combine(_combine(_combine(0, a.hashCode), b.hashCode), c.hashCode), d.hashCode)); // Jenkins hash functions int _combine(int hash, int value) { hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + value); hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x0007ffff & hash) << 10)); return hash ^ (hash >> 6); } int _finish(int hash) { hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x03ffffff & hash) << 3)); hash = hash ^ (hash >> 11); return 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x00003fff & hash) << 15)); } /3CD+2GELG"2%A+K-J,+I$&<;<ffile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// A library for parsing strings using a sequence of patterns. export 'src/exception.dart'; export 'src/line_scanner.dart'; export 'src/span_scanner.dart'; export 'src/string_scanner.dart'; NN<@ "`file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Helper functions to performantly transform strings, without `RegExp`. library angel_route.string_util; /// Removes leading and trailing occurrences of a pattern from a string. String stripStray(String haystack, String needle) { int firstSlash; if (haystack.startsWith(needle)) { firstSlash = haystack.indexOf(needle); if (firstSlash == -1) return haystack; } else { firstSlash = -1; } if (firstSlash == haystack.length - 1) return haystack.length == 1 ? '' : haystack.substring(0, firstSlash); // Find last leading index of slash for (int i = firstSlash + 1; i < haystack.length; i++) { if (haystack[i] != needle) { var sub = haystack.substring(i); if (!sub.endsWith(needle)) return sub; var lastSlash = sub.lastIndexOf(needle); for (int j = lastSlash - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (sub[j] != needle) { return sub.substring(0, j + 1); } } return lastSlash == -1 ? sub : sub.substring(0, lastSlash); } } return haystack.substring(0, firstSlash); } String stripStraySlashes(String str) => stripStray(str, '/'); String stripRegexStraySlashes(String str) => stripStray(str, '\\/'); ,J!I4%++ )J&;!'-/1 * B,>E`file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /** * A library for serving HTTP requests and resources. * * ## Installing ## * * Use [pub][] to install this package. Add the following to your * `pubspec.yaml` file. * * dependencies: * http_server: any * * Then run `pub install`. * * For more information, see the * [http_server package on][pub]. * * ## Basic usage * * Here is a short example of how to serve all files from the current * directory. * * import 'dart:io'; * import 'dart:async'; * import 'package:http_server/http_server.dart'; * * void main() { * var staticFiles = new VirtualDirectory('.') * ..allowDirectoryListing = true; * * runZoned(() { * HttpServer.bind('', 7777).then((server) { * print('Server running'); * server.listen(staticFiles.serveRequest); * }); * }, * onError: (e, stackTrace) => print('Oh noes! $e $stackTrace')); * } * * ## Virtual directory * * The [VirtualDirectory] class makes it easy to serve static content * from the file system. It supports: * * * Range-based requests. * * If-Modified-Since based caching. * * Automatic GZip-compression of content. * * Following symlinks, either throughout the system or inside * a jailed root. * * Directory listing. * * See [VirtualDirectory] for more information. * * ## Virtual host * * The [VirtualHost] class helps to serve multiple hosts on the same * address, by using the `Host` field of the incoming requests. It also * works with wildcards for sub-domains. * * var virtualHost = new VirtualHost(server); * // Filter out on a specific host * var stream1 = virtualServer.addHost(''); * // Wildcard for any other sub-domains. * var stream2 = virtualServer.addHost('*'); * // Requets not matching any hosts. * var stream3 = virtualServer.unhandled; * * See [VirtualHost] for more information. * * [pub]: */ library http_server; export 'src/http_body.dart'; export 'src/http_multipart_form_data.dart'; export 'src/virtual_directory.dart'; export 'src/virtual_host.dart'; RNN<6B!3F32(9#3 E F&(.B0EH)2(C.>*.+7,% efile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'get_value.dart'; /// Parses a URI-encoded string into real data! **Wow!** /// /// Whichever map you provide will be automatically populated from the urlencoded body string you provide. buildMapFromUri(Map map, String body) { RegExp parseArrayRgx = new RegExp(r'^(.+)\[\]$'); for (String keyValuePair in body.split('&')) { if (keyValuePair.contains('=')) { var equals = keyValuePair.indexOf('='); String key = Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValuePair.substring(0, equals)); String value = Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValuePair.substring(equals + 1)); if (parseArrayRgx.hasMatch(key)) { Match queryMatch = parseArrayRgx.firstMatch(key); key =; if (!(map[key] is List)) { map[key] = []; } map[key].add(getValue(value)); } else if (key.contains('.')) { // i.e. => [map, foo, bar] List keys = key.split('.'); Map targetMap = map[keys[0]] ?? {}; map[keys[0]] = targetMap; for (int i = 1; i < keys.length; i++) { if (i < keys.length - 1) { targetMap[keys[i]] = targetMap[keys[i]] ?? {}; targetMap = targetMap[keys[i]] as Map; } else { targetMap[keys[i]] = getValue(value); } } } else map[key] = getValue(value); } else map[Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValuePair)] = true; } } -9k(41&.PH):## '&/,,"0%;32 $ :^file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ // Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:math' as math; import 'frame.dart'; import 'lazy_chain.dart'; import 'stack_zone_specification.dart'; import 'trace.dart'; import 'utils.dart'; /// A function that handles errors in the zone wrapped by [Chain.capture]. @Deprecated("Will be removed in stack_trace 2.0.0.") typedef void ChainHandler(error, Chain chain); /// An opaque key used to track the current [StackZoneSpecification]. final _specKey = new Object(); /// A chain of stack traces. /// /// A stack chain is a collection of one or more stack traces that collectively /// represent the path from [main] through nested function calls to a particular /// code location, usually where an error was thrown. Multiple stack traces are /// necessary when using asynchronous functions, since the program's stack is /// reset before each asynchronous callback is run. /// /// Stack chains can be automatically tracked using [Chain.capture]. This sets /// up a new [Zone] in which the current stack chain is tracked and can be /// accessed using [new Chain.current]. Any errors that would be top-leveled in /// the zone can be handled, along with their associated chains, with the /// `onError` callback. For example: /// /// Chain.capture(() { /// // ... /// }, onError: (error, stackChain) { /// print("Caught error $error\n" /// "$stackChain"); /// }); class Chain implements StackTrace { /// The stack traces that make up this chain. /// /// Like the frames in a stack trace, the traces are ordered from most local /// to least local. The first one is the trace where the actual exception was /// raised, the second one is where that callback was scheduled, and so on. final List traces; /// The [StackZoneSpecification] for the current zone. static StackZoneSpecification get _currentSpec => Zone.current[_specKey]; /// If [when] is `true`, runs [callback] in a [Zone] in which the current /// stack chain is tracked and automatically associated with (most) errors. /// /// If [when] is `false`, this does not track stack chains. Instead, it's /// identical to [runZoned], except that it wraps any errors in [new /// Chain.forTrace]—which will only wrap the trace unless there's a different /// [Chain.capture] active. This makes it easy for the caller to only capture /// stack chains in debug mode or during development. /// /// If [onError] is passed, any error in the zone that would otherwise go /// unhandled is passed to it, along with the [Chain] associated with that /// error. Note that if [callback] produces multiple unhandled errors, /// [onError] may be called more than once. If [onError] isn't passed, the /// parent Zone's `unhandledErrorHandler` will be called with the error and /// its chain. /// /// If [errorZone] is `true`, the zone this creates will be an error zone, /// even if [onError] isn't passed. This means that any errors that would /// cross the zone boundary are considered unhandled. If [errorZone] is /// `false`, [onError] must be `null`. /// /// If [callback] returns a value, it will be returned by [capture] as well. static T capture(T callback(), {void onError(error, Chain chain), bool when: true, bool errorZone: true}) { if (!errorZone && onError != null) { throw new ArgumentError.value( onError, "onError", "must be null if errorZone is false"); } if (!when) { var newOnError; if (onError != null) { newOnError = (error, stackTrace) { onError( error, stackTrace == null ? new Chain.current() : new Chain.forTrace(stackTrace)); }; } return runZoned(callback, onError: newOnError); } var spec = new StackZoneSpecification(onError, errorZone: errorZone); return runZoned(() { try { return callback(); } catch (error, stackTrace) { // TODO(nweiz): Don't special-case this when issue 19566 is fixed. Zone.current.handleUncaughtError(error, stackTrace); return null; } }, zoneSpecification: spec.toSpec(), zoneValues: {_specKey: spec, StackZoneSpecification.disableKey: false}); } /// If [when] is `true` and this is called within a [Chain.capture] zone, runs /// [callback] in a [Zone] in which chain capturing is disabled. /// /// If [callback] returns a value, it will be returned by [disable] as well. static T disable(T callback(), {bool when: true}) { var zoneValues = when ? {_specKey: null, StackZoneSpecification.disableKey: true} : null; return runZoned(callback, zoneValues: zoneValues); } /// Returns [futureOrStream] unmodified. /// /// Prior to Dart 1.7, this was necessary to ensure that stack traces for /// exceptions reported with [Completer.completeError] and /// [StreamController.addError] were tracked correctly. @Deprecated("Chain.track is not necessary in Dart 1.7+.") static track(futureOrStream) => futureOrStream; /// Returns the current stack chain. /// /// By default, the first frame of the first trace will be the line where /// [Chain.current] is called. If [level] is passed, the first trace will /// start that many frames up instead. /// /// If this is called outside of a [capture] zone, it just returns a /// single-trace chain. factory Chain.current([int level = 0]) { if (_currentSpec != null) return _currentSpec.currentChain(level + 1); var chain = new Chain.forTrace(StackTrace.current); return new LazyChain(() { // JS includes a frame for the call to StackTrace.current, but the VM // doesn't, so we skip an extra frame in a JS context. var first = new Trace( chain.traces.first.frames.skip(level + (inJS ? 2 : 1)), original: chain.traces.first.original.toString()); return new Chain([first]..addAll(chain.traces.skip(1))); }); } /// Returns the stack chain associated with [trace]. /// /// The first stack trace in the returned chain will always be [trace] /// (converted to a [Trace] if necessary). If there is no chain associated /// with [trace] or if this is called outside of a [capture] zone, this just /// returns a single-trace chain containing [trace]. /// /// If [trace] is already a [Chain], it will be returned as-is. factory Chain.forTrace(StackTrace trace) { if (trace is Chain) return trace; if (_currentSpec != null) return _currentSpec.chainFor(trace); if (trace is Trace) return new Chain([trace]); return new LazyChain(() => new Chain.parse(trace.toString())); } /// Parses a string representation of a stack chain. /// /// If [chain] is the output of a call to [Chain.toString], it will be parsed /// as a full stack chain. Otherwise, it will be parsed as in [Trace.parse] /// and returned as a single-trace chain. factory Chain.parse(String chain) { if (chain.isEmpty) return new Chain([]); if (chain.contains(vmChainGap)) { return new Chain( chain.split(vmChainGap).map((trace) => new Trace.parseVM(trace))); } if (!chain.contains(chainGap)) return new Chain([new Trace.parse(chain)]); return new Chain( chain.split(chainGap).map((trace) => new Trace.parseFriendly(trace))); } /// Returns a new [Chain] comprised of [traces]. Chain(Iterable traces) : traces = new List.unmodifiable(traces); /// Returns a terser version of [this]. /// /// This calls [Trace.terse] on every trace in [traces], and discards any /// trace that contain only internal frames. /// /// This won't do anything with a raw JavaScript trace, since there's no way /// to determine which frames come from which Dart libraries. However, the /// [`source_map_stack_trace`][source_map_stack_trace] package can be used to /// convert JavaScript traces into Dart-style traces. /// /// [source_map_stack_trace]: Chain get terse => foldFrames((_) => false, terse: true); /// Returns a new [Chain] based on [this] where multiple stack frames matching /// [predicate] are folded together. /// /// This means that whenever there are multiple frames in a row that match /// [predicate], only the last one is kept. In addition, traces that are /// composed entirely of frames matching [predicate] are omitted. /// /// This is useful for limiting the amount of library code that appears in a /// stack trace by only showing user code and code that's called by user code. /// /// If [terse] is true, this will also fold together frames from the core /// library or from this package, and simplify core library frames as in /// [Trace.terse]. Chain foldFrames(bool predicate(Frame frame), {bool terse: false}) { var foldedTraces = => trace.foldFrames(predicate, terse: terse)); var nonEmptyTraces = foldedTraces.where((trace) { // Ignore traces that contain only folded frames. if (trace.frames.length > 1) return true; if (trace.frames.isEmpty) return false; // In terse mode, the trace may have removed an outer folded frame, // leaving a single non-folded frame. We can detect a folded frame because // it has no line information. if (!terse) return false; return trace.frames.single.line != null; }); // If all the traces contain only internal processing, preserve the last // (top-most) one so that the chain isn't empty. if (nonEmptyTraces.isEmpty && foldedTraces.isNotEmpty) { return new Chain([foldedTraces.last]); } return new Chain(nonEmptyTraces); } /// Converts [this] to a [Trace]. /// /// The trace version of a chain is just the concatenation of all the traces /// in the chain. Trace toTrace() => new Trace(traces.expand((trace) => trace.frames)); String toString() { // Figure out the longest path so we know how much to pad. var longest = { return trace.frames .map((frame) => frame.location.length) .fold(0, math.max); }).fold(0, math.max); // Don't call out to [Trace.toString] here because that doesn't ensure that // padding is consistent across all traces. return { return { return '${frame.location.padRight(longest)} ${frame.member}\n'; }).join(); }).join(chainGap); } } NN<(K5/FPQPN4OKPJ%*( $0OPN9LLNLGPP8LMIMNMLJ)O$))%E+!(5 6J $K=*QQCO9Q7+L=:<2'LL)G+K8L=B=?7IMO7B-&C3C7PN,&-&MOO3Q*L/OMP8Y<Q'MKDOQLKGJ680.JQ% /M5=-&$OH?'1P0 (I^file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; import 'trace.dart'; import 'unparsed_frame.dart'; // #1 Foo._bar (file:///home/nweiz/code/stuff.dart:42:21) // #1 Foo._bar (file:///home/nweiz/code/stuff.dart:42) // #1 Foo._bar (file:///home/nweiz/code/stuff.dart) final _vmFrame = new RegExp(r'^#\d+\s+(\S.*) \((.+?)((?::\d+){0,2})\)$'); // at Object.stringify (native) // at$0 ( // at$0 (eval as fn // (, efn:3:28) // at final _v8Frame = new RegExp(r'^\s*at (?:(\S.*?)(?: \[as [^\]]+\])? \((.*)\)|(.*))$'); // final _v8UrlLocation = new RegExp(r'^(.*):(\d+):(\d+)|native$'); // eval as function (, efn:3:28 // eval as function ( // eval as function (eval as otherFunction // ( final _v8EvalLocation = new RegExp(r'^eval at (?:\S.*?) \((.*)\)(?:, .*?:\d+:\d+)?$'); //$0@ //$0("arg")@ //$0/name<@ //$0@ // final _firefoxSafariFrame = new RegExp(r'^' r'(?:' // Member description. Not present in some Safari frames. r'([^@(/]*)' // The actual name of the member. r'(?:\(.*\))?' // Arguments to the member, sometimes captured by Firefox. r'((?:/[^/]*)*)' // Extra characters indicating a nested closure. r'(?:\(.*\))?' // Arguments to the closure. r'@' r')?' r'(.*?)' // The frame's URL. r':' r'(\d*)' // The line number. Empty in Safari if it's unknown. r'(?::(\d*))?' // The column number. Not present in older browsers and // empty in Safari if it's unknown. r'$'); // foo/bar.dart 10:11 Foo._bar // foo/bar.dart 10:11 (anonymous function).dart.fn // Foo._bar // data:... 10:11 Foo._bar final _friendlyFrame = new RegExp(r'^(\S+)(?: (\d+)(?::(\d+))?)?\s+([^\d].*)$'); /// A regular expression that matches asynchronous member names generated by the /// VM. final _asyncBody = new RegExp(r'<(|[^>]+)_async_body>'); final _initialDot = new RegExp(r"^\."); /// A single stack frame. Each frame points to a precise location in Dart code. class Frame { /// The URI of the file in which the code is located. /// /// This URI will usually have the scheme `dart`, `file`, `http`, or `https`. final Uri uri; /// The line number on which the code location is located. /// /// This can be null, indicating that the line number is unknown or /// unimportant. final int line; /// The column number of the code location. /// /// This can be null, indicating that the column number is unknown or /// unimportant. final int column; /// The name of the member in which the code location occurs. /// /// Anonymous closures are represented as `` in this member string. final String member; /// Whether this stack frame comes from the Dart core libraries. bool get isCore => uri.scheme == 'dart'; /// Returns a human-friendly description of the library that this stack frame /// comes from. /// /// This will usually be the string form of [uri], but a relative URI will be /// used if possible. Data URIs will be truncated. String get library { if (uri.scheme == 'data') return "data:..."; return path.prettyUri(uri); } /// Returns the name of the package this stack frame comes from, or `null` if /// this stack frame doesn't come from a `package:` URL. String get package { if (uri.scheme != 'package') return null; return uri.path.split('/').first; } /// A human-friendly description of the code location. String get location { if (line == null) return library; if (column == null) return '$library $line'; return '$library $line:$column'; } /// Returns a single frame of the current stack. /// /// By default, this will return the frame above the current method. If /// [level] is `0`, it will return the current method's frame; if [level] is /// higher than `1`, it will return higher frames. factory Frame.caller([int level = 1]) { if (level < 0) { throw new ArgumentError("Argument [level] must be greater than or equal " "to 0."); } return new Trace.current(level + 1).frames.first; } /// Parses a string representation of a Dart VM stack frame. factory Frame.parseVM(String frame) => _catchFormatException(frame, () { // The VM sometimes folds multiple stack frames together and replaces them // with "...". if (frame == '...') { return new Frame(new Uri(), null, null, '...'); } var match = _vmFrame.firstMatch(frame); if (match == null) return new UnparsedFrame(frame); // Get the pieces out of the regexp match. Function, URI and line should // always be found. The column is optional. var member = match[1] .replaceAll(_asyncBody, "") .replaceAll("", ""); var uri = Uri.parse(match[2]); var lineAndColumn = match[3].split(':'); var line = lineAndColumn.length > 1 ? int.parse(lineAndColumn[1]) : null; var column = lineAndColumn.length > 2 ? int.parse(lineAndColumn[2]) : null; return new Frame(uri, line, column, member); }); /// Parses a string representation of a Chrome/V8 stack frame. factory Frame.parseV8(String frame) => _catchFormatException(frame, () { var match = _v8Frame.firstMatch(frame); if (match == null) return new UnparsedFrame(frame); // v8 location strings can be arbitrarily-nested, since it adds a layer of // nesting for each eval performed on that line. parseLocation(location, member) { var evalMatch = _v8EvalLocation.firstMatch(location); while (evalMatch != null) { location = evalMatch[1]; evalMatch = _v8EvalLocation.firstMatch(location); } if (location == 'native') { return new Frame(Uri.parse('native'), null, null, member); } var urlMatch = _v8UrlLocation.firstMatch(location); if (urlMatch == null) return new UnparsedFrame(frame); return new Frame(_uriOrPathToUri(urlMatch[1]), int.parse(urlMatch[2]), int.parse(urlMatch[3]), member); } // V8 stack frames can be in two forms. if (match[2] != null) { // The first form looks like " at FUNCTION (LOCATION)". V8 proper lists // anonymous functions within eval as "", while IE10 lists them // as "Anonymous function". return parseLocation( match[2], match[1] .replaceAll("", "") .replaceAll("Anonymous function", "") .replaceAll("(anonymous function)", "")); } else { // The second form looks like " at LOCATION", and is used for anonymous // functions. return parseLocation(match[3], ""); } }); /// Parses a string representation of a JavaScriptCore stack trace. factory Frame.parseJSCore(String frame) => new Frame.parseV8(frame); /// Parses a string representation of an IE stack frame. /// /// IE10+ frames look just like V8 frames. Prior to IE10, stack traces can't /// be retrieved. factory Frame.parseIE(String frame) => new Frame.parseV8(frame); /// Parses a string representation of a Firefox stack frame. factory Frame.parseFirefox(String frame) => _catchFormatException(frame, () { var match = _firefoxSafariFrame.firstMatch(frame); if (match == null) return new UnparsedFrame(frame); // Normally this is a URI, but in a jsshell trace it can be a path. var uri = _uriOrPathToUri(match[3]); var member; if (match[1] != null) { member = match[1]; member += new List.filled('/'.allMatches(match[2]).length, ".").join(); if (member == '') member = ''; // Some Firefox members have initial dots. We remove them for consistency // with other platforms. member = member.replaceFirst(_initialDot, ''); } else { member = ''; } var line = match[4] == '' ? null : int.parse(match[4]); var column = match[5] == null || match[5] == '' ? null : int.parse(match[5]); return new Frame(uri, line, column, member); }); /// Parses a string representation of a Safari 6.0 stack frame. @Deprecated("Use Frame.parseSafari instead.") factory Frame.parseSafari6_0(String frame) => new Frame.parseFirefox(frame); /// Parses a string representation of a Safari 6.1+ stack frame. @Deprecated("Use Frame.parseSafari instead.") factory Frame.parseSafari6_1(String frame) => new Frame.parseFirefox(frame); /// Parses a string representation of a Safari stack frame. factory Frame.parseSafari(String frame) => new Frame.parseFirefox(frame); /// Parses this package's string representation of a stack frame. factory Frame.parseFriendly(String frame) => _catchFormatException(frame, () { var match = _friendlyFrame.firstMatch(frame); if (match == null) { throw new FormatException( "Couldn't parse package:stack_trace stack trace line '$frame'."); } // Fake truncated data urls generated by the friendly stack trace format // cause Uri.parse to throw an exception so we have to special case them. var uri = match[1] == 'data:...' ? new Uri.dataFromString('') : Uri.parse(match[1]); // If there's no scheme, this is a relative URI. We should interpret it as // relative to the current working directory. if (uri.scheme == '') { uri = path.toUri(path.absolute(path.fromUri(uri))); } var line = match[2] == null ? null : int.parse(match[2]); var column = match[3] == null ? null : int.parse(match[3]); return new Frame(uri, line, column, match[4]); }); /// A regular expression matching an absolute URI. static final _uriRegExp = new RegExp(r'^[a-zA-Z][-+.a-zA-Z\d]*://'); /// A regular expression matching a Windows path. static final _windowsRegExp = new RegExp(r'^([a-zA-Z]:[\\/]|\\\\)'); /// Converts [uriOrPath], which can be a URI, a Windows path, or a Posix path, /// to a URI (absolute if possible). static Uri _uriOrPathToUri(String uriOrPath) { if (uriOrPath.contains(_uriRegExp)) { return Uri.parse(uriOrPath); } else if (uriOrPath.contains(_windowsRegExp)) { return new Uri.file(uriOrPath, windows: true); } else if (uriOrPath.startsWith('/')) { return new Uri.file(uriOrPath, windows: false); } // As far as I've seen, Firefox and V8 both always report absolute paths in // their stack frames. However, if we do get a relative path, we should // handle it gracefully. if (uriOrPath.contains('\\')) return; return Uri.parse(uriOrPath); } /// Runs [body] and returns its result. /// /// If [body] throws a [FormatException], returns an [UnparsedFrame] with /// [text] instead. static Frame _catchFormatException(String text, Frame body()) { try { return body(); } on FormatException catch (_) { return new UnparsedFrame(text); } } Frame(this.uri, this.line, this.column, this.member); String toString() => '$location in $member'; } 7NN<)?<9J$C E7I0AMC+7C8?>;-,E3NF0 ! BK( 3-QQL(P8P=F.H@JC+PP51 P;.&9&1%3JO5*P6?KS: 0<Q4/8'1KK5 AK0<S9*@&%> &G >AQ/ 0 RU& 5<@R2 FG;OC?P;<L- P-T#9 @M5 B0OC0O>LDQ6%P QR))#S6 > BD7 5G4GQ'1*#55,6PLH!*LB %&8/^file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:math' as math; import 'chain.dart'; import 'frame.dart'; import 'lazy_trace.dart'; import 'unparsed_frame.dart'; import 'utils.dart'; import 'vm_trace.dart'; final _terseRegExp = new RegExp(r"(-patch)?([/\\].*)?$"); /// A RegExp to match V8's stack traces. /// /// V8's traces start with a line that's either just "Error" or else is a /// description of the exception that occurred. That description can be multiple /// lines, so we just look for any line other than the first that begins with /// three or four spaces and "at". final _v8Trace = new RegExp(r"\n ?at "); /// A RegExp to match indidual lines of V8's stack traces. /// /// This is intended to filter out the leading exception details of the trace /// though it is possible for the message to match this as well. final _v8TraceLine = new RegExp(r" ?at "); /// A RegExp to match Firefox and Safari's stack traces. /// /// Firefox and Safari have very similar stack trace formats, so we use the same /// logic for parsing them. /// /// Firefox's trace frames start with the name of the function in which the /// error occurred, possibly including its parameters inside `()`. For example, /// `$0("arg")@`. /// /// Safari traces occasionally don't include the initial method name followed by /// "@", and they always have both the line and column number (or just a /// trailing colon if no column number is available). They can also contain /// empty lines or lines consisting only of `[native code]`. final _firefoxSafariTrace = new RegExp( r"^" r"(" // Member description. Not present in some Safari frames. r"([.0-9A-Za-z_$/<]|\(.*\))*" // Member name and arguments. r"@" r")?" r"[^\s]*" // Frame URL. r":\d*" // Line or column number. Some older frames only have a line number. r"$", multiLine: true); /// A RegExp to match this package's stack traces. final _friendlyTrace = new RegExp(r"^[^\s<][^\s]*( \d+(:\d+)?)?[ \t]+[^\s]+$", multiLine: true); /// A stack trace, comprised of a list of stack frames. class Trace implements StackTrace { /// The stack frames that comprise this stack trace. final List frames; /// The original stack trace from which this trace was parsed. final StackTrace original; /// Returns a human-readable representation of [stackTrace]. If [terse] is /// set, this folds together multiple stack frames from the Dart core /// libraries, so that only the core library method directly called from user /// code is visible (see [Trace.terse]). static String format(StackTrace stackTrace, {bool terse: true}) { var trace = new Trace.from(stackTrace); if (terse) trace = trace.terse; return trace.toString(); } /// Returns the current stack trace. /// /// By default, the first frame of this trace will be the line where /// [Trace.current] is called. If [level] is passed, the trace will start that /// many frames up instead. factory Trace.current([int level = 0]) { if (level < 0) { throw new ArgumentError("Argument [level] must be greater than or equal " "to 0."); } var trace = new Trace.from(StackTrace.current); return new LazyTrace(() { // JS includes a frame for the call to StackTrace.current, but the VM // doesn't, so we skip an extra frame in a JS context. return new Trace(trace.frames.skip(level + (inJS ? 2 : 1)), original: trace.original.toString()); }); } /// Returns a new stack trace containing the same data as [trace]. /// /// If [trace] is a native [StackTrace], its data will be parsed out; if it's /// a [Trace], it will be returned as-is. factory Trace.from(StackTrace trace) { // Normally explicitly validating null arguments is bad Dart style, but here // the natural failure will only occur when the LazyTrace is materialized, // and we want to provide an error that's more local to the actual problem. if (trace == null) { throw new ArgumentError("Cannot create a Trace from null."); } if (trace is Trace) return trace; if (trace is Chain) return trace.toTrace(); return new LazyTrace(() => new Trace.parse(trace.toString())); } /// Parses a string representation of a stack trace. /// /// [trace] should be formatted in the same way as a Dart VM or browser stack /// trace. If it's formatted as a stack chain, this will return the equivalent /// of [Chain.toTrace]. factory Trace.parse(String trace) { try { if (trace.isEmpty) return new Trace([]); if (trace.contains(_v8Trace)) return new Trace.parseV8(trace); if (trace.contains("\tat ")) return new Trace.parseJSCore(trace); if (trace.contains(_firefoxSafariTrace)) { return new Trace.parseFirefox(trace); } if (trace.contains(chainGap)) return new Chain.parse(trace).toTrace(); if (trace.contains(_friendlyTrace)) { return new Trace.parseFriendly(trace); } // Default to parsing the stack trace as a VM trace. This is also hit on // IE and Safari, where the stack trace is just an empty string (issue // 11257). return new Trace.parseVM(trace); } on FormatException catch (error) { throw new FormatException('${error.message}\nStack trace:\n$trace'); } } /// Parses a string representation of a Dart VM stack trace. Trace.parseVM(String trace) : this(_parseVM(trace), original: trace); static List _parseVM(String trace) { // Ignore [vmChainGap]. This matches the behavior of // `Chain.parse().toTrace()`. var lines = trace.trim().replaceAll(vmChainGap, '').split("\n"); var frames = lines .take(lines.length - 1) .map((line) => new Frame.parseVM(line)) .toList(); // TODO(nweiz): Remove this when issue 23614 is fixed. if (!lines.last.endsWith(".da")) { frames.add(new Frame.parseVM(lines.last)); } return frames; } /// Parses a string representation of a Chrome/V8 stack trace. Trace.parseV8(String trace) : this( trace .split("\n") .skip(1) // It's possible that an Exception's description contains a line that // looks like a V8 trace line, which will screw this up. // Unfortunately, that's impossible to detect. .skipWhile((line) => !line.startsWith(_v8TraceLine)) .map((line) => new Frame.parseV8(line)), original: trace); /// Parses a string representation of a JavaScriptCore stack trace. Trace.parseJSCore(String trace) : this( trace .split("\n") .where((line) => line != "\tat ") .map((line) => new Frame.parseV8(line)), original: trace); /// Parses a string representation of an Internet Explorer stack trace. /// /// IE10+ traces look just like V8 traces. Prior to IE10, stack traces can't /// be retrieved. Trace.parseIE(String trace) : this.parseV8(trace); /// Parses a string representation of a Firefox stack trace. Trace.parseFirefox(String trace) : this( trace .trim() .split("\n") .where((line) => line.isNotEmpty && line != '[native code]') .map((line) => new Frame.parseFirefox(line)), original: trace); /// Parses a string representation of a Safari stack trace. Trace.parseSafari(String trace) : this.parseFirefox(trace); /// Parses a string representation of a Safari 6.1+ stack trace. @Deprecated("Use Trace.parseSafari instead.") Trace.parseSafari6_1(String trace) : this.parseSafari(trace); /// Parses a string representation of a Safari 6.0 stack trace. @Deprecated("Use Trace.parseSafari instead.") Trace.parseSafari6_0(String trace) : this( trace .trim() .split("\n") .where((line) => line != '[native code]') .map((line) => new Frame.parseFirefox(line)), original: trace); /// Parses this package's string representation of a stack trace. /// /// This also parses string representations of [Chain]s. They parse to the /// same trace that [Chain.toTrace] would return. Trace.parseFriendly(String trace) : this( trace.isEmpty ? [] : trace .trim() .split("\n") // Filter out asynchronous gaps from [Chain]s. .where((line) => !line.startsWith('=====')) .map((line) => new Frame.parseFriendly(line)), original: trace); /// Returns a new [Trace] comprised of [frames]. Trace(Iterable frames, {String original}) : frames = new List.unmodifiable(frames), original = new StackTrace.fromString(original); /// Returns a VM-style [StackTrace] object. /// /// The return value's [toString] method will always return a string /// representation in the Dart VM's stack trace format, regardless of what /// platform is being used. StackTrace get vmTrace => new VMTrace(frames); /// Returns a terser version of [this]. /// /// This is accomplished by folding together multiple stack frames from the /// core library or from this package, as in [foldFrames]. Remaining core /// library frames have their libraries, "-patch" suffixes, and line numbers /// removed. If the outermost frame of the stack trace is a core library /// frame, it's removed entirely. /// /// This won't do anything with a raw JavaScript trace, since there's no way /// to determine which frames come from which Dart libraries. However, the /// [`source_map_stack_trace`][source_map_stack_trace] package can be used to /// convert JavaScript traces into Dart-style traces. /// /// [source_map_stack_trace]: /// /// For custom folding, see [foldFrames]. Trace get terse => foldFrames((_) => false, terse: true); /// Returns a new [Trace] based on [this] where multiple stack frames matching /// [predicate] are folded together. /// /// This means that whenever there are multiple frames in a row that match /// [predicate], only the last one is kept. This is useful for limiting the /// amount of library code that appears in a stack trace by only showing user /// code and code that's called by user code. /// /// If [terse] is true, this will also fold together frames from the core /// library or from this package, simplify core library frames, and /// potentially remove the outermost frame as in [Trace.terse]. Trace foldFrames(bool predicate(Frame frame), {bool terse: false}) { if (terse) { var oldPredicate = predicate; predicate = (frame) { if (oldPredicate(frame)) return true; if (frame.isCore) return true; if (frame.package == 'stack_trace') return true; // Ignore async stack frames without any line or column information. // These come from the VM's async/await implementation and represent // internal frames. They only ever show up in stack chains and are // always surrounded by other traces that are actually useful, so we can // just get rid of them. // TODO(nweiz): Get rid of this logic some time after issue 22009 is // fixed. if (!frame.member.contains('')) return false; return frame.line == null; }; } var newFrames = []; for (var frame in frames.reversed) { if (frame is UnparsedFrame || !predicate(frame)) { newFrames.add(frame); } else if (newFrames.isEmpty || !predicate(newFrames.last)) { newFrames .add(new Frame(frame.uri, frame.line, frame.column, frame.member)); } } if (terse) { newFrames = { if (frame is UnparsedFrame || !predicate(frame)) return frame; var library = frame.library.replaceAll(_terseRegExp, ''); return new Frame(Uri.parse(library), null, null, frame.member); }).toList(); if (newFrames.length > 1 && predicate(newFrames.first)) { newFrames.removeAt(0); } } return new Trace(newFrames.reversed, original: this.original.toString()); } /// Returns a human-readable string representation of [this]. String toString() { // Figure out the longest path so we know how much to pad. var longest = => frame.location.length).fold(0, math.max); // Print out the stack trace nicely formatted. return { if (frame is UnparsedFrame) return "$frame\n"; return '${frame.location.padRight(longest)} ${frame.member}\n'; }).join(); } } MNN<:)JQN#,;NA.9QLPCQIL=( C@ Q 3N8$7AMHP+D,$'GQ+P4L=B0EP,)QOPC&0C7PQ& 6EH1.M,/OM')K?H.9"E 0;'1AVI?E9F"29JO5?#M>>>C0@B0%:>DM4$!C@C3378.GM1*NLOK$OMP8Y,<Q'MNP0LFBG$.'9MMKQ!M=# )9DP*GBH@N@?H3 5Ggfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'frame.dart'; /// A frame that failed to parse. /// /// The [member] property contains the original frame's contents. class UnparsedFrame implements Frame { final Uri uri = new Uri(path: "unparsed"); final int line = null; final int column = null; final bool isCore = false; final String library = "unparsed"; final String package = null; final String location = "unparsed"; final String member; UnparsedFrame(this.member); String toString() => member; } NN<"B'-%&gfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/,// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'arg_parser.dart'; import 'arg_results.dart'; import 'option.dart'; import 'parser.dart'; /// An ArgParser that treats *all input* as non-option arguments. class AllowAnythingParser implements ArgParser { Map get options => const {}; Map get commands => const {}; bool get allowTrailingOptions => false; bool get allowsAnything => true; int get usageLineLength => null; ArgParser addCommand(String name, [ArgParser parser]) { throw new UnsupportedError( "ArgParser.allowAnything().addCommands() isn't supported."); } void addFlag(String name, {String abbr, String help, bool defaultsTo: false, bool negatable: true, void callback(bool value), bool hide: false}) { throw new UnsupportedError( "ArgParser.allowAnything().addFlag() isn't supported."); } void addOption(String name, {String abbr, String help, String valueHelp, Iterable allowed, Map allowedHelp, String defaultsTo, Function callback, bool allowMultiple: false, bool splitCommas, bool hide: false}) { throw new UnsupportedError( "ArgParser.allowAnything().addOption() isn't supported."); } void addMultiOption(String name, {String abbr, String help, String valueHelp, Iterable allowed, Map allowedHelp, Iterable defaultsTo, void callback(List values), bool splitCommas: true, bool hide: false}) { throw new UnsupportedError( "ArgParser.allowAnything().addMultiOption() isn't supported."); } void addSeparator(String text) { throw new UnsupportedError( "ArgParser.allowAnything().addSeparator() isn't supported."); } ArgResults parse(Iterable args) => new Parser(null, this, args.toList()).parse(); String getUsage() => usage; String get usage => ""; getDefault(String option) { throw new ArgumentError('No option named $option'); } Option findByAbbreviation(String abbr) => null; } RNN<B1/3*##: E! A '! C# '#* H# F-582Xfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'arg_parser.dart'; import 'arg_parser_exception.dart'; import 'arg_results.dart'; import 'option.dart'; final _soloOpt = new RegExp(r'^-([a-zA-Z0-9])$'); final _abbrOpt = new RegExp(r'^-([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(.*)$'); final _longOpt = new RegExp(r'^--([a-zA-Z\-_0-9]+)(=(.*))?$'); /// The actual argument parsing class. /// /// Unlike [ArgParser] which is really more an "arg grammar", this is the class /// that does the parsing and holds the mutable state required during a parse. class Parser { /// If parser is parsing a command's options, this will be the name of the /// command. For top-level results, this returns `null`. final String commandName; /// The parser for the supercommand of this command parser, or `null` if this /// is the top-level parser. final Parser parent; /// The grammar being parsed. final ArgParser grammar; /// The arguments being parsed. final List args; /// The remaining non-option, non-command arguments. final rest = []; /// The accumulated parsed options. final Map results = {}; Parser(this.commandName, this.grammar, this.args, [this.parent, List rest]) { if (rest != null); } /// The current argument being parsed. String get current => args[0]; /// Parses the arguments. This can only be called once. ArgResults parse() { var arguments = args.toList(); if (grammar.allowsAnything) { return newArgResults( grammar, const {}, commandName, null, arguments, arguments); } ArgResults commandResults; // Parse the args. while (args.length > 0) { if (current == '--') { // Reached the argument terminator, so stop here. args.removeAt(0); break; } // Try to parse the current argument as a command. This happens before // options so that commands can have option-like names. var command = grammar.commands[current]; if (command != null) { validate(rest.isEmpty, 'Cannot specify arguments before a command.'); var commandName = args.removeAt(0); var commandParser = new Parser(commandName, command, args, this, rest); try { commandResults = commandParser.parse(); } on ArgParserException catch (error) { if (commandName == null) rethrow; throw new ArgParserException( error.message, [commandName]..addAll(error.commands)); } // All remaining arguments were passed to command so clear them here. rest.clear(); break; } // Try to parse the current argument as an option. Note that the order // here matters. if (parseSoloOption()) continue; if (parseAbbreviation(this)) continue; if (parseLongOption()) continue; // This argument is neither option nor command, so stop parsing unless // the [allowTrailingOptions] option is set. if (!grammar.allowTrailingOptions) break; rest.add(args.removeAt(0)); } // Invoke the callbacks. grammar.options.forEach((name, option) { if (option.callback == null) return; option.callback(option.getOrDefault(results[name])); }); // Add in the leftover arguments we didn't parse to the innermost command. rest.addAll(args); args.clear(); return newArgResults( grammar, results, commandName, commandResults, rest, arguments); } /// Pulls the value for [option] from the second argument in [args]. /// /// Validates that there is a valid value there. void readNextArgAsValue(Option option) { // Take the option argument from the next command line arg. validate(args.length > 0, 'Missing argument for "${}".'); setOption(results, option, current); args.removeAt(0); } /// Tries to parse the current argument as a "solo" option, which is a single /// hyphen followed by a single letter. /// /// We treat this differently than collapsed abbreviations (like "-abc") to /// handle the possible value that may follow it. bool parseSoloOption() { var soloOpt = _soloOpt.firstMatch(current); if (soloOpt == null) return false; var option = grammar.findByAbbreviation(soloOpt[1]); if (option == null) { // Walk up to the parent command if possible. validate( parent != null, 'Could not find an option or flag "-${soloOpt[1]}".'); return parent.parseSoloOption(); } args.removeAt(0); if (option.isFlag) { setFlag(results, option, true); } else { readNextArgAsValue(option); } return true; } /// Tries to parse the current argument as a series of collapsed abbreviations /// (like "-abc") or a single abbreviation with the value directly attached /// to it (like "-mrelease"). bool parseAbbreviation(Parser innermostCommand) { var abbrOpt = _abbrOpt.firstMatch(current); if (abbrOpt == null) return false; // If the first character is the abbreviation for a non-flag option, then // the rest is the value. var c = abbrOpt[1].substring(0, 1); var first = grammar.findByAbbreviation(c); if (first == null) { // Walk up to the parent command if possible. validate( parent != null, 'Could not find an option with short name "-$c".'); return parent.parseAbbreviation(innermostCommand); } else if (!first.isFlag) { // The first character is a non-flag option, so the rest must be the // value. var value = '${abbrOpt[1].substring(1)}${abbrOpt[2]}'; setOption(results, first, value); } else { // If we got some non-flag characters, then it must be a value, but // if we got here, it's a flag, which is wrong. validate( abbrOpt[2] == '', 'Option "-$c" is a flag and cannot handle value ' '"${abbrOpt[1].substring(1)}${abbrOpt[2]}".'); // Not an option, so all characters should be flags. // We use "innermostCommand" here so that if a parent command parses the // *first* letter, subcommands can still be found to parse the other // letters. for (var i = 0; i < abbrOpt[1].length; i++) { var c = abbrOpt[1].substring(i, i + 1); innermostCommand.parseShortFlag(c); } } args.removeAt(0); return true; } void parseShortFlag(String c) { var option = grammar.findByAbbreviation(c); if (option == null) { // Walk up to the parent command if possible. validate( parent != null, 'Could not find an option with short name "-$c".'); parent.parseShortFlag(c); return; } // In a list of short options, only the first can be a non-flag. If // we get here we've checked that already. validate( option.isFlag, 'Option "-$c" must be a flag to be in a collapsed "-".'); setFlag(results, option, true); } /// Tries to parse the current argument as a long-form named option, which /// may include a value like "--mode=release" or "--mode release". bool parseLongOption() { var longOpt = _longOpt.firstMatch(current); if (longOpt == null) return false; var name = longOpt[1]; var option = grammar.options[name]; if (option != null) { args.removeAt(0); if (option.isFlag) { validate(longOpt[3] == null, 'Flag option "$name" should not be given a value.'); setFlag(results, option, true); } else if (longOpt[3] != null) { // We have a value like --foo=bar. setOption(results, option, longOpt[3]); } else { // Option like --foo, so look for the value as the next arg. readNextArgAsValue(option); } } else if (name.startsWith('no-')) { // See if it's a negated flag. name = name.substring('no-'.length); option = grammar.options[name]; if (option == null) { // Walk up to the parent command if possible. validate(parent != null, 'Could not find an option named "$name".'); return parent.parseLongOption(); } args.removeAt(0); validate(option.isFlag, 'Cannot negate non-flag option "$name".'); validate(option.negatable, 'Cannot negate option "$name".'); setFlag(results, option, false); } else { // Walk up to the parent command if possible. validate(parent != null, 'Could not find an option named "$name".'); return parent.parseLongOption(); } return true; } /// Called during parsing to validate the arguments. /// /// Throws an [ArgParserException] if [condition] is `false`. void validate(bool condition, String message) { if (!condition) throw new ArgParserException(message); } /// Validates and stores [value] as the value for [option], which must not be /// a flag. void setOption(Map results, Option option, String value) { assert(!option.isFlag); if (!option.isMultiple) { _validateAllowed(option, value); results[] = value; return; } var list = results.putIfAbsent(, () => []); if (option.splitCommas) { for (var element in value.split(",")) { _validateAllowed(option, element); list.add(element); } } else { _validateAllowed(option, value); list.add(value); } } /// Validates and stores [value] as the value for [option], which must be a /// flag. void setFlag(Map results, Option option, bool value) { assert(option.isFlag); results[] = value; } /// Validates that [value] is allowed as a value of [option]. void _validateAllowed(Option option, String value) { if (option.allowed == null) return; validate(option.allowed.contains(value), '"$value" is not an allowed value for option "${}".'); } } 0NN<$27?'POM;P "7&<4*.)!:#"G:M>/N,P20,(E NM'-'M30"-+;OIG3+@I)P*N40'94Q'& "QN 40'N(/4N9 K=( J6<9;OK40,"04N H/Q$ME0'(%A('+0E$)%+&6M)IC' 4K'7@2;P='$C.+ 'N 9"@7(-JWfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:math' as math; import '../args.dart'; /// Takes an [ArgParser] and generates a string of usage (i.e. help) text for /// its defined options. /// /// Internally, it works like a tabular printer. The output is divided into /// three horizontal columns, like so: /// /// -h, --help Prints the usage information /// | | | | /// /// It builds the usage text up one column at a time and handles padding with /// spaces and wrapping to the next line to keep the cells correctly lined up. class Usage { /// Abbreviation, long name, help. static const _columnCount = 3; /// A list of the [Option]s intermingled with [String] separators. final List optionsAndSeparators; /// The working buffer for the generated usage text. StringBuffer buffer; /// The column that the "cursor" is currently on. /// /// If the next call to [write()] is not for this column, it will correctly /// handle advancing to the next column (and possibly the next row). int currentColumn = 0; /// The width in characters of each column. List columnWidths; /// The number of sequential lines of text that have been written to the last /// column (which shows help info). /// /// We track this so that help text that spans multiple lines can be padded /// with a blank line after it for separation. Meanwhile, sequential options /// with single-line help will be compacted next to each other. int numHelpLines = 0; /// How many newlines need to be rendered before the next bit of text can be /// written. /// /// We do this lazily so that the last bit of usage doesn't have dangling /// newlines. We only write newlines right *before* we write some real /// content. int newlinesNeeded = 0; /// The horizontal character position at which help text is wrapped. Help that /// extends past this column will be wrapped at the nearest whitespace (or /// truncated if there is no available whitespace). final int lineLength; Usage(this.optionsAndSeparators, {this.lineLength}); /// Generates a string displaying usage information for the defined options. /// This is basically the help text shown on the command line. String generate() { buffer = new StringBuffer(); calculateColumnWidths(); for (var optionOrSeparator in optionsAndSeparators) { if (optionOrSeparator is String) { // Ensure that there's always a blank line before a separator. if (buffer.isNotEmpty) buffer.write("\n\n"); buffer.write(optionOrSeparator); newlinesNeeded = 1; continue; } var option = optionOrSeparator as Option; if (option.hide) continue; write(0, getAbbreviation(option)); write(1, getLongOption(option)); if ( != null) write(2,; if (option.allowedHelp != null) { var allowedNames = option.allowedHelp.keys.toList(growable: false); allowedNames.sort(); newline(); for (var name in allowedNames) { write(1, getAllowedTitle(option, name)); write(2, option.allowedHelp[name]); } newline(); } else if (option.allowed != null) { write(2, buildAllowedList(option)); } else if (option.isFlag) { if (option.defaultsTo == true) { write(2, '(defaults to on)'); } } else if (option.isMultiple) { if (option.defaultsTo != null && option.defaultsTo.isNotEmpty) { write( 2, '(defaults to ' + => '"$value"').join(', ') + ')'); } } else { if (option.defaultsTo != null) { write(2, '(defaults to "${option.defaultsTo}")'); } } // If any given option displays more than one line of text on the right // column (i.e. help, default value, allowed options, etc.) then put a // blank line after it. This gives space where it's useful while still // keeping simple one-line options clumped together. if (numHelpLines > 1) newline(); } return buffer.toString(); } String getAbbreviation(Option option) => option.abbr == null ? '' : '-${option.abbr}, '; String getLongOption(Option option) { var result; if (option.negatable) { result = '--[no-]${}'; } else { result = '--${}'; } if (option.valueHelp != null) result += "=<${option.valueHelp}>"; return result; } String getAllowedTitle(Option option, String allowed) { var isDefault = option.defaultsTo is List ? option.defaultsTo.contains(allowed) : option.defaultsTo == allowed; return ' [$allowed]' + (isDefault ? ' (default)' : ''); } void calculateColumnWidths() { var abbr = 0; var title = 0; for (var option in optionsAndSeparators) { if (option is! Option) continue; if (option.hide) continue; // Make room in the first column if there are abbreviations. abbr = math.max(abbr, getAbbreviation(option).length); // Make room for the option. title = math.max(title, getLongOption(option).length); // Make room for the allowed help. if (option.allowedHelp != null) { for (var allowed in option.allowedHelp.keys) { title = math.max(title, getAllowedTitle(option, allowed).length); } } } // Leave a gutter between the columns. title += 4; columnWidths = [abbr, title]; } void newline() { newlinesNeeded++; currentColumn = 0; numHelpLines = 0; } /// Wraps a single line of text into lines no longer than [lineLength], /// starting at the [start] column. /// /// Tries to split at whitespace, but if that's not good enough to keep it /// under the limit, then splits in the middle of a word. List _wrap(String text, int start) { assert(lineLength != null, "Should wrap when given a length."); assert(start >= 0); text = text.trim(); var length = math.max(lineLength - start, 10); if (text.length <= length) return [text]; var result = []; var currentLineStart = 0; int lastWhitespace; for (var i = 0; i < text.length; ++i) { if (_isWhitespace(text, i)) lastWhitespace = i; if (i - currentLineStart >= length) { // Back up to the last whitespace, unless there wasn't any, in which // case we just split where we are. if (lastWhitespace != null) i = lastWhitespace; result.add(text.substring(currentLineStart, i)); // Skip any intervening whitespace. while (_isWhitespace(text, i) && i < text.length) i++; currentLineStart = i; lastWhitespace = null; } } result.add(text.substring(currentLineStart)); return result; } void write(int column, String text) { var lines = text.split('\n'); // If we are writing the last column, word wrap it to fit. if (column == columnWidths.length && lineLength != null) { var wrappedLines = []; var start = columnWidths .sublist(0, column) .reduce((start, width) => start += width); for (var line in lines) { wrappedLines.addAll(_wrap(line, start)); } lines = wrappedLines; } // Strip leading and trailing empty lines. while (lines.length > 0 && lines[0].trim() == '') { lines.removeRange(0, 1); } while (lines.length > 0 && lines[lines.length - 1].trim() == '') { lines.removeLast(); } for (var line in lines) { writeLine(column, line); } } void writeLine(int column, String text) { // Write any pending newlines. while (newlinesNeeded > 0) { buffer.write('\n'); newlinesNeeded--; } // Advance until we are at the right column (which may mean wrapping around // to the next line. while (currentColumn != column) { if (currentColumn < _columnCount - 1) { buffer.write(' ' * columnWidths[currentColumn]); } else { buffer.write('\n'); } currentColumn = (currentColumn + 1) % _columnCount; } if (column < columnWidths.length) { // Fixed-size column, so pad it. buffer.write(text.padRight(columnWidths[column])); } else { // The last column, so just write it. buffer.write(text); } // Advance to the next column. currentColumn = (currentColumn + 1) % _columnCount; // If we reached the last column, we need to wrap to the next line. if (column == _columnCount - 1) newlinesNeeded++; // Keep track of how many consecutive lines we've written in the last // column. if (column == _columnCount - 1) { numHelpLines++; } else { numHelpLines = 0; } } String buildAllowedList(Option option) { var isDefault = option.defaultsTo is List ? option.defaultsTo.contains : (value) => value == option.defaultsTo; var allowedBuffer = new StringBuffer(); allowedBuffer.write('['); var first = true; for (var allowed in option.allowed) { if (!first) allowedBuffer.write(', '); allowedBuffer.write(allowed); if (isDefault(allowed)) { allowedBuffer.write(' (default)'); } first = false; } allowedBuffer.write(']'); return allowedBuffer.toString(); } } /// Returns true if the code unit at [index] in [text] is a whitespace /// character. /// /// Based on: bool _isWhitespace(String text, int index) { var rune = text.codeUnitAt(index); return rune >= 0x0009 && rune <= 0x000D || rune == 0x0020 || rune == 0x0085 || rune == 0x1680 || rune == 0x180E || rune >= 0x2000 && rune <= 0x200A || rune == 0x2028 || rune == 0x2029 || rune == 0x202F || rune == 0x205F || rune == 0x3000 || rune == 0xFEFF; } KNN<NL'18NO%!E#74NG.P&NOBOLIQM67OA!:)G5)0!)'6(L)3. +,")( &I L )< NMM;'+6(( #F:..(A!/'!C=#=)(7L +"J&M _byteToHex; Map _hexToByte; Uuid() { _byteToHex = new List(256); _hexToByte = new Map(); // Easy number <-> hex conversion for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) { var hex = new List(); hex.add(i); _byteToHex[i] = convert.hex.encode(hex); _hexToByte[_byteToHex[i]] = i; } // Sets initial seedBytes, node, and clock seq based on MathRNG. _seedBytes = UuidUtil.mathRNG(); // Per 4.5, create a 48-bit node id (47 random bits + multicast bit = 1) _nodeId = [ _seedBytes[0] | 0x01, _seedBytes[1], _seedBytes[2], _seedBytes[3], _seedBytes[4], _seedBytes[5] ]; // Per 4.2.2, randomize (14 bit) clockseq _clockSeq = (_seedBytes[6] << 8 | _seedBytes[7]) & 0x3ffff; } /** * Parses the provided [uuid] into a list of byte values. * Can optionally be provided a [buffer] to write into and * a positional [offset] for where to start inputting into the buffer. */ List parse(String uuid, {List buffer, int offset: 0}) { var i = offset, ii = 0; // Create a 16 item buffer if one hasn't been provided. buffer = (buffer != null) ? buffer : new List(16); // Convert to lowercase and replace all hex with bytes then // string.replaceAll() does a lot of work that I don't need, and a manual // regex gives me more control. final RegExp regex = new RegExp('[0-9a-f]{2}'); for (Match match in regex.allMatches(uuid.toLowerCase())) { if (ii < 16) { var hex = uuid.toLowerCase().substring(match.start, match.end); buffer[i + ii++] = _hexToByte[hex]; } } // Zero out any left over bytes if the string was too short. while (ii < 16) { buffer[i + ii++] = 0; } return buffer; } /** * Unparses a [buffer] of bytes and outputs a proper UUID string. * An optional [offset] is allowed if you want to start at a different point * in the buffer. */ String unparse(List buffer, {int offset: 0}) { var i = offset; return '${_byteToHex[buffer[i++]]}${_byteToHex[buffer[i++]]}' '${_byteToHex[buffer[i++]]}${_byteToHex[buffer[i++]]}-' '${_byteToHex[buffer[i++]]}${_byteToHex[buffer[i++]]}-' '${_byteToHex[buffer[i++]]}${_byteToHex[buffer[i++]]}-' '${_byteToHex[buffer[i++]]}${_byteToHex[buffer[i++]]}-' '${_byteToHex[buffer[i++]]}${_byteToHex[buffer[i++]]}' '${_byteToHex[buffer[i++]]}${_byteToHex[buffer[i++]]}' '${_byteToHex[buffer[i++]]}${_byteToHex[buffer[i++]]}'; } /** * v1() Generates a time-based version 1 UUID * * By default it will generate a string based off current time, and will * return a string. * * If an optional [buffer] list is provided, it will put the byte data into * that buffer and return a buffer. * * Optionally an [offset] can be provided with a start position in the buffer. * * The first argument is an options map that takes various configuration * options detailed in the readme. * * */ v1({Map options: null, List buffer: null, int offset: 0}) { var i = offset; var buf = (buffer != null) ? buffer : new List(16); options = (options != null) ? options : new Map(); var clockSeq = (options['clockSeq'] != null) ? options['clockSeq'] : _clockSeq; // UUID timestamps are 100 nano-second units since the Gregorian epoch, // (1582-10-15 00:00). Time is handled internally as 'msecs' (integer // milliseconds) and 'nsecs' (100-nanoseconds offset from msecs) since unix // epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00. var mSecs = (options['mSecs'] != null) ? options['mSecs'] : (new; // Per, use count of uuid's generated during the current clock // cycle to simulate higher resolution clock var nSecs = (options['nSecs'] != null) ? options['nSecs'] : _lastNSecs + 1; // Time since last uuid creation (in msecs) var dt = (mSecs - _lastMSecs) + (nSecs - _lastNSecs) / 10000; // Per, Bump clockseq on clock regression if (dt < 0 && options['clockSeq'] == null) { clockSeq = clockSeq + 1 & 0x3fff; } // Reset nsecs if clock regresses (new clockseq) or we've moved onto a new // time interval if ((dt < 0 || mSecs > _lastMSecs) && options['nSecs'] == null) { nSecs = 0; } // Per Throw error if too many uuids are requested if (nSecs >= 10000) { throw new Exception('uuid.v1(): Can\'t create more than 10M uuids/sec'); } _lastMSecs = mSecs; _lastNSecs = nSecs; _clockSeq = clockSeq; // Per 4.1.4 - Convert from unix epoch to Gregorian epoch mSecs += 12219292800000; // time Low var tl = ((mSecs & 0xfffffff) * 10000 + nSecs) % 0x100000000; buf[i++] = tl >> 24 & 0xff; buf[i++] = tl >> 16 & 0xff; buf[i++] = tl >> 8 & 0xff; buf[i++] = tl & 0xff; // time mid var tmh = (mSecs ~/ 0x100000000 * 10000) & 0xfffffff; buf[i++] = tmh >> 8 & 0xff; buf[i++] = tmh & 0xff; // time high and version buf[i++] = tmh >> 24 & 0xf | 0x10; // include version buf[i++] = tmh >> 16 & 0xff; // clockSeq high and reserved (Per 4.2.2 - include variant) buf[i++] = clockSeq >> 8 | 0x80; // clockSeq low buf[i++] = clockSeq & 0xff; // node var node = (options['node'] != null) ? options['node'] : _nodeId; for (var n = 0; n < 6; n++) { buf[i + n] = node[n]; } return (buffer != null) ? buffer : unparse(buf); } /** * v4() Generates a time-based version 4 UUID * * By default it will generate a string based AES-based RNG, and will return * a string. * * If an optional [buffer] list is provided, it will put the byte data into * that buffer and return a buffer. * * Optionally an [offset] can be provided with a start position in the buffer. * * The first argument is an options map that takes various configuration * options detailed in the readme. * * */ v4({Map options: null, List buffer: null, int offset: 0}) { var i = offset; options = (options != null) ? options : new Map(); // Use the built-in RNG or a custom provided RNG var positionalArgs = (options['positionalArgs'] != null) ? options['positionalArgs'] : []; var namedArgs = (options['namedArgs'] != null) ? options['namedArgs'] as Map : const {}; var rng = (options['rng'] != null) ? Function.apply(options['rng'], positionalArgs, namedArgs) : UuidUtil.mathRNG(); // Use provided values over RNG var rnds = (options['random'] != null) ? options['random'] : rng; // per 4.4, set bits for version and clockSeq high and reserved rnds[6] = (rnds[6] & 0x0f) | 0x40; rnds[8] = (rnds[8] & 0x3f) | 0x80; // Copy the bytes to the buffer if one is provided. if (buffer != null) { for (var j = 0; j < 16; j++) { buffer[i + j] = rnds[j]; } } return (buffer != null) ? buffer : unparse(rnds); } /** * v5() Generates a namspace & name-based version 5 UUID * * By default it will generate a string based on a provided uuid namespace and * name, and will return a string. * * If an optional [buffer] list is provided, it will put the byte data into * that buffer and return a buffer. * * Optionally an [offset] can be provided with a start position in the buffer. * * The first argument is an options map that takes various configuration * options detailed in the readme. * * */ v5(String namespace, String name, {Map options: null, List buffer: null, int offset: 0}) { var i = offset; options = (options != null) ? options : new Map(); // Check if user wants a random namespace generated by v4() or a NIL namespace. var useRandom = (options['randomNamespace'] != null) ? options['randomNamespace'] : true; // If useRandom is true, generate UUIDv4, else use NIL var blankNS = useRandom ? v4() : NAMESPACE_NIL; // Use provided namespace, or use whatever is decided by options. namespace = (namespace != null) ? namespace : blankNS; // Use provided name, name = (name != null) ? name : ''; // Convert namespace UUID to Byte List var bytes = parse(namespace); // Convert name to a list of bytes var nameBytes = new List(); for (var singleChar in name.codeUnits) { nameBytes.add(singleChar); } // Generate SHA1 using namespace concatenated with name List hashBytes = sha1.convert(new List.from(bytes)..addAll(nameBytes)).bytes; // per 4.4, set bits for version and clockSeq high and reserved hashBytes[6] = (hashBytes[6] & 0x0f) | 0x50; hashBytes[8] = (hashBytes[8] & 0x3f) | 0x80; // Copy the bytes to the buffer if one is provided. if (buffer != null) { for (var j = 0; j < 16; j++) { buffer[i + j] = hashBytes[j]; } } return (buffer != null) ? buffer : unparse(hashBytes); } } 5%2' * EGGGHGF ()&$!/%E%M.@<=JD<<@N$4@H,ADO1B@@@@??@0KN&QK%;>87ILJP +7K1P0B61(OF?O>B : :!@%  F"50ON&QK%9OH5N37%'D$FD''8%!6;Q%N&QK%9$?7T9%;4F;'+"'%-!<ED118%&;]file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// A library for broadly-useful functions and regular expressions for scanning /// HTTP entities. /// /// Many of the regular expressions come from [section 2.2 of the HTTP /// spec][spec]. /// /// [spec]: import 'package:string_scanner/string_scanner.dart'; /// HTTP entities. /// /// Many of the regular expressions come from [section 2.2 of the HTTP /// spec][spec]. /// /// [spec]: /// An HTTP token. final token = new RegExp(r'[^()<>@,;:"\\/[\]?={} \t\x00-\x1F\x7F]+'); /// Linear whitespace. final _lws = new RegExp(r"(?:\r\n)?[ \t]+"); /// A quoted string. final _quotedString = new RegExp(r'"(?:[^"\x00-\x1F\x7F]|\\.)*"'); /// A quoted pair. final _quotedPair = new RegExp(r'\\(.)'); /// A character that is *not* a valid HTTP token. final nonToken = new RegExp(r'[()<>@,;:"\\/\[\]?={} \t\x00-\x1F\x7F]'); /// A regular expression matching any number of [_lws] productions in a row. final whitespace = new RegExp("(?:${_lws.pattern})*"); /// Parses a list of elements, as in `1#element` in the HTTP spec. /// /// [scanner] is used to parse the elements, and [parseElement] is used to parse /// each one individually. The values returned by [parseElement] are collected /// in a list and returned. /// /// Once this is finished, [scanner] will be at the next non-LWS character in /// the string, or the end of the string. List parseList(StringScanner scanner, T parseElement()) { var result = []; // Consume initial empty values. while (scanner.scan(",")) { scanner.scan(whitespace); } result.add(parseElement()); scanner.scan(whitespace); while (scanner.scan(",")) { scanner.scan(whitespace); // Empty elements are allowed, but excluded from the results. if (scanner.matches(",") || scanner.isDone) continue; result.add(parseElement()); scanner.scan(whitespace); } return result; } /// Parses a single quoted string, and returns its contents. /// /// If [name] is passed, it's used to describe the expected value if it's not /// found. String expectQuotedString(StringScanner scanner, {String name}) { if (name == null) name = "quoted string"; scanner.expect(_quotedString, name: name); var string = scanner.lastMatch[0]; return string .substring(1, string.length - 1) .replaceAllMapped(_quotedPair, (match) => match[1]); } TNN<PGB5GBF-C*2HM7CQON*@#B: =N B,-%';^file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart'; /// Runs [body] and wraps any format exceptions it produces. /// /// [name] should describe the type of thing being parsed, and [value] should be /// its actual value. T wrapFormatException(String name, String value, T body()) { try { return body(); } on SourceSpanFormatException catch (error) { throw new SourceSpanFormatException( 'Invalid $name: ${error.message}', error.span, error.source); } on FormatException catch (error) { throw new FormatException( 'Invalid $name "$value": ${error.message}', error.source, error.offset); } } NN</=Q@1)F'Qofile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:charcode/ascii.dart'; /// The canonical instance of [ChunkedCodingEncoder]. const chunkedCodingEncoder = const ChunkedCodingEncoder._(); /// The chunk indicating that the chunked message has finished. final _doneChunk = new Uint8List.fromList([$0, $cr, $lf, $cr, $lf]); /// A converter that encodes byte arrays into chunks with size tags. class ChunkedCodingEncoder extends Converter, List> { const ChunkedCodingEncoder._(); List convert(List bytes) => _convert(bytes, 0, bytes.length, isLast: true); ByteConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink> sink) => new _Sink(sink); } /// A conversion sink for the chunked transfer encoding. class _Sink extends ByteConversionSinkBase { /// The underlying sink to which encoded byte arrays will be passed. final Sink> _sink; _Sink(this._sink); void add(List chunk) { _sink.add(_convert(chunk, 0, chunk.length)); } void addSlice(List chunk, int start, int end, bool isLast) { RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, chunk.length); _sink.add(_convert(chunk, start, end, isLast: isLast)); if (isLast) _sink.close(); } void close() { _sink.add(_doneChunk); _sink.close(); } } /// Returns a new list a chunked transfer encoding header followed by the slice /// of [bytes] from [start] to [end]. /// /// If [isLast] is `true`, this adds the footer that indicates that the chunked /// message is complete. List _convert(List bytes, int start, int end, {bool isLast: false}) { if (end == start) return isLast ? _doneChunk : const []; var size = end - start; var sizeInHex = size.toRadixString(16); var footerSize = isLast ? _doneChunk.length : 0; // Add 4 for the CRLF sequences that follow the size header and the bytes. var list = new Uint8List(sizeInHex.length + 4 + size + footerSize); list.setRange(0, sizeInHex.length, sizeInHex.codeUnits); var cursor = sizeInHex.length; list[cursor++] = $cr; list[cursor++] = $lf; list.setRange(cursor, cursor + end - start, bytes, start); cursor += end - start; list[cursor++] = $cr; list[cursor++] = $lf; if (isLast) { list.setRange(list.length - footerSize, list.length, _doneChunk); } return list; } PNN<&6=@EEE"(6E9-G1D:<P&PP;*3MF;!=Fofile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:math' as math; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:charcode/ascii.dart'; import 'package:typed_data/typed_data.dart'; /// The canonical instance of [ChunkedCodingDecoder]. const chunkedCodingDecoder = const ChunkedCodingDecoder._(); /// A converter that decodes byte arrays into chunks with size tags. class ChunkedCodingDecoder extends Converter, List> { const ChunkedCodingDecoder._(); List convert(List bytes) { var sink = new _Sink(null); var output = sink._decode(bytes, 0, bytes.length); if (sink._state == _State.end) return output; throw new FormatException("Input ended unexpectedly.", bytes, bytes.length); } ByteConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink> sink) => new _Sink(sink); } /// A conversion sink for the chunked transfer encoding. class _Sink extends ByteConversionSinkBase { /// The underlying sink to which decoded byte arrays will be passed. final Sink> _sink; /// The current state of the sink's parsing. var _state = _State.boundary; /// The size of the chunk being parsed, or `null` if the size hasn't been /// parsed yet. int _size; _Sink(this._sink); void add(List chunk) => addSlice(chunk, 0, chunk.length, false); void addSlice(List chunk, int start, int end, bool isLast) { RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, chunk.length); var output = _decode(chunk, start, end); if (output.isNotEmpty) _sink.add(output); if (isLast) _close(chunk, end); } void close() => _close(); /// Like [close], but includes [chunk] and [index] in the [FormatException] if /// one is thrown. void _close([List chunk, int index]) { if (_state != _State.end) { throw new FormatException("Input ended unexpectedly.", chunk, index); } _sink.close(); } /// Decodes the data in [bytes] from [start] to [end]. Uint8List _decode(List bytes, int start, int end) { /// Throws a [FormatException] if `bytes[start] != $char`. Uses [name] to /// describe the character in the exception text. assertCurrentChar(int char, String name) { if (bytes[start] != char) { throw new FormatException("Expected $name.", bytes, start); } } var buffer = new Uint8Buffer(); while (start != end) { switch (_state) { case _State.boundary: _size = _digitForByte(bytes, start); _state = _State.size; start++; break; case _State.size: if (bytes[start] == $cr) { _state = _State.sizeBeforeLF; } else { // Shift four bits left since a single hex digit contains four bits // of information. _size = (_size << 4) + _digitForByte(bytes, start); } start++; break; case _State.sizeBeforeLF: assertCurrentChar($lf, "LF"); _state = _size == 0 ? _State.endBeforeCR : _State.body; start++; break; case _State.body: var chunkEnd = math.min(end, start + _size); buffer.addAll(bytes, start, chunkEnd); _size -= chunkEnd - start; start = chunkEnd; if (_size == 0) _state = _State.bodyBeforeCR; break; case _State.bodyBeforeCR: assertCurrentChar($cr, "CR"); _state = _State.bodyBeforeLF; start++; break; case _State.bodyBeforeLF: assertCurrentChar($lf, "LF"); _state = _State.boundary; start++; break; case _State.endBeforeCR: assertCurrentChar($cr, "CR"); _state = _State.endBeforeLF; start++; break; case _State.endBeforeLF: assertCurrentChar($lf, "LF"); _state = _State.end; start++; break; case _State.end: throw new FormatException("Expected no more data.", bytes, start); } } return buffer.buffer.asUint8List(0, buffer.length); } /// Returns the hex digit (0 through 15) corresponding to the byte at index /// [index] in [bytes]. /// /// If the given byte isn't a hexadecimal ASCII character, throws a /// [FormatException]. int _digitForByte(List bytes, int index) { // If the byte is a numeral, get its value. XOR works because 0 in ASCII is // `0b110000` and the other numerals come after it in ascending order and // take up at most four bits. // // We check for digits first because it ensures there's only a single branch // for 10 out of 16 of the expected cases. We don't count the `digit >= 0` // check because branch prediction will always work on it for valid data. var byte = bytes[index]; var digit = $0 ^ byte; if (digit <= 9) { if (digit >= 0) return digit; } else { // If the byte is an uppercase letter, convert it to lowercase. This works // because uppercase letters in ASCII are exactly `0b100000 = 0x20` less // than lowercase letters, so if we ensure that that bit is 1 we ensure that // the letter is lowercase. var letter = 0x20 | byte; if ($a <= letter && letter <= $f) return letter - $a + 10; } throw new FormatException( "Invalid hexadecimal byte 0x${byte.toRadixString(16).toUpperCase()}.", bytes, index); } } /// An enumeration of states that [_Sink] can exist in when decoded a chunked /// message. class _State { /// The parser has fully parsed one chunk and is expecting the header for the /// next chunk. /// /// Transitions to [size]. static const boundary = const _State._("boundary"); /// The parser has parsed at least one digit of the chunk size header, but has /// not yet parsed the `CR LF` sequence that indicates the end of that header. /// /// Transitions to [sizeBeforeLF]. static const size = const _State._("size"); /// The parser has parsed the chunk size header and the CR character after it, /// but not the LF. /// /// Transitions to [body] or [bodyBeforeCR]. static const sizeBeforeLF = const _State._("size before LF"); /// The parser has parsed a chunk header and possibly some of the body, but /// still needs to consume more bytes. /// /// Transitions to [bodyBeforeCR]. static const body = const _State._("body"); // The parser has parsed all the bytes in a chunk body but not the CR LF // sequence that follows it. // // Transitions to [bodyBeforeLF]. static const bodyBeforeCR = const _State._("body before CR"); // The parser has parsed all the bytes in a chunk body and the CR that follows // it, but not the LF after that. // // Transitions to [bounday]. static const bodyBeforeLF = const _State._("body before LF"); /// The parser has parsed the final empty chunk but not the CR LF sequence /// that follows it. /// /// Transitions to [endBeforeLF]. static const endBeforeCR = const _State._("end before CR"); /// The parser has parsed the final empty chunk and the CR that follows it, /// but not the LF after that. /// /// Transitions to [end]. static const endBeforeLF = const _State._("end before LF"); /// The parser has parsed the final empty chunk as well as the CR LF that /// follows, and expects no more data. static const end = const _State._("end"); final String _name; const _State._(this._name); String toString() => _name; } NN<&-6=EE"' 72QE9-G/ L HD:-.$Q. L9;N6/"D$/ %*P@ "(B71%8"(("($!('!(M8NF2PN"QON$ QOS" AON P6QQ%.Q/@N)%.K$@Q$@M$>N!>L),\file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ // Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// This library contains character-code definitions. const PLUS = 0x2b; const MINUS = 0x2d; const PERIOD = 0x2e; const SLASH = 0x2f; const ZERO = 0x30; const NINE = 0x39; const COLON = 0x3a; const UPPER_A = 0x41; const UPPER_Z = 0x5a; const LOWER_A = 0x61; const LOWER_Z = 0x7a; const BACKSLASH = 0x5c; NN<6`file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'context.dart'; import 'style.dart'; /// The internal interface for the [Style] type. /// /// Users should be able to pass around instances of [Style] like an enum, but /// the members that [Context] uses should be hidden from them. Those members /// are defined on this class instead. abstract class InternalStyle extends Style { /// The default path separator for this style. /// /// On POSIX, this is `/`. On Windows, it's `\`. String get separator; /// Returns whether [path] contains a separator. bool containsSeparator(String path); /// Returns whether [codeUnit] is the character code of a separator. bool isSeparator(int codeUnit); /// Returns whether this path component needs a separator after it. /// /// Windows and POSIX styles just need separators when the previous component /// doesn't already end in a separator, but the URL always needs to place a /// separator between the root and the first component, even if the root /// already ends in a separator character. For example, to join "file://" and /// "usr", an additional "/" is needed (making "file:///usr"). bool needsSeparator(String path); /// Returns the number of characters of the root part. /// /// Returns 0 if the path is relative and 1 if the path is root-relative. /// /// If [withDrive] is `true`, this should include the drive letter for `file:` /// URLs. Non-URL styles may ignore the parameter. int rootLength(String path, {bool withDrive: false}); /// Gets the root prefix of [path] if path is absolute. If [path] is relative, /// returns `null`. String getRoot(String path) { var length = rootLength(path); if (length > 0) return path.substring(0, length); return isRootRelative(path) ? path[0] : null; } /// Returns whether [path] is root-relative. /// /// If [path] is relative or absolute and not root-relative, returns `false`. bool isRootRelative(String path); /// Returns the path represented by [uri] in this style. String pathFromUri(Uri uri); /// Returns the URI that represents the relative path made of [parts]. Uri relativePathToUri(String path) { var segments = context.split(path); // Ensure that a trailing slash in the path produces a trailing slash in the // URL. if (isSeparator(path.codeUnitAt(path.length - 1))) segments.add(''); return new Uri(pathSegments: segments); } /// Returns the URI that represents [path], which is assumed to be absolute. Uri absolutePathToUri(String path); /// Returns whether [codeUnit1] and [codeUnit2] are considered equivalent for /// this style. bool codeUnitsEqual(int codeUnit1, int codeUnit2) => codeUnit1 == codeUnit2; /// Returns whether [path1] and [path2] are equivalent. /// /// This only needs to handle character-by-character comparison; it can assume /// the paths are normalized and contain no `..` components. bool pathsEqual(String path1, String path2) => path1 == path2; int canonicalizeCodeUnit(int codeUnit) => codeUnit; String canonicalizePart(String part) => part; } VNN<1ON'-133'G"FPNKPA$9LQ58Q #62/P$;I'(Q I,O&PO:Q?A60]file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'internal_style.dart'; import 'style.dart'; class ParsedPath { /// The [InternalStyle] that was used to parse this path. InternalStyle style; /// The absolute root portion of the path, or `null` if the path is relative. /// On POSIX systems, this will be `null` or "/". On Windows, it can be /// `null`, "//" for a UNC path, or something like "C:\" for paths with drive /// letters. String root; /// Whether this path is root-relative. /// /// See [Context.isRootRelative]. bool isRootRelative; /// The path-separated parts of the path. All but the last will be /// directories. List parts; /// The path separators preceding each part. /// /// The first one will be an empty string unless the root requires a separator /// between it and the path. The last one will be an empty string unless the /// path ends with a trailing separator. List separators; /// The file extension of the last non-empty part, or "" if it doesn't have /// one. String get extension => _splitExtension()[1]; /// `true` if this is an absolute path. bool get isAbsolute => root != null; factory ParsedPath.parse(String path, InternalStyle style) { // Remove the root prefix, if any. var root = style.getRoot(path); var isRootRelative = style.isRootRelative(path); if (root != null) path = path.substring(root.length); // Split the parts on path separators. var parts = []; var separators = []; var start = 0; if (path.isNotEmpty && style.isSeparator(path.codeUnitAt(0))) { separators.add(path[0]); start = 1; } else { separators.add(''); } for (var i = start; i < path.length; i++) { if (style.isSeparator(path.codeUnitAt(i))) { parts.add(path.substring(start, i)); separators.add(path[i]); start = i + 1; } } // Add the final part, if any. if (start < path.length) { parts.add(path.substring(start)); separators.add(''); } return new ParsedPath._(style, root, isRootRelative, parts, separators); } ParsedPath._(, this.root, this.isRootRelative,, this.separators); String get basename { var copy = this.clone(); copy.removeTrailingSeparators(); if ( return root == null ? '' : root; return; } String get basenameWithoutExtension => _splitExtension()[0]; bool get hasTrailingSeparator => !parts.isEmpty && (parts.last == '' || separators.last != ''); void removeTrailingSeparators() { while (!parts.isEmpty && parts.last == '') { parts.removeLast(); separators.removeLast(); } if (separators.length > 0) separators[separators.length - 1] = ''; } void normalize({bool canonicalize: false}) { // Handle '.', '..', and empty parts. var leadingDoubles = 0; var newParts = []; for (var part in parts) { if (part == '.' || part == '') { // Do nothing. Ignore it. } else if (part == '..') { // Pop the last part off. if (newParts.length > 0) { newParts.removeLast(); } else { // Backed out past the beginning, so preserve the "..". leadingDoubles++; } } else { newParts.add(canonicalize ? style.canonicalizePart(part) : part); } } // A relative path can back out from the start directory. if (!isAbsolute) { newParts.insertAll(0, new List.filled(leadingDoubles, '..')); } // If we collapsed down to nothing, do ".". if (newParts.length == 0 && !isAbsolute) { newParts.add('.'); } // Canonicalize separators. var newSeparators = new List.generate( newParts.length, (_) => style.separator, growable: true); newSeparators.insert( 0, isAbsolute && newParts.length > 0 && style.needsSeparator(root) ? style.separator : ''); parts = newParts; separators = newSeparators; // Normalize the Windows root if needed. if (root != null && style == { if (canonicalize) root = root.toLowerCase(); root = root.replaceAll('/', '\\'); } removeTrailingSeparators(); } String toString() { var builder = new StringBuffer(); if (root != null) builder.write(root); for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { builder.write(separators[i]); builder.write(parts[i]); } builder.write(separators.last); return builder.toString(); } /// Splits the last non-empty part of the path into a `[basename, extension`] /// pair. /// /// Returns a two-element list. The first is the name of the file without any /// extension. The second is the extension or "" if it has none. List _splitExtension() { var file = parts.lastWhere((p) => p != '', orElse: () => null); if (file == null) return ['', '']; if (file == '..') return ['..', '']; var lastDot = file.lastIndexOf('.'); // If there is no dot, or it's the first character, like '.bashrc', it // doesn't count. if (lastDot <= 0) return [file, '']; return [file.substring(0, lastDot), file.substring(lastDot)]; } ParsedPath clone() => new ParsedPath._(style, root, isRootRelative, new List.from(parts), new List.from(separators)); } NN<<PJP*$E/QO+N 0*'?'$5:+!D 03-!#(MP%=?#E$1G/*'"!"#!B J>D0/ 31 H -23) &+-$$P PC#D'))K)BF8]file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import '../characters.dart' as chars; import '../parsed_path.dart'; import '../internal_style.dart'; /// The style for POSIX paths. class PosixStyle extends InternalStyle { PosixStyle(); final name = 'posix'; final separator = '/'; final separators = const ['/']; // Deprecated properties. final separatorPattern = new RegExp(r'/'); final needsSeparatorPattern = new RegExp(r'[^/]$'); final rootPattern = new RegExp(r'^/'); final relativeRootPattern = null; bool containsSeparator(String path) => path.contains('/'); bool isSeparator(int codeUnit) => codeUnit == chars.SLASH; bool needsSeparator(String path) => path.isNotEmpty && !isSeparator(path.codeUnitAt(path.length - 1)); int rootLength(String path, {bool withDrive: false}) { if (path.isNotEmpty && isSeparator(path.codeUnitAt(0))) return 1; return 0; } bool isRootRelative(String path) => false; String getRelativeRoot(String path) => null; String pathFromUri(Uri uri) { if (uri.scheme == '' || uri.scheme == 'file') { return Uri.decodeComponent(uri.path); } throw new ArgumentError("Uri $uri must have scheme 'file:'."); } Uri absolutePathToUri(String path) { var parsed = new ParsedPath.parse(path, this); if ( { // If the path is a bare root (e.g. "/"), [components] will // currently be empty. We add two empty components so the URL constructor // produces "file:///", with a trailing slash.["", ""]); } else if (parsed.hasTrailingSeparator) { // If the path has a trailing slash, add a single empty component so the // URI has a trailing slash as well.""); } return new Uri(scheme: 'file', pathSegments:; } } @NN<&!)"-6)$==&I9F-/ 4,C'3 BP5%.O+@[file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import '../characters.dart' as chars; import '../internal_style.dart'; import '../utils.dart'; /// The style for URL paths. class UrlStyle extends InternalStyle { UrlStyle(); final name = 'url'; final separator = '/'; final separators = const ['/']; // Deprecated properties. final separatorPattern = new RegExp(r'/'); final needsSeparatorPattern = new RegExp(r"(^[a-zA-Z][-+.a-zA-Z\d]*://|[^/])$"); final rootPattern = new RegExp(r"[a-zA-Z][-+.a-zA-Z\d]*://[^/]*"); final relativeRootPattern = new RegExp(r"^/"); bool containsSeparator(String path) => path.contains('/'); bool isSeparator(int codeUnit) => codeUnit == chars.SLASH; bool needsSeparator(String path) { if (path.isEmpty) return false; // A URL that doesn't end in "/" always needs a separator. if (!isSeparator(path.codeUnitAt(path.length - 1))) return true; // A URI that's just "scheme://" needs an extra separator, despite ending // with "/". return path.endsWith("://") && rootLength(path) == path.length; } int rootLength(String path, {bool withDrive: false}) { if (path.isEmpty) return 0; if (isSeparator(path.codeUnitAt(0))) return 1; for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { var codeUnit = path.codeUnitAt(i); if (isSeparator(codeUnit)) return 0; if (codeUnit == chars.COLON) { if (i == 0) return 0; // The root part is up until the next '/', or the full path. Skip ':' // (and '//' if it exists) and search for '/' after that. if (path.startsWith('//', i + 1)) i += 3; var index = path.indexOf('/', i); if (index <= 0) return path.length; // file: URLs sometimes consider Windows drive letters part of the root. // See if (!withDrive || path.length < index + 3) return index; if (!path.startsWith('file://')) return index; if (!isDriveLetter(path, index + 1)) return index; return path.length == index + 3 ? index + 3 : index + 4; } } return 0; } bool isRootRelative(String path) => path.isNotEmpty && isSeparator(path.codeUnitAt(0)); String getRelativeRoot(String path) => isRootRelative(path) ? '/' : null; String pathFromUri(Uri uri) => uri.toString(); Uri relativePathToUri(String path) => Uri.parse(path); Uri absolutePathToUri(String path) => Uri.parse(path); } ONN<&!'"- 9E1==%$?END9 3,)+%NB2*,Q>A7;A&:L199_file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import '../characters.dart' as chars; import '../internal_style.dart'; import '../parsed_path.dart'; import '../utils.dart'; // `0b100000` can be bitwise-ORed with uppercase ASCII letters to get their // lowercase equivalents. const _asciiCaseBit = 0x20; /// The style for Windows paths. class WindowsStyle extends InternalStyle { WindowsStyle(); final name = 'windows'; final separator = '\\'; final separators = const ['/', '\\']; // Deprecated properties. final separatorPattern = new RegExp(r'[/\\]'); final needsSeparatorPattern = new RegExp(r'[^/\\]$'); final rootPattern = new RegExp(r'^(\\\\[^\\]+\\[^\\/]+|[a-zA-Z]:[/\\])'); final relativeRootPattern = new RegExp(r"^[/\\](?![/\\])"); bool containsSeparator(String path) => path.contains('/'); bool isSeparator(int codeUnit) => codeUnit == chars.SLASH || codeUnit == chars.BACKSLASH; bool needsSeparator(String path) { if (path.isEmpty) return false; return !isSeparator(path.codeUnitAt(path.length - 1)); } int rootLength(String path, {bool withDrive: false}) { if (path.isEmpty) return 0; if (path.codeUnitAt(0) == chars.SLASH) return 1; if (path.codeUnitAt(0) == chars.BACKSLASH) { if (path.length < 2 || path.codeUnitAt(1) != chars.BACKSLASH) return 1; // The path is a network share. Search for up to two '\'s, as they are // the server and share - and part of the root part. var index = path.indexOf('\\', 2); if (index > 0) { index = path.indexOf('\\', index + 1); if (index > 0) return index; } return path.length; } // If the path is of the form 'C:/' or 'C:\', with C being any letter, it's // a root part. if (path.length < 3) return 0; // Check for the letter. if (!isAlphabetic(path.codeUnitAt(0))) return 0; // Check for the ':'. if (path.codeUnitAt(1) != chars.COLON) return 0; // Check for either '/' or '\'. if (!isSeparator(path.codeUnitAt(2))) return 0; return 3; } bool isRootRelative(String path) => rootLength(path) == 1; String getRelativeRoot(String path) { var length = rootLength(path); if (length == 1) return path[0]; return null; } String pathFromUri(Uri uri) { if (uri.scheme != '' && uri.scheme != 'file') { throw new ArgumentError("Uri $uri must have scheme 'file:'."); } var path = uri.path; if ( == '') { // Drive-letter paths look like "file:///C:/path/to/file". The // replaceFirst removes the extra initial slash. Otherwise, leave the // slash to match IE's interpretation of "/foo" as a root-relative path. if (path.length >= 3 && path.startsWith('/') && isDriveLetter(path, 1)) { path = path.replaceFirst("/", ""); } } else { // Network paths look like "file://hostname/path/to/file". path = '\\\\${}$path'; } return Uri.decodeComponent(path.replaceAll("/", "\\")); } Uri absolutePathToUri(String path) { var parsed = new ParsedPath.parse(path, this); if (parsed.root.startsWith(r'\\')) { // Network paths become "file://server/share/path/to/file". // The root is of the form "\\server\share". We want "server" to be the // URI host, and "share" to be the first element of the path. var rootParts = parsed.root.split('\\').where((part) => part != '');, rootParts.last); if (parsed.hasTrailingSeparator) { // If the path has a trailing slash, add a single empty component so the // URI has a trailing slash as well.""); } return new Uri( scheme: 'file', host: rootParts.first, pathSegments:; } else { // Drive-letter paths become "file:///C:/path/to/file". // If the path is a bare root (e.g. "C:\"), [] will currently // be empty. We add an empty component so the URL constructor produces // "file:///C:/", with a trailing slash. We also add an empty component if // the URL otherwise has a trailing slash. if ( == 0 || parsed.hasTrailingSeparator) {""); } // Get rid of the trailing "\" in "C:\" because the URI constructor will // add a separator on its own. .insert(0, parsed.root.replaceAll("/", "").replaceAll("\\", "")); return new Uri(scheme: 'file', pathSegments:; } } bool codeUnitsEqual(int codeUnit1, int codeUnit2) { if (codeUnit1 == codeUnit2) return true; /// Forward slashes and backslashes are equivalent on Windows. if (codeUnit1 == chars.SLASH) return codeUnit2 == chars.BACKSLASH; if (codeUnit1 == chars.BACKSLASH) return codeUnit2 == chars.SLASH; // If this check fails, the code units are definitely different. If it // succeeds *and* either codeUnit is an ASCII letter, they're equivalent. if (codeUnit1 ^ codeUnit2 != _asciiCaseBit) return false; // Now we just need to verify that one of the code units is an ASCII letter. var upperCase1 = codeUnit1 | _asciiCaseBit; return upperCase1 >= chars.LOWER_A && upperCase1 <= chars.LOWER_Z; } bool pathsEqual(String path1, String path2) { if (identical(path1, path2)) return true; if (path1.length != path2.length) return false; for (var i = 0; i < path1.length; i++) { if (!codeUnitsEqual(path1.codeUnitAt(i), path2.codeUnitAt(i))) { return false; } } return true; } int canonicalizeCodeUnit(int codeUnit) { if (codeUnit == chars.SLASH) return chars.BACKSLASH; if (codeUnit < chars.UPPER_A) return codeUnit; if (codeUnit > chars.UPPER_Z) return codeUnit; return codeUnit | _asciiCaseBit; } String canonicalizePart(String part) => part.toLowerCase(); } NN<&!L!+(18L>=$>%$;9 51NM;)/%P#55$4=(#% 4EELOP+ A%<'3)BNDK.)Q-N >PMQ1EO%LB6-CGGKN>Q0G0.4-G+933%>qfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/'// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'package:file/src/io.dart' as io; import 'package:file/file.dart'; /// A directory that forwards all methods and properties to a delegate. abstract class ForwardingDirectory extends ForwardingFileSystemEntity implements Directory { @override T wrap(io.Directory delegate) => wrapDirectory(delegate); @override Future create({bool recursive: false}) async => wrap(await delegate.create(recursive: recursive)); @override void createSync({bool recursive: false}) => delegate.createSync(recursive: recursive); @override Future createTemp([String prefix]) async => wrap(await delegate.createTemp(prefix)); @override Directory createTempSync([String prefix]) => wrap(delegate.createTempSync(prefix)); @override Stream list({ bool recursive: false, bool followLinks: true, }) => delegate.list(recursive: recursive, followLinks: followLinks).map(_wrap); @override List listSync({ bool recursive: false, bool followLinks: true, }) => delegate .listSync(recursive: recursive, followLinks: followLinks) .map(_wrap) .toList(); FileSystemEntity _wrap(io.FileSystemEntity entity) { if (entity is io.File) { return wrapFile(entity); } else if (entity is io.Directory) { return wrapDirectory(entity); } else if (entity is io.Link) { return wrapLink(entity); } throw new FileSystemException('Unsupported type: $entity', entity.path); } } =NN<)!H8O < =9 .1 9/ /- "P $D7)$$Mlfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:file/src/io.dart' as io; import 'package:file/file.dart'; /// A file that forwards all methods and properties to a delegate. abstract class ForwardingFile extends ForwardingFileSystemEntity implements File { @override ForwardingFile wrap(io.File delegate) => wrapFile(delegate); @override Future create({bool recursive: false}) async => wrap(await delegate.create(recursive: recursive)); @override void createSync({bool recursive: false}) => delegate.createSync(recursive: recursive); @override Future copy(String newPath) async => wrap(await delegate.copy(newPath)); @override File copySync(String newPath) => wrap(delegate.copySync(newPath)); @override Future length() => delegate.length(); @override int lengthSync() => delegate.lengthSync(); @override Future lastAccessed() => delegate.lastAccessed(); @override DateTime lastAccessedSync() => delegate.lastAccessedSync(); @override Future setLastAccessed(DateTime time) => delegate.setLastAccessed(time); @override void setLastAccessedSync(DateTime time) => delegate.setLastAccessedSync(time); @override Future lastModified() => delegate.lastModified(); @override DateTime lastModifiedSync() => delegate.lastModifiedSync(); @override Future setLastModified(DateTime time) => delegate.setLastModified(time); @override void setLastModifiedSync(DateTime time) => delegate.setLastModifiedSync(time); @override Future open({ FileMode mode:, }) async => mode); @override RandomAccessFile openSync({FileMode mode:}) => delegate.openSync(mode: mode); @override Stream> openRead([int start, int end]) => delegate.openRead(start, end); @override IOSink openWrite({ FileMode mode: FileMode.write, Encoding encoding: utf8, }) => delegate.openWrite(mode: mode, encoding: encoding); @override Future> readAsBytes() => delegate.readAsBytes(); @override List readAsBytesSync() => delegate.readAsBytesSync(); @override Future readAsString({Encoding encoding: utf8}) => delegate.readAsString(encoding: encoding); @override String readAsStringSync({Encoding encoding: utf8}) => delegate.readAsStringSync(encoding: encoding); @override Future> readAsLines({Encoding encoding: utf8}) => delegate.readAsLines(encoding: encoding); @override List readAsLinesSync({Encoding encoding: utf8}) => delegate.readAsLinesSync(encoding: encoding); @override Future writeAsBytes( List bytes, { FileMode mode: FileMode.write, bool flush: false, }) async => wrap(await delegate.writeAsBytes( bytes, mode: mode, flush: flush, )); @override void writeAsBytesSync( List bytes, { FileMode mode: FileMode.write, bool flush: false, }) => delegate.writeAsBytesSync(bytes, mode: mode, flush: flush); @override Future writeAsString( String contents, { FileMode mode: FileMode.write, Encoding encoding: utf8, bool flush: false, }) async => wrap(await delegate.writeAsString( contents, mode: mode, encoding: encoding, flush: flush, )); @override void writeAsStringSync( String contents, { FileMode mode: FileMode.write, Encoding encoding: utf8, bool flush: false, }) => delegate.writeAsStringSync( contents, mode: mode, encoding: encoding, flush: flush, ); } NN<)!CP ? 89 .1 Q E - - > > 4& Q > > 4& Q ""! ?% 6% #: = = <1 85 A0 =4 #(  #B #)  #" sfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'package:file/src/io.dart' as io; import 'package:file/file.dart'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as p; /// A file system that forwards all methods and properties to a delegate. abstract class ForwardingFileSystem extends FileSystem { /// The file system to which this file system will forward all activity. @protected final FileSystem delegate; /// Creates a new [ForwardingFileSystem] that forwards all methods and /// properties to the specified [delegate]. ForwardingFileSystem(this.delegate); @override Directory directory(dynamic path) =>; @override File file(dynamic path) => delegate.file(path); @override Link link(dynamic path) =>; @override p.Context get path => delegate.path; @override Directory get systemTempDirectory => delegate.systemTempDirectory; @override Directory get currentDirectory => delegate.currentDirectory; @override set currentDirectory(dynamic path) => delegate.currentDirectory = path; @override Future stat(String path) => delegate.stat(path); @override io.FileStat statSync(String path) => delegate.statSync(path); @override Future identical(String path1, String path2) => delegate.identical(path1, path2); @override bool identicalSync(String path1, String path2) => delegate.identicalSync(path1, path2); @override bool get isWatchSupported => delegate.isWatchSupported; @override Future type(String path, {bool followLinks: true}) => delegate.type(path, followLinks: followLinks); @override io.FileSystemEntityType typeSync(String path, {bool followLinks: true}) => delegate.typeSync(path, followLinks: followLinks); } ENN<)!!&J9K I.' A 2 2 ' E ? J @ @ 8( 4, : Q5 M9zfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'package:file/src/io.dart' as io; import 'package:file/file.dart'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; /// A file system entity that forwards all methods and properties to a delegate. abstract class ForwardingFileSystemEntity implements FileSystemEntity { /// The entity to which this entity will forward all methods and properties. @protected D get delegate; /// Creates a new entity with the same file system and same type as this /// entity but backed by the specified delegate. @protected T wrap(D delegate); /// Creates a new directory with the same file system as this entity and /// backed by the specified delegate. @protected Directory wrapDirectory(io.Directory delegate); /// Creates a new file with the same file system as this entity and /// backed by the specified delegate. @protected File wrapFile(io.File delegate); /// Creates a new link with the same file system as this entity and /// backed by the specified delegate. @protected Link wrapLink(io.Link delegate); @override Uri get uri => delegate.uri; @override Future exists() => delegate.exists(); @override bool existsSync() => delegate.existsSync(); @override Future rename(String newPath) async => wrap(await delegate.rename(newPath) as D); @override T renameSync(String newPath) => wrap(delegate.renameSync(newPath) as D); @override Future resolveSymbolicLinks() => delegate.resolveSymbolicLinks(); @override String resolveSymbolicLinksSync() => delegate.resolveSymbolicLinksSync(); @override Future stat() => delegate.stat(); @override io.FileStat statSync() => delegate.statSync(); @override Future delete({bool recursive: false}) async => wrap(await delegate.delete(recursive: recursive) as D); @override void deleteSync({bool recursive: false}) => delegate.deleteSync(recursive: recursive); @override Stream watch({ int events: FileSystemEvent.all, bool recursive: false, }) => events, recursive: recursive); @override bool get isAbsolute => delegate.isAbsolute; @override T get absolute => wrap(delegate.absolute as D); @override Directory get parent => wrapDirectory(delegate.parent); @override String get path => delegate.path; @override String get basename => fileSystem.path.basename(path); @override String get dirname => fileSystem.path.dirname(path); } dNN<)!!QFAO K3 K( 2F( #F( #  . . ,1 K L L 1 1 5> .1 "%< . 2 : $ 9 7lfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'package:file/src/io.dart' as io; import 'package:file/file.dart'; /// A link that forwards all methods and properties to a delegate. abstract class ForwardingLink extends ForwardingFileSystemEntity implements Link { @override ForwardingLink wrap(io.Link delegate) => wrapLink(delegate); @override Future create(String target, {bool recursive: false}) async => wrap(await delegate.create(target, recursive: recursive)); @override void createSync(String target, {bool recursive: false}) => delegate.createSync(target, recursive: recursive); @override Future update(String target) async => wrap(await delegate.update(target)); @override void updateSync(String target) => delegate.updateSync(target); @override Future target() =>; @override String targetSync() => delegate.targetSync(); } &NN<)!CP ? GA =9 .+ A 0 0efile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'file.dart'; import 'file_system_entity.dart'; import 'link.dart'; import '../io.dart' as io; /// A reference to a directory on the file system. abstract class Directory implements FileSystemEntity, io.Directory { // Override method definitions to codify the return type covariance. @override Future create({bool recursive: false}); @override Future createTemp([String prefix]); @override Directory createTempSync([String prefix]); @override Future rename(String newPath); @override Directory renameSync(String newPath); @override Directory get absolute; @override Stream list( {bool recursive: false, bool followLinks: true}); @override List listSync( {bool recursive: false, bool followLinks: true}); /// Returns a reference to a [Directory] that exists as a child of this /// directory and has the specified [basename]. Directory childDirectory(String basename); /// Returns a reference to a [File] that exists as a child of this directory /// and has the specified [basename]. File childFile(String basename); /// Returns a reference to a [Link] that exists as a child of this directory /// and has the specified [basename]. Link childLink(String basename); } 6NN<"3EG 5 1 - , (  !8 #8J2-O(#O(#gfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'error_codes_internal.dart' if ( 'error_codes_dart_io.dart'; /// Operating system error codes. // TODO(tvolkert): Remove ( class ErrorCodes { ErrorCodes._(); /// Argument list too long // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get E2BIG => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.e2big); /// Permission denied // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get EACCES => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.eacces); /// Try again // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get EAGAIN => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.eagain); /// Bad file number // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get EBADF => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.ebadf); /// Device or resource busy // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get EBUSY => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.ebusy); /// No child processes // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get ECHILD => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.echild); /// Resource deadlock would occur // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get EDEADLK => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.edeadlk); /// Math argument out of domain of func // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get EDOM => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.edom); /// File exists // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get EEXIST => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.eexist); /// Bad address // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get EFAULT => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.efault); /// File too large // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get EFBIG => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.efbig); /// Illegal byte sequence // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get EILSEQ => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.eilseq); /// Interrupted system call // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get EINTR => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.eintr); /// Invalid argument // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get EINVAL => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.einval); /// I/O error // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get EIO => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.eio); /// Is a directory // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get EISDIR => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.eisdir); /// Too many levels of symbolic links // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get ELOOP => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.eloop); /// Too many open files // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get EMFILE => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.emfile); /// Too many links // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get EMLINK => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.emlink); /// File name too long // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get ENAMETOOLONG => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.enametoolong); /// File table overflow // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get ENFILE => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.enfile); /// No such device // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get ENODEV => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.enodev); /// No such file or directory // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get ENOENT => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.enoent); /// Exec format error // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get ENOEXEC => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.enoexec); /// No record locks available // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get ENOLCK => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.enolck); /// Out of memory // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get ENOMEM => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.enomem); /// No space left on device // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get ENOSPC => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.enospc); /// Function not implemented // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get ENOSYS => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.enosys); /// Not a directory // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get ENOTDIR => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.enotdir); /// Directory not empty // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get ENOTEMPTY => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.enotempty); /// Not a typewriter // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get ENOTTY => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.enotty); /// No such device or address // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get ENXIO => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.enxio); /// Operation not permitted // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get EPERM => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.eperm); /// Broken pipe // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get EPIPE => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.epipe); /// Math result not representable // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get ERANGE => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.erange); /// Read-only file system // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get EROFS => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.erofs); /// Illegal seek // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get ESPIPE => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.espipe); /// No such process // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get ESRCH => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.esrch); /// Cross-device link // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names static int get EXDEV => _platform((_Codes codes) => codes.exdev); static int _platform(int getCode(_Codes codes)) { _Codes codes = _platforms[operatingSystem] ?? _platforms['linux']; return getCode(codes); } } const Map _platforms = const { 'linux': const _LinuxCodes(), 'macos': const _MacOSCodes(), 'windows': const _WindowsCodes(), }; abstract class _Codes { int get e2big; int get eacces; int get eagain; int get ebadf; int get ebusy; int get echild; int get edeadlk; int get edom; int get eexist; int get efault; int get efbig; int get eilseq; int get eintr; int get einval; int get eio; int get eisdir; int get eloop; int get emfile; int get emlink; int get enametoolong; int get enfile; int get enodev; int get enoent; int get enoexec; int get enolck; int get enomem; int get enospc; int get enosys; int get enotdir; int get enotempty; int get enotty; int get enxio; int get eperm; int get epipe; int get erange; int get erofs; int get espipe; int get esrch; int get exdev; } class _LinuxCodes implements _Codes { const _LinuxCodes(); @override final int e2big = 7; @override final int eacces = 13; @override final int eagain = 11; @override final int ebadf = 9; @override final int ebusy = 16; @override final int echild = 10; @override final int edeadlk = 35; @override final int edom = 33; @override final int eexist = 17; @override final int efault = 14; @override final int efbig = 27; @override final int eilseq = 84; @override final int eintr = 4; @override final int einval = 22; @override final int eio = 5; @override final int eisdir = 21; @override final int eloop = 40; @override final int emfile = 24; @override final int emlink = 31; @override final int enametoolong = 36; @override final int enfile = 23; @override final int enodev = 19; @override final int enoent = 2; @override final int enoexec = 8; @override final int enolck = 37; @override final int enomem = 12; @override final int enospc = 28; @override final int enosys = 38; @override final int enotdir = 20; @override final int enotempty = 39; @override final int enotty = 25; @override final int enxio = 6; @override final int eperm = 1; @override final int epipe = 32; @override final int erange = 34; @override final int erofs = 30; @override final int espipe = 29; @override final int esrch = 3; @override final int exdev = 18; } class _MacOSCodes implements _Codes { const _MacOSCodes(); @override final int e2big = 7; @override final int eacces = 13; @override final int eagain = 35; @override final int ebadf = 9; @override final int ebusy = 16; @override final int echild = 10; @override final int edeadlk = 11; @override final int edom = 33; @override final int eexist = 17; @override final int efault = 14; @override final int efbig = 27; @override final int eilseq = 92; @override final int eintr = 4; @override final int einval = 22; @override final int eio = 5; @override final int eisdir = 21; @override final int eloop = 62; @override final int emfile = 24; @override final int emlink = 31; @override final int enametoolong = 63; @override final int enfile = 23; @override final int enodev = 19; @override final int enoent = 2; @override final int enoexec = 8; @override final int enolck = 77; @override final int enomem = 12; @override final int enospc = 28; @override final int enosys = 78; @override final int enotdir = 20; @override final int enotempty = 66; @override final int enotty = 25; @override final int enxio = 6; @override final int eperm = 1; @override final int epipe = 32; @override final int erange = 34; @override final int erofs = 30; @override final int espipe = 29; @override final int esrch = 3; @override final int exdev = 18; } class _WindowsCodes implements _Codes { const _WindowsCodes(); @override final int e2big = 7; @override final int eacces = 13; @override final int eagain = 11; @override final int ebadf = 9; @override final int ebusy = 16; @override final int echild = 10; @override final int edeadlk = 36; @override final int edom = 33; @override final int eexist = 17; @override final int efault = 14; @override final int efbig = 27; @override final int eilseq = 42; @override final int eintr = 4; @override final int einval = 22; @override final int eio = 5; @override final int eisdir = 21; @override final int eloop = -1; @override final int emfile = 24; @override final int emlink = 31; @override final int enametoolong = 38; @override final int enfile = 23; @override final int enodev = 19; @override final int enoent = 2; @override final int enoexec = 8; @override final int enolck = 39; @override final int enomem = 12; @override final int enospc = 28; @override final int enosys = 40; @override final int enotdir = 20; @override final int enotempty = 41; @override final int enotty = 25; @override final int enxio = 6; @override final int eperm = 1; @override final int epipe = 32; @override final int erange = 34; @override final int erofs = 30; @override final int espipe = 29; @override final int esrch = 3; @override final int exdev = 18; } KNN<#5"J+D+F+F+D+D+F$+H*+B+F+F+D+F+D+F+@+F(+D+F+F+!7+F+F +F+H +F+F+F+F+H+L+F +D+D+D$+F+D+F+D+D4G? $&                                       &                                       (                                       `file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'file_system_entity.dart'; import '../io.dart' as io; /// A reference to a file on the file system. abstract class File implements FileSystemEntity, io.File { // Override method definitions to codify the return type covariance. @override Future create({bool recursive: false}); @override Future rename(String newPath); @override File renameSync(String newPath); @override Future copy(String newPath); @override File copySync(String newPath); @override File get absolute; @override Future writeAsBytes(List bytes, {io.FileMode mode: io.FileMode.write, bool flush: false}); @override Future writeAsString(String contents, {io.FileMode mode: io.FileMode.write, Encoding encoding: utf8, bool flush: false}); } +NN<".;G 0 ' # % !  -A .,gfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as p; import 'directory.dart'; import 'file.dart'; import 'file_system_entity.dart'; import 'link.dart'; import '../io.dart' as io; /// A generic representation of a file system. /// /// Note that this class uses `dart:io` only inasmuch as it deals in the types /// exposed by the `dart:io` library. Subclasses should document their level of /// dependence on the library (and the associated implications of using that /// implementation in the browser). abstract class FileSystem { /// Creates a new `FileSystem`. const FileSystem(); /// Returns a reference to a [Directory] at [path]. /// /// [path] can be either a [`String`], a [`Uri`], or a [`FileSystemEntity`]. Directory directory(dynamic path); /// Returns a reference to a [File] at [path]. /// /// [path] can be either a [`String`], a [`Uri`], or a [`FileSystemEntity`]. File file(dynamic path); /// Returns a reference to a [Link] at [path]. /// /// [path] can be either a [`String`], a [`Uri`], or a [`FileSystemEntity`]. Link link(dynamic path); /// An object for manipulating paths in this file system. p.Context get path; /// Gets the system temp directory. /// /// It is left to file system implementations to decide how to define the /// "system temp directory". Directory get systemTempDirectory; /// Creates a directory object pointing to the current working directory. Directory get currentDirectory; /// Sets the current working directory to the specified [path]. /// /// The new value set can be either a [Directory] or a [String]. /// /// Relative paths will be resolved by the underlying file system /// implementation (meaning it is up to the underlying implementation to /// decide whether to support relative paths). set currentDirectory(dynamic path); /// Asynchronously calls the operating system's stat() function on [path]. /// Returns a Future which completes with a [FileStat] object containing /// the data returned by stat(). /// If the call fails, completes the future with a [FileStat] object with /// .type set to FileSystemEntityType.NOT_FOUND and the other fields invalid. Future stat(String path); /// Calls the operating system's stat() function on [path]. /// Returns a [FileStat] object containing the data returned by stat(). /// If the call fails, returns a [FileStat] object with .type set to /// FileSystemEntityType.NOT_FOUND and the other fields invalid. io.FileStat statSync(String path); /// Checks whether two paths refer to the same object in the /// file system. Returns a [Future] that completes with the result. /// /// Comparing a link to its target returns false, as does comparing two links /// that point to the same target. To check the target of a link, use /// explicitly to fetch it. Directory links appearing /// inside a path are followed, though, to find the file system object. /// /// Completes the returned Future with an error if one of the paths points /// to an object that does not exist. Future identical(String path1, String path2); /// Synchronously checks whether two paths refer to the same object in the /// file system. /// /// Comparing a link to its target returns false, as does comparing two links /// that point to the same target. To check the target of a link, use /// explicitly to fetch it. Directory links appearing /// inside a path are followed, though, to find the file system object. /// /// Throws an error if one of the paths points to an object that does not /// exist. bool identicalSync(String path1, String path2); /// Tests if [] is supported on the current system. bool get isWatchSupported; /// Finds the type of file system object that a [path] points to. Returns /// a Future that completes with the result. /// /// [io.FileSystemEntityType.LINK] will only be returned if [followLinks] is /// `false`, and [path] points to a link /// /// If the [path] does not point to a file system object or an error occurs /// then [io.FileSystemEntityType.NOT_FOUND] is returned. Future type(String path, {bool followLinks: true}); /// Syncronously finds the type of file system object that a [path] points /// to. Returns a [FileSystemEntityType]. /// /// [io.FileSystemEntityType.LINK] will only be returned if [followLinks] is /// `false`, and [path] points to a link /// /// If the [path] does not point to a file system object or an error occurs /// then [io.FileSystemEntityType.NOT_FOUND] is returned. io.FileSystemEntityType typeSync(String path, {bool followLinks: true}); /// Checks if [`type(path)`](type) returns [io.FileSystemEntityType.FILE]. Future isFile(String path) async => await type(path) == io.FileSystemEntityType.file; /// Synchronously checks if [`type(path)`](type) returns /// [io.FileSystemEntityType.FILE]. bool isFileSync(String path) => typeSync(path) == io.FileSystemEntityType.file; /// Checks if [`type(path)`](type) returns [io.FileSystemEntityType.DIRECTORY]. Future isDirectory(String path) async => await type(path) ==; /// Synchronously checks if [`type(path)`](type) returns /// [io.FileSystemEntityType.DIRECTORY]. bool isDirectorySync(String path) => typeSync(path) ==; /// Checks if [`type(path)`](type) returns [io.FileSystemEntityType.LINK]. Future isLink(String path) async => await type(path) ==; /// Synchronously checks if [`type(path)`](type) returns /// [io.FileSystemEntityType.LINK]. bool isLinkSync(String path) => typeSync(path) ==; /// Gets the string path represented by the specified generic [path]. /// /// [path] may be a [io.FileSystemEntity], a [String], or a [Uri]. @protected String getPath(dynamic path) { if (path is io.FileSystemEntity) { return path.path; } else if (path is String) { return path; } else if (path is Uri) { return this.path.fromUri(path); } else { throw new ArgumentError('Invalid type for "path": ${path?.runtimeType}'); } } } NN<!&"/OPM$"6O%1O1O<&L%L"BCDK1&MK#LP)>JGC%?LPIEJM(6MPIEJL 2LLEO+N 'foo.dart' /// context.basename('path/to'); // -> 'to' /// /// Trailing separators are ignored. /// /// context.basename('path/to/'); // -> 'to' String get basename; /// Gets the part of this entity's path before the last separator. /// /// context.dirname('path/to/foo.dart'); // -> 'path/to' /// context.dirname('path/to'); // -> 'path' /// context.dirname('foo.dart'); // -> '.' /// /// Trailing separators are ignored. /// /// context.dirname('path/to/'); // -> 'path' String get dirname; // Override method definitions to codify the return type covariance. @override Future delete({bool recursive: false}); @override Directory get parent; } -NN<HA;DA;'3E?<9'4G < `file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'file_system_entity.dart'; import '../io.dart' as io; /// A reference to a symbolic link on the file system. abstract class Link implements FileSystemEntity, io.Link { // Override method definitions to codify the return type covariance. @override Future create(String target, {bool recursive: false}); @override Future update(String target); @override Future rename(String newPath); @override Link renameSync(String newPath); @override Link get absolute; } NN<"7;G ? & ' # Tfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// For internal use only! /// /// This exposes the subset of the `dart:io` interfaces that are required by /// the `file` package. The `file` package re-exports these interfaces (or in /// some cases, implementations of these interfaces by the same name), so this /// file need not be exposes publicly and exists for internal use only. export 'dart:io' show Directory, File, FileLock, FileMode, FileStat, FileSystemEntity, FileSystemEntityType, FileSystemEvent, FileSystemException, IOException, IOSink, Link, OSError, RandomAccessFile; NN<MNOH jfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library mime.bound_multipart_stream; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'char_code.dart'; import 'mime_shared.dart'; // Bytes for '()<>@,;:\\"/[]?={} \t'. const _SEPARATORS = const [ 40, 41, 60, 62, 64, 44, 59, 58, 92, 34, 47, 91, 93, 63, 61, 123, 125, 32, 9 ]; bool _isTokenChar(int byte) { return byte > 31 && byte < 128 && _SEPARATORS.indexOf(byte) == -1; } int _toLowerCase(int byte) { const delta = CharCode.LOWER_A - CharCode.UPPER_A; return (CharCode.UPPER_A <= byte && byte <= CharCode.UPPER_Z) ? byte + delta : byte; } void _expectByteValue(int val1, int val2) { if (val1 != val2) { throw new MimeMultipartException("Failed to parse multipart mime 1"); } } void _expectWhitespace(int byte) { if (byte != CharCode.SP && byte != CharCode.HT) { throw new MimeMultipartException("Failed to parse multipart mime 2"); } } class _MimeMultipart extends MimeMultipart { final Map headers; final Stream> _stream; _MimeMultipart(this.headers, this._stream); StreamSubscription> listen(void onData(List data), {void onDone(), Function onError, bool cancelOnError}) { return _stream.listen(onData, onDone: onDone, onError: onError, cancelOnError: cancelOnError); } } class BoundMultipartStream { static const int _START = 0; static const int _BOUNDARY_ENDING = 1; static const int _BOUNDARY_END = 2; static const int _HEADER_START = 3; static const int _HEADER_FIELD = 4; static const int _HEADER_VALUE_START = 5; static const int _HEADER_VALUE = 6; static const int _HEADER_VALUE_FOLDING_OR_ENDING = 7; static const int _HEADER_VALUE_FOLD_OR_END = 8; static const int _HEADER_ENDING = 9; static const int _CONTENT = 10; static const int _LAST_BOUNDARY_DASH2 = 11; static const int _LAST_BOUNDARY_ENDING = 12; static const int _LAST_BOUNDARY_END = 13; static const int _DONE = 14; static const int _FAIL = 15; final List _boundary; final List _headerField = []; final List _headerValue = []; // The following states belong to `_controller`, state changes will not be // immediately acted upon but rather only after the current // `_multipartController` is done. static const int _CONTROLLER_STATE_IDLE = 0; static const int _CONTROLLER_STATE_ACTIVE = 1; static const int _CONTROLLER_STATE_PAUSED = 2; static const int _CONTROLLER_STATE_CANCELED = 3; int _controllerState = _CONTROLLER_STATE_IDLE; StreamController _controller; Stream get stream =>; StreamSubscription _subscription; StreamController> _multipartController; Map _headers; int _state = _START; int _boundaryIndex = 2; // Current index in the data buffer. If index is negative then it // is the index into the artificial prefix of the boundary string. int _index; List _buffer; BoundMultipartStream(this._boundary, Stream> stream) { _controller = new StreamController( sync: true, onPause: _pauseStream, onResume: _resumeStream, onCancel: () { _controllerState = _CONTROLLER_STATE_CANCELED; _tryPropagateControllerState(); }, onListen: () { _controllerState = _CONTROLLER_STATE_ACTIVE; _subscription = stream.listen((data) { assert(_buffer == null); _subscription.pause(); _buffer = data; _index = 0; _parse(); }, onDone: () { if (_state != _DONE) { _controller .addError(new MimeMultipartException("Bad multipart ending")); } _controller.close(); }, onError: _controller.addError); }); } void _resumeStream() { assert(_controllerState == _CONTROLLER_STATE_PAUSED); _controllerState = _CONTROLLER_STATE_ACTIVE; _tryPropagateControllerState(); } void _pauseStream() { _controllerState = _CONTROLLER_STATE_PAUSED; _tryPropagateControllerState(); } void _tryPropagateControllerState() { if (_multipartController == null) { switch (_controllerState) { case _CONTROLLER_STATE_ACTIVE: if (_subscription.isPaused) _subscription.resume(); break; case _CONTROLLER_STATE_PAUSED: if (!_subscription.isPaused) _subscription.pause(); break; case _CONTROLLER_STATE_CANCELED: _subscription.cancel(); break; default: throw new StateError("This code should never be reached."); } } } void _parse() { // Number of boundary bytes to artificially place before the supplied data. int boundaryPrefix = 0; // Position where content starts. Will be null if no known content // start exists. Will be negative of the content starts in the // boundary prefix. Will be zero or position if the content starts // in the current buffer. int contentStartIndex; // Function to report content data for the current part. The data // reported is from the current content start index up til the // current index. As the data can be artificially prefixed with a // prefix of the boundary both the content start index and index // can be negative. void reportData() { if (contentStartIndex < 0) { var contentLength = boundaryPrefix + _index - _boundaryIndex; if (contentLength <= boundaryPrefix) { _multipartController.add(_boundary.sublist(0, contentLength)); } else { _multipartController.add(_boundary.sublist(0, boundaryPrefix)); _multipartController .add(_buffer.sublist(0, contentLength - boundaryPrefix)); } } else { var contentEndIndex = _index - _boundaryIndex; _multipartController .add(_buffer.sublist(contentStartIndex, contentEndIndex)); } } if (_state == _CONTENT && _boundaryIndex == 0) { contentStartIndex = 0; } else { contentStartIndex = null; } // The data to parse might be "artificially" prefixed with a // partial match of the boundary. boundaryPrefix = _boundaryIndex; while ((_index < _buffer.length) && _state != _FAIL && _state != _DONE) { int byte; if (_index < 0) { byte = _boundary[boundaryPrefix + _index]; } else { byte = _buffer[_index]; } switch (_state) { case _START: if (byte == _boundary[_boundaryIndex]) { _boundaryIndex++; if (_boundaryIndex == _boundary.length) { _state = _BOUNDARY_ENDING; _boundaryIndex = 0; } } else { // Restart matching of the boundary. _index = _index - _boundaryIndex; _boundaryIndex = 0; } break; case _BOUNDARY_ENDING: if (byte == CharCode.CR) { _state = _BOUNDARY_END; } else if (byte == CharCode.DASH) { _state = _LAST_BOUNDARY_DASH2; } else { _expectWhitespace(byte); } break; case _BOUNDARY_END: _expectByteValue(byte, CharCode.LF); if (_multipartController != null) { _multipartController.close(); _multipartController = null; _tryPropagateControllerState(); } _state = _HEADER_START; break; case _HEADER_START: _headers = new Map(); if (byte == CharCode.CR) { _state = _HEADER_ENDING; } else { // Start of new header field. _headerField.add(_toLowerCase(byte)); _state = _HEADER_FIELD; } break; case _HEADER_FIELD: if (byte == CharCode.COLON) { _state = _HEADER_VALUE_START; } else { if (!_isTokenChar(byte)) { throw new MimeMultipartException("Invalid header field name"); } _headerField.add(_toLowerCase(byte)); } break; case _HEADER_VALUE_START: if (byte == CharCode.CR) { _state = _HEADER_VALUE_FOLDING_OR_ENDING; } else if (byte != CharCode.SP && byte != CharCode.HT) { // Start of new header value. _headerValue.add(byte); _state = _HEADER_VALUE; } break; case _HEADER_VALUE: if (byte == CharCode.CR) { _state = _HEADER_VALUE_FOLDING_OR_ENDING; } else { _headerValue.add(byte); } break; case _HEADER_VALUE_FOLDING_OR_ENDING: _expectByteValue(byte, CharCode.LF); _state = _HEADER_VALUE_FOLD_OR_END; break; case _HEADER_VALUE_FOLD_OR_END: if (byte == CharCode.SP || byte == CharCode.HT) { _state = _HEADER_VALUE_START; } else { String headerField = utf8.decode(_headerField); String headerValue = utf8.decode(_headerValue); _headers[headerField.toLowerCase()] = headerValue; _headerField.clear(); _headerValue.clear(); if (byte == CharCode.CR) { _state = _HEADER_ENDING; } else { // Start of new header field. _headerField.add(_toLowerCase(byte)); _state = _HEADER_FIELD; } } break; case _HEADER_ENDING: _expectByteValue(byte, CharCode.LF); _multipartController = new StreamController( sync: true, onListen: () { if (_subscription.isPaused) _subscription.resume(); }, onPause: _subscription.pause, onResume: _subscription.resume); _controller .add(new _MimeMultipart(_headers,; _headers = null; _state = _CONTENT; contentStartIndex = _index + 1; break; case _CONTENT: if (byte == _boundary[_boundaryIndex]) { _boundaryIndex++; if (_boundaryIndex == _boundary.length) { if (contentStartIndex != null) { _index++; reportData(); _index--; } _multipartController.close(); _multipartController = null; _tryPropagateControllerState(); _boundaryIndex = 0; _state = _BOUNDARY_ENDING; } } else { // Restart matching of the boundary. _index = _index - _boundaryIndex; if (contentStartIndex == null) contentStartIndex = _index; _boundaryIndex = 0; } break; case _LAST_BOUNDARY_DASH2: _expectByteValue(byte, CharCode.DASH); _state = _LAST_BOUNDARY_ENDING; break; case _LAST_BOUNDARY_ENDING: if (byte == CharCode.CR) { _state = _LAST_BOUNDARY_END; } else { _expectWhitespace(byte); } break; case _LAST_BOUNDARY_END: _expectByteValue(byte, CharCode.LF); if (_multipartController != null) { _multipartController.close(); _multipartController = null; _tryPropagateControllerState(); } _state = _DONE; break; default: // Should be unreachable. assert(false); break; } // Move to the next byte. _index++; } // Report any known content. if (_state == _CONTENT && contentStartIndex != null) { reportData(); } // Resume if at end. if (_index == _buffer.length) { _buffer = null; _index = null; _subscription.resume(); } } } NN<%&E5@,J#4J-%#.D?"I)&&&,&82'"./,%%M>%/1131/:$4 DEC(!9* 71%##Q!- :1$1$(("'>'>)"FPGCGFCFE#F/IJH 7G5 A&%N3 36)"1. %$.+% /.*), "0%%*2$ (*'M2 "%6C*$$ %6$ ./.(<*< defaultExtensionMap = { '123': 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'application/vnd.koan', 'skm': 'application/vnd.koan', 'skp': 'application/vnd.koan', 'skt': 'application/vnd.koan', 'sldm': 'application/', 'sldx': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slide', 'slt': 'application/', 'sm': 'application/vnd.stepmania.stepchart', 'smf': 'application/vnd.stardivision.math', 'smi': 'application/smil+xml', 'smil': 'application/smil+xml', 'smv': 'video/x-smv', 'smzip': 'application/vnd.stepmania.package', 'snd': 'audio/basic', 'snf': 'application/x-font-snf', 'so': 'application/octet-stream', 'spc': 'application/x-pkcs7-certificates', 'spf': 'application/vnd.yamaha.smaf-phrase', 'spl': 'application/x-futuresplash', 'spot': 'text/', 'spp': 'application/scvp-vp-response', 'spq': 'application/scvp-vp-request', 'spx': 'audio/ogg', 'sql': 'application/x-sql', 'src': 'application/x-wais-source', 'srt': 'application/x-subrip', 'sru': 'application/sru+xml', 'srx': 'application/sparql-results+xml', 'ssdl': 'application/ssdl+xml', 'sse': 'application/vnd.kodak-descriptor', 'ssf': 'application/', 'ssml': 'application/ssml+xml', 'st': 'application/vnd.sailingtracker.track', 'stc': 'application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template', 'std': 'application/vnd.sun.xml.draw.template', 'stf': 'application/vnd.wt.stf', 'sti': 'application/vnd.sun.xml.impress.template', 'stk': 'application/hyperstudio', 'stl': 'application/', 'str': 'application/', 'stw': 'application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template', 'sub': 'text/vnd.dvb.subtitle', 'sus': 'application/vnd.sus-calendar', 'susp': 'application/vnd.sus-calendar', 'sv4cpio': 'application/x-sv4cpio', 'sv4crc': 'application/x-sv4crc', 'svc': 'application/vnd.dvb.service', 'svd': 'application/vnd.svd', 'svg': 'image/svg+xml', 'svgz': 'image/svg+xml', 'swa': 'application/x-director', 'swf': 'application/x-shockwave-flash', 'swi': 'application/vnd.aristanetworks.swi', 'sxc': 'application/vnd.sun.xml.calc', 'sxd': 'application/vnd.sun.xml.draw', 'sxg': 'application/', 'sxi': 'application/vnd.sun.xml.impress', 'sxm': 'application/vnd.sun.xml.math', 'sxw': 'application/vnd.sun.xml.writer', 't': 'text/troff', 't3': 'application/x-t3vm-image', 'taglet': 'application/vnd.mynfc', 'tao': 'application/vnd.tao.intent-module-archive', 'tar': 'application/x-tar', 'tcap': 'application/vnd.3gpp2.tcap', 'tcl': 'application/x-tcl', 'teacher': 'application/', 'tei': 'application/tei+xml', 'teicorpus': 'application/tei+xml', 'tex': 'application/x-tex', 'texi': 'application/x-texinfo', 'texinfo': 'application/x-texinfo', 'text': 'text/plain', 'tfi': 'application/thraud+xml', 'tfm': 'application/x-tex-tfm', 'tga': 'image/x-tga', 'thmx': 'application/', 'tif': 'image/tiff', 'tiff': 'image/tiff', 'tmo': 'application/vnd.tmobile-livetv', 'torrent': 'application/x-bittorrent', 'tpl': 'application/vnd.groove-tool-template', 'tpt': 'application/vnd.trid.tpt', 'tr': 'text/troff', 'tra': 'application/vnd.trueapp', 'trm': 'application/x-msterminal', 'tsd': 'application/timestamped-data', 'tsv': 'text/tab-separated-values', 'ttc': 'application/x-font-ttf', 'ttf': 'application/x-font-ttf', 'ttl': 'text/turtle', 'twd': 'application/vnd.simtech-mindmapper', 'twds': 'application/vnd.simtech-mindmapper', 'txd': 'application/vnd.genomatix.tuxedo', 'txf': 'application/vnd.mobius.txf', 'txt': 'text/plain', 'u32': 'application/x-authorware-bin', 'udeb': 'application/x-debian-package', 'ufd': 'application/vnd.ufdl', 'ufdl': 'application/vnd.ufdl', 'ulx': 'application/x-glulx', 'umj': 'application/vnd.umajin', 'unityweb': 'application/vnd.unity', 'uoml': 'application/vnd.uoml+xml', 'uri': 'text/uri-list', 'uris': 'text/uri-list', 'urls': 'text/uri-list', 'ustar': 'application/x-ustar', 'utz': 'application/vnd.uiq.theme', 'uu': 'text/x-uuencode', 'uva': 'audio/', 'uvd': 'application/', 'uvf': 'application/', 'uvg': 'image/vnd.dece.graphic', 'uvh': 'video/vnd.dece.hd', 'uvi': 'image/vnd.dece.graphic', 'uvm': 'video/', 'uvp': 'video/vnd.dece.pd', 'uvs': 'video/', 'uvt': 'application/vnd.dece.ttml+xml', 'uvu': 'video/vnd.uvvu.mp4', 'uvv': 'video/', 'uvva': 'audio/', 'uvvd': 'application/', 'uvvf': 'application/', 'uvvg': 'image/vnd.dece.graphic', 'uvvh': 'video/vnd.dece.hd', 'uvvi': 'image/vnd.dece.graphic', 'uvvm': 'video/', 'uvvp': 'video/vnd.dece.pd', 'uvvs': 'video/', 'uvvt': 'application/vnd.dece.ttml+xml', 'uvvu': 'video/vnd.uvvu.mp4', 'uvvv': 'video/', 'uvvx': 'application/vnd.dece.unspecified', 'uvvz': 'application/', 'uvx': 'application/vnd.dece.unspecified', 'uvz': 'application/', 'vcard': 'text/vcard', 'vcd': 'application/x-cdlink', 'vcf': 'text/x-vcard', 'vcg': 'application/vnd.groove-vcard', 'vcs': 'text/x-vcalendar', 'vcx': 'application/vnd.vcx', 'vis': 'application/vnd.visionary', 'viv': 'video/', 'vob': 'video/x-ms-vob', 'vor': 'application/vnd.stardivision.writer', 'vox': 'application/x-authorware-bin', 'vrml': 'model/vrml', 'vsd': 'application/vnd.visio', 'vsf': 'application/vnd.vsf', 'vss': 'application/vnd.visio', 'vst': 'application/vnd.visio', 'vsw': 'application/vnd.visio', 'vtu': 'model/vnd.vtu', 'vxml': 'application/voicexml+xml', 'w3d': 'application/x-director', 'wad': 'application/x-doom', 'wasm': 'application/wasm', 'wav': 'audio/x-wav', 'wax': 'audio/x-ms-wax', 'wbmp': 'image/vnd.wap.wbmp', 'wbs': 'application/vnd.criticaltools.wbs+xml', 'wbxml': 'application/vnd.wap.wbxml', 'wcm': 'application/', 'wdb': 'application/', 'wdp': 'image/', 'weba': 'audio/webm', 'webm': 'video/webm', 'webp': 'image/webp', 'wg': 'application/vnd.pmi.widget', 'wgt': 'application/widget', 'wks': 'application/', 'wm': 'video/x-ms-wm', 'wma': 'audio/x-ms-wma', 'wmd': 'application/x-ms-wmd', 'wmf': 'application/x-msmetafile', 'wml': 'text/vnd.wap.wml', 'wmlc': 'application/vnd.wap.wmlc', 'wmls': 'text/vnd.wap.wmlscript', 'wmlsc': 'application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc', 'wmv': 'video/x-ms-wmv', 'wmx': 'video/x-ms-wmx', 'wmz': 'application/x-ms-wmz', 'woff': 'application/x-font-woff', 'wpd': 'application/vnd.wordperfect', 'wpl': 'application/', 'wps': 'application/', 'wqd': 'application/vnd.wqd', 'wri': 'application/x-mswrite', 'wrl': 'model/vrml', 'wsdl': 'application/wsdl+xml', 'wspolicy': 'application/wspolicy+xml', 'wtb': 'application/vnd.webturbo', 'wvx': 'video/x-ms-wvx', 'x32': 'application/x-authorware-bin', 'x3d': 'model/x3d+xml', 'x3db': 'model/x3d+binary', 'x3dbz': 'model/x3d+binary', 'x3dv': 'model/x3d+vrml', 'x3dvz': 'model/x3d+vrml', 'x3dz': 'model/x3d+xml', 'xaml': 'application/xaml+xml', 'xap': 'application/x-silverlight-app', 'xar': 'application/vnd.xara', 'xbap': 'application/x-ms-xbap', 'xbd': 'application/', 'xbm': 'image/x-xbitmap', 'xdf': 'application/xcap-diff+xml', 'xdm': 'application/', 'xdp': 'application/vnd.adobe.xdp+xml', 'xdssc': 'application/dssc+xml', 'xdw': 'application/', 'xenc': 'application/xenc+xml', 'xer': 'application/patch-ops-error+xml', 'xfdf': 'application/vnd.adobe.xfdf', 'xfdl': 'application/vnd.xfdl', 'xht': 'application/xhtml+xml', 'xhtml': 'application/xhtml+xml', 'xhvml': 'application/xv+xml', 'xif': 'image/vnd.xiff', 'xla': 'application/', 'xlam': 'application/', 'xlc': 'application/', 'xlf': 'application/x-xliff+xml', 'xlm': 'application/', 'xls': 'application/', 'xlsb': 'application/', 'xlsm': 'application/', 'xlsx': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'xlt': 'application/', 'xltm': 'application/', 'xltx': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template', 'xlw': 'application/', 'xm': 'audio/xm', 'xml': 'application/xml', 'xo': 'application/vnd.olpc-sugar', 'xop': 'application/xop+xml', 'xpi': 'application/x-xpinstall', 'xpl': 'application/xproc+xml', 'xpm': 'image/x-xpixmap', 'xpr': 'application/', 'xps': 'application/', 'xpw': 'application/vnd.intercon.formnet', 'xpx': 'application/vnd.intercon.formnet', 'xsl': 'application/xml', 'xslt': 'application/xslt+xml', 'xsm': 'application/vnd.syncml+xml', 'xspf': 'application/xspf+xml', 'xul': 'application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml', 'xvm': 'application/xv+xml', 'xvml': 'application/xv+xml', 'xwd': 'image/x-xwindowdump', 'xyz': 'chemical/x-xyz', 'xz': 'application/x-xz', 'yang': 'application/yang', 'yin': 'application/yin+xml', 'z1': 'application/x-zmachine', 'z2': 'application/x-zmachine', 'z3': 'application/x-zmachine', 'z4': 'application/x-zmachine', 'z5': 'application/x-zmachine', 'z6': 'application/x-zmachine', 'z7': 'application/x-zmachine', 'z8': 'application/x-zmachine', 'zaz': 'application/vnd.zzazz.deck+xml', 'zip': 'application/zip', 'zir': 'application/vnd.zul', 'zirz': 'application/vnd.zul', 'zmm': 'application/vnd.handheld-entertainment+xml', }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numbers; final List mask; const MagicNumber(this.mimeType, this.numbers, {this.mask}); bool matches(List header) { if (header.length < numbers.length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) { if (mask != null) { if ((mask[i] & numbers[i]) != (mask[i] & header[i])) return false; } else { if (numbers[i] != header[i]) return false; } } return true; } } const int DEFAULT_MAGIC_NUMBERS_MAX_LENGTH = 12; const List DEFAULT_MAGIC_NUMBERS = const [ const MagicNumber('application/pdf', const [0x25, 0x50, 0x44, 0x46]), const MagicNumber('application/postscript', const [0x25, 0x51]), const MagicNumber('image/gif', const [0x47, 0x49, 0x46, 0x38, 0x37, 0x61]), const MagicNumber('image/gif', const [0x47, 0x49, 0x46, 0x38, 0x39, 0x61]), const MagicNumber('image/jpeg', const [0xFF, 0xD8]), const MagicNumber( 'image/png', const [0x89, 0x50, 0x4E, 0x47, 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x0A]), const MagicNumber('image/tiff', const [0x49, 0x49, 0x2A, 0x00]), const MagicNumber('image/tiff', const [0x4D, 0x4D, 0x00, 0x2A]), const MagicNumber('video/mp4', const [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x66, 0x74, 0x79, 0x70, 0x33, 0x67, 0x70, 0x35 ], mask: const [ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF ]), const MagicNumber('model/gltf-binary', const [0x46, 0x54, 0x6C, 0x67]), ]; GNN<?#6/K318HCNN7LCC)  J`file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'package:source_span/source_span.dart'; /// An advanced StringBuffer geared toward generating code, and source maps. class CodeBuffer implements StringBuffer { /// The character sequence used to represent a line break. final String newline; /// The character sequence used to represent a space/tab. final String space; /// The source URL to be applied to all generated [SourceSpan] instances. final sourceUrl; /// If `true` (default: `false`), then an additional [newline] will be inserted at the end of the generated string. final bool trailingNewline; final List _lines = []; CodeBufferLine _currentLine, _lastLine; int _indentationLevel = 0; int _length = 0; CodeBuffer( { ' ', this.newline: '\n', this.trailingNewline: false, this.sourceUrl}); /// Creates a [CodeBuffer] that does not emit additional whitespace. factory CodeBuffer.noWhitespace({sourceUrl}) => new CodeBuffer( space: '', newline: '', trailingNewline: false, sourceUrl: sourceUrl); /// The last line created within this buffer. CodeBufferLine get lastLine => _lastLine; /// Returns an immutable collection of the [CodeBufferLine]s within this instance. List get lines => new List.unmodifiable(_lines); @override bool get isEmpty => _lines.isEmpty; @override bool get isNotEmpty => _lines.isNotEmpty; @override int get length => _length; CodeBufferLine _createLine() { var start = new SourceLocation( _length, sourceUrl: sourceUrl, line: _lines.length, column: _indentationLevel * space.length, ); var line = new CodeBufferLine._(_indentationLevel, start).._end = start; _lines.add(_lastLine = line); return line; } /// Increments the indentation level. void indent() { _indentationLevel++; } /// Decrements the indentation level, if it is greater than `0`. void outdent() { if (_indentationLevel > 0) _indentationLevel--; } /// Copies the contents of this [CodeBuffer] into another, preserving indentation and source mapping information. void copyInto(CodeBuffer other) { if (_lines.isEmpty) return; int i = 0; for (var line in _lines) { // To compute offset: // 1. Find current length of other // 2. Add length of its newline // 3. Add indentation var column = (other._indentationLevel + line.indentationLevel) *; var offset = other._length + other.newline.length + column; // Re-compute start + end var start = new SourceLocation( offset, sourceUrl: other.sourceUrl, line: other._lines.length + i, column: column, ); var end = new SourceLocation( offset + line.span.length, sourceUrl: other.sourceUrl, line: start.line, column: column + line._buf.length, ); var clone = new CodeBufferLine._( line.indentationLevel + other._indentationLevel, start) .._end = end .._buf.write(line._buf.toString()); // Adjust lastSpan if (line._lastSpan != null) { var s = line._lastSpan.start; var lastSpanColumn = ((line.indentationLevel + other._indentationLevel) * + line.text.indexOf(line._lastSpan.text); clone._lastSpan = new SourceSpan( new SourceLocation( offset + s.offset, sourceUrl: other.sourceUrl, line: clone.span.start.line, column: lastSpanColumn, ), new SourceLocation( offset + s.offset + line._lastSpan.length, sourceUrl: other.sourceUrl, line: clone.span.end.line, column: lastSpanColumn + line._lastSpan.length, ), line._lastSpan.text, ); } other._lines.add(other._currentLine = other._lastLine = clone); // Adjust length accordingly... other._length = offset + clone.span.length; i++; } other.writeln(); } @override void clear() { _lines.clear(); _length = _indentationLevel = 0; _currentLine = null; } @override void writeCharCode(int charCode) { _currentLine ??= _createLine(); _currentLine._buf.writeCharCode(charCode); var end = _currentLine._end; _currentLine._end = new SourceLocation( end.offset + 1, sourceUrl: end.sourceUrl, line: end.line, column: end.column + 1, ); _length++; _currentLine._lastSpan = new SourceSpan( end, _currentLine._end, new String.fromCharCode(charCode)); } @override void write(Object obj) { var msg = obj.toString(); _currentLine ??= _createLine(); _currentLine._buf.write(msg); var end = _currentLine._end; _currentLine._end = new SourceLocation( end.offset + msg.length, sourceUrl: end.sourceUrl, line: end.line, column: end.column + msg.length, ); _length += msg.length; _currentLine._lastSpan = new SourceSpan(end, _currentLine._end, msg); } @override void writeln([Object obj = ""]) { if (obj != null && obj != '') write(obj); _currentLine = null; _length++; } @override void writeAll(Iterable objects, [String separator = ""]) { write(objects.join(separator)); } @override String toString() { var buf = new StringBuffer(); int i = 0; for (var line in lines) { if (i++ > 0) buf.write(newline); for (int j = 0; j < line.indentationLevel; j++) buf.write(space); buf.write(line._buf.toString()); } if (trailingNewline == true) buf.write(newline); return buf.toString(); } } /// Represents a line of text within a [CodeBuffer]. class CodeBufferLine { /// Mappings from one [SourceSpan] to another, to aid with generating dynamic source maps. final Map sourceMappings = {}; /// The level of indentation preceding this line. final int indentationLevel; final SourceLocation _start; final StringBuffer _buf = new StringBuffer(); SourceLocation _end; SourceSpan _lastSpan; CodeBufferLine._(this.indentationLevel, this._start); /// The [SourceSpan] corresponding to the last text written to this line. SourceSpan get lastSpan => _lastSpan; /// The [SourceSpan] corresponding to this entire line. SourceSpan get span => new SourceSpan(_start, _end, _buf.toString()); /// The text within this line. String get text => _buf.toString(); } /M+=<Lv**#GBM0,U$5 & , !$0M"(C4t$ +(GB &$' $#$+ (B,$&A*8*()$ 7('<  F&2  % %$/!, -D $"!, 'J $. =$ "'H'55]9408L(:H!&Yfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// Support for specifying test expectations, such as for unit tests. export 'src/core_matchers.dart'; export 'src/custom_matcher.dart'; export 'src/description.dart'; export 'src/equals_matcher.dart'; export 'src/error_matchers.dart'; export 'src/interfaces.dart'; export 'src/iterable_matchers.dart'; export 'src/map_matchers.dart'; export 'src/numeric_matchers.dart'; export 'src/operator_matchers.dart'; export 'src/order_matchers.dart'; export 'src/string_matchers.dart'; export 'src/type_matcher.dart'; export 'src/util.dart'; NN<F!"""% $%"# `file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. export "src/file.dart"; export "src/location.dart"; export "src/location_mixin.dart"; export "src/span.dart"; export "src/span_exception.dart"; export "src/span_mixin.dart"; export "src/span_with_context.dart"; NN<""%efile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart'; /// An exception thrown by a [StringScanner] that failed to parse a string. class StringScannerException extends SourceSpanFormatException { String get source => super.source; /// The URL of the source file being parsed. /// /// This may be `null`, indicating that the source URL is unknown. Uri get sourceUrl => span.sourceUrl; StringScannerException(String message, SourceSpan span, String source) : super(message, span, source); } NN</LA%/E'I&hfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:charcode/ascii.dart'; import 'string_scanner.dart'; // Note that much of this code is duplicated in eager_span_scanner.dart. /// A regular expression matching newlines across platforms. final _newlineRegExp = new RegExp(r"\r\n?|\n"); /// A subclass of [StringScanner] that tracks line and column information. class LineScanner extends StringScanner { /// The scanner's current (zero-based) line number. int get line => _line; int _line = 0; /// The scanner's current (zero-based) column number. int get column => _column; int _column = 0; /// The scanner's state, including line and column information. /// /// This can be used to efficiently save and restore the state of the scanner /// when backtracking. A given [LineScannerState] is only valid for the /// [LineScanner] that created it. /// /// This does not include the scanner's match information. LineScannerState get state => new LineScannerState._(this, position, line, column); /// Whether the current position is between a CR character and an LF /// charactet. bool get _betweenCRLF => peekChar(-1) == $cr && peekChar() == $lf; set state(LineScannerState state) { if (!identical(state._scanner, this)) { throw new ArgumentError("The given LineScannerState was not returned by " "this LineScanner."); } super.position = state.position; _line = state.line; _column = state.column; } set position(int newPosition) { var oldPosition = position; super.position = newPosition; if (newPosition > oldPosition) { var newlines = _newlinesIn(string.substring(oldPosition, newPosition)); _line += newlines.length; if (newlines.isEmpty) { _column += newPosition - oldPosition; } else { _column = newPosition - newlines.last.end; } } else { var newlines = _newlinesIn(string.substring(newPosition, oldPosition)); if (_betweenCRLF) newlines.removeLast(); _line -= newlines.length; if (newlines.isEmpty) { _column -= oldPosition - newPosition; } else { _column = newPosition - string.lastIndexOf(_newlineRegExp, newPosition) - 1; } } } LineScanner(String string, {sourceUrl, int position}) : super(string, sourceUrl: sourceUrl, position: position); bool scanChar(int character) { if (!super.scanChar(character)) return false; _adjustLineAndColumn(character); return true; } int readChar() { var character = super.readChar(); _adjustLineAndColumn(character); return character; } /// Adjusts [_line] and [_column] after having consumed [character]. void _adjustLineAndColumn(int character) { if (character == $lf || (character == $cr && peekChar() != $lf)) { _line += 1; _column = 0; } else { _column += 1; } } bool scan(Pattern pattern) { if (!super.scan(pattern)) return false; var newlines = _newlinesIn(lastMatch[0]); _line += newlines.length; if (newlines.isEmpty) { _column += lastMatch[0].length; } else { _column = lastMatch[0].length - newlines.last.end; } return true; } /// Returns a list of [Match]es describing all the newlines in [text], which /// is assumed to end at [position]. List _newlinesIn(String text) { var newlines = _newlineRegExp.allMatches(text).toList(); if (_betweenCRLF) newlines.removeLast(); return newlines; } } /// A class representing the state of a [LineScanner]. class LineScannerState { /// The [LineScanner] that created this. final LineScanner _scanner; /// The position of the scanner in this state. final int position; /// The zero-based line number of the scanner in this state. final int line; /// The zero-based column number of the scanner in this state. final int column; LineScannerState._(this._scanner, this.position, this.line, this.column); } NN<&I=0K*68BPJ%= <GE&,P %" "%N .3 N/ .O8A!2%&%G-G ,.& 9O')=-7+1?ALhfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart'; import 'eager_span_scanner.dart'; import 'exception.dart'; import 'line_scanner.dart'; import 'relative_span_scanner.dart'; import 'string_scanner.dart'; import 'utils.dart'; /// A subclass of [LineScanner] that exposes matched ranges as source map /// [Span]s. class SpanScanner extends StringScanner implements LineScanner { /// The source of the scanner. /// /// This caches line break information and is used to generate [Span]s. final SourceFile _sourceFile; int get line => _sourceFile.getLine(position); int get column => _sourceFile.getColumn(position); LineScannerState get state => new _SpanScannerState(this, position); set state(LineScannerState state) { if (state is! _SpanScannerState || !identical((state as _SpanScannerState)._scanner, this)) { throw new ArgumentError("The given LineScannerState was not returned by " "this LineScanner."); } this.position = state.position; } /// The [FileSpan] for [lastMatch]. /// /// This is the span for the entire match. There's no way to get spans for /// subgroups since [Match] exposes no information about their positions. FileSpan get lastSpan { if (lastMatch == null) _lastSpan = null; return _lastSpan; } FileSpan _lastSpan; /// The current location of the scanner. FileLocation get location => _sourceFile.location(position); /// Returns an empty span at the current location. FileSpan get emptySpan => location.pointSpan(); /// Creates a new [SpanScanner] that starts scanning from [position]. /// /// [sourceUrl] is used as [SourceLocation.sourceUrl] for the returned /// [FileSpan]s as well as for error reporting. It can be a [String], a /// [Uri], or `null`. SpanScanner(String string, {sourceUrl, int position}) : _sourceFile = new SourceFile.fromString(string, url: sourceUrl), super(string, sourceUrl: sourceUrl, position: position); /// Creates a new [SpanScanner] that eagerly computes line and column numbers. /// /// In general [new SpanScanner] will be more efficient, since it avoids extra /// computation on every scan. However, eager scanning can be useful for /// situations where the normal course of parsing frequently involves /// accessing the current line and column numbers. /// /// Note that *only* the `line` and `column` fields on the `SpanScanner` /// itself and its `LineScannerState` are eagerly computed. To limit their /// memory footprint, returned spans and locations will still lazily compute /// their line and column numbers. factory SpanScanner.eager(String string, {sourceUrl, int position}) = EagerSpanScanner; /// Creates a new [SpanScanner] that scans within [span]. /// /// This scans through [span.text], but emits new spans from [span.file] in /// their appropriate relative positions. The [string] field contains only /// [span.text], and [position], [line], and [column] are all relative to the /// span. factory SpanScanner.within(FileSpan span) = RelativeSpanScanner; /// Creates a [FileSpan] representing the source range between [startState] /// and the current position. FileSpan spanFrom(LineScannerState startState, [LineScannerState endState]) { var endPosition = endState == null ? position : endState.position; return _sourceFile.span(startState.position, endPosition); } bool matches(Pattern pattern) { if (!super.matches(pattern)) { _lastSpan = null; return false; } _lastSpan = _sourceFile.span(position, lastMatch.end); return true; } void error(String message, {Match match, int position, int length}) { validateErrorArgs(string, match, position, length); if (match == null && position == null && length == null) match = lastMatch; if (position == null) { position = match == null ? this.position : match.start; } if (length == null) length = match == null ? 0 : match.end - match.start; var span = _sourceFile.span(position, position + length); throw new StringScannerException(message, span, string); } } /// A class representing the state of a [SpanScanner]. class _SpanScannerState implements LineScannerState { /// The [SpanScanner] that created this. final SpanScanner _scanner; final int position; int get line => _scanner._sourceFile.getLine(position); int get column => _scanner._sourceFile.getColumn(position); _SpanScannerState(this._scanner, this.position); } NN</"%J A!J 15G&'CP $&ML-+?52HIJ8IAQQKH5KMO%H<NMP CN PG?"#;H8P>N>=76+:>3jfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:charcode/charcode.dart'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart'; import 'exception.dart'; import 'utils.dart'; /// When compiled to JS, forward slashes are always escaped in [RegExp.pattern]. /// /// See issue 17998. final _slashAutoEscape = new RegExp("/").pattern == "\\/"; /// A class that scans through a string using [Pattern]s. class StringScanner { /// The URL of the source of the string being scanned. /// /// This is used for error reporting. It may be `null`, indicating that the /// source URL is unknown or unavailable. final Uri sourceUrl; /// The string being scanned through. final String string; /// The current position of the scanner in the string, in characters. int get position => _position; set position(int position) { if (position < 0 || position > string.length) { throw new ArgumentError("Invalid position $position"); } _position = position; _lastMatch = null; } int _position = 0; /// The data about the previous match made by the scanner. /// /// If the last match failed, this will be `null`. Match get lastMatch { // Lazily unset [_lastMatch] so that we avoid extra assignments in // character-by-character methods that are used in core loops. if (_position != _lastMatchPosition) _lastMatch = null; return _lastMatch; } Match _lastMatch; int _lastMatchPosition; /// The portion of the string that hasn't yet been scanned. String get rest => string.substring(position); /// Whether the scanner has completely consumed [string]. bool get isDone => position == string.length; /// Creates a new [StringScanner] that starts scanning from [position]. /// /// [position] defaults to 0, the beginning of the string. [sourceUrl] is the /// URL of the source of the string being scanned, if available. It can be /// a [String], a [Uri], or `null`. StringScanner(this.string, {sourceUrl, int position}) : sourceUrl = sourceUrl is String ? Uri.parse(sourceUrl) : sourceUrl { if (position != null) this.position = position; } /// Consumes a single character and returns its character code. /// /// This throws a [FormatException] if the string has been fully consumed. It /// doesn't affect [lastMatch]. int readChar() { if (isDone) _fail("more input"); return string.codeUnitAt(_position++); } /// Returns the character code of the character [offset] away from [position]. /// /// [offset] defaults to zero, and may be negative to inspect already-consumed /// characters. /// /// This returns `null` if [offset] points outside the string. It doesn't /// affect [lastMatch]. int peekChar([int offset]) { if (offset == null) offset = 0; var index = position + offset; if (index < 0 || index >= string.length) return null; return string.codeUnitAt(index); } /// If the next character in the string is [character], consumes it. /// /// Returns whether or not [character] was consumed. bool scanChar(int character) { if (isDone) return false; if (string.codeUnitAt(_position) != character) return false; _position++; return true; } /// If the next character in the string is [character], consumes it. /// /// If [character] could not be consumed, throws a [FormatException] /// describing the position of the failure. [name] is used in this error as /// the expected name of the character being matched; if it's `null`, the /// character itself is used instead. void expectChar(int character, {String name}) { if (scanChar(character)) return; if (name == null) { if (character == $backslash) { name = r'"\"'; } else if (character == $double_quote) { name = r'"\""'; } else { name = '"${new String.fromCharCode(character)}"'; } } _fail(name); } /// If [pattern] matches at the current position of the string, scans forward /// until the end of the match. /// /// Returns whether or not [pattern] matched. bool scan(Pattern pattern) { var success = matches(pattern); if (success) { _position = _lastMatch.end; _lastMatchPosition = _position; } return success; } /// If [pattern] matches at the current position of the string, scans forward /// until the end of the match. /// /// If [pattern] did not match, throws a [FormatException] describing the /// position of the failure. [name] is used in this error as the expected name /// of the pattern being matched; if it's `null`, the pattern itself is used /// instead. void expect(Pattern pattern, {String name}) { if (scan(pattern)) return; if (name == null) { if (pattern is RegExp) { var source = pattern.pattern; if (!_slashAutoEscape) source = source.replaceAll("/", "\\/"); name = "/$source/"; } else { name = pattern.toString().replaceAll("\\", "\\\\").replaceAll('"', '\\"'); name = '"$name"'; } } _fail(name); } /// If the string has not been fully consumed, this throws a /// [FormatException]. void expectDone() { if (isDone) return; _fail("no more input"); } /// Returns whether or not [pattern] matches at the current position of the /// string. /// /// This doesn't move the scan pointer forward. bool matches(Pattern pattern) { _lastMatch = pattern.matchAsPrefix(string, position); _lastMatchPosition = _position; return _lastMatch != null; } /// Returns the substring of [string] between [start] and [end]. /// /// Unlike [String.substring], [end] defaults to [position] rather than the /// end of the string. String substring(int start, [int end]) { if (end == null) end = position; return string.substring(start, end); } /// Throws a [FormatException] with [message] as well as a detailed /// description of the location of the error in the string. /// /// [match] is the match information for the span of the string with which the /// error is associated. This should be a match returned by this scanner's /// [lastMatch] property. By default, the error is associated with the last /// match. /// /// If [position] and/or [length] are passed, they are used as the error span /// instead. If only [length] is passed, [position] defaults to the current /// position; if only [position] is passed, [length] defaults to 0. /// /// It's an error to pass [match] at the same time as [position] or [length]. @alwaysThrows void error(String message, {Match match, int position, int length}) { validateErrorArgs(string, match, position, length); if (match == null && position == null && length == null) match = lastMatch; if (position == null) { position = match == null ? this.position : match.start; } if (length == null) length = match == null ? 0 : match.end - match.start; var sourceFile = new SourceFile.fromString(string, url: sourceUrl); var span = sourceFile.span(position, position + length); throw new StringScannerException(message, span, string); } // TODO(nweiz): Make this handle long lines more gracefully. /// Throws a [FormatException] describing that [name] is expected at the /// current position in the string. void _fail(String name) { error("expected $name.", position: this.position, length: 0); } } NN<)!/Q;:9N,(H!4==5GC<>1<0JPM&8M4BP"%+QQL$#:%G7!AGGNL(2%%/:P"0$"&P"LQO0&GP?N2":$CN+%)F>QMN PNFPH8P>NH==?K&Bbfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/\// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library http_server.http_body; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'http_body_impl.dart'; /** * [HttpBodyHandler] is a helper class for processing and collecting * HTTP message data in an easy-to-use [HttpBody] object. The content * body is parsed, depending on the `Content-Type` header field. When * the full body is read and parsed the body content is made * available. The class can be used to process both server requests * and client responses. * * The following content types are recognized: * * text/ * * application/json * application/x-www-form-urlencoded * multipart/form-data * * For content type `text/\*` the body is decoded into a string. The * 'charset' parameter of the content type specifies the encoding * used for decoding. If no 'charset' is present the default encoding * of ISO-8859-1 is used. * * For content type `application/json` the body is decoded into a * string which is then parsed as JSON. The resulting body is a * [Map]. The 'charset' parameter of the content type specifies the * encoding used for decoding. If no 'charset' is present the default * encoding of UTF-8 is used. * * For content type `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` the body is a * query string which is then split according to the rules for * splitting a query string. The resulting body is a `Map`. If the same name is present several times in the query * string, then the last value seen for this name will be in the * resulting map. The encoding US-ASCII is always used for decoding * the body. * * For content type `multipart/form-data` the body is parsed into * it's different fields. The resulting body is a `Map`, where the value is a [String] for normal fields and a * [HttpBodyFileUpload] instance for file upload fields. If the same * name is present several times, then the last value seen for this * name will be in the resulting map. * * When using content type `multipart/form-data` the encoding of * fields with [String] values is determined by the browser sending * the HTTP request with the form data. The encoding is specified * either by the attribute `accept-charset` on the HTML form, or by * the content type of the web page containing the form. If the HTML * form has an `accept-charset` attribute the browser will use the * encoding specified there. If the HTML form has no `accept-charset` * attribute the browser determines the encoding from the content * type of the web page containing the form. Using a content type of * `text/html; charset=utf-8` for the page and setting * `accept-charset` on the HTML form to `utf-8` is recommended as the * default for [HttpBodyHandler] is UTF-8. It is important to get * these encoding values right, as the actual `multipart/form-data` * HTTP request sent by the browser does _not_ contain any * information on the encoding. If something else than UTF-8 is used * `defaultEncoding` needs to be set in the [HttpBodyHandler] * constructor and calls to [processRequest] and [processResponse]. * * For all other content types the body will be treated as * uninterpreted binary data. The resulting body will be of type * `List`. * * To use with the [HttpServer] for request messages, [HttpBodyHandler] can be * used as either a [StreamTransformer] or as a per-request handler (see * [processRequest]). * * HttpServer server = ... * server.transform(new HttpBodyHandler()) * .listen((HttpRequestBody body) { * ... * }); * * To use with the [HttpClient] for response messages, [HttpBodyHandler] can be * used as a per-request handler (see [processResponse]). * * HttpClient client = ... * client.get(...) * .then((HttpClientRequest response) => response.close()) * .then(HttpBodyHandler.processResponse) * .then((HttpClientResponseBody body) { * ... * }); * */ class HttpBodyHandler extends StreamTransformerBase { HttpBodyHandlerTransformer _transformer; /** * Create a new [HttpBodyHandler] to be used with a [Stream]<[HttpRequest]>, * e.g. a [HttpServer]. * * If the page is served using different encoding than UTF-8, set * [defaultEncoding] accordingly. This is required for parsing * `multipart/form-data` content correctly. See the class comment * for more information on `multipart/form-data`. */ HttpBodyHandler({Encoding defaultEncoding: utf8}) : _transformer = new HttpBodyHandlerTransformer(defaultEncoding); /** * Process and parse an incoming [HttpRequest]. The returned [HttpRequestBody] * contains a `response` field for accessing the [HttpResponse]. * * See [HttpBodyHandler] constructor for more info on [defaultEncoding]. */ static Future processRequest(HttpRequest request, {Encoding defaultEncoding: utf8}) { return HttpBodyHandlerImpl.processRequest(request, defaultEncoding); } /** * Process and parse an incoming [HttpClientResponse]. * * See [HttpBodyHandler] constructor for more info on [defaultEncoding]. */ static Future processResponse( HttpClientResponse response, {Encoding defaultEncoding: utf8}) { return HttpBodyHandlerImpl.processResponse(response, defaultEncoding); } Stream bind(Stream stream) { return _transformer.bind(stream); } } /** * A HTTP content body produced by [HttpBodyHandler] for either [HttpRequest] * or [HttpClientResponse]. */ abstract class HttpBody { /** * A high-level type value, that reflects how the body was parsed, e.g. * "text", "binary" and "json". */ String get type; /** * The actual body. The type depends on [type]. */ dynamic get body; } /** * The [HttpBody] of a [HttpClientResponse] will be of type * [HttpClientResponseBody]. It contains the [HttpClientResponse] object * for access to the headers. */ abstract class HttpClientResponseBody extends HttpBody { /** * The [HttpClientResponse] from which the [HttpClientResponseBody] was * created. */ HttpClientResponse get response; } /** * The [HttpBody] of a [HttpRequest] will be of type [HttpRequestBody]. It * provides access to the request, for reading all request header information * and responding to the client. */ abstract class HttpRequestBody extends HttpBody { /** * The [HttpRequest] from which the [HttpRequestBody] was created. * * Note that the [HttpRequest] is already drained at this point, so the * `Stream` methods cannot be used. */ HttpRequest get request; } /** * A [HttpBodyFileUpload] object wraps a file upload, presenting a way for * extracting filename, contentType and the data of the uploaded file. */ abstract class HttpBodyFileUpload { /** * The filename of the uploaded file. */ String get filename; /** * The [ContentType] of the uploaded file. For 'text/\*' and * 'application/json' the [content] field will a String. */ ContentType get contentType; /** * The content of the file. Either a [String] or a [List]. */ dynamic get content; } NN<EFF=D/)FCGCAFGG@CFBEC@EFE'BECEFDGCF8GCE HttpMultipartFormDataImpl.parse(multipart, defaultEncoding); } YNN<.!-MLM>-31JM9J&QLK&/Cjfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library http_server.virtual_directory; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:mime/mime.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart'; // Used for signal a directory redirecting, where a tailing slash is missing. class _DirectoryRedirect { const _DirectoryRedirect(); } typedef dynamic _DirCallback(Directory dir, HttpRequest request); typedef dynamic _ErrorCallback(HttpRequest request); /** * A [VirtualDirectory] can serve files and directory-listing from a root path, * to [HttpRequest]s. * * The [VirtualDirectory] providing secure handling of request uris and * file-system links, correct mime-types and custom error pages. */ class VirtualDirectory { final String root; /** * Set or get if the [VirtualDirectory] should list the content of * directories. */ bool allowDirectoryListing = false; /** * Set or get if the [VirtualDirectory] should follow links, that point * to other resources within the [root] directory. */ bool followLinks = true; /** * Set or get if the [VirtualDirectory] should jail the root. When the root is * not jailed, links can be followed to outside the [root] directory. */ bool jailRoot = true; final List _pathPrefixSegments; final RegExp _invalidPathRegExp = new RegExp("[\\\/\x00]"); _ErrorCallback _errorCallback; _DirCallback _dirCallback; static List _parsePathPrefix(String pathPrefix) { if (pathPrefix == null) return []; return new Uri(path: pathPrefix) .pathSegments .where((segment) => segment.isNotEmpty) .toList(); } /* * Create a new [VirtualDirectory] for serving static file content of * the path [root]. * * The [root] is not required to exist. If the [root] doesn't exist at time of * a request, a 404 response is generated. * * If [pathPrefix] is set, [pathPrefix] will indicate the expected path prefix * of incoming requests. When locating the resource on disk, the prefix will * be trimmed from the requests uri, before locating the actual resource. * If the requests uri doesn't start with [pathPrefix], a 404 response is * generated. */ VirtualDirectory(this.root, {String pathPrefix}) : _pathPrefixSegments = _parsePathPrefix(pathPrefix); /** * Serve a [Stream] of [HttpRequest]s, in this [VirtualDirectory]. */ StreamSubscription serve(Stream requests) => requests.listen(serveRequest); /** * Serve a single [HttpRequest], in this [VirtualDirectory]. */ Future serveRequest(HttpRequest request) { var iterator = request.uri.pathSegments.iterator; for (var segment in _pathPrefixSegments) { if (!iterator.moveNext() || iterator.current != segment) { _serveErrorPage(HttpStatus.notFound, request); return request.response.done; } } return _locateResource('.', iterator..moveNext()).then((entity) { if (entity is File) { serveFile(entity, request); } else if (entity is Directory) { if (allowDirectoryListing) { _serveDirectory(entity, request); } else { _serveErrorPage(HttpStatus.notFound, request); } } else if (entity is _DirectoryRedirect) { // TODO(ajohnsen): Use HttpRequest.requestedUri once 1.2 is out. request.response.redirect(Uri.parse('${request.uri}/'), status: HttpStatus.movedPermanently); } else { assert(entity == null); _serveErrorPage(HttpStatus.notFound, request); } return request.response.done; }); } /** * Set the [callback] to override the default directory listing. The * [callback] will be called with the [Directory] to be listed and the * [HttpRequest]. */ set directoryHandler(void callback(Directory dir, HttpRequest request)) { _dirCallback = callback; } /** * Set the [callback] to override the error page handler. When [callback] is * invoked, the `statusCode` property of the response is set. */ set errorPageHandler(void callback(HttpRequest request)) { _errorCallback = callback; } Future _locateResource(String path, Iterator segments) { // Don't allow navigating up paths. if (segments.current == "..") return new Future.value(null); path = normalize(path); // If we jail to root, the relative path can never go up. if (jailRoot && split(path).first == "..") return new Future.value(null); String fullPath() => join(root, path); return FileSystemEntity.type(fullPath(), followLinks: false).then((type) { switch (type) { case FileSystemEntityType.file: if (segments.current == null) { return new File(fullPath()); } break; case String dirFullPath() => '${fullPath()}$separator'; var current = segments.current; if (current == null) { if (path == '.') return new Directory(dirFullPath()); return const _DirectoryRedirect(); } var hasNext = segments.moveNext(); if (!hasNext && current == "") { return new Directory(dirFullPath()); } else { if (_invalidPathRegExp.hasMatch(current)) break; return _locateResource(join(path, current), segments); } break; case if (followLinks) { return new Link(fullPath()).target().then((target) { var targetPath = normalize(target); if (isAbsolute(targetPath)) { // If we jail to root, the path can never be absolute. if (jailRoot) return null; return _locateResource(targetPath, segments); } else { targetPath = join(dirname(path), targetPath); return _locateResource(targetPath, segments); } }); } break; } // Return `null` on fall-through, to indicate NOT_FOUND. return null; }); } /** * Serve the content of [file] to [request]. * * This is usefull when e.g. overriding [directoryHandler] to redirect to * some index file. * * In the request contains the [HttpStatus.ifModifiedSince] header, * [serveFile] will send a [HttpStatus.notModified] response if the file * was not changed. * * Note that if it was unabled to read from [file], the [request]s response * is closed with error-code [HttpStatus.notFound]. */ void serveFile(File file, HttpRequest request) { var response = request.response; // TODO(ajohnsen): Set up Zone support for these errors. file.lastModified().then((lastModified) { if (request.headers.ifModifiedSince != null && !lastModified.isAfter(request.headers.ifModifiedSince)) { response.statusCode = HttpStatus.notModified; response.close(); return null; } response.headers.set(HttpHeaders.lastModifiedHeader, lastModified); response.headers.set(HttpHeaders.acceptRangesHeader, "bytes"); return file.length().then((length) { var range = request.headers.value(HttpHeaders.rangeHeader); if (range != null) { // We only support one range, where the standard support several. var matches = new RegExp(r"^bytes=(\d*)\-(\d*)$").firstMatch(range); // If the range header have the right format, handle it. if (matches != null && (matches[1].isNotEmpty || matches[2].isNotEmpty)) { // Serve sub-range. int start; // First byte position - inclusive. int end; // Last byte position - inclusive. if (matches[1].isEmpty) { start = length - int.parse(matches[2]); if (start < 0) start = 0; end = length - 1; } else { start = int.parse(matches[1]); end = matches[2].isEmpty ? length - 1 : int.parse(matches[2]); } // If the range is syntactically invalid the Range header // MUST be ignored (RFC 2616 section 14.35.1). if (start <= end) { if (end >= length) { end = length - 1; } if (start >= length) { response ..statusCode = HttpStatus.requestedRangeNotSatisfiable ..close(); return; } // Override Content-Length with the actual bytes sent. response.headers .set(HttpHeaders.contentLengthHeader, end - start + 1); // Set 'Partial Content' status code. response ..statusCode = HttpStatus.partialContent ..headers.set(HttpHeaders.contentRangeHeader, 'bytes $start-$end/$length'); // Pipe the 'range' of the file. if (request.method == 'HEAD') { response.close(); } else { file .openRead(start, end + 1) .pipe(new _VirtualDirectoryFileStream(response, file.path)) .catchError((_) { // TODO(kevmoo): log errors }); } return; } } } response.headers.set(HttpHeaders.contentLengthHeader, length); if (request.method == 'HEAD') { response.close(); } else { file .openRead() .pipe(new _VirtualDirectoryFileStream(response, file.path)) .catchError((_) { // TODO(kevmoo): log errors }); } }); }).catchError((_) { response.statusCode = HttpStatus.notFound; response.close(); }); } void _serveDirectory(Directory dir, HttpRequest request) { if (_dirCallback != null) { _dirCallback(dir, request); return; } var response = request.response; dir.stat().then((stats) { if (request.headers.ifModifiedSince != null && !stats.modified.isAfter(request.headers.ifModifiedSince)) { response.statusCode = HttpStatus.notModified; response.close(); return; } response.headers.contentType = new ContentType('text', 'html', parameters: {'charset': 'utf-8'}); response.headers.set(HttpHeaders.lastModifiedHeader, stats.modified); var path = Uri.decodeComponent(request.uri.path); var encodedPath = const HtmlEscape().convert(path); var header = ''' Index of $encodedPath

Index of $encodedPath

'''; var server = response.headers.value(HttpHeaders.serverHeader); server ??= ""; var footer = '''
Name Last modified Size
$server '''; response.write(header); void add(String name, String modified, var size, bool folder) { size ??= "-"; modified ??= ""; var encodedSize = const HtmlEscape().convert(size.toString()); var encodedModified = const HtmlEscape().convert(modified); var encodedLink = const HtmlEscape(HtmlEscapeMode.attribute) .convert(Uri.encodeComponent(name)); if (folder) { encodedLink += '/'; name += '/'; } var encodedName = const HtmlEscape().convert(name); var entry = ''' $encodedName $encodedModified $encodedSize '''; response.write(entry); } if (path != '/') { add('..', null, null, true); } dir.list(followLinks: true).listen((entity) { var name = basename(entity.path); var stat = entity.statSync(); if (entity is File) { add(name, stat.modified.toString(), stat.size, false); } else if (entity is Directory) { add(name, stat.modified.toString(), null, true); } }, onError: (e) { // TODO(kevmoo): log error }, onDone: () { response.write(footer); response.close(); }); }, onError: (e) { // TODO(kevmoo): log error response.close(); }); } void _serveErrorPage(int error, HttpRequest request) { var response = request.response; response.statusCode = error; if (_errorCallback != null) { _errorCallback(request); return; } response.headers.contentType = new ContentType('text', 'html', parameters: {'charset': 'utf-8'}); // Default error page. var path = Uri.decodeComponent(request.uri.path); var encodedPath = const HtmlEscape().convert(path); var encodedReason = const HtmlEscape().convert(response.reasonPhrase); var encodedError = const HtmlEscape().convert(error.toString()); var server = response.headers.value(HttpHeaders.serverHeader); server ??= ""; var page = ''' $encodedReason: $encodedPath

Error $encodedError at \'$encodedPath\': $encodedReason

$server '''; response.write(page); response.close(); } } class _VirtualDirectoryFileStream extends StreamConsumer> { final HttpResponse response; final String path; List buffer = []; _VirtualDirectoryFileStream(this.response, this.path); Future addStream(Stream> stream) { stream.listen((data) { if (buffer == null) { response.add(data); return; } if (buffer.isEmpty) { if (data.length >= defaultMagicNumbersMaxLength) { setMimeType(data); response.add(data); buffer = null; } else { buffer.addAll(data); } } else { buffer.addAll(data); if (buffer.length >= defaultMagicNumbersMaxLength) { setMimeType(buffer); response.add(buffer); buffer = null; } } }, onDone: () { if (buffer != null) { if (buffer.isEmpty) { setMimeType(null); } else { setMimeType(buffer); response.add(buffer); } } response.close(); }, onError: response.addError); return response.done; } Future close() => new Future.value(); void setMimeType(List bytes) { var mimeType = lookupMimeType(path, headerBytes: bytes); if (mimeType != null) { response.headers.contentType = ContentType.parse(mimeType); } } } NN<'!!NB5PHAE&J5QH*>!N+O(*) -=*!B/ -+1=C (A2,G+>>> ?/LFKN63%=.5D6JE+DLOC!B ;8&6( -MF; #"%IEJ49>2/.".P&. G(J ( 1= "%5F6%ML8:L:,%EFGDE1 <54 %4*&A*; #  !9%!"#K68KECQ:,,A F9/; =   $(&=Befile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library http_server.virtual_host; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; /** * The [VirtualHost] class is a utility class for handling multiple hosts on * multiple sources, by using a named-based approach. */ abstract class VirtualHost { /** * Get the [Stream] of [HttpRequest]s, not matching any hosts. If unused, the * default implementation will result in a [HttpHeaders.FORBIDDEN] response. */ Stream get unhandled; /** * Construct a new [VirtualHost]. * * The optional [source] is a shortcut for calling [addSource]. * * Example of usage: * * HttpServer.bind(..., 80).then((server) { * var virtualHost = new VirtualHost(server); * virtualServer.addHost('') * .listen(...); * virtualServer.addHost('') * .listen(...); * }) */ factory VirtualHost([Stream source]) => new _VirtualHost(source); /** * Provide another source of [HttpRequest]s in the form of a [Stream]. */ void addSource(Stream source); /** * Add a host to the [VirtualHost] instance. The host can be either a specific * domain (``) or a wildcard-based domain name * (`*`). The former will only match the specific domain name * while the latter will match any series of sub-domains. * * If both `` and `*` is specified, the most * qualified will take precedence, `` in this case. */ Stream addHost(String host); } class _VirtualHostDomain { StreamController any; StreamController exact; Map subDomains = {}; } class _VirtualHost implements VirtualHost { final _VirtualHostDomain _topDomain = new _VirtualHostDomain(); StreamController _unhandledController; Stream get unhandled { _unhandledController ??= new StreamController(); return; } _VirtualHost([Stream source]) { if (source != null) addSource(source); } void addSource(Stream source) { source.listen((request) { var host =; if (host == null) { _unhandled(request); return; } var domains = host.split('.'); var current = _topDomain; StreamController any; for (var i = domains.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (current.any != null) any = current.any; if (i == 0) { var last = current.subDomains[domains[i]]; if (last != null && last.exact != null) { last.exact.add(request); return; } } else { if (!current.subDomains.containsKey(domains[i])) { break; } current = current.subDomains[domains[i]]; } } if (any != null) { any.add(request); return; } _unhandled(request); }); } Stream addHost(String host) { if (host.lastIndexOf('*') > 0) { throw new ArgumentError( 'Wildcards are only allowed in the beginning of a host'); } var controller = new StreamController(); var domains = host.split('.'); var current = _topDomain; for (var i = domains.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (domains[i] == '*') { if (current.any != null) { throw new ArgumentError('Host is already provided'); } current.any = controller; } else { if (!current.subDomains.containsKey(domains[i])) { current.subDomains[domains[i]] = new _VirtualHostDomain(); } if (i > 0) { current = current.subDomains[domains[i]]; } else { if (current.subDomains[domains[i]].exact != null) { throw new ArgumentError('Host is already provided'); } current.subDomains[domains[i]].exact = controller; } } } return; } void _unhandled(HttpRequest request) { if (_unhandledController != null) { _unhandledController.add(request); return; } request.response.statusCode = HttpStatus.forbidden; request.response.close(); } } NN<"M6PO%$B0465 QI.Q?L<ID,%'3,B6&B(/+/'% 6454% = 4 -%D:#4#? ";E 4>A = )()8bfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'package:dart2_constant/convert.dart'; getValue(String value) { try { num numValue = num.parse(value); if (!numValue.isNaN) return numValue; else return value; } on FormatException { if (value.startsWith('[') && value.endsWith(']')) return json.decode(value); else if (value.startsWith('{') && value.endsWith('}')) return json.decode(value); else if (value.trim().toLowerCase() == 'null') return null; else return value; } } .% 6!;!3 cfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'chain.dart'; import 'frame.dart'; import 'lazy_trace.dart'; import 'trace.dart'; /// A thunk for lazily constructing a [Chain]. typedef Chain ChainThunk(); /// A wrapper around a [ChainThunk]. This works around issue 9579 by avoiding /// the conversion of native [StackTrace]s to strings until it's absolutely /// necessary. class LazyChain implements Chain { final ChainThunk _thunk; Chain _inner; LazyChain(this._thunk); Chain get _chain { if (_inner == null) _inner = _thunk(); return _inner; } List get traces => _chain.traces; Chain get terse => _chain.terse; Chain foldFrames(bool predicate(Frame frame), {bool terse: false}) => new LazyChain(() => _chain.foldFrames(predicate, terse: terse)); Trace toTrace() => new LazyTrace(() => _chain.toTrace()); String toString() => _chain.toString(); } #NN</NL#++#HG<*qfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'chain.dart'; import 'lazy_chain.dart'; import 'lazy_trace.dart'; import 'trace.dart'; import 'utils.dart'; /// A function that handles errors in the zone wrapped by [Chain.capture]. typedef void _ChainHandler(error, Chain chain); /// A class encapsulating the zone specification for a [Chain.capture] zone. /// /// Until they're materialized and exposed to the user, stack chains are tracked /// as linked lists of [Trace]s using the [_Node] class. These nodes are stored /// in three distinct ways: /// /// * When a callback is registered, a node is created and stored as a captured /// local variable until the callback is run. /// /// * When a callback is run, its captured node is set as the [_currentNode] so /// it can be available to [Chain.current] and to be linked into additional /// chains when more callbacks are scheduled. /// /// * When a callback throws an error or a Future or Stream emits an error, the /// current node is associated with that error's stack trace using the /// [_chains] expando. /// /// Since [ZoneSpecification] can't be extended or even implemented, in order to /// get a real [ZoneSpecification] instance it's necessary to call [toSpec]. class StackZoneSpecification { /// An opaque object used as a zone value to disable chain tracking in a given /// zone. /// /// If `Zone.current[disableKey]` is `true`, no stack chains will be tracked. static final disableKey = new Object(); /// Whether chain-tracking is disabled in the current zone. bool get _disabled => Zone.current[disableKey] == true; /// The expando that associates stack chains with [StackTrace]s. /// /// The chains are associated with stack traces rather than errors themselves /// because it's a common practice to throw strings as errors, which can't be /// used with expandos. /// /// The chain associated with a given stack trace doesn't contain a node for /// that stack trace. final _chains = new Expando<_Node>("stack chains"); /// The error handler for the zone. /// /// If this is null, that indicates that any unhandled errors should be passed /// to the parent zone. final _ChainHandler _onError; /// The most recent node of the current stack chain. _Node _currentNode; /// Whether this is an error zone. final bool _errorZone; StackZoneSpecification(this._onError, {bool errorZone: true}) : _errorZone = errorZone; /// Converts [this] to a real [ZoneSpecification]. ZoneSpecification toSpec() { return new ZoneSpecification( handleUncaughtError: _errorZone ? _handleUncaughtError : null, registerCallback: _registerCallback, registerUnaryCallback: _registerUnaryCallback, registerBinaryCallback: _registerBinaryCallback, errorCallback: _errorCallback); } /// Returns the current stack chain. /// /// By default, the first frame of the first trace will be the line where /// [currentChain] is called. If [level] is passed, the first trace will start /// that many frames up instead. Chain currentChain([int level = 0]) => _createNode(level + 1).toChain(); /// Returns the stack chain associated with [trace], if one exists. /// /// The first stack trace in the returned chain will always be [trace] /// (converted to a [Trace] if necessary). If there is no chain associated /// with [trace], this just returns a single-trace chain containing [trace]. Chain chainFor(StackTrace trace) { if (trace is Chain) return trace; trace ??= StackTrace.current; var previous = _chains[trace] ?? _currentNode; if (previous == null) { // If there's no [_currentNode], we're running synchronously beneath // [Chain.capture] and we should fall back to the VM's stack chaining. We // can't use [Chain.from] here because it'll just call [chainFor] again. if (trace is Trace) return new Chain([trace]); return new LazyChain(() => new Chain.parse(trace.toString())); } else { if (trace is! Trace) { var original = trace; trace = new LazyTrace(() => new Trace.parse(_trimVMChain(original))); } return new _Node(trace, previous).toChain(); } } /// Tracks the current stack chain so it can be set to [_currentChain] when /// [f] is run. ZoneCallback _registerCallback( Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, R f()) { if (f == null || _disabled) return parent.registerCallback(zone, f); var node = _createNode(1); return parent.registerCallback(zone, () => _run(f, node)); } /// Tracks the current stack chain so it can be set to [_currentChain] when /// [f] is run. ZoneUnaryCallback _registerUnaryCallback( Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, R f(T arg)) { if (f == null || _disabled) return parent.registerUnaryCallback(zone, f); var node = _createNode(1); return parent.registerUnaryCallback(zone, (arg) { return _run(() => f(arg), node); }); } /// Tracks the current stack chain so it can be set to [_currentChain] when /// [f] is run. ZoneBinaryCallback _registerBinaryCallback( Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, Function f) { if (f == null || _disabled) return parent.registerBinaryCallback(zone, f); var node = _createNode(1); return parent.registerBinaryCallback(zone, (arg1, arg2) { return _run(() => f(arg1, arg2), node); }); } /// Looks up the chain associated with [stackTrace] and passes it either to /// [_onError] or [parent]'s error handler. void _handleUncaughtError( Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, error, StackTrace stackTrace) { if (_disabled) { parent.handleUncaughtError(zone, error, stackTrace); return; } var stackChain = chainFor(stackTrace); if (_onError == null) { parent.handleUncaughtError(zone, error, stackChain); return; } // TODO(nweiz): Currently this copies a lot of logic from [runZoned]. Just // allow [runBinary] to throw instead once issue 18134 is fixed. try { self.parent.runBinary(_onError, error, stackChain); } catch (newError, newStackTrace) { if (identical(newError, error)) { parent.handleUncaughtError(zone, error, stackChain); } else { parent.handleUncaughtError(zone, newError, newStackTrace); } } } /// Attaches the current stack chain to [stackTrace], replacing it if /// necessary. AsyncError _errorCallback(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) { if (_disabled) return parent.errorCallback(zone, error, stackTrace); // Go up two levels to get through [_CustomZone.errorCallback]. if (stackTrace == null) { stackTrace = _createNode(2).toChain(); } else { if (_chains[stackTrace] == null) _chains[stackTrace] = _createNode(2); } var asyncError = parent.errorCallback(zone, error, stackTrace); return asyncError == null ? new AsyncError(error, stackTrace) : asyncError; } /// Creates a [_Node] with the current stack trace and linked to /// [_currentNode]. /// /// By default, the first frame of the first trace will be the line where /// [_createNode] is called. If [level] is passed, the first trace will start /// that many frames up instead. _Node _createNode([int level = 0]) => new _Node(_currentTrace(level + 1), _currentNode); // TODO(nweiz): use a more robust way of detecting and tracking errors when // issue 15105 is fixed. /// Runs [f] with [_currentNode] set to [node]. /// /// If [f] throws an error, this associates [node] with that error's stack /// trace. T _run(T f(), _Node node) { var previousNode = _currentNode; _currentNode = node; try { return f(); } catch (e, stackTrace) { // We can see the same stack trace multiple times if it's rethrown through // guarded callbacks. The innermost chain will have the most // information so it should take precedence. _chains[stackTrace] ??= node; rethrow; } finally { _currentNode = previousNode; } } /// Like [new Trace.current], but if the current stack trace has VM chaining /// enabled, this only returns the innermost sub-trace. Trace _currentTrace([int level]) { level ??= 0; var stackTrace = StackTrace.current; return new LazyTrace(() { var text = _trimVMChain(stackTrace); var trace = new Trace.parse(text); // JS includes a frame for the call to StackTrace.current, but the VM // doesn't, so we skip an extra frame in a JS context. return new Trace(trace.frames.skip(level + (inJS ? 2 : 1)), original: text); }); } /// Removes the VM's stack chains from the native [trace], since we're /// generating our own and we don't want duplicate frames. String _trimVMChain(StackTrace trace) { var text = trace.toString(); var index = text.indexOf(vmChainGap); return index == -1 ? text : text.substring(0, index); } } /// A linked list node representing a single entry in a stack chain. class _Node { /// The stack trace for this link of the chain. final Trace trace; /// The previous node in the chain. final _Node previous; _Node(StackTrace trace, [this.previous]) : trace = new Trace.from(trace); /// Converts this to a [Chain]. Chain toChain() { var nodes = []; var node = this; while (node != null) { nodes.add(node.trace); node = node.previous; } return new Chain(nodes); } } NN<K0MQPP0PN0PIQMQ P*>:CPPO6&Q 7%@ 5"G-79('LQ#KFIMO%&"3KPO5E N3N(:I?N8?N6'ND?O>.N.Q;+;OE :((=CHG-ID- MDPCLP#(9N2M !% QD3$#O:%)+)L=BI=*!*:E2&L"^file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// The line used in the string representation of stack chains to represent /// the gap between traces. const chainGap = '===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n'; /// The line used in the string representation of VM stack chains to represent /// the gap between traces. const vmChainGap = '\n'; // TODO(nweiz): When cross-platform imports work, use them to set this. /// Whether we're running in a JS context. final bool inJS = 0.0 is int; NN<LIO2H+cfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'frame.dart'; import 'trace.dart'; /// A thunk for lazily constructing a [Trace]. typedef Trace TraceThunk(); /// A wrapper around a [TraceThunk]. This works around issue 9579 by avoiding /// the conversion of native [StackTrace]s to strings until it's absolutely /// necessary. class LazyTrace implements Trace { final TraceThunk _thunk; Trace _inner; LazyTrace(this._thunk); Trace get _trace { if (_inner == null) _inner = _thunk(); return _inner; } List get frames => _trace.frames; StackTrace get original => _trace.original; StackTrace get vmTrace => _trace.vmTrace; Trace get terse => new LazyTrace(() => _trace.terse); Trace foldFrames(bool predicate(Frame frame), {bool terse: false}) => new LazyTrace(() => _trace.foldFrames(predicate, terse: terse)); String toString() => _trace.toString(); // Work around issue 14075. set frames(_) => throw new UnimplementedError(); } %NN</NL#++.,8HG*3afile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'frame.dart'; /// An implementation of [StackTrace] that emulates the behavior of the VM's /// implementation. /// /// In particular, when [toString] is called, this returns a string in the VM's /// stack trace format. class VMTrace implements StackTrace { /// The stack frames that comprise this stack trace. final List frames; VMTrace(this.frames); String toString() { var i = 1; return { var number = "#${i++}".padRight(8); var member = frame.member .replaceAllMapped(new RegExp(r"[^.]+\."), (match) => "${match[1]}.<${match[1]}_async_body>") .replaceAll("", ""); var line = frame.line == null ? 0 : frame.line; var column = frame.column == null ? 0 : frame.column; return "$number$member (${frame.uri}:$line:$column)\n"; }).join(); } } !NN<MP&7 * ;A66<>dfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import "dart:math" as math; import "utils.dart"; /// Returns a position of the [value] in [sortedList], if it is there. /// /// If the list isn't sorted according to the [compare] function, the result /// is unpredictable. /// /// If [compare] is omitted, this defaults to calling [Comparable.compareTo] on /// the objects. If any object is not [Comparable], this throws a [CastError]. /// /// Returns -1 if [value] is not in the list by default. int binarySearch(List sortedList, T value, {int compare(T a, T b)}) { compare ??= defaultCompare(); int min = 0; int max = sortedList.length; while (min < max) { int mid = min + ((max - min) >> 1); var element = sortedList[mid]; int comp = compare(element, value); if (comp == 0) return mid; if (comp < 0) { min = mid + 1; } else { max = mid; } } return -1; } /// Returns the first position in [sortedList] that does not compare less than /// [value]. /// /// If the list isn't sorted according to the [compare] function, the result /// is unpredictable. /// /// If [compare] is omitted, this defaults to calling [Comparable.compareTo] on /// the objects. If any object is not [Comparable], this throws a [CastError]. /// /// Returns [sortedList.length] if all the items in [sortedList] compare less /// than [value]. int lowerBound(List sortedList, T value, {int compare(T a, T b)}) { compare ??= defaultCompare(); int min = 0; int max = sortedList.length; while (min < max) { int mid = min + ((max - min) >> 1); var element = sortedList[mid]; int comp = compare(element, value); if (comp < 0) { min = mid + 1; } else { max = mid; } } return min; } /// Shuffles a list randomly. /// /// A sub-range of a list can be shuffled by providing [start] and [end]. void shuffle(List list, [int start = 0, int end]) { var random = new math.Random(); if (end == null) end = list.length; int length = end - start; while (length > 1) { int pos = random.nextInt(length); length--; var tmp1 = list[start + pos]; list[start + pos] = list[start + length]; list[start + length] = tmp1; } } /// Reverses a list, or a part of a list, in-place. void reverse(List list, [int start = 0, int end]) { if (end == null) end = list.length; _reverse(list, start, end); } /// Internal helper function that assumes valid arguments. void _reverse(List list, int start, int end) { for (int i = start, j = end - 1; i < j; i++, j--) { var tmp = list[i]; list[i] = list[j]; list[j] = tmp; } } /// Sort a list between [start] (inclusive) and [end] (exclusive) using /// insertion sort. /// /// If [compare] is omitted, this defaults to calling [Comparable.compareTo] on /// the objects. If any object is not [Comparable], this throws a [CastError]. /// /// Insertion sort is a simple sorting algorithm. For `n` elements it does on /// the order of `n * log(n)` comparisons but up to `n` squared moves. The /// sorting is performed in-place, without using extra memory. /// /// For short lists the many moves have less impact than the simple algorithm, /// and it is often the favored sorting algorithm for short lists. /// /// This insertion sort is stable: Equal elements end up in the same order /// as they started in. void insertionSort(List list, {int compare(T a, T b), int start: 0, int end}) { // If the same method could have both positional and named optional // parameters, this should be (list, [start, end], {compare}). compare ??= defaultCompare(); end ??= list.length; for (int pos = start + 1; pos < end; pos++) { int min = start; int max = pos; var element = list[pos]; while (min < max) { int mid = min + ((max - min) >> 1); int comparison = compare(element, list[mid]); if (comparison < 0) { max = mid; } else { min = mid + 1; } } list.setRange(min + 1, pos + 1, list, min); list[min] = element; } } /// Limit below which merge sort defaults to insertion sort. const int _MERGE_SORT_LIMIT = 32; /// Sorts a list between [start] (inclusive) and [end] (exclusive) using the /// merge sort algorithm. /// /// If [compare] is omitted, this defaults to calling [Comparable.compareTo] on /// the objects. If any object is not [Comparable], this throws a [CastError]. /// /// Merge-sorting works by splitting the job into two parts, sorting each /// recursively, and then merging the two sorted parts. /// /// This takes on the order of `n * log(n)` comparisons and moves to sort /// `n` elements, but requires extra space of about the same size as the list /// being sorted. /// /// This merge sort is stable: Equal elements end up in the same order /// as they started in. void mergeSort(List list, {int start: 0, int end, int compare(T a, T b)}) { end ??= list.length; compare ??= defaultCompare(); int length = end - start; if (length < 2) return; if (length < _MERGE_SORT_LIMIT) { insertionSort(list, compare: compare, start: start, end: end); return; } // Special case the first split instead of directly calling // _mergeSort, because the _mergeSort requires its target to // be different from its source, and it requires extra space // of the same size as the list to sort. // This split allows us to have only half as much extra space, // and it ends up in the original place. int middle = start + ((end - start) >> 1); int firstLength = middle - start; int secondLength = end - middle; // secondLength is always the same as firstLength, or one greater. var scratchSpace = new List(secondLength); _mergeSort(list, compare, middle, end, scratchSpace, 0); int firstTarget = end - firstLength; _mergeSort(list, compare, start, middle, list, firstTarget); _merge(compare, list, firstTarget, end, scratchSpace, 0, secondLength, list, start); } /// Performs an insertion sort into a potentially different list than the /// one containing the original values. /// /// It will work in-place as well. void _movingInsertionSort(List list, int compare(T a, T b), int start, int end, List target, int targetOffset) { int length = end - start; if (length == 0) return; target[targetOffset] = list[start]; for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) { var element = list[start + i]; int min = targetOffset; int max = targetOffset + i; while (min < max) { int mid = min + ((max - min) >> 1); if (compare(element, target[mid]) < 0) { max = mid; } else { min = mid + 1; } } target.setRange(min + 1, targetOffset + i + 1, target, min); target[min] = element; } } /// Sorts [list] from [start] to [end] into [target] at [targetOffset]. /// /// The `target` list must be able to contain the range from `start` to `end` /// after `targetOffset`. /// /// Allows target to be the same list as [list], as long as it's not /// overlapping the `start..end` range. void _mergeSort(List list, int compare(T a, T b), int start, int end, List target, int targetOffset) { int length = end - start; if (length < _MERGE_SORT_LIMIT) { _movingInsertionSort(list, compare, start, end, target, targetOffset); return; } int middle = start + (length >> 1); int firstLength = middle - start; int secondLength = end - middle; // Here secondLength >= firstLength (differs by at most one). int targetMiddle = targetOffset + firstLength; // Sort the second half into the end of the target area. _mergeSort(list, compare, middle, end, target, targetMiddle); // Sort the first half into the end of the source area. _mergeSort(list, compare, start, middle, list, middle); // Merge the two parts into the target area. _merge(compare, list, middle, middle + firstLength, target, targetMiddle, targetMiddle + secondLength, target, targetOffset); } /// Merges two lists into a target list. /// /// One of the input lists may be positioned at the end of the target /// list. /// /// For equal object, elements from [firstList] are always preferred. /// This allows the merge to be stable if the first list contains elements /// that started out earlier than the ones in [secondList] void _merge( int compare(T a, T b), List firstList, int firstStart, int firstEnd, List secondList, int secondStart, int secondEnd, List target, int targetOffset) { // No empty lists reaches here. assert(firstStart < firstEnd); assert(secondStart < secondEnd); int cursor1 = firstStart; int cursor2 = secondStart; var firstElement = firstList[cursor1++]; var secondElement = secondList[cursor2++]; while (true) { if (compare(firstElement, secondElement) <= 0) { target[targetOffset++] = firstElement; if (cursor1 == firstEnd) break; // Flushing second list after loop. firstElement = firstList[cursor1++]; } else { target[targetOffset++] = secondElement; if (cursor2 != secondEnd) { secondElement = secondList[cursor2++]; continue; } // Second list empties first. Flushing first list here. target[targetOffset++] = firstElement; target.setRange(targetOffset, targetOffset + (firstEnd - cursor1), firstList, cursor1); return; } } // First list empties first. Reached by break above. target[targetOffset++] = secondElement; target.setRange( targetOffset, targetOffset + (secondEnd - cursor2), secondList, cursor2); } NN<GMPO9L#(#(  O MPONJ#(#( J4"&&".!44&;/6HPONK?OCK$6FA#0*40="MPOJ8JNG 6#$C >??+A+-$#E0;'?OJ(#M1&%# */AHNE(L($K &$#@1;@::/L:)F FK;"!#+-5-J+ ."/>-I7*Pkfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:collection'; import 'utils.dart'; typedef C _Canonicalize(K key); typedef bool _IsValidKey(Object key); /// A map whose keys are converted to canonical values of type `C`. /// /// This is useful for using case-insensitive String keys, for example. It's /// more efficient than a [LinkedHashMap] with a custom equality operator /// because it only canonicalizes each key once, rather than doing so for each /// comparison. /// /// By default, `null` is allowed as a key. It can be forbidden via the /// `isValidKey` parameter. class CanonicalizedMap implements Map { final _Canonicalize _canonicalize; final _IsValidKey _isValidKeyFn; final _base = new Map>(); /// Creates an empty canonicalized map. /// /// The [canonicalize] function should return the canonical value for the /// given key. Keys with the same canonical value are considered equivalent. /// /// The [isValidKey] function is called before calling [canonicalize] for /// methods that take arbitrary objects. It can be used to filter out keys /// that can't be canonicalized. CanonicalizedMap(C canonicalize(K key), {bool isValidKey(Object key)}) : _canonicalize = canonicalize, _isValidKeyFn = isValidKey; /// Creates a canonicalized map that is initialized with the key/value pairs /// of [other]. /// /// The [canonicalize] function should return the canonical value for the /// given key. Keys with the same canonical value are considered equivalent. /// /// The [isValidKey] function is called before calling [canonicalize] for /// methods that take arbitrary objects. It can be used to filter out keys /// that can't be canonicalized. CanonicalizedMap.from(Map other, C canonicalize(K key), {bool isValidKey(Object key)}) : _canonicalize = canonicalize, _isValidKeyFn = isValidKey { addAll(other); } V operator [](Object key) { if (!_isValidKey(key)) return null; var pair = _base[_canonicalize(key as K)]; return pair == null ? null : pair.last; } void operator []=(K key, V value) { if (!_isValidKey(key)) return; _base[_canonicalize(key)] = new Pair(key, value); } void addAll(Map other) { other.forEach((key, value) => this[key] = value); } void addEntries(Iterable> entries) => _base.addEntries( (e) => new MapEntry(_canonicalize(e.key), new Pair(e.key, e.value)))); Map cast() => _base.cast(); void clear() { _base.clear(); } bool containsKey(Object key) { if (!_isValidKey(key)) return false; return _base.containsKey(_canonicalize(key as K)); } bool containsValue(Object value) => _base.values.any((pair) => pair.last == value); Iterable> get entries => => new MapEntry(e.value.first, e.value.last)); void forEach(void f(K key, V value)) { _base.forEach((key, pair) => f(pair.first, pair.last)); } bool get isEmpty => _base.isEmpty; bool get isNotEmpty => _base.isNotEmpty; Iterable get keys => => pair.first); int get length => _base.length; Map map(MapEntry transform(K key, V value)) =>, pair) => transform(pair.first, pair.last)); V putIfAbsent(K key, V ifAbsent()) { return _base .putIfAbsent(_canonicalize(key), () => new Pair(key, ifAbsent())) .last; } V remove(Object key) { if (!_isValidKey(key)) return null; var pair = _base.remove(_canonicalize(key as K)); return pair == null ? null : pair.last; } void removeWhere(bool test(K key, V value)) => _base.removeWhere((_, pair) => test(pair.first, pair.last)); @deprecated Map retype() => cast(); V update(K key, V update(V value), {V ifAbsent()}) => _base .update(_canonicalize(key), (pair) => new Pair(key, update(pair.last)), ifAbsent: ifAbsent == null ? null : () => new Pair(key, ifAbsent())) .last; void updateAll(V update(K key, V value)) => _base.updateAll( (_, pair) => new Pair(pair.first, update(pair.first, pair.last))); Iterable get values => => pair.last); String toString() { // Detect toString() cycles. if (_isToStringVisiting(this)) { return '{...}'; } var result = new StringBuffer(); try { _toStringVisiting.add(this); result.write('{'); bool first = true; forEach((k, v) { if (!first) { result.write(', '); } first = false; result.write('$k: $v'); }); result.write('}'); } finally { assert(identical(_toStringVisiting.last, this)); _toStringVisiting.removeLast(); } return result.toString(); } bool _isValidKey(Object key) => (key == null || key is K) && (_isValidKeyFn == null || _isValidKeyFn(key)); } /// A collection used to identify cyclic maps during toString() calls. final List _toStringVisiting = []; /// Check if we are currently visiting `o` in a toString() call. bool _isToStringVisiting(o) => _toStringVisiting.any((e) => identical(o, e)); NN<&&DMJOH7+#**LOLM#I&$OLOLM#@%&%(/,!67$Q6!)7&6*K)<%+B"I@'J(6,1C2>NO ?IC!%% #  7&"#5G#AN}file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:collection'; /// A view of several iterables combined sequentially into a single iterable. /// /// All methods and accessors treat the [CombinedIterableView] as if it were a /// single concatenated iterable, but the underlying implementation is based on /// lazily accessing individual iterable instances. This means that if the /// underlying iterables change, the [CombinedIterableView] will reflect those /// changes. class CombinedIterableView extends IterableBase { /// The iterables that this combines. final Iterable> _iterables; /// Creates a combined view of [iterables]. const CombinedIterableView(this._iterables); Iterator get iterator => new _CombinedIterator( => i.iterator).iterator); // Special cased contains/isEmpty/length since many iterables have an // efficient implementation instead of running through the entire iterator. bool contains(Object element) => _iterables.any((i) => i.contains(element)); bool get isEmpty => _iterables.every((i) => i.isEmpty); int get length => _iterables.fold(0, (length, i) => length + i.length); } /// The iterator for [CombinedIterableView]. /// /// This moves through each iterable's iterators in sequence. class _CombinedIterator implements Iterator { /// The iterators that this combines. /// /// Because this comes from a call to [], it's lazy and will /// avoid instantiating unnecessary iterators. final Iterator> _iterators; _CombinedIterator(this._iterators); T get current => _iterators.current?.current; bool moveNext() { var current = _iterators.current; if (current != null && current.moveNext()) { return true; } return _iterators.moveNext() && moveNext(); } } 9NN<NOPKO 8(*./LHNO:J->4(K1*&0&10yfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:collection'; /// A view of several lists combined into a single list. /// /// All methods and accessors treat the [CombinedListView] list as if it were a /// single concatenated list, but the underlying implementation is based on /// lazily accessing individual list instances. This means that if the /// underlying lists change, the [CombinedListView] will reflect those changes. /// /// The index operator (`[]`) and [length] property of a [CombinedListView] are /// both `O(lists)` rather than `O(1)`. A [CombinedListView] is unmodifiable. class CombinedListView extends ListBase implements UnmodifiableListView { static void _throw() { throw new UnsupportedError('Cannot modify an unmodifiable List'); } /// The lists that this combines. final List> _lists; /// Creates a combined view of [lists]. CombinedListView(this._lists); set length(int length) { _throw(); } int get length => _lists.fold(0, (length, list) => length + list.length); T operator [](int index) { var initialIndex = index; for (var i = 0; i < _lists.length; i++) { var list = _lists[i]; if (index < list.length) { return list[index]; } index -= list.length; } throw new RangeError.index(initialIndex, this, 'index', null, length); } void operator []=(int index, T value) { _throw(); } void clear() { _throw(); } bool remove(Object element) { _throw(); return null; } void removeWhere(bool test(T element)) { _throw(); } void retainWhere(bool test(T element)) { _throw(); } } DNN<9PLGPPN.)F$*!L.!K* ++xfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:collection'; import 'combined_iterable.dart'; /// Returns a new map that represents maps flattened into a single map. /// /// All methods and accessors treat the new map as-if it were a single /// concatenated map, but the underlying implementation is based on lazily /// accessing individual map instances. In the occasion where a key occurs in /// multiple maps the first value is returned. /// /// The resulting map has an index operator (`[]`) and `length` property that /// are both `O(maps)`, rather than `O(1)`, and the map is unmodifiable - but /// underlying changes to these maps are still accessible from the resulting /// map. class CombinedMapView extends UnmodifiableMapBase { final Iterable> _maps; /// Create a new combined view into multiple maps. /// /// The iterable is accessed lazily so it should be collection type like /// [List] or [Set] rather than a lazy iterable produced by `map()` et al. CombinedMapView(this._maps); V operator [](Object key) { for (var map in _maps) { // Avoid two hash lookups on a positive hit. var value = map[key]; if (value != null || map.containsKey(value)) { return value; } } return null; } /// The keys of [this]. /// /// The returned iterable has efficient `length` and `contains` operations, /// based on [length] and [containsKey] of the individual maps. /// /// The order of iteration is defined by the individual `Map` implementations, /// but must be consistent between changes to the maps. /// /// Unlike most [Map] implementations, modifying an individual map while /// iterating the keys will _sometimes_ throw. This behavior may change in /// the future. Iterable get keys => new CombinedIterableView( => m.keys)); } 6NN<!HGKN/NNM @#5KM35NBQ:KMQefile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Character constants. const int _zero = 0x30; const int _upperCaseA = 0x41; const int _upperCaseZ = 0x5a; const int _lowerCaseA = 0x61; const int _lowerCaseZ = 0x7a; const int _asciiCaseBit = 0x20; /// Checks if strings [a] and [b] differ only on the case of ASCII letters. /// /// Strings are equal if they have the same length, and the characters at /// each index are the same, or they are ASCII letters where one is upper-case /// and the other is the lower-case version of the same letter. /// /// The comparison does not ignore the case of non-ASCII letters, so /// an upper-case ae-ligature (Æ) is different from /// a lower case ae-ligature (æ). /// /// Ignoring non-ASCII letters is not generally a good idea, but it makes sense /// for situations where the strings are known to be ASCII. Examples could /// be Dart identifiers, base-64 or hex encoded strings, GUIDs or similar /// strings with a known structure. bool equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(String a, String b) { if (a.length != b.length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { var aChar = a.codeUnitAt(i); var bChar = b.codeUnitAt(i); if (aChar == bChar) continue; // Quick-check for whether this may be different cases of the same letter. if (aChar ^ bChar != _asciiCaseBit) return false; // If it's possible, then check if either character is actually an ASCII // letter. int aCharLowerCase = aChar | _asciiCaseBit; if (_lowerCaseA <= aCharLowerCase && aCharLowerCase <= _lowerCaseZ) { continue; } return false; } return true; } /// Hash code for a string which is compatible with [equalsIgnoreAsciiCase]. /// /// The hash code is unaffected by changing the case of ASCII letters, but /// the case of non-ASCII letters do affect the result. int hashIgnoreAsciiCase(String string) { // Jenkins hash code ( // adapted to smi values. // Same hash used by dart2js for strings, modified to ignore ASCII letter // case. int hash = 0; for (int i = 0; i < string.length; i++) { int char = string.codeUnitAt(i); // Convert lower-case ASCII letters to upper case.upper // This ensures that strings that differ only in case will have the // same hash code. if (_lowerCaseA <= char && char <= _lowerCaseZ) char -= _asciiCaseBit; hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + char); hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x0007ffff & hash) << 10)); hash >>= 6; } hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x03ffffff & hash) << 3)); hash >>= 11; return 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x00003fff & hash) << 15)); } /// Compares [a] and [b] lexically, converting ASCII letters to upper case. /// /// Comparison treats all lower-case ASCII letters as upper-case letters, /// but does no case conversion for non-ASCII letters. /// /// If two strings differ only on the case of ASCII letters, the one with the /// capital letter at the first difference will compare as less than the other /// string. This tie-breaking ensures that the comparison is a total ordering /// on strings and is compatible with equality. /// /// Ignoring non-ASCII letters is not generally a good idea, but it makes sense /// for situations where the strings are known to be ASCII. Examples could /// be Dart identifiers, base-64 or hex encoded strings, GUIDs or similar /// strings with a known structure. int compareAsciiUpperCase(String a, String b) { int defaultResult = 0; // Returned if no difference found. for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (i >= b.length) return 1; var aChar = a.codeUnitAt(i); var bChar = b.codeUnitAt(i); if (aChar == bChar) continue; // Upper-case if letters. int aUpperCase = aChar; int bUpperCase = bChar; if (_lowerCaseA <= aChar && aChar <= _lowerCaseZ) { aUpperCase -= _asciiCaseBit; } if (_lowerCaseA <= bChar && bChar <= _lowerCaseZ) { bUpperCase -= _asciiCaseBit; } if (aUpperCase != bUpperCase) return (aUpperCase - bUpperCase).sign; if (defaultResult == 0) defaultResult = (aChar - bChar); } if (b.length > a.length) return -1; return defaultResult.sign; } /// Compares [a] and [b] lexically, converting ASCII letters to lower case. /// /// Comparison treats all upper-case ASCII letters as lower-case letters, /// but does no case conversion for non-ASCII letters. /// /// If two strings differ only on the case of ASCII letters, the one with the /// capital letter at the first difference will compare as less than the other /// string. This tie-breaking ensures that the comparison is a total ordering /// on strings. /// /// Ignoring non-ASCII letters is not generally a good idea, but it makes sense /// for situations where the strings are known to be ASCII. Examples could /// be Dart identifiers, base-64 or hex encoded strings, GUIDs or similar /// strings with a known structure. int compareAsciiLowerCase(String a, String b) { int defaultResult = 0; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (i >= b.length) return 1; var aChar = a.codeUnitAt(i); var bChar = b.codeUnitAt(i); if (aChar == bChar) continue; int aLowerCase = aChar; int bLowerCase = bChar; // Upper case if ASCII letters. if (_upperCaseA <= bChar && bChar <= _upperCaseZ) { bLowerCase += _asciiCaseBit; } if (_upperCaseA <= aChar && aChar <= _upperCaseZ) { aLowerCase += _asciiCaseBit; } if (aLowerCase != bLowerCase) return (aLowerCase - bLowerCase).sign; if (defaultResult == 0) defaultResult = aChar - bChar; } if (b.length > a.length) return -1; return defaultResult.sign; } /// Compares strings [a] and [b] according to [natural sort ordering][]. /// /// A natural sort ordering is a lexical ordering where embedded /// numerals (digit sequences) are treated as a single unit and ordered by /// numerical value. /// This means that `"a10b"` will be ordered after `"a7b"` in natural /// ordering, where lexical ordering would put the `1` before the `7`, ignoring /// that the `1` is part of a larger number. /// /// Example: /// The following strings are in the order they would be sorted by using this /// comparison function: /// /// "a", "a0", "a0b", "a1", "a01", "a9", "a10", "a100", "a100b", "aa" /// /// [natural sort ordering]: int compareNatural(String a, String b) { for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (i >= b.length) return 1; var aChar = a.codeUnitAt(i); var bChar = b.codeUnitAt(i); if (aChar != bChar) { return _compareNaturally(a, b, i, aChar, bChar); } } if (b.length > a.length) return -1; return 0; } /// Compares strings [a] and [b] according to lower-case /// [natural sort ordering][]. /// /// ASCII letters are converted to lower case before being compared, like /// for [compareAsciiLowerCase], then the result is compared like for /// [compareNatural]. /// /// If two strings differ only on the case of ASCII letters, the one with the /// capital letter at the first difference will compare as less than the other /// string. This tie-breaking ensures that the comparison is a total ordering /// on strings. /// /// [natural sort ordering]: int compareAsciiLowerCaseNatural(String a, String b) { int defaultResult = 0; // Returned if no difference found. for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (i >= b.length) return 1; var aChar = a.codeUnitAt(i); var bChar = b.codeUnitAt(i); if (aChar == bChar) continue; int aLowerCase = aChar; int bLowerCase = bChar; if (_upperCaseA <= aChar && aChar <= _upperCaseZ) { aLowerCase += _asciiCaseBit; } if (_upperCaseA <= bChar && bChar <= _upperCaseZ) { bLowerCase += _asciiCaseBit; } if (aLowerCase != bLowerCase) { return _compareNaturally(a, b, i, aLowerCase, bLowerCase); } if (defaultResult == 0) defaultResult = aChar - bChar; } if (b.length > a.length) return -1; return defaultResult.sign; } /// Compares strings [a] and [b] according to upper-case /// [natural sort ordering][]. /// /// ASCII letters are converted to upper case before being compared, like /// for [compareAsciiUpperCase], then the result is compared like for /// [compareNatural]. /// /// If two strings differ only on the case of ASCII letters, the one with the /// capital letter at the first difference will compare as less than the other /// string. This tie-breaking ensures that the comparison is a total ordering /// on strings /// /// [natural sort ordering]: int compareAsciiUpperCaseNatural(String a, String b) { int defaultResult = 0; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (i >= b.length) return 1; var aChar = a.codeUnitAt(i); var bChar = b.codeUnitAt(i); if (aChar == bChar) continue; int aUpperCase = aChar; int bUpperCase = bChar; if (_lowerCaseA <= aChar && aChar <= _lowerCaseZ) { aUpperCase -= _asciiCaseBit; } if (_lowerCaseA <= bChar && bChar <= _lowerCaseZ) { bUpperCase -= _asciiCaseBit; } if (aUpperCase != bUpperCase) { return _compareNaturally(a, b, i, aUpperCase, bUpperCase); } if (defaultResult == 0) defaultResult = aChar - bChar; } if (b.length > a.length) return -1; return defaultResult.sign; } /// Check for numbers overlapping the current mismatched characters. /// /// If both [aChar] and [bChar] are digits, use numerical comparison. /// Check if the previous characters is a non-zero number, and if not, /// skip - but count - leading zeros before comparing numbers. /// /// If one is a digit and the other isn't, check if the previous character /// is a digit, and if so, the the one with the digit is the greater number. /// /// Otherwise just returns the difference between [aChar] and [bChar]. int _compareNaturally(String a, String b, int index, int aChar, int bChar) { assert(aChar != bChar); var aIsDigit = _isDigit(aChar); var bIsDigit = _isDigit(bChar); if (aIsDigit) { if (bIsDigit) { return _compareNumerically(a, b, aChar, bChar, index); } else if (index > 0 && _isDigit(a.codeUnitAt(index - 1))) { // aChar is the continuation of a longer number. return 1; } } else if (bIsDigit && index > 0 && _isDigit(b.codeUnitAt(index - 1))) { // bChar is the continuation of a longer number. return -1; } // Characters are both non-digits, or not continuation of earlier number. return (aChar - bChar).sign; } /// Compare numbers overlapping [aChar] and [bChar] numerically. /// /// If the numbers have the same numerical value, but one has more leading /// zeros, the longer number is considered greater than the shorter one. /// /// This ensures a total ordering on strings compatible with equality. int _compareNumerically(String a, String b, int aChar, int bChar, int index) { // Both are digits. Find the first significant different digit, then find // the length of the numbers. if (_isNonZeroNumberSuffix(a, index)) { // Part of a longer number, differs at this index, just count the length. int result = _compareDigitCount(a, b, index, index); if (result != 0) return result; // If same length, the current character is the most significant differing // digit. return (aChar - bChar).sign; } // Not part of larger (non-zero) number, so skip leading zeros before // comparing numbers. int aIndex = index; int bIndex = index; if (aChar == _zero) { do { aIndex++; if (aIndex == a.length) return -1; // number in a is zero, b is not. aChar = a.codeUnitAt(aIndex); } while (aChar == _zero); if (!_isDigit(aChar)) return -1; } else if (bChar == _zero) { do { bIndex++; if (bIndex == b.length) return 1; // number in b is zero, a is not. bChar = b.codeUnitAt(bIndex); } while (bChar == _zero); if (!_isDigit(bChar)) return 1; } if (aChar != bChar) { int result = _compareDigitCount(a, b, aIndex, bIndex); if (result != 0) return result; return (aChar - bChar).sign; } // Same leading digit, one had more leading zeros. // Compare digits until reaching a difference. while (true) { var aIsDigit = false; var bIsDigit = false; aChar = 0; bChar = 0; if (++aIndex < a.length) { aChar = a.codeUnitAt(aIndex); aIsDigit = _isDigit(aChar); } if (++bIndex < b.length) { bChar = b.codeUnitAt(bIndex); bIsDigit = _isDigit(bChar); } if (aIsDigit) { if (bIsDigit) { if (aChar == bChar) continue; // First different digit found. break; } // bChar is non-digit, so a has longer number. return 1; } else if (bIsDigit) { return -1; // b has longer number. } else { // Neither is digit, so numbers had same numerical value. // Fall back on number of leading zeros // (reflected by difference in indices). return (aIndex - bIndex).sign; } } // At first differing digits. int result = _compareDigitCount(a, b, aIndex, bIndex); if (result != 0) return result; return (aChar - bChar).sign; } /// Checks which of [a] and [b] has the longest sequence of digits. /// /// Starts counting from `i + 1` and `j + 1` (assumes that `a[i]` and `b[j]` are /// both already known to be digits). int _compareDigitCount(String a, String b, int i, int j) { while (++i < a.length) { bool aIsDigit = _isDigit(a.codeUnitAt(i)); if (++j == b.length) return aIsDigit ? 1 : 0; bool bIsDigit = _isDigit(b.codeUnitAt(j)); if (aIsDigit) { if (bIsDigit) continue; return 1; } else if (bIsDigit) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } if (++j < b.length && _isDigit(b.codeUnitAt(j))) { return -1; } return 0; } bool _isDigit(int charCode) => (charCode ^ _zero) <= 9; /// Check if the digit at [index] is continuing a non-zero number. /// /// If there is no non-zero digits before, then leading zeros at [index] /// are also ignored when comparing numerically. If there is a non-zero digit /// before, then zeros at [index] are significant. bool _isNonZeroNumberSuffix(String string, int index) { while (--index >= 0) { int char = string.codeUnitAt(index); if (char != _zero) return _isDigit(char); } return false; } OO=!MKPAF5#QLK%2+(""#P7N1KNL9*OM -&=IL(?<=MK8OPO1QLK%1>("""#9$9$J>'MK8OPOQLK%1("""#%9$9$J<'JBLGQ.OKO*("""8' : KGOPOO8>("""#9$9$%B<': KGOPOO8("""#9$9$%B<'FGH@LNHN##>B8L6M BLJHPM!+O:%P"I L%& K%%<%"62 %# %#') 6*A/0&!:# ER'<0306 9DJO49*/bfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import "dart:collection"; import "comparators.dart"; const int _HASH_MASK = 0x7fffffff; /// A generic equality relation on objects. abstract class Equality { const factory Equality() = DefaultEquality; /// Compare two elements for being equal. /// /// This should be a proper equality relation. bool equals(E e1, E e2); /// Get a hashcode of an element. /// /// The hashcode should be compatible with [equals], so that if /// `equals(a, b)` then `hash(a) == hash(b)`. int hash(E e); /// Test whether an object is a valid argument to [equals] and [hash]. /// /// Some implementations may be restricted to only work on specific types /// of objects. bool isValidKey(Object o); } typedef F _GetKey(E object); /// Equality of objects based on derived values. /// /// For example, given the class: /// ```dart /// abstract class Employee { /// int get employmentId; /// } /// ``` /// /// The following [Equality] considers employees with the same IDs to be equal: /// ```dart /// new EqualityBy((Employee e) => e.employmentId); /// ``` /// /// It's also possible to pass an additional equality instance that should be /// used to compare the value itself. class EqualityBy implements Equality { // Returns a derived value F from an object E. final _GetKey _getKey; // Determines equality between two values of F. final Equality _inner; EqualityBy(F getKey(E object), [Equality inner = const DefaultEquality()]) : _getKey = getKey, _inner = inner; bool equals(E e1, E e2) => _inner.equals(_getKey(e1), _getKey(e2)); int hash(E e) => _inner.hash(_getKey(e)); bool isValidKey(Object o) { if (o is E) { final value = _getKey(o); return value is F && _inner.isValidKey(value); } return false; } } /// Equality of objects that compares only the natural equality of the objects. /// /// This equality uses the objects' own [Object.==] and [Object.hashCode] for /// the equality. /// /// Note that [equals] and [hash] take `Object`s rather than `E`s. This allows /// `E` to be inferred as `Null` in const contexts where `E` wouldn't be a /// compile-time constant, while still allowing the class to be used at runtime. class DefaultEquality implements Equality { const DefaultEquality(); bool equals(Object e1, Object e2) => e1 == e2; int hash(Object e) => e.hashCode; bool isValidKey(Object o) => true; } /// Equality of objects that compares only the identity of the objects. class IdentityEquality implements Equality { const IdentityEquality(); bool equals(E e1, E e2) => identical(e1, e2); int hash(E e) => identityHashCode(e); bool isValidKey(Object o) => true; } /// Equality on iterables. /// /// Two iterables are equal if they have the same elements in the same order. /// /// The [equals] and [hash] methods accepts `null` values, /// even if the [isValidKey] returns `false` for `null`. /// The [hash] of `null` is `null.hashCode`. class IterableEquality implements Equality> { final Equality _elementEquality; const IterableEquality( [Equality elementEquality = const DefaultEquality()]) : _elementEquality = elementEquality; bool equals(Iterable elements1, Iterable elements2) { if (identical(elements1, elements2)) return true; if (elements1 == null || elements2 == null) return false; var it1 = elements1.iterator; var it2 = elements2.iterator; while (true) { bool hasNext = it1.moveNext(); if (hasNext != it2.moveNext()) return false; if (!hasNext) return true; if (!_elementEquality.equals(it1.current, it2.current)) return false; } } int hash(Iterable elements) { if (elements == null) return null.hashCode; // Jenkins's one-at-a-time hash function. int hash = 0; for (E element in elements) { int c = _elementEquality.hash(element); hash = (hash + c) & _HASH_MASK; hash = (hash + (hash << 10)) & _HASH_MASK; hash ^= (hash >> 6); } hash = (hash + (hash << 3)) & _HASH_MASK; hash ^= (hash >> 11); hash = (hash + (hash << 15)) & _HASH_MASK; return hash; } bool isValidKey(Object o) => o is Iterable; } /// Equality on lists. /// /// Two lists are equal if they have the same length and their elements /// at each index are equal. /// /// This is effectively the same as [IterableEquality] except that it /// accesses elements by index instead of through iteration. /// /// The [equals] and [hash] methods accepts `null` values, /// even if the [isValidKey] returns `false` for `null`. /// The [hash] of `null` is `null.hashCode`. class ListEquality implements Equality> { final Equality _elementEquality; const ListEquality([Equality elementEquality = const DefaultEquality()]) : _elementEquality = elementEquality; bool equals(List list1, List list2) { if (identical(list1, list2)) return true; if (list1 == null || list2 == null) return false; int length = list1.length; if (length != list2.length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (!_elementEquality.equals(list1[i], list2[i])) return false; } return true; } int hash(List list) { if (list == null) return null.hashCode; // Jenkins's one-at-a-time hash function. // This code is almost identical to the one in IterableEquality, except // that it uses indexing instead of iterating to get the elements. int hash = 0; for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { int c = _elementEquality.hash(list[i]); hash = (hash + c) & _HASH_MASK; hash = (hash + (hash << 10)) & _HASH_MASK; hash ^= (hash >> 6); } hash = (hash + (hash << 3)) & _HASH_MASK; hash ^= (hash >> 11); hash = (hash + (hash << 15)) & _HASH_MASK; return hash; } bool isValidKey(Object o) => o is List; } abstract class _UnorderedEquality> implements Equality { final Equality _elementEquality; const _UnorderedEquality(this._elementEquality); bool equals(T elements1, T elements2) { if (identical(elements1, elements2)) return true; if (elements1 == null || elements2 == null) return false; HashMap counts = new HashMap( equals: _elementEquality.equals, hashCode: _elementEquality.hash, isValidKey: _elementEquality.isValidKey); int length = 0; for (var e in elements1) { int count = counts[e]; if (count == null) count = 0; counts[e] = count + 1; length++; } for (var e in elements2) { int count = counts[e]; if (count == null || count == 0) return false; counts[e] = count - 1; length--; } return length == 0; } int hash(T elements) { if (elements == null) return null.hashCode; int hash = 0; for (E element in elements) { int c = _elementEquality.hash(element); hash = (hash + c) & _HASH_MASK; } hash = (hash + (hash << 3)) & _HASH_MASK; hash ^= (hash >> 11); hash = (hash + (hash << 15)) & _HASH_MASK; return hash; } } /// Equality of the elements of two iterables without considering order. /// /// Two iterables are considered equal if they have the same number of elements, /// and the elements of one set can be paired with the elements /// of the other iterable, so that each pair are equal. class UnorderedIterableEquality extends _UnorderedEquality> { const UnorderedIterableEquality( [Equality elementEquality = const DefaultEquality()]) : super(elementEquality); bool isValidKey(Object o) => o is Iterable; } /// Equality of sets. /// /// Two sets are considered equal if they have the same number of elements, /// and the elements of one set can be paired with the elements /// of the other set, so that each pair are equal. /// /// This equality behaves the same as [UnorderedIterableEquality] except that /// it expects sets instead of iterables as arguments. /// /// The [equals] and [hash] methods accepts `null` values, /// even if the [isValidKey] returns `false` for `null`. /// The [hash] of `null` is `null.hashCode`. class SetEquality extends _UnorderedEquality> { const SetEquality([Equality elementEquality = const DefaultEquality()]) : super(elementEquality); bool isValidKey(Object o) => o is Set; } /// Internal class used by [MapEquality]. /// /// The class represents a map entry as a single object, /// using a combined hashCode and equality of the key and value. class _MapEntry { final MapEquality equality; final key; final value; _MapEntry(this.equality, this.key, this.value); int get hashCode => (3 * equality._keyEquality.hash(key) + 7 * equality._valueEquality.hash(value)) & _HASH_MASK; bool operator ==(Object other) => other is _MapEntry && equality._keyEquality.equals(key, other.key) && equality._valueEquality.equals(value, other.value); } /// Equality on maps. /// /// Two maps are equal if they have the same number of entries, and if the /// entries of the two maps are pairwise equal on both key and value. /// /// The [equals] and [hash] methods accepts `null` values, /// even if the [isValidKey] returns `false` for `null`. /// The [hash] of `null` is `null.hashCode`. class MapEquality implements Equality> { final Equality _keyEquality; final Equality _valueEquality; const MapEquality( {Equality keys: const DefaultEquality(), Equality values: const DefaultEquality()}) : _keyEquality = keys, _valueEquality = values; bool equals(Map map1, Map map2) { if (identical(map1, map2)) return true; if (map1 == null || map2 == null) return false; int length = map1.length; if (length != map2.length) return false; Map<_MapEntry, int> equalElementCounts = new HashMap(); for (K key in map1.keys) { _MapEntry entry = new _MapEntry(this, key, map1[key]); int count = equalElementCounts[entry]; if (count == null) count = 0; equalElementCounts[entry] = count + 1; } for (K key in map2.keys) { _MapEntry entry = new _MapEntry(this, key, map2[key]); int count = equalElementCounts[entry]; if (count == null || count == 0) return false; equalElementCounts[entry] = count - 1; } return true; } int hash(Map map) { if (map == null) return null.hashCode; int hash = 0; for (K key in map.keys) { int keyHash = _keyEquality.hash(key); int valueHash = _valueEquality.hash(map[key]); hash = (hash + 3 * keyHash + 7 * valueHash) & _HASH_MASK; } hash = (hash + (hash << 3)) & _HASH_MASK; hash ^= (hash >> 11); hash = (hash + (hash << 15)) & _HASH_MASK; return hash; } bool isValidKey(Object o) => o is Map; } /// Combines several equalities into a single equality. /// /// Tries each equality in order, using [Equality.isValidKey], and returns /// the result of the first equality that applies to the argument or arguments. /// /// For `equals`, the first equality that matches the first argument is used, /// and if the second argument of `equals` is not valid for that equality, /// it returns false. /// /// Because the equalities are tried in order, they should generally work on /// disjoint types. Otherwise the multi-equality may give inconsistent results /// for `equals(e1, e2)` and `equals(e2, e1)`. This can happen if one equality /// considers only `e1` a valid key, and not `e2`, but an equality which is /// checked later, allows both. class MultiEquality implements Equality { final Iterable> _equalities; const MultiEquality(Iterable> equalities) : _equalities = equalities; bool equals(E e1, E e2) { for (Equality eq in _equalities) { if (eq.isValidKey(e1)) return eq.isValidKey(e2) && eq.equals(e1, e2); } return false; } int hash(E e) { for (Equality eq in _equalities) { if (eq.isValidKey(e)) return eq.hash(e); } return 0; } bool isValidKey(Object o) { for (Equality eq in _equalities) { if (eq.isValidKey(o)) return true; } return false; } } /// Deep equality on collections. /// /// Recognizes lists, sets, iterables and maps and compares their elements using /// deep equality as well. /// /// Non-iterable/map objects are compared using a configurable base equality. /// /// Works in one of two modes: ordered or unordered. /// /// In ordered mode, lists and iterables are required to have equal elements /// in the same order. In unordered mode, the order of elements in iterables /// and lists are not important. /// /// A list is only equal to another list, likewise for sets and maps. All other /// iterables are compared as iterables only. class DeepCollectionEquality implements Equality { final Equality _base; final bool _unordered; const DeepCollectionEquality([Equality base = const DefaultEquality()]) : _base = base, _unordered = false; /// Creates a deep equality on collections where the order of lists and /// iterables are not considered important. That is, lists and iterables are /// treated as unordered iterables. const DeepCollectionEquality.unordered( [Equality base = const DefaultEquality()]) : _base = base, _unordered = true; bool equals(e1, e2) { if (e1 is Set) { return e2 is Set && new SetEquality(this).equals(e1, e2); } if (e1 is Map) { return e2 is Map && new MapEquality(keys: this, values: this).equals(e1, e2); } if (!_unordered) { if (e1 is List) { return e2 is List && new ListEquality(this).equals(e1, e2); } if (e1 is Iterable) { return e2 is Iterable && new IterableEquality(this).equals(e1, e2); } } else if (e1 is Iterable) { if (e1 is List != e2 is List) return false; return e2 is Iterable && new UnorderedIterableEquality(this).equals(e1, e2); } return _base.equals(e1, e2); } int hash(Object o) { if (o is Set) return new SetEquality(this).hash(o); if (o is Map) return new MapEquality(keys: this, values: this).hash(o); if (!_unordered) { if (o is List) return new ListEquality(this).hash(o); if (o is Iterable) return new IterableEquality(this).hash(o); } else if (o is Iterable) { return new UnorderedIterableEquality(this).hash(o); } return _base.hash(o); } bool isValidKey(Object o) => o is Iterable || o is Map || _base.isValidKey(o); } /// String equality that's insensitive to differences in ASCII case. /// /// Non-ASCII characters are compared as-is, with no conversion. class CaseInsensitiveEquality implements Equality { const CaseInsensitiveEquality(); bool equals(String string1, String string2) => equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(string1, string2); int hash(String string) => hashIgnoreAsciiCase(string); bool isValidKey(Object object) => object is String; } NN<#,1,1$B0IL#1" P 4N&012PF, 5PNOKQ21$%H30(%N;9-=&?,>6>""%3!L#0.".&1./1HF=;9-5&N,..6.'F,.LG,.&1./-<&3*6>*))2$50".&./IQ@8P#? 1L@3N7;9-=M ,*9A 2-5$6:KF;9-9"$24!0,4-<=-$-=-5-+,5@.//8KPNKMOOL 0+8"*L*/*)"QN5MM!P.3JJO&*1@DDL!2>!8L extends DelegatingMap { /// Creates a map with equality based on [equality]. EqualityMap(Equality equality) : super(new LinkedHashMap( equals: equality.equals, hashCode: equality.hash, isValidKey: equality.isValidKey)); /// Creates a map with equality based on [equality] that contains all /// key-value pairs of [other]. /// /// If [other] has multiple keys that are equivalent according to [equality], /// the last one reached during iteration takes precedence. EqualityMap.from(Equality equality, Map other) : super(new LinkedHashMap( equals: equality.equals, hashCode: equality.hash, isValidKey: equality.isValidKey)) { addAll(other); } } !NN<F67$!%%/H"P>:!%%0ffile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/{// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:collection'; import 'equality.dart'; import 'wrappers.dart'; /// A [Map] whose key equality is determined by an [Equality] object. class EqualitySet extends DelegatingSet { /// Creates a set with equality based on [equality]. EqualitySet(Equality equality) : super(new LinkedHashSet( equals: equality.equals, hashCode: equality.hash, isValidKey: equality.isValidKey)); /// Creates a set with equality based on [equality] that contains all /// elements in [other]. /// /// If [other] has multiple values that are equivalent according to /// [equality], the first one reached during iteration takes precedence. EqualitySet.from(Equality equality, Iterable other) : super(new LinkedHashSet( equals: equality.equals, hashCode: equality.hash, isValidKey: equality.isValidKey)) { addAll(other); } } !NN<F07$!%%/HFK mapMap(Map map, {K2 key(K1 key, V1 value), V2 value(K1 key, V1 value)}) { key ??= (mapKey, _) => mapKey as K2; value ??= (_, mapValue) => mapValue as V2; var result = {}; map.forEach((mapKey, mapValue) { result[key(mapKey, mapValue)] = value(mapKey, mapValue); }); return result; } /// Returns a new map with all key/value pairs in both [map1] and [map2]. /// /// If there are keys that occur in both maps, the [value] function is used to /// select the value that goes into the resulting map based on the two original /// values. If [value] is omitted, the value from [map2] is used. Map mergeMaps(Map map1, Map map2, {V value(V value1, V value2)}) { var result = new Map.from(map1); if (value == null) return result..addAll(map2); map2.forEach((key, mapValue) { result[key] = result.containsKey(key) ? value(result[key], mapValue) : mapValue; }); return result; } /// Groups the elements in [values] by the value returned by [key]. /// /// Returns a map from keys computed by [key] to a list of all values for which /// [key] returns that key. The values appear in the list in the same relative /// order as in [values]. Map> groupBy(Iterable values, T key(S element)) { var map = >{}; for (var element in values) { var list = map.putIfAbsent(key(element), () => []); list.add(element); } return map; } /// Returns the element of [values] for which [orderBy] returns the minimum /// value. /// /// The values returned by [orderBy] are compared using the [compare] function. /// If [compare] is omitted, values must implement [Comparable] and they are /// compared using their [Comparable.compareTo]. S minBy(Iterable values, T orderBy(S element), {int compare(T value1, T value2)}) { compare ??= defaultCompare(); S minValue; T minOrderBy; for (var element in values) { var elementOrderBy = orderBy(element); if (minOrderBy == null || compare(elementOrderBy, minOrderBy) < 0) { minValue = element; minOrderBy = elementOrderBy; } } return minValue; } /// Returns the element of [values] for which [orderBy] returns the maximum /// value. /// /// The values returned by [orderBy] are compared using the [compare] function. /// If [compare] is omitted, values must implement [Comparable] and they are /// compared using their [Comparable.compareTo]. S maxBy(Iterable values, T orderBy(S element), {int compare(T value1, T value2)}) { compare ??= defaultCompare(); S maxValue; T maxOrderBy; for (var element in values) { var elementOrderBy = orderBy(element); if (maxOrderBy == null || compare(elementOrderBy, maxOrderBy) > 0) { maxValue = element; maxOrderBy = elementOrderBy; } } return maxValue; } /// Returns the [transitive closure][] of [graph]. /// /// [transitive closure]: /// /// Interprets [graph] as a directed graph with a vertex for each key and edges /// from each key to the values that the key maps to. /// /// Assumes that every vertex in the graph has a key to represent it, even if /// that vertex has no outgoing edges. This isn't checked, but if it's not /// satisfied, the function may crash or provide unexpected output. For example, /// `{"a": ["b"]}` is not valid, but `{"a": ["b"], "b": []}` is. Map> transitiveClosure(Map> graph) { // This uses [Warshall's algorithm][], modified not to add a vertex from each // node to itself. // // [Warshall's algorithm]: var result = >{}; graph.forEach((vertex, edges) { result[vertex] = new Set.from(edges); }); // Lists are faster to iterate than maps, so we create a list since we're // iterating repeatedly. var keys = graph.keys.toList(); for (var vertex1 in keys) { for (var vertex2 in keys) { for (var vertex3 in keys) { if (result[vertex2].contains(vertex1) && result[vertex1].contains(vertex3)) { result[vertex2].add(vertex3); } } } } return result; } /// Returns the [strongly connected components][] of [graph], in topological /// order. /// /// [strongly connected components]: /// /// Interprets [graph] as a directed graph with a vertex for each key and edges /// from each key to the values that the key maps to. /// /// Assumes that every vertex in the graph has a key to represent it, even if /// that vertex has no outgoing edges. This isn't checked, but if it's not /// satisfied, the function may crash or provide unexpected output. For example, /// `{"a": ["b"]}` is not valid, but `{"a": ["b"], "b": []}` is. List> stronglyConnectedComponents(Map> graph) { // This uses [Tarjan's algorithm][]. // // [Tarjan's algorithm]: var index = 0; var stack = []; var result = >[]; // The order of these doesn't matter, so we use un-linked implementations to // avoid unnecessary overhead. var indices = new HashMap(); var lowLinks = new HashMap(); var onStack = new HashSet(); strongConnect(T vertex) { indices[vertex] = index; lowLinks[vertex] = index; index++; stack.add(vertex); onStack.add(vertex); for (var successor in graph[vertex]) { if (!indices.containsKey(successor)) { strongConnect(successor); lowLinks[vertex] = math.min(lowLinks[vertex], lowLinks[successor]); } else if (onStack.contains(successor)) { lowLinks[vertex] = math.min(lowLinks[vertex], lowLinks[successor]); } } if (lowLinks[vertex] == indices[vertex]) { var component = new Set(); T neighbor; do { neighbor = stack.removeLast(); onStack.remove(neighbor); component.add(neighbor); } while (neighbor != vertex); result.add(component); } } for (var vertex in graph.keys) { if (!indices.containsKey(vertex)) strongConnect(vertex); } // Tarjan's algorithm produces a reverse-topological sort, so we reverse it to // get a normal topological sort. return result.reversed.toList(); } NN<OK;M44>'-#=JOPB:%)2!KDPOF 8L PP18)# +I#L PP18)# +I#3KP6NKQAAP~"-L" "11( M `P6NKQAI'lO!'(" +-"L0L/$ '"!$#=Q$#ffile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import "dart:collection"; /// Iterable that iterates over lists of values from other iterables. /// /// When [iterator] is read, an [Iterator] is created for each [Iterable] in /// the [Iterable] passed to the constructor. /// /// As long as all these iterators have a next value, those next values are /// combined into a single list, which becomes the next value of this /// [Iterable]'s [Iterator]. As soon as any of the iterators run out, /// the zipped iterator also stops. class IterableZip extends IterableBase> { final Iterable> _iterables; IterableZip(Iterable> iterables) : this._iterables = iterables; /// Returns an iterator that combines values of the iterables' iterators /// as long as they all have values. Iterator> get iterator { var iterators = => x.iterator).toList(growable: false); // TODO(lrn): Return an empty iterator directly if iterators is empty? return new _IteratorZip(iterators); } } class _IteratorZip implements Iterator> { final List> _iterators; List _current; _IteratorZip(List> iterators) : _iterators = iterators; bool moveNext() { if (_iterators.isEmpty) return false; for (int i = 0; i < _iterators.length; i++) { if (!_iterators[i].moveNext()) { _current = null; return false; } } _current = new List(_iterators.length); for (int i = 0; i < _iterators.length; i++) { _current[i] = _iterators[i].current; } return true; } List get current => _current; } 6NN<FM.LFF$5*NK'#OK+5&F*2',2+#hfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import "dart:collection"; import "utils.dart"; /// A priority queue is a priority based work-list of elements. /// /// The queue allows adding elements, and removing them again in priority order. abstract class PriorityQueue { /// Creates an empty [PriorityQueue]. /// /// The created [PriorityQueue] is a plain [HeapPriorityQueue]. /// /// The [comparison] is a [Comparator] used to compare the priority of /// elements. An element that compares as less than another element has /// a higher priority. /// /// If [comparison] is omitted, it defaults to []. If this /// is the case, `E` must implement [Comparable], and this is checked at /// runtime for every comparison. factory PriorityQueue([int comparison(E e1, E e2)]) = HeapPriorityQueue; /// Number of elements in the queue. int get length; /// Whether the queue is empty. bool get isEmpty; /// Whether the queue has any elements. bool get isNotEmpty; /// Checks if [object] is in the queue. /// /// Returns true if the element is found. bool contains(E object); /// Adds element to the queue. /// /// The element will become the next to be removed by [removeFirst] /// when all elements with higher priority have been removed. void add(E element); /// Adds all [elements] to the queue. void addAll(Iterable elements); /// Returns the next element that will be returned by [removeFirst]. /// /// The element is not removed from the queue. /// /// The queue must not be empty when this method is called. E get first; /// Removes and returns the element with the highest priority. /// /// Repeatedly calling this method, without adding element in between, /// is guaranteed to return elements in non-decreasing order as, specified by /// [comparison]. /// /// The queue must not be empty when this method is called. E removeFirst(); /// Removes an element that compares equal to [element] in the queue. /// /// Returns true if an element is found and removed, /// and false if no equal element is found. bool remove(E element); /// Removes all the elements from this queue and returns them. /// /// The returned iterable has no specified order. Iterable removeAll(); /// Removes all the elements from this queue. void clear(); /// Returns a list of the elements of this queue in priority order. /// /// The queue is not modified. /// /// The order is the order that the elements would be in if they were /// removed from this queue using [removeFirst]. List toList(); /// Return a comparator based set using the comparator of this queue. /// /// The queue is not modified. /// /// The returned [Set] is currently a [SplayTreeSet], /// but this may change as other ordered sets are implemented. /// /// The set contains all the elements of this queue. /// If an element occurs more than once in the queue, /// the set will contain it only once. Set toSet(); } /// Heap based priority queue. /// /// The elements are kept in a heap structure, /// where the element with the highest priority is immediately accessible, /// and modifying a single element takes /// logarithmic time in the number of elements on average. /// /// * The [add] and [removeFirst] operations take amortized logarithmic time, /// O(log(n)), but may occasionally take linear time when growing the capacity /// of the heap. /// * The [addAll] operation works as doing repeated [add] operations. /// * The [first] getter takes constant time, O(1). /// * The [clear] and [removeAll] methods also take constant time, O(1). /// * The [contains] and [remove] operations may need to search the entire /// queue for the elements, taking O(n) time. /// * The [toList] operation effectively sorts the elements, taking O(n*log(n)) /// time. /// * The [toSet] operation effectively adds each element to the new set, taking /// an expected O(n*log(n)) time. class HeapPriorityQueue implements PriorityQueue { /// Initial capacity of a queue when created, or when added to after a /// [clear]. /// /// Number can be any positive value. Picking a size that gives a whole /// number of "tree levels" in the heap is only done for aesthetic reasons. static const int _INITIAL_CAPACITY = 7; /// The comparison being used to compare the priority of elements. final Comparator comparison; /// List implementation of a heap. List _queue = new List(_INITIAL_CAPACITY); /// Number of elements in queue. /// /// The heap is implemented in the first [_length] entries of [_queue]. int _length = 0; /// Create a new priority queue. /// /// The [comparison] is a [Comparator] used to compare the priority of /// elements. An element that compares as less than another element has /// a higher priority. /// /// If [comparison] is omitted, it defaults to []. If this /// is the case, `E` must implement [Comparable], and this is checked at /// runtime for every comparison. HeapPriorityQueue([int comparison(E e1, E e2)]) : comparison = comparison ?? defaultCompare(); void add(E element) { _add(element); } void addAll(Iterable elements) { for (E element in elements) { _add(element); } } void clear() { _queue = const []; _length = 0; } bool contains(E object) { return _locate(object) >= 0; } E get first { if (_length == 0) throw new StateError("No such element"); return _queue[0]; } bool get isEmpty => _length == 0; bool get isNotEmpty => _length != 0; int get length => _length; bool remove(E element) { int index = _locate(element); if (index < 0) return false; E last = _removeLast(); if (index < _length) { int comp = comparison(last, element); if (comp <= 0) { _bubbleUp(last, index); } else { _bubbleDown(last, index); } } return true; } Iterable removeAll() { List result = _queue; int length = _length; _queue = const []; _length = 0; return result.take(length); } E removeFirst() { if (_length == 0) throw new StateError("No such element"); E result = _queue[0]; E last = _removeLast(); if (_length > 0) { _bubbleDown(last, 0); } return result; } List toList() { List list = new List()..length = _length; list.setRange(0, _length, _queue); list.sort(comparison); return list; } Set toSet() { Set set = new SplayTreeSet(comparison); for (int i = 0; i < _length; i++) { set.add(_queue[i]); } return set; } /// Returns some representation of the queue. /// /// The format isn't significant, and may change in the future. String toString() { return _queue.take(_length).toString(); } /// Add element to the queue. /// /// Grows the capacity if the backing list is full. void _add(E element) { if (_length == _queue.length) _grow(); _bubbleUp(element, _length++); } /// Find the index of an object in the heap. /// /// Returns -1 if the object is not found. int _locate(E object) { if (_length == 0) return -1; // Count positions from one instead of zero. This gives the numbers // some nice properties. For example, all right children are odd, // their left sibling is even, and the parent is found by shifting // right by one. // Valid range for position is [1.._length], inclusive. int position = 1; // Pre-order depth first search, omit child nodes if the current // node has lower priority than [object], because all nodes lower // in the heap will also have lower priority. do { int index = position - 1; E element = _queue[index]; int comp = comparison(element, object); if (comp == 0) return index; if (comp < 0) { // Element may be in subtree. // Continue with the left child, if it is there. int leftChildPosition = position * 2; if (leftChildPosition <= _length) { position = leftChildPosition; continue; } } // Find the next right sibling or right ancestor sibling. do { while (position.isOdd) { // While position is a right child, go to the parent. position >>= 1; } // Then go to the right sibling of the left-child. position += 1; } while (position > _length); // Happens if last element is a left child. } while (position != 1); // At root again. Happens for right-most element. return -1; } E _removeLast() { int newLength = _length - 1; E last = _queue[newLength]; _queue[newLength] = null; _length = newLength; return last; } /// Place [element] in heap at [index] or above. /// /// Put element into the empty cell at `index`. /// While the `element` has higher priority than the /// parent, swap it with the parent. void _bubbleUp(E element, int index) { while (index > 0) { int parentIndex = (index - 1) ~/ 2; E parent = _queue[parentIndex]; if (comparison(element, parent) > 0) break; _queue[index] = parent; index = parentIndex; } _queue[index] = element; } /// Place [element] in heap at [index] or above. /// /// Put element into the empty cell at `index`. /// While the `element` has lower priority than either child, /// swap it with the highest priority child. void _bubbleDown(E element, int index) { int rightChildIndex = index * 2 + 2; while (rightChildIndex < _length) { int leftChildIndex = rightChildIndex - 1; E leftChild = _queue[leftChildIndex]; E rightChild = _queue[rightChildIndex]; int comp = comparison(leftChild, rightChild); int minChildIndex; E minChild; if (comp < 0) { minChild = leftChild; minChildIndex = leftChildIndex; } else { minChild = rightChild; minChildIndex = rightChildIndex; } comp = comparison(element, minChild); if (comp <= 0) { _queue[index] = element; return; } _queue[index] = minChild; index = minChildIndex; rightChildIndex = index * 2 + 2; } int leftChildIndex = rightChildIndex - 1; if (leftChildIndex < _length) { E child = _queue[leftChildIndex]; int comp = comparison(element, child); if (comp > 0) { _queue[index] = child; index = leftChildIndex; } } _queue[index] = element; } /// Grows the capacity of the list holding the heap. /// /// Called when the list is full. void _grow() { int newCapacity = _queue.length * 2 + 1; if (newCapacity < _INITIAL_CAPACITY) newCapacity = _INITIAL_CAPACITY; List newQueue = new List(newCapacity); newQueue.setRange(0, _length, _queue); _queue = newQueue; } } jNN<@Q"(BIJOK$N'"**,!F@(%G1>AIP>H7.A40F!H3H!8A78)/K);NQG4IK0P Q$9IJN*E"%3#J#IJOK$28&"!?$'"!, " ?4'2(0B, 6+#/-!HFG<EF2 !.#&9.,( @ !@ ;PO! 327')*&232@/+)(0,.4(),! '.$(- 7$-J1+dfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:collection'; /// A class that efficiently implements both [Queue] and [List]. // TODO(nweiz): Currently this code is copied almost verbatim from // dart:collection. The only changes are to implement List and to remove methods // that are redundant with ListMixin. Remove or simplify it when issue 21330 is // fixed. class QueueList extends Object with ListMixin implements Queue { /// Adapts [source] to be a `QueueList`. /// /// Any time the class would produce an element that is not a [T], the element /// access will throw. /// /// Any time a [T] value is attempted stored into the adapted class, the store /// will throw unless the value is also an instance of [S]. /// /// If all accessed elements of [source] are actually instances of [T] and if /// all elements stored in the returned are actually instance of [S], /// then the returned instance can be used as a `QueueList`. static QueueList _castFrom(QueueList source) { return new _CastQueueList(source); } static const int _INITIAL_CAPACITY = 8; List _table; int _head; int _tail; /// Create an empty queue. /// /// If [initialCapacity] is given, prepare the queue for at least that many /// elements. QueueList([int initialCapacity]) : _head = 0, _tail = 0 { if (initialCapacity == null || initialCapacity < _INITIAL_CAPACITY) { initialCapacity = _INITIAL_CAPACITY; } else if (!_isPowerOf2(initialCapacity)) { initialCapacity = _nextPowerOf2(initialCapacity); } assert(_isPowerOf2(initialCapacity)); _table = new List(initialCapacity); } // An internal constructor for use by _CastQueueList. QueueList._(); /// Create a queue initially containing the elements of [source]. factory QueueList.from(Iterable source) { if (source is List) { int length = source.length; QueueList queue = new QueueList(length + 1); assert(queue._table.length > length); var sourceList = source; queue._table.setRange(0, length, sourceList, 0); queue._tail = length; return queue; } else { return new QueueList()..addAll(source); } } // Collection interface. void add(E element) { _add(element); } void addAll(Iterable iterable) { if (iterable is List) { var list = iterable; int addCount = list.length; int length = this.length; if (length + addCount >= _table.length) { _preGrow(length + addCount); // After preGrow, all elements are at the start of the list. _table.setRange(length, length + addCount, list, 0); _tail += addCount; } else { // Adding addCount elements won't reach _head. int endSpace = _table.length - _tail; if (addCount < endSpace) { _table.setRange(_tail, _tail + addCount, list, 0); _tail += addCount; } else { int preSpace = addCount - endSpace; _table.setRange(_tail, _tail + endSpace, list, 0); _table.setRange(0, preSpace, list, endSpace); _tail = preSpace; } } } else { for (E element in iterable) _add(element); } } QueueList cast() => QueueList._castFrom(this); @deprecated QueueList retype() => cast(); String toString() => IterableBase.iterableToFullString(this, "{", "}"); // Queue interface. void addLast(E element) { _add(element); } void addFirst(E element) { _head = (_head - 1) & (_table.length - 1); _table[_head] = element; if (_head == _tail) _grow(); } E removeFirst() { if (_head == _tail) throw new StateError("No element"); E result = _table[_head]; _table[_head] = null; _head = (_head + 1) & (_table.length - 1); return result; } E removeLast() { if (_head == _tail) throw new StateError("No element"); _tail = (_tail - 1) & (_table.length - 1); E result = _table[_tail]; _table[_tail] = null; return result; } // List interface. int get length => (_tail - _head) & (_table.length - 1); set length(int value) { if (value < 0) throw new RangeError("Length $value may not be negative."); int delta = value - length; if (delta >= 0) { if (_table.length <= value) { _preGrow(value); } _tail = (_tail + delta) & (_table.length - 1); return; } int newTail = _tail + delta; // [delta] is negative. if (newTail >= 0) { _table.fillRange(newTail, _tail, null); } else { newTail += _table.length; _table.fillRange(0, _tail, null); _table.fillRange(newTail, _table.length, null); } _tail = newTail; } E operator [](int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= length) { throw new RangeError("Index $index must be in the range [0..$length)."); } return _table[(_head + index) & (_table.length - 1)]; } void operator []=(int index, E value) { if (index < 0 || index >= length) { throw new RangeError("Index $index must be in the range [0..$length)."); } _table[(_head + index) & (_table.length - 1)] = value; } // Internal helper functions. /// Whether [number] is a power of two. /// /// Only works for positive numbers. static bool _isPowerOf2(int number) => (number & (number - 1)) == 0; /// Rounds [number] up to the nearest power of 2. /// /// If [number] is a power of 2 already, it is returned. /// /// Only works for positive numbers. static int _nextPowerOf2(int number) { assert(number > 0); number = (number << 1) - 1; for (;;) { int nextNumber = number & (number - 1); if (nextNumber == 0) return number; number = nextNumber; } } /// Adds element at end of queue. Used by both [add] and [addAll]. void _add(E element) { _table[_tail] = element; _tail = (_tail + 1) & (_table.length - 1); if (_head == _tail) _grow(); } /// Grow the table when full. void _grow() { List newTable = new List(_table.length * 2); int split = _table.length - _head; newTable.setRange(0, split, _table, _head); newTable.setRange(split, split + _head, _table, 0); _head = 0; _tail = _table.length; _table = newTable; } int _writeToList(List target) { assert(target.length >= length); if (_head <= _tail) { int length = _tail - _head; target.setRange(0, length, _table, _head); return length; } else { int firstPartSize = _table.length - _head; target.setRange(0, firstPartSize, _table, _head); target.setRange(firstPartSize, firstPartSize + _tail, _table, 0); return _tail + firstPartSize; } } /// Grows the table even if it is not full. void _preGrow(int newElementCount) { assert(newElementCount >= length); // Add 1.5x extra room to ensure that there's room for more elements after // expansion. newElementCount += newElementCount >> 1; int newCapacity = _nextPowerOf2(newElementCount); List newTable = new List(newCapacity); _tail = _writeToList(newTable); _table = newTable; _head = 0; } } class _CastQueueList extends QueueList { final QueueList _delegate; _CastQueueList(this._delegate) : super._() { _table = _delegate._table.cast(); } int get _head => _delegate._head; set _head(int value) => _delegate._head = value; int get _tail => _delegate._tail; set _tail(int value) => _delegate._tail = value; } NN<ACQP J.QQ>PIB=-* N#J+08*+8D/"6,7 1&" 0%E=7.#=.=8  1=)J/!</ extends SetBase with UnmodifiableSetMixin { /// The set of sets that this provides a view of. final Set> _sets; /// Whether the sets in [_sets] are guaranteed to be disjoint. final bool _disjoint; /// Creates a new set that's a view of the union of all sets in [sets]. /// /// If any sets in [sets] change, this [UnionSet] reflects that change. If a /// new set is added to [sets], this [UnionSet] reflects that as well. /// /// If [disjoint] is `true`, then all component sets must be disjoint. That /// is, that they contain no elements in common. This makes many operations /// including [length] more efficient. If the component sets turn out not to /// be disjoint, some operations may behave inconsistently. UnionSet(this._sets, {bool disjoint: false}) : _disjoint = disjoint; /// Creates a new set that's a view of the union of all sets in [sets]. /// /// If any sets in [sets] change, this [UnionSet] reflects that change. /// However, unlike [new UnionSet], this creates a copy of its parameter, so /// changes in [sets] aren't reflected in this [UnionSet]. /// /// If [disjoint] is `true`, then all component sets must be disjoint. That /// is, that they contain no elements in common. This makes many operations /// including [length] more efficient. If the component sets turn out not to /// be disjoint, some operations may behave inconsistently. UnionSet.from(Iterable> sets, {bool disjoint: false}) : this(sets.toSet(), disjoint: disjoint); int get length => _disjoint ? _sets.fold(0, (length, set) => length + set.length) : _iterable.length; Iterator get iterator => _iterable.iterator; /// Returns an iterable over the contents of all the sets in [this]. Iterable get _iterable => _disjoint ? _sets.expand((set) => set) : _dedupIterable; /// Returns an iterable over the contents of all the sets in [this] that /// de-duplicates elements. /// /// If the sets aren't guaranteed to be disjoint, this keeps track of the /// elements we've already emitted so that we can de-duplicate them. Iterable get _dedupIterable { var seen = new Set(); return _sets.expand((set) => set).where((element) { if (seen.contains(element)) return false; seen.add(element); return true; }); } bool contains(Object element) => _sets.any((set) => set.contains(element)); E lookup(Object element) { if (element == null) return null; return _sets .map((set) => set.lookup(element)) .firstWhere((result) => result != null, orElse: () => null); } Set toSet() { var result = new Set(); for (var set in _sets) { result.addAll(set); } return result; } } ZNN<%GOPN&D4AJOINNO>GJJO=NNO>?0<2G?KLG#80N&+Enfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'union_set.dart'; /// A controller that exposes a view of the union of a collection of sets. /// /// This is a convenience class for creating a [UnionSet] whose contents change /// over the lifetime of a class. For example: /// /// ```dart /// class Engine { /// Set get activeTests => _activeTestsGroup.set; /// final _activeTestsGroup = new UnionSetController(); /// /// void addSuite(Suite suite) { /// _activeTestsGroup.add(suite.tests); /// _runSuite(suite); /// _activeTestsGroup.remove(suite.tests); /// } /// } /// ``` class UnionSetController { /// The [UnionSet] that provides a view of the union of sets in [this]. UnionSet get set => _set; UnionSet _set; /// The sets whose union is exposed through [set]. final _sets = new Set>(); /// Creates a set of sets that provides a view of the union of those sets. /// /// If [disjoint] is `true`, this assumes that all component sets are /// disjoint—that is, that they contain no elements in common. This makes /// many operations including [length] more efficient. UnionSetController({bool disjoint: false}) { _set = new UnionSet(_sets, disjoint: disjoint); } /// Adds the contents of [component] to [set]. /// /// If the contents of [component] change over time, [set] will change /// accordingly. void add(Set component) { _sets.add(component); } /// Removes the contents of [component] to [set]. /// /// If another set in [this] has overlapping elements with [component], those /// elements will remain in [set]. bool remove(Set component) => _sets.remove(component); } 8NN<KP/ :@#,/J5#MHL9/71I4P%<ofile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'empty_unmodifiable_set.dart'; import 'wrappers.dart'; export "dart:collection" show UnmodifiableListView, UnmodifiableMapView; /// A fixed-length list. /// /// A `NonGrowableListView` contains a [List] object and ensures that /// its length does not change. /// Methods that would change the length of the list, /// such as [add] and [remove], throw an [UnsupportedError]. /// All other methods work directly on the underlying list. /// /// This class _does_ allow changes to the contents of the wrapped list. /// You can, for example, [sort] the list. /// Permitted operations defer to the wrapped list. class NonGrowableListView extends DelegatingList with NonGrowableListMixin { NonGrowableListView(List listBase) : super(listBase); } /// Mixin class that implements a throwing version of all list operations that /// change the List's length. abstract class NonGrowableListMixin implements List { static T _throw() { throw new UnsupportedError( "Cannot change the length of a fixed-length list"); } /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the length of the list are disallowed. set length(int newLength) => _throw(); /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the length of the list are disallowed. bool add(E value) => _throw(); /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the length of the list are disallowed. void addAll(Iterable iterable) => _throw(); /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the length of the list are disallowed. void insert(int index, E element) => _throw(); /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the length of the list are disallowed. void insertAll(int index, Iterable iterable) => _throw(); /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the length of the list are disallowed. bool remove(Object value) => _throw(); /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the length of the list are disallowed. E removeAt(int index) => _throw(); /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the length of the list are disallowed. E removeLast() => _throw(); /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the length of the list are disallowed. void removeWhere(bool test(E element)) => _throw(); /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the length of the list are disallowed. void retainWhere(bool test(E element)) => _throw(); /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the length of the list are disallowed. void removeRange(int start, int end) => _throw(); /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the length of the list are disallowed. void replaceRange(int start, int end, Iterable iterable) => _throw(); /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the length of the list are disallowed. void clear() => _throw(); } /// An unmodifiable set. /// /// An UnmodifiableSetView contains a [Set] object and ensures /// that it does not change. /// Methods that would change the set, /// such as [add] and [remove], throw an [UnsupportedError]. /// Permitted operations defer to the wrapped set. class UnmodifiableSetView extends DelegatingSet with UnmodifiableSetMixin { UnmodifiableSetView(Set setBase) : super(setBase); /// An unmodifiable empty set. /// /// This is the same as `new UnmodifiableSetView(new Set())`, except that it /// can be used in const contexts. const factory UnmodifiableSetView.empty() = EmptyUnmodifiableSet; } /// Mixin class that implements a throwing version of all set operations that /// change the Set. abstract class UnmodifiableSetMixin implements Set { static T _throw() { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot modify an unmodifiable Set"); } /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the set are disallowed. bool add(E value) => _throw(); /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the set are disallowed. void addAll(Iterable elements) => _throw(); /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the set are disallowed. bool remove(Object value) => _throw(); /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the set are disallowed. void removeAll(Iterable elements) => _throw(); /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the set are disallowed. void retainAll(Iterable elements) => _throw(); /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the set are disallowed. void removeWhere(bool test(E element)) => _throw(); /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the set are disallowed. void retainWhere(bool test(E element)) => _throw(); /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the set are disallowed. void clear() => _throw(); } /// Mixin class that implements a throwing version of all map operations that /// change the Map. abstract class UnmodifiableMapMixin implements Map { static T _throw() { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot modify an unmodifiable Map"); } /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the map are disallowed. void operator []=(K key, V value) => _throw(); /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the map are disallowed. V putIfAbsent(K key, V ifAbsent()) => _throw(); /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the map are disallowed. void addAll(Map other) => _throw(); /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the map are disallowed. V remove(Object key) => _throw(); /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the map are disallowed. void clear() => _throw(); /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the map are disallowed. set first(_) => _throw(); /// Throws an [UnsupportedError]; /// operations that change the map are disallowed. set last(_) => _throw(); } NN<&IF 6=<I+47#;O< <$D)$D!$D1$D1$D?$D)$D%$D$D6$D6$D4$DK$D?'=36#8!O%GN;E$5!$51$5)$51$51$56$56$5NAE$51$52$5,$5$$5$5$5bfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import "dart:collection"; import "dart:math" as math; import "unmodifiable_wrappers.dart"; typedef K _KeyForValue(V value); /// A base class for delegating iterables. /// /// Subclasses can provide a [_base] that should be delegated to. Unlike /// [DelegatingIterable], this allows the base to be created on demand. abstract class _DelegatingIterableBase implements Iterable { Iterable get _base; const _DelegatingIterableBase(); bool any(bool test(E element)) => _base.any(test); Iterable cast() => _base.cast(); bool contains(Object element) => _base.contains(element); E elementAt(int index) => _base.elementAt(index); bool every(bool test(E element)) => _base.every(test); Iterable expand(Iterable f(E element)) => _base.expand(f); E get first => _base.first; E firstWhere(bool test(E element), {E orElse()}) => _base.firstWhere(test, orElse: orElse); T fold(T initialValue, T combine(T previousValue, E element)) => _base.fold(initialValue, combine); Iterable followedBy(Iterable other) => _base.followedBy(other); void forEach(void f(E element)) => _base.forEach(f); bool get isEmpty => _base.isEmpty; bool get isNotEmpty => _base.isNotEmpty; Iterator get iterator => _base.iterator; String join([String separator = ""]) => _base.join(separator); E get last => _base.last; E lastWhere(bool test(E element), {E orElse()}) => _base.lastWhere(test, orElse: orElse); int get length => _base.length; Iterable map(T f(E element)) =>; E reduce(E combine(E value, E element)) => _base.reduce(combine); @deprecated Iterable retype() => cast(); E get single => _base.single; E singleWhere(bool test(E element), {E orElse()}) { return _base.singleWhere(test, orElse: orElse); } Iterable skip(int n) => _base.skip(n); Iterable skipWhile(bool test(E value)) => _base.skipWhile(test); Iterable take(int n) => _base.take(n); Iterable takeWhile(bool test(E value)) => _base.takeWhile(test); List toList({bool growable: true}) => _base.toList(growable: growable); Set toSet() => _base.toSet(); Iterable where(bool test(E element)) => _base.where(test); Iterable whereType() => _base.whereType(); String toString() => _base.toString(); } /// An [Iterable] that delegates all operations to a base iterable. /// /// This class can be used to hide non-`Iterable` methods of an iterable object, /// or it can be extended to add extra functionality on top of an existing /// iterable object. class DelegatingIterable extends _DelegatingIterableBase { final Iterable _base; /// Creates a wrapper that forwards operations to [base]. const DelegatingIterable(Iterable base) : _base = base; /// Creates a wrapper that asserts the types of values in [base]. /// /// This soundly converts an [Iterable] without a generic type to an /// `Iterable` by asserting that its elements are instances of `E` whenever /// they're accessed. If they're not, it throws a [CastError]. /// /// This forwards all operations to [base], so any changes in [base] will be /// reflected in [this]. If [base] is already an `Iterable`, it's returned /// unmodified. @Deprecated('Use iterable.cast instead.') static Iterable typed(Iterable base) => base.cast(); } /// A [List] that delegates all operations to a base list. /// /// This class can be used to hide non-`List` methods of a list object, or it /// can be extended to add extra functionality on top of an existing list /// object. class DelegatingList extends DelegatingIterable implements List { const DelegatingList(List base) : super(base); /// Creates a wrapper that asserts the types of values in [base]. /// /// This soundly converts a [List] without a generic type to a `List` by /// asserting that its elements are instances of `E` whenever they're /// accessed. If they're not, it throws a [CastError]. Note that even if an /// operation throws a [CastError], it may still mutate the underlying /// collection. /// /// This forwards all operations to [base], so any changes in [base] will be /// reflected in [this]. If [base] is already a `List`, it's returned /// unmodified. @Deprecated('Use list.cast instead.') static List typed(List base) => base.cast(); List get _listBase => _base; E operator [](int index) => _listBase[index]; void operator []=(int index, E value) { _listBase[index] = value; } List operator +(List other) => _listBase + other; void add(E value) { _listBase.add(value); } void addAll(Iterable iterable) { _listBase.addAll(iterable); } Map asMap() => _listBase.asMap(); List cast() => _listBase.cast(); void clear() { _listBase.clear(); } void fillRange(int start, int end, [E fillValue]) { _listBase.fillRange(start, end, fillValue); } set first(E value) { if (this.isEmpty) throw new RangeError.index(0, this); this[0] = value; } Iterable getRange(int start, int end) => _listBase.getRange(start, end); int indexOf(E element, [int start = 0]) => _listBase.indexOf(element, start); int indexWhere(bool test(E element), [int start = 0]) => _listBase.indexWhere(test, start); void insert(int index, E element) { _listBase.insert(index, element); } insertAll(int index, Iterable iterable) { _listBase.insertAll(index, iterable); } set last(E value) { if (this.isEmpty) throw new RangeError.index(0, this); this[this.length - 1] = value; } int lastIndexOf(E element, [int start]) => _listBase.lastIndexOf(element, start); int lastIndexWhere(bool test(E element), [int start]) => _listBase.lastIndexWhere(test, start); set length(int newLength) { _listBase.length = newLength; } bool remove(Object value) => _listBase.remove(value); E removeAt(int index) => _listBase.removeAt(index); E removeLast() => _listBase.removeLast(); void removeRange(int start, int end) { _listBase.removeRange(start, end); } void removeWhere(bool test(E element)) { _listBase.removeWhere(test); } void replaceRange(int start, int end, Iterable iterable) { _listBase.replaceRange(start, end, iterable); } void retainWhere(bool test(E element)) { _listBase.retainWhere(test); } @deprecated List retype() => cast(); Iterable get reversed => _listBase.reversed; void setAll(int index, Iterable iterable) { _listBase.setAll(index, iterable); } void setRange(int start, int end, Iterable iterable, [int skipCount = 0]) { _listBase.setRange(start, end, iterable, skipCount); } void shuffle([math.Random random]) { _listBase.shuffle(random); } void sort([int compare(E a, E b)]) { _listBase.sort(compare); } List sublist(int start, [int end]) => _listBase.sublist(start, end); } /// A [Set] that delegates all operations to a base set. /// /// This class can be used to hide non-`Set` methods of a set object, or it can /// be extended to add extra functionality on top of an existing set object. class DelegatingSet extends DelegatingIterable implements Set { const DelegatingSet(Set base) : super(base); /// Creates a wrapper that asserts the types of values in [base]. /// /// This soundly converts a [Set] without a generic type to a `Set` by /// asserting that its elements are instances of `E` whenever they're /// accessed. If they're not, it throws a [CastError]. Note that even if an /// operation throws a [CastError], it may still mutate the underlying /// collection. /// /// This forwards all operations to [base], so any changes in [base] will be /// reflected in [this]. If [base] is already a `Set`, it's returned /// unmodified. @Deprecated('Use set.cast instead.') static Set typed(Set base) => base.cast(); Set get _setBase => _base; bool add(E value) => _setBase.add(value); void addAll(Iterable elements) { _setBase.addAll(elements); } Set cast() => _setBase.cast(); void clear() { _setBase.clear(); } bool containsAll(Iterable other) => _setBase.containsAll(other); Set difference(Set other) => _setBase.difference(other); Set intersection(Set other) => _setBase.intersection(other); E lookup(Object element) => _setBase.lookup(element); bool remove(Object value) => _setBase.remove(value); void removeAll(Iterable elements) { _setBase.removeAll(elements); } void removeWhere(bool test(E element)) { _setBase.removeWhere(test); } void retainAll(Iterable elements) { _setBase.retainAll(elements); } @deprecated Set retype() => cast(); void retainWhere(bool test(E element)) { _setBase.retainWhere(test); } Set union(Set other) => _setBase.union(other); Set toSet() => new DelegatingSet(_setBase.toSet()); } /// A [Queue] that delegates all operations to a base queue. /// /// This class can be used to hide non-`Queue` methods of a queue object, or it /// can be extended to add extra functionality on top of an existing queue /// object. class DelegatingQueue extends DelegatingIterable implements Queue { const DelegatingQueue(Queue queue) : super(queue); /// Creates a wrapper that asserts the types of values in [base]. /// /// This soundly converts a [Queue] without a generic type to a `Queue` by /// asserting that its elements are instances of `E` whenever they're /// accessed. If they're not, it throws a [CastError]. Note that even if an /// operation throws a [CastError], it may still mutate the underlying /// collection. /// /// This forwards all operations to [base], so any changes in [base] will be /// reflected in [this]. If [base] is already a `Queue`, it's returned /// unmodified. @Deprecated('Use queue.cast instead.') static Queue typed(Queue base) => base.cast(); Queue get _baseQueue => _base; void add(E value) { _baseQueue.add(value); } void addAll(Iterable iterable) { _baseQueue.addAll(iterable); } void addFirst(E value) { _baseQueue.addFirst(value); } void addLast(E value) { _baseQueue.addLast(value); } Queue cast() => _baseQueue.cast(); void clear() { _baseQueue.clear(); } bool remove(Object object) => _baseQueue.remove(object); void removeWhere(bool test(E element)) { _baseQueue.removeWhere(test); } void retainWhere(bool test(E element)) { _baseQueue.retainWhere(test); } @deprecated Queue retype() => cast(); E removeFirst() => _baseQueue.removeFirst(); E removeLast() => _baseQueue.removeLast(); } /// A [Map] that delegates all operations to a base map. /// /// This class can be used to hide non-`Map` methods of an object that extends /// `Map`, or it can be extended to add extra functionality on top of an /// existing map object. class DelegatingMap implements Map { final Map _base; const DelegatingMap(Map base) : _base = base; /// Creates a wrapper that asserts the types of keys and values in [base]. /// /// This soundly converts a [Map] without generic types to a `Map` by /// asserting that its keys are instances of `E` and its values are instances /// of `V` whenever they're accessed. If they're not, it throws a [CastError]. /// Note that even if an operation throws a [CastError], it may still mutate /// the underlying collection. /// /// This forwards all operations to [base], so any changes in [base] will be /// reflected in [this]. If [base] is already a `Map`, it's returned /// unmodified. @Deprecated('Use map.cast instead.') static Map typed(Map base) => base.cast(); V operator [](Object key) => _base[key]; void operator []=(K key, V value) { _base[key] = value; } void addAll(Map other) { _base.addAll(other); } void addEntries(Iterable> entries) { _base.addEntries(entries); } void clear() { _base.clear(); } Map cast() => _base.cast(); bool containsKey(Object key) => _base.containsKey(key); bool containsValue(Object value) => _base.containsValue(value); Iterable> get entries => _base.entries; void forEach(void f(K key, V value)) { _base.forEach(f); } bool get isEmpty => _base.isEmpty; bool get isNotEmpty => _base.isNotEmpty; Iterable get keys => _base.keys; int get length => _base.length; Map map(MapEntry transform(K key, V value)) =>; V putIfAbsent(K key, V ifAbsent()) => _base.putIfAbsent(key, ifAbsent); V remove(Object key) => _base.remove(key); void removeWhere(bool test(K key, V value)) => _base.removeWhere(test); @deprecated Map retype() => cast(); Iterable get values => _base.values; String toString() => _base.toString(); V update(K key, V update(V value), {V ifAbsent()}) => _base.update(key, update, ifAbsent: ifAbsent); void updateAll(V update(K key, V value)) => _base.updateAll(update); } /// An unmodifiable [Set] view of the keys of a [Map]. /// /// The set delegates all operations to the underlying map. /// /// A `Map` can only contain each key once, so its keys can always /// be viewed as a `Set` without any loss, even if the [Map.keys] /// getter only shows an [Iterable] view of the keys. /// /// Note that [lookup] is not supported for this set. class MapKeySet extends _DelegatingIterableBase with UnmodifiableSetMixin { final Map _baseMap; MapKeySet(Map base) : _baseMap = base; Iterable get _base => _baseMap.keys; Set cast() { if (this is MapKeySet) { return this as MapKeySet; } return Set.castFrom(this); } bool contains(Object element) => _baseMap.containsKey(element); bool get isEmpty => _baseMap.isEmpty; bool get isNotEmpty => _baseMap.isNotEmpty; int get length => _baseMap.length; String toString() => "{${_base.join(', ')}}"; bool containsAll(Iterable other) => other.every(contains); /// Returns a new set with the the elements of [this] that are not in [other]. /// /// That is, the returned set contains all the elements of this [Set] that are /// not elements of [other] according to `other.contains`. /// /// Note that the returned set will use the default equality operation, which /// may be different than the equality operation [this] uses. Set difference(Set other) => where((element) => !other.contains(element)).toSet(); /// Returns a new set which is the intersection between [this] and [other]. /// /// That is, the returned set contains all the elements of this [Set] that are /// also elements of [other] according to `other.contains`. /// /// Note that the returned set will use the default equality operation, which /// may be different than the equality operation [this] uses. Set intersection(Set other) => where(other.contains).toSet(); /// Throws an [UnsupportedError] since there's no corresponding method for /// [Map]s. E lookup(Object element) => throw new UnsupportedError("MapKeySet doesn't support lookup()."); @deprecated Set retype() => Set.castFrom(this); /// Returns a new set which contains all the elements of [this] and [other]. /// /// That is, the returned set contains all the elements of this [Set] and all /// the elements of [other]. /// /// Note that the returned set will use the default equality operation, which /// may be different than the equality operation [this] uses. Set union(Set other) => toSet()..addAll(other); } /// Creates a modifiable [Set] view of the values of a [Map]. /// /// The `Set` view assumes that the keys of the `Map` can be uniquely determined /// from the values. The `keyForValue` function passed to the constructor finds /// the key for a single value. The `keyForValue` function should be consistent /// with equality. If `value1 == value2` then `keyForValue(value1)` and /// `keyForValue(value2)` should be considered equal keys by the underlying map, /// and vice versa. /// /// Modifying the set will modify the underlying map based on the key returned /// by `keyForValue`. /// /// If the `Map` contents are not compatible with the `keyForValue` function, /// the set will not work consistently, and may give meaningless responses or do /// inconsistent updates. /// /// This set can, for example, be used on a map from database record IDs to the /// records. It exposes the records as a set, and allows for writing both /// `recordSet.add(databaseRecord)` and `recordMap[id]`. /// /// Effectively, the map will act as a kind of index for the set. class MapValueSet extends _DelegatingIterableBase implements Set { final Map _baseMap; final _KeyForValue _keyForValue; /// Creates a new [MapValueSet] based on [base]. /// /// [keyForValue] returns the key in the map that should be associated with /// the given value. The set's notion of equality is identical to the equality /// of the return values of [keyForValue]. MapValueSet(Map base, K keyForValue(V value)) : _baseMap = base, _keyForValue = keyForValue; Iterable get _base => _baseMap.values; Set cast() { if (this is Set) { return this as Set; } return Set.castFrom(this); } bool contains(Object element) { if (element != null && element is! V) return false; var key = _keyForValue(element as V); return _baseMap.containsKey(key); } bool get isEmpty => _baseMap.isEmpty; bool get isNotEmpty => _baseMap.isNotEmpty; int get length => _baseMap.length; String toString() => toSet().toString(); bool add(V value) { K key = _keyForValue(value); bool result = false; _baseMap.putIfAbsent(key, () { result = true; return value; }); return result; } void addAll(Iterable elements) => elements.forEach(add); void clear() => _baseMap.clear(); bool containsAll(Iterable other) => other.every(contains); /// Returns a new set with the the elements of [this] that are not in [other]. /// /// That is, the returned set contains all the elements of this [Set] that are /// not elements of [other] according to `other.contains`. /// /// Note that the returned set will use the default equality operation, which /// may be different than the equality operation [this] uses. Set difference(Set other) => where((element) => !other.contains(element)).toSet(); /// Returns a new set which is the intersection between [this] and [other]. /// /// That is, the returned set contains all the elements of this [Set] that are /// also elements of [other] according to `other.contains`. /// /// Note that the returned set will use the default equality operation, which /// may be different than the equality operation [this] uses. Set intersection(Set other) => where(other.contains).toSet(); V lookup(Object element) { if (element != null && element is! V) return null; var key = _keyForValue(element as V); return _baseMap[key]; } bool remove(Object element) { if (element != null && element is! V) return false; var key = _keyForValue(element as V); if (!_baseMap.containsKey(key)) return false; _baseMap.remove(key); return true; } void removeAll(Iterable elements) => elements.forEach(remove); void removeWhere(bool test(V element)) { var toRemove = []; _baseMap.forEach((key, value) { if (test(value)) toRemove.add(key); }); toRemove.forEach(_baseMap.remove); } void retainAll(Iterable elements) { var valuesToRetain = new Set.identity(); for (var element in elements) { if (element != null && element is! V) continue; var key = _keyForValue(element as V); if (!_baseMap.containsKey(key)) continue; valuesToRetain.add(_baseMap[key]); } var keysToRemove = []; _baseMap.forEach((k, v) { if (!valuesToRetain.contains(v)) keysToRemove.add(k); }); keysToRemove.forEach(_baseMap.remove); } void retainWhere(bool test(V element)) => removeWhere((element) => !test(element)); @deprecated Set retype() => Set.castFrom(this); /// Returns a new set which contains all the elements of [this] and [other]. /// /// That is, the returned set contains all the elements of this [Set] and all /// the elements of [other]. /// /// Note that the returned set will use the default equality operation, which /// may be different than the equality operation [this] uses. Set union(Set other) => toSet()..addAll(other); } NN<%'+IHC#5,<49F6.F)H7%+.A5-"6D( 64,F,FM#@6)DQKA<=DGQAOP/@;NJ K4DNHNIOK+8"0*:& ,,60;NP;)&&/*;#--;-"86,)'+!@2+!$21'Q9''J9PMI2DLHNIOJ*6 ,&*KFJ87."+ ."#+ 7<=PK M8DPHNIOL,:$&! .;+"+"%/-9OI16MNPQO!OM-?+&!66:B9)%+&"IJ-J2*)85G7<CB666#"5* #%B(.%0EQQ=P@*<NQ>P@KMI2OPP@8>QPPHQONQPJ9BO)3NQ-6$,%"8*&(.%+!#>$EQQ=P@*<NQ>P@K7* 8*2I+$*'.0$6,0)<+,02OPP@8Wfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// Declare integer constants for each ASCII character. /// /// The constants all start with "$" to avoid conflicting with other constants. /// /// For characters that are valid in an identifier, the character itself /// follows the "$". For other characters, a symbolic name is used. /// In some cases, multiple alternative symbolic names are provided. /// Please stick to using one name per character in your code. /// /// The symbolic names are, where applicable, the name of the symbol without /// any "mark", "symbol" "sign" or "accent" suffix. /// Examples: [$exclamation], [$pipe], [$dollar] and [$grave]. /// For less common symbols, a selection of common names are used. /// /// For parenthetical markers, there is both a short name, [$lparen]/[$rparen], /// and a long name, [$open_paren]/ [$close_paren]. /// /// For common HTML entities, the entity names are also usable as symbolic /// names: [$apos], [$quot], [$lt], [$gt], and [$amp]. library charcode.ascii.dollar_lowercase; // Control characters. /// "Null character" control character. const int $nul = 0x00; /// "Start of Header" control character. const int $soh = 0x01; /// "Start of Text" control character. const int $stx = 0x02; /// "End of Text" control character. const int $etx = 0x03; /// "End of Transmission" control character. const int $eot = 0x04; /// "Enquiry" control character. const int $enq = 0x05; /// "Acknowledgment" control character. const int $ack = 0x06; /// "Bell" control character. const int $bel = 0x07; /// "Backspace" control character. const int $bs = 0x08; /// "Horizontal Tab" control character. const int $ht = 0x09; /// "Horizontal Tab" control character, common name. const int $tab = 0x09; /// "Line feed" control character. const int $lf = 0x0A; /// "Vertical Tab" control character. const int $vt = 0x0B; /// "Form feed" control character. const int $ff = 0x0C; /// "Carriage return" control character. const int $cr = 0x0D; /// "Shift Out" control character. const int $so = 0x0E; /// "Shift In" control character. const int $si = 0x0F; /// "Data Link Escape" control character. const int $dle = 0x10; /// "Device Control 1" control character (oft. XON). const int $dc1 = 0x11; /// "Device Control 2" control character. const int $dc2 = 0x12; /// "Device Control 3" control character (oft. XOFF). const int $dc3 = 0x13; /// "Device Control 4" control character. const int $dc4 = 0x14; /// "Negative Acknowledgment" control character. const int $nak = 0x15; /// "Synchronous idle" control character. const int $syn = 0x16; /// "End of Transmission Block" control character. const int $etb = 0x17; /// "Cancel" control character. const int $can = 0x18; /// "End of Medium" control character. const int $em = 0x19; /// "Substitute" control character. const int $sub = 0x1A; /// "Escape" control character. const int $esc = 0x1B; /// "File Separator" control character. const int $fs = 0x1C; /// "Group Separator" control character. const int $gs = 0x1D; /// "Record Separator" control character. const int $rs = 0x1E; /// "Unit Separator" control character. const int $us = 0x1F; /// "Delete" control character. const int $del = 0x7F; // Visible characters. /// Space character. const int $space = 0x20; /// Character '!'. const int $exclamation = 0x21; /// Character '"', short name. const int $quot = 0x22; /// Character '"'. const int $quote = 0x22; /// Character '"'. const int $double_quote = 0x22; /// Character '"'. const int $quotation = 0x22; /// Character '#'. const int $hash = 0x23; /// Character '$'. const int $$ = 0x24; /// Character '$'. const int $dollar = 0x24; /// Character '%'. const int $percent = 0x25; /// Character '&', short name. const int $amp = 0x26; /// Character '&'. const int $ampersand = 0x26; /// Character "'". const int $apos = 0x27; /// Character '''. const int $apostrophe = 0x27; /// Character '''. const int $single_quote = 0x27; /// Character '('. const int $lparen = 0x28; /// Character '('. const int $open_paren = 0x28; /// Character '('. const int $open_parenthesis = 0x28; /// Character ')'. const int $rparen = 0x29; /// Character ')'. const int $close_paren = 0x29; /// Character ')'. const int $close_parenthesis = 0x29; /// Character '*'. const int $asterisk = 0x2A; /// Character '+'. const int $plus = 0x2B; /// Character ','. const int $comma = 0x2C; /// Character '-'. const int $minus = 0x2D; /// Character '-'. const int $dash = 0x2D; /// Character '.'. const int $dot = 0x2E; /// Character '.'. const int $fullstop = 0x2E; /// Character '/'. const int $slash = 0x2F; /// Character '/'. const int $solidus = 0x2F; /// Character '/'. const int $division = 0x2F; /// Character '0'. const int $0 = 0x30; /// Character '1'. const int $1 = 0x31; /// Character '2'. const int $2 = 0x32; /// Character '3'. const int $3 = 0x33; /// Character '4'. const int $4 = 0x34; /// Character '5'. const int $5 = 0x35; /// Character '6'. const int $6 = 0x36; /// Character '7'. const int $7 = 0x37; /// Character '8'. const int $8 = 0x38; /// Character '9'. const int $9 = 0x39; /// Character ':'. const int $colon = 0x3A; /// Character ';'. const int $semicolon = 0x3B; /// Character '<'. const int $lt = 0x3C; /// Character '<'. const int $less_than = 0x3C; /// Character '<'. const int $langle = 0x3C; /// Character '<'. const int $open_angle = 0x3C; /// Character '='. const int $equal = 0x3D; /// Character '>'. const int $gt = 0x3E; /// Character '>'. const int $greater_than = 0x3E; /// Character '>'. const int $rangle = 0x3E; /// Character '>'. const int $close_angle = 0x3E; /// Character '?'. const int $question = 0x3F; /// Character '@'. const int $at = 0x40; /// Character 'A'. const int $A = 0x41; /// Character 'B'. const int $B = 0x42; /// Character 'C'. const int $C = 0x43; /// Character 'D'. const int $D = 0x44; /// Character 'E'. const int $E = 0x45; /// Character 'F'. const int $F = 0x46; /// Character 'G'. const int $G = 0x47; /// Character 'H'. const int $H = 0x48; /// Character 'I'. const int $I = 0x49; /// Character 'J'. const int $J = 0x4A; /// Character 'K'. const int $K = 0x4B; /// Character 'L'. const int $L = 0x4C; /// Character 'M'. const int $M = 0x4D; /// Character 'N'. const int $N = 0x4E; /// Character 'O'. const int $O = 0x4F; /// Character 'P'. const int $P = 0x50; /// Character 'Q'. const int $Q = 0x51; /// Character 'R'. const int $R = 0x52; /// Character 'S'. const int $S = 0x53; /// Character 'T'. const int $T = 0x54; /// Character 'U'. const int $U = 0x55; /// Character 'V'. const int $V = 0x56; /// Character 'W'. const int $W = 0x57; /// Character 'X'. const int $X = 0x58; /// Character 'Y'. const int $Y = 0x59; /// Character 'Z'. const int $Z = 0x5A; /// Character '['. const int $lbracket = 0x5B; /// Character '['. const int $open_bracket = 0x5B; /// Character '\'. const int $backslash = 0x5C; /// Character ']'. const int $rbracket = 0x5D; /// Character ']'. const int $close_bracket = 0x5D; /// Character '^'. const int $circumflex = 0x5E; /// Character '^'. const int $caret = 0x5E; /// Character '^'. const int $hat = 0x5E; /// Character '_'. const int $_ = 0x5F; /// Character '_'. const int $underscore = 0x5F; /// Character '_'. const int $underline = 0x5F; /// Character '`'. const int $backquote = 0x60; /// Character '`'. const int $grave = 0x60; /// Character 'a'. const int $a = 0x61; /// Character 'b'. const int $b = 0x62; /// Character 'c'. const int $c = 0x63; /// Character 'd'. const int $d = 0x64; /// Character 'e'. const int $e = 0x65; /// Character 'f'. const int $f = 0x66; /// Character 'g'. const int $g = 0x67; /// Character 'h'. const int $h = 0x68; /// Character 'i'. const int $i = 0x69; /// Character 'j'. const int $j = 0x6A; /// Character 'k'. const int $k = 0x6B; /// Character 'l'. const int $l = 0x6C; /// Character 'm'. const int $m = 0x6D; /// Character 'n'. const int $n = 0x6E; /// Character 'o'. const int $o = 0x6F; /// Character 'p'. const int $p = 0x70; /// Character 'q'. const int $q = 0x71; /// Character 'r'. const int $r = 0x72; /// Character 's'. const int $s = 0x73; /// Character 't'. const int $t = 0x74; /// Character 'u'. const int $u = 0x75; /// Character 'v'. const int $v = 0x76; /// Character 'w'. const int $w = 0x77; /// Character 'x'. const int $x = 0x78; /// Character 'y'. const int $y = 0x79; /// Character 'z'. const int $z = 0x7A; /// Character '{'. const int $lbrace = 0x7B; /// Character '{'. const int $open_brace = 0x7B; /// Character '|'. const int $pipe = 0x7C; /// Character '|'. const int $bar = 0x7C; /// Character '}'. const int $rbrace = 0x7D; /// Character '}'. const int $close_brace = 0x7D; /// Character '~'. const int $tilde = 0x7E; NI<8PIDE?M4?CP4K7)()'%-!(#(5#&#)#"*5*6*1*3 '$ ()*(   $%  !]file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// Character codes based on HTML 4.01 character entity names. /// /// For each entity name, e.g., `nbsp`, /// a constant with that name prefixed by `$` is defined /// for that entity's code point. /// /// The HTML entities include the non-ASCII Latin-1 characters and /// symbols, mathematical symbols and Greek litters. /// /// The five characters that are ASCII /// are exported from the `ascii.dart` library. /// /// Three names conflict with `ascii.dart`: `$minus`, `$sub` and `$tilde`. /// If importing both libraries, these three should be hidden from one of the /// libraries. library charcode.htmlentity.dollar_lowercase; export "ascii.dart" show $quot, $amp, $apos, $lt, $gt; /// no-break space (non-breaking space) const int $nbsp = 0x00A0; /// inverted exclamation mark ('¡') const int $iexcl = 0x00A1; /// cent sign ('¢') const int $cent = 0x00A2; /// pound sign ('£') const int $pound = 0x00A3; /// currency sign ('¤') const int $curren = 0x00A4; /// yen sign (yuan sign) ('¥') const int $yen = 0x00A5; /// broken bar (broken vertical bar) ('¦') const int $brvbar = 0x00A6; /// section sign ('§') const int $sect = 0x00A7; /// diaeresis (spacing diaeresis); see Germanic umlaut ('¨') const int $uml = 0x00A8; /// copyright symbol ('©') const int $copy = 0x00A9; /// feminine ordinal indicator ('ª') const int $ordf = 0x00AA; /// left-pointing double angle quotation mark (left pointing guillemet) ('«') const int $laquo = 0x00AB; /// not sign ('¬') const int $not = 0x00AC; /// soft hyphen (discretionary hyphen) const int $shy = 0x00AD; /// registered sign (registered trademark symbol) ('®') const int $reg = 0x00AE; /// macron (spacing macron, overline, APL overbar) ('¯') const int $macr = 0x00AF; /// degree symbol ('°') const int $deg = 0x00B0; /// plus-minus sign (plus-or-minus sign) ('±') const int $plusmn = 0x00B1; /// superscript two (superscript digit two, squared) ('²') const int $sup2 = 0x00B2; /// superscript three (superscript digit three, cubed) ('³') const int $sup3 = 0x00B3; /// acute accent (spacing acute) ('´') const int $acute = 0x00B4; /// micro sign ('µ') const int $micro = 0x00B5; /// pilcrow sign (paragraph sign) ('¶') const int $para = 0x00B6; /// middle dot (Georgian comma, Greek middle dot) ('·') const int $middot = 0x00B7; /// cedilla (spacing cedilla) ('¸') const int $cedil = 0x00B8; /// superscript one (superscript digit one) ('¹') const int $sup1 = 0x00B9; /// masculine ordinal indicator ('º') const int $ordm = 0x00BA; /// right-pointing double angle quotation mark (right pointing guillemet) ('»') const int $raquo = 0x00BB; /// vulgar fraction one quarter (fraction one quarter) ('¼') const int $frac14 = 0x00BC; /// vulgar fraction one half (fraction one half) ('½') const int $frac12 = 0x00BD; /// vulgar fraction three quarters (fraction three quarters) ('¾') const int $frac34 = 0x00BE; /// inverted question mark (turned question mark) ('¿') const int $iquest = 0x00BF; /// Latin capital letter A with grave accent (Latin capital letter A grave) ('À') const int $Agrave = 0x00C0; /// Latin capital letter A with acute accent ('Á') const int $Aacute = 0x00C1; /// Latin capital letter A with circumflex ('Â') const int $Acirc = 0x00C2; /// Latin capital letter A with tilde ('Ã') const int $Atilde = 0x00C3; /// Latin capital letter A with diaeresis ('Ä') const int $Auml = 0x00C4; /// Latin capital letter A with ring above (Latin capital letter A ring) ('Å') const int $Aring = 0x00C5; /// Latin capital letter AE (Latin capital ligature AE) ('Æ') const int $AElig = 0x00C6; /// Latin capital letter C with cedilla ('Ç') const int $Ccedil = 0x00C7; /// Latin capital letter E with grave accent ('È') const int $Egrave = 0x00C8; /// Latin capital letter E with acute accent ('É') const int $Eacute = 0x00C9; /// Latin capital letter E with circumflex ('Ê') const int $Ecirc = 0x00CA; /// Latin capital letter E with diaeresis ('Ë') const int $Euml = 0x00CB; /// Latin capital letter I with grave accent ('Ì') const int $Igrave = 0x00CC; /// Latin capital letter I with acute accent ('Í') const int $Iacute = 0x00CD; /// Latin capital letter I with circumflex ('Î') const int $Icirc = 0x00CE; /// Latin capital letter I with diaeresis ('Ï') const int $Iuml = 0x00CF; /// Latin capital letter Eth ('Ð') const int $ETH = 0x00D0; /// Latin capital letter N with tilde ('Ñ') const int $Ntilde = 0x00D1; /// Latin capital letter O with grave accent ('Ò') const int $Ograve = 0x00D2; /// Latin capital letter O with acute accent ('Ó') const int $Oacute = 0x00D3; /// Latin capital letter O with circumflex ('Ô') const int $Ocirc = 0x00D4; /// Latin capital letter O with tilde ('Õ') const int $Otilde = 0x00D5; /// Latin capital letter O with diaeresis ('Ö') const int $Ouml = 0x00D6; /// multiplication sign ('×') const int $times = 0x00D7; /// Latin capital letter O with stroke (Latin capital letter O slash) ('Ø') const int $Oslash = 0x00D8; /// Latin capital letter U with grave accent ('Ù') const int $Ugrave = 0x00D9; /// Latin capital letter U with acute accent ('Ú') const int $Uacute = 0x00DA; /// Latin capital letter U with circumflex ('Û') const int $Ucirc = 0x00DB; /// Latin capital letter U with diaeresis ('Ü') const int $Uuml = 0x00DC; /// Latin capital letter Y with acute accent ('Ý') const int $Yacute = 0x00DD; /// Latin capital letter THORN ('Þ') const int $THORN = 0x00DE; /// Latin small letter sharp s (ess-zed); see German Eszett ('ß') const int $szlig = 0x00DF; /// Latin small letter a with grave accent ('à') const int $agrave = 0x00E0; /// Latin small letter a with acute accent ('á') const int $aacute = 0x00E1; /// Latin small letter a with circumflex ('â') const int $acirc = 0x00E2; /// Latin small letter a with tilde ('ã') const int $atilde = 0x00E3; /// Latin small letter a with diaeresis ('ä') const int $auml = 0x00E4; /// Latin small letter a with ring above ('å') const int $aring = 0x00E5; /// Latin small letter ae (Latin small ligature ae) ('æ') const int $aelig = 0x00E6; /// Latin small letter c with cedilla ('ç') const int $ccedil = 0x00E7; /// Latin small letter e with grave accent ('è') const int $egrave = 0x00E8; /// Latin small letter e with acute accent ('é') const int $eacute = 0x00E9; /// Latin small letter e with circumflex ('ê') const int $ecirc = 0x00EA; /// Latin small letter e with diaeresis ('ë') const int $euml = 0x00EB; /// Latin small letter i with grave accent ('ì') const int $igrave = 0x00EC; /// Latin small letter i with acute accent ('í') const int $iacute = 0x00ED; /// Latin small letter i with circumflex ('î') const int $icirc = 0x00EE; /// Latin small letter i with diaeresis ('ï') const int $iuml = 0x00EF; /// Latin small letter eth ('ð') const int $eth = 0x00F0; /// Latin small letter n with tilde ('ñ') const int $ntilde = 0x00F1; /// Latin small letter o with grave accent ('ò') const int $ograve = 0x00F2; /// Latin small letter o with acute accent ('ó') const int $oacute = 0x00F3; /// Latin small letter o with circumflex ('ô') const int $ocirc = 0x00F4; /// Latin small letter o with tilde ('õ') const int $otilde = 0x00F5; /// Latin small letter o with diaeresis ('ö') const int $ouml = 0x00F6; /// division sign (obelus) ('÷') const int $divide = 0x00F7; /// Latin small letter o with stroke (Latin small letter o slash) ('ø') const int $oslash = 0x00F8; /// Latin small letter u with grave accent ('ù') const int $ugrave = 0x00F9; /// Latin small letter u with acute accent ('ú') const int $uacute = 0x00FA; /// Latin small letter u with circumflex ('û') const int $ucirc = 0x00FB; /// Latin small letter u with diaeresis ('ü') const int $uuml = 0x00FC; /// Latin small letter y with acute accent ('ý') const int $yacute = 0x00FD; /// Latin small letter thorn ('þ') const int $thorn = 0x00FE; /// Latin small letter y with diaeresis ('ÿ') const int $yuml = 0x00FF; /// Latin capital ligature oe ('Œ') const int $OElig = 0x0152; /// Latin small ligature oe ('œ') const int $oelig = 0x0153; /// Latin capital letter s with caron ('Š') const int $Scaron = 0x0160; /// Latin small letter s with caron ('š') const int $scaron = 0x0161; /// Latin capital letter y with diaeresis ('Ÿ') const int $Yuml = 0x0178; /// Latin small letter f with hook (function, florin) ('ƒ') const int $fnof = 0x0192; /// modifier letter circumflex accent ('ˆ') const int $circ = 0x02C6; /// small tilde ('˜') const int $tilde = 0x02DC; /// Greek capital letter Alpha ('Α') const int $Alpha = 0x0391; /// Greek capital letter Beta ('Β') const int $Beta = 0x0392; /// Greek capital letter Gamma ('Γ') const int $Gamma = 0x0393; /// Greek capital letter Delta ('Δ') const int $Delta = 0x0394; /// Greek capital letter Epsilon ('Ε') const int $Epsilon = 0x0395; /// Greek capital letter Zeta ('Ζ') const int $Zeta = 0x0396; /// Greek capital letter Eta ('Η') const int $Eta = 0x0397; /// Greek capital letter Theta ('Θ') const int $Theta = 0x0398; /// Greek capital letter Iota ('Ι') const int $Iota = 0x0399; /// Greek capital letter Kappa ('Κ') const int $Kappa = 0x039A; /// Greek capital letter Lambda ('Λ') const int $Lambda = 0x039B; /// Greek capital letter Mu ('Μ') const int $Mu = 0x039C; /// Greek capital letter Nu ('Ν') const int $Nu = 0x039D; /// Greek capital letter Xi ('Ξ') const int $Xi = 0x039E; /// Greek capital letter Omicron ('Ο') const int $Omicron = 0x039F; /// Greek capital letter Pi ('Π') const int $Pi = 0x03A0; /// Greek capital letter Rho ('Ρ') const int $Rho = 0x03A1; /// Greek capital letter Sigma ('Σ') const int $Sigma = 0x03A3; /// Greek capital letter Tau ('Τ') const int $Tau = 0x03A4; /// Greek capital letter Upsilon ('Υ') const int $Upsilon = 0x03A5; /// Greek capital letter Phi ('Φ') const int $Phi = 0x03A6; /// Greek capital letter Chi ('Χ') const int $Chi = 0x03A7; /// Greek capital letter Psi ('Ψ') const int $Psi = 0x03A8; /// Greek capital letter Omega ('Ω') const int $Omega = 0x03A9; /// Greek small letter alpha ('α') const int $alpha = 0x03B1; /// Greek small letter beta ('β') const int $beta = 0x03B2; /// Greek small letter gamma ('γ') const int $gamma = 0x03B3; /// Greek small letter delta ('δ') const int $delta = 0x03B4; /// Greek small letter epsilon ('ε') const int $epsilon = 0x03B5; /// Greek small letter zeta ('ζ') const int $zeta = 0x03B6; /// Greek small letter eta ('η') const int $eta = 0x03B7; /// Greek small letter theta ('θ') const int $theta = 0x03B8; /// Greek small letter iota ('ι') const int $iota = 0x03B9; /// Greek small letter kappa ('κ') const int $kappa = 0x03BA; /// Greek small letter lambda ('λ') const int $lambda = 0x03BB; /// Greek small letter mu ('μ') const int $mu = 0x03BC; /// Greek small letter nu ('ν') const int $nu = 0x03BD; /// Greek small letter xi ('ξ') const int $xi = 0x03BE; /// Greek small letter omicron ('ο') const int $omicron = 0x03BF; /// Greek small letter pi ('π') const int $pi = 0x03C0; /// Greek small letter rho ('ρ') const int $rho = 0x03C1; /// Greek small letter final sigma ('ς') const int $sigmaf = 0x03C2; /// Greek small letter sigma ('σ') const int $sigma = 0x03C3; /// Greek small letter tau ('τ') const int $tau = 0x03C4; /// Greek small letter upsilon ('υ') const int $upsilon = 0x03C5; /// Greek small letter phi ('φ') const int $phi = 0x03C6; /// Greek small letter chi ('χ') const int $chi = 0x03C7; /// Greek small letter psi ('ψ') const int $psi = 0x03C8; /// Greek small letter omega ('ω') const int $omega = 0x03C9; /// Greek theta symbol ('ϑ') const int $thetasym = 0x03D1; /// Greek Upsilon with hook symbol ('ϒ') const int $upsih = 0x03D2; /// Greek pi symbol ('ϖ') const int $piv = 0x03D6; /// en space const int $ensp = 0x2002; /// em space const int $emsp = 0x2003; /// thin space const int $thinsp = 0x2009; /// zero-width non-joiner const int $zwnj = 0x200C; /// zero-width joiner const int $zwj = 0x200D; /// left-to-right mark const int $lrm = 0x200E; /// right-to-left mark const int $rlm = 0x200F; /// en dash ('–') const int $ndash = 0x2013; /// em dash ('—') const int $mdash = 0x2014; /// left single quotation mark ('‘') const int $lsquo = 0x2018; /// right single quotation mark ('’') const int $rsquo = 0x2019; /// single low-9 quotation mark ('‚') const int $sbquo = 0x201A; /// left double quotation mark ('“') const int $ldquo = 0x201C; /// right double quotation mark ('”') const int $rdquo = 0x201D; /// double low-9 quotation mark ('„') const int $bdquo = 0x201E; /// dagger, obelisk ('†') const int $dagger = 0x2020; /// double dagger, double obelisk ('‡') const int $Dagger = 0x2021; /// bullet (black small circle) ('•') const int $bull = 0x2022; /// horizontal ellipsis (three dot leader) ('…') const int $hellip = 0x2026; /// per mille sign ('‰') const int $permil = 0x2030; /// prime (minutes, feet) ('′') const int $prime = 0x2032; /// double prime (seconds, inches) ('″') const int $Prime = 0x2033; /// single left-pointing angle quotation mark ('‹') const int $lsaquo = 0x2039; /// single right-pointing angle quotation mark ('›') const int $rsaquo = 0x203A; /// overline (spacing overscore) ('‾') const int $oline = 0x203E; /// fraction slash (solidus) ('⁄') const int $frasl = 0x2044; /// euro sign ('€') const int $euro = 0x20AC; /// black-letter capital I (imaginary part) ('ℑ') const int $image = 0x2111; /// script capital P (power set, Weierstrass p) ('℘') const int $weierp = 0x2118; /// black-letter capital R (real part symbol) ('ℜ') const int $real = 0x211C; /// trademark symbol ('™') const int $trade = 0x2122; /// alef symbol (first transfinite cardinal) ('ℵ') const int $alefsym = 0x2135; /// leftwards arrow ('←') const int $larr = 0x2190; /// upwards arrow ('↑') const int $uarr = 0x2191; /// rightwards arrow ('→') const int $rarr = 0x2192; /// downwards arrow ('↓') const int $darr = 0x2193; /// left right arrow ('↔') const int $harr = 0x2194; /// downwards arrow with corner leftwards (carriage return) ('↵') const int $crarr = 0x21B5; /// leftwards double arrow ('⇐') const int $lArr = 0x21D0; /// upwards double arrow ('⇑') const int $uArr = 0x21D1; /// rightwards double arrow ('⇒') const int $rArr = 0x21D2; /// downwards double arrow ('⇓') const int $dArr = 0x21D3; /// left right double arrow ('⇔') const int $hArr = 0x21D4; /// for all ('∀') const int $forall = 0x2200; /// partial differential ('∂') const int $part = 0x2202; /// there exists ('∃') const int $exist = 0x2203; /// empty set (null set); see also U+8960, ⌀ ('∅') const int $empty = 0x2205; /// del or nabla (vector differential operator) ('∇') const int $nabla = 0x2207; /// element of ('∈') const int $isin = 0x2208; /// not an element of ('∉') const int $notin = 0x2209; /// contains as member ('∋') const int $ni = 0x220B; /// n-ary product (product sign) ('∏') const int $prod = 0x220F; /// n-ary summation ('∑') const int $sum = 0x2211; /// minus sign ('−') const int $minus = 0x2212; /// asterisk operator ('∗') const int $lowast = 0x2217; /// square root (radical sign) ('√') const int $radic = 0x221A; /// proportional to ('∝') const int $prop = 0x221D; /// infinity ('∞') const int $infin = 0x221E; /// angle ('∠') const int $ang = 0x2220; /// logical and (wedge) ('∧') const int $and = 0x2227; /// logical or (vee) ('∨') const int $or = 0x2228; /// intersection (cap) ('∩') const int $cap = 0x2229; /// union (cup) ('∪') const int $cup = 0x222A; /// integral ('∫') const int $int = 0x222B; /// therefore sign ('∴') const int $there4 = 0x2234; /// tilde operator (varies with, similar to) ('∼') const int $sim = 0x223C; /// congruent to ('≅') const int $cong = 0x2245; /// almost equal to (asymptotic to) ('≈') const int $asymp = 0x2248; /// not equal to ('≠') const int $ne = 0x2260; /// identical to; sometimes used for 'equivalent to' ('≡') const int $equiv = 0x2261; /// less-than or equal to ('≤') const int $le = 0x2264; /// greater-than or equal to ('≥') const int $ge = 0x2265; /// subset of ('⊂') const int $sub = 0x2282; /// superset of ('⊃') const int $sup = 0x2283; /// not a subset of ('⊄') const int $nsub = 0x2284; /// subset of or equal to ('⊆') const int $sube = 0x2286; /// superset of or equal to ('⊇') const int $supe = 0x2287; /// circled plus (direct sum) ('⊕') const int $oplus = 0x2295; /// circled times (vector product) ('⊗') const int $otimes = 0x2297; /// up tack (orthogonal to, perpendicular) ('⊥') const int $perp = 0x22A5; /// dot operator ('⋅') const int $sdot = 0x22C5; /// vertical ellipsis ('⋮') const int $vellip = 0x22EE; /// left ceiling (APL upstile) ('⌈') const int $lceil = 0x2308; /// right ceiling ('⌉') const int $rceil = 0x2309; /// left floor (APL downstile) ('⌊') const int $lfloor = 0x230A; /// right floor ('⌋') const int $rfloor = 0x230B; /// left-pointing angle bracket (bra) ('〈') const int $lang = 0x2329; /// right-pointing angle bracket (ket) ('〉') const int $rang = 0x232A; /// lozenge ('◊') const int $loz = 0x25CA; /// black spade suit ('♠') const int $spades = 0x2660; /// black club suit (shamrock) ('♣') const int $clubs = 0x2663; /// black heart suit (valentine) ('♥') const int $hearts = 0x2665; /// black diamond suit ('♦') const int $diams = 0x2666; NI<?(9"C5'0KN.7($+=%N'89/;='(8$2&P=7C8R31,0O>.33103310#,331,0L33103%B11/*./:,11/.11/.!*11/*.!H11/.1#.$",*0<,%$%%'$#%$%&"""'"#%#'###%#"##%"!#"#$   % !)#!%!!!#)  %&&%&&(&1 )45'#2643B!"!"36'%3*; # "$)1%%,-%'Wfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ UuidUtil; import 'dart:math'; import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart'; import 'aes.dart'; class UuidUtil { /** * Math.Random()-based RNG. All platforms, fast, not cryptographically strong. Optional Seed passable. */ static List mathRNG({int seed: null}) { var rand, b = new List(16); var _rand = (seed == null) ? new Random() : new Random(seed); for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if ((i & 0x03) == 0) { rand = (_rand.nextDouble() * 0x100000000).floor().toInt(); } b[i] = rand >> ((i & 0x03) << 3) & 0xff; } return b; } /** * AES-based RNG. All platforms, unknown speed, cryptographically strong (theoretically) */ static List cryptoRNG() { int nBytes = 32; var pwBytes = new List(nBytes); var bytes = mathRNG(); pwBytes = sha256.convert(bytes).bytes.sublist(0, nBytes); return AES.cipher(pwBytes, AES.keyExpansion(pwBytes)); } } '%i/%B#C/[$>;Vfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. export 'src/digest.dart'; export 'src/hash.dart'; export 'src/hmac.dart'; export 'src/md5.dart'; export 'src/sha1.dart'; export 'src/sha256.dart'; NN<Xfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library convert; export 'src/accumulator_sink.dart'; export 'src/byte_accumulator_sink.dart'; export 'src/hex.dart'; export 'src/percent.dart'; export 'src/string_accumulator_sink.dart'; NN<$)+^file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// Utilities and functionality related to the "dart:typed_data" library. library typed_data; export "package:typed_data/typed_buffers.dart"; NN<J0Wfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'characters.dart' as chars; /// Returns whether [char] is the code for an ASCII letter (uppercase or /// lowercase). bool isAlphabetic(int char) => (char >= chars.UPPER_A && char <= chars.UPPER_Z) || (char >= chars.LOWER_A && char <= chars.LOWER_Z); /// Returns whether [char] is the code for an ASCII digit. bool isNumeric(int char) => char >= chars.ZERO && char <= chars.NINE; /// Returns whether [path] has a URL-formatted Windows drive letter beginning at /// [index]. bool isDriveLetter(String path, int index) { if (path.length < index + 2) return false; if (!isAlphabetic(path.codeUnitAt(index))) return false; if (path.codeUnitAt(index + 1) != chars.COLON) return false; if (path.length == index + 2) return true; return path.codeUnitAt(index + 2) == chars.SLASH; } NN<#I86;FQ --;?-4ofile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:io' show Platform; /// If we have `dart:io` available, we pull the current operating system from /// the [Platform] class, so we'll get errno values that match our current /// operating system. final String operatingSystem = Platform.operatingSystem; NN< NK9cfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'feature_matcher.dart'; import 'interfaces.dart'; import 'type_matcher.dart'; import 'util.dart'; /// Returns a matcher that matches the isEmpty property. const Matcher isEmpty = const _Empty(); class _Empty extends Matcher { const _Empty(); bool matches(item, Map matchState) => item.isEmpty; Description describe(Description description) => description.add('empty'); } /// Returns a matcher that matches the isNotEmpty property. const Matcher isNotEmpty = const _NotEmpty(); class _NotEmpty extends Matcher { const _NotEmpty(); bool matches(item, Map matchState) => item.isNotEmpty; Description describe(Description description) => description.add('non-empty'); } /// A matcher that matches any null value. const Matcher isNull = const _IsNull(); /// A matcher that matches any non-null value. const Matcher isNotNull = const _IsNotNull(); class _IsNull extends Matcher { const _IsNull(); bool matches(item, Map matchState) => item == null; Description describe(Description description) => description.add('null'); } class _IsNotNull extends Matcher { const _IsNotNull(); bool matches(item, Map matchState) => item != null; Description describe(Description description) => description.add('not null'); } /// A matcher that matches the Boolean value true. const Matcher isTrue = const _IsTrue(); /// A matcher that matches anything except the Boolean value true. const Matcher isFalse = const _IsFalse(); class _IsTrue extends Matcher { const _IsTrue(); bool matches(item, Map matchState) => item == true; Description describe(Description description) => description.add('true'); } class _IsFalse extends Matcher { const _IsFalse(); bool matches(item, Map matchState) => item == false; Description describe(Description description) => description.add('false'); } /// A matcher that matches the numeric value NaN. const Matcher isNaN = const _IsNaN(); /// A matcher that matches any non-NaN value. const Matcher isNotNaN = const _IsNotNaN(); class _IsNaN extends FeatureMatcher { const _IsNaN(); bool typedMatches(num item, Map matchState) => double.nan.compareTo(item) == 0; Description describe(Description description) => description.add('NaN'); } class _IsNotNaN extends FeatureMatcher { const _IsNotNaN(); bool typedMatches(num item, Map matchState) => double.nan.compareTo(item) != 0; Description describe(Description description) => description.add('not NaN'); } /// Returns a matches that matches if the value is the same instance /// as [expected], using [identical]. Matcher same(expected) => new _IsSameAs(expected); class _IsSameAs extends Matcher { final Object _expected; const _IsSameAs(this._expected); bool matches(item, Map matchState) => identical(item, _expected); // If all types were hashable we could show a hash here. Description describe(Description description) => description.add('same instance as ').addDescriptionOf(_expected); } /// A matcher that matches any value. const Matcher anything = const _IsAnything(); class _IsAnything extends Matcher { const _IsAnything(); bool matches(item, Map matchState) => true; Description describe(Description description) => description.add('anything'); } /// **DEPRECATED** Use [TypeMatcher] instead. /// /// Returns a matcher that matches if an object is an instance /// of [T] (or a subtype). @Deprecated('Use `const TypeMatcher()` instead.') // ignore: camel_case_types class isInstanceOf extends TypeMatcher { const isInstanceOf(); } /// A matcher that matches a function call against no exception. /// /// The function will be called once. Any exceptions will be silently swallowed. /// The value passed to expect() should be a reference to the function. /// Note that the function cannot take arguments; to handle this /// a wrapper will have to be created. const Matcher returnsNormally = const _ReturnsNormally(); class _ReturnsNormally extends FeatureMatcher { const _ReturnsNormally(); bool typedMatches(Function f, Map matchState) { try { f(); return true; } catch (e, s) { addStateInfo(matchState, {'exception': e, 'stack': s}); return false; } } Description describe(Description description) => description.add("return normally"); Description describeTypedMismatch(Function item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) { mismatchDescription.add('threw ').addDescriptionOf(matchState['exception']); if (verbose) { mismatchDescription.add(' at ').add(matchState['stack'].toString()); } return mismatchDescription; } } /// A matcher for [Map]. const isMap = const TypeMatcher(); /// A matcher for [List]. const isList = const TypeMatcher(); /// Returns a matcher that matches if an object has a length property /// that matches [matcher]. Matcher hasLength(matcher) => new _HasLength(wrapMatcher(matcher)); class _HasLength extends Matcher { final Matcher _matcher; const _HasLength([Matcher matcher]) : this._matcher = matcher; bool matches(item, Map matchState) { try { // This is harmless code that will throw if no length property // but subtle enough that an optimizer shouldn't strip it out. if (item.length * item.length >= 0) { return _matcher.matches(item.length, matchState); } } catch (e) { return false; } throw new UnsupportedError('Should never get here'); } Description describe(Description description) => description.add('an object with length of ').addDescriptionOf(_matcher); Description describeMismatch( item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) { try { // We want to generate a different description if there is no length // property; we use the same trick as in matches(). if (item.length * item.length >= 0) { return mismatchDescription .add('has length of ') .addDescriptionOf(item.length); } } catch (e) { return mismatchDescription.add('has no length property'); } throw new UnsupportedError('Should never get here'); } } /// Returns a matcher that matches if the match argument contains the expected /// value. /// /// For [String]s this means substring matching; /// for [Map]s it means the map has the key, and for [Iterable]s /// it means the iterable has a matching element. In the case of iterables, /// [expected] can itself be a matcher. Matcher contains(expected) => new _Contains(expected); class _Contains extends Matcher { final Object _expected; const _Contains(this._expected); bool matches(item, Map matchState) { var expected = _expected; if (item is String) { return expected is Pattern && item.contains(expected); } else if (item is Iterable) { if (expected is Matcher) { return item.any((e) => expected.matches(e, matchState)); } else { return item.contains(_expected); } } else if (item is Map) { return item.containsKey(_expected); } return false; } Description describe(Description description) => description.add('contains ').addDescriptionOf(_expected); Description describeMismatch( item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) { if (item is String || item is Iterable || item is Map) { return super .describeMismatch(item, mismatchDescription, matchState, verbose); } else { return mismatchDescription.add('is not a string, map or iterable'); } } } /// Returns a matcher that matches if the match argument is in /// the expected value. This is the converse of [contains]. Matcher isIn(expected) { if (expected is Iterable) { return new _In(expected, expected.contains); } else if (expected is String) { return new _In(expected, expected.contains); } else if (expected is Map) { return new _In(expected, expected.containsKey); } throw new ArgumentError.value( expected, 'expected', 'Only Iterable, Map, and String are supported.'); } class _In extends FeatureMatcher { final Object _source; final bool Function(T) _containsFunction; const _In(this._source, this._containsFunction); bool typedMatches(T item, Map matchState) => _containsFunction(item); Description describe(Description description) => description.add('is in ').addDescriptionOf(_source); } /// Returns a matcher that uses an arbitrary function that returns /// true or false for the actual value. /// /// For example: /// /// expect(v, predicate((x) => ((x % 2) == 0), "is even")) Matcher predicate(bool f(T value), [String description = 'satisfies function']) => new _Predicate(f, description); typedef bool _PredicateFunction(T value); class _Predicate extends FeatureMatcher { final _PredicateFunction _matcher; final String _description; _Predicate(this._matcher, this._description); bool typedMatches(T item, Map matchState) => _matcher(item); Description describe(Description description) => description.add(_description); } (NN<9(6M<."9Q+(/. 6L#6P3(C* 6L!7M2&.,+1'K.1'OE&3"#D;3H&.$.P.?:/AQHA'::2 >3*3GQK (*FD#A' EE,:93O M K:,##,@9O 1AL(7"#'=#!A)*3@ M=M J?<1#: 4!N),3H3;C(?&8$-0(0?3%dfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart'; import 'description.dart'; import 'interfaces.dart'; import 'util.dart'; /// A useful utility class for implementing other matchers through inheritance. /// Derived classes should call the base constructor with a feature name and /// description, and an instance matcher, and should implement the /// [featureValueOf] abstract method. /// /// The feature description will typically describe the item and the feature, /// while the feature name will just name the feature. For example, we may /// have a Widget class where each Widget has a price; we could make a /// [CustomMatcher] that can make assertions about prices with: /// /// ```dart /// class HasPrice extends CustomMatcher { /// HasPrice(matcher) : super("Widget with price that is", "price", matcher); /// featureValueOf(actual) => actual.price; /// } /// ``` /// /// and then use this for example like: /// /// ```dart /// expect(inventoryItem, new HasPrice(greaterThan(0))); /// ``` class CustomMatcher extends Matcher { final String _featureDescription; final String _featureName; final Matcher _matcher; CustomMatcher(this._featureDescription, this._featureName, matcher) : this._matcher = wrapMatcher(matcher); /// Override this to extract the interesting feature. Object featureValueOf(actual) => actual; bool matches(item, Map matchState) { try { var f = featureValueOf(item); if (_matcher.matches(f, matchState)) return true; addStateInfo(matchState, {'custom.feature': f}); } catch (exception, stack) { addStateInfo(matchState, { 'custom.exception': exception.toString(), 'custom.stack': new Chain.forTrace(stack) .foldFrames( (frame) => frame.package == 'test' || frame.package == 'stream_channel' || frame.package == 'matcher', terse: true) .toString() }); } return false; } Description describe(Description description) => description.add(_featureDescription).add(' ').addDescriptionOf(_matcher); Description describeMismatch( item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) { if (matchState['custom.exception'] != null) { mismatchDescription .add('threw ') .addDescriptionOf(matchState['custom.exception']) .add('\n') .add(matchState['custom.stack'].toString()); return mismatchDescription; } mismatchDescription .add('has ') .add(_featureName) .add(' with value ') .addDescriptionOf(matchState['custom.feature']); var innerDescription = new StringDescription(); _matcher.describeMismatch(matchState['custom.feature'], innerDescription, matchState['state'] as Map, verbose); if (innerDescription.length > 0) { mismatchDescription.add(' which ').add(innerDescription.toString()); } return mismatchDescription; } } `NN</PMC&NKG@ +P.( 9&$F.8+' $87!!22/90 3P M2<7"94N.'K afile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'interfaces.dart'; import 'pretty_print.dart'; /// The default implementation of [Description]. This should rarely need /// substitution, although conceivably it is a place where other languages /// could be supported. class StringDescription implements Description { final StringBuffer _out = new StringBuffer(); /// Initialize the description with initial contents [init]. StringDescription([String init = '']) { _out.write(init); } int get length => _out.length; /// Get the description as a string. String toString() => _out.toString(); /// Append [text] to the description. Description add(String text) { _out.write(text); return this; } /// Change the value of the description. Description replace(String text) { _out.clear(); return add(text); } /// Appends a description of [value]. If it is an IMatcher use its /// describe method; if it is a string use its literal value after /// escaping any embedded control characters; otherwise use its /// toString() value and wrap it in angular "quotes". Description addDescriptionOf(value) { if (value is Matcher) { value.describe(this); } else { add(prettyPrint(value, maxLineLength: 80, maxItems: 25)); } return this; } /// Append an [Iterable] [list] of objects to the description, using the /// specified [separator] and framing the list with [start] /// and [end]. Description addAll( String start, String separator, String end, Iterable list) { var separate = false; add(start); for (var item in list) { if (separate) { add(separator); } addDescriptionOf(item); separate = true; } add(end); return this; } } DNN<IK10?*!'((!+%EEB8( @K>Cdfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'description.dart'; import 'feature_matcher.dart'; import 'interfaces.dart'; import 'util.dart'; /// Returns a matcher that matches if the value is structurally equal to /// [expected]. /// /// If [expected] is a [Matcher], then it matches using that. Otherwise it tests /// for equality using `==` on the expected value. /// /// For [Iterable]s and [Map]s, this will recursively match the elements. To /// handle cyclic structures a recursion depth [limit] can be provided. The /// default limit is 100. [Set]s will be compared order-independently. Matcher equals(expected, [int limit = 100]) => expected is String ? new _StringEqualsMatcher(expected) : new _DeepMatcher(expected, limit); typedef _RecursiveMatcher = List Function( dynamic, dynamic, String, int); /// A special equality matcher for strings. class _StringEqualsMatcher extends FeatureMatcher { final String _value; _StringEqualsMatcher(this._value); bool typedMatches(String item, Map matchState) => _value == item; Description describe(Description description) => description.addDescriptionOf(_value); Description describeTypedMismatch(String item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) { var buff = new StringBuffer(); buff.write('is different.'); var escapedItem = escape(item); var escapedValue = escape(_value); var minLength = escapedItem.length < escapedValue.length ? escapedItem.length : escapedValue.length; var start = 0; for (; start < minLength; start++) { if (escapedValue.codeUnitAt(start) != escapedItem.codeUnitAt(start)) { break; } } if (start == minLength) { if (escapedValue.length < escapedItem.length) { buff.write(' Both strings start the same, but the actual value also' ' has the following trailing characters: '); _writeTrailing(buff, escapedItem, escapedValue.length); } else { buff.write(' Both strings start the same, but the actual value is' ' missing the following trailing characters: '); _writeTrailing(buff, escapedValue, escapedItem.length); } } else { buff.write('\nExpected: '); _writeLeading(buff, escapedValue, start); _writeTrailing(buff, escapedValue, start); buff.write('\n Actual: '); _writeLeading(buff, escapedItem, start); _writeTrailing(buff, escapedItem, start); buff.write('\n '); for (var i = (start > 10 ? 14 : start); i > 0; i--) buff.write(' '); buff.write('^\n Differ at offset $start'); } return mismatchDescription.add(buff.toString()); } static void _writeLeading(StringBuffer buff, String s, int start) { if (start > 10) { buff.write('... '); buff.write(s.substring(start - 10, start)); } else { buff.write(s.substring(0, start)); } } static void _writeTrailing(StringBuffer buff, String s, int start) { if (start + 10 > s.length) { buff.write(s.substring(start)); } else { buff.write(s.substring(start, start + 10)); buff.write(' ...'); } } } class _DeepMatcher extends Matcher { final Object _expected; final int _limit; _DeepMatcher(this._expected, [int limit = 1000]) : this._limit = limit; // Returns a pair (reason, location) List _compareIterables(Iterable expected, Object actual, _RecursiveMatcher matcher, int depth, String location) { if (actual is Iterable) { var expectedIterator = expected.iterator; var actualIterator = actual.iterator; for (var index = 0;; index++) { // Advance in lockstep. var expectedNext = expectedIterator.moveNext(); var actualNext = actualIterator.moveNext(); // If we reached the end of both, we succeeded. if (!expectedNext && !actualNext) return null; // Fail if their lengths are different. var newLocation = '$location[$index]'; if (!expectedNext) return ['longer than expected', newLocation]; if (!actualNext) return ['shorter than expected', newLocation]; // Match the elements. var rp = matcher(expectedIterator.current, actualIterator.current, newLocation, depth); if (rp != null) return rp; } } else { return ['is not Iterable', location]; } } List _compareSets(Set expected, Object actual, _RecursiveMatcher matcher, int depth, String location) { if (actual is Iterable) { var other = actual.toSet(); for (var expectedElement in expected) { if (other.every((actualElement) => matcher(expectedElement, actualElement, location, depth) != null)) { return ['does not contain $expectedElement', location]; } } if (other.length > expected.length) { return ['larger than expected', location]; } else if (other.length < expected.length) { return ['smaller than expected', location]; } else { return null; } } else { return ['is not Iterable', location]; } } List _recursiveMatch( Object expected, Object actual, String location, int depth) { // If the expected value is a matcher, try to match it. if (expected is Matcher) { var matchState = {}; if (expected.matches(actual, matchState)) return null; var description = new StringDescription(); expected.describe(description); return ['does not match $description', location]; } else { // Otherwise, test for equality. try { if (expected == actual) return null; } catch (e) { // TODO(gram): Add a test for this case. return ['== threw "$e"', location]; } } if (depth > _limit) return ['recursion depth limit exceeded', location]; // If _limit is 1 we can only recurse one level into object. if (depth == 0 || _limit > 1) { if (expected is Set) { return _compareSets( expected, actual, _recursiveMatch, depth + 1, location); } else if (expected is Iterable) { return _compareIterables( expected, actual, _recursiveMatch, depth + 1, location); } else if (expected is Map) { if (actual is! Map) return ['expected a map', location]; var map = (actual as Map); var err = (expected.length == map.length) ? '' : 'has different length and '; for (var key in expected.keys) { if (!map.containsKey(key)) { return ["${err}is missing map key '$key'", location]; } } for (var key in map.keys) { if (!expected.containsKey(key)) { return ["${err}has extra map key '$key'", location]; } } for (var key in expected.keys) { var rp = _recursiveMatch( expected[key], map[key], "$location['$key']", depth + 1); if (rp != null) return rp; } return null; } } var description = new StringDescription(); // If we have recursed, show the expected value too; if not, expect() will // show it for us. if (depth > 0) { description .add('was ') .addDescriptionOf(actual) .add(' instead of ') .addDescriptionOf(expected); return [description.toString(), location]; } // We're not adding any value to the actual value. return ["", location]; } String _match(expected, actual, Map matchState) { var rp = _recursiveMatch(expected, actual, '', 0); if (rp == null) return null; String reason; if (rp[0].isNotEmpty) { if (rp[1].isNotEmpty) { reason = "${rp[0]} at location ${rp[1]}"; } else { reason = rp[0]; } } else { reason = ''; } // Cache the failure reason in the matchState. addStateInfo(matchState, {'reason': reason}); return reason; } bool matches(item, Map matchState) => _match(_expected, item, matchState) == null; Description describe(Description description) => description.addDescriptionOf(_expected); Description describeMismatch( item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) { var reason = matchState['reason'] as String ?? ''; // If we didn't get a good reason, that would normally be a // simple 'is ' message. We only add that if the mismatch // description is non empty (so we are supplementing the mismatch // description). if (reason.isEmpty && mismatchDescription.length > 0) { mismatchDescription.add('is ').addDescriptionOf(item); } else { mismatchDescription.add(reason); } return mismatchDescription; } } NN<IQ3MLGB))3$,<%D3,1G#!$'=)M6M9@K=@ "01"/0"K15F2 )G!& 2%J'C?0,& 84870/IHK!# ,9?".+QB ,334 , D<=1&8 ' -1,MA$E)"E$A#P)'B $,A )$H% /O$'1747!2 32(33/ M7@EF<= ' dfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'type_matcher.dart'; /// A matcher for [ArgumentError]. const isArgumentError = const TypeMatcher(); /// A matcher for [CastError]. const isCastError = const TypeMatcher(); /// A matcher for [ConcurrentModificationError]. const isConcurrentModificationError = const TypeMatcher(); /// A matcher for [CyclicInitializationError]. const isCyclicInitializationError = const TypeMatcher(); /// A matcher for [Exception]. const isException = const TypeMatcher(); /// A matcher for [FormatException]. const isFormatException = const TypeMatcher(); /// A matcher for [NoSuchMethodError]. const isNoSuchMethodError = const TypeMatcher(); /// A matcher for [NullThrownError]. const isNullThrownError = const TypeMatcher(); /// A matcher for [RangeError]. const isRangeError = const TypeMatcher(); /// A matcher for [StateError]. const isStateError = const TypeMatcher(); /// A matcher for [UnimplementedError]. const isUnimplementedError = const TypeMatcher(); /// A matcher for [UnsupportedError]. const isUnsupportedError = const TypeMatcher(); -NN<#<41&6/$44%@'D%@ 6 6(F&B`file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// Matchers build up their error messages by appending to Description objects. /// /// This interface is implemented by StringDescription. /// /// This interface is unlikely to need other implementations, but could be /// useful to replace in some cases - e.g. language conversion. abstract class Description { int get length; /// Change the value of the description. Description replace(String text); /// This is used to add arbitrary text to the description. Description add(String text); /// This is used to add a meaningful description of a value. Description addDescriptionOf(value); /// This is used to add a description of an [Iterable] [list], /// with appropriate [start] and [end] markers and inter-element [separator]. Description addAll(String start, String separator, String end, Iterable list); } /// The base class for all matchers. /// /// [matches] and [describe] must be implemented by subclasses. /// /// Subclasses can override [describeMismatch] if a more specific description is /// required when the matcher fails. abstract class Matcher { const Matcher(); /// Does the matching of the actual vs expected values. /// /// [item] is the actual value. [matchState] can be supplied /// and may be used to add details about the mismatch that are too /// costly to determine in [describeMismatch]. bool matches(item, Map matchState); /// Builds a textual description of the matcher. Description describe(Description description); /// Builds a textual description of a specific mismatch. /// /// [item] is the value that was tested by [matches]; [matchState] is /// the [Map] that was passed to and supplemented by [matches] /// with additional information about the mismatch, and [mismatchDescription] /// is the [Description] that is being built to describe the mismatch. /// /// A few matchers make use of the [verbose] flag to provide detailed /// information that is not typically included but can be of help in /// diagnosing failures, such as stack traces. Description describeMismatch(item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) => mismatchDescription; } >NN<P8K@+$= ?'APQ%@Q%:?E1&31;HAPIHG1F+gfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'description.dart'; import 'equals_matcher.dart'; import 'feature_matcher.dart'; import 'interfaces.dart'; import 'util.dart'; /// Returns a matcher which matches [Iterable]s in which all elements /// match the given [matcher]. Matcher everyElement(matcher) => new _EveryElement(wrapMatcher(matcher)); class _EveryElement extends _IterableMatcher { final Matcher _matcher; _EveryElement(this._matcher); bool typedMatches(Iterable item, Map matchState) { var i = 0; for (var element in item) { if (!_matcher.matches(element, matchState)) { addStateInfo(matchState, {'index': i, 'element': element}); return false; } ++i; } return true; } Description describe(Description description) => description.add('every element(').addDescriptionOf(_matcher).add(')'); Description describeTypedMismatch( item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) { if (matchState['index'] != null) { var index = matchState['index']; var element = matchState['element']; mismatchDescription .add('has value ') .addDescriptionOf(element) .add(' which '); var subDescription = new StringDescription(); _matcher.describeMismatch( element, subDescription, matchState['state'] as Map, verbose); if (subDescription.length > 0) { mismatchDescription.add(subDescription.toString()); } else { mismatchDescription.add("doesn't match "); _matcher.describe(mismatchDescription); } mismatchDescription.add(' at index $index'); return mismatchDescription; } return super .describeMismatch(item, mismatchDescription, matchState, verbose); } } /// Returns a matcher which matches [Iterable]s in which at least one /// element matches the given [matcher]. Matcher anyElement(matcher) => new _AnyElement(wrapMatcher(matcher)); class _AnyElement extends _IterableMatcher { final Matcher _matcher; _AnyElement(this._matcher); bool typedMatches(Iterable item, Map matchState) => item.any((e) => _matcher.matches(e, matchState)); Description describe(Description description) => description.add('some element ').addDescriptionOf(_matcher); } /// Returns a matcher which matches [Iterable]s that have the same /// length and the same elements as [expected], in the same order. /// /// This is equivalent to [equals] but does not recurse. Matcher orderedEquals(Iterable expected) => new _OrderedEquals(expected); class _OrderedEquals extends _IterableMatcher { final Iterable _expected; final Matcher _matcher; _OrderedEquals(this._expected) : _matcher = equals(_expected, 1); bool typedMatches(Iterable item, Map matchState) => _matcher.matches(item, matchState); Description describe(Description description) => description.add('equals ').addDescriptionOf(_expected).add(' ordered'); Description describeTypedMismatch(Iterable item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) { return _matcher.describeMismatch( item, mismatchDescription, matchState, verbose); } } /// Returns a matcher which matches [Iterable]s that have the same length and /// the same elements as [expected], but not necessarily in the same order. /// /// Note that this is worst case O(n^2) runtime and memory usage so it should /// only be used on small iterables. Matcher unorderedEquals(Iterable expected) => new _UnorderedEquals(expected); class _UnorderedEquals extends _UnorderedMatches { final List _expectedValues; _UnorderedEquals(Iterable expected) : _expectedValues = expected.toList(), super(; Description describe(Description description) => description .add('equals ') .addDescriptionOf(_expectedValues) .add(' unordered'); } /// Iterable matchers match against [Iterable]s. We add this intermediate /// class to give better mismatch error messages than the base Matcher class. abstract class _IterableMatcher extends FeatureMatcher { const _IterableMatcher(); } /// Returns a matcher which matches [Iterable]s whose elements match the /// matchers in [expected], but not necessarily in the same order. /// /// Note that this is worst case O(n^2) runtime and memory usage so it should /// only be used on small iterables. Matcher unorderedMatches(Iterable expected) => new _UnorderedMatches(expected); class _UnorderedMatches extends _IterableMatcher { final List _expected; final bool _allowUnmatchedValues; _UnorderedMatches(Iterable expected, {bool allowUnmatchedValues}) : _expected =, _allowUnmatchedValues = allowUnmatchedValues ?? false; String _test(List values) { // Check the lengths are the same. if (_expected.length > values.length) { return 'has too few elements (${values.length} < ${_expected.length})'; } else if (!_allowUnmatchedValues && _expected.length < values.length) { return 'has too many elements (${values.length} > ${_expected.length})'; } var edges = new List.generate(values.length, (_) => [], growable: false); for (var v = 0; v < values.length; v++) { for (var m = 0; m < _expected.length; m++) { if (_expected[m].matches(values[v], {})) { edges[v].add(m); } } } // The index into `values` matched with each matcher or `null` if no value // has been matched yet. var matched = new List(_expected.length); for (var valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < values.length; valueIndex++) { _findPairing(edges, valueIndex, matched); } for (var matcherIndex = 0; matcherIndex < _expected.length; matcherIndex++) { if (matched[matcherIndex] == null) { final description = new StringDescription() .add('has no match for ') .addDescriptionOf(_expected[matcherIndex]) .add(' at index $matcherIndex'); final remainingUnmatched = matched.sublist(matcherIndex + 1).where((m) => m == null).length; return remainingUnmatched == 0 ? description.toString() : description .add(' along with $remainingUnmatched other unmatched') .toString(); } } return null; } bool typedMatches(Iterable item, Map mismatchState) => _test(item.toList()) == null; Description describe(Description description) => description .add('matches ') .addAll('[', ', ', ']', _expected) .add(' unordered'); Description describeTypedMismatch(item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) => mismatchDescription.add(_test(item.toList())); /// Returns `true` if the value at [valueIndex] can be paired with some /// unmatched matcher and updates the state of [matched]. /// /// If there is a conflict where multiple values may match the same matcher /// recursively looks for a new place to match the old value. [reserved] /// tracks the matchers that have been used _during_ this search. bool _findPairing(List> edges, int valueIndex, List matched, [Set reserved]) { reserved ??= new Set(); final possiblePairings = edges[valueIndex].where((m) => !reserved.contains(m)); for (final matcherIndex in possiblePairings) { reserved.add(matcherIndex); final previouslyMatched = matched[matcherIndex]; if (previouslyMatched == null || // If the matcher isn't already free, check whether the existing value // occupying the matcher can be bumped to another one. _findPairing(edges, matched[matcherIndex], matched, reserved)) { matched[matcherIndex] = valueIndex; return true; } } return false; } } /// A pairwise matcher for [Iterable]s. /// /// The [comparator] function, taking an expected and an actual argument, and /// returning whether they match, will be applied to each pair in order. /// [description] should be a meaningful name for the comparator. Matcher pairwiseCompare( Iterable expected, bool comparator(S a, T b), String description) => new _PairwiseCompare(expected, comparator, description); typedef bool _Comparator(S a, T b); class _PairwiseCompare extends _IterableMatcher { final Iterable _expected; final _Comparator _comparator; final String _description; _PairwiseCompare(this._expected, this._comparator, this._description); bool typedMatches(Iterable item, Map matchState) { if (item.length != _expected.length) return false; var iterator = item.iterator; var i = 0; for (var e in _expected) { iterator.moveNext(); if (!_comparator(e, iterator.current as T)) { addStateInfo(matchState, {'index': i, 'expected': e, 'actual': iterator.current}); return false; } i++; } return true; } Description describe(Description description) => description.add('pairwise $_description ').addDescriptionOf(_expected); Description describeTypedMismatch(Iterable item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) { if (item.length != _expected.length) { return mismatchDescription .add('has length ${item.length} instead of ${_expected.length}'); } else { return mismatchDescription .add('has ') .addDescriptionOf(matchState["actual"]) .add(' which is not $_description ') .addDescriptionOf(matchState["expected"]) .add(' at index ${matchState["index"]}'); } } } /// Matches [Iterable]s which contain an element matching every value in /// [expected] in any order, and may contain additional values. /// /// For example: `[0, 1, 0, 2, 0]` matches `containsAll([1, 2])` and /// `containsAll([2, 1])` but not `containsAll([1, 2, 3])`. /// /// Will only match values which implement [Iterable]. /// /// Each element in the value will only be considered a match for a single /// matcher in [expected] even if it could satisfy more than one. For instance /// `containsAll([greaterThan(1), greaterThan(2)])` will not be satisfied by /// `[3]`. To check that all matchers are satisfied within an iterable and allow /// the same element to satisfy multiple matchers use /// `allOf(`. /// /// Note that this is worst case O(n^2) runtime and memory usage so it should /// only be used on small iterables. Matcher containsAll(Iterable expected) => new _ContainsAll(expected); class _ContainsAll extends _UnorderedMatches { final Iterable _unwrappedExpected; _ContainsAll(Iterable expected) : _unwrappedExpected = expected, super(, allowUnmatchedValues: true); @override Description describe(Description description) => description.add('contains all of ').addDescriptionOf(_unwrappedExpected); } /// Matches [Iterable]s which contain an element matching every value in /// [expected] in the same order, but may contain additional values interleaved /// throughout. /// /// For example: `[0, 1, 0, 2, 0]` matches `containsAllInOrder([1, 2])` but not /// `containsAllInOrder([2, 1])` or `containsAllInOrder([1, 2, 3])`. /// /// Will only match values which implement [Iterable]. Matcher containsAllInOrder(Iterable expected) => new _ContainsAllInOrder(expected); class _ContainsAllInOrder extends _IterableMatcher { final Iterable _expected; _ContainsAllInOrder(this._expected); String _test(Iterable item, Map matchState) { var matchers =; var matcherIndex = 0; for (var value in item) { if (matchers[matcherIndex].matches(value, matchState)) matcherIndex++; if (matcherIndex == matchers.length) return null; } return new StringDescription() .add('did not find a value matching ') .addDescriptionOf(matchers[matcherIndex]) .add(' following expected prior values') .toString(); } @override bool typedMatches(Iterable item, Map matchState) => _test(item, matchState) == null; @override Description describe(Description description) => description .add('contains in order(') .addDescriptionOf(_expected) .add(')'); @override Description describeTypedMismatch(Iterable item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) => mismatchDescription.add(_test(item, matchState)); } aNN<FJ/ 5 4D 3M%M''+%4!I'<303"KF)F-683CCC9J0D6*3N3G&9NLN%N3&-%?)JNCICN%P3!$D8?',NMOK.33 O3I0)+4&7-#N'%H9$?)K+5J<NKDN!?3"7'QAK,(NIBP=*8'I57"4!F 3N3G+!L !2/44I@E<7KOMQ6%N%F/%"'F 3PIPPE71'5'08M8#/21 6' ?!# 3L8bfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'interfaces.dart'; import 'util.dart'; /// Returns a matcher which matches maps containing the given [value]. Matcher containsValue(value) => new _ContainsValue(value); class _ContainsValue extends Matcher { final Object _value; const _ContainsValue(this._value); bool matches(item, Map matchState) => item.containsValue(_value); Description describe(Description description) => description.add('contains value ').addDescriptionOf(_value); } /// Returns a matcher which matches maps containing the key-value pair /// with [key] => [value]. Matcher containsPair(key, value) => new _ContainsMapping(key, wrapMatcher(value)); class _ContainsMapping extends Matcher { final Object _key; final Matcher _valueMatcher; const _ContainsMapping(this._key, this._valueMatcher); bool matches(item, Map matchState) => item.containsKey(_key) && _valueMatcher.matches(item[_key], matchState); Description describe(Description description) { return description .add('contains pair ') .addDescriptionOf(_key) .add(' => ') .addDescriptionOf(_valueMatcher); } Description describeMismatch( item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) { if (!item.containsKey(_key)) { return mismatchDescription .add(" doesn't contain key ") .addDescriptionOf(_key); } else { mismatchDescription .add(' contains key ') .addDescriptionOf(_key) .add(' but with value '); _valueMatcher.describeMismatch( item[_key], mismatchDescription, matchState, verbose); return mismatchDescription; } } } =NN<G;'%D3CG$3)9(O2 * M#!(# !"$&A"ffile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'feature_matcher.dart'; import 'interfaces.dart'; /// Returns a matcher which matches if the match argument is within [delta] /// of some [value]. /// /// In other words, this matches if the match argument is greater than /// than or equal [value]-[delta] and less than or equal to [value]+[delta]. Matcher closeTo(num value, num delta) => new _IsCloseTo(value, delta); class _IsCloseTo extends FeatureMatcher { final num _value, _delta; const _IsCloseTo(this._value, this._delta); bool typedMatches(item, Map matchState) { var diff = item - _value; if (diff < 0) diff = -diff; return (diff <= _delta); } Description describe(Description description) => description .add('a numeric value within ') .addDescriptionOf(_delta) .add(' of ') .addDescriptionOf(_value); Description describeTypedMismatch( item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) { var diff = item - _value; if (diff < 0) diff = -diff; return mismatchDescription.add(' differs by ').addDescriptionOf(diff); } } /// Returns a matcher which matches if the match argument is greater /// than or equal to [low] and less than or equal to [high]. Matcher inInclusiveRange(num low, num high) => new _InRange(low, high, true, true); /// Returns a matcher which matches if the match argument is greater /// than [low] and less than [high]. Matcher inExclusiveRange(num low, num high) => new _InRange(low, high, false, false); /// Returns a matcher which matches if the match argument is greater /// than [low] and less than or equal to [high]. Matcher inOpenClosedRange(num low, num high) => new _InRange(low, high, false, true); /// Returns a matcher which matches if the match argument is greater /// than or equal to a [low] and less than [high]. Matcher inClosedOpenRange(num low, num high) => new _InRange(low, high, true, false); class _InRange extends FeatureMatcher { final num _low, _high; final bool _lowMatchValue, _highMatchValue; const _InRange( this._low, this._high, this._lowMatchValue, this._highMatchValue); bool typedMatches(value, Map matchState) { if (value < _low || value > _high) { return false; } if (value == _low) { return _lowMatchValue; } if (value == _high) { return _highMatchValue; } return true; } Description describe(Description description) => description.add("be in range from " "$_low (${_lowMatchValue ? 'inclusive' : 'exclusive'}) to " "$_high (${_highMatchValue ? 'inclusive' : 'exclusive'})"); } VNN<LGMG/., ?& !%M KE=/)E%/+E10*E30*-.I-)3*FFgfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'interfaces.dart'; import 'util.dart'; /// This returns a matcher that inverts [matcher] to its logical negation. Matcher isNot(matcher) => new _IsNot(wrapMatcher(matcher)); class _IsNot extends Matcher { final Matcher _matcher; const _IsNot(this._matcher); bool matches(item, Map matchState) => !_matcher.matches(item, matchState); Description describe(Description description) => description.add('not ').addDescriptionOf(_matcher); } /// This returns a matcher that matches if all of the matchers passed as /// arguments (up to 7) match. /// /// Instead of passing the matchers separately they can be passed as a single /// List argument. Any argument that is not a matcher is implicitly wrapped in a /// Matcher to check for equality. Matcher allOf(arg0, [arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6]) { return new _AllOf(_wrapArgs(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6)); } class _AllOf extends Matcher { final List _matchers; const _AllOf(this._matchers); bool matches(item, Map matchState) { for (var matcher in _matchers) { if (!matcher.matches(item, matchState)) { addStateInfo(matchState, {'matcher': matcher}); return false; } } return true; } Description describeMismatch( item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) { var matcher = matchState['matcher']; matcher.describeMismatch( item, mismatchDescription, matchState['state'], verbose); return mismatchDescription; } Description describe(Description description) => description.addAll('(', ' and ', ')', _matchers); } /// Matches if any of the given matchers evaluate to true. /// /// The arguments can be a set of matchers as separate parameters /// (up to 7), or a List of matchers. /// /// The matchers are evaluated from left to right using short-circuit /// evaluation, so evaluation stops as soon as a matcher returns true. /// /// Any argument that is not a matcher is implicitly wrapped in a /// Matcher to check for equality. Matcher anyOf(arg0, [arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6]) { return new _AnyOf(_wrapArgs(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6)); } class _AnyOf extends Matcher { final List _matchers; const _AnyOf(this._matchers); bool matches(item, Map matchState) { for (var matcher in _matchers) { if (matcher.matches(item, matchState)) { return true; } } return false; } Description describe(Description description) => description.addAll('(', ' or ', ')', _matchers); } List _wrapArgs(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) { Iterable args; if (arg0 is List) { if (arg1 != null || arg2 != null || arg3 != null || arg4 != null || arg5 != null || arg6 != null) { throw new ArgumentError('If arg0 is a List, all other arguments must be' ' null.'); } args = arg0; } else { args = [arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6].where((e) => e != null); } return; } pNN<K<M3:INQ# new _OrderingMatcher(value, false, false, true, 'a value greater than'); /// Returns a matcher which matches if the match argument is greater /// than or equal to the given [value]. Matcher greaterThanOrEqualTo(value) => new _OrderingMatcher( value, true, false, true, 'a value greater than or equal to'); /// Returns a matcher which matches if the match argument is less /// than the given [value]. Matcher lessThan(value) => new _OrderingMatcher(value, false, true, false, 'a value less than'); /// Returns a matcher which matches if the match argument is less /// than or equal to the given [value]. Matcher lessThanOrEqualTo(value) => new _OrderingMatcher( value, true, true, false, 'a value less than or equal to'); /// A matcher which matches if the match argument is zero. const Matcher isZero = const _OrderingMatcher(0, true, false, false, 'a value equal to'); /// A matcher which matches if the match argument is non-zero. const Matcher isNonZero = const _OrderingMatcher(0, false, true, true, 'a value not equal to'); /// A matcher which matches if the match argument is positive. const Matcher isPositive = const _OrderingMatcher(0, false, false, true, 'a positive value', false); /// A matcher which matches if the match argument is zero or negative. const Matcher isNonPositive = const _OrderingMatcher(0, true, true, false, 'a non-positive value', false); /// A matcher which matches if the match argument is negative. const Matcher isNegative = const _OrderingMatcher(0, false, true, false, 'a negative value', false); /// A matcher which matches if the match argument is zero or positive. const Matcher isNonNegative = const _OrderingMatcher(0, true, false, true, 'a non-negative value', false); // TODO(kevmoo) Note that matchers that use _OrderingComparison only use // `==` and `<` operators to evaluate the match. Or change the matcher. class _OrderingMatcher extends Matcher { /// Expected value. final Object _value; /// What to return if actual == expected final bool _equalValue; /// What to return if actual < expected final bool _lessThanValue; /// What to return if actual > expected final bool _greaterThanValue; /// Textual name of the inequality final String _comparisonDescription; /// Whether to include the expected value in the description final bool _valueInDescription; const _OrderingMatcher(this._value, this._equalValue, this._lessThanValue, this._greaterThanValue, this._comparisonDescription, [bool valueInDescription = true]) : this._valueInDescription = valueInDescription; bool matches(item, Map matchState) { if (item == _value) { return _equalValue; } else if (item < _value) { return _lessThanValue; } else { return _greaterThanValue; } } Description describe(Description description) { if (_valueInDescription) { return description .add(_comparisonDescription) .add(' ') .addDescriptionOf(_value); } else { return description.add(_comparisonDescription); } } Description describeMismatch( item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) { mismatchDescription.add('is not '); return describe(mismatchDescription); } } iNN<EME(=CBJB(:@;G?J?NGQ?NGQIH)+** %'?"M;(7'  2'% 6 M(*efile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'feature_matcher.dart'; import 'interfaces.dart'; /// Returns a matcher which matches if the match argument is a string and /// is equal to [value] when compared case-insensitively. Matcher equalsIgnoringCase(String value) => new _IsEqualIgnoringCase(value); class _IsEqualIgnoringCase extends FeatureMatcher { final String _value; final String _matchValue; _IsEqualIgnoringCase(String value) : _value = value, _matchValue = value.toLowerCase(); bool typedMatches(String item, Map matchState) => _matchValue == item.toLowerCase(); Description describe(Description description) => description.addDescriptionOf(_value).add(' ignoring case'); } /// Returns a matcher which matches if the match argument is a string and /// is equal to [value], ignoring whitespace. /// /// In this matcher, "ignoring whitespace" means comparing with all runs of /// whitespace collapsed to single space characters and leading and trailing /// whitespace removed. /// /// For example, the following will all match successfully: /// /// expect("hello world", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("hello world")); /// expect(" hello world", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("hello world")); /// expect("hello world ", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("hello world")); /// /// The following will not match: /// /// expect("helloworld", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("hello world")); /// expect("he llo world", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("hello world")); Matcher equalsIgnoringWhitespace(String value) => new _IsEqualIgnoringWhitespace(value); class _IsEqualIgnoringWhitespace extends FeatureMatcher { final String _value; final String _matchValue; _IsEqualIgnoringWhitespace(String value) : _value = value, _matchValue = collapseWhitespace(value); bool typedMatches(String item, Map matchState) => _matchValue == collapseWhitespace(item); Description describe(Description description) => description.addDescriptionOf(_matchValue).add(' ignoring whitespace'); Description describeTypedMismatch( item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) { return mismatchDescription .add('is ') .addDescriptionOf(collapseWhitespace(item)) .add(' with whitespace compressed'); } } /// Returns a matcher that matches if the match argument is a string and /// starts with [prefixString]. Matcher startsWith(String prefixString) => new _StringStartsWith(prefixString); class _StringStartsWith extends FeatureMatcher { final String _prefix; const _StringStartsWith(this._prefix); bool typedMatches(item, Map matchState) => item.startsWith(_prefix); Description describe(Description description) => description.add('a string starting with ').addDescriptionOf(_prefix); } /// Returns a matcher that matches if the match argument is a string and /// ends with [suffixString]. Matcher endsWith(String suffixString) => new _StringEndsWith(suffixString); class _StringEndsWith extends FeatureMatcher { final String _suffix; const _StringEndsWith(this._suffix); bool typedMatches(item, Map matchState) => item.endsWith(_suffix); Description describe(Description description) => description.add('a string ending with ').addDescriptionOf(_suffix); } /// Returns a matcher that matches if the match argument is a string and /// contains a given list of [substrings] in relative order. /// /// For example, `stringContainsInOrder(["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"])` will match /// "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz". Matcher stringContainsInOrder(List substrings) => new _StringContainsInOrder(substrings); class _StringContainsInOrder extends FeatureMatcher { final List _substrings; const _StringContainsInOrder(this._substrings); bool typedMatches(item, Map matchState) { var fromIndex = 0; for (var s in _substrings) { fromIndex = item.indexOf(s, fromIndex); if (fromIndex < 0) return false; } return true; } Description describe(Description description) => description.addAll( 'a string containing ', ', ', ' in order', _substrings); } /// Returns a matcher that matches if the match argument is a string and /// matches the regular expression given by [re]. /// /// [re] can be a [RegExp] instance or a [String]; in the latter case it will be /// used to create a RegExp instance. Matcher matches(re) => new _MatchesRegExp(re); class _MatchesRegExp extends FeatureMatcher { RegExp _regexp; _MatchesRegExp(re) { if (re is String) { _regexp = new RegExp(re); } else if (re is RegExp) { _regexp = re; } else { throw new ArgumentError('matches requires a regexp or string'); } } bool typedMatches(item, Map matchState) => _regexp.hasMatch(item); Description describe(Description description) => description.add("match '${_regexp.pattern}'"); } /// Utility function to collapse whitespace runs to single spaces /// and strip leading/trailing whitespace. String collapseWhitespace(String string) { var result = new StringBuffer(); var skipSpace = true; for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) { var character = string[i]; if (_isWhitespace(character)) { if (!skipSpace) { result.write(' '); skipSpace = true; } } else { result.write(character); skipSpace = false; } } return result.toString().trim(); } bool _isWhitespace(String ch) => ch == ' ' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\t'; NN<J:M<%+4)3BJ.LM<JJJ"GI2+B+14/3M%M4-I P9)G3LIL7'E3JI=O":,>"2,!.'G?I2Q&/6  FE35B++#,$ #!9bfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'having_matcher.dart'; import 'interfaces.dart'; /// A [Matcher] subclass that supports validating the [Type] of the target /// object. /// /// ```dart /// expect(shouldBeDuration, new TypeMatcher()); /// ``` /// /// If you want to further validate attributes of the specified [Type], use the /// [having] function. /// /// ```dart /// void shouldThrowRangeError(int value) { /// throw new RangeError.range(value, 10, 20); /// } /// /// expect( /// () => shouldThrowRangeError(5), /// throwsA(const TypeMatcher() /// .having((e) => e.start, 'start', greaterThanOrEqualTo(10)) /// .having((e) => e.end, 'end', lessThanOrEqualTo(20)))); /// ``` /// /// Notice that you can chain multiple calls to [having] to verify multiple /// aspects of an object. /// /// Note: All of the top-level `isType` matchers exposed by this package are /// instances of [TypeMatcher], so you can use the [having] function without /// creating your own instance. /// /// ```dart /// expect( /// () => shouldThrowRangeError(5), /// throwsA(isRangeError /// .having((e) => e.start, 'start', greaterThanOrEqualTo(10)) /// .having((e) => e.end, 'end', lessThanOrEqualTo(20)))); /// ``` class TypeMatcher extends Matcher { final String _name; const TypeMatcher( [@Deprecated('Provide a type argument to TypeMatcher and omit the name. ' 'This argument will be removed in the next release.') String name]) : this._name = // ignore: deprecated_member_use name; /// Returns a new [TypeMatcher] that validates the existing type as well as /// a specific [feature] of the object with the provided [matcher]. /// /// Provides a human-readable [description] of the [feature] to make debugging /// failures easier. /// /// ```dart /// /// Validates that the object is a [RangeError] with a message containing /// /// the string 'details' and `start` and `end` properties that are `null`. /// final _rangeMatcher = isRangeError /// .having((e) => e.message, 'message', contains('details')) /// .having((e) => e.start, 'start', isNull) /// .having((e) => e.end, 'end', isNull); /// ``` TypeMatcher having( Object feature(T source), String description, Object matcher) => new HavingMatcher(this, description, feature, matcher); Description describe(Description description) { var name = _name ?? _stripDynamic(T); return description.add(""); } bool matches(Object item, Map matchState) => item is T; } final _dart2DynamicArgs = new RegExp(''); /// With this expression `{}.runtimeType.toString`, /// Dart 1: " /// Dart 2: ">" /// /// This functions returns the Dart 1 output, when Dart 2 runtime semantics /// are enabled. String _stripDynamic(Type type) => type.toString().replaceAll(_dart2DynamicArgs, ''); [NN<K  ;P ,1 (0GCLMM  (GC'P@-NFQPQ)C2/ K>2*5:?42L#7Zfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'core_matchers.dart'; import 'equals_matcher.dart'; import 'interfaces.dart'; typedef bool _Predicate(T value); /// A [Map] between whitespace characters and their escape sequences. const _escapeMap = const { '\n': r'\n', '\r': r'\r', '\f': r'\f', '\b': r'\b', '\t': r'\t', '\v': r'\v', '\x7F': r'\x7F', // delete }; /// A [RegExp] that matches whitespace characters that should be escaped. final _escapeRegExp = new RegExp( "[\\x00-\\x07\\x0E-\\x1F${}]"); /// Useful utility for nesting match states. void addStateInfo(Map matchState, Map values) { var innerState = new Map.from(matchState); matchState.clear(); matchState['state'] = innerState; matchState.addAll(values); } /// Takes an argument and returns an equivalent [Matcher]. /// /// If the argument is already a matcher this does nothing, /// else if the argument is a function, it generates a predicate /// function matcher, else it generates an equals matcher. Matcher wrapMatcher(x) { if (x is Matcher) { return x; } else if (x is _Predicate) { // x is already a predicate that can handle anything return predicate(x); } else if (x is _Predicate) { // x is a unary predicate, but expects a specific type // so wrap it. // ignore: unnecessary_lambdas return predicate((a) => (x as dynamic)(a)); } else { return equals(x); } } /// Returns [str] with all whitespace characters represented as their escape /// sequences. /// /// Backslash characters are escaped as `\\` String escape(String str) { str = str.replaceAll('\\', r'\\'); return str.replaceAllMapped(_escapeRegExp, (match) { var mapped = _escapeMap[match[0]]; if (mapped != null) return mapped; return _getHexLiteral(match[0]); }); } /// Given single-character string, return the hex-escaped equivalent. String _getHexLiteral(String input) { var rune = input.runes.single; return r'\x' + rune.toRadixString(16).toUpperCase().padLeft(2, '0'); } JNN<%FJ"N-0-$;[0]; /// The code points of the characters in the file. final Uint32List _decodedChars; /// The length of the file in characters. int get length => _decodedChars.length; /// The number of lines in the file. int get lines => _lineStarts.length; /// The line that the offset fell on the last time [getLine] was called. /// /// In many cases, sequential calls to getLine() are for nearby, usually /// increasing offsets. In that case, we can find the line for an offset /// quickly by first checking to see if the offset is on the same line as the /// previous result. int _cachedLine; /// This constructor is deprecated. /// /// Use [new SourceFile.fromString] instead. @Deprecated("Will be removed in 2.0.0") SourceFile(String text, {url}) : this.decoded(text.runes, url: url); /// Creates a new source file from [text]. /// /// [url] may be either a [String], a [Uri], or `null`. SourceFile.fromString(String text, {url}) : this.decoded(text.codeUnits, url: url); /// Creates a new source file from a list of decoded code units. /// /// [url] may be either a [String], a [Uri], or `null`. /// /// Currently, if [decodedChars] contains characters larger than `0xFFFF`, /// they'll be treated as single characters rather than being split into /// surrogate pairs. **This behavior is deprecated**. For /// forwards-compatibility, callers should only pass in characters less than /// or equal to `0xFFFF`. SourceFile.decoded(Iterable decodedChars, {url}) : url = url is String ? Uri.parse(url) : url, _decodedChars = new Uint32List.fromList(decodedChars.toList()) { for (var i = 0; i < _decodedChars.length; i++) { var c = _decodedChars[i]; if (c == _CR) { // Return not followed by newline is treated as a newline var j = i + 1; if (j >= _decodedChars.length || _decodedChars[j] != _LF) c = _LF; } if (c == _LF) _lineStarts.add(i + 1); } } /// Returns a span in [this] from [start] to [end] (exclusive). /// /// If [end] isn't passed, it defaults to the end of the file. FileSpan span(int start, [int end]) { if (end == null) end = length - 1; return new _FileSpan(this, start, end); } /// Returns a location in [this] at [offset]. FileLocation location(int offset) => new FileLocation._(this, offset); /// Gets the 0-based line corresponding to [offset]. int getLine(int offset) { if (offset < 0) { throw new RangeError("Offset may not be negative, was $offset."); } else if (offset > length) { throw new RangeError("Offset $offset must not be greater than the number " "of characters in the file, $length."); } if (offset < _lineStarts.first) return -1; if (offset >= _lineStarts.last) return _lineStarts.length - 1; if (_isNearCachedLine(offset)) return _cachedLine; _cachedLine = _binarySearch(offset) - 1; return _cachedLine; } /// Returns `true` if [offset] is near [_cachedLine]. /// /// Checks on [_cachedLine] and the next line. If it's on the next line, it /// updates [_cachedLine] to point to that. bool _isNearCachedLine(int offset) { if (_cachedLine == null) return false; // See if it's before the cached line. if (offset < _lineStarts[_cachedLine]) return false; // See if it's on the cached line. if (_cachedLine >= _lineStarts.length - 1 || offset < _lineStarts[_cachedLine + 1]) { return true; } // See if it's on the next line. if (_cachedLine >= _lineStarts.length - 2 || offset < _lineStarts[_cachedLine + 2]) { _cachedLine++; return true; } return false; } /// Binary search through [_lineStarts] to find the line containing [offset]. /// /// Returns the index of the line in [_lineStarts]. int _binarySearch(int offset) { int min = 0; int max = _lineStarts.length - 1; while (min < max) { var half = min + ((max - min) ~/ 2); if (_lineStarts[half] > offset) { max = half; } else { min = half + 1; } } return max; } /// Gets the 0-based column corresponding to [offset]. /// /// If [line] is passed, it's assumed to be the line containing [offset] and /// is used to more efficiently compute the column. int getColumn(int offset, {int line}) { if (offset < 0) { throw new RangeError("Offset may not be negative, was $offset."); } else if (offset > length) { throw new RangeError("Offset $offset must be not be greater than the " "number of characters in the file, $length."); } if (line == null) { line = getLine(offset); } else if (line < 0) { throw new RangeError("Line may not be negative, was $line."); } else if (line >= lines) { throw new RangeError("Line $line must be less than the number of " "lines in the file, $lines."); } var lineStart = _lineStarts[line]; if (lineStart > offset) { throw new RangeError("Line $line comes after offset $offset."); } return offset - lineStart; } /// Gets the offset for a [line] and [column]. /// /// [column] defaults to 0. int getOffset(int line, [int column]) { if (column == null) column = 0; if (line < 0) { throw new RangeError("Line may not be negative, was $line."); } else if (line >= lines) { throw new RangeError("Line $line must be less than the number of " "lines in the file, $lines."); } else if (column < 0) { throw new RangeError("Column may not be negative, was $column."); } var result = _lineStarts[line] + column; if (result > length || (line + 1 < lines && result >= _lineStarts[line + 1])) { throw new RangeError("Line $line doesn't have $column columns."); } return result; } /// Returns the text of the file from [start] to [end] (exclusive). /// /// If [end] isn't passed, it defaults to the end of the file. String getText(int start, [int end]) => new String.fromCharCodes(_decodedChars.sublist(start, end)); } /// A [SourceLocation] within a [SourceFile]. /// /// Unlike the base [SourceLocation], [FileLocation] lazily computes its line /// and column values based on its offset and the contents of [file]. /// /// A [FileLocation] can be created using [SourceFile.location]. class FileLocation extends SourceLocationMixin implements SourceLocation { /// The [file] that [this] belongs to. final SourceFile file; final int offset; Uri get sourceUrl => file.url; int get line => file.getLine(offset); int get column => file.getColumn(offset); FileLocation._(this.file, this.offset) { if (offset < 0) { throw new RangeError("Offset may not be negative, was $offset."); } else if (offset > file.length) { throw new RangeError("Offset $offset must not be greater than the number " "of characters in the file, ${file.length}."); } } FileSpan pointSpan() => new _FileSpan(file, offset, offset); } /// A [SourceSpan] within a [SourceFile]. /// /// Unlike the base [SourceSpan], [FileSpan] lazily computes its line and column /// values based on its offset and the contents of [file]. [FileSpan.message] is /// also able to provide more context then [SourceSpan.message], and /// [FileSpan.union] will return a [FileSpan] if possible. /// /// A [FileSpan] can be created using [SourceFile.span]. abstract class FileSpan implements SourceSpanWithContext { /// The [file] that [this] belongs to. SourceFile get file; FileLocation get start; FileLocation get end; /// Returns a new span that covers both [this] and [other]. /// /// Unlike [union], [other] may be disjoint from [this]. If it is, the text /// between the two will be covered by the returned span. FileSpan expand(FileSpan other); } /// The implementation of [FileSpan]. /// /// This is split into a separate class so that `is _FileSpan` checks can be run /// to make certain operations more efficient. If we used `is FileSpan`, that /// would break if external classes implemented the interface. class _FileSpan extends SourceSpanMixin implements FileSpan { final SourceFile file; /// The offset of the beginning of the span. /// /// [start] is lazily generated from this to avoid allocating unnecessary /// objects. final int _start; /// The offset of the end of the span. /// /// [end] is lazily generated from this to avoid allocating unnecessary /// objects. final int _end; Uri get sourceUrl => file.url; int get length => _end - _start; FileLocation get start => new FileLocation._(file, _start); FileLocation get end => new FileLocation._(file, _end); String get text => file.getText(_start, _end); String get context => file.getText(file.getOffset(start.line), end.line == file.lines - 1 ? null : file.getOffset(end.line + 1)); _FileSpan(this.file, this._start, this._end) { if (_end < _start) { throw new ArgumentError('End $_end must come after start $_start.'); } else if (_end > file.length) { throw new RangeError("End $_end must not be greater than the number " "of characters in the file, ${file.length}."); } else if (_start < 0) { throw new RangeError("Start may not be negative, was $_start."); } } int compareTo(SourceSpan other) { if (other is! _FileSpan) return super.compareTo(other); _FileSpan otherFile = other; var result = _start.compareTo(otherFile._start); return result == 0 ? _end.compareTo(otherFile._end) : result; } SourceSpan union(SourceSpan other) { if (other is! FileSpan) return super.union(other); _FileSpan span = expand(other); if (other is _FileSpan) { if (this._start > other._end || other._start > this._end) { throw new ArgumentError("Spans $this and $other are disjoint."); } } else { if (this._start > other.end.offset || other.start.offset > this._end) { throw new ArgumentError("Spans $this and $other are disjoint."); } } return span; } bool operator ==(other) { if (other is! FileSpan) return super == other; if (other is! _FileSpan) { return super == other && sourceUrl == other.sourceUrl; } return _start == other._start && _end == other._end && sourceUrl == other.sourceUrl; } // Eliminates dart2js warning about overriding `==`, but not `hashCode` int get hashCode => super.hashCode; /// Returns a new span that covers both [this] and [other]. /// /// Unlike [union], [other] may be disjoint from [this]. If it is, the text /// between the two will be covered by the returned span. FileSpan expand(FileSpan other) { if (sourceUrl != other.sourceUrl) { throw new ArgumentError("Source URLs \"${sourceUrl}\" and " " \"${other.sourceUrl}\" don't match."); } if (other is _FileSpan) { var start = math.min(this._start, other._start); var end = math.max(this._end, other._end); return new _FileSpan(file, start, end); } else { var start = math.min(this._start, other.start.offset); var end = math.max(this._end, other.end.offset); return new _FileSpan(file, start, end); } } } rNN<!((P30K?LP 5",*''KKKP&/*G-:,0C:MKN<#&QN?>/L)J!#>:1AI1K%L9G$<!5B'7$BI NI3=%&J&>N<$(B371. =7.afile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'span.dart'; // TODO(nweiz): Use SourceLocationMixin once we decide to cut a release with // breaking changes. See SourceLocationMixin for details. /// A class that describes a single location within a source file. /// /// This class should not be extended. Instead, [SourceLocationBase] should be /// extended instead. class SourceLocation implements Comparable { /// URL of the source containing this location. /// /// This may be null, indicating that the source URL is unknown or /// unavailable. final Uri sourceUrl; /// The 0-based offset of this location in the source. final int offset; /// The 0-based line of this location in the source. final int line; /// The 0-based column of this location in the source final int column; /// Returns a representation of this location in the `source:line:column` /// format used by text editors. /// /// This prints 1-based lines and columns. String get toolString { var source = sourceUrl == null ? 'unknown source' : sourceUrl; return '$source:${line + 1}:${column + 1}'; } /// Creates a new location indicating [offset] within [sourceUrl]. /// /// [line] and [column] default to assuming the source is a single line. This /// means that [line] defaults to 0 and [column] defaults to [offset]. /// /// [sourceUrl] may be either a [String], a [Uri], or `null`. SourceLocation(int offset, {sourceUrl, int line, int column}) : sourceUrl = sourceUrl is String ? Uri.parse(sourceUrl) : sourceUrl, offset = offset, line = line == null ? 0 : line, column = column == null ? offset : column { if (offset < 0) { throw new RangeError("Offset may not be negative, was $offset."); } else if (line != null && line < 0) { throw new RangeError("Line may not be negative, was $line."); } else if (column != null && column < 0) { throw new RangeError("Column may not be negative, was $column."); } } /// Returns the distance in characters between [this] and [other]. /// /// This always returns a non-negative value. int distance(SourceLocation other) { if (sourceUrl != other.sourceUrl) { throw new ArgumentError("Source URLs \"${sourceUrl}\" and " "\"${other.sourceUrl}\" don't match."); } return (offset - other.offset).abs(); } /// Returns a span that covers only a single point: this location. SourceSpan pointSpan() => new SourceSpan(this, this, ""); /// Compares two locations. /// /// [other] must have the same source URL as [this]. int compareTo(SourceLocation other) { if (sourceUrl != other.sourceUrl) { throw new ArgumentError("Source URLs \"${sourceUrl}\" and " "\"${other.sourceUrl}\" don't match."); } return offset - other.offset; } bool operator ==(other) => other is SourceLocation && sourceUrl == other.sourceUrl && offset == other.offset; int get hashCode => sourceUrl.hashCode + offset; String toString() => '<$runtimeType: $offset $toolString>'; } /// A base class for source locations with [offset], [line], and [column] known /// at construction time. class SourceLocationBase extends SourceLocation { SourceLocationBase(int offset, {sourceUrl, int line, int column}) : super(offset, sourceUrl: sourceUrl, line: line, column: column); } eNN<M:CO=2E978L#-C0EPI@@L(4H+D/HE0'(B2*E<7((B2"!&3>P2DIgfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'location.dart'; import 'span.dart'; // Note: this class duplicates a lot of functionality of [SourceLocation]. This // is because in order for SourceLocation to use SourceLocationMixin, // SourceLocationMixin couldn't implement SourceLocation. In SourceSpan we // handle this by making the class itself non-extensible, but that would be a // breaking change for SourceLocation. So until we want to endure the pain of // cutting a release with breaking changes, we duplicate the code here. /// A mixin for easily implementing [SourceLocation]. abstract class SourceLocationMixin implements SourceLocation { String get toolString { var source = sourceUrl == null ? 'unknown source' : sourceUrl; return '$source:${line + 1}:${column + 1}'; } int distance(SourceLocation other) { if (sourceUrl != other.sourceUrl) { throw new ArgumentError("Source URLs \"${sourceUrl}\" and " "\"${other.sourceUrl}\" don't match."); } return (offset - other.offset).abs(); } SourceSpan pointSpan() => new SourceSpan(this, this, ""); int compareTo(SourceLocation other) { if (sourceUrl != other.sourceUrl) { throw new ArgumentError("Source URLs \"${sourceUrl}\" and " "\"${other.sourceUrl}\" don't match."); } return offset - other.offset; } bool operator ==(other) => other is SourceLocation && sourceUrl == other.sourceUrl && offset == other.offset; int get hashCode => sourceUrl.hashCode + offset; String toString() => '<$runtimeType: $offset $toolString>'; } 2NN<PFKNNH6?C0'(B2*<((B2"!&3>]file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'location.dart'; import 'span_mixin.dart'; /// A class that describes a segment of source text. abstract class SourceSpan implements Comparable { /// The start location of this span. SourceLocation get start; /// The end location of this span, exclusive. SourceLocation get end; /// The source text for this span. String get text; /// The URL of the source (typically a file) of this span. /// /// This may be null, indicating that the source URL is unknown or /// unavailable. Uri get sourceUrl; /// The length of this span, in characters. int get length; /// Creates a new span from [start] to [end] (exclusive) containing [text]. /// /// [start] and [end] must have the same source URL and [start] must come /// before [end]. [text] must have a number of characters equal to the /// distance between [start] and [end]. factory SourceSpan(SourceLocation start, SourceLocation end, String text) => new SourceSpanBase(start, end, text); /// Creates a new span that's the union of [this] and [other]. /// /// The two spans must have the same source URL and may not be disjoint. /// [text] is computed by combining [this.text] and [other.text]. SourceSpan union(SourceSpan other); /// Compares two spans. /// /// [other] must have the same source URL as [this]. This orders spans by /// [start] then [length]. int compareTo(SourceSpan other); /// Formats [message] in a human-friendly way associated with this span. /// /// [color] may either be a [String], a [bool], or `null`. If it's a string, /// it indicates an ANSII terminal color escape that should be used to /// highlight the span's text. If it's `true`, it indicates that the text /// should be highlighted using the default color. If it's `false` or `null`, /// it indicates that the text shouldn't be highlighted. String message(String message, {color}); /// Prints the text associated with this span in a user-friendly way. /// /// This is identical to [message], except that it doesn't print the file /// name, line number, column number, or message. If [length] is 0 and this /// isn't a [SourceSpanWithContext], returns an empty string. /// /// [color] may either be a [String], a [bool], or `null`. If it's a string, /// it indicates an ANSII terminal color escape that should be used to /// highlight the span's text. If it's `true`, it indicates that the text /// should be highlighted using the default color. If it's `false` or `null`, /// it indicates that the text shouldn't be highlighted. String highlight({color}); } /// A base class for source spans with [start], [end], and [text] known at /// construction time. class SourceSpanBase extends SourceSpanMixin { final SourceLocation start; final SourceLocation end; final String text; SourceSpanBase(this.start, this.end, this.text) { if (end.sourceUrl != start.sourceUrl) { throw new ArgumentError("Source URLs \"${start.sourceUrl}\" and " " \"${end.sourceUrl}\" don't match."); } else if (end.offset < start.offset) { throw new ArgumentError('End $end must come after start $start.'); } else if (text.length != start.distance(end)) { throw new ArgumentError('Text "$text" must be ${start.distance(end)} ' 'characters long.'); } } } [NN<5>'0%=E.NLI*O,AKD&L#KOILP;+HLN@OILP;K/4,H1,I5Mgfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'span.dart'; /// A class for exceptions that have source span information attached. class SourceSpanException implements Exception { // This is a getter so that subclasses can override it. /// A message describing the exception. String get message => _message; final String _message; // This is a getter so that subclasses can override it. /// The span associated with this exception. /// /// This may be `null` if the source location can't be determined. SourceSpan get span => _span; final SourceSpan _span; SourceSpanException(this._message, this._span); /// Returns a string representation of [this]. /// /// [color] may either be a [String], a [bool], or `null`. If it's a string, /// it indicates an ANSII terminal color escape that should be used to /// highlight the span's text. If it's `true`, it indicates that the text /// should be highlighted using the default color. If it's `false` or `null`, /// it indicates that the text shouldn't be highlighted. String toString({color}) { if (span == null) return message; return "Error on " + span.message(message, color: color); } } /// A [SourceSpanException] that's also a [FormatException]. class SourceSpanFormatException extends SourceSpanException implements FormatException { // This is a getter so that subclasses can override it. dynamic get source => _source; final _source; int get offset => span == null ? null : span.start.offset; SourceSpanFormatException(String message, SourceSpan span, [this._source]) : super(message, span); } 1NN<G1:*":/E 21OILP;&>= start.sourceUrl; int get length => end.offset - start.offset; int compareTo(SourceSpan other) { var result = start.compareTo(other.start); return result == 0 ? end.compareTo(other.end) : result; } SourceSpan union(SourceSpan other) { if (sourceUrl != other.sourceUrl) { throw new ArgumentError("Source URLs \"${sourceUrl}\" and " " \"${other.sourceUrl}\" don't match."); } var start = min(this.start, other.start); var end = max(this.end, other.end); var beginSpan = start == this.start ? this : other; var endSpan = end == this.end ? this : other; if (beginSpan.end.compareTo(endSpan.start) < 0) { throw new ArgumentError("Spans $this and $other are disjoint."); } var text = beginSpan.text + endSpan.text.substring(beginSpan.end.distance(endSpan.start)); return new SourceSpan(start, end, text); } String message(String message, {color}) { var buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.write('line ${start.line + 1}, column ${start.column + 1}'); if (sourceUrl != null) buffer.write(' of ${p.prettyUri(sourceUrl)}'); buffer.write(': $message'); var highlight = this.highlight(color: color); if (!highlight.isEmpty) { buffer.writeln(); buffer.write(highlight); } return buffer.toString(); } String highlight({color}) { if (color == true) color = colors.RED; if (color == false) color = null; var column = start.column; var buffer = new StringBuffer(); String textLine; if (this is SourceSpanWithContext) { var context = (this as SourceSpanWithContext).context; var lineStart = findLineStart(context, text, column); if (lineStart != null && lineStart > 0) { buffer.write(context.substring(0, lineStart)); context = context.substring(lineStart); } var endIndex = context.indexOf('\n'); textLine = endIndex == -1 ? context : context.substring(0, endIndex + 1); column = math.min(column, textLine.length); } else if (length == 0) { return ""; } else { textLine = text.split("\n").first; column = 0; } var toColumn = math.min(column + end.offset - start.offset, textLine.length); if (color != null) { buffer.write(textLine.substring(0, column)); buffer.write(color); buffer.write(textLine.substring(column, toColumn)); buffer.write(colors.NONE); buffer.write(textLine.substring(toColumn)); } else { buffer.write(textLine); } if (!textLine.endsWith('\n')) buffer.write('\n'); for (var i = 0; i < column; i++) { if (textLine.codeUnitAt(i) == $tab) { buffer.writeCharCode($tab); } else { buffer.writeCharCode($space); } } if (color != null) buffer.write(color); buffer.write('^' * math.max(toColumn - column, 1)); if (color != null) buffer.write(colors.NONE); return buffer.toString(); } bool operator ==(other) => other is SourceSpan && start == other.start && end == other.end; int get hashCode => start.hashCode + (31 * end.hashCode); String toString() => '<$runtimeType: from $start to $end "$text">'; } |NN<)& !2MOQ/7(/$/<'(B3.(826G G-,%HJ 2+&%)=<070,P2 )G3:!2 6',$&,82G<Fjfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'location.dart'; import 'span.dart'; import 'utils.dart'; /// A class that describes a segment of source text with additional context. class SourceSpanWithContext extends SourceSpanBase { // This is a getter so that subclasses can override it. /// Text around the span, which includes the line containing this span. String get context => _context; final String _context; /// Creates a new span from [start] to [end] (exclusive) containing [text], in /// the given [context]. /// /// [start] and [end] must have the same source URL and [start] must come /// before [end]. [text] must have a number of characters equal to the /// distance between [start] and [end]. [context] must contain [text], and /// [text] should start at `start.column` from the beginning of a line in /// [context]. SourceSpanWithContext( SourceLocation start, SourceLocation end, String text, this._context) : super(start, end, text) { if (!context.contains(text)) { throw new ArgumentError( 'The context line "$context" must contain "$text".'); } if (findLineStart(context, text, start.column) == null) { throw new ArgumentError('The span text "$text" must start at ' 'column ${start.column + 1} in a line within "$context".'); } } } 'NN<M5:J"QLIMLL"#@>EFnfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:charcode/ascii.dart'; import 'line_scanner.dart'; import 'span_scanner.dart'; // TODO(nweiz): Currently this duplicates code in line_scanner.dart. Once // sdk#23770 is fully complete, we should move the shared code into a mixin. /// A regular expression matching newlines across platforms. final _newlineRegExp = new RegExp(r"\r\n?|\n"); /// A [SpanScanner] that tracks the line and column eagerly, like [LineScanner]. class EagerSpanScanner extends SpanScanner { int get line => _line; int _line = 0; int get column => _column; int _column = 0; LineScannerState get state => new _EagerSpanScannerState(this, position, line, column); bool get _betweenCRLF => peekChar(-1) == $cr && peekChar() == $lf; set state(LineScannerState state) { if (state is! _EagerSpanScannerState || !identical((state as _EagerSpanScannerState)._scanner, this)) { throw new ArgumentError("The given LineScannerState was not returned by " "this LineScanner."); } super.position = state.position; _line = state.line; _column = state.column; } set position(int newPosition) { var oldPosition = position; super.position = newPosition; if (newPosition > oldPosition) { var newlines = _newlinesIn(string.substring(oldPosition, newPosition)); _line += newlines.length; if (newlines.isEmpty) { _column += newPosition - oldPosition; } else { _column = newPosition - newlines.last.end; } } else { var newlines = _newlinesIn(string.substring(newPosition, oldPosition)); if (_betweenCRLF) newlines.removeLast(); _line -= newlines.length; if (newlines.isEmpty) { _column -= oldPosition - newPosition; } else { _column = newPosition - string.lastIndexOf(_newlineRegExp, newPosition) - 1; } } } EagerSpanScanner(String string, {sourceUrl, int position}) : super(string, sourceUrl: sourceUrl, position: position); bool scanChar(int character) { if (!super.scanChar(character)) return false; _adjustLineAndColumn(character); return true; } int readChar() { var character = super.readChar(); _adjustLineAndColumn(character); return character; } /// Adjusts [_line] and [_column] after having consumed [character]. void _adjustLineAndColumn(int character) { if (character == $lf || (character == $cr && peekChar() != $lf)) { _line += 1; _column = 0; } else { _column += 1; } } bool scan(Pattern pattern) { if (!super.scan(pattern)) return false; var newlines = _newlinesIn(lastMatch[0]); _line += newlines.length; if (newlines.isEmpty) { _column += lastMatch[0].length; } else { _column = lastMatch[0].length - newlines.last.end; } return true; } /// Returns a list of [Match]es describing all the newlines in [text], which /// is assumed to end at [position]. List _newlinesIn(String text) { var newlines = _newlineRegExp.allMatches(text).toList(); if (_betweenCRLF) newlines.removeLast(); return newlines; } } /// A class representing the state of an [EagerSpanScanner]. class _EagerSpanScannerState implements LineScannerState { final EagerSpanScanner _scanner; final int position; final int line; final int column; _EagerSpanScannerState(this._scanner, this.position, this.line, this.column); } }NN<&JM=0Q- @E&,HP %" "%N .3 N/ .O=A!2%&%G-G ,.& 9O')=-=;#Pqfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart'; import 'exception.dart'; import 'line_scanner.dart'; import 'span_scanner.dart'; import 'string_scanner.dart'; import 'utils.dart'; /// A [SpanScanner] that scans within an existing [FileSpan]. /// /// This re-implements chunks of [SpanScanner] rather than using a dummy span or /// inheritance because scanning is often a performance-critical operation, so /// it's important to avoid adding extra overhead when relative scanning isn't /// needed. class RelativeSpanScanner extends StringScanner implements SpanScanner { /// The source of the scanner. /// /// This caches line break information and is used to generate [Span]s. final SourceFile _sourceFile; /// The start location of the span within which this scanner is scanning. /// /// This is used to convert between span-relative and file-relative fields. final FileLocation _startLocation; int get line => _sourceFile.getLine(_startLocation.offset + position) - _startLocation.line; int get column { var line = _sourceFile.getLine(_startLocation.offset + position); var column = _sourceFile.getColumn(_startLocation.offset + position, line: line); return line == _startLocation.line ? column - _startLocation.column : column; } LineScannerState get state => new _SpanScannerState(this, position); set state(LineScannerState state) { if (state is! _SpanScannerState || !identical((state as _SpanScannerState)._scanner, this)) { throw new ArgumentError("The given LineScannerState was not returned by " "this LineScanner."); } this.position = state.position; } FileSpan get lastSpan => _lastSpan; FileSpan _lastSpan; FileLocation get location => _sourceFile.location(_startLocation.offset + position); FileSpan get emptySpan => location.pointSpan(); RelativeSpanScanner(FileSpan span) : _sourceFile = span.file, _startLocation = span.start, super(span.text, sourceUrl: span.sourceUrl); FileSpan spanFrom(LineScannerState startState, [LineScannerState endState]) { var endPosition = endState == null ? position : endState.position; return _sourceFile.span(_startLocation.offset + startState.position, _startLocation.offset + endPosition); } bool matches(Pattern pattern) { if (!super.matches(pattern)) { _lastSpan = null; return false; } _lastSpan = _sourceFile.span(_startLocation.offset + position, _startLocation.offset + lastMatch.end); return true; } void error(String message, {Match match, int position, int length}) { validateErrorArgs(string, match, position, length); if (match == null && position == null && length == null) match = lastMatch; if (position == null) { position = match == null ? this.position : match.start; } if (length == null) length = match == null ? 1 : match.end - match.start; var span = _sourceFile.span(_startLocation.offset + position, _startLocation.offset + position + length); throw new StringScannerException(message, span, string); } } /// A class representing the state of a [SpanScanner]. class _SpanScannerState implements LineScannerState { /// The [SpanScanner] that created this. final RelativeSpanScanner _scanner; final int position; int get line => _scanner._sourceFile.getLine(position); int get column => _scanner._sourceFile.getColumn(position); _SpanScannerState(this._scanner, this.position); } pNN</>QOO I!J LN%>FM')G&'CP $&>2%!%5PGI."#C0H8P>NB4=76+&:>3afile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// Validates the arguments passed to [StringScanner.error]. void validateErrorArgs(String string, Match match, int position, int length) { if (match != null && (position != null || length != null)) { throw new ArgumentError("Can't pass both match and position/length."); } if (position != null) { if (position < 0) { throw new RangeError("position must be greater than or equal to 0."); } else if (position > string.length) { throw new RangeError("position must be less than or equal to the " "string length."); } } if (length != null && length < 0) { throw new RangeError("length must be greater than or equal to 0."); } if (position != null && length != null && position + length > string.length) { throw new RangeError("position plus length must not go beyond the end of " "the string."); } } NN<=O?KL+I&HQOgfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library http_server.http_body_impl; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:mime/mime.dart'; import 'http_body.dart'; import 'http_multipart_form_data.dart'; class HttpBodyHandlerTransformer extends StreamTransformerBase { final Encoding _defaultEncoding; const HttpBodyHandlerTransformer(this._defaultEncoding); Stream bind(Stream stream) { return new Stream.eventTransformed( stream, (EventSink sink) => new _HttpBodyHandlerTransformerSink(_defaultEncoding, sink)); } } class _HttpBodyHandlerTransformerSink implements EventSink { final Encoding _defaultEncoding; final EventSink _outSink; int _pending = 0; bool _closed = false; _HttpBodyHandlerTransformerSink(this._defaultEncoding, this._outSink); void add(HttpRequest request) { _pending++; HttpBodyHandlerImpl.processRequest(request, _defaultEncoding) .then(_outSink.add, onError: _outSink.addError) .whenComplete(() { _pending--; if (_closed && _pending == 0) _outSink.close(); }); } void addError(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) { _outSink.addError(error, stackTrace); } void close() { _closed = true; if (_pending == 0) _outSink.close(); } } class HttpBodyHandlerImpl { static Future processRequest( HttpRequest request, Encoding defaultEncoding) { return process(request, request.headers, defaultEncoding) .then((body) => new _HttpRequestBody(request, body), onError: (error) { // Try to send BAD_REQUEST response. request.response.statusCode = HttpStatus.badRequest; request.response.close(); throw error; }); } static Future processResponse( HttpClientResponse response, Encoding defaultEncoding) { return process(response, response.headers, defaultEncoding) .then((body) => new _HttpClientResponseBody(response, body)); } static Future process( Stream> stream, HttpHeaders headers, Encoding defaultEncoding) { var contentType = headers.contentType; Future asBinary() { return stream .fold(new BytesBuilder(), (builder, data) => builder..add(data)) .then((builder) => new _HttpBody("binary", builder.takeBytes())); } Future asText(Encoding defaultEncoding) { Encoding encoding; var charset = contentType.charset; if (charset != null) encoding = Encoding.getByName(charset); encoding ??= defaultEncoding; return stream .transform(encoding.decoder) .fold(new StringBuffer(), (buffer, data) => buffer..write(data)) .then((buffer) => new _HttpBody("text", buffer.toString())); } Future asFormData() { return stream .transform( new MimeMultipartTransformer(contentType.parameters['boundary'])) .map((part) => HttpMultipartFormData.parse(part, defaultEncoding: defaultEncoding)) .map((multipart) { Future future; if (multipart.isText) { future = multipart .fold(new StringBuffer(), (b, s) => b..write(s)) .then((b) => b.toString()); } else { future = multipart .fold(new BytesBuilder(), (b, d) => b..add(d)) .then((b) => b.takeBytes()); } return future.then((data) { var filename = multipart.contentDisposition.parameters['filename']; if (filename != null) { data = new _HttpBodyFileUpload( multipart.contentType, filename, data); } return [multipart.contentDisposition.parameters['name'], data]; }); }) .fold([], (l, f) => l..add(f)) .then((values) => Future.wait(values as List)) .then((parts) { var map = {}; for (var part in parts) { map[part[0] as String] = part[1]; // Override existing entries. } return new _HttpBody('form', map); }); } if (contentType == null) { return asBinary(); } switch (contentType.primaryType) { case "text": return asText(defaultEncoding); case "application": switch (contentType.subType) { case "json": return asText(utf8) .then((body) => new _HttpBody("json", jsonDecode(body.body))); case "x-www-form-urlencoded": return asText(ascii).then((body) { var map = Uri.splitQueryString(body.body, encoding: defaultEncoding); var result = {}; for (var key in map.keys) { result[key] = map[key]; } return new _HttpBody("form", result); }); default: break; } break; case "multipart": switch (contentType.subType) { case "form-data": return asFormData(); default: break; } break; default: break; } return asBinary(); } } class _HttpBodyFileUpload implements HttpBodyFileUpload { final ContentType contentType; final String filename; final dynamic content; _HttpBodyFileUpload(this.contentType, this.filename, this.content); } class _HttpBody implements HttpBody { final String type; final dynamic body; _HttpBody(this.type, this.body); } class _HttpRequestBody extends _HttpBody implements HttpRequestBody { final HttpRequest request; _HttpRequestBody(this.request, HttpBody body) : super(body.type, body.body); } class _HttpClientResponseBody extends _HttpBody implements HttpClientResponseBody { final HttpClientResponse response; _HttpClientResponseBody(this.response, HttpBody body) : super(body.type, body.body); } NN<$!(!B#;=9-JJ#-I"B869*)17>P+; 9?@F#Q+"KL8)C$'KG$P;1$!C.!A/(G&0<N )A+&N/'(' O(/N*(4 '! :!F&#FO0(%8%vfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library http_server.http_multipart_form_data_impl; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:mime/mime.dart'; import 'http_multipart_form_data.dart'; class HttpMultipartFormDataImpl extends Stream implements HttpMultipartFormData { final ContentType contentType; final HeaderValue contentDisposition; final HeaderValue contentTransferEncoding; final MimeMultipart _mimeMultipart; bool _isText = false; Stream _stream; HttpMultipartFormDataImpl( this.contentType, this.contentDisposition, this.contentTransferEncoding, this._mimeMultipart, Encoding defaultEncoding) { _stream = _mimeMultipart; if (contentTransferEncoding != null) { // TODO(ajohnsen): Support BASE64, etc. throw new HttpException("Unsupported contentTransferEncoding: " "${contentTransferEncoding.value}"); } if (contentType == null || contentType.primaryType == 'text' || contentType.mimeType == 'application/json') { _isText = true; Encoding encoding; if (contentType != null && contentType.charset != null) { encoding = Encoding.getByName(contentType.charset); } encoding ??= defaultEncoding; _stream = _stream.transform(encoding.decoder); } } bool get isText => _isText; bool get isBinary => !_isText; static HttpMultipartFormData parse( MimeMultipart multipart, Encoding defaultEncoding) { ContentType type; HeaderValue encoding; HeaderValue disposition; var remaining = {}; for (var key in multipart.headers.keys) { switch (key) { case 'content-type': type = ContentType.parse(multipart.headers[key]); break; case 'content-transfer-encoding': encoding = HeaderValue.parse(multipart.headers[key]); break; case 'content-disposition': disposition = HeaderValue.parse(multipart.headers[key], preserveBackslash: true); break; default: remaining[key] = multipart.headers[key]; break; } } if (disposition == null) { throw const HttpException( "Mime Multipart doesn't contain a Content-Disposition header value"); } return new HttpMultipartFormDataImpl( type, disposition, encoding, multipart, defaultEncoding); } StreamSubscription listen(void onData(data), {void onDone(), Function onError, bool cancelOnError}) { return _stream.listen(onData, onDone: onDone, onError: onError, cancelOnError: cancelOnError); } String value(String name) { return _mimeMultipart.headers[name]; } } eNN<3!(/'!(-&$"+.F/-6@<$5!&;(.<*@$B(3!P*B/?"I)_file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// A pair of values. class Pair { E first; F last; Pair(this.first, this.last); } /// Returns a [Comparator] that asserts that its first argument is comparable. Comparator defaultCompare() => (value1, value2) => (value1 as Comparable).compareTo(value2); NN< O%Bpfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:collection'; import 'unmodifiable_wrappers.dart'; // Unfortunately, we can't use UnmodifiableSetMixin here, since const classes // can't use mixins. /// An unmodifiable, empty set that can have a const constructor. class EmptyUnmodifiableSet extends IterableBase implements UnmodifiableSetView { static T _throw() { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot modify an unmodifiable Set"); } Iterator get iterator => new Iterable.empty().iterator; int get length => 0; const EmptyUnmodifiableSet(); EmptyUnmodifiableSet cast() => new EmptyUnmodifiableSet(); bool contains(Object element) => false; bool containsAll(Iterable other) => other.isEmpty; Iterable followedBy(Iterable other) => new Set.from(other); E lookup(Object element) => null; @deprecated EmptyUnmodifiableSet retype() => new EmptyUnmodifiableSet(); E singleWhere(bool test(E element), {E orElse()}) => super.singleWhere(test); Iterable whereType() => new EmptyUnmodifiableSet(); Set toSet() => new Set(); Set union(Set other) => new Set.from(other); Set intersection(Set other) => new Set(); Set difference(Set other) => new Set(); bool add(E value) => _throw(); void addAll(Iterable elements) => _throw(); void clear() => _throw(); bool remove(Object element) => _throw(); void removeAll(Iterable elements) => _throw(); void removeWhere(bool test(E element)) => _throw(); void retainWhere(bool test(E element)) => _throw(); void retainAll(Iterable elements) => _throw(); } /NN<%NB6(E@ F*=D$HP?575!1+9669Qfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ AES; /** * AES for Dart * * Copyright (c) 2012 Yulian Kuncheff * * Released under MIT License. * * Based on AES implementation in JavaScript by Chris Veness */ class AES { static List cipher(List input, List keySchedule) { int blockSize = 4; //block size - fixed at 4 for AES int numRounds = keySchedule.length ~/ blockSize - 1; // number of rounds (10/12/14 for 128/192/256-bit keys) // Initialize 4xNb byte-array 'state' with input [§3.4] var state = >[new List(4), new List(4), new List(4), new List(4)]; for (int i = 0; i < 4 * blockSize; i++) { int r = i % 4; int c = (i ~/ 4).floor(); state[r][c] = input[i]; } state = _addRoundKey(state, keySchedule, 0, blockSize); for (int round = 1; round < numRounds; round++) { state = _subBytes(state, blockSize); state = _shiftRows(state, blockSize); state = _mixColumns(state, blockSize); state = _addRoundKey(state, keySchedule, round, blockSize); } state = _subBytes(state, blockSize); state = _shiftRows(state, blockSize); state = _addRoundKey(state, keySchedule, numRounds, blockSize); var output = new List(4 * blockSize); for (int i = 0; i < 4 * blockSize; i++) { output[i] = state[i % 4][(i ~/ 4).floor()]; } return output; } static List keyExpansion(List key) { int blockSize = 4; int keyLength = key.length ~/ 4; int numRounds = keyLength + 6; var keySchedule = new List((blockSize * (numRounds + 1)).toInt()); var temp = new List(4); for (int i = 0; i < keyLength; i++) { var row = [key[4 * i], key[4 * i + 1], key[4 * i + 2], key[4 * i + 3]]; keySchedule[i] = row; } for (int i = keyLength; i < (blockSize * (numRounds + 1)); i++) { keySchedule[i] = new List(4); for (int t = 0; t < 4; t++) { temp[t] = keySchedule[i - 1][t]; } if (i % keyLength == 0) { temp = _subWord(_rotWord(temp)); for (int t = 0; t < 4; t++) { temp[t] ^= _rCon[i ~/ keyLength][t]; } } else if (keyLength > 6 && i % keyLength == 4) { temp = _subWord(temp); } for (int t = 0; t < 4; t++) { keySchedule[i][t] = keySchedule[i - keyLength][t] ^ temp[t]; } } return keySchedule; } static List> _subBytes(List> state, int blockSize) { for (int row = 0; row < 4; row++) { for (int column = 0; column < blockSize; column++) { state[row][column] = _sBox[state[row][column]]; } } return state; } static List> _shiftRows(List> state, int blockSize) { var temp = new List(4); for (int row = 1; row < 4; row++) { for (int column = 0; column < 4; column++) { temp[column] = state[row][(column + row) % blockSize]; } for (int column = 0; column < 4; column++) { state[row][column] = temp[column]; } } return state; } static List> _mixColumns(List> state, int blockSize) { for (int column = 0; column < 4; column++) { var a = new List(4); var b = new List(4); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { a[i] = state[i][column]; b[i] = (state[i][column] & 0x80) != 0 ? state[i][column] << 1 ^ 0x011b : state[i][column] << 1; } state[0][column] = b[0] ^ a[1] ^ b[1] ^ a[2] ^ a[3]; state[1][column] = a[0] ^ b[1] ^ a[2] ^ b[2] ^ a[3]; state[2][column] = a[0] ^ a[1] ^ b[2] ^ a[3] ^ b[3]; state[3][column] = a[0] ^ b[0] ^ a[1] ^ a[2] ^ b[3]; } return state; } static List> _addRoundKey( List> state, List keySchedule, int round, int blockSize) { for (int row = 0; row < 4; row++) { for (int column = 0; column < blockSize; column++) { state[row][column] ^= keySchedule[round * 4 + column][row]; } } return state; } static _subWord(List keySchedule) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { _sBox[keySchedule[i]]; } return keySchedule; } static _rotWord(List keySchedule) { var temp = keySchedule[0]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { keySchedule[i] = keySchedule[i + 1]; } keySchedule[3] = temp; return keySchedule; } static const _sBox = const [0x63,0x7c,0x77,0x7b,0xf2,0x6b,0x6f,0xc5,0x30,0x01,0x67,0x2b,0xfe,0xd7,0xab,0x76, 0xca,0x82,0xc9,0x7d,0xfa,0x59,0x47,0xf0,0xad,0xd4,0xa2,0xaf,0x9c,0xa4,0x72,0xc0, 0xb7,0xfd,0x93,0x26,0x36,0x3f,0xf7,0xcc,0x34,0xa5,0xe5,0xf1,0x71,0xd8,0x31,0x15, 0x04,0xc7,0x23,0xc3,0x18,0x96,0x05,0x9a,0x07,0x12,0x80,0xe2,0xeb,0x27,0xb2,0x75, 0x09,0x83,0x2c,0x1a,0x1b,0x6e,0x5a,0xa0,0x52,0x3b,0xd6,0xb3,0x29,0xe3,0x2f,0x84, 0x53,0xd1,0x00,0xed,0x20,0xfc,0xb1,0x5b,0x6a,0xcb,0xbe,0x39,0x4a,0x4c,0x58,0xcf, 0xd0,0xef,0xaa,0xfb,0x43,0x4d,0x33,0x85,0x45,0xf9,0x02,0x7f,0x50,0x3c,0x9f,0xa8, 0x51,0xa3,0x40,0x8f,0x92,0x9d,0x38,0xf5,0xbc,0xb6,0xda,0x21,0x10,0xff,0xf3,0xd2, 0xcd,0x0c,0x13,0xec,0x5f,0x97,0x44,0x17,0xc4,0xa7,0x7e,0x3d,0x64,0x5d,0x19,0x73, 0x60,0x81,0x4f,0xdc,0x22,0x2a,0x90,0x88,0x46,0xee,0xb8,0x14,0xde,0x5e,0x0b,0xdb, 0xe0,0x32,0x3a,0x0a,0x49,0x06,0x24,0x5c,0xc2,0xd3,0xac,0x62,0x91,0x95,0xe4,0x79, 0xe7,0xc8,0x37,0x6d,0x8d,0xd5,0x4e,0xa9,0x6c,0x56,0xf4,0xea,0x65,0x7a,0xae,0x08, 0xba,0x78,0x25,0x2e,0x1c,0xa6,0xb4,0xc6,0xe8,0xdd,0x74,0x1f,0x4b,0xbd,0x8b,0x8a, 0x70,0x3e,0xb5,0x66,0x48,0x03,0xf6,0x0e,0x61,0x35,0x57,0xb9,0x86,0xc1,0x1d,0x9e, 0xe1,0xf8,0x98,0x11,0x69,0xd9,0x8e,0x94,0x9b,0x1e,0x87,0xe9,0xce,0x55,0x28,0xdf, 0x8c,0xa1,0x89,0x0d,0xbf,0xe6,0x42,0x68,0x41,0x99,0x2d,0x0f,0xb0,0x54,0xbb,0x16]; static const _rCon = const [ const [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00], const [0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00], const [0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00], const [0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00], const [0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00], const [0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00], const [0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00], const [0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00], const [0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00], const [0x1b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00], const [0x36, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00] ]; } ' > 596C bytes; Digest(this.bytes); /// Returns whether this is equal to another digest. /// /// This should be used instead of manual comparisons to avoid leaking /// information via timing. @override bool operator ==(Object other) => other is Digest && const ListEquality().equals(bytes, other.bytes); @override int get hashCode => const ListEquality().hash(bytes); /// The message digest as a string of hexadecimal digits. @override String toString() => hex.encode(bytes); } NN<-'A/7I $J 8< *Xfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:convert'; import 'digest.dart'; import 'digest_sink.dart'; /// An interface for cryptographic hash functions. /// /// Every hash is a converter that takes a list of ints and returns a single /// digest. When used in chunked mode, it will only ever add one digest to the /// inner [Sink]. abstract class Hash extends Converter, Digest> { /// The internal block size of the hash in bytes. /// /// This is exposed for use by the `Hmac` class, which needs to know the block /// size for the [Hash] it uses. int get blockSize; const Hash(); @override Digest convert(List data) { var innerSink = new DigestSink(); var outerSink = startChunkedConversion(innerSink); outerSink.add(data); outerSink.close(); return innerSink.value; } @override ByteConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink sink); } %NN<3MO;4Q# #&7 @Xfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'digest.dart'; import 'digest_sink.dart'; import 'hash.dart'; /// An implementation of [keyed-hash method authentication codes][rfc]. /// /// [rfc]: /// /// HMAC allows messages to be cryptographically authenticated using any /// iterated cryptographic hash function. class Hmac extends Converter, Digest> { /// The hash function used to compute the authentication digest. final Hash _hash; /// The secret key shared by the sender and the receiver. final Uint8List _key; /// Create an [Hmac] object from a [Hash] and a binary key. /// /// The key should be a secret shared between the sender and receiver of the /// message. Hmac(Hash hash, List key) : _hash = hash, _key = new Uint8List(hash.blockSize) { // Hash the key if it's longer than the block size of the hash. if (key.length > _hash.blockSize) key = _hash.convert(key).bytes; // If [key] is shorter than the block size, the rest of [_key] will be // 0-padded. _key.setRange(0, key.length, key); } @override Digest convert(List data) { var innerSink = new DigestSink(); var outerSink = startChunkedConversion(innerSink); outerSink.add(data); outerSink.close(); return innerSink.value; } @override ByteConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink sink) => new _HmacSink(sink, _hash, _key); } /// The concrete implementation of the HMAC algorithm. class _HmacSink extends ByteConversionSink { /// The sink for the outer hash computation. final ByteConversionSink _outerSink; /// The sink that [_innerSink]'s result will be added to when it's available. final _innerResultSink = new DigestSink(); /// The sink for the inner hash computation. ByteConversionSink _innerSink; /// Whether [close] has been called. bool _isClosed = false; _HmacSink(Sink sink, Hash hash, List key) : _outerSink = hash.startChunkedConversion(sink) { _innerSink = hash.startChunkedConversion(_innerResultSink); // Compute outer padding. var padding = new Uint8List(key.length); for (var i = 0; i < padding.length; i++) { padding[i] = 0x5c ^ key[i]; } _outerSink.add(padding); // Compute inner padding. for (var i = 0; i < padding.length; i++) { padding[i] = 0x36 ^ key[i]; } _innerSink.add(padding); } @override void add(List data) { if (_isClosed) throw new StateError('HMAC is closed'); _innerSink.add(data); } @override void addSlice(List data, int start, int end, bool isLast) { if (_isClosed) throw new StateError('HMAC is closed'); _innerSink.addSlice(data, start, end, isLast); } @override void close() { if (_isClosed) return; _isClosed = true; _innerSink.close(); _outerSink.add(_innerResultSink.value.bytes); _outerSink.close(); } } mNN<H/I*2C<>O!/DFK' #&7 B(7-/'P-/!'99@-/"/" ; C;3 2Wfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'digest.dart'; import 'hash.dart'; import 'hash_sink.dart'; import 'utils.dart'; /// An instance of [MD5]. /// /// This instance provides convenient access to the [MD5][rfc] hash function. /// /// [rfc]: /// /// **Warning**: MD5 has known collisions and should only be used when required /// for backwards compatibility. final md5 = new MD5._(); /// An implementation of the [MD5][rfc] hash function. /// /// [rfc]: /// /// **Warning**: MD5 has known collisions and should only be used when required /// for backwards compatibility. /// /// Note that it's almost always easier to use [md5] rather than creating a new /// instance. class MD5 extends Hash { @override final int blockSize = 16 * bytesPerWord; MD5._(); @override ByteConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink sink) => new ByteConversionSink.from(new _MD5Sink(sink)); } /// Data from a non-linear mathematical function that functions as /// reproducible noise. const _noise = const [ 0xd76aa478, 0xe8c7b756, 0x242070db, 0xc1bdceee, 0xf57c0faf, 0x4787c62a, // 0xa8304613, 0xfd469501, 0x698098d8, 0x8b44f7af, 0xffff5bb1, 0x895cd7be, 0x6b901122, 0xfd987193, 0xa679438e, 0x49b40821, 0xf61e2562, 0xc040b340, 0x265e5a51, 0xe9b6c7aa, 0xd62f105d, 0x02441453, 0xd8a1e681, 0xe7d3fbc8, 0x21e1cde6, 0xc33707d6, 0xf4d50d87, 0x455a14ed, 0xa9e3e905, 0xfcefa3f8, 0x676f02d9, 0x8d2a4c8a, 0xfffa3942, 0x8771f681, 0x6d9d6122, 0xfde5380c, 0xa4beea44, 0x4bdecfa9, 0xf6bb4b60, 0xbebfbc70, 0x289b7ec6, 0xeaa127fa, 0xd4ef3085, 0x04881d05, 0xd9d4d039, 0xe6db99e5, 0x1fa27cf8, 0xc4ac5665, 0xf4292244, 0x432aff97, 0xab9423a7, 0xfc93a039, 0x655b59c3, 0x8f0ccc92, 0xffeff47d, 0x85845dd1, 0x6fa87e4f, 0xfe2ce6e0, 0xa3014314, 0x4e0811a1, 0xf7537e82, 0xbd3af235, 0x2ad7d2bb, 0xeb86d391 ]; /// Per-round shift amounts. const _shiftAmounts = const [ 07, 12, 17, 22, 07, 12, 17, 22, 07, 12, 17, 22, 07, 12, 17, 22, 05, 09, 14, // 20, 05, 09, 14, 20, 05, 09, 14, 20, 05, 09, 14, 20, 04, 11, 16, 23, 04, 11, 16, 23, 04, 11, 16, 23, 04, 11, 16, 23, 06, 10, 15, 21, 06, 10, 15, 21, 06, 10, 15, 21, 06, 10, 15, 21 ]; /// The concrete implementation of [MD5]. /// /// This is separate so that it can extend [HashSink] without leaking additional /// public members. class _MD5Sink extends HashSink { @override final digest = new Uint32List(4); _MD5Sink(Sink sink) : super(sink, 16, endian: Endian.little) { digest[0] = 0x67452301; digest[1] = 0xefcdab89; digest[2] = 0x98badcfe; digest[3] = 0x10325476; } @override void updateHash(Uint32List chunk) { assert(chunk.length == 16); var a = digest[0]; var b = digest[1]; var c = digest[2]; var d = digest[3]; int e; int f; for (var i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if (i < 16) { e = (b & c) | ((~b & mask32) & d); f = i; } else if (i < 32) { e = (d & b) | ((~d & mask32) & c); f = ((5 * i) + 1) % 16; } else if (i < 48) { e = b ^ c ^ d; f = ((3 * i) + 5) % 16; } else { e = c ^ (b | (~d & mask32)); f = (7 * i) % 16; } var temp = d; d = c; c = b; b = add32( b, rotl32(add32(add32(a, e), add32(_noise[i], chunk[f])), _shiftAmounts[i])); a = temp; } digest[0] = add32(a, digest[0]); digest[1] = add32(b, digest[1]); digest[2] = add32(c, digest[2]); digest[3] = add32(d, digest[3]); } } ~NN<N/P!7/P!P +  B7CMJJJJJJJJJ1QNN*Q" $I &  #++  %  A"%%%%Xfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'digest.dart'; import 'hash.dart'; import 'hash_sink.dart'; import 'utils.dart'; /// An instance of [Sha1]. /// /// This instance provides convenient access to the [SHA-1][rfc] hash function. /// /// [rfc]: final sha1 = new Sha1._(); /// An implementation of the [SHA-1][rfc] hash function. /// /// [rfc]: class Sha1 extends Hash { @override final int blockSize = 16 * bytesPerWord; Sha1._(); @override ByteConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink sink) => new ByteConversionSink.from(new _Sha1Sink(sink)); } /// The concrete implementation of [Sha1]. /// /// This is separate so that it can extend [HashSink] without leaking additional /// public memebers. class _Sha1Sink extends HashSink { @override final digest = new Uint32List(5); /// The sixteen words from the original chunk, extended to 80 words. /// /// This is an instance variable to avoid re-allocating, but its data isn't /// used across invocations of [updateHash]. final Uint32List _extended; _Sha1Sink(Sink sink) : _extended = new Uint32List(80), super(sink, 16) { digest[0] = 0x67452301; digest[1] = 0xEFCDAB89; digest[2] = 0x98BADCFE; digest[3] = 0x10325476; digest[4] = 0xC3D2E1F0; } @override void updateHash(Uint32List chunk) { assert(chunk.length == 16); var a = digest[0]; var b = digest[1]; var c = digest[2]; var d = digest[3]; var e = digest[4]; for (var i = 0; i < 80; i++) { if (i < 16) { _extended[i] = chunk[i]; } else { _extended[i] = rotl32( _extended[i - 3] ^ _extended[i - 8] ^ _extended[i - 14] ^ _extended[i - 16], 1); } var newA = add32(add32(rotl32(a, 5), e), _extended[i]); if (i < 20) { newA = add32(add32(newA, (b & c) | (~b & d)), 0x5A827999); } else if (i < 40) { newA = add32(add32(newA, (b ^ c ^ d)), 0x6ED9EBA1); } else if (i < 60) { newA = add32(add32(newA, (b & c) | (b & d) | (c & d)), 0x8F1BBCDC); } else { newA = add32(add32(newA, b ^ c ^ d), 0xCA62C1D6); } e = d; d = c; c = rotl32(b, 30); b = a; a = newA & mask32; } digest[0] = add32(a, digest[0]); digest[1] = add32(b, digest[1]); digest[2] = add32(c, digest[2]); digest[3] = add32(d, digest[3]); digest[4] = add32(e, digest[4]); } } jNN<P.9. +  B8+Q# $GN/( & #!#$#>C<L:  %%%%%Zfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/{// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'digest.dart'; import 'hash.dart'; import 'hash_sink.dart'; import 'utils.dart'; /// An instance of [Sha256]. /// /// This instance provides convenient access to the [Sha256][rfc] hash function. /// /// [rfc]: final sha256 = new Sha256._(); /// An implementation of the [SHA-256][rfc] hash function. /// /// [rfc]: /// /// Note that it's almost always easier to use [sha256] rather than creating a /// new instance. class Sha256 extends Hash { @override final int blockSize = 16 * bytesPerWord; Sha256._(); Sha256 newInstance() => new Sha256._(); @override ByteConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink sink) => new ByteConversionSink.from(new _Sha256Sink(sink)); } /// Data from a non-linear function that functions as reproducible noise. const List _noise = const [ 0x428a2f98, 0x71374491, 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xe9b5dba5, 0x3956c25b, 0x59f111f1, // 0x923f82a4, 0xab1c5ed5, 0xd807aa98, 0x12835b01, 0x243185be, 0x550c7dc3, 0x72be5d74, 0x80deb1fe, 0x9bdc06a7, 0xc19bf174, 0xe49b69c1, 0xefbe4786, 0x0fc19dc6, 0x240ca1cc, 0x2de92c6f, 0x4a7484aa, 0x5cb0a9dc, 0x76f988da, 0x983e5152, 0xa831c66d, 0xb00327c8, 0xbf597fc7, 0xc6e00bf3, 0xd5a79147, 0x06ca6351, 0x14292967, 0x27b70a85, 0x2e1b2138, 0x4d2c6dfc, 0x53380d13, 0x650a7354, 0x766a0abb, 0x81c2c92e, 0x92722c85, 0xa2bfe8a1, 0xa81a664b, 0xc24b8b70, 0xc76c51a3, 0xd192e819, 0xd6990624, 0xf40e3585, 0x106aa070, 0x19a4c116, 0x1e376c08, 0x2748774c, 0x34b0bcb5, 0x391c0cb3, 0x4ed8aa4a, 0x5b9cca4f, 0x682e6ff3, 0x748f82ee, 0x78a5636f, 0x84c87814, 0x8cc70208, 0x90befffa, 0xa4506ceb, 0xbef9a3f7, 0xc67178f2 ]; /// The concrete implementation of [Sha256]. /// /// This is separate so that it can extend [HashSink] without leaking additional /// public members. class _Sha256Sink extends HashSink { @override final digest = new Uint32List(8); /// The sixteen words from the original chunk, extended to 64 words. /// /// This is an instance variable to avoid re-allocating, but its data isn't /// used across invocations of [updateHash]. final Uint32List _extended; _Sha256Sink(Sink sink) : _extended = new Uint32List(64), super(sink, 16) { // Initial value of the hash parts. First 32 bits of the fractional parts // of the square roots of the first 8 prime numbers. digest[0] = 0x6a09e667; digest[1] = 0xbb67ae85; digest[2] = 0x3c6ef372; digest[3] = 0xa54ff53a; digest[4] = 0x510e527f; digest[5] = 0x9b05688c; digest[6] = 0x1f83d9ab; digest[7] = 0x5be0cd19; } // The following helper functions are taken directly from // int _rotr32(int n, int x) => (x >> n) | ((x << (32 - n)) & mask32); int _ch(int x, int y, int z) => (x & y) ^ ((~x & mask32) & z); int _maj(int x, int y, int z) => (x & y) ^ (x & z) ^ (y & z); int _bsig0(int x) => _rotr32(2, x) ^ _rotr32(13, x) ^ _rotr32(22, x); int _bsig1(int x) => _rotr32(6, x) ^ _rotr32(11, x) ^ _rotr32(25, x); int _ssig0(int x) => _rotr32(7, x) ^ _rotr32(18, x) ^ (x >> 3); int _ssig1(int x) => _rotr32(17, x) ^ _rotr32(19, x) ^ (x >> 10); @override void updateHash(Uint32List chunk) { assert(chunk.length == 16); // Prepare message schedule. for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { _extended[i] = chunk[i]; } for (var i = 16; i < 64; i++) { _extended[i] = add32(add32(_ssig1(_extended[i - 2]), _extended[i - 7]), add32(_ssig0(_extended[i - 15]), _extended[i - 16])); } // Shuffle around the bits. var a = digest[0]; var b = digest[1]; var c = digest[2]; var d = digest[3]; var e = digest[4]; var f = digest[5]; var g = digest[6]; var h = digest[7]; for (var i = 0; i < 64; i++) { var temp1 = add32(add32(h, _bsig1(e)), add32(_ch(e, f, g), add32(_noise[i], _extended[i]))); var temp2 = add32(_bsig0(a), _maj(a, b, c)); h = g; g = f; f = e; e = add32(d, temp1); d = c; c = b; b = a; a = add32(temp1, temp2); } // Update hash values after iteration. digest[0] = add32(a, digest[0]); digest[1] = add32(b, digest[1]); digest[2] = add32(c, digest[2]); digest[3] = add32(d, digest[3]); digest[4] = add32(e, digest[4]); digest[5] = add32(f, digest[5]); digest[6] = add32(g, digest[6]); digest[7] = add32(h, digest[7]); } } NN<Q.;.O +* B:J!MJJJJJJJJJ1-Q% $GN/!(N9<)FA@HHBD & !#$N@ #-@3  +%%%%%%%%efile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:collection'; /// A sink that provides access to all the [events] that have been passed to it. /// /// See also [ChunkedConversionSink.withCallback]. class AccumulatorSink implements Sink { /// An unmodifiable list of events passed to this sink so far. List get events => new UnmodifiableListView(_events); final _events = []; /// Whether [close] has been called. bool get isClosed => _isClosed; var _isClosed = false; /// Removes all events from [events]. /// /// This can be used to avoid double-processing events. void clear() { _events.clear(); } void add(T event) { if (_isClosed) { throw new StateError("Can't add to a closed sink."); } _events.add(event); } void close() { _isClosed = true; } } 'NN<Q3.A;'"(:;jfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:typed_data/typed_data.dart'; /// A sink that provides access to the concatenated bytes passed to it. /// /// See also [ByteConversionSink.withCallback]. class ByteAccumulatorSink extends ByteConversionSinkBase { /// The bytes accumulated so far. /// /// The returned [Uint8List] is viewing a shared buffer, so it should not be /// changed and any bytes outside the view should not be accessed. Uint8List get bytes => new Uint8List.view(_buffer.buffer, 0, _buffer.length); final _buffer = new Uint8Buffer(); /// Whether [close] has been called. bool get isClosed => _isClosed; var _isClosed = false; /// Removes all bytes from [bytes]. /// /// This can be used to avoid double-processing data. void clear() { _buffer.clear(); } void add(List bytes) { if (_isClosed) { throw new StateError("Can't add to a closed sink."); } _buffer.addAll(bytes); } void addSlice(List chunk, int start, int end, bool isLast) { if (_isClosed) { throw new StateError("Can't add to a closed sink."); } _buffer.addAll(chunk, start, end); if (isLast) _isClosed = true; } void close() { _isClosed = true; } } 7NN<-H0;$OEP%'"&8;D;'"Xfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library convert.hex; import 'dart:convert'; import 'hex/encoder.dart'; import 'hex/decoder.dart'; export 'hex/encoder.dart' hide hexEncoder; export 'hex/decoder.dart' hide hexDecoder; /// The canonical instance of [HexCodec]. const hex = const HexCodec._(); /// A codec that converts byte arrays to and from hexadecimal strings, following /// [the Base16 spec][rfc]. /// /// [rfc]: /// /// This should be used via the [hex] field. class HexCodec extends Codec, String> { HexEncoder get encoder => hexEncoder; HexDecoder get decoder => hexDecoder; const HexCodec._(); } NN<++* Q9-2((\file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library convert.percent; import 'dart:convert'; import 'percent/encoder.dart'; import 'percent/decoder.dart'; export 'percent/encoder.dart' hide percentEncoder; export 'percent/decoder.dart' hide percentDecoder; /// The canonical instance of [PercentCodec]. const percent = const PercentCodec._(); // TODO(nweiz): Add flags to support generating and interpreting "+" as a space // character. Also add an option for custom sets of unreserved characters. /// A codec that converts byte arrays to and from percent-encoded (also known as /// URL-encoded) strings according to [RFC 3986][rfc]. /// /// [rfc]: /// /// [encoder] encodes all bytes other than ASCII letters, decimal digits, or one /// of `-._~`. This matches the behavior of [Uri.encodeQueryComponent] except /// that it doesn't encode `0x20` bytes to the `+` character. /// /// To be maximally flexible, [decoder] will decode any percent-encoded byte and /// will allow any non-percent-encoded byte other than `%`. By default, it /// interprets `+` as `0x2B` rather than `0x20` as emitted by /// [Uri.encodeQueryComponent]. class PercentCodec extends Codec, String> { PercentEncoder get encoder => percentEncoder; PercentDecoder get decoder => percentDecoder; const PercentCodec._(); } (NN<33.(PKQ7;QN>QK> 600lfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:convert'; /// A sink that provides access to the concatenated strings passed to it. /// /// See also [StringConversionSink.withCallback]. class StringAccumulatorSink extends StringConversionSinkBase { /// The string accumulated so far. String get string => _buffer.toString(); final _buffer = new StringBuffer(); /// Whether [close] has been called. bool get isClosed => _isClosed; var _isClosed = false; /// Empties [string]. /// /// This can be used to avoid double-processing data. void clear() { _buffer.clear(); } void add(String chunk) { if (_isClosed) { throw new StateError("Can't add to a closed sink."); } _buffer.write(chunk); } void addSlice(String chunk, int start, int end, bool isLast) { if (_isClosed) { throw new StateError("Can't add to a closed sink."); } _buffer.write(chunk.substring(start, end)); if (isLast) _isClosed = true; } void close() { _isClosed = true; } } 0NN<J2?%+&'"8;A;0"afile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// Growable typed-data lists. /// /// These lists works just as a typed-data list, except that they are growable. /// They use an underlying buffer, and when that buffer becomes too small, it /// is replaced by a new buffer. /// /// That means that using the [TypedDataView.buffer] getter is not guaranteed /// to return the same result each time it is used, and that the buffer may /// be larger than what the list is using. library typed_data.typed_buffers; import "dart:collection" show ListBase; import "dart:typed_data"; abstract class _TypedDataBuffer extends ListBase { static const int INITIAL_LENGTH = 8; /// The underlying data buffer. /// /// This is always both a List and a TypedData, which we don't have a type /// for here. For example, for a `Uint8Buffer`, this is a `Uint8List`. List _buffer; /// Returns a view of [_buffer] as a [TypedData]. TypedData get _typedBuffer => _buffer as TypedData; /// The length of the list being built. int _length; _TypedDataBuffer(List buffer) : this._buffer = buffer, this._length = buffer.length; int get length => _length; E operator [](int index) { if (index >= length) throw new RangeError.index(index, this); return _buffer[index]; } void operator []=(int index, E value) { if (index >= length) throw new RangeError.index(index, this); _buffer[index] = value; } void set length(int newLength) { if (newLength < _length) { E defaultValue = _defaultValue; for (int i = newLength; i < _length; i++) { _buffer[i] = defaultValue; } } else if (newLength > _buffer.length) { List newBuffer; if (_buffer.length == 0) { newBuffer = _createBuffer(newLength); } else { newBuffer = _createBiggerBuffer(newLength); } newBuffer.setRange(0, _length, _buffer); _buffer = newBuffer; } _length = newLength; } void _add(E value) { if (_length == _buffer.length) _grow(_length); _buffer[_length++] = value; } // We override the default implementation of `add` because it grows the list // by setting the length in increments of one. We want to grow by doubling // capacity in most cases. void add(E value) { _add(value); } /// Appends all objects of [values] to the end of this buffer. /// /// This adds values from [start] (inclusive) to [end] (exclusive) in /// [values]. If [end] is omitted, it defaults to adding all elements of /// [values] after [start]. /// /// The [start] value must be non-negative. The [values] iterable must have at /// least [start] elements, and if [end] is specified, it must be greater than /// or equal to [start] and [values] must have at least [end] elements. void addAll(Iterable values, [int start = 0, int end]) { RangeError.checkNotNegative(start, "start"); if (end != null && start > end) { throw new RangeError.range(end, start, null, "end"); } _addAll(values, start, end); } /// Inserts all objects of [values] at position [index] in this list. /// /// This adds values from [start] (inclusive) to [end] (exclusive) in /// [values]. If [end] is omitted, it defaults to adding all elements of /// [values] after [start]. /// /// The [start] value must be non-negative. The [values] iterable must have at /// least [start] elements, and if [end] is specified, it must be greater than /// or equal to [start] and [values] must have at least [end] elements. void insertAll(int index, Iterable values, [int start = 0, int end]) { RangeError.checkValidIndex(index, this, "index", _length + 1); RangeError.checkNotNegative(start, "start"); if (end != null) { if (start > end) { throw new RangeError.range(end, start, null, "end"); } if (start == end) return; } // If we're adding to the end of the list anyway, use [_addAll]. This lets // us avoid converting [values] into a list even if [end] is null, since we // can add values iteratively to the end of the list. We can't do so in the // center because copying the trailing elements every time is non-linear. if (index == _length) { _addAll(values, start, end); return; } if (end == null && values is List) { end = values.length; } if (end != null) { _insertKnownLength(index, values, start, end); return; } // Add elements at end, growing as appropriate, then put them back at // position [index] using flip-by-double-reverse. var writeIndex = _length; var skipCount = start; for (var value in values) { if (skipCount > 0) { skipCount--; continue; } if (writeIndex == _buffer.length) { _grow(writeIndex); } _buffer[writeIndex++] = value; } if (skipCount > 0) { throw new StateError("Too few elements"); } if (end != null && writeIndex < end) { throw new RangeError.range(end, start, writeIndex, "end"); } // Swap [index.._length) and [_length..writeIndex) by double-reversing. _reverse(_buffer, index, _length); _reverse(_buffer, _length, writeIndex); _reverse(_buffer, index, writeIndex); _length = writeIndex; return; } // Reverses the range [start..end) of buffer. static void _reverse(List buffer, int start, int end) { end--; // Point to last element, not after last element. while (start < end) { var first = buffer[start]; var last = buffer[end]; buffer[end] = first; buffer[start] = last; start++; end--; } } /// Does the same thing as [addAll]. /// /// This allows [addAll] and [insertAll] to share implementation without a /// subclass unexpectedly overriding both when it intended to only override /// [addAll]. void _addAll(Iterable values, [int start = 0, int end]) { if (values is List) end ??= values.length; // If we know the length of the segment to add, do so with [addRange]. This // way we know how much to grow the buffer in advance, and it may be even // more efficient for typed data input. if (end != null) { _insertKnownLength(_length, values, start, end); return; } // Otherwise, just add values one at a time. var i = 0; for (var value in values) { if (i >= start) add(value); i++; } if (i < start) throw new StateError("Too few elements"); } /// Like [insertAll], but with a guaranteed non-`null` [start] and [end]. void _insertKnownLength(int index, Iterable values, int start, int end) { if (values is List) { end ??= values.length; if (start > values.length || end > values.length) { throw new StateError("Too few elements"); } } else { assert(end != null); } var valuesLength = end - start; var newLength = _length + valuesLength; _ensureCapacity(newLength); _buffer.setRange( index + valuesLength, _length + valuesLength, _buffer, index); _buffer.setRange(index, index + valuesLength, values, start); _length = newLength; } void insert(int index, E element) { if (index < 0 || index > _length) { throw new RangeError.range(index, 0, _length); } if (_length < _buffer.length) { _buffer.setRange(index + 1, _length + 1, _buffer, index); _buffer[index] = element; _length++; return; } List newBuffer = _createBiggerBuffer(null); newBuffer.setRange(0, index, _buffer); newBuffer.setRange(index + 1, _length + 1, _buffer, index); newBuffer[index] = element; _length++; _buffer = newBuffer; } /// Ensures that [_buffer] is at least [requiredCapacity] long, /// /// Grows the buffer if necessary, preserving existing data. void _ensureCapacity(int requiredCapacity) { if (requiredCapacity <= _buffer.length) return; var newBuffer = _createBiggerBuffer(requiredCapacity); newBuffer.setRange(0, _length, _buffer); _buffer = newBuffer; } /// Create a bigger buffer. /// /// This method determines how much bigger a bigger buffer should /// be. If [requiredCapacity] is not null, it will be at least that /// size. It will always have at least have double the capacity of /// the current buffer. List _createBiggerBuffer(int requiredCapacity) { int newLength = _buffer.length * 2; if (requiredCapacity != null && newLength < requiredCapacity) { newLength = requiredCapacity; } else if (newLength < INITIAL_LENGTH) { newLength = INITIAL_LENGTH; } return _createBuffer(newLength); } /// Grows the buffer. /// /// This copies the first [length] elements into the new buffer. void _grow(int length) { _buffer = _createBiggerBuffer(null)..setRange(0, length, _buffer); } void setRange(int start, int end, Iterable source, [int skipCount = 0]) { if (end > _length) throw new RangeError.range(end, 0, _length); _setRange(start, end, source, skipCount); } /// Like [setRange], but with no bounds checking. void _setRange(int start, int end, Iterable source, int skipCount) { if (source is _TypedDataBuffer) { _buffer.setRange(start, end, source._buffer, skipCount); } else { _buffer.setRange(start, end, source, skipCount); } } // TypedData. int get elementSizeInBytes => _typedBuffer.elementSizeInBytes; int get lengthInBytes => _length * _typedBuffer.elementSizeInBytes; int get offsetInBytes => _typedBuffer.offsetInBytes; /// Returns the underlying [ByteBuffer]. /// /// The returned buffer may be replaced by operations that change the [length] /// of this list. /// /// The buffer may be larger than [lengthInBytes] bytes, but never smaller. ByteBuffer get buffer => _typedBuffer.buffer; // Specialization for the specific type. // Return zero for integers, 0.0 for floats, etc. // Used to fill buffer when changing length. E get _defaultValue; // Create a new typed list to use as buffer. List _createBuffer(int size); } abstract class _IntBuffer extends _TypedDataBuffer { _IntBuffer(List buffer) : super(buffer); int get _defaultValue => 0; } abstract class _FloatBuffer extends _TypedDataBuffer { _FloatBuffer(List buffer) : super(buffer); double get _defaultValue => 0.0; } class Uint8Buffer extends _IntBuffer { Uint8Buffer([int initialLength = 0]) : super(new Uint8List(initialLength)); Uint8List _createBuffer(int size) => new Uint8List(size); } class Int8Buffer extends _IntBuffer { Int8Buffer([int initialLength = 0]) : super(new Int8List(initialLength)); Int8List _createBuffer(int size) => new Int8List(size); } class Uint8ClampedBuffer extends _IntBuffer { Uint8ClampedBuffer([int initialLength = 0]) : super(new Uint8ClampedList(initialLength)); Uint8ClampedList _createBuffer(int size) => new Uint8ClampedList(size); } class Uint16Buffer extends _IntBuffer { Uint16Buffer([int initialLength = 0]) : super(new Uint16List(initialLength)); Uint16List _createBuffer(int size) => new Uint16List(size); } class Int16Buffer extends _IntBuffer { Int16Buffer([int initialLength = 0]) : super(new Int16List(initialLength)); Int16List _createBuffer(int size) => new Int16List(size); } class Uint32Buffer extends _IntBuffer { Uint32Buffer([int initialLength = 0]) : super(new Uint32List(initialLength)); Uint32List _createBuffer(int size) => new Uint32List(size); } class Int32Buffer extends _IntBuffer { Int32Buffer([int initialLength = 0]) : super(new Int32List(initialLength)); Int32List _createBuffer(int size) => new Int32List(size); } class Uint64Buffer extends _IntBuffer { Uint64Buffer([int initialLength = 0]) : super(new Uint64List(initialLength)); Uint64List _createBuffer(int size) => new Uint64List(size); } class Int64Buffer extends _IntBuffer { Int64Buffer([int initialLength = 0]) : super(new Int64List(initialLength)); Int64List _createBuffer(int size) => new Int64List(size); } class Float32Buffer extends _FloatBuffer { Float32Buffer([int initialLength = 0]) : super(new Float32List(initialLength)); Float32List _createBuffer(int size) => new Float32List(size); } class Float64Buffer extends _FloatBuffer { Float64Buffer([int initialLength = 0]) : super(new Float64List(initialLength)); Float64List _createBuffer(int size) => new Float64List(size); } class Int32x4Buffer extends _TypedDataBuffer { static Int32x4 _zero = new Int32x4(0, 0, 0, 0); Int32x4Buffer([int initialLength = 0]) : super(new Int32x4List(initialLength)); Int32x4 get _defaultValue => _zero; Int32x4List _createBuffer(int size) => new Int32x4List(size); } class Float32x4Buffer extends _TypedDataBuffer { Float32x4Buffer([int initialLength = 0]) : super(new Float32x4List(initialLength)); Float32x4 get _defaultValue => new; Float32x4List _createBuffer(int size) => new Float32x4List(size); } NN<PN!NL+"(9'"PI46*#&B*B#&2#-!.4/3 OMAHKQQJ>1&;!HHKQQJLC1= OPPN#)5J6 *%0+AL',* 0:=! 'MN?/PN,71 " =LO:2 $, GB&(5$@ 3+@ B?/4;-DFE6(D$-"%CGOD.4J)? 7AF7+QN0+4//#:0?5#'N<&L:..4J(P>'N<(P>'N<(P>'N<+)/@+)/@82)/&@<+17Defile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'interfaces.dart'; import 'type_matcher.dart'; /// A package-private [TypeMatcher] implementation that makes it easy for /// subclasses to validate aspects of specific types while providing consistent /// type checking. abstract class FeatureMatcher extends TypeMatcher { const FeatureMatcher(); bool matches(item, Map matchState) => super.matches(item, matchState) && typedMatches(item, matchState); bool typedMatches(T item, Map matchState); Description describeMismatch( item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) { if (item is T) { return describeTypedMismatch( item, mismatchDescription, matchState, verbose); } return super.describe(mismatchDescription.add('not an ')); } Description describeTypedMismatch(T item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) => mismatchDescription; } "NN<JP:(I- M$;?M+bfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'description.dart'; import 'interfaces.dart'; import 'util.dart'; /// Returns a pretty-printed representation of [object]. /// /// If [maxLineLength] is passed, this will attempt to ensure that each line is /// no longer than [maxLineLength] characters long. This isn't guaranteed, since /// individual objects may have string representations that are too long, but /// most lines will be less than [maxLineLength] long. /// /// If [maxItems] is passed, [Iterable]s and [Map]s will only print their first /// [maxItems] members or key/value pairs, respectively. String prettyPrint(object, {int maxLineLength, int maxItems}) { String _prettyPrint(object, int indent, Set seen, bool top) { // If the object is a matcher, use its description. if (object is Matcher) { var description = new StringDescription(); object.describe(description); return "<$description>"; } // Avoid looping infinitely on recursively-nested data structures. if (seen.contains(object)) return "(recursive)"; seen = seen.union(new Set.from([object])); String pp(child) => _prettyPrint(child, indent + 2, seen, false); if (object is Iterable) { // Print the type name for non-List iterables. var type = object is List ? "" : _typeName(object) + ":"; // Truncate the list of strings if it's longer than [maxItems]. var strings =; if (maxItems != null && strings.length > maxItems) { strings.replaceRange(maxItems - 1, strings.length, ['...']); } // If the printed string is short and doesn't contain a newline, print it // as a single line. var singleLine = "$type[${strings.join(', ')}]"; if ((maxLineLength == null || singleLine.length + indent <= maxLineLength) && !singleLine.contains("\n")) { return singleLine; } // Otherwise, print each member on its own line. return "$type[\n" + { return _indent(indent + 2) + string; }).join(",\n") + "\n" + _indent(indent) + "]"; } else if (object is Map) { // Convert the contents of the map to string representations. var strings = { return '${pp(key)}: ${pp(object[key])}'; }).toList(); // Truncate the list of strings if it's longer than [maxItems]. if (maxItems != null && strings.length > maxItems) { strings.replaceRange(maxItems - 1, strings.length, ['...']); } // If the printed string is short and doesn't contain a newline, print it // as a single line. var singleLine = "{${strings.join(", ")}}"; if ((maxLineLength == null || singleLine.length + indent <= maxLineLength) && !singleLine.contains("\n")) { return singleLine; } // Otherwise, print each key/value pair on its own line. return "{\n" + { return _indent(indent + 2) + string; }).join(",\n") + "\n" + _indent(indent) + "}"; } else if (object is String) { // Escape strings and print each line on its own line. var lines = object.split("\n"); return "'" +"\\n'\n${_indent(indent + 2)}'") + "'"; } else { var value = object.toString().replaceAll("\n", _indent(indent) + "\n"); var defaultToString = value.startsWith("Instance of "); // If this is the top-level call to [prettyPrint], wrap the value on angle // brackets to set it apart visually. if (top) value = "<$value>"; // Print the type of objects with custom [toString] methods. Primitive // objects and objects that don't implement a custom [toString] don't need // to have their types printed. if (object is num || object is bool || object is Function || object == null || defaultToString) { return value; } else { return "${_typeName(object)}:$value"; } } } return _prettyPrint(object, 0, new Set(), true); } String _indent(int length) => new List.filled(length, ' ').join(''); /// Returns the name of the type of [x], or "Unknown" if the type name can't be /// determined. String _typeName(x) { // dart2js blows up on some objects (e.g. window.navigator). // So we play safe here. try { if (x == null) return "null"; if (x is Type) return "Type"; var type = x.runtimeType.toString(); // TODO(nweiz): if the object's type is private, find a public superclass to // display once there's a portable API to do that. return type.startsWith("_") ? "?" : type; } catch (e) { return "?"; } } /// Returns [source] with any control characters replaced by their escape /// sequences. /// /// This doesn't add quotes to the string, but it does escape single quote /// characters so that single quotes can be applied externally. String _escapeString(String source) => escape(source).replaceAll("'", r"\'"); NN<9PQN7P9@@81$G5/F5@F-;EP7$>(7!1 D,1F;EP2$>(?!1#=&K N>Q,#MQ& .3EP?"")Q7.JK@Ndfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'custom_matcher.dart'; import 'interfaces.dart'; import 'type_matcher.dart'; import 'util.dart'; /// A package-private [TypeMatcher] implementation that handles is returned /// by calls to [TypeMatcher.having]. class HavingMatcher implements TypeMatcher { final TypeMatcher _parent; final List<_FunctionMatcher> _functionMatchers; HavingMatcher(TypeMatcher parent, String description, Object feature(T source), Object matcher, [Iterable<_FunctionMatcher> existing]) : this._parent = parent, this._functionMatchers = <_FunctionMatcher>[] ..addAll(existing ?? []) ..add(new _FunctionMatcher(description, feature, matcher)); TypeMatcher having( Object feature(T source), String description, Object matcher) => new HavingMatcher( _parent, description, feature, matcher, _functionMatchers); bool matches(item, Map matchState) { for (var matcher in [_parent].followedBy(_functionMatchers)) { if (!matcher.matches(item, matchState)) { addStateInfo(matchState, {'matcher': matcher}); return false; } } return true; } Description describeMismatch( item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) { var matcher = matchState['matcher'] as Matcher; matcher.describeMismatch( item, mismatchDescription, matchState['state'] as Map, verbose); return mismatchDescription; } Description describe(Description description) => description .add('') .addDescriptionOf(_parent) .add(' with ') .addAll('', ' and ', '', _functionMatchers); } class _FunctionMatcher extends CustomMatcher { final dynamic Function(T value) _feature; _FunctionMatcher(String name, this._feature, matcher) : super('`$name`:', '`$name`', matcher); @override Object featureValueOf(covariant T actual) => _feature(actual); } @NN<L&3 2;0-6#IKF'L08 M4I ?!32,8/ A_file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Color constants used for generating messages. const String RED = '\u001b[31m'; const String YELLOW = '\u001b[33m'; const String NONE = '\u001b[0m'; NN<1!$!^file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// Returns the minimum of [obj1] and [obj2] according to /// [Comparable.compareTo]. Comparable min(Comparable obj1, Comparable obj2) => obj1.compareTo(obj2) > 0 ? obj2 : obj1; /// Returns the maximum of [obj1] and [obj2] according to /// [Comparable.compareTo]. Comparable max(Comparable obj1, Comparable obj2) => obj1.compareTo(obj2) > 0 ? obj1 : obj2; /// Finds a line in [context] containing [text] at the specified [column]. /// /// Returns the index in [context] where that line begins, or null if none /// exists. int findLineStart(String context, String text, int column) { var isEmpty = text == ''; var index = context.indexOf(text); while (index != -1) { var lineStart = context.lastIndexOf('\n', index) + 1; var textColumn = index - lineStart; if (column == textColumn || (isEmpty && column == textColumn + 1)) { return lineStart; } index = context.indexOf(text, index + 1); } return null; } !NN<:4,:4,KK =%:(I._file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'digest.dart'; /// A sink used to get a digest value out of `Hash.startChunkedConversion`. class DigestSink extends Sink { /// The value added to the sink, if any. Digest get value { assert(_value != null); return _value; } Digest _value; /// Adds [value] to the sink. /// /// Unlike most sinks, this may only be called once. @override void add(Digest value) { assert(_value == null); _value = value; } @override void close() { assert(_value != null); } } NN<L(+ 7  ]file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:typed_data/typed_data.dart'; import 'digest.dart'; import 'utils.dart'; /// A base class for [Sink] implementations for hash algorithms. /// /// Subclasses should override [updateHash] and [digest]. abstract class HashSink implements Sink> { /// The inner sink that this should forward to. final Sink _sink; /// Whether the hash function operates on big-endian words. final Endian _endian; /// The words in the current chunk. /// /// This is an instance variable to avoid re-allocating, but its data isn't /// used across invocations of [_iterate]. final Uint32List _currentChunk; /// Messages with more than 2^53-1 bits are not supported. (This is the /// largest value that is representable on both JS and the Dart VM.) /// So the maximum length in bytes is (2^53-1)/8. static const _maxMessageLengthInBytes = 0x0003ffffffffffff; /// The length of the input data so far, in bytes. int _lengthInBytes = 0; /// Data that has yet to be processed by the hash function. final _pendingData = new Uint8Buffer(); /// Whether [close] has been called. bool _isClosed = false; /// The words in the current digest. /// /// This should be updated each time [updateHash] is called. Uint32List get digest; /// Creates a new hash. /// /// [chunkSizeInWords] represents the size of the input chunks processed by /// the algorithm, in terms of 32-bit words. HashSink(this._sink, int chunkSizeInWords, {Endian endian: Endian.big}) : _endian = endian, _currentChunk = new Uint32List(chunkSizeInWords); /// Runs a single iteration of the hash computation, updating [digest] with /// the result. /// /// [chunk] is the current chunk, whose size is given by the /// `chunkSizeInWords` parameter passed to the constructor. void updateHash(Uint32List chunk); @override void add(List data) { if (_isClosed) throw new StateError('Hash.add() called after close().'); _lengthInBytes += data.length; _pendingData.addAll(data); _iterate(); } @override void close() { if (_isClosed) return; _isClosed = true; _finalizeData(); _iterate(); assert(_pendingData.isEmpty); _sink.add(new Digest(_byteDigest())); _sink.close(); } Uint8List _byteDigest() { if (_endian == return digest.buffer.asUint8List(); var byteDigest = new Uint8List(digest.lengthInBytes); var byteData = byteDigest.buffer.asByteData(); for (var i = 0; i < digest.length; i++) { byteData.setUint32(i * bytesPerWord, digest[i]); } return byteDigest; } /// Iterates through [_pendingData], updating the hash computation for each /// chunk. void _iterate() { var pendingDataBytes = _pendingData.buffer.asByteData(); var pendingDataChunks = _pendingData.length ~/ _currentChunk.lengthInBytes; for (var i = 0; i < pendingDataChunks; i++) { // Copy words from the pending data buffer into the current chunk buffer. for (var j = 0; j < _currentChunk.length; j++) { _currentChunk[j] = pendingDataBytes.getUint32( i * _currentChunk.lengthInBytes + j * bytesPerWord, _endian); } // Run the hash function on the current chunk. updateHash(_currentChunk); } // Remove all pending data up to the last clean chunk break. _pendingData.removeRange( 0, pendingDataChunks * _currentChunk.lengthInBytes); } /// Finalizes [_pendingData]. /// /// This adds a 1 bit to the end of the message, and expands it with 0 bits to /// pad it out. void _finalizeData() { // Pad out the data with 0x80, eight 0s, and as many more 0s as we need to // land cleanly on a chunk boundary. _pendingData.add(0x80); var contentsLength = _lengthInBytes + 9; var finalizedLength = _roundUp(contentsLength, _currentChunk.lengthInBytes); for (var i = 0; i < finalizedLength - contentsLength; i++) { _pendingData.add(0); } if (_lengthInBytes > _maxMessageLengthInBytes) { throw new UnsupportedError( 'Hashing is unsupported for messages with more than 2^53 bits.'); } var lengthInBits = _lengthInBytes * bitsPerByte; // Add the full length of the input data as a 64-bit value at the end of the // hash. var offset = _pendingData.length; _pendingData.addAll(new Uint8List(8)); var byteData = _pendingData.buffer.asByteData(); // We're essentially doing byteData.setUint64(offset, lengthInBits, _endian) // here, but that method isn't supported on dart2js so we implement it // manually instead. var highBits = lengthInBits >> 32; var lowBits = lengthInBits & mask32; if (_endian == Endian.big) { byteData.setUint32(offset, highBits, _endian); byteData.setUint32(offset + bytesPerWord, lowBits, _endian); } else { byteData.setUint32(offset, lowBits, _endian); byteData.setUint32(offset + bytesPerWord, highBits, _endian); } } /// Rounds [val] up to the next multiple of [n], as long as [n] is a power of /// two. int _roundUp(int val, int n) => (val + n - 1) & -n; } NN<-A:52>&N-"JG4>5>*''?N/J:N?>% M# "*D:3.7N =P2P77J5!A= QO)-QA5"L5Q &+5QK')!5C 4DP 6Yfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// A bitmask that limits an integer to 32 bits. const mask32 = 0xFFFFFFFF; /// The number of bits in a byte. const bitsPerByte = 8; /// The number of bytes in a 32-bit word. const bytesPerWord = 4; /// Adds [x] and [y] with 32-bit overflow semantics. int add32(int x, int y) => (x + y) & mask32; /// Bitwise rotates [val] to the left by [shift], obeying 32-bit overflow /// semantics. int rotl32(int val, int shift) { var modShift = shift & 31; return ((val << modShift) & mask32) | ((val & mask32) >> (32 - modShift)); } NN<1"*5-J!M`file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library convert.hex.encoder; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:charcode/ascii.dart'; /// The canonical instance of [HexEncoder]. const hexEncoder = const HexEncoder._(); /// A converter that encodes byte arrays into hexadecimal strings. /// /// This will throw a [RangeError] if the byte array has any digits that don't /// fit in the gamut of a byte. class HexEncoder extends Converter, String> { const HexEncoder._(); String convert(List bytes) => _convert(bytes, 0, bytes.length); ByteConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink sink) => new _HexEncoderSink(sink); } /// A conversion sink for chunked hexadecimal encoding. class _HexEncoderSink extends ByteConversionSinkBase { /// The underlying sink to which decoded byte arrays will be passed. final Sink _sink; _HexEncoderSink(this._sink); void add(List chunk) { _sink.add(_convert(chunk, 0, chunk.length)); } void addSlice(List chunk, int start, int end, bool isLast) { RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, chunk.length); _sink.add(_convert(chunk, start, end)); if (isLast) _sink.close(); } void close() { _sink.close(); } } String _convert(List bytes, int start, int end) { // A Uint8List is more efficient than a StringBuffer given that we know that // we're only emitting ASCII-compatible characters, and that we know the // length ahead of time. var buffer = new Uint8List((end - start) * 2); var bufferIndex = 0; // A bitwise OR of all bytes in [bytes]. This allows us to check for // out-of-range bytes without adding more branches than necessary to the // core loop. var byteOr = 0; for (var i = start; i < end; i++) { var byte = bytes[i]; byteOr |= byte; // The bitwise arithmetic here is equivalent to `byte ~/ 16` and `byte % 16` // for valid byte values, but is easier for dart2js to optimize given that // it can't prove that [byte] will always be positive. buffer[bufferIndex++] = _codeUnitForDigit((byte & 0xF0) >> 4); buffer[bufferIndex++] = _codeUnitForDigit(byte & 0x0F); } if (byteOr >= 0 && byteOr <= 255) return new String.fromCharCodes(buffer); // If there was an invalid byte, find it and throw an exception. for (var i = start; i < end; i++) { var byte = bytes[i]; if (byte >= 0 && byte <= 0xff) continue; throw new FormatException( "Invalid byte ${byte < 0 ? "-" : ""}0x${byte.abs().toRadixString(16)}.", bytes, i); } throw 'unreachable'; } /// Returns the ASCII/Unicode code unit corresponding to the hexadecimal digit /// [digit]. int _codeUnitForDigit(int digit) => digit < 10 ? digit + $0 : digit + $a - 10; [NN<&,)CO 8GB!87G1D:,7OK1GK&QO;C<MC&-Q O O`file:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library convert.hex.decoder; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import '../utils.dart'; /// The canonical instance of [HexDecoder]. const hexDecoder = const HexDecoder._(); /// A converter that decodes hexadecimal strings into byte arrays. /// /// Because two hexadecimal digits correspond to a single byte, this will throw /// a [FormatException] if given an odd-length string. It will also throw a /// [FormatException] if given a string containing non-hexadecimal code units. class HexDecoder extends Converter> { const HexDecoder._(); List convert(String string) { if (!string.length.isEven) { throw new FormatException( "Invalid input length, must be even.", string, string.length); } var bytes = new Uint8List(string.length ~/ 2); _decode(string.codeUnits, 0, string.length, bytes, 0); return bytes; } StringConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink> sink) => new _HexDecoderSink(sink); } /// A conversion sink for chunked hexadecimal decoding. class _HexDecoderSink extends StringConversionSinkBase { /// The underlying sink to which decoded byte arrays will be passed. final Sink> _sink; /// The trailing digit from the previous string. /// /// This will be non-`null` if the most recent string had an odd number of /// hexadecimal digits. Since it's the most significant digit, it's always a /// multiple of 16. int _lastDigit; _HexDecoderSink(this._sink); void addSlice(String string, int start, int end, bool isLast) { RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, string.length); if (start == end) { if (isLast) _close(string, end); return; } var codeUnits = string.codeUnits; Uint8List bytes; int bytesStart; if (_lastDigit == null) { bytes = new Uint8List((end - start) ~/ 2); bytesStart = 0; } else { var hexPairs = (end - start - 1) ~/ 2; bytes = new Uint8List(1 + hexPairs); bytes[0] = _lastDigit + digitForCodeUnit(codeUnits, start); start++; bytesStart = 1; } _lastDigit = _decode(codeUnits, start, end, bytes, bytesStart); _sink.add(bytes); if (isLast) _close(string, end); } ByteConversionSink asUtf8Sink(bool allowMalformed) => new _HexDecoderByteSink(_sink); void close() => _close(); /// Like [close], but includes [string] and [index] in the [FormatException] /// if one is thrown. void _close([String string, int index]) { if (_lastDigit != null) { throw new FormatException( "Input ended with incomplete encoded byte.", string, index); } _sink.close(); } } /// A conversion sink for chunked hexadecimal decoding from UTF-8 bytes. class _HexDecoderByteSink extends ByteConversionSinkBase { /// The underlying sink to which decoded byte arrays will be passed. final Sink> _sink; /// The trailing digit from the previous string. /// /// This will be non-`null` if the most recent string had an odd number of /// hexadecimal digits. Since it's the most significant digit, it's always a /// multiple of 16. int _lastDigit; _HexDecoderByteSink(this._sink); void add(List chunk) => addSlice(chunk, 0, chunk.length, false); void addSlice(List chunk, int start, int end, bool isLast) { RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, chunk.length); if (start == end) { if (isLast) _close(chunk, end); return; } Uint8List bytes; int bytesStart; if (_lastDigit == null) { bytes = new Uint8List((end - start) ~/ 2); bytesStart = 0; } else { var hexPairs = (end - start - 1) ~/ 2; bytes = new Uint8List(1 + hexPairs); bytes[0] = _lastDigit + digitForCodeUnit(chunk, start); start++; bytesStart = 1; } _lastDigit = _decode(chunk, start, end, bytes, bytesStart); _sink.add(bytes); if (isLast) _close(chunk, end); } void close() => _close(); /// Like [close], but includes [chunk] and [index] in the [FormatException] /// if one is thrown. void _close([List chunk, int index]) { if (_lastDigit != null) { throw new FormatException( "Input ended with incomplete encoded byte.", chunk, index); } _sink.close(); } } /// Decodes [codeUnits] and writes the result into [destination]. /// /// This reads from [codeUnits] between [sourceStart] and [sourceEnd]. It writes /// the result into [destination] starting at [destinationStart]. /// /// If there's a leftover digit at the end of the decoding, this returns that /// digit. Otherwise it returns `null`. int _decode(List codeUnits, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd, List destination, int destinationStart) { var destinationIndex = destinationStart; for (var i = sourceStart; i < sourceEnd - 1; i += 2) { var firstDigit = digitForCodeUnit(codeUnits, i); var secondDigit = digitForCodeUnit(codeUnits, i + 1); destination[destinationIndex++] = 16 * firstDigit + secondDigit; } if ((sourceEnd - sourceStart).isEven) return null; return 16 * digitForCodeUnit(codeUnits, sourceEnd - 1); } NN<,)CPLO8%!!I3;G!89G3MOB;'&1 -+BD%8&O,!GI;G3MO#HD:&1 -+>@$N.!FBQBN(A3+95:E5:dfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library convert.percent.encoder; import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:charcode/ascii.dart'; /// The canonical instance of [PercentEncoder]. const percentEncoder = const PercentEncoder._(); /// A converter that encodes byte arrays into percent-encoded strings. /// /// [encoder] encodes all bytes other than ASCII letters, decimal digits, or one /// of `-._~`. This matches the behavior of [Uri.encodeQueryComponent] except /// that it doesn't encode `0x20` bytes to the `+` character. /// /// This will throw a [RangeError] if the byte array has any digits that don't /// fit in the gamut of a byte. class PercentEncoder extends Converter, String> { const PercentEncoder._(); String convert(List bytes) => _convert(bytes, 0, bytes.length); ByteConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink sink) => new _PercentEncoderSink(sink); } /// A conversion sink for chunked percentadecimal encoding. class _PercentEncoderSink extends ByteConversionSinkBase { /// The underlying sink to which decoded byte arrays will be passed. final Sink _sink; _PercentEncoderSink(this._sink); void add(List chunk) { _sink.add(_convert(chunk, 0, chunk.length)); } void addSlice(List chunk, int start, int end, bool isLast) { RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, chunk.length); _sink.add(_convert(chunk, start, end)); if (isLast) _sink.close(); } void close() { _sink.close(); } } String _convert(List bytes, int start, int end) { var buffer = new StringBuffer(); // A bitwise OR of all bytes in [bytes]. This allows us to check for // out-of-range bytes without adding more branches than necessary to the // core loop. var byteOr = 0; for (var i = start; i < end; i++) { var byte = bytes[i]; byteOr |= byte; // If the byte is an uppercase letter, convert it to lowercase to check if // it's unreserved. This works because uppercase letters in ASCII are // exactly `0b100000 = 0x20` less than lowercase letters, so if we ensure // that that bit is 1 we ensure that the letter is lowercase. var letter = 0x20 | byte; if ((letter >= $a && letter <= $z) || (byte >= $0 && byte <= $9) || byte == $dash || byte == $dot || byte == $underscore || byte == $tilde) { // Unreserved characters are safe to write as-is. buffer.writeCharCode(byte); continue; } buffer.writeCharCode($percent); // The bitwise arithmetic here is equivalent to `byte ~/ 16` and `byte % 16` // for valid byte values, but is easier for dart2js to optimize given that // it can't prove that [byte] will always be positive. buffer.writeCharCode(_codeUnitForDigit((byte & 0xF0) >> 4)); buffer.writeCharCode(_codeUnitForDigit(byte & 0x0F)); } if (byteOr >= 0 && byteOr <= 255) return buffer.toString(); // If there was an invalid byte, find it and throw an exception. for (var i = start; i < end; i++) { var byte = bytes[i]; if (byte >= 0 && byte <= 0xff) continue; throw new FormatException( "Invalid byte ${byte < 0 ? "-" : ""}0x${byte.abs().toRadixString(16)}.", bytes, i); } throw 'unreachable'; } /// Returns the ASCII/Unicode code unit corresponding to the hexadecimal digit /// [digit]. int _codeUnitForDigit(int digit) => digit < 10 ? digit + $0 : digit + $A - 10; lNN<!&01GQN>O <GB%<;G#1D:,7#GK&OJNB*&8"$QO;A:>C&-Q O Odfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library convert.percent.decoder; import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:charcode/ascii.dart'; import 'package:typed_data/typed_data.dart'; import '../utils.dart'; /// The canonical instance of [PercentDecoder]. const percentDecoder = const PercentDecoder._(); const _lastPercent = -1; /// A converter that decodes percent-encoded strings into byte arrays. /// /// To be maximally flexible, this will decode any percent-encoded byte and /// will allow any non-percent-encoded byte other than `%`. By default, it /// interprets `+` as `0x2B` rather than `0x20` as emitted by /// [Uri.encodeQueryComponent]. /// /// This will throw a [FormatException] if the input string has an incomplete /// percent-encoding, or if it contains non-ASCII code units. class PercentDecoder extends Converter> { const PercentDecoder._(); List convert(String string) { var buffer = new Uint8Buffer(); var lastDigit = _decode(string.codeUnits, 0, string.length, buffer); if (lastDigit != null) { throw new FormatException( "Input ended with incomplete encoded byte.", string, string.length); } return buffer.buffer.asUint8List(0, buffer.length); } StringConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink> sink) => new _PercentDecoderSink(sink); } /// A conversion sink for chunked percent-encoded decoding. class _PercentDecoderSink extends StringConversionSinkBase { /// The underlying sink to which decoded byte arrays will be passed. final Sink> _sink; /// The trailing digit from the previous string. /// /// This is `null` if the previous string ended with a complete /// percent-encoded byte or a literal character. It's [_lastPercent] if the /// most recent string ended with `%`. Otherwise, the most recent string ended /// with a `%` followed by a hexadecimal digit, and this is that digit. Since /// it's the most significant digit, it's always a multiple of 16. int _lastDigit; _PercentDecoderSink(this._sink); void addSlice(String string, int start, int end, bool isLast) { RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, string.length); if (start == end) { if (isLast) _close(string, end); return; } var buffer = new Uint8Buffer(); var codeUnits = string.codeUnits; if (_lastDigit == _lastPercent) { _lastDigit = 16 * digitForCodeUnit(codeUnits, start); start++; if (start == end) { if (isLast) _close(string, end); return; } } if (_lastDigit != null) { buffer.add(_lastDigit + digitForCodeUnit(codeUnits, start)); start++; } _lastDigit = _decode(codeUnits, start, end, buffer); _sink.add(buffer.buffer.asUint8List(0, buffer.length)); if (isLast) _close(string, end); } ByteConversionSink asUtf8Sink(bool allowMalformed) => new _PercentDecoderByteSink(_sink); void close() => _close(); /// Like [close], but includes [string] and [index] in the [FormatException] /// if one is thrown. void _close([String string, int index]) { if (_lastDigit != null) { throw new FormatException( "Input ended with incomplete encoded byte.", string, index); } _sink.close(); } } /// A conversion sink for chunked percent-encoded decoding from UTF-8 bytes. class _PercentDecoderByteSink extends ByteConversionSinkBase { /// The underlying sink to which decoded byte arrays will be passed. final Sink> _sink; /// The trailing digit from the previous string. /// /// This is `null` if the previous string ended with a complete /// percent-encoded byte or a literal character. It's [_lastPercent] if the /// most recent string ended with `%`. Otherwise, the most recent string ended /// with a `%` followed by a hexadecimal digit, and this is that digit. Since /// it's the most significant digit, it's always a multiple of 16. int _lastDigit; _PercentDecoderByteSink(this._sink); void add(List chunk) => addSlice(chunk, 0, chunk.length, false); void addSlice(List chunk, int start, int end, bool isLast) { RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, chunk.length); if (start == end) { if (isLast) _close(chunk, end); return; } var buffer = new Uint8Buffer(); if (_lastDigit == _lastPercent) { _lastDigit = 16 * digitForCodeUnit(chunk, start); start++; if (start == end) { if (isLast) _close(chunk, end); return; } } if (_lastDigit != null) { buffer.add(_lastDigit + digitForCodeUnit(chunk, start)); start++; } _lastDigit = _decode(chunk, start, end, buffer); _sink.add(buffer.buffer.asUint8List(0, buffer.length)); if (isLast) _close(chunk, end); } void close() => _close(); /// Like [close], but includes [chunk] and [index] in the [FormatException] /// if one is thrown. void _close([List chunk, int index]) { if (_lastDigit != null) { throw new FormatException( "Input ended with incomplete encoded byte.", chunk, index); } _sink.close(); } } /// Decodes [codeUnits] and writes the result into [destination]. /// /// This reads from [codeUnits] between [sourceStart] and [sourceEnd]. It writes /// the result into [destination] starting at [destinationStart]. /// /// If there's a leftover digit at the end of the decoding, this returns that /// digit. Otherwise it returns `null`. int _decode(List codeUnits, int start, int end, Uint8Buffer buffer) { // A bitwise OR of all code units in [codeUnits]. This allows us to check for // out-of-range code units without adding more branches than necessary to the // core loop. var codeUnitOr = 0; // The beginning of the current slice of adjacent non-% characters. We can add // all of these to the buffer at once. var sliceStart = start; for (var i = start; i < end; i++) { // First, loop through non-% characters. var codeUnit = codeUnits[i]; if (codeUnits[i] != $percent) { codeUnitOr |= codeUnit; continue; } // We found a %. The slice from `sliceStart` to `i` represents characters // than can be copied to the buffer as-is. if (i > sliceStart) { _checkForInvalidCodeUnit(codeUnitOr, codeUnits, sliceStart, i); buffer.addAll(codeUnits, sliceStart, i); } // Now decode the percent-encoded byte and add it as well. i++; if (i >= end) return _lastPercent; var firstDigit = digitForCodeUnit(codeUnits, i); i++; if (i >= end) return 16 * firstDigit; var secondDigit = digitForCodeUnit(codeUnits, i); buffer.add(16 * firstDigit + secondDigit); // The next iteration will look for non-% characters again. sliceStart = i + 1; } if (end > sliceStart) { _checkForInvalidCodeUnit(codeUnitOr, codeUnits, sliceStart, end); if (start == sliceStart) { buffer.addAll(codeUnits); } else { buffer.addAll(codeUnits, sliceStart, end); } } return null; } void _checkForInvalidCodeUnit( int codeUnitOr, List codeUnits, int start, int end) { if (codeUnitOr >= 0 && codeUnitOr <= 0x7f) return; for (var i = start; i < end; i++) { var codeUnit = codeUnits[i]; if (codeUnit >= 0 && codeUnit <= 0x7f) continue; throw new FormatException( "Non-ASCII code unit " "U+${codeUnit.toRadixString(16).padLeft(4, '0')}", codeUnits, i); } } NN<!&-01GLK> N><%$I!O8G%<=G3BNQPE#B;'$&&<)C9<%8*O,!GM?G3BNQPE'HD:&$&8(?5<$N.!FBQBN(KPPQ)&-!$N/F/? '5 *6/@F 1?5&!5; Zfile:///Users/thosakwe/.pub-cache/hosted/ Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library convert.utils; import 'package:charcode/ascii.dart'; /// Returns the digit (0 through 15) corresponding to the hexadecimal code unit /// at index [i] in [codeUnits]. /// /// If the given code unit isn't valid hexadecimal, throws a [FormatException]. int digitForCodeUnit(List codeUnits, int index) { // If the code unit is a numeral, get its value. XOR works because 0 in ASCII // is `0b110000` and the other numerals come after it in ascending order and // take up at most four bits. // // We check for digits first because it ensures there's only a single branch // for 10 out of 16 of the expected cases. We don't count the `digit >= 0` // check because branch prediction will always work on it for valid data. var codeUnit = codeUnits[index]; var digit = $0 ^ codeUnit; if (digit <= 9) { if (digit >= 0) return digit; } else { // If the code unit is an uppercase letter, convert it to lowercase. This // works because uppercase letters in ASCII are exactly `0b100000 = 0x20` // less than lowercase letters, so if we ensure that that bit is 1 we ensure // that the letter is lowercase. var letter = 0x20 | codeUnit; if ($a <= letter && letter <= $f) return letter - $a + 10; } throw new FormatException( "Invalid hexadecimal code unit " "U+${codeUnit.toRadixString(16).padLeft(4, '0')}.", codeUnits, index); } )NN<&P!P7PO OML#" NNQ%"?':tfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/private/ddc_runtime/runtime.dart// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. @ReifyFunctionTypes(false) library dart._runtime; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:collection'; import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS, JSExportName, rest, spread; import 'dart:_interceptors' show JSArray, jsNull, JSFunction; import 'dart:_internal' as internal show Symbol; import 'dart:_js_helper' show AssertionErrorImpl, BooleanConversionAssertionError, CastErrorImpl, DartIterator, getTraceFromException, TypeErrorImpl, JsLinkedHashMap, ImmutableMap, PrivateSymbol, ReifyFunctionTypes, NoReifyGeneric, notNull; import 'dart:_debugger' show trackCall; export 'dart:_debugger' show getDynamicStats, clearDynamicStats, trackCall; part 'utils.dart'; part 'classes.dart'; part 'rtti.dart'; part 'types.dart'; part 'errors.dart'; part 'operations.dart'; // TODO(vsm): Move polyfill code to dart:html. // Note, native extensions are registered onto types in // This polyfill needs to run before the corresponding dart:html code is run. final _polyfilled = JS('', 'Symbol("_polyfilled")'); bool polyfill(window) => JS('', '''(() => { if ($window[$_polyfilled]) return false; $window[$_polyfilled] = true; if (typeof $window.NodeList !== "undefined") { // TODO(vsm): Do we still need these? $window.NodeList.prototype.get = function(i) { return this[i]; }; $window.NamedNodeMap.prototype.get = function(i) { return this[i]; }; $window.DOMTokenList.prototype.get = function(i) { return this[i]; }; $window.HTMLCollection.prototype.get = function(i) { return this[i]; }; // Expose constructors for DOM types dart:html needs to assume are // available on window. if (typeof $window.PannerNode == "undefined") { let audioContext; if (typeof $window.AudioContext == "undefined" && (typeof $window.webkitAudioContext != "undefined")) { audioContext = new $window.webkitAudioContext(); } else { audioContext = new $window.AudioContext(); $window.StereoPannerNode = audioContext.createStereoPanner().constructor; } $window.PannerNode = audioContext.createPanner().constructor; } if (typeof $window.AudioSourceNode == "undefined") { $window.AudioSourceNode = MediaElementAudioSourceNode.__proto__; } if (typeof $window.FontFaceSet == "undefined") { // CSS Font Loading is not supported on Edge. if (typeof $window.document.fonts != "undefined") { $window.FontFaceSet = $window.document.fonts.__proto__.constructor; } } if (typeof $window.MemoryInfo == "undefined") { if (typeof $window.performance.memory != "undefined") { $window.MemoryInfo = $window.performance.memory.constructor; } } if (typeof $window.Geolocation == "undefined") { $window.Geolocation == $window.navigator.geolocation.constructor; } if (typeof $window.Animation == "undefined") { let d = $window.document.createElement('div'); if (typeof d.animate != "undefined") { $window.Animation = d.animate(d).constructor; } } if (typeof $window.SourceBufferList == "undefined") { $window.SourceBufferList = new $window.MediaSource().sourceBuffers.constructor; } if (typeof $window.SpeechRecognition == "undefined") { $window.SpeechRecognition = $window.webkitSpeechRecognition; $window.SpeechRecognitionError = $window.webkitSpeechRecognitionError; $window.SpeechRecognitionEvent = $window.webkitSpeechRecognitionEvent; } } return true; })()'''); @JSExportName('global') final global_ = JS('', ''' function () { // Find global object. var globalState = (typeof window != "undefined") ? window : (typeof global != "undefined") ? global : (typeof self != "undefined") ? self : null; if (!globalState) { // Some platforms (e.g., d8) do not define any of the above. The // following is a non-CSP safe way to access the global object: globalState = new Function('return this;')(); } $polyfill(globalState); // By default, stack traces cutoff at 10. Set the limit to Infinity for // better debugging. if (globalState.Error) { globalState.Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity; } // These settings must be configured before the application starts so that // user code runs with the correct configuration. let settings = 'ddcSettings' in globalState ? globalState.ddcSettings : {}; $trapRuntimeErrors( 'trapRuntimeErrors' in settings ? settings.trapRuntimeErrors : false); $ignoreWhitelistedErrors( 'ignoreWhitelistedErrors' in settings ? settings.ignoreWhitelistedErrors : false); $ignoreAllErrors( 'ignoreAllErrors' in settings ? settings.ignoreAllErrors : false); $trackProfile( 'trackProfile' in settings ? settings.trackProfile : false); return globalState; }() '''); void trackProfile(bool flag) { JS('', 'dart.__trackProfile = #', flag); } final JsSymbol = JS('', 'Symbol'); // TODO(vsm): Remove once this flag we've removed the ability to // whitelist / fallback on the old behavior. bool startAsyncSynchronously = true; void setStartAsyncSynchronously([bool value = true]) { startAsyncSynchronously = value; } NN<C>1 )(L/EN5,+ 1*FJJLG48@93#;D9G54:L4>E5H35-6:!=;CMM >04HF4M4O6PO07KE+#A-%7#rfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/private/ddc_runtime/types.dartá// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// This library defines the representation of runtime types. part of "runtime.dart"; final metadata = JS('', 'Symbol("metadata")'); /// Types in dart are represented internally at runtime as follows. /// /// - Normal nominal types, produced from classes, are represented /// at runtime by the JS class of which they are an instance. /// If the type is the result of instantiating a generic class, /// then the "classes" module manages the association between the /// instantiated class and the original class declaration /// and the type arguments with which it was instantiated. This /// association can be queried via the "classes" module". /// /// - All other types are represented as instances of class TypeRep, /// defined in this module. /// - Dynamic, Void, and Bottom are singleton instances of sentinal /// classes. /// - Function types are instances of subclasses of AbstractFunctionType. /// /// Function types are represented in one of two ways: /// - As an instance of FunctionType. These are eagerly computed. /// - As an instance of TypeDef. The TypeDef representation lazily /// computes an instance of FunctionType, and delegates to that instance. /// /// These above "runtime types" are what is used for implementing DDC's /// internal type checks. These objects are distinct from the objects exposed /// to user code by class literals and calling `Object.runtimeType`. In DDC, /// the latter are represented by instances of WrappedType which contain a /// real runtime type internally. This ensures that the returned object only /// exposes the API that Type defines: /// /// get String name; /// String toString(); /// /// These "runtime types" have methods for performing type checks. The methods /// have the following JavaScript names which are designed to not collide with /// static methods, which are also placed 'on' the class constructor function. /// /// Implements 'o is T'. /// Implements 'o as T'. /// T._check(o): Implements the type assertion of 'T x = o;' /// /// By convention, we used named JavaScript functions for these methods with the /// name 'is_X', 'as_X' and 'check_X' for various X to indicate the type or the /// implementation strategy for the test (e.g 'is_String', 'is_G' for generic /// types, etc.) // TODO(jmesserly): we shouldn't implement Type here. It should be moved down // to AbstractFunctionType. class TypeRep implements Type { String get name => this.toString(); // TODO(jmesserly): these should never be reached. @JSExportName('is') bool is_T(object) => instanceOf(object, this); @JSExportName('as') as_T(object) => cast(object, this, false); @JSExportName('_check') check_T(object) => cast(object, this, true); } class DynamicType extends TypeRep { toString() => 'dynamic'; @JSExportName('is') bool is_T(object) => true; @JSExportName('as') as_T(object) => object; @JSExportName('_check') check_T(object) => object; } bool _isJsObject(obj) => JS('!', '# === #', getReifiedType(obj), jsobject); class LazyJSType extends TypeRep { final Function() _rawJSType; final String _dartName; LazyJSType(this._rawJSType, this._dartName); toString() => typeName(_rawJSType()); _raw() { var raw = _rawJSType(); if (raw == null) { _warn('Cannot find native JavaScript type ($_dartName) for type check'); } return raw; } rawJSTypeForCheck() { var raw = _raw(); if (raw != null) return raw; // Treat as anonymous: return true for any JS object. return jsobject; } bool isRawType(obj) { var raw = _raw(); if (raw != null) return JS('!', '# instanceof #', obj, raw); // Treat as anonymous: return true for any JS object. return _isJsObject(obj); } @JSExportName('is') bool is_T(obj) => isRawType(obj) || instanceOf(obj, this); @JSExportName('as') as_T(obj) => obj == null || is_T(obj) ? obj : castError(obj, this, false); @JSExportName('_check') check_T(obj) => obj == null || is_T(obj) ? obj : castError(obj, this, true); } /// An anonymous JS type /// /// For the purposes of subtype checks, these match any JS type. class AnonymousJSType extends TypeRep { final String _dartName; AnonymousJSType(this._dartName); toString() => _dartName; @JSExportName('is') bool is_T(obj) => _isJsObject(obj) || instanceOf(obj, this); @JSExportName('as') as_T(obj) => obj == null || _isJsObject(obj) ? obj : cast(obj, this, false); @JSExportName('_check') check_T(obj) => obj == null || _isJsObject(obj) ? obj : cast(obj, this, true); } void _warn(arg) { JS('void', 'console.warn(#)', arg); } var _lazyJSTypes = JS('', 'new Map()'); var _anonymousJSTypes = JS('', 'new Map()'); lazyJSType(Function() getJSTypeCallback, String name) { var ret = JS('', '#.get(#)', _lazyJSTypes, name); if (ret == null) { ret = LazyJSType(getJSTypeCallback, name); JS('', '#.set(#, #)', _lazyJSTypes, name, ret); } return ret; } anonymousJSType(String name) { var ret = JS('', '#.get(#)', _anonymousJSTypes, name); if (ret == null) { ret = AnonymousJSType(name); JS('', '#.set(#, #)', _anonymousJSTypes, name, ret); } return ret; } @JSExportName('dynamic') final _dynamic = DynamicType(); class VoidType extends TypeRep { toString() => 'void'; } @JSExportName('void') final void_ = VoidType(); class BottomType extends TypeRep { toString() => 'bottom'; } final bottom = BottomType(); class JSObjectType extends TypeRep { toString() => 'NativeJavaScriptObject'; } final jsobject = JSObjectType(); class WrappedType extends Type { final _wrappedType; WrappedType(this._wrappedType); toString() => typeName(_wrappedType); } // Marker class for generic functions, typedefs, and non-generic functions. abstract class AbstractFunctionType extends TypeRep {} /// Memo table for named argument groups. A named argument packet /// {name1 : type1, ..., namen : typen} corresponds to the path /// n, name1, type1, ...., namen, typen. The element of the map /// reached via this path (if any) is the canonical representative /// for this packet. final _fnTypeNamedArgMap = JS('', 'new Map()'); /// Memo table for positional argument groups. A positional argument /// packet [type1, ..., typen] (required or optional) corresponds to /// the path n, type1, ...., typen. The element reached via /// this path (if any) is the canonical representative for this /// packet. Note that required and optional parameters packages /// may have the same canonical representation. final _fnTypeArrayArgMap = JS('', 'new Map()'); /// Memo table for function types. The index path consists of the /// path length - 1, the returnType, the canonical positional argument /// packet, and if present, the canonical optional or named argument /// packet. A level of indirection could be avoided here if desired. final _fnTypeTypeMap = JS('', 'new Map()'); /// Memo table for small function types with no optional or named /// arguments and less than a fixed n (currently 3) number of /// required arguments. Indexing into this table by the number /// of required arguments yields a map which is indexed by the /// argument types themselves. The element reached via this /// index path (if present) is the canonical function type. final List _fnTypeSmallMap = JS('', '[new Map(), new Map(), new Map()]'); @NoReifyGeneric() T _memoizeArray(map, arr, T create()) => JS('', '''(() => { let len = $arr.length; $map = $_lookupNonTerminal($map, len); for (var i = 0; i < len-1; ++i) { $map = $_lookupNonTerminal($map, $arr[i]); } let result = $map.get($arr[len-1]); if (result !== void 0) return result; $map.set($arr[len-1], result = $create()); return result; })()'''); List _canonicalizeArray(List array, map) => _memoizeArray(map, array, () => array); // TODO(leafp): This only canonicalizes of the names are // emitted in a consistent order. _canonicalizeNamed(named, map) => JS('', '''(() => { let key = []; let names = $getOwnPropertyNames($named); for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) { let name = names[i]; let type = $named[name]; key.push(name); key.push(type); } return $_memoizeArray($map, key, () => $named); })()'''); _lookupNonTerminal(map, key) => JS('', '''(() => { let result = $map.get($key); if (result !== void 0) return result; $map.set($key, result = new Map()); return result; })()'''); // TODO(leafp): This handles some low hanging fruit, but // really we should make all of this faster, and also // handle more cases here. FunctionType _createSmall(returnType, List required) => JS('', '''(() => { let count = $required.length; let map = $_fnTypeSmallMap[count]; for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { map = $_lookupNonTerminal(map, $required[i]); } let result = map.get($returnType); if (result !== void 0) return result; result = ${new FunctionType(returnType, required, [], JS('', '{}'))}; map.set($returnType, result); return result; })()'''); class FunctionType extends AbstractFunctionType { final returnType; List args; List optionals; final named; // TODO(vsm): This is just parameter metadata for now. List metadata = []; String _stringValue; /** * Construct a function type. * * We eagerly normalize the argument types to avoid having to deal with * this logic in multiple places. * * This code does best effort canonicalization. It does not guarantee * that all instances will share. * */ static FunctionType create(returnType, List args, extra) { // Note that if extra is ever passed as an empty array // or an empty map, we can end up with semantically // identical function types that don't canonicalize // to the same object since we won't fall into this // fast path. if (extra == null && JS('!', '#.length < 3', args)) { return _createSmall(returnType, args); } args = _canonicalizeArray(args, _fnTypeArrayArgMap); var keys; FunctionType Function() create; if (extra == null) { keys = [returnType, args]; create = () => FunctionType(returnType, args, [], JS('', '{}')); } else if (JS('!', '# instanceof Array', extra)) { var optionals = _canonicalizeArray(JS('', '#', extra), _fnTypeArrayArgMap); keys = [returnType, args, optionals]; create = () => FunctionType(returnType, args, optionals, JS('', '{}')); } else { var named = _canonicalizeNamed(extra, _fnTypeNamedArgMap); keys = [returnType, args, named]; create = () => FunctionType(returnType, args, [], named); } return _memoizeArray(_fnTypeTypeMap, keys, create); } List _process(List array) { var result = []; for (var i = 0; JS('!', '# < #.length', i, array); ++i) { var arg = JS('', '#[#]', array, i); if (JS('!', '# instanceof Array', arg)) { JS('', '#.push(#.slice(1))', metadata, arg); JS('', '#.push(#[0])', result, arg); } else { JS('', '#.push([])', metadata); JS('', '#.push(#)', result, arg); } } return result; } FunctionType(this.returnType, this.args, this.optionals, this.named) { this.args = _process(this.args); this.optionals = _process(this.optionals); // TODO(vsm): Add named arguments. } toString() => name; int get requiredParameterCount => args.length; int get positionalParameterCount => args.length + optionals.length; getPositionalParameter(int i) { int n = args.length; return i < n ? args[i] : optionals[i + n]; } Map getNamedParameters() { var result = {}; var names = getOwnPropertyNames(named); JS('', '#.sort()', names); for (var i = 0; JS('!', '# < #.length', i, names); ++i) { String name = JS('!', '#[#]', names, i); result[name] = JS('', '#[#]', named, name); } return result; } get name { if (_stringValue != null) return _stringValue; var buffer = '('; for (var i = 0; JS('!', '# < #.length', i, args); ++i) { if (i > 0) { buffer += ', '; } buffer += typeName(JS('', '#[#]', args, i)); } if (JS('!', '#.length > 0', optionals)) { if (JS('!', '#.length > 0', args)) buffer += ', '; buffer += '['; for (var i = 0; JS('!', '# < #.length', i, optionals); ++i) { if (i > 0) { buffer += ', '; } buffer += typeName(JS('', '#[#]', optionals, i)); } buffer += ']'; } else if (JS('!', 'Object.keys(#).length > 0', named)) { if (JS('!', '#.length > 0', args)) buffer += ', '; buffer += '{'; var names = getOwnPropertyNames(named); JS('', '#.sort()', names); for (var i = 0; JS('!', '# < #.length', i, names); ++i) { if (i > 0) { buffer += ', '; } var typeNameString = typeName(JS('', '#[#[#]]', named, names, i)); buffer += '$typeNameString ${JS('', '#[#]', names, i)}'; } buffer += '}'; } var returnTypeName = typeName(returnType); buffer += ') => $returnTypeName'; _stringValue = buffer; return buffer; } @JSExportName('is') bool is_T(obj) { if (JS('!', 'typeof # == "function"', obj)) { var actual = JS('', '#[#]', obj, _runtimeType); // If there's no actual type, it's a JS function. // Allow them to subtype all Dart function types. return JS('!', '# == null || !!#', actual, isSubtype(actual, this)); } return false; } static final void Function(Object, Object) _logIgnoredCast = JS('', '''(() => $_ignoreMemo((actual, expected) => { console.warn('Ignoring cast fail from ' + $typeName(actual) + ' to ' + $typeName(expected)); return null; }))()'''); @JSExportName('as') as_T(obj, [@notNull bool isImplicit = false]) { if (obj == null) return obj; if (JS('!', 'typeof # == "function"', obj)) { var actual = JS('', '#[#]', obj, _runtimeType); // If there's no actual type, it's a JS function. // Allow them to subtype all Dart function types. if (actual == null) return obj; var result = isSubtype(actual, this); if (result == true) return obj; if (result == null && isImplicit && JS('!', 'dart.__ignoreWhitelistedErrors')) { _logIgnoredCast(actual, this); return obj; } } return castError(obj, this, isImplicit); } @JSExportName('_check') check_T(obj) => as_T(obj, true); } class Typedef extends AbstractFunctionType { dynamic _name; AbstractFunctionType Function() _closure; AbstractFunctionType _functionType; Typedef(this._name, this._closure) {} toString() { var typeArgs = getGenericArgs(this); if (typeArgs == null) return name; var result = name + '<'; var allDynamic = true; for (int i = 0, n = JS('!', '#.length', typeArgs); i < n; ++i) { if (i > 0) result += ', '; var typeArg = JS('', '#[#]', typeArgs, i); if (JS('!', '# !== #', typeArg, _dynamic)) allDynamic = false; result += typeName(typeArg); } result += '>'; return allDynamic ? name : result; } String get name => JS('!', '#', _name); AbstractFunctionType get functionType { var ft = _functionType; return ft == null ? _functionType = _closure() : ft; } @JSExportName('is') bool is_T(object) => functionType.is_T(object); @JSExportName('as') as_T(object) => functionType.as_T(object); @JSExportName('_check') check_T(object) => functionType.check_T(object); } /// A type variable, used by [GenericFunctionType] to represent a type formal. class TypeVariable extends TypeRep { final String name; TypeVariable(; toString() => name; } class GenericFunctionType extends AbstractFunctionType { final _instantiateTypeParts; final int formalCount; final _instantiateTypeBounds; List _typeFormals; GenericFunctionType(instantiateTypeParts, this._instantiateTypeBounds) : _instantiateTypeParts = instantiateTypeParts, formalCount = JS('!', '#.length', instantiateTypeParts); List get typeFormals { if (_typeFormals != null) return _typeFormals; return _typeFormals = _typeFormalsFromFunction(_instantiateTypeParts); } checkBounds(List typeArgs) { var bounds = instantiateTypeBounds(typeArgs); var typeFormals = this.typeFormals; for (var i = 0; i < typeArgs.length; i++) { checkTypeBound(typeArgs[i], bounds[i], typeFormals[i]); } } FunctionType instantiate(typeArgs) { var parts = JS('', '#.apply(null, #)', _instantiateTypeParts, typeArgs); return FunctionType.create( JS('', '#[0]', parts), JS('', '#[1]', parts), JS('', '#[2]', parts)); } List instantiateTypeBounds(List typeArgs) { var boundsFn = _instantiateTypeBounds; if (boundsFn == null) { // The Dart 1 spec says omitted type parameters have an upper bound of // Object. However strong mode assumes `dynamic` for all purposes // (such as instantiate to bounds) so we use that here. return List.filled(formalCount, _dynamic); } // If bounds are recursive, we need to apply type formals and return them. return JS('List', '#.apply(null, #)', boundsFn, typeArgs); } toString() { String s = "<"; var typeFormals = this.typeFormals; var typeBounds = instantiateTypeBounds(typeFormals); for (int i = 0, n = typeFormals.length; i < n; i++) { if (i != 0) s += ", "; s += JS('!', '#[#].name', typeFormals, i); var bound = typeBounds[i]; if (JS('!', '# !== # && # !== #', bound, dynamic, bound, Object)) { s += " extends $bound"; } } s += ">" + instantiate(typeFormals).toString(); return s; } /// Given a [DartType] [type], if [type] is an uninstantiated /// parameterized type then instantiate the parameters to their /// bounds and return those type arguments. /// /// See the issue for the algorithm description: /// List instantiateDefaultBounds() { var typeFormals = this.typeFormals; // All type formals var all = HashMap.identity(); // ground types, by index. // // For each index, this will be a ground type for the corresponding type // formal if known, or it will be the original TypeVariable if we are still // solving for it. This array is passed to `instantiateToBounds` as we are // progressively solving for type variables. var defaults = List(typeFormals.length); // not ground var partials = Map.identity(); var typeBounds = this.instantiateTypeBounds(typeFormals); for (var i = 0; i < typeFormals.length; i++) { var typeFormal = typeFormals[i]; var bound = typeBounds[i]; all[typeFormal] = i; if (identical(bound, _dynamic)) { defaults[i] = bound; } else { defaults[i] = typeFormal; partials[typeFormal] = bound; } } bool hasFreeFormal(Object t) { if (partials.containsKey(t)) return true; // Generic classes and typedefs. var typeArgs = getGenericArgs(t); if (typeArgs != null) return typeArgs.any(hasFreeFormal); if (t is GenericFunctionType) { return hasFreeFormal(t.instantiate(t.typeFormals)); } if (t is FunctionType) { return hasFreeFormal(t.returnType) || t.args.any(hasFreeFormal); } return false; } var hasProgress = true; while (hasProgress) { hasProgress = false; for (var typeFormal in partials.keys) { var partialBound = partials[typeFormal]; if (!hasFreeFormal(partialBound)) { int index = all[typeFormal]; defaults[index] = instantiateTypeBounds(defaults)[index]; partials.remove(typeFormal); hasProgress = true; break; } } } // If we stopped making progress, and not all types are ground, // then the whole type is malbounded and an error should be reported // if errors are requested, and a partially completed type should // be returned. if (partials.isNotEmpty) { throwTypeError('Instantiate to bounds failed for type with ' 'recursive generic bounds: ${typeName(this)}. ' 'Try passing explicit type arguments.'); } return defaults; } @notNull @JSExportName('is') bool is_T(obj) { if (JS('!', 'typeof # == "function"', obj)) { var actual = JS('', '#[#]', obj, _runtimeType); return JS('!', '# != null && !!#', actual, isSubtype(actual, this)); } return false; } @JSExportName('as') as_T(obj) { if (obj == null || is_T(obj)) return obj; return castError(obj, this, false); } @JSExportName('_check') check_T(obj) { if (obj == null || is_T(obj)) return obj; return castError(obj, this, true); } } List _typeFormalsFromFunction(Object typeConstructor) { // Extract parameter names from the function parameters. // // This is not robust in general for user-defined JS functions, but it // should handle the functions generated by our compiler. // // TODO(jmesserly): names of TypeVariables are only used for display // purposes, such as when an error happens or if someone calls // `Type.toString()`. So we could recover them lazily rather than eagerly. // Alternatively we could synthesize new names. String str = JS('!', '#.toString()', typeConstructor); var hasParens = str[0] == '('; var end = str.indexOf(hasParens ? ')' : '=>'); if (hasParens) { return str .substring(1, end) .split(',') .map((n) => TypeVariable(n.trim())) .toList(); } else { return [TypeVariable(str.substring(0, end).trim())]; } } Typedef typedef(name, AbstractFunctionType Function() closure) => Typedef(name, closure); /// Create a function type. FunctionType fnType(returnType, List args, [extra = undefined]) => FunctionType.create(returnType, args, extra); /// Creates a generic function type. /// /// A function type consists of two things: an instantiate function, and an /// function that returns a list of upper bound constraints for each /// the type formals. Both functions accept the type parameters, allowing us /// to substitute values. The upper bound constraints can be omitted if all /// of the type parameters use the default upper bound. /// /// For example given the type >(T) -> T, we can declare /// this type with `gFnType(T => [T, [T]], T => [Iterable$(T)])`.\ gFnType(instantiateFn, typeBounds) => GenericFunctionType(instantiateFn, typeBounds); /// TODO(vsm): Remove when mirrors is deprecated. /// This is a temporary workaround to support dart:mirrors, which doesn't /// understand generic methods. getFunctionTypeMirror(AbstractFunctionType type) { if (type is GenericFunctionType) { var typeArgs = List.filled(type.formalCount, dynamic); return type.instantiate(typeArgs); } return type; } bool isType(obj) => JS('', '#[#] === #', obj, _runtimeType, Type); void checkTypeBound(type, bound, name) { if (JS('!', '#', isSubtype(type, bound))) return; throwTypeError('type `$type` does not extend `$bound`' ' of `$name`.'); } String typeName(type) => JS('', '''(() => { if ($type === void 0) return "undefined type"; if ($type === null) return "null type"; // Non-instance types if ($type instanceof $TypeRep) { return $type.toString(); } // Instance types let tag = $type[$_runtimeType]; if (tag === $Type) { let name = $; let args = ${getGenericArgs(type)}; if (args == null) return name; if (${getGenericClass(type)} == ${getGenericClass(JSArray)}) name = 'List'; let result = name; result += '<'; for (let i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { if (i > 0) result += ', '; result += $typeName(args[i]); } result += '>'; return result; } if (tag) return "Not a type: " +; return "JSObject<" + $ + ">"; })()'''); /// Returns true if [ft1] <: [ft2]. /// Returns false if [ft1] JS('', '''(() => { let ret1 = $ft1.returnType; let ret2 = $ft2.returnType; let args1 = $ft1.args; let args2 = $ft2.args; if (args1.length > args2.length) { // If we're in a covariant position, then Dart's arity rules // agree with strong mode, otherwise we can't be sure. return ($isCovariant) ? false : null; } for (let i = 0; i < args1.length; ++i) { if (!$_isSubtype(args2[i], args1[i], !$isCovariant)) { // Even if isSubtype returns false, assignability // means that we can't be definitive return null; } } let optionals1 = $ft1.optionals; let optionals2 = $ft2.optionals; if (args1.length + optionals1.length < args2.length + optionals2.length) { return ($isCovariant) ? false : null; } let j = 0; for (let i = args1.length; i < args2.length; ++i, ++j) { if (!$_isSubtype(args2[i], optionals1[j], !$isCovariant)) { return null; } } for (let i = 0; i < optionals2.length; ++i, ++j) { if (!$_isSubtype(optionals2[i], optionals1[j], !$isCovariant)) { return null; } } let named1 = $ft1.named; let named2 = $ft2.named; let names = $getOwnPropertyNames(named2); for (let i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) { let name = names[i]; let n1 = named1[name]; let n2 = named2[name]; if (n1 === void 0) { return ($isCovariant) ? false : null; } if (!$_isSubtype(n2, n1, !$isCovariant)) { return null; } } // Check return type last, so that arity mismatched functions can be // definitively rejected. // For `void` we will give the same answer as the VM, so don't return null. if (ret1 === $void_) return $_isTop(ret2); if (!$_isSubtype(ret1, ret2, $isCovariant)) return null; return true; })()'''); /// Returns true if [t1] <: [t2]. /// Returns false if [t1] JS('!', '# == # || # == #', type, bottom, type, Null); @notNull bool _isTop(type) { if (_isFutureOr(type)) { return _isTop(JS('', '#[0]', getGenericArgs(type))); } return JS('!', '# == # || # == # || # == #', type, Object, type, dynamic, type, void_); } bool _isFutureOr(type) => identical(getGenericClass(type), getGenericClass(FutureOr)); bool _isSubtype(t1, t2, isCovariant) => JS('', '''(() => { if ($t1 === $t2) return true; // Trivially true. if (${_isTop(t2)} || ${_isBottom(t1)}) { return true; } // Trivially false. if (${_isBottom(t2)}) return null; if (${_isTop(t1)}) { if ($t1 === $dynamic) return null; return false; } // Handle FutureOr union type. if (${_isFutureOr(t1)}) { let t1TypeArg = ${getGenericArgs(t1)}[0]; if (${_isFutureOr(t2)}) { let t2TypeArg = ${getGenericArgs(t2)}[0]; // FutureOr <: FutureOr iff A <: B return $_isSubtype(t1TypeArg, t2TypeArg, $isCovariant); } // given t1 is Future | A, then: // (Future | A) <: t2 iff Future <: t2 and A <: t2. let t1Future = ${getGenericClass(Future)}(t1TypeArg); return $_isSubtype(t1Future, $t2, $isCovariant) && $_isSubtype(t1TypeArg, $t2, $isCovariant); } if ($_isFutureOr($t2)) { // given t2 is Future | A, then: // t1 <: (Future | A) iff t1 <: Future or t1 <: A let t2TypeArg = ${getGenericArgs(t2)}[0]; let t2Future = ${getGenericClass(Future)}(t2TypeArg); let s1 = $_isSubtype($t1, t2Future, $isCovariant); let s2 = $_isSubtype($t1, t2TypeArg, $isCovariant); if (s1 === true || s2 === true) return true; if (s1 === null || s2 === null) return null; return false; } // "Traditional" name-based subtype check. Avoid passing // function types to the class subtype checks, since we don't // currently distinguish between generic typedefs and classes. if (!($t2 instanceof $AbstractFunctionType)) { // t2 is an interface type. if ($t1 instanceof $AbstractFunctionType) { // Function types are only subtypes of interface types `Function` (and top // types, handled already above). return $t2 === $Function; } // All JS types are subtypes of anonymous JS types. if ($t1 === $jsobject && $t2 instanceof $AnonymousJSType) return true; // Compare two interface types: return ${_isInterfaceSubtype(t1, t2, isCovariant)}; } // Function subtyping. if (!($t1 instanceof $AbstractFunctionType)) return false; // Unwrap typedefs. if ($t1 instanceof $Typedef) $t1 = $t1.functionType; if ($t2 instanceof $Typedef) $t2 = $t2.functionType; // Handle generic functions. if ($t1 instanceof $GenericFunctionType) { if (!($t2 instanceof $GenericFunctionType)) return false; // Given generic functions g1 and g2, g1 <: g2 iff: // // g1 <: g2 // // where TFresh is a list of fresh type variables that both g1 and g2 will // be instantiated with. let formalCount = $t1.formalCount; if (formalCount !== $t2.formalCount) return false; // Using either function's type formals will work as long as they're both // instantiated with the same ones. The instantiate operation is guaranteed // to avoid capture because it does not depend on its TypeVariable objects, // rather it uses JS function parameters to ensure correct binding. let fresh = $t2.typeFormals; // Check the bounds of the type parameters of g1 and g2. // given a type parameter `T1 extends U1` from g1, and a type parameter // `T2 extends U2` from g2, we must ensure that: // // U2 <: U1 // // (Note the reversal of direction -- type formal bounds are contravariant, // similar to the function's formal parameter types). // let t1Bounds = $t1.instantiateTypeBounds(fresh); let t2Bounds = $t2.instantiateTypeBounds(fresh); // TODO(jmesserly): we could optimize for the common case of no bounds. for (let i = 0; i < formalCount; i++) { if (!$_isSubtype(t2Bounds[i], t1Bounds[i], !$isCovariant)) { return false; } } $t1 = $t1.instantiate(fresh); $t2 = $t2.instantiate(fresh); } else if ($t2 instanceof $GenericFunctionType) { return false; } // Handle non-generic functions. return ${_isFunctionSubtype(t1, t2, isCovariant)}; })()'''); bool _isInterfaceSubtype(t1, t2, isCovariant) => JS('', '''(() => { // We support Dart's covariant generics with the caveat that we do not // substitute bottom for dynamic in subtyping rules. // I.e., given T1, ..., Tn where at least one Ti != dynamic we disallow: // - S !<: S // - S !<: S // If we have lazy JS types, unwrap them. This will effectively // reduce to a prototype check below. if ($t1 instanceof $LazyJSType) $t1 = $t1.rawJSTypeForCheck(); if ($t2 instanceof $LazyJSType) $t2 = $t2.rawJSTypeForCheck(); if ($t1 === $t2) return true; if ($t1 === $Object) return false; // Classes cannot subtype `Function` or vice versa. if ($t1 === $Function || $t2 === $Function) return false; // If t1 is a JS Object, we may not hit core.Object. if ($t1 == null) return $t2 == $Object || $t2 == $dynamic; // Check if t1 and t2 have the same raw type. If so, check covariance on // type parameters. let raw1 = $getGenericClass($t1); let raw2 = $getGenericClass($t2); if (raw1 != null && raw1 == raw2) { let typeArguments1 = $getGenericArgs($t1); let typeArguments2 = $getGenericArgs($t2); let length = typeArguments1.length; if (typeArguments2.length == 0) { // t2 is the raw form of t1 return true; } else if (length == 0) { // t1 is raw, but t2 is not if (typeArguments2.every($_isTop)) return true; return null; } if (length != typeArguments2.length) $assertFailed(); for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { let result = $_isSubtype(typeArguments1[i], typeArguments2[i], $isCovariant); if (!result) { return result; } } return true; } let indefinite = false; function definitive(t1, t2) { let result = $_isInterfaceSubtype(t1, t2, $isCovariant); if (result == null) { indefinite = true; return false; } return result; } if (definitive($t1.__proto__, $t2)) return true; // Check mixin. let m1 = $getMixin($t1); if (m1 != null) { if (definitive(m1, $t2)) return true; } // Check interfaces. let getInterfaces = $getImplements($t1); if (getInterfaces) { for (let i1 of getInterfaces()) { if (definitive(i1, $t2)) return true; } } // We found no definite supertypes, and at least one indefinite supertype // so the answer is indefinite. if (indefinite) return null; // We found no definite supertypes and no indefinite supertypes, so we // can return false. return false; })()'''); Object extractTypeArguments(T instance, Function f) { if (instance == null) { throw ArgumentError('Cannot extract type of null instance.'); } var type = unwrapType(T); if (type is AbstractFunctionType || _isFutureOr(type)) { throw ArgumentError('Cannot extract from non-class type ($type).'); } var typeArguments = getGenericArgs(type); if (typeArguments.isEmpty) { throw ArgumentError('Cannot extract from non-generic type ($type).'); } var supertype = _getMatchingSupertype(getReifiedType(instance), type); // The signature of this method guarantees that instance is a T, so we // should have a valid non-empty list at this point. assert(supertype != null); var typeArgs = getGenericArgs(supertype); assert(typeArgs != null && typeArgs.isNotEmpty); return dgcall(f, typeArgs, []); } /// Infers type variables based on a series of [trySubtypeMatch] calls, followed /// by [getInferredTypes] to return the type. class _TypeInferrer { final Map _typeVariables; /// Creates a [TypeConstraintGatherer] which is prepared to gather type /// constraints for the given type parameters. _TypeInferrer(Iterable typeVariables) : _typeVariables = Map.fromIterables( typeVariables, => TypeConstraint())); /// Returns the inferred types based on the current constraints. List getInferredTypes() { var result = List(); for (var constraint in _typeVariables.values) { // Prefer the known bound, if any. if (constraint.lower != null) { result.add(constraint.lower); } else if (constraint.upper != null) { result.add(constraint.upper); } else { return null; } } return result; } /// Tries to match [subtype] against [supertype]. /// /// If the match succeeds, the resulting type constraints are recorded for /// later use by [computeConstraints]. If the match fails, the set of type /// constraints is unchanged. bool trySubtypeMatch(Object subtype, Object supertype) => _isSubtypeMatch(subtype, supertype); void _constrainLower(TypeVariable parameter, Object lower) { _typeVariables[parameter]._constrainLower(lower); } void _constrainUpper(TypeVariable parameter, Object upper) { _typeVariables[parameter]._constrainUpper(upper); } bool _isFunctionSubtypeMatch(FunctionType subtype, FunctionType supertype) { // A function type `(M0,..., Mn, [M{n+1}, ..., Mm]) -> R0` is a subtype // match for a function type `(N0,..., Nk, [N{k+1}, ..., Nr]) -> R1` with // respect to `L` under constraints `C0 + ... + Cr + C` // - If `R0` is a subtype match for a type `R1` with respect to `L` under // constraints `C`: // - If `n <= k` and `r <= m`. // - And for `i` in `0...r`, `Ni` is a subtype match for `Mi` with respect // to `L` under constraints `Ci`. // Function types with named parameters are treated analogously to the // positional parameter case above. // A generic function type `F0` is a // subtype match for a generic function type `F1` with respect to `L` under constraints `Cl`: // - If `F0[Z0/T0, ..., Zn/Tn]` is a subtype match for `F0[Z0/S0, ..., // Zn/Sn]` with respect to `L` under constraints `C`, where each `Zi` is a // fresh type variable with bound `Bi`. // - And `Cl` is `C` with each constraint replaced with its closure with // respect to `[Z0, ..., Zn]`. if (subtype.requiredParameterCount > supertype.requiredParameterCount) { return false; } if (subtype.positionalParameterCount < supertype.positionalParameterCount) { return false; } // Test the return types. if (supertype.returnType is! VoidType && !_isSubtypeMatch(subtype.returnType, supertype.returnType)) { return false; } // Test the parameter types. for (int i = 0, n = supertype.positionalParameterCount; i < n; ++i) { if (!_isSubtypeMatch(supertype.getPositionalParameter(i), subtype.getPositionalParameter(i))) { return false; } } var supertypeNamed = supertype.getNamedParameters(); var subtypeNamed = supertype.getNamedParameters(); for (var name in supertypeNamed.keys) { var subtypeParamType = subtypeNamed[name]; if (subtypeParamType == null) return false; if (!_isSubtypeMatch(supertypeNamed[name], subtypeParamType)) { return false; } } return true; } bool _isInterfaceSubtypeMatch(Object subtype, Object supertype) { // A type `P` is a subtype match for `P` with // respect to `L` under constraints `C0 + ... + Ck`: // - If `Mi` is a subtype match for `Ni` with respect to `L` under // constraints `Ci`. // A type `P` is a subtype match for `Q` with // respect to `L` under constraints `C`: // - If `R` is the superclass of `P` and `R` is a subtype match for `Q` with respect to `L` // under constraints `C`. // - Or `R` is one of the interfaces implemented by `P` (considered in lexical order) and `R` is a subtype // match for `Q` with respect to `L` under constraints `C`. // - Or `R` is a mixin into `P` (considered in // lexical order) and `R` is a subtype match for `Q` with respect to `L` under constraints `C`. // Note that since kernel requires that no class may only appear in the set // of supertypes of a given type more than once, the order of the checks // above is irrelevant; we just need to find the matched superclass, // substitute, and then iterate through type variables. var matchingSupertype = _getMatchingSupertype(subtype, supertype); if (matchingSupertype == null) return false; var matchingTypeArgs = getGenericArgs(matchingSupertype); var supertypeTypeArgs = getGenericArgs(supertype); for (int i = 0; i < supertypeTypeArgs.length; i++) { if (!_isSubtypeMatch(matchingTypeArgs[i], supertypeTypeArgs[i])) { return false; } } return true; } bool _isNull(Object type) => identical(type, unwrapType(Null)); /// Attempts to match [subtype] as a subtype of [supertype], gathering any /// constraints discovered in the process. /// /// If a set of constraints was found, `true` is returned and the caller /// may proceed to call [computeConstraints]. Otherwise, `false` is returned. /// /// In the case where `false` is returned, some bogus constraints may have /// been added to [_protoConstraints]. It is the caller's responsibility to /// discard them if necessary. bool _isSubtypeMatch(Object subtype, Object supertype) { // A type variable `T` in `L` is a subtype match for any type schema `Q`: // - Under constraint `T <: Q`. if (subtype is TypeVariable && _typeVariables.containsKey(subtype)) { _constrainUpper(subtype, supertype); return true; } // A type schema `Q` is a subtype match for a type variable `T` in `L`: // - Under constraint `Q <: T`. if (supertype is TypeVariable && _typeVariables.containsKey(supertype)) { _constrainLower(supertype, subtype); return true; } // Any two equal types `P` and `Q` are subtype matches under no constraints. // Note: to avoid making the algorithm quadratic, we just check for // identical(). If P and Q are equal but not identical, recursing through // the types will give the proper result. if (identical(subtype, supertype)) return true; // Any type `P` is a subtype match for `dynamic`, `Object`, or `void` under // no constraints. if (_isTop(supertype)) return true; // `Null` is a subtype match for any type `Q` under no constraints. // Note that nullable types will change this. if (_isNull(subtype)) return true; // Handle FutureOr union type. if (_isFutureOr(subtype)) { var subtypeArg = getGenericArgs(subtype)[0]; if (_isFutureOr(supertype)) { // `FutureOr

` is a subtype match for `FutureOr` with respect to `L` // under constraints `C`: // - If `P` is a subtype match for `Q` with respect to `L` under constraints // `C`. var supertypeArg = getGenericArgs(supertype)[0]; return _isSubtypeMatch(subtypeArg, supertypeArg); } // `FutureOr

` is a subtype match for `Q` with respect to `L` under // constraints `C0 + C1`: // - If `Future

` is a subtype match for `Q` with respect to `L` under // constraints `C0`. // - And `P` is a subtype match for `Q` with respect to `L` under // constraints `C1`. var subtypeFuture = JS('!', '#(#)', getGenericClass(Future), subtypeArg); return _isSubtypeMatch(subtypeFuture, supertype) && _isSubtypeMatch(subtypeArg, supertype); } if (_isFutureOr(supertype)) { // `P` is a subtype match for `FutureOr` with respect to `L` under // constraints `C`: // - If `P` is a subtype match for `Future` with respect to `L` under // constraints `C`. // - Or `P` is not a subtype match for `Future` with respect to `L` under // constraints `C` // - And `P` is a subtype match for `Q` with respect to `L` under // constraints `C` var supertypeArg = getGenericArgs(supertype)[0]; var supertypeFuture = JS('!', '#(#)', getGenericClass(Future), supertypeArg); return _isSubtypeMatch(subtype, supertypeFuture) || _isSubtypeMatch(subtype, supertypeArg); } // A type variable `T` not in `L` with bound `P` is a subtype match for the // same type variable `T` with bound `Q` with respect to `L` under // constraints `C`: // - If `P` is a subtype match for `Q` with respect to `L` under constraints // `C`. if (subtype is TypeVariable) { return supertype is TypeVariable && identical(subtype, supertype); } if (subtype is GenericFunctionType) { if (supertype is GenericFunctionType) { // Given generic functions g1 and g2, g1 <: g2 iff: // // g1 <: g2 // // where TFresh is a list of fresh type variables that both g1 and g2 will // be instantiated with. var formalCount = subtype.formalCount; if (formalCount != supertype.formalCount) return false; // Using either function's type formals will work as long as they're // both instantiated with the same ones. The instantiate operation is // guaranteed to avoid capture because it does not depend on its // TypeVariable objects, rather it uses JS function parameters to ensure // correct binding. var fresh = supertype.typeFormals; // Check the bounds of the type parameters of g1 and g2. // given a type parameter `T1 extends U1` from g1, and a type parameter // `T2 extends U2` from g2, we must ensure that: // // U2 <: U1 // // (Note the reversal of direction -- type formal bounds are // contravariant, similar to the function's formal parameter types). // var t1Bounds = subtype.instantiateTypeBounds(fresh); var t2Bounds = supertype.instantiateTypeBounds(fresh); // TODO(jmesserly): we could optimize for the common case of no bounds. for (var i = 0; i < formalCount; i++) { if (!_isSubtypeMatch(t2Bounds[i], t1Bounds[i])) { return false; } } return _isFunctionSubtypeMatch( subtype.instantiate(fresh), supertype.instantiate(fresh)); } else { return false; } } else if (supertype is GenericFunctionType) { return false; } // A type `P` is a subtype match for `Function` with respect to `L` under no // constraints: // - If `P` implements a call method. // - Or if `P` is a function type. // TODO(paulberry): implement this case. // A type `P` is a subtype match for a type `Q` with respect to `L` under // constraints `C`: // - If `P` is an interface type which implements a call method of type `F`, // and `F` is a subtype match for a type `Q` with respect to `L` under // constraints `C`. // TODO(paulberry): implement this case. if (subtype is FunctionType) { if (supertype is! FunctionType) { if (identical(supertype, unwrapType(Function)) || identical(supertype, unwrapType(Object))) { return true; } else { return false; } } if (supertype is FunctionType) { return _isFunctionSubtypeMatch(subtype, supertype); } } return _isInterfaceSubtypeMatch(subtype, supertype); } bool _isTop(Object type) => identical(type, _dynamic) || identical(type, void_) || identical(type, unwrapType(Object)); } /// A constraint on a type parameter that we're inferring. class TypeConstraint { /// The lower bound of the type being constrained. This bound must be a /// subtype of the type being constrained. Object lower; /// The upper bound of the type being constrained. The type being constrained /// must be a subtype of this bound. Object upper; void _constrainLower(Object type) { if (lower != null) { if (isSubtype(lower, type)) { // nothing to do, existing lower bound is lower than the new one. return; } if (!isSubtype(type, lower)) { // Neither bound is lower and we don't have GLB, so use bottom type. type = unwrapType(Null); } } lower = type; } void _constrainUpper(Object type) { if (upper != null) { if (isSubtype(type, upper)) { // nothing to do, existing upper bound is higher than the new one. return; } if (!isSubtype(upper, type)) { // Neither bound is higher and we don't have LUB, so use top type. type = unwrapType(Object); } } upper = type; } String toString() => '${typeName(lower)} <: <: ${typeName(upper)}'; } /// Finds a supertype of [subtype] that matches the class [supertype], but may /// contain different generic type arguments. Object _getMatchingSupertype(Object subtype, Object supertype) { if (identical(subtype, supertype)) return supertype; if (subtype == null || subtype == unwrapType(Object)) return null; var subclass = getGenericClass(subtype); var superclass = getGenericClass(supertype); if (subclass != null && identical(subclass, superclass)) { return subtype; // matching supertype found! } var result = _getMatchingSupertype(JS('', '#.__proto__', subtype), supertype); if (result != null) return result; // Check mixin. var mixin = getMixin(subtype); if (mixin != null) { result = _getMatchingSupertype(mixin, supertype); if (result != null) return result; } // Check interfaces. var getInterfaces = getImplements(subtype); if (getInterfaces != null) { for (var iface in getInterfaces()) { result = _getMatchingSupertype(iface, supertype); if (result != null) return result; } } return null; } NN<>/DEBDF>E>G HN7EFNHNMKM'OOO&&AQPNN &51-/$L#/( O!:A:=MOA(#?OQ&(-84/49!9 !#%*!!"(L7B@AC0EE=@@00BGEF,B>@?=9.!F KA/&2688K?'M N.+MH>1O?(9:9!J 4@B.3M$(/MPO159>3'!("&#0'(@&<I.1,'D' DIFC:3 26K.(.'F;I<GAM29!1, 9BC2%LEML8OC&42J 3%;'C)49,1*#"(#P,!$-) $BBLFJ@%A;*+;8+##M* ;@5E,+,/GN-; "@@;;" << -38 O*9 O 9LA; +%'$.0/>(>:73(<.:7811<@A1 0Q( 8K$8=77->8$O'7NPPH!=L5P:55L,C""4#5 DI7K3C(AA %6<7=L$$&//(&""6:'K =3*+&,L"I 9B;H,JII7,3"Q.:J16,HC$!4)&&-&4MN <+?6?6OLN79IBM-KQMO!;N$J+L$N+QHO.4P(H2'& 3$R"U9:L OHP:2"LOSJ7B:2PGQ#I*.< ( S!/@MNIQ+AP9  EM =?P0< (G3Q*'-NQM-#(:8 '<9# +;K-Q'&$J%M!&$K%K#MO.A7E+/=1Q%!6'.)8)wfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/private/ddc_runtime/operations.dartj// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// This library defines runtime operations on objects used by the code /// generator. part of "runtime.dart"; // TODO(jmesserly): remove this in favor of _Invocation. class InvocationImpl extends Invocation { final Symbol memberName; final List positionalArguments; final Map namedArguments; final List typeArguments; final bool isMethod; final bool isGetter; final bool isSetter; InvocationImpl(memberName, List positionalArguments, {namedArguments, List typeArguments, this.isMethod = false, this.isGetter = false, this.isSetter = false}) : memberName = isSetter ? _setterSymbol(memberName) : _dartSymbol(memberName), positionalArguments = List.unmodifiable(positionalArguments), namedArguments = _namedArgsToSymbols(namedArguments), typeArguments = typeArguments == null ? const [] : List.unmodifiable(; static Map _namedArgsToSymbols(namedArgs) { if (namedArgs == null) return const {}; return Map.unmodifiable(Map.fromIterable(getOwnPropertyNames(namedArgs), key: _dartSymbol, value: (k) => JS('', '#[#]', namedArgs, k))); } } /// Given an object and a method name, tear off the method. /// Sets the runtime type of the torn off method appropriately, /// and also binds the object. /// /// If the optional `f` argument is passed in, it will be used as the method. /// This supports cases like `` where we need to tear off the method /// from the superclass, not from the `obj` directly. // TODO(leafp): Consider caching the tearoff on the object? bind(obj, name, method) { if (obj == null) obj = jsNull; if (method == null) method = JS('', '#[#]', obj, name); var f = JS('', '#.bind(#)', method, obj); // TODO(jmesserly): canonicalize tearoffs. JS('', '#._boundObject = #', f, obj); JS('', '#._boundMethod = #', f, method); JS('', '#[#] = #', f, _runtimeType, getMethodType(getType(obj), name)); return f; } /// Binds the `call` method of an interface type, handling null. /// /// Essentially this works like `obj?.call`. It also handles the needs of /// [dsend]/[dcall], returning `null` if no method was found with the given /// canonical member [name]. /// /// [name] is typically `"call"` but it could be the [extensionSymbol] for /// `call`, if we define it on a native type, and [obj] is known statially to be /// a native type/interface with `call`. bindCall(obj, name) { if (obj == null) return null; var ftype = getMethodType(getType(obj), name); if (ftype == null) return null; var method = JS('', '#[#]', obj, name); var f = JS('', '#.bind(#)', method, obj); // TODO(jmesserly): canonicalize tearoffs. JS('', '#._boundObject = #', f, obj); JS('', '#._boundMethod = #', f, method); JS('', '#[#] = #', f, _runtimeType, ftype); return f; } /// Instantiate a generic method. /// /// We need to apply the type arguments both to the function, as well as its /// associated function type. gbind(f, @rest typeArgs) { var result = JS('', '(...args) => #.apply(null, #.concat(args))', f, typeArgs); var sig = JS('', '#[#].instantiate(#)', f, _runtimeType, typeArgs); fn(result, sig); return result; } dloadRepl(obj, field) => dload(obj, replNameLookup(obj, field), false); // Warning: dload, dput, and dsend assume they are never called on methods // implemented by the Object base class as those methods can always be // statically resolved. dload(obj, field, [mirrors = undefined]) { if (JS('!', 'typeof # == "function" && # == "call"', obj, field)) { return obj; } var f = _canonicalMember(obj, field); trackCall(obj); if (f != null) { var type = getType(obj); if (hasField(type, f) || hasGetter(type, f)) return JS('', '#[#]', obj, f); if (hasMethod(type, f)) return bind(obj, f, null); // Always allow for JS interop objects. if (!JS('!', '#', mirrors) && isJsInterop(obj)) { return JS('', '#[#]', obj, f); } } return noSuchMethod(obj, InvocationImpl(field, JS('', '[]'), isGetter: true)); } // Version of dload that matches legacy mirrors behavior for JS types. dloadMirror(obj, field) => dload(obj, field, true); _stripGenericArguments(type) { var genericClass = getGenericClass(type); if (genericClass != null) return JS('', '#()', genericClass); return type; } // Version of dput that matches legacy Dart 1 type check rules and mirrors // behavior for JS types. // TODO(jacobr): remove the type checking rules workaround when mirrors based // PageLoader code can generate the correct reified generic types. dputMirror(obj, field, value) => dput(obj, field, value, true); dputRepl(obj, field, value) => dput(obj, replNameLookup(obj, field), value, false); dput(obj, field, value, [mirrors = undefined]) { var f = _canonicalMember(obj, field); trackCall(obj); if (f != null) { var setterType = getSetterType(getType(obj), f); if (setterType != null) { if (JS('!', '#', mirrors)) setterType = _stripGenericArguments(setterType); return JS('', '#[#] = #._check(#)', obj, f, setterType, value); } // Always allow for JS interop objects. if (!JS('!', '#', mirrors) && isJsInterop(obj)) { return JS('', '#[#] = #', obj, f, value); } } noSuchMethod( obj, InvocationImpl(field, JS('', '[#]', value), isSetter: true)); return value; } /// Check that a function of a given type can be applied to /// actuals. bool _checkApply(FunctionType type, List actuals, namedActuals) { // Check for too few required arguments. int actualsCount = JS('!', '#.length', actuals); var required = type.args; int requiredCount = JS('!', '#.length', required); if (actualsCount < requiredCount) return false; // Check for too many postional arguments. var extras = actualsCount - requiredCount; var optionals = type.optionals; if (extras > JS('!', '#.length', optionals)) return false; // Check if we have invalid named arguments. Iterable names; var named = type.named; if (namedActuals != null) { names = getOwnPropertyNames(namedActuals); for (var name in names) { if (!JS('!', '#.hasOwnProperty(#)', named, name)) return false; } } // Now that we know the signature matches, we can perform type checks. for (var i = 0; i < requiredCount; ++i) { JS('', '#[#]._check(#[#])', required, i, actuals, i); } for (var i = 0; i < extras; ++i) { JS('', '#[#]._check(#[#])', optionals, i, actuals, i + requiredCount); } if (names != null) { for (var name in names) { JS('', '#[#]._check(#[#])', named, name, namedActuals, name); } } return true; } _toSymbolName(symbol) => JS('', '''(() => { let str = $symbol.toString(); // Strip leading 'Symbol(' and trailing ')' return str.substring(7, str.length-1); })()'''); _toDisplayName(name) => JS('', '''(() => { // Names starting with _ are escaped names used to disambiguate Dart and // JS names. if ($name[0] === '_') { // Inverse of switch($name) { case '_get': return '[]'; case '_set': return '[]='; case '_negate': return 'unary-'; case '_constructor': case '_prototype': return $name.substring(1); } } return $name; })()'''); Symbol _dartSymbol(name) { return (JS('!', 'typeof # === "symbol"', name)) ? JS('Symbol', '#(new, #))', const_, PrivateSymbol, _toSymbolName(name), name) : JS('Symbol', '#(new', const_, internal.Symbol, _toDisplayName(name)); } Symbol _setterSymbol(name) { return (JS('!', 'typeof # === "symbol"', name)) ? JS('Symbol', '#(new + "=", #))', const_, PrivateSymbol, _toSymbolName(name), name) : JS('Symbol', '#(new + "="))', const_, internal.Symbol, _toDisplayName(name)); } _checkAndCall(f, ftype, obj, typeArgs, args, named, displayName) => JS('', '''(() => { $trackCall($obj); let originalTarget = obj === void 0 ? f : obj; function callNSM() { return $noSuchMethod(originalTarget, new $ $displayName, $args, { namedArguments: $named, typeArguments: $typeArgs, isMethod: true })); } if (!($f instanceof Function)) { // We're not a function (and hence not a method either) // Grab the `call` method if it's not a function. if ($f != null) { $f = ${bindCall(f, _canonicalMember(f, 'call'))}; $ftype = null; } if ($f == null) return callNSM(); } // If f is a function, but not a method (no method type) // then it should have been a function valued field, so // get the type from the function. if ($ftype == null) $ftype = $f[$_runtimeType]; if ($ftype == null) { // TODO(leafp): Allow JS objects to go through? if ($typeArgs != null) { // TODO(jmesserly): is there a sensible way to handle these? $throwTypeError('call to JS object `' + $obj + '` with type arguments <' + $typeArgs + '> is not supported.'); } if ($named != null) $args.push($named); return $f.apply($obj, $args); } // TODO(vsm): Remove when we no longer need mirrors metadata. // An array is used to encode annotations attached to the type. if ($ftype instanceof Array) $ftype = $ftype[0]; // Apply type arguments if ($ftype instanceof $GenericFunctionType) { let formalCount = $ftype.formalCount; if ($typeArgs == null) { $typeArgs = $ftype.instantiateDefaultBounds(); } else if ($typeArgs.length != formalCount) { return callNSM(); } else { $ftype.checkBounds($typeArgs); } $ftype = $ftype.instantiate($typeArgs); } else if ($typeArgs != null) { return callNSM(); } if ($_checkApply($ftype, $args, $named)) { if ($typeArgs != null) $args = $typeArgs.concat($args); if ($named != null) $args.push($named); return $f.apply($obj, $args); } return callNSM(); })()'''); dcall(f, args, [named = undefined]) => _checkAndCall(f, null, JS('', 'void 0'), null, args, named, 'call'); dgcall(f, typeArgs, args, [named = undefined]) => _checkAndCall(f, null, JS('', 'void 0'), typeArgs, args, named, 'call'); /// Helper for REPL dynamic invocation variants that make a best effort to /// enable accessing private members across library boundaries. replNameLookup(object, field) => JS('', '''(() => { let rawField = $field; if (typeof(field) == 'symbol') { // test if the specified field exists in which case it is safe to use it. if ($field in $object) return $field; // Symbol is from a different library. Make a best effort to $field = $field.toString(); $field = $field.substring('Symbol('.length, field.length - 1); } else if ($field.charAt(0) != '_') { // Not a private member so default call path is safe. return $field; } // If the exact field name is present, invoke callback with it. if ($field in $object) return $field; // TODO(jacobr): warn if there are multiple private members with the same // name which could happen if super classes in different libraries have // the same private member name. let proto = $object; while (proto !== null) { // Private field (indicated with "_"). let symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(proto); let target = 'Symbol(' + $field + ')'; for (let s = 0; s < symbols.length; s++) { let sym = symbols[s]; if (target == sym.toString()) return sym; } proto = proto.__proto__; } // We didn't find a plausible alternate private symbol so just fall back // to the regular field. return rawField; })()'''); // TODO(jmesserly): the debugger extension hardcodes a call to this private // function. Fix that. @Deprecated('use replNameLookup') _dhelperRepl(obj, field, Function(Object) callback) { return callback(replNameLookup(obj, field)); } /// Shared code for dsend, dindex, and dsetindex. callMethod(obj, name, typeArgs, args, named, displayName) { if (JS('!', 'typeof # == "function" && # == "call"', obj, name)) { return dgcall(obj, typeArgs, args, named); } var symbol = _canonicalMember(obj, name); if (symbol == null) { return noSuchMethod(obj, InvocationImpl(displayName, args, isMethod: true)); } var f = obj != null ? JS('', '#[#]', obj, symbol) : null; var type = getType(obj); var ftype = getMethodType(type, symbol); // No such method if dart object and ftype is missing. return _checkAndCall(f, ftype, obj, typeArgs, args, named, displayName); } dsend(obj, method, args, [named = undefined]) => callMethod(obj, method, null, args, named, method); dgsend(obj, typeArgs, method, args, [named = undefined]) => callMethod(obj, method, typeArgs, args, named, method); dsendRepl(obj, method, args, [named = undefined]) => callMethod(obj, replNameLookup(obj, method), null, args, named, method); dgsendRepl(obj, typeArgs, method, args, [named = undefined]) => callMethod(obj, replNameLookup(obj, method), typeArgs, args, named, method); dindex(obj, index) => callMethod(obj, '_get', null, [index], null, '[]'); dsetindex(obj, index, value) => callMethod(obj, '_set', null, [index, value], null, '[]='); /// TODO(leafp): This duplicates code in types.dart. /// I haven't found a way to factor it out that makes the /// code generator happy though. _ignoreMemo(f) => JS('', '''(() => { let memo = new Map(); return (t1, t2) => { let map = memo.get(t1); let result; if (map) { result = map.get(t2); if (result !== void 0) return result; } else { memo.set(t1, map = new Map()); } result = $f(t1, t2); map.set(t2, result); return result; }; })()'''); final Object _ignoreTypeFailure = JS('', '''(() => { return $_ignoreMemo((actual, type) => { // TODO(vsm): Remove this hack ... // This is primarily due to the lack of generic methods, // but we need to triage all the types. if ($_isFutureOr(type)) { // Ignore if we would ignore either side of union. let typeArg = $getGenericArgs(type)[0]; let typeFuture = ${getGenericClass(Future)}(typeArg); return $_ignoreTypeFailure(actual, typeFuture) || $_ignoreTypeFailure(actual, typeArg); } if (!!$isSubtype(type, $Iterable) && !!$isSubtype(actual, $Iterable) || !!$isSubtype(type, $Future) && !!$isSubtype(actual, $Future) || !!$isSubtype(type, $Map) && !!$isSubtype(actual, $Map)) { console.warn('Ignoring cast fail from ' + $typeName(actual) + ' to ' + $typeName(type)); return true; } return false; }); })()'''); @notNull @JSExportName('is') bool instanceOf(obj, type) { if (obj == null) { return JS('!', '# == # || #', type, Null, _isTop(type)); } return JS('!', '!!#', isSubtype(getReifiedType(obj), type)); } @JSExportName('as') cast(obj, type, @notNull bool isImplicit) { if (obj == null) return obj; var actual = getReifiedType(obj); var result = isSubtype(actual, type); if (JS( '!', '# === true || # === null && # && ' 'dart.__ignoreWhitelistedErrors && #(#, #)', result, result, isImplicit, _ignoreTypeFailure, actual, type)) { return obj; } return castError(obj, type, isImplicit); } bool test(bool obj) { if (obj == null) _throwBooleanConversionError(); return obj; } bool dtest(obj) { if (obj is! bool) booleanConversionFailed(obj); return obj; } void _throwBooleanConversionError() => throw BooleanConversionAssertionError(); void booleanConversionFailed(obj) { var actual = typeName(getReifiedType(test(obj))); throw TypeErrorImpl("type '$actual' is not a 'bool' in boolean expression"); } asInt(obj) { if (obj == null) return null; if (JS('!', 'Math.floor(#) != #', obj, obj)) { castError(obj, JS('', '#', int), false); } return obj; } /// Checks that `x` is not null or undefined. // // TODO(jmesserly): inline this, either by generating it as a function into // the module, or via some other pattern such as: // // || nullErr() // (t0 = ) != null ? t0 : nullErr() @JSExportName('notNull') _notNull(x) { if (x == null) throwNullValueError(); return x; } /// The global constant map table. final constantMaps = JS('', 'new Map()'); constMap(JSArray elements) { Function(Object, Object) lookupNonTerminal = JS('', '''function(map, key) { let result = map.get(key); if (result != null) return result; map.set(key, result = new Map()); return result; }'''); var count = elements.length; var map = lookupNonTerminal(constantMaps, count); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { map = lookupNonTerminal(map, JS('', '#[#]', elements, i)); } map = lookupNonTerminal(map, K); var result = JS('', '#.get(#)', map, V); if (result != null) return result; result = ImmutableMap.from(elements); JS('', '#.set(#, #)', map, V, result); return result; } bool dassert(value) { if (JS('!', '# != null && #[#] instanceof #', value, value, _runtimeType, AbstractFunctionType)) { value = dcall(value, []); } return dtest(value); } /// Store a JS error for an exception. For non-primitives, we store as an /// expando. For primitive, we use a side cache. To limit memory leakage, we /// only keep the last [_maxTraceCache] entries. final _error = JS('', 'Symbol("_error")'); Map _primitiveErrorCache; const _maxErrorCache = 10; bool _isJsError(exception) { return JS('!', '#.Error != null && # instanceof #.Error', global_, exception, global_); } // Record/return the JS error for an exception. If an error was already // recorded, prefer that to [newError]. recordJsError(exception, [newError]) { if (_isJsError(exception)) return exception; var useExpando = exception != null && JS('!', 'typeof # == "object"', exception); var error; if (useExpando) { error = JS('', '#[#]', exception, _error); } else { if (_primitiveErrorCache == null) _primitiveErrorCache = {}; error = _primitiveErrorCache[exception]; } if (error != null) return error; if (newError != null) { error = newError; } else { // We should only hit this path when a non-Error was thrown from JS. In // case, there is no stack trace on the exception, so we create one: error = JS('', 'new Error()'); } if (useExpando) { JS('', '#[#] = #', exception, _error, error); } else { _primitiveErrorCache[exception] = error; if (_primitiveErrorCache.length > _maxErrorCache) { _primitiveErrorCache.remove(_primitiveErrorCache.keys.first); } } return error; } @JSExportName('throw') throw_(obj) { // Note, we create the error here to avoid the extra frame. // package:stack_trace and tests appear to assume this. We could fix use // cases instead, but we're already on the exceptional path here. recordJsError(obj, JS('', 'new Error()')); JS('', 'throw #', obj); } @JSExportName('rethrow') rethrow_(obj) { JS('', 'throw #', obj); } // This is a utility function: it is only intended to be called from dev // tools. stackPrint(exception) { var error = recordJsError(exception); JS('', 'console.log(#.stack ? #.stack : "No stack trace for: " + #)', error, error, error); } // Forward to dart:_js_helper to create a _StackTrace object. stackTrace(exception) => getTraceFromException(exception); final _value = JS('', 'Symbol("_value")'); /// /// Looks up a sequence of [keys] in [map], recursively, and /// returns the result. If the value is not found, [valueFn] will be called to /// add it. For example: /// /// let map = new Map(); /// putIfAbsent(map, [1, 2, 'hi ', 'there '], () => 'world'); /// /// ... will create a Map with a structure like: /// /// { 1: { 2: { 'hi ': { 'there ': 'world' } } } } /// multiKeyPutIfAbsent(map, keys, valueFn) => JS('', '''(() => { for (let k of $keys) { let value = $map.get(k); if (!value) { // TODO(jmesserly): most of these maps are very small (e.g. 1 item), // so it may be worth optimizing for that. $map.set(k, value = new Map()); } $map = value; } if ($map.has($_value)) return $map.get($_value); let value = $valueFn(); $map.set($_value, value); return value; })()'''); /// The global constant table. /// This maps the number of names in the object (n) /// to a path of length 2*n of maps indexed by the name and /// and value of the field. The final map is /// indexed by runtime type, and contains the canonical /// version of the object. final constants = JS('', 'new Map()'); /// /// Canonicalize a constant object. /// /// Preconditions: /// - `obj` is an objects or array, not a primitive. /// - nested values of the object are themselves already canonicalized. /// @JSExportName('const') const_(obj) => JS('', '''(() => { // TODO(leafp): This table gets quite large in apps. // Keeping the paths is probably expensive. It would probably // be more space efficient to just use a direct hash table with // an appropriately defined structural equality function. function lookupNonTerminal(map, key) { let result = map.get(key); if (result !== void 0) return result; map.set(key, result = new Map()); return result; }; let names = $getOwnNamesAndSymbols($obj); let count = names.length; // Index by count. All of the paths through this map // will have 2*count length. let map = lookupNonTerminal($constants, count); // TODO(jmesserly): there's no guarantee in JS that names/symbols are // returned in the same order. // // We could probably get the same order if we're judicious about // initializing fields in a consistent order across all const constructors. // Alternatively we need a way to sort them to make consistent. // // Right now we use the (name,value) pairs in sequence, which prevents // an object with incorrect field values being returned, but won't // canonicalize correctly if key order is different. // // See issue for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { let name = names[i]; map = lookupNonTerminal(map, name); map = lookupNonTerminal(map, $obj[name]); } // TODO(leafp): It may be the case that the reified type // is always one of the keys already used above? let type = $getReifiedType($obj); let value = map.get(type); if (value) return value; map.set(type, $obj); return $obj; })()'''); /// The global constant list table. /// This maps the number of elements in the list (n) /// to a path of length n of maps indexed by the value /// of the field. The final map is indexed by the element /// type and contains the canonical version of the list. final constantLists = JS('', 'new Map()'); /// Canonicalize a constant list constList(elements, elementType) => JS('', '''(() => { function lookupNonTerminal(map, key) { let result = map.get(key); if (result !== void 0) return result; map.set(key, result = new Map()); return result; }; let count = $elements.length; let map = lookupNonTerminal($constantLists, count); for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { map = lookupNonTerminal(map, elements[i]); } let value = map.get($elementType); if (value) return value; ${getGenericClass(JSArray)}($elementType).unmodifiable($elements); map.set($elementType, elements); return elements; })()'''); constFn(x) => JS('', '() => x'); /// Gets the extension symbol given a member [name]. /// /// This is inlined by the compiler when used with a literal string. extensionSymbol(String name) => JS('', 'dartx[#]', name); // The following are helpers for Object methods when the receiver // may be null. These should only be generated by the compiler. bool equals(x, y) { // We handle `y == null` inside our generated operator methods, to keep this // function minimal. // This pattern resulted from performance testing; it found that dispatching // was the fastest solution, even for primitive types. return JS('!', '# == null ? # == null : #[#](#)', x, y, x, extensionSymbol('_equals'), y); } int hashCode(obj) { return obj == null ? 0 : JS('!', '#[#]', obj, extensionSymbol('hashCode')); } @JSExportName('toString') String _toString(obj) { if (obj == null) return "null"; if (obj is String) return obj; return JS('!', '#[#]()', obj, extensionSymbol('toString')); } /// Converts to a non-null [String], equivalent to /// `dart.notNull(dart.toString(obj))`. /// /// This is commonly used in string interpolation. @notNull String str(obj) { if (obj == null) return "null"; if (obj is String) return obj; return _notNull(JS('!', '#[#]()', obj, extensionSymbol('toString'))); } // TODO(jmesserly): is the argument type verified statically? noSuchMethod(obj, Invocation invocation) { if (obj == null) defaultNoSuchMethod(obj, invocation); return JS('', '#[#](#)', obj, extensionSymbol('noSuchMethod'), invocation); } /// The default implementation of `noSuchMethod` to match `Object.noSuchMethod`. defaultNoSuchMethod(obj, Invocation i) { if (JS('!', 'dart.__trapRuntimeErrors')) JS('', 'debugger'); throw NoSuchMethodError.withInvocation(obj, i); } runtimeType(obj) { return obj == null ? Null : JS('', '#[dartx.runtimeType]', obj); } final identityHashCode_ = JS('', 'Symbol("_identityHashCode")'); /// Adapts a Dart `get iterator` into a JS `[Symbol.iterator]`. // TODO(jmesserly): instead of an adaptor, we could compile Dart iterators // natively implementing the JS iterator protocol. This would allow us to // optimize them a bit. final JsIterator = JS('', ''' class JsIterator { constructor(dartIterator) { this.dartIterator = dartIterator; } next() { let i = this.dartIterator; let done = !i.moveNext(); return { done: done, value: done ? void 0 : i.current }; } } '''); _canonicalMember(obj, name) { // Private names are symbols and are already canonical. if (JS('!', 'typeof # === "symbol"', name)) return name; if (obj != null && JS('!', '#[#] != null', obj, _extensionType)) { return JS('', 'dartx.#', name); } // Check for certain names that we can't use in JS if (JS('!', '# == "constructor" || # == "prototype"', name, name)) { JS('', '# = "+" + #', name, name); } return name; } /// Emulates the implicit "loadLibrary" function provided by a deferred library. /// /// Libraries are not actually deferred in DDC, so this just returns a future /// that completes immediately. Future loadLibrary() => Future.value(); /// Defines lazy statics. void defineLazy(to, from) { for (var name in getOwnNamesAndSymbols(from)) { defineLazyField(to, name, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(from, name)); } } 7NN<H9*"-"?LF>.>?,MH<@NN6<!:,-(+J AJLKQ) 1"*,-(+. "MIFHKG+F(P7,<%QG4,@KNC@91(5!9F,<0I< B+352--"B//FI,:%KD,&4/+O'  8B%A!8H%G!D1B"$ #<68&;:%24C5J,"@B30*52 %,"-<," 'I2MK@4#N*A C(:B(LJ#+7+/0K L"6/2LD-I (O>;+=OB17>K1&3 4<.8'$5H"7AB<)*&,82H!CNBIE7=$(.;3$ $57;9+!7)*& 6$/%E# !5E:B@OO9=&N"!>3(3 "!H>+9NQ)?2CA@KJ ( ! ?:;K$5G'QN (2Erfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/private/ddc_runtime/utils.dart// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of "runtime.dart"; /// This library defines a set of general javascript utilities for us /// by the Dart runtime. // TODO(ochafik): Rewrite some of these in Dart when possible. /// The JavaScript undefined constant. /// /// This is initialized by DDC to JS `void 0`. const undefined = null; final Function(Object, Object, Object) defineProperty = JS('', 'Object.defineProperty'); defineValue(obj, name, value) { defineAccessor(obj, name, value: value, configurable: true, writable: true); return value; } final Function(Object, Object, {Object get, Object set, Object value, bool configurable, bool writable}) defineAccessor = JS('', 'Object.defineProperty'); final Function(Object, Object) getOwnPropertyDescriptor = JS('', 'Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor'); final Iterable Function(Object) getOwnPropertyNames = JS('', 'Object.getOwnPropertyNames'); final Function(Object) getOwnPropertySymbols = JS('', 'Object.getOwnPropertySymbols'); /// This error indicates a strong mode specific failure, other than a type /// assertion failure (TypeError) or CastError. void throwTypeError(String message) { if (JS('!', 'dart.__trapRuntimeErrors')) JS('', 'debugger'); throw TypeErrorImpl(message); } /// This error indicates a bug in the runtime or the compiler. void throwInternalError(String message) { if (JS('!', 'dart.__trapRuntimeErrors')) JS('', 'debugger'); JS('', 'throw Error(#)', message); } Iterable getOwnNamesAndSymbols(obj) { var names = getOwnPropertyNames(obj); var symbols = getOwnPropertySymbols(obj); return JS('', '#.concat(#)', names, symbols); } safeGetOwnProperty(obj, name) { var desc = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, name); if (desc != null) return JS('', '#.value', desc); } /// Defines a lazy static field. /// After initial get or set, it will replace itself with a value property. // TODO(jmesserly): reusing descriptor objects has been shown to improve // performance in other projects (e.g. webcomponents.js ShadowDOM polyfill). defineLazyField(to, name, desc) => JS('', '''(() => { let init = $desc.get; let value = null; $desc.get = function() { if (init == null) return value; let f = init; init = $throwCyclicInitializationError; if (f === init) f($name); // throw cycle error try { value = f(); init = null; return value; } catch (e) { init = null; value = null; throw e; } }; $desc.configurable = true; if ($desc.set != null) { $desc.set = function(x) { init = null; value = x; }; } return ${defineProperty(to, name, desc)}; })()'''); copyTheseProperties(to, from, names) { for (int i = 0, n = JS('!', '#.length', names); i < n; ++i) { var name = JS('', '#[#]', names, i); if (name == 'constructor') continue; copyProperty(to, from, name); } return to; } copyProperty(to, from, name) { var desc = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(from, name); if (JS('!', '# == Symbol.iterator', name)) { // On native types, Symbol.iterator may already be present. // TODO(jmesserly): investigate if we still need this. // If so, we need to find a better solution. // See var existing = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(to, name); if (existing != null) { if (JS('!', '#.writable', existing)) { JS('', '#[#] = #.value', to, name, desc); } return; } } defineProperty(to, name, desc); } @JSExportName('export') exportProperty(to, from, name) => copyProperty(to, from, name); /// Copy properties from source to destination object. /// This operation is commonly called `mixin` in JS. copyProperties(to, from) { return copyTheseProperties(to, from, getOwnNamesAndSymbols(from)); } NN<F?'/8% OF:/6*/,K0&? ?*?%&(,0 24!LIM6$,3 , '@))" 3/@;197-2"@75Etfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/private/ddc_runtime/classes.dartG// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// This library defines the operations that define and manipulate Dart /// classes. Included in this are: /// - Generics /// - Class metadata /// - Extension methods /// // TODO(leafp): Consider splitting some of this out. part of "runtime.dart"; /// Returns a new type that mixes members from base and the mixin. /// /// The mixin must be non-generic; generic mixins are handled by [genericMixin]. void mixinMembers(to, from) { JS('', '#[#] = #', to, _mixin, from); var toProto = JS('', '#.prototype', to); var fromProto = JS('', '#.prototype', from); _copyMembers(toProto, fromProto); _mixinSignature(to, from, _methodSig); _mixinSignature(to, from, _fieldSig); _mixinSignature(to, from, _getterSig); _mixinSignature(to, from, _setterSig); } void _copyMembers(to, from) { var names = getOwnNamesAndSymbols(from); for (int i = 0, n = JS('!', '#.length', names); i < n; ++i) { String name = JS('', '#[#]', names, i); if (name == 'constructor') continue; _copyMember(to, from, name); } return to; } void _copyMember(to, from, name) { var desc = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(from, name); if (JS('!', '# == Symbol.iterator', name)) { // On native types, Symbol.iterator may already be present. // TODO(jmesserly): investigate if we still need this. // If so, we need to find a better solution. // See var existing = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(to, name); if (existing != null) { if (JS('!', '#.writable', existing)) { JS('', '#[#] = #.value', to, name, desc); } return; } } var getter = JS('', '#.get', desc); var setter = JS('', '#.set', desc); if (getter != null) { if (setter == null) { var obj = JS( '', '#.set = { __proto__: #.__proto__, ' 'set [#](x) { return super[#] = x; } }', desc, to, name, name); JS('', '#.set = #.set', desc, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, name)); } } else if (setter != null) { if (getter == null) { var obj = JS( '', '#.get = { __proto__: #.__proto__, ' 'get [#]() { return super[#]; } }', desc, to, name, name); JS('', '#.get = #.get', desc, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, name)); } } defineProperty(to, name, desc); } void _mixinSignature(to, from, kind) { JS('', '#[#] = #', to, kind, () { var baseMembers = _getMembers(JS('', '#.__proto__', to), kind); var fromMembers = _getMembers(from, kind); if (fromMembers == null) return baseMembers; var toSignature = JS('', '{ __proto__: # }', baseMembers); copyProperties(toSignature, fromMembers); return toSignature; }); } final _mixin = JS('', 'Symbol("mixin")'); getMixin(clazz) => JS('', ', #) ? #[#] : null', clazz, _mixin, clazz, _mixin); @JSExportName('implements') final _implements = JS('', 'Symbol("implements")'); List Function() getImplements(clazz) => JS( '', ', #) ? #[#] : null', clazz, _implements, clazz, _implements); /// The Symbol for storing type arguments on a specialized generic type. final _typeArguments = JS('', 'Symbol("typeArguments")'); final _originalDeclaration = JS('', 'Symbol("originalDeclaration")'); final mixinNew = JS('', 'Symbol("dart.mixinNew")'); /// Memoize a generic type constructor function. generic(typeConstructor, setBaseClass) => JS('', '''(() => { let length = $typeConstructor.length; if (length < 1) { $throwInternalError('must have at least one generic type argument'); } let resultMap = new Map(); function makeGenericType(...args) { if (args.length != length && args.length != 0) { $throwInternalError('requires ' + length + ' or 0 type arguments'); } while (args.length < length) args.push($dynamic); let value = resultMap; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { let arg = args[i]; if (arg == null) { $throwInternalError('type arguments should not be null: ' + $typeConstructor); } let map = value; value = map.get(arg); if (value === void 0) { if (i + 1 == length) { value = $typeConstructor.apply(null, args); // Save the type constructor and arguments for reflection. if (value) { value[$_typeArguments] = args; value[$_originalDeclaration] = makeGenericType; } map.set(arg, value); if ($setBaseClass != null) $setBaseClass.apply(null, args); } else { value = new Map(); map.set(arg, value); } } } return value; } makeGenericType[$_genericTypeCtor] = $typeConstructor; return makeGenericType; })()'''); getGenericClass(type) => safeGetOwnProperty(type, _originalDeclaration); List getGenericArgs(type) => JS('List', '#', safeGetOwnProperty(type, _typeArguments)); List getGenericTypeFormals(genericClass) { return _typeFormalsFromFunction(getGenericTypeCtor(genericClass)); } Object instantiateClass(Object genericClass, List typeArgs) { return JS('', '#.apply(null, #)', genericClass, typeArgs); } final _constructorSig = JS('', 'Symbol("sigCtor")'); final _methodSig = JS('', 'Symbol("sigMethod")'); final _fieldSig = JS('', 'Symbol("sigField")'); final _getterSig = JS('', 'Symbol("sigGetter")'); final _setterSig = JS('', 'Symbol("sigSetter")'); final _staticMethodSig = JS('', 'Symbol("sigStaticMethod")'); final _staticFieldSig = JS('', 'Symbol("sigStaticField")'); final _staticGetterSig = JS('', 'Symbol("sigStaticGetter")'); final _staticSetterSig = JS('', 'Symbol("sigStaticSetter")'); final _genericTypeCtor = JS('', 'Symbol("genericType")'); getConstructors(value) => _getMembers(value, _constructorSig); getMethods(value) => _getMembers(value, _methodSig); getFields(value) => _getMembers(value, _fieldSig); getGetters(value) => _getMembers(value, _getterSig); getSetters(value) => _getMembers(value, _setterSig); getStaticMethods(value) => _getMembers(value, _staticMethodSig); getStaticFields(value) => _getMembers(value, _staticFieldSig); getStaticGetters(value) => _getMembers(value, _staticGetterSig); getStaticSetters(value) => _getMembers(value, _staticSetterSig); getGenericTypeCtor(value) => JS('', '#[#]', value, _genericTypeCtor); /// Get the type of a method from an object using the stored signature getType(obj) => JS('', '# == null ? # : #.__proto__.constructor', obj, Object, obj); bool isJsInterop(obj) { if (obj == null) return false; if (JS('!', 'typeof # === "function"', obj)) { // A function is a Dart function if it has runtime type information. return JS('!', '#[#] == null', obj, _runtimeType); } // Primitive types are not JS interop types. if (JS('!', 'typeof # !== "object"', obj)) return false; // Extension types are not considered JS interop types. // Note that it is still possible to call typed JS interop methods on // extension types but the calls must be statically typed. if (JS('!', '#[#] != null', obj, _extensionType)) return false; return JS('!', '!($obj instanceof $Object)'); } /// Get the type of a method from a type using the stored signature getMethodType(type, name) { var m = getMethods(type); return m != null ? JS('', '#[#]', m, name) : null; } /// Gets the type of the corresponding setter (this includes writable fields). getSetterType(type, name) { var setters = getSetters(type); if (setters != null) { var type = JS('', '#[#]', setters, name); if (type != null) { if (JS('!', '# instanceof Array', type)) { // The type has metadata attached. Pull out just the type. // TODO(jmesserly): remove when we remove mirrors return JS('', '#[0]', type); } return type; } } var fields = getFields(type); if (fields != null) { var fieldInfo = JS('', '#[#]', fields, name); if (fieldInfo != null && JS('!', '!#.isFinal', fieldInfo)) { return JS('', '#.type', fieldInfo); } } return null; } finalFieldType(type, metadata) => JS('', '{ type: #, isFinal: true, metadata: # }', type, metadata); fieldType(type, metadata) => JS('', '{ type: #, isFinal: false, metadata: # }', type, metadata); /// Get the type of a constructor from a class using the stored signature /// If name is undefined, returns the type of the default constructor /// Returns undefined if the constructor is not found. classGetConstructorType(cls, name) { if (cls == null) return null; if (name == null) name = 'new'; var ctors = getConstructors(cls); return ctors != null ? JS('', '#[#]', ctors, name) : null; } void setMethodSignature(f, sigF) => JS('', '#[#] = #', f, _methodSig, sigF); void setFieldSignature(f, sigF) => JS('', '#[#] = #', f, _fieldSig, sigF); void setGetterSignature(f, sigF) => JS('', '#[#] = #', f, _getterSig, sigF); void setSetterSignature(f, sigF) => JS('', '#[#] = #', f, _setterSig, sigF); // Set up the constructor signature field on the constructor void setConstructorSignature(f, sigF) => JS('', '#[#] = #', f, _constructorSig, sigF); // Set up the static signature field on the constructor void setStaticMethodSignature(f, sigF) => JS('', '#[#] = #', f, _staticMethodSig, sigF); void setStaticFieldSignature(f, sigF) => JS('', '#[#] = #', f, _staticFieldSig, sigF); void setStaticGetterSignature(f, sigF) => JS('', '#[#] = #', f, _staticGetterSig, sigF); void setStaticSetterSignature(f, sigF) => JS('', '#[#] = #', f, _staticSetterSig, sigF); _getMembers(type, kind) { var sig = JS('', '#[#]', type, kind); return JS('!', 'typeof # == "function"', sig) ? JS('', '#[#] = #()', type, kind, sig) : sig; } bool _hasMember(type, kind, name) { var sig = _getMembers(type, kind); return sig != null && JS('!', '# in #', name, sig); } bool hasMethod(type, name) => _hasMember(type, _methodSig, name); bool hasGetter(type, name) => _hasMember(type, _getterSig, name); bool hasSetter(type, name) => _hasMember(type, _setterSig, name); bool hasField(type, name) => _hasMember(type, _fieldSig, name); final _extensionType = JS('', 'Symbol("extensionType")'); final dartx = JS('', 'dartx'); /// Install properties in prototype-first order. Properties / descriptors from /// more specific types should overwrite ones from less specific types. void _installProperties(jsProto, dartType, installedParent) { if (JS('!', '# === #', dartType, Object)) { _installPropertiesForObject(jsProto); return; } // If the extension methods of the parent have been installed on the parent // of [jsProto], the methods will be available via prototype inheritance. var dartSupertype = JS('', '#.__proto__', dartType); if (JS('!', '# !== #', dartSupertype, installedParent)) { _installProperties(jsProto, dartSupertype, installedParent); } var dartProto = JS('', '#.prototype', dartType); copyTheseProperties(jsProto, dartProto, getOwnPropertySymbols(dartProto)); } void _installPropertiesForObject(jsProto) { // core.Object members need to be copied from the non-symbol name to the // symbol name. var coreObjProto = JS('', '#.prototype', Object); var names = getOwnPropertyNames(coreObjProto); for (int i = 0, n = JS('!', '#.length', names); i < n; ++i) { var name = JS('!', '#[#]', names, i); if (name == 'constructor') continue; var desc = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(coreObjProto, name); defineProperty(jsProto, JS('', '#.#', dartx, name), desc); } } void _installPropertiesForGlobalObject(jsProto) { _installPropertiesForObject(jsProto); // Use JS toString for JS objects, rather than the Dart one. JS('', '#[dartx.toString] = function() { return this.toString(); }', jsProto); identityEquals ??= JS('', '#[dartx._equals]', jsProto); } final _extensionMap = JS('', 'new Map()'); _applyExtension(jsType, dartExtType) { // TODO(vsm): Not all registered js types are real. if (jsType == null) return; var jsProto = JS('', '#.prototype', jsType); if (jsProto == null) return; if (JS('!', '# === #', dartExtType, Object)) { _installPropertiesForGlobalObject(jsProto); return; } _installProperties( jsProto, dartExtType, JS('', '#[#]', jsProto, _extensionType)); // Mark the JS type's instances so we can easily check for extensions. if (JS('!', '# !== #', dartExtType, JSFunction)) { JS('', '#[#] = #', jsProto, _extensionType, dartExtType); } JS('', '#[#] = #[#]', jsType, _methodSig, dartExtType, _methodSig); JS('', '#[#] = #[#]', jsType, _fieldSig, dartExtType, _fieldSig); JS('', '#[#] = #[#]', jsType, _getterSig, dartExtType, _getterSig); JS('', '#[#] = #[#]', jsType, _setterSig, dartExtType, _setterSig); } /// Apply the previously registered extension to the type of [nativeObject]. /// This is intended for types that are not available to polyfill at startup. applyExtension(name, nativeObject) { var dartExtType = JS('', '#.get(#)', _extensionMap, name); var jsType = JS('', '#.constructor', nativeObject); _applyExtension(jsType, dartExtType); } /// Apply all registered extensions to a window. This is intended for /// different frames, where registrations need to be reapplied. applyAllExtensions(global) { JS('', '#.forEach((dartExtType, name) => #(#[name], dartExtType))', _extensionMap, _applyExtension, global); } /// Copy symbols from the prototype of the source to destination. /// These are the only properties safe to copy onto an existing public /// JavaScript class. registerExtension(name, dartExtType) { JS('', '#.set(#, #)', _extensionMap, name, dartExtType); var jsType = JS('', '#[#]', global_, name); _applyExtension(jsType, dartExtType); } /// /// Mark a concrete type as implementing extension methods. /// For example: `class MyIter implements Iterable`. /// /// This takes a list of names, which are the extension methods implemented. /// It will add a forwarder, so the extension method name redirects to the /// normal Dart method name. For example: /// /// defineExtensionMembers(MyType, ['add', 'remove']); /// /// Results in: /// /// MyType.prototype[dartx.add] = MyType.prototype.add; /// MyType.prototype[dartx.remove] = MyType.prototype.remove; /// // TODO(jmesserly): essentially this gives two names to the same method. // This benefit is roughly equivalent call performance either way, but the // cost is we need to call defineExtensionMembers any time a subclass // overrides one of these methods. defineExtensionMethods(type, Iterable memberNames) { var proto = JS('', '#.prototype', type); for (var name in memberNames) { JS('', '#[dartx.#] = #[#]', proto, name, proto, name); } } /// Like [defineExtensionMethods], but for getter/setter pairs. defineExtensionAccessors(type, Iterable memberNames) { var proto = JS('', '#.prototype', type); for (var name in memberNames) { // Find the member. It should always exist (or we have a compiler bug). var member; var p = proto; for (;; p = JS('', '#.__proto__', p)) { member = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(p, name); if (member != null) break; } defineProperty(proto, JS('', 'dartx[#]', name), member); } } definePrimitiveHashCode(proto) { defineProperty(proto, identityHashCode_, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, extensionSymbol('hashCode'))); } /// Link the extension to the type it's extending as a base class. setBaseClass(derived, base) { JS('', '#.prototype.__proto__ = #.prototype', derived, base); // We use __proto__ to track the superclass hierarchy (see isSubtype). JS('', '#.__proto__ = #', derived, base); } /// Like [setBaseClass], but for generic extension types such as `JSArray`. setExtensionBaseClass(dartType, jsType) { // Mark the generic type as an extension type and link the prototype objects. var dartProto = JS('', '#.prototype', dartType); JS('', '#[#] = #', dartProto, _extensionType, dartType); JS('', '#.__proto__ = #.prototype', dartProto, jsType); } /// Adds type test predicates to a class/interface type [ctor], using the /// provided [isClass] JS Symbol. /// /// This will operate quickly for non-generic types, native extension types, /// as well as matching exact generic type arguments: /// /// class C {} /// class D extends C {} /// main() { dynamic d = new D(); d as C; } /// addTypeTests(ctor, isClass) { if (isClass == null) isClass = JS('', 'Symbol("_is_" +'); // TODO(jmesserly): since we know we're dealing with class/interface types, // we can optimize this rather than go through the generic `` helpers. JS('', '#.prototype[#] = true', ctor, isClass); JS( '', ''' = function is_C(obj) { return obj != null && (obj[#] || #(obj, this)); }''', ctor, isClass, instanceOf); JS( '', ''' = function as_C(obj) { if (obj == null || obj[#]) return obj; return #(obj, this, false); }''', ctor, isClass, cast); JS( '', '''#._check = function check_C(obj) { if (obj == null || obj[#]) return obj; return #(obj, this, true); }''', ctor, isClass, cast); } // TODO(jmesserly): should we do this for all interfaces? /// The well known symbol for testing `is Future` final isFuture = JS('', 'Symbol("_is_Future")'); /// The well known symbol for testing `is Iterable` final isIterable = JS('', 'Symbol("_is_Iterable")'); /// The well known symbol for testing `is List` final isList = JS('', 'Symbol("_is_List")'); /// The well known symbol for testing `is Map` final isMap = JS('', 'Symbol("_is_Map")'); /// The well known symbol for testing `is Stream` final isStream = JS('', 'Symbol("_is_Stream")'); /// The well known symbol for testing `is StreamSubscription` final isStreamSubscription = JS('', 'Symbol("_is_StreamSubscription")'); /// The default `operator ==` that calls [identical]. var identityEquals; NN<H$5CQ(+/$)())+@,)! #3/@;197-2&&/3J/.J"'$D/1?.*L#4,6  I:F41=(I&5J6'B/6E+< F 9 I?9EF=52022><>>:?5355A?AAFGI!1I7/;:H=B0D5O".1D:% 2G*"GHJF7% "$=MKMM=)28*3)2*3*3(6. $%<BBB@:PH>.* NL7FDFFMN%=6(G@F/BG';.(<5MK*;I6qfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/private/ddc_runtime/rtti.dartB// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// This library defines the association between runtime objects and /// runtime types. part of "runtime.dart"; /// Runtime type information. This module defines the mapping from /// runtime objects to their runtime type information. See the types /// module for the definition of how type information is represented. /// /// There are two kinds of objects that represent "types" at runtime. A /// "runtime type" contains all of the data needed to implement the runtime /// type checking inserted by the compiler. These objects fall into four /// categories: /// /// - Things represented by javascript primitives, such as /// null, numbers, booleans, strings, and symbols. For these /// we map directly from the javascript type (given by typeof) /// to the appropriate class type from core, which serves as their /// rtti. /// /// - Functions, which are represented by javascript functions. /// Representations of Dart functions always have a /// _runtimeType property attached to them with the appropriate /// rtti. /// /// - Objects (instances) which are represented by instances of /// javascript (ES6) classes. Their types are given by their /// classes, and the rtti is accessed by projecting out their /// constructor field. /// /// - Types objects, which are represented as described in the types /// module. Types always have a _runtimeType property attached to /// them with the appropriate rtti. The rtti for these is always /// core.Type. TODO(leafp): consider the possibility that we can /// reliably recognize type objects and map directly to core.Type /// rather than attaching this property everywhere. /// /// The other kind of object representing a "type" is the instances of the /// dart:core Type class. These are the user visible objects you get by calling /// "runtimeType" on an object or using a class literal expression. These are /// different from the above objects, and are created by calling `wrapType()` /// on a runtime type. /// Tag a closure with a type. /// /// `dart.fn(closure, type)` marks [closure] with the provided runtime [type]. fn(closure, type) { JS('', '#[#] = #', closure, _runtimeType, type); return closure; } /// Tag a closure with a type that's computed lazily. /// /// `dart.fn(closure, type)` marks [closure] with a getter that uses /// [computeType] to return the runtime type. /// /// The getter/setter replaces the property with a value property, so the /// resulting function is compatible with [fn] and the type can be set again /// safely. lazyFn(closure, Object Function() computeType) { defineAccessor(closure, _runtimeType, get: () => defineValue(closure, _runtimeType, computeType()), set: (value) => defineValue(closure, _runtimeType, value), configurable: true); return closure; } // TODO(vsm): How should we encode the runtime type? final _runtimeType = JS('', 'Symbol("_runtimeType")'); final _moduleName = JS('', 'Symbol("_moduleName")'); getFunctionType(obj) { // TODO(vsm): Encode this properly on the function for Dart-generated code. var args = JS('!', 'Array(#.length).fill(#)', obj, dynamic); return fnType(bottom, args, JS('', 'void 0')); } /// Returns the runtime representation of the type of obj. /// /// The resulting object is used internally for runtime type checking. This is /// different from the user-visible Type object returned by calling /// `runtimeType` on some Dart object. getReifiedType(obj) { switch (JS('!', 'typeof #', obj)) { case "object": if (obj == null) return JS('', '#', Null); if (JS('!', '# instanceof #', obj, Object)) { return JS('', '#.constructor', obj); } var result = JS('', '#[#]', obj, _extensionType); if (result == null) return JS('', '#', jsobject); return result; case "function": // All Dart functions and callable classes must set _runtimeType var result = JS('', '#[#]', obj, _runtimeType); if (result != null) return result; return JS('', '#', jsobject); case "undefined": return JS('', '#', Null); case "number": return JS('', 'Math.floor(#) == # ? # : #', obj, obj, int, double); case "boolean": return JS('', '#', bool); case "string": return JS('', '#', String); case "symbol": default: return JS('', '#', jsobject); } } /// Given an internal runtime type object, wraps it in a `WrappedType` object /// that implements the dart:core Type interface. Type wrapType(type) { // If we've already wrapped this type once, use the previous wrapper. This // way, multiple references to the same type return an identical Type. if (JS('!', '#.hasOwnProperty(#)', type, _typeObject)) { return JS('', '#[#]', type, _typeObject); } return JS('Type', '#[#] = #', type, _typeObject, WrappedType(type)); } /// The symbol used to store the cached `Type` object associated with a class. final _typeObject = JS('', 'Symbol("typeObject")'); /// Given a WrappedType, return the internal runtime type object. unwrapType(WrappedType obj) => obj._wrappedType; /// Return the module name for a raw library object. getModuleName(value) => JS('', '#[#]', value, _moduleName); var _loadedModules = JS('', 'new Map()'); var _loadedSourceMaps = JS('', 'new Map()'); List getModuleNames() { return JS('', 'Array.from(#.keys())', _loadedModules); } String getSourceMap(module) { return JS('!', '#.get(#)', _loadedSourceMaps, module); } /// Return all library objects in the specified module. getModuleLibraries(String name) { var module = JS('', '#.get(#)', _loadedModules, name); if (module == null) return null; JS('', '#[#] = #', module, _moduleName, name); return module; } /// Track all libraries void trackLibraries(String moduleName, libraries, sourceMap) { JS('', '#.set(#, #)', _loadedSourceMaps, moduleName, sourceMap); JS('', '#.set(#, #)', _loadedModules, moduleName, libraries); } NN<EDFFHLI=BCGB8DBBBGGFFF8KPNNO36E.JM 1(DA575NE1;OD'.14-88G6)$ J " $N2MI;.GO4B15<*-9A8"9#1?C@sfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/private/ddc_runtime/errors.dart// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of "runtime.dart"; // We need to set these properties while the sdk is only partially initialized // so we cannot use regular Dart fields. // The default values for these properties are set when the global_ final field // in runtime.dart is initialized. // Override, e.g., for testing void trapRuntimeErrors(bool flag) { JS('', 'dart.__trapRuntimeErrors = #', flag); } void ignoreWhitelistedErrors(bool flag) { JS('', 'dart.__ignoreWhitelistedErrors = #', flag); } // TODO(jmesserly): remove this? void ignoreAllErrors(bool flag) { JS('', 'dart.__ignoreAllErrors = #', flag); } argumentError(value) { if (JS('!', 'dart.__trapRuntimeErrors')) JS('', 'debugger'); throw ArgumentError.value(value); } throwUnimplementedError(String message) { if (JS('!', 'dart.__trapRuntimeErrors')) JS('', 'debugger'); throw UnimplementedError(message); } assertFailed(message) { if (JS('!', 'dart.__trapRuntimeErrors')) JS('', 'debugger'); throw AssertionErrorImpl(message); } throwCyclicInitializationError([Object field]) { if (JS('!', 'dart.__trapRuntimeErrors')) JS('', 'debugger'); throw CyclicInitializationError(field); } throwNullValueError() { // TODO(vsm): Per spec, we should throw an NSM here. Technically, we ought // to thread through method info, but that uglifies the code and can't // actually be queried ... it only affects how the error is printed. if (JS('!', 'dart.__trapRuntimeErrors')) JS('', 'debugger'); throw NoSuchMethodError( null, Symbol(''), null, null, null); } castError(obj, expectedType, [@notNull bool isImplicit = false]) { var actualType = getReifiedType(obj); var message = _castErrorMessage(actualType, expectedType); if (JS('!', 'dart.__ignoreAllErrors')) { JS('', 'console.error(#)', message); return obj; } if (JS('!', 'dart.__trapRuntimeErrors')) JS('', 'debugger'); var error = isImplicit ? TypeErrorImpl(message) : CastErrorImpl(message); throw error; } String _castErrorMessage(from, to) { // If both types are generic classes, see if we can infer generic type // arguments for `from` that would allow the subtype relation to work. var fromClass = getGenericClass(from); if (fromClass != null) { var fromTypeFormals = getGenericTypeFormals(fromClass); var fromType = instantiateClass(fromClass, fromTypeFormals); var inferrer = _TypeInferrer(fromTypeFormals); if (inferrer.trySubtypeMatch(fromType, to)) { var inferredTypes = inferrer.getInferredTypes(); if (inferredTypes != null) { var inferred = instantiateClass(fromClass, inferredTypes); return "Type '${typeName(from)}' should be '${typeName(inferred)}' " "to implement expected type '${typeName(to)}'."; } } } return "Type '${typeName(from)}' is not a subtype of " "expected type '${typeName(to)}'."; } WNN<O)P#$0*6!".?$*?%?%1?*NIG?BC(=+)?L%II) "JsonMLConfig($name)"; } int _maxSpanLength = 100; var _devtoolsFormatter = JsonMLFormatter(DartFormatter()); /// We truncate a toString() longer than [maxStringLength]. int maxFormatterStringLength = 100; String _typeof(object) => JS('String', 'typeof #', object); List getOwnPropertyNames(object) => JSArray.of(dart.getOwnPropertyNames(object)); List getOwnPropertySymbols(object) => JS('List', 'Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(#)', object); // TODO(jacobr): move this to dart:js and fully implement. class JSNative { // Name may be a String or a Symbol. static getProperty(object, name) => JS('', '#[#]', object, name); // Name may be a String or a Symbol. static setProperty(object, name, value) => JS('', '#[#]=#', object, name, value); } void addMetadataChildren(object, Set ret) { ret.add(NameValuePair( name: "[[class]]", value: dart.getReifiedType(object), config: JsonMLConfig.asClass)); } /// Add properties from a signature definition [sig] for [object]. /// Walk the prototype chain if [walkProtypeChain] is set. /// Tag types on function typed properties of [object] if [tagTypes] is set. /// void addPropertiesFromSignature( sig, Set properties, object, bool walkPrototypeChain, {tagTypes = false}) { // Including these property names doesn't add any value and just clutters // the debugger output. // TODO(jacobr): consider adding runtimeType to this list. var skippedNames = Set()..add('hashCode'); var objectPrototype = JS('', 'Object.prototype'); while (sig != null && !identical(sig, objectPrototype)) { for (var symbol in getOwnPropertySymbols(sig)) { var dartName = symbolName(symbol); String dartXPrefix = 'dartx.'; if (dartName.startsWith(dartXPrefix)) { dartName = dartName.substring(dartXPrefix.length); } if (skippedNames.contains(dartName)) continue; var value = safeGetProperty(object, symbol); // Tag the function with its runtime type. if (tagTypes && _typeof(value) == 'function') { dart.fn(value, JS('', '#[#]', sig, symbol)); } properties.add(NameValuePair(name: dartName, value: value)); } for (var name in getOwnPropertyNames(sig)) { var value = safeGetProperty(object, name); if (skippedNames.contains(name)) continue; // Tag the function with its runtime type. if (tagTypes && _typeof(value) == 'function') { dart.fn(value, JS('', '#[#]', sig, name)); } properties.add(NameValuePair(name: name, value: value)); } if (!walkPrototypeChain) break; sig = safeGetProperty(sig, '__proto__'); } } /// Sort properties sorting public names before private names. List sortProperties(Iterable properties) { var sortedProperties = properties.toList(); sortedProperties.sort((a, b) { var aPrivate ='_'); var bPrivate ='_'); if (aPrivate != bPrivate) return aPrivate ? 1 : -1; return; }); return sortedProperties; } String getObjectTypeName(object) { var reifiedType = dart.getReifiedType(object); if (reifiedType == null) { if (_typeof(object) == 'function') { return '[[Raw JavaScript Function]]'; } return ''; } return getTypeName(reifiedType); } String getTypeName(type) { // TODO(jacobr): it would be nice if there was a way we could distinguish // between a List created from Dart and an Array passed in from // JavaScript. return dart.typeName(type); } String safePreview(object, config) { try { var preview = _devtoolsFormatter._simpleFormatter.preview(object, config); if (preview != null) return preview; return object.toString(); } catch (e) { return ' $e'; } } String symbolName(symbol) { var name = symbol.toString(); assert(name.startsWith('Symbol(')); return name.substring('Symbol('.length, name.length - 1); } bool hasMethod(object, String name) { try { return dart.hasMethod(object, name); } catch (e) { return false; } } /// [JsonMLFormatter] consumes [NameValuePair] objects and class NameValuePair { NameValuePair( {, this.value, this.config = JsonMLConfig.none, this.hideName = false}); // Define equality and hashCode so that NameValuePair can be used // in a Set to dedupe entries with duplicate names. bool operator ==(other) { if (other is! NameValuePair) return false; if (this.hideName || other.hideName) return identical(this, other); return == name; } int get hashCode => name.hashCode; final String name; final Object value; final JsonMLConfig config; final bool hideName; String get displayName => hideName ? '' : name; } class MapEntry { MapEntry({this.key, this.value}); final Object key; final Object value; } class IterableSpan { IterableSpan(this.start, this.end, this.iterable); final int start; final int end; final Iterable iterable; int get length => end - start; /// Using length - .5, a list of length 10000 results in a /// maxPowerOfSubsetSize of 1, so the list will be broken up into 100, /// 100-length subsets. A list of length 10001 results in a /// maxPowerOfSubsetSize of 2, so the list will be broken up into 1 /// 10000-length subset and 1 1-length subset. int get maxPowerOfSubsetSize => (log(length - .5) / log(_maxSpanLength)).truncate(); int get subsetSize => pow(_maxSpanLength, maxPowerOfSubsetSize); Map asMap() => iterable.skip(start).take(length).toList().asMap(); List children() { var children = []; if (length <= _maxSpanLength) { asMap().forEach((i, element) { children .add(NameValuePair(name: (i + start).toString(), value: element)); }); } else { for (var i = start; i < end; i += subsetSize) { var subSpan = IterableSpan(i, min(end, subsetSize + i), iterable); if (subSpan.length == 1) { children.add( NameValuePair(name: i.toString(), value: iterable.elementAt(i))); } else { children.add(NameValuePair( name: '[${i}...${subSpan.end - 1}]', value: subSpan, hideName: true)); } } } return children; } } class Library { Library(, this.object); final String name; final Object object; } class NamedConstructor { NamedConstructor(this.object); final Object object; } class HeritageClause { HeritageClause(, this.types); final String name; final List types; } Object safeGetProperty(Object protoChain, Object name) { try { return JSNative.getProperty(protoChain, name); } catch (e) { return ' $e'; } } safeProperties(object) => Map.fromIterable( getOwnPropertyNames(object) .where((each) => safeGetProperty(object, each) != null), key: (name) => name, value: (name) => safeGetProperty(object, name)); /// Class to simplify building the JsonML objects expected by the /// Devtools Formatter API. class JsonMLElement { dynamic _attributes; List _jsonML; JsonMLElement(tagName) { _attributes = JS('', '{}'); _jsonML = [tagName, _attributes]; } appendChild(element) { _jsonML.add(element.toJsonML()); } JsonMLElement createChild(String tagName) { var c = JsonMLElement(tagName); _jsonML.add(c.toJsonML()); return c; } JsonMLElement createObjectTag(object) => createChild('object')..addAttribute('object', object); void setStyle(String style) { = style; } addStyle(String style) { if ( == null) { = style; } else { += style; } } addAttribute(key, value) { JSNative.setProperty(_attributes, key, value); } createTextChild(String text) { _jsonML.add(text); } toJsonML() => _jsonML; } /// Whether an object is a native JavaScript type where we should display the /// JavaScript view of the object instead of the custom Dart specific render /// of properties. bool isNativeJavaScriptObject(object) { var type = _typeof(object); if (type != 'object' && type != 'function') return true; // Consider all regular JS objects that do not represent Dart modules native // JavaScript objects. if (dart.isJsInterop(object) && dart.getModuleName(object) == null) { return true; } // Treat Node objects as a native JavaScript type as the regular DOM render // in devtools is superior to the dart specific view. return object is html.Node; } /// Class implementing the Devtools Formatter API described by: /// /// Specifically, a formatter implements a header, hasBody, and body method. /// This class renders the simple structured format objects [_simpleFormatter] /// provides as JsonML. class JsonMLFormatter { // TODO(jacobr): define a SimpleFormatter base class that DartFormatter // implements if we decide to use this class elsewhere. We specify that the // type is DartFormatter here purely to get type checking benefits not because // this class is really intended to only support instances of type // DartFormatter. DartFormatter _simpleFormatter; bool customFormattersOn = false; JsonMLFormatter(this._simpleFormatter); void setMaxSpanLengthForTestingOnly(int spanLength) { _maxSpanLength = spanLength; } header(object, config) { customFormattersOn = true; if (config == JsonMLConfig.skipDart || isNativeJavaScriptObject(object)) { return null; } var c = _simpleFormatter.preview(object, config); if (c == null) return null; if (config == JsonMLConfig.keyToString) { c = object.toString(); } // Indicate this is a Dart Object by using a Dart background color. // This is stylistically a bit ugly but it eases distinguishing Dart and // JS objects. var element = JsonMLElement('span') ..setStyle('background-color: #d9edf7;color: black') ..createTextChild(c); return element.toJsonML(); } bool hasBody(object, config) => _simpleFormatter.hasChildren(object, config); body(object, config) { var body = JsonMLElement('ol') ..setStyle('list-style-type: none;' 'padding-left: 0px;' 'margin-top: 0px;' 'margin-bottom: 0px;' 'margin-left: 12px;'); if (object is StackTrace) { body.addStyle('background-color: thistle;color: rgb(196, 26, 22);'); } var children = _simpleFormatter.children(object, config); if (children == null) return body.toJsonML(); for (NameValuePair child in children) { var li = body.createChild('li'); li.setStyle("padding-left: 13px;"); // The value is indented when it is on a different line from the name // by setting right padding of the name to -13px and the padding of the // value to 13px. JsonMLElement nameSpan; var valueStyle = ''; if (!child.hideName) { nameSpan = JsonMLElement('span') ..createTextChild( child.displayName.isNotEmpty ? '${child.displayName}: ' : '') ..setStyle( 'background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px'); valueStyle = 'margin-left: 13px'; } if (_typeof(child.value) == 'object' || _typeof(child.value) == 'function') { var valueSpan = JsonMLElement('span')..setStyle(valueStyle); valueSpan.createObjectTag(child.value) ..addAttribute('config', child.config); if (nameSpan != null) { li.appendChild(nameSpan); } li.appendChild(valueSpan); } else { var line = li.createChild('span'); if (nameSpan != null) { line.appendChild(nameSpan); } line.appendChild(JsonMLElement('span') ..createTextChild(safePreview(child.value, child.config)) ..setStyle(valueStyle)); } } return body.toJsonML(); } } abstract class Formatter { bool accept(object, config); String preview(object); bool hasChildren(object); List children(object); } class DartFormatter { List _formatters; DartFormatter() { // The order of formatters matters as formatters earlier in the list take // precedence. _formatters = [ ObjectInternalsFormatter(), ClassFormatter(), TypeFormatter(), NamedConstructorFormatter(), MapFormatter(), IterableFormatter(), IterableSpanFormatter(), MapEntryFormatter(), StackTraceFormatter(), FunctionFormatter(), HeritageClauseFormatter(), LibraryModuleFormatter(), LibraryFormatter(), ObjectFormatter(), ]; } String preview(object, config) { try { if (object == null || object is num || object is String || isNativeJavaScriptObject(object)) { return object.toString(); } for (var formatter in _formatters) { if (formatter.accept(object, config)) return formatter.preview(object); } } catch (e, trace) { // Log formatter internal errors as unfortunately the devtools cannot // be used to debug formatter errors. html.window.console.error("Caught exception $e\n trace:\n$trace"); } return null; } bool hasChildren(object, config) { if (object == null) return false; try { for (var formatter in _formatters) { if (formatter.accept(object, config)) return formatter.hasChildren(object); } } catch (e, trace) { // See comment for preview. html.window.console .error("[hasChildren] Caught exception $e\n trace:\n$trace"); } return false; } List children(object, config) { try { if (object != null) { for (var formatter in _formatters) { if (formatter.accept(object, config)) return formatter.children(object); } } } catch (e, trace) { // See comment for preview. html.window.console.error("Caught exception $e\n trace:\n$trace"); } return []; } } /// Default formatter for Dart Objects. class ObjectFormatter extends Formatter { bool accept(object, config) => !isNativeJavaScriptObject(object); String preview(object) { var typeName = getObjectTypeName(object); try { // An explicit toString() call might not actually be a string. This way // we're sure. var toString = "$object"; if (toString.length > maxFormatterStringLength) { toString = toString.substring(0, maxFormatterStringLength - 3) + "..."; } // The default toString() will be "Instance of 'Foo'", in which case we // don't need any further indication of the class. if (toString.contains(typeName)) { return toString; } else { // If there's no class indication, e.g. an Int64 that just prints as a // number, then add the class name. return "$toString ($typeName)"; } } catch (e) {} // We will only get here if there was an error getting the toString, in // which case we just use the type name. return typeName; } bool hasChildren(object) => true; List children(object) { var type = dart.getType(object); var ret = LinkedHashSet(); // We use a Set rather than a List to avoid duplicates. var fields = Set(); addPropertiesFromSignature(dart.getFields(type), fields, object, true); var getters = Set(); addPropertiesFromSignature(dart.getGetters(type), getters, object, true); ret.addAll(sortProperties(fields)); ret.addAll(sortProperties(getters)); addMetadataChildren(object, ret); return ret.toList(); } } /// Show the object instance members and a reduced preview. /// /// Used as a sub-entry to show the internals of objects that have a different /// primary format. For example, a Map shows the key-value pairs, but this makes /// the internals of the map visible for debugging. class ObjectInternalsFormatter extends ObjectFormatter { bool accept(object, config) => super.accept(object, config) && config == JsonMLConfig.asObject; // A minimal preview because we expect a full preview is already shown in a // parent formatter. String preview(object) { return getObjectTypeName(object); } } /// Formatter for module Dart Library objects. class LibraryModuleFormatter implements Formatter { accept(object, config) => dart.getModuleName(object) != null; bool hasChildren(object) => true; String preview(object) { var libraryNames = dart.getModuleName(object).split('/'); // Library names are received with a repeat directory name, so strip the // last directory entry here to make the path cleaner. For example, the // library "third_party/dart/utf/utf" shoud display as // "third_party/dart/utf/". if (libraryNames.length > 1 && libraryNames.last == libraryNames[libraryNames.length - 2]) { libraryNames[libraryNames.length - 1] = ''; } return 'Library Module: ${libraryNames.join('/')}'; } List children(object) { var children = LinkedHashSet(); for (var name in getOwnPropertyNames(object)) { var value = safeGetProperty(object, name); children.add(NameValuePair( name: name, value: Library(name, value), hideName: true)); } return children.toList(); } } class LibraryFormatter implements Formatter { var genericParameters = HashMap(); accept(object, config) => object is Library; bool hasChildren(object) => true; String preview(object) =>; List children(object) { // Maintain library member order rather than sorting members as is the // case for class members. var children = LinkedHashSet(); var objectProperties = safeProperties(object.object); objectProperties.forEach((name, value) { // Skip the generic constructors for each class as users are only // interested in seeing the actual classes. if (dart.getGenericTypeCtor(value) != null) return; children.add(dart.isType(value) ? classChild(name, value) : NameValuePair(name: name, value: value)); }); return children.toList(); } classChild(String name, Object child) { var typeName = getTypeName(child); return NameValuePair( name: typeName, value: child, config: JsonMLConfig.asClass); } } /// Formatter for Dart Function objects. /// Dart functions happen to be regular JavaScript Function objects but /// we can distinguish them based on whether they have been tagged with /// runtime type information. class FunctionFormatter implements Formatter { accept(object, config) { if (_typeof(object) != 'function') return false; return dart.getReifiedType(object) != null; } bool hasChildren(object) => true; String preview(object) { return dart.typeName(dart.getReifiedType(object)); } List children(object) => [ NameValuePair(name: 'signature', value: preview(object)), NameValuePair( name: 'JavaScript Function', value: object, config: JsonMLConfig.skipDart) ]; } /// Formatter for Dart Map objects. class MapFormatter implements Formatter { accept(object, config) => object is Map; bool hasChildren(object) => true; String preview(object) { Map map = object; return '${getObjectTypeName(map)} length ${map.length}'; } List children(object) { // TODO(jacobr): be lazier about enumerating contents of Maps that are not // the build in LinkedHashMap class. // TODO(jacobr): handle large Maps better. Map map = object; var entries = LinkedHashSet(); map.forEach((key, value) { var entryWrapper = MapEntry(key: key, value: value); entries.add( NameValuePair(name: entries.length.toString(), value: entryWrapper)); }); addInstanceMembers(object, entries); addMetadataChildren(object, entries); return entries.toList(); } // We've formatted as a Map, but we may want to see the internals // of the Map, particularly for domain objects that implement Map. // Add an ObjectFormatter view underneath. void addInstanceMembers(object, Set ret) { ret.add(NameValuePair( name: "[[instance members]]", value: object, config: JsonMLConfig.asObject)); } } /// Formatter for Dart Iterable objects including List and Set. class IterableFormatter implements Formatter { bool accept(object, config) => object is Iterable; String preview(object) { Iterable iterable = object; try { var length = iterable.length; return '${getObjectTypeName(iterable)} length $length'; } catch (_) { return '${getObjectTypeName(iterable)}'; } } bool hasChildren(object) => true; List children(object) { // TODO(jacobr): be lazier about enumerating contents of Iterables that // are not the built in Set or List types. // TODO(jacobr): handle large Iterables better. // TODO(jacobr): consider only using numeric indices var children = LinkedHashSet(); children.addAll(IterableSpan(0, object.length, object).children()); // TODO(jacobr): provide a link to show regular class properties here. // required for subclasses of iterable, etc. addMetadataChildren(object, children); return children.toList(); } } class NamedConstructorFormatter implements Formatter { accept(object, config) => object is NamedConstructor; // TODO(bmilligan): Display the signature of the named constructor as the // preview. String preview(object) => 'Named Constructor'; bool hasChildren(object) => true; List children(object) => [ NameValuePair( name: 'JavaScript Function', value: object, config: JsonMLConfig.skipDart) ]; } /// Formatter for synthetic MapEntry objects used to display contents of a Map /// cleanly. class MapEntryFormatter implements Formatter { accept(object, config) => object is MapEntry; String preview(object) { MapEntry entry = object; return '${safePreview(entry.key, JsonMLConfig.none)} => ${safePreview(entry.value, JsonMLConfig.none)}'; } bool hasChildren(object) => true; List children(object) => [ NameValuePair( name: 'key', value: object.key, config: JsonMLConfig.keyToString), NameValuePair(name: 'value', value: object.value) ]; } /// Formatter for Dart Iterable objects including List and Set. class HeritageClauseFormatter implements Formatter { bool accept(object, config) => object is HeritageClause; String preview(object) { HeritageClause clause = object; var typeNames =; return '${} ${typeNames.join(", ")}'; } bool hasChildren(object) => true; List children(object) { HeritageClause clause = object; var children = []; for (var type in clause.types) { children.add(NameValuePair(value: type, config: JsonMLConfig.asClass)); } return children; } } /// Formatter for synthetic IterableSpan objects used to display contents of /// an Iterable cleanly. class IterableSpanFormatter implements Formatter { accept(object, config) => object is IterableSpan; String preview(object) { return '[${object.start}...${object.end-1}]'; } bool hasChildren(object) => true; List children(object) => object.children(); } class StackTraceFormatter implements Formatter { accept(object, config) => object is StackTrace; String preview(object) => 'StackTrace'; bool hasChildren(object) => true; // Using the stack_trace formatting would be ideal, but adding the // dependency or re-writing the code is too messy, so each line of the // StackTrace will be added as its own child. List children(object) => object .toString() .split('\n') .map((line) => NameValuePair( value: line.replaceFirst(RegExp(r'^\s+at\s'), ''), hideName: true)) .toList(); } class ClassFormatter implements Formatter { accept(object, config) => config == JsonMLConfig.asClass; String preview(type) { var implements = dart.getImplements(type); var typeName = getTypeName(type); if (implements != null) { var typeNames = implements().map(getTypeName); return '${typeName} implements ${typeNames.join(", ")}'; } else { return typeName; } } bool hasChildren(object) => true; List children(type) { // TODO(jacobr): add other entries describing the class such as // implemented interfaces, and methods. var ret = LinkedHashSet(); var staticProperties = Set(); var staticMethods = Set(); // Static fields and properties. addPropertiesFromSignature( dart.getStaticFields(type), staticProperties, type, false); addPropertiesFromSignature( dart.getStaticGetters(type), staticProperties, type, false); // static methods. addPropertiesFromSignature( dart.getStaticMethods(type), staticMethods, type, false); if (staticProperties.isNotEmpty || staticMethods.isNotEmpty) { ret ..add(NameValuePair(value: '[[Static members]]', hideName: true)) ..addAll(sortProperties(staticProperties)) ..addAll(sortProperties(staticMethods)); } // instance methods. var instanceMethods = Set(); // Instance methods are defined on the prototype not the constructor object. addPropertiesFromSignature(dart.getMethods(type), instanceMethods, JS('', '#.prototype', type), false, tagTypes: true); if (instanceMethods.isNotEmpty) { ret ..add(NameValuePair(value: '[[Instance Methods]]', hideName: true)) ..addAll(sortProperties(instanceMethods)); } var mixin = dart.getMixin(type); if (mixin != null) { // TODO(jmesserly): this can only be one value. ret.add(NameValuePair( name: '[[Mixins]]', value: HeritageClause('mixins', [mixin]))); } var baseProto = JS('', '#.__proto__', type); if (baseProto != null && !dart.isJsInterop(baseProto)) { ret.add(NameValuePair( name: "[[base class]]", value: baseProto, config: JsonMLConfig.asClass)); } // TODO(jacobr): add back fields for named constructors. return ret.toList(); } } class TypeFormatter implements Formatter { accept(object, config) => object is Type; String preview(object) => object.toString(); bool hasChildren(object) => false; List children(object) => []; } typedef String StackTraceMapper(String stackTrace); /// Hook for other parts of the SDK To use to map JS stack traces to Dart /// stack traces. /// /// Raw JS stack traces are used if $dartStackTraceUtility has not been /// specified. StackTraceMapper get stackTraceMapper { var _util = JS('', r'#.$dartStackTraceUtility', dart.global_); return _util != null ? JS('!', '#.mapper', _util) : null; } /// This entry point is automatically invoked by the code generated by /// Dart Dev Compiler registerDevtoolsFormatter() { JS('', '#.devtoolsFormatters = [#]', dart.global_, _devtoolsFormatter); } // Expose these methods here to facilitate writing debugger tests. // If export worked for private SDK libraries we could just export // these methods from dart:_runtime. getModuleNames() { return dart.getModuleNames(); } getModuleLibraries(String name) { return dart.getModuleLibraries(name); } NN<'* LJBLONJP!,4:24';<$<,:&;;'D'--;*&C;M!IL=-4<5)%.;53165C111163?$-?I.!++8%#1),(#LK%O)$ &<&);'D6/H%2$5!=I>F1";C:#&$%O 6K#P&3 #!)93$, A5B &%.$+= %! "3!NM(;OHN8@TMOJNQE"#*8!O6 .HM(;P#* ! K>2,'*LN)L[*.0E/2 $ #+ & /D#(N"#! # ."+PL,I%& +.0"H1 -0/ "I(*D. N 8PN9)O,(L-$)%.<'L(N()&<OQ49!GN&/4@$>ML; #F28)341"E.5/$))K3:-H2:&$6*'E)HH/50$7;B)+ $*+$=)O)/2;P)*DE-<&)@/5 $>/$)L/493HK1+78L1$;)+ O /0m$;O: @5;$35$)$&%NM342$=12*$EI01$N,</&5? $'D,.1.% D E BC J310QG,& L3%6J1="*=+,/%.4JH(A<GJCC% "(hfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/private/profile.dart// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// This file supports profiling dynamic calls. part of dart._debugger; class _MethodStats { final String typeName; final String frame; double count; _MethodStats(this.typeName, this.frame) { count = 0.0; } } class _CallMethodRecord { var jsError; var type; _CallMethodRecord(this.jsError, this.type); } /// Size for the random sample of dynamic calls. int _callRecordSampleSize = 5000; /// If the number of dynamic calls exceeds [_callRecordSampleSize] this list /// will represent a random sample of the dynamic calls made. List<_CallMethodRecord> _callMethodRecords = List(); /// If the number of dynamic calls exceeds [_callRecordSampleSize] this value /// will be greater than [_callMethodRecords.length]. int _totalCallRecords = 0; /// Minimum number of samples to consider a profile entry relevant. /// This could be set a lot higher. We set this value so users are not /// confused into thinking that a dynamic call that occurred once but was /// randomly included in the sample is relevant. num _minCount = 2; /// Cache mapping from raw stack frames to source mapped stack frames to /// speedup lookup of source map frames when running the profiler. /// The number of source map entries looked up makes caching more important /// in this case than for typical source map use cases. Map _frameMappingCache = Map(); List> getDynamicStats() { // Process the accumulated method stats. This may be quite slow as processing // stack traces is expensive. If there are performance blockers, we should // switch to a sampling approach that caps the number of _callMethodRecords // and uses random sampling to decide whether to add each additional record // to the sample. Main change required is that we need to still show the total // raw number of dynamic calls so that the magnitude of the dynamic call // performance hit is clear to users. Map callMethodStats = Map(); if (_callMethodRecords.length > 0) { // Ratio between total record count and sampled records count. var recordRatio = _totalCallRecords / _callMethodRecords.length; for (var record in _callMethodRecords) { String stackStr = JS('!', '#.stack', record.jsError); var frames = stackStr.split('\n'); // Skip first two lines as the first couple frames are from the dart // runtime. var src = frames .skip(2) .map((f) => _frameMappingCache.putIfAbsent(f, () => stackTraceMapper('\n$f'))) .firstWhere((f) => !f.startsWith('dart:'), orElse: () => ''); var actualTypeName = dart.typeName(record.type); callMethodStats .putIfAbsent( "$actualTypeName <$src>", () => _MethodStats(actualTypeName, src)) .count += recordRatio; } // filter out all calls that did not occur at least _minCount times in the // random sample if we are dealing with a random sample instead of a // complete profile. if (_totalCallRecords != _callMethodRecords.length) { for (var k in callMethodStats.keys.toList()) { var stats = callMethodStats[k]; var threshold = _minCount * recordRatio; if (stats.count + 0.001 < threshold) { callMethodStats.remove(k); } } } } _callMethodRecords.clear(); _totalCallRecords = 0; var keys = callMethodStats.keys.toList(); keys.sort( (a, b) => callMethodStats[b].count.compareTo(callMethodStats[a].count)); List> ret = []; for (var key in keys) { var stats = callMethodStats[key]; ret.add([stats.typeName, stats.frame, stats.count.round()]); } return ret; } clearDynamicStats() { _callMethodRecords.clear(); } // We need to set this property while the sdk is only partially initialized // so we cannot use a regular Dart field. bool get _trackProfile => JS('bool', 'dart.__trackProfile'); trackCall(obj) { if (JS('bool', '!#', _trackProfile)) return; int index = -1; _totalCallRecords++; if (_callMethodRecords.length == _callRecordSampleSize) { // Ensure that each sample has an equal // _callRecordSampleSize / _totalCallRecords chance of inclusion // by choosing to include the new record in the sample the with the // appropriate probability randomly evicting one of the existing records. // Unfortunately we can't use the excellent Random.nextInt method defined // by Dart from within this library. index = JS('int', 'Math.floor(Math.random() * #)', _totalCallRecords); if (index >= _callMethodRecords.length) return; // don't sample } var record = _CallMethodRecord(JS('', 'new Error()'), dart.getReifiedType(obj)); if (index == -1) { _callMethodRecords.add(record); } else { _callMethodRecords[index] = record; } } NN<0, .1"M>5N6DGJ1ICL80'PMNNQK(5'CE-D)KQH7Q!OI:5(1/% , O&AL*=/<,EHNN)KDJ$ (ofile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/private/foreign_helper.dart// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library dart._foreign_helper; /** * Emits a JavaScript code fragment parameterized by arguments. * * Hash characters `#` in the [codeTemplate] are replaced in left-to-right order * with expressions that contain the values of, or evaluate to, the arguments. * The number of hash marks must match the number or arguments. Although * declared with arguments [arg0] through [arg2], the form actually has no limit * on the number of arguments. * * The [typeDescription] argument is interpreted as a description of the * behavior of the JavaScript code. Currently it describes the types that may * be returned by the expression, with the additional behavior that the returned * values may be fresh instances of the types. The type information must be * correct as it is trusted by the compiler in optimizations, and it must be * precise as possible since it is used for native live type analysis to * tree-shake large parts of the DOM libraries. If poorly written, the * [typeDescription] will cause unnecessarily bloated programs. (You can check * for this by compiling with `--verbose`; there is an info message describing * the number of native (DOM) types that can be removed, which usually should be * greater than zero.) * * The [typeDescription] is a [String] which contains a union of types separated * by vertical bar `|` symbols, e.g. `"num|String"` describes the union of * numbers and Strings. There is no type in Dart that is this precise. The * Dart alternative would be `Object` or `dynamic`, but these types imply that * the JS-code might also be creating instances of all the DOM types. If `null` * is possible, it must be specified explicitly, e.g. `"String|Null"`. * [typeDescription] has several extensions to help describe the behavior more * accurately. In addition to the union type already described: * * + `=Object` is a plain JavaScript object. Some DOM methods return instances * that have no corresponding Dart type (e.g. cross-frame documents), * `=Object` can be used to describe these untyped' values. * * + `var` (or empty string). If the entire [typeDescription] is `var` (or * empty string) then the type is `dynamic` but the code is known to not * create any instances. * * Examples: * * // Parent window might be an opaque cross-frame window. * var thing = JS('=Object|Window', '#.parent', myWindow); * * Guidelines: * * + Do not use any parameter, local, method or field names in the * [codeTemplate]. These names are all subject to arbitrary renaming by the * compiler. Pass the values in via `#` substition, and test with the * `--minify` dart2js command-line option. * * + The substituted expressions are values, not locations. * * JS('void', '# += "x"', this.field); * * `this.field` might not be a substituted as a reference to the field. The * generated code might accidentally work as intended, but it also might be * * var t1 = this.field; * t1 += "x"; * * or * * this.get$field() += "x"; * * The remedy in this case is to expand the `+=` operator, leaving all * references to the Dart field as Dart code: * * this.field = JS('String', '# + "x"', this.field); * * + Never use `#` in function bodies. * * This is a variation on the previous guideline. Since `#` is replaced with * an *expression* and the expression is only valid in the immediate context, * `#` should never appear in a function body. Doing so might defer the * evaluation of the expression, and its side effects, until the function is * called. * * For example, * * var value = foo(); * var f = JS('', 'function(){return #}', value) * * might result in no immediate call to `foo` and a call to `foo` on every * call to the JavaScript function bound to `f`. This is better: * * var f = JS('', * '(function(val) { return function(){return val}; })(#)', value); * * Since `#` occurs in the immediately evaluated expression, the expression * is immediately evaluated and bound to `val` in the immediate call. * * * Additional notes. * * In the future we may extend [typeDescription] to include other aspects of the * behavior, for example, separating the returned types from the instantiated * types, or including effects to allow the compiler to perform more * optimizations around the code. This might be an extension of [JS] or a new * function similar to [JS] with additional arguments for the new information. */ // Add additional optional arguments if needed. The method is treated internally // as a variable argument method. T JS(String typeDescription, String codeTemplate, [arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14, arg15, arg16, arg17, arg18, arg19]) {} /// Annotates the compiled Js name for fields and methods. /// Similar behaviour to `JS` from `package:js/js.dart` (but usable from runtime /// files), and not to be confused with `JSName` from `js_helper` (which deals /// with names of externs). class JSExportName { final String name; const JSExportName(; } /** * Returns the JavaScript constructor function for Dart's Object class. * This can be used for type tests, as in * * if (JS('bool', '# instanceof #', obj, JS_DART_OBJECT_CONSTRUCTOR())) * ... */ JS_DART_OBJECT_CONSTRUCTOR() {} /** * Returns the interceptor for class [type]. The interceptor is the type's * constructor's `prototype` property. [type] will typically be the class, not * an interface, e.g. `JS_INTERCEPTOR_CONSTANT(JSInt)`, not * `JS_INTERCEPTOR_CONSTANT(int)`. */ JS_INTERCEPTOR_CONSTANT(Type type) {} /** * Returns the prefix used for generated is checks on classes. */ String JS_OPERATOR_IS_PREFIX() {} /** * Returns the prefix used for generated type argument substitutions on classes. */ String JS_OPERATOR_AS_PREFIX() {} /// Returns the name of the class `Object` in the generated code. String JS_OBJECT_CLASS_NAME() {} /// Returns the name of the class `Null` in the generated code. String JS_NULL_CLASS_NAME() {} /// Returns the name of the class `Function` in the generated code. String JS_FUNCTION_CLASS_NAME() {} /** * Returns the field name used for determining if an object or its * interceptor has JavaScript indexing behavior. */ String JS_IS_INDEXABLE_FIELD_NAME() {} /// Returns the name used for generated function types on classes and methods. String JS_SIGNATURE_NAME() {} /// Returns the name used to tag typedefs. String JS_TYPEDEF_TAG() {} /// Returns the name used to tag function type representations in JavaScript. String JS_FUNCTION_TYPE_TAG() {} /** * Returns the name used to tag void return in function type representations * in JavaScript. */ String JS_FUNCTION_TYPE_VOID_RETURN_TAG() {} /** * Returns the name used to tag return types in function type representations * in JavaScript. */ String JS_FUNCTION_TYPE_RETURN_TYPE_TAG() {} /** * Returns the name used to tag required parameters in function type * representations in JavaScript. */ String JS_FUNCTION_TYPE_REQUIRED_PARAMETERS_TAG() {} /** * Returns the name used to tag optional parameters in function type * representations in JavaScript. */ String JS_FUNCTION_TYPE_OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS_TAG() {} /** * Returns the name used to tag named parameters in function type * representations in JavaScript. */ String JS_FUNCTION_TYPE_NAMED_PARAMETERS_TAG() {} /// Returns the JS name for [name] from the Namer. String JS_GET_NAME(String name) {} /// Returns the state of a flag that is determined by the state of the compiler /// when the program has been analyzed. bool JS_GET_FLAG(String name) {} /** * Pretend [code] is executed. Generates no executable code. This is used to * model effects at some other point in external code. For example, the * following models an assignment to foo with an unknown value. * * var foo; * * main() { * JS_EFFECT((_){ foo = _; }) * } * * TODO(sra): Replace this hack with something to mark the volatile or * externally initialized elements. */ void JS_EFFECT(Function code) { code(null); } /** * Use this class for creating constants that hold JavaScript code. * For example: * * const constant = JS_CONST('typeof window != "undefined"); * * This code will generate: * $.JS_CONST_1 = typeof window != "undefined"; */ class JS_CONST { final String code; const JS_CONST(this.code); } /** * JavaScript string concatenation. Inputs must be Strings. Corresponds to the * HStringConcat SSA instruction and may be constant-folded. */ String JS_STRING_CONCAT(String a, String b) { // This body is unused, only here for type analysis. return JS('String', '# + #', a, b); } /// Same `@rest` annotation and `spread` function as in /// `package:js/src/varargs.dart`. /// /// Runtime files cannot import packages, which is why we have an ad-hoc copy. class _Rest { const _Rest(); } const _Rest rest = _Rest(); dynamic spread(args) { throw StateError('The spread function cannot be called, ' 'it should be compiled away.'); } NN<@QOJQIOQMMIHPOQQLMOQGOAQJ@ML ??DPJ.=.PO #J1<(QQLP8NEOOIQNEOOQ"5 ;QO!H*L  LP<#&?"Q"B!@D#C1'O+N!M-N-E"5E"5B"23#P(!OI@$ G$ D=0P=.7&8#O<&mfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/private/interceptors.dart// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library dart._interceptors; import 'dart:collection'; import 'dart:_internal' hide Symbol; import 'dart:_js_helper'; import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS, JSExportName; import 'dart:math' show Random; import 'dart:_runtime' as dart; part 'js_array.dart'; part 'js_number.dart'; part 'js_string.dart'; // TODO(jmesserly): remove, this doesn't do anything for us. abstract class Interceptor { const Interceptor(); // Use native JS toString method instead of standard Dart Object.toString. String toString() => JS('String', '#.toString()', this); } // TODO(jmesserly): remove getInterceptor(obj) => obj; /** * The interceptor class for [bool]. */ @JsPeerInterface(name: 'Boolean') class JSBool extends Interceptor implements bool { const JSBool(); // Note: if you change this, also change the function [S]. @notNull String toString() => JS('String', r'String(#)', this); // The values here are SMIs, co-prime and differ about half of the bit // positions, including the low bit, so they are different mod 2^k. @notNull int get hashCode => this ? (2 * 3 * 23 * 3761) : (269 * 811); Type get runtimeType => bool; } /** * The supertype for JSString and JSArray. Used by the backend as to * have a type mask that contains the objects that we can use the * native JS [] operator and length on. */ abstract class JSIndexable { int get length; E operator [](int index); } /** * The interface implemented by JavaScript objects. These are methods in * addition to the regular Dart Object methods like [Object.hashCode]. * * This is the type that should be exported by a JavaScript interop library. */ abstract class JSObject {} /** * Interceptor base class for JavaScript objects not recognized as some more * specific native type. */ abstract class JavaScriptObject extends Interceptor implements JSObject { const JavaScriptObject(); // It would be impolite to stash a property on the object. int get hashCode => 0; Type get runtimeType => JSObject; } /** * Interceptor for plain JavaScript objects created as JavaScript object * literals or `new Object()`. */ class PlainJavaScriptObject extends JavaScriptObject { const PlainJavaScriptObject(); } /** * Interceptor for unclassified JavaScript objects, typically objects with a * non-trivial prototype chain. * * This class also serves as a fallback for unknown JavaScript exceptions. */ class UnknownJavaScriptObject extends JavaScriptObject { const UnknownJavaScriptObject(); String toString() => JS('String', 'String(#)', this); } class NativeError extends Interceptor { String dartStack() => JS('String', '#.stack', this); } // Note that this needs to be in interceptors.dart in order for // it to be picked up as an extension type. @JsPeerInterface(name: 'TypeError') class NullError extends NativeError implements NoSuchMethodError { static RegExp _nullError = RegExp(r"^Cannot read property '(.+)' of null$"); static RegExp _extensionName = RegExp(r"^Symbol\(dartx\.(.+)\)$"); static RegExp _privateName = RegExp(r"^Symbol\((_.+)\)$"); String _fieldName() { var message = JS('String', '#.message', this); var match = _nullError.firstMatch(message); if (match == null) return null; var name = match[1]; match = _extensionName.firstMatch(name) ?? _privateName.firstMatch(name); return match != null ? match[1] : name; } String dartStack() { var stack = super.dartStack(); // Strip TypeError from first line. stack = toString() + '\n' + stack.split('\n').sublist(1).join('\n'); return stack; } StackTrace get stackTrace => getTraceFromException(this); String toString() { // TODO(vsm): Distinguish between null reference errors and other // TypeErrors. We should not get non-null TypeErrors from DDC code, // but we may from native JavaScript. var name = _fieldName(); if (name == null) { // Not a Null NSM error: fallback to JS. return JS('String', '#.toString()', this); } return "NullError: invalid member on null: '$name'"; } } @JsPeerInterface(name: 'Function') class JSFunction extends Interceptor { toString() { // If the function is a Type object, we should just display the type name. // // Regular Dart code should typically get wrapped type objects instead of // raw type (aka JS constructor) objects, however raw type objects can be // exposed to Dart code via JS interop or debugging tools. if (dart.isType(this)) return dart.typeName(this); return JS('String', r'"Closure: " + # + " from: " + #', dart.typeName(dart.getReifiedType(this)), this); } // TODO(jmesserly): remove these once we canonicalize tearoffs. operator ==(other) { if (other == null) return false; var boundObj = JS('', '#._boundObject', this); if (boundObj == null) return JS('bool', '# === #', this, other); return JS( 'bool', '# === #._boundObject && #._boundMethod === #._boundMethod', boundObj, other, this, other); } get hashCode { var boundObj = JS('', '#._boundObject', this); if (boundObj == null) return identityHashCode(this); var boundMethod = JS('!', '#._boundMethod', this); int hash = (17 * 31 + boundObj.hashCode) & 0x1fffffff; return (hash * 31 + identityHashCode(boundMethod)) & 0x1fffffff; } get runtimeType => dart.wrapType(dart.getReifiedType(this)); } /// A class used for implementing `null` tear-offs. class JSNull { toString() => 'null'; noSuchMethod(Invocation i) => dart.defaultNoSuchMethod(null, i); } final Object jsNull = JSNull(); // Note that this needs to be in interceptors.dart in order for // it to be picked up as an extension type. @JsPeerInterface(name: 'RangeError') class JSRangeError extends Interceptor implements ArgumentError { StackTrace get stackTrace => getTraceFromException(this); get invalidValue => null; get name => null; get message => JS('String', '#.message', this); String toString() => "Invalid argument: $message"; } // Obsolete in dart dev compiler. Added only so that the same version of // dart:html can be used in dart2js an dev compiler. // Warning: calls to these methods need to be removed before custom elements // and cross-frame dom objects behave correctly in ddc. // See findInterceptorConstructorForType(Type type) {} findConstructorForNativeSubclassType(Type type, String name) {} getNativeInterceptor(object) {} setDispatchProperty(object, value) {} NN<%5 =M;%"3= 9IF @ EB( JGMMJ=$I7!M K9#8(7@,$COE=30$N,#(I<FI*/19#'ONN?7<9B%;EE;9?;E?4C @,%B<25I5M850@ &ifile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/private/js_array.dartQ// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart._interceptors; /** * The interceptor class for [List]. The compiler recognizes this * class as an interceptor, and changes references to [:this:] to * actually use the receiver of the method, which is generated as an extra * argument added to each member. */ @JsPeerInterface(name: 'Array') class JSArray implements List, JSIndexable { const JSArray(); /** * Constructor for adding type parameters to an existing JavaScript * Array. Used for creating literal lists. */ factory JSArray.of(list) { // TODO(sra): Move this to core.List for better readability. // // TODO(jmesserly): this uses special compiler magic to close over the // parameterized ES6 'JSArray' class. JS('', '#.__proto__ = JSArray.prototype', list); return JS('-dynamic', '#', list); } // TODO(jmesserly): consider a fixed array subclass instead. factory JSArray.fixed(list) { JS('', '#.__proto__ = JSArray.prototype', list); JS('', r'#.fixed$length = Array', list); return JS('-dynamic', '#', list); } factory JSArray.unmodifiable(list) { JS('', '#.__proto__ = JSArray.prototype', list); JS('', r'#.fixed$length = Array', list); JS('', r'#.immutable$list = Array', list); return JS('-dynamic', '#', list); } static void markFixedList(list) { // Functions are stored in the hidden class and not as properties in // the object. We never actually look at the value, but only want // to know if the property exists. JS('', r'#.fixed$length = Array', list); } static void markUnmodifiableList(list) { // Functions are stored in the hidden class and not as properties in // the object. We never actually look at the value, but only want // to know if the property exists. JS('', r'#.fixed$length = Array', list); JS('', r'#.immutable$list = Array', list); } checkMutable(reason) { if (JS('bool', r'#.immutable$list', this)) { throw UnsupportedError(reason); } } checkGrowable(reason) { if (JS('bool', r'#.fixed$length', this)) { throw UnsupportedError(reason); } } List cast() => List.castFrom(this); void add(E value) { checkGrowable('add'); JS('void', r'#.push(#)', this, value); } E removeAt(@nullCheck int index) { checkGrowable('removeAt'); if (index < 0 || index >= length) { throw RangeError.value(index); } return JS('-dynamic', r'#.splice(#, 1)[0]', this, index); } void insert(@nullCheck int index, E value) { checkGrowable('insert'); if (index < 0 || index > length) { throw RangeError.value(index); } JS('void', r'#.splice(#, 0, #)', this, index, value); } void insertAll(@nullCheck int index, Iterable iterable) { checkGrowable('insertAll'); RangeError.checkValueInInterval(index, 0, this.length, "index"); if (iterable is! EfficientLengthIterable) { iterable = iterable.toList(); } @nullCheck int insertionLength = iterable.length; this.length += insertionLength; int end = index + insertionLength; this.setRange(end, this.length, this, index); this.setRange(index, end, iterable); } void setAll(@nullCheck int index, Iterable iterable) { checkMutable('setAll'); RangeError.checkValueInInterval(index, 0, this.length, "index"); for (var element in iterable) { this[index++] = element; } } E removeLast() { checkGrowable('removeLast'); if (length == 0) throw diagnoseIndexError(this, -1); return JS('var', r'#.pop()', this); } bool remove(Object element) { checkGrowable('remove'); var length = this.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (this[i] == element) { JS('var', r'#.splice(#, 1)', this, i); return true; } } return false; } /** * Removes elements matching [test] from [this] List. */ void removeWhere(bool test(E element)) { checkGrowable('removeWhere'); _removeWhere(test, true); } void retainWhere(bool test(E element)) { checkGrowable('retainWhere'); _removeWhere(test, false); } void _removeWhere(bool test(E element), bool removeMatching) { // Performed in two steps, to avoid exposing an inconsistent state // to the [test] function. First the elements to retain are found, and then // the original list is updated to contain those elements. // TODO(sra): Replace this algorithm with one that retains a list of ranges // to be removed. Most real uses remove 0, 1 or a few clustered elements. List retained = []; int end = this.length; for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) { // TODO(22407): Improve bounds check elimination to allow this JS code to // be replaced by indexing. E element = JS('-dynamic', '#[#]', this, i); // !test() ensures bool conversion in checked mode. if (!test(element) == removeMatching) { retained.add(element); } if (this.length != end) throw ConcurrentModificationError(this); } if (retained.length == end) return; this.length = retained.length; @nullCheck var length = retained.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { JS('', '#[#] = #[#]', this, i, retained, i); } } Iterable where(bool f(E element)) { return WhereIterable(this, f); } Iterable expand(Iterable f(E element)) { return ExpandIterable(this, f); } void addAll(Iterable collection) { int i = this.length; checkGrowable('addAll'); for (E e in collection) { assert(i == this.length || (throw ConcurrentModificationError(this))); i++; JS('void', r'#.push(#)', this, e); } } void clear() { length = 0; } void forEach(void f(E element)) { int end = this.length; for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) { // TODO(22407): Improve bounds check elimination to allow this JS code to // be replaced by indexing. var/*=E*/ element = JS('', '#[#]', this, i); f(element); if (this.length != end) throw ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } Iterable map(T f(E element)) { return MappedListIterable(this, f); } String join([String separator = ""]) { var length = this.length; var list = List(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { list[i] = "${this[i]}"; } return JS('String', "#.join(#)", list, separator); } Iterable take(int n) { return SubListIterable(this, 0, n); } Iterable takeWhile(bool test(E value)) { return TakeWhileIterable(this, test); } Iterable skip(int n) { return SubListIterable(this, n, null); } Iterable skipWhile(bool test(E value)) { return SkipWhileIterable(this, test); } E reduce(E combine(E previousValue, E element)) { int length = this.length; if (length == 0) throw IterableElementError.noElement(); E value = this[0]; for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) { // TODO(22407): Improve bounds check elimination to allow this JS code to // be replaced by indexing. var/*=E*/ element = JS('', '#[#]', this, i); value = combine(value, element); if (length != this.length) throw ConcurrentModificationError(this); } return value; } T fold(T initialValue, T combine(T previousValue, E element)) { var value = initialValue; int length = this.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { // TODO(22407): Improve bounds check elimination to allow this JS code to // be replaced by indexing. var/*=E*/ element = JS('', '#[#]', this, i); value = combine(value, element); if (this.length != length) throw ConcurrentModificationError(this); } return value; } E firstWhere(bool test(E value), {E orElse()}) { int end = this.length; for (int i = 0; i < end; ++i) { // TODO(22407): Improve bounds check elimination to allow this JS code to // be replaced by indexing. var/*=E*/ element = JS('', '#[#]', this, i); if (test(element)) return element; if (this.length != end) throw ConcurrentModificationError(this); } if (orElse != null) return orElse(); throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } E lastWhere(bool test(E element), {E orElse()}) { int length = this.length; for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // TODO(22407): Improve bounds check elimination to allow this JS code to // be replaced by indexing. var/*=E*/ element = JS('', '#[#]', this, i); if (test(element)) return element; if (length != this.length) { throw ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } if (orElse != null) return orElse(); throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } E singleWhere(bool test(E element), {E orElse()}) { int length = this.length; E match = null; bool matchFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { // TODO(22407): Improve bounds check elimination to allow this JS code to // be replaced by indexing. E element = JS('-dynamic', '#[#]', this, i); if (test(element)) { if (matchFound) { throw IterableElementError.tooMany(); } matchFound = true; match = element; } if (length != this.length) { throw ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } if (matchFound) return match; if (orElse != null) return orElse(); throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } E elementAt(int index) { return this[index]; } List sublist(@nullCheck int start, [int end]) { if (start < 0 || start > length) { throw RangeError.range(start, 0, length, "start"); } if (end == null) { end = length; } else { @notNull var _end = end; if (_end < start || _end > length) { throw RangeError.range(end, start, length, "end"); } } if (start == end) return []; return JSArray.of(JS('', r'#.slice(#, #)', this, start, end)); } Iterable getRange(int start, int end) { RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, this.length); return SubListIterable(this, start, end); } E get first { if (length > 0) return this[0]; throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } E get last { if (length > 0) return this[length - 1]; throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } E get single { if (length == 1) return this[0]; if (length == 0) throw IterableElementError.noElement(); throw IterableElementError.tooMany(); } void removeRange(@nullCheck int start, @nullCheck int end) { checkGrowable('removeRange'); RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, this.length); int deleteCount = end - start; JS('', '#.splice(#, #)', this, start, deleteCount); } void setRange(@nullCheck int start, @nullCheck int end, Iterable iterable, [@nullCheck int skipCount = 0]) { checkMutable('set range'); RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, this.length); int length = end - start; if (length == 0) return; RangeError.checkNotNegative(skipCount, "skipCount"); List otherList; int otherStart = 0; // TODO(floitsch): Make this accept more. if (iterable is List) { otherList = iterable; otherStart = skipCount; } else { otherList = iterable.skip(skipCount).toList(growable: false); otherStart = 0; } if (otherStart + length > otherList.length) { throw IterableElementError.tooFew(); } if (otherStart < start) { // Copy backwards to ensure correct copy if [from] is this. // TODO(sra): If [from] is the same Array as [this], we can copy without // type annotation checks on the stores. for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // Use JS to avoid bounds check (the bounds check elimination // optimzation is too weak). The 'E' type annotation is a store type // check - we can't rely on iterable, it could be List. E element = otherList[otherStart + i]; JS('', '#[#] = #', this, start + i, element); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { E element = otherList[otherStart + i]; JS('', '#[#] = #', this, start + i, element); } } } void fillRange(@nullCheck int start, @nullCheck int end, [E fillValue]) { checkMutable('fill range'); RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, this.length); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { // Store is safe since [fillValue] type has been checked as parameter. JS('', '#[#] = #', this, i, fillValue); } } void replaceRange( @nullCheck int start, @nullCheck int end, Iterable replacement) { checkGrowable('replace range'); RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, this.length); if (replacement is! EfficientLengthIterable) { replacement = replacement.toList(); } int removeLength = end - start; @nullCheck int insertLength = replacement.length; if (removeLength >= insertLength) { int delta = removeLength - insertLength; int insertEnd = start + insertLength; int newLength = this.length - delta; this.setRange(start, insertEnd, replacement); if (delta != 0) { this.setRange(insertEnd, newLength, this, end); this.length = newLength; } } else { int delta = insertLength - removeLength; int newLength = this.length + delta; int insertEnd = start + insertLength; // aka. end + delta. this.length = newLength; this.setRange(insertEnd, newLength, this, end); this.setRange(start, insertEnd, replacement); } } bool any(bool test(E element)) { int end = this.length; for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) { // TODO(22407): Improve bounds check elimination to allow this JS code to // be replaced by indexing. var/*=E*/ element = JS('', '#[#]', this, i); if (test(element)) return true; if (this.length != end) throw ConcurrentModificationError(this); } return false; } bool every(bool test(E element)) { int end = this.length; for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) { // TODO(22407): Improve bounds check elimination to allow this JS code to // be replaced by indexing. E element = JS('-dynamic', '#[#]', this, i); if (!test(element)) return false; if (this.length != end) throw ConcurrentModificationError(this); } return true; } Iterable get reversed => ReversedListIterable(this); void sort([int compare(E a, E b)]) { checkMutable('sort'); if (compare == null) { Sort.sort(this, (a, b) =>, b)); } else { Sort.sort(this, compare); } } void shuffle([Random random]) { checkMutable('shuffle'); if (random == null) random = Random(); int length = this.length; while (length > 1) { int pos = random.nextInt(length); length -= 1; var tmp = this[length]; this[length] = this[pos]; this[pos] = tmp; } } int indexOf(Object element, [@nullCheck int start = 0]) { int length = this.length; if (start >= length) { return -1; } if (start < 0) { start = 0; } for (int i = start; i < length; i++) { if (this[i] == element) { return i; } } return -1; } int lastIndexOf(Object element, [int _startIndex]) { @notNull int startIndex = _startIndex ?? this.length - 1; if (startIndex >= this.length) { startIndex = this.length - 1; } else if (startIndex < 0) { return -1; } for (int i = startIndex; i >= 0; i--) { if (this[i] == element) { return i; } } return -1; } bool contains(Object other) { var length = this.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { E element = JS('Null', '#[#]', this, i); if (element == other) return true; } return false; } @notNull bool get isEmpty => length == 0; @notNull bool get isNotEmpty => !isEmpty; String toString() => ListBase.listToString(this); List toList({@nullCheck bool growable = true}) { var list = JS('', '#.slice()', this); if (!growable) markFixedList(list); return JSArray.of(list); } Set toSet() => Set.from(this); Iterator get iterator => ArrayIterator(this); int get hashCode => identityHashCode(this); @notNull bool operator ==(other) => identical(this, other); @notNull int get length => JS('int', r'#.length', this); void set length(@nullCheck int newLength) { checkGrowable('set length'); // TODO(sra): Remove this test and let JavaScript throw an error. if (newLength < 0) { throw RangeError.range(newLength, 0, null, 'newLength'); } // JavaScript with throw a RangeError for numbers that are too big. The // message does not contain the value. JS('void', r'#.length = #', this, newLength); } E operator [](int index) { // Suppress redundant null checks via JS. if (index == null || JS('int', '#', index) >= JS('int', '#.length', this) || JS('int', '#', index) < 0) { throw diagnoseIndexError(this, index); } return JS('var', '#[#]', this, index); } void operator []=(int index, E value) { checkMutable('indexed set'); if (index == null || JS('int', '#', index) >= JS('int', '#.length', this) || JS('int', '#', index) < 0) { throw diagnoseIndexError(this, index); } JS('void', r'#[#] = #', this, index, value); } Map asMap() { return ListMapView(this); } Type get runtimeType => dart.wrapType(JS('', '#(#)', dart.getGenericClass(List), E)); Iterable followedBy(Iterable other) => FollowedByIterable.firstEfficient(this, other); Iterable whereType() => new WhereTypeIterable(this); List operator +(List other) { int totalLength = this.length + other.length; return [] ..length = totalLength ..setRange(0, this.length, this) ..setRange(this.length, totalLength, other); } int indexWhere(bool test(E element), [int start = 0]) { if (start >= this.length) return -1; if (start < 0) start = 0; for (int i = start; i < this.length; i++) { if (test(this[i])) return i; } return -1; } int lastIndexWhere(bool test(E element), [int start]) { if (start == null) start = this.length - 1; if (start < 0) return -1; for (int i = start; i >= 0; i--) { if (test(this[i])) return i; } return -1; } void set first(E element) { if (this.isEmpty) throw RangeError.index(0, this); this[0] = element; } void set last(E element) { if (this.isEmpty) throw RangeError.index(0, this); this[this.length - 1] = element; } } /** * Dummy subclasses that allow the backend to track more precise * information about arrays through their type. The CPA type inference * relies on the fact that these classes do not override [] nor []=. * * These classes are really a fiction, and can have no methods, since * getInterceptor always returns JSArray. We should consider pushing the * 'isGrowable' and 'isMutable' checks into the getInterceptor implementation so * these classes can have specialized implementations. Doing so will challenge * many assumptions in the JS backend. */ class JSMutableArray extends JSArray {} class JSFixedArray extends JSMutableArray {} class JSExtendableArray extends JSMutableArray {} class JSUnmodifiableArray extends JSArray {} // Already is JSIndexable. /// An [Iterator] that iterates a JSArray. /// class ArrayIterator implements Iterator { final JSArray _iterable; @notNull final int _length; @notNull int _index; E _current; ArrayIterator(JSArray iterable) : _iterable = iterable, _length = iterable.length, _index = 0; E get current => _current; bool moveNext() { @notNull int length = _iterable.length; // We have to do the length check even on fixed length Arrays. If we can // inline moveNext() we might be able to GVN the length and eliminate this // check on known fixed length JSArray. if (_length != length) { throw throwConcurrentModificationError(_iterable); } if (_index >= length) { _current = null; return false; } _current = _iterable[_index]; _index++; return true; } } NN<BBK" 6F-AK*5&? 5-&'5-/&$IF'-+IF'-/1&/&2+%(%>/'%:? E0$+$'2)<E$!9( ' /8+"+"AGP?PO$P"3:.G(#"'3)&4*(M )$$P"3G'.)'7+.-..-4='P"3'JE'P"3'J3$P"3)G),4,P"3)#1),6'P"30 #1"),5'9 +;$F-91$,-,%=*?"9#8P(99. D2+BO/.FMI/6 )/6L 9(M.K$93*$+(/,+48! /+A64#$P"3&G%$P"3(G='; "+( <+ 7 5%$!,  '/) # #46*( '6. 5 2.!F?L+2.@%-+*!@%-1!D/9@&2'3:)0#:0'#77%AGEFJQO'.38N+0  %# #NO,9"jfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/private/js_number.dart7// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart._interceptors; /** * The implementation of Dart's int & double methods. * These are made available as extension methods on `Number` in JS. */ @JsPeerInterface(name: 'Number') class JSNumber extends Interceptor implements int, double { const JSNumber(); @notNull int compareTo(@nullCheck num b) { if (this < b) { return -1; } else if (this > b) { return 1; } else if (this == b) { if (this == 0) { bool bIsNegative = b.isNegative; if (isNegative == bIsNegative) return 0; if (isNegative) return -1; return 1; } return 0; } else if (isNaN) { if (b.isNaN) { return 0; } return 1; } else { return -1; } } @notNull bool get isNegative => (this == 0) ? (1 / this) < 0 : this < 0; @notNull bool get isNaN => JS('bool', r'isNaN(#)', this); @notNull bool get isInfinite { return JS('bool', r'# == (1/0)', this) || JS('bool', r'# == (-1/0)', this); } @notNull bool get isFinite => JS('bool', r'isFinite(#)', this); @notNull JSNumber remainder(@nullCheck num b) { return JS('num', r'# % #', this, b); } @notNull JSNumber abs() => JS('num', r'Math.abs(#)', this); @notNull JSNumber get sign => this > 0 ? 1 : this < 0 ? -1 : this; @notNull static const int _MIN_INT32 = -0x80000000; @notNull static const int _MAX_INT32 = 0x7FFFFFFF; @notNull int toInt() { if (this >= _MIN_INT32 && this <= _MAX_INT32) { return JS('int', '# | 0', this); } if (JS('bool', r'isFinite(#)', this)) { return JS('int', r'# + 0', truncateToDouble()); // Converts -0.0 to +0.0. } // This is either NaN, Infinity or -Infinity. throw UnsupportedError(JS("String", '"" + #', this)); } @notNull int truncate() => toInt(); @notNull int ceil() => ceilToDouble().toInt(); @notNull int floor() => floorToDouble().toInt(); @notNull int round() { if (this > 0) { // This path excludes the special cases -0.0, NaN and -Infinity, leaving // only +Infinity, for which a direct test is faster than [isFinite]. if (JS('bool', r'# !== (1/0)', this)) { return JS('int', r'Math.round(#)', this); } } else if (JS('bool', '# > (-1/0)', this)) { // This test excludes NaN and -Infinity, leaving only -0.0. // // Subtraction from zero rather than negation forces -0.0 to 0.0 so code // inside Math.round and code to handle result never sees -0.0, which on // some JavaScript VMs can be a slow path. return JS('int', r'0 - Math.round(0 - #)', this); } // This is either NaN, Infinity or -Infinity. throw UnsupportedError(JS("String", '"" + #', this)); } @notNull double ceilToDouble() => JS('num', r'Math.ceil(#)', this); @notNull double floorToDouble() => JS('num', r'Math.floor(#)', this); @notNull double roundToDouble() { if (this < 0) { return JS('num', r'-Math.round(-#)', this); } else { return JS('num', r'Math.round(#)', this); } } @notNull double truncateToDouble() => this < 0 ? ceilToDouble() : floorToDouble(); @notNull num clamp(@nullCheck num lowerLimit, @nullCheck num upperLimit) { if (lowerLimit.compareTo(upperLimit) > 0) { throw argumentErrorValue(lowerLimit); } if (this.compareTo(lowerLimit) < 0) return lowerLimit; if (this.compareTo(upperLimit) > 0) return upperLimit; return this; } @notNull double toDouble() => this; @notNull String toStringAsFixed(@notNull int fractionDigits) { if (fractionDigits < 0 || fractionDigits > 20) { throw RangeError.range(fractionDigits, 0, 20, "fractionDigits"); } String result = JS('String', r'#.toFixed(#)', this, fractionDigits); if (this == 0 && isNegative) return "-$result"; return result; } @notNull String toStringAsExponential([int fractionDigits]) { String result; if (fractionDigits != null) { @notNull var _fractionDigits = fractionDigits; if (_fractionDigits < 0 || _fractionDigits > 20) { throw RangeError.range(_fractionDigits, 0, 20, "fractionDigits"); } result = JS('String', r'#.toExponential(#)', this, _fractionDigits); } else { result = JS('String', r'#.toExponential()', this); } if (this == 0 && isNegative) return "-$result"; return result; } @notNull String toStringAsPrecision(@nullCheck int precision) { if (precision < 1 || precision > 21) { throw RangeError.range(precision, 1, 21, "precision"); } String result = JS('String', r'#.toPrecision(#)', this, precision); if (this == 0 && isNegative) return "-$result"; return result; } @notNull String toRadixString(@nullCheck int radix) { if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) { throw RangeError.range(radix, 2, 36, "radix"); } String result = JS('String', r'#.toString(#)', this, radix); const int rightParenCode = 0x29; if (result.codeUnitAt(result.length - 1) != rightParenCode) { return result; } return _handleIEtoString(result); } @notNull static String _handleIEtoString(String result) { // Result is probably IE's untraditional format for large numbers, // e.g., "8.0000000000008(e+15)" for 0x8000000000000800.toString(16). var match = JS( '', r'/^([\da-z]+)(?:\.([\da-z]+))?\(e\+(\d+)\)$/.exec(#)', result); if (match == null) { // Then we don't know how to handle it at all. throw UnsupportedError("Unexpected toString result: $result"); } result = JS('!', '#', match[1]); int exponent = JS("!", "+#", match[3]); if (match[2] != null) { result = JS('!', '# + #', result, match[2]); exponent -= JS('!', '#.length', match[2]); } return result + "0" * exponent; } // Note: if you change this, also change the function [S]. @notNull String toString() { if (this == 0 && JS('bool', '(1 / #) < 0', this)) { return '-0.0'; } else { return JS('String', r'"" + (#)', this); } } @notNull int get hashCode => JS('int', '# & 0x1FFFFFFF', this); @notNull JSNumber operator -() => JS('num', r'-#', this); @notNull JSNumber operator +(@nullCheck num other) { return JS('num', '# + #', this, other); } @notNull JSNumber operator -(@nullCheck num other) { return JS('num', '# - #', this, other); } @notNull double operator /(@nullCheck num other) { return JS('num', '# / #', this, other); } @notNull JSNumber operator *(@nullCheck num other) { return JS('num', '# * #', this, other); } @notNull JSNumber operator %(@nullCheck num other) { // Euclidean Modulo. num result = JS('num', r'# % #', this, other); if (result == 0) return (0 as JSNumber); // Make sure we don't return -0.0. if (result > 0) return result; if (JS('num', '#', other) < 0) { return result - JS('num', '#', other); } else { return result + JS('num', '#', other); } } @notNull bool _isInt32(@notNull num value) => JS('bool', '(# | 0) === #', value, value); @notNull int operator ~/(@nullCheck num other) { if (_isInt32(this) && _isInt32(other) && 0 != other && -1 != other) { return JS('int', r'(# / #) | 0', this, other); } else { return _tdivSlow(other); } } @notNull int _tdivSlow(num other) { return (JS('num', r'# / #', this, other)).toInt(); } // TODO(ngeoffray): Move the bit operations below to [JSInt] and // make them take an int. Because this will make operations slower, // we define these methods on number for now but we need to decide // the grain at which we do the type checks. @notNull int operator <<(@nullCheck num other) { if (other < 0) throwArgumentErrorValue(other); return _shlPositive(other); } @notNull int _shlPositive(@notNull num other) { // JavaScript only looks at the last 5 bits of the shift-amount. Shifting // by 33 is hence equivalent to a shift by 1. return JS('bool', r'# > 31', other) ? 0 : JS('int', r'(# << #) >>> 0', this, other); } @notNull int operator >>(@nullCheck num other) { if (JS('num', '#', other) < 0) throwArgumentErrorValue(other); return _shrOtherPositive(other); } @notNull int _shrOtherPositive(@notNull num other) { return JS('num', '#', this) > 0 ? _shrBothPositive(other) // For negative numbers we just clamp the shift-by amount. // `this` could be negative but not have its 31st bit set. // The ">>" would then shift in 0s instead of 1s. Therefore // we cannot simply return 0xFFFFFFFF. : JS('int', r'(# >> #) >>> 0', this, other > 31 ? 31 : other); } @notNull int _shrBothPositive(@notNull num other) { return JS('bool', r'# > 31', other) // JavaScript only looks at the last 5 bits of the shift-amount. In JS // shifting by 33 is hence equivalent to a shift by 1. Shortcut the // computation when that happens. ? 0 // Given that `this` is positive we must not use '>>'. Otherwise a // number that has the 31st bit set would be treated as negative and // shift in ones. : JS('int', r'# >>> #', this, other); } @notNull int operator &(@nullCheck num other) { return JS('int', r'(# & #) >>> 0', this, other); } @notNull int operator |(@nullCheck num other) { return JS('int', r'(# | #) >>> 0', this, other); } @notNull int operator ^(@nullCheck num other) { return JS('int', r'(# ^ #) >>> 0', this, other); } @notNull bool operator <(@nullCheck num other) { return JS('bool', '# < #', this, other); } @notNull bool operator >(@nullCheck num other) { return JS('bool', '# > #', this, other); } @notNull bool operator <=(@nullCheck num other) { return JS('bool', '# <= #', this, other); } @notNull bool operator >=(@nullCheck num other) { return JS('bool', '# >= #', this, other); } // int members. // TODO(jmesserly): all numbers will have these in dynamic dispatch. // We can fix by checking it at dispatch time but we'd need to structure them // differently. @notNull bool get isEven => (this & 1) == 0; @notNull bool get isOdd => (this & 1) == 1; @notNull int toUnsigned(@nullCheck int width) { return this & ((1 << width) - 1); } @notNull int toSigned(@nullCheck int width) { int signMask = 1 << (width - 1); return (this & (signMask - 1)) - (this & signMask); } @notNull int get bitLength { int nonneg = this < 0 ? -this - 1 : this; int wordBits = 32; while (nonneg >= 0x100000000) { nonneg = nonneg ~/ 0x100000000; wordBits += 32; } return wordBits - _clz32(nonneg); } @notNull static int _clz32(@notNull int uint32) { // TODO(sra): Use `Math.clz32(uint32)` (not available on IE11). return 32 - _bitCount(_spread(uint32)); } // Returns pow(this, e) % m. @notNull int modPow(@nullCheck int e, @nullCheck int m) { if (e < 0) throw RangeError.range(e, 0, null, "exponent"); if (m <= 0) throw RangeError.range(m, 1, null, "modulus"); if (e == 0) return 1; int b = this; if (b < 0 || b > m) { b %= m; } int r = 1; while (e > 0) { if (e.isOdd) { r = (r * b) % m; } e ~/= 2; b = (b * b) % m; } return r; } // If inv is false, returns gcd(x, y). // If inv is true and gcd(x, y) = 1, returns d, so that c*x + d*y = 1. // If inv is true and gcd(x, y) != 1, throws Exception("Not coprime"). @notNull static int _binaryGcd(@notNull int x, @notNull int y, @notNull bool inv) { int s = 1; if (!inv) { while (x.isEven && y.isEven) { x ~/= 2; y ~/= 2; s *= 2; } if (y.isOdd) { var t = x; x = y; y = t; } } final bool ac = x.isEven; int u = x; int v = y; int a = 1, b = 0, c = 0, d = 1; do { while (u.isEven) { u ~/= 2; if (ac) { if (!a.isEven || !b.isEven) { a += y; b -= x; } a ~/= 2; } else if (!b.isEven) { b -= x; } b ~/= 2; } while (v.isEven) { v ~/= 2; if (ac) { if (!c.isEven || !d.isEven) { c += y; d -= x; } c ~/= 2; } else if (!d.isEven) { d -= x; } d ~/= 2; } if (u >= v) { u -= v; if (ac) a -= c; b -= d; } else { v -= u; if (ac) c -= a; d -= b; } } while (u != 0); if (!inv) return s * v; if (v != 1) throw Exception("Not coprime"); if (d < 0) { d += x; if (d < 0) d += x; } else if (d > x) { d -= x; if (d > x) d -= x; } return d; } // Returns 1/this % m, with m > 0. @notNull int modInverse(@nullCheck int m) { if (m <= 0) throw RangeError.range(m, 1, null, "modulus"); if (m == 1) return 0; int t = this; if ((t < 0) || (t >= m)) t %= m; if (t == 1) return 1; if ((t == 0) || (t.isEven && m.isEven)) { throw Exception("Not coprime"); } return _binaryGcd(m, t, true); } // Returns gcd of abs(this) and abs(other). @notNull int gcd(@nullCheck int other) { int x = this.abs(); int y = other.abs(); if (x == 0) return y; if (y == 0) return x; if ((x == 1) || (y == 1)) return 1; return _binaryGcd(x, y, false); } // Assumes i is <= 32-bit and unsigned. @notNull static int _bitCount(@notNull int i) { // See "Hacker's Delight", section 5-1, "Counting 1-Bits". // The basic strategy is to use "divide and conquer" to // add pairs (then quads, etc.) of bits together to obtain // sub-counts. // // A straightforward approach would look like: // // i = (i & 0x55555555) + ((i >> 1) & 0x55555555); // i = (i & 0x33333333) + ((i >> 2) & 0x33333333); // i = (i & 0x0F0F0F0F) + ((i >> 4) & 0x0F0F0F0F); // i = (i & 0x00FF00FF) + ((i >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF); // i = (i & 0x0000FFFF) + ((i >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF); // // The code below removes unnecessary &'s and uses a // trick to remove one instruction in the first line. i = _shru(i, 0) - (_shru(i, 1) & 0x55555555); i = (i & 0x33333333) + (_shru(i, 2) & 0x33333333); i = 0x0F0F0F0F & (i + _shru(i, 4)); i += _shru(i, 8); i += _shru(i, 16); return (i & 0x0000003F); } @notNull static int _shru(int value, int shift) => JS('int', '# >>> #', value, shift); @notNull static int _shrs(int value, int shift) => JS('int', '# >> #', value, shift); @notNull static int _ors(int a, int b) => JS('int', '# | #', a, b); // Assumes i is <= 32-bit @notNull static int _spread(@notNull int i) { i = _ors(i, _shrs(i, 1)); i = _ors(i, _shrs(i, 2)); i = _ors(i, _shrs(i, 4)); i = _ors(i, _shrs(i, 8)); i = _shru(_ors(i, _shrs(i, 16)), 0); return i; } @notNull int operator ~() => JS('int', r'(~#) >>> 0', this); } 8NN<6D!< $)1#  B 3 P 9 )) 5 < - , 4',P2:  ( * OL.21B OO182: = ? 2 0 L D0,;;  85GI4 7",9JK 94 9+=H4 /#5A%B& 3GJM5E%,36$= 8 . 9 3 ., ., ,, ., .3P#%- - '1 *J5  7CFE/ *3  )N2( 5 *C% .$"CCD/G -(OL* KM. )5 )5 )5 *- *- +. +.GP & % )& '%8 .$&& +D, 3??)II M%$ (   (   0% %?%.&#. "($* )? { const JSString(); @notNull int codeUnitAt(@nullCheck int index) { // Suppress 2nd null check on index and null check on length // (JS String.length cannot be null). final len = this.length; if (index < 0 || index >= len) { throw RangeError.index(index, this, 'index', null, len); } return JS('int', r'#.charCodeAt(#)', this, index); } @notNull Iterable allMatches(@nullCheck String string, [@nullCheck int start = 0]) { final len = string.length; if (0 > start || start > len) { throw RangeError.range(start, 0, len); } return allMatchesInStringUnchecked(this, string, start); } Match matchAsPrefix(@nullCheck String string, [@nullCheck int start = 0]) { int stringLength = JS('!', '#.length', string); if (start < 0 || start > stringLength) { throw RangeError.range(start, 0, stringLength); } int thisLength = JS('!', '#.length', this); if (start + thisLength > stringLength) return null; for (int i = 0; i < thisLength; i++) { if (string.codeUnitAt(start + i) != this.codeUnitAt(i)) { return null; } } return StringMatch(start, string, this); } @notNull String operator +(@nullCheck String other) { return JS('String', r'# + #', this, other); } @notNull bool endsWith(@nullCheck String other) { var otherLength = other.length; var thisLength = this.length; if (otherLength > thisLength) return false; return other == substring(thisLength - otherLength); } @notNull String replaceAll(Pattern from, @nullCheck String to) { return stringReplaceAllUnchecked(this, from, to); } @notNull String replaceAllMapped(Pattern from, String convert(Match match)) { return this.splitMapJoin(from, onMatch: convert); } @notNull String splitMapJoin(Pattern from, {String onMatch(Match match), String onNonMatch(String nonMatch)}) { return stringReplaceAllFuncUnchecked(this, from, onMatch, onNonMatch); } @notNull String replaceFirst(Pattern from, @nullCheck String to, [@nullCheck int startIndex = 0]) { RangeError.checkValueInInterval(startIndex, 0, this.length, "startIndex"); return stringReplaceFirstUnchecked(this, from, to, startIndex); } @notNull String replaceFirstMapped( Pattern from, @nullCheck String replace(Match match), [@nullCheck int startIndex = 0]) { RangeError.checkValueInInterval(startIndex, 0, this.length, "startIndex"); return stringReplaceFirstMappedUnchecked(this, from, replace, startIndex); } @notNull List split(@nullCheck Pattern pattern) { if (pattern is String) { return JSArray.of(JS('', r'#.split(#)', this, pattern)); } else if (pattern is JSSyntaxRegExp && regExpCaptureCount(pattern) == 0) { var re = regExpGetNative(pattern); return JSArray.of(JS('', r'#.split(#)', this, re)); } else { return _defaultSplit(pattern); } } @notNull String replaceRange( @nullCheck int start, int end, @nullCheck String replacement) { end = RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, this.length); return stringReplaceRangeUnchecked(this, start, end, replacement); } @notNull List _defaultSplit(Pattern pattern) { List result = []; // End of most recent match. That is, start of next part to add to result. int start = 0; // Length of most recent match. // Set >0, so no match on the empty string causes the result to be [""]. int length = 1; for (var match in pattern.allMatches(this)) { @notNull int matchStart = match.start; @notNull int matchEnd = match.end; length = matchEnd - matchStart; if (length == 0 && start == matchStart) { // An empty match right after another match is ignored. // This includes an empty match at the start of the string. continue; } int end = matchStart; result.add(this.substring(start, end)); start = matchEnd; } if (start < this.length || length > 0) { // An empty match at the end of the string does not cause a "" at the end. // A non-empty match ending at the end of the string does add a "". result.add(this.substring(start)); } return result; } @notNull bool startsWith(Pattern pattern, [@nullCheck int index = 0]) { // Suppress null check on length and all but the first // reference to index. int length = JS('int', '#.length', this); if (index < 0 || JS('int', '#', index) > length) { throw RangeError.range(index, 0, this.length); } if (pattern is String) { String other = pattern; int otherLength = JS('int', '#.length', other); int endIndex = index + otherLength; if (endIndex > length) return false; return other == JS('String', r'#.substring(#, #)', this, index, endIndex); } return pattern.matchAsPrefix(this, index) != null; } @notNull String substring(@nullCheck int startIndex, [int _endIndex]) { var length = this.length; final endIndex = _endIndex ?? length; if (startIndex < 0) throw RangeError.value(startIndex); if (startIndex > endIndex) throw RangeError.value(startIndex); if (endIndex > length) throw RangeError.value(endIndex); return JS('String', r'#.substring(#, #)', this, startIndex, endIndex); } @notNull String toLowerCase() { return JS('String', r'#.toLowerCase()', this); } @notNull String toUpperCase() { return JS('String', r'#.toUpperCase()', this); } // Characters with Whitespace property (Unicode 6.3). // 0009..000D ; White_Space # Cc .. // 0020 ; White_Space # Zs SPACE // 0085 ; White_Space # Cc // 00A0 ; White_Space # Zs NO-BREAK SPACE // 1680 ; White_Space # Zs OGHAM SPACE MARK // 2000..200A ; White_Space # Zs EN QUAD..HAIR SPACE // 2028 ; White_Space # Zl LINE SEPARATOR // 2029 ; White_Space # Zp PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR // 202F ; White_Space # Zs NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE // 205F ; White_Space # Zs MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE // 3000 ; White_Space # Zs IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE // // BOM: 0xFEFF @notNull static bool _isWhitespace(@notNull int codeUnit) { // Most codeUnits should be less than 256. Special case with a smaller // switch. if (codeUnit < 256) { switch (codeUnit) { case 0x09: case 0x0A: case 0x0B: case 0x0C: case 0x0D: case 0x20: case 0x85: case 0xA0: return true; default: return false; } } switch (codeUnit) { case 0x1680: case 0x2000: case 0x2001: case 0x2002: case 0x2003: case 0x2004: case 0x2005: case 0x2006: case 0x2007: case 0x2008: case 0x2009: case 0x200A: case 0x2028: case 0x2029: case 0x202F: case 0x205F: case 0x3000: case 0xFEFF: return true; default: return false; } } /// Finds the index of the first non-whitespace character, or the /// end of the string. Start looking at position [index]. @notNull static int _skipLeadingWhitespace(String string, @nullCheck int index) { const int SPACE = 0x20; const int CARRIAGE_RETURN = 0x0D; var stringLength = string.length; while (index < stringLength) { int codeUnit = string.codeUnitAt(index); if (codeUnit != SPACE && codeUnit != CARRIAGE_RETURN && !_isWhitespace(codeUnit)) { break; } index++; } return index; } /// Finds the index after the last non-whitespace character, or 0. /// Start looking at position [index - 1]. @notNull static int _skipTrailingWhitespace(String string, @nullCheck int index) { const int SPACE = 0x20; const int CARRIAGE_RETURN = 0x0D; while (index > 0) { int codeUnit = string.codeUnitAt(index - 1); if (codeUnit != SPACE && codeUnit != CARRIAGE_RETURN && !_isWhitespace(codeUnit)) { break; } index--; } return index; } // Dart2js can't use JavaScript trim directly, // because JavaScript does not trim // the NEXT LINE (NEL) character (0x85). @notNull String trim() { const int NEL = 0x85; // Start by doing JS trim. Then check if it leaves a NEL at // either end of the string. String result = JS('!', '#.trim()', this); final length = result.length; if (length == 0) return result; int firstCode = result.codeUnitAt(0); int startIndex = 0; if (firstCode == NEL) { startIndex = _skipLeadingWhitespace(result, 1); if (startIndex == length) return ""; } int endIndex = length; // We know that there is at least one character that is non-whitespace. // Therefore we don't need to verify that endIndex > startIndex. int lastCode = result.codeUnitAt(endIndex - 1); if (lastCode == NEL) { endIndex = _skipTrailingWhitespace(result, endIndex - 1); } if (startIndex == 0 && endIndex == length) return result; return JS('String', r'#.substring(#, #)', result, startIndex, endIndex); } // Dart2js can't use JavaScript trimLeft directly, // because it is not in ES5, so not every browser implements it, // and because those that do will not trim the NEXT LINE character (0x85). @notNull String trimLeft() { const int NEL = 0x85; // Start by doing JS trim. Then check if it leaves a NEL at // the beginning of the string. String result; int startIndex = 0; if (JS('bool', 'typeof #.trimLeft != "undefined"', this)) { result = JS('String', '#.trimLeft()', this); if (result.length == 0) return result; int firstCode = result.codeUnitAt(0); if (firstCode == NEL) { startIndex = _skipLeadingWhitespace(result, 1); } } else { result = this; startIndex = _skipLeadingWhitespace(this, 0); } if (startIndex == 0) return result; if (startIndex == result.length) return ""; return JS('String', r'#.substring(#)', result, startIndex); } // Dart2js can't use JavaScript trimRight directly, // because it is not in ES5 and because JavaScript does not trim // the NEXT LINE character (0x85). @notNull String trimRight() { const int NEL = 0x85; // Start by doing JS trim. Then check if it leaves a NEL or BOM at // the end of the string. String result; @notNull int endIndex = 0; // trimRight is implemented by Firefox and Chrome/Blink, // so use it if it is there. if (JS('bool', 'typeof #.trimRight != "undefined"', this)) { result = JS('String', '#.trimRight()', this); endIndex = result.length; if (endIndex == 0) return result; int lastCode = result.codeUnitAt(endIndex - 1); if (lastCode == NEL) { endIndex = _skipTrailingWhitespace(result, endIndex - 1); } } else { result = this; endIndex = _skipTrailingWhitespace(this, this.length); } if (endIndex == result.length) return result; if (endIndex == 0) return ""; return JS('String', r'#.substring(#, #)', result, 0, endIndex); } @notNull String operator *(@nullCheck int times) { if (0 >= times) return ''; if (times == 1 || this.length == 0) return this; if (times != JS('int', '# >>> 0', times)) { // times >= 2^32. We can't create a string that big. throw const OutOfMemoryError(); } var result = ''; String s = this; while (true) { if (times & 1 == 1) result = s + result; times = JS('int', '# >>> 1', times); if (times == 0) break; s += s; } return result; } @notNull String padLeft(@nullCheck int width, [String padding = ' ']) { int delta = width - this.length; if (delta <= 0) return this; return padding * delta + this; } @notNull String padRight(@nullCheck int width, [String padding = ' ']) { int delta = width - this.length; if (delta <= 0) return this; return this + padding * delta; } @notNull List get codeUnits => CodeUnits(this); @notNull Runes get runes => Runes(this); @notNull int indexOf(@nullCheck Pattern pattern, [@nullCheck int start = 0]) { if (start < 0 || start > this.length) { throw RangeError.range(start, 0, this.length); } if (pattern is String) { return stringIndexOfStringUnchecked(this, pattern, start); } if (pattern is JSSyntaxRegExp) { JSSyntaxRegExp re = pattern; Match match = firstMatchAfter(re, this, start); return (match == null) ? -1 : match.start; } var length = this.length; for (int i = start; i <= length; i++) { if (pattern.matchAsPrefix(this, i) != null) return i; } return -1; } @notNull int lastIndexOf(@nullCheck Pattern pattern, [int _start]) { var length = this.length; var start = _start ?? length; if (start < 0 || start > length) { throw RangeError.range(start, 0, length); } if (pattern is String) { String other = pattern; if (start + other.length > length) { start = length - other.length; } return stringLastIndexOfUnchecked(this, other, start); } for (int i = start; i >= 0; i--) { if (pattern.matchAsPrefix(this, i) != null) return i; } return -1; } @notNull bool contains(@nullCheck Pattern other, [@nullCheck int startIndex = 0]) { if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex > this.length) { throw RangeError.range(startIndex, 0, this.length); } return stringContainsUnchecked(this, other, startIndex); } @notNull bool get isEmpty => JS('!', '#.length', this) == 0; @notNull bool get isNotEmpty => !isEmpty; @notNull int compareTo(@nullCheck String other) { return this == other ? 0 : JS('bool', r'# < #', this, other) ? -1 : 1; } // Note: if you change this, also change the function [S]. @notNull String toString() => this; /** * This is the [Jenkins hash function][1] but using masking to keep * values in SMI range. * * [1]: */ @notNull int get hashCode { // TODO(ahe): This method shouldn't have to use JS. Update when our // optimizations are smarter. int hash = 0; int length = JS('!', '#.length', this); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + JS('!', r'#.charCodeAt(#)', this, i)); hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x0007ffff & hash) << 10)); hash = JS('int', '# ^ (# >> 6)', hash, hash); } hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x03ffffff & hash) << 3)); hash = JS('int', '# ^ (# >> 11)', hash, hash); return 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x00003fff & hash) << 15)); } @notNull Type get runtimeType => String; @notNull final int length; @notNull String operator [](@nullCheck int index) { if (index >= JS('int', '#.length', this) || index < 0) { throw diagnoseIndexError(this, index); } return JS('String', '#[#]', this, index); } } NN<DBK"!L )A*%?7 7$$-=N4-608+@- /0 +$"09 :6 G6 $KK :)OD <)OO 3?P): % F?G 0&O$M2$ &0@D.-QJ) A;.756*+Q7 A* 5KD< K&&#/)&E- L&3)&1&+ @!/"$*6+LE4@>M5CM @$@3-,8 4(0@6C% G =!A4 (6B =2"D ,50;&/+ A%!# B%!# . " H,5A%#61,< >"'0+'='< M6:= ; # +K= F= H",'N@4=3> "  -=-.Rfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/internal/internal.dart// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library dart._internal; import 'dart:collection'; import 'dart:async' show Future, Stream, StreamSubscription, StreamTransformer, StreamTransformerBase, Zone; import 'dart:convert' show Converter; import 'dart:core' hide Symbol; import 'dart:core' as core; import 'dart:math' show Random; part 'async_cast.dart'; part 'cast.dart'; part 'iterable.dart'; part 'list.dart'; part 'print.dart'; part 'sort.dart'; part 'symbol.dart'; part 'linked_list.dart'; // Powers of 10 up to 10^22 are representable as doubles. // Powers of 10 above that are only approximate due to lack of precission. // Used by double-parsing. const POWERS_OF_TEN = const [ 1.0, // 0 10.0, 100.0, 1000.0, 10000.0, 100000.0, // 5 1000000.0, 10000000.0, 100000000.0, 1000000000.0, 10000000000.0, // 10 100000000000.0, 1000000000000.0, 10000000000000.0, 100000000000000.0, 1000000000000000.0, // 15 10000000000000000.0, 100000000000000000.0, 1000000000000000000.0, 10000000000000000000.0, 100000000000000000000.0, // 20 1000000000000000000000.0, 10000000000000000000000.0, ]; /** * An [Iterable] of the UTF-16 code units of a [String] in index order. */ class CodeUnits extends UnmodifiableListBase { /** The string that this is the code units of. */ final String _string; CodeUnits(this._string); int get length => _string.length; int operator [](int i) => _string.codeUnitAt(i); static String stringOf(CodeUnits u) => u._string; } /// Marks a function or library as having an external implementation ("native" /// in the Dart VM). /// /// On a function, this provides a backend-specific String that can be used to /// identify the function's implementation. /// /// On a library, it provides a Uri that can be used to locate the native /// library's implementation. class ExternalName { final String name; const ExternalName(; } // Shared hex-parsing utilities. /// Parses a single hex-digit as code unit. /// /// Returns a negative value if the character is not a valid hex-digit. int hexDigitValue(int char) { assert(char >= 0 && char <= 0xFFFF); const int digit0 = 0x30; const int a = 0x61; const int f = 0x66; int digit = char ^ digit0; if (digit <= 9) return digit; int letter = (char | 0x20); if (a <= letter && letter <= f) return letter - (a - 10); return -1; } /// Parses two hex digits in a string. /// /// Returns a negative value if either digit isn't valid. int parseHexByte(String source, int index) { assert(index + 2 <= source.length); int digit1 = hexDigitValue(source.codeUnitAt(index)); int digit2 = hexDigitValue(source.codeUnitAt(index + 1)); return digit1 * 16 + digit2 - (digit2 & 256); } /// Given an [instance] of some generic type [T], and [extract], a first-class /// generic function that takes the same number of type parameters as [T], /// invokes the function with the same type arguments that were passed to T /// when [instance] was constructed. /// /// Example: /// /// ```dart /// class Two {} /// /// print(extractTypeArguments([], () => new Set())); /// // Prints: Instance of 'Set'. /// /// print(extractTypeArguments({}, /// () => new Two)); /// // Prints: Instance of 'Two'. /// ``` /// /// The type argument T is important to choose which specific type parameter /// list in [instance]'s type hierarchy is being extracted. Consider: /// /// ```dart /// class A {} /// class B {} /// /// class C implements A, B {} /// /// main() { /// var c = new C(); /// print(extractTypeArguments(c, () => [])); /// // Prints: Instance of 'List'. /// /// print(extractTypeArguments(c, () => [])); /// // Prints: Instance of 'List'. /// } /// ``` /// /// A caller must not: /// /// * Pass `null` for [instance]. /// * Use a non-class type (i.e. a function type) for [T]. /// * Use a non-generic type for [T]. /// * Pass an instance of a generic type and a function that don't both take /// the same number of type arguments: /// /// ```dart /// extractTypeArguments([], () => null); /// ``` /// /// See this issue for more context: /// external Object extractTypeArguments(T instance, Function extract); NN< &  :K   !H44$34OO,J!!,H' < ':-&8<0OKL%  G'6%0MF , 9*9-$=(O+? %2GRfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/internal/iterable.dart^// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart._internal; /** * Marker interface for [Iterable] subclasses that have an efficient * [length] implementation. */ abstract class EfficientLengthIterable extends Iterable { const EfficientLengthIterable(); /** * Returns the number of elements in the iterable. * * This is an efficient operation that doesn't require iterating through * the elements. */ int get length; } /** * An [Iterable] for classes that have efficient [length] and [elementAt]. * * All other methods are implemented in terms of [length] and [elementAt], * including [iterator]. */ abstract class ListIterable extends EfficientLengthIterable { int get length; E elementAt(int i); const ListIterable(); Iterator get iterator => new ListIterator(this); void forEach(void action(E element)) { int length = this.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { action(elementAt(i)); if (length != this.length) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } } bool get isEmpty => length == 0; E get first { if (length == 0) throw IterableElementError.noElement(); return elementAt(0); } E get last { if (length == 0) throw IterableElementError.noElement(); return elementAt(length - 1); } E get single { if (length == 0) throw IterableElementError.noElement(); if (length > 1) throw IterableElementError.tooMany(); return elementAt(0); } bool contains(Object element) { int length = this.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (elementAt(i) == element) return true; if (length != this.length) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } return false; } bool every(bool test(E element)) { int length = this.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (!test(elementAt(i))) return false; if (length != this.length) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } return true; } bool any(bool test(E element)) { int length = this.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (test(elementAt(i))) return true; if (length != this.length) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } return false; } E firstWhere(bool test(E element), {E orElse()}) { int length = this.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { E element = elementAt(i); if (test(element)) return element; if (length != this.length) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } if (orElse != null) return orElse(); throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } E lastWhere(bool test(E element), {E orElse()}) { int length = this.length; for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { E element = elementAt(i); if (test(element)) return element; if (length != this.length) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } if (orElse != null) return orElse(); throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } E singleWhere(bool test(E element), {E orElse()}) { int length = this.length; E match = null; bool matchFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { E element = elementAt(i); if (test(element)) { if (matchFound) { throw IterableElementError.tooMany(); } matchFound = true; match = element; } if (length != this.length) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } if (matchFound) return match; if (orElse != null) return orElse(); throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } String join([String separator = ""]) { int length = this.length; if (!separator.isEmpty) { if (length == 0) return ""; String first = "${elementAt(0)}"; if (length != this.length) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(first); for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) { buffer.write(separator); buffer.write(elementAt(i)); if (length != this.length) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } return buffer.toString(); } else { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { buffer.write(elementAt(i)); if (length != this.length) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } return buffer.toString(); } } Iterable where(bool test(E element)) => super.where(test); Iterable map(T f(E element)) => new MappedListIterable(this, f); E reduce(E combine(E value, E element)) { int length = this.length; if (length == 0) throw IterableElementError.noElement(); E value = elementAt(0); for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) { value = combine(value, elementAt(i)); if (length != this.length) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } return value; } T fold(T initialValue, T combine(T previousValue, E element)) { var value = initialValue; int length = this.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { value = combine(value, elementAt(i)); if (length != this.length) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } return value; } Iterable skip(int count) => new SubListIterable(this, count, null); Iterable skipWhile(bool test(E element)) => super.skipWhile(test); Iterable take(int count) => new SubListIterable(this, 0, count); Iterable takeWhile(bool test(E element)) => super.takeWhile(test); List toList({bool growable: true}) { List result; if (growable) { result = []..length = length; } else { result = new List(length); } for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { result[i] = elementAt(i); } return result; } Set toSet() { Set result = new Set(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { result.add(elementAt(i)); } return result; } } class SubListIterable extends ListIterable { final Iterable _iterable; // Has efficient length and elementAt. final int _start; /** If null, represents the length of the iterable. */ final int _endOrLength; SubListIterable(this._iterable, this._start, this._endOrLength) { RangeError.checkNotNegative(_start, "start"); if (_endOrLength != null) { RangeError.checkNotNegative(_endOrLength, "end"); if (_start > _endOrLength) { throw new RangeError.range(_start, 0, _endOrLength, "start"); } } } int get _endIndex { int length = _iterable.length; if (_endOrLength == null || _endOrLength > length) return length; return _endOrLength; } int get _startIndex { int length = _iterable.length; if (_start > length) return length; return _start; } int get length { int length = _iterable.length; if (_start >= length) return 0; if (_endOrLength == null || _endOrLength >= length) { return length - _start; } return _endOrLength - _start; } E elementAt(int index) { int realIndex = _startIndex + index; if (index < 0 || realIndex >= _endIndex) { throw new RangeError.index(index, this, "index"); } return _iterable.elementAt(realIndex); } Iterable skip(int count) { RangeError.checkNotNegative(count, "count"); int newStart = _start + count; if (_endOrLength != null && newStart >= _endOrLength) { return new EmptyIterable(); } return new SubListIterable(_iterable, newStart, _endOrLength); } Iterable take(int count) { RangeError.checkNotNegative(count, "count"); if (_endOrLength == null) { return new SubListIterable(_iterable, _start, _start + count); } else { int newEnd = _start + count; if (_endOrLength < newEnd) return this; return new SubListIterable(_iterable, _start, newEnd); } } List toList({bool growable: true}) { int start = _start; int end = _iterable.length; if (_endOrLength != null && _endOrLength < end) end = _endOrLength; int length = end - start; if (length < 0) length = 0; List result = growable ? (new List()..length = length) : new List(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { result[i] = _iterable.elementAt(start + i); if (_iterable.length < end) throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } return result; } } /** * An [Iterator] that iterates a list-like [Iterable]. * * All iterations is done in terms of [Iterable.length] and * [Iterable.elementAt]. These operations are fast for list-like * iterables. */ class ListIterator implements Iterator { final Iterable _iterable; final int _length; int _index; E _current; ListIterator(Iterable iterable) : _iterable = iterable, _length = iterable.length, _index = 0; E get current => _current; bool moveNext() { int length = _iterable.length; if (_length != length) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(_iterable); } if (_index >= length) { _current = null; return false; } _current = _iterable.elementAt(_index); _index++; return true; } } typedef T _Transformation(S value); class MappedIterable extends Iterable { final Iterable _iterable; final _Transformation _f; factory MappedIterable(Iterable iterable, T function(S value)) { if (iterable is EfficientLengthIterable) { return new EfficientLengthMappedIterable(iterable, function); } return new MappedIterable._(iterable, function); } MappedIterable._(this._iterable, this._f); Iterator get iterator => new MappedIterator(_iterable.iterator, _f); // Length related functions are independent of the mapping. int get length => _iterable.length; bool get isEmpty => _iterable.isEmpty; // Index based lookup can be done before transforming. T get first => _f(_iterable.first); T get last => _f(_iterable.last); T get single => _f(_iterable.single); T elementAt(int index) => _f(_iterable.elementAt(index)); } class EfficientLengthMappedIterable extends MappedIterable implements EfficientLengthIterable { EfficientLengthMappedIterable(Iterable iterable, T function(S value)) : super._(iterable, function); } class MappedIterator extends Iterator { T _current; final Iterator _iterator; final _Transformation _f; MappedIterator(this._iterator, this._f); bool moveNext() { if (_iterator.moveNext()) { _current = _f(_iterator.current); return true; } _current = null; return false; } T get current => _current; } /** * Specialized alternative to [MappedIterable] for mapped [List]s. * * Expects efficient `length` and `elementAt` on the source iterable. */ class MappedListIterable extends ListIterable { final Iterable _source; final _Transformation _f; MappedListIterable(this._source, this._f); int get length => _source.length; T elementAt(int index) => _f(_source.elementAt(index)); } typedef bool _ElementPredicate(E element); class WhereIterable extends Iterable { final Iterable _iterable; final _ElementPredicate _f; WhereIterable(this._iterable, this._f); Iterator get iterator => new WhereIterator(_iterable.iterator, _f); // Specialization of [] to non-EfficientLengthIterable. Iterable map(T f(E element)) => new MappedIterable._(this, f); } class WhereIterator extends Iterator { final Iterator _iterator; final _ElementPredicate _f; WhereIterator(this._iterator, this._f); bool moveNext() { while (_iterator.moveNext()) { if (_f(_iterator.current)) { return true; } } return false; } E get current => _iterator.current; } typedef Iterable _ExpandFunction(S sourceElement); class ExpandIterable extends Iterable { final Iterable _iterable; final _ExpandFunction _f; ExpandIterable(this._iterable, this._f); Iterator get iterator => new ExpandIterator(_iterable.iterator, _f); } class ExpandIterator implements Iterator { final Iterator _iterator; final _ExpandFunction _f; // Initialize _currentExpansion to an empty iterable. A null value // marks the end of iteration, and we don't want to call _f before // the first moveNext call. Iterator _currentExpansion = const EmptyIterator(); T _current; ExpandIterator(this._iterator, this._f); T get current => _current; bool moveNext() { if (_currentExpansion == null) return false; while (!_currentExpansion.moveNext()) { _current = null; if (_iterator.moveNext()) { // If _f throws, this ends iteration. Otherwise _currentExpansion and // _current will be set again below. _currentExpansion = null; _currentExpansion = _f(_iterator.current).iterator; } else { return false; } } _current = _currentExpansion.current; return true; } } class TakeIterable extends Iterable { final Iterable _iterable; final int _takeCount; factory TakeIterable(Iterable iterable, int takeCount) { if (takeCount is! int || takeCount < 0) { throw new ArgumentError(takeCount); } if (iterable is EfficientLengthIterable) { return new EfficientLengthTakeIterable(iterable, takeCount); } return new TakeIterable._(iterable, takeCount); } TakeIterable._(this._iterable, this._takeCount); Iterator get iterator { return new TakeIterator(_iterable.iterator, _takeCount); } } class EfficientLengthTakeIterable extends TakeIterable implements EfficientLengthIterable { EfficientLengthTakeIterable(Iterable iterable, int takeCount) : super._(iterable, takeCount); int get length { int iterableLength = _iterable.length; if (iterableLength > _takeCount) return _takeCount; return iterableLength; } } class TakeIterator extends Iterator { final Iterator _iterator; int _remaining; TakeIterator(this._iterator, this._remaining) { assert(_remaining is int && _remaining >= 0); } bool moveNext() { _remaining--; if (_remaining >= 0) { return _iterator.moveNext(); } _remaining = -1; return false; } E get current { if (_remaining < 0) return null; return _iterator.current; } } class TakeWhileIterable extends Iterable { final Iterable _iterable; final _ElementPredicate _f; TakeWhileIterable(this._iterable, this._f); Iterator get iterator { return new TakeWhileIterator(_iterable.iterator, _f); } } class TakeWhileIterator extends Iterator { final Iterator _iterator; final _ElementPredicate _f; bool _isFinished = false; TakeWhileIterator(this._iterator, this._f); bool moveNext() { if (_isFinished) return false; if (!_iterator.moveNext() || !_f(_iterator.current)) { _isFinished = true; return false; } return true; } E get current { if (_isFinished) return null; return _iterator.current; } } class SkipIterable extends Iterable { final Iterable _iterable; final int _skipCount; factory SkipIterable(Iterable iterable, int count) { if (iterable is EfficientLengthIterable) { return new EfficientLengthSkipIterable(iterable, count); } return new SkipIterable._(iterable, _checkCount(count)); } SkipIterable._(this._iterable, this._skipCount); Iterable skip(int count) { return new SkipIterable._(_iterable, _skipCount + _checkCount(count)); } Iterator get iterator { return new SkipIterator(_iterable.iterator, _skipCount); } } class EfficientLengthSkipIterable extends SkipIterable implements EfficientLengthIterable { factory EfficientLengthSkipIterable(Iterable iterable, int count) { return new EfficientLengthSkipIterable._(iterable, _checkCount(count)); } EfficientLengthSkipIterable._(Iterable iterable, int count) : super._(iterable, count); int get length { int length = _iterable.length - _skipCount; if (length >= 0) return length; return 0; } Iterable skip(int count) { return new EfficientLengthSkipIterable._( _iterable, _skipCount + _checkCount(count)); } } int _checkCount(int count) { if (count is! int) { throw new ArgumentError.value(count, "count", "is not an integer"); } RangeError.checkNotNegative(count, "count"); return count; } class SkipIterator extends Iterator { final Iterator _iterator; int _skipCount; SkipIterator(this._iterator, this._skipCount) { assert(_skipCount is int && _skipCount >= 0); } bool moveNext() { for (int i = 0; i < _skipCount; i++) _iterator.moveNext(); _skipCount = 0; return _iterator.moveNext(); } E get current => _iterator.current; } class SkipWhileIterable extends Iterable { final Iterable _iterable; final _ElementPredicate _f; SkipWhileIterable(this._iterable, this._f); Iterator get iterator { return new SkipWhileIterator(_iterable.iterator, _f); } } class SkipWhileIterator extends Iterator { final Iterator _iterator; final _ElementPredicate _f; bool _hasSkipped = false; SkipWhileIterator(this._iterator, this._f); bool moveNext() { if (!_hasSkipped) { _hasSkipped = true; while (_iterator.moveNext()) { if (!_f(_iterator.current)) return true; } } return _iterator.moveNext(); } E get current => _iterator.current; } /** * The always empty [Iterable]. */ class EmptyIterable extends EfficientLengthIterable { const EmptyIterable(); Iterator get iterator => const EmptyIterator(); void forEach(void action(E element)) {} bool get isEmpty => true; int get length => 0; E get first { throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } E get last { throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } E get single { throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } E elementAt(int index) { throw new RangeError.range(index, 0, 0, "index"); } bool contains(Object element) => false; bool every(bool test(E element)) => true; bool any(bool test(E element)) => false; E firstWhere(bool test(E element), {E orElse()}) { if (orElse != null) return orElse(); throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } E lastWhere(bool test(E element), {E orElse()}) { if (orElse != null) return orElse(); throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } E singleWhere(bool test(E element), {E orElse()}) { if (orElse != null) return orElse(); throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } String join([String separator = ""]) => ""; Iterable where(bool test(E element)) => this; Iterable map(T f(E element)) => new EmptyIterable(); E reduce(E combine(E value, E element)) { throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } T fold(T initialValue, T combine(T previousValue, E element)) { return initialValue; } Iterable skip(int count) { RangeError.checkNotNegative(count, "count"); return this; } Iterable skipWhile(bool test(E element)) => this; Iterable take(int count) { RangeError.checkNotNegative(count, "count"); return this; } Iterable takeWhile(bool test(E element)) => this; List toList({bool growable: true}) => growable ? [] : new List(0); Set toSet() => new Set(); } /** The always empty iterator. */ class EmptyIterator implements Iterator { const EmptyIterator(); bool moveNext() => false; E get current => null; } class FollowedByIterable extends Iterable { final Iterable _first; final Iterable _second; FollowedByIterable(this._first, this._second); factory FollowedByIterable.firstEfficient( EfficientLengthIterable first, Iterable second) { if (second is EfficientLengthIterable) { return new EfficientLengthFollowedByIterable(first, second); } return new FollowedByIterable(first, second); } Iterator get iterator => new FollowedByIterator(_first, _second); int get length => _first.length + _second.length; bool get isEmpty => _first.isEmpty && _second.isEmpty; bool get isNotEmpty => _first.isNotEmpty || _second.isNotEmpty; // May be more efficient if either iterable is a Set. bool contains(Object value) => _first.contains(value) || _second.contains(value); E get first { var iterator = _first.iterator; if (iterator.moveNext()) return iterator.current; return _second.first; } E get last { var iterator = _second.iterator; if (iterator.moveNext()) { E last = iterator.current; while (iterator.moveNext()) last = iterator.current; return last; } return _first.last; } // If linear sequences of `followedBy` becomes an issue, we can flatten // into a list of iterables instead of a tree or spine. } class EfficientLengthFollowedByIterable extends FollowedByIterable implements EfficientLengthIterable { EfficientLengthFollowedByIterable( EfficientLengthIterable first, EfficientLengthIterable second) : super(first, second); Iterable skip(int count) { int firstLength = _first.length; if (count >= firstLength) return _second.skip(count - firstLength); return new EfficientLengthFollowedByIterable( _first.skip(count), _second); } Iterable take(int count) { int firstLength = _first.length; if (count <= firstLength) return _first.take(count); return new EfficientLengthFollowedByIterable( _first, _second.take(count - firstLength)); } E elementAt(int index) { int firstLength = _first.length; if (index < firstLength) return _first.elementAt(index); return _second.elementAt(index - firstLength); } E get first { if (_first.isNotEmpty) return _first.first; return _second.first; } E get last { if (_second.isNotEmpty) return _second.last; return _first.last; } } class FollowedByIterator implements Iterator { Iterator _currentIterator; Iterable _nextIterable; FollowedByIterator(Iterable first, this._nextIterable) : _currentIterator = first.iterator; bool moveNext() { if (_currentIterator.moveNext()) return true; if (_nextIterable != null) { _currentIterator = _nextIterable.iterator; _nextIterable = null; return _currentIterator.moveNext(); } return false; } E get current => _currentIterator.current; } class WhereTypeIterable extends Iterable { final Iterable _source; WhereTypeIterable(this._source); Iterator get iterator => new WhereTypeIterator(_source.iterator); } class WhereTypeIterator implements Iterator { final Iterator _source; WhereTypeIterator(this._source); bool moveNext() { while (_source.moveNext()) { if (_source.current is T) return true; } return false; } T get current => _source.current; } /** * Creates errors throw by [Iterable] when the element count is wrong. */ abstract class IterableElementError { /** Error thrown thrown by, e.g., [Iterable.first] when there is no result. */ static StateError noElement() => new StateError("No element"); /** Error thrown by, e.g., [Iterable.single] if there are too many results. */ static StateError tooMany() => new StateError("Too many elements"); /** Error thrown by, e.g., [List.setRange] if there are too few elements. */ static StateError tooFew() => new StateError("Too few elements"); } NN<E@#5KKKD9)'#5#=="=:"'0#5%'-#5#'+#55' )#5),4, )#5),6' 0 #5"),)"(#55)!$%7  0)$%7  @O,=',#5E',#5LHIH*' $' "' 3F9D2 8#F#F#(#$:")/8+ 1#<%F 1 H #.@* H K'2O7&)9&$(<G,K%1"+ (CF9"-$:.-!*LFM-!*##&<1"+P4"EE9+1,"N-"<*,>.*/F73@=,C&+8,22#%1!.=1!.#;",:/B@3 N@=,IOA"0$ 15H/,22?!&1!.=1!.%1!& <5*,,,6*,+5),4),6),.3@,,E 17 17N""021->0F5G49B8!9$6%!;J:I,%K %H5& %954%=3015 <+2!1*-1"#J4"#!-$G&QAQFODTfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/internal/async_cast.dart`// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart._internal; // Casting wrappers for asynchronous classes. class CastStream extends Stream { final Stream _source; CastStream(this._source); bool get isBroadcast => _source.isBroadcast; StreamSubscription listen(void onData(T data), {Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError}) { return new CastStreamSubscription( _source.listen(null, onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: cancelOnError)) ..onData(onData) ..onError(onError); } Stream cast() => new CastStream(_source); } class CastStreamSubscription implements StreamSubscription { final StreamSubscription _source; /// Zone where listen was called. final Zone _zone = Zone.current; /// User's data handler. May be null. void Function(T) _handleData; /// Copy of _source's handleError so we can report errors in onData. /// May be null. Function _handleError; CastStreamSubscription(this._source) { _source.onData(_onData); } Future cancel() => _source.cancel(); void onData(void handleData(T data)) { _handleData = handleData == null ? null : _zone.registerUnaryCallback(handleData); } void onError(Function handleError) { _source.onError(handleError); if (handleError == null) { _handleError = null; } else if (handleError is Function(Null, Null)) { _handleError = _zone .registerBinaryCallback(handleError); } else { _handleError = _zone.registerUnaryCallback(handleError); } } void onDone(void handleDone()) { _source.onDone(handleDone); } void _onData(S data) { if (_handleData == null) return; T targetData; try { targetData = data as T; } catch (error, stack) { if (_handleError == null) { _zone.handleUncaughtError(error, stack); } else if (_handleError is Function(Null, Null)) { _zone.runBinaryGuarded(_handleError, error, stack); } else { _zone.runUnaryGuarded(_handleError, error); } return; } _zone.runUnaryGuarded(_handleData, targetData); } void pause([Future resumeSignal]) { _source.pause(resumeSignal); } void resume() { _source.resume(); } bool get isPaused => _source.isPaused; Future asFuture([E futureValue]) => _source.asFuture(futureValue); } class CastStreamTransformer extends StreamTransformerBase { final StreamTransformer _source; CastStreamTransformer(this._source); StreamTransformer cast() => new CastStreamTransformer(_source); Stream bind(Stream stream) => _source.bind(stream.cast()).cast(); } class CastConverter extends Converter { final Converter _source; CastConverter(this._source); TT convert(TS input) => _source.convert(input as SS) as TT; // cast is inherited from Converter. Stream bind(Stream stream) => _source.bind(stream.cast()).cast(); Converter cast() => new CastConverter(_source); } {NN<.+/4?-L8F'$#( G)')%?'"6M P# % "19<44&!)N,,+'.:(2@#>'(2&2Nfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/internal/cast.dart// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart._internal; // Casting wrappers for collection classes. abstract class _CastIterableBase extends Iterable { Iterable get _source; Iterator get iterator => new CastIterator(_source.iterator); // The following members use the default implementation on the // throwing iterator. These are all operations that have no more efficient // implementation than visiting every element in order, // or that has no more efficient way to get the correct type (toList, toSet). // // * map // * where // * expand // * forEach // * reduce // * fold // * every // * any // * join // * toList // * toSet // * skipWhile // * takeWhile // * firstWhere // * singleWhere int get length => _source.length; bool get isEmpty => _source.isEmpty; bool get isNotEmpty => _source.isNotEmpty; Iterable skip(int count) => new CastIterable(_source.skip(count)); Iterable take(int count) => new CastIterable(_source.take(count)); T elementAt(int index) => _source.elementAt(index) as T; T get first => _source.first as T; T get last => _source.last as T; T get single => _source.single as T; bool contains(Object other) => _source.contains(other); // Might be implemented by testing backwards from the end, // so use the _source's implementation. T lastWhere(bool test(T element), {T orElse()}) => _source.lastWhere((S element) => test(element as T), orElse: (orElse == null) ? null : () => orElse() as S) as T; String toString() => _source.toString(); } class CastIterator implements Iterator { Iterator _source; CastIterator(this._source); bool moveNext() => _source.moveNext(); T get current => _source.current as T; } class CastIterable extends _CastIterableBase { final Iterable _source; CastIterable._(this._source); factory CastIterable(Iterable source) { if (source is EfficientLengthIterable) { return new _EfficientLengthCastIterable(source); } return new CastIterable._(source); } Iterable cast() => new CastIterable(_source); } class _EfficientLengthCastIterable extends CastIterable implements EfficientLengthIterable { _EfficientLengthCastIterable(EfficientLengthIterable source) : super._(source); } abstract class _CastListBase extends _CastIterableBase with ListMixin { List get _source; // Using the default implementation from ListMixin: // * reversed // * shuffle // * indexOf // * lastIndexOf // * clear // * sublist // * asMap T operator [](int index) => _source[index] as T; void operator []=(int index, T value) { _source[index] = value as S; } void set length(int length) { _source.length = length; } void add(T value) { _source.add(value as S); } void addAll(Iterable values) { _source.addAll(new CastIterable(values)); } void sort([int compare(T v1, T v2)]) { _source.sort( compare == null ? null : (S v1, S v2) => compare(v1 as T, v2 as T)); } void shuffle([Random random]) { _source.shuffle(random); } void insert(int index, T element) { _source.insert(index, element as S); } void insertAll(int index, Iterable elements) { _source.insertAll(index, new CastIterable(elements)); } void setAll(int index, Iterable elements) { _source.setAll(index, new CastIterable(elements)); } bool remove(Object value) => _source.remove(value); T removeAt(int index) => _source.removeAt(index) as T; T removeLast() => _source.removeLast() as T; void removeWhere(bool test(T element)) { _source.removeWhere((S element) => test(element as T)); } void retainWhere(bool test(T element)) { _source.retainWhere((S element) => test(element as T)); } Iterable getRange(int start, int end) => new CastIterable(_source.getRange(start, end)); void setRange(int start, int end, Iterable iterable, [int skipCount = 0]) { _source.setRange(start, end, new CastIterable(iterable), skipCount); } void removeRange(int start, int end) { _source.removeRange(start, end); } void fillRange(int start, int end, [T fillValue]) { _source.fillRange(start, end, fillValue as S); } void replaceRange(int start, int end, Iterable replacement) { _source.replaceRange(start, end, new CastIterable(replacement)); } } class CastList extends _CastListBase { final List _source; CastList(this._source); List cast() => new CastList(_source); } class CastSet extends _CastIterableBase implements Set { final Set _source; /// Creates a new empty set of the same *kind* as [_source], /// but with `` as type argument. /// Used by [toSet] and [union]. final Set Function() _emptySet; CastSet(this._source, this._emptySet); static Set _defaultEmptySet() => new Set(); Set cast() => new CastSet(_source, _emptySet); bool add(T value) => _source.add(value as S); void addAll(Iterable elements) { _source.addAll(new CastIterable(elements)); } bool remove(Object object) => _source.remove(object); void removeAll(Iterable objects) { _source.removeAll(objects); } void retainAll(Iterable objects) { _source.retainAll(objects); } void removeWhere(bool test(T element)) { _source.removeWhere((S element) => test(element as T)); } void retainWhere(bool test(T element)) { _source.retainWhere((S element) => test(element as T)); } bool containsAll(Iterable objects) => _source.containsAll(objects); Set intersection(Set other) { if (_emptySet != null) return _conditionalAdd(other, true); return new CastSet(_source.intersection(other), null); } Set difference(Set other) { if (_emptySet != null) return _conditionalAdd(other, false); return new CastSet(_source.difference(other), null); } Set _conditionalAdd(Set other, bool otherContains) { Set result = (_emptySet == null) ? new Set() : _emptySet(); for (var element in _source) { T castElement = element as T; if (otherContains == other.contains(castElement)) result.add(castElement); } return result; } Set union(Set other) => _clone()..addAll(other); void clear() { _source.clear(); } Set _clone() { Set result = (_emptySet == null) ? new Set() : _emptySet(); result.addAll(this); return result; } Set toSet() => _clone(); T lookup(Object key) => _source.lookup(key) as T; } abstract class _CastQueueMixin implements Queue { Queue get _source; T removeFirst() => _source.removeFirst() as T; T removeLast() => _source.removeLast() as T; @deprecated void add(T value) { _source.add(value as S); } void addFirst(T value) { _source.addFirst(value as S); } void addLast(T value) { _source.addLast(value as S); } bool remove(Object other) => _source.remove(other); void addAll(Iterable elements) { _source.addAll(new CastIterable(elements)); } void removeWhere(bool test(T element)) { _source.removeWhere((S element) => test(element as T)); } void retainWhere(bool test(T element)) { _source.retainWhere((S element) => test(element as T)); } void clear() { _source.clear(); } } class CastMap extends MapBase { final Map _source; CastMap(this._source); Map cast() => new CastMap(_source); bool containsValue(Object value) => _source.containsValue(value); bool containsKey(Object key) => _source.containsKey(key); V operator [](Object key) => _source[key] as V; void operator []=(K key, V value) { _source[key as SK] = value as SV; } V putIfAbsent(K key, V ifAbsent()) => _source.putIfAbsent( key as SK, (ifAbsent == null) ? null : () => ifAbsent() as SV) as V; void addAll(Map other) { _source.addAll(new CastMap(other)); } V remove(Object key) => _source.remove(key) as V; void clear() { _source.clear(); } void forEach(void f(K key, V value)) { _source.forEach((SK key, SV value) { f(key as K, value as V); }); } Iterable get keys => new CastIterable(_source.keys); Iterable get values => new CastIterable(_source.values); int get length => _source.length; bool get isEmpty => _source.isEmpty; bool get isNotEmpty => _source.isNotEmpty; V update(K key, V update(V value), {V ifAbsent()}) { return _source.update(key as SK, (SV value) => update(value as V) as SV, ifAbsent: (ifAbsent == null) ? null : () => ifAbsent() as SV) as V; } void updateAll(V update(K key, V value)) { _source.updateAll((SK key, SV value) => update(key as K, value as V) as SV); } Iterable> get entries { return>( (MapEntry e) => new MapEntry(e.key as K, e.value as V)); } void addEntries(Iterable> entries) { for (var entry in entries) { _source[entry.key as SK] = entry.value as SV; } } void removeWhere(bool test(K key, V value)) { _source.removeWhere((SK key, SV value) => test(key as K, value as V)); } } class CastQueue extends _CastIterableBase with _CastQueueMixin { final Queue _source; CastQueue(this._source); Queue cast() => new CastQueue(_source); } // TODO(lrn): Use when ListQueue implements List. // class CastListQueue // extends _CastListBase with _CastQueueMixin // implements ListQueue { // final ListQueue _source; // CastListQueue(this._source); // ListQueue cast() => new CastListQueue(_source); // } zNN<,=HAM:P   $'-NN;%#':=*5;G+2)); -0=-<D,BC6  3*! $4)M"&)4@1=69/+<+<.<QO)%63CK34H?'#()7=0&68- - +<+<N+@A)A?BI#$Q9I4;1/"!6&6+<+<4FD<2&&=K!64))AE$'-7ML-Q)0O6!40K6!62>!!"ANfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/internal/list.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart._internal; /** * Mixin that throws on the length changing operations of [List]. * * Intended to mix-in on top of [ListMixin] for fixed-length lists. */ abstract class FixedLengthListMixin { /** This operation is not supported by a fixed length list. */ set length(int newLength) { throw new UnsupportedError( "Cannot change the length of a fixed-length list"); } /** This operation is not supported by a fixed length list. */ void add(E value) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot add to a fixed-length list"); } /** This operation is not supported by a fixed length list. */ void insert(int index, E value) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot add to a fixed-length list"); } /** This operation is not supported by a fixed length list. */ void insertAll(int at, Iterable iterable) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot add to a fixed-length list"); } /** This operation is not supported by a fixed length list. */ void addAll(Iterable iterable) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot add to a fixed-length list"); } /** This operation is not supported by a fixed length list. */ bool remove(Object element) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot remove from a fixed-length list"); } /** This operation is not supported by a fixed length list. */ void removeWhere(bool test(E element)) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot remove from a fixed-length list"); } /** This operation is not supported by a fixed length list. */ void retainWhere(bool test(E element)) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot remove from a fixed-length list"); } /** This operation is not supported by a fixed length list. */ void clear() { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot clear a fixed-length list"); } /** This operation is not supported by a fixed length list. */ E removeAt(int index) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot remove from a fixed-length list"); } /** This operation is not supported by a fixed length list. */ E removeLast() { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot remove from a fixed-length list"); } /** This operation is not supported by a fixed length list. */ void removeRange(int start, int end) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot remove from a fixed-length list"); } /** This operation is not supported by a fixed length list. */ void replaceRange(int start, int end, Iterable iterable) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot remove from a fixed-length list"); } } /** * Mixin for an unmodifiable [List] class. * * This overrides all mutating methods with methods that throw. * This mixin is intended to be mixed in on top of [ListMixin] on * unmodifiable lists. */ abstract class UnmodifiableListMixin implements List { /** This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable list. */ void operator []=(int index, E value) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot modify an unmodifiable list"); } /** This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable list. */ set length(int newLength) { throw new UnsupportedError( "Cannot change the length of an unmodifiable list"); } set first(E element) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot modify an unmodifiable list"); } set last(E element) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot modify an unmodifiable list"); } /** This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable list. */ void setAll(int at, Iterable iterable) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot modify an unmodifiable list"); } /** This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable list. */ void add(E value) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot add to an unmodifiable list"); } /** This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable list. */ void insert(int index, E element) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot add to an unmodifiable list"); } /** This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable list. */ void insertAll(int at, Iterable iterable) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot add to an unmodifiable list"); } /** This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable list. */ void addAll(Iterable iterable) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot add to an unmodifiable list"); } /** This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable list. */ bool remove(Object element) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot remove from an unmodifiable list"); } /** This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable list. */ void removeWhere(bool test(E element)) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot remove from an unmodifiable list"); } /** This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable list. */ void retainWhere(bool test(E element)) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot remove from an unmodifiable list"); } /** This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable list. */ void sort([Comparator compare]) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot modify an unmodifiable list"); } /** This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable list. */ void shuffle([Random random]) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot modify an unmodifiable list"); } /** This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable list. */ void clear() { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot clear an unmodifiable list"); } /** This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable list. */ E removeAt(int index) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot remove from an unmodifiable list"); } /** This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable list. */ E removeLast() { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot remove from an unmodifiable list"); } /** This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable list. */ void setRange(int start, int end, Iterable iterable, [int skipCount = 0]) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot modify an unmodifiable list"); } /** This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable list. */ void removeRange(int start, int end) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot remove from an unmodifiable list"); } /** This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable list. */ void replaceRange(int start, int end, Iterable iterable) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot remove from an unmodifiable list"); } /** This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable list. */ void fillRange(int start, int end, [E fillValue]) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot modify an unmodifiable list"); } } /** * Abstract implementation of a fixed-length list. * * All operations are defined in terms of `length`, `operator[]` and * `operator[]=`, which need to be implemented. */ abstract class FixedLengthListBase = ListBase with FixedLengthListMixin; /** * Abstract implementation of an unmodifiable list. * * All operations are defined in terms of `length` and `operator[]`, * which need to be implemented. */ abstract class UnmodifiableListBase = ListBase with UnmodifiableListMixin; class _ListIndicesIterable extends ListIterable { List _backedList; _ListIndicesIterable(this._backedList); int get length => _backedList.length; int elementAt(int index) { RangeError.checkValidIndex(index, this); return index; } } class ListMapView extends UnmodifiableMapBase { List _values; ListMapView(this._values); E operator [](Object key) => containsKey(key) ? _values[key] : null; int get length => _values.length; Iterable get values => new SubListIterable(_values, 0, null); Iterable get keys => new _ListIndicesIterable(_values); bool get isEmpty => _values.isEmpty; bool get isNotEmpty => _values.isNotEmpty; bool containsValue(Object value) => _values.contains(value); bool containsKey(Object key) => key is int && key >= 0 && key < length; void forEach(void f(int key, E value)) { int length = _values.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { f(i, _values[i]); if (length != _values.length) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(_values); } } } } class ReversedListIterable extends ListIterable { Iterable _source; ReversedListIterable(this._source); int get length => _source.length; E elementAt(int index) => _source.elementAt(_source.length - 1 - index); } /** * Creates errors thrown by unmodifiable lists when they are attempted modified. * * This class creates [UnsupportedError]s with specialized messages. */ abstract class UnmodifiableListError { /** Error thrown when trying to add elements to an unmodifiable list. */ static UnsupportedError add() => new UnsupportedError("Cannot add to unmodifiable List"); /** Error thrown when trying to add elements to an unmodifiable list. */ static UnsupportedError change() => new UnsupportedError("Cannot change the content of an unmodifiable List"); /** Error thrown when trying to change the length of an unmodifiable list. */ static UnsupportedError length() => new UnsupportedError("Cannot change length of unmodifiable List"); /** Error thrown when trying to remove elements from an unmodifiable list. */ static UnsupportedError remove() => new UnsupportedError("Cannot remove from unmodifiable List"); } /** * Creates errors thrown by non-growable lists when they are attempted modified. * * This class creates [UnsupportedError]s with specialized messages. */ abstract class NonGrowableListError { /** Error thrown when trying to add elements to an non-growable list. */ static UnsupportedError add() => new UnsupportedError("Cannot add to non-growable List"); /** Error thrown when trying to change the length of an non-growable list. */ static UnsupportedError length() => new UnsupportedError("Cannot change length of non-growable List"); /** Error thrown when trying to remove elements from an non-growable list. */ static UnsupportedError remove() => new UnsupportedError("Cannot remove from non-growable List"); } /** * Converts a growable list to a fixed length list with the same elements. * * For internal use only. * Only works on growable lists as created by `[]` or `new List()`. * May throw on any other list. * * The operation is efficient. It doesn't copy the elements, but converts * the existing list directly to a fixed length list. * That means that it is a destructive conversion. * The original list should not be used afterwards. * * The returned list may be the same list as the original, * or it may be a different list (according to [identical]). * The original list may have changed type to be a fixed list, * or become empty or been otherwise modified. * It will still be a valid object, so references to it will not, e.g., crash * the runtime if accessed, but no promises are made wrt. its contents. * * This unspecified behavior is the reason the function is not exposed to * users. We allow the underlying implementation to make the most efficient * conversion, at the cost of leaving the original list in an unspecified * state. */ external List makeListFixedLength(List growableList); /** * Converts a fixed-length list to an unmodifiable list. * * For internal use only. * Only works for core fixed-length lists as created by `new List(length)`, * or as returned by [makeListFixedLength]. * * The operation is efficient. It doesn't copy the elements, but converts * the existing list directly to a fixed length list. * That means that it is a destructive conversion. * The original list should not be used afterwards. * * The unmodifiable list type is similar to the one used by const lists. */ external List makeFixedListUnmodifiable(List fixedLengthList); WNN<BD)A <AEA$EA1EA&EA JA+JA+JADAJAJA)JA@J+@B=B*FB =FFB.FBFB&FB1FB&FB KB+KB+KB'FB"FBEBKBKBQFB)KB@KB6F3E04"4E!5#7*(-;G$F?'-?J+!'&88&$KQE'K#?K&QP&IP&DQE&K#?P&IP&DKD J634;=?/NHJLJ ?9L,J634IHNfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/internal/sort.dart// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart._internal; /** * Dual-Pivot Quicksort algorithm. * * This class implements the dual-pivot quicksort algorithm as presented in * Vladimir Yaroslavskiy's paper. * * Some improvements have been copied from Android's implementation. */ class Sort { // When a list has less then [:_INSERTION_SORT_THRESHOLD:] elements it will // be sorted by an insertion sort. static const int _INSERTION_SORT_THRESHOLD = 32; /** * Sorts all elements of the given list [:a:] according to the given * [:compare:] function. * * The [:compare:] function takes two arguments [:x:] and [:y:] and returns * -1 if [:x < y:], * 0 if [:x == y:], and * 1 if [:x > y:]. * * The function's behavior must be consistent. It must not return different * results for the same values. */ static void sort(List a, int compare(E a, E b)) { _doSort(a, 0, a.length - 1, compare); } /** * Sorts all elements in the range [:from:] (inclusive) to [:to:] (exclusive) * of the given list [:a:]. * * If the given range is invalid an "OutOfRange" error is raised. * TODO(floitsch): do we want an error? * * See [:sort:] for requirements of the [:compare:] function. */ static void sortRange(List a, int from, int to, int compare(E a, E b)) { if ((from < 0) || (to > a.length) || (to < from)) { throw "OutOfRange"; } _doSort(a, from, to - 1, compare); } /** * Sorts the list in the interval [:left:] to [:right:] (both inclusive). */ static void _doSort( List a, int left, int right, int compare(E a, E b)) { if ((right - left) <= _INSERTION_SORT_THRESHOLD) { _insertionSort(a, left, right, compare); } else { _dualPivotQuicksort(a, left, right, compare); } } static void _insertionSort( List a, int left, int right, int compare(E a, E b)) { for (int i = left + 1; i <= right; i++) { var el = a[i]; int j = i; while ((j > left) && (compare(a[j - 1], el) > 0)) { a[j] = a[j - 1]; j--; } a[j] = el; } } static void _dualPivotQuicksort( List a, int left, int right, int compare(E a, E b)) { assert(right - left > _INSERTION_SORT_THRESHOLD); // Compute the two pivots by looking at 5 elements. int sixth = (right - left + 1) ~/ 6; int index1 = left + sixth; int index5 = right - sixth; int index3 = (left + right) ~/ 2; // The midpoint. int index2 = index3 - sixth; int index4 = index3 + sixth; var el1 = a[index1]; var el2 = a[index2]; var el3 = a[index3]; var el4 = a[index4]; var el5 = a[index5]; // Sort the selected 5 elements using a sorting network. if (compare(el1, el2) > 0) { var t = el1; el1 = el2; el2 = t; } if (compare(el4, el5) > 0) { var t = el4; el4 = el5; el5 = t; } if (compare(el1, el3) > 0) { var t = el1; el1 = el3; el3 = t; } if (compare(el2, el3) > 0) { var t = el2; el2 = el3; el3 = t; } if (compare(el1, el4) > 0) { var t = el1; el1 = el4; el4 = t; } if (compare(el3, el4) > 0) { var t = el3; el3 = el4; el4 = t; } if (compare(el2, el5) > 0) { var t = el2; el2 = el5; el5 = t; } if (compare(el2, el3) > 0) { var t = el2; el2 = el3; el3 = t; } if (compare(el4, el5) > 0) { var t = el4; el4 = el5; el5 = t; } var pivot1 = el2; var pivot2 = el4; // el2 and el4 have been saved in the pivot variables. They will be written // back, once the partitioning is finished. a[index1] = el1; a[index3] = el3; a[index5] = el5; a[index2] = a[left]; a[index4] = a[right]; int less = left + 1; // First element in the middle partition. int great = right - 1; // Last element in the middle partition. bool pivots_are_equal = (compare(pivot1, pivot2) == 0); if (pivots_are_equal) { var pivot = pivot1; // Degenerated case where the partitioning becomes a Dutch national flag // problem. // // [ | < pivot | == pivot | unpartitioned | > pivot | ] // ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ // left less k great right // // a[left] and a[right] are undefined and are filled after the // partitioning. // // Invariants: // 1) for x in ]left, less[ : x < pivot. // 2) for x in [less, k[ : x == pivot. // 3) for x in ]great, right[ : x > pivot. for (int k = less; k <= great; k++) { var ak = a[k]; int comp = compare(ak, pivot); if (comp == 0) continue; if (comp < 0) { if (k != less) { a[k] = a[less]; a[less] = ak; } less++; } else { // comp > 0. // // Find the first element <= pivot in the range [k - 1, great] and // put [:ak:] there. We know that such an element must exist: // When k == less, then el3 (which is equal to pivot) lies in the // interval. Otherwise a[k - 1] == pivot and the search stops at k-1. // Note that in the latter case invariant 2 will be violated for a // short amount of time. The invariant will be restored when the // pivots are put into their final positions. while (true) { comp = compare(a[great], pivot); if (comp > 0) { great--; // This is the only location in the while-loop where a new // iteration is started. continue; } else if (comp < 0) { // Triple exchange. a[k] = a[less]; a[less++] = a[great]; a[great--] = ak; break; } else { // comp == 0; a[k] = a[great]; a[great--] = ak; // Note: if great < k then we will exit the outer loop and fix // invariant 2 (which we just violated). break; } } } } } else { // We partition the list into three parts: // 1. < pivot1 // 2. >= pivot1 && <= pivot2 // 3. > pivot2 // // During the loop we have: // [ | < pivot1 | >= pivot1 && <= pivot2 | unpartitioned | > pivot2 | ] // ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ // left less k great right // // a[left] and a[right] are undefined and are filled after the // partitioning. // // Invariants: // 1. for x in ]left, less[ : x < pivot1 // 2. for x in [less, k[ : pivot1 <= x && x <= pivot2 // 3. for x in ]great, right[ : x > pivot2 for (int k = less; k <= great; k++) { var ak = a[k]; int comp_pivot1 = compare(ak, pivot1); if (comp_pivot1 < 0) { if (k != less) { a[k] = a[less]; a[less] = ak; } less++; } else { int comp_pivot2 = compare(ak, pivot2); if (comp_pivot2 > 0) { while (true) { int comp = compare(a[great], pivot2); if (comp > 0) { great--; if (great < k) break; // This is the only location inside the loop where a new // iteration is started. continue; } else { // a[great] <= pivot2. comp = compare(a[great], pivot1); if (comp < 0) { // Triple exchange. a[k] = a[less]; a[less++] = a[great]; a[great--] = ak; } else { // a[great] >= pivot1. a[k] = a[great]; a[great--] = ak; } break; } } } } } } // Move pivots into their final positions. // We shrunk the list from both sides (a[left] and a[right] have // meaningless values in them) and now we move elements from the first // and third partition into these locations so that we can store the // pivots. a[left] = a[less - 1]; a[less - 1] = pivot1; a[right] = a[great + 1]; a[great + 1] = pivot2; // The list is now partitioned into three partitions: // [ < pivot1 | >= pivot1 && <= pivot2 | > pivot2 ] // ^ ^ ^ ^ // left less great right // Recursive descent. (Don't include the pivot values.) _doSort(a, left, less - 2, compare); _doSort(a, great + 2, right, compare); if (pivots_are_equal) { // All elements in the second partition are equal to the pivot. No // need to sort them. return; } // In theory it should be enough to call _doSort recursively on the second // partition. // The Android source however removes the pivot elements from the recursive // call if the second partition is too large (more than 2/3 of the list). if (less < index1 && great > index5) { while (compare(a[less], pivot1) == 0) { less++; } while (compare(a[great], pivot2) == 0) { great--; } // Copy paste of the previous 3-way partitioning with adaptions. // // We partition the list into three parts: // 1. == pivot1 // 2. > pivot1 && < pivot2 // 3. == pivot2 // // During the loop we have: // [ == pivot1 | > pivot1 && < pivot2 | unpartitioned | == pivot2 ] // ^ ^ ^ // less k great // // Invariants: // 1. for x in [ *, less[ : x == pivot1 // 2. for x in [less, k[ : pivot1 < x && x < pivot2 // 3. for x in ]great, * ] : x == pivot2 for (int k = less; k <= great; k++) { var ak = a[k]; int comp_pivot1 = compare(ak, pivot1); if (comp_pivot1 == 0) { if (k != less) { a[k] = a[less]; a[less] = ak; } less++; } else { int comp_pivot2 = compare(ak, pivot2); if (comp_pivot2 == 0) { while (true) { int comp = compare(a[great], pivot2); if (comp == 0) { great--; if (great < k) break; // This is the only location inside the loop where a new // iteration is started. continue; } else { // a[great] < pivot2. comp = compare(a[great], pivot1); if (comp < 0) { // Triple exchange. a[k] = a[less]; a[less++] = a[great]; a[great--] = ak; } else { // a[great] == pivot1. a[k] = a[great]; a[great--] = ak; } break; } } } } } // The second partition has now been cleared of pivot elements and looks // as follows: // [ * | > pivot1 && < pivot2 | * ] // ^ ^ // less great // Sort the second partition using recursive descent. _doSort(a, less, great, compare); } else { // The second partition looks as follows: // [ * | >= pivot1 && <= pivot2 | * ] // ^ ^ // less great // Simply sort it by recursive descent. _doSort(a, less, great, compare); } } } NN<#L"E N%3GNN":*PD*@Q8'L?7/ 4!?.: &?68) 7!!=!!!!!!!!!P0CD<O A@C E 1/3,'!  MHLPMK8-I'#"$M7  1$ "POQ E 1>3,/ 1!4&I)'2 &"(#)## /EKI:?>@<)+IOPN+./G 1" "K>B 0<1,/  1"4&I)&2 &"(#)## O.)+<( 00+-.(Pfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/internal/symbol.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart._internal; /** * Implementation of [core.Symbol]. This class uses the same name as * a core class so a user can't tell the difference. * * The purpose of this class is to hide [_name] from user code, but * make it accessible to Dart platform code via the static method * [getName]. */ class Symbol implements core.Symbol { final String _name; /** * Source of RegExp matching Dart reserved words. * * Reserved words are not allowed as identifiers. */ static const String reservedWordRE = r'(?:assert|break|c(?:a(?:se|tch)|lass|on(?:st|tinue))|d(?:efault|o)|' r'e(?:lse|num|xtends)|f(?:alse|inal(?:ly)?|or)|i[fns]|n(?:ew|ull)|' r'ret(?:hrow|urn)|s(?:uper|witch)|t(?:h(?:is|row)|r(?:ue|y))|' r'v(?:ar|oid)|w(?:hile|ith))'; /** * Source of RegExp matching any public identifier. * * A public identifier is a valid identifier (not a reserved word) * that doesn't start with '_'. */ static const String publicIdentifierRE = r'(?!' '$reservedWordRE' r'\b(?!\$))[a-zA-Z$][\w$]*'; /** * Source of RegExp matching any identifier. * * It matches identifiers but not reserved words. The identifiers * may start with '_'. */ static const String identifierRE = r'(?!' '$reservedWordRE' r'\b(?!\$))[a-zA-Z$_][\w$]*'; /** * Source of RegExp matching a declarable operator names. * * The operators that can be declared using `operator` declarations are * also the only ones allowed as symbols. The name of the operators is * the same as the operator itself except for unary minus, where the name * is "unary-". */ static const String operatorRE = r'(?:[\-+*/%&|^]|\[\]=?|==|~/?|<[<=]?|>[>=]?|unary-)'; // Grammar if symbols: // symbol ::= qualifiedName | // qualifiedName ::= publicIdentifier '.' qualifiedName | name // name ::= publicIdentifier // | publicIdentifier '=' // | operator // where publicIdentifier is any valid identifier (not a reserved word) // that isn't private (doesn't start with '_'). // // Railroad diagram of the accepted grammar: // // /----------------\ // | | // | /-[.]-/ /-[=]-\ // \ / / \ // -------[id]-------------------------> // \ / // \------[operator]---/ // \ / // \------------/ // /** * RegExp that validates a non-empty non-private symbol. * * The empty symbol is handled before this regexp is used, and is not * accepted. */ static final RegExp publicSymbolPattern = new RegExp( '^(?:$operatorRE\$|$publicIdentifierRE(?:=?\$|[.](?!\$)))+?\$'); // The grammar of symbols that may be private is the same as for public // symbols, except that "publicIdentifier" is replaced by "identifier", // which matches any identifier. /** * RegExp that validates a non-empty symbol. * * Private symbols are accepted. * * The empty symbol is handled before this regexp is used, and is not * accepted. */ static final RegExp symbolPattern = new RegExp('^(?:$operatorRE\$|$identifierRE(?:=?\$|[.](?!\$)))+?\$'); external const Symbol(String name); /** * Platform-private method used by the mirror system to create * otherwise invalid names. */ const Symbol.unvalidated(this._name); // This is called by dart2js. Symbol.validated(String name) : this._name = validatePublicSymbol(name); bool operator ==(other) => other is Symbol && _name == other._name; external int get hashCode; external toString(); /// Platform-private accessor which cannot be called from user libraries. static String getName(Symbol symbol) => symbol._name; static String validatePublicSymbol(String name) { if (name.isEmpty || publicSymbolPattern.hasMatch(name)) return name; if (name.startsWith('_')) { // There may be other private parts in a qualified name than the first // one, but this is a common case that deserves a specific error // message. throw new ArgumentError('"$name" is a private identifier'); } throw new ArgumentError('"$name" is not a valid (qualified) symbol name'); } /** * Checks whether name is a valid symbol name. * * This test allows both private and non-private symbols. */ static bool isValidSymbol(String name) { return (name.isEmpty || symbolPattern.hasMatch(name)); } external static String computeUnmangledName(Symbol symbol); } NN<F5DB&44'MJE%6E"+</D%=<JIL#=+D"&J2/'(,#"! ;H8GJJ#/#H&L&A( KFL84I MGBO1<+;>mfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/patch/internal_patch.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:core' hide Symbol; import 'dart:core' as core show Symbol; import 'dart:_js_primitives' show printString; import 'dart:_js_helper' show patch; import 'dart:_interceptors' show JSArray; import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS; import 'dart:_runtime' as dart; @patch class Symbol implements core.Symbol { @patch const Symbol(String name) : this._name = name; @patch int get hashCode { int hash = JS('int|Null', '#._hashCode', this); if (hash != null) return hash; const arbitraryPrime = 664597; hash = 0x1fffffff & (arbitraryPrime * _name.hashCode); JS('', '#._hashCode = #', this, hash); return hash; } @patch toString() => 'Symbol("$_name")'; @patch static String computeUnmangledName(Symbol symbol) => symbol._name; } @patch void printToConsole(String line) { printString('$line'); } @patch List makeListFixedLength(List growableList) { JSArray.markFixedList(growableList); return growableList; } @patch List makeFixedListUnmodifiable(List fixedLengthList) { JSArray.markUnmodifiableList(fixedLengthList); return fixedLengthList; } @patch Object extractTypeArguments(T instance, Function extract) => dart.extractTypeArguments(instance, extract); 8NN< (/%*' & 1 4##;+ $ E#7'@1@5Ufile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/internal/linked_list.dart// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart._internal; /// A rudimentary linked list. class LinkedList> extends IterableBase { T first; T last; int length = 0; bool get isEmpty => length == 0; /** * Adds [newLast] to the end of this linked list. */ void add(T newLast) { assert(newLast._next == null && newLast._previous == null); if (last != null) { assert(last._next == null); last._next = newLast; } else { first = newLast; } newLast._previous = last; last = newLast; last._list = this; length++; } /** * Adds [newFirst] to the beginning of this linked list. */ void addFirst(T newFirst) { if (first != null) { assert(first._previous == null); first._previous = newFirst; } else { last = newFirst; } newFirst._next = first; first = newFirst; first._list = this; length++; } /** * Removes the given [node] from this list. * * If the entry is not in this linked list nothing happens. * * Also see [LinkedListEntry.unlink]. */ void remove(T node) { if (node._list != this) return; length--; if (node._previous == null) { assert(identical(node, first)); first = node._next; } else { node._previous._next = node._next; } if (node._next == null) { assert(identical(node, last)); last = node._previous; } else { node._next._previous = node._previous; } node._next = node._previous = null; node._list = null; } Iterator get iterator => new _LinkedListIterator(this); } class LinkedListEntry> { T _next; T _previous; LinkedList _list; /** * Unlinks the element from its linked list. * * If the entry is not in a linked list, does nothing. Otherwise, this * is equivalent to calling [LinkedList.remove] on the list this entry * is currently in. */ void unlink() { if (_list == null) return; _list.remove(this); } } class _LinkedListIterator> implements Iterator { /// The current element of the iterator. // This field is writeable, but should only read by users of this class. T current; /// The list the iterator iterates over. /// /// Set to [null] if the provided list was empty (indicating that there were /// no entries to iterate over). /// /// Set to [null] as soon as [moveNext] was invoked (indicating that the /// iterator has to work with [current] from now on. LinkedList _list; _LinkedListIterator(this._list) { if (_list.length == 0) _list = null; } bool moveNext() { // current is null if the iterator hasn't started iterating, or if the // iteration is finished. In the first case, the [_list] field is not null. if (current == null) { if (_list == null) return false; assert(_list.length > 0); current = _list.first; _list = null; return true; } current = current._next; return current != null; } } NN<I #4@" ;'" .>($"& )% -(@6 /IIQ+K +O#K7$)KP' Ofile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/internal/print.dart5// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart._internal; /** * This function is set by the first allocation of a Zone. * * Once the function is set the core `print` function calls this closure instead * of [printToConsole]. * * This decouples the core library from the async library. */ void Function(String) printToZone = null; external void printToConsole(String line); NN<;Q;*+ofile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/private/isolate_helper.dartZ// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library dart._isolate_helper; import 'dart:_runtime' as dart; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS; /// Marks entering a JavaScript async operation to keep the worker alive. /// /// To be called by library code before starting an async operation controlled /// by the JavaScript event handler. /// /// Also call [leaveJsAsync] in all callback handlers marking the end of that /// async operation (also error handlers) so the worker can be released. /// /// These functions only has to be called for code that can be run from a /// worker-isolate (so not for general dom operations). /// // TODO(jmesserly): we could potentially use this to track when all async // operations have completed, for example, to run a bunch of test `main()` // methods in batch mode the same V8 process. enterJsAsync() {} /// Marks leaving a javascript async operation. /// /// See [enterJsAsync]. leaveJsAsync() {} /// Deprecated way of initializing `main()` in DDC, typically called from JS. @deprecated void startRootIsolate(main, args) { if (args == null) args = []; if (args is List) { if (args is! List) args = List.from(args); // DDC attaches signatures only when torn off, and the typical way of // getting `main` via the JS ABI won't do this. So use JS to invoke main. if (JS('!', 'typeof # == "function"', main)) { // JS will ignore extra arguments. JS('', '#(#, #)', main, args, null); } else { // Not a function. Use a dynamic call to throw an error. (main as dynamic)(args); } } else { throw ArgumentError("Arguments to main must be a List: $args"); } } // TODO(vsm): Other libraries import global from here. Consider replacing // those uses to just refer to the one in dart:runtime. final global = dart.global_; class TimerImpl implements Timer { final bool _once; int _handle; int _tick = 0; TimerImpl(int milliseconds, void callback()) : _once = true { if (hasTimer()) { void internalCallback() { _handle = null; leaveJsAsync(); _tick = 1; callback(); } enterJsAsync(); _handle = JS( 'int', '#.setTimeout(#, #)', global, internalCallback, milliseconds); } else { throw UnsupportedError("`setTimeout()` not found."); } } TimerImpl.periodic(int milliseconds, void callback(Timer timer)) : _once = false { if (hasTimer()) { enterJsAsync(); int start = JS('int', ''); _handle = JS('int', '#.setInterval(#, #)', global, () { int tick = this._tick + 1; if (milliseconds > 0) { int duration = JS('int', '') - start; if (duration > (tick + 1) * milliseconds) { tick = duration ~/ milliseconds; } } this._tick = tick; callback(this); }, milliseconds); } else { throw UnsupportedError("Periodic timer."); } } int get tick => _tick; void cancel() { if (hasTimer()) { if (_handle == null) return; leaveJsAsync(); if (_once) { JS('void', '#.clearTimeout(#)', global, _handle); } else { JS('void', '#.clearInterval(#)', global, _handle); } _handle = null; } else { throw UnsupportedError("Canceling a timer."); } } bool get isActive => _handle != null; } bool hasTimer() { return JS('', '#.setTimeout', global) != null; } |NN< 'JO%NIJ8JK.0N $'?JN9)+ ? DK8#@ P ;C+># :6-  1#:; 4(1jfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/private/js_helper.dartj2// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library dart._js_helper; import 'dart:collection'; import 'dart:_debugger' show stackTraceMapper; import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS, JS_STRING_CONCAT, JSExportName; import 'dart:_interceptors'; import 'dart:_internal' show EfficientLengthIterable, MappedIterable, IterableElementError; import 'dart:_native_typed_data'; import 'dart:_runtime' as dart; part 'annotations.dart'; part 'linked_hash_map.dart'; part 'identity_hash_map.dart'; part 'custom_hash_map.dart'; part 'native_helper.dart'; part 'regexp_helper.dart'; part 'string_helper.dart'; part 'js_rti.dart'; class _Patch { const _Patch(); } const _Patch patch = _Patch(); /// Adapts a JS `[Symbol.iterator]` to a Dart `get iterator`. /// /// This is the inverse of `JsIterator`, for classes where we can more /// efficiently obtain a JS iterator instead of a Dart one. /// // TODO(jmesserly): this adapter is to work around // class DartIterator implements Iterator { final _jsIterator; E _current; DartIterator(this._jsIterator); E get current => _current; bool moveNext() { final ret = JS('', '', _jsIterator); _current = JS('', '#.value', ret); return JS('bool', '!#.done', ret); } } /// Used to compile `sync*`. class SyncIterable extends IterableBase { final Function() _initGenerator; SyncIterable(this._initGenerator); @JSExportName('Symbol.iterator') _jsIterator() => _initGenerator(); get iterator => DartIterator(_initGenerator()); } class Primitives { @NoInline() static int _parseIntError(String source, int handleError(String source)) { if (handleError == null) throw FormatException(source); return handleError(source); } static int parseInt( @nullCheck String source, int _radix, int handleError(String source)) { var re = JS('', r'/^\s*[+-]?((0x[a-f0-9]+)|(\d+)|([a-z0-9]+))\s*$/i'); // TODO(jmesserly): this isn't reified List, but it's safe to use as // long as we use it locally and don't expose it to user code. List match = JS('', '#.exec(#)', re, source); int digitsIndex = 1; int hexIndex = 2; int decimalIndex = 3; if (match == null) { // TODO(sra): It might be that the match failed due to unrecognized U+0085 // spaces. We could replace them with U+0020 spaces and try matching // again. return _parseIntError(source, handleError); } String decimalMatch = match[decimalIndex]; if (_radix == null) { if (decimalMatch != null) { // Cannot fail because we know that the digits are all decimal. return JS('int', r'parseInt(#, 10)', source); } if (match[hexIndex] != null) { // Cannot fail because we know that the digits are all hex. return JS('int', r'parseInt(#, 16)', source); } return _parseIntError(source, handleError); } @notNull var radix = _radix; if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) { throw RangeError.range(radix, 2, 36, 'radix'); } if (radix == 10 && decimalMatch != null) { // Cannot fail because we know that the digits are all decimal. return JS('int', r'parseInt(#, 10)', source); } // If radix >= 10 and we have only decimal digits the string is safe. // Otherwise we need to check the digits. if (radix < 10 || decimalMatch == null) { // We know that the characters must be ASCII as otherwise the // regexp wouldn't have matched. Lowercasing by doing `| 0x20` is thus // guaranteed to be a safe operation, since it preserves digits // and lower-cases ASCII letters. int maxCharCode; if (radix <= 10) { // Allow all digits less than the radix. For example 0, 1, 2 for // radix 3. // "0".codeUnitAt(0) + radix - 1; maxCharCode = (0x30 - 1) + radix; } else { // Letters are located after the digits in ASCII. Therefore we // only check for the character code. The regexp above made already // sure that the string does not contain anything but digits or // letters. // "a".codeUnitAt(0) + (radix - 10) - 1; maxCharCode = (0x61 - 10 - 1) + radix; } assert(match[digitsIndex] is String); String digitsPart = JS('String', '#[#]', match, digitsIndex); for (int i = 0; i < digitsPart.length; i++) { int characterCode = digitsPart.codeUnitAt(i) | 0x20; if (characterCode > maxCharCode) { return _parseIntError(source, handleError); } } } // The above matching and checks ensures the source has at least one digits // and all digits are suitable for the radix, so parseInt cannot return NaN. return JS('int', r'parseInt(#, #)', source, radix); } @NoInline() static double _parseDoubleError( String source, double handleError(String source)) { if (handleError == null) { throw FormatException('Invalid double', source); } return handleError(source); } static double parseDouble( @nullCheck String source, double handleError(String source)) { // Notice that JS parseFloat accepts garbage at the end of the string. // Accept only: // - [+/-]NaN // - [+/-]Infinity // - a Dart double literal // We do allow leading or trailing whitespace. if (!JS( 'bool', r'/^\s*[+-]?(?:Infinity|NaN|' r'(?:\.\d+|\d+(?:\.\d*)?)(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?)\s*$/.test(#)', source)) { return _parseDoubleError(source, handleError); } num result = JS('!', r'parseFloat(#)', source); if (result.isNaN) { var trimmed = source.trim(); if (trimmed == 'NaN' || trimmed == '+NaN' || trimmed == '-NaN') { return result; } return _parseDoubleError(source, handleError); } return result; } /** `r"$".codeUnitAt(0)` */ static const int DOLLAR_CHAR_VALUE = 36; static int dateNow() => JS('int', r''); static void initTicker() { if (timerFrequency != null) return; // Start with low-resolution. We overwrite the fields if we find better. timerFrequency = 1000; timerTicks = dateNow; if (JS('bool', 'typeof window == "undefined"')) return; var jsWindow = JS('var', 'window'); if (jsWindow == null) return; var performance = JS('var', '#.performance', jsWindow); if (performance == null) return; if (JS('bool', 'typeof != "function"', performance)) return; timerFrequency = 1000000; timerTicks = () => (1000 * JS('!', '', performance)).floor(); } static int timerFrequency; static Function timerTicks; static bool get isD8 { return JS( 'bool', 'typeof version == "function"' ' && typeof os == "object" && "system" in os'); } static bool get isJsshell { return JS( 'bool', 'typeof version == "function" && typeof system == "function"'); } static String currentUri() { // In a browser return self.location.href. if (JS('bool', '!!#.location', dart.global_)) { return JS('String', '#.location.href', dart.global_); } // TODO(vsm): Consider supporting properly in non-browser settings. return ''; } // This is to avoid stack overflows due to very large argument arrays in // apply(). It fixes @notNull static String _fromCharCodeApply(List array) { const kMaxApply = 500; @nullCheck int end = array.length; if (end <= kMaxApply) { return JS('String', r'String.fromCharCode.apply(null, #)', array); } String result = ''; for (int i = 0; i < end; i += kMaxApply) { int chunkEnd = (i + kMaxApply < end) ? i + kMaxApply : end; result = JS( 'String', r'# + String.fromCharCode.apply(null, #.slice(#, #))', result, array, i, chunkEnd); } return result; } @notNull static String stringFromCodePoints(JSArray codePoints) { List a = []; for (@nullCheck var i in codePoints) { if (i <= 0xffff) { a.add(i); } else if (i <= 0x10ffff) { a.add(0xd800 + ((((i - 0x10000) >> 10) & 0x3ff))); a.add(0xdc00 + (i & 0x3ff)); } else { throw argumentErrorValue(i); } } return _fromCharCodeApply(a); } @notNull static String stringFromCharCodes(JSArray charCodes) { for (@nullCheck var i in charCodes) { if (i < 0) throw argumentErrorValue(i); if (i > 0xffff) return stringFromCodePoints(charCodes); } return _fromCharCodeApply(charCodes); } // [start] and [end] are validated. @notNull static String stringFromNativeUint8List( NativeUint8List charCodes, @nullCheck int start, @nullCheck int end) { const kMaxApply = 500; if (end <= kMaxApply && start == 0 && end == charCodes.length) { return JS('String', r'String.fromCharCode.apply(null, #)', charCodes); } String result = ''; for (int i = start; i < end; i += kMaxApply) { int chunkEnd = (i + kMaxApply < end) ? i + kMaxApply : end; result = JS( 'String', r'# + String.fromCharCode.apply(null, #.subarray(#, #))', result, charCodes, i, chunkEnd); } return result; } @notNull static String stringFromCharCode(@nullCheck int charCode) { if (0 <= charCode) { if (charCode <= 0xffff) { return JS('String', 'String.fromCharCode(#)', charCode); } if (charCode <= 0x10ffff) { var bits = charCode - 0x10000; var low = 0xDC00 | (bits & 0x3ff); var high = 0xD800 | (bits >> 10); return JS('String', 'String.fromCharCode(#, #)', high, low); } } throw RangeError.range(charCode, 0, 0x10ffff); } static String stringConcatUnchecked(String string1, String string2) { return JS_STRING_CONCAT(string1, string2); } static String flattenString(String str) { return JS('String', "#.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? # : #", str, str, str); } static String getTimeZoneName(DateTime receiver) { // Firefox and Chrome emit the timezone in parenthesis. // Example: "Wed May 16 2012 21:13:00 GMT+0200 (CEST)". // We extract this name using a regexp. var d = lazyAsJsDate(receiver); List match = JS('JSArray|Null', r'/\((.*)\)/.exec(#.toString())', d); if (match != null) return match[1]; // Internet Explorer 10+ emits the zone name without parenthesis: // Example: Thu Oct 31 14:07:44 PDT 2013 match = JS( 'JSArray|Null', // Thu followed by a space. r'/^[A-Z,a-z]{3}\s' // Oct 31 followed by space. r'[A-Z,a-z]{3}\s\d+\s' // Time followed by a space. r'\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\s' // The time zone name followed by a space. r'([A-Z]{3,5})\s' // The year. r'\d{4}$/' '.exec(#.toString())', d); if (match != null) return match[1]; // IE 9 and Opera don't provide the zone name. We fall back to emitting the // UTC/GMT offset. // Example (IE9): Wed Nov 20 09:51:00 UTC+0100 2013 // (Opera): Wed Nov 20 2013 11:03:38 GMT+0100 match = JS('JSArray|Null', r'/(?:GMT|UTC)[+-]\d{4}/.exec(#.toString())', d); if (match != null) return match[0]; return ""; } static int getTimeZoneOffsetInMinutes(DateTime receiver) { // Note that JS and Dart disagree on the sign of the offset. return -JS('int', r'#.getTimezoneOffset()', lazyAsJsDate(receiver)); } static num valueFromDecomposedDate( @nullCheck int years, @nullCheck int month, @nullCheck int day, @nullCheck int hours, @nullCheck int minutes, @nullCheck int seconds, @nullCheck int milliseconds, @nullCheck bool isUtc) { final int MAX_MILLISECONDS_SINCE_EPOCH = 8640000000000000; var jsMonth = month - 1; num value; if (isUtc) { value = JS('!', r'Date.UTC(#, #, #, #, #, #, #)', years, jsMonth, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds); } else { value = JS('!', r'new Date(#, #, #, #, #, #, #).valueOf()', years, jsMonth, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds); } if (value.isNaN || value < -MAX_MILLISECONDS_SINCE_EPOCH || value > MAX_MILLISECONDS_SINCE_EPOCH) { return null; } if (years <= 0 || years < 100) return patchUpY2K(value, years, isUtc); return value; } static num patchUpY2K(value, years, isUtc) { var date = JS('', r'new Date(#)', value); if (isUtc) { JS('', r'#.setUTCFullYear(#)', date, years); } else { JS('', r'#.setFullYear(#)', date, years); } return JS('!', r'#.valueOf()', date); } // Lazily keep a JS Date stored in the JS object. static lazyAsJsDate(DateTime receiver) { if (JS('bool', r' === (void 0)', receiver)) { JS('void', r' = new Date(#)', receiver, receiver.millisecondsSinceEpoch); } return JS('var', r'', receiver); } // The getters for date and time parts below add a positive integer to ensure // that the result is really an integer, because the JavaScript implementation // may return -0.0 instead of 0. static int getYear(DateTime receiver) { return (receiver.isUtc) ? JS('int', r'(#.getUTCFullYear() + 0)', lazyAsJsDate(receiver)) : JS('int', r'(#.getFullYear() + 0)', lazyAsJsDate(receiver)); } static int getMonth(DateTime receiver) { return (receiver.isUtc) ? JS('int', r'#.getUTCMonth() + 1', lazyAsJsDate(receiver)) : JS('int', r'#.getMonth() + 1', lazyAsJsDate(receiver)); } static int getDay(DateTime receiver) { return (receiver.isUtc) ? JS('int', r'(#.getUTCDate() + 0)', lazyAsJsDate(receiver)) : JS('int', r'(#.getDate() + 0)', lazyAsJsDate(receiver)); } static int getHours(DateTime receiver) { return (receiver.isUtc) ? JS('int', r'(#.getUTCHours() + 0)', lazyAsJsDate(receiver)) : JS('int', r'(#.getHours() + 0)', lazyAsJsDate(receiver)); } static int getMinutes(DateTime receiver) { return (receiver.isUtc) ? JS('int', r'(#.getUTCMinutes() + 0)', lazyAsJsDate(receiver)) : JS('int', r'(#.getMinutes() + 0)', lazyAsJsDate(receiver)); } static int getSeconds(DateTime receiver) { return (receiver.isUtc) ? JS('int', r'(#.getUTCSeconds() + 0)', lazyAsJsDate(receiver)) : JS('int', r'(#.getSeconds() + 0)', lazyAsJsDate(receiver)); } static int getMilliseconds(DateTime receiver) { return (receiver.isUtc) ? JS('int', r'(#.getUTCMilliseconds() + 0)', lazyAsJsDate(receiver)) : JS('int', r'(#.getMilliseconds() + 0)', lazyAsJsDate(receiver)); } static int getWeekday(DateTime receiver) { int weekday = (receiver.isUtc) ? JS('int', r'#.getUTCDay() + 0', lazyAsJsDate(receiver)) : JS('int', r'#.getDay() + 0', lazyAsJsDate(receiver)); // Adjust by one because JS weeks start on Sunday. return (weekday + 6) % 7 + 1; } static num valueFromDateString(str) { if (str is! String) throw argumentErrorValue(str); num value = JS('!', r'Date.parse(#)', str); if (value.isNaN) throw argumentErrorValue(str); return value; } static getProperty(object, key) { if (object == null || object is bool || object is num || object is String) { throw argumentErrorValue(object); } return JS('var', '#[#]', object, key); } static void setProperty(object, key, value) { if (object == null || object is bool || object is num || object is String) { throw argumentErrorValue(object); } JS('void', '#[#] = #', object, key, value); } } /** * Diagnoses an indexing error. Returns the ArgumentError or RangeError that * describes the problem. */ @NoInline() Error diagnoseIndexError(indexable, int index) { int length = indexable.length; // The following returns the same error that would be thrown by calling // [RangeError.checkValidIndex] with no optional parameters provided. if (index < 0 || index >= length) { return RangeError.index(index, indexable, 'index', null, length); } // The above should always match, but if it does not, use the following. return RangeError.value(index, 'index'); } /** * Diagnoses a range error. Returns the ArgumentError or RangeError that * describes the problem. */ @NoInline() Error diagnoseRangeError(int start, int end, int length) { if (start == null) { return ArgumentError.value(start, 'start'); } if (start < 0 || start > length) { return RangeError.range(start, 0, length, 'start'); } if (end != null) { if (end < start || end > length) { return RangeError.range(end, start, length, 'end'); } } // The above should always match, but if it does not, use the following. return ArgumentError.value(end, "end"); } @notNull int stringLastIndexOfUnchecked(receiver, element, start) => JS('int', r'#.lastIndexOf(#, #)', receiver, element, start); /// 'factory' for constructing ArgumentError.value to keep the call sites small. @NoInline() ArgumentError argumentErrorValue(object) { return ArgumentError.value(object); } void throwArgumentErrorValue(value) { throw argumentErrorValue(value); } checkInt(value) { if (value is! int) throw argumentErrorValue(value); return value; } throwRuntimeError(message) { throw RuntimeError(message); } throwAbstractClassInstantiationError(className) { throw AbstractClassInstantiationError(className); } @NoInline() throwConcurrentModificationError(collection) { throw ConcurrentModificationError(collection); } class JsNoSuchMethodError extends Error implements NoSuchMethodError { final String _message; final String _method; final String _receiver; JsNoSuchMethodError(this._message, match) : _method = match == null ? null : JS('String|Null', '#.method', match), _receiver = match == null ? null : JS('String|Null', '#.receiver', match); String toString() { if (_method == null) return 'NoSuchMethodError: $_message'; if (_receiver == null) { return "NoSuchMethodError: method not found: '$_method' ($_message)"; } return "NoSuchMethodError: " "method not found: '$_method' on '$_receiver' ($_message)"; } } class UnknownJsTypeError extends Error { final String _message; UnknownJsTypeError(this._message); String toString() => _message.isEmpty ? 'Error' : 'Error: $_message'; } /** * Called by generated code to fetch the stack trace from a Dart * exception. Should never return null. */ final _stackTrace = JS('', 'Symbol("_stackTrace")'); StackTrace getTraceFromException(exception) { var error = dart.recordJsError(exception); StackTrace trace = JS('', '#[#]', error, _stackTrace); if (trace != null) return trace; trace = _StackTrace(error); JS('', '#[#] = #', error, _stackTrace, trace); return trace; } /** * Called on rethrow to (potentially) set a different trace. */ void setTraceForException(exception, StackTrace trace) { var error = dart.recordJsError(exception); JS('', '#[#] = #', error, _stackTrace, trace); } class _StackTrace implements StackTrace { var _exception; String _trace; _StackTrace(this._exception); String toString() { if (_trace != null) return _trace; String trace; if (JS('bool', '# !== null', _exception) && JS('bool', 'typeof # === "object"', _exception)) { if (_exception is NativeError) { trace = _exception.dartStack(); } else { trace = JS("", r"#.stack", _exception); } if (trace != null && stackTraceMapper != null) { trace = stackTraceMapper(trace); } } return _trace = (trace == null) ? '' : trace; } } /** * Called by generated code to build a map literal. [keyValuePairs] is * a list of key, value, key, value, ..., etc. */ fillLiteralMap(keyValuePairs, Map result) { // TODO(johnniwinther): Use JSArray to optimize this code instead of calling // [getLength] and [getIndex]. int index = 0; int length = getLength(keyValuePairs); while (index < length) { var key = getIndex(keyValuePairs, index++); var value = getIndex(keyValuePairs, index++); result[key] = value; } return result; } bool jsHasOwnProperty(var jsObject, String property) { return JS('bool', r'#.hasOwnProperty(#)', jsObject, property); } jsPropertyAccess(var jsObject, String property) { return JS('var', r'#[#]', jsObject, property); } /** * Called at the end of unaborted switch cases to get the singleton * FallThroughError exception that will be thrown. */ getFallThroughError() => FallThroughErrorImplementation(); /** * A metadata annotation describing the types instantiated by a native element. * * The annotation is valid on a native method and a field of a native class. * * By default, a field of a native class is seen as an instantiation point for * all native classes that are a subtype of the field's type, and a native * method is seen as an instantiation point fo all native classes that are a * subtype of the method's return type, or the argument types of the declared * type of the method's callback parameter. * * An @[Creates] annotation overrides the default set of instantiated types. If * one or more @[Creates] annotations are present, the type of the native * element is ignored, and the union of @[Creates] annotations is used instead. * The names in the strings are resolved and the program will fail to compile * with dart2js if they do not name types. * * The argument to [Creates] is a string. The string is parsed as the names of * one or more types, separated by vertical bars `|`. There are some special * names: * * * `=Object`. This means 'exactly Object', which is a plain JavaScript object * with properties and none of the subtypes of Object. * * Example: we may know that a method always returns a specific implementation: * * @Creates('_NodeList') * List getElementsByTagName(String tag) native; * * Useful trick: A method can be marked as not instantiating any native classes * with the annotation `@Creates('Null')`. This is useful for fields on native * classes that are used only in Dart code. * * @Creates('Null') * var _cachedFoo; */ class Creates { final String types; const Creates(this.types); } /** * A metadata annotation describing the types returned or yielded by a native * element. * * The annotation is valid on a native method and a field of a native class. * * By default, a native method or field is seen as returning or yielding all * subtypes if the method return type or field type. This annotation allows a * more precise set of types to be specified. * * See [Creates] for the syntax of the argument. * * Example: IndexedDB keys are numbers, strings and JavaScript Arrays of keys. * * @Returns('String|num|JSExtendableArray') * dynamic key; * * // Equivalent: * @Returns('String') @Returns('num') @Returns('JSExtendableArray') * dynamic key; */ class Returns { final String types; const Returns(this.types); } /** * A metadata annotation placed on native methods and fields of native classes * to specify the JavaScript name. * * This example declares a Dart field + getter + setter called `$dom_title` that * corresponds to the JavaScript property `title`. * * class Document native "*Foo" { * @JSName('title') * String $dom_title; * } */ class JSName { final String name; const JSName(; } /** * Special interface recognized by the compiler and implemented by DOM * objects that support integer indexing. This interface is not * visible to anyone, and is only injected into special libraries. */ abstract class JavaScriptIndexingBehavior {} // TODO(lrn): These exceptions should be implemented in core. // When they are, remove the 'Implementation' here. /// Thrown by type assertions that fail. class TypeErrorImpl extends Error implements TypeError { final String message; TypeErrorImpl(this.message); String toString() => message; } /// Thrown by the 'as' operator if the cast isn't valid. class CastErrorImpl extends Error implements CastError { final String message; CastErrorImpl(this.message); String toString() => message; } class FallThroughErrorImplementation extends FallThroughError { String toString() => "Switch case fall-through."; } /** * Error thrown when a runtime error occurs. */ class RuntimeError extends Error { final message; RuntimeError(this.message); String toString() => "RuntimeError: $message"; } /// Error thrown by DDC when an `assert()` fails (with or without a message). class AssertionErrorImpl extends AssertionError { AssertionErrorImpl(message) : super(message); String toString() => "Assertion failed: " + (message != null ? Error.safeToString(message) : "is not true"); } /** * Creates a random number with 64 bits of randomness. * * This will be truncated to the 53 bits available in a double. */ int random64() { // TODO(lrn): Use a secure random source. int int32a = JS("int", "(Math.random() * 0x100000000) >>> 0"); int int32b = JS("int", "(Math.random() * 0x100000000) >>> 0"); return int32a + int32b * 0x100000000; } class BooleanConversionAssertionError extends AssertionError { toString() => 'Failed assertion: boolean expression must not be null'; } // Hook to register new global object. This is invoked from dart:html // whenever a new window is accessed for the first time. void registerGlobalObject(object) { try { if (dart.polyfill(object)) { dart.applyAllExtensions(object); } } catch (e) { // This may fail due to cross-origin errors. In that case, we shouldn't // need to polyfill as we can't get objects from that frame. // TODO(vsm): Detect this more robustly - ideally before we try to polyfill. } } /// Expose browser JS classes. void applyExtension(name, nativeObject) { dart.applyExtension(name, nativeObject); } /// Used internally by DDC to map ES6 symbols to Dart. class PrivateSymbol implements Symbol { // TODO(jmesserly): could also get this off the native symbol instead of // storing it. Mirrors already does this conversion. final String _name; final Object _nativeSymbol; const PrivateSymbol(this._name, this._nativeSymbol); static String getName(Symbol symbol) => (symbol as PrivateSymbol)._name; static Object getNativeSymbol(Symbol symbol) { if (symbol is PrivateSymbol) return symbol._nativeSymbol; return null; } bool operator ==(other) => other is PrivateSymbol && _name == other._name && identical(_nativeSymbol, other._nativeSymbol); get hashCode => _name.hashCode; // TODO(jmesserly): is this equivalent to _nativeSymbol toString? toString() => 'Symbol("$_name")'; } WNN</GH" >G<31/"1''0#%#%2M< NKQC:QL2/"H6%D62 #5/F4J..DMF(I**GLH1/,D4=+6 PQ8#:7 EK3 &C54#H5+4(M<("<%GN'8P/4<HK0 6I/BA  @+";%%" >*.>*& +MEM3BD  > A"'+*E3H/,H5<<,$J(F-$%%3 (P88Q(=AI&#?M2 I@10K/.3 0*4+84,+PQ#*IG+DB)EC+FD-HF-HF2MK-#B@7"(704$Q(+0Q(0M 1!JH&FK+I ;0%8':K* 4)9 99 @4-#1N20G7@,AA(?IG9$!'MAQ*+7(K77K1> 5"D$pfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/private/custom_hash_map.dart// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart._js_helper; class CustomKeyHashMap extends CustomHashMap { final _Predicate _validKey; CustomKeyHashMap(_Equality equals, _Hasher hashCode, this._validKey) : super(equals, hashCode); @override @notNull bool containsKey(Object key) { if (!_validKey(key)) return false; return super.containsKey(key); } @override V operator [](Object key) { if (!_validKey(key)) return null; return super[key]; } @override V remove(Object key) { if (!_validKey(key)) return null; return super.remove(key); } } class CustomHashMap extends InternalMap { /// The backing store for this map. @notNull final _map = JS('', 'new Map()'); /// Our map used to map keys onto the canonical key that is stored in [_map]. @notNull final _keyMap = JS('', 'new Map()'); // We track the number of modifications done to the key set of the // hash map to be able to throw when the map is modified while being // iterated over. // // Value cycles after 2^30 modifications so that modification counts are // always unboxed (Smi) values. Modification detection will be missed if you // make exactly some multiple of 2^30 modifications between advances of an // iterator. @notNull int _modifications = 0; final _Equality _equals; final _Hasher _hashCode; CustomHashMap(this._equals, this._hashCode); @notNull int get length => JS('int', '#.size', _map); @notNull bool get isEmpty => JS('bool', '#.size == 0', _map); @notNull bool get isNotEmpty => JS('bool', '#.size != 0', _map); Iterable get keys => _JSMapIterable(this, true); Iterable get values => _JSMapIterable(this, false); @notNull bool containsKey(Object key) { if (key is K) { var buckets = JS('', '#.get(# & 0x3ffffff)', _keyMap, _hashCode(key)); if (buckets != null) { var equals = _equals; for (int i = 0, n = JS('int', '#.length', buckets); i < n; i++) { K k = JS('', '#[#]', buckets, i); if (equals(k, key)) return true; } } } return false; } bool containsValue(Object value) { for (var v in JS('', '#.values()', _map)) { if (value == v) return true; } return false; } void addAll(Map other) { other.forEach((K key, V value) { this[key] = value; }); } V operator [](Object key) { if (key is K) { var buckets = JS('', '#.get(# & 0x3ffffff)', _keyMap, _hashCode(key)); if (buckets != null) { var equals = _equals; for (int i = 0, n = JS('int', '#.length', buckets); i < n; i++) { K k = JS('', '#[#]', buckets, i); if (equals(k, key)) return JS('', '#.get(#)', _map, k); } } } return null; } void operator []=(K key, V value) { var keyMap = _keyMap; int hash = JS('!', '# & 0x3ffffff', _hashCode(key)); var buckets = JS('', '#.get(#)', keyMap, hash); if (buckets == null) { JS('', '#.set(#, [#])', keyMap, hash, key); } else { var equals = _equals; for (int i = 0, n = JS('int', '#.length', buckets);;) { K k = JS('', '#[#]', buckets, i); if (equals(k, key)) { key = k; break; } if (++i >= n) { JS('', '#.push(#)', buckets, key); break; } } } JS('', '#.set(#, #)', _map, key, value); _modifications = (_modifications + 1) & 0x3ffffff; } V putIfAbsent(K key, V ifAbsent()) { var keyMap = _keyMap; int hash = JS('!', '# & 0x3ffffff', _hashCode(key)); var buckets = JS('', '#.get(#)', keyMap, hash); if (buckets == null) { JS('', '#.set(#, [#])', keyMap, hash, key); } else { var equals = _equals; for (int i = 0, n = JS('int', '#.length', buckets); i < n; i++) { K k = JS('', '#[#]', buckets, i); if (equals(k, key)) return JS('', '#.get(#)', _map, k); } JS('', '#.push(#)', buckets, key); } V value = ifAbsent(); JS('', '#.set(#, #)', _map, key, value); _modifications = (_modifications + 1) & 0x3ffffff; return value; } V remove(Object key) { if (key is K) { int hash = JS('!', '# & 0x3ffffff', _hashCode(key)); var keyMap = _keyMap; var buckets = JS('', '#.get(#)', keyMap, hash); if (buckets == null) return null; // not found var equals = _equals; for (int i = 0, n = JS('int', '#.length', buckets); i < n; i++) { K k = JS('', '#[#]', buckets, i); if (equals(k, key)) { if (n == 1) { JS('', '#.delete(#)', keyMap, hash); } else { JS('', '#.splice(#, 1)', buckets, i); } var map = _map; V value = JS('', '#.get(#)', map, k); JS('', '#.delete(#)', map, k); _modifications = (_modifications + 1) & 0x3ffffff; return value; } } } return null; } void clear() { var map = _map; if (JS('!', '#.size', map) > 0) { JS('', '#.clear()', map); JS('', '#.clear()', _keyMap); _modifications = (_modifications + 1) & 0x3ffffff; } } } typedef bool _Equality(K a, K b); typedef int _Hasher(K object); typedef bool _Predicate(T value); NN<;&M! !'# & &6& $P 'EGKOM / / 7 :9< !MJ,+ %0#!%MJ,B &942 >* - -7'942 H*@)-7;65H*12 0)= + $9%"%lfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/private/annotations.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart._js_helper; /// Tells the optimizing compiler to always inline the annotated method. class ForceInline { const ForceInline(); } class _NotNull { const _NotNull(); } /// Marks a variable or API to be non-nullable. /// ****CAUTION****** /// This is currently unchecked, and hence should never be used /// on any public interface where user code could subclass, implement, /// or otherwise cause the contract to be violated. /// TODO(leafp): Consider adding static checking and exposing /// this to user code. const notNull = _NotNull(); /// Marks a generic function or static method API to be not reified. /// ****CAUTION****** /// This is currently unchecked, and hence should be used very carefully for /// internal SDK APIs only. class NoReifyGeneric { const NoReifyGeneric(); } /// Enables/disables reificiation of functions within the body of this function. /// ****CAUTION****** /// This is currently unchecked, and hence should be used very carefully for /// internal SDK APIs only. class ReifyFunctionTypes { final bool value; const ReifyFunctionTypes(this.value); } class _NullCheck { const _NullCheck(); } /// Tells the development compiler to check a variable for null at its /// declaration point, and then to assume that the variable is non-null /// from that point forward. /// ****CAUTION****** /// This is currently unchecked, and hence will not catch re-assignments /// of a variable with null const nullCheck = _NullCheck(); /// Tells the optimizing compiler that the annotated method cannot throw. /// Requires @NoInline() to function correctly. class NoThrows { const NoThrows(); } /// Tells the optimizing compiler to not inline the annotated method. class NoInline { const NoInline(); } /// Marks a class as native and defines its JavaScript name(s). class Native { final String name; const Native(; } class JsPeerInterface { /// The JavaScript type that we should match the API of. /// Used for classes where Dart subclasses should be callable from JavaScript /// matching the JavaScript calling conventions. final String name; const JsPeerInterface({}); } /// A Dart interface may only be implemented by a native JavaScript object /// if it is marked with this annotation. class SupportJsExtensionMethods { const SupportJsExtensionMethods(); } UNN<I0@G4>EMQM(GHI J0F@;P3&K*"%pfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/private/linked_hash_map.dart// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Efficient JavaScript based implementation of a linked hash map used as a // backing map for constant maps and the [LinkedHashMap] patch part of dart._js_helper; abstract class InternalMap extends MapBase implements LinkedHashMap, HashMap { @notNull get _map; @notNull int get _modifications; void forEach(void action(K key, V value)) { int modifications = _modifications; for (var entry in JS('Iterable', '#.entries()', _map)) { action(JS('', '#[0]', entry), JS('', '#[1]', entry)); if (modifications != _modifications) { throw ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } } } /// A linked hash map implementation based on ES6 Map. /// /// Items that can use identity semantics are stored directly in the backing /// map. /// /// Items that have a custom equality/hashCode are first canonicalized by /// looking up the canonical key by its hashCode. class LinkedMap extends InternalMap { /// The backing store for this map. /// /// Keys that use identity equality are stored directly. For other types of /// keys, we first look them up (by hashCode) in the [_keyMap] map, then /// we lookup the key in this map. @notNull final _map = JS('', 'new Map()'); /// Items that use custom equality semantics. /// /// This maps from the item's hashCode to the canonical key, which is then /// used to lookup the item in [_map]. Keeping the data in our primary backing /// map gives us the ordering semantics requred by [LinkedHashMap], while /// also providing convenient access to keys/values. @notNull final _keyMap = JS('', 'new Map()'); // We track the number of modifications done to the key set of the // hash map to be able to throw when the map is modified while being // iterated over. // // Value cycles after 2^30 modifications so that modification counts are // always unboxed (Smi) values. Modification detection will be missed if you // make exactly some multiple of 2^30 modifications between advances of an // iterator. @notNull int _modifications = 0; LinkedMap(); /// Called by generated code for a map literal. LinkedMap.from(JSArray entries) { var map = _map; var keyMap = _keyMap; for (int i = 0, n = JS('!', '#.length', entries); i < n; i += 2) { K key = JS('', '#[#]', entries, i); V value = JS('', '#[#]', entries, i + 1); if (key == null) { key = null; } else if (JS('bool', '#[#] !== #', key, dart.extensionSymbol('_equals'), dart.identityEquals)) { key = putLinkedMapKey(key, keyMap); } JS('', '#.set(#, #)', map, key, value); } } @notNull int get length => JS('!', '#.size', _map); @notNull bool get isEmpty => JS('bool', '#.size == 0', _map); @notNull bool get isNotEmpty => JS('bool', '#.size != 0', _map); Iterable get keys => _JSMapIterable(this, true); Iterable get values => _JSMapIterable(this, false); @notNull bool containsKey(Object key) { if (key == null) { key = null; } else if (JS('bool', '#[#] !== #', key, dart.extensionSymbol('_equals'), dart.identityEquals)) { @notNull var k = key; var buckets = JS('', '#.get(# & 0x3ffffff)', _keyMap, k.hashCode); if (buckets != null) { for (int i = 0, n = JS('!', '#.length', buckets); i < n; i++) { k = JS('', '#[#]', buckets, i); if (k == key) return true; } } return false; } return JS('bool', '#.has(#)', _map, key); } bool containsValue(Object value) { for (var v in JS('', '#.values()', _map)) { if (v == value) return true; } return false; } void addAll(Map other) { var map = _map; int length = JS('', '#.size', map); other.forEach((K key, V value) { if (key == null) { key = null; } else if (JS('bool', '#[#] !== #', key, dart.extensionSymbol('_equals'), dart.identityEquals)) { key = putLinkedMapKey(key, _keyMap); } JS('', '#.set(#, #)', _map, key, value); }); if (length != JS('!', '#.size', map)) { _modifications = (_modifications + 1) & 0x3ffffff; } } V operator [](Object key) { if (key == null) { key = null; } else if (JS('bool', '#[#] !== #', key, dart.extensionSymbol('_equals'), dart.identityEquals)) { @notNull var k = key; var buckets = JS('', '#.get(# & 0x3ffffff)', _keyMap, k.hashCode); if (buckets != null) { for (int i = 0, n = JS('!', '#.length', buckets); i < n; i++) { k = JS('', '#[#]', buckets, i); if (k == key) return JS('', '#.get(#)', _map, k); } } return null; } return JS('', '#.get(#)', _map, key); } void operator []=(K key, V value) { if (key == null) { key = null; } else if (JS('bool', '#[#] !== #', key, dart.extensionSymbol('_equals'), dart.identityEquals)) { key = putLinkedMapKey(key, _keyMap); } var map = _map; int length = JS('', '#.size', map); JS('', '#.set(#, #)', map, key, value); if (length != JS('!', '#.size', map)) { _modifications = (_modifications + 1) & 0x3ffffff; } } V putIfAbsent(K key, V ifAbsent()) { var map = _map; if (key == null) { key = null; if (JS('bool', '#.has(null)', map)) return JS('', '#.get(null)', map); } else if (JS('bool', '#[#] !== #', key, dart.extensionSymbol('_equals'), dart.identityEquals)) { @notNull K k = key; var hash = JS('!', '# & 0x3ffffff', k.hashCode); var buckets = JS('', '#.get(#)', _keyMap, hash); if (buckets == null) { JS('', '#.set(#, [#])', _keyMap, hash, key); } else { for (int i = 0, n = JS('!', '#.length', buckets); i < n; i++) { k = JS('', '#[#]', buckets, i); if (k == key) return JS('', '#.get(#)', map, k); } JS('', '#.push(#)', buckets, key); } } else if (JS('bool', '#.has(#)', map, key)) { return JS('', '#.get(#)', map, key); } V value = ifAbsent(); JS('', '#.set(#, #)', map, key, value); _modifications = (_modifications + 1) & 0x3ffffff; return value; } V remove(Object key) { if (key == null) { key = null; } else if (JS('bool', '#[#] !== #', key, dart.extensionSymbol('_equals'), dart.identityEquals)) { @notNull var k = key; var hash = JS('!', '# & 0x3ffffff', k.hashCode); var buckets = JS('', '#.get(#)', _keyMap, hash); if (buckets == null) return null; // not found for (int i = 0, n = JS('!', '#.length', buckets);;) { k = JS('', '#[#]', buckets, i); if (k == key) { key = k; if (n == 1) { JS('', '#.delete(#)', _keyMap, hash); } else { JS('', '#.splice(#, 1)', buckets, i); } break; } if (++i >= n) return null; // not found } } var map = _map; V value = JS('', '#.get(#)', map, key); if (JS('bool', '#.delete(#)', map, key)) { _modifications = (_modifications + 1) & 0x3ffffff; } return value; } void clear() { var map = _map; if (JS('!', '#.size', map) > 0) { JS('', '#.clear()', map); JS('', '#.clear()', _keyMap); _modifications = (_modifications + 1) & 0x3ffffff; } } } @NoReifyGeneric() K putLinkedMapKey(@notNull K key, keyMap) { var hash = JS('!', '# & 0x3ffffff', key.hashCode); var buckets = JS('', '#.get(#)', keyMap, hash); if (buckets == null) { JS('', '#.set(#, [#])', keyMap, hash, key); return key; } for (int i = 0, n = JS('!', '#.length', buckets); i < n; i++) { @notNull K k = JS('', '#[#]', buckets, i); if (k == key) return k; } JS('', '#.push(#)', buckets, key); return key; } class ImmutableMap extends LinkedMap { ImmutableMap.from(JSArray entries) : super.from(entries); void operator []=(Object key, Object value) { throw _unsupported(); } void addAll(Object other) => throw _unsupported(); void clear() => throw _unsupported(); V remove(Object key) => throw _unsupported(); V putIfAbsent(Object key, Object ifAbsent()) => throw _unsupported(); static Error _unsupported() => UnsupportedError("Cannot modify unmodifiable map"); } NN<L?74  .(=<-17M J22&NK% $0MQL7 'EGKOM 2$G*0P",. 2 7 :9< !N IH*% .%0#!(%P"-/19N IH*< *&N +(,19'MN <75H*; +3+,7N <75<(22  0,/9+ $9/:20B &%3<05(0H!:rfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/private/identity_hash_map.dartn// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart._js_helper; class IdentityMap extends InternalMap { final _map = JS('', 'new Map()'); // We track the number of modifications done to the key set of the // hash map to be able to throw when the map is modified while being // iterated over. // // Value cycles after 2^30 modifications so that modification counts are // always unboxed (Smi) values. Modification detection will be missed if you // make exactly some multiple of 2^30 modifications between advances of an // iterator. @notNull int _modifications = 0; IdentityMap(); IdentityMap.from(JSArray entries) { var map = _map; for (int i = 0, n = JS('int', '#.length', entries); i < n; i += 2) { JS('', '#.set(#[#], #[#])', map, entries, i, entries, i + 1); } } int get length => JS('int', '#.size', _map); bool get isEmpty => JS('bool', '#.size == 0', _map); bool get isNotEmpty => JS('bool', '#.size != 0', _map); Iterable get keys => _JSMapIterable(this, true); Iterable get values => _JSMapIterable(this, false); bool containsKey(Object key) { return JS('bool', '#.has(#)', _map, key); } bool containsValue(Object value) { for (var v in JS('', '#.values()', _map)) { if (v == value) return true; } return false; } void addAll(Map other) { if (other.isNotEmpty) { var map = _map; other.forEach((key, value) { JS('', '#.set(#, #)', map, key, value); }); _modifications = (_modifications + 1) & 0x3ffffff; } } V operator [](Object key) { return JS('', '#.get(#)', _map, key); } void operator []=(K key, V value) { var map = _map; int length = JS('!', '#.size', map); JS('', '#.set(#, #)', map, key, value); if (length != JS('int', '#.size', map)) { _modifications = (_modifications + 1) & 0x3ffffff; } } V putIfAbsent(K key, V ifAbsent()) { if (JS('bool', '#.has(#)', _map, key)) return JS('', '#.get(#)', _map, key); V value = ifAbsent(); JS('', '#.set(#, #)', _map, key, value); _modifications = (_modifications + 1) & 0x3ffffff; return value; } V remove(Object key) { V value = JS('', '#.get(#)', _map, key); if (JS('bool', '#.delete(#)', _map, key)) { _modifications = (_modifications + 1) & 0x3ffffff; } return value; } void clear() { if (JS('int', '#.size', _map) > 0) { JS('', '#.clear()', _map); _modifications = (_modifications + 1) & 0x3ffffff; } } } class _JSMapIterable extends EfficientLengthIterable { final InternalMap _map; @notNull final bool _isKeys; _JSMapIterable(this._map, this._isKeys); int get length => _map.length; bool get isEmpty => _map.isEmpty; @JSExportName('Symbol.iterator') _jsIterator() { var map = _map; var iterator = JS('', '# ? #.keys() : #.values()', _isKeys, map._map, map._map); int modifications = map._modifications; return JS( '', '''{ next() { if (# != #) { throw #; } return; } }''', modifications, map._modifications, ConcurrentModificationError(map), iterator); } Iterator get iterator => DartIterator(_jsIterator()); bool contains(Object element) => _isKeys ? _map.containsKey(element) : _map.containsValue(element); void forEach(void f(E element)) { for (var entry in this) f(entry); } } NN<4$EGKOM &ID/7:9<!.%0#!#0 9*&),.9'Q-7-09)!9= +!$#J,   *>#I$&nfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/private/regexp_helper.dart// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart._js_helper; // Helper method used by internal libraries. regExpGetNative(JSSyntaxRegExp regexp) => regexp._nativeRegExp; /** * Returns a native version of the RegExp with the global flag set. * * The RegExp's `lastIndex` property is zero when it is returned. * * The returned regexp is shared, and its `lastIndex` property may be * modified by other uses, so the returned regexp must be used immediately * when it's returned, with no user-provided code run in between. */ regExpGetGlobalNative(JSSyntaxRegExp regexp) { var nativeRegexp = regexp._nativeGlobalVersion; JS("void", "#.lastIndex = 0", nativeRegexp); return nativeRegexp; } /** * Computes the number of captures in a regexp. * * This currently involves creating a new RegExp object with a different * source and running it against the empty string (the last part is usually * fast). * * The JSSyntaxRegExp could cache the result, and set the cache any time * it finds a match. */ int regExpCaptureCount(JSSyntaxRegExp regexp) { var nativeAnchoredRegExp = regexp._nativeAnchoredVersion; JSExtendableArray match = JS('JSExtendableArray', "#.exec('')", nativeAnchoredRegExp); // The native-anchored regexp always have one capture more than the original, // and always matches the empty string. return match.length - 2; } class JSSyntaxRegExp implements RegExp { final String pattern; final _nativeRegExp; var _nativeGlobalRegExp; var _nativeAnchoredRegExp; String toString() => "RegExp/$pattern/"; JSSyntaxRegExp(String source, {bool multiLine = false, bool caseSensitive = true}) : this.pattern = source, this._nativeRegExp = makeNative(source, multiLine, caseSensitive, false); get _nativeGlobalVersion { if (_nativeGlobalRegExp != null) return _nativeGlobalRegExp; return _nativeGlobalRegExp = makeNative(pattern, _isMultiLine, _isCaseSensitive, true); } get _nativeAnchoredVersion { if (_nativeAnchoredRegExp != null) return _nativeAnchoredRegExp; // An "anchored version" of a regexp is created by adding "|()" to the // source. This means that the regexp always matches at the first position // that it tries, and you can see if the original regexp matched, or it // was the added zero-width match that matched, by looking at the last // capture. If it is a String, the match participated, otherwise it didn't. return _nativeAnchoredRegExp = makeNative("$pattern|()", _isMultiLine, _isCaseSensitive, true); } bool get _isMultiLine => JS("bool", "#.multiline", _nativeRegExp); bool get _isCaseSensitive => JS("bool", "!#.ignoreCase", _nativeRegExp); static makeNative(@nullCheck String source, bool multiLine, bool caseSensitive, bool global) { String m = multiLine ? 'm' : ''; String i = caseSensitive ? '' : 'i'; String g = global ? 'g' : ''; // We're using the JavaScript's try catch instead of the Dart one // to avoid dragging in Dart runtime support just because of using // RegExp. var regexp = JS( '', '(function() {' 'try {' 'return new RegExp(#, # + # + #);' '} catch (e) {' 'return e;' '}' '})()', source, m, i, g); if (JS('bool', '# instanceof RegExp', regexp)) return regexp; // The returned value is the JavaScript exception. Turn it into a // Dart exception. String errorMessage = JS('String', r'String(#)', regexp); throw FormatException("Illegal RegExp pattern: $source, $errorMessage"); } Match firstMatch(@nullCheck String string) { List m = JS('JSExtendableArray|Null', r'#.exec(#)', _nativeRegExp, string); if (m == null) return null; return _MatchImplementation(this, JSArray.of(m)); } @notNull bool hasMatch(@nullCheck String string) { return JS('bool', r'#.test(#)', _nativeRegExp, string); } String stringMatch(String string) { var match = firstMatch(string); if (match != null) return; return null; } Iterable allMatches(@nullCheck String string, [@nullCheck int start = 0]) { if (start < 0 || start > string.length) { throw RangeError.range(start, 0, string.length); } return _AllMatchesIterable(this, string, start); } Match _execGlobal(String string, int start) { Object regexp = _nativeGlobalVersion; JS("void", "#.lastIndex = #", regexp, start); List match = JS("JSExtendableArray|Null", "#.exec(#)", regexp, string); if (match == null) return null; return _MatchImplementation(this, JSArray.of(match)); } Match _execAnchored(String string, int start) { Object regexp = _nativeAnchoredVersion; JS("void", "#.lastIndex = #", regexp, start); List match = JS("JSExtendableArray|Null", "#.exec(#)", regexp, string); if (match == null) return null; // If the last capture group participated, the original regexp did not // match at the start position. if (match[match.length - 1] != null) return null; match.length -= 1; return _MatchImplementation(this, JSArray.of(match)); } Match matchAsPrefix(String string, [int start = 0]) { if (start < 0 || start > string.length) { throw RangeError.range(start, 0, string.length); } return _execAnchored(string, start); } bool get isMultiLine => _isMultiLine; bool get isCaseSensitive => _isCaseSensitive; } class _MatchImplementation implements Match { final Pattern pattern; // Contains a JS RegExp match object. // It is an Array of String values with extra "index" and "input" properties. final List _match; _MatchImplementation(this.pattern, this._match) { assert(JS("var", "#.input", _match) is String); assert(JS("var", "#.index", _match) is int); } String get input => JS("String", "#.input", _match); int get start => JS("int", "#.index", _match); int get end => start + _match[0].length; String group(int index) => _match[index]; String operator [](int index) => group(index); int get groupCount => _match.length - 1; List groups(List groups) { List out = []; for (int i in groups) { out.add(group(i)); } return out; } } class _AllMatchesIterable extends IterableBase { final JSSyntaxRegExp _re; final String _string; final int _start; _AllMatchesIterable(this._re, this._string, this._start); Iterator get iterator => _AllMatchesIterator(_re, _string, _start); } class _AllMatchesIterator implements Iterator { final JSSyntaxRegExp _regExp; String _string; int _nextIndex; Match _current; _AllMatchesIterator(this._regExp, this._string, this._nextIndex); Match get current => _current; bool moveNext() { if (_string == null) return false; if (_nextIndex <= _string.length) { var match = _regExp._execGlobal(_string, _nextIndex); if (match != null) { _current = match; int nextIndex = match.end; if (match.start == nextIndex) { nextIndex++; } _nextIndex = nextIndex; return true; } } _current = null; _string = null; // Marks iteration as ended. return false; } } /** Find the first match of [regExp] in [string] at or after [start]. */ Match firstMatchAfter(JSSyntaxRegExp regExp, String string, int start) { return regExp._execGlobal(string, start); } NN<-@DBFKB/2/0IL I0<CP*)+ ;AA!CEKOLKP#IEK>)%)"FG +  BF>M/P > ,<&$.7$.750*2L$B2,2L$K$6B8.7)(0.(P44171+,1+*8<M7 D!'(<#( 1II,nfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/private/string_helper.dart.// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart._js_helper; @notNull int stringIndexOfStringUnchecked(receiver, other, startIndex) { return JS('int', '#.indexOf(#, #)', receiver, other, startIndex); } @notNull String substring1Unchecked(receiver, startIndex) { return JS('!', '#.substring(#)', receiver, startIndex); } @notNull String substring2Unchecked(receiver, startIndex, endIndex) { return JS('!', '#.substring(#, #)', receiver, startIndex, endIndex); } @notNull bool stringContainsStringUnchecked(receiver, other, startIndex) { return stringIndexOfStringUnchecked(receiver, other, startIndex) >= 0; } class StringMatch implements Match { const StringMatch(int this.start, String this.input, String this.pattern); int get end => start + pattern.length; String operator [](int g) => group(g); int get groupCount => 0; String group(int group_) { if (group_ != 0) { throw RangeError.value(group_); } return pattern; } List groups(List groups_) { List result = List(); for (int g in groups_) { result.add(group(g)); } return result; } final int start; final String input; final String pattern; } Iterable allMatchesInStringUnchecked( String pattern, String string, int startIndex) { return _StringAllMatchesIterable(string, pattern, startIndex); } class _StringAllMatchesIterable extends Iterable { final String _input; final String _pattern; final int _index; _StringAllMatchesIterable(this._input, this._pattern, this._index); Iterator get iterator => _StringAllMatchesIterator(_input, _pattern, _index); Match get first { int index = stringIndexOfStringUnchecked(_input, _pattern, _index); if (index >= 0) { return StringMatch(index, _input, _pattern); } throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } } class _StringAllMatchesIterator implements Iterator { final String _input; final String _pattern; int _index; Match _current; _StringAllMatchesIterator(this._input, this._pattern, this._index); bool moveNext() { if (_index + _pattern.length > _input.length) { _current = null; return false; } var index = stringIndexOfStringUnchecked(_input, _pattern, _index); if (index < 0) { _index = _input.length + 1; _current = null; return false; } int end = index + _pattern.length; _current = StringMatch(index, _input, _pattern); // Empty match, don't start at same location again. if (end == _index) end++; _index = end; return true; } Match get current => _current; } @notNull bool stringContainsUnchecked( @notNull String receiver, @notNull other, int startIndex) { if (other is String) { return stringContainsStringUnchecked(receiver, other, startIndex); } else if (other is JSSyntaxRegExp) { return other.hasMatch(receiver.substring(startIndex)); } else { var substr = receiver.substring(startIndex); return other.allMatches(substr).isNotEmpty; } } @notNull String stringReplaceJS(String receiver, replacer, String replacement) { // The JavaScript String.replace method recognizes replacement // patterns in the replacement string. Dart does not have that // behavior. replacement = JS('String', r'#.replace(/\$/g, "$$$$")', replacement); return JS('String', r'#.replace(#, #)', receiver, replacer, replacement); } @notNull String stringReplaceFirstRE(@notNull String receiver, JSSyntaxRegExp regexp, String replacement, int startIndex) { var match = regexp._execGlobal(receiver, startIndex); if (match == null) return receiver; var start = match.start; var end = match.end; return stringReplaceRangeUnchecked(receiver, start, end, replacement); } /// Returns a string for a RegExp pattern that matches [string]. This is done by /// escaping all RegExp metacharacters. @notNull String quoteStringForRegExp(string) { return JS('String', r'#.replace(/[[\]{}()*+?.\\^$|]/g, "\\$&")', string); } @notNull String stringReplaceAllUnchecked(@notNull String receiver, @nullCheck Pattern pattern, @nullCheck String replacement) { if (pattern is String) { if (pattern == "") { if (receiver == "") { return replacement; } else { StringBuffer result = StringBuffer(); int length = receiver.length; result.write(replacement); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { result.write(receiver[i]); result.write(replacement); } return result.toString(); } } else { var quoted = quoteStringForRegExp(pattern); var replacer = JS('', "new RegExp(#, 'g')", quoted); return stringReplaceJS(receiver, replacer, replacement); } } else if (pattern is JSSyntaxRegExp) { var re = regExpGetGlobalNative(pattern); return stringReplaceJS(receiver, re, replacement); } else { // TODO(floitsch): implement generic String.replace (with patterns). throw "String.replaceAll(Pattern) UNIMPLEMENTED"; } } String _matchString(Match match) => match[0]; String _stringIdentity(String string) => string; @notNull String stringReplaceAllFuncUnchecked( String receiver, @nullCheck Pattern pattern, String onMatch(Match match), String onNonMatch(String nonMatch)) { if (onMatch == null) onMatch = _matchString; if (onNonMatch == null) onNonMatch = _stringIdentity; if (pattern is String) { return stringReplaceAllStringFuncUnchecked( receiver, pattern, onMatch, onNonMatch); } StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer(); int startIndex = 0; for (Match match in pattern.allMatches(receiver)) { buffer.write(onNonMatch(receiver.substring(startIndex, match.start))); buffer.write(onMatch(match)); startIndex = match.end; } buffer.write(onNonMatch(receiver.substring(startIndex))); return buffer.toString(); } @notNull String stringReplaceAllEmptyFuncUnchecked(String receiver, String onMatch(Match match), String onNonMatch(String nonMatch)) { // Pattern is the empty string. StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer(); int length = receiver.length; int i = 0; buffer.write(onNonMatch("")); while (i < length) { buffer.write(onMatch(StringMatch(i, receiver, ""))); // Special case to avoid splitting a surrogate pair. int code = receiver.codeUnitAt(i); if ((code & ~0x3FF) == 0xD800 && length > i + 1) { // Leading surrogate; code = receiver.codeUnitAt(i + 1); if ((code & ~0x3FF) == 0xDC00) { // Matching trailing surrogate. buffer.write(onNonMatch(receiver.substring(i, i + 2))); i += 2; continue; } } buffer.write(onNonMatch(receiver[i])); i++; } buffer.write(onMatch(StringMatch(i, receiver, ""))); buffer.write(onNonMatch("")); return buffer.toString(); } @notNull String stringReplaceAllStringFuncUnchecked(String receiver, String pattern, String onMatch(Match match), String onNonMatch(String nonMatch)) { int patternLength = pattern.length; if (patternLength == 0) { return stringReplaceAllEmptyFuncUnchecked(receiver, onMatch, onNonMatch); } int length = receiver.length; StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer(); int startIndex = 0; while (startIndex < length) { int position = stringIndexOfStringUnchecked(receiver, pattern, startIndex); if (position == -1) { break; } buffer.write(onNonMatch(receiver.substring(startIndex, position))); buffer.write(onMatch(StringMatch(position, receiver, pattern))); startIndex = position + patternLength; } buffer.write(onNonMatch(receiver.substring(startIndex))); return buffer.toString(); } @notNull String stringReplaceFirstUnchecked(@notNull String receiver, @nullCheck Pattern pattern, String replacement, int startIndex) { if (pattern is String) { int index = stringIndexOfStringUnchecked(receiver, pattern, startIndex); if (index < 0) return receiver; int end = index + pattern.length; return stringReplaceRangeUnchecked(receiver, index, end, replacement); } if (pattern is JSSyntaxRegExp) { return startIndex == 0 ? stringReplaceJS(receiver, regExpGetNative(pattern), replacement) : stringReplaceFirstRE(receiver, pattern, replacement, startIndex); } Iterator matches = pattern.allMatches(receiver, startIndex).iterator; if (!matches.moveNext()) return receiver; Match match = matches.current; return receiver.replaceRange(match.start, match.end, replacement); } @notNull String stringReplaceFirstMappedUnchecked(String receiver, Pattern pattern, String replace(Match current), int startIndex) { Iterator matches = pattern.allMatches(receiver, startIndex).iterator; if (!matches.moveNext()) return receiver; Match match = matches.current; String replacement = "${replace(match)}"; return receiver.replaceRange(match.start, match.end, replacement); } @notNull String stringJoinUnchecked(array, separator) { return JS('String', r'#.join(#)', array, separator); } @notNull String stringReplaceRangeUnchecked( String receiver, int start, int end, String replacement) { String prefix = JS('!', '#.substring(0, #)', receiver, start); String suffix = JS('!', '#.substring(#)', receiver, end); return "$prefix$replacement$suffix"; } ,NN< @D 3: =G BI%M))&+*-5A:F";H3,=F4H"'58! @G(; 10 HAAHL M*8&IQ( &L ;A.&#+%% " 2;?*-7 I6.1 & !*/801(6K"< ;G"( 99'7)'(@+ 7  LG&N ( P HE+< =FM$&K#KLO,!E K5O,!,E /7 $?A<'gfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/private/js_rti.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart._js_helper; // TODO(leafp): Maybe get rid of this? Currently used by the interceptors // library, but that should probably be culled as well. Type getRuntimeType(var object) => JS('Type|null', 'dart.getReifiedType(#)', object); /// Returns the property [index] of the JavaScript array [array]. getIndex(var array, int index) { assert(isJsArray(array)); return JS('var', r'#[#]', array, index); } /// Returns the length of the JavaScript array [array]. int getLength(var array) { assert(isJsArray(array)); return JS('int', r'#.length', array); } /// Returns whether [value] is a JavaScript array. bool isJsArray(var value) { return value is JSArray; } NN<K8#7B!+8(3nfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/private/native_helper.dart// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart._js_helper; // Obsolete in dart dev compiler. Added only so that the same version of // dart:html can be used in dart2js an dev compiler. F convertDartClosureToJS(F closure, int arity) { return closure; } // Warning: calls to these methods need to be removed before custom elements // and cross-frame dom objects behave correctly in ddc // setNativeSubclassDispatchRecord(proto, interceptor) {} findDispatchTagForInterceptorClass(interceptorClassConstructor) {} makeLeafDispatchRecord(interceptor) {} NN<I54M717C'kfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/private/js_mirrors.dartI// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library dart._js_mirrors; import 'dart:mirrors'; import 'dart:_runtime' as dart; import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS; import 'dart:_internal' as _internal show Symbol; import 'dart:_js_helper' show PrivateSymbol; String getName(Symbol symbol) { if (symbol is PrivateSymbol) { return PrivateSymbol.getName(symbol); } else { return _internal.Symbol.getName(symbol as _internal.Symbol); } } Symbol getSymbol(name, library) => throw UnimplementedError("MirrorSystem.getSymbol unimplemented"); final currentJsMirrorSystem = JsMirrorSystem(); final _typeMirror = JS('', 'Symbol("_typeMirror")'); InstanceMirror reflect(reflectee) { // TODO(vsm): Consider caching the mirror here. Unlike the type below, // reflectee may be a primitive - i.e., we can't just add an expando. if (reflectee is Function) { return JsClosureMirror._(reflectee); } else { return JsInstanceMirror._(reflectee); } } TypeMirror reflectType(Type key) { var unwrapped = dart.unwrapType(key); var property = JS('', 'Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(#, #)', unwrapped, _typeMirror); if (property != null) { return JS('', '#.value', property); } // TODO(vsm): Might not be a class. var mirror = JsClassMirror._(key); JS('', '#[#] = #', unwrapped, _typeMirror, mirror); return mirror; } typedef T _Lazy(); dynamic _getESSymbol(Symbol symbol) => PrivateSymbol.getNativeSymbol(symbol); dynamic _getMember(Symbol symbol) { var privateSymbol = _getESSymbol(symbol); if (privateSymbol != null) { return privateSymbol; } var name = getName(symbol); // TODO(jacobr): this code is duplicated in code_generator.dart switch (name) { case '[]': name = '_get'; break; case '[]=': name = '_set'; break; case 'unary-': name = '_negate'; break; case 'constructor': case 'prototype': name = '_$name'; break; } return name; } String _getNameForESSymbol(member) { // Convert private JS symbol "Symbol(_foo)" to string "_foo". assert(JS('bool', 'typeof # == "symbol"', member)); var str = member.toString(); assert(str.startsWith('Symbol(') && str.endsWith(')')); return str.substring(7, str.length - 1); } Symbol _getSymbolForESSymbol(member) { var name = _getNameForESSymbol(member); return PrivateSymbol(name, member); } // The [member] must be either a string (public) or an ES6 symbol (private). Symbol _getSymbolForMember(member) { if (member is String) { return Symbol(member); } else { var name = _getNameForESSymbol(member); return PrivateSymbol(name, member); } } Map _toDartMap(data) { if (data == null) return {}; var map = Map(); // Note: we recorded a map from fields/methods to their type and metadata. // The key is a string name for public members but an ES6 symbol for private // ones. That's works nicely for dynamic operations, but dart:mirrors expects // Dart symbols, so we convert here. var publicMembers = JS('', 'Object.getOwnPropertyNames(#)', data); for (var member in publicMembers) { var symbol = Symbol(member); map[symbol] = JS('', '#[#]', data, member); } var privateMembers = JS('', 'Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(#)', data); for (var member in privateMembers) { var symbol = _getSymbolForESSymbol(member); map[symbol] = JS('', '#[#]', data, member); } return map; } dynamic _runtimeType(obj) => dart.wrapType(dart.getReifiedType(obj)); _unimplemented(Type t, Invocation i) { throw UnimplementedError('$t.${getName(i.memberName)} unimplemented'); } dynamic _toJsMap(Map map) { if (map == null) return null; var obj = JS('', '{}'); map.forEach((Symbol key, value) { JS('', '#[#] = #', obj, getName(key), value); }); return obj; } class JsMirrorSystem implements MirrorSystem { get libraries => const {}; noSuchMethod(Invocation i) { _unimplemented(this.runtimeType, i); } } class JsMirror implements Mirror { noSuchMethod(Invocation i) { _unimplemented(this.runtimeType, i); } } class JsCombinatorMirror extends JsMirror implements CombinatorMirror {} class JsDeclarationMirror extends JsMirror implements DeclarationMirror {} class JsIsolateMirror extends JsMirror implements IsolateMirror {} class JsLibraryDependencyMirror extends JsMirror implements LibraryDependencyMirror {} class JsObjectMirror extends JsMirror implements ObjectMirror {} class JsInstanceMirror extends JsObjectMirror implements InstanceMirror { // Reflected object final reflectee; bool get hasReflectee => true; ClassMirror get type { // The spec guarantees that `null` is the singleton instance of the `Null` // class. if (reflectee == null) return reflectClass(Null); return reflectType(_runtimeType(reflectee)); } JsInstanceMirror._(this.reflectee); bool operator ==(Object other) { return (other is JsInstanceMirror) && identical(reflectee, other.reflectee); } int get hashCode { // Avoid hash collisions with the reflectee. This constant is in Smi range // and happens to be the inner padding from RFC 2104. return identityHashCode(reflectee) ^ 0x36363636; } InstanceMirror getField(Symbol symbol) { var name = _getMember(symbol); var field = dart.dloadMirror(reflectee, name); return reflect(field); } InstanceMirror setField(Symbol symbol, Object value) { var name = _getMember(symbol); dart.dputMirror(reflectee, name, value); return reflect(value); } InstanceMirror invoke(Symbol symbol, List args, [Map namedArgs]) { var name = _getMember(symbol); var result = dart.callMethod(reflectee, name, null, args, _toJsMap(namedArgs), name); return reflect(result); } String toString() => "InstanceMirror on '$reflectee'"; } class JsClosureMirror extends JsInstanceMirror implements ClosureMirror { JsClosureMirror._(reflectee) : super._(reflectee); InstanceMirror apply(List args, [Map namedArgs]) { var result = dart.dcall(reflectee, args, _toJsMap(namedArgs)); return reflect(result); } } // For generic classes, mirrors uses the same representation, [ClassMirror], // for the instantiated and uninstantiated type. Somewhat awkwardly, most APIs // (e.g., [newInstance]) treat the uninstantiated type as if instantiated // with all dynamic. The representation below is correspondingly a bit wonky. // For an uninstantiated generic class, [_cls] is the instantiated type (with // dynamic) and [_raw] is null. For an instantiated generic class, [_cls] is // the instantiated type (with the corresponding type parameters), and [_raw] // is the generic factory. class JsClassMirror extends JsMirror implements ClassMirror { final Type _cls; final Symbol simpleName; // Generic class factory for instantiated types. final dynamic _raw; ClassMirror _originalDeclaration; // TODO(vsm): Do this properly ClassMirror _mixin = null; List _typeArguments; List _metadata; Map _declarations; List get metadata { if (_metadata == null) { // Load metadata. var unwrapped = dart.unwrapType(_cls); // Only get metadata directly embedded on this class, not its // superclasses. Function fn = JS( '', ', dart.metadata) ? #[dart.metadata] : null', unwrapped, unwrapped); _metadata = (fn == null) ? const [] : List.unmodifiable(fn().map((i) => reflect(i))); } return _metadata; } Map get declarations { if (_declarations == null) { // Load declarations. // TODO(vsm): This is only populating the default constructor right now. _declarations = Map(); var unwrapped = dart.unwrapType(_cls); var constructors = _toDartMap(dart.getConstructors(unwrapped)); constructors.forEach((symbol, ft) { var name = getName(symbol); _declarations[symbol] = JsMethodMirror._constructor(this, symbol, ft); }); if (constructors.isEmpty) { // Add a default var name = 'new'; var ft = dart.fnType(dart.unwrapType(_cls), []); var symbol = Symbol(name); _declarations[symbol] = JsMethodMirror._constructor(this, symbol, ft); } var fields = _toDartMap(dart.getFields(unwrapped)); fields.forEach((symbol, t) { _declarations[symbol] = JsVariableMirror._fromField(symbol, t); }); var methods = _toDartMap(dart.getMethods(unwrapped)); methods.forEach((symbol, ft) { var name = getName(symbol); _declarations[symbol] = JsMethodMirror._instanceMethod(this, symbol, ft); }); getterType(type) { if (JS('bool', '# instanceof Array', type)) { var array = JS('', '#.slice()', type); type = JS('', '#[0]', array); JS('', '#[0] = #', array, dart.fnType(type, [])); return array; } else { return dart.fnType(type, []); } } var getters = _toDartMap(dart.getGetters(unwrapped)); getters.forEach((symbol, type) { _declarations[symbol] = JsMethodMirror._instanceMethod(this, symbol, getterType(type)); }); setterType(type) { if (JS('bool', '# instanceof Array', type)) { var array = JS('', '#.slice()', type); type = JS('', '#[0]', array); JS('', '#[0] = #', array, dart.fnType(dart.void_, [type])); return array; } else { return dart.fnType(dart.void_, [type]); } } var setters = _toDartMap(dart.getSetters(unwrapped)); setters.forEach((symbol, type) { var name = getName(symbol) + '='; // Create a separate symbol for the setter. symbol = PrivateSymbol(name, _getESSymbol(symbol)); _declarations[symbol] = JsMethodMirror._instanceMethod(this, symbol, setterType(type)); }); var staticFields = _toDartMap(dart.getStaticFields(unwrapped)); staticFields.forEach((symbol, t) { _declarations[symbol] = JsVariableMirror._fromField(symbol, t); }); var statics = _toDartMap(dart.getStaticMethods(unwrapped)); statics.forEach((symbol, ft) { _declarations[symbol] = JsMethodMirror._staticMethod(this, symbol, ft); }); var staticGetters = _toDartMap(dart.getStaticGetters(unwrapped)); staticGetters.forEach((symbol, type) { _declarations[symbol] = JsMethodMirror._staticMethod(this, symbol, getterType(type)); }); var staticSetters = _toDartMap(dart.getStaticSetters(unwrapped)); staticSetters.forEach((symbol, type) { _declarations[symbol] = JsMethodMirror._staticMethod(this, symbol, setterType(type)); }); _declarations = Map.unmodifiable(_declarations); } return _declarations; } JsClassMirror._(Type cls, {bool instantiated = true}) : _cls = cls, _raw = instantiated ? dart.getGenericClass(dart.unwrapType(cls)) : null, simpleName = Symbol(JS('String', '', dart.unwrapType(cls))) { var typeArgs = dart.getGenericArgs(dart.unwrapType(_cls)); if (typeArgs == null) { _typeArguments = const []; } else { _typeArguments = List.unmodifiable( => reflectType(dart.wrapType(t)))); } } InstanceMirror newInstance(Symbol constructorName, List args, [Map namedArgs]) { // TODO(vsm): Support named arguments. var name = getName(constructorName); assert(namedArgs == null || namedArgs.isEmpty); // Default constructors are mapped to new. if (name == '') name = 'new'; var cls = dart.unwrapType(_cls); var ctr = JS('', '#.#', cls, name); // Only generative Dart constructors are wired up as real JS constructors. var instance = JS('bool', '#.prototype == #.prototype', cls, ctr) // Generative ? JS('', 'new #(...#)', ctr, args) // Factory : JS('', '#(...#)', ctr, args); return reflect(instance); } // TODO(vsm): Need to check for NSM, types on accessors below. Unlike the // InstanceMirror case, there is no dynamic helper to delegate to - we never // need a dload, etc. on a static. InstanceMirror getField(Symbol symbol) { var name = getName(symbol); return reflect(JS('', '#[#]', dart.unwrapType(_cls), name)); } InstanceMirror setField(Symbol symbol, Object value) { var name = getName(symbol); JS('', '#[#] = #', dart.unwrapType(_cls), name, value); return reflect(value); } InstanceMirror invoke(Symbol symbol, List args, [Map namedArgs]) { var name = getName(symbol); if (namedArgs != null) { args = List.from(args); args.add(_toJsMap(namedArgs)); } var result = JS('', '#.#(...#)', dart.unwrapType(_cls), name, args); return reflect(result); } List get superinterfaces { _Lazy> interfaceThunk = JS('', '#[dart.implements]', dart.unwrapType(_cls)); if (interfaceThunk == null) { return []; } else { List interfaces = interfaceThunk(); return => reflectType(t)).toList(); } } bool get hasReflectedType => true; Type get reflectedType { return _cls; } bool get isOriginalDeclaration => _raw == null; List get typeArguments => _typeArguments; TypeMirror get originalDeclaration { if (_raw == null) { return this; } if (_originalDeclaration != null) { return _originalDeclaration; } _originalDeclaration = JsClassMirror._(dart.wrapType(JS('', '#()', _raw)), instantiated: false); return _originalDeclaration; } ClassMirror get superclass { if (_cls == Object) { return null; } else { return reflectType( dart.wrapType(JS('Type', '#.__proto__', dart.unwrapType(_cls)))); } } ClassMirror get mixin { if (_mixin != null) { return _mixin; } var mixin = dart.getMixin(dart.unwrapType(_cls)); if (mixin == null) { // If there is no mixin, return this mirror per API. _mixin = this; return _mixin; } _mixin = reflectType(dart.wrapType(mixin)); return _mixin; } String toString() => "ClassMirror on '$_cls'"; } class JsVariableMirror extends JsMirror implements VariableMirror { final Symbol _symbol; final String _name; final TypeMirror type; final List metadata; final bool isFinal; // TODO(vsm): Refactor this out. Symbol get simpleName => _symbol; // TODO(vsm): Fix this final bool isStatic = false; JsVariableMirror._(Symbol symbol, Type t, List annotations, {this.isFinal = false}) : _symbol = symbol, _name = getName(symbol), type = reflectType(t), metadata = List.unmodifiable(annotations?.map(reflect) ?? []); JsVariableMirror._fromField(Symbol symbol, fieldInfo) : this._(symbol, dart.wrapType(JS('', '#.type', fieldInfo)), JS('', '#.metadata', fieldInfo), isFinal: JS('bool', '#.isFinal', fieldInfo)); String toString() => "VariableMirror on '$_name'"; } class JsParameterMirror extends JsVariableMirror implements ParameterMirror { JsParameterMirror._(Symbol member, Type t, List annotations) : super._(member, t, annotations); String toString() => "ParameterMirror on '$_name'"; } class JsMethodMirror extends JsMirror implements MethodMirror { final Symbol _symbol; final String _name; List _params; List _metadata; final bool isConstructor; final bool isStatic; // TODO(vsm): Fix this final bool isFinal = false; bool get isSetter => _name.endsWith('='); bool get isPrivate => _name.startsWith('_'); // TODO(vsm): Refactor this out. Symbol get simpleName => _symbol; JsMethodMirror._constructor(JsClassMirror cls, Symbol symbol, ftype) : _symbol = symbol, _name = getName(symbol), isConstructor = true, isStatic = false { _createParameterMirrorList(ftype); } JsMethodMirror._instanceMethod(JsClassMirror cls, Symbol symbol, ftype) : _symbol = symbol, _name = getName(symbol), isConstructor = false, isStatic = false { _createParameterMirrorList(ftype); } JsMethodMirror._staticMethod(JsClassMirror cls, Symbol symbol, ftype) : _symbol = symbol, _name = getName(symbol), isConstructor = false, isStatic = true { _createParameterMirrorList(ftype); } // TODO(vsm): Support named constructors. Symbol get constructorName => isConstructor ? _symbol : null; List get parameters => _params; List get metadata => _metadata; void _createParameterMirrorList(ftype) { if (ftype == null) { // TODO(vsm): No explicit constructor. Verify this. _params = const []; _metadata = const []; return; } // TODO(vsm): Why does generic function type trigger true for List? if (ftype is! Function && ftype is List) { // Record metadata _metadata = List.unmodifiable( ftype.skip(1).map((a) => reflect(a))); ftype = ftype[0]; } else { _metadata = const []; } // TODO(vsm): Handle generic function types properly. Or deprecate mirrors // before we need to! ftype = dart.getFunctionTypeMirror(ftype); // TODO(vsm): Add named args. List args = ftype.args; List opts = ftype.optionals; var params = List(args.length + opts.length); for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { var type = args[i]; var metadata = ftype.metadata[i]; // TODO(vsm): Recover the param name. var param = JsParameterMirror._(Symbol(''), dart.wrapType(type), metadata); params[i] = param; } for (var i = 0; i < opts.length; ++i) { var type = opts[i]; var metadata = ftype.metadata[args.length + i]; // TODO(vsm): Recover the param name. var param = JsParameterMirror._(Symbol(''), dart.wrapType(type), metadata); params[i + args.length] = param; } _params = List.unmodifiable(params); } String toString() => "MethodMirror on '$_name'"; } XNN< '2- !* A#F05$JH) *#(O(&%6N$,B    %@6:+'*&M% ,(($MOQ'E&!0H'00F'I- $2/)#)IKC1*AJ!O61&#QO:5+#39#-;*#Q9J5OCMPJONNN>3$!#"0&-DT%L4!O8-F*$O "9#O:#H <%$ > 61(<( <' L 61(F2 <'*4< L F)H B%P H- J H- J F8QL?! Q@*+)4/"%(OF+(MO%+ A9 <;* %I*'=" 0=%28'(#O! L6;01D'#$>!P8C-:5N?)6@!",/#$G!'J!'H!',@32+;H/51 P/"!C,(,J,6,J')3Pfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/mirrors/mirrors.dart—// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // For the purposes of the mirrors library, we adopt a naming // convention with respect to getters and setters. Specifically, for // some variable or field... // // var myField; // // ...the getter is named 'myField' and the setter is named // 'myField='. This allows us to assign unique names to getters and // setters for the purposes of member lookup. /** * Basic reflection in Dart, * with support for introspection and dynamic invocation. * * *Introspection* is that subset of reflection by which a running * program can examine its own structure. For example, a function * that prints out the names of all the members of an arbitrary object. * * *Dynamic invocation* refers the ability to evaluate code that * has not been literally specified at compile time, such as calling a method * whose name is provided as an argument (because it is looked up * in a database, or provided interactively by the user). * * ## How to interpret this library's documentation * * As a rule, the names of Dart declarations are represented using * instances of class [Symbol]. Whenever the doc speaks of an object *s* * of class [Symbol] denoting a name, it means the string that * was used to construct *s*. * * The documentation frequently abuses notation with * Dart pseudo-code such as [:o.x(a):], where * o and a are defined to be objects; what is actually meant in these * cases is [:o'.x(a'):] where *o'* and *a'* are Dart variables * bound to *o* and *a* respectively. Furthermore, *o'* and *a'* * are assumed to be fresh variables (meaning that they are * distinct from any other variables in the program). * * Sometimes the documentation refers to *serializable* objects. * An object is serializable across isolates if and only if it is an instance of * num, bool, String, a list of objects that are serializable * across isolates, or a map with keys and values that are all serializable across * isolates. * * ## Status: Unstable * * The dart:mirrors library is unstable and its API might change slightly as a * result of user feedback. This library is platform dependent and therefore it * has implementations for both dart2js and the Dart VM. Both are under * development and may not support all operations yet. * * {@category VM} */ library dart.mirrors; import 'dart:async' show Future; /** * A [MirrorSystem] is the main interface used to reflect on a set of * associated libraries. * * At runtime each running isolate has a distinct [MirrorSystem]. * * It is also possible to have a [MirrorSystem] which represents a set * of libraries which are not running -- perhaps at compile-time. In * this case, all available reflective functionality would be * supported, but runtime functionality (such as invoking a function * or inspecting the contents of a variable) would fail dynamically. */ abstract class MirrorSystem { /** * All libraries known to the mirror system, indexed by their URI. * * Returns an unmodifiable map of the libraries with [LibraryMirror.uri] as * keys. * * For a runtime mirror system, only libraries which are currently loaded * are included, and repeated calls of this method may return different maps * as libraries are loaded. */ Map get libraries; /** * Returns the unique library named [libraryName] if it exists. * * If no unique library exists, an error is thrown. */ external LibraryMirror findLibrary(Symbol libraryName); /** * A mirror on the isolate associated with this [MirrorSystem]. * * This may be null if this mirror system is not running. */ IsolateMirror get isolate; /** * A mirror on the [:dynamic:] type. */ TypeMirror get dynamicType; /** * A mirror on the [:void:] type. */ TypeMirror get voidType; /** * Returns the name of [symbol]. * * The following text is non-normative: * * Using this method may result in larger output. If possible, use * [MirrorsUsed] to specify which symbols must be retained in clear text. */ external static String getName(Symbol symbol); /** * Returns a symbol for [name]. * * If [library] is not a [LibraryMirror] or if [name] is a private identifier * and [library] is `null`, throws an [ArgumentError]. If [name] is a private * identifier, the symbol returned is with respect to [library]. * * The following text is non-normative: * * Using this method may result in larger output. If possible, use * the const constructor of [Symbol] or symbol literals. */ external static Symbol getSymbol(String name, [LibraryMirror library]); } /** * Returns a [MirrorSystem] for the current isolate. */ external MirrorSystem currentMirrorSystem(); /** * Reflects an instance. * * Returns an [InstanceMirror] reflecting [reflectee]. If [reflectee] is a * function or an instance of a class that has a [:call:] method, the returned * instance mirror will be a [ClosureMirror]. * * Note that since one cannot obtain an object from another isolate, this * function can only be used to obtain mirrors on objects of the current * isolate. */ external InstanceMirror reflect(Object reflectee); /** * Reflects a class declaration. * * Let *C* be the original class declaration of the class represented by [key]. * This function returns a [ClassMirror] reflecting *C*. * * If [key] is not an instance of [Type], then this function throws an * [ArgumentError]. If [key] is the Type for dynamic or a function typedef, * throws an [ArgumentError]. * * Note that since one cannot obtain a [Type] object from another isolate, this * function can only be used to obtain class mirrors on classes of the current * isolate. */ external ClassMirror reflectClass(Type key); /** * Reflects the type represented by [key]. * * If [key] is not an instance of [Type], then this function throws an * [ArgumentError]. * * Optionally takes a list of [typeArguments] for generic classes. If the list * is provided, then the [key] must be a generic class type, and the number of * the provided type arguments must be equal to the number of type variables * declared by the class. * * Note that since one cannot obtain a [Type] object from another isolate, this * function can only be used to obtain type mirrors on types of the current * isolate. */ external TypeMirror reflectType(Type key, [List typeArguments]); /** * A [Mirror] reflects some Dart language entity. * * Every [Mirror] originates from some [MirrorSystem]. */ abstract class Mirror {} /** * An [IsolateMirror] reflects an isolate. */ abstract class IsolateMirror implements Mirror { /** * A unique name used to refer to the isolate in debugging messages. */ String get debugName; /** * Whether this mirror reflects the currently running isolate. */ bool get isCurrent; /** * The root library for the reflected isolate. */ LibraryMirror get rootLibrary; /** * Whether [other] is an [IsolateMirror] on the same isolate as this mirror. * * The equality holds if and only if * * 1. [other] is a mirror of the same kind, and * 2. the isolate being reflected by this mirror is the same isolate being * reflected by [other]. */ bool operator ==(other); /** * Loads the library at the given uri into this isolate. * * WARNING: You are strongly encouraged to use Isolate.spawnUri instead when * possible. IsolateMirror.loadUri should only be used when synchronous * communication or shared state with dynamically loaded code is needed. * * If a library with the same canonicalized uri has already been loaded, * the existing library will be returned. (The isolate will not load a new * copy of the library.) * * This behavior is similar to the behavior of an import statement that * appears in the root library, except that the import scope of the root * library is not changed. */ Future loadUri(Uri uri); } /** * A [DeclarationMirror] reflects some entity declared in a Dart program. */ abstract class DeclarationMirror implements Mirror { /** * The simple name for this Dart language entity. * * The simple name is in most cases the identifier name of the entity, * such as 'myMethod' for a method, [:void myMethod() {...}:] or 'mylibrary' * for a [:library 'mylibrary';:] declaration. */ Symbol get simpleName; /** * The fully-qualified name for this Dart language entity. * * This name is qualified by the name of the owner. For instance, * the qualified name of a method 'method' in class 'Class' in * library 'library' is 'library.Class.method'. * * Returns a [Symbol] constructed from a string representing the * fully qualified name of the reflectee. * Let *o* be the [owner] of this mirror, let *r* be the reflectee of * this mirror, let *p* be the fully qualified * name of the reflectee of *o*, and let *s* be the simple name of *r* * computed by [simpleName]. * The fully qualified name of *r* is the * concatenation of *p*, '.', and *s*. * * Because an isolate can contain more than one library with the same name (at * different URIs), a fully-qualified name does not uniquely identify any * language entity. */ Symbol get qualifiedName; /** * A mirror on the owner of this Dart language entity. * * The owner is the declaration immediately surrounding the reflectee: * * * For a library, the owner is [:null:]. * * For a class declaration, typedef or top level function or variable, the * owner is the enclosing library. * * For a mixin application `S with M`, the owner is the owner of `M`. * * For a constructor, the owner is the immediately enclosing class. * * For a method, instance variable or a static variable, the owner is the * immediately enclosing class, unless the class is a mixin application * `S with M`, in which case the owner is `M`. Note that `M` may be an * invocation of a generic. * * For a parameter, local variable or local function the owner is the * immediately enclosing function. */ DeclarationMirror get owner; /** * Whether this declaration is library private. * * Always returns `false` for a library declaration, * otherwise returns `true` if the declaration's name starts with an * underscore character (`_`), and `false` if it doesn't. */ bool get isPrivate; /** * Whether this declaration is top-level. * * A declaration is considered top-level if its [owner] is a [LibraryMirror]. */ bool get isTopLevel; /** * The source location of this Dart language entity, or [:null:] if the * entity is synthetic. * * If the reflectee is a variable, the returned location gives the position * of the variable name at its point of declaration. * * If the reflectee is a library, class, typedef, function or type variable * with associated metadata, the returned location gives the position of the * first metadata declaration associated with the reflectee. * * Otherwise: * * If the reflectee is a library, the returned location gives the position of * the keyword 'library' at the reflectee's point of declaration, if the * reflectee is a named library, or the first character of the first line in * the compilation unit defining the reflectee if the reflectee is anonymous. * * If the reflectee is an abstract class, the returned location gives the * position of the keyword 'abstract' at the reflectee's point of declaration. * Otherwise, if the reflectee is a class, the returned location gives the * position of the keyword 'class' at the reflectee's point of declaration. * * If the reflectee is a typedef the returned location gives the position of * the of the keyword 'typedef' at the reflectee's point of declaration. * * If the reflectee is a function with a declared return type, the returned * location gives the position of the function's return type at the * reflectee's point of declaration. Otherwise. the returned location gives * the position of the function's name at the reflectee's point of * declaration. * * This operation is optional and may throw an [UnsupportedError]. */ SourceLocation get location; /** * A list of the metadata associated with this declaration. * * Let *D* be the declaration this mirror reflects. * If *D* is decorated with annotations *A1, ..., An* * where *n > 0*, then for each annotation *Ai* associated * with *D, 1 <= i <= n*, let *ci* be the constant object * specified by *Ai*. Then this method returns a list whose * members are instance mirrors on *c1, ..., cn*. * If no annotations are associated with *D*, then * an empty list is returned. * * If evaluating any of *c1, ..., cn* would cause a * compilation error * the effect is the same as if a non-reflective compilation error * had been encountered. */ List get metadata; } /** * An [ObjectMirror] is a common superinterface of [InstanceMirror], * [ClassMirror], and [LibraryMirror] that represents their shared * functionality. * * For the purposes of the mirrors library, these types are all * object-like, in that they support method invocation and field * access. Real Dart objects are represented by the [InstanceMirror] * type. * * See [InstanceMirror], [ClassMirror], and [LibraryMirror]. */ abstract class ObjectMirror implements Mirror { /** * Invokes the named function and returns a mirror on the result. * * Let *o* be the object reflected by this mirror, let *f* be the simple name * of the member denoted by [memberName], let *a1, ..., an* be the elements * of [positionalArguments], let *k1, ..., km* be the identifiers denoted by * the elements of [namedArguments.keys], and let *v1, ..., vm* be the * elements of [namedArguments.values]. Then this method will perform the * method invocation *o.f(a1, ..., an, k1: v1, ..., km: vm)* in a scope that * has access to the private members of *o* (if *o* is a class or library) or * the private members of the class of *o* (otherwise). * * If the invocation returns a result *r*, this method returns the result of * calling [reflect]\(*r*\). * * If the invocation causes a compilation error the effect is the same as if * a non-reflective compilation error had been encountered. * * If the invocation throws an exception *e* (that it does not catch), this * method throws *e*. */ /* * TODO(turnidge): Handle ambiguous names. * TODO(turnidge): Handle optional & named arguments. */ InstanceMirror invoke(Symbol memberName, List positionalArguments, [Map namedArguments]); /** * Invokes a getter and returns a mirror on the result. * * The getter can be the implicit getter for a field or a user-defined getter * method. * * Let *o* be the object reflected by this mirror, * let *f* be the simple name of the getter denoted by [fieldName]. * * Then this method will perform the getter invocation *o.f* in a scope that * has access to the private members of *o* (if *o* is a class or library) or * the private members of the class of *o* (otherwise). * * If this mirror is an [InstanceMirror], and [fieldName] denotes an instance * method on its reflectee, the result of the invocation is an instance * mirror on a closure corresponding to that method. * * If this mirror is a [LibraryMirror], and [fieldName] denotes a top-level * method in the corresponding library, the result of the invocation is an * instance mirror on a closure corresponding to that method. * * If this mirror is a [ClassMirror], and [fieldName] denotes a static method * in the corresponding class, the result of the invocation is an instance * mirror on a closure corresponding to that method. * * If the invocation returns a result *r*, this method returns the result of * calling [reflect]\(*r*\). * * If the invocation causes a compilation error, the effect is the same as if * a non-reflective compilation error had been encountered. * * If the invocation throws an exception *e* (that it does not catch), this * method throws *e*. */ // TODO(ahe): Remove stuff about scope and private members. [fieldName] is a // capability giving access to private members. InstanceMirror getField(Symbol fieldName); /** * Invokes a setter and returns a mirror on the result. * * The setter may be either the implicit setter for a non-final field or a * user-defined setter method. * * Let *o* be the object reflected by this mirror, * let *f* be the simple name of the getter denoted by [fieldName], * and let *a* be the object bound to [value]. * * Then this method will perform the setter invocation *o.f = a* in a scope * that has access to the private members of *o* (if *o* is a class or * library) or the private members of the class of *o* (otherwise). * * If the invocation returns a result *r*, this method returns the result of * calling [reflect]\([value]\). * * If the invocation causes a compilation error, the effect is the same as if * a non-reflective compilation error had been encountered. * * If the invocation throws an exception *e* (that it does not catch) this * method throws *e*. */ /* TODO(turnidge): Handle ambiguous names.*/ InstanceMirror setField(Symbol fieldName, Object value); /** * Performs [invocation] on the reflectee of this [ObjectMirror]. * * Equivalent to * * if (invocation.isGetter) { * return this.getField(invocation.memberName).reflectee; * } else if (invocation.isSetter) { * return this.setField(invocation.memberName, * invocation.positionalArguments[0]).reflectee; * } else { * return this.invoke(invocation.memberName, * invocation.positionalArguments, * invocation.namedArguments).reflectee; * } */ delegate(Invocation invocation); } /** * An [InstanceMirror] reflects an instance of a Dart language object. */ abstract class InstanceMirror implements ObjectMirror { /** * A mirror on the type of the reflectee. * * Returns a mirror on the actual class of the reflectee. * The class of the reflectee may differ from * the object returned by invoking [runtimeType] on * the reflectee. */ ClassMirror get type; /** * Whether [reflectee] will return the instance reflected by this mirror. * * This will always be true in the local case (reflecting instances in the * same isolate), but only true in the remote case if this mirror reflects a * simple value. * * A value is simple if one of the following holds: * * * the value is [:null:] * * the value is of type [num] * * the value is of type [bool] * * the value is of type [String] */ bool get hasReflectee; /** * If the [InstanceMirror] reflects an instance it is meaningful to * have a local reference to, we provide access to the actual * instance here. * * If you access [reflectee] when [hasReflectee] is false, an * exception is thrown. */ get reflectee; /** * Whether this mirror is equal to [other]. * * The equality holds if and only if * * 1. [other] is a mirror of the same kind, and * 2. either * * a. [hasReflectee] is true and so is * [:identical(reflectee, other.reflectee):], or * * b. the remote objects reflected by this mirror and by [other] are * identical. */ bool operator ==(other); } /** * A [ClosureMirror] reflects a closure. * * A [ClosureMirror] provides the ability to execute its reflectee and * introspect its function. */ abstract class ClosureMirror implements InstanceMirror { /** * A mirror on the function associated with this closure. * * The function associated with an implicit closure of a function is that * function. * * The function associated with an instance of a class that has a [:call:] * method is that [:call:] method. * * A Dart implementation might choose to create a class for each closure * expression, in which case [:function:] would be the same as * [:type.declarations[#call]:]. But the Dart language model does not require * this. A more typical implementation involves a single closure class for * each type signature, where the call method dispatches to a function held * in the closure rather the call method * directly implementing the closure body. So one cannot rely on closures from * distinct closure expressions having distinct classes ([:type:]), but one * can rely on them having distinct functions ([:function:]). */ MethodMirror get function; /** * Executes the closure and returns a mirror on the result. * * Let *f* be the closure reflected by this mirror, * let *a1, ..., an* be the elements of [positionalArguments], * let *k1, ..., km* be the identifiers denoted by the elements of * [namedArguments.keys], * and let *v1, ..., vm* be the elements of [namedArguments.values]. * * Then this method will perform the method invocation * *f(a1, ..., an, k1: v1, ..., km: vm)*. * * If the invocation returns a result *r*, this method returns the result of * calling [reflect]\(*r*\). * * If the invocation causes a compilation error, the effect is the same as if * a non-reflective compilation error had been encountered. * * If the invocation throws an exception *e* (that it does not catch), this * method throws *e*. */ InstanceMirror apply(List positionalArguments, [Map namedArguments]); } /** * A [LibraryMirror] reflects a Dart language library, providing * access to the variables, functions, and classes of the * library. */ abstract class LibraryMirror implements DeclarationMirror, ObjectMirror { /** * The absolute uri of the library. */ Uri get uri; /** * Returns an immutable map of the declarations actually given in the library. * * This map includes all regular methods, getters, setters, fields, classes * and typedefs actually declared in the library. The map is keyed by the * simple names of the declarations. */ Map get declarations; /** * Whether this mirror is equal to [other]. * * The equality holds if and only if * * 1. [other] is a mirror of the same kind, and * 2. The library being reflected by this mirror and the library being * reflected by [other] are the same library in the same isolate. */ bool operator ==(other); /** * Returns a list of the imports and exports in this library; */ List get libraryDependencies; } /// A mirror on an import or export declaration. abstract class LibraryDependencyMirror implements Mirror { /// Is `true` if this dependency is an import. bool get isImport; /// Is `true` if this dependency is an export. bool get isExport; /// Returns true iff this dependency is a deferred import. Otherwise returns /// false. bool get isDeferred; /// Returns the library mirror of the library that imports or exports the /// [targetLibrary]. LibraryMirror get sourceLibrary; /// Returns the library mirror of the library that is imported or exported, /// or null if the library is not loaded. LibraryMirror get targetLibrary; /// Returns the prefix if this is a prefixed import and `null` otherwise. Symbol get prefix; /// Returns the list of show/hide combinators on the import/export /// declaration. List get combinators; /// Returns the source location for this import/export declaration. SourceLocation get location; List get metadata; /// Returns a future that completes with a library mirror on the library being /// imported or exported when it is loaded, and initiates a load of that /// library if it is not loaded. Future loadLibrary(); } /// A mirror on a show/hide combinator declared on a library dependency. abstract class CombinatorMirror implements Mirror { /// The list of identifiers on the combinator. List get identifiers; /// Is `true` if this is a 'show' combinator. bool get isShow; /// Is `true` if this is a 'hide' combinator. bool get isHide; } /** * A [TypeMirror] reflects a Dart language class, typedef, * function type or type variable. */ abstract class TypeMirror implements DeclarationMirror { /** * Returns true if this mirror reflects dynamic, a non-generic class or * typedef, or an instantiated generic class or typedef in the current * isolate. Otherwise, returns false. */ bool get hasReflectedType; /** * If [:hasReflectedType:] returns true, returns the corresponding [Type]. * Otherwise, an [UnsupportedError] is thrown. */ Type get reflectedType; /** * An immutable list with mirrors for all type variables for this type. * * If this type is a generic declaration or an invocation of a generic * declaration, the returned list contains mirrors on the type variables * declared in the original declaration. * Otherwise, the returned list is empty. * * This list preserves the order of declaration of the type variables. */ List get typeVariables; /** * An immutable list with mirrors for all type arguments for * this type. * * If the reflectee is an invocation of a generic class, * the type arguments are the bindings of its type parameters. * If the reflectee is the original declaration of a generic, * it has no type arguments and this method returns an empty list. * If the reflectee is not generic, then * it has no type arguments and this method returns an empty list. * * This list preserves the order of declaration of the type variables. */ List get typeArguments; /** * Is this the original declaration of this type? * * For most classes, they are their own original declaration. For * generic classes, however, there is a distinction between the * original class declaration, which has unbound type variables, and * the instantiations of generic classes, which have bound type * variables. */ bool get isOriginalDeclaration; /** * A mirror on the original declaration of this type. * * For most classes, they are their own original declaration. For * generic classes, however, there is a distinction between the * original class declaration, which has unbound type variables, and * the instantiations of generic classes, which have bound type * variables. */ TypeMirror get originalDeclaration; /** * Checks the subtype relationship, denoted by `<:` in the language * specification. * * This is the type relationship used in `is` test checks. */ bool isSubtypeOf(TypeMirror other); /** * Checks the assignability relationship, denoted by `<=>` in the language * specification. * * This is the type relationship tested on assignment in checked mode. */ bool isAssignableTo(TypeMirror other); } /** * A [ClassMirror] reflects a Dart language class. */ abstract class ClassMirror implements TypeMirror, ObjectMirror { /** * A mirror on the superclass on the reflectee. * * If this type is [:Object:], the superclass will be null. */ ClassMirror get superclass; /** * A list of mirrors on the superinterfaces of the reflectee. */ List get superinterfaces; /** * Is the reflectee abstract? */ bool get isAbstract; /** * Is the reflectee an enum? */ bool get isEnum; /** * Returns an immutable map of the declarations actually given in the class * declaration. * * This map includes all regular methods, getters, setters, fields, * constructors and type variables actually declared in the class. Both * static and instance members are included, but no inherited members are * included. The map is keyed by the simple names of the declarations. * * This does not include inherited members. */ Map get declarations; /** * Returns a map of the methods, getters and setters of an instance of the * class. * * The intent is to capture those members that constitute the API of an * instance. Hence fields are not included, but the getters and setters * implicitly introduced by fields are included. The map includes methods, * getters and setters that are inherited as well as those introduced by the * class itself. * * The map is keyed by the simple names of the members. */ Map get instanceMembers; /** * Returns a map of the static methods, getters and setters of the class. * * The intent is to capture those members that constitute the API of a class. * Hence fields are not included, but the getters and setters implicitly * introduced by fields are included. * * The map is keyed by the simple names of the members. */ Map get staticMembers; /** * The mixin of this class. * * If this class is the result of a mixin application of the form S with M, * returns a class mirror on M. Otherwise returns a class mirror on * the reflectee. */ ClassMirror get mixin; // TODO(ahe): What about: // /// Finds the instance member named [name] declared or inherited in the // /// reflected class. // DeclarationMirror instanceLookup(Symbol name); /** * Invokes the named constructor and returns a mirror on the result. * * Let *c* be the class reflected by this mirror, * let *a1, ..., an* be the elements of [positionalArguments], * let *k1, ..., km* be the identifiers denoted by the elements of * [namedArguments.keys], * and let *v1, ..., vm* be the elements of [namedArguments.values]. * * If [constructorName] was created from the empty string, then this method * will execute the instance creation expression * *new c(a1, ..., an, k1: v1, ..., km: vm)* in a scope that has access to * the private members of *c*. * * Otherwise, let *f* be the simple name of the constructor denoted by * [constructorName]. Then this method will execute the instance creation * expression *new c.f(a1, ..., an, k1: v1, ..., km: vm)* in a scope that has * access to the private members of *c*. * * In either case: * * * If the expression evaluates to a result *r*, this method returns the * result of calling [reflect]\(*r*\). * * If evaluating the expression causes a compilation error, the effect is * the same as if a non-reflective compilation error had been encountered. * * If evaluating the expression throws an exception *e* (that it does not * catch), this method throws *e*. */ InstanceMirror newInstance(Symbol constructorName, List positionalArguments, [Map namedArguments]); /** * Whether this mirror is equal to [other]. * * The equality holds if and only if * * 1. [other] is a mirror of the same kind, and * 2. This mirror and [other] reflect the same class. * * Note that if the reflected class is an invocation of a generic class, 2. * implies that the reflected class and [other] have equal type arguments. */ bool operator ==(other); /** * Returns whether the class denoted by the receiver is a subclass of the * class denoted by the argument. * * Note that the subclass relationship is reflexive. */ bool isSubclassOf(ClassMirror other); } /** * A [FunctionTypeMirror] represents the type of a function in the * Dart language. */ abstract class FunctionTypeMirror implements ClassMirror { /** * Returns the return type of the reflectee. */ TypeMirror get returnType; /** * Returns a list of the parameter types of the reflectee. */ List get parameters; /** * A mirror on the [:call:] method for the reflectee. */ // This is only here because in the past the VM did not implement a call // method on closures. MethodMirror get callMethod; } /** * A [TypeVariableMirror] represents a type parameter of a generic type. */ abstract class TypeVariableMirror extends TypeMirror { /** * A mirror on the type that is the upper bound of this type variable. */ TypeMirror get upperBound; /** * Is the reflectee static? * * For the purposes of the mirrors library, type variables are considered * non-static. */ bool get isStatic; /** * Whether [other] is a [TypeVariableMirror] on the same type variable as this * mirror. * * The equality holds if and only if * * 1. [other] is a mirror of the same kind, and * 2. [:simpleName == other.simpleName:] and [:owner == other.owner:]. */ bool operator ==(other); } /** * A [TypedefMirror] represents a typedef in a Dart language program. */ abstract class TypedefMirror implements TypeMirror { /** * The defining type for this typedef. * * If the type referred to by the reflectee is a function type *F*, the * result will be [:FunctionTypeMirror:] reflecting *F* which is abstract * and has an abstract method [:call:] whose signature corresponds to *F*. * For instance [:void f(int):] is the referent for [:typedef void f(int):]. */ FunctionTypeMirror get referent; } /** * A [MethodMirror] reflects a Dart language function, method, * constructor, getter, or setter. */ abstract class MethodMirror implements DeclarationMirror { /** * A mirror on the return type for the reflectee. */ TypeMirror get returnType; /** * The source code for the reflectee, if available. Otherwise null. */ String get source; /** * A list of mirrors on the parameters for the reflectee. */ List get parameters; /** * A function is considered non-static iff it is permited to refer to 'this'. * * Note that generative constructors are considered non-static, whereas * factory constructors are considered static. */ bool get isStatic; /** * Is the reflectee abstract? */ bool get isAbstract; /** * Returns true if the reflectee is synthetic, and returns false otherwise. * * A reflectee is synthetic if it is a getter or setter implicitly introduced * for a field or Type, or if it is a constructor that was implicitly * introduced as a default constructor or as part of a mixin application. */ bool get isSynthetic; /** * Is the reflectee a regular function or method? * * A function or method is regular if it is not a getter, setter, or * constructor. Note that operators, by this definition, are * regular methods. */ bool get isRegularMethod; /** * Is the reflectee an operator? */ bool get isOperator; /** * Is the reflectee a getter? */ bool get isGetter; /** * Is the reflectee a setter? */ bool get isSetter; /** * Is the reflectee a constructor? */ bool get isConstructor; /** * The constructor name for named constructors and factory methods. * * For unnamed constructors, this is the empty string. For * non-constructors, this is the empty string. * * For example, [:'bar':] is the constructor name for constructor * [] of type [:Foo:]. */ Symbol get constructorName; /** * Is the reflectee a const constructor? */ bool get isConstConstructor; /** * Is the reflectee a generative constructor? */ bool get isGenerativeConstructor; /** * Is the reflectee a redirecting constructor? */ bool get isRedirectingConstructor; /** * Is the reflectee a factory constructor? */ bool get isFactoryConstructor; /** * Whether this mirror is equal to [other]. * * The equality holds if and only if * * 1. [other] is a mirror of the same kind, and * 2. [:simpleName == other.simpleName:] and [:owner == other.owner:]. */ bool operator ==(other); } /** * A [VariableMirror] reflects a Dart language variable declaration. */ abstract class VariableMirror implements DeclarationMirror { /** * Returns a mirror on the type of the reflectee. */ TypeMirror get type; /** * Returns [:true:] if the reflectee is a static variable. * Otherwise returns [:false:]. * * For the purposes of the mirror library, top-level variables are * implicitly declared static. */ bool get isStatic; /** * Returns [:true:] if the reflectee is a final variable. * Otherwise returns [:false:]. */ bool get isFinal; /** * Returns [:true:] if the reflectee is declared [:const:]. * Otherwise returns [:false:]. */ bool get isConst; /** * Whether this mirror is equal to [other]. * * The equality holds if and only if * * 1. [other] is a mirror of the same kind, and * 2. [:simpleName == other.simpleName:] and [:owner == other.owner:]. */ bool operator ==(other); } /** * A [ParameterMirror] reflects a Dart formal parameter declaration. */ abstract class ParameterMirror implements VariableMirror { /** * A mirror on the type of this parameter. */ TypeMirror get type; /** * Returns [:true:] if the reflectee is an optional parameter. * Otherwise returns [:false:]. */ bool get isOptional; /** * Returns [:true:] if the reflectee is a named parameter. * Otherwise returns [:false:]. */ bool get isNamed; /** * Returns [:true:] if the reflectee has explicitly declared a default value. * Otherwise returns [:false:]. */ bool get hasDefaultValue; /** * Returns the default value of an optional parameter. * * Returns an [InstanceMirror] on the (compile-time constant) * default value for an optional parameter. * If no default value is declared, it defaults to `null` * and a mirror of `null` is returned. * * Returns `null` for a required parameter. */ InstanceMirror get defaultValue; } /** * A [SourceLocation] describes the span of an entity in Dart source code. */ abstract class SourceLocation { /** * The 1-based line number for this source location. * * A value of 0 means that the line number is unknown. */ int get line; /** * The 1-based column number for this source location. * * A value of 0 means that the column number is unknown. */ int get column; /** * Returns the URI where the source originated. */ Uri get sourceUri; } /** * Class used for encoding comments as metadata annotations. */ class Comment { /** * The comment text as written in the source text. */ final String text; /** * The comment text without the start, end, and padding text. * * For example, if [text] is [: /** Comment text. */ :] then the [trimmedText] * is [: Comment text. :]. */ final String trimmedText; /** * Is [:true:] if this comment is a documentation comment. * * That is, that the comment is either enclosed in [: /** ... */ :] or starts * with [: /// :]. */ final bool isDocComment; const Comment(this.text, this.trimmedText, this.isDocComment); } /** * Annotation describing how "dart:mirrors" is used (EXPERIMENTAL). * * When used as metadata on an import of "dart:mirrors" in library *L*, this * class describes how "dart:mirrors" is used by library *L* unless overridden. * See [override]. * * The following text is non-normative: * * In some scenarios, for example, when minifying Dart code, or when generating * JavaScript code from a Dart program, the size and performance of the output * can suffer from use of reflection. In those cases, telling the compiler * what is used, can have a significant impact. * * Example usage: * * @MirrorsUsed(symbols: 'foo') * import 'dart:mirrors'; * * class Foo { * noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) { * print(MirrorSystem.getName(invocation.memberName)); * } * } * * main() { * new Foo().foo(); // Prints "foo". * new Foo().bar(); // Might print an arbitrary (mangled) name, "bar". * } * * For a detailed description of the parameters to the [MirrorsUsed] constructor * see the comments for [symbols], [targets], [metaTargets] and [override]. * * An import of `dart:mirrors` may have multiple [MirrorsUsed] annotations. This * is particularly helpful to specify overrides for specific libraries. For * example: * * @MirrorsUsed(targets: 'foo.Bar', override: 'foo') * @MirrorsUsed(targets: 'Bar') * import 'dart:mirrors'; * * will ensure that the target `Bar` from the current library and from library * `foo` is available for reflection. See also [override]. */ @Deprecated("No longer has any effect. Will be removed in a later release.") class MirrorsUsed { // Note: the fields of this class are untyped. This is because the most // convenient way to specify symbols today is using a single string. In // some cases, a const list of classes might be convenient. Some // might prefer to use a const list of symbols. /** * The list of strings passed to new [Symbol], and symbols that might be * passed to [MirrorSystem.getName]. * * Combined with the names of [targets], [metaTargets] and their members, * this forms the complete list of strings passed to new [Symbol], and * symbols that might be passed to [MirrorSystem.getName] by the library to * which this metadata applies. * * The following text is non-normative: * * Dart2js currently supports the following formats to specify symbols: * * * A constant [List] of [String] constants representing symbol names, * e.g., `const ['foo', 'bar']`. * * A single [String] constant whose value is a comma-separated list of * symbol names, e.g., `"foo, bar"`. * * Specifying the `symbols` field turns off the following warnings emitted by * dart2js: * * * Using "MirrorSystem.getName" may result in larger output. * * Using "new Symbol" may result in larger output. * * For example, if you're using [noSuchMethod] to interact with a database, * extract all the possible column names and include them in this list. * Similarly, if you're using [noSuchMethod] to interact with another * language (JavaScript, for example) extract all the identifiers from the * API you use and include them in this list. * * Note that specifying a symbol only ensures that the symbol will be * available under that name at runtime. It does not mark targets with * that name as available for reflection. See [targets] and [metaTargets] * for that purpose. */ final symbols; /** * A list of reflective targets. * * Combined with [metaTargets], this provides the complete list of reflective * targets used by the library to which this metadata applies. * * The following text is non-normative: * * For now, there is no formal description of what a reflective target is. * Informally, a target is a library, a class, a method or a field. * * Dart2js currently supports the following formats to specify targets: * * * A constant [List] containing [String] constants representing (qualified) * names of targets and Dart types. * * A single [String] constant whose value is a comma-separated list of * (qualified) names. * * A single Dart type. * * A (qualified) name is resolved to a target as follows: * * 1. If the qualified name matches a library name, the matching library is * the target. * 2. Else, find the longest prefix of the name such that the prefix ends * just before a `.` and is a library name. * 3. Use that library as current scope. If no matching prefix was found, use * the current library, i.e., the library where the [MirrorsUsed] * annotation was placed. * 4. Split the remaining suffix (the entire name if no library name was * found in step 3) into a list of [String] using `.` as a * separator. * 5. Select all targets in the current scope whose name matches a [String] * from the list. * * For example: * * library; * * class A { * var aField; * } * * library main; * * @MirrorsUsed(targets: "") * import "dart:mirrors"; * * The [MirrorsUsed] annotation specifies `A` and `aField` from library * `` as targets. This will mark the class `A` as a reflective * target. The target specification for `aField` has no effect, as there is * no target in `` with that name. * * Note that everything within a target also is available for reflection. * So, if a library is specified as target, all classes in that library * become targets for reflection. Likewise, if a class is a target, all * its methods and fields become targets for reflection. As a consequence, * `aField` in the above example is also a reflective target. * */ final targets; /** * A list of classes that when used as metadata indicates a reflective * target. See also [targets]. * * The following text is non-normative: * * The format for specifying the list of classes is the same as used for * specifying [targets]. However, as a library cannot be used as a metadata * annotation in Dart, adding a library to the list of [metaTargets] has no * effect. In particular, adding a library to [metaTargets] does not make * the library's classes valid metadata annotations to enable reflection. * * If an instance of a class specified in [metaTargets] is used as * metadata annotation on a library, class, field or method, that library, * class, field or method is added to the set of targets for reflection. * * Example usage: * * library example; * @MirrorsUsed(metaTargets: "example.Reflectable") * import "dart:mirrors"; * * class Reflectable { * const Reflectable(); * } * * class Foo { * @Reflectable() * reflectableMethod() { ... } * * nonReflectableMethod() { ... } * } * * In the above example. `reflectableMethod` is marked as reflectable by * using the `Reflectable` class, which in turn is specified in the * [metaTargets] annotation. * * The method `nonReflectableMethod` lacks a metadata annotation and thus * will not be reflectable at runtime. */ final metaTargets; /** * A list of library names or "*". * * When used as metadata on an import of "dart:mirrors", this metadata does * not apply to the library in which the annotation is used, but instead * applies to the other libraries (all libraries if "*" is used). * * The following text is non-normative: * * Dart2js currently supports the following formats to specify libraries: * * * A constant [List] containing [String] constants representing names of * libraries. * * A single [String] constant whose value is a comma-separated list of * library names. * * Conceptually, a [MirrorsUsed] annotation with [override] has the same * effect as placing the annotation directly on the import of `dart:mirrors` * in each of the referenced libraries. Thus, if the library had no * [MirrorsUsed] annotation before, its unconditional import of * `dart:mirrors` is overridden by an annotated import. * * Note that, like multiple explicit [MirrorsUsed] annotations, using * override on a library with an existing [MirrorsUsed] annotation is * additive. That is, the overall set of reflective targets is the union * of the reflective targets that arise from the original and the * overriding [MirrorsUsed] annotations. * * The use of [override] is only meaningful for libraries that have an * import of `dart:mirrors` without annotation because otherwise it would * work exactly the same way without the [override] parameter. * * While the annotation will apply to the given target libraries, the * [symbols], [targets] and [metaTargets] are still evaluated in the * scope of the annotation. Thus, to select a target from library `foo`, * a qualified name has to be used or, if the target is visible in the * current scope, its type may be referenced. * * For example, the following code marks all targets in the library `foo` * as reflectable that have a metadata annotation using the `Reflectable` * class from the same library. * * @MirrorsUsed(metaTargets: "foo.Reflectable", override: "foo") * * However, the following code would require the use of the `Reflectable` * class from the current library, instead. * * @MirrorsUsed(metaTargets: "Reflectable", override: "foo") * */ final override; /** * See the documentation for [MirrorsUsed.symbols], [MirrorsUsed.targets], * [MirrorsUsed.metaTargets] and [MirrorsUsed.override] for documentation * of the parameters. */ const MirrorsUsed( {this.symbols, this.targets, this.metaTargets, this.override}); }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nfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/private/js_primitives.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// dart2js "primitives", that is, features that cannot be implemented without /// access to JavaScript features. library dart2js._js_primitives; import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS; /** * This is the low-level method that is used to implement [print]. It is * possible to override this function from JavaScript by defining a function in * JavaScript called "dartPrint". * * Notice that it is also possible to intercept calls to [print] from within a * Dart program using zones. This means that there is no guarantee that a call * to print ends in this method. */ void printString(String string) { if (JS('bool', r'typeof dartPrint == "function"')) { // Support overriding print from JavaScript. JS('void', r'dartPrint(#)', string); return; } // Inside browser or nodejs. if (JS('bool', r'typeof console == "object"') && JS('bool', r'typeof console.log != "undefined"')) { JS('void', r'console.log(#)', string); return; } // Don't throw inside IE, the console is only defined if dev tools is open. if (JS('bool', r'typeof window == "object"')) { return; } // Running in d8, the V8 developer shell, or in Firefox' js-shell. if (JS('bool', r'typeof print == "function"')) { JS('void', r'print(#)', string); return; } // This is somewhat nasty, but we don't want to drag in a bunch of // dependencies to handle a situation that cannot happen. So we // avoid using Dart [:throw:] and Dart [toString]. JS('void', 'throw "Unable to print message: " + String(#)', string); } 3NN<O# 'JP"OO!"71) 3:+ N2 E3% EB5GZfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/html/html_common/metadata.dart// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library metadata; /** * An annotation used to mark a feature as only being supported by a subset * of the browsers that Dart supports by default. * * If an API is not annotated with [SupportedBrowser] then it is assumed to * work on all browsers Dart supports. */ class SupportedBrowser { static const String CHROME = "Chrome"; static const String FIREFOX = "Firefox"; static const String IE = "Internet Explorer"; static const String OPERA = "Opera"; static const String SAFARI = "Safari"; /// The name of the browser. final String browserName; /// The minimum version of the browser that supports the feature, or null /// if supported on all versions. final String minimumVersion; const SupportedBrowser(this.browserName, [this.minimumVersion]); } /** * An annotation used to mark an API as being experimental. * * An API is considered to be experimental if it is still going through the * process of stabilizing and is subject to change or removal. * * See also: * * * [W3C recommendation]( */ class Experimental { const Experimental(); } /** * Annotation that specifies that a member is editable through generate files. * * This is used for API generation. * * [name] should be formatted as `interface.member`. */ class DomName { final String name; const DomName(; } /** * Metadata that specifies that that member is editable through generated * files. */ class DocsEditable { const DocsEditable(); } /** * Annotation that indicates that an API is not expected to change but has * not undergone enough testing to be considered stable. */ class Unstable { const Unstable(); } INN<L2L')+0')L$C<L? KO$5J K9rfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/private/native_typed_data.dart?// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /** * Specialized integers and floating point numbers, * with SIMD support and efficient lists. */ library dart.typed_data.implementation; import 'dart:collection'; import 'dart:_internal'; import 'dart:_interceptors' show JSIndexable; import 'dart:_js_helper' show Creates, JavaScriptIndexingBehavior, JSName, Native, Null, Returns, diagnoseIndexError, diagnoseRangeError; import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS; import 'dart:math' as Math; import 'dart:typed_data'; @Native("ArrayBuffer") class NativeByteBuffer implements ByteBuffer { @JSName('byteLength') external int get lengthInBytes; Type get runtimeType => ByteBuffer; Uint8List asUint8List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { return NativeUint8List.view(this, offsetInBytes, length); } Int8List asInt8List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { return NativeInt8List.view(this, offsetInBytes, length); } Uint8ClampedList asUint8ClampedList([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { return NativeUint8ClampedList.view(this, offsetInBytes, length); } Uint16List asUint16List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { return NativeUint16List.view(this, offsetInBytes, length); } Int16List asInt16List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { return NativeInt16List.view(this, offsetInBytes, length); } Uint32List asUint32List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { return NativeUint32List.view(this, offsetInBytes, length); } Int32List asInt32List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { return NativeInt32List.view(this, offsetInBytes, length); } Uint64List asUint64List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { throw UnsupportedError("Uint64List not supported by dart2js."); } Int64List asInt64List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { throw UnsupportedError("Int64List not supported by dart2js."); } Int32x4List asInt32x4List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { NativeInt32List storage = this.asInt32List(offsetInBytes, length != null ? length * 4 : null); return NativeInt32x4List._externalStorage(storage); } Float32List asFloat32List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { return NativeFloat32List.view(this, offsetInBytes, length); } Float64List asFloat64List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { return NativeFloat64List.view(this, offsetInBytes, length); } Float32x4List asFloat32x4List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { NativeFloat32List storage = this.asFloat32List(offsetInBytes, length != null ? length * 4 : null); return NativeFloat32x4List._externalStorage(storage); } Float64x2List asFloat64x2List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { NativeFloat64List storage = this.asFloat64List(offsetInBytes, length != null ? length * 2 : null); return NativeFloat64x2List._externalStorage(storage); } ByteData asByteData([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { return NativeByteData.view(this, offsetInBytes, length); } } /** * A fixed-length list of Float32x4 numbers that is viewable as a * [TypedData]. For long lists, this implementation will be considerably more * space- and time-efficient than the default [List] implementation. */ class NativeFloat32x4List extends Object with ListMixin, FixedLengthListMixin implements Float32x4List { final NativeFloat32List _storage; /** * Creates a [Float32x4List] of the specified length (in elements), * all of whose elements are initially zero. */ NativeFloat32x4List(int length) : _storage = NativeFloat32List(length * 4); NativeFloat32x4List._externalStorage(this._storage); NativeFloat32x4List._slowFromList(List list) : _storage = NativeFloat32List(list.length * 4) { for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var e = list[i]; _storage[(i * 4) + 0] = e.x; _storage[(i * 4) + 1] = e.y; _storage[(i * 4) + 2] = e.z; _storage[(i * 4) + 3] = e.w; } } Type get runtimeType => Float32x4List; /** * Creates a [Float32x4List] with the same size as the [elements] list * and copies over the elements. */ factory NativeFloat32x4List.fromList(List list) { if (list is NativeFloat32x4List) { return NativeFloat32x4List._externalStorage( NativeFloat32List.fromList(list._storage)); } else { return NativeFloat32x4List._slowFromList(list); } } ByteBuffer get buffer => _storage.buffer; int get lengthInBytes => _storage.lengthInBytes; int get offsetInBytes => _storage.offsetInBytes; int get elementSizeInBytes => Float32x4List.bytesPerElement; int get length => _storage.length ~/ 4; Float32x4 operator [](int index) { _checkValidIndex(index, this, this.length); double _x = _storage[(index * 4) + 0]; double _y = _storage[(index * 4) + 1]; double _z = _storage[(index * 4) + 2]; double _w = _storage[(index * 4) + 3]; return NativeFloat32x4._truncated(_x, _y, _z, _w); } void operator []=(int index, Float32x4 value) { _checkValidIndex(index, this, this.length); _storage[(index * 4) + 0] = value.x; _storage[(index * 4) + 1] = value.y; _storage[(index * 4) + 2] = value.z; _storage[(index * 4) + 3] = value.w; } List sublist(int start, [int end]) { end = _checkValidRange(start, end, this.length); return NativeFloat32x4List._externalStorage( _storage.sublist(start * 4, end * 4)); } } /** * A fixed-length list of Int32x4 numbers that is viewable as a * [TypedData]. For long lists, this implementation will be considerably more * space- and time-efficient than the default [List] implementation. */ class NativeInt32x4List extends Object with ListMixin, FixedLengthListMixin implements Int32x4List { final Int32List _storage; /** * Creates a [Int32x4List] of the specified length (in elements), * all of whose elements are initially zero. */ NativeInt32x4List(int length) : _storage = NativeInt32List(length * 4); NativeInt32x4List._externalStorage(Int32List storage) : _storage = storage; NativeInt32x4List._slowFromList(List list) : _storage = NativeInt32List(list.length * 4) { for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var e = list[i]; _storage[(i * 4) + 0] = e.x; _storage[(i * 4) + 1] = e.y; _storage[(i * 4) + 2] = e.z; _storage[(i * 4) + 3] = e.w; } } Type get runtimeType => Int32x4List; /** * Creates a [Int32x4List] with the same size as the [elements] list * and copies over the elements. */ factory NativeInt32x4List.fromList(List list) { if (list is NativeInt32x4List) { return NativeInt32x4List._externalStorage( NativeInt32List.fromList(list._storage)); } else { return NativeInt32x4List._slowFromList(list); } } ByteBuffer get buffer => _storage.buffer; int get lengthInBytes => _storage.lengthInBytes; int get offsetInBytes => _storage.offsetInBytes; int get elementSizeInBytes => Int32x4List.bytesPerElement; int get length => _storage.length ~/ 4; Int32x4 operator [](int index) { _checkValidIndex(index, this, this.length); int _x = _storage[(index * 4) + 0]; int _y = _storage[(index * 4) + 1]; int _z = _storage[(index * 4) + 2]; int _w = _storage[(index * 4) + 3]; return NativeInt32x4._truncated(_x, _y, _z, _w); } void operator []=(int index, Int32x4 value) { _checkValidIndex(index, this, this.length); _storage[(index * 4) + 0] = value.x; _storage[(index * 4) + 1] = value.y; _storage[(index * 4) + 2] = value.z; _storage[(index * 4) + 3] = value.w; } List sublist(int start, [int end]) { end = _checkValidRange(start, end, this.length); return NativeInt32x4List._externalStorage( _storage.sublist(start * 4, end * 4)); } } /** * A fixed-length list of Float64x2 numbers that is viewable as a * [TypedData]. For long lists, this implementation will be considerably more * space- and time-efficient than the default [List] implementation. */ class NativeFloat64x2List extends Object with ListMixin, FixedLengthListMixin implements Float64x2List { final NativeFloat64List _storage; /** * Creates a [Float64x2List] of the specified length (in elements), * all of whose elements are initially zero. */ NativeFloat64x2List(int length) : _storage = NativeFloat64List(length * 2); NativeFloat64x2List._externalStorage(this._storage); NativeFloat64x2List._slowFromList(List list) : _storage = NativeFloat64List(list.length * 2) { for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var e = list[i]; _storage[(i * 2) + 0] = e.x; _storage[(i * 2) + 1] = e.y; } } /** * Creates a [Float64x2List] with the same size as the [elements] list * and copies over the elements. */ factory NativeFloat64x2List.fromList(List list) { if (list is NativeFloat64x2List) { return NativeFloat64x2List._externalStorage( NativeFloat64List.fromList(list._storage)); } else { return NativeFloat64x2List._slowFromList(list); } } Type get runtimeType => Float64x2List; ByteBuffer get buffer => _storage.buffer; int get lengthInBytes => _storage.lengthInBytes; int get offsetInBytes => _storage.offsetInBytes; int get elementSizeInBytes => Float64x2List.bytesPerElement; int get length => _storage.length ~/ 2; Float64x2 operator [](int index) { _checkValidIndex(index, this, this.length); double _x = _storage[(index * 2) + 0]; double _y = _storage[(index * 2) + 1]; return Float64x2(_x, _y); } void operator []=(int index, Float64x2 value) { _checkValidIndex(index, this, this.length); _storage[(index * 2) + 0] = value.x; _storage[(index * 2) + 1] = value.y; } List sublist(int start, [int end]) { end = _checkValidRange(start, end, this.length); return NativeFloat64x2List._externalStorage( _storage.sublist(start * 2, end * 2)); } } @Native("ArrayBufferView") class NativeTypedData implements TypedData { /** * Returns the byte buffer associated with this object. */ @Creates('NativeByteBuffer') // May be Null for IE's CanvasPixelArray. @Returns('NativeByteBuffer|Null') external ByteBuffer get buffer; /** * Returns the length of this view, in bytes. */ @JSName('byteLength') external int get lengthInBytes; /** * Returns the offset in bytes into the underlying byte buffer of this view. */ @JSName('byteOffset') external int get offsetInBytes; /** * Returns the number of bytes in the representation of each element in this * list. */ @JSName('BYTES_PER_ELEMENT') external int get elementSizeInBytes; void _invalidPosition(int position, int length, String name) { if (position is! int) { throw ArgumentError.value(position, name, 'Invalid list position'); } else { throw RangeError.range(position, 0, length, name); } } void _checkPosition(int position, int length, String name) { if (JS('bool', '(# >>> 0) !== #', position, position) || JS('int', '#', position) > length) { // 'int' guaranteed by above test. _invalidPosition(position, length, name); } } } // Validates the unnamed constructor length argument. Checking is necessary // because passing unvalidated values to the native constructors can cause // conversions or create views. int _checkLength(length) { if (length is! int) throw ArgumentError('Invalid length $length'); return length; } // Validates `.view` constructor arguments. Checking is necessary because // passing unvalidated values to the native constructors can cause conversions // (e.g. String arguments) or create typed data objects that are not actually // views of the input. void _checkViewArguments(buffer, offsetInBytes, length) { if (buffer is! NativeByteBuffer) { throw ArgumentError('Invalid view buffer'); } if (offsetInBytes is! int) { throw ArgumentError('Invalid view offsetInBytes $offsetInBytes'); } if (length != null && length is! int) { throw ArgumentError('Invalid view length $length'); } } // Ensures that [list] is a JavaScript Array or a typed array. If necessary, // returns a copy of the list. List _ensureNativeList(List list) { if (list is JSIndexable) return list; List result = List(list.length); for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { result[i] = list[i]; } return result; } @Native("DataView") class NativeByteData extends NativeTypedData implements ByteData { /** * Creates a [ByteData] of the specified length (in elements), all of * whose elements are initially zero. */ factory NativeByteData(int length) => _create1(_checkLength(length)); /** * Creates an [ByteData] _view_ of the specified region in the specified * byte buffer. Changes in the [ByteData] will be visible in the byte * buffer and vice versa. If the [offsetInBytes] index of the region is not * specified, it defaults to zero (the first byte in the byte buffer). * If the length is not specified, it defaults to null, which indicates * that the view extends to the end of the byte buffer. * * Throws [RangeError] if [offsetInBytes] or [length] are negative, or * if [offsetInBytes] + ([length] * elementSizeInBytes) is greater than * the length of [buffer]. */ factory NativeByteData.view( ByteBuffer buffer, int offsetInBytes, int length) { _checkViewArguments(buffer, offsetInBytes, length); return length == null ? _create2(buffer, offsetInBytes) : _create3(buffer, offsetInBytes, length); } Type get runtimeType => ByteData; int get elementSizeInBytes => 1; /** * Returns the floating point number represented by the four bytes at * the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in IEEE 754 * single-precision binary floating-point format (binary32). * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this object. */ double getFloat32(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _getFloat32(byteOffset, Endian.little == endian); @JSName('getFloat32') @Returns('double') double _getFloat32(int byteOffset, [bool littleEndian]) native; /** * Returns the floating point number represented by the eight bytes at * the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in IEEE 754 * double-precision binary floating-point format (binary64). * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this object. */ double getFloat64(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _getFloat64(byteOffset, Endian.little == endian); @JSName('getFloat64') @Returns('double') double _getFloat64(int byteOffset, [bool littleEndian]) native; /** * Returns the (possibly negative) integer represented by the two bytes at * the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in two's complement binary * form. * The return value will be between 215 and 215 - 1, * inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 2` is greater than the length of this object. */ int getInt16(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _getInt16(byteOffset, Endian.little == endian); @JSName('getInt16') @Returns('int') int _getInt16(int byteOffset, [bool littleEndian]) native; /** * Returns the (possibly negative) integer represented by the four bytes at * the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in two's complement binary * form. * The return value will be between 231 and 231 - 1, * inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this object. */ int getInt32(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _getInt32(byteOffset, Endian.little == endian); @JSName('getInt32') @Returns('int') int _getInt32(int byteOffset, [bool littleEndian]) native; /** * Returns the (possibly negative) integer represented by the eight bytes at * the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in two's complement binary * form. * The return value will be between 263 and 263 - 1, * inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this object. */ int getInt64(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) { throw UnsupportedError('Int64 accessor not supported by dart2js.'); } /** * Returns the (possibly negative) integer represented by the byte at the * specified [byteOffset] in this object, in two's complement binary * representation. The return value will be between -128 and 127, inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * greater than or equal to the length of this object. */ int getInt8(int byteOffset) native; /** * Returns the positive integer represented by the two bytes starting * at the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in unsigned binary * form. * The return value will be between 0 and 216 - 1, inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 2` is greater than the length of this object. */ int getUint16(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _getUint16(byteOffset, Endian.little == endian); @JSName('getUint16') @Returns('int') int _getUint16(int byteOffset, [bool littleEndian]) native; /** * Returns the positive integer represented by the four bytes starting * at the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in unsigned binary * form. * The return value will be between 0 and 232 - 1, inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this object. */ int getUint32(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _getUint32(byteOffset, Endian.little == endian); @JSName('getUint32') @Returns('int') int _getUint32(int byteOffset, [bool littleEndian]) native; /** * Returns the positive integer represented by the eight bytes starting * at the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in unsigned binary * form. * The return value will be between 0 and 264 - 1, inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this object. */ int getUint64(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) { throw UnsupportedError('Uint64 accessor not supported by dart2js.'); } /** * Returns the positive integer represented by the byte at the specified * [byteOffset] in this object, in unsigned binary form. The * return value will be between 0 and 255, inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * greater than or equal to the length of this object. */ int getUint8(int byteOffset) native; /** * Sets the four bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this * object to the IEEE 754 single-precision binary floating-point * (binary32) representation of the specified [value]. * * **Note that this method can lose precision.** The input [value] is * a 64-bit floating point value, which will be converted to 32-bit * floating point value by IEEE 754 rounding rules before it is stored. * If [value] cannot be represented exactly as a binary32, it will be * converted to the nearest binary32 value. If two binary32 values are * equally close, the one whose least significant bit is zero will be used. * Note that finite (but large) values can be converted to infinity, and * small non-zero values can be converted to zero. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this object. */ void setFloat32(int byteOffset, num value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _setFloat32(byteOffset, value, Endian.little == endian); @JSName('setFloat32') void _setFloat32(int byteOffset, num value, [bool littleEndian]) native; /** * Sets the eight bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this * object to the IEEE 754 double-precision binary floating-point * (binary64) representation of the specified [value]. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this object. */ void setFloat64(int byteOffset, num value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _setFloat64(byteOffset, value, Endian.little == endian); @JSName('setFloat64') void _setFloat64(int byteOffset, num value, [bool littleEndian]) native; /** * Sets the two bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this * object to the two's complement binary representation of the specified * [value], which must fit in two bytes. In other words, [value] must lie * between 215 and 215 - 1, inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 2` is greater than the length of this object. */ void setInt16(int byteOffset, int value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _setInt16(byteOffset, value, Endian.little == endian); @JSName('setInt16') void _setInt16(int byteOffset, int value, [bool littleEndian]) native; /** * Sets the four bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this * object to the two's complement binary representation of the specified * [value], which must fit in four bytes. In other words, [value] must lie * between 231 and 231 - 1, inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this object. */ void setInt32(int byteOffset, int value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _setInt32(byteOffset, value, Endian.little == endian); @JSName('setInt32') void _setInt32(int byteOffset, int value, [bool littleEndian]) native; /** * Sets the eight bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this * object to the two's complement binary representation of the specified * [value], which must fit in eight bytes. In other words, [value] must lie * between 263 and 263 - 1, inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this object. */ void setInt64(int byteOffset, int value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) { throw UnsupportedError('Int64 accessor not supported by dart2js.'); } /** * Sets the byte at the specified [byteOffset] in this object to the * two's complement binary representation of the specified [value], which * must fit in a single byte. In other words, [value] must be between * -128 and 127, inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * greater than or equal to the length of this object. */ void setInt8(int byteOffset, int value) native; /** * Sets the two bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this object * to the unsigned binary representation of the specified [value], * which must fit in two bytes. in other words, [value] must be between * 0 and 216 - 1, inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 2` is greater than the length of this object. */ void setUint16(int byteOffset, int value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _setUint16(byteOffset, value, Endian.little == endian); @JSName('setUint16') void _setUint16(int byteOffset, int value, [bool littleEndian]) native; /** * Sets the four bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this object * to the unsigned binary representation of the specified [value], * which must fit in four bytes. in other words, [value] must be between * 0 and 232 - 1, inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this object. */ void setUint32(int byteOffset, int value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _setUint32(byteOffset, value, Endian.little == endian); @JSName('setUint32') void _setUint32(int byteOffset, int value, [bool littleEndian]) native; /** * Sets the eight bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this object * to the unsigned binary representation of the specified [value], * which must fit in eight bytes. in other words, [value] must be between * 0 and 264 - 1, inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this object. */ void setUint64(int byteOffset, int value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) { throw UnsupportedError('Uint64 accessor not supported by dart2js.'); } /** * Sets the byte at the specified [byteOffset] in this object to the * unsigned binary representation of the specified [value], which must fit * in a single byte. in other words, [value] must be between 0 and 255, * inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, * or greater than or equal to the length of this object. */ void setUint8(int byteOffset, int value) native; static NativeByteData _create1(arg) => JS('NativeByteData', 'new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(#))', arg); static NativeByteData _create2(arg1, arg2) => JS('NativeByteData', 'new DataView(#, #)', arg1, arg2); static NativeByteData _create3(arg1, arg2, arg3) => JS('NativeByteData', 'new DataView(#, #, #)', arg1, arg2, arg3); } abstract class NativeTypedArray extends NativeTypedData implements JavaScriptIndexingBehavior { int get length; void _setRangeFast( int start, int end, NativeTypedArray source, int skipCount) { int targetLength = this.length; _checkPosition(start, targetLength, "start"); _checkPosition(end, targetLength, "end"); if (start > end) throw RangeError.range(start, 0, end); int count = end - start; if (skipCount < 0) throw ArgumentError(skipCount); int sourceLength = source.length; if (sourceLength - skipCount < count) { throw StateError('Not enough elements'); } if (skipCount != 0 || sourceLength != count) { // Create a view of the exact subrange that is copied from the source. source = JS('', '#.subarray(#, #)', source, skipCount, skipCount + count); } JS('void', '#.set(#, #)', this, source, start); } } abstract class NativeTypedArrayOfDouble extends NativeTypedArray with ListMixin, FixedLengthListMixin { int get length => JS('int', '#.length', this); double operator [](int index) { _checkValidIndex(index, this, this.length); return JS('double', '#[#]', this, index); } void operator []=(int index, num value) { _checkValidIndex(index, this, this.length); JS('void', '#[#] = #', this, index, value); } void setRange(int start, int end, Iterable iterable, [int skipCount = 0]) { if (iterable is NativeTypedArrayOfDouble) { _setRangeFast(start, end, iterable, skipCount); return; } super.setRange(start, end, iterable, skipCount); } } abstract class NativeTypedArrayOfInt extends NativeTypedArray with ListMixin, FixedLengthListMixin implements List { int get length => JS('int', '#.length', this); // operator[]() is not here since different versions have different return // types void operator []=(int index, int value) { _checkValidIndex(index, this, this.length); JS('void', '#[#] = #', this, index, value); } void setRange(int start, int end, Iterable iterable, [int skipCount = 0]) { if (iterable is NativeTypedArrayOfInt) { _setRangeFast(start, end, iterable, skipCount); return; } super.setRange(start, end, iterable, skipCount); } } @Native("Float32Array") class NativeFloat32List extends NativeTypedArrayOfDouble implements Float32List { factory NativeFloat32List(int length) => _create1(_checkLength(length)); factory NativeFloat32List.fromList(List elements) => _create1(_ensureNativeList(elements)); factory NativeFloat32List.view( ByteBuffer buffer, int offsetInBytes, int length) { _checkViewArguments(buffer, offsetInBytes, length); return length == null ? _create2(buffer, offsetInBytes) : _create3(buffer, offsetInBytes, length); } Type get runtimeType => Float32List; List sublist(int start, [int end]) { end = _checkValidRange(start, end, this.length); var source = JS('NativeFloat32List', '#.subarray(#, #)', this, start, end); return _create1(source); } static NativeFloat32List _create1(arg) => JS('NativeFloat32List', 'new Float32Array(#)', arg); static NativeFloat32List _create2(arg1, arg2) => JS('NativeFloat32List', 'new Float32Array(#, #)', arg1, arg2); static NativeFloat32List _create3(arg1, arg2, arg3) => JS('NativeFloat32List', 'new Float32Array(#, #, #)', arg1, arg2, arg3); } @Native("Float64Array") class NativeFloat64List extends NativeTypedArrayOfDouble implements Float64List { factory NativeFloat64List(int length) => _create1(_checkLength(length)); factory NativeFloat64List.fromList(List elements) => _create1(_ensureNativeList(elements)); factory NativeFloat64List.view( ByteBuffer buffer, int offsetInBytes, int length) { _checkViewArguments(buffer, offsetInBytes, length); return length == null ? _create2(buffer, offsetInBytes) : _create3(buffer, offsetInBytes, length); } Type get runtimeType => Float64List; List sublist(int start, [int end]) { end = _checkValidRange(start, end, this.length); var source = JS('NativeFloat64List', '#.subarray(#, #)', this, start, end); return _create1(source); } static NativeFloat64List _create1(arg) => JS('NativeFloat64List', 'new Float64Array(#)', arg); static NativeFloat64List _create2(arg1, arg2) => JS('NativeFloat64List', 'new Float64Array(#, #)', arg1, arg2); static NativeFloat64List _create3(arg1, arg2, arg3) => JS('NativeFloat64List', 'new Float64Array(#, #, #)', arg1, arg2, arg3); } @Native("Int16Array") class NativeInt16List extends NativeTypedArrayOfInt implements Int16List { factory NativeInt16List(int length) => _create1(_checkLength(length)); factory NativeInt16List.fromList(List elements) => _create1(_ensureNativeList(elements)); factory NativeInt16List.view( NativeByteBuffer buffer, int offsetInBytes, int length) { _checkViewArguments(buffer, offsetInBytes, length); return length == null ? _create2(buffer, offsetInBytes) : _create3(buffer, offsetInBytes, length); } Type get runtimeType => Int16List; int operator [](int index) { _checkValidIndex(index, this, this.length); return JS('int', '#[#]', this, index); } List sublist(int start, [int end]) { end = _checkValidRange(start, end, this.length); var source = JS('NativeInt16List', '#.subarray(#, #)', this, start, end); return _create1(source); } static NativeInt16List _create1(arg) => JS('NativeInt16List', 'new Int16Array(#)', arg); static NativeInt16List _create2(arg1, arg2) => JS('NativeInt16List', 'new Int16Array(#, #)', arg1, arg2); static NativeInt16List _create3(arg1, arg2, arg3) => JS('NativeInt16List', 'new Int16Array(#, #, #)', arg1, arg2, arg3); } @Native("Int32Array") class NativeInt32List extends NativeTypedArrayOfInt implements Int32List { factory NativeInt32List(int length) => _create1(_checkLength(length)); factory NativeInt32List.fromList(List elements) => _create1(_ensureNativeList(elements)); factory NativeInt32List.view( ByteBuffer buffer, int offsetInBytes, int length) { _checkViewArguments(buffer, offsetInBytes, length); return length == null ? _create2(buffer, offsetInBytes) : _create3(buffer, offsetInBytes, length); } Type get runtimeType => Int32List; int operator [](int index) { _checkValidIndex(index, this, this.length); return JS('int', '#[#]', this, index); } List sublist(int start, [int end]) { end = _checkValidRange(start, end, this.length); var source = JS('NativeInt32List', '#.subarray(#, #)', this, start, end); return _create1(source); } static NativeInt32List _create1(arg) => JS('NativeInt32List', 'new Int32Array(#)', arg); static NativeInt32List _create2(arg1, arg2) => JS('NativeInt32List', 'new Int32Array(#, #)', arg1, arg2); static NativeInt32List _create3(arg1, arg2, arg3) => JS('NativeInt32List', 'new Int32Array(#, #, #)', arg1, arg2, arg3); } @Native("Int8Array") class NativeInt8List extends NativeTypedArrayOfInt implements Int8List { factory NativeInt8List(int length) => _create1(_checkLength(length)); factory NativeInt8List.fromList(List elements) => _create1(_ensureNativeList(elements)); factory NativeInt8List.view( ByteBuffer buffer, int offsetInBytes, int length) { _checkViewArguments(buffer, offsetInBytes, length); return length == null ? _create2(buffer, offsetInBytes) : _create3(buffer, offsetInBytes, length); } Type get runtimeType => Int8List; int operator [](int index) { _checkValidIndex(index, this, this.length); return JS('int', '#[#]', this, index); } List sublist(int start, [int end]) { end = _checkValidRange(start, end, this.length); var source = JS('NativeInt8List', '#.subarray(#, #)', this, start, end); return _create1(source); } static NativeInt8List _create1(arg) => JS('NativeInt8List', 'new Int8Array(#)', arg); static NativeInt8List _create2(arg1, arg2) => JS('NativeInt8List', 'new Int8Array(#, #)', arg1, arg2); static Int8List _create3(arg1, arg2, arg3) => JS('NativeInt8List', 'new Int8Array(#, #, #)', arg1, arg2, arg3); } @Native("Uint16Array") class NativeUint16List extends NativeTypedArrayOfInt implements Uint16List { factory NativeUint16List(int length) => _create1(_checkLength(length)); factory NativeUint16List.fromList(List list) => _create1(_ensureNativeList(list)); factory NativeUint16List.view( ByteBuffer buffer, int offsetInBytes, int length) { _checkViewArguments(buffer, offsetInBytes, length); return length == null ? _create2(buffer, offsetInBytes) : _create3(buffer, offsetInBytes, length); } Type get runtimeType => Uint16List; int operator [](int index) { _checkValidIndex(index, this, this.length); return JS('int', '#[#]', this, index); } List sublist(int start, [int end]) { end = _checkValidRange(start, end, this.length); var source = JS('NativeUint16List', '#.subarray(#, #)', this, start, end); return _create1(source); } static NativeUint16List _create1(arg) => JS('NativeUint16List', 'new Uint16Array(#)', arg); static NativeUint16List _create2(arg1, arg2) => JS('NativeUint16List', 'new Uint16Array(#, #)', arg1, arg2); static NativeUint16List _create3(arg1, arg2, arg3) => JS('NativeUint16List', 'new Uint16Array(#, #, #)', arg1, arg2, arg3); } @Native("Uint32Array") class NativeUint32List extends NativeTypedArrayOfInt implements Uint32List { factory NativeUint32List(int length) => _create1(_checkLength(length)); factory NativeUint32List.fromList(List elements) => _create1(_ensureNativeList(elements)); factory NativeUint32List.view( ByteBuffer buffer, int offsetInBytes, int length) { _checkViewArguments(buffer, offsetInBytes, length); return length == null ? _create2(buffer, offsetInBytes) : _create3(buffer, offsetInBytes, length); } Type get runtimeType => Uint32List; int operator [](int index) { _checkValidIndex(index, this, this.length); return JS('int', '#[#]', this, index); } List sublist(int start, [int end]) { end = _checkValidRange(start, end, this.length); var source = JS('NativeUint32List', '#.subarray(#, #)', this, start, end); return _create1(source); } static NativeUint32List _create1(arg) => JS('NativeUint32List', 'new Uint32Array(#)', arg); static NativeUint32List _create2(arg1, arg2) => JS('NativeUint32List', 'new Uint32Array(#, #)', arg1, arg2); static NativeUint32List _create3(arg1, arg2, arg3) => JS('NativeUint32List', 'new Uint32Array(#, #, #)', arg1, arg2, arg3); } @Native("Uint8ClampedArray,CanvasPixelArray") class NativeUint8ClampedList extends NativeTypedArrayOfInt implements Uint8ClampedList { factory NativeUint8ClampedList(int length) => _create1(_checkLength(length)); factory NativeUint8ClampedList.fromList(List elements) => _create1(_ensureNativeList(elements)); factory NativeUint8ClampedList.view( ByteBuffer buffer, int offsetInBytes, int length) { _checkViewArguments(buffer, offsetInBytes, length); return length == null ? _create2(buffer, offsetInBytes) : _create3(buffer, offsetInBytes, length); } Type get runtimeType => Uint8ClampedList; int get length => JS('int', '#.length', this); int operator [](int index) { _checkValidIndex(index, this, this.length); return JS('int', '#[#]', this, index); } List sublist(int start, [int end]) { end = _checkValidRange(start, end, this.length); var source = JS('NativeUint8ClampedList', '#.subarray(#, #)', this, start, end); return _create1(source); } static NativeUint8ClampedList _create1(arg) => JS('NativeUint8ClampedList', 'new Uint8ClampedArray(#)', arg); static NativeUint8ClampedList _create2(arg1, arg2) => JS('NativeUint8ClampedList', 'new Uint8ClampedArray(#, #)', arg1, arg2); static NativeUint8ClampedList _create3(arg1, arg2, arg3) => JS( 'NativeUint8ClampedList', 'new Uint8ClampedArray(#, #, #)', arg1, arg2, arg3); } // On some browsers Uint8ClampedArray is a subtype of Uint8Array. Marking // Uint8List as !nonleaf ensures that the native dispatch correctly handles // the potential for Uint8ClampedArray to 'accidentally' pick up the // dispatch record for Uint8List. @Native("Uint8Array,!nonleaf") class NativeUint8List extends NativeTypedArrayOfInt implements Uint8List { factory NativeUint8List(int length) => _create1(_checkLength(length)); factory NativeUint8List.fromList(List elements) => _create1(_ensureNativeList(elements)); factory NativeUint8List.view( ByteBuffer buffer, int offsetInBytes, int length) { _checkViewArguments(buffer, offsetInBytes, length); return length == null ? _create2(buffer, offsetInBytes) : _create3(buffer, offsetInBytes, length); } Type get runtimeType => Uint8List; int get length => JS('int', '#.length', this); int operator [](int index) { _checkValidIndex(index, this, this.length); return JS('int', '#[#]', this, index); } List sublist(int start, [int end]) { end = _checkValidRange(start, end, this.length); var source = JS('NativeUint8List', '#.subarray(#, #)', this, start, end); return _create1(source); } static NativeUint8List _create1(arg) => JS('NativeUint8List', 'new Uint8Array(#)', arg); static NativeUint8List _create2(arg1, arg2) => JS('NativeUint8List', 'new Uint8Array(#, #)', arg1, arg2); static NativeUint8List _create3(arg1, arg2, arg3) => JS('NativeUint8List', 'new Uint8Array(#, #, #)', arg1, arg2, arg3); } /** * Implementation of Dart Float32x4 immutable value type and operations. * Float32x4 stores 4 32-bit floating point values in "lanes". * The lanes are "x", "y", "z", and "w" respectively. */ class NativeFloat32x4 implements Float32x4 { final double x; final double y; final double z; final double w; static final NativeFloat32List _list = NativeFloat32List(4); static final Uint32List _uint32view = _list.buffer.asUint32List(); static _truncate(x) { _list[0] = x; return _list[0]; } NativeFloat32x4(double x, double y, double z, double w) : this.x = _truncate(x), this.y = _truncate(y), this.z = _truncate(z), this.w = _truncate(w) { // We would prefer to check for `double` but in dart2js we can't see the // difference anyway. if (x is! num) throw ArgumentError(x); if (y is! num) throw ArgumentError(y); if (z is! num) throw ArgumentError(z); if (w is! num) throw ArgumentError(w); } NativeFloat32x4.splat(double v) : this(v, v, v, v); : this._truncated(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); /// Returns a bit-wise copy of [i] as a Float32x4. factory NativeFloat32x4.fromInt32x4Bits(Int32x4 i) { _uint32view[0] = i.x; _uint32view[1] = i.y; _uint32view[2] = i.z; _uint32view[3] = i.w; return NativeFloat32x4._truncated(_list[0], _list[1], _list[2], _list[3]); } NativeFloat32x4.fromFloat64x2(Float64x2 v) : this._truncated(_truncate(v.x), _truncate(v.y), 0.0, 0.0); /// Creates a new NativeFloat32x4. /// /// Does not verify if the given arguments are non-null. NativeFloat32x4._doubles(double x, double y, double z, double w) : this.x = _truncate(x), this.y = _truncate(y), this.z = _truncate(z), this.w = _truncate(w); /// Creates a new NativeFloat32x4. /// /// The constructor does not truncate the arguments. They must already be in /// the correct range. It does not verify the type of the given arguments, /// either. NativeFloat32x4._truncated(this.x, this.y, this.z, this.w); String toString() { return '[$x, $y, $z, $w]'; } /// Addition operator. Float32x4 operator +(Float32x4 other) { double _x = x + other.x; double _y = y + other.y; double _z = z + other.z; double _w = w + other.w; return NativeFloat32x4._doubles(_x, _y, _z, _w); } /// Negate operator. Float32x4 operator -() { return NativeFloat32x4._truncated(-x, -y, -z, -w); } /// Subtraction operator. Float32x4 operator -(Float32x4 other) { double _x = x - other.x; double _y = y - other.y; double _z = z - other.z; double _w = w - other.w; return NativeFloat32x4._doubles(_x, _y, _z, _w); } /// Multiplication operator. Float32x4 operator *(Float32x4 other) { double _x = x * other.x; double _y = y * other.y; double _z = z * other.z; double _w = w * other.w; return NativeFloat32x4._doubles(_x, _y, _z, _w); } /// Division operator. Float32x4 operator /(Float32x4 other) { double _x = x / other.x; double _y = y / other.y; double _z = z / other.z; double _w = w / other.w; return NativeFloat32x4._doubles(_x, _y, _z, _w); } /// Relational less than. Int32x4 lessThan(Float32x4 other) { bool _cx = x < other.x; bool _cy = y < other.y; bool _cz = z < other.z; bool _cw = w < other.w; return NativeInt32x4._truncated( _cx ? -1 : 0, _cy ? -1 : 0, _cz ? -1 : 0, _cw ? -1 : 0); } /// Relational less than or equal. Int32x4 lessThanOrEqual(Float32x4 other) { bool _cx = x <= other.x; bool _cy = y <= other.y; bool _cz = z <= other.z; bool _cw = w <= other.w; return NativeInt32x4._truncated( _cx ? -1 : 0, _cy ? -1 : 0, _cz ? -1 : 0, _cw ? -1 : 0); } /// Relational greater than. Int32x4 greaterThan(Float32x4 other) { bool _cx = x > other.x; bool _cy = y > other.y; bool _cz = z > other.z; bool _cw = w > other.w; return NativeInt32x4._truncated( _cx ? -1 : 0, _cy ? -1 : 0, _cz ? -1 : 0, _cw ? -1 : 0); } /// Relational greater than or equal. Int32x4 greaterThanOrEqual(Float32x4 other) { bool _cx = x >= other.x; bool _cy = y >= other.y; bool _cz = z >= other.z; bool _cw = w >= other.w; return NativeInt32x4._truncated( _cx ? -1 : 0, _cy ? -1 : 0, _cz ? -1 : 0, _cw ? -1 : 0); } /// Relational equal. Int32x4 equal(Float32x4 other) { bool _cx = x == other.x; bool _cy = y == other.y; bool _cz = z == other.z; bool _cw = w == other.w; return NativeInt32x4._truncated( _cx ? -1 : 0, _cy ? -1 : 0, _cz ? -1 : 0, _cw ? -1 : 0); } /// Relational not-equal. Int32x4 notEqual(Float32x4 other) { bool _cx = x != other.x; bool _cy = y != other.y; bool _cz = z != other.z; bool _cw = w != other.w; return NativeInt32x4._truncated( _cx ? -1 : 0, _cy ? -1 : 0, _cz ? -1 : 0, _cw ? -1 : 0); } /// Returns a copy of [this] each lane being scaled by [s]. Float32x4 scale(double s) { double _x = s * x; double _y = s * y; double _z = s * z; double _w = s * w; return NativeFloat32x4._doubles(_x, _y, _z, _w); } /// Returns the absolute value of this [Float32x4]. Float32x4 abs() { double _x = x.abs(); double _y = y.abs(); double _z = z.abs(); double _w = w.abs(); return NativeFloat32x4._truncated(_x, _y, _z, _w); } /// Clamps [this] to be in the range [lowerLimit]-[upperLimit]. Float32x4 clamp(Float32x4 lowerLimit, Float32x4 upperLimit) { double _lx = lowerLimit.x; double _ly = lowerLimit.y; double _lz = lowerLimit.z; double _lw = lowerLimit.w; double _ux = upperLimit.x; double _uy = upperLimit.y; double _uz = upperLimit.z; double _uw = upperLimit.w; double _x = x; double _y = y; double _z = z; double _w = w; // MAX(MIN(self, upper), lower). _x = _x > _ux ? _ux : _x; _y = _y > _uy ? _uy : _y; _z = _z > _uz ? _uz : _z; _w = _w > _uw ? _uw : _w; _x = _x < _lx ? _lx : _x; _y = _y < _ly ? _ly : _y; _z = _z < _lz ? _lz : _z; _w = _w < _lw ? _lw : _w; return NativeFloat32x4._truncated(_x, _y, _z, _w); } /// Extract the sign bit from each lane return them in the first 4 bits. int get signMask { var view = _uint32view; var mx, my, mz, mw; _list[0] = x; _list[1] = y; _list[2] = z; _list[3] = w; // This is correct because dart2js uses the unsigned right shift. mx = (view[0] & 0x80000000) >> 31; my = (view[1] & 0x80000000) >> 30; mz = (view[2] & 0x80000000) >> 29; mw = (view[3] & 0x80000000) >> 28; return mx | my | mz | mw; } /// Shuffle the lane values. [mask] must be one of the 256 shuffle constants. Float32x4 shuffle(int mask) { if ((mask < 0) || (mask > 255)) { throw RangeError.range(mask, 0, 255, "mask"); } _list[0] = x; _list[1] = y; _list[2] = z; _list[3] = w; double _x = _list[mask & 0x3]; double _y = _list[(mask >> 2) & 0x3]; double _z = _list[(mask >> 4) & 0x3]; double _w = _list[(mask >> 6) & 0x3]; return NativeFloat32x4._truncated(_x, _y, _z, _w); } /// Shuffle the lane values in [this] and [other]. The returned /// Float32x4 will have XY lanes from [this] and ZW lanes from [other]. /// Uses the same [mask] as [shuffle]. Float32x4 shuffleMix(Float32x4 other, int mask) { if ((mask < 0) || (mask > 255)) { throw RangeError.range(mask, 0, 255, "mask"); } _list[0] = x; _list[1] = y; _list[2] = z; _list[3] = w; double _x = _list[mask & 0x3]; double _y = _list[(mask >> 2) & 0x3]; _list[0] = other.x; _list[1] = other.y; _list[2] = other.z; _list[3] = other.w; double _z = _list[(mask >> 4) & 0x3]; double _w = _list[(mask >> 6) & 0x3]; return NativeFloat32x4._truncated(_x, _y, _z, _w); } /// Copy [this] and replace the [x] lane. Float32x4 withX(double newX) { return NativeFloat32x4._truncated(_truncate(newX), y, z, w); } /// Copy [this] and replace the [y] lane. Float32x4 withY(double newY) { return NativeFloat32x4._truncated(x, _truncate(newY), z, w); } /// Copy [this] and replace the [z] lane. Float32x4 withZ(double newZ) { return NativeFloat32x4._truncated(x, y, _truncate(newZ), w); } /// Copy [this] and replace the [w] lane. Float32x4 withW(double newW) { return NativeFloat32x4._truncated(x, y, z, _truncate(newW)); } /// Returns the lane-wise minimum value in [this] or [other]. Float32x4 min(Float32x4 other) { double _x = x < other.x ? x : other.x; double _y = y < other.y ? y : other.y; double _z = z < other.z ? z : other.z; double _w = w < other.w ? w : other.w; return NativeFloat32x4._truncated(_x, _y, _z, _w); } /// Returns the lane-wise maximum value in [this] or [other]. Float32x4 max(Float32x4 other) { double _x = x > other.x ? x : other.x; double _y = y > other.y ? y : other.y; double _z = z > other.z ? z : other.z; double _w = w > other.w ? w : other.w; return NativeFloat32x4._truncated(_x, _y, _z, _w); } /// Returns the square root of [this]. Float32x4 sqrt() { double _x = Math.sqrt(x); double _y = Math.sqrt(y); double _z = Math.sqrt(z); double _w = Math.sqrt(w); return NativeFloat32x4._doubles(_x, _y, _z, _w); } /// Returns the reciprocal of [this]. Float32x4 reciprocal() { double _x = 1.0 / x; double _y = 1.0 / y; double _z = 1.0 / z; double _w = 1.0 / w; return NativeFloat32x4._doubles(_x, _y, _z, _w); } /// Returns the square root of the reciprocal of [this]. Float32x4 reciprocalSqrt() { double _x = Math.sqrt(1.0 / x); double _y = Math.sqrt(1.0 / y); double _z = Math.sqrt(1.0 / z); double _w = Math.sqrt(1.0 / w); return NativeFloat32x4._doubles(_x, _y, _z, _w); } } /** * Interface of Dart Int32x4 and operations. * Int32x4 stores 4 32-bit bit-masks in "lanes". * The lanes are "x", "y", "z", and "w" respectively. */ class NativeInt32x4 implements Int32x4 { final int x; final int y; final int z; final int w; static final _list = NativeInt32List(4); static _truncate(x) { _list[0] = x; return _list[0]; } NativeInt32x4(int x, int y, int z, int w) : this.x = _truncate(x), this.y = _truncate(y), this.z = _truncate(z), this.w = _truncate(w) { if (x != this.x && x is! int) throw ArgumentError(x); if (y != this.y && y is! int) throw ArgumentError(y); if (z != this.z && z is! int) throw ArgumentError(z); if (w != this.w && w is! int) throw ArgumentError(w); } NativeInt32x4.bool(bool x, bool y, bool z, bool w) : this.x = x ? -1 : 0, this.y = y ? -1 : 0, this.z = z ? -1 : 0, this.w = w ? -1 : 0; /// Returns a bit-wise copy of [f] as a Int32x4. factory NativeInt32x4.fromFloat32x4Bits(Float32x4 f) { NativeFloat32List floatList = NativeFloat32x4._list; floatList[0] = f.x; floatList[1] = f.y; floatList[2] = f.z; floatList[3] = f.w; NativeInt32List view = floatList.buffer.asInt32List(); return NativeInt32x4._truncated(view[0], view[1], view[2], view[3]); } NativeInt32x4._truncated(this.x, this.y, this.z, this.w); String toString() => '[$x, $y, $z, $w]'; /// The bit-wise or operator. Int32x4 operator |(Int32x4 other) { // Dart2js uses unsigned results for bit-operations. // We use "JS" to fall back to the signed versions. return NativeInt32x4._truncated( JS("int", "# | #", x, other.x), JS("int", "# | #", y, other.y), JS("int", "# | #", z, other.z), JS("int", "# | #", w, other.w)); } /// The bit-wise and operator. Int32x4 operator &(Int32x4 other) { // Dart2js uses unsigned results for bit-operations. // We use "JS" to fall back to the signed versions. return NativeInt32x4._truncated( JS("int", "# & #", x, other.x), JS("int", "# & #", y, other.y), JS("int", "# & #", z, other.z), JS("int", "# & #", w, other.w)); } /// The bit-wise xor operator. Int32x4 operator ^(Int32x4 other) { // Dart2js uses unsigned results for bit-operations. // We use "JS" to fall back to the signed versions. return NativeInt32x4._truncated( JS("int", "# ^ #", x, other.x), JS("int", "# ^ #", y, other.y), JS("int", "# ^ #", z, other.z), JS("int", "# ^ #", w, other.w)); } Int32x4 operator +(Int32x4 other) { // Avoid going through the typed array by "| 0" the result. return NativeInt32x4._truncated( JS("int", "(# + #) | 0", x, other.x), JS("int", "(# + #) | 0", y, other.y), JS("int", "(# + #) | 0", z, other.z), JS("int", "(# + #) | 0", w, other.w)); } Int32x4 operator -(Int32x4 other) { // Avoid going through the typed array by "| 0" the result. return NativeInt32x4._truncated( JS("int", "(# - #) | 0", x, other.x), JS("int", "(# - #) | 0", y, other.y), JS("int", "(# - #) | 0", z, other.z), JS("int", "(# - #) | 0", w, other.w)); } Int32x4 operator -() { // Avoid going through the typed array by "| 0" the result. return NativeInt32x4._truncated( JS("int", "(-#) | 0", x), JS("int", "(-#) | 0", y), JS("int", "(-#) | 0", z), JS("int", "(-#) | 0", w)); } /// Extract the top bit from each lane return them in the first 4 bits. int get signMask { int mx = (x & 0x80000000) >> 31; int my = (y & 0x80000000) >> 31; int mz = (z & 0x80000000) >> 31; int mw = (w & 0x80000000) >> 31; return mx | my << 1 | mz << 2 | mw << 3; } /// Shuffle the lane values. [mask] must be one of the 256 shuffle constants. Int32x4 shuffle(int mask) { if ((mask < 0) || (mask > 255)) { throw RangeError.range(mask, 0, 255, "mask"); } _list[0] = x; _list[1] = y; _list[2] = z; _list[3] = w; int _x = _list[mask & 0x3]; int _y = _list[(mask >> 2) & 0x3]; int _z = _list[(mask >> 4) & 0x3]; int _w = _list[(mask >> 6) & 0x3]; return NativeInt32x4._truncated(_x, _y, _z, _w); } /// Shuffle the lane values in [this] and [other]. The returned /// Int32x4 will have XY lanes from [this] and ZW lanes from [other]. /// Uses the same [mask] as [shuffle]. Int32x4 shuffleMix(Int32x4 other, int mask) { if ((mask < 0) || (mask > 255)) { throw RangeError.range(mask, 0, 255, "mask"); } _list[0] = x; _list[1] = y; _list[2] = z; _list[3] = w; int _x = _list[mask & 0x3]; int _y = _list[(mask >> 2) & 0x3]; _list[0] = other.x; _list[1] = other.y; _list[2] = other.z; _list[3] = other.w; int _z = _list[(mask >> 4) & 0x3]; int _w = _list[(mask >> 6) & 0x3]; return NativeInt32x4._truncated(_x, _y, _z, _w); } /// Returns a new [Int32x4] copied from [this] with a new x value. Int32x4 withX(int x) { int _x = _truncate(x); return NativeInt32x4._truncated(_x, y, z, w); } /// Returns a new [Int32x4] copied from [this] with a new y value. Int32x4 withY(int y) { int _y = _truncate(y); return NativeInt32x4._truncated(x, _y, z, w); } /// Returns a new [Int32x4] copied from [this] with a new z value. Int32x4 withZ(int z) { int _z = _truncate(z); return NativeInt32x4._truncated(x, y, _z, w); } /// Returns a new [Int32x4] copied from [this] with a new w value. Int32x4 withW(int w) { int _w = _truncate(w); return NativeInt32x4._truncated(x, y, z, _w); } /// Extracted x value. Returns `false` for 0, `true` for any other value. bool get flagX => x != 0; /// Extracted y value. Returns `false` for 0, `true` for any other value. bool get flagY => y != 0; /// Extracted z value. Returns `false` for 0, `true` for any other value. bool get flagZ => z != 0; /// Extracted w value. Returns `false` for 0, `true` for any other value. bool get flagW => w != 0; /// Returns a new [Int32x4] copied from [this] with a new x value. Int32x4 withFlagX(bool flagX) { int _x = flagX ? -1 : 0; return NativeInt32x4._truncated(_x, y, z, w); } /// Returns a new [Int32x4] copied from [this] with a new y value. Int32x4 withFlagY(bool flagY) { int _y = flagY ? -1 : 0; return NativeInt32x4._truncated(x, _y, z, w); } /// Returns a new [Int32x4] copied from [this] with a new z value. Int32x4 withFlagZ(bool flagZ) { int _z = flagZ ? -1 : 0; return NativeInt32x4._truncated(x, y, _z, w); } /// Returns a new [Int32x4] copied from [this] with a new w value. Int32x4 withFlagW(bool flagW) { int _w = flagW ? -1 : 0; return NativeInt32x4._truncated(x, y, z, _w); } /// Merge [trueValue] and [falseValue] based on [this]' bit mask: /// Select bit from [trueValue] when bit in [this] is on. /// Select bit from [falseValue] when bit in [this] is off. Float32x4 select(Float32x4 trueValue, Float32x4 falseValue) { var floatList = NativeFloat32x4._list; var intView = NativeFloat32x4._uint32view; floatList[0] = trueValue.x; floatList[1] = trueValue.y; floatList[2] = trueValue.z; floatList[3] = trueValue.w; int stx = intView[0]; int sty = intView[1]; int stz = intView[2]; int stw = intView[3]; floatList[0] = falseValue.x; floatList[1] = falseValue.y; floatList[2] = falseValue.z; floatList[3] = falseValue.w; int sfx = intView[0]; int sfy = intView[1]; int sfz = intView[2]; int sfw = intView[3]; int _x = (x & stx) | (~x & sfx); int _y = (y & sty) | (~y & sfy); int _z = (z & stz) | (~z & sfz); int _w = (w & stw) | (~w & sfw); intView[0] = _x; intView[1] = _y; intView[2] = _z; intView[3] = _w; return NativeFloat32x4._truncated( floatList[0], floatList[1], floatList[2], floatList[3]); } } class NativeFloat64x2 implements Float64x2 { final double x; final double y; static NativeFloat64List _list = NativeFloat64List(2); static NativeUint32List _uint32View = _list.buffer.asUint32List(); NativeFloat64x2(this.x, this.y) { if (x is! num) throw ArgumentError(x); if (y is! num) throw ArgumentError(y); } NativeFloat64x2.splat(double v) : this(v, v); : this.splat(0.0); NativeFloat64x2.fromFloat32x4(Float32x4 v) : this(v.x, v.y); /// Arguments [x] and [y] must be doubles. NativeFloat64x2._doubles(this.x, this.y); String toString() => '[$x, $y]'; /// Addition operator. Float64x2 operator +(Float64x2 other) { return NativeFloat64x2._doubles(x + other.x, y + other.y); } /// Negate operator. Float64x2 operator -() { return NativeFloat64x2._doubles(-x, -y); } /// Subtraction operator. Float64x2 operator -(Float64x2 other) { return NativeFloat64x2._doubles(x - other.x, y - other.y); } /// Multiplication operator. Float64x2 operator *(Float64x2 other) { return NativeFloat64x2._doubles(x * other.x, y * other.y); } /// Division operator. Float64x2 operator /(Float64x2 other) { return NativeFloat64x2._doubles(x / other.x, y / other.y); } /// Returns a copy of [this] each lane being scaled by [s]. Float64x2 scale(double s) { return NativeFloat64x2._doubles(x * s, y * s); } /// Returns the absolute value of this [Float64x2]. Float64x2 abs() { return NativeFloat64x2._doubles(x.abs(), y.abs()); } /// Clamps [this] to be in the range [lowerLimit]-[upperLimit]. Float64x2 clamp(Float64x2 lowerLimit, Float64x2 upperLimit) { double _lx = lowerLimit.x; double _ly = lowerLimit.y; double _ux = upperLimit.x; double _uy = upperLimit.y; double _x = x; double _y = y; // MAX(MIN(self, upper), lower). _x = _x > _ux ? _ux : _x; _y = _y > _uy ? _uy : _y; _x = _x < _lx ? _lx : _x; _y = _y < _ly ? _ly : _y; return NativeFloat64x2._doubles(_x, _y); } /// Extract the sign bits from each lane return them in the first 2 bits. int get signMask { var view = _uint32View; _list[0] = x; _list[1] = y; var mx = (view[1] & 0x80000000) >> 31; var my = (view[3] & 0x80000000) >> 31; return mx | my << 1; } /// Returns a new [Float64x2] copied from [this] with a new x value. Float64x2 withX(double x) { if (x is! num) throw ArgumentError(x); return NativeFloat64x2._doubles(x, y); } /// Returns a new [Float64x2] copied from [this] with a new y value. Float64x2 withY(double y) { if (y is! num) throw ArgumentError(y); return NativeFloat64x2._doubles(x, y); } /// Returns the lane-wise minimum value in [this] or [other]. Float64x2 min(Float64x2 other) { return NativeFloat64x2._doubles( x < other.x ? x : other.x, y < other.y ? y : other.y); } /// Returns the lane-wise maximum value in [this] or [other]. Float64x2 max(Float64x2 other) { return NativeFloat64x2._doubles( x > other.x ? x : other.x, y > other.y ? y : other.y); } /// Returns the lane-wise square root of [this]. Float64x2 sqrt() { return NativeFloat64x2._doubles(Math.sqrt(x), Math.sqrt(y)); } } /// Checks that the value is a Uint32. If not, it's not valid as an array /// index or offset. Also ensures that the value is non-negative. bool _isInvalidArrayIndex(int index) { return (JS('bool', '(# >>> 0 !== #)', index, index)); } /// Checks that [index] is a valid index into [list] which has length [length]. /// /// That is, [index] is an integer in the range `0..length - 1`. void _checkValidIndex(int index, List list, int length) { if (_isInvalidArrayIndex(index) || JS('int', '#', index) >= length) { throw diagnoseIndexError(list, index); } } /// Checks that [start] and [end] form a range of a list of length [length]. /// /// That is: `start` and `end` are integers with `0 <= start <= end <= length`. /// If `end` is `null` in which case it is considered to be `length` /// /// Returns the actual value of `end`, which is `length` if `end` is `null`, and /// the original value of `end` otherwise. int _checkValidRange(int start, int end, int length) { if (_isInvalidArrayIndex(start) || // Ensures start is non-negative int. ((end == null) ? start > length : (_isInvalidArrayIndex(end) || start > end || end > length))) { throw diagnoseRangeError(start, end, length); } if (end == null) return length; return end; } l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file:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/async/async.dart9// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /** * Support for asynchronous programming, * with classes such as Future and Stream. * * Understanding [Future]s and [Stream]s is a prerequisite for * writing just about any Dart program. * * To use this library in your code: * * import 'dart:async'; * * ## Future * * A Future object represents a computation whose return value * might not yet be available. * The Future returns the value of the computation * when it completes at some time in the future. * Futures are often used for potentially lengthy computations * such as I/O and interaction with users. * * Many methods in the Dart libraries return Futures when * performing tasks. For example, when binding an HttpServer * to a host and port, the `bind()` method returns a Future. * * HttpServer.bind('', 4444) * .then((server) => print('${server.isBroadcast}')) * .catchError(print); * * [Future.then] registers a callback function that runs * when the Future's operation, in this case the `bind()` method, * completes successfully. * The value returned by the operation * is passed into the callback function. * In this example, the `bind()` method returns the HttpServer * object. The callback function prints one of its properties. * [Future.catchError] registers a callback function that * runs if an error occurs within the Future. * * ## Stream * * A Stream provides an asynchronous sequence of data. * Examples of data sequences include individual events, like mouse clicks, * or sequential chunks of larger data, like multiple byte lists with the * contents of a file * such as mouse clicks, and a stream of byte lists read from a file. * The following example opens a file for reading. * [Stream.listen] registers a callback function that runs * each time more data is available. * * Stream> stream = new File('quotes.txt').openRead(); * stream.transform(utf8.decoder).listen(print); * * The stream emits a sequence of a list of bytes. * The program must interpret the bytes or handle the raw byte data. * Here, the code uses a UTF-8 decoder (provided in the `dart:convert` library) * to convert the sequence of bytes into a sequence * of Dart strings. * * Another common use of streams is for user-generated events * in a web app: The following code listens for mouse clicks on a button. * * querySelector('#myButton').onClick.listen((_) => print('Click.')); * * ## Other resources * * * The [dart:async section of the library tour][asynchronous-programming]: * A brief overview of asynchronous programming. * * * [Use Future-Based APIs][futures-tutorial]: A closer look at Futures and * how to use them to write asynchronous Dart code. * * * [Futures and Error Handling][futures-error-handling]: Everything you * wanted to know about handling errors and exceptions when working with * Futures (but were afraid to ask). * * * [The Event Loop and Dart]( * Learn how Dart handles the event queue and microtask queue, so you can * write better asynchronous code with fewer surprises. * * * [test package: Asynchronous Tests][test-readme]: How to test asynchronous * code. * * [asynchronous-programming]: * [futures-tutorial]: * [futures-error-handling]: * [test-readme]: * * {@category Core} */ library dart.async; import "dart:collection" show HashMap, IterableBase; import "dart:_internal" show CastStream, CastStreamTransformer, printToZone, printToConsole, IterableElementError; part 'async_error.dart'; part 'broadcast_stream_controller.dart'; part 'deferred_load.dart'; part 'future.dart'; part 'future_impl.dart'; part 'schedule_microtask.dart'; part 'stream.dart'; part 'stream_controller.dart'; part 'stream_impl.dart'; part 'stream_pipe.dart'; part 'stream_transformers.dart'; part 'timer.dart'; part 'zone.dart'; wNN<)+?(% ?31?+:==+> 9B')??:. 7LJF3;%E53EP4>JJM3M6JK'OL:O H[95 ) !Rfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/async/future_impl.dartg// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.async; /** The onValue and onError handlers return either a value or a future */ typedef FutureOr _FutureOnValue(S value); /** Test used by [Future.catchError] to handle skip some errors. */ typedef bool _FutureErrorTest(Object error); /** Used by [WhenFuture]. */ typedef dynamic _FutureAction(); abstract class _Completer implements Completer { final _Future future = new _Future(); void complete([FutureOr value]); void completeError(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) { error = _nonNullError(error); if (!future._mayComplete) throw new StateError("Future already completed"); AsyncError replacement = Zone.current.errorCallback(error, stackTrace); if (replacement != null) { error = _nonNullError(replacement.error); stackTrace = replacement.stackTrace; } _completeError(error, stackTrace); } void _completeError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace); // The future's _isComplete doesn't take into account pending completions. // We therefore use _mayComplete. bool get isCompleted => !future._mayComplete; } class _AsyncCompleter extends _Completer { void complete([FutureOr value]) { if (!future._mayComplete) throw new StateError("Future already completed"); future._asyncComplete(value); } void _completeError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) { future._asyncCompleteError(error, stackTrace); } } class _SyncCompleter extends _Completer { void complete([FutureOr value]) { if (!future._mayComplete) throw new StateError("Future already completed"); future._complete(value); } void _completeError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) { future._completeError(error, stackTrace); } } class _FutureListener { static const int maskValue = 1; static const int maskError = 2; static const int maskTestError = 4; static const int maskWhencomplete = 8; static const int stateChain = 0; static const int stateThen = maskValue; static const int stateThenOnerror = maskValue | maskError; static const int stateCatcherror = maskError; static const int stateCatcherrorTest = maskError | maskTestError; static const int stateWhencomplete = maskWhencomplete; // Listeners on the same future are linked through this link. _FutureListener _nextListener = null; // The future to complete when this listener is activated. final _Future result; // Which fields means what. final int state; // Used for then/whenDone callback and error test final Function callback; // Used for error callbacks. final Function errorCallback; _FutureListener.then( this.result, _FutureOnValue onValue, Function errorCallback) : callback = onValue, errorCallback = errorCallback, state = (errorCallback == null) ? stateThen : stateThenOnerror; _FutureListener.catchError( this.result, this.errorCallback, _FutureErrorTest test) : callback = test, state = (test == null) ? stateCatcherror : stateCatcherrorTest; _FutureListener.whenComplete(this.result, _FutureAction onComplete) : callback = onComplete, errorCallback = null, state = stateWhencomplete; Zone get _zone => result._zone; bool get handlesValue => (state & maskValue != 0); bool get handlesError => (state & maskError != 0); bool get hasErrorTest => (state == stateCatcherrorTest); bool get handlesComplete => (state == stateWhencomplete); _FutureOnValue get _onValue { assert(handlesValue); return callback; } Function get _onError => errorCallback; _FutureErrorTest get _errorTest { assert(hasErrorTest); return callback; } _FutureAction get _whenCompleteAction { assert(handlesComplete); return callback; } /// Whether this listener has an error callback. /// /// This function must only be called if the listener [handlesError]. bool get hasErrorCallback { assert(handlesError); return _onError != null; } FutureOr handleValue(S sourceResult) { return _zone.runUnary, S>(_onValue, sourceResult); } bool matchesErrorTest(AsyncError asyncError) { if (!hasErrorTest) return true; return _zone.runUnary(_errorTest, asyncError.error); } FutureOr handleError(AsyncError asyncError) { assert(handlesError && hasErrorCallback); var errorCallback = this.errorCallback; // To enable promotion. // If the errorCallback returns something which is not a FutureOr, // this return statement throws, and the caller handles the error. if (errorCallback is dynamic Function(Object, StackTrace)) { return _zone.runBinary( errorCallback, asyncError.error, asyncError.stackTrace); } else { assert(errorCallback is dynamic Function(Object)); return _zone.runUnary(errorCallback, asyncError.error); } } dynamic handleWhenComplete() { assert(!handlesError); return; } } class _Future implements Future { /// Initial state, waiting for a result. In this state, the /// [resultOrListeners] field holds a single-linked list of /// [_FutureListener] listeners. static const int _stateIncomplete = 0; /// Pending completion. Set when completed using [_asyncComplete] or /// [_asyncCompleteError]. It is an error to try to complete it again. /// [resultOrListeners] holds listeners. static const int _statePendingComplete = 1; /// The future has been chained to another future. The result of that /// other future becomes the result of this future as well. /// [resultOrListeners] contains the source future. static const int _stateChained = 2; /// The future has been completed with a value result. static const int _stateValue = 4; /// The future has been completed with an error result. static const int _stateError = 8; /** Whether the future is complete, and as what. */ int _state = _stateIncomplete; /** * Zone that the future was completed from. * This is the zone that an error result belongs to. * * Until the future is completed, the field may hold the zone that * listener callbacks used to create this future should be run in. */ final Zone _zone; /** * Either the result, a list of listeners or another future. * * The result of the future is either a value or an error. * A result is only stored when the future has completed. * * The listeners is an internally linked list of [_FutureListener]s. * Listeners are only remembered while the future is not yet complete, * and it is not chained to another future. * * The future is another future that his future is chained to. This future * is waiting for the other future to complete, and when it does, this future * will complete with the same result. * All listeners are forwarded to the other future. */ var _resultOrListeners; // This constructor is used by async/await. _Future() : _zone = Zone.current; _Future.immediate(FutureOr result) : _zone = Zone.current { _asyncComplete(result); } /** Creates a future with the value and the specified zone. */ _Future.zoneValue(T value, this._zone) { _setValue(value); } _Future.immediateError(var error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) : _zone = Zone.current { _asyncCompleteError(error, stackTrace); } /** Creates a future that is already completed with the value. */ _Future.value(T value) : this.zoneValue(value, Zone.current); bool get _mayComplete => _state == _stateIncomplete; bool get _isPendingComplete => _state == _statePendingComplete; bool get _mayAddListener => _state <= _statePendingComplete; bool get _isChained => _state == _stateChained; bool get _isComplete => _state >= _stateValue; bool get _hasError => _state == _stateError; void _setChained(_Future source) { assert(_mayAddListener); _state = _stateChained; _resultOrListeners = source; } Future then(FutureOr f(T value), {Function onError}) { Zone currentZone = Zone.current; if (!identical(currentZone, _rootZone)) { f = currentZone.registerUnaryCallback, T>(f); if (onError != null) { // In checked mode, this checks that onError is assignable to one of: // dynamic Function(Object) // dynamic Function(Object, StackTrace) onError = _registerErrorHandler(onError, currentZone); } } return _thenNoZoneRegistration(f, onError); } // This method is used by async/await. Future _thenNoZoneRegistration( FutureOr f(T value), Function onError) { _Future result = new _Future(); _addListener(new _FutureListener.then(result, f, onError)); return result; } Future catchError(Function onError, {bool test(error)}) { _Future result = new _Future(); if (!identical(result._zone, _rootZone)) { onError = _registerErrorHandler(onError, result._zone); if (test != null) test = result._zone.registerUnaryCallback(test); } _addListener(new _FutureListener.catchError(result, onError, test)); return result; } Future whenComplete(dynamic action()) { _Future result = new _Future(); if (!identical(result._zone, _rootZone)) { action = result._zone.registerCallback(action); } _addListener(new _FutureListener.whenComplete(result, action)); return result; } Stream asStream() => new Stream.fromFuture(this); void _setPendingComplete() { assert(_mayComplete); _state = _statePendingComplete; } void _clearPendingComplete() { assert(_isPendingComplete); _state = _stateIncomplete; } AsyncError get _error { assert(_hasError); return _resultOrListeners; } _Future get _chainSource { assert(_isChained); return _resultOrListeners; } // This method is used by async/await. void _setValue(T value) { assert(!_isComplete); // But may have a completion pending. _state = _stateValue; _resultOrListeners = value; } void _setErrorObject(AsyncError error) { assert(!_isComplete); // But may have a completion pending. _state = _stateError; _resultOrListeners = error; } void _setError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) { _setErrorObject(new AsyncError(error, stackTrace)); } /// Copy the completion result of [source] into this future. /// /// Used when a chained future notices that its source is completed. void _cloneResult(_Future source) { assert(!_isComplete); assert(source._isComplete); _state = source._state; _resultOrListeners = source._resultOrListeners; } void _addListener(_FutureListener listener) { assert(listener._nextListener == null); if (_mayAddListener) { listener._nextListener = _resultOrListeners; _resultOrListeners = listener; } else { if (_isChained) { // Delegate listeners to chained source future. // If the source is complete, instead copy its values and // drop the chaining. _Future source = _chainSource; if (!source._isComplete) { source._addListener(listener); return; } _cloneResult(source); } assert(_isComplete); // Handle late listeners asynchronously. _zone.scheduleMicrotask(() { _propagateToListeners(this, listener); }); } } void _prependListeners(_FutureListener listeners) { if (listeners == null) return; if (_mayAddListener) { _FutureListener existingListeners = _resultOrListeners; _resultOrListeners = listeners; if (existingListeners != null) { _FutureListener cursor = listeners; while (cursor._nextListener != null) { cursor = cursor._nextListener; } cursor._nextListener = existingListeners; } } else { if (_isChained) { // Delegate listeners to chained source future. // If the source is complete, instead copy its values and // drop the chaining. _Future source = _chainSource; if (!source._isComplete) { source._prependListeners(listeners); return; } _cloneResult(source); } assert(_isComplete); listeners = _reverseListeners(listeners); _zone.scheduleMicrotask(() { _propagateToListeners(this, listeners); }); } } _FutureListener _removeListeners() { // Reverse listeners before returning them, so the resulting list is in // subscription order. assert(!_isComplete); _FutureListener current = _resultOrListeners; _resultOrListeners = null; return _reverseListeners(current); } _FutureListener _reverseListeners(_FutureListener listeners) { _FutureListener prev = null; _FutureListener current = listeners; while (current != null) { _FutureListener next = current._nextListener; current._nextListener = prev; prev = current; current = next; } return prev; } // Take the value (when completed) of source and complete target with that // value (or error). This function could chain all Futures, but is slower // for _Future than _chainCoreFuture, so you must use _chainCoreFuture // in that case. static void _chainForeignFuture(Future source, _Future target) { assert(!target._isComplete); assert(source is! _Future); // Mark the target as chained (and as such half-completed). target._setPendingComplete(); try { source.then((value) { assert(target._isPendingComplete); // The "value" may be another future if the foreign future // implementation is mis-behaving, // so use _complete instead of _completeWithValue. target._clearPendingComplete(); // Clear this first, it's set again. target._complete(value); }, // TODO(floitsch): eventually we would like to make this non-optional // and dependent on the listeners of the target future. If none of // the target future's listeners want to have the stack trace we don't // need a trace. onError: (error, [stackTrace]) { assert(target._isPendingComplete); target._completeError(error, stackTrace); }); } catch (e, s) { // This only happens if the `then` call threw synchronously when given // valid arguments. // That requires a non-conforming implementation of the Future interface, // which should, hopefully, never happen. scheduleMicrotask(() { target._completeError(e, s); }); } } // Take the value (when completed) of source and complete target with that // value (or error). This function expects that source is a _Future. static void _chainCoreFuture(_Future source, _Future target) { assert(target._mayAddListener); // Not completed, not already chained. while (source._isChained) { source = source._chainSource; } if (source._isComplete) { _FutureListener listeners = target._removeListeners(); target._cloneResult(source); _propagateToListeners(target, listeners); } else { _FutureListener listeners = target._resultOrListeners; target._setChained(source); source._prependListeners(listeners); } } void _complete(FutureOr value) { assert(!_isComplete); if (value is Future) { if (value is _Future) { _chainCoreFuture(value, this); } else { _chainForeignFuture(value, this); } } else { _FutureListener listeners = _removeListeners(); _setValue(value); _propagateToListeners(this, listeners); } } void _completeWithValue(T value) { assert(!_isComplete); assert(value is! Future); _FutureListener listeners = _removeListeners(); _setValue(value); _propagateToListeners(this, listeners); } void _completeError(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) { assert(!_isComplete); _FutureListener listeners = _removeListeners(); _setError(error, stackTrace); _propagateToListeners(this, listeners); } void _asyncComplete(FutureOr value) { assert(!_isComplete); // Two corner cases if the value is a future: // 1. the future is already completed and an error. // 2. the future is not yet completed but might become an error. // The first case means that we must not immediately complete the Future, // as our code would immediately start propagating the error without // giving the time to install error-handlers. // However the second case requires us to deal with the value immediately. // Otherwise the value could complete with an error and report an // unhandled error, even though we know we are already going to listen to // it. if (value is Future) { _chainFuture(value); return; } _setPendingComplete(); _zone.scheduleMicrotask(() { _completeWithValue(value); }); } void _chainFuture(Future value) { if (value is _Future) { if (value._hasError) { // Delay completion to allow the user to register callbacks. _setPendingComplete(); _zone.scheduleMicrotask(() { _chainCoreFuture(value, this); }); } else { _chainCoreFuture(value, this); } return; } // Just listen on the foreign future. This guarantees an async delay. _chainForeignFuture(value, this); } void _asyncCompleteError(error, StackTrace stackTrace) { assert(!_isComplete); _setPendingComplete(); _zone.scheduleMicrotask(() { _completeError(error, stackTrace); }); } /** * Propagates the value/error of [source] to its [listeners], executing the * listeners' callbacks. */ static void _propagateToListeners(_Future source, _FutureListener listeners) { while (true) { assert(source._isComplete); bool hasError = source._hasError; if (listeners == null) { if (hasError) { AsyncError asyncError = source._error; source._zone .handleUncaughtError(asyncError.error, asyncError.stackTrace); } return; } // Usually futures only have one listener. If they have several, we // call handle them separately in recursive calls, continuing // here only when there is only one listener left. while (listeners._nextListener != null) { _FutureListener listener = listeners; listeners = listener._nextListener; listener._nextListener = null; _propagateToListeners(source, listener); } _FutureListener listener = listeners; final sourceResult = source._resultOrListeners; // Do the actual propagation. // Set initial state of listenerHasError and listenerValueOrError. These // variables are updated with the outcome of potential callbacks. // Non-error results, including futures, are stored in // listenerValueOrError and listenerHasError is set to false. Errors // are stored in listenerValueOrError as an [AsyncError] and // listenerHasError is set to true. bool listenerHasError = hasError; var listenerValueOrError = sourceResult; // Only if we either have an error or callbacks, go into this, somewhat // expensive, branch. Here we'll enter/leave the zone. Many futures // don't have callbacks, so this is a significant optimization. if (hasError || listener.handlesValue || listener.handlesComplete) { Zone zone = listener._zone; if (hasError && !source._zone.inSameErrorZone(zone)) { // Don't cross zone boundaries with errors. AsyncError asyncError = source._error; source._zone .handleUncaughtError(asyncError.error, asyncError.stackTrace); return; } Zone oldZone; if (!identical(Zone.current, zone)) { // Change zone if it's not current. oldZone = Zone._enter(zone); } // These callbacks are abstracted to isolate the try/catch blocks // from the rest of the code to work around a V8 glass jaw. void handleWhenCompleteCallback() { // The whenComplete-handler is not combined with normal value/error // handling. This means at most one handleX method is called per // listener. assert(!listener.handlesValue); assert(!listener.handlesError); var completeResult; try { completeResult = listener.handleWhenComplete(); } catch (e, s) { if (hasError && identical(source._error.error, e)) { listenerValueOrError = source._error; } else { listenerValueOrError = new AsyncError(e, s); } listenerHasError = true; return; } if (completeResult is Future) { if (completeResult is _Future && completeResult._isComplete) { if (completeResult._hasError) { listenerValueOrError = completeResult._error; listenerHasError = true; } // Otherwise use the existing result of source. return; } // We have to wait for the completeResult future to complete // before knowing if it's an error or we should use the result // of source. var originalSource = source; listenerValueOrError = completeResult.then((_) => originalSource); listenerHasError = false; } } void handleValueCallback() { try { listenerValueOrError = listener.handleValue(sourceResult); } catch (e, s) { listenerValueOrError = new AsyncError(e, s); listenerHasError = true; } } void handleError() { try { AsyncError asyncError = source._error; if (listener.matchesErrorTest(asyncError) && listener.hasErrorCallback) { listenerValueOrError = listener.handleError(asyncError); listenerHasError = false; } } catch (e, s) { if (identical(source._error.error, e)) { listenerValueOrError = source._error; } else { listenerValueOrError = new AsyncError(e, s); } listenerHasError = true; } } if (listener.handlesComplete) { handleWhenCompleteCallback(); } else if (!hasError) { if (listener.handlesValue) { handleValueCallback(); } } else { if (listener.handlesError) { handleError(); } } // If we changed zone, oldZone will not be null. if (oldZone != null) Zone._leave(oldZone); // If the listener's value is a future we need to chain it. Note that // this can only happen if there is a callback. if (listenerValueOrError is Future) { Future chainSource = listenerValueOrError; // Shortcut if the chain-source is already completed. Just continue // the loop. _Future result = listener.result; if (chainSource is _Future) { if (chainSource._isComplete) { listeners = result._removeListeners(); result._cloneResult(chainSource); source = chainSource; continue; } else { _chainCoreFuture(chainSource, result); } } else { _chainForeignFuture(chainSource, result); } return; } } _Future result = listener.result; listeners = result._removeListeners(); if (!listenerHasError) { result._setValue(listenerValueOrError); } else { AsyncError asyncError = listenerValueOrError; result._setErrorObject(asyncError); } // Prepare for next round. source = result; } } Future timeout(Duration timeLimit, {FutureOr onTimeout()}) { if (_isComplete) return new _Future.immediate(this); _Future result = new _Future(); Timer timer; if (onTimeout == null) { timer = new Timer(timeLimit, () { result._completeError( new TimeoutException("Future not completed", timeLimit)); }); } else { Zone zone = Zone.current; onTimeout = zone.registerCallback(onTimeout); timer = new Timer(timeLimit, () { try { result._complete(; } catch (e, s) { result._completeError(e, s); } }); } this.then((T v) { if (timer.isActive) { timer.cancel(); result._completeWithValue(v); } }, onError: (e, s) { if (timer.isActive) { timer.cancel(); result._completeError(e, s); } }); return result; } } /// Registers errorHandler in zone if it has the correct type. /// /// Checks that the function accepts either an [Object] and a [StackTrace] /// or just one [Object]. Does not check the return type. /// The actually returned value must be `FutureOr` where `R` is the /// value type of the future that the call will complete (either returned /// by [Future.then] or [Future.catchError]). We check the returned value /// dynamically because the functions are passed as arguments in positions /// without inference, so a function expression won't infer the return type. /// /// Throws if the type is not valid. Function _registerErrorHandler(Function errorHandler, Zone zone) { if (errorHandler is dynamic Function(Object, StackTrace)) { return zone .registerBinaryCallback(errorHandler); } if (errorHandler is dynamic Function(Object)) { return zone.registerUnaryCallback(errorHandler); } throw new ArgumentError.value( errorHandler, "onError", "Error handler must accept one Object or one Object and a StackTrace" " as arguments, and return a a valid result"); } NN<J3D-!7.&>"PL0+'<M$01'P"=30'P=.""&)#*=0D9@(=4 I'H>HF#"55;<&*$*3H,C1$G3.DJGA;C 9O!+(>>#)GI+.H>6&9$:$6!.7EE?=<GI.MP)6.$AA+=,D@7B?21/%!B%.@N&2?3)(2*F?*/>IO-*/?J:$! )@ +@ 88?G& 40,3% 8B'#) /#/ 6#>&',/) 2 8B'#/ 0#0 'L2'A!)4$MLIC! @" +C+;M! PMQ++2 MP0% MGAK $=#0 ="+&!'* 6.%!4,?4",+2:GNI2OFN !!'E%) 'J&;!)NQ"(1M JD90.,'1,6$OH=KC*(/NJFK$?61M ..' JD,NK**<A4;% *K.>)>IK)O& %G9% 39-G(54;% (( '# ' 93N8.5N,(+50$56  (-06,!E9*(F 4(1' &%?K:GJJKM%C>L2F!L5Yfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/async/schedule_microtask.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.async; typedef void _AsyncCallback(); class _AsyncCallbackEntry { final _AsyncCallback callback; _AsyncCallbackEntry next; _AsyncCallbackEntry(this.callback); } /** Head of single linked list of pending callbacks. */ _AsyncCallbackEntry _nextCallback; /** Tail of single linked list of pending callbacks. */ _AsyncCallbackEntry _lastCallback; /** * Tail of priority callbacks added by the currently executing callback. * * Priority callbacks are put at the beginning of the * callback queue, so that if one callback schedules more than one * priority callback, they are still enqueued in scheduling order. */ _AsyncCallbackEntry _lastPriorityCallback; /** * Whether we are currently inside the callback loop. * * If we are inside the loop, we never need to schedule the loop, * even if adding a first element. */ bool _isInCallbackLoop = false; void _microtaskLoop() { while (_nextCallback != null) { _lastPriorityCallback = null; _AsyncCallbackEntry entry = _nextCallback; _nextCallback =; if (_nextCallback == null) _lastCallback = null; (entry.callback)(); } } void _startMicrotaskLoop() { _isInCallbackLoop = true; try { // Moved to separate function because try-finally prevents // good optimization. _microtaskLoop(); } finally { _lastPriorityCallback = null; _isInCallbackLoop = false; if (_nextCallback != null) { _AsyncRun._scheduleImmediate(_startMicrotaskLoop); } } } /** * Schedules a callback to be called as a microtask. * * The microtask is called after all other currently scheduled * microtasks, but as part of the current system event. */ void _scheduleAsyncCallback(_AsyncCallback callback) { _AsyncCallbackEntry newEntry = new _AsyncCallbackEntry(callback); if (_nextCallback == null) { _nextCallback = _lastCallback = newEntry; if (!_isInCallbackLoop) { _AsyncRun._scheduleImmediate(_startMicrotaskLoop); } } else { = newEntry; _lastCallback = newEntry; } } /** * Schedules a callback to be called before all other currently scheduled ones. * * This callback takes priority over existing scheduled callbacks. * It is only used internally to give higher priority to error reporting. * * Is always run in the root zone. */ void _schedulePriorityAsyncCallback(_AsyncCallback callback) { if (_nextCallback == null) { _scheduleAsyncCallback(callback); _lastPriorityCallback = _lastCallback; return; } _AsyncCallbackEntry entry = new _AsyncCallbackEntry(callback); if (_lastPriorityCallback == null) { = _nextCallback; _nextCallback = _lastPriorityCallback = entry; } else { =; = entry; _lastPriorityCallback = entry; if ( == null) { _lastCallback = entry; } } } /** * Runs a function asynchronously. * * Callbacks registered through this function are always executed in order and * are guaranteed to run before other asynchronous events (like [Timer] events, * or DOM events). * * **Warning:** it is possible to starve the DOM by registering asynchronous * callbacks through this method. For example the following program runs * the callbacks without ever giving the Timer callback a chance to execute: * * main() { * { print("executed"); }); // Will never be executed. * foo() { * scheduleMicrotask(foo); // Schedules [foo] in front of other events. * } * foo(); * } * * ## Other resources * * * [The Event Loop and Dart]( * Learn how Dart handles the event queue and microtask queue, so you can write * better asynchronous code with fewer surprises. */ void scheduleMicrotask(void callback()) { _Zone currentZone = Zone.current; if (identical(_rootZone, currentZone)) { // No need to bind the callback. We know that the root's scheduleMicrotask // will be invoked in the root zone. _rootScheduleMicrotask(null, null, _rootZone, callback); return; } _ZoneFunction implementation = currentZone._scheduleMicrotask; if (identical(_rootZone, && _rootZone.inSameErrorZone(currentZone)) { _rootScheduleMicrotask( null, null, currentZone, currentZone.registerCallback(callback)); return; } Zone.current.scheduleMicrotask(Zone.current.bindCallbackGuarded(callback)); } class _AsyncRun { /** Schedule the given callback before any other event in the event-loop. */ external static void _scheduleImmediate(void callback()); } NN<!&8#8#I6CC+6B# ""/ 5?"!95?87D.9 #PCJ#?&+ A' 3 -(##OPMIMKQ  OP2*$+O)= A30J NO<Mfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart(// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.async; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Core Stream types // ------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef void _TimerCallback(); /** * A source of asynchronous data events. * * A Stream provides a way to receive a sequence of events. * Each event is either a data event, also called an *element* of the stream, * or an error event, which is a notification that something has failed. * When a stream has emitted all its event, * a single "done" event will notify the listener that the end has been reached. * * You [listen] on a stream to make it start generating events, * and to set up listeners that receive the events. * When you listen, you receive a [StreamSubscription] object * which is the active object providing the events, * and which can be used to stop listening again, * or to temporarily pause events from the subscription. * * There are two kinds of streams: "Single-subscription" streams and * "broadcast" streams. * * *A single-subscription stream* allows only a single listener during the whole * lifetime of the stream. * It doesn't start generating events until it has a listener, * and it stops sending events when the listener is unsubscribed, * even if the source of events could still provide more. * * Listening twice on a single-subscription stream is not allowed, even after * the first subscription has been canceled. * * Single-subscription streams are generally used for streaming chunks of * larger contiguous data like file I/O. * * *A broadcast stream* allows any number of listeners, and it fires * its events when they are ready, whether there are listeners or not. * * Broadcast streams are used for independent events/observers. * * If several listeners want to listen to a single subscription stream, * use [asBroadcastStream] to create a broadcast stream on top of the * non-broadcast stream. * * On either kind of stream, stream transformations, such as [where] and * [skip], return the same type of stream as the one the method was called on, * unless otherwise noted. * * When an event is fired, the listener(s) at that time will receive the event. * If a listener is added to a broadcast stream while an event is being fired, * that listener will not receive the event currently being fired. * If a listener is canceled, it immediately stops receiving events. * * When the "done" event is fired, subscribers are unsubscribed before * receiving the event. After the event has been sent, the stream has no * subscribers. Adding new subscribers to a broadcast stream after this point * is allowed, but they will just receive a new "done" event as soon * as possible. * * Stream subscriptions always respect "pause" requests. If necessary they need * to buffer their input, but often, and preferably, they can simply request * their input to pause too. * * The default implementation of [isBroadcast] returns false. * A broadcast stream inheriting from [Stream] must override [isBroadcast] * to return `true`. */ abstract class Stream { Stream(); /** * Internal use only. We do not want to promise that Stream stays const. * * If mixins become compatible with const constructors, we may use a * stream mixin instead of extending Stream from a const class. */ const Stream._internal(); /** * Creates an empty broadcast stream. * * This is a stream which does nothing except sending a done event * when it's listened to. */ const factory Stream.empty() = _EmptyStream; /** * Creates a new single-subscription stream from the future. * * When the future completes, the stream will fire one event, either * data or error, and then close with a done-event. */ factory Stream.fromFuture(Future future) { // Use the controller's buffering to fill in the value even before // the stream has a listener. For a single value, it's not worth it // to wait for a listener before doing the `then` on the future. _StreamController controller = new StreamController(sync: true); future.then((value) { controller._add(value); controller._closeUnchecked(); }, onError: (error, stackTrace) { controller._addError(error, stackTrace); controller._closeUnchecked(); }); return; } /** * Create a stream from a group of futures. * * The stream reports the results of the futures on the stream in the order * in which the futures complete. * Each future provides either a data event or an error event, * depending on how the future completes. * * If some futures have already completed when `Stream.fromFutures` is called, * their results will be emitted in some unspecified order. * * When all futures have completed, the stream is closed. * * If [futures] is empty, the stream closes as soon as possible. */ factory Stream.fromFutures(Iterable> futures) { _StreamController controller = new StreamController(sync: true); int count = 0; // Declare these as variables holding closures instead of as // function declarations. // This avoids creating a new closure from the functions for each future. var onValue = (T value) { if (!controller.isClosed) { controller._add(value); if (--count == 0) controller._closeUnchecked(); } }; var onError = (error, stack) { if (!controller.isClosed) { controller._addError(error, stack); if (--count == 0) controller._closeUnchecked(); } }; // The futures are already running, so start listening to them immediately // (instead of waiting for the stream to be listened on). // If we wait, we might not catch errors in the futures in time. for (var future in futures) { count++; future.then(onValue, onError: onError); } // Use schedule microtask since controller is sync. if (count == 0) scheduleMicrotask(controller.close); return; } /** * Creates a single-subscription stream that gets its data from [data]. * * The iterable is iterated when the stream receives a listener, and stops * iterating if the listener cancels the subscription. * * If iterating [data] throws an error, the stream ends immediately with * that error. No done event will be sent (iteration is not complete), but no * further data events will be generated either, since iteration cannot * continue. */ factory Stream.fromIterable(Iterable data) { return new _GeneratedStreamImpl( () => new _IterablePendingEvents(data)); } /** * Creates a stream that repeatedly emits events at [period] intervals. * * The event values are computed by invoking [computation]. The argument to * this callback is an integer that starts with 0 and is incremented for * every event. * * If [computation] is omitted the event values will all be `null`. */ factory Stream.periodic(Duration period, [T computation(int computationCount)]) { Timer timer; int computationCount = 0; StreamController controller; // Counts the time that the Stream was running (and not paused). Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); void sendEvent() { watch.reset(); T data; if (computation != null) { try { data = computation(computationCount++); } catch (e, s) { controller.addError(e, s); return; } } controller.add(data); } void startPeriodicTimer() { assert(timer == null); timer = new Timer.periodic(period, (Timer timer) { sendEvent(); }); } controller = new StreamController( sync: true, onListen: () { watch.start(); startPeriodicTimer(); }, onPause: () { timer.cancel(); timer = null; watch.stop(); }, onResume: () { assert(timer == null); Duration elapsed = watch.elapsed; watch.start(); timer = new Timer(period - elapsed, () { timer = null; startPeriodicTimer(); sendEvent(); }); }, onCancel: () { if (timer != null) timer.cancel(); timer = null; return Future._nullFuture; }); return; } /** * Creates a stream where all events of an existing stream are piped through * a sink-transformation. * * The given [mapSink] closure is invoked when the returned stream is * listened to. All events from the [source] are added into the event sink * that is returned from the invocation. The transformation puts all * transformed events into the sink the [mapSink] closure received during * its invocation. Conceptually the [mapSink] creates a transformation pipe * with the input sink being the returned [EventSink] and the output sink * being the sink it received. * * This constructor is frequently used to build transformers. * * Example use for a duplicating transformer: * * class DuplicationSink implements EventSink { * final EventSink _outputSink; * DuplicationSink(this._outputSink); * * void add(String data) { * _outputSink.add(data); * _outputSink.add(data); * } * * void addError(e, [st]) { _outputSink.addError(e, st); } * void close() { _outputSink.close(); } * } * * class DuplicationTransformer extends StreamTransformerBase { * // Some generic types omitted for brevity. * Stream bind(Stream stream) => new Stream.eventTransformed( * stream, * (EventSink sink) => new DuplicationSink(sink)); * } * * stringStream.transform(new DuplicationTransformer()); * * The resulting stream is a broadcast stream if [source] is. */ factory Stream.eventTransformed( Stream source, EventSink mapSink(EventSink sink)) { return new _BoundSinkStream(source, mapSink); } /** * Adapts [source] to be a `Stream`. * * This allows [source] to be used at the new type, but at run-time it * must satisfy the requirements of both the new type and its original type. * * Data events created by the source stream must also be instances of [T]. */ static Stream castFrom(Stream source) => new CastStream(source); /** * Whether this stream is a broadcast stream. */ bool get isBroadcast => false; /** * Returns a multi-subscription stream that produces the same events as this. * * The returned stream will subscribe to this stream when its first * subscriber is added, and will stay subscribed until this stream ends, * or a callback cancels the subscription. * * If [onListen] is provided, it is called with a subscription-like object * that represents the underlying subscription to this stream. It is * possible to pause, resume or cancel the subscription during the call * to [onListen]. It is not possible to change the event handlers, including * using [StreamSubscription.asFuture]. * * If [onCancel] is provided, it is called in a similar way to [onListen] * when the returned stream stops having listener. If it later gets * a new listener, the [onListen] function is called again. * * Use the callbacks, for example, for pausing the underlying subscription * while having no subscribers to prevent losing events, or canceling the * subscription when there are no listeners. */ Stream asBroadcastStream( {void onListen(StreamSubscription subscription), void onCancel(StreamSubscription subscription)}) { return new _AsBroadcastStream(this, onListen, onCancel); } /** * Adds a subscription to this stream. * * Returns a [StreamSubscription] which handles events from the stream using * the provided [onData], [onError] and [onDone] handlers. * The handlers can be changed on the subscription, but they start out * as the provided functions. * * On each data event from this stream, the subscriber's [onData] handler * is called. If [onData] is `null`, nothing happens. * * On errors from this stream, the [onError] handler is called with the * error object and possibly a stack trace. * * The [onError] callback must be of type `void onError(error)` or * `void onError(error, StackTrace stackTrace)`. If [onError] accepts * two arguments it is called with the error object and the stack trace * (which could be `null` if the stream itself received an error without * stack trace). * Otherwise it is called with just the error object. * If [onError] is omitted, any errors on the stream are considered unhandled, * and will be passed to the current [Zone]'s error handler. * By default unhandled async errors are treated * as if they were uncaught top-level errors. * * If this stream closes and sends a done event, the [onDone] handler is * called. If [onDone] is `null`, nothing happens. * * If [cancelOnError] is true, the subscription is automatically canceled * when the first error event is delivered. The default is `false`. * * While a subscription is paused, or when it has been canceled, * the subscription doesn't receive events and none of the * event handler functions are called. */ StreamSubscription listen(void onData(T event), {Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError}); /** * Creates a new stream from this stream that discards some elements. * * The new stream sends the same error and done events as this stream, * but it only sends the data events that satisfy the [test]. * * If the [test] function throws, the data event is dropped and the * error is emitted on the returned stream instead. * * The returned stream is a broadcast stream if this stream is. * If a broadcast stream is listened to more than once, each subscription * will individually perform the `test`. */ Stream where(bool test(T event)) { return new _WhereStream(this, test); } /** * Transforms each element of this stream into a new stream event. * * Creates a new stream that converts each element of this stream * to a new value using the [convert] function, and emits the result. * * For each data event, `o`, in this stream, the returned stream * provides a data event with the value `convert(o)`. * If [convert] throws, the returned stream reports it as an error * event instead. * * Error and done events are passed through unchanged to the returned stream. * * The returned stream is a broadcast stream if this stream is. * The [convert] function is called once per data event per listener. * If a broadcast stream is listened to more than once, each subscription * will individually call [convert] on each data event. */ Stream map(S convert(T event)) { return new _MapStream(this, convert); } /** * Creates a new stream with each data event of this stream asynchronously * mapped to a new event. * * This acts like [map], except that [convert] may return a [Future], * and in that case, the stream waits for that future to complete before * continuing with its result. * * The returned stream is a broadcast stream if this stream is. */ Stream asyncMap(FutureOr convert(T event)) { StreamController controller; StreamSubscription subscription; void onListen() { final add = controller.add; assert(controller is _StreamController || controller is _BroadcastStreamController); final _EventSink eventSink = controller as Object; final addError = eventSink._addError; subscription = this.listen((T event) { FutureOr newValue; try { newValue = convert(event); } catch (e, s) { controller.addError(e, s); return; } if (newValue is Future) { subscription.pause(); newValue .then(add, onError: addError) .whenComplete(subscription.resume); } else { controller.add(newValue); } }, onError: addError, onDone: controller.close); } if (this.isBroadcast) { controller = new StreamController.broadcast( onListen: onListen, onCancel: () { subscription.cancel(); }, sync: true); } else { controller = new StreamController( onListen: onListen, onPause: () { subscription.pause(); }, onResume: () { subscription.resume(); }, onCancel: () => subscription.cancel(), sync: true); } return; } /** * Transforms each element into a sequence of asynchronous events. * * Returns a new stream and for each event of this stream, do the following: * * * If the event is an error event or a done event, it is emitted directly * by the returned stream. * * Otherwise it is an element. Then the [convert] function is called * with the element as argument to produce a convert-stream for the element. * * If that call throws, the error is emitted on the returned stream. * * If the call returns `null`, no further action is taken for the elements. * * Otherwise, this stream is paused and convert-stream is listened to. * Every data and error event of the convert-stream is emitted on the returned * stream in the order it is produced. * When the convert-stream ends, this stream is resumed. * * The returned stream is a broadcast stream if this stream is. */ Stream asyncExpand(Stream convert(T event)) { StreamController controller; StreamSubscription subscription; void onListen() { assert(controller is _StreamController || controller is _BroadcastStreamController); final _EventSink eventSink = controller as Object; subscription = this.listen((T event) { Stream newStream; try { newStream = convert(event); } catch (e, s) { controller.addError(e, s); return; } if (newStream != null) { subscription.pause(); controller.addStream(newStream).whenComplete(subscription.resume); } }, onError: eventSink._addError, // Avoid Zone error replacement. onDone: controller.close); } if (this.isBroadcast) { controller = new StreamController.broadcast( onListen: onListen, onCancel: () { subscription.cancel(); }, sync: true); } else { controller = new StreamController( onListen: onListen, onPause: () { subscription.pause(); }, onResume: () { subscription.resume(); }, onCancel: () => subscription.cancel(), sync: true); } return; } /** * Creates a wrapper Stream that intercepts some errors from this stream. * * If this stream sends an error that matches [test], then it is intercepted * by the [onError] function. * * The [onError] callback must be of type `void onError(error)` or * `void onError(error, StackTrace stackTrace)`. Depending on the function * type the stream either invokes [onError] with or without a stack * trace. The stack trace argument might be `null` if the stream itself * received an error without stack trace. * * An asynchronous error `error` is matched by a test function if *`test(error)` returns true. If [test] is omitted, every error is considered * matching. * * If the error is intercepted, the [onError] function can decide what to do * with it. It can throw if it wants to raise a new (or the same) error, * or simply return to make the stream forget the error. * If the received `error` value is thrown again by the [onError] function, * it acts like a `rethrow` and it is emitted along with its original * stack trace, not the stack trace of the `throw` inside [onError]. * * If you need to transform an error into a data event, use the more generic * [Stream.transform] to handle the event by writing a data event to * the output sink. * * The returned stream is a broadcast stream if this stream is. * If a broadcast stream is listened to more than once, each subscription * will individually perform the `test` and handle the error. */ Stream handleError(Function onError, {bool test(error)}) { return new _HandleErrorStream(this, onError, test); } /** * Transforms each element of this stream into a sequence of elements. * * Returns a new stream where each element of this stream is replaced * by zero or more data events. * The event values are provided as an [Iterable] by a call to [convert] * with the element as argument, and the elements of that iterable is * emitted in iteration order. * If calling [convert] throws, or if the iteration of the returned values * throws, the error is emitted on the returned stream and iteration ends * for that element of this stream. * * Error events and the done event of this stream are forwarded directly * to the returned stream. * * The returned stream is a broadcast stream if this stream is. * If a broadcast stream is listened to more than once, each subscription * will individually call `convert` and expand the events. */ Stream expand(Iterable convert(T element)) { return new _ExpandStream(this, convert); } /** * Pipes the events of this stream into [streamConsumer]. * * All events of this stream are added to `streamConsumer` using * [StreamConsumer.addStream]. * The `streamConsumer` is closed when this stream has been successfully added * to it - when the future returned by `addStream` completes without an error. * * Returns a future which completes when the stream has been consumed * and the consumer has been closed. * * The returned future completes with the same result as the future returned * by [StreamConsumer.close]. * If the call to [StreamConsumer.addStream] fails in some way, this * method fails in the same way. */ Future pipe(StreamConsumer streamConsumer) { return streamConsumer.addStream(this).then((_) => streamConsumer.close()); } /** * Applies a [StreamTransformer] to the current stream. * * Returns the result of the stream transformation, * that is, the result of `streamTransformer.bind(this)`. * This method simply allows writing the call to `streamTransformer.bind` * in a chained fashion, like * ``` * * ``` * which can be more convenient than calling `bind` directly. * * The [streamTransformer] can return any stream. * Whether the returned stream is a broadcast stream or not, * and which elements it will contain, * is entirely up to the transformation. */ Stream transform(StreamTransformer streamTransformer) { return streamTransformer.bind(this); } /** * Combines a sequence of values by repeatedly applying [combine]. * * Similar to [Iterable.reduce], this function maintains a value, * starting with the first element of the stream * and updated for each further element of this stream. * For each element after the first, * the value is updated to the result of calling [combine] * with the previous value and the element. * * When this stream is done, the returned future is completed with * the value at that time. * * If the stream is empty, the returned future is completed with * an error. * If this stream emits an error, or the call to [combine] throws, * the returned future is completed with that error, * and processing is stopped. */ Future reduce(T combine(T previous, T element)) { _Future result = new _Future(); bool seenFirst = false; T value; StreamSubscription subscription; subscription = this.listen( (T element) { if (seenFirst) { _runUserCode(() => combine(value, element), (T newValue) { value = newValue; }, _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, result)); } else { value = element; seenFirst = true; } }, onError: result._completeError, onDone: () { if (!seenFirst) { try { // Throw and recatch, instead of just doing // _completeWithErrorCallback, e, theError, StackTrace.current), // to ensure that the stackTrace is set on the error. throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } catch (e, s) { _completeWithErrorCallback(result, e, s); } } else { result._complete(value); } }, cancelOnError: true); return result; } /** * Combines a sequence of values by repeatedly applying [combine]. * * Similar to [Iterable.fold], this function maintains a value, * starting with [initialValue] and updated for each element of * this stream. * For each element, the value is updated to the result of calling * [combine] with the previous value and the element. * * When this stream is done, the returned future is completed with * the value at that time. * For an empty stream, the future is completed with [initialValue]. * * If this stream emits an error, or the call to [combine] throws, * the returned future is completed with that error, * and processing is stopped. */ Future fold(S initialValue, S combine(S previous, T element)) { _Future result = new _Future(); S value = initialValue; StreamSubscription subscription; subscription = this.listen( (T element) { _runUserCode(() => combine(value, element), (S newValue) { value = newValue; }, _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, result)); }, onError: result._completeError, onDone: () { result._complete(value); }, cancelOnError: true); return result; } /** * Combines the string representation of elements into a single string. * * Each element is converted to a string using its [Object.toString] method. * If [separator] is provided, it is inserted between element string * representations. * * The returned future is completed with the combined string when the stream * is done. * * If the stream contains an error, or if the call to [Object.toString] * throws, the returned future is completed with that error, * and processing stops. */ Future join([String separator = ""]) { _Future result = new _Future(); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); StreamSubscription subscription; bool first = true; subscription = this.listen((T element) { if (!first) { buffer.write(separator); } first = false; try { buffer.write(element); } catch (e, s) { _cancelAndErrorWithReplacement(subscription, result, e, s); } }, onError: (e) { result._completeError(e); }, onDone: () { result._complete(buffer.toString()); }, cancelOnError: true); return result; } /** * Returns whether [needle] occurs in the elements provided by this stream. * * Compares each element of this stream to [needle] using [Object.==]. * If an equal element is found, the returned future is completed with `true`. * If the stream ends without finding a match, the future is completed with * `false`. * * If the stream contains an error, or the call to `Object.==` throws, * the returned future is completed with that error, and processing stops. */ Future contains(Object needle) { _Future future = new _Future(); StreamSubscription subscription; subscription = this.listen( (T element) { _runUserCode(() => (element == needle), (bool isMatch) { if (isMatch) { _cancelAndValue(subscription, future, true); } }, _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future)); }, onError: future._completeError, onDone: () { future._complete(false); }, cancelOnError: true); return future; } /** * Executes [action] on each element of the stream. * * Completes the returned [Future] when all elements of the stream * have been processed. * * If the stream contains an error, or if the call to [action] throws, * the returned future completes with that error, and processing stops. */ Future forEach(void action(T element)) { _Future future = new _Future(); StreamSubscription subscription; subscription = this.listen( (T element) { // TODO(floitsch): the type should be 'void' and inferred. _runUserCode(() => action(element), (_) {}, _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future)); }, onError: future._completeError, onDone: () { future._complete(null); }, cancelOnError: true); return future; } /** * Checks whether [test] accepts all elements provided by this stream. * * Calls [test] on each element of the stream. * If the call returns `false`, the returned future is completed with `false` * and processing stops. * * If the stream ends without finding an element that [test] rejects, * the returned future is completed with `true`. * * If this stream contains an error, or if the call to [test] throws, * the returned future is completed with that error, and processing stops. */ Future every(bool test(T element)) { _Future future = new _Future(); StreamSubscription subscription; subscription = this.listen( (T element) { _runUserCode(() => test(element), (bool isMatch) { if (!isMatch) { _cancelAndValue(subscription, future, false); } }, _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future)); }, onError: future._completeError, onDone: () { future._complete(true); }, cancelOnError: true); return future; } /** * Checks whether [test] accepts any element provided by this stream. * * Calls [test] on each element of the stream. * If the call returns `true`, the returned future is completed with `true` * and processing stops. * * If the stream ends without finding an element that [test] accepts, * the returned future is completed with `false`. * * If this stream contains an error, or if the call to [test] throws, * the returned future is completed with that error, and processing stops. */ Future any(bool test(T element)) { _Future future = new _Future(); StreamSubscription subscription; subscription = this.listen( (T element) { _runUserCode(() => test(element), (bool isMatch) { if (isMatch) { _cancelAndValue(subscription, future, true); } }, _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future)); }, onError: future._completeError, onDone: () { future._complete(false); }, cancelOnError: true); return future; } /** * The number of elements in this stream. * * Waits for all elements of this stream. When the stream ends, * the returned future is completed with the number of elements. * * If the stream contains an error, the returned future is completed with * that error, and processing stops. * * This operation listens to the stream, and a non-broadcast stream cannot * be reused after finding its length. */ Future get length { _Future future = new _Future(); int count = 0; this.listen( (_) { count++; }, onError: future._completeError, onDone: () { future._complete(count); }, cancelOnError: true); return future; } /** * Whether this stream contains any elements. * * Waits for the first element of this stream, then completes the returned * future with `true`. * If the stream ends without emitting any elements, the returned future is * completed with `false`. * * If the first event is an error, the returned future is completed with that * error. * * This operation listens to the stream, and a non-broadcast stream cannot * be reused after checking whether it is empty. */ Future get isEmpty { _Future future = new _Future(); StreamSubscription subscription; subscription = this.listen( (_) { _cancelAndValue(subscription, future, false); }, onError: future._completeError, onDone: () { future._complete(true); }, cancelOnError: true); return future; } /** * Adapt this stream to be a `Stream`. * * This stream is wrapped as a `Stream` which checks at run-time that * each data event emitted by this stream is also an instance of [R]. */ Stream cast() => Stream.castFrom(this); /** * Collects all elements of this stream in a [List]. * * Creates a `List` and adds all elements of the stream to the list * in the order they arrive. * When the stream ends, the returned future is completed with that list. * * If the stream contains an error, the returned future is completed * with that error, and processing stops. */ Future> toList() { List result = []; _Future> future = new _Future>(); this.listen( (T data) { result.add(data); }, onError: future._completeError, onDone: () { future._complete(result); }, cancelOnError: true); return future; } /** * Collects the data of this stream in a [Set]. * * The returned set is the same type as returned by `new Set()`. * If another type of set is needed, either use [forEach] to add each * element to the set, or use * `toList().then((list) => new SomeOtherSet.from(list))` * to create the set. */ Future> toSet() { Set result = new Set(); _Future> future = new _Future>(); this.listen( (T data) { result.add(data); }, onError: future._completeError, onDone: () { future._complete(result); }, cancelOnError: true); return future; } /** * Discards all data on the stream, but signals when it's done or an error * occurred. * * When subscribing using [drain], cancelOnError will be true. This means * that the future will complete with the first error on the stream and then * cancel the subscription. * * In case of a `done` event the future completes with the given * [futureValue]. */ Future drain([E futureValue]) => listen(null, cancelOnError: true).asFuture(futureValue); /** * Provides at most the first [count] data events of this stream. * * Returns a stream that emits the same events that this stream would * if listened to at the same time, * until either this stream ends or it has emitted [count] data events, * at which point the returned stream is done. * * If this stream produces fewer than [count] data events before it's done, * so will the returned stream. * * Starts listening to this stream when the returned stream is listened to * and stops listening when the first [count] data events have been received. * * This means that if this is a single-subscription (non-broadcast) streams * it cannot be reused after the returned stream has been listened to. * * If this is a broadcast stream, the returned stream is a broadcast stream. * In that case, the events are only counted from the time * the returned stream is listened to. */ Stream take(int count) { return new _TakeStream(this, count); } /** * Forwards data events while [test] is successful. * * Returns a stream that provides the same events as this stream * until [test] fails for a data event. * The returned stream is done when either this stream is done, * or when this stream first emits a data event that fails [test]. * * The `test` call is considered failing if it returns a non-`true` value * or if it throws. If the `test` call throws, the error is emitted as the * last event on the returned streams. * * Stops listening to this stream after the accepted elements. * * Internally the method cancels its subscription after these elements. This * means that single-subscription (non-broadcast) streams are closed and * cannot be reused after a call to this method. * * The returned stream is a broadcast stream if this stream is. * For a broadcast stream, the events are only tested from the time * the returned stream is listened to. */ Stream takeWhile(bool test(T element)) { return new _TakeWhileStream(this, test); } /** * Skips the first [count] data events from this stream. * * Returns a stream that emits the same events as this stream would * if listened to at the same time, except that the first [count] * data events are not emitted. * The returned stream is done when this stream is. * * If this stream emits fewer than [count] data events * before being done, the returned stream emits no data events. * * The returned stream is a broadcast stream if this stream is. * For a broadcast stream, the events are only counted from the time * the returned stream is listened to. */ Stream skip(int count) { return new _SkipStream(this, count); } /** * Skip data events from this stream while they are matched by [test]. * * Returns a stream that emits the same events as this stream, * except that data events are not emitted until a data event fails `test`. * The test fails when called with a data event * if it returns a non-`true` value or if the call to `test` throws. * If the call throws, the error is emitted as an error event * on the returned stream instead of the data event, * otherwise the event that made `test` return non-true is emitted as the * first data event. * * Error and done events are provided by the returned stream unmodified. * * The returned stream is a broadcast stream if this stream is. * For a broadcast stream, the events are only tested from the time * the returned stream is listened to. */ Stream skipWhile(bool test(T element)) { return new _SkipWhileStream(this, test); } /** * Skips data events if they are equal to the previous data event. * * The returned stream provides the same events as this stream, except * that it never provides two consecutive data events that are equal. * That is, errors are passed through to the returned stream, and * data events are passed through if they are distinct from the most * recently emitted data event. * * Equality is determined by the provided [equals] method. If that is * omitted, the '==' operator on the last provided data element is used. * * If [equals] throws, the data event is replaced by an error event * containing the thrown error. The behavior is equivalent to the * original stream emitting the error event, and it doesn't change * the what the most recently emitted data event is. * * The returned stream is a broadcast stream if this stream is. * If a broadcast stream is listened to more than once, each subscription * will individually perform the `equals` test. */ Stream distinct([bool equals(T previous, T next)]) { return new _DistinctStream(this, equals); } /** * The first element of the stream. * * Stops listening to the stream after the first element has been received. * * Internally the method cancels its subscription after the first element. * This means that single-subscription (non-broadcast) streams are closed * and cannot be reused after a call to this getter. * * If an error event occurs before the first data event, the returned future * is completed with that error. * * If this stream is empty (a done event occurs before the first data event), * the returned future completes with an error. * * Except for the type of the error, this method is equivalent to * `this.elementAt(0)`. */ Future get first { _Future future = new _Future(); StreamSubscription subscription; subscription = this.listen( (T value) { _cancelAndValue(subscription, future, value); }, onError: future._completeError, onDone: () { try { throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } catch (e, s) { _completeWithErrorCallback(future, e, s); } }, cancelOnError: true); return future; } /** * The last element of this stream. * * If this stream emits an error event, * the returned future is completed with that error * and processing stops. * * If this stream is empty (the done event is the first event), * the returned future completes with an error. */ Future get last { _Future future = new _Future(); T result = null; bool foundResult = false; listen( (T value) { foundResult = true; result = value; }, onError: future._completeError, onDone: () { if (foundResult) { future._complete(result); return; } try { throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } catch (e, s) { _completeWithErrorCallback(future, e, s); } }, cancelOnError: true); return future; } /** * The single element of this stream. * * If this stream emits an error event, * the returned future is completed with that error * and processing stops. * * If [this] is empty or has more than one element, * the returned future completes with an error. */ Future get single { _Future future = new _Future(); T result = null; bool foundResult = false; StreamSubscription subscription; subscription = this.listen( (T value) { if (foundResult) { // This is the second element we get. try { throw IterableElementError.tooMany(); } catch (e, s) { _cancelAndErrorWithReplacement(subscription, future, e, s); } return; } foundResult = true; result = value; }, onError: future._completeError, onDone: () { if (foundResult) { future._complete(result); return; } try { throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } catch (e, s) { _completeWithErrorCallback(future, e, s); } }, cancelOnError: true); return future; } /** * Finds the first element of this stream matching [test]. * * Returns a future that is completed with the first element of this stream * that [test] returns `true` for. * * If no such element is found before this stream is done, and a * [orElse] function is provided, the result of calling [orElse] * becomes the value of the future. If [orElse] throws, the returned * future is completed with that error. * * If this stream emits an error before the first matching element, * the returned future is completed with that error, and processing stops. * * Stops listening to the stream after the first matching element or error * has been received. * * Internally the method cancels its subscription after the first element that * matches the predicate. This means that single-subscription (non-broadcast) * streams are closed and cannot be reused after a call to this method. * * If an error occurs, or if this stream ends without finding a match and * with no [orElse] function provided, * the returned future is completed with an error. */ Future firstWhere(bool test(T element), {T orElse()}) { _Future future = new _Future(); StreamSubscription subscription; subscription = this.listen( (T value) { _runUserCode(() => test(value), (bool isMatch) { if (isMatch) { _cancelAndValue(subscription, future, value); } }, _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future)); }, onError: future._completeError, onDone: () { if (orElse != null) { _runUserCode(orElse, future._complete, future._completeError); return; } try { throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } catch (e, s) { _completeWithErrorCallback(future, e, s); } }, cancelOnError: true); return future; } /** * Finds the last element in this stream matching [test]. * * If this stream emits an error, the returned future is completed with that * error, and processing stops. * * Otherwise as [firstWhere], except that the last matching element is found * instead of the first. * That means that a non-error result cannot be provided before this stream * is done. */ Future lastWhere(bool test(T element), {T orElse()}) { _Future future = new _Future(); T result = null; bool foundResult = false; StreamSubscription subscription; subscription = this.listen( (T value) { _runUserCode(() => true == test(value), (bool isMatch) { if (isMatch) { foundResult = true; result = value; } }, _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future)); }, onError: future._completeError, onDone: () { if (foundResult) { future._complete(result); return; } if (orElse != null) { _runUserCode(orElse, future._complete, future._completeError); return; } try { throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } catch (e, s) { _completeWithErrorCallback(future, e, s); } }, cancelOnError: true); return future; } /** * Finds the single element in this stream matching [test]. * * Like [lastWhere], except that it is an error if more than one * matching element occurs in the stream. */ Future singleWhere(bool test(T element), {T orElse()}) { _Future future = new _Future(); T result = null; bool foundResult = false; StreamSubscription subscription; subscription = this.listen( (T value) { _runUserCode(() => true == test(value), (bool isMatch) { if (isMatch) { if (foundResult) { try { throw IterableElementError.tooMany(); } catch (e, s) { _cancelAndErrorWithReplacement(subscription, future, e, s); } return; } foundResult = true; result = value; } }, _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future)); }, onError: future._completeError, onDone: () { if (foundResult) { future._complete(result); return; } try { if (orElse != null) { _runUserCode(orElse, future._complete, future._completeError); return; } throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } catch (e, s) { _completeWithErrorCallback(future, e, s); } }, cancelOnError: true); return future; } /** * Returns the value of the [index]th data event of this stream. * * Stops listening to the stream after the [index]th data event has been * received. * * Internally the method cancels its subscription after these elements. This * means that single-subscription (non-broadcast) streams are closed and * cannot be reused after a call to this method. * * If an error event occurs before the value is found, the future completes * with this error. * * If a done event occurs before the value is found, the future completes * with a [RangeError]. */ Future elementAt(int index) { if (index is! int || index < 0) throw new ArgumentError(index); _Future future = new _Future(); StreamSubscription subscription; int elementIndex = 0; subscription = this.listen( (T value) { if (index == elementIndex) { _cancelAndValue(subscription, future, value); return; } elementIndex += 1; }, onError: future._completeError, onDone: () { future._completeError( new RangeError.index(index, this, "index", null, elementIndex)); }, cancelOnError: true); return future; } /** * Creates a new stream with the same events as this stream. * * Whenever more than [timeLimit] passes between two events from this stream, * the [onTimeout] function is called, which can emit further events on * the returned stream. * * The countdown doesn't start until the returned stream is listened to. * The countdown is reset every time an event is forwarded from this stream, * or when the stream is paused and resumed. * * The [onTimeout] function is called with one argument: an * [EventSink] that allows putting events into the returned stream. * This `EventSink` is only valid during the call to [onTimeout]. * Calling [EventSink.close] on the sink passed to [onTimeout] closes the * returned stream, and no futher events are processed. * * If [onTimeout] is omitted, a timeout will just put a [TimeoutException] * into the error channel of the returned stream. * If the call to [onTimeout] throws, the error is emitted on the returned * stream. * * The returned stream is a broadcast stream if this stream is. * If a broadcast stream is listened to more than once, each subscription * will have its individually timer that starts counting on listen, * and the subscriptions' timers can be paused individually. */ Stream timeout(Duration timeLimit, {void onTimeout(EventSink sink)}) { StreamController controller; // The following variables are set on listen. StreamSubscription subscription; Timer timer; Zone zone; _TimerCallback timeout; void onData(T event) { timer.cancel(); controller.add(event); timer = zone.createTimer(timeLimit, timeout); } void onError(error, StackTrace stackTrace) { timer.cancel(); assert(controller is _StreamController || controller is _BroadcastStreamController); dynamic eventSink = controller; eventSink._addError(error, stackTrace); // Avoid Zone error replacement. timer = zone.createTimer(timeLimit, timeout); } void onDone() { timer.cancel(); controller.close(); } void onListen() { // This is the onListen callback for of controller. // It runs in the same zone that the subscription was created in. // Use that zone for creating timers and running the onTimeout // callback. zone = Zone.current; if (onTimeout == null) { timeout = () { controller.addError( new TimeoutException("No stream event", timeLimit), null); }; } else { // TODO(floitsch): the return type should be 'void', and the type // should be inferred. var registeredOnTimeout = zone.registerUnaryCallback>(onTimeout); var wrapper = new _ControllerEventSinkWrapper(null); timeout = () { wrapper._sink = controller; // Only valid during call. zone.runUnaryGuarded(registeredOnTimeout, wrapper); wrapper._sink = null; }; } subscription = this.listen(onData, onError: onError, onDone: onDone); timer = zone.createTimer(timeLimit, timeout); } Future onCancel() { timer.cancel(); Future result = subscription.cancel(); subscription = null; return result; } controller = isBroadcast ? new _SyncBroadcastStreamController(onListen, onCancel) : new _SyncStreamController(onListen, () { // Don't null the timer, onCancel may call cancel again. timer.cancel(); subscription.pause(); }, () { subscription.resume(); timer = zone.createTimer(timeLimit, timeout); }, onCancel); return; } } /** * A subscription on events from a [Stream]. * * When you listen on a [Stream] using [Stream.listen], * a [StreamSubscription] object is returned. * * The subscription provides events to the listener, * and holds the callbacks used to handle the events. * The subscription can also be used to unsubscribe from the events, * or to temporarily pause the events from the stream. */ abstract class StreamSubscription { /** * Cancels this subscription. * * After this call, the subscription no longer receives events. * * The stream may need to shut down the source of events and clean up after * the subscription is canceled. * * Returns a future that is completed once the stream has finished * its cleanup. * * For historical reasons, may also return `null` if no cleanup was necessary. * Returning `null` is deprecated and should be avoided. * * Typically, futures are returned when the stream needs to release resources. * For example, a stream might need to close an open file (as an asynchronous * operation). If the listener wants to delete the file after having * canceled the subscription, it must wait for the cleanup future to complete. * * A returned future completes with a `null` value. * If the cleanup throws, which it really shouldn't, the returned future * completes with that error. */ Future cancel(); /** * Replaces the data event handler of this subscription. * * The [handleData] function is called for each element of the stream * after this function is called. * If [handleData] is `null`, further elements are ignored. * * This method replaces the current handler set by the invocation of * [Stream.listen] or by a previous call to [onData]. */ void onData(void handleData(T data)); /** * Replaces the error event handler of this subscription. * * The [handleError] function must be able to be called with either * one positional argument, or with two positional arguments * where the seconds is always a [StackTrace]. * * The [handleError] argument may be `null`, in which case further * error events are considered unhandled, and will be reported to * [Zone.handleUncaughtError]. * * The provided function is called for all error events from the * stream subscription. * * This method replaces the current handler set by the invocation of * [Stream.listen], by calling [asFuture], or by a previous call to [onError]. */ void onError(Function handleError); /** * Replaces the done event handler of this subscription. * * The [handleDone] function is called when the stream closes. * The value may be `null`, in which case no function is called. * * This method replaces the current handler set by the invocation of * [Stream.listen], by calling [asFuture], or by a previous call to [onDone]. */ void onDone(void handleDone()); /** * Request that the stream pauses events until further notice. * * While paused, the subscription will not fire any events. * If it receives events from its source, they will be buffered until * the subscription is resumed. * For non-broadcast streams, the underlying source is usually informed * about the pause, * so it can stop generating events until the subscription is resumed. * * To avoid buffering events on a broadcast stream, it is better to * cancel this subscription, and start to listen again when events * are needed, if the intermediate events are not important. * * If [resumeSignal] is provided, the stream subscription will undo the pause * when the future completes, as if by a call to [resume]. * If the future completes with an error, * the stream will still resume, but the error will be considered unhandled * and is passed to [Zone.handleUncaughtError]. * * A call to [resume] will also undo a pause. * * If the subscription is paused more than once, an equal number * of resumes must be performed to resume the stream. * * Currently DOM streams silently drop events when the stream is paused. This * is a bug and will be fixed. */ void pause([Future resumeSignal]); /** * Resume after a pause. * * This undoes one previous call to [pause]. * When all previously calls to [pause] have been matched by a calls to * [resume], possibly through a `resumeSignal` passed to [pause], * the stream subscription may emit events again. */ void resume(); /** * Whether the [StreamSubscription] is currently paused. * * If there have been more calls to [pause] than to [resume] on this * stream subscription, the subscription is paused, and this getter * returns `true`. * * Returns `false` if the stream can currently emit events, or if * the subscription has completed or been cancelled. */ bool get isPaused; /** * Returns a future that handles the [onDone] and [onError] callbacks. * * This method *overwrites* the existing [onDone] and [onError] callbacks * with new ones that complete the returned future. * * In case of an error the subscription will automatically cancel (even * when it was listening with `cancelOnError` set to `false`). * * In case of a `done` event the future completes with the given * [futureValue]. */ Future asFuture([E futureValue]); } /** * A [Sink] that supports adding errors. * * This makes it suitable for capturing the results of asynchronous * computations, which can complete with a value or an error. * * The [EventSink] has been designed to handle asynchronous events from * [Stream]s. See, for example, [Stream.eventTransformed] which uses * `EventSink`s to transform events. */ abstract class EventSink implements Sink { /** * Adds a data [event] to the sink. * * Must not be called on a closed sink. */ void add(T event); /** * Adds an [error] to the sink. * * Must not be called on a closed sink. */ void addError(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]); /** * Closes the sink. * * Calling this method more than once is allowed, but does nothing. * * Neither [add] nor [addError] must be called after this method. */ void close(); } /** [Stream] wrapper that only exposes the [Stream] interface. */ class StreamView extends Stream { final Stream _stream; const StreamView(Stream stream) : _stream = stream, super._internal(); bool get isBroadcast => _stream.isBroadcast; Stream asBroadcastStream( {void onListen(StreamSubscription subscription), void onCancel(StreamSubscription subscription)}) => _stream.asBroadcastStream(onListen: onListen, onCancel: onCancel); StreamSubscription listen(void onData(T value), {Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError}) { return _stream.listen(onData, onError: onError, onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: cancelOnError); } } /** * Abstract interface for a "sink" accepting multiple entire streams. * * A consumer can accept a number of consecutive streams using [addStream], * and when no further data need to be added, the [close] method tells the * consumer to complete its work and shut down. * * The [Stream.pipe] accepts a `StreamConsumer` and will pass the stream * to the consumer's [addStream] method. When that completes, it will * call [close] and then complete its own returned future. */ abstract class StreamConsumer { /** * Consumes the elements of [stream]. * * Listens on [stream] and does something for each event. * * Returns a future which is completed when the stream is done being added, * and the consumer is ready to accept a new stream. * No further calls to [addStream] or [close] should happen before the * returned future has completed. * * The consumer may stop listening to the stream after an error, * it may consume all the errors and only stop at a done event, * or it may be canceled early if the receiver don't want any further events. * * If the consumer stops listening because of some error preventing it * from continuing, it may report this error in the returned future, * otherwise it will just complete the future with `null`. */ Future addStream(Stream stream); /** * Tells the consumer that no further streams will be added. * * This allows the consumer to complete any remaining work and release * resources that are no longer needed * * Returns a future which is completed when the consumer has shut down. * If cleaning up can fail, the error may be reported in the returned future, * otherwise it completes with `null`. */ Future close(); } /** * A object that accepts stream events both synchronously and asynchronously. * * A [StreamSink] combines the methods from [StreamConsumer] and [EventSink]. * * The [EventSink] methods can't be used while the [addStream] is called. * As soon as the [addStream]'s [Future] completes with a value, the * [EventSink] methods can be used again. * * If [addStream] is called after any of the [EventSink] methods, it'll * be delayed until the underlying system has consumed the data added by the * [EventSink] methods. * * When [EventSink] methods are used, the [done] [Future] can be used to * catch any errors. * * When [close] is called, it will return the [done] [Future]. */ abstract class StreamSink implements EventSink, StreamConsumer { /** * Tells the stream sink that no further streams will be added. * * This allows the stream sink to complete any remaining work and release * resources that are no longer needed * * Returns a future which is completed when the stream sink has shut down. * If cleaning up can fail, the error may be reported in the returned future, * otherwise it completes with `null`. * * Returns the same future as [done]. * * The stream sink may close before the [close] method is called, either due * to an error or because it is itself providing events to someone who has * stopped listening. In that case, the [done] future is completed first, * and the `close` method will return the `done` future when called. * * Unifies [StreamConsumer.close] and [EventSink.close] which both mark their * object as not expecting any further events. */ Future close(); /** * Return a future which is completed when the [StreamSink] is finished. * * If the `StreamSink` fails with an error, * perhaps in response to adding events using [add], [addError] or [close], * the [done] future will complete with that error. * * Otherwise, the returned future will complete when either: * * * all events have been processed and the sink has been closed, or * * the sink has otherwise been stopped from handling more events * (for example by canceling a stream subscription). */ Future get done; } /** * Transforms a Stream. * * When a stream's [Stream.transform] method is invoked with a * [StreamTransformer], the stream calls the [bind] method on the provided * transformer. The resulting stream is then returned from the * [Stream.transform] method. * * Conceptually, a transformer is simply a function from [Stream] to [Stream] * that is encapsulated into a class. * * It is good practice to write transformers that can be used multiple times. * * All other transforming methods on [Stream], such as [], * [Stream.where] or [Stream.expand] can be implemented using * [Stream.transform]. A [StreamTransformer] is thus very powerful but often * also a bit more complicated to use. */ abstract class StreamTransformer { /** * Creates a [StreamTransformer] based on the given [onListen] callback. * * The returned stream transformer uses the provided [onListen] callback * when a transformed stream is listened to. At that time, the callback * receives the input stream (the one passed to [bind]) and a * boolean flag `cancelOnError` to create a [StreamSubscription]. * * The [onListen] callback does *not* receive the handlers that were passed * to [Stream.listen]. These are automatically set after the call to the * [onListen] callback (using [StreamSubscription.onData], * [StreamSubscription.onError] and [StreamSubscription.onDone]). * * Most commonly, an [onListen] callback will first call [Stream.listen] on * the provided stream (with the corresponding `cancelOnError` flag), and then * return a new [StreamSubscription]. * * There are two common ways to create a StreamSubscription: * * 1. by allocating a [StreamController] and to return the result of * listening to its stream. It's important to forward pause, resume and * cancel events (unless the transformer intentionally wants to change * this behavior). * 2. by creating a new class that implements [StreamSubscription]. * Note that the subscription should run callbacks in the [Zone] the * stream was listened to (see [Zone] and [Zone.bindCallback]). * * Example: * * ``` * /// Starts listening to [input] and duplicates all non-error events. * StreamSubscription _onListen(Stream input, bool cancelOnError) { * StreamSubscription subscription; * // Create controller that forwards pause, resume and cancel events. * var controller = new StreamController( * onPause: () { * subscription.pause(); * }, * onResume: () { * subscription.resume(); * }, * onCancel: () => subscription.cancel(), * sync: true); // "sync" is correct here, since events are forwarded. * * // Listen to the provided stream using `cancelOnError`. * subscription = input.listen((data) { * // Duplicate the data. * controller.add(data); * controller.add(data); * }, * onError: controller.addError, * onDone: controller.close, * cancelOnError: cancelOnError); * * // Return a new [StreamSubscription] by listening to the controller's * // stream. * return; * } * * // Instantiate a transformer: * var duplicator = const StreamTransformer(_onListen); * * // Use as follows: * intStream.transform(duplicator); * ``` */ const factory StreamTransformer( StreamSubscription onListen( Stream stream, bool cancelOnError)) = _StreamSubscriptionTransformer; /** * Creates a [StreamTransformer] that delegates events to the given functions. * * Example use of a duplicating transformer: * * ``` * stringStream.transform(new StreamTransformer.fromHandlers( * handleData: (String value, EventSink sink) { * sink.add(value); * sink.add(value); // Duplicate the incoming events. * })); * ``` * * Transformers that are constructed this way cannot use captured state if * they are used in streams that can be listened to multiple times. * ``` * StreamController controller; * controller = new StreamController.broadcast(onListen: () { * scheduleMicrotask(() { * controller.addError("Bad"); * controller.addError("Worse"); * controller.addError("Worst"); * }); * }); * var sharedState = 0; * var transformedStream = * new StreamTransformer.fromHandlers( * handleError: (error, stackTrace, sink) { * sharedState++; // Increment shared error-counter. * sink.add("Error $sharedState: $error"); * })); * * transformedStream.listen(print); * transformedStream.listen(print); // Listen twice. * // Listening twice to the same stream makes the transformer share the same * // state. Instead of having "Error 1: Bad", "Error 2: Worse", * // "Error 3: Worst" as output (each twice for the separate subscriptions), * // this program emits: * // Error 1: Bad * // Error 2: Bad * // Error 3: Worse * // Error 4: Worse * // Error 5: Worst * // Error 6: Worst * ``` */ factory StreamTransformer.fromHandlers( {void handleData(S data, EventSink sink), void handleError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace, EventSink sink), void handleDone(EventSink sink)}) = _StreamHandlerTransformer; /** * Adapts [source] to be a `StreamTransfomer`. * * This allows [source] to be used at the new type, but at run-time it * must satisfy the requirements of both the new type and its original type. * * Data events passed into the returned transformer must also be instances * of [SS], and data events produced by [source] for those events must * also be instances of [TT]. */ static StreamTransformer castFrom( StreamTransformer source) { return new CastStreamTransformer(source); } /** * Transforms the provided [stream]. * * Returns a new stream with events that are computed from events of the * provided [stream]. * * Implementors of the [StreamTransformer] interface should document * differences from the following expected behavior: * * * When the returned stream is listened to, it starts listening to the * input [stream]. * * Subscriptions of the returned stream forward (in a reasonable time) * a [StreamSubscription.pause] call to the subscription of the input * [stream]. * * Similarly, canceling a subscription of the returned stream eventually * (in reasonable time) cancels the subscription of the input [stream]. * * "Reasonable time" depends on the transformer and stream. Some transformers, * like a "timeout" transformer, might make these operations depend on a * duration. Others might not delay them at all, or just by a microtask. */ Stream bind(Stream stream); /** * Provides a `StreamTrasformer` view of this stream transformer. * * The resulting transformer will check at run-time that all data events * of the stream it transforms are actually instances of [S], * and it will check that all data events produced by this transformer * are acually instances of [RT]. */ StreamTransformer cast(); } /** * Base class for implementing [StreamTransformer]. * * Contains default implementations of every method except [bind]. */ abstract class StreamTransformerBase implements StreamTransformer { const StreamTransformerBase(); StreamTransformer cast() => StreamTransformer.castFrom(this); } /** * An [Iterator] like interface for the values of a [Stream]. * * This wraps a [Stream] and a subscription on the stream. It listens * on the stream, and completes the future returned by [moveNext] when the * next value becomes available. * * The stream may be paused between calls to [moveNext]. */ abstract class StreamIterator { /** Create a [StreamIterator] on [stream]. */ factory StreamIterator(Stream stream) // TODO(lrn): use redirecting factory constructor when type // arguments are supported. => new _StreamIterator(stream); /** * Wait for the next stream value to be available. * * Returns a future which will complete with either `true` or `false`. * Completing with `true` means that another event has been received and * can be read as [current]. * Completing with `false` means that the stream iteration is done and * no further events will ever be available. * The future may complete with an error, if the stream produces an error, * which also ends iteration. * * The function must not be called again until the future returned by a * previous call is completed. */ Future moveNext(); /** * The current value of the stream. * * Is `null` before the first call to [moveNext] and after a call to * `moveNext` completes with a `false` result or an error. * * When a `moveNext` call completes with `true`, the `current` field holds * the most recent event of the stream, and it stays like that until the next * call to `moveNext`. * Between a call to `moveNext` and when its returned future completes, * the value is unspecified. */ T get current; /** * Cancels the stream iterator (and the underlying stream subscription) early. * * The stream iterator is automatically canceled if the [moveNext] future * completes with either `false` or an error. * * If you need to stop listening for values before the stream iterator is * automatically closed, you must call [cancel] to ensure that the stream * is properly closed. * * If [moveNext] has been called when the iterator is canceled, * its returned future will complete with `false` as value, * as will all further calls to [moveNext]. * * Returns a future if the cancel-operation is not completed synchronously. * Otherwise returns `null`. */ Future cancel(); } /** * Wraps an [_EventSink] so it exposes only the [EventSink] interface. */ class _ControllerEventSinkWrapper implements EventSink { EventSink _sink; _ControllerEventSinkWrapper(this._sink); void add(T data) { _sink.add(data); } void addError(error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) { _sink.addError(error, stackTrace); } void close() { _sink.close(); } } HNN<GG)429EQ?B:N-J)EG@HFIOPOCEGINEPM>K KGB(E2?G60GHEK$&/$.N$A,Q><CE".89JM9KPJ2(4JNKF+/$E'!2%  9 *  !,3" -% OHMGLNL!@0>0.#$$ C1 V6N? ?@#=2*IOM7$0!PFK-MGJO*LF>ML/:<@)O=I L8J.EHJK8Q?30K5LFC=)5>HI@F6BL+(,EDHC8EPBHL:)0MHK!B8$("05<,-%% % ,2$ 76#  ," # 1EONIOIPKQ);B9$(05<-&% ! 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Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.async; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Controller for creating and adding events to a stream. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Type of a stream controller's `onListen`, `onPause` and `onResume` callbacks. */ typedef void ControllerCallback(); /** * Type of stream controller `onCancel` callbacks. * * The callback may return either `void` or a future. */ typedef ControllerCancelCallback(); /** * A controller with the stream it controls. * * This controller allows sending data, error and done events on * its [stream]. * This class can be used to create a simple stream that others * can listen on, and to push events to that stream. * * It's possible to check whether the stream is paused or not, and whether * it has subscribers or not, as well as getting a callback when either of * these change. */ abstract class StreamController implements StreamSink { /** The stream that this controller is controlling. */ Stream get stream; /** * A controller with a [stream] that supports only one single subscriber. * * If [sync] is true, the returned stream controller is a * [SynchronousStreamController], and must be used with the care * and attention necessary to not break the [Stream] contract. If in doubt, * use the non-sync version. * * Using an asynchronous controller will never give the wrong * behavior, but using a synchronous controller incorrectly can cause * otherwise correct programs to break. * * A synchronous controller is only intended for optimizing event * propagation when one asynchronous event immediately triggers another. * It should not be used unless the calls to [add] or [addError] * are guaranteed to occur in places where it won't break `Stream` invariants. * * Use synchronous controllers only to forward (potentially transformed) * events from another stream or a future. * * A Stream should be inert until a subscriber starts listening on it (using * the [onListen] callback to start producing events). Streams should not * leak resources (like websockets) when no user ever listens on the stream. * * The controller buffers all incoming events until a subscriber is * registered, but this feature should only be used in rare circumstances. * * The [onPause] function is called when the stream becomes * paused. [onResume] is called when the stream resumed. * * The [onListen] callback is called when the stream * receives its listener and [onCancel] when the listener ends * its subscription. If [onCancel] needs to perform an asynchronous operation, * [onCancel] should return a future that completes when the cancel operation * is done. * * If the stream is canceled before the controller needs new data the * [onResume] call might not be executed. */ factory StreamController( {void onListen(), void onPause(), void onResume(), onCancel(), bool sync: false}) { return sync ? new _SyncStreamController(onListen, onPause, onResume, onCancel) : new _AsyncStreamController(onListen, onPause, onResume, onCancel); } /** * A controller where [stream] can be listened to more than once. * * The [Stream] returned by [stream] is a broadcast stream. * It can be listened to more than once. * * A Stream should be inert until a subscriber starts listening on it (using * the [onListen] callback to start producing events). Streams should not * leak resources (like websockets) when no user ever listens on the stream. * * Broadcast streams do not buffer events when there is no listener. * * The controller distributes any events to all currently subscribed * listeners at the time when [add], [addError] or [close] is called. * It is not allowed to call `add`, `addError`, or `close` before a previous * call has returned. The controller does not have any internal queue of * events, and if there are no listeners at the time the event is added, * it will just be dropped, or, if it is an error, be reported as uncaught. * * Each listener subscription is handled independently, * and if one pauses, only the pausing listener is affected. * A paused listener will buffer events internally until unpaused or canceled. * * If [sync] is true, events may be fired directly by the stream's * subscriptions during an [add], [addError] or [close] call. * The returned stream controller is a [SynchronousStreamController], * and must be used with the care and attention necessary to not break * the [Stream] contract. * See [Completer.sync] for some explanations on when a synchronous * dispatching can be used. * If in doubt, keep the controller non-sync. * * If [sync] is false, the event will always be fired at a later time, * after the code adding the event has completed. * In that case, no guarantees are given with regard to when * multiple listeners get the events, except that each listener will get * all events in the correct order. Each subscription handles the events * individually. * If two events are sent on an async controller with two listeners, * one of the listeners may get both events * before the other listener gets any. * A listener must be subscribed both when the event is initiated * (that is, when [add] is called) * and when the event is later delivered, * in order to receive the event. * * The [onListen] callback is called when the first listener is subscribed, * and the [onCancel] is called when there are no longer any active listeners. * If a listener is added again later, after the [onCancel] was called, * the [onListen] will be called again. */ factory StreamController.broadcast( {void onListen(), void onCancel(), bool sync: false}) { return sync ? new _SyncBroadcastStreamController(onListen, onCancel) : new _AsyncBroadcastStreamController(onListen, onCancel); } /** * The callback which is called when the stream is listened to. * * May be set to `null`, in which case no callback will happen. */ ControllerCallback get onListen; void set onListen(void onListenHandler()); /** * The callback which is called when the stream is paused. * * May be set to `null`, in which case no callback will happen. * * Pause related callbacks are not supported on broadcast stream controllers. */ ControllerCallback get onPause; void set onPause(void onPauseHandler()); /** * The callback which is called when the stream is resumed. * * May be set to `null`, in which case no callback will happen. * * Pause related callbacks are not supported on broadcast stream controllers. */ ControllerCallback get onResume; void set onResume(void onResumeHandler()); /** * The callback which is called when the stream is canceled. * * May be set to `null`, in which case no callback will happen. */ ControllerCancelCallback get onCancel; void set onCancel(onCancelHandler()); /** * Returns a view of this object that only exposes the [StreamSink] interface. */ StreamSink get sink; /** * Whether the stream controller is closed for adding more events. * * The controller becomes closed by calling the [close] method. * New events cannot be added, by calling [add] or [addError], * to a closed controller. * * If the controller is closed, * the "done" event might not have been delivered yet, * but it has been scheduled, and it is too late to add more events. */ bool get isClosed; /** * Whether the subscription would need to buffer events. * * This is the case if the controller's stream has a listener and it is * paused, or if it has not received a listener yet. In that case, the * controller is considered paused as well. * * A broadcast stream controller is never considered paused. It always * forwards its events to all uncanceled subscriptions, if any, * and let the subscriptions handle their own pausing and buffering. */ bool get isPaused; /** Whether there is a subscriber on the [Stream]. */ bool get hasListener; /** * Sends a data [event]. * * Listeners receive this event in a later microtask. * * Note that a synchronous controller (created by passing true to the `sync` * parameter of the `StreamController` constructor) delivers events * immediately. Since this behavior violates the contract mentioned here, * synchronous controllers should only be used as described in the * documentation to ensure that the delivered events always *appear* as if * they were delivered in a separate microtask. */ void add(T event); /** * Sends or enqueues an error event. * * If [error] is `null`, it is replaced by a [NullThrownError]. * * Listeners receive this event at a later microtask. This behavior can be * overridden by using `sync` controllers. Note, however, that sync * controllers have to satisfy the preconditions mentioned in the * documentation of the constructors. */ void addError(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]); /** * Closes the stream. * * Listeners receive the done event at a later microtask. This behavior can be * overridden by using `sync` controllers. Note, however, that sync * controllers have to satisfy the preconditions mentioned in the * documentation of the constructors. */ Future close(); /** * Receives events from [source] and puts them into this controller's stream. * * Returns a future which completes when the source stream is done. * * Events must not be added directly to this controller using [add], * [addError], [close] or [addStream], until the returned future * is complete. * * Data and error events are forwarded to this controller's stream. A done * event on the source will end the `addStream` operation and complete the * returned future. * * If [cancelOnError] is true, only the first error on [source] is * forwarded to the controller's stream, and the `addStream` ends * after this. If [cancelOnError] is false, all errors are forwarded * and only a done event will end the `addStream`. * If [cancelOnError] is omitted, it defaults to false. */ Future addStream(Stream source, {bool cancelOnError}); } /** * A stream controller that delivers its events synchronously. * * A synchronous stream controller is intended for cases where * an already asynchronous event triggers an event on a stream. * * Instead of adding the event to the stream in a later microtask, * causing extra latency, the event is instead fired immediately by the * synchronous stream controller, as if the stream event was * the current event or microtask. * * The synchronous stream controller can be used to break the contract * on [Stream], and it must be used carefully to avoid doing so. * * The only advantage to using a [SynchronousStreamController] over a * normal [StreamController] is the improved latency. * Only use the synchronous version if the improvement is significant, * and if its use is safe. Otherwise just use a normal stream controller, * which will always have the correct behavior for a [Stream], and won't * accidentally break other code. * * Adding events to a synchronous controller should only happen as the * very last part of the handling of the original event. * At that point, adding an event to the stream is equivalent to * returning to the event loop and adding the event in the next microtask. * * Each listener callback will be run as if it was a top-level event * or microtask. This means that if it throws, the error will be reported as * uncaught as soon as possible. * This is one reason to add the event as the last thing in the original event * handler - any action done after adding the event will delay the report of * errors in the event listener callbacks. * * If an event is added in a setting that isn't known to be another event, * it may cause the stream's listener to get that event before the listener * is ready to handle it. We promise that after calling [Stream.listen], * you won't get any events until the code doing the listen has completed. * Calling [add] in response to a function call of unknown origin may break * that promise. * * An [onListen] callback from the controller is *not* an asynchronous event, * and adding events to the controller in the `onListen` callback is always * wrong. The events will be delivered before the listener has even received * the subscription yet. * * The synchronous broadcast stream controller also has a restrictions that a * normal stream controller does not: * The [add], [addError], [close] and [addStream] methods *must not* be * called while an event is being delivered. * That is, if a callback on a subscription on the controller's stream causes * a call to any of the functions above, the call will fail. * A broadcast stream may have more than one listener, and if an * event is added synchronously while another is being also in the process * of being added, the latter event might reach some listeners before * the former. To prevent that, an event cannot be added while a previous * event is being fired. * This guarantees that an event is fully delivered when the * first [add], [addError] or [close] returns, * and further events will be delivered in the correct order. * * This still only guarantees that the event is delivered to the subscription. * If the subscription is paused, the actual callback may still happen later, * and the event will instead be buffered by the subscription. * Barring pausing, and the following buffered events that haven't been * delivered yet, callbacks will be called synchronously when an event is added. * * Adding an event to a synchronous non-broadcast stream controller while * another event is in progress may cause the second event to be delayed * and not be delivered synchronously, and until that event is delivered, * the controller will not act synchronously. */ abstract class SynchronousStreamController implements StreamController { /** * Adds event to the controller's stream. * * As [StreamController.add], but must not be called while an event is * being added by [add], [addError] or [close]. */ void add(T data); /** * Adds error to the controller's stream. * * As [StreamController.addError], but must not be called while an event is * being added by [add], [addError] or [close]. */ void addError(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]); /** * Closes the controller's stream. * * As [StreamController.close], but must not be called while an event is * being added by [add], [addError] or [close]. */ Future close(); } abstract class _StreamControllerLifecycle { StreamSubscription _subscribe( void onData(T data), Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError); void _recordPause(StreamSubscription subscription) {} void _recordResume(StreamSubscription subscription) {} Future _recordCancel(StreamSubscription subscription) => null; } /** * Default implementation of [StreamController]. * * Controls a stream that only supports a single controller. */ abstract class _StreamController implements StreamController, _StreamControllerLifecycle, _EventSink, _EventDispatch { // The states are bit-flags. More than one can be set at a time. // // The "subscription state" goes through the states: // initial -> subscribed -> canceled. // These are mutually exclusive. // The "closed" state records whether the [close] method has been called // on the controller. This can be done at any time. If done before // subscription, the done event is queued. If done after cancel, the done // event is ignored (just as any other event after a cancel). /** The controller is in its initial state with no subscription. */ static const int _STATE_INITIAL = 0; /** The controller has a subscription, but hasn't been closed or canceled. */ static const int _STATE_SUBSCRIBED = 1; /** The subscription is canceled. */ static const int _STATE_CANCELED = 2; /** Mask for the subscription state. */ static const int _STATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK = 3; // The following state relate to the controller, not the subscription. // If closed, adding more events is not allowed. // If executing an [addStream], new events are not allowed either, but will // be added by the stream. /** * The controller is closed due to calling [close]. * * When the stream is closed, you can neither add new events nor add new * listeners. */ static const int _STATE_CLOSED = 4; /** * The controller is in the middle of an [addStream] operation. * * While adding events from a stream, no new events can be added directly * on the controller. */ static const int _STATE_ADDSTREAM = 8; /** * Field containing different data depending on the current subscription * state. * * If [_state] is [_STATE_INITIAL], the field may contain a [_PendingEvents] * for events added to the controller before a subscription. * * While [_state] is [_STATE_SUBSCRIBED], the field contains the subscription. * * When [_state] is [_STATE_CANCELED] the field is currently not used. */ var _varData; /** Current state of the controller. */ int _state = _STATE_INITIAL; /** * Future completed when the stream sends its last event. * * This is also the future returned by [close]. */ // TODO(lrn): Could this be stored in the varData field too, if it's not // accessed until the call to "close"? Then we need to special case if it's // accessed earlier, or if close is called before subscribing. _Future _doneFuture; ControllerCallback onListen; ControllerCallback onPause; ControllerCallback onResume; ControllerCancelCallback onCancel; _StreamController(this.onListen, this.onPause, this.onResume, this.onCancel); // Return a new stream every time. The streams are equal, but not identical. Stream get stream => new _ControllerStream(this); /** * Returns a view of this object that only exposes the [StreamSink] interface. */ StreamSink get sink => new _StreamSinkWrapper(this); /** * Whether a listener has existed and been canceled. * * After this, adding more events will be ignored. */ bool get _isCanceled => (_state & _STATE_CANCELED) != 0; /** Whether there is an active listener. */ bool get hasListener => (_state & _STATE_SUBSCRIBED) != 0; /** Whether there has not been a listener yet. */ bool get _isInitialState => (_state & _STATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK) == _STATE_INITIAL; bool get isClosed => (_state & _STATE_CLOSED) != 0; bool get isPaused => hasListener ? _subscription._isInputPaused : !_isCanceled; bool get _isAddingStream => (_state & _STATE_ADDSTREAM) != 0; /** New events may not be added after close, or during addStream. */ bool get _mayAddEvent => (_state < _STATE_CLOSED); // Returns the pending events. // Pending events are events added before a subscription exists. // They are added to the subscription when it is created. // Pending events, if any, are kept in the _varData field until the // stream is listened to. // While adding a stream, pending events are moved into the // state object to allow the state object to use the _varData field. _PendingEvents get _pendingEvents { assert(_isInitialState); if (!_isAddingStream) { return _varData; } _StreamControllerAddStreamState state = _varData; return state.varData; } // Returns the pending events, and creates the object if necessary. _StreamImplEvents _ensurePendingEvents() { assert(_isInitialState); if (!_isAddingStream) { if (_varData == null) _varData = new _StreamImplEvents(); return _varData; } _StreamControllerAddStreamState state = _varData; if (state.varData == null) state.varData = new _StreamImplEvents(); return state.varData; } // Get the current subscription. // If we are adding a stream, the subscription is moved into the state // object to allow the state object to use the _varData field. _ControllerSubscription get _subscription { assert(hasListener); if (_isAddingStream) { _StreamControllerAddStreamState addState = _varData; return addState.varData; } return _varData; } /** * Creates an error describing why an event cannot be added. * * The reason, and therefore the error message, depends on the current state. */ Error _badEventState() { if (isClosed) { return new StateError("Cannot add event after closing"); } assert(_isAddingStream); return new StateError("Cannot add event while adding a stream"); } // StreamSink interface. Future addStream(Stream source, {bool cancelOnError}) { if (!_mayAddEvent) throw _badEventState(); if (_isCanceled) return new _Future.immediate(null); _StreamControllerAddStreamState addState = new _StreamControllerAddStreamState( this, _varData, source, cancelOnError ?? false); _varData = addState; _state |= _STATE_ADDSTREAM; return addState.addStreamFuture; } /** * Returns a future that is completed when the stream is done * processing events. * * This happens either when the done event has been sent, or if the * subscriber of a single-subscription stream is cancelled. */ Future get done => _ensureDoneFuture(); Future _ensureDoneFuture() { if (_doneFuture == null) { _doneFuture = _isCanceled ? Future._nullFuture : new _Future(); } return _doneFuture; } /** * Send or enqueue a data event. */ void add(T value) { if (!_mayAddEvent) throw _badEventState(); _add(value); } /** * Send or enqueue an error event. */ void addError(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) { if (!_mayAddEvent) throw _badEventState(); error = _nonNullError(error); AsyncError replacement = Zone.current.errorCallback(error, stackTrace); if (replacement != null) { error = _nonNullError(replacement.error); stackTrace = replacement.stackTrace; } _addError(error, stackTrace); } /** * Closes this controller and sends a done event on the stream. * * The first time a controller is closed, a "done" event is added to its * stream. * * You are allowed to close the controller more than once, but only the first * call has any effect. * * After closing, no further events may be added using [add], [addError] * or [addStream]. * * The returned future is completed when the done event has been delivered. */ Future close() { if (isClosed) { return _ensureDoneFuture(); } if (!_mayAddEvent) throw _badEventState(); _closeUnchecked(); return _ensureDoneFuture(); } void _closeUnchecked() { _state |= _STATE_CLOSED; if (hasListener) { _sendDone(); } else if (_isInitialState) { _ensurePendingEvents().add(const _DelayedDone()); } } // EventSink interface. Used by the [addStream] events. // Add data event, used both by the [addStream] events and by [add]. void _add(T value) { if (hasListener) { _sendData(value); } else if (_isInitialState) { _ensurePendingEvents().add(new _DelayedData(value)); } } void _addError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) { if (hasListener) { _sendError(error, stackTrace); } else if (_isInitialState) { _ensurePendingEvents().add(new _DelayedError(error, stackTrace)); } } void _close() { // End of addStream stream. assert(_isAddingStream); _StreamControllerAddStreamState addState = _varData; _varData = addState.varData; _state &= ~_STATE_ADDSTREAM; addState.complete(); } // _StreamControllerLifeCycle interface StreamSubscription _subscribe(void onData(T data), Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError) { if (!_isInitialState) { throw new StateError("Stream has already been listened to."); } _ControllerSubscription subscription = new _ControllerSubscription( this, onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError); _PendingEvents pendingEvents = _pendingEvents; _state |= _STATE_SUBSCRIBED; if (_isAddingStream) { _StreamControllerAddStreamState addState = _varData; addState.varData = subscription; addState.resume(); } else { _varData = subscription; } subscription._setPendingEvents(pendingEvents); subscription._guardCallback(() { _runGuarded(onListen); }); return subscription; } Future _recordCancel(StreamSubscription subscription) { // When we cancel, we first cancel any stream being added, // Then we call `onCancel`, and finally the _doneFuture is completed. // If either of addStream's cancel or `onCancel` returns a future, // we wait for it before continuing. // Any error during this process ends up in the returned future. // If more errors happen, we act as if it happens inside nested try/finallys // or whenComplete calls, and only the last error ends up in the // returned future. Future result; if (_isAddingStream) { _StreamControllerAddStreamState addState = _varData; result = addState.cancel(); } _varData = null; _state = (_state & ~(_STATE_SUBSCRIBED | _STATE_ADDSTREAM)) | _STATE_CANCELED; if (onCancel != null) { if (result == null) { // Only introduce a future if one is needed. // If _onCancel returns null, no future is needed. try { result = onCancel(); } catch (e, s) { // Return the error in the returned future. // Complete it asynchronously, so there is time for a listener // to handle the error. result = new _Future().._asyncCompleteError(e, s); } } else { // Simpler case when we already know that we will return a future. result = result.whenComplete(onCancel); } } void complete() { if (_doneFuture != null && _doneFuture._mayComplete) { _doneFuture._asyncComplete(null); } } if (result != null) { result = result.whenComplete(complete); } else { complete(); } return result; } void _recordPause(StreamSubscription subscription) { if (_isAddingStream) { _StreamControllerAddStreamState addState = _varData; addState.pause(); } _runGuarded(onPause); } void _recordResume(StreamSubscription subscription) { if (_isAddingStream) { _StreamControllerAddStreamState addState = _varData; addState.resume(); } _runGuarded(onResume); } } abstract class _SyncStreamControllerDispatch implements _StreamController, SynchronousStreamController { int get _state; void set _state(int state); void _sendData(T data) { _subscription._add(data); } void _sendError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) { _subscription._addError(error, stackTrace); } void _sendDone() { _subscription._close(); } } abstract class _AsyncStreamControllerDispatch implements _StreamController { void _sendData(T data) { _subscription._addPending(new _DelayedData(data)); } void _sendError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) { _subscription._addPending(new _DelayedError(error, stackTrace)); } void _sendDone() { _subscription._addPending(const _DelayedDone()); } } // TODO(lrn): Use common superclass for callback-controllers when VM supports // constructors in mixin superclasses. class _AsyncStreamController = _StreamController with _AsyncStreamControllerDispatch; class _SyncStreamController = _StreamController with _SyncStreamControllerDispatch; typedef _NotificationHandler(); void _runGuarded(_NotificationHandler notificationHandler) { if (notificationHandler == null) return; try { notificationHandler(); } catch (e, s) { Zone.current.handleUncaughtError(e, s); } } class _ControllerStream extends _StreamImpl { _StreamControllerLifecycle _controller; _ControllerStream(this._controller); StreamSubscription _createSubscription(void onData(T data), Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError) => _controller._subscribe(onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError); // Override == and hashCode so that new streams returned by the same // controller are considered equal. The controller returns a new stream // each time it's queried, but doesn't have to cache the result. int get hashCode => _controller.hashCode ^ 0x35323532; bool operator ==(Object other) { if (identical(this, other)) return true; if (other is! _ControllerStream) return false; _ControllerStream otherStream = other; return identical(otherStream._controller, this._controller); } } class _ControllerSubscription extends _BufferingStreamSubscription { final _StreamControllerLifecycle _controller; _ControllerSubscription(this._controller, void onData(T data), Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError) : super(onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError); Future _onCancel() { return _controller._recordCancel(this); } void _onPause() { _controller._recordPause(this); } void _onResume() { _controller._recordResume(this); } } /** A class that exposes only the [StreamSink] interface of an object. */ class _StreamSinkWrapper implements StreamSink { final StreamController _target; _StreamSinkWrapper(this._target); void add(T data) { _target.add(data); } void addError(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) { _target.addError(error, stackTrace); } Future close() => _target.close(); Future addStream(Stream source) => _target.addStream(source); Future get done => _target.done; } /** * Object containing the state used to handle [StreamController.addStream]. */ class _AddStreamState { // [_Future] returned by call to addStream. final _Future addStreamFuture; // Subscription on stream argument to addStream. final StreamSubscription addSubscription; _AddStreamState( _EventSink controller, Stream source, bool cancelOnError) : addStreamFuture = new _Future(), addSubscription = source.listen(controller._add, onError: cancelOnError ? makeErrorHandler(controller) : controller._addError, onDone: controller._close, cancelOnError: cancelOnError); static makeErrorHandler(_EventSink controller) => (e, StackTrace s) { controller._addError(e, s); controller._close(); }; void pause() { addSubscription.pause(); } void resume() { addSubscription.resume(); } /** * Stop adding the stream. * * Complete the future returned by `StreamController.addStream` when * the cancel is complete. * * Return a future if the cancel takes time, otherwise return `null`. */ Future cancel() { var cancel = addSubscription.cancel(); if (cancel == null) { addStreamFuture._asyncComplete(null); return null; } return cancel.whenComplete(() { addStreamFuture._asyncComplete(null); }); } void complete() { addStreamFuture._asyncComplete(null); } } class _StreamControllerAddStreamState extends _AddStreamState { // The subscription or pending data of a _StreamController. // Stored here because we reuse the `_varData` field in the _StreamController // to store this state object. var varData; _StreamControllerAddStreamState(_StreamController controller, this.varData, Stream source, bool cancelOnError) : super(controller, source, cancelOnError) { if (controller.isPaused) { addSubscription.pause(); } } } NN<G:GQ#36$-A@5KK>9L;7AQPH,NPD>+OLOGGHOKKN:?QE@HIF0I4?KKG.)D%,$NQJ*&>DFBB#-=BP"+>BP#-?B)(QEBA"9G;JI.IBG88OFLEM2'BMFD(8QFD(PFGCMMEDG5:<??@CH=#GAF6GJI"G9AKEM!OM+KLIKLNLMN&H-N=AKFJ=/>ON?HQJIJ.O,I2,N28%K2/$Q;G)9F0C9K#IA1>?P?E=/920= %@F>*F#/%9/"L0+"BK PKN"/ "8:G">8%"H ' 3%=?JG)EQE>" N5;6I"= K0=*. :>;>0F901&:9E5N'7,6+ =+,4-'ABFGJC9#-3+AK3A;7,$%J7"$9)%C#L.!3,F)9#/('+H$ GH+,$,*F>Q!Q)3Rfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/async/stream_impl.dart}>// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.async; /** Abstract and private interface for a place to put events. */ abstract class _EventSink { void _add(T data); void _addError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace); void _close(); } /** * Abstract and private interface for a place to send events. * * Used by event buffering to finally dispatch the pending event, where * [_EventSink] is where the event first enters the stream subscription, * and may yet be buffered. */ abstract class _EventDispatch { void _sendData(T data); void _sendError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace); void _sendDone(); } /** * Default implementation of stream subscription of buffering events. * * The only public methods are those of [StreamSubscription], so instances of * [_BufferingStreamSubscription] can be returned directly as a * [StreamSubscription] without exposing internal functionality. * * The [StreamController] is a public facing version of [Stream] and this class, * with some methods made public. * * The user interface of [_BufferingStreamSubscription] are the following * methods: * * * [_add]: Add a data event to the stream. * * [_addError]: Add an error event to the stream. * * [_close]: Request to close the stream. * * [_onCancel]: Called when the subscription will provide no more events, * either due to being actively canceled, or after sending a done event. * * [_onPause]: Called when the subscription wants the event source to pause. * * [_onResume]: Called when allowing new events after a pause. * * The user should not add new events when the subscription requests a paused, * but if it happens anyway, the subscription will enqueue the events just as * when new events arrive while still firing an old event. */ class _BufferingStreamSubscription implements StreamSubscription, _EventSink, _EventDispatch { /** The `cancelOnError` flag from the `listen` call. */ static const int _STATE_CANCEL_ON_ERROR = 1; /** * Whether the "done" event has been received. * No further events are accepted after this. */ static const int _STATE_CLOSED = 2; /** * Set if the input has been asked not to send events. * * This is not the same as being paused, since the input will remain paused * after a call to [resume] if there are pending events. */ static const int _STATE_INPUT_PAUSED = 4; /** * Whether the subscription has been canceled. * * Set by calling [cancel], or by handling a "done" event, or an "error" event * when `cancelOnError` is true. */ static const int _STATE_CANCELED = 8; /** * Set when either: * * * an error is sent, and [cancelOnError] is true, or * * a done event is sent. * * If the subscription is canceled while _STATE_WAIT_FOR_CANCEL is set, the * state is unset, and no further events must be delivered. */ static const int _STATE_WAIT_FOR_CANCEL = 16; static const int _STATE_IN_CALLBACK = 32; static const int _STATE_HAS_PENDING = 64; static const int _STATE_PAUSE_COUNT = 128; /* Event handlers provided in constructor. */ _DataHandler _onData; Function _onError; _DoneHandler _onDone; final Zone _zone = Zone.current; /** Bit vector based on state-constants above. */ int _state; // TODO(floitsch): reuse another field /** The future [_onCancel] may return. */ Future _cancelFuture; /** * Queue of pending events. * * Is created when necessary, or set in constructor for preconfigured events. */ _PendingEvents _pending; _BufferingStreamSubscription( void onData(T data), Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError) : _state = (cancelOnError ? _STATE_CANCEL_ON_ERROR : 0) { this.onData(onData); this.onError(onError); this.onDone(onDone); } /** * Sets the subscription's pending events object. * * This can only be done once. The pending events object is used for the * rest of the subscription's life cycle. */ void _setPendingEvents(_PendingEvents pendingEvents) { assert(_pending == null); if (pendingEvents == null) return; _pending = pendingEvents; if (!pendingEvents.isEmpty) { _state |= _STATE_HAS_PENDING; _pending.schedule(this); } } // StreamSubscription interface. void onData(void handleData(T event)) { if (handleData == null) handleData = _nullDataHandler; // TODO(floitsch): the return type should be 'void', and the type // should be inferred. _onData = _zone.registerUnaryCallback(handleData); } void onError(Function handleError) { if (handleError == null) handleError = _nullErrorHandler; if (handleError is void Function(Object, StackTrace)) { _onError = _zone .registerBinaryCallback(handleError); } else if (handleError is void Function(Object)) { _onError = _zone.registerUnaryCallback(handleError); } else { throw new ArgumentError("handleError callback must take either an Object " "(the error), or both an Object (the error) and a StackTrace."); } } void onDone(void handleDone()) { if (handleDone == null) handleDone = _nullDoneHandler; _onDone = _zone.registerCallback(handleDone); } void pause([Future resumeSignal]) { if (_isCanceled) return; bool wasPaused = _isPaused; bool wasInputPaused = _isInputPaused; // Increment pause count and mark input paused (if it isn't already). _state = (_state + _STATE_PAUSE_COUNT) | _STATE_INPUT_PAUSED; if (resumeSignal != null) resumeSignal.whenComplete(resume); if (!wasPaused && _pending != null) _pending.cancelSchedule(); if (!wasInputPaused && !_inCallback) _guardCallback(_onPause); } void resume() { if (_isCanceled) return; if (_isPaused) { _decrementPauseCount(); if (!_isPaused) { if (_hasPending && !_pending.isEmpty) { // Input is still paused. _pending.schedule(this); } else { assert(_mayResumeInput); _state &= ~_STATE_INPUT_PAUSED; if (!_inCallback) _guardCallback(_onResume); } } } } Future cancel() { // The user doesn't want to receive any further events. If there is an // error or done event pending (waiting for the cancel to be done) discard // that event. _state &= ~_STATE_WAIT_FOR_CANCEL; if (!_isCanceled) { _cancel(); } return _cancelFuture ?? Future._nullFuture; } Future asFuture([E futureValue]) { _Future result = new _Future(); // Overwrite the onDone and onError handlers. _onDone = () { result._complete(futureValue); }; _onError = (error, stackTrace) { Future cancelFuture = cancel(); if (!identical(cancelFuture, Future._nullFuture)) { cancelFuture.whenComplete(() { result._completeError(error, stackTrace); }); } else { result._completeError(error, stackTrace); } }; return result; } // State management. bool get _isInputPaused => (_state & _STATE_INPUT_PAUSED) != 0; bool get _isClosed => (_state & _STATE_CLOSED) != 0; bool get _isCanceled => (_state & _STATE_CANCELED) != 0; bool get _waitsForCancel => (_state & _STATE_WAIT_FOR_CANCEL) != 0; bool get _inCallback => (_state & _STATE_IN_CALLBACK) != 0; bool get _hasPending => (_state & _STATE_HAS_PENDING) != 0; bool get _isPaused => _state >= _STATE_PAUSE_COUNT; bool get _canFire => _state < _STATE_IN_CALLBACK; bool get _mayResumeInput => !_isPaused && (_pending == null || _pending.isEmpty); bool get _cancelOnError => (_state & _STATE_CANCEL_ON_ERROR) != 0; bool get isPaused => _isPaused; void _cancel() { _state |= _STATE_CANCELED; if (_hasPending) { _pending.cancelSchedule(); } if (!_inCallback) _pending = null; _cancelFuture = _onCancel(); } /** * Decrements the pause count. * * Does not automatically unpause the input (call [_onResume]) when * the pause count reaches zero. This is handled elsewhere, and only * if there are no pending events buffered. */ void _decrementPauseCount() { assert(_isPaused); _state -= _STATE_PAUSE_COUNT; } // _EventSink interface. void _add(T data) { assert(!_isClosed); if (_isCanceled) return; if (_canFire) { _sendData(data); } else { _addPending(new _DelayedData(data)); } } void _addError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) { if (_isCanceled) return; if (_canFire) { _sendError(error, stackTrace); // Reports cancel after sending. } else { _addPending(new _DelayedError(error, stackTrace)); } } void _close() { assert(!_isClosed); if (_isCanceled) return; _state |= _STATE_CLOSED; if (_canFire) { _sendDone(); } else { _addPending(const _DelayedDone()); } } // Hooks called when the input is paused, unpaused or canceled. // These must not throw. If overwritten to call user code, include suitable // try/catch wrapping and send any errors to // [_Zone.current.handleUncaughtError]. void _onPause() { assert(_isInputPaused); } void _onResume() { assert(!_isInputPaused); } Future _onCancel() { assert(_isCanceled); return null; } // Handle pending events. /** * Add a pending event. * * If the subscription is not paused, this also schedules a firing * of pending events later (if necessary). */ void _addPending(_DelayedEvent event) { _StreamImplEvents pending = _pending; if (_pending == null) { pending = _pending = new _StreamImplEvents(); } pending.add(event); if (!_hasPending) { _state |= _STATE_HAS_PENDING; if (!_isPaused) { _pending.schedule(this); } } } /* _EventDispatch interface. */ void _sendData(T data) { assert(!_isCanceled); assert(!_isPaused); assert(!_inCallback); bool wasInputPaused = _isInputPaused; _state |= _STATE_IN_CALLBACK; _zone.runUnaryGuarded(_onData, data); _state &= ~_STATE_IN_CALLBACK; _checkState(wasInputPaused); } void _sendError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) { assert(!_isCanceled); assert(!_isPaused); assert(!_inCallback); bool wasInputPaused = _isInputPaused; void sendError() { // If the subscription has been canceled while waiting for the cancel // future to finish we must not report the error. if (_isCanceled && !_waitsForCancel) return; _state |= _STATE_IN_CALLBACK; // TODO(floitsch): this dynamic should be 'void'. var onError = _onError; if (onError is void Function(Object, StackTrace)) { _zone.runBinaryGuarded(onError, error, stackTrace); } else { assert(_onError is void Function(Object)); _zone.runUnaryGuarded(_onError, error); } _state &= ~_STATE_IN_CALLBACK; } if (_cancelOnError) { _state |= _STATE_WAIT_FOR_CANCEL; _cancel(); if (_cancelFuture is Future && !identical(_cancelFuture, Future._nullFuture)) { _cancelFuture.whenComplete(sendError); } else { sendError(); } } else { sendError(); // Only check state if not cancelOnError. _checkState(wasInputPaused); } } void _sendDone() { assert(!_isCanceled); assert(!_isPaused); assert(!_inCallback); void sendDone() { // If the subscription has been canceled while waiting for the cancel // future to finish we must not report the done event. if (!_waitsForCancel) return; _state |= (_STATE_CANCELED | _STATE_CLOSED | _STATE_IN_CALLBACK); _zone.runGuarded(_onDone); _state &= ~_STATE_IN_CALLBACK; } _cancel(); _state |= _STATE_WAIT_FOR_CANCEL; if (_cancelFuture is Future && !identical(_cancelFuture, Future._nullFuture)) { _cancelFuture.whenComplete(sendDone); } else { sendDone(); } } /** * Call a hook function. * * The call is properly wrapped in code to avoid other callbacks * during the call, and it checks for state changes after the call * that should cause further callbacks. */ void _guardCallback(void callback()) { assert(!_inCallback); bool wasInputPaused = _isInputPaused; _state |= _STATE_IN_CALLBACK; callback(); _state &= ~_STATE_IN_CALLBACK; _checkState(wasInputPaused); } /** * Check if the input needs to be informed of state changes. * * State changes are pausing, resuming and canceling. * * After canceling, no further callbacks will happen. * * The cancel callback is called after a user cancel, or after * the final done event is sent. */ void _checkState(bool wasInputPaused) { assert(!_inCallback); if (_hasPending && _pending.isEmpty) { _state &= ~_STATE_HAS_PENDING; if (_isInputPaused && _mayResumeInput) { _state &= ~_STATE_INPUT_PAUSED; } } // If the state changes during a callback, we immediately // make a new state-change callback. Loop until the state didn't change. while (true) { if (_isCanceled) { _pending = null; return; } bool isInputPaused = _isInputPaused; if (wasInputPaused == isInputPaused) break; _state ^= _STATE_IN_CALLBACK; if (isInputPaused) { _onPause(); } else { _onResume(); } _state &= ~_STATE_IN_CALLBACK; wasInputPaused = isInputPaused; } if (_hasPending && !_isPaused) { _pending.schedule(this); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Common base class for single and multi-subscription streams. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- abstract class _StreamImpl extends Stream { // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Stream interface. StreamSubscription listen(void onData(T data), {Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError}) { cancelOnError = identical(true, cancelOnError); StreamSubscription subscription = _createSubscription(onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError); _onListen(subscription); return subscription; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Create a subscription object. Called by [subcribe]. */ StreamSubscription _createSubscription(void onData(T data), Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError) { return new _BufferingStreamSubscription( onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError); } /** Hook called when the subscription has been created. */ void _onListen(StreamSubscription subscription) {} } typedef _PendingEvents _EventGenerator(); /** Stream that generates its own events. */ class _GeneratedStreamImpl extends _StreamImpl { final _EventGenerator _pending; bool _isUsed = false; /** * Initializes the stream to have only the events provided by a * [_PendingEvents]. * * A new [_PendingEvents] must be generated for each listen. */ _GeneratedStreamImpl(this._pending); StreamSubscription _createSubscription(void onData(T data), Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError) { if (_isUsed) throw new StateError("Stream has already been listened to."); _isUsed = true; return new _BufferingStreamSubscription( onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError) .._setPendingEvents(_pending()); } } /** Pending events object that gets its events from an [Iterable]. */ class _IterablePendingEvents extends _PendingEvents { // The iterator providing data for data events. // Set to null when iteration has completed. Iterator _iterator; _IterablePendingEvents(Iterable data) : _iterator = data.iterator; bool get isEmpty => _iterator == null; void handleNext(_EventDispatch dispatch) { if (_iterator == null) { throw new StateError("No events pending."); } // Send one event per call to moveNext. // If moveNext returns true, send the current element as data. // If moveNext returns false, send a done event and clear the _iterator. // If moveNext throws an error, send an error and clear the _iterator. // After an error, no further events will be sent. bool isDone; try { isDone = !_iterator.moveNext(); } catch (e, s) { _iterator = null; dispatch._sendError(e, s); return; } if (!isDone) { dispatch._sendData(_iterator.current); } else { _iterator = null; dispatch._sendDone(); } } void clear() { if (isScheduled) cancelSchedule(); _iterator = null; } } // Internal helpers. // Types of the different handlers on a stream. Types used to type fields. typedef void _DataHandler(T value); typedef void _DoneHandler(); /** Default data handler, does nothing. */ void _nullDataHandler(Object value) {} /** Default error handler, reports the error to the current zone's handler. */ void _nullErrorHandler(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) { Zone.current.handleUncaughtError(error, stackTrace); } /** Default done handler, does nothing. */ void _nullDoneHandler() {} /** A delayed event on a buffering stream subscription. */ abstract class _DelayedEvent { /** Added as a linked list on the [StreamController]. */ _DelayedEvent next; /** Execute the delayed event on the [StreamController]. */ void perform(_EventDispatch dispatch); } /** A delayed data event. */ class _DelayedData extends _DelayedEvent { final T value; _DelayedData(this.value); void perform(_EventDispatch dispatch) { dispatch._sendData(value); } } /** A delayed error event. */ class _DelayedError extends _DelayedEvent { final error; final StackTrace stackTrace; _DelayedError(this.error, this.stackTrace); void perform(_EventDispatch dispatch) { dispatch._sendError(error, stackTrace); } } /** A delayed done event. */ class _DelayedDone implements _DelayedEvent { const _DelayedDone(); void perform(_EventDispatch dispatch) { dispatch._sendDone(); } _DelayedEvent get next => null; void set next(_DelayedEvent _) { throw new StateError("No events after a done."); } } /** Superclass for provider of pending events. */ abstract class _PendingEvents { // No async event has been scheduled. static const int _STATE_UNSCHEDULED = 0; // An async event has been scheduled to run a function. static const int _STATE_SCHEDULED = 1; // An async event has been scheduled, but it will do nothing when it runs. // Async events can't be preempted. static const int _STATE_CANCELED = 3; /** * State of being scheduled. * * Set to [_STATE_SCHEDULED] when pending events are scheduled for * async dispatch. Since we can't cancel a [scheduleMicrotask] call, if * scheduling is "canceled", the _state is simply set to [_STATE_CANCELED] * which will make the async code do nothing except resetting [_state]. * * If events are scheduled while the state is [_STATE_CANCELED], it is * merely switched back to [_STATE_SCHEDULED], but no new call to * [scheduleMicrotask] is performed. */ int _state = _STATE_UNSCHEDULED; bool get isEmpty; bool get isScheduled => _state == _STATE_SCHEDULED; bool get _eventScheduled => _state >= _STATE_SCHEDULED; /** * Schedule an event to run later. * * If called more than once, it should be called with the same dispatch as * argument each time. It may reuse an earlier argument in some cases. */ void schedule(_EventDispatch dispatch) { if (isScheduled) return; assert(!isEmpty); if (_eventScheduled) { assert(_state == _STATE_CANCELED); _state = _STATE_SCHEDULED; return; } scheduleMicrotask(() { int oldState = _state; _state = _STATE_UNSCHEDULED; if (oldState == _STATE_CANCELED) return; handleNext(dispatch); }); _state = _STATE_SCHEDULED; } void cancelSchedule() { if (isScheduled) _state = _STATE_CANCELED; } void handleNext(_EventDispatch dispatch); /** Throw away any pending events and cancel scheduled events. */ void clear(); } /** Class holding pending events for a [_StreamImpl]. */ class _StreamImplEvents extends _PendingEvents { /// Single linked list of [_DelayedEvent] objects. _DelayedEvent firstPendingEvent = null; /// Last element in the list of pending events. New events are added after it. _DelayedEvent lastPendingEvent = null; bool get isEmpty => lastPendingEvent == null; void add(_DelayedEvent event) { if (lastPendingEvent == null) { firstPendingEvent = lastPendingEvent = event; } else { lastPendingEvent = = event; } } void handleNext(_EventDispatch dispatch) { assert(!isScheduled); _DelayedEvent event = firstPendingEvent; firstPendingEvent =; if (firstPendingEvent == null) { lastPendingEvent = null; } event.perform(dispatch); } void clear() { if (isScheduled) cancelSchedule(); firstPendingEvent = lastPendingEvent = null; } } typedef void _BroadcastCallback(StreamSubscription subscription); /** * Done subscription that will send one done event as soon as possible. */ class _DoneStreamSubscription implements StreamSubscription { static const int _DONE_SENT = 1; static const int _SCHEDULED = 2; static const int _PAUSED = 4; final Zone _zone; int _state = 0; _DoneHandler _onDone; _DoneStreamSubscription(this._onDone) : _zone = Zone.current { _schedule(); } bool get _isSent => (_state & _DONE_SENT) != 0; bool get _isScheduled => (_state & _SCHEDULED) != 0; bool get isPaused => _state >= _PAUSED; void _schedule() { if (_isScheduled) return; _zone.scheduleMicrotask(_sendDone); _state |= _SCHEDULED; } void onData(void handleData(T data)) {} void onError(Function handleError) {} void onDone(void handleDone()) { _onDone = handleDone; } void pause([Future resumeSignal]) { _state += _PAUSED; if (resumeSignal != null) resumeSignal.whenComplete(resume); } void resume() { if (isPaused) { _state -= _PAUSED; if (!isPaused && !_isSent) { _schedule(); } } } Future cancel() => Future._nullFuture; Future asFuture([E futureValue]) { _Future result = new _Future(); _onDone = () { result._completeWithValue(null); }; return result; } void _sendDone() { _state &= ~_SCHEDULED; if (isPaused) return; _state |= _DONE_SENT; if (_onDone != null) _zone.runGuarded(_onDone); } } class _AsBroadcastStream extends Stream { final Stream _source; final _BroadcastCallback _onListenHandler; final _BroadcastCallback _onCancelHandler; final Zone _zone; _AsBroadcastStreamController _controller; StreamSubscription _subscription; _AsBroadcastStream( this._source, void onListenHandler(StreamSubscription subscription), void onCancelHandler(StreamSubscription subscription)) // TODO(floitsch): the return type should be void and should be // inferred. : _onListenHandler = Zone.current .registerUnaryCallback>( onListenHandler), _onCancelHandler = Zone.current .registerUnaryCallback>( onCancelHandler), _zone = Zone.current { _controller = new _AsBroadcastStreamController(_onListen, _onCancel); } bool get isBroadcast => true; StreamSubscription listen(void onData(T data), {Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError}) { if (_controller == null || _controller.isClosed) { // Return a dummy subscription backed by nothing, since // it will only ever send one done event. return new _DoneStreamSubscription(onDone); } if (_subscription == null) { _subscription = _source.listen(_controller.add, onError: _controller.addError, onDone: _controller.close); } cancelOnError = identical(true, cancelOnError); return _controller._subscribe(onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError); } void _onCancel() { bool shutdown = (_controller == null) || _controller.isClosed; if (_onCancelHandler != null) { _zone.runUnary( _onCancelHandler, new _BroadcastSubscriptionWrapper(this)); } if (shutdown) { if (_subscription != null) { _subscription.cancel(); _subscription = null; } } } void _onListen() { if (_onListenHandler != null) { _zone.runUnary( _onListenHandler, new _BroadcastSubscriptionWrapper(this)); } } // Methods called from _BroadcastSubscriptionWrapper. void _cancelSubscription() { if (_subscription == null) return; // Called by [_controller] when it has no subscribers left. StreamSubscription subscription = _subscription; _subscription = null; _controller = null; // Marks the stream as no longer listenable. subscription.cancel(); } void _pauseSubscription(Future resumeSignal) { if (_subscription == null) return; _subscription.pause(resumeSignal); } void _resumeSubscription() { if (_subscription == null) return; _subscription.resume(); } bool get _isSubscriptionPaused { if (_subscription == null) return false; return _subscription.isPaused; } } /** * Wrapper for subscription that disallows changing handlers. */ class _BroadcastSubscriptionWrapper implements StreamSubscription { final _AsBroadcastStream _stream; _BroadcastSubscriptionWrapper(this._stream); void onData(void handleData(T data)) { throw new UnsupportedError( "Cannot change handlers of asBroadcastStream source subscription."); } void onError(Function handleError) { throw new UnsupportedError( "Cannot change handlers of asBroadcastStream source subscription."); } void onDone(void handleDone()) { throw new UnsupportedError( "Cannot change handlers of asBroadcastStream source subscription."); } void pause([Future resumeSignal]) { _stream._pauseSubscription(resumeSignal); } void resume() { _stream._resumeSubscription(); } Future cancel() { _stream._cancelSubscription(); return Future._nullFuture; } bool get isPaused { return _stream._isSubscriptionPaused; } Future asFuture([E futureValue]) { throw new UnsupportedError( "Cannot change handlers of asBroadcastStream source subscription."); } } /** * Simple implementation of [StreamIterator]. * * Pauses the stream between calls to [moveNext]. */ class _StreamIterator implements StreamIterator { // The stream iterator is always in one of four states. // The value of the [_stateData] field depends on the state. // // When `_subscription == null` and `_stateData != null`: // The stream iterator has been created, but [moveNext] has not been called // yet. The [_stateData] field contains the stream to listen to on the first // call to [moveNext] and [current] returns `null`. // // When `_subscription != null` and `!_isPaused`: // The user has called [moveNext] and the iterator is waiting for the next // event. The [_stateData] field contains the [_Future] returned by the // [_moveNext] call and [current] returns `null.` // // When `_subscription != null` and `_isPaused`: // The most recent call to [moveNext] has completed with a `true` value // and [current] provides the value of the data event. // The [_stateData] field contains the [current] value. // // When `_subscription == null` and `_stateData == null`: // The stream has completed or been canceled using [cancel]. // The stream completes on either a done event or an error event. // The last call to [moveNext] has completed with `false` and [current] // returns `null`. /// Subscription being listened to. /// /// Set to `null` when the stream subscription is done or canceled. StreamSubscription _subscription; /// Data value depending on the current state. /// /// Before first call to [moveNext]: The stream to listen to. /// /// After calling [moveNext] but before the returned future completes: /// The returned future. /// /// After calling [moveNext] and the returned future has completed /// with `true`: The value of [current]. /// /// After calling [moveNext] and the returned future has completed /// with `false`, or after calling [cancel]: `null`. Object _stateData; /// Whether the iterator is between calls to `moveNext`. /// This will usually cause the [_subscription] to be paused, but as an /// optimization, we only pause after the [moveNext] future has been /// completed. bool _isPaused = false; _StreamIterator(final Stream stream) : _stateData = stream; T get current { if (_subscription != null && _isPaused) { return _stateData; } return null; } Future moveNext() { if (_subscription != null) { if (_isPaused) { var future = new _Future(); _stateData = future; _isPaused = false; _subscription.resume(); return future; } throw new StateError("Already waiting for next."); } return _initializeOrDone(); } /// Called if there is no active subscription when [moveNext] is called. /// /// Either starts listening on the stream if this is the first call to /// [moveNext], or returns a `false` future because the stream has already /// ended. Future _initializeOrDone() { assert(_subscription == null); var stateData = _stateData; if (stateData != null) { Stream stream = stateData; _subscription = stream.listen(_onData, onError: _onError, onDone: _onDone, cancelOnError: true); var future = new _Future(); _stateData = future; return future; } return Future._falseFuture; } Future cancel() { StreamSubscription subscription = _subscription; Object stateData = _stateData; _stateData = null; if (subscription != null) { _subscription = null; if (!_isPaused) { _Future future = stateData; future._asyncComplete(false); } return subscription.cancel(); } return Future._nullFuture; } void _onData(T data) { assert(_subscription != null && !_isPaused); _Future moveNextFuture = _stateData; _stateData = data; _isPaused = true; moveNextFuture._complete(true); if (_subscription != null && _isPaused) _subscription.pause(); } void _onError(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) { assert(_subscription != null && !_isPaused); _Future moveNextFuture = _stateData; _subscription = null; _stateData = null; moveNextFuture._completeError(error, stackTrace); } void _onDone() { assert(_subscription != null && !_isPaused); _Future moveNextFuture = _stateData; _subscription = null; _stateData = null; moveNextFuture._complete(false); } } /** An empty broadcast stream, sending a done event as soon as possible. */ class _EmptyStream extends Stream { const _EmptyStream() : super._internal(); bool get isBroadcast => true; StreamSubscription listen(void onData(T data), {Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError}) { return new _DoneStreamSubscription(onDone); } } "NN<A7>HI#8FN@AQ"J -4,LMOAON;&I:/10&9N;,1Q#(;N>0,,-0#4),P P@4K,<'"$#*;FC'><M7L QK#;2& *JBACC0$##*7 KO'0+*2%%&:'4 2B7;F>>64M+2$%&%G@G2H4?4)EI=A=01=50-7%B?'A=O00'F<2/H)02,CMK7 &!- 'K'+'O@7+;";>,1-,.*,.*"#52#(+:)M&(EJMJID'#6:%MI.)!#///D975*Q)0"$4 80-$%'1HHD## A27*(*(#&A#)+*'4000/'@@F(D"(D"M 4?7>05!6E4KC$I# $I8'@5E1'''#-#>J$/) M' M# M&.##*+ M.28:?( T userCode(), onSuccess(T value), onError(error, StackTrace stackTrace)) { try { onSuccess(userCode()); } catch (e, s) { AsyncError replacement = Zone.current.errorCallback(e, s); if (replacement == null) { onError(e, s); } else { var error = _nonNullError(replacement.error); var stackTrace = replacement.stackTrace; onError(error, stackTrace); } } } /** Helper function to cancel a subscription and wait for the potential future, before completing with an error. */ void _cancelAndError(StreamSubscription subscription, _Future future, error, StackTrace stackTrace) { var cancelFuture = subscription.cancel(); if (cancelFuture is Future && !identical(cancelFuture, Future._nullFuture)) { cancelFuture.whenComplete(() => future._completeError(error, stackTrace)); } else { future._completeError(error, stackTrace); } } void _cancelAndErrorWithReplacement(StreamSubscription subscription, _Future future, error, StackTrace stackTrace) { AsyncError replacement = Zone.current.errorCallback(error, stackTrace); if (replacement != null) { error = _nonNullError(replacement.error); stackTrace = replacement.stackTrace; } _cancelAndError(subscription, future, error, stackTrace); } typedef void _ErrorCallback(error, StackTrace stackTrace); /** Helper function to make an onError argument to [_runUserCode]. */ _ErrorCallback _cancelAndErrorClosure( StreamSubscription subscription, _Future future) { return (error, StackTrace stackTrace) { _cancelAndError(subscription, future, error, stackTrace); }; } /** Helper function to cancel a subscription and wait for the potential future, before completing with a value. */ void _cancelAndValue(StreamSubscription subscription, _Future future, value) { var cancelFuture = subscription.cancel(); if (cancelFuture is Future && !identical(cancelFuture, Future._nullFuture)) { cancelFuture.whenComplete(() => future._complete(value)); } else { future._complete(value); } } /** * A [Stream] that forwards subscriptions to another stream. * * This stream implements [Stream], but forwards all subscriptions * to an underlying stream, and wraps the returned subscription to * modify the events on the way. * * This class is intended for internal use only. */ abstract class _ForwardingStream extends Stream { final Stream _source; _ForwardingStream(this._source); bool get isBroadcast => _source.isBroadcast; StreamSubscription listen(void onData(T value), {Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError}) { cancelOnError = identical(true, cancelOnError); return _createSubscription(onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError); } StreamSubscription _createSubscription(void onData(T data), Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError) { return new _ForwardingStreamSubscription( this, onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError); } // Override the following methods in subclasses to change the behavior. void _handleData(S data, _EventSink sink) { sink._add(data as Object); } void _handleError(error, StackTrace stackTrace, _EventSink sink) { sink._addError(error, stackTrace); } void _handleDone(_EventSink sink) { sink._close(); } } /** * Abstract superclass for subscriptions that forward to other subscriptions. */ class _ForwardingStreamSubscription extends _BufferingStreamSubscription { final _ForwardingStream _stream; StreamSubscription _subscription; _ForwardingStreamSubscription(this._stream, void onData(T data), Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError) : super(onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError) { _subscription = _stream._source .listen(_handleData, onError: _handleError, onDone: _handleDone); } // _StreamSink interface. // Transformers sending more than one event have no way to know if the stream // is canceled or closed after the first, so we just ignore remaining events. void _add(T data) { if (_isClosed) return; super._add(data); } void _addError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) { if (_isClosed) return; super._addError(error, stackTrace); } // StreamSubscription callbacks. void _onPause() { if (_subscription == null) return; _subscription.pause(); } void _onResume() { if (_subscription == null) return; _subscription.resume(); } Future _onCancel() { if (_subscription != null) { StreamSubscription subscription = _subscription; _subscription = null; return subscription.cancel(); } return null; } // Methods used as listener on source subscription. void _handleData(S data) { _stream._handleData(data, this); } void _handleError(error, StackTrace stackTrace) { _stream._handleError(error, stackTrace, this); } void _handleDone() { _stream._handleDone(this); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Stream transformers used by the default Stream implementation. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef bool _Predicate(T value); void _addErrorWithReplacement(_EventSink sink, error, stackTrace) { AsyncError replacement = Zone.current.errorCallback(error, stackTrace); if (replacement != null) { error = _nonNullError(replacement.error); stackTrace = replacement.stackTrace; } sink._addError(error, stackTrace); } class _WhereStream extends _ForwardingStream { final _Predicate _test; _WhereStream(Stream source, bool test(T value)) : _test = test, super(source); void _handleData(T inputEvent, _EventSink sink) { bool satisfies; try { satisfies = _test(inputEvent); } catch (e, s) { _addErrorWithReplacement(sink, e, s); return; } if (satisfies) { sink._add(inputEvent); } } } typedef T _Transformation(S value); /** * A stream pipe that converts data events before passing them on. */ class _MapStream extends _ForwardingStream { final _Transformation _transform; _MapStream(Stream source, T transform(S event)) : this._transform = transform, super(source); void _handleData(S inputEvent, _EventSink sink) { T outputEvent; try { outputEvent = _transform(inputEvent); } catch (e, s) { _addErrorWithReplacement(sink, e, s); return; } sink._add(outputEvent); } } /** * A stream pipe that converts data events before passing them on. */ class _ExpandStream extends _ForwardingStream { final _Transformation> _expand; _ExpandStream(Stream source, Iterable expand(S event)) : this._expand = expand, super(source); void _handleData(S inputEvent, _EventSink sink) { try { for (T value in _expand(inputEvent)) { sink._add(value); } } catch (e, s) { // If either _expand or iterating the generated iterator throws, // we abort the iteration. _addErrorWithReplacement(sink, e, s); } } } typedef bool _ErrorTest(error); /** * A stream pipe that converts or disposes error events * before passing them on. */ class _HandleErrorStream extends _ForwardingStream { final Function _transform; final _ErrorTest _test; _HandleErrorStream(Stream source, Function onError, bool test(error)) : this._transform = onError, this._test = test, super(source); void _handleError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace, _EventSink sink) { bool matches = true; if (_test != null) { try { matches = _test(error); } catch (e, s) { _addErrorWithReplacement(sink, e, s); return; } } if (matches) { try { _invokeErrorHandler(_transform, error, stackTrace); } catch (e, s) { if (identical(e, error)) { sink._addError(error, stackTrace); } else { _addErrorWithReplacement(sink, e, s); } return; } } else { sink._addError(error, stackTrace); } } } class _TakeStream extends _ForwardingStream { final int _count; _TakeStream(Stream source, int count) : this._count = count, super(source) { // This test is done early to avoid handling an async error // in the _handleData method. if (count is! int) throw new ArgumentError(count); } StreamSubscription _createSubscription(void onData(T data), Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError) { if (_count == 0) { _source.listen(null).cancel(); return new _DoneStreamSubscription(onDone); } return new _StateStreamSubscription( this, onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError, _count); } void _handleData(T inputEvent, _EventSink sink) { _StateStreamSubscription subscription = sink; int count = subscription._count; if (count > 0) { sink._add(inputEvent); count -= 1; subscription._count = count; if (count == 0) { // Closing also unsubscribes all subscribers, which unsubscribes // this from source. sink._close(); } } } } /** * A [_ForwardingStreamSubscription] with one extra state field. * * Use by several different classes, storing an integer, bool or general. */ class _StateStreamSubscription extends _ForwardingStreamSubscription { // Raw state field. Typed access provided by getters and setters below. var _sharedState; _StateStreamSubscription(_ForwardingStream stream, void onData(T data), Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError, this._sharedState) : super(stream, onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError); bool get _flag => _sharedState; void set _flag(bool flag) { _sharedState = flag; } int get _count => _sharedState; void set _count(int count) { _sharedState = count; } Object get _value => _sharedState; void set _value(Object value) { _sharedState = value; } } class _TakeWhileStream extends _ForwardingStream { final _Predicate _test; _TakeWhileStream(Stream source, bool test(T value)) : this._test = test, super(source); void _handleData(T inputEvent, _EventSink sink) { bool satisfies; try { satisfies = _test(inputEvent); } catch (e, s) { _addErrorWithReplacement(sink, e, s); // The test didn't say true. Didn't say false either, but we stop anyway. sink._close(); return; } if (satisfies) { sink._add(inputEvent); } else { sink._close(); } } } class _SkipStream extends _ForwardingStream { final int _count; _SkipStream(Stream source, int count) : this._count = count, super(source) { // This test is done early to avoid handling an async error // in the _handleData method. if (count is! int || count < 0) throw new ArgumentError(count); } StreamSubscription _createSubscription(void onData(T data), Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError) { return new _StateStreamSubscription( this, onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError, _count); } void _handleData(T inputEvent, _EventSink sink) { _StateStreamSubscription subscription = sink; int count = subscription._count; if (count > 0) { subscription._count = count - 1; return; } sink._add(inputEvent); } } class _SkipWhileStream extends _ForwardingStream { final _Predicate _test; _SkipWhileStream(Stream source, bool test(T value)) : this._test = test, super(source); StreamSubscription _createSubscription(void onData(T data), Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError) { return new _StateStreamSubscription( this, onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError, false); } void _handleData(T inputEvent, _EventSink sink) { _StateStreamSubscription subscription = sink; bool hasFailed = subscription._flag; if (hasFailed) { sink._add(inputEvent); return; } bool satisfies; try { satisfies = _test(inputEvent); } catch (e, s) { _addErrorWithReplacement(sink, e, s); // A failure to return a boolean is considered "not matching". subscription._flag = true; return; } if (!satisfies) { subscription._flag = true; sink._add(inputEvent); } } } typedef bool _Equality(T a, T b); class _DistinctStream extends _ForwardingStream { static var _SENTINEL = new Object(); final _Equality _equals; _DistinctStream(Stream source, bool equals(T a, T b)) : _equals = equals, super(source); StreamSubscription _createSubscription(void onData(T data), Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError) { return new _StateStreamSubscription( this, onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError, _SENTINEL); } void _handleData(T inputEvent, _EventSink sink) { _StateStreamSubscription subscription = sink; var previous = subscription._value; if (identical(previous, _SENTINEL)) { // First event. subscription._value = inputEvent; sink._add(inputEvent); } else { T previousEvent = previous; bool isEqual; try { if (_equals == null) { isEqual = (previousEvent == inputEvent); } else { isEqual = _equals(previousEvent, inputEvent); } } catch (e, s) { _addErrorWithReplacement(sink, e, s); return; } if (!isEqual) { sink._add(inputEvent); subscription._value = inputEvent; } } } } NN<IO? 4/"P&M,PO .E4J.)<;F'7*>P%O,P> =CC!1;#/5?4HA=47J1H')N*.)'C;8$JPP8(#''!7$6%43GBG%DJ.)%857 %,*C9*5%7 ,,C<1?7 -G!, 8>K#O . <#-0  )7+@"7A=%5,?75%#IAJPJPN?""%"<97 %,P 7+@"DA=,?75%'<9A=,>75) %,E!!%;';A=,B75(*( " 38 .*Zfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/async/stream_transformers.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.async; /** * Wraps an [_EventSink] so it exposes only the [EventSink] interface. */ class _EventSinkWrapper implements EventSink { _EventSink _sink; _EventSinkWrapper(this._sink); void add(T data) { _sink._add(data); } void addError(error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) { _sink._addError(error, stackTrace); } void close() { _sink._close(); } } /** * A StreamSubscription that pipes data through a sink. * * The constructor of this class takes a [_SinkMapper] which maps from * [EventSink] to [EventSink]. The input to the mapper is the output of * the transformation. The returned sink is the transformation's input. */ class _SinkTransformerStreamSubscription extends _BufferingStreamSubscription { /// The transformer's input sink. EventSink _transformerSink; /// The subscription to the input stream. StreamSubscription _subscription; _SinkTransformerStreamSubscription(Stream source, _SinkMapper mapper, void onData(T data), Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError) // We set the adapter's target only when the user is allowed to send data. : super(onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError) { _EventSinkWrapper eventSink = new _EventSinkWrapper(this); _transformerSink = mapper(eventSink); _subscription = source.listen(_handleData, onError: _handleError, onDone: _handleDone); } /** Whether this subscription is still subscribed to its source. */ bool get _isSubscribed => _subscription != null; // _EventSink interface. /** * Adds an event to this subscriptions. * * Contrary to normal [_BufferingStreamSubscription]s we may receive * events when the stream is already closed. Report them as state * error. */ void _add(T data) { if (_isClosed) { throw new StateError("Stream is already closed"); } super._add(data); } /** * Adds an error event to this subscriptions. * * Contrary to normal [_BufferingStreamSubscription]s we may receive * events when the stream is already closed. Report them as state * error. */ void _addError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) { if (_isClosed) { throw new StateError("Stream is already closed"); } super._addError(error, stackTrace); } /** * Adds a close event to this subscriptions. * * Contrary to normal [_BufferingStreamSubscription]s we may receive * events when the stream is already closed. Report them as state * error. */ void _close() { if (_isClosed) { throw new StateError("Stream is already closed"); } super._close(); } // _BufferingStreamSubscription hooks. void _onPause() { if (_isSubscribed) _subscription.pause(); } void _onResume() { if (_isSubscribed) _subscription.resume(); } Future _onCancel() { if (_isSubscribed) { StreamSubscription subscription = _subscription; _subscription = null; return subscription.cancel(); } return null; } void _handleData(S data) { try { _transformerSink.add(data); } catch (e, s) { _addError(e, s); } } void _handleError(error, [stackTrace]) { try { _transformerSink.addError(error, stackTrace); } catch (e, s) { if (identical(e, error)) { _addError(error, stackTrace); } else { _addError(e, s); } } } void _handleDone() { try { _subscription = null; _transformerSink.close(); } catch (e, s) { _addError(e, s); } } } typedef EventSink _SinkMapper(EventSink output); /** * A StreamTransformer for Sink-mappers. * * A Sink-mapper takes an [EventSink] (its output) and returns another * EventSink (its input). * * Note that this class can be `const`. */ class _StreamSinkTransformer extends StreamTransformerBase { final _SinkMapper _sinkMapper; const _StreamSinkTransformer(this._sinkMapper); Stream bind(Stream stream) => new _BoundSinkStream(stream, _sinkMapper); } /** * The result of binding a StreamTransformer for Sink-mappers. * * It contains the bound Stream and the sink-mapper. Only when the user starts * listening to this stream is the sink-mapper invoked. The result is used * to create a StreamSubscription that transforms events. */ class _BoundSinkStream extends Stream { final _SinkMapper _sinkMapper; final Stream _stream; bool get isBroadcast => _stream.isBroadcast; _BoundSinkStream(this._stream, this._sinkMapper); StreamSubscription listen(void onData(T event), {Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError}) { cancelOnError = identical(true, cancelOnError); StreamSubscription subscription = new _SinkTransformerStreamSubscription( _stream, _sinkMapper, onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError); return subscription; } } /// Data-handler coming from [StreamTransformer.fromHandlers]. typedef void _TransformDataHandler(S data, EventSink sink); /// Error-handler coming from [StreamTransformer.fromHandlers]. typedef void _TransformErrorHandler( Object error, StackTrace stackTrace, EventSink sink); /// Done-handler coming from [StreamTransformer.fromHandlers]. typedef void _TransformDoneHandler(EventSink sink); /** * Wraps handlers (from [StreamTransformer.fromHandlers]) into an `EventSink`. * * This way we can reuse the code from [_StreamSinkTransformer]. */ class _HandlerEventSink implements EventSink { final _TransformDataHandler _handleData; final _TransformErrorHandler _handleError; final _TransformDoneHandler _handleDone; /// The output sink where the handlers should send their data into. EventSink _sink; _HandlerEventSink( this._handleData, this._handleError, this._handleDone, this._sink) { if (_sink == null) { throw new ArgumentError("The provided sink must not be null."); } } bool get _isClosed => _sink == null; _reportClosedSink() { // TODO(29554): throw a StateError, and don't just report the problem. Zone.root ..print("Sink is closed and adding to it is an error.") ..print(" See") ..print(StackTrace.current.toString()); } void add(S data) { if (_isClosed) { _reportClosedSink(); } if (_handleData != null) { _handleData(data, _sink); } else { _sink.add(data as T); } } void addError(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) { if (_isClosed) { _reportClosedSink(); } if (_handleError != null) { _handleError(error, stackTrace, _sink); } else { _sink.addError(error, stackTrace); } } void close() { if (_isClosed) return; var sink = _sink; _sink = null; if (_handleDone != null) { _handleDone(sink); } else { sink.close(); } } } /** * A StreamTransformer that transformers events with the given handlers. * * Note that this transformer can only be used once. */ class _StreamHandlerTransformer extends _StreamSinkTransformer { _StreamHandlerTransformer( {void handleData(S data, EventSink sink), void handleError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace, EventSink sink), void handleDone(EventSink sink)}) : super((EventSink outputSink) { return new _HandlerEventSink( handleData, handleError, handleDone, outputSink); }); Stream bind(Stream stream) { return super.bind(stream); } } /// A closure mapping a stream and cancelOnError to a StreamSubscription. typedef StreamSubscription _SubscriptionTransformer( Stream stream, bool cancelOnError); /** * A [StreamTransformer] that minimizes the number of additional classes. * * Instead of implementing three classes: a [StreamTransformer], a [Stream] * (as the result of a `bind` call) and a [StreamSubscription] (which does the * actual work), this class only requires a function that is invoked when the * last bit (the subscription) of the transformer-workflow is needed. * * The given transformer function maps from Stream and cancelOnError to a * `StreamSubscription`. As such it can also act on `cancel` events, making it * fully general. */ class _StreamSubscriptionTransformer extends StreamTransformerBase { final _SubscriptionTransformer _onListen; const _StreamSubscriptionTransformer(this._onListen); Stream bind(Stream stream) => new _BoundSubscriptionStream(stream, _onListen); } /** * A stream transformed by a [_StreamSubscriptionTransformer]. * * When this stream is listened to it invokes the [_onListen] function with * the stored [_stream]. Usually the transformer starts listening at this * moment. */ class _BoundSubscriptionStream extends Stream { final _SubscriptionTransformer _onListen; final Stream _stream; _BoundSubscriptionStream(this._stream, this._onListen); StreamSubscription listen(void onData(T event), {Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError}) { cancelOnError = identical(true, cancelOnError); StreamSubscription result = _onListen(_stream, cancelOnError); result.onData(onData); result.onError(onError); result.onDone(onDone); return result; } } NNN<G5!2(8GHH/.$!,'QPQ8E*PF3*GD 80GD 88(/GD 8)./7$ "+ 4!&  =)G(I'2&7?OK:1'/45?4)6K?E@(=?:OA810.FKF'K>1. 9 . ) I5M3P+*.@ %J>+JLONFJOQ28&=?LJ 92:5?4FKfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/async/zone.dartI// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.async; typedef R ZoneCallback(); typedef R ZoneUnaryCallback(T arg); typedef R ZoneBinaryCallback(T1 arg1, T2 arg2); typedef HandleUncaughtErrorHandler = void Function(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, Object error, StackTrace stackTrace); typedef RunHandler = R Function( Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, R Function() f); typedef RunUnaryHandler = R Function( Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, R Function(T arg) f, T arg); typedef RunBinaryHandler = R Function(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, R Function(T1 arg1, T2 arg2) f, T1 arg1, T2 arg2); typedef RegisterCallbackHandler = ZoneCallback Function( Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, R Function() f); typedef RegisterUnaryCallbackHandler = ZoneUnaryCallback Function( Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, R Function(T arg) f); typedef RegisterBinaryCallbackHandler = ZoneBinaryCallback Function(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, R Function(T1 arg1, T2 arg2) f); typedef AsyncError ErrorCallbackHandler(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, Object error, StackTrace stackTrace); typedef void ScheduleMicrotaskHandler( Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, void f()); typedef Timer CreateTimerHandler( Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, Duration duration, void f()); typedef Timer CreatePeriodicTimerHandler(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, Duration period, void f(Timer timer)); typedef void PrintHandler( Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, String line); typedef Zone ForkHandler(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, ZoneSpecification specification, Map zoneValues); /** Pair of error and stack trace. Returned by [Zone.errorCallback]. */ class AsyncError implements Error { final Object error; final StackTrace stackTrace; AsyncError(this.error, this.stackTrace); String toString() => '$error'; } class _ZoneFunction { final _Zone zone; final T function; const _ZoneFunction(, this.function); } /** * This class provides the specification for a forked zone. * * When forking a new zone (see [Zone.fork]) one can override the default * behavior of the zone by providing callbacks. These callbacks must be * given in an instance of this class. * * Handlers have the same signature as the same-named methods on [Zone] but * receive three additional arguments: * * 1. the zone the handlers are attached to (the "self" zone). * 2. a [ZoneDelegate] to the parent zone. * 3. the zone that first received the request (before the request was * bubbled up). * * Handlers can either stop propagation the request (by simply not calling the * parent handler), or forward to the parent zone, potentially modifying the * arguments on the way. */ abstract class ZoneSpecification { /** * Creates a specification with the provided handlers. */ const factory ZoneSpecification( {HandleUncaughtErrorHandler handleUncaughtError, RunHandler run, RunUnaryHandler runUnary, RunBinaryHandler runBinary, RegisterCallbackHandler registerCallback, RegisterUnaryCallbackHandler registerUnaryCallback, RegisterBinaryCallbackHandler registerBinaryCallback, ErrorCallbackHandler errorCallback, ScheduleMicrotaskHandler scheduleMicrotask, CreateTimerHandler createTimer, CreatePeriodicTimerHandler createPeriodicTimer, PrintHandler print, ForkHandler fork}) = _ZoneSpecification; /** * Creates a specification from [other] with the provided handlers overriding * the ones in [other]. */ factory ZoneSpecification.from(ZoneSpecification other, {HandleUncaughtErrorHandler handleUncaughtError: null, RunHandler run: null, RunUnaryHandler runUnary: null, RunBinaryHandler runBinary: null, RegisterCallbackHandler registerCallback: null, RegisterUnaryCallbackHandler registerUnaryCallback: null, RegisterBinaryCallbackHandler registerBinaryCallback: null, ErrorCallbackHandler errorCallback: null, ScheduleMicrotaskHandler scheduleMicrotask: null, CreateTimerHandler createTimer: null, CreatePeriodicTimerHandler createPeriodicTimer: null, PrintHandler print: null, ForkHandler fork: null}) { return new ZoneSpecification( handleUncaughtError: handleUncaughtError ?? other.handleUncaughtError, run: run ??, runUnary: runUnary ?? other.runUnary, runBinary: runBinary ?? other.runBinary, registerCallback: registerCallback ?? other.registerCallback, registerUnaryCallback: registerUnaryCallback ?? other.registerUnaryCallback, registerBinaryCallback: registerBinaryCallback ?? other.registerBinaryCallback, errorCallback: errorCallback ?? other.errorCallback, scheduleMicrotask: scheduleMicrotask ?? other.scheduleMicrotask, createTimer: createTimer ?? other.createTimer, createPeriodicTimer: createPeriodicTimer ?? other.createPeriodicTimer, print: print ?? other.print, fork: fork ?? other.fork); } HandleUncaughtErrorHandler get handleUncaughtError; RunHandler get run; RunUnaryHandler get runUnary; RunBinaryHandler get runBinary; RegisterCallbackHandler get registerCallback; RegisterUnaryCallbackHandler get registerUnaryCallback; RegisterBinaryCallbackHandler get registerBinaryCallback; ErrorCallbackHandler get errorCallback; ScheduleMicrotaskHandler get scheduleMicrotask; CreateTimerHandler get createTimer; CreatePeriodicTimerHandler get createPeriodicTimer; PrintHandler get print; ForkHandler get fork; } /** * Internal [ZoneSpecification] class. * * The implementation wants to rely on the fact that the getters cannot change * dynamically. We thus require users to go through the redirecting * [ZoneSpecification] constructor which instantiates this class. */ class _ZoneSpecification implements ZoneSpecification { const _ZoneSpecification( {this.handleUncaughtError: null, null, this.runUnary: null, this.runBinary: null, this.registerCallback: null, this.registerUnaryCallback: null, this.registerBinaryCallback: null, this.errorCallback: null, this.scheduleMicrotask: null, this.createTimer: null, this.createPeriodicTimer: null, this.print: null, this.fork: null}); final HandleUncaughtErrorHandler handleUncaughtError; final RunHandler run; final RunUnaryHandler runUnary; final RunBinaryHandler runBinary; final RegisterCallbackHandler registerCallback; final RegisterUnaryCallbackHandler registerUnaryCallback; final RegisterBinaryCallbackHandler registerBinaryCallback; final ErrorCallbackHandler errorCallback; final ScheduleMicrotaskHandler scheduleMicrotask; final CreateTimerHandler createTimer; final CreatePeriodicTimerHandler createPeriodicTimer; final PrintHandler print; final ForkHandler fork; } /** * An adapted view of the parent zone. * * This class allows the implementation of a zone method to invoke methods on * the parent zone while retaining knowledge of the originating zone. * * Custom zones (created through [Zone.fork] or [runZoned]) can provide * implementations of most methods of zones. This is similar to overriding * methods on [Zone], except that this mechanism doesn't require subclassing. * * A custom zone function (provided through a [ZoneSpecification]) typically * records or wraps its parameters and then delegates the operation to its * parent zone using the provided [ZoneDelegate]. * * While zones have access to their parent zone (through [Zone.parent]) it is * recommended to call the methods on the provided parent delegate for two * reasons: * 1. the delegate methods take an additional `zone` argument which is the * zone the action has been initiated in. * 2. delegate calls are more efficient, since the implementation knows how * to skip zones that would just delegate to their parents. */ abstract class ZoneDelegate { void handleUncaughtError(Zone zone, error, StackTrace stackTrace); R run(Zone zone, R f()); R runUnary(Zone zone, R f(T arg), T arg); R runBinary(Zone zone, R f(T1 arg1, T2 arg2), T1 arg1, T2 arg2); ZoneCallback registerCallback(Zone zone, R f()); ZoneUnaryCallback registerUnaryCallback(Zone zone, R f(T arg)); ZoneBinaryCallback registerBinaryCallback( Zone zone, R f(T1 arg1, T2 arg2)); AsyncError errorCallback(Zone zone, Object error, StackTrace stackTrace); void scheduleMicrotask(Zone zone, void f()); Timer createTimer(Zone zone, Duration duration, void f()); Timer createPeriodicTimer(Zone zone, Duration period, void f(Timer timer)); void print(Zone zone, String line); Zone fork(Zone zone, ZoneSpecification specification, Map zoneValues); } /** * A zone represents an environment that remains stable across asynchronous * calls. * * Code is always executed in the context of a zone, available as * [Zone.current]. The initial `main` function runs in the context of the * default zone ([Zone.root]). Code can be run in a different zone using either * [runZoned], to create a new zone, or [] to run code in the context of * an existing zone likely created using [Zone.fork]. * * Developers can create a new zone that overrides some of the functionality of * an existing zone. For example, custom zones can replace of modify the * behavior of `print`, timers, microtasks or how uncaught errors are handled. * * The [Zone] class is not subclassable, but users can provide custom zones by * forking an existing zone (usually [Zone.current]) with a [ZoneSpecification]. * This is similar to creating a new class that extends the base `Zone` class * and that overrides some methods, except without actually creating a new * class. Instead the overriding methods are provided as functions that * explicitly take the equivalent of their own class, the "super" class and the * `this` object as parameters. * * Asynchronous callbacks always run in the context of the zone where they were * scheduled. This is implemented using two steps: * 1. the callback is first registered using one of [registerCallback], * [registerUnaryCallback], or [registerBinaryCallback]. This allows the zone * to record that a callback exists and potentially modify it (by returning a * different callback). The code doing the registration (e.g., `Future.then`) * also remembers the current zone so that it can later run the callback in * that zone. * 2. At a later point the registered callback is run in the remembered zone. * * This is all handled internally by the platform code and most users don't need * to worry about it. However, developers of new asynchronous operations, * provided by the underlying system or through native extensions, must follow * the protocol to be zone compatible. * * For convenience, zones provide [bindCallback] (and the corresponding * [bindUnaryCallback] and [bindBinaryCallback]) to make it easier to respect * the zone contract: these functions first invoke the corresponding `register` * functions and then wrap the returned function so that it runs in the current * zone when it is later asynchronously invoked. * * Similarly, zones provide [bindCallbackGuarded] (and the corresponding * [bindUnaryCallbackGuarded] and [bindBinaryCallbackGuarded]), when the * callback should be invoked through [Zone.runGuarded]. */ abstract class Zone { // Private constructor so that it is not possible instantiate a Zone class. Zone._(); /** * The root zone. * * All isolate entry functions (`main` or spawned functions) start running in * the root zone (that is, [Zone.current] is identical to [Zone.root] when the * entry function is called). If no custom zone is created, the rest of the * program always runs in the root zone. * * The root zone implements the default behavior of all zone operations. * Many methods, like [registerCallback] do the bare minimum required of the * function, and are only provided as a hook for custom zones. Others, like * [scheduleMicrotask], interact with the underlying system to implement the * desired behavior. */ static const Zone root = _rootZone; /** The currently running zone. */ static Zone _current = _rootZone; /** The zone that is currently active. */ static Zone get current => _current; /** * Handles uncaught asynchronous errors. * * There are two kind of asynchronous errors that are handled by this * function: * 1. Uncaught errors that were thrown in asynchronous callbacks, for example, * a `throw` in the function passed to []. * 2. Asynchronous errors that are pushed through [Future] and [Stream] * chains, but for which no child registered an error handler. * Most asynchronous classes, like [Future] or [Stream] push errors to their * listeners. Errors are propagated this way until either a listener handles * the error (for example with [Future.catchError]), or no listener is * available anymore. In the latter case, futures and streams invoke the * zone's [handleUncaughtError]. * * By default, when handled by the root zone, uncaught asynchronous errors are * treated like uncaught synchronous exceptions. */ void handleUncaughtError(error, StackTrace stackTrace); /** * The parent zone of the this zone. * * Is `null` if `this` is the [root] zone. * * Zones are created by [fork] on an existing zone, or by [runZoned] which * forks the [current] zone. The new zone's parent zone is the zone it was * forked from. */ Zone get parent; /** * The error zone is the one that is responsible for dealing with uncaught * errors. * * This is the closest parent zone of this zone that provides a * [handleUncaughtError] method. * * Asynchronous errors never cross zone boundaries between zones with * different error handlers. * * Example: * ``` * import 'dart:async'; * * main() { * var future; * runZoned(() { * // The asynchronous error is caught by the custom zone which prints * // 'asynchronous error'. * future = new Future.error("asynchronous error"); * }, onError: (e) { print(e); }); // Creates a zone with an error handler. * // The following `catchError` handler is never invoked, because the * // custom zone created by the call to `runZoned` provides an * // error handler. * future.catchError((e) { throw "is never reached"; }); * } * ``` * * Note that errors cannot enter a child zone with a different error handler * either: * ``` * import 'dart:async'; * * main() { * runZoned(() { * // The following asynchronous error is *not* caught by the `catchError` * // in the nested zone, since errors are not to cross zone boundaries * // with different error handlers. * // Instead the error is handled by the current error handler, * // printing "Caught by outer zone: asynchronous error". * var future = new Future.error("asynchronous error"); * runZoned(() { * future.catchError((e) { throw "is never reached"; }); * }, onError: (e) { throw "is never reached"; }); * }, onError: (e) { print("Caught by outer zone: $e"); }); * } * ``` */ Zone get errorZone; /** * Returns true if `this` and [otherZone] are in the same error zone. * * Two zones are in the same error zone if they have the same [errorZone]. */ bool inSameErrorZone(Zone otherZone); /** * Creates a new zone as a child of `this`. * * The new zone uses the closures in the given [specification] to override * the current's zone behavior. All specification entries that are `null` * inherit the behavior from the parent zone (`this`). * * The new zone inherits the stored values (accessed through [operator []]) * of this zone and updates them with values from [zoneValues], which either * adds new values or overrides existing ones. * * Note that the fork operation is interceptible. A zone can thus change * the zone specification (or zone values), giving the forking zone full * control over the child zone. */ Zone fork({ZoneSpecification specification, Map zoneValues}); /** * Executes [action] in this zone. * * By default (as implemented in the [root] zone), runs [action] * with [current] set to this zone. * * If [action] throws, the synchronous exception is not caught by the zone's * error handler. Use [runGuarded] to achieve that. * * Since the root zone is the only zone that can modify the value of * [current], custom zones intercepting run should always delegate to their * parent zone. They may take actions before and after the call. */ R run(R action()); /** * Executes the given [action] with [argument] in this zone. * * As [run] except that [action] is called with one [argument] instead of * none. */ R runUnary(R action(T argument), T argument); /** * Executes the given [action] with [argument1] and [argument2] in this * zone. * * As [run] except that [action] is called with two arguments instead of none. */ R runBinary( R action(T1 argument1, T2 argument2), T1 argument1, T2 argument2); /** * Executes the given [action] in this zone and catches synchronous * errors. * * This function is equivalent to: * ``` * try { *; * } catch (e, s) { * this.handleUncaughtError(e, s); * } * ``` * * See [run]. */ void runGuarded(void action()); /** * Executes the given [action] with [argument] in this zone and * catches synchronous errors. * * See [runGuarded]. */ void runUnaryGuarded(void action(T argument), T argument); /** * Executes the given [action] with [argument1] and [argument2] in this * zone and catches synchronous errors. * * See [runGuarded]. */ void runBinaryGuarded( void action(T1 argument1, T2 argument2), T1 argument1, T2 argument2); /** * Registers the given callback in this zone. * * When implementing an asynchronous primitive that uses callbacks, the * callback must be registered using [registerCallback] at the point where the * user provides the callback. This allows zones to record other information * that they need at the same time, perhaps even wrapping the callback, so * that the callback is prepared when it is later run in the same zones * (using [run]). For example, a zone may decide * to store the stack trace (at the time of the registration) with the * callback. * * Returns the callback that should be used in place of the provided * [callback]. Frequently zones simply return the original callback. * * Custom zones may intercept this operation. The default implementation in * [Zone.root] returns the original callback unchanged. */ ZoneCallback registerCallback(R callback()); /** * Registers the given callback in this zone. * * Similar to [registerCallback] but with a unary callback. */ ZoneUnaryCallback registerUnaryCallback(R callback(T arg)); /** * Registers the given callback in this zone. * * Similar to [registerCallback] but with a unary callback. */ ZoneBinaryCallback registerBinaryCallback( R callback(T1 arg1, T2 arg2)); /** * Registers the provided [callback] and returns a function that will * execute in this zone. * * Equivalent to: * * ZoneCallback registered = this.registerCallback(callback); * return () =>; * */ ZoneCallback bindCallback(R callback()); /** * Registers the provided [callback] and returns a function that will * execute in this zone. * * Equivalent to: * * ZoneCallback registered = this.registerUnaryCallback(callback); * return (arg) => thin.runUnary(registered, arg); */ ZoneUnaryCallback bindUnaryCallback(R callback(T argument)); /** * Registers the provided [callback] and returns a function that will * execute in this zone. * * Equivalent to: * * ZoneCallback registered = registerBinaryCallback(callback); * return (arg1, arg2) => thin.runBinary(registered, arg1, arg2); */ ZoneBinaryCallback bindBinaryCallback( R callback(T1 argument1, T2 argument2)); /** * Registers the provided [callback] and returns a function that will * execute in this zone. * * When the function executes, errors are caught and treated as uncaught * errors. * * Equivalent to: * * ZoneCallback registered = this.registerCallback(callback); * return () => this.runGuarded(registered); * */ void Function() bindCallbackGuarded(void callback()); /** * Registers the provided [callback] and returns a function that will * execute in this zone. * * When the function executes, errors are caught and treated as uncaught * errors. * * Equivalent to: * * ZoneCallback registered = this.registerUnaryCallback(callback); * return (arg) => this.runUnaryGuarded(registered, arg); */ void Function(T) bindUnaryCallbackGuarded(void callback(T argument)); /** * Registers the provided [callback] and returns a function that will * execute in this zone. * * Equivalent to: * * ZoneCallback registered = registerBinaryCallback(callback); * return (arg1, arg2) => this.runBinaryGuarded(registered, arg1, arg2); */ void Function(T1, T2) bindBinaryCallbackGuarded( void callback(T1 argument1, T2 argument2)); /** * Intercepts errors when added programmatically to a `Future` or `Stream`. * * When calling [Completer.completeError], [StreamController.addError], * or some [Future] constructors, the current zone is allowed to intercept * and replace the error. * * Future constructors invoke this function when the error is received * directly, for example with [Future.error], or when the error is caught * synchronously, for example with [Future.sync]. * * There is no guarantee that an error is only sent through [errorCallback] * once. Libraries that use intermediate controllers or completers might * end up invoking [errorCallback] multiple times. * * Returns `null` if no replacement is desired. Otherwise returns an instance * of [AsyncError] holding the new pair of error and stack trace. * * Although not recommended, the returned instance may have its `error` member * ([AsyncError.error]) be equal to `null` in which case the error should be * replaced by a [NullThrownError]. * * Custom zones may intercept this operation. * * Implementations of a new asynchronous primitive that converts synchronous * errors to asynchronous errors rarely need to invoke [errorCallback], since * errors are usually reported through future completers or stream * controllers. */ AsyncError errorCallback(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace); /** * Runs [callback] asynchronously in this zone. * * The global `scheduleMicrotask` delegates to the current zone's * [scheduleMicrotask]. The root zone's implementation interacts with the * underlying system to schedule the given callback as a microtask. * * Custom zones may intercept this operation (for example to wrap the given * [callback]). */ void scheduleMicrotask(void callback()); /** * Creates a Timer where the callback is executed in this zone. */ Timer createTimer(Duration duration, void callback()); /** * Creates a periodic Timer where the callback is executed in this zone. */ Timer createPeriodicTimer(Duration period, void callback(Timer timer)); /** * Prints the given [line]. * * The global `print` function delegates to the current zone's [print] * function which makes it possible to intercept printing. * * Example: * ``` * import 'dart:async'; * * main() { * runZoned(() { * // Ends up printing: "Intercepted: in zone". * print("in zone"); * }, zoneSpecification: new ZoneSpecification( * print: (Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, String line) { * parent.print(zone, "Intercepted: $line"); * })); * } * ``` */ void print(String line); /** * Call to enter the Zone. * * The previous current zone is returned. */ static Zone _enter(Zone zone) { assert(zone != null); assert(!identical(zone, _current)); Zone previous = _current; _current = zone; return previous; } /** * Call to leave the Zone. * * The previous Zone must be provided as `previous`. */ static void _leave(Zone previous) { assert(previous != null); Zone._current = previous; } /** * Retrieves the zone-value associated with [key]. * * If this zone does not contain the value looks up the same key in the * parent zone. If the [key] is not found returns `null`. * * Any object can be used as key, as long as it has compatible `operator ==` * and `hashCode` implementations. * By controlling access to the key, a zone can grant or deny access to the * zone value. */ operator [](Object key); } ZoneDelegate _parentDelegate(_Zone zone) { if (zone.parent == null) return null; return zone.parent._delegate; } class _ZoneDelegate implements ZoneDelegate { final _Zone _delegationTarget; _ZoneDelegate(this._delegationTarget); void handleUncaughtError(Zone zone, error, StackTrace stackTrace) { var implementation = _delegationTarget._handleUncaughtError; _Zone implZone =; HandleUncaughtErrorHandler handler = implementation.function; return handler( implZone, _parentDelegate(implZone), zone, error, stackTrace); } R run(Zone zone, R f()) { var implementation = _delegationTarget._run; _Zone implZone =; RunHandler handler = implementation.function; return handler(implZone, _parentDelegate(implZone), zone, f); } R runUnary(Zone zone, R f(T arg), T arg) { var implementation = _delegationTarget._runUnary; _Zone implZone =; RunUnaryHandler handler = implementation.function; return handler(implZone, _parentDelegate(implZone), zone, f, arg); } R runBinary(Zone zone, R f(T1 arg1, T2 arg2), T1 arg1, T2 arg2) { var implementation = _delegationTarget._runBinary; _Zone implZone =; RunBinaryHandler handler = implementation.function; return handler(implZone, _parentDelegate(implZone), zone, f, arg1, arg2); } ZoneCallback registerCallback(Zone zone, R f()) { var implementation = _delegationTarget._registerCallback; _Zone implZone =; RegisterCallbackHandler handler = implementation.function; return handler(implZone, _parentDelegate(implZone), zone, f); } ZoneUnaryCallback registerUnaryCallback(Zone zone, R f(T arg)) { var implementation = _delegationTarget._registerUnaryCallback; _Zone implZone =; RegisterUnaryCallbackHandler handler = implementation.function; return handler(implZone, _parentDelegate(implZone), zone, f); } ZoneBinaryCallback registerBinaryCallback( Zone zone, R f(T1 arg1, T2 arg2)) { var implementation = _delegationTarget._registerBinaryCallback; _Zone implZone =; RegisterBinaryCallbackHandler handler = implementation.function; return handler(implZone, _parentDelegate(implZone), zone, f); } AsyncError errorCallback(Zone zone, Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) { var implementation = _delegationTarget._errorCallback; _Zone implZone =; if (identical(implZone, _rootZone)) return null; ErrorCallbackHandler handler = implementation.function; return handler( implZone, _parentDelegate(implZone), zone, error, stackTrace); } void scheduleMicrotask(Zone zone, f()) { var implementation = _delegationTarget._scheduleMicrotask; _Zone implZone =; ScheduleMicrotaskHandler handler = implementation.function; handler(implZone, _parentDelegate(implZone), zone, f); } Timer createTimer(Zone zone, Duration duration, void f()) { var implementation = _delegationTarget._createTimer; _Zone implZone =; CreateTimerHandler handler = implementation.function; return handler(implZone, _parentDelegate(implZone), zone, duration, f); } Timer createPeriodicTimer(Zone zone, Duration period, void f(Timer timer)) { var implementation = _delegationTarget._createPeriodicTimer; _Zone implZone =; CreatePeriodicTimerHandler handler = implementation.function; return handler(implZone, _parentDelegate(implZone), zone, period, f); } void print(Zone zone, String line) { var implementation = _delegationTarget._print; _Zone implZone =; PrintHandler handler = implementation.function; handler(implZone, _parentDelegate(implZone), zone, line); } Zone fork(Zone zone, ZoneSpecification specification, Map zoneValues) { var implementation = _delegationTarget._fork; _Zone implZone =; ForkHandler handler = implementation.function; return handler( implZone, _parentDelegate(implZone), zone, specification, zoneValues); } } /** * Base class for Zone implementations. */ abstract class _Zone implements Zone { const _Zone(); // TODO(floitsch): the types of the `_ZoneFunction`s should have a type for // all fields. _ZoneFunction get _run; _ZoneFunction get _runUnary; _ZoneFunction get _runBinary; _ZoneFunction get _registerCallback; _ZoneFunction get _registerUnaryCallback; _ZoneFunction get _registerBinaryCallback; _ZoneFunction get _errorCallback; _ZoneFunction get _scheduleMicrotask; _ZoneFunction get _createTimer; _ZoneFunction get _createPeriodicTimer; _ZoneFunction get _print; _ZoneFunction get _fork; _ZoneFunction get _handleUncaughtError; _Zone get parent; ZoneDelegate get _delegate; Map get _map; bool inSameErrorZone(Zone otherZone) { return identical(this, otherZone) || identical(errorZone, otherZone.errorZone); } } class _CustomZone extends _Zone { // The actual zone and implementation of each of these // inheritable zone functions. // TODO(floitsch): the types of the `_ZoneFunction`s should have a type for // all fields. _ZoneFunction _run; _ZoneFunction _runUnary; _ZoneFunction _runBinary; _ZoneFunction _registerCallback; _ZoneFunction _registerUnaryCallback; _ZoneFunction _registerBinaryCallback; _ZoneFunction _errorCallback; _ZoneFunction _scheduleMicrotask; _ZoneFunction _createTimer; _ZoneFunction _createPeriodicTimer; _ZoneFunction _print; _ZoneFunction _fork; _ZoneFunction _handleUncaughtError; // A cached delegate to this zone. ZoneDelegate _delegateCache; /// The parent zone. final _Zone parent; /// The zone's scoped value declaration map. /// /// This is always a [HashMap]. final Map _map; ZoneDelegate get _delegate { if (_delegateCache != null) return _delegateCache; _delegateCache = new _ZoneDelegate(this); return _delegateCache; } _CustomZone(this.parent, ZoneSpecification specification, this._map) { // The root zone will have implementations of all parts of the // specification, so it will never try to access the (null) parent. // All other zones have a non-null parent. _run = ( != null) ? new _ZoneFunction(this, : parent._run; _runUnary = (specification.runUnary != null) ? new _ZoneFunction(this, specification.runUnary) : parent._runUnary; _runBinary = (specification.runBinary != null) ? new _ZoneFunction(this, specification.runBinary) : parent._runBinary; _registerCallback = (specification.registerCallback != null) ? new _ZoneFunction(this, specification.registerCallback) : parent._registerCallback; _registerUnaryCallback = (specification.registerUnaryCallback != null) ? new _ZoneFunction(this, specification.registerUnaryCallback) : parent._registerUnaryCallback; _registerBinaryCallback = (specification.registerBinaryCallback != null) ? new _ZoneFunction( this, specification.registerBinaryCallback) : parent._registerBinaryCallback; _errorCallback = (specification.errorCallback != null) ? new _ZoneFunction( this, specification.errorCallback) : parent._errorCallback; _scheduleMicrotask = (specification.scheduleMicrotask != null) ? new _ZoneFunction( this, specification.scheduleMicrotask) : parent._scheduleMicrotask; _createTimer = (specification.createTimer != null) ? new _ZoneFunction(this, specification.createTimer) : parent._createTimer; _createPeriodicTimer = (specification.createPeriodicTimer != null) ? new _ZoneFunction( this, specification.createPeriodicTimer) : parent._createPeriodicTimer; _print = (specification.print != null) ? new _ZoneFunction(this, specification.print) : parent._print; _fork = (specification.fork != null) ? new _ZoneFunction(this, specification.fork) : parent._fork; _handleUncaughtError = (specification.handleUncaughtError != null) ? new _ZoneFunction( this, specification.handleUncaughtError) : parent._handleUncaughtError; } /** * The closest error-handling zone. * * Returns `this` if `this` has an error-handler. Otherwise returns the * parent's error-zone. */ Zone get errorZone =>; void runGuarded(void f()) { try { run(f); } catch (e, s) { handleUncaughtError(e, s); } } void runUnaryGuarded(void f(T arg), T arg) { try { runUnary(f, arg); } catch (e, s) { handleUncaughtError(e, s); } } void runBinaryGuarded(void f(T1 arg1, T2 arg2), T1 arg1, T2 arg2) { try { runBinary(f, arg1, arg2); } catch (e, s) { handleUncaughtError(e, s); } } ZoneCallback bindCallback(R f()) { var registered = registerCallback(f); return () =>; } ZoneUnaryCallback bindUnaryCallback(R f(T arg)) { var registered = registerUnaryCallback(f); return (arg) => this.runUnary(registered, arg); } ZoneBinaryCallback bindBinaryCallback( R f(T1 arg1, T2 arg2)) { var registered = registerBinaryCallback(f); return (arg1, arg2) => this.runBinary(registered, arg1, arg2); } void Function() bindCallbackGuarded(void f()) { var registered = registerCallback(f); return () => this.runGuarded(registered); } void Function(T) bindUnaryCallbackGuarded(void f(T arg)) { var registered = registerUnaryCallback(f); return (arg) => this.runUnaryGuarded(registered, arg); } void Function(T1, T2) bindBinaryCallbackGuarded( void f(T1 arg1, T2 arg2)) { var registered = registerBinaryCallback(f); return (arg1, arg2) => this.runBinaryGuarded(registered, arg1, arg2); } operator [](Object key) { var result = _map[key]; if (result != null || _map.containsKey(key)) return result; // If we are not the root zone, look up in the parent zone. if (parent != null) { // We do not optimize for repeatedly looking up a key which isn't // there. That would require storing the key and keeping it alive. // Copying the key/value from the parent does not keep any new values // alive. var value = parent[key]; if (value != null) { _map[key] = value; } return value; } assert(this == _rootZone); return null; } // Methods that can be customized by the zone specification. void handleUncaughtError(error, StackTrace stackTrace) { var implementation = this._handleUncaughtError; assert(implementation != null); ZoneDelegate parentDelegate = _parentDelegate(; HandleUncaughtErrorHandler handler = implementation.function; return handler(, parentDelegate, this, error, stackTrace); } Zone fork({ZoneSpecification specification, Map zoneValues}) { var implementation = this._fork; assert(implementation != null); ZoneDelegate parentDelegate = _parentDelegate(; ForkHandler handler = implementation.function; return handler(, parentDelegate, this, specification, zoneValues); } R run(R f()) { var implementation = this._run; assert(implementation != null); ZoneDelegate parentDelegate = _parentDelegate(; RunHandler handler = implementation.function; return handler(, parentDelegate, this, f); } R runUnary(R f(T arg), T arg) { var implementation = this._runUnary; assert(implementation != null); ZoneDelegate parentDelegate = _parentDelegate(; RunUnaryHandler handler = implementation.function; return handler(, parentDelegate, this, f, arg); } R runBinary(R f(T1 arg1, T2 arg2), T1 arg1, T2 arg2) { var implementation = this._runBinary; assert(implementation != null); ZoneDelegate parentDelegate = _parentDelegate(; RunBinaryHandler handler = implementation.function; return handler(, parentDelegate, this, f, arg1, arg2); } ZoneCallback registerCallback(R callback()) { var implementation = this._registerCallback; assert(implementation != null); ZoneDelegate parentDelegate = _parentDelegate(; RegisterCallbackHandler handler = implementation.function; return handler(, parentDelegate, this, callback); } ZoneUnaryCallback registerUnaryCallback(R callback(T arg)) { var implementation = this._registerUnaryCallback; assert(implementation != null); ZoneDelegate parentDelegate = _parentDelegate(; RegisterUnaryCallbackHandler handler = implementation.function; return handler(, parentDelegate, this, callback); } ZoneBinaryCallback registerBinaryCallback( R callback(T1 arg1, T2 arg2)) { var implementation = this._registerBinaryCallback; assert(implementation != null); ZoneDelegate parentDelegate = _parentDelegate(; RegisterBinaryCallbackHandler handler = implementation.function; return handler(, parentDelegate, this, callback); } AsyncError errorCallback(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) { var implementation = this._errorCallback; assert(implementation != null); final Zone implementationZone =; if (identical(implementationZone, _rootZone)) return null; final ZoneDelegate parentDelegate = _parentDelegate(implementationZone); ErrorCallbackHandler handler = implementation.function; return handler(implementationZone, parentDelegate, this, error, stackTrace); } void scheduleMicrotask(void f()) { var implementation = this._scheduleMicrotask; assert(implementation != null); ZoneDelegate parentDelegate = _parentDelegate(; ScheduleMicrotaskHandler handler = implementation.function; return handler(, parentDelegate, this, f); } Timer createTimer(Duration duration, void f()) { var implementation = this._createTimer; assert(implementation != null); ZoneDelegate parentDelegate = _parentDelegate(; CreateTimerHandler handler = implementation.function; return handler(, parentDelegate, this, duration, f); } Timer createPeriodicTimer(Duration duration, void f(Timer timer)) { var implementation = this._createPeriodicTimer; assert(implementation != null); ZoneDelegate parentDelegate = _parentDelegate(; CreatePeriodicTimerHandler handler = implementation.function; return handler(, parentDelegate, this, duration, f); } void print(String line) { var implementation = this._print; assert(implementation != null); ZoneDelegate parentDelegate = _parentDelegate(; PrintHandler handler = implementation.function; return handler(, parentDelegate, this, line); } } void _rootHandleUncaughtError( Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, error, StackTrace stackTrace) { _schedulePriorityAsyncCallback(() { if (error == null) error = new NullThrownError(); if (stackTrace == null) throw error; _rethrow(error, stackTrace); }); } external void _rethrow(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace); R _rootRun(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, R f()) { if (Zone._current == zone) return f(); Zone old = Zone._enter(zone); try { return f(); } finally { Zone._leave(old); } } R _rootRunUnary( Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, R f(T arg), T arg) { if (Zone._current == zone) return f(arg); Zone old = Zone._enter(zone); try { return f(arg); } finally { Zone._leave(old); } } R _rootRunBinary(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, R f(T1 arg1, T2 arg2), T1 arg1, T2 arg2) { if (Zone._current == zone) return f(arg1, arg2); Zone old = Zone._enter(zone); try { return f(arg1, arg2); } finally { Zone._leave(old); } } ZoneCallback _rootRegisterCallback( Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, R f()) { return f; } ZoneUnaryCallback _rootRegisterUnaryCallback( Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, R f(T arg)) { return f; } ZoneBinaryCallback _rootRegisterBinaryCallback( Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, R f(T1 arg1, T2 arg2)) { return f; } AsyncError _rootErrorCallback(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) => null; void _rootScheduleMicrotask( Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, void f()) { if (!identical(_rootZone, zone)) { bool hasErrorHandler = !_rootZone.inSameErrorZone(zone); if (hasErrorHandler) { f = zone.bindCallbackGuarded(f); } else { f = zone.bindCallback(f); } // Use root zone as event zone if the function is already bound. zone = _rootZone; } _scheduleAsyncCallback(f); } Timer _rootCreateTimer(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, Duration duration, void callback()) { if (!identical(_rootZone, zone)) { callback = zone.bindCallback(callback); } return Timer._createTimer(duration, callback); } Timer _rootCreatePeriodicTimer(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, Duration duration, void callback(Timer timer)) { if (!identical(_rootZone, zone)) { // TODO(floitsch): the return type should be 'void'. callback = zone.bindUnaryCallback(callback); } return Timer._createPeriodicTimer(duration, callback); } void _rootPrint(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, String line) { printToConsole(line); } void _printToZone(String line) { Zone.current.print(line); } Zone _rootFork(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, ZoneSpecification specification, Map zoneValues) { // TODO(floitsch): it would be nice if we could get rid of this hack. // Change the static zoneOrDirectPrint function to go through zones // from now on. printToZone = _printToZone; if (specification == null) { specification = const ZoneSpecification(); } else if (specification is! _ZoneSpecification) { throw new ArgumentError("ZoneSpecifications must be instantiated" " with the provided constructor."); } Map valueMap; if (zoneValues == null) { if (zone is _Zone) { valueMap = zone._map; } else { valueMap = new HashMap(); } } else { valueMap = new HashMap.from(zoneValues); } return new _CustomZone(zone, specification, valueMap); } class _RootZone extends _Zone { const _RootZone(); _ZoneFunction get _run => const _ZoneFunction(_rootZone, _rootRun); _ZoneFunction get _runUnary => const _ZoneFunction(_rootZone, _rootRunUnary); _ZoneFunction get _runBinary => const _ZoneFunction(_rootZone, _rootRunBinary); _ZoneFunction get _registerCallback => const _ZoneFunction(_rootZone, _rootRegisterCallback); _ZoneFunction get _registerUnaryCallback => const _ZoneFunction(_rootZone, _rootRegisterUnaryCallback); _ZoneFunction get _registerBinaryCallback => const _ZoneFunction(_rootZone, _rootRegisterBinaryCallback); _ZoneFunction get _errorCallback => const _ZoneFunction(_rootZone, _rootErrorCallback); _ZoneFunction get _scheduleMicrotask => const _ZoneFunction( _rootZone, _rootScheduleMicrotask); _ZoneFunction get _createTimer => const _ZoneFunction(_rootZone, _rootCreateTimer); _ZoneFunction get _createPeriodicTimer => const _ZoneFunction( _rootZone, _rootCreatePeriodicTimer); _ZoneFunction get _print => const _ZoneFunction(_rootZone, _rootPrint); _ZoneFunction get _fork => const _ZoneFunction(_rootZone, _rootFork); _ZoneFunction get _handleUncaughtError => const _ZoneFunction( _rootZone, _rootHandleUncaughtError); // The parent zone. _Zone get parent => null; /// The zone's scoped value declaration map. /// /// This is always a [HashMap]. Map get _map => _rootMap; static Map _rootMap = new HashMap(); static ZoneDelegate _rootDelegate; ZoneDelegate get _delegate { if (_rootDelegate != null) return _rootDelegate; return _rootDelegate = new _ZoneDelegate(this); } /** * The closest error-handling zone. * * Returns `this` if `this` has an error-handler. Otherwise returns the * parent's error-zone. */ Zone get errorZone => this; // Zone interface. void runGuarded(void f()) { try { if (identical(_rootZone, Zone._current)) { f(); return; } _rootRun(null, null, this, f); } catch (e, s) { handleUncaughtError(e, s); } } void runUnaryGuarded(void f(T arg), T arg) { try { if (identical(_rootZone, Zone._current)) { f(arg); return; } _rootRunUnary(null, null, this, f, arg); } catch (e, s) { handleUncaughtError(e, s); } } void runBinaryGuarded(void f(T1 arg1, T2 arg2), T1 arg1, T2 arg2) { try { if (identical(_rootZone, Zone._current)) { f(arg1, arg2); return; } _rootRunBinary(null, null, this, f, arg1, arg2); } catch (e, s) { handleUncaughtError(e, s); } } ZoneCallback bindCallback(R f()) { return () =>; } ZoneUnaryCallback bindUnaryCallback(R f(T arg)) { return (arg) => this.runUnary(f, arg); } ZoneBinaryCallback bindBinaryCallback( R f(T1 arg1, T2 arg2)) { return (arg1, arg2) => this.runBinary(f, arg1, arg2); } void Function() bindCallbackGuarded(void f()) { return () => this.runGuarded(f); } void Function(T) bindUnaryCallbackGuarded(void f(T arg)) { return (arg) => this.runUnaryGuarded(f, arg); } void Function(T1, T2) bindBinaryCallbackGuarded( void f(T1 arg1, T2 arg2)) { return (arg1, arg2) => this.runBinaryGuarded(f, arg1, arg2); } operator [](Object key) => null; // Methods that can be customized by the zone specification. void handleUncaughtError(error, StackTrace stackTrace) { _rootHandleUncaughtError(null, null, this, error, stackTrace); } Zone fork({ZoneSpecification specification, Map zoneValues}) { return _rootFork(null, null, this, specification, zoneValues); } R run(R f()) { if (identical(Zone._current, _rootZone)) return f(); return _rootRun(null, null, this, f); } R runUnary(R f(T arg), T arg) { if (identical(Zone._current, _rootZone)) return f(arg); return _rootRunUnary(null, null, this, f, arg); } R runBinary(R f(T1 arg1, T2 arg2), T1 arg1, T2 arg2) { if (identical(Zone._current, _rootZone)) return f(arg1, arg2); return _rootRunBinary(null, null, this, f, arg1, arg2); } ZoneCallback registerCallback(R f()) => f; ZoneUnaryCallback registerUnaryCallback(R f(T arg)) => f; ZoneBinaryCallback registerBinaryCallback( R f(T1 arg1, T2 arg2)) => f; AsyncError errorCallback(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) => null; void scheduleMicrotask(void f()) { _rootScheduleMicrotask(null, null, this, f); } Timer createTimer(Duration duration, void f()) { return Timer._createTimer(duration, f); } Timer createPeriodicTimer(Duration duration, void f(Timer timer)) { return Timer._createPeriodicTimer(duration, f); } void print(String line) { printToConsole(line); } } const _rootZone = const _RootZone(); /** * Runs [body] in its own zone. * * Creates a new zone using [Zone.fork] based on [zoneSpecification] and * [zoneValues], then runs [body] in that zone and returns the result. * * If [onError] is provided, it must have one of the types * * `void Function(Object)` * * `void Function(Object, StackTrace)` * and the [onError] handler is used *both* to handle asynchronous errors * by overriding [ZoneSpecification.handleUncaughtError] in [zoneSpecification], * if any, *and* to handle errors thrown synchronously by the call to [body]. * * If an error occurs synchronously in [body], * then throwing in the [onError] handler * makes the call to `runZone` throw that error, * and otherwise the call to `runZoned` returns `null`. * * If the zone specification has a `handleUncaughtError` value or the [onError] * parameter is provided, the zone becomes an error-zone. * * Errors will never cross error-zone boundaries by themselves. * Errors that try to cross error-zone boundaries are considered uncaught in * their originating error zone. * * var future = new Future.value(499); * runZoned(() { * var future2 = future.then((_) { throw "error in first error-zone"; }); * runZoned(() { * var future3 = future2.catchError((e) { print("Never reached!"); }); * }, onError: (e) { print("unused error handler"); }); * }, onError: (e) { print("catches error of first error-zone."); }); * * Example: * * runZoned(() { * new Future(() { throw "asynchronous error"; }); * }, onError: print); // Will print "asynchronous error". * * It is possible to manually pass an error from one error zone to another * by re-throwing it in the new zone. If [onError] throws, that error will * occur in the original zone where [runZoned] was called. */ R runZoned(R body(), {Map zoneValues, ZoneSpecification zoneSpecification, Function onError}) { if (onError == null) { return _runZoned(body, zoneValues, zoneSpecification); } void Function(Object) unaryOnError; void Function(Object, StackTrace) binaryOnError; if (onError is void Function(Object, StackTrace)) { binaryOnError = onError; } else if (onError is void Function(Object)) { unaryOnError = onError; } else { throw new ArgumentError("onError callback must take either an Object " "(the error), or both an Object (the error) and a StackTrace."); } HandleUncaughtErrorHandler errorHandler = (Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, error, StackTrace stackTrace) { try { if (binaryOnError != null) { self.parent.runBinary(binaryOnError, error, stackTrace); } else { assert(unaryOnError != null); self.parent.runUnary(unaryOnError, error); } } catch (e, s) { if (identical(e, error)) { parent.handleUncaughtError(zone, error, stackTrace); } else { parent.handleUncaughtError(zone, e, s); } } }; if (zoneSpecification == null) { zoneSpecification = new ZoneSpecification(handleUncaughtError: errorHandler); } else { zoneSpecification = new ZoneSpecification.from(zoneSpecification, handleUncaughtError: errorHandler); } try { return _runZoned(body, zoneValues, zoneSpecification); } catch (e, stackTrace) { if (binaryOnError != null) { binaryOnError(e, stackTrace); } else { assert(unaryOnError != null); unaryOnError(e); } } return null; } /// Runs [body] in a new zone based on [zoneValues] and [specification]. R _runZoned(R body(), Map zoneValues, ZoneSpecification specification) => Zone.current .fork(specification: specification, zoneValues: zoneValues) .run(body); NN<*;>J$@,LQB?@OE&CIH5':"MI6=D6H$+!*1<JH'L'A-IOM#9#7 "0:<*2&6/P:=&(6@B08,< !"O.1FB D=I7O%#6 "0:<*2&6'ODB8'#() $&8"$2<>,4(8'NFHKNMK2NK K,L>E2N9NC)L/=N&IL BJPQ6PIOOQNKHP P3HPPPNNQJO'HNPP1II9N PQN+KONO&%$,'+HQ8JCQQKM%Q3:'-MMM B#H M":QKD= O QN+GA>A9@ HM(.ML9NO1KK"@%C&O6GNC?L 6J QIF % ' "B!@J*!L0JQOMJ3IGGN:50>J0>C%IE-1IJ:KIFI?/HK D38HK I@KIFP;2NJMIL4NK5PDQO&0OPEA2DLFN+B9KJI= 64M3  ,"(7&5J<O%N+( .!)FA*BG1*2B36*7GO7*8N:>*?BOC*DBC*D*EBM;*5<G+?*@;>9*:LOA*BJ'3*4>J2*3O('N$)*167:B6F*(F))3"9!N %&-236>2B&$B%/"7.ICH/'?1D3EAL$KQ)M'8*;3/!C73%7QG95'+E)CG95'&J3 !2 !N !+*'@/4?0C2*.@/;;"0J@@HIL?;4$HBGA%$H3O$$H2B()$H7GD*$H8N61$H?IK6$HDIC&7$HEIB.$9?MH70/"'%54&J 1 %!2 1/!N 17!+!@1?E2%@2;"A#?;CAC9*(<4DC<3HC$ I%13,F4% IG;)JQN/*18P:@M!+PO>J 9@KK;O>&361 KIM1 #A&3!=0#B F,>!$ $IMDjfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/patch/async_patch.dartA// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Patch file for the dart:async library. import 'dart:_js_helper' show notNull, patch, setTraceForException, ReifyFunctionTypes; import 'dart:_isolate_helper' show TimerImpl, global, leaveJsAsync, enterJsAsync; import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS, JSExportName; import 'dart:_runtime' as dart; typedef void _Callback(); typedef void _TakeCallback(_Callback callback); /// This function adapts ES6 generators to implement Dart's async/await. /// /// It's designed to interact with Dart's Future and follow Dart async/await /// semantics. /// /// See for ideas on reconciling /// Dart's Future and ES6 Promise. At that point we should use native JS /// async/await. /// /// Inspired by `co`:, which is a /// stepping stone for ES async/await. @JSExportName('async') @ReifyFunctionTypes(false) _async(Function() initGenerator) { var iter; Object Function(Object) onValue; Object Function(Object) onError; onAwait(Object value) { _Future f; if (value is _Future) { f = value; } else if (value is Future) { f = _Future(); _Future._chainForeignFuture(value, f); } else { f = _Future.value(value); } f = JS('', '#', f._thenNoZoneRegistration(onValue, onError)); return f; } onValue = (value) { var iteratorResult = JS('', '', iter, value); value = JS('', '#.value', iteratorResult); return JS('bool', '#.done', iteratorResult) ? value : onAwait(value); }; // If the awaited Future throws, we want to convert this to an exception // thrown from the `yield` point, as if it was thrown there. // // If the exception is not caught inside `gen`, it will emerge here, which // will send it to anyone listening on this async function's Future. // // In essence, we are giving the code inside the generator a chance to // use try-catch-finally. onError = (value) { var iteratorResult = JS('', '#.throw(#)', iter, value); value = JS('', '#.value', iteratorResult); return JS('bool', '#.done', iteratorResult) ? value : onAwait(value); }; var zone = Zone.current; if (!identical(zone, _rootZone)) { onValue = zone.registerUnaryCallback(onValue); onError = zone.registerUnaryCallback(onError); } var asyncFuture = _Future(); // This will be set to true once we've yielded to the event loop. // // Before we've done that, we need to complete the future asynchronously to // match dart2js/VM. See // // Once we've yielded to the event loop we can complete synchronously. // Other implementations call this `isSync` to indicate that. bool isRunningAsEvent = false; runBody() { try { iter = JS('', '#[Symbol.iterator]()', initGenerator()); var iteratorValue = JS('', '', iter); var value = JS('', '#.value', iteratorValue); if (JS('bool', '#.done', iteratorValue)) { // TODO(jmesserly): this is a workaround for ignored cast failures. // Remove it once we've fixed those. We should be able to call: // // if (isRunningAsEvent) { // asyncFuture._complete(value); // } else { // asyncFuture._asyncComplete(value); // } // // But if the user code returns `Future` instead of // `Future`, that function won't recognize it as a future and will // instead treat it as a completed value. if (value is Future) { if (value is _Future) { _Future._chainCoreFuture(value, asyncFuture); } else { _Future._chainForeignFuture(value, asyncFuture); } } else if (isRunningAsEvent) { asyncFuture._completeWithValue(JS('', '#', value)); } else { asyncFuture._asyncComplete(JS('', '#', value)); } } else { _Future._chainCoreFuture(onAwait(value), asyncFuture); } } catch (e, s) { if (isRunningAsEvent) { _completeWithErrorCallback(asyncFuture, e, s); } else { _asyncCompleteWithErrorCallback(asyncFuture, e, s); } } } if (dart.startAsyncSynchronously) { runBody(); isRunningAsEvent = true; } else { isRunningAsEvent = true; scheduleMicrotask(runBody); } return asyncFuture; } @patch class _AsyncRun { @patch static void _scheduleImmediate(void callback()) { _scheduleImmediateClosure(callback); } // Lazily initialized. static final _TakeCallback _scheduleImmediateClosure = _initializeScheduleImmediate(); static _TakeCallback _initializeScheduleImmediate() { // TODO(rnystrom): Not needed by dev_compiler. // requiresPreamble(); if (JS('', '#.scheduleImmediate', global) != null) { return _scheduleImmediateJsOverride; } if (JS('', '#.MutationObserver', global) != null && JS('', '#.document', global) != null) { // Use mutationObservers. var div = JS('', '#.document.createElement("div")', global); var span = JS('', '#.document.createElement("span")', global); _Callback storedCallback; internalCallback(_) { leaveJsAsync(); var f = storedCallback; storedCallback = null; f(); } ; var observer = JS('', 'new #.MutationObserver(#)', global, internalCallback); JS('', '#.observe(#, { childList: true })', observer, div); return (void callback()) { assert(storedCallback == null); enterJsAsync(); storedCallback = callback; // Because of a broken shadow-dom polyfill we have to change the // children instead a cheap property. // See JS('', '#.firstChild ? #.removeChild(#): #.appendChild(#)', div, div, span, div, span); }; } else if (JS('', '#.setImmediate', global) != null) { return _scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate; } // TODO(20055): We should use DOM promises when available. return _scheduleImmediateWithTimer; } static void _scheduleImmediateJsOverride(void callback()) { internalCallback() { leaveJsAsync(); callback(); } ; enterJsAsync(); JS('void', '#.scheduleImmediate(#)', global, internalCallback); } static void _scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate(void callback()) { internalCallback() { leaveJsAsync(); callback(); } ; enterJsAsync(); JS('void', '#.setImmediate(#)', global, internalCallback); } static void _scheduleImmediateWithTimer(void callback()) { Timer._createTimer(, callback); } } @patch class DeferredLibrary { @patch Future load() { throw 'DeferredLibrary not supported. ' 'please use the `import "lib.dart" deferred as lib` syntax.'; } } @patch class Timer { @patch static Timer _createTimer(Duration duration, void callback()) { int milliseconds = duration.inMilliseconds; if (milliseconds < 0) milliseconds = 0; return TimerImpl(milliseconds, callback); } @patch static Timer _createPeriodicTimer( Duration duration, void callback(Timer timer)) { int milliseconds = duration.inMilliseconds; if (milliseconds < 0) milliseconds = 0; return TimerImpl.periodic(milliseconds, callback); } } @patch void _rethrow(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) { setTraceForException(error, stackTrace); dart.throw_(error); } /// Used by the compiler to implement `async*` functions. /// /// This is inspired by _AsyncStarStreamController in dart-lang/sdk's /// runtime/lib/core_patch.dart /// /// Given input like: /// /// foo() async* { /// yield 1; /// yield* bar(); /// print(await baz()); /// } /// /// This compiles to: /// /// function foo() { /// return new (AsyncStarImplOfT()).new(function*(stream) { /// if (stream.add(1)) return; /// yield; /// if (stream.addStream(bar()) return; /// yield; /// print(yield baz()); /// }); /// } /// class _AsyncStarImpl { StreamController controller; Object Function(_AsyncStarImpl) initGenerator; @notNull bool isSuspendedAtYieldStar = false; @notNull bool onListenReceived = false; @notNull bool isScheduled = false; @notNull bool isSuspendedAtYield = false; /// Whether we're suspended at an `await`. @notNull bool isSuspendedAtAwait = false; Completer cancellationCompleter; Object jsIterator; Null Function(Object, StackTrace) _handleErrorCallback; void Function([Object]) _runBodyCallback; _AsyncStarImpl(this.initGenerator) { controller = StreamController( onListen: JS('!', 'this.onListen.bind(this)'), onResume: JS('!', 'this.onResume.bind(this)'), onCancel: JS('!', 'this.onCancel.bind(this)')); jsIterator = JS('!', '#[Symbol.iterator]()', initGenerator(this)); } /// The stream produced by this `async*` function. Stream get stream =>; /// Returns the callback used for error handling. /// /// This callback throws the error back into the user code, at the appropriate /// location (e.g. `await` `yield` or `yield*`). This gives user code a chance /// to handle it try-catch. If they do not handle, the error gets routed to /// the [stream] as an error via [addError]. /// /// As a performance optimization, this callback is only bound once to the /// current [Zone]. This works because a single subscription stream should /// always be running in its original zone. An `async*` method will always /// save/restore the zone that was active when `listen()` was first called, /// similar to a stream. This follows from section 16.14 of the Dart 4th /// edition spec: /// /// > If `f` is marked `async*` (9), then a fresh instance `s` implementing /// > the built-in class `Stream` is associated with the invocation and /// > immediately returned. When `s` is listened to, execution of the body of /// > `f` will begin. /// Null Function(Object, StackTrace) get handleError { if (_handleErrorCallback == null) { _handleErrorCallback = (error, StackTrace stackTrace) { try { JS('', '#.throw(#)', jsIterator, error); } catch (e) { addError(e, stackTrace); } }; var zone = Zone.current; if (!identical(zone, Zone.root)) { _handleErrorCallback = zone.bindBinaryCallback(_handleErrorCallback); } } return _handleErrorCallback; } void scheduleGenerator() { // TODO(jmesserly): is this isPaused check in the right place? Assuming the // async* Stream yields, then is paused (by other code), the body will // already be scheduled. This will cause at least one more iteration to // run (adding another data item to the Stream) before actually pausing. // It could be fixed by moving the `isPaused` check inside `runBody`. if (isScheduled || controller.isPaused || isSuspendedAtYieldStar || isSuspendedAtAwait) { return; } isScheduled = true; // Capture the current zone. See comment on [handleError] for more // information about this optimization. var zone = Zone.current; if (_runBodyCallback == null) { _runBodyCallback = JS('!', '#.bind(this)', runBody); if (!identical(zone, Zone.root)) { var registered = zone.registerUnaryCallback(_runBodyCallback); _runBodyCallback = ([arg]) => zone.runUnaryGuarded(registered, arg); } } zone.scheduleMicrotask(_runBodyCallback); } void runBody(awaitValue) { isScheduled = false; isSuspendedAtYield = false; isSuspendedAtAwait = false; Object iterResult; try { iterResult = JS('', '', jsIterator, awaitValue); } catch (e, s) { addError(e, s); close(); return null; } if (JS('!', '#.done', iterResult)) { close(); return null; } // If we're suspended at a yield/yield*, we're done for now. if (isSuspendedAtYield || isSuspendedAtYieldStar) return null; // Handle `await`: if we get a value passed to `yield` it means we are // waiting on this Future. Make sure to prevent scheduling, and pass the // value back as the result of the `yield`. // // TODO(jmesserly): is the timing here correct? The assumption here is // that we should schedule `await` in `async*` the same as in `async`. isSuspendedAtAwait = true; FutureOr value = JS('', '#.value', iterResult); // TODO(jmesserly): this logic was copied from `async` function impl. _Future f; if (value is _Future) { f = value; } else if (value is Future) { f = _Future(); _Future._chainForeignFuture(value, f); } else { f = _Future.value(value); } f._thenNoZoneRegistration(_runBodyCallback, handleError); } /// Adds element to [stream] and returns true if the caller should terminate /// execution of the generator. /// /// This is called from generated code like this: /// /// if (controller.add(1)) return; /// yield; // // TODO(hausner): Per spec, the generator should be suspended before exiting // when the stream is closed. We could add a getter like this: // // get isCancelled => controller.hasListener; // // The generator would translate a 'yield e' statement to // // controller.add(1); // suspend; // this is `yield` in JS. // if (controller.isCancelled) return; bool add(T event) { if (!onListenReceived) _fatal("yield before stream is listened to"); if (isSuspendedAtYield) _fatal("unexpected yield"); // If stream is cancelled, tell caller to exit the async generator. if (!controller.hasListener) { return true; } controller.add(event); scheduleGenerator(); isSuspendedAtYield = true; return false; } /// Adds the elements of [stream] into this [controller]'s stream, and returns /// true if the caller should terminate execution of the generator. /// /// The generator will be scheduled again when all of the elements of the /// added stream have been consumed. bool addStream(Stream stream) { if (!onListenReceived) _fatal("yield* before stream is listened to"); // If stream is cancelled, tell caller to exit the async generator. if (!controller.hasListener) return true; isSuspendedAtYieldStar = true; var whenDoneAdding = controller.addStream(stream, cancelOnError: false); whenDoneAdding.then((_) { isSuspendedAtYieldStar = false; scheduleGenerator(); if (!isScheduled) isSuspendedAtYield = true; }, onError: handleError); return false; } void addError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) { if (cancellationCompleter != null && !cancellationCompleter.isCompleted) { // If the stream has been cancelled, complete the cancellation future // with the error. cancellationCompleter.completeError(error, stackTrace); return; } // If stream is cancelled, tell caller to exit the async generator. if (!controller.hasListener) return; controller.addError(error, stackTrace); // No need to schedule the generator body here. This code is only // called from the catch clause of the implicit try-catch-finally // around the generator body. That is, we are on the error path out // of the generator and do not need to run the generator again. } close() { if (cancellationCompleter != null && !cancellationCompleter.isCompleted) { // If the stream has been cancelled, complete the cancellation future // with the error. cancellationCompleter.complete(); } controller.close(); } onListen() { assert(!onListenReceived); onListenReceived = true; scheduleGenerator(); } onResume() { if (isSuspendedAtYield) { scheduleGenerator(); } } onCancel() { if (controller.isClosed) { return null; } if (cancellationCompleter == null) { cancellationCompleter = Completer(); // Only resume the generator if it is suspended at a yield. // Cancellation does not affect an async generator that is // suspended at an await. if (isSuspendedAtYield) { scheduleGenerator(); } } return cancellationCompleter.future; } _fatal(String message) => throw StateError(message); } NN<*C85 0IMOIP'& ##"- B;/JK?MJI841LH '/4 EN2":= '>: ?7<&   4)9&839+80 CE   IB!(#I.?N ;1?(>DD?=1 ,F B0,. %70,75+:F  B'0 "4 ' !  #- ##:,'#778G5-4QQN/MMMNKNJP6(>3# )N!PKLMJ"G,$;)GM.  @)ACKM0KK<J"- >O"4)OA4<,-I8H#QFL'%JH.#M&37OL>H),FFHD OL()+BA )7bfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/async/broadcast_stream_controller.dart// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.async; class _BroadcastStream extends _ControllerStream { _BroadcastStream(_StreamControllerLifecycle controller) : super(controller); bool get isBroadcast => true; } class _BroadcastSubscription extends _ControllerSubscription { static const int _STATE_EVENT_ID = 1; static const int _STATE_FIRING = 2; static const int _STATE_REMOVE_AFTER_FIRING = 4; // TODO(lrn): Use the _state field on _ControllerSubscription to // also store this state. Requires that the subscription implementation // does not assume that it's use of the state integer is the only use. int _eventState = 0; // Initialized to help dart2js type inference. _BroadcastSubscription _next; _BroadcastSubscription _previous; _BroadcastSubscription(_StreamControllerLifecycle controller, void onData(T data), Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError) : super(controller, onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError) { _next = _previous = this; } bool _expectsEvent(int eventId) => (_eventState & _STATE_EVENT_ID) == eventId; void _toggleEventId() { _eventState ^= _STATE_EVENT_ID; } bool get _isFiring => (_eventState & _STATE_FIRING) != 0; void _setRemoveAfterFiring() { assert(_isFiring); _eventState |= _STATE_REMOVE_AFTER_FIRING; } bool get _removeAfterFiring => (_eventState & _STATE_REMOVE_AFTER_FIRING) != 0; // The controller._recordPause doesn't do anything for a broadcast controller, // so we don't bother calling it. void _onPause() {} // The controller._recordResume doesn't do anything for a broadcast // controller, so we don't bother calling it. void _onResume() {} // _onCancel is inherited. } abstract class _BroadcastStreamController implements StreamController, _StreamControllerLifecycle, _EventSink, _EventDispatch { static const int _STATE_INITIAL = 0; static const int _STATE_EVENT_ID = 1; static const int _STATE_FIRING = 2; static const int _STATE_CLOSED = 4; static const int _STATE_ADDSTREAM = 8; ControllerCallback onListen; ControllerCancelCallback onCancel; // State of the controller. int _state; // Double-linked list of active listeners. _BroadcastSubscription _firstSubscription; _BroadcastSubscription _lastSubscription; // Extra state used during an [addStream] call. _AddStreamState _addStreamState; /** * Future returned by [close] and [done]. * * The future is completed whenever the done event has been sent to all * relevant listeners. * The relevant listeners are the ones that were listening when [close] was * called. When all of these have been canceled (sending the done event makes * them cancel, but they can also be canceled before sending the event), * this future completes. * * Any attempt to listen after calling [close] will throw, so there won't * be any further listeners. */ _Future _doneFuture; _BroadcastStreamController(this.onListen, this.onCancel) : _state = _STATE_INITIAL; ControllerCallback get onPause { throw new UnsupportedError( "Broadcast stream controllers do not support pause callbacks"); } void set onPause(void onPauseHandler()) { throw new UnsupportedError( "Broadcast stream controllers do not support pause callbacks"); } ControllerCallback get onResume { throw new UnsupportedError( "Broadcast stream controllers do not support pause callbacks"); } void set onResume(void onResumeHandler()) { throw new UnsupportedError( "Broadcast stream controllers do not support pause callbacks"); } // StreamController interface. Stream get stream => new _BroadcastStream(this); StreamSink get sink => new _StreamSinkWrapper(this); bool get isClosed => (_state & _STATE_CLOSED) != 0; /** * A broadcast controller is never paused. * * Each receiving stream may be paused individually, and they handle their * own buffering. */ bool get isPaused => false; /** Whether there are currently one or more subscribers. */ bool get hasListener => !_isEmpty; /** * Test whether the stream has exactly one listener. * * Assumes that the stream has a listener (not [_isEmpty]). */ bool get _hasOneListener { assert(!_isEmpty); return identical(_firstSubscription, _lastSubscription); } /** Whether an event is being fired (sent to some, but not all, listeners). */ bool get _isFiring => (_state & _STATE_FIRING) != 0; bool get _isAddingStream => (_state & _STATE_ADDSTREAM) != 0; bool get _mayAddEvent => (_state < _STATE_CLOSED); _Future _ensureDoneFuture() { if (_doneFuture != null) return _doneFuture; return _doneFuture = new _Future(); } // Linked list helpers bool get _isEmpty => _firstSubscription == null; /** Adds subscription to linked list of active listeners. */ void _addListener(_BroadcastSubscription subscription) { assert(identical(subscription._next, subscription)); subscription._eventState = (_state & _STATE_EVENT_ID); // Insert in linked list as last subscription. _BroadcastSubscription oldLast = _lastSubscription; _lastSubscription = subscription; subscription._next = null; subscription._previous = oldLast; if (oldLast == null) { _firstSubscription = subscription; } else { oldLast._next = subscription; } } void _removeListener(_BroadcastSubscription subscription) { assert(identical(subscription._controller, this)); assert(!identical(subscription._next, subscription)); _BroadcastSubscription previous = subscription._previous; _BroadcastSubscription next = subscription._next; if (previous == null) { // This was the first subscription. _firstSubscription = next; } else { previous._next = next; } if (next == null) { // This was the last subscription. _lastSubscription = previous; } else { next._previous = previous; } subscription._next = subscription._previous = subscription; } // _StreamControllerLifecycle interface. StreamSubscription _subscribe(void onData(T data), Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError) { if (isClosed) { if (onDone == null) onDone = _nullDoneHandler; return new _DoneStreamSubscription(onDone); } StreamSubscription subscription = new _BroadcastSubscription( this, onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError); _addListener(subscription); if (identical(_firstSubscription, _lastSubscription)) { // Only one listener, so it must be the first listener. _runGuarded(onListen); } return subscription; } Future _recordCancel(StreamSubscription sub) { _BroadcastSubscription subscription = sub; // If already removed by the stream, don't remove it again. if (identical(subscription._next, subscription)) return null; if (subscription._isFiring) { subscription._setRemoveAfterFiring(); } else { _removeListener(subscription); // If we are currently firing an event, the empty-check is performed at // the end of the listener loop instead of here. if (!_isFiring && _isEmpty) { _callOnCancel(); } } return null; } void _recordPause(StreamSubscription subscription) {} void _recordResume(StreamSubscription subscription) {} // EventSink interface. Error _addEventError() { if (isClosed) { return new StateError("Cannot add new events after calling close"); } assert(_isAddingStream); return new StateError("Cannot add new events while doing an addStream"); } void add(T data) { if (!_mayAddEvent) throw _addEventError(); _sendData(data); } void addError(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) { error = _nonNullError(error); if (!_mayAddEvent) throw _addEventError(); AsyncError replacement = Zone.current.errorCallback(error, stackTrace); if (replacement != null) { error = _nonNullError(replacement.error); stackTrace = replacement.stackTrace; } _sendError(error, stackTrace); } Future close() { if (isClosed) { assert(_doneFuture != null); return _doneFuture; } if (!_mayAddEvent) throw _addEventError(); _state |= _STATE_CLOSED; Future doneFuture = _ensureDoneFuture(); _sendDone(); return doneFuture; } Future get done => _ensureDoneFuture(); Future addStream(Stream stream, {bool cancelOnError}) { if (!_mayAddEvent) throw _addEventError(); _state |= _STATE_ADDSTREAM; _addStreamState = new _AddStreamState(this, stream, cancelOnError ?? false); return _addStreamState.addStreamFuture; } // _EventSink interface, called from AddStreamState. void _add(T data) { _sendData(data); } void _addError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) { _sendError(error, stackTrace); } void _close() { assert(_isAddingStream); _AddStreamState addState = _addStreamState; _addStreamState = null; _state &= ~_STATE_ADDSTREAM; addState.complete(); } // Event handling. void _forEachListener( void action(_BufferingStreamSubscription subscription)) { if (_isFiring) { throw new StateError( "Cannot fire new event. Controller is already firing an event"); } if (_isEmpty) return; // Get event id of this event. int id = (_state & _STATE_EVENT_ID); // Start firing (set the _STATE_FIRING bit). We don't do [onCancel] // callbacks while firing, and we prevent reentrancy of this function. // // Set [_state]'s event id to the next event's id. // Any listeners added while firing this event will expect the next event, // not this one, and won't get notified. _state ^= _STATE_EVENT_ID | _STATE_FIRING; _BroadcastSubscription subscription = _firstSubscription; while (subscription != null) { if (subscription._expectsEvent(id)) { subscription._eventState |= _BroadcastSubscription._STATE_FIRING; action(subscription); subscription._toggleEventId(); _BroadcastSubscription next = subscription._next; if (subscription._removeAfterFiring) { _removeListener(subscription); } subscription._eventState &= ~_BroadcastSubscription._STATE_FIRING; subscription = next; } else { subscription = subscription._next; } } _state &= ~_STATE_FIRING; if (_isEmpty) { _callOnCancel(); } } void _callOnCancel() { assert(_isEmpty); if (isClosed && _doneFuture._mayComplete) { // When closed, _doneFuture is not null. _doneFuture._asyncComplete(null); } _runGuarded(onCancel); } } class _SyncBroadcastStreamController extends _BroadcastStreamController implements SynchronousStreamController { _SyncBroadcastStreamController(void onListen(), void onCancel()) : super(onListen, onCancel); // EventDispatch interface. bool get _mayAddEvent => super._mayAddEvent && !_isFiring; _addEventError() { if (_isFiring) { return new StateError( "Cannot fire new event. Controller is already firing an event"); } return super._addEventError(); } void _sendData(T data) { if (_isEmpty) return; if (_hasOneListener) { _state |= _BroadcastStreamController._STATE_FIRING; _BroadcastSubscription subscription = _firstSubscription; subscription._add(data); _state &= ~_BroadcastStreamController._STATE_FIRING; if (_isEmpty) { _callOnCancel(); } return; } _forEachListener((_BufferingStreamSubscription subscription) { subscription._add(data); }); } void _sendError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) { if (_isEmpty) return; _forEachListener((_BufferingStreamSubscription subscription) { subscription._addError(error, stackTrace); }); } void _sendDone() { if (!_isEmpty) { _forEachListener((_BufferingStreamSubscription subscription) { subscription._close(); }); } else { assert(_doneFuture != null); assert(_doneFuture._mayComplete); _doneFuture._asyncComplete(null); } } } class _AsyncBroadcastStreamController extends _BroadcastStreamController { _AsyncBroadcastStreamController(void onListen(), void onCancel()) : super(onListen, onCancel); // EventDispatch interface. void _sendData(T data) { for (_BroadcastSubscription subscription = _firstSubscription; subscription != null; subscription = subscription._next) { subscription._addPending(new _DelayedData(data)); } } void _sendError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) { for (_BroadcastSubscription subscription = _firstSubscription; subscription != null; subscription = subscription._next) { subscription._addPending(new _DelayedError(error, stackTrace)); } } void _sendDone() { if (!_isEmpty) { for (_BroadcastSubscription subscription = _firstSubscription; subscription != null; subscription = subscription._next) { subscription._addPending(const _DelayedDone()); } } else { assert(_doneFuture != null); assert(_doneFuture._mayComplete); _doneFuture._asyncComplete(null); } } } /** * Stream controller that is used by [Stream.asBroadcastStream]. * * This stream controller allows incoming events while it is firing * other events. This is handled by delaying the events until the * current event is done firing, and then fire the pending events. * * This class extends [_SyncBroadcastStreamController]. Events of * an "asBroadcastStream" stream are always initiated by events * on another stream, and it is fine to forward them synchronously. */ class _AsBroadcastStreamController extends _SyncBroadcastStreamController implements _EventDispatch { _StreamImplEvents _pending; _AsBroadcastStreamController(void onListen(), void onCancel()) : super(onListen, onCancel); bool get _hasPending => _pending != null && !_pending.isEmpty; void _addPendingEvent(_DelayedEvent event) { if (_pending == null) { _pending = new _StreamImplEvents(); } _pending.add(event); } void add(T data) { if (!isClosed && _isFiring) { _addPendingEvent(new _DelayedData(data)); return; } super.add(data); while (_hasPending) { _pending.handleNext(this); } } void addError(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) { if (!isClosed && _isFiring) { _addPendingEvent(new _DelayedError(error, stackTrace)); return; } if (!_mayAddEvent) throw _addEventError(); _sendError(error, stackTrace); while (_hasPending) { _pending.handleNext(this); } } Future close() { if (!isClosed && _isFiring) { _addPendingEvent(const _DelayedDone()); _state |= _BroadcastStreamController._STATE_CLOSED; return super.done; } Future result = super.close(); assert(!_hasPending); return result; } void _callOnCancel() { if (_hasPending) { _pending.clear(); _pending = null; } super._callOnCancel(); } } NN<9= E(&3CJIF#'CPDQ$<!/!7Q$F0-''(&&)%-0/2&,JNPKL;!# H, H$ H. H!9=6-M>%7>=Q7@5 1(3?>9;3;&&) $A7:A9*! )$ !@+J+55H7 <>42@B", %N7$;<JM/9"/L0+##/-*=/ Q,78#0!CK#)HK7O-/A#,J'=/) K+0/(N0C#=K#:C;F9F1H #((QD#F-;9F-FH /8 #((ADBCB@DP#!A#A/-"3!9">/#!".:#Tfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/async/deferred_load.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.async; /** * Indicates that loading of [libraryName] is deferred. * * This class is obsolete. Instead use the syntax: * import "library.dart" deferred as prefix; */ @Deprecated("Dart sdk v. 1.8") class DeferredLibrary { final String libraryName; final String uri; const DeferredLibrary(this.libraryName, {this.uri}); /** * Ensure that [libraryName] has been loaded. * * If the library fails to load, the Future will complete with a * DeferredLoadException. */ external Future load(); } /** * Thrown when a deferred library fails to load. */ class DeferredLoadException implements Exception { DeferredLoadException(this._s); String toString() => "DeferredLoadException: '$_s'"; final String _s; } &NN<83-70C 13"7Mfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/async/future.dart// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.async; /// A type representing values that are either `Future` or `T`. /// /// This class declaration is a public stand-in for an internal /// future-or-value generic type. References to this class are resolved to the /// internal type. /// /// It is a compile-time error for any class to extend, mix in or implement /// `FutureOr`. /// /// Note: the `FutureOr` type is interpreted as `dynamic` in non strong-mode. /// /// # Examples /// ``` dart /// // The `Future.then` function takes a callback [f] that returns either /// // an `S` or a `Future`. /// Future then(FutureOr f(T x), ...); /// /// // `Completer.complete` takes either a `T` or `Future`. /// void complete(FutureOr value); /// ``` /// /// # Advanced /// The `FutureOr` type is actually the "type union" of the types `int` and /// `Future`. This type union is defined in such a way that /// `FutureOr` is both a super- and sub-type of `Object` (sub-type /// because `Object` is one of the types of the union, super-type because /// `Object` is a super-type of both of the types of the union). Together it /// means that `FutureOr` is equivalent to `Object`. /// /// As a corollary, `FutureOr` is equivalent to /// `FutureOr>`, `FutureOr>` is equivalent to /// `Future`. abstract class FutureOr { // Private generative constructor, so that it is not subclassable, mixable, or // instantiable. FutureOr._() { throw new UnsupportedError("FutureOr can't be instantiated"); } } /** * An object representing a delayed computation. * * A [Future] is used to represent a potential value, or error, * that will be available at some time in the future. * Receivers of a [Future] can register callbacks * that handle the value or error once it is available. * For example: * * Future future = getFuture(); * future.then((value) => handleValue(value)) * .catchError((error) => handleError(error)); * * A [Future] can be completed in two ways: * with a value ("the future succeeds") * or with an error ("the future fails"). * Users can install callbacks for each case. * * In some cases we say that a future is completed with another future. * This is a short way of stating that the future is completed in the same way, * with the same value or error, * as the other future once that completes. * Whenever a function in the core library may complete a future * (for example [Completer.complete] or [new Future.value]), * then it also accepts another future and does this work for the developer. * * The result of registering a pair of callbacks is a new Future (the * "successor") which in turn is completed with the result of invoking the * corresponding callback. * The successor is completed with an error if the invoked callback throws. * For example: * ``` * Future successor = future.then((int value) { * // Invoked when the future is completed with a value. * return 42; // The successor is completed with the value 42. * }, * onError: (e) { * // Invoked when the future is completed with an error. * if (canHandle(e)) { * return 499; // The successor is completed with the value 499. * } else { * throw e; // The successor is completed with the error e. * } * }); * ``` * * If a future does not have a successor when it completes with an error, * it forwards the error message to the global error-handler. * This behavior makes sure that no error is silently dropped. * However, it also means that error handlers should be installed early, * so that they are present as soon as a future is completed with an error. * The following example demonstrates this potential bug: * ``` * var future = getFuture(); * new Timer(new Duration(milliseconds: 5), () { * // The error-handler is not attached until 5 ms after the future has * // been received. If the future fails before that, the error is * // forwarded to the global error-handler, even though there is code * // (just below) to eventually handle the error. * future.then((value) { useValue(value); }, * onError: (e) { handleError(e); }); * }); * ``` * * When registering callbacks, it's often more readable to register the two * callbacks separately, by first using [then] with one argument * (the value handler) and using a second [catchError] for handling errors. * Each of these will forward the result that they don't handle * to their successors, and together they handle both value and error result. * It also has the additional benefit of the [catchError] handling errors in the * [then] value callback too. * Using sequential handlers instead of parallel ones often leads to code that * is easier to reason about. * It also makes asynchronous code very similar to synchronous code: * ``` * // Synchronous code. * try { * int value = foo(); * return bar(value); * } catch (e) { * return 499; * } * ``` * * Equivalent asynchronous code, based on futures: * ``` * Future future = new Future(foo); // Result of foo() as a future. * future.then((int value) => bar(value)) * .catchError((e) => 499); * ``` * * Similar to the synchronous code, the error handler (registered with * [catchError]) is handling any errors thrown by either `foo` or `bar`. * If the error-handler had been registered as the `onError` parameter of * the `then` call, it would not catch errors from the `bar` call. * * Futures can have more than one callback-pair registered. Each successor is * treated independently and is handled as if it was the only successor. * * A future may also fail to ever complete. In that case, no callbacks are * called. */ abstract class Future { /// A `Future` completed with `null`. static final _Future _nullFuture = new _Future.zoneValue(null, Zone.root); /// A `Future` completed with `false`. static final _Future _falseFuture = new _Future.zoneValue(false, Zone.root); /** * Creates a future containing the result of calling [computation] * asynchronously with []. * * If the result of executing [computation] throws, the returned future is * completed with the error. * * If the returned value is itself a [Future], completion of * the created future will wait until the returned future completes, * and will then complete with the same result. * * If a non-future value is returned, the returned future is completed * with that value. */ factory Future(FutureOr computation()) { _Future result = new _Future(); { try { result._complete(computation()); } catch (e, s) { _completeWithErrorCallback(result, e, s); } }); return result; } /** * Creates a future containing the result of calling [computation] * asynchronously with [scheduleMicrotask]. * * If executing [computation] throws, * the returned future is completed with the thrown error. * * If calling [computation] returns a [Future], completion of * the created future will wait until the returned future completes, * and will then complete with the same result. * * If calling [computation] returns a non-future value, * the returned future is completed with that value. */ factory Future.microtask(FutureOr computation()) { _Future result = new _Future(); scheduleMicrotask(() { try { result._complete(computation()); } catch (e, s) { _completeWithErrorCallback(result, e, s); } }); return result; } /** * Returns a future containing the result of immediately calling * [computation]. * * If calling [computation] throws, the returned future is completed with the * error. * * If calling [computation] returns a `Future`, that future is returned. * * If calling [computation] returns a non-future value, * a future is returned which has been completed with that value. */ factory Future.sync(FutureOr computation()) { try { var result = computation(); if (result is Future) { return result; } else if (result is Future) { // TODO(lrn): Remove this case for Dart 2.0. return new _Future.immediate(result); } else { return new _Future.value(result); } } catch (error, stackTrace) { var future = new _Future(); AsyncError replacement = Zone.current.errorCallback(error, stackTrace); if (replacement != null) { future._asyncCompleteError( _nonNullError(replacement.error), replacement.stackTrace); } else { future._asyncCompleteError(error, stackTrace); } return future; } } /** * Creates a future completed with [value]. * * If [value] is a future, the created future waits for the * [value] future to complete, and then completes with the same result. * Since a [value] future can complete with an error, so can the future * created by [Future.value], even if the name suggests otherwise. * * If [value] is not a [Future], the created future is completed * with the [value] value, * equivalently to `new Future.sync(() => value)`. * * Use [Completer] to create a future and complete it later. */ factory Future.value([FutureOr value]) { return new _Future.immediate(value); } /** * Creates a future that completes with an error. * * The created future will be completed with an error in a future microtask. * This allows enough time for someone to add an error handler on the future. * If an error handler isn't added before the future completes, the error * will be considered unhandled. * * If [error] is `null`, it is replaced by a [NullThrownError]. * * Use [Completer] to create a future and complete it later. */ factory Future.error(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) { error = _nonNullError(error); if (!identical(Zone.current, _rootZone)) { AsyncError replacement = Zone.current.errorCallback(error, stackTrace); if (replacement != null) { error = _nonNullError(replacement.error); stackTrace = replacement.stackTrace; } } return new _Future.immediateError(error, stackTrace); } /** * Creates a future that runs its computation after a delay. * * The [computation] will be executed after the given [duration] has passed, * and the future is completed with the result of the computation, * * If the duration is 0 or less, * it completes no sooner than in the next event-loop iteration, * after all microtasks have run. * * If [computation] is omitted, * it will be treated as if [computation] was `() => null`, * and the future will eventually complete with the `null` value. * * If calling [computation] throws, the created future will complete with the * error. * * See also [Completer] for a way to create and complete a future at a * later time that isn't necessarily after a known fixed duration. */ factory Future.delayed(Duration duration, [FutureOr computation()]) { _Future result = new _Future(); new Timer(duration, () { try { result._complete(computation?.call()); } catch (e, s) { _completeWithErrorCallback(result, e, s); } }); return result; } /** * Waits for multiple futures to complete and collects their results. * * Returns a future which will complete once all the provided futures * have completed, either with their results, or with an error if either * of the provided futures fail. * * The value of the returned future will be a list of all the values that * were produced. * * If any future completes with an error, * then the returned future completes with that error. * If further futures also complete with errors, those errors are discarded. * * If `eagerError` is true, the returned future completes with an error * immediately on the first error from one of the futures. Otherwise all * futures must complete before the returned future is completed (still with * the first error; the remaining errors are silently dropped). * * In the case of an error, [cleanUp] (if provided), is invoked on any * non-null result of successful futures. * This makes it possible to `cleanUp` resources that would otherwise be * lost (since the returned future does not provide access to these values). * The [cleanUp] function is unused if there is no error. * * The call to [cleanUp] should not throw. If it does, the error will be an * uncaught asynchronous error. */ static Future> wait(Iterable> futures, {bool eagerError: false, void cleanUp(T successValue)}) { final _Future> result = new _Future>(); List values; // Collects the values. Set to null on error. int remaining = 0; // How many futures are we waiting for. var error; // The first error from a future. StackTrace stackTrace; // The stackTrace that came with the error. // Handle an error from any of the futures. // TODO(jmesserly): use `void` return type once it can be inferred for the // `then` call below. handleError(theError, theStackTrace) { remaining--; if (values != null) { if (cleanUp != null) { for (var value in values) { if (value != null) { // Ensure errors from cleanUp are uncaught. new Future.sync(() { cleanUp(value); }); } } } values = null; if (remaining == 0 || eagerError) { result._completeError(theError, theStackTrace); } else { error = theError; stackTrace = theStackTrace; } } else if (remaining == 0 && !eagerError) { result._completeError(error, stackTrace); } } try { // As each future completes, put its value into the corresponding // position in the list of values. for (var future in futures) { int pos = remaining; future.then((T value) { remaining--; if (values != null) { values[pos] = value; if (remaining == 0) { result._completeWithValue(values); } } else { if (cleanUp != null && value != null) { // Ensure errors from cleanUp are uncaught. new Future.sync(() { cleanUp(value); }); } if (remaining == 0 && !eagerError) { result._completeError(error, stackTrace); } } }, onError: handleError); // Increment the 'remaining' after the call to 'then'. // If that call throws, we don't expect any future callback from // the future, and we also don't increment remaining. remaining++; } if (remaining == 0) { return new Future.value(const []); } values = new List(remaining); } catch (e, st) { // The error must have been thrown while iterating over the futures // list, or while installing a callback handler on the future. if (remaining == 0 || eagerError) { // Throw a new Future.error. // Don't just call `result._completeError` since that would propagate // the error too eagerly, not giving the callers time to install // error handlers. // Also, don't use `_asyncCompleteError` since that one doesn't give // zones the chance to intercept the error. return new Future.error(e, st); } else { // Don't allocate a list for values, thus indicating that there was an // error. // Set error to the caught exception. error = e; stackTrace = st; } } return result; } /** * Returns the result of the first future in [futures] to complete. * * The returned future is completed with the result of the first * future in [futures] to report that it is complete, * whether it's with a value or an error. * The results of all the other futures are discarded. * * If [futures] is empty, or if none of its futures complete, * the returned future never completes. */ static Future any(Iterable> futures) { var completer = new Completer.sync(); var onValue = (T value) { if (!completer.isCompleted) completer.complete(value); }; var onError = (error, stack) { if (!completer.isCompleted) completer.completeError(error, stack); }; for (var future in futures) { future.then(onValue, onError: onError); } return completer.future; } /** * Performs an action for each element of the iterable, in turn. * * The [action] may be either synchronous or asynchronous. * * Calls [action] with each element in [elements] in order. * If the call to [action] returns a `Future`, the iteration waits * until the future is completed before continuing with the next element. * * Returns a [Future] that completes with `null` when all elements have been * processed. * * Non-[Future] return values, and completion-values of returned [Future]s, * are discarded. * * Any error from [action], synchronous or asynchronous, * will stop the iteration and be reported in the returned [Future]. */ static Future forEach(Iterable elements, FutureOr action(T element)) { var iterator = elements.iterator; return doWhile(() { if (!iterator.moveNext()) return false; var result = action(iterator.current); if (result is Future) return result.then(_kTrue); return true; }); } // Constant `true` function, used as callback by [forEach]. static bool _kTrue(_) => true; /** * Performs an operation repeatedly until it returns `false`. * * The operation, [action], may be either synchronous or asynchronous. * * The operation is called repeatedly as long as it returns either the [bool] * value `true` or a `Future` which completes with the value `true`. * * If a call to [action] returns `false` or a [Future] that completes to * `false`, iteration ends and the future returned by [doWhile] is completed * with a `null` value. * * If a call to [action] throws or a future returned by [action] completes * with an error, iteration ends and the future returned by [doWhile] * completes with the same error. * * Calls to [action] may happen at any time, * including immediately after calling `doWhile`. * The only restriction is a new call to [action] won't happen before * the previous call has returned, and if it returned a `Future`, not * until that future has completed. */ static Future doWhile(FutureOr action()) { _Future doneSignal = new _Future(); var nextIteration; // Bind this callback explicitly so that each iteration isn't bound in the // context of all the previous iterations' callbacks. // This avoids, e.g., deeply nested stack traces from the stack trace // package. nextIteration = Zone.current.bindUnaryCallbackGuarded((bool keepGoing) { while (keepGoing) { FutureOr result; try { result = action(); } catch (error, stackTrace) { // Cannot use _completeWithErrorCallback because it completes // the future synchronously. _asyncCompleteWithErrorCallback(doneSignal, error, stackTrace); return; } if (result is Future) { result.then(nextIteration, onError: doneSignal._completeError); return; } keepGoing = result; } doneSignal._complete(null); }); nextIteration(true); return doneSignal; } /** * Register callbacks to be called when this future completes. * * When this future completes with a value, * the [onValue] callback will be called with that value. * If this future is already completed, the callback will not be called * immediately, but will be scheduled in a later microtask. * * If [onError] is provided, and this future completes with an error, * the `onError` callback is called with that error and its stack trace. * The `onError` callback must accept either one argument or two arguments * where the latter is a [StackTrace]. * If `onError` accepts two arguments, * it is called with both the error and the stack trace, * otherwise it is called with just the error object. * The `onError` callback must return a value or future that can be used * to complete the returned future, so it must be something assignable to * `FutureOr`. * * Returns a new [Future] * which is completed with the result of the call to `onValue` * (if this future completes with a value) * or to `onError` (if this future completes with an error). * * If the invoked callback throws, * the returned future is completed with the thrown error * and a stack trace for the error. * In the case of `onError`, * if the exception thrown is `identical` to the error argument to `onError`, * the throw is considered a rethrow, * and the original stack trace is used instead. * * If the callback returns a [Future], * the future returned by `then` will be completed with * the same result as the future returned by the callback. * * If [onError] is not given, and this future completes with an error, * the error is forwarded directly to the returned future. * * In most cases, it is more readable to use [catchError] separately, possibly * with a `test` parameter, instead of handling both value and error in a * single [then] call. * * Note that futures don't delay reporting of errors until listeners are * added. If the first `then` or `catchError` call happens after this future * has completed with an error then the error is reported as unhandled error. * See the description on [Future]. */ Future then(FutureOr onValue(T value), {Function onError}); /** * Handles errors emitted by this [Future]. * * This is the asynchronous equivalent of a "catch" block. * * Returns a new [Future] that will be completed with either the result of * this future or the result of calling the `onError` callback. * * If this future completes with a value, * the returned future completes with the same value. * * If this future completes with an error, * then [test] is first called with the error value. * * If `test` returns false, the exception is not handled by this `catchError`, * and the returned future completes with the same error and stack trace * as this future. * * If `test` returns `true`, * [onError] is called with the error and possibly stack trace, * and the returned future is completed with the result of this call * in exactly the same way as for [then]'s `onError`. * * If `test` is omitted, it defaults to a function that always returns true. * The `test` function should not throw, but if it does, it is handled as * if the `onError` function had thrown. * * Note that futures don't delay reporting of errors until listeners are * added. If the first `catchError` (or `then`) call happens after this future * has completed with an error then the error is reported as unhandled error. * See the description on [Future]. */ // The `Function` below stands for one of two types: // - (dynamic) -> FutureOr // - (dynamic, StackTrace) -> FutureOr // Given that there is a `test` function that is usually used to do an // `isCheck` we should also expect functions that take a specific argument. // Note: making `catchError` return a `Future` in non-strong mode could be // a breaking change. Future catchError(Function onError, {bool test(Object error)}); /** * Registers a function to be called when this future completes. * * The [action] function is called when this future completes, whether it * does so with a value or with an error. * * This is the asynchronous equivalent of a "finally" block. * * The future returned by this call, `f`, will complete the same way * as this future unless an error occurs in the [action] call, or in * a [Future] returned by the [action] call. If the call to [action] * does not return a future, its return value is ignored. * * If the call to [action] throws, then `f` is completed with the * thrown error. * * If the call to [action] returns a [Future], `f2`, then completion of * `f` is delayed until `f2` completes. If `f2` completes with * an error, that will be the result of `f` too. The value of `f2` is always * ignored. * * This method is equivalent to: * * Future whenComplete(action()) { * return this.then((v) { * var f2 = action(); * if (f2 is Future) return f2.then((_) => v); * return v * }, onError: (e) { * var f2 = action(); * if (f2 is Future) return f2.then((_) { throw e; }); * throw e; * }); * } */ Future whenComplete(FutureOr action()); /** * Creates a [Stream] containing the result of this future. * * The stream will produce single data or error event containing the * completion result of this future, and then it will close with a * done event. * * If the future never completes, the stream will not produce any events. */ Stream asStream(); /** * Time-out the future computation after [timeLimit] has passed. * * Returns a new future that completes with the same value as this future, * if this future completes in time. * * If this future does not complete before `timeLimit` has passed, * the [onTimeout] action is executed instead, and its result (whether it * returns or throws) is used as the result of the returned future. * The [onTimeout] function must return a [T] or a `Future`. * * If `onTimeout` is omitted, a timeout will cause the returned future to * complete with a [TimeoutException]. */ Future timeout(Duration timeLimit, {FutureOr onTimeout()}); } /** * Thrown when a scheduled timeout happens while waiting for an async result. */ class TimeoutException implements Exception { /** Description of the cause of the timeout. */ final String message; /** The duration that was exceeded. */ final Duration duration; TimeoutException(this.message, [this.duration]); String toString() { String result = "TimeoutException"; if (duration != null) result = "TimeoutException after $duration"; if (message != null) result = "$result: $message"; return result; } } /** * A way to produce Future objects and to complete them later * with a value or error. * * Most of the time, the simplest way to create a future is to just use * one of the [Future] constructors to capture the result of a single * asynchronous computation: * ``` * new Future(() { doSomething(); return result; }); * ``` * or, if the future represents the result of a sequence of asynchronous * computations, they can be chained using [Future.then] or similar functions * on [Future]: * ``` * Future doStuff(){ * return someAsyncOperation().then((result) { * return someOtherAsyncOperation(result); * }); * } * ``` * If you do need to create a Future from scratch — for example, * when you're converting a callback-based API into a Future-based * one — you can use a Completer as follows: * ``` * class AsyncOperation { * Completer _completer = new Completer(); * * Future doOperation() { * _startOperation(); * return _completer.future; // Send future object back to client. * } * * // Something calls this when the value is ready. * void _finishOperation(T result) { * _completer.complete(result); * } * * // If something goes wrong, call this. * void _errorHappened(error) { * _completer.completeError(error); * } * } * ``` */ abstract class Completer { /** * Creates a new completer. * * The general workflow for creating a new future is to 1) create a * new completer, 2) hand out its future, and, at a later point, 3) invoke * either [complete] or [completeError]. * * The completer completes the future asynchronously. That means that * callbacks registered on the future are not called immediately when * [complete] or [completeError] is called. Instead the callbacks are * delayed until a later microtask. * * Example: * ``` * var completer = new Completer(); * handOut(completer.future); * later: { * completer.complete('completion value'); * } * ``` */ factory Completer() => new _AsyncCompleter(); /** * Completes the future synchronously. * * This constructor should be avoided unless the completion of the future is * known to be the final result of another asynchronous operation. If in doubt * use the default [Completer] constructor. * * Using an normal, asynchronous, completer will never give the wrong * behavior, but using a synchronous completer incorrectly can cause * otherwise correct programs to break. * * A synchronous completer is only intended for optimizing event * propagation when one asynchronous event immediately triggers another. * It should not be used unless the calls to [complete] and [completeError] * are guaranteed to occur in places where it won't break `Future` invariants. * * Completing synchronously means that the completer's future will be * completed immediately when calling the [complete] or [completeError] * method on a synchronous completer, which also calls any callbacks * registered on that future. * * Completing synchronously must not break the rule that when you add a * callback on a future, that callback must not be called until the code * that added the callback has completed. * For that reason, a synchronous completion must only occur at the very end * (in "tail position") of another synchronous event, * because at that point, completing the future immediately is be equivalent * to returning to the event loop and completing the future in the next * microtask. * * Example: * * var completer = new Completer.sync(); * // The completion is the result of the asynchronous onDone event. * // No other operation is performed after the completion. It is safe * // to use the Completer.sync constructor. * stream.listen(print, onDone: () { completer.complete("done"); }); * * Bad example. Do not use this code. Only for illustrative purposes: * * var completer = new Completer.sync(); * completer.future.then((_) { bar(); }); * // The completion is the result of the asynchronous onDone event. * // However, there is still code executed after the completion. This * // operation is *not* safe. * stream.listen(print, onDone: () { * completer.complete("done"); * foo(); // In this case, foo() runs after bar(). * }); */ factory Completer.sync() => new _SyncCompleter(); /** * The future that is completed by this completer. * * The future that is completed when [complete] or [completeError] is called. */ Future get future; /** * Completes [future] with the supplied values. * * The value must be either a value of type [T] * or a future of type `Future`. * * If the value is itself a future, the completer will wait for that future * to complete, and complete with the same result, whether it is a success * or an error. * * Calling [complete] or [completeError] must be done at most once. * * All listeners on the future are informed about the value. */ void complete([FutureOr value]); /** * Complete [future] with an error. * * Calling [complete] or [completeError] must be done at most once. * * Completing a future with an error indicates that an exception was thrown * while trying to produce a value. * * If [error] is `null`, it is replaced by a [NullThrownError]. * * If `error` is a `Future`, the future itself is used as the error value. * If you want to complete with the result of the future, you can use: * ``` * thisCompleter.complete(theFuture) * ``` * or if you only want to handle an error from the future: * ``` * theFuture.catchError(thisCompleter.completeError); * ``` */ void completeError(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]); /** * Whether the [future] has been completed. * * Reflects whether [complete] or [completeError] has been called. * A `true` value doesn't necessarily mean that listeners of this future * have been invoked yet, either because the completer usually waits until * a later microtask to propagate the result, or because [complete] * was called with a future that hasn't completed yet. * * When this value is `true`, [complete] and [completeError] must not be * called again. */ bool get isCompleted; } // Helper function completing a _Future with error, but checking the zone // for error replacement first. void _completeWithErrorCallback(_Future result, error, stackTrace) { AsyncError replacement = Zone.current.errorCallback(error, stackTrace); if (replacement != null) { error = _nonNullError(replacement.error); stackTrace = replacement.stackTrace; } result._completeError(error, stackTrace); } // Like [_completeWithErrorCallback] but completes asynchronously. void _asyncCompleteWithErrorCallback(_Future result, error, stackTrace) { AsyncError replacement = Zone.current.errorCallback(error, stackTrace); if (replacement != null) { error = _nonNullError(replacement.error); stackTrace = replacement.stackTrace; } result._asyncCompleteError(error, stackTrace); } /** Helper function that converts `null` to a [NullThrownError]. */ Object _nonNullError(Object error) => error ?? new NullThrownError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file:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/async/timer.dart#// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.async; /** * A count-down timer that can be configured to fire once or repeatedly. * * The timer counts down from the specified duration to 0. * When the timer reaches 0, the timer invokes the specified callback function. * Use a periodic timer to repeatedly count down the same interval. * * A negative duration is treated the same as a duration of 0. * If the duration is statically known to be 0, consider using [run]. * * Frequently the duration is either a constant or computed as in the * following example (taking advantage of the multiplication operator of * the [Duration] class): * ```dart * const timeout = const Duration(seconds: 3); * const ms = const Duration(milliseconds: 1); * * startTimeout([int milliseconds]) { * var duration = milliseconds == null ? timeout : ms * milliseconds; * return new Timer(duration, handleTimeout); * } * ... * void handleTimeout() { // callback function * ... * } * ``` * Note: If Dart code using Timer is compiled to JavaScript, the finest * granularity available in the browser is 4 milliseconds. * * See [Stopwatch] for measuring elapsed time. */ abstract class Timer { /** * Creates a new timer. * * The [callback] function is invoked after the given [duration]. * */ factory Timer(Duration duration, void callback()) { if (Zone.current == Zone.root) { // No need to bind the callback. We know that the root's timer will // be invoked in the root zone. return Zone.current.createTimer(duration, callback); } return Zone.current .createTimer(duration, Zone.current.bindCallbackGuarded(callback)); } /** * Creates a new repeating timer. * * The [callback] is invoked repeatedly with [duration] intervals until * canceled with the [cancel] function. * * The exact timing depends on the underlying timer implementation. * No more than `n` callbacks will be made in `duration * n` time, * but the time between two consecutive callbacks * can be shorter and longer than `duration`. * * In particular, an implementation may schedule the next callback, e.g., * a `duration` after either when the previous callback ended, * when the previous callback started, or when the previous callback was * scheduled for - even if the actual callback was delayed. */ factory Timer.periodic(Duration duration, void callback(Timer timer)) { if (Zone.current == Zone.root) { // No need to bind the callback. We know that the root's timer will // be invoked in the root zone. return Zone.current.createPeriodicTimer(duration, callback); } var boundCallback = Zone.current.bindUnaryCallbackGuarded(callback); return Zone.current.createPeriodicTimer(duration, boundCallback); } /** * Runs the given [callback] asynchronously as soon as possible. * * This function is equivalent to `new Timer(, callback)`. */ static void run(void callback()) { new Timer(, callback); } /** * Cancels the timer. */ void cancel(); /** * The number of durations preceding the most recent timer event. * * The value starts at zero and is incremented each time a timer event * occurs, so each callback will see a larger value than the previous one. * * If a periodic timer with a non-zero duration is delayed too much, * so more than one tick should have happened, * all but the last tick in the past are considered "missed", * and no callback is invoked for them. * The [tick] count reflects the number of durations that have passed and * not the number of callback invocations that have happened. */ int get tick; /** * Returns whether the timer is still active. * * A non-periodic timer is active if the callback has not been executed, * and the timer has not been canceled. * * A periodic timer is active if it has not been canceled. */ bool get isActive; external static Timer _createTimer(Duration duration, void callback()); external static Timer _createPeriodicTimer( Duration duration, void callback(Timer timer)); } }NN<I;PD?FFI //&H00 H;/D6%J&;L$J*FE40LAK>J%J&CPFCJ%(DIMG1@*L@0K*=J.6Rfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/async/async_error.dart-// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.async; _invokeErrorHandler( Function errorHandler, Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) { if (errorHandler is ZoneBinaryCallback) { return (errorHandler as dynamic)(error, stackTrace); } else { ZoneUnaryCallback unaryErrorHandler = errorHandler; return unaryErrorHandler(error); } } NN<BA9 8%Vfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/collection/collection.dart4// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /** * Classes and utilities that supplement the collection support in dart:core. * * To use this library in your code: * * import 'dart:collection'; * * {@category Core} */ library dart.collection; import 'dart:_internal' hide Symbol; import 'dart:math' show Random; // Used by ListMixin.shuffle. part 'collections.dart'; part 'hash_map.dart'; part 'hash_set.dart'; part 'iterable.dart'; part 'iterator.dart'; part 'linked_hash_map.dart'; part 'linked_hash_set.dart'; part 'linked_list.dart'; part 'list.dart'; part 'maps.dart'; part 'queue.dart'; part 'set.dart'; part 'splay_tree.dart'; !NN<N%!%>Tfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/collection/hash_map.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.collection; /** Default function for equality comparison in customized HashMaps */ bool _defaultEquals(a, b) => a == b; /** Default function for hash-code computation in customized HashMaps */ int _defaultHashCode(a) => a.hashCode; /** Type of custom equality function */ typedef bool _Equality(K a, K b); /** Type of custom hash code function. */ typedef int _Hasher(K object); /** * A hash-table based implementation of [Map]. * * The keys of a `HashMap` must have consistent [Object.==] * and [Object.hashCode] implementations. This means that the `==` operator * must define a stable equivalence relation on the keys (reflexive, * symmetric, transitive, and consistent over time), and that `hashCode` * must be the same for objects that are considered equal by `==`. * * The map allows `null` as a key. * * Iterating the map's keys, values or entries (through [forEach]) * may happen in any order. * The iteration order only changes when the map is modified. * Values are iterated in the same order as their associated keys, * so iterating the [keys] and [values] in parallel * will give matching key and value pairs. */ abstract class HashMap implements Map { /** * Creates an unordered hash-table based [Map]. * * The created map is not ordered in any way. When iterating the keys or * values, the iteration order is unspecified except that it will stay the * same as long as the map isn't changed. * * If [equals] is provided, it is used to compare the keys in the table with * new keys. If [equals] is omitted, the key's own [Object.==] is used * instead. * * Similar, if [hashCode] is provided, it is used to produce a hash value * for keys in order to place them in the hash table. If it is omitted, the * key's own [Object.hashCode] is used. * * If using methods like [operator []], [remove] and [containsKey] together * with a custom equality and hashcode, an extra `isValidKey` function * can be supplied. This function is called before calling [equals] or * [hashCode] with an argument that may not be a [K] instance, and if the * call returns false, the key is assumed to not be in the set. * The [isValidKey] function defaults to just testing if the object is a * [K] instance. * * Example: * * new HashMap(equals: (int a, int b) => (b - a) % 5 == 0, * hashCode: (int e) => e % 5) * * This example map does not need an `isValidKey` function to be passed. * The default function accepts only `int` values, which can safely be * passed to both the `equals` and `hashCode` functions. * * If neither `equals`, `hashCode`, nor `isValidKey` is provided, * the default `isValidKey` instead accepts all keys. * The default equality and hashcode operations are assumed to work on all * objects. * * Likewise, if `equals` is [identical], `hashCode` is [identityHashCode] * and `isValidKey` is omitted, the resulting map is identity based, * and the `isValidKey` defaults to accepting all keys. * Such a map can be created directly using [HashMap.identity]. * * The used `equals` and `hashCode` method should always be consistent, * so that if `equals(a, b)` then `hashCode(a) == hashCode(b)`. The hash * of an object, or what it compares equal to, should not change while the * object is a key in the map. If it does change, the result is unpredictable. * * If you supply one of [equals] and [hashCode], * you should generally also to supply the other. */ external factory HashMap( {bool equals(K key1, K key2), int hashCode(K key), bool isValidKey(potentialKey)}); /** * Creates an unordered identity-based map. * * Effectively a shorthand for: * * new HashMap(equals: identical, * hashCode: identityHashCode) */ external factory HashMap.identity(); /** * Creates a [HashMap] that contains all key/value pairs of [other]. * * The keys must all be instances of [K] and the values of [V]. * The [other] map itself can have any type. */ factory HashMap.from(Map other) { Map result = new HashMap(); other.forEach((k, v) { result[k] = v; }); return result; } /** * Creates a [HashMap] that contains all key/value pairs of [other]. */ factory HashMap.of(Map other) => new HashMap()..addAll(other); /** * Creates a [HashMap] where the keys and values are computed from the * [iterable]. * * For each element of the [iterable] this constructor computes a key/value * pair, by applying [key] and [value] respectively. * * The keys of the key/value pairs do not need to be unique. The last * occurrence of a key will simply overwrite any previous value. * * If no values are specified for [key] and [value] the default is the * identity function. */ factory HashMap.fromIterable(Iterable iterable, {K key(element), V value(element)}) { Map map = new HashMap(); MapBase._fillMapWithMappedIterable(map, iterable, key, value); return map; } /** * Creates a [HashMap] associating the given [keys] to [values]. * * This constructor iterates over [keys] and [values] and maps each element of * [keys] to the corresponding element of [values]. * * If [keys] contains the same object multiple times, the last occurrence * overwrites the previous value. * * It is an error if the two [Iterable]s don't have the same length. */ factory HashMap.fromIterables(Iterable keys, Iterable values) { Map map = new HashMap(); MapBase._fillMapWithIterables(map, keys, values); return map; } } NN<G%I'(%*"/C4+42KM,OILN*NIILBKJ:KI;D8MLG:BJKMQ34$'.".7'GB/$,GMIN7HCI2,)CCQ6L$GH)6Vfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/collection/splay_tree.dartj// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.collection; typedef bool _Predicate(T value); /** * A node in a splay tree. It holds the sorting key and the left * and right children in the tree. */ class _SplayTreeNode { final K key; _SplayTreeNode left; _SplayTreeNode right; _SplayTreeNode(this.key); } /** * A node in a splay tree based map. * * A [_SplayTreeNode] that also contains a value */ class _SplayTreeMapNode extends _SplayTreeNode { V value; _SplayTreeMapNode(K key, this.value) : super(key); } /** * A splay tree is a self-balancing binary search tree. * * It has the additional property that recently accessed elements * are quick to access again. * It performs basic operations such as insertion, look-up and * removal, in O(log(n)) amortized time. */ abstract class _SplayTree> { // The root node of the splay tree. It will contain either the last // element inserted or the last element looked up. Node get _root; set _root(Node newValue); // The dummy node used when performing a splay on the tree. Reusing it // avoids allocating a node each time a splay is performed. Node get _dummy; // Number of elements in the splay tree. int _count = 0; /** * Counter incremented whenever the keys in the map changes. * * Used to detect concurrent modifications. */ int _modificationCount = 0; /** * Counter incremented whenever the tree structure changes. * * Used to detect that an in-place traversal cannot use * cached information that relies on the tree structure. */ int _splayCount = 0; /** The comparator that is used for this splay tree. */ Comparator get _comparator; /** The predicate to determine that a given object is a valid key. */ _Predicate get _validKey; /** Comparison used to compare keys. */ int _compare(K key1, K key2); /** * Perform the splay operation for the given key. Moves the node with * the given key to the top of the tree. If no node has the given * key, the last node on the search path is moved to the top of the * tree. This is the simplified top-down splaying algorithm from: * "Self-adjusting Binary Search Trees" by Sleator and Tarjan. * * Returns the result of comparing the new root of the tree to [key]. * Returns -1 if the table is empty. */ int _splay(K key) { if (_root == null) return -1; // The right child of the dummy node will hold // the L tree of the algorithm. The left child of the dummy node // will hold the R tree of the algorithm. Using a dummy node, left // and right will always be nodes and we avoid special cases. Node left = _dummy; Node right = _dummy; Node current = _root; int comp; while (true) { comp = _compare(current.key, key); if (comp > 0) { if (current.left == null) break; comp = _compare(current.left.key, key); if (comp > 0) { // Rotate right. _SplayTreeNode tmp = current.left; current.left = tmp.right; tmp.right = current; current = tmp; if (current.left == null) break; } // Link right. right.left = current; right = current; current = current.left; } else if (comp < 0) { if (current.right == null) break; comp = _compare(current.right.key, key); if (comp < 0) { // Rotate left. Node tmp = current.right; current.right = tmp.left; tmp.left = current; current = tmp; if (current.right == null) break; } // Link left. left.right = current; left = current; current = current.right; } else { break; } } // Assemble. left.right = current.left; right.left = current.right; current.left = _dummy.right; current.right = _dummy.left; _root = current; _dummy.right = null; _dummy.left = null; _splayCount++; return comp; } // Emulates splaying with a key that is smaller than any in the subtree // anchored at [node]. // and that node is returned. It should replace the reference to [node] // in any parent tree or root pointer. Node _splayMin(Node node) { Node current = node; while (current.left != null) { Node left = current.left; current.left = left.right; left.right = current; current = left; } return current; } // Emulates splaying with a key that is greater than any in the subtree // anchored at [node]. // After this, the largest element in the tree is the root of the subtree, // and that node is returned. It should replace the reference to [node] // in any parent tree or root pointer. Node _splayMax(Node node) { Node current = node; while (current.right != null) { Node right = current.right; current.right = right.left; right.left = current; current = right; } return current; } Node _remove(K key) { if (_root == null) return null; int comp = _splay(key); if (comp != 0) return null; Node result = _root; _count--; // assert(_count >= 0); if (_root.left == null) { _root = _root.right; } else { Node right = _root.right; // Splay to make sure that the new root has an empty right child. _root = _splayMax(_root.left); // Insert the original right child as the right child of the new // root. _root.right = right; } _modificationCount++; return result; } /** * Adds a new root node with the given [key] or [value]. * * The [comp] value is the result of comparing the existing root's key * with key. */ void _addNewRoot(Node node, int comp) { _count++; _modificationCount++; if (_root == null) { _root = node; return; } // assert(_count >= 0); if (comp < 0) { node.left = _root; node.right = _root.right; _root.right = null; } else { node.right = _root; node.left = _root.left; _root.left = null; } _root = node; } Node get _first { if (_root == null) return null; _root = _splayMin(_root); return _root; } Node get _last { if (_root == null) return null; _root = _splayMax(_root); return _root; } void _clear() { _root = null; _count = 0; _modificationCount++; } } class _TypeTest { bool test(v) => v is T; } int _dynamicCompare(dynamic a, dynamic b) =>, b); Comparator _defaultCompare() { // If K <: Comparable, then we can just use // with no casts. Object compare =; if (compare is Comparator) { return compare; } // Otherwise wrap and cast the arguments on each call. return _dynamicCompare; } /** * A [Map] of objects that can be ordered relative to each other. * * The map is based on a self-balancing binary tree. It allows most operations * in amortized logarithmic time. * * Keys of the map are compared using the `compare` function passed in * the constructor, both for ordering and for equality. * If the map contains only the key `a`, then `map.containsKey(b)` * will return `true` if and only if `compare(a, b) == 0`, * and the value of `a == b` is not even checked. * If the compare function is omitted, the objects are assumed to be * [Comparable], and are compared using their [Comparable.compareTo] method. * Non-comparable objects (including `null`) will not work as keys * in that case. * * To allow calling [operator []], [remove] or [containsKey] with objects * that are not supported by the `compare` function, an extra `isValidKey` * predicate function can be supplied. This function is tested before * using the `compare` function on an argument value that may not be a [K] * value. If omitted, the `isValidKey` function defaults to testing if the * value is a [K]. */ class SplayTreeMap extends _SplayTree> with MapMixin { _SplayTreeMapNode _root; final _SplayTreeMapNode _dummy = new _SplayTreeMapNode(null, null); Comparator _comparator; _Predicate _validKey; SplayTreeMap([int compare(K key1, K key2), bool isValidKey(potentialKey)]) : _comparator = compare ?? _defaultCompare(), _validKey = isValidKey ?? ((v) => v is K); /** * Creates a [SplayTreeMap] that contains all key/value pairs of [other]. * * The keys must all be instances of [K] and the values of [V]. * The [other] map itself can have any type. */ factory SplayTreeMap.from(Map other, [int compare(K key1, K key2), bool isValidKey(potentialKey)]) { SplayTreeMap result = new SplayTreeMap(compare, isValidKey); other.forEach((k, v) { result[k] = v; }); return result; } /** * Creates a [SplayTreeMap] that contains all key/value pairs of [other]. */ factory SplayTreeMap.of(Map other, [int compare(K key1, K key2), bool isValidKey(potentialKey)]) => new SplayTreeMap(compare, isValidKey)..addAll(other); /** * Creates a [SplayTreeMap] where the keys and values are computed from the * [iterable]. * * For each element of the [iterable] this constructor computes a key/value * pair, by applying [key] and [value] respectively. * * The keys of the key/value pairs do not need to be unique. The last * occurrence of a key will simply overwrite any previous value. * * If no functions are specified for [key] and [value] the default is to * use the iterable value itself. */ factory SplayTreeMap.fromIterable(Iterable iterable, {K key(element), V value(element), int compare(K key1, K key2), bool isValidKey(potentialKey)}) { SplayTreeMap map = new SplayTreeMap(compare, isValidKey); MapBase._fillMapWithMappedIterable(map, iterable, key, value); return map; } /** * Creates a [SplayTreeMap] associating the given [keys] to [values]. * * This constructor iterates over [keys] and [values] and maps each element of * [keys] to the corresponding element of [values]. * * If [keys] contains the same object multiple times, the last occurrence * overwrites the previous value. * * It is an error if the two [Iterable]s don't have the same length. */ factory SplayTreeMap.fromIterables(Iterable keys, Iterable values, [int compare(K key1, K key2), bool isValidKey(potentialKey)]) { SplayTreeMap map = new SplayTreeMap(compare, isValidKey); MapBase._fillMapWithIterables(map, keys, values); return map; } int _compare(K key1, K key2) => _comparator(key1, key2); SplayTreeMap._internal(); V operator [](Object key) { if (!_validKey(key)) return null; if (_root != null) { int comp = _splay(key); if (comp == 0) { return _root.value; } } return null; } V remove(Object key) { if (!_validKey(key)) return null; _SplayTreeMapNode mapRoot = _remove(key); if (mapRoot != null) return mapRoot.value; return null; } void operator []=(K key, V value) { if (key == null) throw new ArgumentError(key); // Splay on the key to move the last node on the search path for // the key to the root of the tree. int comp = _splay(key); if (comp == 0) { _root.value = value; return; } _addNewRoot(new _SplayTreeMapNode(key, value), comp); } V putIfAbsent(K key, V ifAbsent()) { if (key == null) throw new ArgumentError(key); int comp = _splay(key); if (comp == 0) { return _root.value; } int modificationCount = _modificationCount; int splayCount = _splayCount; V value = ifAbsent(); if (modificationCount != _modificationCount) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } if (splayCount != _splayCount) { comp = _splay(key); // Key is still not there, otherwise _modificationCount would be changed. assert(comp != 0); } _addNewRoot(new _SplayTreeMapNode(key, value), comp); return value; } void addAll(Map other) { other.forEach((K key, V value) { this[key] = value; }); } bool get isEmpty { return (_root == null); } bool get isNotEmpty => !isEmpty; void forEach(void f(K key, V value)) { Iterator<_SplayTreeNode> nodes = new _SplayTreeNodeIterator(this); while (nodes.moveNext()) { _SplayTreeMapNode node = nodes.current; f(node.key, node.value); } } int get length { return _count; } void clear() { _clear(); } bool containsKey(Object key) { return _validKey(key) && _splay(key) == 0; } bool containsValue(Object value) { bool found = false; int initialSplayCount = _splayCount; bool visit(_SplayTreeMapNode node) { while (node != null) { if (node.value == value) return true; if (initialSplayCount != _splayCount) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } if (node.right != null && visit(node.right)) return true; node = node.left; } return false; } return visit(_root); } Iterable get keys => new _SplayTreeKeyIterable(this); Iterable get values => new _SplayTreeValueIterable(this); /** * Get the first key in the map. Returns [:null:] if the map is empty. */ K firstKey() { if (_root == null) return null; return _first.key; } /** * Get the last key in the map. Returns [:null:] if the map is empty. */ K lastKey() { if (_root == null) return null; return _last.key; } /** * Get the last key in the map that is strictly smaller than [key]. Returns * [:null:] if no key was not found. */ K lastKeyBefore(K key) { if (key == null) throw new ArgumentError(key); if (_root == null) return null; int comp = _splay(key); if (comp < 0) return _root.key; _SplayTreeNode node = _root.left; if (node == null) return null; while (node.right != null) { node = node.right; } return node.key; } /** * Get the first key in the map that is strictly larger than [key]. Returns * [:null:] if no key was not found. */ K firstKeyAfter(K key) { if (key == null) throw new ArgumentError(key); if (_root == null) return null; int comp = _splay(key); if (comp > 0) return _root.key; _SplayTreeNode node = _root.right; if (node == null) return null; while (node.left != null) { node = node.left; } return node.key; } } abstract class _SplayTreeIterator implements Iterator { final _SplayTree> _tree; /** * Worklist of nodes to visit. * * These nodes have been passed over on the way down in a * depth-first left-to-right traversal. Visiting each node, * and their right subtrees will visit the remainder of * the nodes of a full traversal. * * Only valid as long as the original tree isn't reordered. */ final List<_SplayTreeNode> _workList = <_SplayTreeNode>[]; /** * Original modification counter of [_tree]. * * Incremented on [_tree] when a key is added or removed. * If it changes, iteration is aborted. * * Not final because some iterators may modify the tree knowingly, * and they update the modification count in that case. */ int _modificationCount; /** * Count of splay operations on [_tree] when [_workList] was built. * * If the splay count on [_tree] increases, [_workList] becomes invalid. */ int _splayCount; /** Current node. */ _SplayTreeNode _currentNode; _SplayTreeIterator(_SplayTree> tree) : _tree = tree, _modificationCount = tree._modificationCount, _splayCount = tree._splayCount { _findLeftMostDescendent(tree._root); } _SplayTreeIterator.startAt(_SplayTree> tree, K startKey) : _tree = tree, _modificationCount = tree._modificationCount { if (tree._root == null) return; int compare = tree._splay(startKey); _splayCount = tree._splayCount; if (compare < 0) { // Don't include the root, start at the next element after the root. _findLeftMostDescendent(tree._root.right); } else { _workList.add(tree._root); } } T get current { if (_currentNode == null) return null; return _getValue(_currentNode); } void _findLeftMostDescendent(_SplayTreeNode node) { while (node != null) { _workList.add(node); node = node.left; } } /** * Called when the tree structure of the tree has changed. * * This can be caused by a splay operation. * If the key-set changes, iteration is aborted before getting * here, so we know that the keys are the same as before, it's * only the tree that has been reordered. */ void _rebuildWorkList(_SplayTreeNode currentNode) { assert(!_workList.isEmpty); _workList.clear(); if (currentNode == null) { _findLeftMostDescendent(_tree._root); } else { _tree._splay(currentNode.key); _findLeftMostDescendent(_tree._root.right); assert(!_workList.isEmpty); } } bool moveNext() { if (_modificationCount != _tree._modificationCount) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(_tree); } // Picks the next element in the worklist as current. // Updates the worklist with the left-most path of the current node's // right-hand child. // If the worklist is no longer valid (after a splay), it is rebuild // from scratch. if (_workList.isEmpty) { _currentNode = null; return false; } if (_tree._splayCount != _splayCount && _currentNode != null) { _rebuildWorkList(_currentNode); } _currentNode = _workList.removeLast(); _findLeftMostDescendent(_currentNode.right); return true; } T _getValue(_SplayTreeNode node); } class _SplayTreeKeyIterable extends EfficientLengthIterable { _SplayTree> _tree; _SplayTreeKeyIterable(this._tree); int get length => _tree._count; bool get isEmpty => _tree._count == 0; Iterator get iterator => new _SplayTreeKeyIterator(_tree); Set toSet() { SplayTreeSet set = new SplayTreeSet(_tree._comparator, _tree._validKey); set._count = _tree._count; set._root = set._copyNode(_tree._root); return set; } } class _SplayTreeValueIterable extends EfficientLengthIterable { SplayTreeMap _map; _SplayTreeValueIterable(this._map); int get length => _map._count; bool get isEmpty => _map._count == 0; Iterator get iterator => new _SplayTreeValueIterator(_map); } class _SplayTreeKeyIterator extends _SplayTreeIterator { _SplayTreeKeyIterator(_SplayTree> map) : super(map); K _getValue(_SplayTreeNode node) => node.key; } class _SplayTreeValueIterator extends _SplayTreeIterator { _SplayTreeValueIterator(SplayTreeMap map) : super(map); V _getValue(_SplayTreeNode node) { _SplayTreeMapNode mapNode = node; return mapNode.value; } } class _SplayTreeNodeIterator extends _SplayTreeIterator> { _SplayTreeNodeIterator(_SplayTree> tree) : super(tree); _SplayTreeNodeIterator.startAt( _SplayTree> tree, K startKey) : super.startAt(tree, startKey); _SplayTreeNode _getValue(_SplayTreeNode node) => node; } /** * A [Set] of objects that can be ordered relative to each other. * * The set is based on a self-balancing binary tree. It allows most operations * in amortized logarithmic time. * * Elements of the set are compared using the `compare` function passed in * the constructor, both for ordering and for equality. * If the set contains only an object `a`, then `set.contains(b)` * will return `true` if and only if `compare(a, b) == 0`, * and the value of `a == b` is not even checked. * If the compare function is omitted, the objects are assumed to be * [Comparable], and are compared using their [Comparable.compareTo] method. * Non-comparable objects (including `null`) will not work as an element * in that case. */ class SplayTreeSet extends _SplayTree> with IterableMixin, SetMixin { _SplayTreeNode _root; final _SplayTreeNode _dummy = new _SplayTreeNode(null); Comparator _comparator; _Predicate _validKey; /** * Create a new [SplayTreeSet] with the given compare function. * * If the [compare] function is omitted, it defaults to [], * and the elements must be comparable. * * A provided `compare` function may not work on all objects. It may not even * work on all `E` instances. * * For operations that add elements to the set, the user is supposed to not * pass in objects that doesn't work with the compare function. * * The methods [contains], [remove], [lookup], [removeAll] or [retainAll] * are typed to accept any object(s), and the [isValidKey] test can used to * filter those objects before handing them to the `compare` function. * * If [isValidKey] is provided, only values satisfying `isValidKey(other)` * are compared using the `compare` method in the methods mentioned above. * If the `isValidKey` function returns false for an object, it is assumed to * not be in the set. * * If omitted, the `isValidKey` function defaults to checking against the * type parameter: `other is E`. */ SplayTreeSet([int compare(E key1, E key2), bool isValidKey(potentialKey)]) : _comparator = compare ?? _defaultCompare(), _validKey = isValidKey ?? ((v) => v is E); /** * Creates a [SplayTreeSet] that contains all [elements]. * * The set works as if created by `new SplayTreeSet(compare, isValidKey)`. * * All the [elements] should be instances of [E] and valid arguments to * [compare]. * The `elements` iterable itself may have any element type, so this * constructor can be used to down-cast a `Set`, for example as: * ```dart * Set superSet = ...; * Set subSet = * new SplayTreeSet.from(superSet.whereType()); * ``` */ factory SplayTreeSet.from(Iterable elements, [int compare(E key1, E key2), bool isValidKey(potentialKey)]) { SplayTreeSet result = new SplayTreeSet(compare, isValidKey); for (final element in elements) { E e = element; result.add(e); } return result; } /** * Creates a [SplayTreeSet] from [elements]. * * The set works as if created by `new SplayTreeSet(compare, isValidKey)`. * * All the [elements] should be valid as arguments to the [compare] function. */ factory SplayTreeSet.of(Iterable elements, [int compare(E key1, E key2), bool isValidKey(potentialKey)]) => new SplayTreeSet(compare, isValidKey)..addAll(elements); Set _newSet() => new SplayTreeSet((T a, T b) => _comparator(a as E, b as E), _validKey); Set cast() => Set.castFrom(this, newSet: _newSet); int _compare(E e1, E e2) => _comparator(e1, e2); // From Iterable. Iterator get iterator => new _SplayTreeKeyIterator(this); int get length => _count; bool get isEmpty => _root == null; bool get isNotEmpty => _root != null; E get first { if (_count == 0) throw IterableElementError.noElement(); return _first.key; } E get last { if (_count == 0) throw IterableElementError.noElement(); return _last.key; } E get single { if (_count == 0) throw IterableElementError.noElement(); if (_count > 1) throw IterableElementError.tooMany(); return _root.key; } // From Set. bool contains(Object element) { return _validKey(element) && _splay(element) == 0; } bool add(E element) { int compare = _splay(element); if (compare == 0) return false; _addNewRoot(new _SplayTreeNode(element), compare); return true; } bool remove(Object object) { if (!_validKey(object)) return false; return _remove(object) != null; } void addAll(Iterable elements) { for (E element in elements) { int compare = _splay(element); if (compare != 0) { _addNewRoot(new _SplayTreeNode(element), compare); } } } void removeAll(Iterable elements) { for (Object element in elements) { if (_validKey(element)) _remove(element); } } void retainAll(Iterable elements) { // Build a set with the same sense of equality as this set. SplayTreeSet retainSet = new SplayTreeSet(_comparator, _validKey); int modificationCount = _modificationCount; for (Object object in elements) { if (modificationCount != _modificationCount) { // The iterator should not have side effects. throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } // Equivalent to this.contains(object). if (_validKey(object) && _splay(object) == 0) { retainSet.add(_root.key); } } // Take over the elements from the retained set, if it differs. if (retainSet._count != _count) { _root = retainSet._root; _count = retainSet._count; _modificationCount++; } } E lookup(Object object) { if (!_validKey(object)) return null; int comp = _splay(object); if (comp != 0) return null; return _root.key; } Set intersection(Set other) { Set result = new SplayTreeSet(_comparator, _validKey); for (E element in this) { if (other.contains(element)) result.add(element); } return result; } Set difference(Set other) { Set result = new SplayTreeSet(_comparator, _validKey); for (E element in this) { if (!other.contains(element)) result.add(element); } return result; } Set union(Set other) { return _clone()..addAll(other); } SplayTreeSet _clone() { var set = new SplayTreeSet(_comparator, _validKey); set._count = _count; set._root = _copyNode(_root); return set; } // Copies the structure of a SplayTree into a new similar structure. // Works on _SplayTreeMapNode as well, but only copies the keys, _SplayTreeNode _copyNode(_SplayTreeNode node) { if (node == null) return null; return new _SplayTreeNode(node.key) ..left = _copyNode(node.left) ..right = _copyNode(node.right); } void clear() { _clear(); } Set toSet() => _clone(); String toString() => IterableBase.iterableToFullString(this, '{', '}'); } NN<%A#%1: 58B?)?F5I>+?.>:;:!H* HEFDAH'"3FHB))00$+  *1$$, ! !!JJ)# !JMJ)$""$  H%G;I*  $$G%A'"9BO"G8C;2EMCJKFKKH!)/M73LB/'FML+KBNN7HCK$7#(JCHQ6L$GKFJ6;&&4/&3E(:'30"33%P:!%#)M4!/%)).07 B>EI$H$N'3$$)#!N'3$$*# A0!<>:$>C/<*E:FK"<6))P7$)$K1 !+$9=.AA,9 , %2":4:JID&+1'D*%")CA,I&!(GBL3G@(, 7O"9'?BO"K8B;2EMI?)@BP*P NBLNIMMPL#M73<PJGC $H /FG&/PP0K?QA3B%(===:"7#$7*$&"%;.'0.@M0&565.6"D&!) +A8)A9$;"GC8#+$'Jofile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/patch/collection_patch.dart,// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Patch file for dart:collection classes. import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS, JSExportName; import 'dart:_runtime' as dart; import 'dart:_js_helper' show NoInline, NoSideEffects, NoThrows, patch, LinkedMap, IdentityMap, CustomHashMap, CustomKeyHashMap, DartIterator, notNull, putLinkedMapKey; @patch class HashMap { @patch factory HashMap( {bool equals(K key1, K key2), int hashCode(K key), bool isValidKey(Object potentialKey)}) { if (isValidKey == null) { if (hashCode == null) { if (equals == null) { if (identical(K, String) || identical(K, int)) { return IdentityMap(); } return LinkedMap(); } hashCode = dart.hashCode; } else if (identical(identityHashCode, hashCode) && identical(identical, equals)) { return IdentityMap(); } return CustomHashMap(equals ?? dart.equals, hashCode); } return CustomKeyHashMap( equals ?? dart.equals, hashCode ?? dart.hashCode, isValidKey); } @patch factory HashMap.identity() = IdentityMap; } @patch class LinkedHashMap { @patch factory LinkedHashMap( {bool equals(K key1, K key2), int hashCode(K key), bool isValidKey(Object potentialKey)}) { if (isValidKey == null) { if (hashCode == null) { if (equals == null) { if (identical(K, String) || identical(K, int)) { return IdentityMap(); } return LinkedMap(); } hashCode = dart.hashCode; } else if (identical(identityHashCode, hashCode) && identical(identical, equals)) { return IdentityMap(); } return CustomHashMap(equals ?? dart.equals, hashCode); } return CustomKeyHashMap( equals ?? dart.equals, hashCode ?? dart.hashCode, isValidKey); } @patch factory LinkedHashMap.identity() = IdentityMap; } @patch class HashSet { @patch factory HashSet( {bool equals(E e1, E e2), int hashCode(E e), bool isValidKey(Object potentialKey)}) { if (isValidKey == null) { if (hashCode == null) { if (equals == null) { if (identical(E, String) || identical(E, int)) { return _IdentityHashSet(); } return _HashSet(); } hashCode = dart.hashCode; } else if (identical(identityHashCode, hashCode) && identical(identical, equals)) { return _IdentityHashSet(); } return _CustomHashSet( equals ?? dart.equals, hashCode ?? dart.hashCode); } return _CustomKeyHashSet( equals ?? dart.equals, hashCode ?? dart.hashCode, isValidKey); } @patch factory HashSet.identity() = _IdentityHashSet; } @patch class LinkedHashSet { @patch factory LinkedHashSet( {bool equals(E e1, E e2), int hashCode(E e), bool isValidKey(Object potentialKey)}) { if (isValidKey == null) { if (hashCode == null) { if (equals == null) { if (identical(E, String) || identical(E, int)) { return _IdentityHashSet(); } return _HashSet(); } hashCode = dart.hashCode; } else if (identical(identityHashCode, hashCode) && identical(identical, equals)) { return _IdentityHashSet(); } return _CustomHashSet( equals ?? dart.equals, hashCode ?? dart.hashCode); } return _CustomKeyHashSet( equals ?? dart.equals, hashCode ?? dart.hashCode, isValidKey); } @patch factory LinkedHashSet.identity() = _IdentityHashSet; } class _HashSet extends _InternalSet implements HashSet, LinkedHashSet { /// The backing store for this set. /// /// Keys that use identity equality are stored directly. For other types of /// keys, we first look them up (by hashCode) in the [_keyMap] map, then /// we lookup the key in this map. @notNull final _map = JS('', 'new Set()'); /// Items that use custom equality semantics. /// /// This maps from the item's hashCode to the canonical key, which is then /// used to lookup the item in [_map]. Keeping the data in our primary backing /// map gives us the ordering semantics requred by [LinkedHashMap], while /// also providing convenient access to keys/values. @notNull final _keyMap = JS('', 'new Map()'); // We track the number of modifications done to the key set of the // hash map to be able to throw when the map is modified while being // iterated over. // // Value cycles after 2^30 modifications so that modification counts are // always unboxed (Smi) values. Modification detection will be missed if you // make exactly some multiple of 2^30 modifications between advances of an // iterator. @notNull int _modifications = 0; _HashSet(); Set _newSet() => _HashSet(); Set _newSimilarSet() => _HashSet(); bool contains(Object key) { if (key == null) { key = null; } else if (JS('bool', '#[#] !== #', key, dart.extensionSymbol('_equals'), dart.identityEquals)) { @notNull var k = key; var buckets = JS('', '#.get(# & 0x3ffffff)', _keyMap, k.hashCode); if (buckets != null) { for (int i = 0, n = JS('!', '#.length', buckets); i < n; i++) { k = JS('', '#[#]', buckets, i); if (k == key) return true; } } return false; } return JS('bool', '#.has(#)', _map, key); } E lookup(Object key) { if (key == null) return null; if (JS('bool', '#[#] !== #', key, dart.extensionSymbol('_equals'), dart.identityEquals)) { @notNull var k = key; var buckets = JS('', '#.get(# & 0x3ffffff)', _keyMap, k.hashCode); if (buckets != null) { for (int i = 0, n = JS('!', '#.length', buckets); i < n; i++) { k = JS('', '#[#]', buckets, i); if (k == key) return JS('', '#', k); } } return null; } return JS('', '#.has(#) ? # : null', _map, key, key); } bool add(E key) { var map = _map; if (key == null) { if (JS('', '#.has(null)', map)) return false; key = null; } else if (JS('bool', '#[#] !== #', key, dart.extensionSymbol('_equals'), dart.identityEquals)) { var keyMap = _keyMap; @notNull var k = key; int hash = JS('!', '# & 0x3ffffff', k.hashCode); var buckets = JS('', '#.get(#)', keyMap, hash); if (buckets == null) { JS('', '#.set(#, [#])', keyMap, hash, key); } else { for (int i = 0, n = JS('!', '#.length', buckets); i < n; i++) { k = JS('', '#[#]', buckets, i); if (k == key) return false; } JS('', '#.push(#)', buckets, key); } } else if (JS('', '#.has(#)', map, key)) { return false; } JS('', '#.add(#)', map, key); _modifications = (_modifications + 1) & 0x3ffffff; return true; } void addAll(Iterable objects) { var map = _map; int length = JS('', '#.size', map); for (E key in objects) { if (key == null) { key = null; } else if (JS('bool', '#[#] !== #', key, dart.extensionSymbol('_equals'), dart.identityEquals)) { key = putLinkedMapKey(key, _keyMap); } JS('', '#.add(#)', map, key); } if (length != JS('!', '#.size', map)) { _modifications = (_modifications + 1) & 0x3ffffff; } } bool remove(Object key) { if (key == null) { key = null; } else if (JS('bool', '#[#] !== #', key, dart.extensionSymbol('_equals'), dart.identityEquals)) { @notNull var k = key; int hash = JS('!', '# & 0x3ffffff', k.hashCode); var buckets = JS('', '#.get(#)', _keyMap, hash); if (buckets == null) return false; // not found for (int i = 0, n = JS('!', '#.length', buckets);;) { k = JS('', '#[#]', buckets, i); if (k == key) { key = k; if (n == 1) { JS('', '#.delete(#)', _keyMap, hash); } else { JS('', '#.splice(#, 1)', buckets, i); } break; } if (++i >= n) return false; // not found } } var map = _map; if (JS('bool', '#.delete(#)', map, key)) { _modifications = (_modifications + 1) & 0x3ffffff; return true; } return false; } void clear() { var map = _map; if (JS('!', '#.size', map) > 0) { JS('', '#.clear()', map); JS('', '#.clear()', _keyMap); _modifications = (_modifications + 1) & 0x3ffffff; } } } class _IdentityHashSet extends _InternalSet implements HashSet, LinkedHashSet { /// The backing store for this set. @notNull final _map = JS('', 'new Set()'); @notNull int _modifications = 0; _IdentityHashSet(); Set _newSet() => _IdentityHashSet(); Set _newSimilarSet() => _IdentityHashSet(); bool contains(Object element) { return JS('', '#.has(#)', _map, element); } E lookup(Object element) { return JS('', '#.has(#)', _map, element) ? element : null; } bool add(E element) { var map = _map; if (JS('bool', '#.has(#)', map, element)) return false; JS('', '#.add(#)', map, element); _modifications = (_modifications + 1) & 0x3ffffff; return true; } void addAll(Iterable objects) { var map = _map; int length = JS('', '#.size', map); for (E key in objects) { JS('', '#.add(#)', map, key); } if (length != JS('!', '#.size', map)) { _modifications = (_modifications + 1) & 0x3ffffff; } } bool remove(Object element) { if (JS('bool', '#.delete(#)', _map, element)) { _modifications = (_modifications + 1) & 0x3ffffff; return true; } return false; } void clear() { var map = _map; if (JS('!', '#.size', map) > 0) { JS('', '#.clear()', map); _modifications = (_modifications + 1) & 0x3ffffff; } } } class _CustomKeyHashSet extends _CustomHashSet { _Predicate _validKey; _CustomKeyHashSet(_Equality equals, _Hasher hashCode, this._validKey) : super(equals, hashCode); Set _newSet() => _CustomKeyHashSet(_equals, _hashCode, _validKey); Set _newSimilarSet() => _HashSet(); bool contains(Object element) { // TODO(jmesserly): there is a subtle difference here compared to Dart 1. // See the comment on CustomKeyHashMap.containsKey for more information. // Treatment of `null` is different due to strong mode's requirement to // perform an `element is E` check before calling equals/hashCode. if (!_validKey(element)) return false; return super.contains(element); } E lookup(Object element) { if (!_validKey(element)) return null; return super.lookup(element); } bool remove(Object element) { if (!_validKey(element)) return false; return super.remove(element); } } class _CustomHashSet extends _InternalSet implements HashSet, LinkedHashSet { _Equality _equals; _Hasher _hashCode; // We track the number of modifications done to the key set of the // hash map to be able to throw when the map is modified while being // iterated over. // // Value cycles after 2^30 modifications so that modification counts are // always unboxed (Smi) values. Modification detection will be missed if you // make exactly some multiple of 2^30 modifications between advances of an // iterator. @notNull int _modifications = 0; /// The backing store for this set, used to handle ordering. // TODO(jmesserly): a non-linked custom hash set could skip this. @notNull final _map = JS('', 'new Set()'); /// Our map used to map keys onto the canonical key that is stored in [_map]. @notNull final _keyMap = JS('', 'new Map()'); _CustomHashSet(this._equals, this._hashCode); Set _newSet() => _CustomHashSet(_equals, _hashCode); Set _newSimilarSet() => _HashSet(); bool contains(Object key) { if (key is E) { var buckets = JS('', '#.get(# & 0x3ffffff)', _keyMap, _hashCode(key)); if (buckets != null) { var equals = _equals; for (int i = 0, n = JS('!', '#.length', buckets); i < n; i++) { E k = JS('', '#[#]', buckets, i); if (equals(k, key)) return true; } } } return false; } E lookup(Object key) { if (key is E) { var buckets = JS('', '#.get(# & 0x3ffffff)', _keyMap, _hashCode(key)); if (buckets != null) { var equals = _equals; for (int i = 0, n = JS('!', '#.length', buckets); i < n; i++) { E k = JS('', '#[#]', buckets, i); if (equals(k, key)) return JS('', '#', k); } } } return null; } bool add(E key) { var keyMap = _keyMap; var hash = JS('!', '# & 0x3ffffff', _hashCode(key)); var buckets = JS('', '#.get(#)', keyMap, hash); if (buckets == null) { JS('', '#.set(#, [#])', keyMap, hash, key); } else { var equals = _equals; for (int i = 0, n = JS('!', '#.length', buckets); i < n; i++) { E k = JS('', '#[#]', buckets, i); if (equals(k, key)) return false; } JS('', '#.push(#)', buckets, key); } JS('', '#.add(#)', _map, key); _modifications = (_modifications + 1) & 0x3ffffff; return true; } void addAll(Iterable objects) { // TODO(jmesserly): it'd be nice to skip the covariance check here. for (E element in objects) add(element); } bool remove(Object key) { if (key is E) { var hash = JS('!', '# & 0x3ffffff', _hashCode(key)); var keyMap = _keyMap; var buckets = JS('', '#.get(#)', keyMap, hash); if (buckets == null) return false; // not found var equals = _equals; for (int i = 0, n = JS('!', '#.length', buckets); i < n; i++) { E k = JS('', '#[#]', buckets, i); if (equals(k, key)) { if (n == 1) { JS('', '#.delete(#)', keyMap, hash); } else { JS('', '#.splice(#, 1)', buckets, i); } JS('', '#.delete(#)', _map, k); _modifications = (_modifications + 1) & 0x3ffffff; return true; } } } return false; } void clear() { var map = _map; if (JS('!', '#.size', map) > 0) { JS('', '#.clear()', map); JS('', '#.clear()', _keyMap); _modifications = (_modifications + 1) & 0x3ffffff; } } } /// Base class for our internal [LinkedHashSet]/[HashSet] implementations. /// /// This implements the common functionality. abstract class _InternalSet extends _HashSetBase { @notNull get _map; @notNull int get _modifications; @notNull int get length => JS('!', '#.size', _map); @notNull bool get isEmpty => JS('bool', '#.size == 0', _map); @notNull bool get isNotEmpty => JS('bool', '#.size != 0', _map); Iterator get iterator => DartIterator(_jsIterator()); @JSExportName('Symbol.iterator') _jsIterator() { var self = this; var iterator = JS('', '#.values()', self._map); int modifications = self._modifications; return JS( '', '''{ next() { if (# != #) { throw #; } return; } }''', modifications, self._modifications, ConcurrentModificationError(self), iterator); } } (NN<+5   $/;( $ ":*$C#G 2 $/;( $ ":*$C#G 8  /;* ":*& =!G 4  /;* ":*& =!G :*.&NK% $0MQL7 'EGKOM %/N IH*% ."G IH*/ :4N 764H*& +/"7%(P"-$19N 776<(22  1/9+ $92.& $ -7".?<&7%($19 49+ 97 N!K/"NMLG+$*" +"0.EGKOM ?D $P '0=/MH,+ MH,5 >42 F**)#7%H-@66F*12 *= + $9K.9   2 7 :>#4-   +Wfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/collection/collections.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.collection; /** * An unmodifiable [List] view of another List. * * The source of the elements may be a [List] or any [Iterable] with * efficient [Iterable.length] and [Iterable.elementAt]. */ class UnmodifiableListView extends UnmodifiableListBase { final Iterable _source; /** * Creates an unmodifiable list backed by [source]. * * The [source] of the elements may be a [List] or any [Iterable] with * efficient [Iterable.length] and [Iterable.elementAt]. */ UnmodifiableListView(Iterable source) : _source = source; List cast() => new UnmodifiableListView(_source.cast()); int get length => _source.length; E operator [](int index) => _source.elementAt(index); } NN<0E9@6I;?D$8Tfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/collection/hash_set.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.collection; /** Common parts of [HashSet] and [LinkedHashSet] implementations. */ abstract class _HashSetBase extends SetBase { // The following two methods override the ones in SetBase. // It's possible to be more efficient if we have a way to create an empty // set of the correct type. Set _newSet(); Set _newSimilarSet(); Set cast() => Set.castFrom(this, newSet: _newSimilarSet); Set difference(Set other) { Set result = _newSet(); for (var element in this) { if (!other.contains(element)) result.add(element); } return result; } Set intersection(Set other) { Set result = _newSet(); for (var element in this) { if (other.contains(element)) result.add(element); } return result; } // Subclasses can optimize this further. Set toSet() => _newSet()..addAll(this); } /** * An unordered hash-table based [Set] implementation. * * The elements of a `HashSet` must have consistent equality * and hashCode implementations. This means that the equals operation * must define a stable equivalence relation on the elements (reflexive, * symmetric, transitive, and consistent over time), and that the hashCode * must consistent with equality, so that the same for objects that are * considered equal. * * The set allows `null` as an element. * * Most simple operations on `HashSet` are done in (potentially amortized) * constant time: [add], [contains], [remove], and [length], provided the hash * codes of objects are well distributed. * * The iteration order of the set is not specified and depends on * the hashcodes of the provided elements. However, the order is stable: * multiple iterations over the same set produce the same order, as long as * the set is not modified. */ abstract class HashSet implements Set { /** * Create a hash set using the provided [equals] as equality. * * The provided [equals] must define a stable equivalence relation, and * [hashCode] must be consistent with [equals]. If the [equals] or [hashCode] * methods won't work on all objects, but only on some instances of E, the * [isValidKey] predicate can be used to restrict the keys that the functions * are applied to. * Any key for which [isValidKey] returns false is automatically assumed * to not be in the set when asking `contains`. * * If [equals] or [hashCode] are omitted, the set uses * the elements' intrinsic [Object.==] and [Object.hashCode]. * * If you supply one of [equals] and [hashCode], * you should generally also to supply the other. * * If the supplied `equals` or `hashCode` functions won't work on all [E] * objects, and the map will be used in a setting where a non-`E` object * is passed to, e.g., `contains`, then the [isValidKey] function should * also be supplied. * * If [isValidKey] is omitted, it defaults to testing if the object is an * [E] instance. That means that: * * new HashSet(equals: (int e1, int e2) => (e1 - e2) % 5 == 0, * hashCode: (int e) => e % 5) * * does not need an `isValidKey` argument, because it defaults to only * accepting `int` values which are accepted by both `equals` and `hashCode`. * * If neither `equals`, `hashCode`, nor `isValidKey` is provided, * the default `isValidKey` instead accepts all values. * The default equality and hashcode operations are assumed to work on all * objects. * * Likewise, if `equals` is [identical], `hashCode` is [identityHashCode] * and `isValidKey` is omitted, the resulting set is identity based, * and the `isValidKey` defaults to accepting all keys. * Such a map can be created directly using [HashSet.identity]. */ external factory HashSet( {bool equals(E e1, E e2), int hashCode(E e), bool isValidKey(potentialKey)}); /** * Creates an unordered identity-based set. * * Effectively a shorthand for: * * new HashSet(equals: identical, * hashCode: identityHashCode) */ external factory HashSet.identity(); /** * Create a hash set containing all [elements]. * * Creates a hash set as by `new HashSet()` and adds all given [elements] * to the set. The elements are added in order. If [elements] contains * two entries that are equal, but not identical, then the first one is * the one in the resulting set. * * All the [elements] should be instances of [E]. * The `elements` iterable itself may have any element type, so this * constructor can be used to down-cast a `Set`, for example as: * ```dart * Set superSet = ...; * Set subSet = * new HashSet.from(superSet.whereType()); * ``` */ factory HashSet.from(Iterable elements) { HashSet result = new HashSet(); for (final e in elements) { result.add(e); } return result; } /** * Create a hash set containing all [elements]. * * Creates a hash set as by `new HashSet()` and adds all given [elements] * to the set. The elements are added in order. If [elements] contains * two entries that are equal, but not identical, then the first one is * the one in the resulting set. */ factory HashSet.of(Iterable elements) => new HashSet()..addAll(elements); /** * Provides an iterator that iterates over the elements of this set. * * The order of iteration is unspecified, * but consistent between changes to the set. */ Iterator get iterator; } NN<F4=LH) 9+ 8+-7=FIKH(KO*BIL.@JPMPK29@34LKKL$J6IPD:MLG:B '."+4'2OIJ#4GC $C ,* 2OIJ#.*G,0Tfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/collection/iterable.dart?// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.collection; /** * This [Iterable] mixin implements all [Iterable] members except `iterator`. * * All other methods are implemented in terms of `iterator`. */ abstract class IterableMixin implements Iterable { // This class has methods copied verbatim into: // - IterableBase // - SetMixin // If changing a method here, also change the other copies. Iterable cast() => Iterable.castFrom(this); Iterable map(T f(E element)) => new MappedIterable(this, f); Iterable where(bool f(E element)) => new WhereIterable(this, f); Iterable whereType() => new WhereTypeIterable(this); Iterable expand(Iterable f(E element)) => new ExpandIterable(this, f); Iterable followedBy(Iterable other) { // Type workaround because IterableMixin doesn't promote // to EfficientLengthIterable. Iterable self = this; if (self is EfficientLengthIterable) { return new FollowedByIterable.firstEfficient(self, other); } return new FollowedByIterable(this, other); } bool contains(Object element) { for (E e in this) { if (e == element) return true; } return false; } void forEach(void f(E element)) { for (E element in this) f(element); } E reduce(E combine(E value, E element)) { Iterator iterator = this.iterator; if (!iterator.moveNext()) { throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } E value = iterator.current; while (iterator.moveNext()) { value = combine(value, iterator.current); } return value; } T fold(T initialValue, T combine(T previousValue, E element)) { var value = initialValue; for (E element in this) value = combine(value, element); return value; } bool every(bool f(E element)) { for (E element in this) { if (!f(element)) return false; } return true; } String join([String separator = ""]) { Iterator iterator = this.iterator; if (!iterator.moveNext()) return ""; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); if (separator == null || separator == "") { do { buffer.write("${iterator.current}"); } while (iterator.moveNext()); } else { buffer.write("${iterator.current}"); while (iterator.moveNext()) { buffer.write(separator); buffer.write("${iterator.current}"); } } return buffer.toString(); } bool any(bool test(E element)) { for (E element in this) { if (test(element)) return true; } return false; } List toList({bool growable: true}) => new List.from(this, growable: growable); Set toSet() => new Set.from(this); int get length { assert(this is! EfficientLengthIterable); int count = 0; Iterator it = iterator; while (it.moveNext()) { count++; } return count; } bool get isEmpty => !iterator.moveNext(); bool get isNotEmpty => !isEmpty; Iterable take(int count) { return new TakeIterable(this, count); } Iterable takeWhile(bool test(E value)) { return new TakeWhileIterable(this, test); } Iterable skip(int count) { return new SkipIterable(this, count); } Iterable skipWhile(bool test(E value)) { return new SkipWhileIterable(this, test); } E get first { Iterator it = iterator; if (!it.moveNext()) { throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } return it.current; } E get last { Iterator it = iterator; if (!it.moveNext()) { throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } E result; do { result = it.current; } while (it.moveNext()); return result; } E get single { Iterator it = iterator; if (!it.moveNext()) throw IterableElementError.noElement(); E result = it.current; if (it.moveNext()) throw IterableElementError.tooMany(); return result; } E firstWhere(bool test(E value), {E orElse()}) { for (E element in this) { if (test(element)) return element; } if (orElse != null) return orElse(); throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } E lastWhere(bool test(E value), {E orElse()}) { E result = null; bool foundMatching = false; for (E element in this) { if (test(element)) { result = element; foundMatching = true; } } if (foundMatching) return result; if (orElse != null) return orElse(); throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } E singleWhere(bool test(E element), {E orElse()}) { E result = null; bool foundMatching = false; for (E element in this) { if (test(element)) { if (foundMatching) { throw IterableElementError.tooMany(); } result = element; foundMatching = true; } } if (foundMatching) return result; if (orElse != null) return orElse(); throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } E elementAt(int index) { if (index is! int) throw new ArgumentError.notNull("index"); RangeError.checkNotNegative(index, "index"); int elementIndex = 0; for (E element in this) { if (index == elementIndex) return element; elementIndex++; } throw new RangeError.index(index, this, "index", null, elementIndex); } String toString() => IterableBase.iterableToShortString(this, '(', ')'); } /** * Base class for implementing [Iterable]. * * This class implements all methods of [Iterable], except [Iterable.iterator], * in terms of `iterator`. */ abstract class IterableBase extends Iterable { const IterableBase(); /** * Convert an `Iterable` to a string like [IterableBase.toString]. * * Allows using other delimiters than '(' and ')'. * * Handles circular references where converting one of the elements * to a string ends up converting [iterable] to a string again. */ static String iterableToShortString(Iterable iterable, [String leftDelimiter = '(', String rightDelimiter = ')']) { if (_isToStringVisiting(iterable)) { if (leftDelimiter == "(" && rightDelimiter == ")") { // Avoid creating a new string in the "common" case. return "(...)"; } return "$leftDelimiter...$rightDelimiter"; } List parts = []; _toStringVisiting.add(iterable); try { _iterablePartsToStrings(iterable, parts); } finally { assert(identical(_toStringVisiting.last, iterable)); _toStringVisiting.removeLast(); } return (new StringBuffer(leftDelimiter) ..writeAll(parts, ", ") ..write(rightDelimiter)) .toString(); } /** * Converts an `Iterable` to a string. * * Converts each elements to a string, and separates the results by ", ". * Then wraps the result in [leftDelimiter] and [rightDelimiter]. * * Unlike [iterableToShortString], this conversion doesn't omit any * elements or puts any limit on the size of the result. * * Handles circular references where converting one of the elements * to a string ends up converting [iterable] to a string again. */ static String iterableToFullString(Iterable iterable, [String leftDelimiter = '(', String rightDelimiter = ')']) { if (_isToStringVisiting(iterable)) { return "$leftDelimiter...$rightDelimiter"; } StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(leftDelimiter); _toStringVisiting.add(iterable); try { buffer.writeAll(iterable, ", "); } finally { assert(identical(_toStringVisiting.last, iterable)); _toStringVisiting.removeLast(); } buffer.write(rightDelimiter); return buffer.toString(); } } /** A collection used to identify cyclic lists during toString() calls. */ final List _toStringVisiting = []; /** Check if we are currently visiting `o` in a toString call. */ bool _isToStringVisiting(Object o) { for (int i = 0; i < _toStringVisiting.length; i++) { if (identical(o, _toStringVisiting[i])) return true; } return false; } /** * Convert elements of [iterable] to strings and store them in [parts]. */ void _iterablePartsToStrings(Iterable iterable, List parts) { /* * This is the complicated part of [iterableToShortString]. * It is extracted as a separate function to avoid having too much code * inside the try/finally. */ /// Try to stay below this many characters. const int lengthLimit = 80; /// Always at least this many elements at the start. const int headCount = 3; /// Always at least this many elements at the end. const int tailCount = 2; /// Stop iterating after this many elements. Iterables can be infinite. const int maxCount = 100; // Per entry length overhead. It's for ", " for all after the first entry, // and for "(" and ")" for the initial entry. By pure luck, that's the same // number. const int overhead = 2; const int ellipsisSize = 3; // "...".length. int length = 0; int count = 0; Iterator it = iterable.iterator; // Initial run of elements, at least headCount, and then continue until // passing at most lengthLimit characters. while (length < lengthLimit || count < headCount) { if (!it.moveNext()) return; String next = "${it.current}"; parts.add(next); length += next.length + overhead; count++; } String penultimateString; String ultimateString; // Find last two elements. One or more of them may already be in the // parts array. Include their length in `length`. var penultimate = null; var ultimate = null; if (!it.moveNext()) { if (count <= headCount + tailCount) return; ultimateString = parts.removeLast(); penultimateString = parts.removeLast(); } else { penultimate = it.current; count++; if (!it.moveNext()) { if (count <= headCount + 1) { parts.add("$penultimate"); return; } ultimateString = "$penultimate"; penultimateString = parts.removeLast(); length += ultimateString.length + overhead; } else { ultimate = it.current; count++; // Then keep looping, keeping the last two elements in variables. assert(count < maxCount); while (it.moveNext()) { penultimate = ultimate; ultimate = it.current; count++; if (count > maxCount) { // If we haven't found the end before maxCount, give up. // This cannot happen in the code above because each entry // increases length by at least two, so there is no way to // visit more than ~40 elements before this loop. // Remove any surplus elements until length, including ", ...)", // is at most lengthLimit. while (length > lengthLimit - ellipsisSize - overhead && count > headCount) { length -= parts.removeLast().length + overhead; count--; } parts.add("..."); return; } } penultimateString = "$penultimate"; ultimateString = "$ultimate"; length += ultimateString.length + penultimateString.length + 2 * overhead; } } // If there is a gap between the initial run and the last two, // prepare to add an ellipsis. String elision = null; if (count > parts.length + tailCount) { elision = "..."; length += ellipsisSize + overhead; } // If the last two elements were very long, and we have more than // headCount elements in the initial run, drop some to make room for // the last two. while (length > lengthLimit && parts.length > headCount) { length -= parts.removeLast().length + overhead; if (elision == null) { elision = "..."; length += ellipsisSize + overhead; } } if (elision != null) { parts.add(elision); } parts.add(penultimateString); parts.add(ultimateString); } NN<N=92>:KI@5).@&.D3"%$(,* . "0E="%)*).0 -% +$!-#&+2+.,# -.1 -.1.. @=3)),2 &),6 0 &),A11JK+P5E5FB9C);=1% 0;&,"#)LDF;FB8C)1;% ';&"K#B%79H>>J.75JMN /#J-6 #& G40),  $#'.2 H   CEE<K%C#<  *$QA!*'DG=4) Tfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/collection/iterator.dart// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.collection; /** * The [HasNextIterator] class wraps an [Iterator] and provides methods to * iterate over an object using `hasNext` and `next`. * * An [HasNextIterator] does not implement the [Iterator] interface. */ class HasNextIterator { static const int _HAS_NEXT_AND_NEXT_IN_CURRENT = 0; static const int _NO_NEXT = 1; static const int _NOT_MOVED_YET = 2; Iterator _iterator; int _state = _NOT_MOVED_YET; HasNextIterator(this._iterator); bool get hasNext { if (_state == _NOT_MOVED_YET) _move(); return _state == _HAS_NEXT_AND_NEXT_IN_CURRENT; } E next() { // Call to hasNext is necessary to make sure we are positioned at the first // element when we start iterating. if (!hasNext) throw new StateError("No more elements"); assert(_state == _HAS_NEXT_AND_NEXT_IN_CURRENT); E result = _iterator.current; _move(); return result; } void _move() { if (_iterator.moveNext()) { _state = _HAS_NEXT_AND_NEXT_IN_CURRENT; } else { _state = _NO_NEXT; } } } /NN<K6E6!'#+4 P(<5"  . [file:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/collection/linked_hash_map.dart)// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.collection; /** * A hash-table based implementation of [Map]. * * The insertion order of keys is remembered, * and keys are iterated in the order they were inserted into the map. * Values are iterated in their corresponding key's order. * Changing a key's value, when the key is already in the map, * does not change the iteration order, * but removing the key and adding it again * will make it be last in the iteration order. * * The keys of a `LinkedHashMap` must have consistent [Object.==] * and [Object.hashCode] implementations. This means that the `==` operator * must define a stable equivalence relation on the keys (reflexive, * symmetric, transitive, and consistent over time), and that `hashCode` * must be the same for objects that are considered equal by `==`. * * The map allows `null` as a key. */ abstract class LinkedHashMap implements Map { /** * Creates an insertion-ordered hash-table based [Map]. * * If [equals] is provided, it is used to compare the keys in the table with * new keys. If [equals] is omitted, the key's own [Object.==] is used * instead. * * Similar, if [hashCode] is provided, it is used to produce a hash value * for keys in order to place them in the hash table. If it is omitted, the * key's own [Object.hashCode] is used. * * If using methods like [operator []], [remove] and [containsKey] together * with a custom equality and hashcode, an extra `isValidKey` function * can be supplied. This function is called before calling [equals] or * [hashCode] with an argument that may not be a [K] instance, and if the * call returns false, the key is assumed to not be in the set. * The [isValidKey] function defaults to just testing if the object is a * [K] instance. * * Example: * * new LinkedHashMap(equals: (int a, int b) => (b - a) % 5 == 0, * hashCode: (int e) => e % 5) * * This example map does not need an `isValidKey` function to be passed. * The default function accepts only `int` values, which can safely be * passed to both the `equals` and `hashCode` functions. * * If neither `equals`, `hashCode`, nor `isValidKey` is provided, * the default `isValidKey` instead accepts all keys. * The default equality and hashcode operations are assumed to work on all * objects. * * Likewise, if `equals` is [identical], `hashCode` is [identityHashCode] * and `isValidKey` is omitted, the resulting map is identity based, * and the `isValidKey` defaults to accepting all keys. * Such a map can be created directly using [LinkedHashMap.identity]. * * The used `equals` and `hashCode` method should always be consistent, * so that if `equals(a, b)` then `hashCode(a) == hashCode(b)`. The hash * of an object, or what it compares equal to, should not change while the * object is in the table. If it does change, the result is unpredictable. * * If you supply one of [equals] and [hashCode], * you should generally also to supply the other. */ external factory LinkedHashMap( {bool equals(K key1, K key2), int hashCode(K key), bool isValidKey(potentialKey)}); /** * Creates an insertion-ordered identity-based map. * * Effectively a shorthand for: * * new LinkedHashMap(equals: identical, * hashCode: identityHashCode) */ external factory LinkedHashMap.identity(); /** * Creates a [LinkedHashMap] that contains all key value pairs of [other]. * * The keys must all be instances of [K] and the values to [V]. * The [other] map itself can have any type. */ factory LinkedHashMap.from(Map other) { LinkedHashMap result = new LinkedHashMap(); other.forEach((k, v) { result[k] = v; }); return result; } /** * Creates a [LinkedHashMap] that contains all key value pairs of [other]. */ factory LinkedHashMap.of(Map other) => new LinkedHashMap()..addAll(other); /** * Creates a [LinkedHashMap] where the keys and values are computed from the * [iterable]. * * For each element of the [iterable] this constructor computes a key/value * pair, by applying [key] and [value] respectively. * * The keys of the key/value pairs do not need to be unique. The last * occurrence of a key will simply overwrite any previous value. * * If no values are specified for [key] and [value] the default is the * identity function. */ factory LinkedHashMap.fromIterable(Iterable iterable, {K key(element), V value(element)}) { LinkedHashMap map = new LinkedHashMap(); MapBase._fillMapWithMappedIterable(map, iterable, key, value); return map; } /** * Creates a [LinkedHashMap] associating the given [keys] to [values]. * * This constructor iterates over [keys] and [values] and maps each element of * [keys] to the corresponding element of [values]. * * If [keys] contains the same object multiple times, the last occurrence * overwrites the previous value. * * It is an error if the two [Iterable]s don't have the same length. */ factory LinkedHashMap.fromIterables(Iterable keys, Iterable values) { LinkedHashMap map = new LinkedHashMap(); MapBase._fillMapWithIterables(map, keys, values); return map; } } NN</.G;?(,0BLEIC#::OILN*NIILBKP@KI;D8MLG:HJKMM34"$'6"4=-MB/*<M/0ON7HCI8,9CIQ6L$GN96[file:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/collection/linked_hash_set.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.collection; /** * A [LinkedHashSet] is a hash-table based [Set] implementation. * * The `LinkedHashSet` also keep track of the order that elements were inserted * in, and iteration happens in first-to-last insertion order. * * The elements of a `LinkedHashSet` must have consistent [Object.==] * and [Object.hashCode] implementations. This means that the `==` operator * must define a stable equivalence relation on the elements (reflexive, * symmetric, transitive, and consistent over time), and that `hashCode` * must be the same for objects that are considered equal by `==`. * * The set allows `null` as an element. * * Iteration of elements is done in element insertion order. * An element that was added after another will occur later in the iteration. * Adding an element that is already in the set * does not change its position in the iteration order, * but removing an element and adding it again, * will make it the last element of an iteration. * * Most simple operations on `HashSet` are done in (potentially amortized) * constant time: [add], [contains], [remove], and [length], provided the hash * codes of objects are well distributed.. */ abstract class LinkedHashSet implements Set { /** * Create an insertion-ordered hash set using the provided * [equals] and [hashCode]. * * The provided [equals] must define a stable equivalence relation, and * [hashCode] must be consistent with [equals]. If the [equals] or [hashCode] * methods won't work on all objects, but only on some instances of E, the * [isValidKey] predicate can be used to restrict the keys that the functions * are applied to. * Any key for which [isValidKey] returns false is automatically assumed * to not be in the set when asking `contains`. * * If [equals] or [hashCode] are omitted, the set uses * the elements' intrinsic [Object.==] and [Object.hashCode], * and [isValidKey] is ignored since these operations are assumed * to work on all objects. * * If you supply one of [equals] and [hashCode], * you should generally also to supply the other. * * If the supplied `equals` or `hashCode` functions won't work on all [E] * objects, and the map will be used in a setting where a non-`E` object * is passed to, e.g., `contains`, then the [isValidKey] function should * also be supplied. * * If [isValidKey] is omitted, it defaults to testing if the object is an * [E] instance. That means that: * * new LinkedHashSet(equals: (int e1, int e2) => (e1 - e2) % 5 == 0, * hashCode: (int e) => e % 5) * * does not need an `isValidKey` argument, because it defaults to only * accepting `int` values which are accepted by both `equals` and `hashCode`. * * If neither `equals`, `hashCode`, nor `isValidKey` is provided, * the default `isValidKey` instead accepts all values. * The default equality and hashcode operations are assumed to work on all * objects. * * Likewise, if `equals` is [identical], `hashCode` is [identityHashCode] * and `isValidKey` is omitted, the resulting set is identity based, * and the `isValidKey` defaults to accepting all keys. * Such a map can be created directly using [LinkedHashSet.identity]. */ external factory LinkedHashSet( {bool equals(E e1, E e2), int hashCode(E e), bool isValidKey(potentialKey)}); /** * Creates an insertion-ordered identity-based set. * * Effectively a shorthand for: * * new LinkedHashSet(equals: identical, * hashCode: identityHashCode) */ external factory LinkedHashSet.identity(); /** * Create a linked hash set containing all [elements]. * * Creates a linked hash set as by `new LinkedHashSet()` and adds each * element of `elements` to this set in the order they are iterated. * * All the [elements] should be instances of [E]. * The `elements` iterable itself may have any element type, * so this constructor can be used to down-cast a `Set`, for example as: * * Set superSet = ...; * Iterable tmp = superSet.where((e) => e is SubType); * Set subSet = new LinkedHashSet.from(tmp); */ factory LinkedHashSet.from(Iterable elements) { LinkedHashSet result = new LinkedHashSet(); for (final element in elements) { result.add(element); } return result; } /** * Create a linked hash set from [elements]. * * Creates a linked hash set as by `new LinkedHashSet()` and adds each * element of `elements` to this set in the order they are iterated. */ factory LinkedHashSet.of(Iterable elements) => new LinkedHashSet()..addAll(elements); /** * Executes a function on each element of the set. * * The elements are iterated in insertion order. */ void forEach(void action(E element)); /** * Provides an iterator that iterates over the elements in insertion order. */ Iterator get iterator; } NN<AP?FLIIC(=N0802KO+4=JPMPK29@D34LKKL$P<IPD:MLG:H" '6"1:-9LG4?K(HE26&/LG4053(NWfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/collection/linked_list.dartD// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.collection; /** * A specialized double-linked list of elements that extends [LinkedListEntry]. * * This is not a generic data structure. It only accepts elements that extend * the [LinkedListEntry] class. See the [Queue] implementations for * generic collections that allow constant time adding and removing at the ends. * * This is not a [List] implementation. Despite its name, this class does not * implement the [List] interface. It does not allow constant time lookup by * index. * * Because the elements themselves contain the links of this linked list, * each element can be in only one list at a time. To add an element to another * list, it must first be removed from its current list (if any). * * In return, each element knows its own place in the linked list, as well as * which list it is in. This allows constant time [LinkedListEntry.insertAfter], * [LinkedListEntry.insertBefore] and [LinkedListEntry.unlink] operations * when all you have is the element. * * A `LinkedList` also allows constant time adding and removing at either end, * and a constant time length getter. */ class LinkedList> extends Iterable { int _modificationCount = 0; int _length = 0; E _first; /** * Construct a new empty linked list. */ LinkedList(); /** * Add [entry] to the beginning of the linked list. */ void addFirst(E entry) { _insertBefore(_first, entry, updateFirst: true); _first = entry; } /** * Add [entry] to the end of the linked list. */ void add(E entry) { _insertBefore(_first, entry, updateFirst: false); } /** * Add [entries] to the end of the linked list. */ void addAll(Iterable entries) { entries.forEach(add); } /** * Remove [entry] from the linked list. * * Returns false and does nothing if [entry] is not in this linked list. * * This is equivalent to calling `entry.unlink()` if the entry is in this * list. */ bool remove(E entry) { if (entry._list != this) return false; _unlink(entry); // Unlink will decrement length. return true; } Iterator get iterator => new _LinkedListIterator(this); int get length => _length; /** * Remove all elements from this linked list. */ void clear() { _modificationCount++; if (isEmpty) return; E next = _first; do { E entry = next; next = entry._next; entry._next = entry._previous = entry._list = null; } while (!identical(next, _first)); _first = null; _length = 0; } E get first { if (isEmpty) { throw new StateError('No such element'); } return _first; } E get last { if (isEmpty) { throw new StateError('No such element'); } return _first._previous; } E get single { if (isEmpty) { throw new StateError('No such element'); } if (_length > 1) { throw new StateError('Too many elements'); } return _first; } /** * Call [action] with each entry in this linked list. * * It's an error if [action] modify the linked list. */ void forEach(void action(E entry)) { int modificationCount = _modificationCount; if (isEmpty) return; E current = _first; do { action(current); if (modificationCount != _modificationCount) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } current = current._next; } while (!identical(current, _first)); } bool get isEmpty => _length == 0; /// Inserts [newEntry] as last entry of the list. /// /// If [updateFirst] is true and [entry] is the first entry in the list, /// updates the [_first] field to point to the [newEntry] as first entry. void _insertBefore(E entry, E newEntry, {bool updateFirst}) { if (newEntry.list != null) { throw new StateError('LinkedListEntry is already in a LinkedList'); } _modificationCount++; newEntry._list = this; if (isEmpty) { assert(entry == null); newEntry._previous = newEntry._next = newEntry; _first = newEntry; _length++; return; } E predecessor = entry._previous; E successor = entry; newEntry._previous = predecessor; newEntry._next = successor; predecessor._next = newEntry; successor._previous = newEntry; if (updateFirst && identical(entry, _first)) { _first = newEntry; } _length++; } void _unlink(E entry) { _modificationCount++; entry._next._previous = entry._previous; E next = entry._previous._next = entry._next; _length--; entry._list = entry._next = entry._previous = null; if (isEmpty) { _first = null; } else if (identical(entry, _first)) { _first = next; } } } class _LinkedListIterator> implements Iterator { final LinkedList _list; final int _modificationCount; E _current; LinkedListEntry _next; bool _visitedFirst; _LinkedListIterator(LinkedList list) : _list = list, _modificationCount = list._modificationCount, _next = list._first, _visitedFirst = false; E get current => _current; bool moveNext() { if (_modificationCount != _list._modificationCount) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } if (_list.isEmpty || (_visitedFirst && identical(_next, _list.first))) { _current = null; return false; } _visitedFirst = true; _current = _next; _next = _next._next; return true; } } /** * An object that can be an element in a [LinkedList]. * * All elements of a `LinkedList` must extend this class. * The class provides the internal links that link elements together * in the `LinkedList`, and a reference to the linked list itself * that an element is currently part of. * * An entry can be in at most one linked list at a time. * While an entry is in a linked list, the [list] property points to that * linked list, and otherwise the `list` property is `null`. * * When created, an entry is not in any linked list. */ abstract class LinkedListEntry> { LinkedList _list; E _next; E _previous; /** * Get the linked list containing this element. * * Returns `null` if this entry is not currently in any list. */ LinkedList get list => _list; /** * Unlink the element from its linked list. * * The entry must currently be in a linked list when this method is called. */ void unlink() { _list._unlink(this); } /** * Return the successor of this element in its linked list. * * Returns `null` if there is no successor in the linked list, or if this * entry is not currently in any list. */ E get next { if (_list == null || identical(_list.first, _next)) return null; return _next; } /** * Return the predecessor of this element in its linked list. * * Returns `null` if there is no predecessor in the linked list, or if this * entry is not currently in any list. */ E get previous { if (_list == null || identical(this, _list.first)) return null; return _previous; } /** * Insert an element after this element in this element's linked list. * * This entry must be in a linked list when this method is called. * The [entry] must not be in a linked list. */ void insertAfter(E entry) { _list._insertBefore(_next, entry, updateFirst: false); } /** * Insert an element before this element in this element's linked list. * * This entry must be in a linked list when this method is called. * The [entry] must not be in a linked list. */ void insertBefore(E entry) { _list._insertBefore(this, entry, updateFirst: true); } } 'NN<PNDQNM JPBNQJ%O&E (65062%*KL +5@0 :(///187'0 55+$4KL@!J6%& "$3-28+Q *6:3M7:EB)9J=5? 2@#.N>L)E@N)DIE/;JE/9Pfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/collection/list.darto// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.collection; /** * Abstract implementation of a list. * * `ListBase` can be used as a base class for implementing the `List` interface. * * All operations are defined in terms of `length`, `operator[]`, * `operator[]=` and `length=`, which need to be implemented. * * *NOTICE*: Forwarding just these four operations to a normal growable [List] * (as created by `new List()`) will give very bad performance for `add` and * `addAll` operations of `ListBase`. These operations are implemented by * increasing the length of the list by one for each `add` operation, and * repeatedly increasing the length of a growable list is not efficient. * To avoid this, either override 'add' and 'addAll' to also forward directly * to the growable list, or, preferably, use `DelegatingList` from * "package:collection/wrappers.dart" instead. */ abstract class ListBase extends Object with ListMixin { /** * Convert a `List` to a string as `[each, element, as, string]`. * * Handles circular references where converting one of the elements * to a string ends up converting [list] to a string again. */ static String listToString(List list) => IterableBase.iterableToFullString(list, '[', ']'); } /** * Base implementation of a [List] class. * * `ListMixin` can be used as a mixin to make a class implement * the `List` interface. * * This implements all read operations using only the `length` and * `operator[]` members. It implements write operations using those and * `length=` and `operator[]=` * * *NOTICE*: Forwarding just these four operations to a normal growable [List] * (as created by `new List()`) will give very bad performance for `add` and * `addAll` operations of `ListBase`. These operations are implemented by * increasing the length of the list by one for each `add` operation, and * repeatedly increasing the length of a growable list is not efficient. * To avoid this, either override 'add' and 'addAll' to also forward directly * to the growable list, or, if possible, use `DelegatingList` from * "package:collection/wrappers.dart" instead. */ abstract class ListMixin implements List { // Iterable interface. // TODO(lrn): When we get composable mixins, reuse IterableMixin instead // of redaclating everything. Iterator get iterator => new ListIterator(this); E elementAt(int index) => this[index]; Iterable followedBy(Iterable other) => new FollowedByIterable.firstEfficient(this, other); void forEach(void action(E element)) { int length = this.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { action(this[i]); if (length != this.length) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } } bool get isEmpty => length == 0; bool get isNotEmpty => !isEmpty; E get first { if (length == 0) throw IterableElementError.noElement(); return this[0]; } void set first(E value) { if (length == 0) throw IterableElementError.noElement(); this[0] = value; } E get last { if (length == 0) throw IterableElementError.noElement(); return this[length - 1]; } void set last(E value) { if (length == 0) throw IterableElementError.noElement(); this[length - 1] = value; } E get single { if (length == 0) throw IterableElementError.noElement(); if (length > 1) throw IterableElementError.tooMany(); return this[0]; } bool contains(Object element) { int length = this.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (this[i] == element) return true; if (length != this.length) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } return false; } bool every(bool test(E element)) { int length = this.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (!test(this[i])) return false; if (length != this.length) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } return true; } bool any(bool test(E element)) { int length = this.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (test(this[i])) return true; if (length != this.length) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } return false; } E firstWhere(bool test(E element), {E orElse()}) { int length = this.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { E element = this[i]; if (test(element)) return element; if (length != this.length) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } if (orElse != null) return orElse(); throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } E lastWhere(bool test(E element), {E orElse()}) { int length = this.length; for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { E element = this[i]; if (test(element)) return element; if (length != this.length) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } if (orElse != null) return orElse(); throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } E singleWhere(bool test(E element), {E orElse()}) { int length = this.length; E match = null; bool matchFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { E element = this[i]; if (test(element)) { if (matchFound) { throw IterableElementError.tooMany(); } matchFound = true; match = element; } if (length != this.length) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } if (matchFound) return match; if (orElse != null) return orElse(); throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } String join([String separator = ""]) { if (length == 0) return ""; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer()..writeAll(this, separator); return buffer.toString(); } Iterable where(bool test(E element)) => new WhereIterable(this, test); Iterable whereType() => new WhereTypeIterable(this); Iterable map(T f(E element)) => new MappedListIterable(this, f); Iterable expand(Iterable f(E element)) => new ExpandIterable(this, f); E reduce(E combine(E previousValue, E element)) { int length = this.length; if (length == 0) throw IterableElementError.noElement(); E value = this[0]; for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) { value = combine(value, this[i]); if (length != this.length) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } return value; } T fold(T initialValue, T combine(T previousValue, E element)) { var value = initialValue; int length = this.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { value = combine(value, this[i]); if (length != this.length) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } return value; } Iterable skip(int count) => new SubListIterable(this, count, null); Iterable skipWhile(bool test(E element)) { return new SkipWhileIterable(this, test); } Iterable take(int count) => new SubListIterable(this, 0, count); Iterable takeWhile(bool test(E element)) { return new TakeWhileIterable(this, test); } List toList({bool growable: true}) { List result; if (growable) { result = []..length = length; } else { result = new List(length); } for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { result[i] = this[i]; } return result; } Set toSet() { Set result = new Set(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { result.add(this[i]); } return result; } // List interface. void add(E element) { this[this.length++] = element; } void addAll(Iterable iterable) { int i = this.length; for (E element in iterable) { assert(this.length == i || (throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this))); this.length = i + 1; this[i] = element; i++; } } bool remove(Object element) { for (int i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (this[i] == element) { this._closeGap(i, i + 1); return true; } } return false; } /// Removes elements from the list starting at [start] up to but not including /// [end]. Arguments are pre-validated. void _closeGap(int start, int end) { int length = this.length; assert(0 <= start); assert(start < end); assert(end <= length); int size = end - start; for (int i = end; i < length; i++) { this[i - size] = this[i]; } this.length = length - size; } void removeWhere(bool test(E element)) { _filter(test, false); } void retainWhere(bool test(E element)) { _filter(test, true); } void _filter(bool test(E element), bool retainMatching) { List retained = []; int length = this.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { var element = this[i]; if (test(element) == retainMatching) { retained.add(element); } if (length != this.length) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } if (retained.length != this.length) { this.setRange(0, retained.length, retained); this.length = retained.length; } } void clear() { this.length = 0; } List cast() => List.castFrom(this); E removeLast() { if (length == 0) { throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } E result = this[length - 1]; length--; return result; } void sort([int compare(E a, E b)]) { Sort.sort(this, compare ?? _compareAny); } static int _compareAny(a, b) { // In strong mode requires an implicit cast to ensure // `a` and `b` are Comparable. return, b); } void shuffle([Random random]) { if (random == null) random = new Random(); int length = this.length; while (length > 1) { int pos = random.nextInt(length); length -= 1; var tmp = this[length]; this[length] = this[pos]; this[pos] = tmp; } } Map asMap() { return new ListMapView(this); } List operator +(List other) { var result = []..length = (this.length + other.length); result.setRange(0, this.length, this); result.setRange(this.length, result.length, other); return result; } List sublist(int start, [int end]) { int listLength = this.length; if (end == null) end = listLength; RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, listLength); int length = end - start; List result = []..length = length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { result[i] = this[start + i]; } return result; } Iterable getRange(int start, int end) { RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, this.length); return new SubListIterable(this, start, end); } void removeRange(int start, int end) { RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, this.length); if (end > start) { _closeGap(start, end); } } void fillRange(int start, int end, [E fill]) { RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, this.length); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { this[i] = fill; } } void setRange(int start, int end, Iterable iterable, [int skipCount = 0]) { RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, this.length); int length = end - start; if (length == 0) return; RangeError.checkNotNegative(skipCount, "skipCount"); List otherList; int otherStart; // TODO(floitsch): Make this accept more. if (iterable is List) { otherList = iterable; otherStart = skipCount; } else { otherList = iterable.skip(skipCount).toList(growable: false); otherStart = 0; } if (otherStart + length > otherList.length) { throw IterableElementError.tooFew(); } if (otherStart < start) { // Copy backwards to ensure correct copy if [from] is this. for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this[start + i] = otherList[otherStart + i]; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { this[start + i] = otherList[otherStart + i]; } } } void replaceRange(int start, int end, Iterable newContents) { RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, this.length); if (newContents is! EfficientLengthIterable) { newContents = newContents.toList(); } int removeLength = end - start; int insertLength = newContents.length; if (removeLength >= insertLength) { int insertEnd = start + insertLength; this.setRange(start, insertEnd, newContents); if (removeLength > insertLength) { _closeGap(insertEnd, end); } } else { int delta = insertLength - removeLength; int newLength = this.length + delta; int insertEnd = start + insertLength; // aka. end + delta. this.length = newLength; this.setRange(insertEnd, newLength, this, end); this.setRange(start, insertEnd, newContents); } } int indexOf(Object element, [int start = 0]) { if (start < 0) start = 0; for (int i = start; i < this.length; i++) { if (this[i] == element) return i; } return -1; } int indexWhere(bool test(E element), [int start = 0]) { if (start < 0) start = 0; for (int i = start; i < this.length; i++) { if (test(this[i])) return i; } return -1; } int lastIndexOf(Object element, [int start]) { if (start == null || start >= this.length) start = this.length - 1; for (int i = start; i >= 0; i--) { if (this[i] == element) return i; } return -1; } int lastIndexWhere(bool test(E element), [int start]) { if (start == null || start >= this.length) start = this.length - 1; for (int i = start; i >= 0; i--) { if (test(this[i])) return i; } return -1; } void insert(int index, E element) { RangeError.checkValueInInterval(index, 0, length, "index"); if (index == this.length) { add(element); return; } // We are modifying the length just below the is-check. Without the check // Array.copy could throw an exception, leaving the list in a bad state // (with a length that has been increased, but without a new element). if (index is! int) throw new ArgumentError(index); this.length++; setRange(index + 1, this.length, this, index); this[index] = element; } E removeAt(int index) { E result = this[index]; _closeGap(index, index + 1); return result; } void insertAll(int index, Iterable iterable) { RangeError.checkValueInInterval(index, 0, length, "index"); if (iterable is! EfficientLengthIterable || identical(iterable, this)) { iterable = iterable.toList(); } int insertionLength = iterable.length; // There might be errors after the length change, in which case the list // will end up being modified but the operation not complete. Unless we // always go through a "toList" we can't really avoid that. this.length += insertionLength; if (iterable.length != insertionLength) { // If the iterable's length is linked to this list's length somehow, // we can't insert one in the other. this.length -= insertionLength; throw new ConcurrentModificationError(iterable); } setRange(index + insertionLength, this.length, this, index); setAll(index, iterable); } void setAll(int index, Iterable iterable) { if (iterable is List) { setRange(index, index + iterable.length, iterable); } else { for (E element in iterable) { this[index++] = element; } } } Iterable get reversed => new ReversedListIterable(this); String toString() => IterableBase.iterableToFullString(this, '[', ']'); } NN<&QB>OMJJINC/>DF>+9*@CHOMJJIND/1K 9)/=)'#5##=====:"'+#5%'(#5#'5')#5),4,)#5),6'0 #5"),) IO@O5)4=''#5E''#5L01I01*' $'"'#&"Q  , "Q+') !++<'-#5*3%2.!'-!M#%"/( %&?+8*"'8-'#-95)919(Q99. D2+B.5 )5C93*$+(,4)# /+A6410(:0#1H'(:H'#&@ NLK73!4@M$+ML@$.K+&7A1: $!AJPfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/collection/maps.dart// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.collection; /** * Base class for implementing a [Map]. * * This class has a basic implementation of all but five of the members of * [Map]. * A basic `Map` class can be implemented by extending this class and * implementing `keys`, `operator[]`, `operator[]=`, `remove` and `clear`. * The remaining operations are implemented in terms of these five. * * The `keys` iterable should have efficient [Iterable.length] and * [Iterable.contains] operations, and it should catch concurrent modifications * of the keys while iterating. * * A more efficient implementation is usually possible by overriding * some of the other members as well. */ abstract class MapBase extends MapMixin { static String mapToString(Map m) { // Reuses the list in IterableBase for detecting toString cycles. if (_isToStringVisiting(m)) { return '{...}'; } var result = new StringBuffer(); try { _toStringVisiting.add(m); result.write('{'); bool first = true; m.forEach((k, v) { if (!first) { result.write(', '); } first = false; result.write(k); result.write(': '); result.write(v); }); result.write('}'); } finally { assert(identical(_toStringVisiting.last, m)); _toStringVisiting.removeLast(); } return result.toString(); } static _id(x) => x; /** * Fills a [Map] with key/value pairs computed from [iterable]. * * This method is used by [Map] classes in the named constructor * `fromIterable`. */ static void _fillMapWithMappedIterable( Map map, Iterable iterable, key(element), value(element)) { key ??= _id; value ??= _id; for (var element in iterable) { map[key(element)] = value(element); } } /** * Fills a map by associating the [keys] to [values]. * * This method is used by [Map] classes in the named constructor * `fromIterables`. */ static void _fillMapWithIterables(Map map, Iterable keys, Iterable values) { Iterator keyIterator = keys.iterator; Iterator valueIterator = values.iterator; bool hasNextKey = keyIterator.moveNext(); bool hasNextValue = valueIterator.moveNext(); while (hasNextKey && hasNextValue) { map[keyIterator.current] = valueIterator.current; hasNextKey = keyIterator.moveNext(); hasNextValue = valueIterator.moveNext(); } if (hasNextKey || hasNextValue) { throw new ArgumentError("Iterables do not have same length."); } } } /** * Mixin implementing a [Map]. * * This mixin has a basic implementation of all but five of the members of * [Map]. * A basic `Map` class can be implemented by mixin in this class and * implementing `keys`, `operator[]`, `operator[]=`, `remove` and `clear`. * The remaining operations are implemented in terms of these five. * * The `keys` iterable should have efficient [Iterable.length] and * [Iterable.contains] operations, and it should catch concurrent modifications * of the keys while iterating. * * A more efficient implementation is usually possible by overriding * some of the other members as well. */ abstract class MapMixin implements Map { Iterable get keys; V operator [](Object key); operator []=(K key, V value); V remove(Object key); // The `clear` operation should not be based on `remove`. // It should clear the map even if some keys are not equal to themselves. void clear(); Map cast() => Map.castFrom(this); void forEach(void action(K key, V value)) { for (K key in keys) { action(key, this[key]); } } void addAll(Map other) { for (K key in other.keys) { this[key] = other[key]; } } bool containsValue(Object value) { for (K key in keys) { if (this[key] == value) return true; } return false; } V putIfAbsent(K key, V ifAbsent()) { if (containsKey(key)) { return this[key]; } return this[key] = ifAbsent(); } V update(K key, V update(V value), {V ifAbsent()}) { if (this.containsKey(key)) { return this[key] = update(this[key]); } if (ifAbsent != null) { return this[key] = ifAbsent(); } throw new ArgumentError.value(key, "key", "Key not in map."); } void updateAll(V update(K key, V value)) { for (var key in this.keys) { this[key] = update(key, this[key]); } } Iterable> get entries { return key) => new MapEntry(key, this[key])); } Map map(MapEntry transform(K key, V value)) { var result = {}; for (var key in this.keys) { var entry = transform(key, this[key]); result[entry.key] = entry.value; } return result; } void addEntries(Iterable> newEntries) { for (var entry in newEntries) { this[entry.key] = entry.value; } } void removeWhere(bool test(K key, V value)) { var keysToRemove = []; for (var key in keys) { if (test(key, this[key])) keysToRemove.add(key); } for (var key in keysToRemove) { this.remove(key); } } bool containsKey(Object key) => keys.contains(key); int get length => keys.length; bool get isEmpty => keys.isEmpty; bool get isNotEmpty => keys.isNotEmpty; Iterable get values => new _MapBaseValueIterable(this); String toString() => MapBase.mapToString(this); } /** * Basic implementation of an unmodifiable [Map]. * * This class has a basic implementation of all but two of the members of * an umodifiable [Map]. * A simple unmodifiable `Map` class can be implemented by extending this * class and implementing `keys` and `operator[]`. * * Modifying operations throw when used. * The remaining non-modifying operations are implemented in terms of `keys` * and `operator[]`. * * The `keys` iterable should have efficient [Iterable.length] and * [Iterable.contains] operations, and it should catch concurrent modifications * of the keys while iterating. * * A more efficient implementation is usually possible by overriding * some of the other members as well. */ abstract class UnmodifiableMapBase = MapBase with _UnmodifiableMapMixin; /** * Implementation of [Map.values] based on the map and its [Map.keys] iterable. * * Iterable that iterates over the values of a `Map`. * It accesses the values by iterating over the keys of the map, and using the * map's `operator[]` to lookup the keys. */ class _MapBaseValueIterable extends EfficientLengthIterable { final Map _map; _MapBaseValueIterable(this._map); int get length => _map.length; bool get isEmpty => _map.isEmpty; bool get isNotEmpty => _map.isNotEmpty; V get first => _map[_map.keys.first]; V get single => _map[_map.keys.single]; V get last => _map[_map.keys.last]; Iterator get iterator => new _MapBaseValueIterator(_map); } /** * Iterator created by [_MapBaseValueIterable]. * * Iterates over the values of a map by iterating its keys and lookup up the * values. */ class _MapBaseValueIterator implements Iterator { final Iterator _keys; final Map _map; V _current = null; _MapBaseValueIterator(Map map) : _map = map, _keys = map.keys.iterator; bool moveNext() { if (_keys.moveNext()) { _current = _map[_keys.current]; return true; } _current = null; return false; } V get current => _current; } /** * Mixin that overrides mutating map operations with implementations that throw. */ abstract class _UnmodifiableMapMixin implements Map { /** This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable map. */ void operator []=(K key, V value) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot modify unmodifiable map"); } /** This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable map. */ void addAll(Map other) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot modify unmodifiable map"); } /** This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable map. */ void clear() { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot modify unmodifiable map"); } /** This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable map. */ V remove(Object key) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot modify unmodifiable map"); } /** This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable map. */ V putIfAbsent(K key, V ifAbsent()) { throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot modify unmodifiable map"); } } /** * Wrapper around a class that implements [Map] that only exposes `Map` members. * * A simple wrapper that delegates all `Map` members to the map provided in the * constructor. * * Base for delegating map implementations like [UnmodifiableMapView]. */ class MapView implements Map { final Map _map; const MapView(Map map) : _map = map; Map cast() => _map.cast(); V operator [](Object key) => _map[key]; void operator []=(K key, V value) { _map[key] = value; } void addAll(Map other) { _map.addAll(other); } void clear() { _map.clear(); } V putIfAbsent(K key, V ifAbsent()) => _map.putIfAbsent(key, ifAbsent); bool containsKey(Object key) => _map.containsKey(key); bool containsValue(Object value) => _map.containsValue(value); void forEach(void action(K key, V value)) { _map.forEach(action); } bool get isEmpty => _map.isEmpty; bool get isNotEmpty => _map.isNotEmpty; int get length => _map.length; Iterable get keys => _map.keys; V remove(Object key) => _map.remove(key); String toString() => _map.toString(); Iterable get values => _map.values; Iterable> get entries => _map.entries; void addEntries(Iterable entries) { _map.addEntries(entries); } Map map(MapEntry transform(K key, V value)) =>; V update(K key, V update(V value), {V ifAbsent()}) => _map.update(key, update, ifAbsent: ifAbsent); void updateAll(V update(K key, V value)) { _map.updateAll(update); } void removeWhere(bool test(K key, V value)) { _map.removeWhere(test); } } /** * View of a [Map] that disallow modifying the map. * * A wrapper around a `Map` that forwards all members to the map provided in * the constructor, except for operations that modify the map. * Modifying operations throw instead. */ class UnmodifiableMapView extends MapView with _UnmodifiableMapMixin { UnmodifiableMapView(Map map) : super(map); Map cast() => new UnmodifiableMapView(_map.cast()); } zNN<(K FKDCP E&6%F"%   4&BC*B$*8CO*..2)8+/&EK EKDCP E&5  implements EfficientLengthIterable { /** * Creates a queue. */ factory Queue() = ListQueue; /** * Creates a queue containing all [elements]. * * The element order in the queue is as if the elements were added using * [addLast] in the order provided by [elements.iterator]. * * All the [elements] should be instances of [E]. * The `elements` iterable itself may have any element type, so this * constructor can be used to down-cast a `Queue`, for example as: * ```dart * Queue superQueue = ...; * Queue subQueue = * new Queue.from(superSet.whereType()); * ``` */ factory Queue.from(Iterable elements) = ListQueue.from; /** * Creates a queue from [elements]. * * The element order in the queue is as if the elements were added using * [addLast] in the order provided by [elements.iterator]. */ factory Queue.of(Iterable elements) = ListQueue.of; /** * Adapts [source] to be a `Queue`. * * Any time the queue would produce an element that is not a [T], * the element access will throw. * * Any time a [T] value is attempted stored into the adapted queue, * the store will throw unless the value is also an instance of [S]. * * If all accessed elements of [source] are actually instances of [T], * and if all elements stored into the returned queue are actually instance * of [S], * then the returned queue can be used as a `Queue`. */ static Queue castFrom(Queue source) => new CastQueue(source); /** * Provides a view of this queue as a queue of [R] instances, if necessary. * * If this queue contains only instances of [R], all read operations * will work correctly. If any operation tries to access an element * that is not an instance of [R], the access will throw instead. * * Elements added to the queue (e.g., by using [addFirst] or [addAll]) * must be instance of [R] to be valid arguments to the adding function, * and they must be instances of [E] as well to be accepted by * this queue as well. */ Queue cast(); /** * Removes and returns the first element of this queue. * * The queue must not be empty when this method is called. */ E removeFirst(); /** * Removes and returns the last element of the queue. * * The queue must not be empty when this method is called. */ E removeLast(); /** * Adds [value] at the beginning of the queue. */ void addFirst(E value); /** * Adds [value] at the end of the queue. */ void addLast(E value); /** * Adds [value] at the end of the queue. */ void add(E value); /** * Remove a single instance of [value] from the queue. * * Returns `true` if a value was removed, or `false` if the queue * contained no element equal to [value]. */ bool remove(Object value); /** * Adds all elements of [iterable] at the end of the queue. The * length of the queue is extended by the length of [iterable]. */ void addAll(Iterable iterable); /** * Removes all elements matched by [test] from the queue. * * The `test` function must not throw or modify the queue. */ void removeWhere(bool test(E element)); /** * Removes all elements not matched by [test] from the queue. * * The `test` function must not throw or modify the queue. */ void retainWhere(bool test(E element)); /** * Removes all elements in the queue. The size of the queue becomes zero. */ void clear(); } class _DoubleLink> { Link _previousLink; Link _nextLink; void _link(Link previous, Link next) { _nextLink = next; _previousLink = previous; if (previous != null) previous._nextLink = this; if (next != null) next._previousLink = this; } void _unlink() { if (_previousLink != null) _previousLink._nextLink = _nextLink; if (_nextLink != null) _nextLink._previousLink = _previousLink; _nextLink = null; _previousLink = null; } } /** * An entry in a doubly linked list. It contains a pointer to the next * entry, the previous entry, and the boxed element. */ class DoubleLinkedQueueEntry extends _DoubleLink> { /// The element in the queue. E element; DoubleLinkedQueueEntry(this.element); /// Appends the given [e] as entry just after this entry. void append(E e) { new DoubleLinkedQueueEntry(e)._link(this, _nextLink); } /// Prepends the given [e] as entry just before this entry. void prepend(E e) { new DoubleLinkedQueueEntry(e)._link(_previousLink, this); } E remove() { _unlink(); return element; } /// Returns the previous entry or `null` if there is none. DoubleLinkedQueueEntry previousEntry() => _previousLink; /// Returns the next entry or `null` if there is none. DoubleLinkedQueueEntry nextEntry() => _nextLink; } /** * Interface for the link classes used by [DoubleLinkedQueue]. * * Both the [_DoubleLinkedQueueElement] and [_DoubleLinkedQueueSentinel] * implement this interface. * The entry contains a link back to the queue, so calling `append` * or `prepend` can correctly update the element count. */ abstract class _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry extends DoubleLinkedQueueEntry { DoubleLinkedQueue _queue; _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry(E element, this._queue) : super(element); DoubleLinkedQueueEntry _asNonSentinelEntry(); void _append(E e) { new _DoubleLinkedQueueElement(e, _queue)._link(this, _nextLink); } void _prepend(E e) { new _DoubleLinkedQueueElement(e, _queue)._link(_previousLink, this); } E _remove(); E get _element => element; DoubleLinkedQueueEntry nextEntry() { _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry entry = _nextLink; return entry._asNonSentinelEntry(); } DoubleLinkedQueueEntry previousEntry() { _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry entry = _previousLink; return entry._asNonSentinelEntry(); } } /** * The actual entry type used by the [DoubleLinkedQueue]. * * The entry contains a reference to the queue, allowing * [append]/[prepend] to update the list length. */ class _DoubleLinkedQueueElement extends _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry { _DoubleLinkedQueueElement(E element, DoubleLinkedQueue queue) : super(element, queue); void append(E e) { _append(e); if (_queue != null) _queue._elementCount++; } void prepend(E e) { _prepend(e); if (_queue != null) _queue._elementCount++; } E _remove() { _queue = null; _unlink(); return element; } E remove() { if (_queue != null) _queue._elementCount--; return _remove(); } _DoubleLinkedQueueElement _asNonSentinelEntry() { return this; } } /** * A sentinel in a double linked list is used to manipulate the list * at both ends. * A double linked list has exactly one sentinel, * which is the only entry when the list is constructed. * Initially, a sentinel has its next and previous entry point to itself. * A sentinel does not box any user element. */ class _DoubleLinkedQueueSentinel extends _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry { _DoubleLinkedQueueSentinel(DoubleLinkedQueue queue) : super(null, queue) { _previousLink = this; _nextLink = this; } DoubleLinkedQueueEntry _asNonSentinelEntry() { return null; } /** Hit by, e.g., [DoubleLinkedQueue.removeFirst] if the queue is empty. */ E _remove() { throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } /** Hit by, e.g., [DoubleLinkedQueue.first] if the queue is empty. */ E get _element { throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } } /** * A [Queue] implementation based on a double-linked list. * * Allows constant time add, remove-at-ends and peek operations. */ class DoubleLinkedQueue extends Iterable implements Queue { _DoubleLinkedQueueSentinel _sentinel; int _elementCount = 0; DoubleLinkedQueue() { _sentinel = new _DoubleLinkedQueueSentinel(this); } /** * Creates a double-linked queue containing all [elements]. * * The element order in the queue is as if the elements were added using * [addLast] in the order provided by [elements.iterator]. * * All the [elements] should be instances of [E]. * The `elements` iterable itself may have any element type, so this * constructor can be used to down-cast a `Queue`, for example as: * ```dart * Queue superQueue = ...; * Queue subQueue = * new DoubleLinkedQueue.from(superQueue.whereType()); * ``` */ factory DoubleLinkedQueue.from(Iterable elements) { Queue list = new DoubleLinkedQueue(); for (final e in elements) { list.addLast(e); } return list; } /** * Creates a double-linked queue from [elements]. * * The element order in the queue is as if the elements were added using * [addLast] in the order provided by [elements.iterator]. */ factory DoubleLinkedQueue.of(Iterable elements) => new DoubleLinkedQueue()..addAll(elements); Queue cast() => Queue.castFrom(this); int get length => _elementCount; void addLast(E value) { _sentinel._prepend(value); _elementCount++; } void addFirst(E value) { _sentinel._append(value); _elementCount++; } void add(E value) { _sentinel._prepend(value); _elementCount++; } void addAll(Iterable iterable) { for (final E value in iterable) { _sentinel._prepend(value); _elementCount++; } } E removeLast() { _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry lastEntry = _sentinel._previousLink; E result = lastEntry._remove(); _elementCount--; return result; } E removeFirst() { _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry firstEntry = _sentinel._nextLink; E result = firstEntry._remove(); _elementCount--; return result; } bool remove(Object o) { _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry entry = _sentinel._nextLink; while (!identical(entry, _sentinel)) { bool equals = (entry._element == o); if (!identical(this, entry._queue)) { // Entry must still be in the queue. throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } if (equals) { entry._remove(); _elementCount--; return true; } entry = entry._nextLink; } return false; } void _filter(bool test(E element), bool removeMatching) { _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry entry = _sentinel._nextLink; while (!identical(entry, _sentinel)) { bool matches = test(entry._element); if (!identical(this, entry._queue)) { // Entry must still be in the queue. throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry next = entry._nextLink; // Cannot be null. if (identical(removeMatching, matches)) { entry._remove(); _elementCount--; } entry = next; } } void removeWhere(bool test(E element)) { _filter(test, true); } void retainWhere(bool test(E element)) { _filter(test, false); } E get first { _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry firstEntry = _sentinel._nextLink; return firstEntry._element; } E get last { _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry lastEntry = _sentinel._previousLink; return lastEntry._element; } E get single { // Note that this throws correctly if the queue is empty // because reading the element of the sentinel throws. if (identical(_sentinel._nextLink, _sentinel._previousLink)) { _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry entry = _sentinel._nextLink; return entry._element; } throw IterableElementError.tooMany(); } /** * The entry object of the first element in the queue. * * Each element of the queue has an associated [DoubleLinkedQueueEntry]. * Returns the entry object corresponding to the first element of the queue. * * The entry objects can also be accessed using [lastEntry], * and they can be iterated using [DoubleLinkedQueueEntry.nextEntry()] and * [DoubleLinkedQueueEntry.previousEntry()]. */ DoubleLinkedQueueEntry firstEntry() { return _sentinel.nextEntry(); } /** * The entry object of the last element in the queue. * * Each element of the queue has an associated [DoubleLinkedQueueEntry]. * Returns the entry object corresponding to the last element of the queue. * * The entry objects can also be accessed using [firstEntry], * and they can be iterated using [DoubleLinkedQueueEntry.nextEntry()] and * [DoubleLinkedQueueEntry.previousEntry()]. */ DoubleLinkedQueueEntry lastEntry() { return _sentinel.previousEntry(); } bool get isEmpty { return (identical(_sentinel._nextLink, _sentinel)); } void clear() { _sentinel._nextLink = _sentinel; _sentinel._previousLink = _sentinel; _elementCount = 0; } /** * Calls [action] for each entry object of this double-linked queue. * * Each element of the queue has an associated [DoubleLinkedQueueEntry]. * This method iterates the entry objects from first to last and calls * [action] with each object in turn. * * The entry objects can also be accessed using [firstEntry] and [lastEntry], * and iterated using [DoubleLinkedQueueEntry.nextEntry()] and * [DoubleLinkedQueueEntry.previousEntry()]. * * The [action] function can use methods on [DoubleLinkedQueueEntry] to remove * the entry or it can insert elements before or after then entry. * If the current entry is removed, iteration continues with the entry that * was following the current entry when [action] was called. Any elements * inserted after the current element before it is removed will not be * visited by the iteration. */ void forEachEntry(void action(DoubleLinkedQueueEntry element)) { _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry entry = _sentinel._nextLink; while (!identical(entry, _sentinel)) { _DoubleLinkedQueueElement element = entry; _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry next = element._nextLink; // Remember both entry and entry._nextLink. // If someone calls `element.remove()` we continue from `next`. // Otherwise we use the value of entry._nextLink which may have been // updated. action(element); if (identical(this, entry._queue)) { next = entry._nextLink; } else if (!identical(this, next._queue)) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } entry = next; } } _DoubleLinkedQueueIterator get iterator { return new _DoubleLinkedQueueIterator(_sentinel); } String toString() => IterableBase.iterableToFullString(this, '{', '}'); } class _DoubleLinkedQueueIterator implements Iterator { _DoubleLinkedQueueSentinel _sentinel; _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry _nextEntry = null; E _current; _DoubleLinkedQueueIterator(_DoubleLinkedQueueSentinel sentinel) : _sentinel = sentinel, _nextEntry = sentinel._nextLink; bool moveNext() { if (identical(_nextEntry, _sentinel)) { _current = null; _nextEntry = null; _sentinel = null; return false; } _DoubleLinkedQueueElement elementEntry = _nextEntry; if (!identical(_sentinel._queue, elementEntry._queue)) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(_sentinel._queue); } _current = elementEntry._element; _nextEntry = elementEntry._nextLink; return true; } E get current => _current; } /** * List based [Queue]. * * Keeps a cyclic buffer of elements, and grows to a larger buffer when * it fills up. This guarantees constant time peek and remove operations, and * amortized constant time add operations. * * The structure is efficient for any queue or stack usage. */ class ListQueue extends ListIterable implements Queue { static const int _INITIAL_CAPACITY = 8; List _table; int _head; int _tail; int _modificationCount = 0; /** * Create an empty queue. * * If [initialCapacity] is given, prepare the queue for at least that many * elements. */ ListQueue([int initialCapacity]) : _head = 0, _tail = 0 { if (initialCapacity == null || initialCapacity < _INITIAL_CAPACITY) { initialCapacity = _INITIAL_CAPACITY; } else if (!_isPowerOf2(initialCapacity)) { initialCapacity = _nextPowerOf2(initialCapacity); } assert(_isPowerOf2(initialCapacity)); _table = new List(initialCapacity); } /** * Create a `ListQueue` containing all [elements]. * * The elements are added to the queue, as by [addLast], in the order given by * `elements.iterator`. * * All the [elements] should be instances of [E]. * The `elements` iterable itself may have any element type, so this * constructor can be used to down-cast a `Queue`, for example as: * ```dart * Queue superQueue = ...; * Queue subQueue = * new ListQueue.from(superQueue.whereType()); * ``` */ factory ListQueue.from(Iterable elements) { if (elements is List) { int length = elements.length; ListQueue queue = new ListQueue(length + 1); assert(queue._table.length > length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { queue._table[i] = elements[i]; } queue._tail = length; return queue; } else { int capacity = _INITIAL_CAPACITY; if (elements is EfficientLengthIterable) { capacity = elements.length; } ListQueue result = new ListQueue(capacity); for (final element in elements) { result.addLast(element); } return result; } } /** * Create a `ListQueue` from [elements]. * * The elements are added to the queue, as by [addLast], in the order given by * `elements.iterator`. */ factory ListQueue.of(Iterable elements) => new ListQueue()..addAll(elements); // Iterable interface. Queue cast() => Queue.castFrom(this); Iterator get iterator => new _ListQueueIterator(this); void forEach(void f(E element)) { int modificationCount = _modificationCount; for (int i = _head; i != _tail; i = (i + 1) & (_table.length - 1)) { f(_table[i]); _checkModification(modificationCount); } } bool get isEmpty => _head == _tail; int get length => (_tail - _head) & (_table.length - 1); E get first { if (_head == _tail) throw IterableElementError.noElement(); return _table[_head]; } E get last { if (_head == _tail) throw IterableElementError.noElement(); return _table[(_tail - 1) & (_table.length - 1)]; } E get single { if (_head == _tail) throw IterableElementError.noElement(); if (length > 1) throw IterableElementError.tooMany(); return _table[_head]; } E elementAt(int index) { RangeError.checkValidIndex(index, this); return _table[(_head + index) & (_table.length - 1)]; } List toList({bool growable: true}) { List list; if (growable) { list = []..length = length; } else { list = new List(length); } _writeToList(list); return list; } // Collection interface. void add(E value) { _add(value); } void addAll(Iterable elements) { if (elements is List) { List list = elements; int addCount = list.length; int length = this.length; if (length + addCount >= _table.length) { _preGrow(length + addCount); // After preGrow, all elements are at the start of the list. _table.setRange(length, length + addCount, list, 0); _tail += addCount; } else { // Adding addCount elements won't reach _head. int endSpace = _table.length - _tail; if (addCount < endSpace) { _table.setRange(_tail, _tail + addCount, list, 0); _tail += addCount; } else { int preSpace = addCount - endSpace; _table.setRange(_tail, _tail + endSpace, list, 0); _table.setRange(0, preSpace, list, endSpace); _tail = preSpace; } } _modificationCount++; } else { for (E element in elements) _add(element); } } bool remove(Object value) { for (int i = _head; i != _tail; i = (i + 1) & (_table.length - 1)) { E element = _table[i]; if (element == value) { _remove(i); _modificationCount++; return true; } } return false; } void _filterWhere(bool test(E element), bool removeMatching) { int modificationCount = _modificationCount; int i = _head; while (i != _tail) { E element = _table[i]; bool remove = identical(removeMatching, test(element)); _checkModification(modificationCount); if (remove) { i = _remove(i); modificationCount = ++_modificationCount; } else { i = (i + 1) & (_table.length - 1); } } } /** * Remove all elements matched by [test]. * * This method is inefficient since it works by repeatedly removing single * elements, each of which can take linear time. */ void removeWhere(bool test(E element)) { _filterWhere(test, true); } /** * Remove all elements not matched by [test]. * * This method is inefficient since it works by repeatedly removing single * elements, each of which can take linear time. */ void retainWhere(bool test(E element)) { _filterWhere(test, false); } void clear() { if (_head != _tail) { for (int i = _head; i != _tail; i = (i + 1) & (_table.length - 1)) { _table[i] = null; } _head = _tail = 0; _modificationCount++; } } String toString() => IterableBase.iterableToFullString(this, "{", "}"); // Queue interface. void addLast(E value) { _add(value); } void addFirst(E value) { _head = (_head - 1) & (_table.length - 1); _table[_head] = value; if (_head == _tail) _grow(); _modificationCount++; } E removeFirst() { if (_head == _tail) throw IterableElementError.noElement(); _modificationCount++; E result = _table[_head]; _table[_head] = null; _head = (_head + 1) & (_table.length - 1); return result; } E removeLast() { if (_head == _tail) throw IterableElementError.noElement(); _modificationCount++; _tail = (_tail - 1) & (_table.length - 1); E result = _table[_tail]; _table[_tail] = null; return result; } // Internal helper functions. /** * Whether [number] is a power of two. * * Only works for positive numbers. */ static bool _isPowerOf2(int number) => (number & (number - 1)) == 0; /** * Rounds [number] up to the nearest power of 2. * * If [number] is a power of 2 already, it is returned. * * Only works for positive numbers. */ static int _nextPowerOf2(int number) { assert(number > 0); number = (number << 1) - 1; for (;;) { int nextNumber = number & (number - 1); if (nextNumber == 0) return number; number = nextNumber; } } /** Check if the queue has been modified during iteration. */ void _checkModification(int expectedModificationCount) { if (expectedModificationCount != _modificationCount) { throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } /** Adds element at end of queue. Used by both [add] and [addAll]. */ void _add(E element) { _table[_tail] = element; _tail = (_tail + 1) & (_table.length - 1); if (_head == _tail) _grow(); _modificationCount++; } /** * Removes the element at [offset] into [_table]. * * Removal is performed by linearly moving elements either before or after * [offset] by one position. * * Returns the new offset of the following element. This may be the same * offset or the following offset depending on how elements are moved * to fill the hole. */ int _remove(int offset) { int mask = _table.length - 1; int startDistance = (offset - _head) & mask; int endDistance = (_tail - offset) & mask; if (startDistance < endDistance) { // Closest to start. int i = offset; while (i != _head) { int prevOffset = (i - 1) & mask; _table[i] = _table[prevOffset]; i = prevOffset; } _table[_head] = null; _head = (_head + 1) & mask; return (offset + 1) & mask; } else { _tail = (_tail - 1) & mask; int i = offset; while (i != _tail) { int nextOffset = (i + 1) & mask; _table[i] = _table[nextOffset]; i = nextOffset; } _table[_tail] = null; return offset; } } /** * Grow the table when full. */ void _grow() { List newTable = new List(_table.length * 2); int split = _table.length - _head; newTable.setRange(0, split, _table, _head); newTable.setRange(split, split + _head, _table, 0); _head = 0; _tail = _table.length; _table = newTable; } int _writeToList(List target) { assert(target.length >= length); if (_head <= _tail) { int length = _tail - _head; target.setRange(0, length, _table, _head); return length; } else { int firstPartSize = _table.length - _head; target.setRange(0, firstPartSize, _table, _head); target.setRange(firstPartSize, firstPartSize + _tail, _table, 0); return _tail + firstPartSize; } } /** Grows the table even if it is not full. */ void _preGrow(int newElementCount) { assert(newElementCount >= length); // Add some extra room to ensure that there's room for more elements after // expansion. newElementCount += newElementCount >> 1; int newCapacity = _nextPowerOf2(newElementCount); List newTable = new List(newCapacity); _tail = _writeToList(newTable); _table = newTable; _head = 0; } } /** * Iterator for a [ListQueue]. * * Considers any add or remove operation a concurrent modification. */ class _ListQueueIterator implements Iterator { final ListQueue _queue; final int _end; final int _modificationCount; int _position; E _current; _ListQueueIterator(ListQueue queue) : _queue = queue, _end = queue._tail, _modificationCount = queue._modificationCount, _position = queue._head; E get current => _current; bool moveNext() { _queue._checkModification(_modificationCount); if (_position == _end) { _current = null; return false; } _current = _queue._table[_position]; _position = (_position + 1) & (_queue._table.length - 1); return true; } } NN<GFQNMI:@"0K=4GE (A =&K=<)D$FGIN :5#NGFDIKA:=8=1++9D,BB%<=*@=*L4)51DDG5Q (<=>A=>96?ID8ND3HL*2(.6(:91HC0007E29J-IP4N,H,;AE+9>K=4GE (O 60 4K=844#&&!D$A%<++,-5<<++,-5L0++A D=;C>*9KO?M/+"8KN@M/*&8%)GKI(PA/QENLIF<+4;2FK+ 25/9J=+0E),<=?&)HN+<A* M#J+08*+5Q4GE (G .$9,)' (1$8(!+Q0,4?$0I-&;@@6@:-:*% "&" 0%E=7.#=.=8  1IA0>-2+,M3+0M3+KJ/!@/@/ )&G3:&) .*@;;3H/!4MKH"1/')("" ")(7'08%%"1 18H$1''O-61$D5 )7!3)>Ofile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/collection/set.dartT// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /** * Base implementations of [Set]. */ part of dart.collection; /** * Mixin implementation of [Set]. * * This class provides a base implementation of a `Set` that depends only * on the abstract members: [add], [contains], [lookup], [remove], * [iterator], [length] and [toSet]. * * Some of the methods assume that `toSet` creates a modifiable set. * If using this mixin for an unmodifiable set, * where `toSet` should return an unmodifiable set, * it's necessary to reimplement * [retainAll], [union], [intersection] and [difference]. * * Implementations of `Set` using this mixin should consider also implementing * `clear` in constant time. The default implementation works by removing every * element. */ abstract class SetMixin implements Set { // This class reimplements all of [IterableMixin]. // If/when Dart mixins get more powerful, we should just create a single // Mixin class from IterableMixin and the new methods of this class. bool add(E value); bool contains(Object element); E lookup(Object element); bool remove(Object value); Iterator get iterator; Set toSet(); int get length; bool get isEmpty => length == 0; bool get isNotEmpty => length != 0; Set cast() => Set.castFrom(this); Iterable followedBy(Iterable other) => new FollowedByIterable.firstEfficient(this, other); Iterable whereType() => new WhereTypeIterable(this); void clear() { removeAll(toList()); } void addAll(Iterable elements) { for (E element in elements) add(element); } void removeAll(Iterable elements) { for (Object element in elements) remove(element); } void retainAll(Iterable elements) { // Create a copy of the set, remove all of elements from the copy, // then remove all remaining elements in copy from this. Set toRemove = toSet(); for (Object o in elements) { toRemove.remove(o); } removeAll(toRemove); } void removeWhere(bool test(E element)) { List toRemove = []; for (E element in this) { if (test(element)) toRemove.add(element); } removeAll(toRemove); } void retainWhere(bool test(E element)) { List toRemove = []; for (E element in this) { if (!test(element)) toRemove.add(element); } removeAll(toRemove); } bool containsAll(Iterable other) { for (Object o in other) { if (!contains(o)) return false; } return true; } Set union(Set other) { return toSet()..addAll(other); } Set intersection(Set other) { Set result = toSet(); for (E element in this) { if (!other.contains(element)) result.remove(element); } return result; } Set difference(Set other) { Set result = toSet(); for (E element in this) { if (other.contains(element)) result.remove(element); } return result; } List toList({bool growable: true}) { List result = growable ? ([]..length = length) : new List(length); int i = 0; for (E element in this) result[i++] = element; return result; } Iterable map(T f(E element)) => new EfficientLengthMappedIterable(this, f); E get single { if (length > 1) throw IterableElementError.tooMany(); Iterator it = iterator; if (!it.moveNext()) throw IterableElementError.noElement(); E result = it.current; return result; } String toString() => IterableBase.iterableToFullString(this, '{', '}'); // Copied from IterableMixin. // Should be inherited if we had multi-level mixins. Iterable where(bool f(E element)) => new WhereIterable(this, f); Iterable expand(Iterable f(E element)) => new ExpandIterable(this, f); void forEach(void f(E element)) { for (E element in this) f(element); } E reduce(E combine(E value, E element)) { Iterator iterator = this.iterator; if (!iterator.moveNext()) { throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } E value = iterator.current; while (iterator.moveNext()) { value = combine(value, iterator.current); } return value; } T fold(T initialValue, T combine(T previousValue, E element)) { var value = initialValue; for (E element in this) value = combine(value, element); return value; } bool every(bool f(E element)) { for (E element in this) { if (!f(element)) return false; } return true; } String join([String separator = ""]) { Iterator iterator = this.iterator; if (!iterator.moveNext()) return ""; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); if (separator == null || separator == "") { do { buffer.write("${iterator.current}"); } while (iterator.moveNext()); } else { buffer.write("${iterator.current}"); while (iterator.moveNext()) { buffer.write(separator); buffer.write("${iterator.current}"); } } return buffer.toString(); } bool any(bool test(E element)) { for (E element in this) { if (test(element)) return true; } return false; } Iterable take(int n) { return new TakeIterable(this, n); } Iterable takeWhile(bool test(E value)) { return new TakeWhileIterable(this, test); } Iterable skip(int n) { return new SkipIterable(this, n); } Iterable skipWhile(bool test(E value)) { return new SkipWhileIterable(this, test); } E get first { Iterator it = iterator; if (!it.moveNext()) { throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } return it.current; } E get last { Iterator it = iterator; if (!it.moveNext()) { throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } E result; do { result = it.current; } while (it.moveNext()); return result; } E firstWhere(bool test(E value), {E orElse()}) { for (E element in this) { if (test(element)) return element; } if (orElse != null) return orElse(); throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } E lastWhere(bool test(E value), {E orElse()}) { E result = null; bool foundMatching = false; for (E element in this) { if (test(element)) { result = element; foundMatching = true; } } if (foundMatching) return result; if (orElse != null) return orElse(); throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } E singleWhere(bool test(E value), {E orElse()}) { E result = null; bool foundMatching = false; for (E element in this) { if (test(element)) { if (foundMatching) { throw IterableElementError.tooMany(); } result = element; foundMatching = true; } } if (foundMatching) return result; if (orElse != null) return orElse(); throw IterableElementError.noElement(); } E elementAt(int index) { if (index is! int) throw new ArgumentError.notNull("index"); RangeError.checkNotNegative(index, "index"); int elementIndex = 0; for (E element in this) { if (index == elementIndex) return element; elementIndex++; } throw new RangeError.index(index, this, "index", null, elementIndex); } } /** * Base implementation of [Set]. * * This class provides a base implementation of a `Set` that depends only * on the abstract members: [add], [contains], [lookup], [remove], * [iterator], [length] and [toSet]. * * Some of the methods assume that `toSet` creates a modifiable set. * If using this base class for an unmodifiable set, * where `toSet` should return an unmodifiable set, * it's necessary to reimplement * [retainAll], [union], [intersection] and [difference]. * * Implementations of `Set` using this base should consider also implementing * `clear` in constant time. The default implementation works by removing every * element. */ abstract class SetBase extends SetMixin { /** * Convert a `Set` to a string as `{each, element, as, string}`. * * Handles circular references where converting one of the elements * to a string ends up converting [set] to a string again. */ static String setToString(Set set) => IterableBase.iterableToFullString(set, '{', '}'); } >NN<""JC%E04!:OP /5KG!#&0/=@&..6.G=!+0+1-&#+<);*P3(8:@J 7I5)$(,* . "0E="%)*).0 -% +$!-#&).1).1.. 3)),2 &),4 0 &),A11J!JC%E54!:NP 0CF=(8Pfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/convert/convert.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /** * * Encoders and decoders for converting between different data representations, * including JSON and UTF-8. * * In addition to converters for common data representations, this library * provides support for implementing converters in a way which makes them easy to * chain and to use with streams. * * To use this library in your code: * * import 'dart:convert'; * * Two commonly used converters are the top-level instances of * [JsonCodec] and [Utf8Codec], named [json] and [utf8], respectively. * * JSON is a simple text format for representing * structured objects and collections. * The JSON encoder/decoder transforms between strings and * object structures, such as lists and maps, using the JSON format. * * UTF-8 is a common variable-width encoding that can represent * every character in the Unicode character set. * The UTF-8 encoder/decoder transforms between Strings and bytes. * * Converters are often used with streams * to transform the data that comes through the stream * as it becomes available. * The following code uses two converters. * The first is a UTF-8 decoder, which converts the data from bytes to UTF-8 * as it's read from a file, * The second is an instance of [LineSplitter], * which splits the data on newline boundaries. * * int lineNumber = 1; * Stream> stream = new File('quotes.txt').openRead(); * * stream.transform(utf8.decoder) * .transform(const LineSplitter()) * .listen((line) { * if (showLineNumbers) { * stdout.write('${lineNumber++} '); * } * stdout.writeln(line); * }); * * See the documentation for the [Codec] and [Converter] classes * for information about creating your own converters. * * {@category Core} */ library dart.convert; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'dart:_internal' show CastConverter, parseHexByte; part 'ascii.dart'; part 'base64.dart'; part 'byte_conversion.dart'; part 'chunked_conversion.dart'; part 'codec.dart'; part 'converter.dart'; part 'encoding.dart'; part 'html_escape.dart'; part 'json.dart'; part 'latin1.dart'; part 'line_splitter.dart'; part 'string_conversion.dart'; part 'utf.dart'; LNN<PKR"%?G1';E@1C*7+M00E&.&3%A7: [file:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/convert/chunked_conversion.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.convert; typedef void _ChunkedConversionCallback(T accumulated); /** * A [ChunkedConversionSink] is used to transmit data more efficiently between * two converters during chunked conversions. * * The basic `ChunkedConversionSink` is just a [Sink], and converters should * work with a plain `Sink`, but may work more efficiently with certain * specialized types of `ChunkedConversionSink`. * * It is recommended that implementations of `ChunkedConversionSink` extend * this class, to inherit any further methods that may be added to the class. */ abstract class ChunkedConversionSink implements Sink { ChunkedConversionSink(); factory ChunkedConversionSink.withCallback( void callback(List accumulated)) = _SimpleCallbackSink; /** * Adds chunked data to this sink. * * This method is also used when converters are used as [StreamTransformer]s. */ void add(T chunk); /** * Closes the sink. * * This signals the end of the chunked conversion. This method is called * when converters are used as [StreamTransformer]'s. */ void close(); } /** * This class accumulates all chunks and invokes a callback with a list of * the chunks when the sink is closed. * * This class can be used to terminate a chunked conversion. */ class _SimpleCallbackSink extends ChunkedConversionSink { final _ChunkedConversionCallback> _callback; final List _accumulated = []; _SimpleCallbackSink(this._callback); void add(T chunk) { _accumulated.add(chunk); } void close() { _callback(_accumulated); } } /** * This class implements the logic for a chunked conversion as a * stream transformer. * * It is used as strategy in the [EventTransformStream]. * * It also implements the [ChunkedConversionSink] interface so that it * can be used as output sink in a chunked conversion. */ class _ConverterStreamEventSink implements EventSink { /** The output sink for the converter. */ final EventSink _eventSink; /** * The input sink for new data. All data that is received with * [handleData] is added into this sink. */ final Sink _chunkedSink; _ConverterStreamEventSink(Converter converter, EventSink sink) : this._eventSink = sink, _chunkedSink = converter.startChunkedConversion(sink); void add(S o) { _chunkedSink.add(o); } void addError(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) { _eventSink.addError(error, stackTrace); } void close() { _chunkedSink.close(); } } bNN<;O.MH1LN=.D%PK8K'=@7&'A9G7@,!A+J ?9,Mfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/convert/json.dart]// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.convert; /** * Error thrown by JSON serialization if an object cannot be serialized. * * The [unsupportedObject] field holds that object that failed to be serialized. * * If an object isn't directly serializable, the serializer calls the `toJson` * method on the object. If that call fails, the error will be stored in the * [cause] field. If the call returns an object that isn't directly * serializable, the [cause] is null. */ class JsonUnsupportedObjectError extends Error { /// The object that could not be serialized. final Object unsupportedObject; /// The exception thrown when trying to convert the object. final Object cause; /// The partial result of the conversion, up until the error happened. /// /// May be null. final String partialResult; JsonUnsupportedObjectError(this.unsupportedObject, {this.cause, this.partialResult}); String toString() { String safeString = Error.safeToString(unsupportedObject); String prefix; if (cause != null) { prefix = "Converting object to an encodable object failed:"; } else { prefix = "Converting object did not return an encodable object:"; } return "$prefix $safeString"; } } /** * Reports that an object could not be stringified due to cyclic references. * * An object that references itself cannot be serialized by * [JsonCodec.encode]/[JsonEncoder.convert]. * When the cycle is detected, a [JsonCyclicError] is thrown. */ class JsonCyclicError extends JsonUnsupportedObjectError { /** The first object that was detected as part of a cycle. */ JsonCyclicError(Object object) : super(object); String toString() => "Cyclic error in JSON stringify"; } /** * An instance of the default implementation of the [JsonCodec]. * * This instance provides a convenient access to the most common JSON * use cases. * * Examples: * * var encoded = json.encode([1, 2, { "a": null }]); * var decoded = json.decode('["foo", { "bar": 499 }]'); */ const JsonCodec json = const JsonCodec(); /** * Converts [value] to a JSON string. * * If value contains objects that are not directly encodable to a JSON * string (a value that is not a number, boolean, string, null, list or a map * with string keys), the [toEncodable] function is used to convert it to an * object that must be directly encodable. * * If [toEncodable] is omitted, it defaults to a function that returns the * result of calling `.toJson()` on the unencodable object. * * Shorthand for [json.encode]. */ String jsonEncode(Object object, {Object toEncodable(Object nonEncodable)}) => json.encode(object, toEncodable: toEncodable); /** * Parses the string and returns the resulting Json object. * * The optional [reviver] function is called once for each object or list * property that has been parsed during decoding. The `key` argument is either * the integer list index for a list property, the string map key for object * properties, or `null` for the final result. * * The default [reviver] (when not provided) is the identity function. * * Shorthand for [json.decode]. */ dynamic jsonDecode(String source, {Object reviver(Object key, Object value)}) => json.decode(source, reviver: reviver); typedef _Reviver(Object key, Object value); typedef _ToEncodable(var o); /** * A [JsonCodec] encodes JSON objects to strings and decodes strings to * JSON objects. * * Examples: * * var encoded = json.encode([1, 2, { "a": null }]); * var decoded = json.decode('["foo", { "bar": 499 }]'); */ class JsonCodec extends Codec { final _Reviver _reviver; final _ToEncodable _toEncodable; /** * Creates a `JsonCodec` with the given reviver and encoding function. * * The [reviver] function is called during decoding. It is invoked once for * each object or list property that has been parsed. * The `key` argument is either the integer list index for a list property, * the string map key for object properties, or `null` for the final result. * * If [reviver] is omitted, it defaults to returning the value argument. * * The [toEncodable] function is used during encoding. It is invoked for * values that are not directly encodable to a string (a value that is not a * number, boolean, string, null, list or a map with string keys). The * function must return an object that is directly encodable. The elements of * a returned list and values of a returned map do not need to be directly * encodable, and if they aren't, `toEncodable` will be used on them as well. * Please notice that it is possible to cause an infinite recursive regress * in this way, by effectively creating an infinite data structure through * repeated call to `toEncodable`. * * If [toEncodable] is omitted, it defaults to a function that returns the * result of calling `.toJson()` on the unencodable object. */ const JsonCodec({reviver(Object key, Object value), toEncodable(var object)}) : _reviver = reviver, _toEncodable = toEncodable; /** * Creates a `JsonCodec` with the given reviver. * * The [reviver] function is called once for each object or list property * that has been parsed during decoding. The `key` argument is either the * integer list index for a list property, the string map key for object * properties, or `null` for the final result. */ JsonCodec.withReviver(reviver(Object key, Object value)) : this(reviver: reviver); /** * Parses the string and returns the resulting Json object. * * The optional [reviver] function is called once for each object or list * property that has been parsed during decoding. The `key` argument is either * the integer list index for a list property, the string map key for object * properties, or `null` for the final result. * * The default [reviver] (when not provided) is the identity function. */ dynamic decode(String source, {reviver(Object key, Object value)}) { if (reviver == null) reviver = _reviver; if (reviver == null) return decoder.convert(source); return new JsonDecoder(reviver).convert(source); } /** * Converts [value] to a JSON string. * * If value contains objects that are not directly encodable to a JSON * string (a value that is not a number, boolean, string, null, list or a map * with string keys), the [toEncodable] function is used to convert it to an * object that must be directly encodable. * * If [toEncodable] is omitted, it defaults to a function that returns the * result of calling `.toJson()` on the unencodable object. */ String encode(Object value, {toEncodable(object)}) { if (toEncodable == null) toEncodable = _toEncodable; if (toEncodable == null) return encoder.convert(value); return new JsonEncoder(toEncodable).convert(value); } JsonEncoder get encoder { if (_toEncodable == null) return const JsonEncoder(); return new JsonEncoder(_toEncodable); } JsonDecoder get decoder { if (_reviver == null) return const JsonDecoder(); return new JsonDecoder(_reviver); } } /** * This class converts JSON objects to strings. */ class JsonEncoder extends Converter { /** * The string used for indention. * * When generating multi-line output, this string is inserted once at the * beginning of each indented line for each level of indentation. * * If `null`, the output is encoded as a single line. */ final String indent; /** * Function called on non-encodable objects to return a replacement * encodable object that will be encoded in the orignal's place. */ final _ToEncodable _toEncodable; /** * Creates a JSON encoder. * * The JSON encoder handles numbers, strings, booleans, null, lists and * maps with string keys directly. * * Any other object is attempted converted by [toEncodable] to an * object that is of one of the convertible types. * * If [toEncodable] is omitted, it defaults to calling `.toJson()` on * the object. */ const JsonEncoder([toEncodable(object)]) : this.indent = null, this._toEncodable = toEncodable; /** * Creates a JSON encoder that creates multi-line JSON. * * The encoding of elements of lists and maps are indented and put on separate * lines. The [indent] string is prepended to these elements, once for each * level of indentation. * * If [indent] is `null`, the output is encoded as a single line. * * The JSON encoder handles numbers, strings, booleans, null, lists and * maps with string keys directly. * * Any other object is attempted converted by [toEncodable] to an * object that is of one of the convertible types. * * If [toEncodable] is omitted, it defaults to calling `.toJson()` on * the object. */ const JsonEncoder.withIndent(this.indent, [toEncodable(object)]) : this._toEncodable = toEncodable; /** * Converts [object] to a JSON [String]. * * Directly serializable values are [num], [String], [bool], and [Null], as * well as some [List] and [Map] values. For [List], the elements must all be * serializable. For [Map], the keys must be [String] and the values must be * serializable. * * If a value of any other type is attempted to be serialized, the * `toEncodable` function provided in the constructor is called with the value * as argument. The result, which must be a directly serializable value, is * serialized instead of the original value. * * If the conversion throws, or returns a value that is not directly * serializable, a [JsonUnsupportedObjectError] exception is thrown. * If the call throws, the error is caught and stored in the * [JsonUnsupportedObjectError]'s [:cause:] field. * * If a [List] or [Map] contains a reference to itself, directly or through * other lists or maps, it cannot be serialized and a [JsonCyclicError] is * thrown. * * [object] should not change during serialization. * * If an object is serialized more than once, [convert] may cache the text * for it. In other words, if the content of an object changes after it is * first serialized, the new values may not be reflected in the result. */ String convert(Object object) => _JsonStringStringifier.stringify(object, _toEncodable, indent); /** * Starts a chunked conversion. * * The converter works more efficiently if the given [sink] is a * [StringConversionSink]. * * Returns a chunked-conversion sink that accepts at most one object. It is * an error to invoke `add` more than once on the returned sink. */ ChunkedConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink sink) { if (sink is! StringConversionSink) { sink = new StringConversionSink.from(sink); } else if (sink is _Utf8EncoderSink) { return new _JsonUtf8EncoderSink( sink._sink, _toEncodable, JsonUtf8Encoder._utf8Encode(indent), JsonUtf8Encoder._defaultBufferSize); } return new _JsonEncoderSink(sink, _toEncodable, indent); } // Override the base class's bind, to provide a better type. Stream bind(Stream stream) => super.bind(stream); Converter fuse(Converter other) { if (other is Utf8Encoder) { // The instance check guarantees that `T` is (a subtype of) List, // but the static type system doesn't know that, and so we cast. // Cast through dynamic to keep the cast implicit for builds using // unchecked implicit casts. return new JsonUtf8Encoder(indent, _toEncodable) as dynamic; } return super.fuse(other); } } /** * Encoder that encodes a single object as a UTF-8 encoded JSON string. * * This encoder works equivalently to first converting the object to * a JSON string, and then UTF-8 encoding the string, but without * creating an intermediate string. */ class JsonUtf8Encoder extends Converter> { /** Default buffer size used by the JSON-to-UTF-8 encoder. */ static const int _defaultBufferSize = 256; @deprecated static const int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = _defaultBufferSize; /** Indentation used in pretty-print mode, `null` if not pretty. */ final List _indent; /** Function called with each un-encodable object encountered. */ final _ToEncodable _toEncodable; /** UTF-8 buffer size. */ final int _bufferSize; /** * Create converter. * * If [indent] is non-`null`, the converter attempts to "pretty-print" the * JSON, and uses `indent` as the indentation. Otherwise the result has no * whitespace outside of string literals. * If `indent` contains characters that are not valid JSON whitespace * characters, the result will not be valid JSON. JSON whitespace characters * are space (U+0020), tab (U+0009), line feed (U+000a) and carriage return * (U+000d) ([ECMA * 404]( * * The [bufferSize] is the size of the internal buffers used to collect * UTF-8 code units. * If using [startChunkedConversion], it will be the size of the chunks. * * The JSON encoder handles numbers, strings, booleans, null, lists and maps * directly. * * Any other object is attempted converted by [toEncodable] to an object that * is of one of the convertible types. * * If [toEncodable] is omitted, it defaults to calling `.toJson()` on the * object. */ JsonUtf8Encoder( [String indent, toEncodable(object), int bufferSize = _defaultBufferSize]) : _indent = _utf8Encode(indent), _toEncodable = toEncodable, _bufferSize = bufferSize; static List _utf8Encode(String string) { if (string == null) return null; if (string.isEmpty) return new Uint8List(0); checkAscii: { for (int i = 0; i < string.length; i++) { if (string.codeUnitAt(i) >= 0x80) break checkAscii; } return string.codeUnits; } return utf8.encode(string); } /** Convert [object] into UTF-8 encoded JSON. */ List convert(Object object) { List> bytes = []; // The `stringify` function always converts into chunks. // Collect the chunks into the `bytes` list, then combine them afterwards. void addChunk(Uint8List chunk, int start, int end) { if (start > 0 || end < chunk.length) { int length = end - start; chunk = new Uint8List.view( chunk.buffer, chunk.offsetInBytes + start, length); } bytes.add(chunk); } _JsonUtf8Stringifier.stringify( object, _indent, _toEncodable, _bufferSize, addChunk); if (bytes.length == 1) return bytes[0]; int length = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { length += bytes[i].length; } Uint8List result = new Uint8List(length); for (int i = 0, offset = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { var byteList = bytes[i]; int end = offset + byteList.length; result.setRange(offset, end, byteList); offset = end; } return result; } /** * Start a chunked conversion. * * Only one object can be passed into the returned sink. * * The argument [sink] will receive byte lists in sizes depending on the * `bufferSize` passed to the constructor when creating this encoder. */ ChunkedConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink> sink) { ByteConversionSink byteSink; if (sink is ByteConversionSink) { byteSink = sink; } else { byteSink = new ByteConversionSink.from(sink); } return new _JsonUtf8EncoderSink( byteSink, _toEncodable, _indent, _bufferSize); } // Override the base class's bind, to provide a better type. Stream> bind(Stream stream) { return super.bind(stream); } } /** * Implements the chunked conversion from object to its JSON representation. * * The sink only accepts one value, but will produce output in a chunked way. */ class _JsonEncoderSink extends ChunkedConversionSink { final String _indent; final _ToEncodable _toEncodable; final StringConversionSink _sink; bool _isDone = false; _JsonEncoderSink(this._sink, this._toEncodable, this._indent); /** * Encodes the given object [o]. * * It is an error to invoke this method more than once on any instance. While * this makes the input effectively non-chunked the output will be generated * in a chunked way. */ void add(Object o) { if (_isDone) { throw new StateError("Only one call to add allowed"); } _isDone = true; ClosableStringSink stringSink = _sink.asStringSink(); _JsonStringStringifier.printOn(o, stringSink, _toEncodable, _indent); stringSink.close(); } void close() {/* do nothing */} } /** * Sink returned when starting a chunked conversion from object to bytes. */ class _JsonUtf8EncoderSink extends ChunkedConversionSink { /** The byte sink receiveing the encoded chunks. */ final ByteConversionSink _sink; final List _indent; final _ToEncodable _toEncodable; final int _bufferSize; bool _isDone = false; _JsonUtf8EncoderSink( this._sink, this._toEncodable, this._indent, this._bufferSize); /** Callback called for each slice of result bytes. */ void _addChunk(Uint8List chunk, int start, int end) { _sink.addSlice(chunk, start, end, false); } void add(Object object) { if (_isDone) { throw new StateError("Only one call to add allowed"); } _isDone = true; _JsonUtf8Stringifier.stringify( object, _indent, _toEncodable, _bufferSize, _addChunk); _sink.close(); } void close() { if (!_isDone) { _isDone = true; _sink.close(); } } } /** * This class parses JSON strings and builds the corresponding objects. */ class JsonDecoder extends Converter { final _Reviver _reviver; /** * Constructs a new JsonDecoder. * * The [reviver] may be `null`. */ const JsonDecoder([reviver(Object key, Object value)]) : this._reviver = reviver; /** * Converts the given JSON-string [input] to its corresponding object. * * Parsed JSON values are of the types [num], [String], [bool], [Null], * [List]s of parsed JSON values or [Map]s from [String] to parsed JSON * values. * * If `this` was initialized with a reviver, then the parsing operation * invokes the reviver on every object or list property that has been parsed. * The arguments are the property name ([String]) or list index ([int]), and * the value is the parsed value. The return value of the reviver is used as * the value of that property instead the parsed value. * * Throws [FormatException] if the input is not valid JSON text. */ dynamic convert(String input) => _parseJson(input, _reviver); /** * Starts a conversion from a chunked JSON string to its corresponding object. * * The output [sink] receives exactly one decoded element through `add`. */ external StringConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink sink); // Override the base class's bind, to provide a better type. Stream bind(Stream stream) => super.bind(stream); } // Internal optimized JSON parsing implementation. external _parseJson(String source, reviver(key, value)); // Implementation of encoder/stringifier. dynamic _defaultToEncodable(dynamic object) => object.toJson(); /** * JSON encoder that traverses an object structure and writes JSON source. * * This is an abstract implementation that doesn't decide on the output * format, but writes the JSON through abstract methods like [writeString]. */ abstract class _JsonStringifier { // Character code constants. static const int backspace = 0x08; static const int tab = 0x09; static const int newline = 0x0a; static const int carriageReturn = 0x0d; static const int formFeed = 0x0c; static const int quote = 0x22; static const int char_0 = 0x30; static const int backslash = 0x5c; static const int char_b = 0x62; static const int char_f = 0x66; static const int char_n = 0x6e; static const int char_r = 0x72; static const int char_t = 0x74; static const int char_u = 0x75; /** List of objects currently being traversed. Used to detect cycles. */ final List _seen = new List(); /** Function called for each un-encodable object encountered. */ final _ToEncodable _toEncodable; _JsonStringifier(toEncodable(o)) : _toEncodable = toEncodable ?? _defaultToEncodable; String get _partialResult; /** Append a string to the JSON output. */ void writeString(String characters); /** Append part of a string to the JSON output. */ void writeStringSlice(String characters, int start, int end); /** Append a single character, given by its code point, to the JSON output. */ void writeCharCode(int charCode); /** Write a number to the JSON output. */ void writeNumber(num number); // ('0' + x) or ('a' + x - 10) static int hexDigit(int x) => x < 10 ? 48 + x : 87 + x; /** * Write, and suitably escape, a string's content as a JSON string literal. */ void writeStringContent(String s) { int offset = 0; final int length = s.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { int charCode = s.codeUnitAt(i); if (charCode > backslash) continue; if (charCode < 32) { if (i > offset) writeStringSlice(s, offset, i); offset = i + 1; writeCharCode(backslash); switch (charCode) { case backspace: writeCharCode(char_b); break; case tab: writeCharCode(char_t); break; case newline: writeCharCode(char_n); break; case formFeed: writeCharCode(char_f); break; case carriageReturn: writeCharCode(char_r); break; default: writeCharCode(char_u); writeCharCode(char_0); writeCharCode(char_0); writeCharCode(hexDigit((charCode >> 4) & 0xf)); writeCharCode(hexDigit(charCode & 0xf)); break; } } else if (charCode == quote || charCode == backslash) { if (i > offset) writeStringSlice(s, offset, i); offset = i + 1; writeCharCode(backslash); writeCharCode(charCode); } } if (offset == 0) { writeString(s); } else if (offset < length) { writeStringSlice(s, offset, length); } } /** * Check if an encountered object is already being traversed. * * Records the object if it isn't already seen. Should have a matching call to * [_removeSeen] when the object is no longer being traversed. */ void _checkCycle(object) { for (int i = 0; i < _seen.length; i++) { if (identical(object, _seen[i])) { throw new JsonCyclicError(object); } } _seen.add(object); } /** * Remove [object] from the list of currently traversed objects. * * Should be called in the opposite order of the matching [_checkCycle] * calls. */ void _removeSeen(object) { assert(!_seen.isEmpty); assert(identical(_seen.last, object)); _seen.removeLast(); } /** * Write an object. * * If [object] isn't directly encodable, the [_toEncodable] function gets one * chance to return a replacement which is encodable. */ void writeObject(object) { // Tries stringifying object directly. If it's not a simple value, List or // Map, call toJson() to get a custom representation and try serializing // that. if (writeJsonValue(object)) return; _checkCycle(object); try { var customJson = _toEncodable(object); if (!writeJsonValue(customJson)) { throw new JsonUnsupportedObjectError(object, partialResult: _partialResult); } _removeSeen(object); } catch (e) { throw new JsonUnsupportedObjectError(object, cause: e, partialResult: _partialResult); } } /** * Serialize a [num], [String], [bool], [Null], [List] or [Map] value. * * Returns true if the value is one of these types, and false if not. * If a value is both a [List] and a [Map], it's serialized as a [List]. */ bool writeJsonValue(object) { if (object is num) { if (!object.isFinite) return false; writeNumber(object); return true; } else if (identical(object, true)) { writeString('true'); return true; } else if (identical(object, false)) { writeString('false'); return true; } else if (object == null) { writeString('null'); return true; } else if (object is String) { writeString('"'); writeStringContent(object); writeString('"'); return true; } else if (object is List) { _checkCycle(object); writeList(object); _removeSeen(object); return true; } else if (object is Map) { _checkCycle(object); // writeMap can fail if keys are not all strings. var success = writeMap(object); _removeSeen(object); return success; } else { return false; } } /** Serialize a [List]. */ void writeList(List list) { writeString('['); if (list.length > 0) { writeObject(list[0]); for (int i = 1; i < list.length; i++) { writeString(','); writeObject(list[i]); } } writeString(']'); } /** Serialize a [Map]. */ bool writeMap(Map map) { if (map.isEmpty) { writeString("{}"); return true; } List keyValueList = new List(map.length * 2); int i = 0; bool allStringKeys = true; map.forEach((key, value) { if (key is! String) { allStringKeys = false; } keyValueList[i++] = key; keyValueList[i++] = value; }); if (!allStringKeys) return false; writeString('{'); String separator = '"'; for (int i = 0; i < keyValueList.length; i += 2) { writeString(separator); separator = ',"'; writeStringContent(keyValueList[i]); writeString('":'); writeObject(keyValueList[i + 1]); } writeString('}'); return true; } } /** * A modification of [_JsonStringifier] which indents the contents of [List] and * [Map] objects using the specified indent value. * * Subclasses should implement [writeIndentation]. */ abstract class _JsonPrettyPrintMixin implements _JsonStringifier { int _indentLevel = 0; /** * Add [indentLevel] indentations to the JSON output. */ void writeIndentation(int indentLevel); void writeList(List list) { if (list.isEmpty) { writeString('[]'); } else { writeString('[\n'); _indentLevel++; writeIndentation(_indentLevel); writeObject(list[0]); for (int i = 1; i < list.length; i++) { writeString(',\n'); writeIndentation(_indentLevel); writeObject(list[i]); } writeString('\n'); _indentLevel--; writeIndentation(_indentLevel); writeString(']'); } } bool writeMap(Map map) { if (map.isEmpty) { writeString("{}"); return true; } List keyValueList = new List(map.length * 2); int i = 0; bool allStringKeys = true; map.forEach((key, value) { if (key is! String) { allStringKeys = false; } keyValueList[i++] = key; keyValueList[i++] = value; }); if (!allStringKeys) return false; writeString('{\n'); _indentLevel++; String separator = ""; for (int i = 0; i < keyValueList.length; i += 2) { writeString(separator); separator = ",\n"; writeIndentation(_indentLevel); writeString('"'); writeStringContent(keyValueList[i]); writeString('": '); writeObject(keyValueList[i + 1]); } writeString('\n'); _indentLevel--; writeIndentation(_indentLevel); writeString('}'); return true; } } /** * A specialziation of [_JsonStringifier] that writes its JSON to a string. */ class _JsonStringStringifier extends _JsonStringifier { final StringSink _sink; _JsonStringStringifier(this._sink, _toEncodable) : super(_toEncodable); /** * Convert object to a string. * * The [toEncodable] function is used to convert non-encodable objects * to encodable ones. * * If [indent] is not `null`, the resulting JSON will be "pretty-printed" * with newlines and indentation. The `indent` string is added as indentation * for each indentation level. It should only contain valid JSON whitespace * characters (space, tab, carriage return or line feed). */ static String stringify(object, toEncodable(o), String indent) { StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer(); printOn(object, output, toEncodable, indent); return output.toString(); } /** * Convert object to a string, and write the result to the [output] sink. * * The result is written piecemally to the sink. */ static void printOn( object, StringSink output, toEncodable(o), String indent) { _JsonStringifier stringifier; if (indent == null) { stringifier = new _JsonStringStringifier(output, toEncodable); } else { stringifier = new _JsonStringStringifierPretty(output, toEncodable, indent); } stringifier.writeObject(object); } String get _partialResult => _sink is StringBuffer ? _sink.toString() : null; void writeNumber(num number) { _sink.write(number.toString()); } void writeString(String string) { _sink.write(string); } void writeStringSlice(String string, int start, int end) { _sink.write(string.substring(start, end)); } void writeCharCode(int charCode) { _sink.writeCharCode(charCode); } } class _JsonStringStringifierPretty extends _JsonStringStringifier with _JsonPrettyPrintMixin { final String _indent; _JsonStringStringifierPretty(StringSink sink, toEncodable(o), this._indent) : super(sink, toEncodable); void writeIndentation(int count) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) writeString(_indent); } } typedef void _AddChunk(Uint8List list, int start, int end); /** * Specialization of [_JsonStringifier] that writes the JSON as UTF-8. * * The JSON text is UTF-8 encoded and written to [Uint8List] buffers. * The buffers are then passed back to a user provided callback method. */ class _JsonUtf8Stringifier extends _JsonStringifier { final int bufferSize; final _AddChunk addChunk; Uint8List buffer; int index = 0; _JsonUtf8Stringifier(toEncodable(o), int bufferSize, this.addChunk) : this.bufferSize = bufferSize, buffer = new Uint8List(bufferSize), super(toEncodable); /** * Convert [object] to UTF-8 encoded JSON. * * Calls [addChunk] with slices of UTF-8 code units. * These will typically have size [bufferSize], but may be shorter. * The buffers are not reused, so the [addChunk] call may keep and reuse the * chunks. * * If [indent] is non-`null`, the result will be "pretty-printed" with extra * newlines and indentation, using [indent] as the indentation. */ static void stringify(Object object, List indent, toEncodable(o), int bufferSize, void addChunk(Uint8List chunk, int start, int end)) { _JsonUtf8Stringifier stringifier; if (indent != null) { stringifier = new _JsonUtf8StringifierPretty( toEncodable, indent, bufferSize, addChunk); } else { stringifier = new _JsonUtf8Stringifier(toEncodable, bufferSize, addChunk); } stringifier.writeObject(object); stringifier.flush(); } /** * Must be called at the end to push the last chunk to the [addChunk] * callback. */ void flush() { if (index > 0) { addChunk(buffer, 0, index); } buffer = null; index = 0; } String get _partialResult => null; void writeNumber(num number) { writeAsciiString(number.toString()); } /** Write a string that is known to not have non-ASCII characters. */ void writeAsciiString(String string) { // TODO(lrn): Optimize by copying directly into buffer instead of going // through writeCharCode; for (int i = 0; i < string.length; i++) { int char = string.codeUnitAt(i); assert(char <= 0x7f); writeByte(char); } } void writeString(String string) { writeStringSlice(string, 0, string.length); } void writeStringSlice(String string, int start, int end) { // TODO(lrn): Optimize by copying directly into buffer instead of going // through writeCharCode/writeByte. Assumption is the most characters // in starings are plain ASCII. for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { int char = string.codeUnitAt(i); if (char <= 0x7f) { writeByte(char); } else { if ((char & 0xFC00) == 0xD800 && i + 1 < end) { // Lead surrogate. int nextChar = string.codeUnitAt(i + 1); if ((nextChar & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00) { // Tail surrogate. char = 0x10000 + ((char & 0x3ff) << 10) + (nextChar & 0x3ff); writeFourByteCharCode(char); i++; continue; } } writeMultiByteCharCode(char); } } } void writeCharCode(int charCode) { if (charCode <= 0x7f) { writeByte(charCode); return; } writeMultiByteCharCode(charCode); } void writeMultiByteCharCode(int charCode) { if (charCode <= 0x7ff) { writeByte(0xC0 | (charCode >> 6)); writeByte(0x80 | (charCode & 0x3f)); return; } if (charCode <= 0xffff) { writeByte(0xE0 | (charCode >> 12)); writeByte(0x80 | ((charCode >> 6) & 0x3f)); writeByte(0x80 | (charCode & 0x3f)); return; } writeFourByteCharCode(charCode); } void writeFourByteCharCode(int charCode) { assert(charCode <= 0x10ffff); writeByte(0xF0 | (charCode >> 18)); writeByte(0x80 | ((charCode >> 12) & 0x3f)); writeByte(0x80 | ((charCode >> 6) & 0x3f)); writeByte(0x80 | (charCode & 0x3f)); } void writeByte(int byte) { assert(byte <= 0xff); if (index == buffer.length) { addChunk(buffer, 0, index); buffer = new Uint8List(bufferSize); index = 0; } buffer[index++] = byte; } } /** * Pretty-printing version of [_JsonUtf8Stringifier]. */ class _JsonUtf8StringifierPretty extends _JsonUtf8Stringifier with _JsonPrettyPrintMixin { final List indent; _JsonUtf8StringifierPretty(toEncodable(o), this.indent, bufferSize, void addChunk(Uint8List buffer, int start, int end)) : super(toEncodable, bufferSize, addChunk); void writeIndentation(int count) { List indent = this.indent; int indentLength = indent.length; if (indentLength == 1) { int char = indent[0]; while (count > 0) { writeByte(char); count -= 1; } return; } while (count > 0) { count--; int end = index + indentLength; if (end <= buffer.length) { buffer.setRange(index, end, indent); index = end; } else { for (int i = 0; i < indentLength; i++) { writeByte(indent[i]); } } } } } [NN<IQOMD&1/">I5)?C H"M<->;@29AF 9=*&GNM+K< O3<JOM/G Q+,H 9=0#IN8NOKKOIPMPNM%M>P$3LLK1; >LQO1IG-95(IPO-M>79<8:*6&06$LD8FC#J%D5H+):QNDJ%D5HC)+NPOEQN/GG?5NM 6MMJ#F"CNCL)2+'//=?D= MGI#C!HEB$=@-=FD#MM,HONSJKOP)L Q'$"0%10< 3% =O9-"$@$?,-!.9*.!;KHO!& 4%7?2MN?#$A#PO<:J"JC6"#F98.<$@H6#"9!IJJ JPOO:C@QKK?D39*@KHL"%#*$!"%""""""K!C##;-'5@Q$, !:N&!'&*8"########<5 ?8"!"+@QA-)+CJ +P8OM ( -)5,34IHK **+!#"! 8& .2!&7+(Q33C8* &.(&2!&7&+($L8J!ILPN<C.2L3B"E I%P!$$=/%#B!N"%:<GFH6F&,-7FO OBIL&46 Q%H"%!)H)L.'$0=LJ$('83/J) &%&.)+*2+%-"(10)""*6>!F;2%$&&"-1 Zfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/convert/string_conversion.dartE// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.convert; /** * This class provides an interface for converters to * efficiently transmit String data. * * Instead of limiting the interface to one non-chunked String it accepts * partial strings or can be transformed into a byte sink that * accepts UTF-8 code units. * * This abstract class will likely get more methods over time. Implementers are * urged to extend [StringConversionSinkBase] or to mix in * [StringConversionSinkMixin], to ensure that their class covers the newly * added methods. */ abstract class StringConversionSink extends ChunkedConversionSink { StringConversionSink(); factory StringConversionSink.withCallback(void callback(String accumulated)) = _StringCallbackSink; factory StringConversionSink.from(Sink sink) = _StringAdapterSink; /** * Creates a new instance wrapping the given [sink]. * * Every string that is added to the returned instance is forwarded to * the [sink]. The instance is allowed to buffer and is not required to * forward immediately. */ factory StringConversionSink.fromStringSink(StringSink sink) = _StringSinkConversionSink; /** * Adds the next [chunk] to `this`. * * Adds the substring defined by [start] and [end]-exclusive to `this`. * * If [isLast] is `true` closes `this`. */ void addSlice(String chunk, int start, int end, bool isLast); /** * Returns `this` as a sink that accepts UTF-8 input. * * If used, this method must be the first and only call to `this`. It * invalidates `this`. All further operations must be performed on the result. */ ByteConversionSink asUtf8Sink(bool allowMalformed); // - asRuneSink // - asCodeUnitsSink /** * Returns `this` as a [ClosableStringSink]. * * If used, this method must be the first and only call to `this`. It * invalidates `this`. All further operations must be performed on the result. */ ClosableStringSink asStringSink(); } /** * A [ClosableStringSink] extends the [StringSink] interface by adding a * `close` method. */ abstract class ClosableStringSink extends StringSink { /** * Creates a new instance combining a [StringSink] [sink] and a callback * [onClose] which is invoked when the returned instance is closed. */ factory ClosableStringSink.fromStringSink(StringSink sink, void onClose()) = _ClosableStringSink; /** * Closes `this` and flushes any outstanding data. */ void close(); } typedef void _StringSinkCloseCallback(); /** * This class wraps an existing [StringSink] and invokes a * closure when [close] is invoked. */ class _ClosableStringSink implements ClosableStringSink { final _StringSinkCloseCallback _callback; final StringSink _sink; _ClosableStringSink(this._sink, this._callback); void close() { _callback(); } void writeCharCode(int charCode) { _sink.writeCharCode(charCode); } void write(Object o) { _sink.write(o); } void writeln([Object o = ""]) { _sink.writeln(o); } void writeAll(Iterable objects, [String separator = ""]) { _sink.writeAll(objects, separator); } } /** * This class wraps an existing [StringConversionSink] and exposes a * [ClosableStringSink] interface. The wrapped sink only needs to implement * `add` and `close`. */ // TODO(floitsch): make this class public? class _StringConversionSinkAsStringSinkAdapter implements ClosableStringSink { static const _MIN_STRING_SIZE = 16; StringBuffer _buffer; StringConversionSink _chunkedSink; _StringConversionSinkAsStringSinkAdapter(this._chunkedSink) : _buffer = new StringBuffer(); void close() { if (_buffer.isNotEmpty) _flush(); _chunkedSink.close(); } void writeCharCode(int charCode) { _buffer.writeCharCode(charCode); if (_buffer.length > _MIN_STRING_SIZE) _flush(); } void write(Object o) { if (_buffer.isNotEmpty) _flush(); _chunkedSink.add(o.toString()); } void writeln([Object o = ""]) { _buffer.writeln(o); if (_buffer.length > _MIN_STRING_SIZE) _flush(); } void writeAll(Iterable objects, [String separator = ""]) { if (_buffer.isNotEmpty) _flush(); Iterator iterator = objects.iterator; if (!iterator.moveNext()) return; if (separator.isEmpty) { do { _chunkedSink.add(iterator.current.toString()); } while (iterator.moveNext()); } else { _chunkedSink.add(iterator.current.toString()); while (iterator.moveNext()) { write(separator); _chunkedSink.add(iterator.current.toString()); } } } void _flush() { String accumulated = _buffer.toString(); _buffer.clear(); _chunkedSink.add(accumulated); } } /** * This class provides a base-class for converters that need to accept String * inputs. */ abstract class StringConversionSinkBase extends StringConversionSinkMixin {} /** * This class provides a mixin for converters that need to accept String * inputs. */ abstract class StringConversionSinkMixin implements StringConversionSink { void addSlice(String str, int start, int end, bool isLast); void close(); void add(String str) { addSlice(str, 0, str.length, false); } ByteConversionSink asUtf8Sink(bool allowMalformed) { return new _Utf8ConversionSink(this, allowMalformed); } ClosableStringSink asStringSink() { return new _StringConversionSinkAsStringSinkAdapter(this); } } /** * This class is a [StringConversionSink] that wraps a [StringSink]. */ class _StringSinkConversionSink extends StringConversionSinkBase { StringSink _stringSink; _StringSinkConversionSink(this._stringSink); void close() {} void addSlice(String str, int start, int end, bool isLast) { if (start != 0 || end != str.length) { for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { _stringSink.writeCharCode(str.codeUnitAt(i)); } } else { _stringSink.write(str); } if (isLast) close(); } void add(String str) { _stringSink.write(str); } ByteConversionSink asUtf8Sink(bool allowMalformed) { return new _Utf8StringSinkAdapter(this, _stringSink, allowMalformed); } ClosableStringSink asStringSink() { return new ClosableStringSink.fromStringSink(_stringSink, this.close); } } /** * This class accumulates all chunks into one string * and invokes a callback when the sink is closed. * * This class can be used to terminate a chunked conversion. */ class _StringCallbackSink extends _StringSinkConversionSink { final _ChunkedConversionCallback _callback; _StringCallbackSink(this._callback) : super(new StringBuffer()); void close() { StringBuffer buffer = _stringSink; String accumulated = buffer.toString(); buffer.clear(); _callback(accumulated); } ByteConversionSink asUtf8Sink(bool allowMalformed) { return new _Utf8StringSinkAdapter(this, _stringSink, allowMalformed); } } /** * This class adapts a simple [ChunkedConversionSink] to a * [StringConversionSink]. * * All additional methods of the [StringConversionSink] (compared to the * ChunkedConversionSink) are redirected to the `add` method. */ class _StringAdapterSink extends StringConversionSinkBase { final Sink _sink; _StringAdapterSink(this._sink); void add(String str) { _sink.add(str); } void addSlice(String str, int start, int end, bool isLast) { if (start == 0 && end == str.length) { add(str); } else { add(str.substring(start, end)); } if (isLast) close(); } void close() { _sink.close(); } } /** * Decodes UTF-8 code units and stores them in a [StringSink]. */ class _Utf8StringSinkAdapter extends ByteConversionSink { final _Utf8Decoder _decoder; final Sink _sink; _Utf8StringSinkAdapter(this._sink, StringSink stringSink, bool allowMalformed) : _decoder = new _Utf8Decoder(stringSink, allowMalformed); void close() { _decoder.close(); if (_sink != null) _sink.close(); } void add(List chunk) { addSlice(chunk, 0, chunk.length, false); } void addSlice( List codeUnits, int startIndex, int endIndex, bool isLast) { _decoder.convert(codeUnits, startIndex, endIndex); if (isLast) close(); } } /** * Decodes UTF-8 code units. * * Forwards the decoded strings to the given [StringConversionSink]. */ // TODO(floitsch): make this class public? class _Utf8ConversionSink extends ByteConversionSink { final _Utf8Decoder _decoder; final StringConversionSink _chunkedSink; final StringBuffer _buffer; _Utf8ConversionSink(StringConversionSink sink, bool allowMalformed) : this._(sink, new StringBuffer(), allowMalformed); _Utf8ConversionSink._( this._chunkedSink, StringBuffer stringBuffer, bool allowMalformed) : _decoder = new _Utf8Decoder(stringBuffer, allowMalformed), _buffer = stringBuffer; void close() { _decoder.close(); if (_buffer.isNotEmpty) { String accumulated = _buffer.toString(); _buffer.clear(); _chunkedSink.addSlice(accumulated, 0, accumulated.length, true); } else { _chunkedSink.close(); } } void add(List chunk) { addSlice(chunk, 0, chunk.length, false); } void addSlice(List chunk, int startIndex, int endIndex, bool isLast) { _decoder.convert(chunk, startIndex, endIndex); if (_buffer.isNotEmpty) { String accumulated = _buffer.toString(); _chunkedSink.addSlice(accumulated, 0, accumulated.length, isLast); _buffer.clear(); return; } if (isLast) close(); } } dNN<6%J?P;LLQM7IJA!&J*@8HQ6/HQ%I7KFO5);$:,3%#"=(EL+O&%>&&%%5&$"5=&*& 7% 5$7-#N MI K>)7:&?EC/?+*6 7J&K53=>6C',7J;I><"?+ &?:QA&-H7E+7+F:IC /G -N3/Ilfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/patch/convert_patch.dartB// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Patch file for dart:convert library. import 'dart:_js_helper' show argumentErrorValue, patch; import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS; import 'dart:_interceptors' show JSExtendableArray; import 'dart:_internal' show MappedIterable, ListIterable; import 'dart:collection' show Maps, LinkedHashMap, MapBase; import 'dart:_native_typed_data' show NativeUint8List; /** * Parses [json] and builds the corresponding parsed JSON value. * * Parsed JSON values Nare of the types [num], [String], [bool], [Null], * [List]s of parsed JSON values or [Map]s from [String] to parsed * JSON values. * * The optional [reviver] function, if provided, is called once for each object * or list property parsed. The arguments are the property name ([String]) or * list index ([int]), and the value is the parsed value. The return value of * the reviver will be used as the value of that property instead of the parsed * value. The top level value is passed to the reviver with the empty string as * a key. * * Throws [FormatException] if the input is not valid JSON text. */ @patch _parseJson(String source, reviver(Object key, Object value)) { if (source is! String) throw argumentErrorValue(source); var parsed; try { parsed = JS('=Object|JSExtendableArray|Null|bool|num|String', 'JSON.parse(#)', source); } catch (e) { throw FormatException(JS('String', 'String(#)', e)); } if (reviver == null) { return _convertJsonToDartLazy(parsed); } else { return _convertJsonToDart(parsed, reviver); } } /** * Walks the raw JavaScript value [json], replacing JavaScript Objects with * Maps. [json] is expected to be freshly allocated so elements can be replaced * in-place. */ _convertJsonToDart(json, reviver(Object key, Object value)) { assert(reviver != null); walk(e) { // JavaScript null, string, number, bool are in the correct representation. if (JS('bool', '# == null', e) || JS('bool', 'typeof # != "object"', e)) { return e; } // This test is needed to avoid identifying '{"__proto__":[]}' as an Array. // TODO(sra): Replace this test with cheaper '#.constructor === Array' when // bug 621 below is fixed. if (JS('bool', 'Object.getPrototypeOf(#) === Array.prototype', e)) { // In-place update of the elements since JS Array is a Dart List. for (int i = 0; i < JS('int', '#.length', e); i++) { // Use JS indexing to avoid range checks. We know this is the only // reference to the list, but the compiler will likely never be able to // tell that this instance of the list cannot have its length changed by // the reviver even though it later will be passed to the reviver at the // outer level. var item = JS('', '#[#]', e, i); JS('', '#[#]=#', e, i, reviver(i, walk(item))); } return e; } // Otherwise it is a plain object, so copy to a JSON map, so we process // and revive all entries recursively. _JsonMap map = _JsonMap(e); var processed = map._processed; List keys = map._computeKeys(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { String key = keys[i]; var revived = reviver(key, walk(JS('', '#[#]', e, key))); JS('', '#[#]=#', processed, key, revived); } // Update the JSON map structure so future access is cheaper. map._original = processed; // Don't keep two objects around. return map; } return reviver(null, walk(json)); } _convertJsonToDartLazy(object) { // JavaScript null and undefined are represented as null. if (object == null) return null; // JavaScript string, number, bool already has the correct representation. if (JS('bool', 'typeof # != "object"', object)) { return object; } // This test is needed to avoid identifying '{"__proto__":[]}' as an array. // TODO(sra): Replace this test with cheaper '#.constructor === Array' when // bug is fixed. if (JS('bool', 'Object.getPrototypeOf(#) !== Array.prototype', object)) { return _JsonMap(object); } // Update the elements in place since JS arrays are Dart lists. for (int i = 0; i < JS('int', '#.length', object); i++) { // Use JS indexing to avoid range checks. We know this is the only // reference to the list, but the compiler will likely never be able to // tell that this instance of the list cannot have its length changed by // the reviver even though it later will be passed to the reviver at the // outer level. var item = JS('', '#[#]', object, i); JS('', '#[#]=#', object, i, _convertJsonToDartLazy(item)); } return object; } class _JsonMap extends MapBase { // The original JavaScript object remains unchanged until // the map is eventually upgraded, in which case we null it // out to reclaim the memory used by it. var _original; // We keep track of the map entries that we have already // processed by adding them to a separate JavaScript object. var _processed = _newJavaScriptObject(); // If the data slot isn't null, it represents either the list // of keys (for non-upgraded JSON maps) or the upgraded map. var _data = null; _JsonMap(this._original); operator [](key) { if (_isUpgraded) { return _upgradedMap[key]; } else if (key is! String) { return null; } else { var result = _getProperty(_processed, key); if (_isUnprocessed(result)) result = _process(key); return result; } } int get length => _isUpgraded ? _upgradedMap.length : _computeKeys().length; bool get isEmpty => length == 0; bool get isNotEmpty => length > 0; Iterable get keys { if (_isUpgraded) return _upgradedMap.keys; return _JsonMapKeyIterable(this); } Iterable get values { if (_isUpgraded) return _upgradedMap.values; return MappedIterable(_computeKeys(), (each) => this[each]); } operator []=(key, value) { if (_isUpgraded) { _upgradedMap[key] = value; } else if (containsKey(key)) { var processed = _processed; _setProperty(processed, key, value); var original = _original; if (!identical(original, processed)) { _setProperty(original, key, null); // Reclaim memory. } } else { _upgrade()[key] = value; } } void addAll(Map other) { other.forEach((key, value) { this[key] = value; }); } bool containsValue(value) { if (_isUpgraded) return _upgradedMap.containsValue(value); List keys = _computeKeys(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { String key = keys[i]; if (this[key] == value) return true; } return false; } bool containsKey(key) { if (_isUpgraded) return _upgradedMap.containsKey(key); if (key is! String) return false; return _hasProperty(_original, key); } putIfAbsent(key, ifAbsent()) { if (containsKey(key)) return this[key]; var value = ifAbsent(); this[key] = value; return value; } remove(Object key) { if (!_isUpgraded && !containsKey(key)) return null; return _upgrade().remove(key); } void clear() { if (_isUpgraded) { _upgradedMap.clear(); } else { if (_data != null) { // Clear the list of keys to make sure we force // a concurrent modification error if anyone is // currently iterating over it. _data.clear(); } _original = _processed = null; _data = {}; } } void forEach(void f(String key, value)) { if (_isUpgraded) return _upgradedMap.forEach(f); List keys = _computeKeys(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { String key = keys[i]; // Compute the value under the assumption that the property // is present but potentially not processed. var value = _getProperty(_processed, key); if (_isUnprocessed(value)) { value = _convertJsonToDartLazy(_getProperty(_original, key)); _setProperty(_processed, key, value); } // Do the callback. f(key, value); // Check if invoking the callback function changed // the key set. If so, throw an exception. if (!identical(keys, _data)) { throw ConcurrentModificationError(this); } } } // ------------------------------------------ // Private helper methods. // ------------------------------------------ bool get _isUpgraded => _processed == null; Map get _upgradedMap { assert(_isUpgraded); // 'cast' the union type to LinkedHashMap. It would be even better if we // could 'cast' to the implementation type, since LinkedHashMap includes // _JsonMap. return JS('LinkedHashMap', '#', _data); } List _computeKeys() { assert(!_isUpgraded); List keys = _data; if (keys == null) { keys = _data = _getPropertyNames(_original); } return JS('JSExtendableArray', '#', keys); } Map _upgrade() { if (_isUpgraded) return _upgradedMap; // Copy all the (key, value) pairs to a freshly allocated // linked hash map thus preserving the ordering. var result = {}; List keys = _computeKeys(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { String key = keys[i]; result[key] = this[key]; } // We only upgrade when we need to extend the map, so we can // safely force a concurrent modification error in case // someone is iterating over the map here. if (keys.isEmpty) { keys.add(null); } else { keys.clear(); } // Clear out the associated JavaScript objects and mark the // map as having been upgraded. _original = _processed = null; _data = result; assert(_isUpgraded); return result; } _process(String key) { if (!_hasProperty(_original, key)) return null; var result = _convertJsonToDartLazy(_getProperty(_original, key)); return _setProperty(_processed, key, result); } // ------------------------------------------ // Private JavaScript helper methods. // ------------------------------------------ static bool _hasProperty(object, String key) => JS('bool', ',#)', object, key); static _getProperty(object, String key) => JS('', '#[#]', object, key); static _setProperty(object, String key, value) => JS('', '#[#]=#', object, key, value); static List _getPropertyNames(object) => JS('JSExtendableArray', 'Object.keys(#)', object); static bool _isUnprocessed(object) => JS('bool', 'typeof(#)=="undefined"', object); static _newJavaScriptObject() => JS('=Object', 'Object.create(null)'); } class _JsonMapKeyIterable extends ListIterable { final _JsonMap _parent; _JsonMapKeyIterable(this._parent); int get length => _parent.length; String elementAt(int index) { return _parent._isUpgraded ? _parent.keys.elementAt(index) : _parent._computeKeys()[index]; } /// Although [ListIterable] defines its own iterator, we return the iterator /// of the underlying list [_keys] in order to propagate /// [ConcurrentModificationError]s. Iterator get iterator { return _parent._isUpgraded ? _parent.keys.iterator : _parent._computeKeys().iterator; } /// Delegate to [parent.containsKey] to ensure the performance expected /// from [Map.keys.containsKey]. bool contains(Object key) => _parent.containsKey(key); } @patch class JsonDecoder { @patch StringConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink sink) { return _JsonDecoderSink(_reviver, sink); } } /** * Implements the chunked conversion from a JSON string to its corresponding * object. * * The sink only creates one object, but its input can be chunked. */ // TODO(floitsch): don't accumulate everything before starting to decode. class _JsonDecoderSink extends _StringSinkConversionSink { final _Reviver _reviver; final Sink _sink; _JsonDecoderSink(this._reviver, this._sink) : super(StringBuffer('')); void close() { super.close(); StringBuffer buffer = _stringSink; String accumulated = buffer.toString(); buffer.clear(); Object decoded = _parseJson(accumulated, _reviver); _sink.add(decoded); _sink.close(); } } @patch class Utf8Decoder { @patch Converter, T> fuse(Converter next) { return super.fuse(next); } // Currently not intercepting UTF8 decoding. @patch static String _convertIntercepted( bool allowMalformed, List codeUnits, int start, int end) { // Test `codeUnits is NativeUint8List`. Dart's NativeUint8List is // implemented by JavaScript's Uint8Array. if (JS('bool', '# instanceof Uint8Array', codeUnits)) { // JS 'cast' to avoid a downcast equivalent to the is-check we hand-coded. NativeUint8List casted = JS('NativeUint8List', '#', codeUnits); return _convertInterceptedUint8List(allowMalformed, casted, start, end); } } static String _convertInterceptedUint8List( bool allowMalformed, NativeUint8List codeUnits, int start, int end) { if (allowMalformed) { // TextDecoder with option {fatal: false} does not produce the same result // as [Utf8Decoder]. It disagrees on the number of `U+FFFD` (REPLACEMENT // CHARACTER) generated for some malformed sequences. We could use // TextDecoder with option {fatal: true}, catch the error, and re-try // without acceleration. That turns out to be extremely slow (the Error // captures a stack trace). // TODO(31370): Bring Utf8Decoder into alignment with TextDecoder. // TODO(sra): If we can't do that, can we detect valid input fast enough // to use a check like the [_unsafe] check below? return null; } var decoder = _decoder; if (decoder == null) return null; if (0 == start && end == null) { return _useTextDecoderChecked(decoder, codeUnits); } int length = codeUnits.length; end = RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, length); if (0 == start && end == codeUnits.length) { return _useTextDecoderChecked(decoder, codeUnits); } return _useTextDecoderChecked(decoder, JS('NativeUint8List', '#.subarray(#, #)', codeUnits, start, end)); } static String _useTextDecoderChecked(decoder, NativeUint8List codeUnits) { if (_unsafe(codeUnits)) return null; return _useTextDecoderUnchecked(decoder, codeUnits); } static String _useTextDecoderUnchecked(decoder, NativeUint8List codeUnits) { // If the input is malformed, catch the exception and return `null` to fall // back on unintercepted decoder. The fallback will either succeed in // decoding, or report the problem better than TextDecoder. try { return JS('String', '#.decode(#)', decoder, codeUnits); } catch (e) {} return null; } /// Returns `true` if [codeUnits] contains problematic encodings. /// /// TextDecoder behaves differently to [Utf8Encoder] when the input encodes a /// surrogate (U+D800 through U+DFFF). TextDecoder considers the surrogate to /// be an encoding error and, depending on the `fatal` option, either throws /// and Error or encodes the surrogate as U+FFFD. [Utf8Decoder] does not /// consider the surrogate to be an error and returns the code unit encoded by /// the surrogate. /// /// Throwing an `Error` captures the stack, whoch makes it so expensive that /// it is worth checking the input for surrogates and avoiding TextDecoder in /// this case. static bool _unsafe(NativeUint8List codeUnits) { // Surrogates encode as (hex) ED Ax xx or ED Bx xx. int limit = codeUnits.length - 2; for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) { int unit1 = codeUnits[i]; if (unit1 == 0xED) { int unit2 = JS('!', '#', codeUnits[i + 1]); if ((unit2 & 0xE0) == 0xA0) return true; } } return false; } //// TextDecoder is not defined on some browsers and on the stand-alone d8 and /// jsshell engines. Use a lazy initializer to do feature detection once. static final _decoder = () { try { // Use `{fatal: true}`. 'fatal' does not correspond exactly to // `!allowMalformed`: TextDecoder rejects unpaired surrogates which // [Utf8Decoder] accepts. In non-fatal mode, TextDecoder translates // unpaired surrogates to REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (U+FFFD) whereas // [Utf8Decoder] leaves the surrogate intact. return JS('', 'new TextDecoder("utf-8", {fatal: true})'); } catch (e) {} return null; }(); } NN<(9'4;<7AICPNOPQ A?;B"9+ 0LP > POPPIH;LPQQ)8L+ $,,@1BA$!<#M4NNELB+;?+@? ! 2:O#%/&1A!#"+ -> ,!?(,+;&)!,8# 88(%,5(,B31#F.91%100.*NM, 3/$*>5&(,ADPPOKQOP38&& 41QL EJKG4@Nfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/convert/ascii.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.convert; /** * An instance of the default implementation of the [AsciiCodec]. * * This instance provides a convenient access to the most common ASCII * use cases. * * Examples: * ```dart * var encoded = ascii.encode("This is ASCII!"); * var decoded = ascii.decode([0x54, 0x68, 0x69, 0x73, 0x20, 0x69, 0x73, * 0x20, 0x41, 0x53, 0x43, 0x49, 0x49, 0x21]); * ``` */ const AsciiCodec ascii = const AsciiCodec(); const int _asciiMask = 0x7F; /** * An [AsciiCodec] allows encoding strings as ASCII bytes * and decoding ASCII bytes to strings. */ class AsciiCodec extends Encoding { final bool _allowInvalid; /** * Instantiates a new [AsciiCodec]. * * If [allowInvalid] is true, the [decode] method and the converter * returned by [decoder] will default to allowing invalid values. * If allowing invalid values, the values will be decoded into the Unicode * Replacement character (U+FFFD). If not, an exception will be thrown. * Calls to the [decode] method can choose to override this default. * * Encoders will not accept invalid (non Latin-1) characters. */ const AsciiCodec({bool allowInvalid: false}) : _allowInvalid = allowInvalid; String get name => "us-ascii"; Uint8List encode(String source) => encoder.convert(source); /** * Decodes the ASCII [bytes] (a list of unsigned 7-bit integers) to the * corresponding string. * * If [bytes] contains values that are not in the range 0 .. 127, the decoder * will eventually throw a [FormatException]. * * If [allowInvalid] is not provided, it defaults to the value used to create * this [AsciiCodec]. */ String decode(List bytes, {bool allowInvalid}) { if (allowInvalid == null) allowInvalid = _allowInvalid; if (allowInvalid) { return const AsciiDecoder(allowInvalid: true).convert(bytes); } else { return const AsciiDecoder(allowInvalid: false).convert(bytes); } } AsciiEncoder get encoder => const AsciiEncoder(); AsciiDecoder get decoder => _allowInvalid ? const AsciiDecoder(allowInvalid: true) : const AsciiDecoder(allowInvalid: false); } // Superclass for [AsciiEncoder] and [Latin1Encoder]. // Generalizes common operations that only differ by a mask; class _UnicodeSubsetEncoder extends Converter> { final int _subsetMask; const _UnicodeSubsetEncoder(this._subsetMask); /** * Converts the [String] into a list of its code units. * * If [start] and [end] are provided, only the substring * `string.substring(start, end)` is used as input to the conversion. */ Uint8List convert(String string, [int start = 0, int end]) { int stringLength = string.length; RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, stringLength); if (end == null) end = stringLength; int length = end - start; var result = new Uint8List(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { var codeUnit = string.codeUnitAt(start + i); if ((codeUnit & ~_subsetMask) != 0) { throw new ArgumentError("String contains invalid characters."); } result[i] = codeUnit; } return result; } /** * Starts a chunked conversion. * * The converter works more efficiently if the given [sink] is a * [ByteConversionSink]. */ StringConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink> sink) { if (sink is! ByteConversionSink) { sink = new ByteConversionSink.from(sink); } return new _UnicodeSubsetEncoderSink(_subsetMask, sink); } // Override the base-class' bind, to provide a better type. Stream> bind(Stream stream) => super.bind(stream); } /** * This class converts strings of only ASCII characters to bytes. */ class AsciiEncoder extends _UnicodeSubsetEncoder { const AsciiEncoder() : super(_asciiMask); } /** * This class encodes chunked strings to bytes (unsigned 8-bit * integers). */ class _UnicodeSubsetEncoderSink extends StringConversionSinkBase { final ByteConversionSink _sink; final int _subsetMask; _UnicodeSubsetEncoderSink(this._subsetMask, this._sink); void close() { _sink.close(); } void addSlice(String source, int start, int end, bool isLast) { RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, source.length); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { int codeUnit = source.codeUnitAt(i); if ((codeUnit & ~_subsetMask) != 0) { throw new ArgumentError( "Source contains invalid character with code point: $codeUnit."); } } _sink.add(source.codeUnits.sublist(start, end)); if (isLast) { close(); } } } /** * This class converts Latin-1 bytes (lists of unsigned 8-bit integers) * to a string. */ abstract class _UnicodeSubsetDecoder extends Converter, String> { final bool _allowInvalid; final int _subsetMask; /** * Instantiates a new decoder. * * The [_allowInvalid] argument defines how [convert] deals * with invalid bytes. * * The [_subsetMask] argument is a bit mask used to define the subset * of Unicode being decoded. Use [_LATIN1_MASK] for Latin-1 (8-bit) or * [_asciiMask] for ASCII (7-bit). * * If [_allowInvalid] is `true`, [convert] replaces invalid bytes with the * Unicode Replacement character `U+FFFD` (�). * Otherwise it throws a [FormatException]. */ const _UnicodeSubsetDecoder(this._allowInvalid, this._subsetMask); /** * Converts the [bytes] (a list of unsigned 7- or 8-bit integers) to the * corresponding string. * * If [start] and [end] are provided, only the sub-list of bytes from * `start` to `end` (`end` not inclusive) is used as input to the conversion. */ String convert(List bytes, [int start = 0, int end]) { int byteCount = bytes.length; RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, byteCount); if (end == null) end = byteCount; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { int byte = bytes[i]; if ((byte & ~_subsetMask) != 0) { if (!_allowInvalid) { throw new FormatException("Invalid value in input: $byte"); } return _convertInvalid(bytes, start, end); } } return new String.fromCharCodes(bytes, start, end); } String _convertInvalid(List bytes, int start, int end) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { int value = bytes[i]; if ((value & ~_subsetMask) != 0) value = 0xFFFD; buffer.writeCharCode(value); } return buffer.toString(); } /** * Starts a chunked conversion. * * The converter works more efficiently if the given [sink] is a * [StringConversionSink]. */ ByteConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink sink); // Override the base-class's bind, to provide a better type. Stream bind(Stream> stream) => super.bind(stream); } class AsciiDecoder extends _UnicodeSubsetDecoder { const AsciiDecoder({bool allowInvalid: false}) : super(allowInvalid, _asciiMask); /** * Starts a chunked conversion. * * The converter works more efficiently if the given [sink] is a * [StringConversionSink]. */ ByteConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink sink) { StringConversionSink stringSink; if (sink is StringConversionSink) { stringSink = sink; } else { stringSink = new StringConversionSink.from(sink); } // TODO(lrn): Use asUtf16Sink when it becomes available. It // works just as well, is likely to have less decoding overhead, // and make adding U+FFFD easier. // At that time, merge this with _Latin1DecoderSink; if (_allowInvalid) { return new _ErrorHandlingAsciiDecoderSink(stringSink.asUtf8Sink(false)); } else { return new _SimpleAsciiDecoderSink(stringSink); } } } class _ErrorHandlingAsciiDecoderSink extends ByteConversionSinkBase { ByteConversionSink _utf8Sink; _ErrorHandlingAsciiDecoderSink(this._utf8Sink); void close() { _utf8Sink.close(); } void add(List source) { addSlice(source, 0, source.length, false); } void addSlice(List source, int start, int end, bool isLast) { RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, source.length); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { if ((source[i] & ~_asciiMask) != 0) { if (i > start) _utf8Sink.addSlice(source, start, i, false); // Add UTF-8 encoding of U+FFFD. _utf8Sink.add(const [0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD]); start = i + 1; } } if (start < end) { _utf8Sink.addSlice(source, start, end, isLast); } else if (isLast) { close(); } } } class _SimpleAsciiDecoderSink extends ByteConversionSinkBase { Sink _sink; _SimpleAsciiDecoderSink(this._sink); void close() { _sink.close(); } void add(List source) { for (int i = 0; i < source.length; i++) { if ((source[i] & ~_asciiMask) != 0) { throw new FormatException("Source contains non-ASCII bytes."); } } _sink.add(new String.fromCharCodes(source)); } void addSlice(List source, int start, int end, bool isLast) { final int length = source.length; RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, length); if (start < end) { if (start != 0 || end != length) { source = source.sublist(start, end); } add(source); } if (isLast) close(); } } ;NN<BG 1IK-:($&FDMJG@O!>JP0P8<D E4,/16=C1:;H?&:)('3,H"CF'0=>GB3,?C";B;(+,!N5HL!>HI%M1.EKHP>"7&((F 38@.(7#"C@?G31)"CA%( 8@E&9O 6F 2/E;(,D)66?'.,G1E&4)-Ofile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/convert/base64.dart{// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.convert; /** * A [base64]( encoder and decoder. * * It encodes using the default base64 alphabet, * decodes using both the base64 and base64url alphabets, * does not allow invalid characters and requires padding. * * Examples: * * var encoded = base64.encode([0x62, 0x6c, 0xc3, 0xa5, 0x62, 0xc3, 0xa6, * 0x72, 0x67, 0x72, 0xc3, 0xb8, 0x64]); * var decoded = base64.decode("YmzDpWLDpnJncsO4ZAo="); */ const Base64Codec base64 = const Base64Codec(); /** * A [base64url]( encoder and decoder. * * It encodes and decodes using the base64url alphabet, * decodes using both the base64 and base64url alphabets, * does not allow invalid characters and requires padding. * * Examples: * * var encoded = base64Url.encode([0x62, 0x6c, 0xc3, 0xa5, 0x62, 0xc3, 0xa6, * 0x72, 0x67, 0x72, 0xc3, 0xb8, 0x64]); * var decoded = base64Url.decode("YmzDpWLDpnJncsO4ZAo="); */ const Base64Codec base64Url = const Base64Codec.urlSafe(); /** * Encodes [bytes] using [base64]( encoding. * * Shorthand for [base64.encode]. */ String base64Encode(List bytes) => base64.encode(bytes); /** * Encodes [bytes] using [base64url]( encoding. * * Shorthand for [base64url.encode]. */ String base64UrlEncode(List bytes) => base64Url.encode(bytes); /** * Decodes [base64]( or [base64url]( encoded bytes. * * Shorthand for [base64.decode]. */ Uint8List base64Decode(String source) => base64.decode(source); // Constants used in more than one class. const int _paddingChar = 0x3d; // '='. /** * A [base64]( encoder and decoder. * * A [Base64Codec] allows base64 encoding bytes into ASCII strings and * decoding valid encodings back to bytes. * * This implementation only handles the simplest RFC 4648 base64 and base64url * encodings. * It does not allow invalid characters when decoding and it requires, * and generates, padding so that the input is always a multiple of four * characters. */ class Base64Codec extends Codec, String> { final Base64Encoder _encoder; const Base64Codec() : _encoder = const Base64Encoder(); const Base64Codec.urlSafe() : _encoder = const Base64Encoder.urlSafe(); Base64Encoder get encoder => _encoder; Base64Decoder get decoder => const Base64Decoder(); /** * Decodes [encoded]. * * The input is decoded as if by `decoder.convert`. * * The returned [Uint8List] contains exactly the decoded bytes, * so the [Uint8List.length] is precisely the number of decoded bytes. * The [Uint8List.buffer] may be larger than the decoded bytes. */ Uint8List decode(String encoded) => decoder.convert(encoded); /** * Validates and normalizes the base64 encoded data in [source]. * * Only acts on the substring from [start] to [end], with [end] * defaulting to the end of the string. * * Normalization will: * * Unescape any `%`-escapes. * * Only allow valid characters (`A`-`Z`, `a`-`z`, `0`-`9`, `/` and `+`). * * Normalize a `_` or `-` character to `/` or `+`. * * Validate that existing padding (trailing `=` characters) is correct. * * If no padding exists, add correct padding if necessary and possible. * * Validate that the length is correct (a multiple of four). */ String normalize(String source, [int start = 0, int end]) { end = RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, source.length); const int percent = 0x25; const int equals = 0x3d; StringBuffer buffer = null; int sliceStart = start; var alphabet = _Base64Encoder._base64Alphabet; var inverseAlphabet = _Base64Decoder._inverseAlphabet; int firstPadding = -1; int firstPaddingSourceIndex = -1; int paddingCount = 0; for (int i = start; i < end;) { int sliceEnd = i; int char = source.codeUnitAt(i++); int originalChar = char; // Normalize char, keep originalChar to see if it matches the source. if (char == percent) { if (i + 2 <= end) { char = parseHexByte(source, i); // May be negative. i += 2; // We know that %25 isn't valid, but our table considers it // a potential padding start, so skip the checks. if (char == percent) char = -1; } else { // An invalid HEX escape (too short). // Just skip past the handling and reach the throw below. char = -1; } } // If char is negative here, hex-decoding failed in some way. if (0 <= char && char <= 127) { int value = inverseAlphabet[char]; if (value >= 0) { char = alphabet.codeUnitAt(value); if (char == originalChar) continue; } else if (value == _Base64Decoder._padding) { // We have ruled out percent, so char is '='. if (firstPadding < 0) { // Mark position in normalized output where padding occurs. firstPadding = (buffer?.length ?? 0) + (sliceEnd - sliceStart); firstPaddingSourceIndex = sliceEnd; } paddingCount++; // It could have been an escaped equals (%3D). if (originalChar == equals) continue; } if (value != _Base64Decoder._invalid) { buffer ??= new StringBuffer(); buffer.write(source.substring(sliceStart, sliceEnd)); buffer.writeCharCode(char); sliceStart = i; continue; } } throw new FormatException("Invalid base64 data", source, sliceEnd); } if (buffer != null) { buffer.write(source.substring(sliceStart, end)); if (firstPadding >= 0) { // There was padding in the source. Check that it is valid: // * result length a multiple of four // * one or two padding characters at the end. _checkPadding(source, firstPaddingSourceIndex, end, firstPadding, paddingCount, buffer.length); } else { // Length of last chunk (1-4 chars) in the encoding. int endLength = ((buffer.length - 1) % 4) + 1; if (endLength == 1) { // The data must have length 0, 2 or 3 modulo 4. throw new FormatException( "Invalid base64 encoding length ", source, end); } while (endLength < 4) { buffer.write("="); endLength++; } } return source.replaceRange(start, end, buffer.toString()); } // Original was already normalized, only check padding. int length = end - start; if (firstPadding >= 0) { _checkPadding(source, firstPaddingSourceIndex, end, firstPadding, paddingCount, length); } else { // No padding given, so add some if needed it. int endLength = length % 4; if (endLength == 1) { // The data must have length 0, 2 or 3 modulo 4. throw new FormatException( "Invalid base64 encoding length ", source, end); } if (endLength > 1) { // There is no "insertAt" on String, but this works as well. source = source.replaceRange(end, end, (endLength == 2) ? "==" : "="); } } return source; } static void _checkPadding(String source, int sourceIndex, int sourceEnd, int firstPadding, int paddingCount, int length) { if (length % 4 != 0) { throw new FormatException( "Invalid base64 padding, padded length must be multiple of four, " "is $length", source, sourceEnd); } if (firstPadding + paddingCount != length) { throw new FormatException( "Invalid base64 padding, '=' not at the end", source, sourceIndex); } if (paddingCount > 2) { throw new FormatException( "Invalid base64 padding, more than two '=' characters", source, sourceIndex); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Encoder // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Base64 and base64url encoding converter. * * Encodes lists of bytes using base64 or base64url encoding. * * The results are ASCII strings using a restricted alphabet. */ class Base64Encoder extends Converter, String> { final bool _urlSafe; const Base64Encoder() : _urlSafe = false; const Base64Encoder.urlSafe() : _urlSafe = true; String convert(List input) { if (input.isEmpty) return ""; var encoder = new _Base64Encoder(_urlSafe); Uint8List buffer = encoder.encode(input, 0, input.length, true); return new String.fromCharCodes(buffer); } ByteConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink sink) { if (sink is StringConversionSink) { return new _Utf8Base64EncoderSink(sink.asUtf8Sink(false), _urlSafe); } return new _AsciiBase64EncoderSink(sink, _urlSafe); } } /** * Helper class for encoding bytes to base64. */ class _Base64Encoder { /** The RFC 4648 base64 encoding alphabet. */ static const String _base64Alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; /** The RFC 4648 base64url encoding alphabet. */ static const String _base64UrlAlphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_"; /** Shift-count to extract the values stored in [_state]. */ static const int _valueShift = 2; /** Mask to extract the count value stored in [_state]. */ static const int _countMask = 3; static const int _sixBitMask = 0x3F; /** * Intermediate state between chunks. * * Encoding handles three bytes at a time. * If fewer than three bytes has been seen, this value encodes * the number of bytes seen (0, 1 or 2) and their values. */ int _state = 0; /** Alphabet used for encoding. */ final String _alphabet; _Base64Encoder(bool urlSafe) : _alphabet = urlSafe ? _base64UrlAlphabet : _base64Alphabet; /** Encode count and bits into a value to be stored in [_state]. */ static int _encodeState(int count, int bits) { assert(count <= _countMask); return bits << _valueShift | count; } /** Extract bits from encoded state. */ static int _stateBits(int state) => state >> _valueShift; /** Extract count from encoded state. */ static int _stateCount(int state) => state & _countMask; /** * Create a [Uint8List] with the provided length. */ Uint8List createBuffer(int bufferLength) => new Uint8List(bufferLength); /** * Encode [bytes] from [start] to [end] and the bits in [_state]. * * Returns a [Uint8List] of the ASCII codes of the encoded data. * * If the input, including left over [_state] from earlier encodings, * are not a multiple of three bytes, then the partial state is stored * back into [_state]. * If [isLast] is true, partial state is encoded in the output instead, * with the necessary padding. * * Returns `null` if there is no output. */ Uint8List encode(List bytes, int start, int end, bool isLast) { assert(0 <= start); assert(start <= end); assert(bytes == null || end <= bytes.length); int length = end - start; int count = _stateCount(_state); int byteCount = (count + length); int fullChunks = byteCount ~/ 3; int partialChunkLength = byteCount - fullChunks * 3; int bufferLength = fullChunks * 4; if (isLast && partialChunkLength > 0) { bufferLength += 4; // Room for padding. } var output = createBuffer(bufferLength); _state = encodeChunk(_alphabet, bytes, start, end, isLast, output, 0, _state); if (bufferLength > 0) return output; // If the input plus the data in state is still less than three bytes, // there may not be any output. return null; } static int encodeChunk(String alphabet, List bytes, int start, int end, bool isLast, Uint8List output, int outputIndex, int state) { int bits = _stateBits(state); // Count number of missing bytes in three-byte chunk. int expectedChars = 3 - _stateCount(state); // The input must be a list of bytes (integers in the range 0..255). // The value of `byteOr` will be the bitwise or of all the values in // `bytes` and a later check will validate that they were all valid bytes. int byteOr = 0; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { int byte = bytes[i]; byteOr |= byte; bits = ((bits << 8) | byte) & 0xFFFFFF; // Never store more than 24 bits. expectedChars--; if (expectedChars == 0) { output[outputIndex++] = alphabet.codeUnitAt((bits >> 18) & _sixBitMask); output[outputIndex++] = alphabet.codeUnitAt((bits >> 12) & _sixBitMask); output[outputIndex++] = alphabet.codeUnitAt((bits >> 6) & _sixBitMask); output[outputIndex++] = alphabet.codeUnitAt(bits & _sixBitMask); expectedChars = 3; bits = 0; } } if (byteOr >= 0 && byteOr <= 255) { if (isLast && expectedChars < 3) { writeFinalChunk(alphabet, output, outputIndex, 3 - expectedChars, bits); return 0; } return _encodeState(3 - expectedChars, bits); } // There was an invalid byte value somewhere in the input - find it! int i = start; while (i < end) { int byte = bytes[i]; if (byte < 0 || byte > 255) break; i++; } throw new ArgumentError.value( bytes, "Not a byte value at index $i: 0x${bytes[i].toRadixString(16)}"); } /** * Writes a final encoded four-character chunk. * * Only used when the [_state] contains a partial (1 or 2 byte) * input. */ static void writeFinalChunk( String alphabet, Uint8List output, int outputIndex, int count, int bits) { assert(count > 0); if (count == 1) { output[outputIndex++] = alphabet.codeUnitAt((bits >> 2) & _sixBitMask); output[outputIndex++] = alphabet.codeUnitAt((bits << 4) & _sixBitMask); output[outputIndex++] = _paddingChar; output[outputIndex++] = _paddingChar; } else { assert(count == 2); output[outputIndex++] = alphabet.codeUnitAt((bits >> 10) & _sixBitMask); output[outputIndex++] = alphabet.codeUnitAt((bits >> 4) & _sixBitMask); output[outputIndex++] = alphabet.codeUnitAt((bits << 2) & _sixBitMask); output[outputIndex++] = _paddingChar; } } } class _BufferCachingBase64Encoder extends _Base64Encoder { /** * Reused buffer. * * When the buffer isn't released to the sink, only used to create another * value (a string), the buffer can be reused between chunks. */ Uint8List bufferCache; _BufferCachingBase64Encoder(bool urlSafe) : super(urlSafe); Uint8List createBuffer(int bufferLength) { if (bufferCache == null || bufferCache.length < bufferLength) { bufferCache = new Uint8List(bufferLength); } // Return a view of the buffer, so it has the requested length. return new Uint8List.view(bufferCache.buffer, 0, bufferLength); } } abstract class _Base64EncoderSink extends ByteConversionSinkBase { void add(List source) { _add(source, 0, source.length, false); } void close() { _add(null, 0, 0, true); } void addSlice(List source, int start, int end, bool isLast) { if (end == null) throw new ArgumentError.notNull("end"); RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, source.length); _add(source, start, end, isLast); } void _add(List source, int start, int end, bool isLast); } class _AsciiBase64EncoderSink extends _Base64EncoderSink { final Sink _sink; final _Base64Encoder _encoder; _AsciiBase64EncoderSink(this._sink, bool urlSafe) : _encoder = new _BufferCachingBase64Encoder(urlSafe); void _add(List source, int start, int end, bool isLast) { Uint8List buffer = _encoder.encode(source, start, end, isLast); if (buffer != null) { String string = new String.fromCharCodes(buffer); _sink.add(string); } if (isLast) { _sink.close(); } } } class _Utf8Base64EncoderSink extends _Base64EncoderSink { final ByteConversionSink _sink; final _Base64Encoder _encoder; _Utf8Base64EncoderSink(this._sink, bool urlSafe) : _encoder = new _Base64Encoder(urlSafe); void _add(List source, int start, int end, bool isLast) { Uint8List buffer = _encoder.encode(source, start, end, isLast); if (buffer != null) { _sink.addSlice(buffer, 0, buffer.length, isLast); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Decoder // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Decoder for base64 encoded data. * * This decoder accepts both base64 and base64url ("url-safe") encodings. * * The encoding is required to be properly padded. */ class Base64Decoder extends Converter> { const Base64Decoder(); /** * Decodes the characters of [input] from [start] to [end] as base64. * * If [start] is omitted, it defaults to the start of [input]. * If [end] is omitted, it defaults to the end of [input]. * * The returned [Uint8List] contains exactly the decoded bytes, * so the [Uint8List.length] is precisely the number of decoded bytes. * The [Uint8List.buffer] may be larger than the decoded bytes. */ Uint8List convert(String input, [int start = 0, int end]) { end = RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, input.length); if (start == end) return new Uint8List(0); var decoder = new _Base64Decoder(); Uint8List buffer = decoder.decode(input, start, end); decoder.close(input, end); return buffer; } StringConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink> sink) { return new _Base64DecoderSink(sink); } } /** * Helper class implementing base64 decoding with intermediate state. */ class _Base64Decoder { /** Shift-count to extract the values stored in [_state]. */ static const int _valueShift = 2; /** Mask to extract the count value stored in [_state]. */ static const int _countMask = 3; /** Invalid character in decoding table. */ static const int _invalid = -2; /** Padding character in decoding table. */ static const int _padding = -1; // Shorthands to make the table more readable. static const int __ = _invalid; static const int _p = _padding; /** * Mapping from ASCII characters to their index in the base64 alphabet. * * Uses [_invalid] for invalid indices and [_padding] for the padding * character. * * Accepts the "URL-safe" alphabet as well (`-` and `_` are the * 62nd and 63rd alphabet characters), and considers `%` a padding * character, which must then be followed by `3D`, the percent-escape * for `=`. */ static final List _inverseAlphabet = new Int8List.fromList([ __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, // __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, // __, __, __, __, __, _p, __, __, __, __, __, 62, __, 62, __, 63, // 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, __, __, __, _p, __, __, // __, 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, // 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, __, __, __, __, 63, // __, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, // 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, __, __, __, __, __, // ]); // Character constants. static const int _char_percent = 0x25; // '%'. static const int _char_3 = 0x33; // '3'. static const int _char_d = 0x64; // 'd'. /** * Maintains the intermediate state of a partly-decoded input. * * Base64 is decoded in chunks of four characters. If a chunk does not * contain a full block, the decoded bits (six per character) of the * available characters are stored in [_state] until the next call to * [_decode] or [_close]. * * If no padding has been seen, the value is * `numberOfCharactersSeen | (decodedBits << 2)` * where `numberOfCharactersSeen` is between 0 and 3 and decoded bits * contains six bits per seen character. * * If padding has been seen the value is negative. It's the bitwise negation * of the number of remaining allowed padding characters (always ~0 or ~1). * * A state of `0` or `~0` are valid places to end decoding, all other values * mean that a four-character block has not been completed. */ int _state = 0; /** * Encodes [count] and [bits] as a value to be stored in [_state]. */ static int _encodeCharacterState(int count, int bits) { assert(count == (count & _countMask)); return (bits << _valueShift | count); } /** * Extracts count from a [_state] value. */ static int _stateCount(int state) { assert(state >= 0); return state & _countMask; } /** * Extracts value bits from a [_state] value. */ static int _stateBits(int state) { assert(state >= 0); return state >> _valueShift; } /** * Encodes a number of expected padding characters to be stored in [_state]. */ static int _encodePaddingState(int expectedPadding) { assert(expectedPadding >= 0); assert(expectedPadding <= 5); return -expectedPadding - 1; // ~expectedPadding adapted to dart2js. } /** * Extracts expected padding character count from a [_state] value. */ static int _statePadding(int state) { assert(state < 0); return -state - 1; // ~state adapted to dart2js. } static bool _hasSeenPadding(int state) => state < 0; /** * Decodes [input] from [start] to [end]. * * Returns a [Uint8List] with the decoded bytes. * If a previous call had an incomplete four-character block, the bits from * those are included in decoding */ Uint8List decode(String input, int start, int end) { assert(0 <= start); assert(start <= end); assert(end <= input.length); if (_hasSeenPadding(_state)) { _state = _checkPadding(input, start, end, _state); return null; } if (start == end) return new Uint8List(0); Uint8List buffer = _allocateBuffer(input, start, end, _state); _state = decodeChunk(input, start, end, buffer, 0, _state); return buffer; } /** Checks that [_state] represents a valid decoding. */ void close(String input, int end) { if (_state < _encodePaddingState(0)) { throw new FormatException("Missing padding character", input, end); } if (_state > 0) { throw new FormatException( "Invalid length, must be multiple of four", input, end); } _state = _encodePaddingState(0); } /** * Decodes [input] from [start] to [end]. * * Includes the state returned by a previous call in the decoding. * Writes the decoding to [output] at [outIndex], and there must * be room in the output. */ static int decodeChunk(String input, int start, int end, Uint8List output, int outIndex, int state) { assert(!_hasSeenPadding(state)); const int asciiMask = 127; const int asciiMax = 127; const int eightBitMask = 0xFF; const int bitsPerCharacter = 6; int bits = _stateBits(state); int count = _stateCount(state); // String contents should be all ASCII. // Instead of checking for each character, we collect the bitwise-or of // all the characters in `charOr` and later validate that all characters // were ASCII. int charOr = 0; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { var char = input.codeUnitAt(i); charOr |= char; int code = _inverseAlphabet[char & asciiMask]; if (code >= 0) { bits = ((bits << bitsPerCharacter) | code) & 0xFFFFFF; count = (count + 1) & 3; if (count == 0) { assert(outIndex + 3 <= output.length); output[outIndex++] = (bits >> 16) & eightBitMask; output[outIndex++] = (bits >> 8) & eightBitMask; output[outIndex++] = bits & eightBitMask; bits = 0; } continue; } else if (code == _padding && count > 1) { if (charOr < 0 || charOr > asciiMax) break; if (count == 3) { if ((bits & 0x03) != 0) { throw new FormatException( "Invalid encoding before padding", input, i); } output[outIndex++] = bits >> 10; output[outIndex++] = bits >> 2; } else { if ((bits & 0x0F) != 0) { throw new FormatException( "Invalid encoding before padding", input, i); } output[outIndex++] = bits >> 4; } // Expected padding is the number of expected padding characters, // where `=` counts as three and `%3D` counts as one per character. // // Expect either zero or one padding depending on count (2 or 3), // plus two more characters if the code was `%` (a partial padding). int expectedPadding = (3 - count) * 3; if (char == _char_percent) expectedPadding += 2; state = _encodePaddingState(expectedPadding); return _checkPadding(input, i + 1, end, state); } throw new FormatException("Invalid character", input, i); } if (charOr >= 0 && charOr <= asciiMax) { return _encodeCharacterState(count, bits); } // There is an invalid (non-ASCII) character in the input. int i; for (i = start; i < end; i++) { int char = input.codeUnitAt(i); if (char < 0 || char > asciiMax) break; } throw new FormatException("Invalid character", input, i); } /** * Allocates a buffer with room for the decoding of a substring of [input]. * * Includes room for the characters in [state], and handles padding correctly. */ static Uint8List _allocateBuffer( String input, int start, int end, int state) { assert(state >= 0); int paddingStart = _trimPaddingChars(input, start, end); int length = _stateCount(state) + (paddingStart - start); // Three bytes per full four bytes in the input. int bufferLength = (length >> 2) * 3; // If padding was seen, then this is the last chunk, and the final partial // chunk should be decoded too. int remainderLength = length & 3; if (remainderLength != 0 && paddingStart < end) { bufferLength += remainderLength - 1; } if (bufferLength > 0) return new Uint8List(bufferLength); // If the input plus state is less than four characters, and it's not // at the end of input, no buffer is needed. return null; } /** * Returns the position of the start of padding at the end of the input. * * Returns the end of input if there is no padding. * * This is used to ensure that the decoding buffer has the exact size * it needs when input is valid, and at least enough bytes to reach the error * when input is invalid. * * Never count more than two padding sequences since any more than that * will raise an error anyway, and we only care about being precise for * successful conversions. */ static int _trimPaddingChars(String input, int start, int end) { // This may count '%=' as two paddings. That's ok, it will err later, // but the buffer will be large enough to reach the error. int padding = 0; int index = end; int newEnd = end; while (index > start && padding < 2) { index--; int char = input.codeUnitAt(index); if (char == _paddingChar) { padding++; newEnd = index; continue; } if ((char | 0x20) == _char_d) { if (index == start) break; index--; char = input.codeUnitAt(index); } if (char == _char_3) { if (index == start) break; index--; char = input.codeUnitAt(index); } if (char == _char_percent) { padding++; newEnd = index; continue; } break; } return newEnd; } /** * Check that the remainder of the string is valid padding. * * Valid padding is a correct number (0, 1 or 2) of `=` characters * or `%3D` sequences depending on the number of preceding base64 characters. * The [state] parameter encodes which padding continuations are allowed * as the number of expected characters. That number is the number of * expected padding characters times 3 minus the number of padding characters * seen so far, where `=` counts as 3 counts as three characters, * and the padding sequence `%3D` counts as one character per character. * * The number of missing characters is always between 0 and 5 because we * only call this function after having seen at least one `=` or `%` * character. * If the number of missing characters is not 3 or 0, we have seen (at least) * a `%` character and expects the rest of the `%3D` sequence, and a `=` is * not allowed. When missing 3 characters, either `=` or `%` is allowed. * * When the value is 0, no more padding (or any other character) is allowed. */ static int _checkPadding(String input, int start, int end, int state) { assert(_hasSeenPadding(state)); if (start == end) return state; int expectedPadding = _statePadding(state); assert(expectedPadding >= 0); assert(expectedPadding < 6); while (expectedPadding > 0) { int char = input.codeUnitAt(start); if (expectedPadding == 3) { if (char == _paddingChar) { expectedPadding -= 3; start++; break; } if (char == _char_percent) { expectedPadding--; start++; if (start == end) break; char = input.codeUnitAt(start); } else { break; } } // Partial padding means we have seen part of a "%3D" escape. int expectedPartialPadding = expectedPadding; if (expectedPartialPadding > 3) expectedPartialPadding -= 3; if (expectedPartialPadding == 2) { // Expects '3' if (char != _char_3) break; start++; expectedPadding--; if (start == end) break; char = input.codeUnitAt(start); } // Expects 'D' or 'd'. if ((char | 0x20) != _char_d) break; start++; expectedPadding--; if (start == end) break; } if (start != end) { throw new FormatException("Invalid padding character", input, start); } return _encodePaddingState(expectedPadding); } } class _Base64DecoderSink extends StringConversionSinkBase { /** Output sink */ final Sink> _sink; final _Base64Decoder _decoder = new _Base64Decoder(); _Base64DecoderSink(this._sink); void add(String string) { if (string.isEmpty) return; Uint8List buffer = _decoder.decode(string, 0, string.length); if (buffer != null) _sink.add(buffer); } void close() { _decoder.close(null, null); _sink.close(); } void addSlice(String string, int start, int end, bool isLast) { end = RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, string.length); if (start == end) return; Uint8List buffer = _decoder.decode(string, start, end); if (buffer != null) _sink.add(buffer); if (isLast) { _decoder.close(string, end); _sink.close(); } } } NN<H1:; NJ<0K8:; QM?;Q">T%D|"@*'HG+OGI5 :J)66BIB@CB*!M7LLA>A 3;&$)L>F<*0D D&+-.78"HL0 90 0)@& J7D.7J*=7;%?  A<H! 5"9#=EOK8!M1!N!BL L,>>;,3$"0E-A(K8.0(J3+J?$=#'(-A<%DF1!(*<+;4KDCHIJ!+G2%&%9',.- N)K$OC":0IIO(P QQPI()Q4I) #Q2B QNN,, ONN,;M@>-D1DDC+E=;&@;!4=AD8:"!30AD8L L$J3;HA=BIB>@/(:F)F?$=#."."1""JHBEHDGGGGGGGG1++AIGH/5H+ONO>E:+*+&0%!O8""IF(57,3N$7!#9/C@;&+J!C%,ECM!%#$"$,LM(&5?!1<;4 24$'> +*$'> * JL JM/968@-1? $&.>NQ$5=>5*O$&6+>J1K6HPJJCJ?+*"&#(#(# >EPKHPDKKGPNKOJ$$0"!"*"$  %#* D4C)$!(+L1<8" B+ BA<+#Xfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/convert/byte_conversion.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.convert; /** * The [ByteConversionSink] provides an interface for converters to * efficiently transmit byte data. * * Instead of limiting the interface to one non-chunked list of bytes it * accepts its input in chunks (themselves being lists of bytes). * * This abstract class will likely get more methods over time. Implementers are * urged to extend or mix in [ByteConversionSinkBase] to ensure that their * class covers the newly added methods. */ abstract class ByteConversionSink extends ChunkedConversionSink> { ByteConversionSink(); factory ByteConversionSink.withCallback( void callback(List accumulated)) = _ByteCallbackSink; factory ByteConversionSink.from(Sink> sink) = _ByteAdapterSink; /** * Adds the next [chunk] to `this`. * * Adds the bytes defined by [start] and [end]-exclusive to `this`. * * If [isLast] is `true` closes `this`. * * Contrary to `add` the given [chunk] must not be held onto. Once the method * returns, it is safe to overwrite the data in it. */ void addSlice(List chunk, int start, int end, bool isLast); // TODO(floitsch): add more methods: // - iterateBytes. } /** * This class provides a base-class for converters that need to accept byte * inputs. */ abstract class ByteConversionSinkBase extends ByteConversionSink { void add(List chunk); void close(); void addSlice(List chunk, int start, int end, bool isLast) { add(chunk.sublist(start, end)); if (isLast) close(); } } /** * This class adapts a simple [Sink] to a [ByteConversionSink]. * * All additional methods of the [ByteConversionSink] (compared to the * ChunkedConversionSink) are redirected to the `add` method. */ class _ByteAdapterSink extends ByteConversionSinkBase { final Sink> _sink; _ByteAdapterSink(this._sink); void add(List chunk) { _sink.add(chunk); } void close() { _sink.close(); } } /** * This class accumulates all chunks into one list of bytes * and invokes a callback when the sink is closed. * * This class can be used to terminate a chunked conversion. */ class _ByteCallbackSink extends ByteConversionSinkBase { static const _INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024; final _ChunkedConversionCallback> _callback; List _buffer = new Uint8List(_INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE); int _bufferIndex = 0; _ByteCallbackSink(void callback(List accumulated)) : this._callback = callback; void add(Iterable chunk) { int freeCount = _buffer.length - _bufferIndex; if (chunk.length > freeCount) { // Grow the buffer. int oldLength = _buffer.length; int newLength = _roundToPowerOf2(chunk.length + oldLength) * 2; List grown = new Uint8List(newLength); grown.setRange(0, _buffer.length, _buffer); _buffer = grown; } _buffer.setRange(_bufferIndex, _bufferIndex + chunk.length, chunk); _bufferIndex += chunk.length; } static int _roundToPowerOf2(int v) { assert(v > 0); v--; v |= v >> 1; v |= v >> 2; v |= v >> 4; v |= v >> 8; v |= v >> 16; v++; return v; } void close() { _callback(_buffer.sublist(0, _bufferIndex)); } } yNN<D#IBPK)M+AL&F*P6C'L CD$@G>8 <3=9,9;:#"3$&F22H"'  1Nfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/convert/codec.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.convert; /** * A [Codec] encodes and (if supported) decodes data. * * Codecs can be fused. For example fusing [json] and [utf8] produces * an encoder that can convert Json objects directly to bytes, or can decode * bytes directly to json objects. * * Fused codecs generally attempt to optimize the operations and can be faster * than executing each step of an encoding separately. */ abstract class Codec { const Codec(); /** * Encodes [input]. * * The input is encoded as if by `encoder.convert`. */ T encode(S input) => encoder.convert(input); /** * Decodes [encoded] data. * * The input is decoded as if by `decoder.convert`. */ S decode(T encoded) => decoder.convert(encoded); /** * Returns the encoder from [S] to [T]. * * It may be stateful and should not be reused. */ Converter get encoder; /** * Returns the decoder of `this`, converting from [T] to [S]. * * It may be stateful and should not be reused. */ Converter get decoder; /** * Fuses `this` with `other`. * * When encoding, the resulting codec encodes with `this` before * encoding with [other]. * * When decoding, the resulting codec decodes with [other] before decoding * with `this`. * * In some cases one needs to use the [inverted] codecs to be able to fuse * them correctly. That is, the output type of `this` ([T]) must match the * input type of the second codec [other]. * * Examples: * ```dart * final jsonToBytes = json.fuse(utf8); * List bytes = jsonToBytes.encode(["json-object"]); * var decoded = jsonToBytes.decode(bytes); * assert(decoded is List && decoded[0] == "json-object"); * * var inverted = json.inverted; * var jsonIdentity = json.fuse(inverted); * var jsonObject = jsonIdentity.encode(["1", 2]); * assert(jsonObject is List && jsonObject[0] == "1" && jsonObject[1] == 2); * ``` */ // TODO(floitsch): use better example with line-splitter once that one is // in this library. Codec fuse(Codec other) { return new _FusedCodec(this, other); } /** * Inverts `this`. * * The [encoder] and [decoder] of the resulting codec are swapped. */ Codec get inverted => new _InvertedCodec(this); } /** * Fuses the given codecs. * * In the non-chunked conversion simply invokes the non-chunked conversions in * sequence. */ class _FusedCodec extends Codec { final Codec _first; final Codec _second; Converter get encoder => _first.encoder.fuse(_second.encoder); Converter get decoder => _second.decoder.fuse(_first.decoder); _FusedCodec(this._first, this._second); } class _InvertedCodec extends Codec { final Codec _codec; _InvertedCodec(Codec codec) : _codec = codec; Converter get encoder => _codec.decoder; Converter get decoder => _codec.encoder; Codec get inverted => _codec; } rNN<6FM#O76/63*2@2 CMMM- *<.=#-5O L+2E>O 1JJ*1611&Rfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/convert/converter.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.convert; /** * A [Converter] converts data from one representation into another. * * It is recommended that implementations of `Converter` extend this class, * to inherit any further methods that may be added to the class. */ abstract class Converter extends StreamTransformerBase { const Converter(); /** * Adapts [source] to be a `Converter`. * * This allows [source] to be used at the new type, but at run-time it * must satisfy the requirements of both the new type and its original type. * * Conversion input must be both [SS] and [TS] and the output created by * [source] for those input must be both [ST] and [TT]. */ static Converter castFrom(Converter source) => new CastConverter(source); /** * Converts [input] and returns the result of the conversion. */ T convert(S input); /** * Fuses `this` with [other]. * * Encoding with the resulting converter is equivalent to converting with * `this` before converting with `other`. */ Converter fuse(Converter other) { return new _FusedConverter(this, other); } /** * Starts a chunked conversion. * * The returned sink serves as input for the long-running conversion. The * given [sink] serves as output. */ Sink startChunkedConversion(Sink sink) { throw new UnsupportedError( "This converter does not support chunked conversions: $this"); } Stream bind(Stream stream) { return new Stream.eventTransformed( stream, (EventSink sink) => new _ConverterStreamEventSink(this, sink)); } /** * Provides a `Converter` view of this stream transformer. * * The resulting transformer will check at run-time that all conversion * inputs are actually instances of [S], * and it will check that all conversion output produced by this converter * are acually instances of [RT]. */ Converter cast() => Converter.castFrom(this); } /** * Fuses two converters. * * For a non-chunked conversion converts the input in sequence. */ class _FusedConverter extends Converter { final Converter _first; final Converter _second; _FusedConverter(this._first, this._second); T convert(S input) => _second.convert(_first.convert(input)); Sink startChunkedConversion(Sink sink) { return _first.startChunkedConversion(_second.startChunkedConversion(sink)); } } XNN<ELBE2IOK:Q1@ L,67"L$1 G%+PEJ+M$N@9 !.@1PQfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/convert/encoding.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.convert; /** * Open-ended Encoding enum. */ abstract class Encoding extends Codec> { const Encoding(); Converter> get encoder; Converter, String> get decoder; Future decodeStream(Stream> byteStream) { return byteStream .transform(decoder) .fold(new StringBuffer(), (buffer, string) => buffer..write(string)) .then((buffer) => buffer.toString()); } /** * Name of the encoding. * * If the encoding is standardized, this is the lower-case version of one of * the IANA official names for the character set (see * */ String get name; // All aliases (in lowercase) of supported encoding from // static Map _nameToEncoding = { // ISO_8859-1:1987. "iso_8859-1:1987": latin1, "iso-ir-100": latin1, "iso_8859-1": latin1, "iso-8859-1": latin1, "latin1": latin1, "l1": latin1, "ibm819": latin1, "cp819": latin1, "csisolatin1": latin1, // US-ASCII. "iso-ir-6": ascii, "ansi_x3.4-1968": ascii, "ansi_x3.4-1986": ascii, "iso_646.irv:1991": ascii, "iso646-us": ascii, "us-ascii": ascii, "us": ascii, "ibm367": ascii, "cp367": ascii, "csascii": ascii, "ascii": ascii, // This is not in the IANA official names. // UTF-8. "csutf8": utf8, "utf-8": utf8 }; /** * Gets an [Encoding] object from the name of the character set * name. The names used are the IANA official names for the * character set (see * * * The [name] passed is case insensitive. * * If character set is not supported [:null:] is returned. */ static Encoding getByName(String name) { if (name == null) return null; name = name.toLowerCase(); return _nameToEncoding[name]; } } QNN<;,,>M.O8H;HE?A=H+<+#"Tfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/convert/html_escape.dart;// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.convert; /** * A `String` converter that converts characters to HTML entities. * * This is intended to sanitize text before inserting the text into an HTML * document. Characters that are meaningful in HTML are converted to * HTML entities (like `&` for `&`). * * The general converter escapes all characters that are meaningful in HTML * attributes or normal element context. Elements with special content types * (like CSS or JavaScript) may need a more specialized escaping that * understands that content type. * * If the context where the text will be inserted is known in more detail, * it's possible to omit escaping some characters (like quotes when not * inside an attribute value). * * The escaped text should only be used inside quoted HTML attributes values * or as text content of a normal element. Using the escaped text inside a * tag, but not inside a quoted attribute value, is still dangerous. */ const HtmlEscape htmlEscape = const HtmlEscape(); /** * HTML escape modes. * * Allows specifying a mode for HTML escaping that depend on the context * where the escaped result is going to be used. * The relevant contexts are: * * * as text content of an HTML element. * * as value of a (single- or double-) quoted attribute value. * * All modes require escaping of `&` (ampersand) characters, and may * enable escaping of more characters. * * Custom escape modes can be created using the [HtmlEscapeMode.HtmlEscapeMode] * constructor. */ class HtmlEscapeMode { final String _name; /** Whether to escape '<' and '>'. */ final bool escapeLtGt; /** Whether to escape '"' (quote). */ final bool escapeQuot; /** Whether to escape "'" (apostrophe). */ final bool escapeApos; /** * Whether to escape "/" (forward slash, solidus). * * Escaping a slash is recommended to avoid cross-site scripting attacks by * [the Open Web Application Security Project]( */ final bool escapeSlash; /** * Default escaping mode which escape all characters. * * The result of such an escaping is usable both in element content and * in any attribute value. * * The escaping only works for elements with normal HTML content, * and not for, for example, script or style element content, * which require escapes matching their particular content syntax. */ static const HtmlEscapeMode unknown = const HtmlEscapeMode._('unknown', true, true, true, true); /** * Escaping mode for text going into double-quoted HTML attribute values. * * The result should not be used as the content of an unquoted * or single-quoted attribute value. * * Escapes double quotes (`"`) but not single quotes (`'`), * and escapes `<` and `>` characters because they are not allowed * in strict XHTML attributes */ static const HtmlEscapeMode attribute = const HtmlEscapeMode._('attribute', true, true, false, false); /** * Escaping mode for text going into single-quoted HTML attribute values. * * The result should not be used as the content of an unquoted * or double-quoted attribute value. * * Escapes single quotes (`'`) but not double quotes (`"`), * and escapes `<` and `>` characters because they are not allowed * in strict XHTML attributes */ static const HtmlEscapeMode sqAttribute = const HtmlEscapeMode._('attribute', true, false, true, false); /** * Escaping mode for text going into HTML element content. * * The escaping only works for elements with normal HTML content, * and not for, for example, script or style element content, * which require escapes matching their particular content syntax. * * Escapes `<` and `>` characters. */ static const HtmlEscapeMode element = const HtmlEscapeMode._('element', true, false, false, false); const HtmlEscapeMode._(this._name, this.escapeLtGt, this.escapeQuot, this.escapeApos, this.escapeSlash); /** * Create a custom escaping mode. * * All modes escape `&`. * The mode can further be set to escape `<` and `>` ([escapeLtGt]), * `"` ([escapeQuot]), `'` ([escapeApos]), and/or `/` ([escapeSlash]). */ const HtmlEscapeMode( {String name: "custom", this.escapeLtGt: false, this.escapeQuot: false, this.escapeApos: false, this.escapeSlash: false}) : _name = name; String toString() => _name; } /** * Converter which escapes characters with special meaning in HTML. * * The converter finds characters that are significant in HTML source and * replaces them with corresponding HTML entities. * * The characters that need escaping in HTML are: * * * `&` (ampersand) always need to be escaped. * * `<` (less than) and '>' (greater than) when inside an element. * * `"` (quote) when inside a double-quoted attribute value. * * `'` (apostrophe) when inside a single-quoted attribute value. * Apostrophe is escaped as `'` instead of `'` since * not all browsers understand `'`. * * `/` (slash) is recommended to be escaped because it may be used * to terminate an element in some HTML dialects. * * Escaping `>` (greater than) isn't necessary, but the result is often * found to be easier to read if greater-than is also escaped whenever * less-than is. */ class HtmlEscape extends Converter { /** The [HtmlEscapeMode] used by the converter. */ final HtmlEscapeMode mode; /** * Create converter that escapes HTML characters. * * If [mode] is provided as either [HtmlEscapeMode.attribute] or * [HtmlEscapeMode.element], only the corresponding subset of HTML * characters are escaped. * The default is to escape all HTML characters. */ const HtmlEscape([this.mode = HtmlEscapeMode.unknown]); String convert(String text) { var val = _convert(text, 0, text.length); return val == null ? text : val; } /** * Converts the substring of text from start to end. * * Returns `null` if no changes were necessary, otherwise returns * the converted string. */ String _convert(String text, int start, int end) { StringBuffer result = null; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { var ch = text[i]; String replacement = null; switch (ch) { case '&': replacement = '&'; break; case '"': if (mode.escapeQuot) replacement = '"'; break; case "'": if (mode.escapeApos) replacement = '''; break; case '<': if (mode.escapeLtGt) replacement = '<'; break; case '>': if (mode.escapeLtGt) replacement = '>'; break; case '/': if (mode.escapeSlash) replacement = '/'; break; } if (replacement != null) { if (result == null) result = new StringBuffer(); if (i > start) result.write(text.substring(start, i)); result.write(replacement); start = i + 1; } } if (result == null) return null; if (end > start) result.write(text.substring(start, end)); return result.toString(); } StringConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink sink) { if (sink is! StringConversionSink) { sink = new StringConversionSink.from(sink); } return new _HtmlEscapeSink(this, sink); } } class _HtmlEscapeSink extends StringConversionSinkBase { final HtmlEscape _escape; final StringConversionSink _sink; _HtmlEscapeSink(this._escape, this._sink); void addSlice(String chunk, int start, int end, bool isLast) { var val = _escape._convert(chunk, start, end); if (val == null) { _sink.addSlice(chunk, start, end, isLast); } else { _sink.add(val); if (isLast) _sink.close(); } } void close() { _sink.close(); } } NN<CLE)LMF"KHMKE2I1)@E'P((-5N8JD@E(ALA'>E *ELA'>E ,E=D@E%(DG*$GI DJ320D>CD/E8HG554CE3: .%7D5 (!!76557!9?#%?C)2,9$-A31 !Ofile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/convert/latin1.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.convert; /** * An instance of the default implementation of the [Latin1Codec]. * * This instance provides a convenient access to the most common ISO Latin 1 * use cases. * * Examples: * ```dart * var encoded = latin1.encode("blåbærgrød"); * var decoded = latin1.decode([0x62, 0x6c, 0xe5, 0x62, 0xe6, * 0x72, 0x67, 0x72, 0xf8, 0x64]); * ``` */ const Latin1Codec latin1 = const Latin1Codec(); const int _latin1Mask = 0xFF; /** * A [Latin1Codec] encodes strings to ISO Latin-1 (aka ISO-8859-1) bytes * and decodes Latin-1 bytes to strings. */ class Latin1Codec extends Encoding { final bool _allowInvalid; /** * Instantiates a new [Latin1Codec]. * * If [allowInvalid] is true, the [decode] method and the converter * returned by [decoder] will default to allowing invalid values. Invalid * values are decoded into the Unicode Replacement character (U+FFFD). * Calls to the [decode] method can override this default. * * Encoders will not accept invalid (non Latin-1) characters. */ const Latin1Codec({bool allowInvalid: false}) : _allowInvalid = allowInvalid; String get name => "iso-8859-1"; Uint8List encode(String source) => encoder.convert(source); /** * Decodes the Latin-1 [bytes] (a list of unsigned 8-bit integers) to the * corresponding string. * * If [bytes] contains values that are not in the range 0 .. 255, the decoder * will eventually throw a [FormatException]. * * If [allowInvalid] is not provided, it defaults to the value used to create * this [Latin1Codec]. */ String decode(List bytes, {bool allowInvalid}) { if (allowInvalid == null) allowInvalid = _allowInvalid; if (allowInvalid) { return const Latin1Decoder(allowInvalid: true).convert(bytes); } else { return const Latin1Decoder(allowInvalid: false).convert(bytes); } } Latin1Encoder get encoder => const Latin1Encoder(); Latin1Decoder get decoder => _allowInvalid ? const Latin1Decoder(allowInvalid: true) : const Latin1Decoder(allowInvalid: false); } /** * This class converts strings of only ISO Latin-1 characters to bytes. */ class Latin1Encoder extends _UnicodeSubsetEncoder { const Latin1Encoder() : super(_latin1Mask); } /** * This class converts Latin-1 bytes (lists of unsigned 8-bit integers) * to a string. */ class Latin1Decoder extends _UnicodeSubsetDecoder { /** * Instantiates a new [Latin1Decoder]. * * The optional [allowInvalid] argument defines how [convert] deals * with invalid bytes. * * If it is `true`, [convert] replaces invalid bytes with the Unicode * Replacement character `U+FFFD` (�). * Otherwise it throws a [FormatException]. */ const Latin1Decoder({bool allowInvalid: false}) : super(allowInvalid, _latin1Mask); /** * Starts a chunked conversion. * * The converter works more efficiently if the given [sink] is a * [StringConversionSink]. */ ByteConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink sink) { StringConversionSink stringSink; if (sink is StringConversionSink) { stringSink = sink; } else { stringSink = new StringConversionSink.from(sink); } // TODO(lrn): Use stringSink.asUtf16Sink() if it becomes available. if (!_allowInvalid) return new _Latin1DecoderSink(stringSink); return new _Latin1AllowInvalidDecoderSink(stringSink); } } class _Latin1DecoderSink extends ByteConversionSinkBase { StringConversionSink _sink; _Latin1DecoderSink(this._sink); void close() { _sink.close(); _sink = null; } void add(List source) { addSlice(source, 0, source.length, false); } void _addSliceToSink(List source, int start, int end, bool isLast) { // If _sink was a UTF-16 conversion sink, just add the slice directly with // _sink.addSlice(source, start, end, isLast). // The code below is an moderately stupid workaround until a real // solution can be made. _sink.add(new String.fromCharCodes(source, start, end)); if (isLast) close(); } void addSlice(List source, int start, int end, bool isLast) { end = RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, source.length); if (start == end) return; if (source is! Uint8List) { // List may contain value outside of the 0..255 range. If so, throw. // Technically, we could excuse Uint8ClampedList as well, but it unlikely // to be relevant. _checkValidLatin1(source, start, end); } _addSliceToSink(source, start, end, isLast); } static void _checkValidLatin1(List source, int start, int end) { int mask = 0; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { mask |= source[i]; } if (mask >= 0 && mask <= _latin1Mask) { return; } _reportInvalidLatin1(source, start, end); // Always throws. } static void _reportInvalidLatin1(List source, int start, int end) { // Find the index of the first non-Latin-1 character code. for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { int char = source[i]; if (char < 0 || char > _latin1Mask) { throw new FormatException( "Source contains non-Latin-1 characters.", source, i); } } // Unreachable - we only call the function if the loop above throws. assert(false); } } class _Latin1AllowInvalidDecoderSink extends _Latin1DecoderSink { _Latin1AllowInvalidDecoderSink(StringConversionSink sink) : super(sink); void addSlice(List source, int start, int end, bool isLast) { RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, source.length); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { int char = source[i]; if (char > _latin1Mask || char < 0) { if (i > start) _addSliceToSink(source, start, i, false); // Add UTF-8 encoding of U+FFFD. _addSliceToSink(const [0xFFFD], 0, 1, false); start = i + 1; } } if (start < end) { _addSliceToSink(source, start, end, isLast); } if (isLast) { close(); } } } NN<CM .>@0I)%'FLI=@P#>LP0P8<E F6-02H4.H4)FH).2*"CA%( 8HC;:"/LO3F=EA KP-1H(,@K?(,#CIBKE;(,A)63Vfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/convert/line_splitter.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.convert; // Character constants. const int _LF = 10; const int _CR = 13; /** * A [StreamTransformer] that splits a [String] into individual lines. * * A line is terminated by either a CR (U+000D), a LF (U+000A), a * CR+LF sequence (DOS line ending), * and a final non-empty line can be ended by the end of the string. * * The returned lines do not contain the line terminators. */ class LineSplitter extends StreamTransformerBase { const LineSplitter(); /// Split [lines] into individual lines. /// /// If [start] and [end] are provided, only split the contents of /// `lines.substring(start, end)`. The [start] and [end] values must /// specify a valid sub-range of [lines] /// (`0 <= start <= end <= lines.length`). static Iterable split(String lines, [int start = 0, int end]) sync* { end = RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, lines.length); int sliceStart = start; int char = 0; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { int previousChar = char; char = lines.codeUnitAt(i); if (char != _CR) { if (char != _LF) continue; if (previousChar == _CR) { sliceStart = i + 1; continue; } } yield lines.substring(sliceStart, i); sliceStart = i + 1; } if (sliceStart < end) { yield lines.substring(sliceStart, end); } } List convert(String data) { List lines = []; int end = data.length; int sliceStart = 0; int char = 0; for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) { int previousChar = char; char = data.codeUnitAt(i); if (char != _CR) { if (char != _LF) continue; if (previousChar == _CR) { sliceStart = i + 1; continue; } } lines.add(data.substring(sliceStart, i)); sliceStart = i + 1; } if (sliceStart < end) { lines.add(data.substring(sliceStart, end)); } return lines; } StringConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink sink) { if (sink is! StringConversionSink) { sink = new StringConversionSink.from(sink); } return new _LineSplitterSink(sink); } Stream bind(Stream stream) { return new Stream.eventTransformed( stream, (EventSink sink) => new _LineSplitterEventSink(sink)); } } // TODO(floitsch): deal with utf8. class _LineSplitterSink extends StringConversionSinkBase { final StringConversionSink _sink; /// The carry-over from the previous chunk. /// /// If the previous slice ended in a line without a line terminator, /// then the next slice may continue the line. String _carry; /// Whether to skip a leading LF character from the next slice. /// /// If the previous slice ended on a CR character, a following LF /// would be part of the same line termination, and should be ignored. /// /// Only `true` when [_carry] is `null`. bool _skipLeadingLF = false; _LineSplitterSink(this._sink); void addSlice(String chunk, int start, int end, bool isLast) { end = RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, chunk.length); // If the chunk is empty, it's probably because it's the last one. // Handle that here, so we know the range is non-empty below. if (start >= end) { if (isLast) close(); return; } if (_carry != null) { assert(!_skipLeadingLF); chunk = _carry + chunk.substring(start, end); start = 0; end = chunk.length; _carry = null; } else if (_skipLeadingLF) { if (chunk.codeUnitAt(start) == _LF) { start += 1; } _skipLeadingLF = false; } _addLines(chunk, start, end); if (isLast) close(); } void close() { if (_carry != null) { _sink.add(_carry); _carry = null; } _sink.close(); } void _addLines(String lines, int start, int end) { int sliceStart = start; int char = 0; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { int previousChar = char; char = lines.codeUnitAt(i); if (char != _CR) { if (char != _LF) continue; if (previousChar == _CR) { sliceStart = i + 1; continue; } } _sink.add(lines.substring(sliceStart, i)); sliceStart = i + 1; } if (sliceStart < end) { _carry = lines.substring(sliceStart, end); } else { _skipLeadingLF = (char == _CR); } } } class _LineSplitterEventSink extends _LineSplitterSink implements EventSink { final EventSink _eventSink; _LineSplitterEventSink(EventSink eventSink) : _eventSink = eventSink, super(new StringConversionSink.from(eventSink)); void addError(Object o, [StackTrace stackTrace]) { _eventSink.addError(o, stackTrace); } } NN<GB%E;C+DG+-P@("## ,.&%$!## 02C)2(/0O#;$.G1BDI+!A@GB4!,"5("## 11 &7#&6 95(Lfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/convert/utf.dartN // Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.convert; /** The Unicode Replacement character `U+FFFD` (�). */ const int unicodeReplacementCharacterRune = 0xFFFD; /** The Unicode Byte Order Marker (BOM) character `U+FEFF`. */ const int unicodeBomCharacterRune = 0xFEFF; /** * An instance of the default implementation of the [Utf8Codec]. * * This instance provides a convenient access to the most common UTF-8 * use cases. * * Examples: * * var encoded = utf8.encode("Îñţérñåţîöñåļîžåţîờñ"); * var decoded = utf8.decode([0x62, 0x6c, 0xc3, 0xa5, 0x62, 0xc3, 0xa6, * 0x72, 0x67, 0x72, 0xc3, 0xb8, 0x64]); */ const Utf8Codec utf8 = const Utf8Codec(); /** * A [Utf8Codec] encodes strings to utf-8 code units (bytes) and decodes * UTF-8 code units to strings. */ class Utf8Codec extends Encoding { final bool _allowMalformed; /** * Instantiates a new [Utf8Codec]. * * The optional [allowMalformed] argument defines how [decoder] (and [decode]) * deal with invalid or unterminated character sequences. * * If it is `true` (and not overridden at the method invocation) [decode] and * the [decoder] replace invalid (or unterminated) octet * sequences with the Unicode Replacement character `U+FFFD` (�). Otherwise * they throw a [FormatException]. */ const Utf8Codec({bool allowMalformed: false}) : _allowMalformed = allowMalformed; String get name => "utf-8"; /** * Decodes the UTF-8 [codeUnits] (a list of unsigned 8-bit integers) to the * corresponding string. * * If the [codeUnits] start with the encoding of a * [unicodeBomCharacterRune], that character is discarded. * * If [allowMalformed] is `true` the decoder replaces invalid (or * unterminated) character sequences with the Unicode Replacement character * `U+FFFD` (�). Otherwise it throws a [FormatException]. * * If [allowMalformed] is not given, it defaults to the `allowMalformed` that * was used to instantiate `this`. */ String decode(List codeUnits, {bool allowMalformed}) { if (allowMalformed == null) allowMalformed = _allowMalformed; return new Utf8Decoder(allowMalformed: allowMalformed).convert(codeUnits); } Utf8Encoder get encoder => const Utf8Encoder(); Utf8Decoder get decoder { return new Utf8Decoder(allowMalformed: _allowMalformed); } } /** * This class converts strings to their UTF-8 code units (a list of * unsigned 8-bit integers). */ class Utf8Encoder extends Converter> { const Utf8Encoder(); /** * Converts [string] to its UTF-8 code units (a list of * unsigned 8-bit integers). * * If [start] and [end] are provided, only the substring * `string.substring(start, end)` is converted. */ List convert(String string, [int start = 0, int end]) { int stringLength = string.length; RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, stringLength); if (end == null) end = stringLength; int length = end - start; if (length == 0) return new Uint8List(0); // Create a new encoder with a length that is guaranteed to be big enough. // A single code unit uses at most 3 bytes, a surrogate pair at most 4. _Utf8Encoder encoder = new _Utf8Encoder.withBufferSize(length * 3); int endPosition = encoder._fillBuffer(string, start, end); assert(endPosition >= end - 1); if (endPosition != end) { // Encoding skipped the last code unit. // That can only happen if the last code unit is a leadsurrogate. // Force encoding of the lead surrogate by itself. int lastCodeUnit = string.codeUnitAt(end - 1); assert(_isLeadSurrogate(lastCodeUnit)); // We use a non-surrogate as `nextUnit` so that _writeSurrogate just // writes the lead-surrogate. bool wasCombined = encoder._writeSurrogate(lastCodeUnit, 0); assert(!wasCombined); } return encoder._buffer.sublist(0, encoder._bufferIndex); } /** * Starts a chunked conversion. * * The converter works more efficiently if the given [sink] is a * [ByteConversionSink]. */ StringConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink> sink) { if (sink is! ByteConversionSink) { sink = new ByteConversionSink.from(sink); } return new _Utf8EncoderSink(sink); } // Override the base-classes bind, to provide a better type. Stream> bind(Stream stream) => super.bind(stream); } /** * This class encodes Strings to UTF-8 code units (unsigned 8 bit integers). */ // TODO(floitsch): make this class public. class _Utf8Encoder { int _carry = 0; int _bufferIndex = 0; final List _buffer; static const _DEFAULT_BYTE_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024; _Utf8Encoder() : this.withBufferSize(_DEFAULT_BYTE_BUFFER_SIZE); _Utf8Encoder.withBufferSize(int bufferSize) : _buffer = _createBuffer(bufferSize); /** * Allow an implementation to pick the most efficient way of storing bytes. */ static List _createBuffer(int size) => new Uint8List(size); /** * Tries to combine the given [leadingSurrogate] with the [nextCodeUnit] and * writes it to [_buffer]. * * Returns true if the [nextCodeUnit] was combined with the * [leadingSurrogate]. If it wasn't then nextCodeUnit was not a trailing * surrogate and has not been written yet. * * It is safe to pass 0 for [nextCodeUnit] in which case only the leading * surrogate is written. */ bool _writeSurrogate(int leadingSurrogate, int nextCodeUnit) { if (_isTailSurrogate(nextCodeUnit)) { int rune = _combineSurrogatePair(leadingSurrogate, nextCodeUnit); // If the rune is encoded with 2 code-units then it must be encoded // with 4 bytes in UTF-8. assert(rune > _THREE_BYTE_LIMIT); assert(rune <= _FOUR_BYTE_LIMIT); _buffer[_bufferIndex++] = 0xF0 | (rune >> 18); _buffer[_bufferIndex++] = 0x80 | ((rune >> 12) & 0x3f); _buffer[_bufferIndex++] = 0x80 | ((rune >> 6) & 0x3f); _buffer[_bufferIndex++] = 0x80 | (rune & 0x3f); return true; } else { // TODO(floitsch): allow to throw on malformed strings. // Encode the half-surrogate directly into UTF-8. This yields // invalid UTF-8, but we started out with invalid UTF-16. // Surrogates are always encoded in 3 bytes in UTF-8. _buffer[_bufferIndex++] = 0xE0 | (leadingSurrogate >> 12); _buffer[_bufferIndex++] = 0x80 | ((leadingSurrogate >> 6) & 0x3f); _buffer[_bufferIndex++] = 0x80 | (leadingSurrogate & 0x3f); return false; } } /** * Fills the [_buffer] with as many characters as possible. * * Does not encode any trailing lead-surrogate. This must be done by the * caller. * * Returns the position in the string. The returned index points to the * first code unit that hasn't been encoded. */ int _fillBuffer(String str, int start, int end) { if (start != end && _isLeadSurrogate(str.codeUnitAt(end - 1))) { // Don't handle a trailing lead-surrogate in this loop. The caller has // to deal with those. end--; } int stringIndex; for (stringIndex = start; stringIndex < end; stringIndex++) { int codeUnit = str.codeUnitAt(stringIndex); // ASCII has the same representation in UTF-8 and UTF-16. if (codeUnit <= _ONE_BYTE_LIMIT) { if (_bufferIndex >= _buffer.length) break; _buffer[_bufferIndex++] = codeUnit; } else if (_isLeadSurrogate(codeUnit)) { if (_bufferIndex + 3 >= _buffer.length) break; // Note that it is safe to read the next code unit. We decremented // [end] above when the last valid code unit was a leading surrogate. int nextCodeUnit = str.codeUnitAt(stringIndex + 1); bool wasCombined = _writeSurrogate(codeUnit, nextCodeUnit); if (wasCombined) stringIndex++; } else { int rune = codeUnit; if (rune <= _TWO_BYTE_LIMIT) { if (_bufferIndex + 1 >= _buffer.length) break; _buffer[_bufferIndex++] = 0xC0 | (rune >> 6); _buffer[_bufferIndex++] = 0x80 | (rune & 0x3f); } else { assert(rune <= _THREE_BYTE_LIMIT); if (_bufferIndex + 2 >= _buffer.length) break; _buffer[_bufferIndex++] = 0xE0 | (rune >> 12); _buffer[_bufferIndex++] = 0x80 | ((rune >> 6) & 0x3f); _buffer[_bufferIndex++] = 0x80 | (rune & 0x3f); } } } return stringIndex; } } /** * This class encodes chunked strings to UTF-8 code units (unsigned 8-bit * integers). */ class _Utf8EncoderSink extends _Utf8Encoder with StringConversionSinkMixin { final ByteConversionSink _sink; _Utf8EncoderSink(this._sink); void close() { if (_carry != 0) { // addSlice will call close again, but then the carry must be equal to 0. addSlice("", 0, 0, true); return; } _sink.close(); } void addSlice(String str, int start, int end, bool isLast) { _bufferIndex = 0; if (start == end && !isLast) { return; } if (_carry != 0) { int nextCodeUnit = 0; if (start != end) { nextCodeUnit = str.codeUnitAt(start); } else { assert(isLast); } bool wasCombined = _writeSurrogate(_carry, nextCodeUnit); // Either we got a non-empty string, or we must not have been combined. assert(!wasCombined || start != end); if (wasCombined) start++; _carry = 0; } do { start = _fillBuffer(str, start, end); bool isLastSlice = isLast && (start == end); if (start == end - 1 && _isLeadSurrogate(str.codeUnitAt(start))) { if (isLast && _bufferIndex < _buffer.length - 3) { // There is still space for the last incomplete surrogate. // We use a non-surrogate as second argument. This way the // function will just add the surrogate-half to the buffer. bool hasBeenCombined = _writeSurrogate(str.codeUnitAt(start), 0); assert(!hasBeenCombined); } else { // Otherwise store it in the carry. If isLast is true, then // close will flush the last carry. _carry = str.codeUnitAt(start); } start++; } _sink.addSlice(_buffer, 0, _bufferIndex, isLastSlice); _bufferIndex = 0; } while (start < end); if (isLast) close(); } // TODO(floitsch): implement asUtf8Sink. Sligthly complicated because it // needs to deal with malformed input. } /** * This class converts UTF-8 code units (lists of unsigned 8-bit integers) * to a string. */ class Utf8Decoder extends Converter, String> { final bool _allowMalformed; /** * Instantiates a new [Utf8Decoder]. * * The optional [allowMalformed] argument defines how [convert] deals * with invalid or unterminated character sequences. * * If it is `true` [convert] replaces invalid (or unterminated) character * sequences with the Unicode Replacement character `U+FFFD` (�). Otherwise * it throws a [FormatException]. */ const Utf8Decoder({bool allowMalformed: false}) : this._allowMalformed = allowMalformed; /** * Converts the UTF-8 [codeUnits] (a list of unsigned 8-bit integers) to the * corresponding string. * * Uses the code units from [start] to, but no including, [end]. * If [end] is omitted, it defaults to `codeUnits.length`. * * If the [codeUnits] start with the encoding of a * [unicodeBomCharacterRune], that character is discarded. */ String convert(List codeUnits, [int start = 0, int end]) { // Allow the implementation to intercept and specialize based on the type // of codeUnits. String result = _convertIntercepted(_allowMalformed, codeUnits, start, end); if (result != null) { return result; } int length = codeUnits.length; RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, length); if (end == null) end = length; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); _Utf8Decoder decoder = new _Utf8Decoder(buffer, _allowMalformed); decoder.convert(codeUnits, start, end); decoder.flush(codeUnits, end); return buffer.toString(); } /** * Starts a chunked conversion. * * The converter works more efficiently if the given [sink] is a * [StringConversionSink]. */ ByteConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink sink) { StringConversionSink stringSink; if (sink is StringConversionSink) { stringSink = sink; } else { stringSink = new StringConversionSink.from(sink); } return stringSink.asUtf8Sink(_allowMalformed); } // Override the base-classes bind, to provide a better type. Stream bind(Stream> stream) => super.bind(stream); external Converter, T> fuse(Converter next); external static String _convertIntercepted( bool allowMalformed, List codeUnits, int start, int end); } // UTF-8 constants. const int _ONE_BYTE_LIMIT = 0x7f; // 7 bits const int _TWO_BYTE_LIMIT = 0x7ff; // 11 bits const int _THREE_BYTE_LIMIT = 0xffff; // 16 bits const int _FOUR_BYTE_LIMIT = 0x10ffff; // 21 bits, truncated to Unicode max. // UTF-16 constants. const int _SURROGATE_MASK = 0xF800; const int _SURROGATE_TAG_MASK = 0xFC00; const int _SURROGATE_VALUE_MASK = 0x3FF; const int _LEAD_SURROGATE_MIN = 0xD800; const int _TAIL_SURROGATE_MIN = 0xDC00; bool _isLeadSurrogate(int codeUnit) => (codeUnit & _SURROGATE_TAG_MASK) == _LEAD_SURROGATE_MIN; bool _isTailSurrogate(int codeUnit) => (codeUnit & _SURROGATE_TAG_MASK) == _TAIL_SURROGATE_MIN; int _combineSurrogatePair(int lead, int tail) => 0x10000 + ((lead & _SURROGATE_VALUE_MASK) << 10) | (tail & _SURROGATE_VALUE_MASK); /** * Decodes UTF-8. * * The decoder handles chunked input. */ // TODO(floitsch): make this class public. class _Utf8Decoder { final bool _allowMalformed; final StringSink _stringSink; bool _isFirstCharacter = true; int _value = 0; int _expectedUnits = 0; int _extraUnits = 0; _Utf8Decoder(this._stringSink, this._allowMalformed); bool get hasPartialInput => _expectedUnits > 0; // Limits of one through four byte encodings. static const List _LIMITS = const [ _ONE_BYTE_LIMIT, _TWO_BYTE_LIMIT, _THREE_BYTE_LIMIT, _FOUR_BYTE_LIMIT ]; void close() { flush(); } /** * Flushes this decoder as if closed. * * This method throws if the input was partial and the decoder was * constructed with `allowMalformed` set to `false`. * * The [source] and [offset] of the current position may be provided, * and are included in the exception if one is thrown. */ void flush([List source, int offset]) { if (hasPartialInput) { if (!_allowMalformed) { throw new FormatException( "Unfinished UTF-8 octet sequence", source, offset); } _stringSink.writeCharCode(unicodeReplacementCharacterRune); _value = 0; _expectedUnits = 0; _extraUnits = 0; } } void convert(List codeUnits, int startIndex, int endIndex) { int value = _value; int expectedUnits = _expectedUnits; int extraUnits = _extraUnits; _value = 0; _expectedUnits = 0; _extraUnits = 0; int scanOneByteCharacters(List units, int from) { final to = endIndex; final mask = _ONE_BYTE_LIMIT; for (var i = from; i < to; i++) { final unit = units[i]; if ((unit & mask) != unit) return i - from; } return to - from; } void addSingleBytes(int from, int to) { assert(from >= startIndex && from <= endIndex); assert(to >= startIndex && to <= endIndex); _stringSink.write(new String.fromCharCodes(codeUnits, from, to)); } int i = startIndex; loop: while (true) { multibyte: if (expectedUnits > 0) { do { if (i == endIndex) { break loop; } int unit = codeUnits[i]; if ((unit & 0xC0) != 0x80) { expectedUnits = 0; if (!_allowMalformed) { throw new FormatException( "Bad UTF-8 encoding 0x${unit.toRadixString(16)}", codeUnits, i); } _isFirstCharacter = false; _stringSink.writeCharCode(unicodeReplacementCharacterRune); break multibyte; } else { value = (value << 6) | (unit & 0x3f); expectedUnits--; i++; } } while (expectedUnits > 0); if (value <= _LIMITS[extraUnits - 1]) { // Overly long encoding. The value could be encoded with a shorter // encoding. if (!_allowMalformed) { throw new FormatException( "Overlong encoding of 0x${value.toRadixString(16)}", codeUnits, i - extraUnits - 1); } expectedUnits = extraUnits = 0; value = unicodeReplacementCharacterRune; } if (value > _FOUR_BYTE_LIMIT) { if (!_allowMalformed) { throw new FormatException( "Character outside valid Unicode range: " "0x${value.toRadixString(16)}", codeUnits, i - extraUnits - 1); } value = unicodeReplacementCharacterRune; } if (!_isFirstCharacter || value != unicodeBomCharacterRune) { _stringSink.writeCharCode(value); } _isFirstCharacter = false; } while (i < endIndex) { int oneBytes = scanOneByteCharacters(codeUnits, i); if (oneBytes > 0) { _isFirstCharacter = false; addSingleBytes(i, i + oneBytes); i += oneBytes; if (i == endIndex) break; } int unit = codeUnits[i++]; // TODO(floitsch): the way we test we could potentially allow // units that are too large, if they happen to have the // right bit-pattern. (Same is true for the multibyte loop above). // TODO(floitsch): optimize this loop. See: // if (unit < 0) { // TODO(floitsch): should this be unit <= 0 ? if (!_allowMalformed) { throw new FormatException( "Negative UTF-8 code unit: -0x${(-unit).toRadixString(16)}", codeUnits, i - 1); } _stringSink.writeCharCode(unicodeReplacementCharacterRune); } else { assert(unit > _ONE_BYTE_LIMIT); if ((unit & 0xE0) == 0xC0) { value = unit & 0x1F; expectedUnits = extraUnits = 1; continue loop; } if ((unit & 0xF0) == 0xE0) { value = unit & 0x0F; expectedUnits = extraUnits = 2; continue loop; } // 0xF5, 0xF6 ... 0xFF never appear in valid UTF-8 sequences. if ((unit & 0xF8) == 0xF0 && unit < 0xF5) { value = unit & 0x07; expectedUnits = extraUnits = 3; continue loop; } if (!_allowMalformed) { throw new FormatException( "Bad UTF-8 encoding 0x${unit.toRadixString(16)}", codeUnits, i - 1); } value = unicodeReplacementCharacterRune; expectedUnits = extraUnits = 0; _isFirstCharacter = false; _stringSink.writeCharCode(value); } } break loop; } if (expectedUnits > 0) { _value = value; _expectedUnits = expectedUnits; _extraUnits = extraUnits; } } } MNN<74?,AG :LH*I #%Q<P;N%0*N5=DN<P%>BO2=D9:;2?&:).OLH?$.H95.K$C="CF'0'?GM+1C.-NCO>K-LA*HJ ((5>=6 >D@K J/4EM B2@)3,/7KNKGEOKK;<I(I$#)PQQE;HK Tfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/developer/extension.dart// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.developer; /// A response to a service protocol extension RPC. /// /// If the RPC was successful, use [ServiceExtensionResponse.result], otherwise /// use [ServiceExtensionResponse.error]. class ServiceExtensionResponse { final String _result; final int _errorCode; final String _errorDetail; /// Creates a successful response to a service protocol extension RPC. /// /// Requires [result] to be a JSON object encoded as a string. When forming /// the JSON-RPC message [result] will be inlined directly. ServiceExtensionResponse.result(String result) : _result = result, _errorCode = null, _errorDetail = null { if (_result is! String) { throw new ArgumentError.value(_result, "result", "Must be a String"); } } /// Creates an error response to a service protocol extension RPC. /// /// Requires [errorCode] to be [invalidParams] or between [extensionErrorMin] /// and [extensionErrorMax]. Requires [errorDetail] to be a JSON object /// encoded as a string. When forming the JSON-RPC message [errorDetail] will /// be inlined directly. ServiceExtensionResponse.error(int errorCode, String errorDetail) : _result = null, _errorCode = errorCode, _errorDetail = errorDetail { _validateErrorCode(_errorCode); if (_errorDetail is! String) { throw new ArgumentError.value( _errorDetail, "errorDetail", "Must be a String"); } } /// Invalid method parameter(s) error code. @deprecated static const kInvalidParams = invalidParams; /// Generic extension error code. @deprecated static const kExtensionError = extensionError; /// Maximum extension provided error code. @deprecated static const kExtensionErrorMax = extensionErrorMax; /// Minimum extension provided error code. @deprecated static const kExtensionErrorMin = extensionErrorMin; /// Invalid method parameter(s) error code. static const invalidParams = -32602; /// Generic extension error code. static const extensionError = -32000; /// Maximum extension provided error code. static const extensionErrorMax = -32000; /// Minimum extension provided error code. static const extensionErrorMin = -32016; static String _errorCodeMessage(int errorCode) { _validateErrorCode(errorCode); if (errorCode == invalidParams) { return "Invalid params"; } return "Server error"; } static _validateErrorCode(int errorCode) { if (errorCode is! int) { throw new ArgumentError.value(errorCode, "errorCode", "Must be an int"); } if (errorCode == invalidParams) { return; } if ((errorCode >= extensionErrorMin) && (errorCode <= extensionErrorMax)) { return; } throw new ArgumentError.value(errorCode, "errorCode", "Out of range"); } // ignore: unused_element, called from runtime/lib/developer.dart bool _isError() => (_errorCode != null) && (_errorDetail != null); // ignore: unused_element, called from runtime/lib/developer.dart String _toString() { if (_result != null) { return _result; } else { assert(_errorCode != null); assert(_errorDetail != null); return json.encode({ 'code': _errorCode, 'message': _errorCodeMessage(_errorCode), 'data': {'details': _errorDetail} }); } } } /// A service protocol extension handler. Registered with [registerExtension]. /// /// Must complete to a [ServiceExtensionResponse]. [method] is the method name /// of the service protocol request, and [parameters] is a map holding the /// parameters to the service protocol request. /// /// *NOTE*: all parameter names and values are encoded as strings. typedef Future ServiceExtensionHandler( String method, Map parameters); /// Register a [ServiceExtensionHandler] that will be invoked in this isolate /// for [method]. *NOTE*: Service protocol extensions must be registered /// in each isolate. /// /// *NOTE*: [method] must begin with 'ext.' and you should use the following /// structure to avoid conflicts with other packages: 'ext.package.command'. /// That is, immediately following the 'ext.' prefix, should be the registering /// package name followed by another period ('.') and then the command name. /// For example: ''. /// /// Because service extensions are isolate specific, clients using extensions /// must always include an 'isolateId' parameter with each RPC. void registerExtension(String method, ServiceExtensionHandler handler) { if (method is! String) { throw new ArgumentError.value(method, 'method', 'Must be a String'); } if (!method.startsWith('ext.')) { throw new ArgumentError.value(method, 'method', 'Must begin with ext.'); } if (_lookupExtension(method) != null) { throw new ArgumentError('Extension already registered: $method'); } if (handler is! ServiceExtensionHandler) { throw new ArgumentError.value( handler, 'handler', 'Must be a ServiceExtensionHandler'); } _registerExtension(method, handler); } /// Post an event of [eventKind] with payload of [eventData] to the `Extension` /// event stream. void postEvent(String eventKind, Map eventData) { if (eventKind is! String) { throw new ArgumentError.value(eventKind, 'eventKind', 'Must be a String'); } if (eventData is! Map) { throw new ArgumentError.value(eventData, 'eventData', 'Must be a Map'); } String eventDataAsString = json.encode(eventData); _postEvent(eventKind, eventDataAsString); } external void _postEvent(String eventKind, String eventData); // Both of these functions are written inside C++ to avoid updating the data // structures in Dart, getting an OOB, and observing stale state. Do not move // these into Dart code unless you can ensure that the operations will can be // done atomically. Native code lives in vm/ // LookupServiceExtensionHandler and RegisterServiceExtensionHandler. external ServiceExtensionHandler _lookupExtension(String method); external _registerExtension(String method, ServiceExtensionHandler handler); NN<4P*!IN>1LEPJPD %$#%<./$1-7-7.'$(-+-+3#&-O&PKDED "$2* OOK0CB4NIMMPM-N@II$M*F-#B'P2OL5,>MNN8FBMSfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/developer/timeline.dart// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.developer; const bool _isProduct = const bool.fromEnvironment("dart.vm.product"); /// A typedef for the function argument to [Timeline.timeSync]. typedef dynamic TimelineSyncFunction(); // TODO: This typedef is not used. typedef Future TimelineAsyncFunction(); /// A class to represent Flow events. /// /// [Flow] objects are used to thread flow events between timeline slices, /// for example, those created with the [Timeline] class below. Adding /// [Flow] objects cause arrows to be drawn between slices in Chrome's trace /// viewer. The arrows start at e.g [Timeline] events that are passed a /// [Flow.begin] object, go through [Timeline] events that are passed a /// [Flow.step] object, and end at [Timeline] events that are passed a /// [Flow.end] object, all having the same []. For example: /// /// ```dart /// var flow = Flow.begin(); /// Timeline.timeSync('flow_test', () { /// doSomething(); /// }, flow: flow); /// /// Timeline.timeSync('flow_test', () { /// doSomething(); /// }, flow: Flow.step(; /// /// Timeline.timeSync('flow_test', () { /// doSomething(); /// }, flow: Flow.end(; /// ``` class Flow { // These values must be kept in sync with the enum "EventType" in // runtime/vm/timeline.h. static const int _begin = 9; static const int _step = 10; static const int _end = 11; final int _type; /// The flow id of the flow event. final int id; Flow._(this._type,; /// A "begin" Flow event. /// /// When passed to a [Timeline] method, generates a "begin" Flow event. /// If [id] is not provided, an id that conflicts with no other Dart-generated /// flow id's will be generated. static Flow begin({int id}) { return new Flow._(_begin, id ?? _getNextAsyncId()); } /// A "step" Flow event. /// /// When passed to a [Timeline] method, generates a "step" Flow event. /// The [id] argument is required. It can come either from another [Flow] /// event, or some id that comes from the environment. static Flow step(int id) => new Flow._(_step, id); /// An "end" Flow event. /// /// When passed to a [Timeline] method, generates a "end" Flow event. /// The [id] argument is required. It can come either from another [Flow] /// event, or some id that comes from the environment. static Flow end(int id) => new Flow._(_end, id); } /// Add to the timeline. /// /// [Timeline]'s methods add synchronous events to the timeline. When /// generating a timeline in Chrome's tracing format, using [Timeline] generates /// "Complete" events. [Timeline]'s [startSync] and [finishSync] can be used /// explicitly, or implicitly by wrapping a closure in [timeSync]. For example: /// /// ```dart /// Timeline.startSync("Doing Something"); /// doSomething(); /// Timeline.finishSync(); /// ``` /// /// Or: /// /// ```dart /// Timeline.timeSync("Doing Something", () { /// doSomething(); /// }); /// ``` class Timeline { /// Start a synchronous operation labeled [name]. Optionally takes /// a [Map] of [arguments]. This slice may also optionally be associated with /// a [Flow] event. This operation must be finished before /// returning to the event queue. static void startSync(String name, {Map arguments, Flow flow}) { if (_isProduct) { return; } if (name is! String) { throw new ArgumentError.value(name, 'name', 'Must be a String'); } if (!_isDartStreamEnabled()) { // Push a null onto the stack and return. _stack.add(null); return; } var block = new _SyncBlock._(name, _getTraceClock(), _getThreadCpuClock()); if (arguments is Map) { block._arguments = arguments; } if (flow is Flow) { block.flow = flow; } _stack.add(block); } /// Finish the last synchronous operation that was started. static void finishSync() { if (_isProduct) { return; } if (_stack.length == 0) { throw new StateError('Uneven calls to startSync and finishSync'); } // Pop top item off of stack. var block = _stack.removeLast(); if (block == null) { // Dart stream was disabled when startSync was called. return; } // Finish it. block.finish(); } /// Emit an instant event. static void instantSync(String name, {Map arguments}) { if (_isProduct) { return; } if (name is! String) { throw new ArgumentError.value(name, 'name', 'Must be a String'); } if (!_isDartStreamEnabled()) { // Stream is disabled. return; } Map instantArguments; if (arguments is Map) { instantArguments = new Map.from(arguments); } _reportInstantEvent( _getTraceClock(), 'Dart', name, _argumentsAsJson(instantArguments)); } /// A utility method to time a synchronous [function]. Internally calls /// [function] bracketed by calls to [startSync] and [finishSync]. static dynamic timeSync(String name, TimelineSyncFunction function, {Map arguments, Flow flow}) { startSync(name, arguments: arguments, flow: flow); try { return function(); } finally { finishSync(); } } /// The current time stamp from the clock used by the timeline. Units are /// microseconds. static int get now => _getTraceClock(); static final List<_SyncBlock> _stack = new List<_SyncBlock>(); } /// An asynchronous task on the timeline. An asynchronous task can have many /// (nested) synchronous operations. Synchronous operations can live longer than /// the current isolate event. To pass a [TimelineTask] to another isolate, /// you must first call [pass] to get the task id and then construct a new /// [TimelineTask] in the other isolate. class TimelineTask { /// Create a task. The task ID will be set by the system. TimelineTask() : _taskId = _getNextAsyncId() {} /// Create a task with an explicit [taskId]. This is useful if you are /// passing a task from one isolate to another. TimelineTask.withTaskId(int taskId) : _taskId = taskId { if (taskId is! int) { throw new ArgumentError.value(taskId, 'taskId', 'Must be an int'); } } /// Start a synchronous operation within this task named [name]. /// Optionally takes a [Map] of [arguments]. void start(String name, {Map arguments}) { if (_isProduct) { return; } if (name is! String) { throw new ArgumentError.value(name, 'name', 'Must be a String'); } var block = new _AsyncBlock._(name, _taskId); if (arguments is Map) { block._arguments = arguments; } _stack.add(block); block._start(); } /// Emit an instant event for this task. void instant(String name, {Map arguments}) { if (_isProduct) { return; } if (name is! String) { throw new ArgumentError.value(name, 'name', 'Must be a String'); } Map instantArguments; if (arguments is Map) { instantArguments = new Map.from(arguments); } _reportTaskEvent(_getTraceClock(), _taskId, 'n', 'Dart', name, _argumentsAsJson(instantArguments)); } /// Finish the last synchronous operation that was started. void finish() { if (_isProduct) { return; } if (_stack.length == 0) { throw new StateError('Uneven calls to start and finish'); } // Pop top item off of stack. var block = _stack.removeLast(); block._finish(); } /// Retrieve the [TimelineTask]'s task id. Will throw an exception if the /// stack is not empty. int pass() { if (_stack.length > 0) { throw new StateError( 'You cannot pass a TimelineTask without finishing all started ' 'operations'); } int r = _taskId; return r; } final int _taskId; final List<_AsyncBlock> _stack = []; } /// An asynchronous block of time on the timeline. This block can be kept /// open across isolate messages. class _AsyncBlock { /// The category this block belongs to. final String category = 'Dart'; /// The name of this block. final String name; /// The asynchronous task id. final int _taskId; /// An (optional) set of arguments which will be serialized to JSON and /// associated with this block. Map _arguments; _AsyncBlock._(, this._taskId); // Emit the start event. void _start() { _reportTaskEvent(_getTraceClock(), _taskId, 'b', category, name, _argumentsAsJson(_arguments)); } // Emit the finish event. void _finish() { _reportTaskEvent( _getTraceClock(), _taskId, 'e', category, name, _argumentsAsJson(null)); } } /// A synchronous block of time on the timeline. This block should not be /// kept open across isolate messages. class _SyncBlock { /// The category this block belongs to. final String category = 'Dart'; /// The name of this block. final String name; /// An (optional) set of arguments which will be serialized to JSON and /// associated with this block. Map _arguments; // The start time stamp. final int _start; // The start time stamp of the thread cpu clock. final int _startCpu; /// An (optional) flow event associated with this block. Flow _flow; _SyncBlock._(, this._start, this._startCpu); /// Finish this block of time. At this point, this block can no longer be /// used. void finish() { // Report event to runtime. _reportCompleteEvent( _start, _startCpu, category, name, _argumentsAsJson(_arguments)); if (_flow != null) { _reportFlowEvent(_start, _startCpu, category, name, _flow._type,, _argumentsAsJson(null)); } } void set flow(Flow f) { _flow = f; } } String _argumentsAsJson(Map arguments) { if ((arguments == null) || (arguments.length == 0)) { // Fast path no arguments. Avoid calling jsonEncode. return '{}'; } return json.encode(arguments); } /// Returns true if the Dart Timeline stream is enabled. external bool _isDartStreamEnabled(); /// Returns the next async task id. external int _getNextAsyncId(); /// Returns the current value from the trace clock. external int _getTraceClock(); /// Returns the current value from the thread CPU usage clock. external int _getThreadCpuClock(); /// Reports an event for a task. external void _reportTaskEvent(int start, int taskId, String phase, String category, String name, String argumentsAsJson); /// Reports a complete synchronous event. external void _reportCompleteEvent(int start, int startCpu, String category, String name, String argumentsAsJson); /// Reports a flow event. external void _reportFlowEvent(int start, int startCpu, String category, String name, int type, int id, String argumentsAsJson); /// Reports an instant event. external void _reportInstantEvent( int start, String category, String name, String argumentsAsJson); mNN<G@(#(&KGMHHGC (("(! D%JQ# 8IL95HL93FQMP + .EP=$CG#0P$>H"%=:G#2MJEF$7 L*AMQLK)<2I2;IC/-G2$+/G2C->@"%LJ'J"*" J"*E'QJ'*"J"3;8L  JQ#)89!9&$ 4?#!D;*M*I<#Fnfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/patch/developer_patch.dart*// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Patch file for dart:developer library. import 'dart:_js_helper' show patch, ForceInline; import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:isolate'; @patch @ForceInline() bool debugger({bool when = true, String message}) { if (when) { JS('', 'debugger'); } return when; } @patch Object inspect(Object object) { return object; } @patch void log(String message, {DateTime time, int sequenceNumber, int level = 0, String name = '', Zone zone, Object error, StackTrace stackTrace}) { // TODO. } final _extensions = Map(); @patch ServiceExtensionHandler _lookupExtension(String method) { return _extensions[method]; } @patch _registerExtension(String method, ServiceExtensionHandler handler) { _extensions[method] = handler; } @patch void _postEvent(String eventKind, String eventData) { // TODO. } @patch bool _isDartStreamEnabled() { return false; } @patch int _getTraceClock() { // TODO. return _clockValue++; } int _clockValue = 0; @patch int _getThreadCpuClock() { return -1; } @patch void _reportCompleteEvent(int start, int startCpu, String category, String name, String argumentsAsJson) { // TODO. } @patch void _reportFlowEvent(int start, int startCpu, String category, String name, int type, int id, String argumentsAsJson) { // TODO. } @patch void _reportInstantEvent( int start, String category, String name, String argumentsAsJson) { // TODO. } @patch int _getNextAsyncId() { return 0; } @patch void _reportTaskEvent(int start, int taskId, String phase, String category, String name, String argumentsAsJson) { // TODO. } @patch int _getServiceMajorVersion() { return 0; } @patch int _getServiceMinorVersion() { return 0; } @patch void _getServerInfo(SendPort sendPort) { sendPort.send(null); } @patch void _webServerControl(SendPort sendPort, bool enable) { sendPort.send(null); } @patch String _getIsolateIDFromSendPort(SendPort sendPort) { return null; } @patch class UserTag { @patch factory UserTag(String label) = _FakeUserTag; @patch static UserTag get defaultTag => _FakeUserTag._defaultTag; } class _FakeUserTag implements UserTag { static Map _instances = {}; _FakeUserTag.real(this.label); factory _FakeUserTag(String label) { // Canonicalize by name. var existingTag = _instances[label]; if (existingTag != null) { return existingTag; } // Throw an exception if we've reached the maximum number of user tags. if (_instances.length == UserTag.MAX_USER_TAGS) { throw UnsupportedError( 'UserTag instance limit (${UserTag.MAX_USER_TAGS}) reached.'); } // Create a new instance and add it to the instance map. var instance = _FakeUserTag.real(label); _instances[label] = instance; return instance; } final String label; UserTag makeCurrent() { var old = _currentTag; _currentTag = this; return old; } static final UserTag _defaultTag = _FakeUserTag('Default'); } var _currentTag = _FakeUserTag._defaultTag; @patch UserTag getCurrentTag() => _currentTag; NN<*2'4  <:E!6   Q M0 G  L+   )96 0 =(!')L6I=-">,(Sfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/developer/profiler.dart// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.developer; /// A UserTag can be used to group samples in the Observatory profiler. abstract class UserTag { /// The maximum number of UserTag instances that can be created by a program. static const MAX_USER_TAGS = 64; external factory UserTag(String label); /// Label of [this]. String get label; /// Make [this] the current tag for the isolate. Returns the current tag /// before setting. UserTag makeCurrent(); /// The default [UserTag] with label 'Default'. external static UserTag get defaultTag; } /// Returns the current [UserTag] for the isolate. external UserTag getCurrentTag(); /// Abstract [Metric] class. Metric names must be unique, are hierarchical, /// and use periods as separators. For example, 'a.b.c'. Uniqueness is only /// enforced when a Metric is registered. The name of a metric cannot contain /// the slash ('/') character. abstract class Metric { /// [name] of this metric. final String name; /// [description] of this metric. final String description; Metric(, this.description) { if ((name == 'vm') || name.contains('/')) { throw new ArgumentError('Invalid Metric name.'); } } Map _toJSON(); } /// A measured value with a min and max. Initial value is min. Value will /// be clamped to the interval [min, max]. class Gauge extends Metric { final double min; final double max; double _value; double get value => _value; set value(double v) { if (v < min) { v = min; } else if (v > max) { v = max; } _value = v; } Gauge(String name, String description, this.min, this.max) : super(name, description) { if (min is! double) { throw new ArgumentError('min must be a double'); } if (max is! double) { throw new ArgumentError('max must be a double'); } if (!(min < max)) { throw new ArgumentError('min must be less than max'); } _value = min; } Map _toJSON() { var map = { 'type': 'Gauge', 'id': 'metrics/$name', 'name': name, 'description': description, 'value': value, 'min': min, 'max': max, }; return map; } } /// A changing value. Initial value is 0.0. class Counter extends Metric { Counter(String name, String description) : super(name, description); double _value = 0.0; double get value => _value; set value(double v) { _value = v; } Map _toJSON() { var map = { 'type': 'Counter', 'id': 'metrics/$name', 'name': name, 'description': description, 'value': value, }; return map; } } class Metrics { static final Map _metrics = new Map(); /// Register [Metric]s to make them visible to Observatory. static void register(Metric metric) { if (metric is! Metric) { throw new ArgumentError('metric must be a Metric'); } if (_metrics[] != null) { throw new ArgumentError('Registered metrics have unique names'); } _metrics[] = metric; } /// Deregister [Metric]s to make them not visible to Observatory. static void deregister(Metric metric) { if (metric is! Metric) { throw new ArgumentError('metric must be a Metric'); } _metrics.remove(; } // ignore: unused_element, called from native code static String _printMetric(String id) { var metric = _metrics[id]; if (metric == null) { return null; } return json.encode(metric._toJSON()); } // ignore: unused_element, called from native code static String _printMetrics() { var metrics = []; for (var metric in _metrics.values) { metrics.add(metric._toJSON()); } var map = { 'type': 'MetricList', 'metrics': metrics, }; return json.encode(map); } } NN<HP#*K2*3"LLN$(07J+=#77<",G"I>(:)G$D*:"5**5"*%Rfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/developer/service.dart// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.developer; /// Service protocol is the protocol that a client like the Observatory /// could use to access the services provided by the Dart VM for /// debugging and inspecting Dart programs. This class encapsulates the /// version number and Uri for accessing this service. class ServiceProtocolInfo { /// The major version of the protocol. If the running Dart environment does /// not support the service protocol, this is 0. final int majorVersion = _getServiceMajorVersion(); /// The minor version of the protocol. If the running Dart environment does /// not support the service protocol, this is 0. final int minorVersion = _getServiceMinorVersion(); /// The Uri to access the service. If the web server is not running, this /// will be null. final Uri serverUri; ServiceProtocolInfo(this.serverUri); String toString() { if (serverUri != null) { return 'Dart VM Service Protocol v$majorVersion.$minorVersion ' 'listening on $serverUri'; } else { return 'Dart VM Service Protocol v$majorVersion.$minorVersion'; } } } /// Access information about the service protocol and control the web server /// that provides access to the services provided by the Dart VM for /// debugging and inspecting Dart programs. class Service { /// Get information about the service protocol (version number and /// Uri to access the service). static Future getInfo() async { // Port to receive response from service isolate. final RawReceivePort receivePort = new RawReceivePort(); final Completer uriCompleter = new Completer(); receivePort.handler = (Uri uri) => uriCompleter.complete(uri); // Request the information from the service isolate. _getServerInfo(receivePort.sendPort); // Await the response from the service isolate. Uri uri = await uriCompleter.future; // Close the port. receivePort.close(); return new ServiceProtocolInfo(uri); } /// Control the web server that the service protocol is accessed through. /// The [enable] argument must be a boolean and is used as a toggle to /// enable (true) or disable (false) the web server servicing requests. static Future controlWebServer( {bool enable: false}) async { if (enable is! bool) { throw new ArgumentError.value(enable, 'enable', 'Must be a bool'); } // Port to receive response from service isolate. final RawReceivePort receivePort = new RawReceivePort(); final Completer uriCompleter = new Completer(); receivePort.handler = (Uri uri) => uriCompleter.complete(uri); // Request the information from the service isolate. _webServerControl(receivePort.sendPort, enable); // Await the response from the service isolate. Uri uri = await uriCompleter.future; // Close the port. receivePort.close(); return new ServiceProtocolInfo(uri); } /// Returns a [String] token representing the ID of [isolate]. /// /// Returns null if the running Dart environment does not support the service /// protocol. static String getIsolateID(Isolate isolate) { if (isolate is! Isolate) { throw new ArgumentError.value(isolate, 'isolate', 'Must be an Isolate'); } return _getIsolateIDFromSendPort(isolate.controlPort); } } /// [sendPort] will receive a Uri or null. external void _getServerInfo(SendPort sendPort); /// [sendPort] will receive a Uri or null. external void _webServerControl(SendPort sendPort, bool enable); /// Returns the major version of the service protocol. external int _getServiceMajorVersion(); /// Returns the minor version of the service protocol. external int _getServiceMinorVersion(); /// Returns the service id for the isolate that owns [sendPort]. external String _getIsolateIDFromSendPort(SendPort sendPort); hNN<HAH7N36N36L'F% FME,E"76=>C9*4))LIJ7$I6=>C954))AP0O;+1+A7(7(A>Ffile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/io/io.dart// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /** * File, socket, HTTP, and other I/O support for non-web applications. * * **Important:** Browser-based applications can't use this library. * Only servers, command-line scripts, and Flutter mobile apps can import * and use dart:io. * * This library allows you to work with files, directories, * sockets, processes, HTTP servers and clients, and more. * Many operations related to input and output are asynchronous * and are handled using [Future]s or [Stream]s, both of which * are defined in the [dart:async * library](../dart-async/dart-async-library.html). * * To use the dart:io library in your code: * * import 'dart:io'; * * For an introduction to I/O in Dart, see the [dart:io library * tour]( * * ## File, Directory, and Link * * An instance of [File], [Directory], or [Link] represents a file, * directory, or link, respectively, in the native file system. * * You can manipulate the file system through objects of these types. * For example, you can rename a file or directory: * * File myFile = new File('myFile.txt'); * myFile.rename('yourFile.txt').then((_) => print('file renamed')); * * Many methods provided by the File, Directory, and Link classes * run asynchronously and return a Future. * * ## FileSystemEntity * * File, Directory, and Link all extend [FileSystemEntity]. * In addition to being the superclass for these classes, * FileSystemEntity has a number of static methods for working with paths. * * To get information about a path, * you can use the FileSystemEntity static methods * such as 'isDirectory', 'isFile', and 'exists'. * Because file system access involves I/O, these methods * are asynchronous and return a Future. * * FileSystemEntity.isDirectory(myPath).then((isDir) { * if (isDir) { * print('$myPath is a directory'); * } else { * print('$myPath is not a directory'); * } * }); * * ## HttpServer and HttpClient * * The classes [HttpServer] and [HttpClient] * provide HTTP server and HTTP client functionality. * * The [HttpServer] class provides the basic functionality for * implementing an HTTP server. * For some higher-level building-blocks, we recommend that you try * the [shelf]( * pub package, which contains * a set of high-level classes that, together with the [HttpServer] class * in this library, make it easier to implement HTTP servers. * * ## Process * * The [Process] class provides a way to run a process on * the native machine. * For example, the following code spawns a process that recursively lists * the files under `web`. * * Process.start('ls', ['-R', 'web']).then((process) { * stdout.addStream(process.stdout); * stderr.addStream(process.stderr); * process.exitCode.then(print); * }); * * Using `start()` returns a Future, which completes with a [Process] object * when the process has started. This [Process] object allows you to interact * with the process while it is running. Using `run()` returns a Future, which * completes with a [ProcessResult] object when the spawned process has * terminated. This [ProcessResult] object collects the output and exit code * from the process. * * When using `start()`, * you need to read all data coming on the stdout and stderr streams otherwise * the system resources will not be freed. * * ## WebSocket * * The [WebSocket] class provides support for the web socket protocol. This * allows full-duplex communications between client and server applications. * * A web socket server uses a normal HTTP server for accepting web socket * connections. The initial handshake is a HTTP request which is then upgraded to a * web socket connection. * The server upgrades the request using [WebSocketTransformer] * and listens for the data on the returned web socket. * For example, here's a mini server that listens for 'ws' data * on a WebSocket: * * runZoned(() async { * var server = await HttpServer.bind('', 4040); * server.listen((HttpRequest req) async { * if (req.uri.path == '/ws') { * var socket = await WebSocketTransformer.upgrade(req); * socket.listen(handleMsg); * } * }); * }, onError: (e) => print("An error occurred.")); * * The client connects to the WebSocket using the `connect()` method * and a URI that uses the Web Socket protocol. * The client can write to the WebSocket with the `add()` method. * For example, * * var socket = await WebSocket.connect('ws://'); * socket.add('Hello, World!'); * * Check out the * [websocket_sample]( * app, which uses WebSockets to communicate with a server. * * ## Socket and ServerSocket * * Clients and servers use [Socket]s to communicate using the TCP protocol. * Use [ServerSocket] on the server side and [Socket] on the client. * The server creates a listening socket using the `bind()` method and * then listens for incoming connections on the socket. For example: * * ServerSocket.bind('', 4041) * .then((serverSocket) { * serverSocket.listen((socket) { * socket.transform(utf8.decoder).listen(print); * }); * }); * * A client connects a Socket using the `connect()` method, * which returns a Future. * Using `write()`, `writeln()`, or `writeAll()` are the easiest ways to * send data over the socket. * For example: * * Socket.connect('', 4041).then((socket) { * socket.write('Hello, World!'); * }); * * Besides [Socket] and [ServerSocket], the [RawSocket] and * [RawServerSocket] classes are available for lower-level access * to async socket IO. * * ## Standard output, error, and input streams * * This library provides the standard output, error, and input * streams, named 'stdout', 'stderr', and 'stdin', respectively. * * The stdout and stderr streams are both [IOSink]s and have the same set * of methods and properties. * * To write a string to 'stdout': * * stdout.writeln('Hello, World!'); * * To write a list of objects to 'stderr': * * stderr.writeAll([ 'That ', 'is ', 'an ', 'error.', '\n']); * * The standard input stream is a true [Stream], so it inherits * properties and methods from the Stream class. * * To read text synchronously from the command line * (the program blocks waiting for user to type information): * * String inputText = stdin.readLineSync(); * * {@category VM} */ library; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:_internal' hide Symbol; import 'dart:collection' show HashMap, HashSet, Queue, ListQueue, MapBase, UnmodifiableMapView; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:developer' hide log; import 'dart:isolate'; import 'dart:math'; import 'dart:typed_data'; export 'dart:_http'; part 'bytes_builder.dart'; part 'common.dart'; part 'data_transformer.dart'; part 'directory.dart'; part 'directory_impl.dart'; part 'embedder_config.dart'; part 'eventhandler.dart'; part 'file.dart'; part 'file_impl.dart'; part 'file_system_entity.dart'; part 'io_resource_info.dart'; part 'io_sink.dart'; part 'io_service.dart'; part 'link.dart'; part 'namespace_impl.dart'; part 'overrides.dart'; part 'platform.dart'; part 'platform_impl.dart'; part 'process.dart'; part 'secure_server_socket.dart'; part 'secure_socket.dart'; part 'security_context.dart'; part 'service_object.dart'; part 'socket.dart'; part 'stdio.dart'; part 'string_transformer.dart'; part 'sync_socket.dart'; NN<GEJ<;@?"4,@< D@F4-IB+<:K$32:);,0  -6? D8J>:K;++' MNOHMO+LMJT@8@@1(C' 8E0BG$i<LEGE, *; <I9( 1%K" " Qfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/io/bytes_builder.dartj// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of; /** * Builds a list of bytes, allowing bytes and lists of bytes to be added at the * end. * * Used to efficiently collect bytes and lists of bytes. */ abstract class BytesBuilder { /** * Construct a new empty [BytesBuilder]. * * If [copy] is true, the data is always copied when added to the list. If * it [copy] is false, the data is only copied if needed. That means that if * the lists are changed after added to the [BytesBuilder], it may effect the * output. Default is `true`. */ factory BytesBuilder({bool copy: true}) { if (copy) { return new _CopyingBytesBuilder(); } else { return new _BytesBuilder(); } } /** * Appends [bytes] to the current contents of the builder. * * Each value of [bytes] will be bit-representation truncated to the range * 0 .. 255. */ void add(List bytes); /** * Append [byte] to the current contents of the builder. * * The [byte] will be bit-representation truncated to the range 0 .. 255. */ void addByte(int byte); /** * Returns the contents of `this` and clears `this`. * * The list returned is a view of the internal buffer, limited to the * [length]. */ List takeBytes(); /** * Returns a copy of the current contents of the builder. * * Leaves the contents of the builder intact. */ List toBytes(); /** * The number of bytes in the builder. */ int get length; /** * Returns `true` if the buffer is empty. */ bool get isEmpty; /** * Returns `true` if the buffer is not empty. */ bool get isNotEmpty; /** * Clear the contents of the builder. */ void clear(); } class _CopyingBytesBuilder implements BytesBuilder { // Start with 1024 bytes. static const int _initSize = 1024; static final _emptyList = new Uint8List(0); int _length = 0; Uint8List _buffer; _CopyingBytesBuilder([int initialCapacity = 0]) : _buffer = (initialCapacity <= 0) ? _emptyList : new Uint8List(_pow2roundup(initialCapacity)); void add(List bytes) { int bytesLength = bytes.length; if (bytesLength == 0) return; int required = _length + bytesLength; if (_buffer.length < required) { _grow(required); } assert(_buffer.length >= required); if (bytes is Uint8List) { _buffer.setRange(_length, required, bytes); } else { for (int i = 0; i < bytesLength; i++) { _buffer[_length + i] = bytes[i]; } } _length = required; } void addByte(int byte) { if (_buffer.length == _length) { // The grow algorithm always at least doubles. // If we added one to _length it would quadruple unnecessarily. _grow(_length); } assert(_buffer.length > _length); _buffer[_length] = byte; _length++; } void _grow(int required) { // We will create a list in the range of 2-4 times larger than // required. int newSize = required * 2; if (newSize < _initSize) { newSize = _initSize; } else { newSize = _pow2roundup(newSize); } var newBuffer = new Uint8List(newSize); newBuffer.setRange(0, _buffer.length, _buffer); _buffer = newBuffer; } List takeBytes() { if (_length == 0) return _emptyList; var buffer = new Uint8List.view(_buffer.buffer, 0, _length); clear(); return buffer; } List toBytes() { if (_length == 0) return _emptyList; return new Uint8List.fromList( new Uint8List.view(_buffer.buffer, 0, _length)); } int get length => _length; bool get isEmpty => _length == 0; bool get isNotEmpty => _length != 0; void clear() { _length = 0; _buffer = _emptyList; } static int _pow2roundup(int x) { assert(x > 0); --x; x |= x >> 1; x |= x >> 2; x |= x >> 4; x |= x >> 8; x |= x >> 16; return x + 1; } } class _BytesBuilder implements BytesBuilder { int _length = 0; final List _chunks = []; void add(List bytes) { Uint8List typedBytes; if (bytes is Uint8List) { typedBytes = bytes; } else { typedBytes = new Uint8List.fromList(bytes); } _chunks.add(typedBytes); _length += typedBytes.length; } void addByte(int byte) { _chunks.add(new Uint8List(1)..[0] = byte); _length++; } List takeBytes() { if (_length == 0) return _CopyingBytesBuilder._emptyList; if (_chunks.length == 1) { var buffer = _chunks[0]; clear(); return buffer; } var buffer = new Uint8List(_length); int offset = 0; for (var chunk in _chunks) { buffer.setRange(offset, offset + chunk.length, chunk); offset += chunk.length; } clear(); return buffer; } List toBytes() { if (_length == 0) return _CopyingBytesBuilder._emptyList; var buffer = new Uint8List(_length); int offset = 0; for (var chunk in _chunks) { buffer.setRange(offset, offset + chunk.length, chunk); offset += chunk.length; } return buffer; } int get length => _length; bool get isEmpty => _length == 0; bool get isNotEmpty => _length != 0; void clear() { _length = 0; _chunks.clear(); } } NN<P9+MOP ,) "=M;L7H<0),0(5%.2)<$"*%(2 .)%5F&C  ',4)A )#9$'# .& 2"/>)!= >)!=$'Jfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/io/common.dart// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of; // Constants used when working with native ports. // These must match the constants in runtime/bin/dartutils.h class CObject. const int _successResponse = 0; const int _illegalArgumentResponse = 1; const int _osErrorResponse = 2; const int _fileClosedResponse = 3; const int _errorResponseErrorType = 0; const int _osErrorResponseErrorCode = 1; const int _osErrorResponseMessage = 2; // Functions used to receive exceptions from native ports. bool _isErrorResponse(response) => response is List && response[0] != _successResponse; /** * Returns an Exception or an Error */ _exceptionFromResponse(response, String message, String path) { assert(_isErrorResponse(response)); switch (response[_errorResponseErrorType]) { case _illegalArgumentResponse: return new ArgumentError("$message: $path"); case _osErrorResponse: var err = new OSError(response[_osErrorResponseMessage], response[_osErrorResponseErrorCode]); return new FileSystemException(message, path, err); case _fileClosedResponse: return new FileSystemException("File closed", path); default: return new Exception("Unknown error"); } } /** * Base class for all IO related exceptions. */ abstract class IOException implements Exception { String toString() => "IOException"; } /** * An [OSError] object holds information about an error from the * operating system. */ class OSError { /** Constant used to indicate that no OS error code is available. */ static const int noErrorCode = -1; /// Error message supplied by the operating system. This may be `null` or /// empty if no message is associated with the error. final String message; /// Error code supplied by the operating system. /// /// Will have the value [OSError.noErrorCode] if there is no error code /// associated with the error. final int errorCode; /** Creates an OSError object from a message and an errorCode. */ const OSError([this.message = "", this.errorCode = noErrorCode]); /** Converts an OSError object to a string representation. */ String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.write("OS Error"); if (!message.isEmpty) { sb..write(": ")..write(message); if (errorCode != noErrorCode) { sb..write(", errno = ")..write(errorCode.toString()); } } else if (errorCode != noErrorCode) { sb..write(": errno = ")..write(errorCode.toString()); } return sb.toString(); } } // Object for holding a buffer and an offset. class _BufferAndStart { List buffer; int start; _BufferAndStart(this.buffer, this.start); } // Ensure that the input List can be serialized through a native port. // Only Int8List and Uint8List Lists are serialized directly. // All other lists are first copied into a Uint8List. This has the added // benefit that it is faster to access from the C code as well. _BufferAndStart _ensureFastAndSerializableByteData( List buffer, int start, int end) { if (buffer is Uint8List || buffer is Int8List) { return new _BufferAndStart(buffer, start); } int length = end - start; var newBuffer = new Uint8List(length); int j = start; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { int value = buffer[j]; if (value is! int) { throw new ArgumentError("List element is not an integer at index $j"); } newBuffer[i] = value; j++; } return new _BufferAndStart(newBuffer, 0); } class _IOCrypto { external static Uint8List getRandomBytes(int count); } wNN<2L ( #')';#9$@&/#3?0:; --2&BG%L83J!DD@*'&>+<. ,G>I@4,3/)%M ,7gfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/patch/io_patch.dart9// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:_js_helper' show patch; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:isolate' show SendPort; import 'dart:typed_data'; @patch class _Directory { @patch static _current(_Namespace namespace) { throw UnsupportedError("Directory._current"); } @patch static _setCurrent(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath) { throw UnsupportedError("Directory_SetCurrent"); } @patch static _createTemp(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath) { throw UnsupportedError("Directory._createTemp"); } @patch static String _systemTemp(_Namespace namespace) { throw UnsupportedError("Directory._systemTemp"); } @patch static _exists(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath) { throw UnsupportedError("Directory._exists"); } @patch static _create(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath) { throw UnsupportedError("Directory._create"); } @patch static _deleteNative( _Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath, bool recursive) { throw UnsupportedError("Directory._deleteNative"); } @patch static _rename(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath, String newPath) { throw UnsupportedError("Directory._rename"); } @patch static void _fillWithDirectoryListing( _Namespace namespace, List list, Uint8List rawPath, bool recursive, bool followLinks) { throw UnsupportedError("Directory._fillWithDirectoryListing"); } } @patch class _AsyncDirectoryListerOps { @patch factory _AsyncDirectoryListerOps(int pointer) { throw UnsupportedError("Directory._list"); } } @patch class _EventHandler { @patch static void _sendData(Object sender, SendPort sendPort, int data) { throw UnsupportedError("EventHandler._sendData"); } } @patch class FileStat { @patch static _statSync(_Namespace namespace, String path) { throw UnsupportedError("FileStat.stat"); } } @patch class FileSystemEntity { @patch static _getTypeNative( _Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath, bool followLinks) { throw UnsupportedError("FileSystemEntity._getType"); } @patch static _identicalNative(_Namespace namespace, String path1, String path2) { throw UnsupportedError("FileSystemEntity._identical"); } @patch static _resolveSymbolicLinks(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath) { throw UnsupportedError("FileSystemEntity._resolveSymbolicLinks"); } } @patch class _File { @patch static _exists(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath) { throw UnsupportedError("File._exists"); } @patch static _create(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath) { throw UnsupportedError("File._create"); } @patch static _createLink(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath, String target) { throw UnsupportedError("File._createLink"); } @patch static _linkTarget(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath) { throw UnsupportedError("File._linkTarget"); } @patch static _deleteNative(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath) { throw UnsupportedError("File._deleteNative"); } @patch static _deleteLinkNative(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath) { throw UnsupportedError("File._deleteLinkNative"); } @patch static _rename(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List oldPath, String newPath) { throw UnsupportedError("File._rename"); } @patch static _renameLink(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List oldPath, String newPath) { throw UnsupportedError("File._renameLink"); } @patch static _copy(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List oldPath, String newPath) { throw UnsupportedError("File._copy"); } @patch static _lengthFromPath(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath) { throw UnsupportedError("File._lengthFromPath"); } @patch static _lastModified(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath) { throw UnsupportedError("File._lastModified"); } @patch static _lastAccessed(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath) { throw UnsupportedError("File._lastAccessed"); } @patch static _setLastModified(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath, int millis) { throw UnsupportedError("File._setLastModified"); } @patch static _setLastAccessed(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath, int millis) { throw UnsupportedError("File._setLastAccessed"); } @patch static _open(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath, int mode) { throw UnsupportedError("File._open"); } @patch static int _openStdio(int fd) { throw UnsupportedError("File._openStdio"); } } @patch class _Namespace { @patch static void _setupNamespace(var namespace) { throw UnsupportedError("_Namespace"); } @patch static _Namespace get _namespace { throw UnsupportedError("_Namespace"); } @patch static int get _namespacePointer { throw UnsupportedError("_Namespace"); } } @patch class _RandomAccessFileOps { @patch factory _RandomAccessFileOps(int pointer) { throw UnsupportedError("RandomAccessFile"); } } @patch class _IOCrypto { @patch static Uint8List getRandomBytes(int count) { throw UnsupportedError("_IOCrypto.getRandomBytes"); } } @patch class _Platform { @patch static int _numberOfProcessors() { throw UnsupportedError("Platform._numberOfProcessors"); } @patch static String _pathSeparator() { throw UnsupportedError("Platform._pathSeparator"); } @patch static String _operatingSystem() { throw UnsupportedError("Platform._operatingSystem"); } @patch static _operatingSystemVersion() { throw UnsupportedError("Platform._operatingSystemVersion"); } @patch static _localHostname() { throw UnsupportedError("Platform._localHostname"); } @patch static _executable() { throw UnsupportedError("Platform._executable"); } @patch static _resolvedExecutable() { throw UnsupportedError("Platform._resolvedExecutable"); } @patch static List _executableArguments() { throw UnsupportedError("Platform._executableArguments"); } @patch static String _packageRoot() { throw UnsupportedError("Platform._packageRoot"); } @patch static String _packageConfig() { throw UnsupportedError("Platform._packageConfig"); } @patch static _environment() { throw UnsupportedError("Platform._environment"); } @patch static String _version() { throw UnsupportedError("Platform._version"); } @patch static String _localeName() { throw UnsupportedError("Platform._localeName"); } @patch static Uri _script() { throw UnsupportedError("Platform._script"); } } @patch class _ProcessUtils { @patch static void _exit(int status) { throw UnsupportedError("ProcessUtils._exit"); } @patch static void _setExitCode(int status) { throw UnsupportedError("ProcessUtils._setExitCode"); } @patch static int _getExitCode() { throw UnsupportedError("ProcessUtils._getExitCode"); } @patch static void _sleep(int millis) { throw UnsupportedError("ProcessUtils._sleep"); } @patch static int _pid(Process process) { throw UnsupportedError("ProcessUtils._pid"); } @patch static Stream _watchSignal(ProcessSignal signal) { throw UnsupportedError("ProcessUtils._watchSignal"); } } @patch class ProcessInfo { @patch static int get currentRss { throw UnsupportedError("ProcessInfo.currentRss"); } @patch static int get maxRss { throw UnsupportedError("ProcessInfo.maxRss"); } } @patch class Process { @patch static Future start(String executable, List arguments, {String workingDirectory, Map environment, bool includeParentEnvironment = true, bool runInShell = false, ProcessStartMode mode = ProcessStartMode.normal}) { throw UnsupportedError("Process.start"); } @patch static Future run(String executable, List arguments, {String workingDirectory, Map environment, bool includeParentEnvironment = true, bool runInShell = false, Encoding stdoutEncoding = systemEncoding, Encoding stderrEncoding = systemEncoding}) { throw UnsupportedError(""); } @patch static ProcessResult runSync(String executable, List arguments, {String workingDirectory, Map environment, bool includeParentEnvironment = true, bool runInShell = false, Encoding stdoutEncoding = systemEncoding, Encoding stderrEncoding = systemEncoding}) { throw UnsupportedError("Process.runSync"); } @patch static bool killPid(int pid, [ProcessSignal signal = ProcessSignal.sigterm]) { throw UnsupportedError("Process.killPid"); } } @patch class InternetAddress { @patch static InternetAddress get LOOPBACK_IP_V4 { throw UnsupportedError("InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V4"); } @patch static InternetAddress get LOOPBACK_IP_V6 { throw UnsupportedError("InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V6"); } @patch static InternetAddress get ANY_IP_V4 { throw UnsupportedError("InternetAddress.ANY_IP_V4"); } @patch static InternetAddress get ANY_IP_V6 { throw UnsupportedError("InternetAddress.ANY_IP_V6"); } @patch factory InternetAddress(String address) { throw UnsupportedError("InternetAddress"); } @patch static Future> lookup(String host, {InternetAddressType type = InternetAddressType.any}) { throw UnsupportedError("InternetAddress.lookup"); } @patch static InternetAddress _cloneWithNewHost( InternetAddress address, String host) { throw UnsupportedError("InternetAddress._cloneWithNewHost"); } } @patch class NetworkInterface { @patch static bool get listSupported { throw UnsupportedError("NetworkInterface.listSupported"); } @patch static Future> list( {bool includeLoopback = false, bool includeLinkLocal = false, InternetAddressType type = InternetAddressType.any}) { throw UnsupportedError("NetworkInterface.list"); } } @patch class RawServerSocket { @patch static Future bind(address, int port, {int backlog = 0, bool v6Only = false, bool shared = false}) { throw UnsupportedError("RawServerSocket.bind"); } } @patch class ServerSocket { @patch static Future bind(address, int port, {int backlog = 0, bool v6Only = false, bool shared = false}) { throw UnsupportedError("ServerSocket.bind"); } } @patch class RawSocket { @patch static Future connect(host, int port, {sourceAddress, Duration timeout}) { throw UnsupportedError("RawSocket constructor"); } @patch static Future> startConnect(host, int port, {sourceAddress}) { throw UnsupportedError("RawSocket constructor"); } } @patch class Socket { @patch static Future _connect(host, int port, {sourceAddress, Duration timeout}) { throw UnsupportedError("Socket constructor"); } @patch static Future> _startConnect(host, int port, {sourceAddress}) { throw UnsupportedError("Socket constructor"); } } @patch class SecureSocket { @patch factory SecureSocket._(RawSecureSocket rawSocket) { throw UnsupportedError("SecureSocket constructor"); } } @patch class RawSynchronousSocket { @patch static RawSynchronousSocket connectSync(host, int port) { throw UnsupportedError("RawSynchronousSocket.connectSync"); } } @patch class SecurityContext { @patch factory SecurityContext({bool withTrustedRoots = false}) { throw UnsupportedError("SecurityContext constructor"); } @patch static SecurityContext get defaultContext { throw UnsupportedError("default SecurityContext getter"); } @patch static bool get alpnSupported { throw UnsupportedError("SecurityContext alpnSupported getter"); } } @patch class X509Certificate { @patch factory X509Certificate._() { throw UnsupportedError("X509Certificate constructor"); } } @patch class RawDatagramSocket { @patch static Future bind(host, int port, {bool reuseAddress = true}) { throw UnsupportedError("RawDatagramSocket.bind"); } } @patch class _SecureFilter { @patch factory _SecureFilter() { throw UnsupportedError("_SecureFilter._SecureFilter"); } } @patch class _StdIOUtils { @patch static Stdin _getStdioInputStream(int fd) { throw UnsupportedError("StdIOUtils._getStdioInputStream"); } @patch static _getStdioOutputStream(int fd) { throw UnsupportedError("StdIOUtils._getStdioOutputStream"); } @patch static int _socketType(Socket socket) { throw UnsupportedError("StdIOUtils._socketType"); } @patch static _getStdioHandleType(int fd) { throw UnsupportedError("StdIOUtils._getStdioHandleType"); } } @patch class _WindowsCodePageDecoder { @patch static String _decodeBytes(List bytes) { throw UnsupportedError("_WindowsCodePageDecoder._decodeBytes"); } } @patch class _WindowsCodePageEncoder { @patch static List _encodeString(String string) { throw UnsupportedError("_WindowsCodePageEncoder._encodeString"); } } @patch class RawZLibFilter { @patch static RawZLibFilter _makeZLibDeflateFilter( bool gzip, int level, int windowBits, int memLevel, int strategy, List dictionary, bool raw) { throw UnsupportedError("_newZLibDeflateFilter"); } @patch static RawZLibFilter _makeZLibInflateFilter( int windowBits, List dictionary, bool raw) { throw UnsupportedError("_newZLibInflateFilter"); } } @patch class Stdin { @patch int readByteSync() { throw UnsupportedError("Stdin.readByteSync"); } @patch bool get echoMode { throw UnsupportedError("Stdin.echoMode"); } @patch void set echoMode(bool enabled) { throw UnsupportedError("Stdin.echoMode"); } @patch bool get lineMode { throw UnsupportedError("Stdin.lineMode"); } @patch void set lineMode(bool enabled) { throw UnsupportedError("Stdin.lineMode"); } @patch bool get supportsAnsiEscapes { throw UnsupportedError("Stdin.supportsAnsiEscapes"); } } @patch class Stdout { @patch bool _hasTerminal(int fd) { throw UnsupportedError("Stdout.hasTerminal"); } @patch int _terminalColumns(int fd) { throw UnsupportedError("Stdout.terminalColumns"); } @patch int _terminalLines(int fd) { throw UnsupportedError("Stdout.terminalLines"); } @patch static bool _supportsAnsiEscapes(int fd) { throw UnsupportedError("Stdout.supportsAnsiEscapes"); } } @patch class _FileSystemWatcher { @patch static Stream _watch( String path, int events, bool recursive) { throw UnsupportedError(""); } @patch static bool get isSupported { throw UnsupportedError("_FileSystemWatcher.isSupported"); } } @patch class _IOService { @patch static Future _dispatch(int request, List data) { throw UnsupportedError("_IOService._dispatch"); } } NN<%% *2 @4 @5 45 <1 <1 A7 L1 )#C! 2/ F6 8- C9 N; JF <, <, O0 @0 B2 F6 L, P0 J* D4 B2 B2 Q5 Q5 D* "/ /* %* %* .0 /8 %< #7 %9 %@ 7 4 !< /= !5 #7 5 1 4 0 "2 )9 9 #3 %1 D9 6 2 J ',:- N ',03+ J ',03/ Q/ .> .> )9 )9 ,/ ;>6 ,.A "> .%%=5 9E4 6E1 3+5 H5 1+2 F2 68 <@ =; 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Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of; /** * Exposes ZLib options for input parameters. * * See for more documentation. */ abstract class ZLibOption { /// Minimal value for [ZLibCodec.windowBits], [ZLibEncoder.windowBits] /// and [ZLibDecoder.windowBits]. static const int minWindowBits = 8; @Deprecated("Use minWindowBits instead") static const int MIN_WINDOW_BITS = 8; /// Maximal value for [ZLibCodec.windowBits], [ZLibEncoder.windowBits] /// and [ZLibDecoder.windowBits]. static const int maxWindowBits = 15; @Deprecated("Use maxWindowBits instead") static const int MAX_WINDOW_BITS = 15; /// Default value for [ZLibCodec.windowBits], [ZLibEncoder.windowBits] /// and [ZLibDecoder.windowBits]. static const int defaultWindowBits = 15; @Deprecated("Use defaultWindowBits instead") static const int DEFAULT_WINDOW_BITS = 15; /// Minimal value for [ZLibCodec.level] and [ZLibEncoder.level]. static const int minLevel = -1; @Deprecated("Use minLevel instead") static const int MIN_LEVEL = -1; /// Maximal value for [ZLibCodec.level] and [ZLibEncoder.level] static const int maxLevel = 9; @Deprecated("Use maxLevel instead") static const int MAX_LEVEL = 9; /// Default value for [ZLibCodec.level] and [ZLibEncoder.level]. static const int defaultLevel = 6; @Deprecated("Use defaultLevel instead") static const int DEFAULT_LEVEL = 6; /// Minimal value for [ZLibCodec.memLevel] and [ZLibEncoder.memLevel]. static const int minMemLevel = 1; @Deprecated("Use minMemLevel instead") static const int MIN_MEM_LEVEL = 1; /// Maximal value for [ZLibCodec.memLevel] and [ZLibEncoder.memLevel]. static const int maxMemLevel = 9; @Deprecated("Use maxMemLevel instead") static const int MAX_MEM_LEVEL = 9; /// Default value for [ZLibCodec.memLevel] and [ZLibEncoder.memLevel]. static const int defaultMemLevel = 8; @Deprecated("Use defaultMemLevel instead") static const int DEFAULT_MEM_LEVEL = 8; /// Recommended strategy for data produced by a filter (or predictor) static const int strategyFiltered = 1; @Deprecated("Use strategyFiltered instead") static const int STRATEGY_FILTERED = 1; /// Use this strategy to force Huffman encoding only (no string match) static const int strategyHuffmanOnly = 2; @Deprecated("Use strategyHuffmanOnly instead") static const int STRATEGY_HUFFMAN_ONLY = 2; /// Use this strategy to limit match distances to one (run-length encoding) static const int strategyRle = 3; @Deprecated("Use strategyRle instead") static const int STRATEGY_RLE = 3; /// This strategy prevents the use of dynamic Huffman codes, allowing for a /// simpler decoder static const int strategyFixed = 4; @Deprecated("Use strategyFixed instead") static const int STRATEGY_FIXED = 4; /// Recommended strategy for normal data static const int strategyDefault = 0; @Deprecated("Use strategyDefault instead") static const int STRATEGY_DEFAULT = 0; } /** * An instance of the default implementation of the [ZLibCodec]. */ const ZLibCodec zlib = const ZLibCodec._default(); @Deprecated("Use zlib instead") const ZLibCodec ZLIB = zlib; /** * The [ZLibCodec] encodes raw bytes to ZLib compressed bytes and decodes ZLib * compressed bytes to raw bytes. */ class ZLibCodec extends Codec, List> { /** * When true, `GZip` frames will be added to the compressed data. */ final bool gzip; /** * The compression-[level] can be set in the range of `-1..9`, with `6` being * the default compression level. Levels above `6` will have higher * compression rates at the cost of more CPU and memory usage. Levels below * `6` will use less CPU and memory at the cost of lower compression rates. */ final int level; /** * Specifies how much memory should be allocated for the internal compression * state. `1` uses minimum memory but is slow and reduces compression ratio; * `9` uses maximum memory for optimal speed. The default value is `8`. * * The memory requirements for deflate are (in bytes): * * (1 << (windowBits + 2)) + (1 << (memLevel + 9)) * that is: 128K for windowBits = 15 + 128K for memLevel = 8 (default values) */ final int memLevel; /** * Tunes the compression algorithm. Use the value strategyDefault for normal * data, strategyFiltered for data produced by a filter (or predictor), * strategyHuffmanOnly to force Huffman encoding only (no string match), or * strategyRle to limit match distances to one (run-length encoding). */ final int strategy; /** * Base two logarithm of the window size (the size of the history buffer). It * should be in the range 8..15. Larger values result in better compression at * the expense of memory usage. The default value is 15 */ final int windowBits; /** * When true, deflate generates raw data with no zlib header or trailer, and * will not compute an adler32 check value */ final bool raw; /** * Initial compression dictionary. * * It should consist of strings (byte sequences) that are likely to be * encountered later in the data to be compressed, with the most commonly used * strings preferably put towards the end of the dictionary. Using a * dictionary is most useful when the data to be compressed is short and can * be predicted with good accuracy; the data can then be compressed better * than with the default empty dictionary. */ final List dictionary; ZLibCodec( {this.level: ZLibOption.defaultLevel, this.windowBits: ZLibOption.defaultWindowBits, this.memLevel: ZLibOption.defaultMemLevel, this.strategy: ZLibOption.strategyDefault, this.dictionary: null, this.raw: false, this.gzip: false}) { _validateZLibeLevel(level); _validateZLibMemLevel(memLevel); _validateZLibStrategy(strategy); _validateZLibWindowBits(windowBits); } const ZLibCodec._default() : level = ZLibOption.defaultLevel, windowBits = ZLibOption.defaultWindowBits, memLevel = ZLibOption.defaultMemLevel, strategy = ZLibOption.strategyDefault, raw = false, gzip = false, dictionary = null; /** * Get a [ZLibEncoder] for encoding to `ZLib` compressed data. */ ZLibEncoder get encoder => new ZLibEncoder( gzip: false, level: level, windowBits: windowBits, memLevel: memLevel, strategy: strategy, dictionary: dictionary, raw: raw); /** * Get a [ZLibDecoder] for decoding `ZLib` compressed data. */ ZLibDecoder get decoder => new ZLibDecoder(windowBits: windowBits, dictionary: dictionary, raw: raw); } /** * An instance of the default implementation of the [GZipCodec]. */ const GZipCodec gzip = const GZipCodec._default(); @Deprecated("Use gzip instead") const GZipCodec GZIP = gzip; /** * The [GZipCodec] encodes raw bytes to GZip compressed bytes and decodes GZip * compressed bytes to raw bytes. * * The difference between [ZLibCodec] and [GZipCodec] is that the [GZipCodec] * wraps the `ZLib` compressed bytes in `GZip` frames. */ class GZipCodec extends Codec, List> { /** * When true, `GZip` frames will be added to the compressed data. */ final bool gzip; /** * The compression-[level] can be set in the range of `-1..9`, with `6` being * the default compression level. Levels above `6` will have higher * compression rates at the cost of more CPU and memory usage. Levels below * `6` will use less CPU and memory at the cost of lower compression rates. */ final int level; /** * Specifies how much memory should be allocated for the internal compression * state. `1` uses minimum memory but is slow and reduces compression ratio; * `9` uses maximum memory for optimal speed. The default value is `8`. * * The memory requirements for deflate are (in bytes): * * (1 << (windowBits + 2)) + (1 << (memLevel + 9)) * that is: 128K for windowBits = 15 + 128K for memLevel = 8 (default values) */ final int memLevel; /** * Tunes the compression algorithm. Use the value * [ZLibOption.strategyDefault] for normal data, * [ZLibOption.strategyFiltered] for data produced by a filter * (or predictor), [ZLibOption.strategyHuffmanOnly] to force Huffman * encoding only (no string match), or [ZLibOption.strategyRle] to limit * match distances to one (run-length encoding). */ final int strategy; /** * Base two logarithm of the window size (the size of the history buffer). It * should be in the range `8..15`. Larger values result in better compression * at the expense of memory usage. The default value is `15` */ final int windowBits; /** * Initial compression dictionary. * * It should consist of strings (byte sequences) that are likely to be * encountered later in the data to be compressed, with the most commonly used * strings preferably put towards the end of the dictionary. Using a * dictionary is most useful when the data to be compressed is short and can * be predicted with good accuracy; the data can then be compressed better * than with the default empty dictionary. */ final List dictionary; /** * When true, deflate generates raw data with no zlib header or trailer, and * will not compute an adler32 check value */ final bool raw; GZipCodec( {this.level: ZLibOption.defaultLevel, this.windowBits: ZLibOption.defaultWindowBits, this.memLevel: ZLibOption.defaultMemLevel, this.strategy: ZLibOption.strategyDefault, this.dictionary: null, this.raw: false, this.gzip: true}) { _validateZLibeLevel(level); _validateZLibMemLevel(memLevel); _validateZLibStrategy(strategy); _validateZLibWindowBits(windowBits); } const GZipCodec._default() : level = ZLibOption.defaultLevel, windowBits = ZLibOption.defaultWindowBits, memLevel = ZLibOption.defaultMemLevel, strategy = ZLibOption.strategyDefault, raw = false, gzip = true, dictionary = null; /** * Get a [ZLibEncoder] for encoding to `GZip` compressed data. */ ZLibEncoder get encoder => new ZLibEncoder( gzip: true, level: level, windowBits: windowBits, memLevel: memLevel, strategy: strategy, dictionary: dictionary, raw: raw); /** * Get a [ZLibDecoder] for decoding `GZip` compressed data. */ ZLibDecoder get decoder => new ZLibDecoder(windowBits: windowBits, dictionary: dictionary, raw: raw); } /** * The [ZLibEncoder] encoder is used by [ZLibCodec] and [GZipCodec] to compress * data. */ class ZLibEncoder extends Converter, List> { /** * When true, `GZip` frames will be added to the compressed data. */ final bool gzip; /** * The compression-[level] can be set in the range of `-1..9`, with `6` being * the default compression level. Levels above `6` will have higher * compression rates at the cost of more CPU and memory usage. Levels below * `6` will use less CPU and memory at the cost of lower compression rates. */ final int level; /** * Specifies how much memory should be allocated for the internal compression * state. `1` uses minimum memory but is slow and reduces compression ratio; * `9` uses maximum memory for optimal speed. The default value is `8`. * * The memory requirements for deflate are (in bytes): * * (1 << (windowBits + 2)) + (1 << (memLevel + 9)) * that is: 128K for windowBits = 15 + 128K for memLevel = 8 (default values) */ final int memLevel; /** * Tunes the compression algorithm. Use the value * [ZLibOption.strategyDefault] for normal data, * [ZLibOption.strategyFiltered] for data produced by a filter * (or predictor), [ZLibOption.strategyHuffmanOnly] to force Huffman * encoding only (no string match), or [ZLibOption.strategyRle] to limit * match distances to one (run-length encoding). */ final int strategy; /** * Base two logarithm of the window size (the size of the history buffer). It * should be in the range `8..15`. Larger values result in better compression * at the expense of memory usage. The default value is `15` */ final int windowBits; /** * Initial compression dictionary. * * It should consist of strings (byte sequences) that are likely to be * encountered later in the data to be compressed, with the most commonly used * strings preferably put towards the end of the dictionary. Using a * dictionary is most useful when the data to be compressed is short and can * be predicted with good accuracy; the data can then be compressed better * than with the default empty dictionary. */ final List dictionary; /** * When true, deflate generates raw data with no zlib header or trailer, and * will not compute an adler32 check value */ final bool raw; ZLibEncoder( {this.gzip: false, this.level: ZLibOption.defaultLevel, this.windowBits: ZLibOption.defaultWindowBits, this.memLevel: ZLibOption.defaultMemLevel, this.strategy: ZLibOption.strategyDefault, this.dictionary: null, this.raw: false}) { _validateZLibeLevel(level); _validateZLibMemLevel(memLevel); _validateZLibStrategy(strategy); _validateZLibWindowBits(windowBits); } /** * Convert a list of bytes using the options given to the ZLibEncoder * constructor. */ List convert(List bytes) { _BufferSink sink = new _BufferSink(); startChunkedConversion(sink) ..add(bytes) ..close(); return sink.builder.takeBytes(); } /** * Start a chunked conversion using the options given to the [ZLibEncoder] * constructor. While it accepts any [Sink] taking [List]'s, * the optimal sink to be passed as [sink] is a [ByteConversionSink]. */ ByteConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink> sink) { if (sink is! ByteConversionSink) { sink = new ByteConversionSink.from(sink); } return new _ZLibEncoderSink( sink, gzip, level, windowBits, memLevel, strategy, dictionary, raw); } } /** * The [ZLibDecoder] is used by [ZLibCodec] and [GZipCodec] to decompress data. */ class ZLibDecoder extends Converter, List> { /** * Base two logarithm of the window size (the size of the history buffer). It * should be in the range `8..15`. Larger values result in better compression * at the expense of memory usage. The default value is `15`. */ final int windowBits; /** * Initial compression dictionary. * * It should consist of strings (byte sequences) that are likely to be * encountered later in the data to be compressed, with the most commonly used * strings preferably put towards the end of the dictionary. Using a * dictionary is most useful when the data to be compressed is short and can * be predicted with good accuracy; the data can then be compressed better * than with the default empty dictionary. */ final List dictionary; /** * When true, deflate generates raw data with no zlib header or trailer, and * will not compute an adler32 check value */ final bool raw; ZLibDecoder( {this.windowBits: ZLibOption.defaultWindowBits, this.dictionary: null, this.raw: false}) { _validateZLibWindowBits(windowBits); } /** * Convert a list of bytes using the options given to the [ZLibDecoder] * constructor. */ List convert(List bytes) { _BufferSink sink = new _BufferSink(); startChunkedConversion(sink) ..add(bytes) ..close(); return sink.builder.takeBytes(); } /** * Start a chunked conversion. While it accepts any [Sink] * taking [List]'s, the optimal sink to be passed as [sink] is a * [ByteConversionSink]. */ ByteConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink> sink) { if (sink is! ByteConversionSink) { sink = new ByteConversionSink.from(sink); } return new _ZLibDecoderSink(sink, windowBits, dictionary, raw); } } /** * The [RawZLibFilter] class provides a low-level interface to zlib. */ abstract class RawZLibFilter { /** * Returns a a [RawZLibFilter] whose [process] and [processed] methods * compress data. */ factory RawZLibFilter.deflateFilter({ bool gzip: false, int level: ZLibOption.defaultLevel, int windowBits: ZLibOption.defaultWindowBits, int memLevel: ZLibOption.defaultMemLevel, int strategy: ZLibOption.strategyDefault, List dictionary, bool raw: false, }) { return _makeZLibDeflateFilter( gzip, level, windowBits, memLevel, strategy, dictionary, raw); } /** * Returns a a [RawZLibFilter] whose [process] and [processed] methods * decompress data. */ factory RawZLibFilter.inflateFilter({ int windowBits: ZLibOption.defaultWindowBits, List dictionary, bool raw: false, }) { return _makeZLibInflateFilter(windowBits, dictionary, raw); } /** * Call to process a chunk of data. A call to [process] should only be made * when [processed] returns [:null:]. */ void process(List data, int start, int end); /** * Get a chunk of processed data. When there are no more data available, * [processed] will return [:null:]. Set [flush] to [:false:] for non-final * calls to improve performance of some filters. * * The last call to [processed] should have [end] set to [:true:]. This will * make sure an 'end' packet is written on the stream. */ List processed({bool flush: true, bool end: false}); external static RawZLibFilter _makeZLibDeflateFilter( bool gzip, int level, int windowBits, int memLevel, int strategy, List dictionary, bool raw); external static RawZLibFilter _makeZLibInflateFilter( int windowBits, List dictionary, bool raw); } class _BufferSink extends ByteConversionSink { final BytesBuilder builder = new BytesBuilder(copy: false); void add(List chunk) { builder.add(chunk); } void addSlice(List chunk, int start, int end, bool isLast) { if (chunk is Uint8List) { Uint8List list = chunk; builder.add(new Uint8List.view(list.buffer, start, end - start)); } else { builder.add(chunk.sublist(start, end)); } } void close() {} } class _ZLibEncoderSink extends _FilterSink { _ZLibEncoderSink( ByteConversionSink sink, bool gzip, int level, int windowBits, int memLevel, int strategy, List dictionary, bool raw) : super( sink, RawZLibFilter._makeZLibDeflateFilter( gzip, level, windowBits, memLevel, strategy, dictionary, raw)); } class _ZLibDecoderSink extends _FilterSink { _ZLibDecoderSink( ByteConversionSink sink, int windowBits, List dictionary, bool raw) : super(sink, RawZLibFilter._makeZLibInflateFilter(windowBits, dictionary, raw)); } class _FilterSink extends ByteConversionSink { final RawZLibFilter _filter; final ByteConversionSink _sink; bool _closed = false; bool _empty = true; _FilterSink(this._sink, this._filter); void add(List data) { addSlice(data, 0, data.length, false); } void addSlice(List data, int start, int end, bool isLast) { if (_closed) return; if (end == null) throw new ArgumentError.notNull("end"); RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, data.length); try { _empty = false; _BufferAndStart bufferAndStart = _ensureFastAndSerializableByteData(data, start, end); _filter.process(bufferAndStart.buffer, bufferAndStart.start, end - (start - bufferAndStart.start)); List out; while ((out = _filter.processed(flush: false)) != null) { _sink.add(out); } } catch (e) { _closed = true; rethrow; } if (isLast) close(); } void close() { if (_closed) return; // Be sure to send process an empty chunk of data. Without this, the empty // message would not have a GZip frame (if compressed with GZip). if (_empty) _filter.process(const [], 0, 0); try { List out; while ((out = _filter.processed(end: true)) != null) { _sink.add(out); } } catch (e) { _closed = true; throw e; } _closed = true; _sink.close(); } } void _validateZLibWindowBits(int windowBits) { if (ZLibOption.minWindowBits > windowBits || ZLibOption.maxWindowBits < windowBits) { throw new RangeError.range( windowBits, ZLibOption.minWindowBits, ZLibOption.maxWindowBits); } } void _validateZLibeLevel(int level) { if (ZLibOption.minLevel > level || ZLibOption.maxLevel < level) { throw new RangeError.range(level, ZLibOption.minLevel, ZLibOption.maxLevel); } } void _validateZLibMemLevel(int memLevel) { if (ZLibOption.minMemLevel > memLevel || ZLibOption.maxMemLevel < memLevel) { throw new RangeError.range( memLevel, ZLibOption.minMemLevel, ZLibOption.maxMemLevel); } } void _validateZLibStrategy(int strategy) { const strategies = const [ ZLibOption.strategyFiltered, ZLibOption.strategyHuffmanOnly, ZLibOption.strategyRle, ZLibOption.strategyFixed, ZLibOption.strategyDefault ]; if (strategies.indexOf(strategy) == -1) { throw new ArgumentError("Unsupported 'strategy'"); } } NN<.?I$&+(I$'+)I$+/-C"&#B!&"C%*&I$)&I$)&I(-*H).*I,1.N$)%N&+'+(-)A3 O"6DPFNNPOJ9:POJNHPQ:O-%IQGOM- ,511 %%))3//A.>QA3 O"N76DPFNNPOJ9:P43AGK3PP?%IQGOM-O- ,511 %%))3//A.>QP <DPFNNPOJ9:P43AGK3PP?%IQGOM-O-+511 %%)H'*!%MDHD'0!MP<PP@%IQGOM-O-6)J'*!%=HD'0DEI((2..#GI(2@N(4KN3O9<887/>DH .-2P-OP/")+C=9 '@C1@OF1 =/// I&DQ+P C+"!$,7Mfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/io/directory.dartV// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of; /** * A reference to a directory (or _folder_) on the file system. * * A Directory instance is an object holding a [path] on which operations can * be performed. The path to the directory can be [absolute] or relative. * You can get the parent directory using the getter [parent], * a property inherited from [FileSystemEntity]. * * In addition to being used as an instance to access the file system, * Directory has a number of static properties, such as [systemTemp], * which gets the system's temporary directory, and the getter and setter * [current], which you can use to access or change the current directory. * * Create a new Directory object with a pathname to access the specified * directory on the file system from your program. * * var myDir = new Directory('myDir'); * * Most methods in this class occur in synchronous and asynchronous pairs, * for example, [create] and [createSync]. * Unless you have a specific reason for using the synchronous version * of a method, prefer the asynchronous version to avoid blocking your program. * * ## Create a directory * * The following code sample creates a directory using the [create] method. * By setting the `recursive` parameter to true, you can create the * named directory and all its necessary parent directories, * if they do not already exist. * * import 'dart:io'; * * void main() { * // Creates dir/ and dir/subdir/. * new Directory('dir/subdir').create(recursive: true) * // The created directory is returned as a Future. * .then((Directory directory) { * print(directory.path); * }); * } * * ## List a directory * * Use the [list] or [listSync] methods to get the files and directories * contained by a directory. * Set `recursive` to true to recursively list all subdirectories. * Set `followLinks` to true to follow symbolic links. * The list method returns a [Stream] that provides FileSystemEntity * objects. Use the listen callback function to process each object * as it become available. * * import 'dart:io'; * * void main() { * // Get the system temp directory. * var systemTempDir = Directory.systemTemp; * * // List directory contents, recursing into sub-directories, * // but not following symbolic links. * systemTempDir.list(recursive: true, followLinks: false) * .listen((FileSystemEntity entity) { * print(entity.path); * }); * } * * ## The use of Futures * * I/O operations can block a program for some period of time while it waits for * the operation to complete. To avoid this, all * methods involving I/O have an asynchronous variant which returns a [Future]. * This future completes when the I/O operation finishes. While the I/O * operation is in progress, the Dart program is not blocked, * and can perform other operations. * * For example, * the [exists] method, which determines whether the directory exists, * returns a boolean value using a Future. * Use `then` to register a callback function, which is called when * the value is ready. * * import 'dart:io'; * * main() { * final myDir = new Directory('dir'); * myDir.exists().then((isThere) { * isThere ? print('exists') : print('non-existent'); * }); * } * * * In addition to exists, the [stat], [rename], and * other methods, return Futures. * * ## Other resources * * * [Dart by Example]( * provides additional task-oriented code samples that show how to use * various API from the Directory class and the related [File] class. * * * [I/O for Command-Line * Apps]( * a section from _A Tour of the Dart Libraries_ covers files and directories. * * * [Write Command-Line Apps](, * a tutorial about writing command-line apps, includes information about * files and directories. */ abstract class Directory implements FileSystemEntity { /** * Gets the path of this directory. */ String get path; /** * Creates a [Directory] object. * * If [path] is a relative path, it will be interpreted relative to the * current working directory (see [Directory.current]), when used. * * If [path] is an absolute path, it will be immune to changes to the * current working directory. */ factory Directory(String path) { final IOOverrides overrides = IOOverrides.current; if (overrides == null) { return new _Directory(path); } return overrides.createDirectory(path); } factory Directory.fromRawPath(Uint8List path) { // TODO(bkonyi): Handle overrides. return new _Directory.fromRawPath(path); } /** * Create a Directory object from a URI. * * If [uri] cannot reference a directory this throws [UnsupportedError]. */ factory Directory.fromUri(Uri uri) => new Directory(uri.toFilePath()); /** * Creates a directory object pointing to the current working * directory. */ static Directory get current { final IOOverrides overrides = IOOverrides.current; if (overrides == null) { return _Directory.current; } return overrides.getCurrentDirectory(); } /** * Returns a [Uri] representing the directory's location. * * The returned URI's scheme is always "file" if the entity's [path] is * absolute, otherwise the scheme will be empty. * The returned URI's path always ends in a slash ('/'). */ Uri get uri; /** * Sets the current working directory of the Dart process including * all running isolates. The new value set can be either a [Directory] * or a [String]. * * The new value is passed to the OS's system call unchanged, so a * relative path passed as the new working directory will be * resolved by the OS. * * Note that setting the current working directory is a synchronous * operation and that it changes the working directory of *all* * isolates. * * Use this with care - especially when working with asynchronous * operations and multiple isolates. Changing the working directory, * while asynchronous operations are pending or when other isolates * are working with the file system, can lead to unexpected results. */ static void set current(path) { final IOOverrides overrides = IOOverrides.current; if (overrides == null) { _Directory.current = path; return; } overrides.setCurrentDirectory(path); } /** * Creates the directory with this name. * * If [recursive] is false, only the last directory in the path is * created. If [recursive] is true, all non-existing path components * are created. If the directory already exists nothing is done. * * Returns a [:Future:] that completes with this * directory once it has been created. If the directory cannot be * created the future completes with an exception. */ Future create({bool recursive: false}); /** * Synchronously creates the directory with this name. * * If [recursive] is false, only the last directory in the path is * created. If [recursive] is true, all non-existing path components * are created. If the directory already exists nothing is done. * * If the directory cannot be created an exception is thrown. */ void createSync({bool recursive: false}); /** * Gets the system temp directory. * * Gets the directory provided by the operating system for creating * temporary files and directories in. * The location of the system temp directory is platform-dependent, * and may be set by an environment variable. */ static Directory get systemTemp { final IOOverrides overrides = IOOverrides.current; if (overrides == null) { return _Directory.systemTemp; } return overrides.getSystemTempDirectory(); } /** * Creates a temporary directory in this directory. Additional random * characters are appended to [prefix] to produce a unique directory * name. If [prefix] is missing or null, the empty string is used * for [prefix]. * * Returns a [:Future:] that completes with the newly * created temporary directory. */ Future createTemp([String prefix]); /** * Synchronously creates a temporary directory in this directory. * Additional random characters are appended to [prefix] to produce * a unique directory name. If [prefix] is missing or null, the empty * string is used for [prefix]. * * Returns the newly created temporary directory. */ Directory createTempSync([String prefix]); Future resolveSymbolicLinks(); String resolveSymbolicLinksSync(); /** * Renames this directory. Returns a [:Future:] that completes * with a [Directory] instance for the renamed directory. * * If newPath identifies an existing directory, that directory is * replaced. If newPath identifies an existing file, the operation * fails and the future completes with an exception. */ Future rename(String newPath); /** * Synchronously renames this directory. Returns a [Directory] * instance for the renamed directory. * * If newPath identifies an existing directory, that directory is * replaced. If newPath identifies an existing file the operation * fails and an exception is thrown. */ Directory renameSync(String newPath); /** * Returns a [Directory] instance whose path is the absolute path to [this]. * * The absolute path is computed by prefixing * a relative path with the current working directory, and returning * an absolute path unchanged. */ Directory get absolute; /** * Lists the sub-directories and files of this [Directory]. * Optionally recurses into sub-directories. * * If [followLinks] is false, then any symbolic links found * are reported as [Link] objects, rather than as directories or files, * and are not recursed into. * * If [followLinks] is true, then working links are reported as * directories or files, depending on * their type, and links to directories are recursed into. * Broken links are reported as [Link] objects. * If a symbolic link makes a loop in the file system, then a recursive * listing will not follow a link twice in the * same recursive descent, but will report it as a [Link] * the second time it is seen. * * The result is a stream of [FileSystemEntity] objects * for the directories, files, and links. */ Stream list( {bool recursive: false, bool followLinks: true}); /** * Lists the sub-directories and files of this [Directory]. * Optionally recurses into sub-directories. * * If [followLinks] is false, then any symbolic links found * are reported as [Link] objects, rather than as directories or files, * and are not recursed into. * * If [followLinks] is true, then working links are reported as * directories or files, depending on * their type, and links to directories are recursed into. * Broken links are reported as [Link] objects. * If a link makes a loop in the file system, then a recursive * listing will not follow a link twice in the * same recursive descent, but will report it as a [Link] * the second time it is seen. * * Returns a [List] containing [FileSystemEntity] objects for the * directories, files, and links. */ List listSync( {bool recursive: false, bool followLinks: true}); /** * Returns a human readable string for this Directory instance. */ String toString(); } WNN<@NJ?1GFJKI3+K+GPLD=!*==)$ IC7ED+3E.A/! Q1PH>%G+D-)> 4"aIHjQRL7&#JEH #7#,2'-+KI@!7!,<J3;FIE?FBDGFG"7!)+EGC>D559EGC@,%F)F0$7$/HGDC"1DFH"4-)%L<DE7,A)DD'(O0G!>/>J B(=2J1/>J B(=2A1 _path; external static _current(_Namespace namespace); external static _setCurrent(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath); external static _createTemp(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath); external static String _systemTemp(_Namespace namespace); external static _exists(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath); external static _create(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath); external static _deleteNative( _Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath, bool recursive); external static _rename( _Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath, String newPath); external static void _fillWithDirectoryListing( _Namespace namespace, List list, Uint8List rawPath, bool recursive, bool followLinks); static Directory get current { var result = _current(_Namespace._namespace); if (result is OSError) { throw new FileSystemException( "Getting current working directory failed", "", result); } return new _Directory(result); } static void set current(path) { Uint8List _rawPath; if (path is _Directory) { // For our internal Directory implementation, go ahead and use the raw // path. _rawPath = path._rawPath; } else if (path is Directory) { // FIXME(bkonyi): package:file passes in instances of classes which do // not have _path defined, so we will fallback to using the existing // path String for now. _rawPath = FileSystemEntity._toUtf8Array(path.path); } else if (path is String) { _rawPath = FileSystemEntity._toUtf8Array(path); } else { throw new ArgumentError('${Error.safeToString(path)} is not a String or' ' Directory'); } if (!_EmbedderConfig._mayChdir) { throw new UnsupportedError( "This embedder disallows setting Directory.current"); } var result = _setCurrent(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath); if (result is ArgumentError) throw result; if (result is OSError) { throw new FileSystemException( "Setting current working directory failed", path, result); } } Uri get uri { return new; } Future exists() { return _File._dispatchWithNamespace( _IOService.directoryExists, [null, _rawPath]).then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionOrErrorFromResponse(response, "Exists failed"); } return response == 1; }); } bool existsSync() { var result = _exists(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath); if (result is OSError) { throw new FileSystemException("Exists failed", path, result); } return (result == 1); } Directory get absolute => new Directory(_absolutePath); Future create({bool recursive: false}) { if (recursive) { return exists().then((exists) { if (exists) return this; if (path != parent.path) { return parent.create(recursive: true).then((_) { return create(); }); } else { return create(); } }); } else { return _File._dispatchWithNamespace( _IOService.directoryCreate, [null, _rawPath]).then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionOrErrorFromResponse(response, "Creation failed"); } return this; }); } } void createSync({bool recursive: false}) { if (recursive) { if (existsSync()) return; if (path != parent.path) { parent.createSync(recursive: true); } } var result = _create(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath); if (result is OSError) { throw new FileSystemException("Creation failed", path, result); } } static Directory get systemTemp => new Directory(_systemTemp(_Namespace._namespace)); Future createTemp([String prefix]) { if (prefix == null) prefix = ''; if (path == '') { throw new ArgumentError("Directory.createTemp called with an empty path. " "To use the system temp directory, use Directory.systemTemp"); } String fullPrefix; // FIXME(bkonyi): here we're using `path` directly, which might cause // issues if it is not UTF-8 encoded. if (path.endsWith('/') || (Platform.isWindows && path.endsWith('\\'))) { fullPrefix = "$path$prefix"; } else { fullPrefix = "$path${Platform.pathSeparator}$prefix"; } return _File._dispatchWithNamespace(_IOService.directoryCreateTemp, [null, FileSystemEntity._toUtf8Array(fullPrefix)]).then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionOrErrorFromResponse( response, "Creation of temporary directory failed"); } return new Directory(response); }); } Directory createTempSync([String prefix]) { if (prefix == null) prefix = ''; if (path == '') { throw new ArgumentError("Directory.createTemp called with an empty path. " "To use the system temp directory, use Directory.systemTemp"); } String fullPrefix; // FIXME(bkonyi): here we're using `path` directly, which might cause // issues if it is not UTF-8 encoded. if (path.endsWith('/') || (Platform.isWindows && path.endsWith('\\'))) { fullPrefix = "$path$prefix"; } else { fullPrefix = "$path${Platform.pathSeparator}$prefix"; } var result = _createTemp( _Namespace._namespace, FileSystemEntity._toUtf8Array(fullPrefix)); if (result is OSError) { throw new FileSystemException( "Creation of temporary directory failed", fullPrefix, result); } return new Directory(result); } Future _delete({bool recursive: false}) { return _File._dispatchWithNamespace(_IOService.directoryDelete, [null, _rawPath, recursive]).then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionOrErrorFromResponse(response, "Deletion failed"); } return this; }); } void _deleteSync({bool recursive: false}) { var result = _deleteNative(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath, recursive); if (result is OSError) { throw new FileSystemException("Deletion failed", path, result); } } Future rename(String newPath) { return _File._dispatchWithNamespace( _IOService.directoryRename, [null, _rawPath, newPath]).then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionOrErrorFromResponse(response, "Rename failed"); } return new Directory(newPath); }); } Directory renameSync(String newPath) { if (newPath is! String) { throw new ArgumentError(); } var result = _rename(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath, newPath); if (result is OSError) { throw new FileSystemException("Rename failed", path, result); } return new Directory(newPath); } Stream list( {bool recursive: false, bool followLinks: true}) { return new _AsyncDirectoryLister( // FIXME(bkonyi): here we're using `path` directly, which might cause issues // if it is not UTF-8 encoded. FileSystemEntity._toUtf8Array( FileSystemEntity._ensureTrailingPathSeparators(path)), recursive, followLinks) .stream; } List listSync( {bool recursive: false, bool followLinks: true}) { if (recursive is! bool || followLinks is! bool) { throw new ArgumentError(); } var result = []; _fillWithDirectoryListing( _Namespace._namespace, result, // FIXME(bkonyi): here we're using `path` directly, which might cause issues // if it is not UTF-8 encoded. FileSystemEntity ._toUtf8Array(FileSystemEntity._ensureTrailingPathSeparators(path)), recursive, followLinks); return result; } String toString() => "Directory: '$path'"; bool _isErrorResponse(response) => response is List && response[0] != _successResponse; _exceptionOrErrorFromResponse(response, String message) { assert(_isErrorResponse(response)); switch (response[_errorResponseErrorType]) { case _illegalArgumentResponse: return new ArgumentError(); case _osErrorResponse: var err = new OSError(response[_osErrorResponseMessage], response[_osErrorResponseErrorCode]); return new FileSystemException(message, path, err); default: return new Exception("Unknown error"); } } } abstract class _AsyncDirectoryListerOps { external factory _AsyncDirectoryListerOps(int pointer); int getPointer(); } class _AsyncDirectoryLister { static const int listFile = 0; static const int listDirectory = 1; static const int listLink = 2; static const int listError = 3; static const int listDone = 4; static const int responseType = 0; static const int responsePath = 1; static const int responseComplete = 1; static const int responseError = 2; final Uint8List rawPath; final bool recursive; final bool followLinks; StreamController controller; bool canceled = false; bool nextRunning = false; bool closed = false; _AsyncDirectoryListerOps _ops; Completer closeCompleter = new Completer(); _AsyncDirectoryLister(this.rawPath, this.recursive, this.followLinks) { controller = new StreamController( onListen: onListen, onResume: onResume, onCancel: onCancel, sync: true); } // WARNING: // Calling this function will increase the reference count on the native // object that implements the async directory lister operations. It should // only be called to pass the pointer to the IO Service, which will decrement // the reference count when it is finished with it. int _pointer() { return (_ops == null) ? null : _ops.getPointer(); } Stream get stream =>; void onListen() { _File._dispatchWithNamespace(_IOService.directoryListStart, [null, rawPath, recursive, followLinks]).then((response) { if (response is int) { _ops = new _AsyncDirectoryListerOps(response); next(); } else if (response is Error) { controller.addError(response, response.stackTrace); close(); } else { error(response); close(); } }); } void onResume() { if (!nextRunning) { next(); } } Future onCancel() { canceled = true; // If we are active, but not requesting, close. if (!nextRunning) { close(); } return closeCompleter.future; } void next() { if (canceled) { close(); return; } if (controller.isPaused || nextRunning) { return; } var pointer = _pointer(); if (pointer == null) { return; } nextRunning = true; _IOService ._dispatch(_IOService.directoryListNext, [pointer]).then((result) { nextRunning = false; if (result is List) { next(); assert(result.length % 2 == 0); for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { assert(i % 2 == 0); switch (result[i++]) { case listFile: controller.add(new File.fromRawPath(result[i])); break; case listDirectory: controller.add(new Directory.fromRawPath(result[i])); break; case listLink: controller.add(new Link.fromRawPath(result[i])); break; case listError: error(result[i]); break; case listDone: canceled = true; return; } } } else { controller.addError(new FileSystemException("Internal error")); } }); } void _cleanup() { controller.close(); closeCompleter.complete(); _ops = null; } void close() { if (closed) { return; } if (nextRunning) { return; } closed = true; var pointer = _pointer(); if (pointer == null) { _cleanup(); } else { _IOService._dispatch( _IOService.directoryListStop, [pointer]).whenComplete(_cleanup); } } void error(message) { var errorType = message[responseError][_errorResponseErrorType]; if (errorType == _illegalArgumentResponse) { controller.addError(new ArgumentError()); } else if (errorType == _osErrorResponse) { var responseErrorInfo = message[responseError]; var err = new OSError(responseErrorInfo[_osErrorResponseMessage], responseErrorInfo[_osErrorResponseErrorCode]); var errorPath = message[responsePath]; if (errorPath == null) { errorPath = utf8.decode(rawPath, allowMalformed: true); } else if (errorPath is Uint8List) { errorPath = utf8.decode(message[responsePath], allowMalformed: true); } controller.addError( new FileSystemException("Directory listing failed", errorPath, err)); } else { controller.addError(new FileSystemException("Internal error")); } } } NN<AN5.9E>2HH> inputStream = file.openRead(); * * inputStream * .transform(utf8.decoder) // Decode bytes to UTF-8. * .transform(new LineSplitter()) // Convert stream to individual lines. * .listen((String line) { // Process results. * print('$line: ${line.length} bytes'); * }, * onDone: () { print('File is now closed.'); }, * onError: (e) { print(e.toString()); }); * } * * ## Write to a file * * To write a string to a file, use the [writeAsString] method: * * import 'dart:io'; * * void main() { * final filename = 'file.txt'; * new File(filename).writeAsString('some content') * .then((File file) { * // Do something with the file. * }); * } * * You can also write to a file using a [Stream]. Open the file with * [openWrite], which returns an [IOSink] to which you can write data. * Be sure to close the sink with the [IOSink.close] method. * * import 'dart:io'; * * void main() { * var file = new File('file.txt'); * var sink = file.openWrite(); * sink.write('FILE ACCESSED ${new}\n'); * * // Close the IOSink to free system resources. * sink.close(); * } * * ## The use of Futures * * To avoid unintentional blocking of the program, * several methods use a [Future] to return a value. For example, * the [length] method, which gets the length of a file, returns a Future. * Use `then` to register a callback function, which is called when * the value is ready. * * import 'dart:io'; * * main() { * final file = new File('file.txt'); * * file.length().then((len) { * print(len); * }); * } * * In addition to length, the [exists], [lastModified], [stat], and * other methods, return Futures. * * ## Other resources * * * [Dart by Example]( * provides additional task-oriented code samples that show how to use * various API from the Directory class and the related [File] class. * * * [I/O for Command-Line * Apps]( * a section from _A Tour of the Dart Libraries_ covers files and directories. * * * [Write Command-Line Apps](, * a tutorial about writing command-line apps, includes information about * files and directories. */ abstract class File implements FileSystemEntity { /** * Creates a [File] object. * * If [path] is a relative path, it will be interpreted relative to the * current working directory (see [Directory.current]), when used. * * If [path] is an absolute path, it will be immune to changes to the * current working directory. */ factory File(String path) { final IOOverrides overrides = IOOverrides.current; if (overrides == null) { return new _File(path); } return overrides.createFile(path); } /** * Create a File object from a URI. * * If [uri] cannot reference a file this throws [UnsupportedError]. */ factory File.fromUri(Uri uri) => new File(uri.toFilePath()); /** * Creates a File object from a raw path, that is, a sequence of bytes * as represented by the OS. */ factory File.fromRawPath(Uint8List rawPath) { // TODO(bkonyi): Handle overrides. return new _File.fromRawPath(rawPath); } /** * Create the file. Returns a `Future` that completes with * the file when it has been created. * * If [recursive] is false, the default, the file is created only if * all directories in the path exist. If [recursive] is true, all * non-existing path components are created. * * Existing files are left untouched by [create]. Calling [create] on an * existing file might fail if there are restrictive permissions on * the file. * * Completes the future with a [FileSystemException] if the operation fails. */ Future create({bool recursive: false}); /** * Synchronously create the file. Existing files are left untouched * by [createSync]. Calling [createSync] on an existing file might fail * if there are restrictive permissions on the file. * * If [recursive] is false, the default, the file is created * only if all directories in the path exist. * If [recursive] is true, all non-existing path components are created. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the operation fails. */ void createSync({bool recursive: false}); /** * Renames this file. Returns a `Future` that completes * with a [File] instance for the renamed file. * * If [newPath] identifies an existing file, that file is * replaced. If [newPath] identifies an existing directory, the * operation fails and the future completes with an exception. */ Future rename(String newPath); /** * Synchronously renames this file. Returns a [File] * instance for the renamed file. * * If [newPath] identifies an existing file, that file is * replaced. If [newPath] identifies an existing directory the * operation fails and an exception is thrown. */ File renameSync(String newPath); /** * Copy this file. Returns a `Future` that completes * with a [File] instance for the copied file. * * If [newPath] identifies an existing file, that file is * replaced. If [newPath] identifies an existing directory, the * operation fails and the future completes with an exception. */ Future copy(String newPath); /** * Synchronously copy this file. Returns a [File] * instance for the copied file. * * If [newPath] identifies an existing file, that file is * replaced. If [newPath] identifies an existing directory the * operation fails and an exception is thrown. */ File copySync(String newPath); /** * Get the length of the file. Returns a `Future` that * completes with the length in bytes. */ Future length(); /** * Synchronously get the length of the file. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the operation fails. */ int lengthSync(); /** * Returns a [File] instance whose path is the absolute path to [this]. * * The absolute path is computed by prefixing * a relative path with the current working directory, and returning * an absolute path unchanged. */ File get absolute; /** * Get the last-accessed time of the file. * * Returns a `Future` that completes with the date and time when the * file was last accessed, if the information is available. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the operation fails. */ Future lastAccessed(); /** * Get the last-accessed time of the file. * * Returns the date and time when the file was last accessed, * if the information is available. Blocks until the information can be returned * or it is determined that the information is not available. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the operation fails. */ DateTime lastAccessedSync(); /** * Modifies the time the file was last accessed. * * Returns a [Future] that completes once the operation has completed. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the time cannot be set. */ Future setLastAccessed(DateTime time); /** * Synchronously modifies the time the file was last accessed. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the time cannot be set. */ void setLastAccessedSync(DateTime time); /** * Get the last-modified time of the file. * * Returns a `Future` that completes with the date and time when the * file was last modified, if the information is available. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the operation fails. */ Future lastModified(); /** * Get the last-modified time of the file. * * Returns the date and time when the file was last modified, * if the information is available. Blocks until the information can be returned * or it is determined that the information is not available. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the operation fails. */ DateTime lastModifiedSync(); /** * Modifies the time the file was last modified. * * Returns a [Future] that completes once the operation has completed. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the time cannot be set. */ Future setLastModified(DateTime time); /** * Synchronously modifies the time the file was last modified. * * If the attributes cannot be set, throws a [FileSystemException]. */ void setLastModifiedSync(DateTime time); /** * Open the file for random access operations. Returns a * `Future` that completes with the opened * random access file. [RandomAccessFile]s must be closed using the * [RandomAccessFile.close] method. * * Files can be opened in three modes: * * []: open the file for reading. * * [FileMode.write]: open the file for both reading and writing and * truncate the file to length zero. If the file does not exist the * file is created. * * [FileMode.append]: same as [FileMode.write] except that the file is * not truncated. */ Future open({FileMode mode:}); /** * Synchronously open the file for random access operations. The * result is a [RandomAccessFile] on which random access operations * can be performed. Opened [RandomAccessFile]s must be closed using * the [RandomAccessFile.close] method. * * See [open] for information on the [mode] argument. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the operation fails. */ RandomAccessFile openSync({FileMode mode:}); /** * Create a new independent [Stream] for the contents of this file. * * If [start] is present, the file will be read from byte-offset [start]. * Otherwise from the beginning (index 0). * * If [end] is present, only up to byte-index [end] will be read. Otherwise, * until end of file. * * In order to make sure that system resources are freed, the stream * must be read to completion or the subscription on the stream must * be cancelled. */ Stream> openRead([int start, int end]); /** * Creates a new independent [IOSink] for the file. The * [IOSink] must be closed when no longer used, to free * system resources. * * An [IOSink] for a file can be opened in two modes: * * * [FileMode.write]: truncates the file to length zero. * * [FileMode.append]: sets the initial write position to the end * of the file. * * When writing strings through the returned [IOSink] the encoding * specified using [encoding] will be used. The returned [IOSink] * has an `encoding` property which can be changed after the * [IOSink] has been created. */ IOSink openWrite({FileMode mode: FileMode.write, Encoding encoding: utf8}); /** * Read the entire file contents as a list of bytes. Returns a * `Future>` that completes with the list of bytes that * is the contents of the file. */ Future> readAsBytes(); /** * Synchronously read the entire file contents as a list of bytes. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the operation fails. */ List readAsBytesSync(); /** * Read the entire file contents as a string using the given * [Encoding]. * * Returns a `Future` that completes with the string once * the file contents has been read. */ Future readAsString({Encoding encoding: utf8}); /** * Synchronously read the entire file contents as a string using the * given [Encoding]. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the operation fails. */ String readAsStringSync({Encoding encoding: utf8}); /** * Read the entire file contents as lines of text using the given * [Encoding]. * * Returns a `Future>` that completes with the lines * once the file contents has been read. */ Future> readAsLines({Encoding encoding: utf8}); /** * Synchronously read the entire file contents as lines of text * using the given [Encoding]. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the operation fails. */ List readAsLinesSync({Encoding encoding: utf8}); /** * Write a list of bytes to a file. * * Opens the file, writes the list of bytes to it, and closes the file. * Returns a `Future` that completes with this [File] object once * the entire operation has completed. * * By default [writeAsBytes] creates the file for writing and truncates the * file if it already exists. In order to append the bytes to an existing * file, pass [FileMode.append] as the optional mode parameter. * * If the argument [flush] is set to `true`, the data written will be * flushed to the file system before the returned future completes. */ Future writeAsBytes(List bytes, {FileMode mode: FileMode.write, bool flush: false}); /** * Synchronously write a list of bytes to a file. * * Opens the file, writes the list of bytes to it and closes the file. * * By default [writeAsBytesSync] creates the file for writing and truncates * the file if it already exists. In order to append the bytes to an existing * file, pass [FileMode.append] as the optional mode parameter. * * If the [flush] argument is set to `true` data written will be * flushed to the file system before returning. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the operation fails. */ void writeAsBytesSync(List bytes, {FileMode mode: FileMode.write, bool flush: false}); /** * Write a string to a file. * * Opens the file, writes the string in the given encoding, and closes the * file. Returns a `Future` that completes with this [File] object * once the entire operation has completed. * * By default [writeAsString] creates the file for writing and truncates the * file if it already exists. In order to append the bytes to an existing * file, pass [FileMode.append] as the optional mode parameter. * * If the argument [flush] is set to `true`, the data written will be * flushed to the file system before the returned future completes. * */ Future writeAsString(String contents, {FileMode mode: FileMode.write, Encoding encoding: utf8, bool flush: false}); /** * Synchronously write a string to a file. * * Opens the file, writes the string in the given encoding, and closes the * file. * * By default [writeAsStringSync] creates the file for writing and * truncates the file if it already exists. In order to append the bytes * to an existing file, pass [FileMode.append] as the optional mode * parameter. * * If the [flush] argument is set to `true` data written will be * flushed to the file system before returning. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the operation fails. */ void writeAsStringSync(String contents, {FileMode mode: FileMode.write, Encoding encoding: utf8, bool flush: false}); /** * Get the path of the file. */ String get path; } /** * `RandomAccessFile` provides random access to the data in a * file. * * `RandomAccessFile` objects are obtained by calling the * `open` method on a [File] object. * * A `RandomAccessFile` have both asynchronous and synchronous * methods. The asynchronous methods all return a `Future` * whereas the synchronous methods will return the result directly, * and block the current isolate until the result is ready. * * At most one asynchronous method can be pending on a given `RandomAccessFile` * instance at the time. If an asynchronous method is called when one is * already in progress a [FileSystemException] is thrown. * * If an asynchronous method is pending it is also not possible to call any * synchronous methods. This will also throw a [FileSystemException]. */ abstract class RandomAccessFile { /** * Closes the file. Returns a `Future` that * completes when it has been closed. */ Future close(); /** * Synchronously closes the file. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the operation fails. */ void closeSync(); /** * Reads a byte from the file. Returns a `Future` that * completes with the byte, or with -1 if end-of-file has been reached. */ Future readByte(); /** * Synchronously reads a single byte from the file. If end-of-file * has been reached -1 is returned. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the operation fails. */ int readByteSync(); /** * Reads [bytes] bytes from a file and returns the result as a list of bytes. */ Future> read(int bytes); /** * Synchronously reads a maximum of [bytes] bytes from a file and * returns the result in a list of bytes. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the operation fails. */ List readSync(int bytes); /** * Reads into an existing [List] from the file. If [start] is present, * the bytes will be filled into [buffer] from at index [start], otherwise * index 0. If [end] is present, the [end] - [start] bytes will be read into * [buffer], otherwise up to [buffer.length]. If [end] == [start] nothing * happens. * * Returns a `Future` that completes with the number of bytes read. */ Future readInto(List buffer, [int start = 0, int end]); /** * Synchronously reads into an existing [List] from the file. If [start] * is present, the bytes will be filled into [buffer] from at index [start], * otherwise index 0. If [end] is present, the [end] - [start] bytes will be * read into [buffer], otherwise up to [buffer.length]. If [end] == [start] * nothing happens. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the operation fails. */ int readIntoSync(List buffer, [int start = 0, int end]); /** * Writes a single byte to the file. Returns a * `Future` that completes with this * RandomAccessFile when the write completes. */ Future writeByte(int value); /** * Synchronously writes a single byte to the file. Returns the * number of bytes successfully written. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the operation fails. */ int writeByteSync(int value); /** * Writes from a [List] to the file. It will read the buffer from index * [start] to index [end]. If [start] is omitted, it'll start from index 0. * If [end] is omitted, it will write to end of [buffer]. * * Returns a `Future` that completes with this * [RandomAccessFile] when the write completes. */ Future writeFrom(List buffer, [int start = 0, int end]); /** * Synchronously writes from a [List] to the file. It will read the * buffer from index [start] to index [end]. If [start] is omitted, it'll * start from index 0. If [end] is omitted, it will write to the end of * [buffer]. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the operation fails. */ void writeFromSync(List buffer, [int start = 0, int end]); /** * Writes a string to the file using the given [Encoding]. Returns a * `Future` that completes with this * RandomAccessFile when the write completes. */ Future writeString(String string, {Encoding encoding: utf8}); /** * Synchronously writes a single string to the file using the given * [Encoding]. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the operation fails. */ void writeStringSync(String string, {Encoding encoding: utf8}); /** * Gets the current byte position in the file. Returns a * `Future` that completes with the position. */ Future position(); /** * Synchronously gets the current byte position in the file. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the operation fails. */ int positionSync(); /** * Sets the byte position in the file. Returns a * `Future` that completes with this * RandomAccessFile when the position has been set. */ Future setPosition(int position); /** * Synchronously sets the byte position in the file. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the operation fails. */ void setPositionSync(int position); /** * Truncates (or extends) the file to [length] bytes. Returns a * `Future` that completes with this * RandomAccessFile when the truncation has been performed. */ Future truncate(int length); /** * Synchronously truncates (or extends) the file to [length] bytes. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the operation fails. */ void truncateSync(int length); /** * Gets the length of the file. Returns a `Future` that * completes with the length in bytes. */ Future length(); /** * Synchronously gets the length of the file. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the operation fails. */ int lengthSync(); /** * Flushes the contents of the file to disk. Returns a * `Future` that completes with this * RandomAccessFile when the flush operation completes. */ Future flush(); /** * Synchronously flushes the contents of the file to disk. * * Throws a [FileSystemException] if the operation fails. */ void flushSync(); /** * Locks the file or part of the file. * * By default an exclusive lock will be obtained, but that can be overridden * by the [mode] argument. * * Locks the byte range from [start] to [end] of the file, with the * byte at position `end` not included. If no arguments are * specified, the full file is locked, If only `start` is specified * the file is locked from byte position `start` to the end of the * file, no matter how large it grows. It is possible to specify an * explicit value of `end` which is past the current length of the file. * * To obtain an exclusive lock on a file it must be opened for writing. * * If [mode] is [FileLock.exclusive] or [FileLock.shared], an error is * signaled if the lock cannot be obtained. If [mode] is * [FileLock.blockingExclusive] or [FileLock.blockingShared], the * returned [Future] is resolved only when the lock has been obtained. * * *NOTE* file locking does have slight differences in behavior across * platforms: * * On Linux and OS X this uses advisory locks, which have the * surprising semantics that all locks associated with a given file * are removed when *any* file descriptor for that file is closed by * the process. Note that this does not actually lock the file for * access. Also note that advisory locks are on a process * level. This means that several isolates in the same process can * obtain an exclusive lock on the same file. * * On Windows the regions used for lock and unlock needs to match. If that * is not the case unlocking will result in the OS error "The segment is * already unlocked". */ Future lock( [FileLock mode = FileLock.exclusive, int start = 0, int end = -1]); /** * Synchronously locks the file or part of the file. * * By default an exclusive lock will be obtained, but that can be overridden * by the [mode] argument. * * Locks the byte range from [start] to [end] of the file ,with the * byte at position `end` not included. If no arguments are * specified, the full file is locked, If only `start` is specified * the file is locked from byte position `start` to the end of the * file, no matter how large it grows. It is possible to specify an * explicit value of `end` which is past the current length of the file. * * To obtain an exclusive lock on a file it must be opened for writing. * * If [mode] is [FileLock.exclusive] or [FileLock.shared], an exception is * thrown if the lock cannot be obtained. If [mode] is * [FileLock.blockingExclusive] or [FileLock.blockingShared], the * call returns only after the lock has been obtained. * * *NOTE* file locking does have slight differences in behavior across * platforms: * * On Linux and OS X this uses advisory locks, which have the * surprising semantics that all locks associated with a given file * are removed when *any* file descriptor for that file is closed by * the process. Note that this does not actually lock the file for * access. Also note that advisory locks are on a process * level. This means that several isolates in the same process can * obtain an exclusive lock on the same file. * * On Windows the regions used for lock and unlock needs to match. If that * is not the case unlocking will result in the OS error "The segment is * already unlocked". * */ void lockSync( [FileLock mode = FileLock.exclusive, int start = 0, int end = -1]); /** * Unlocks the file or part of the file. * * Unlocks the byte range from [start] to [end] of the file, with * the byte at position `end` not included. If no arguments are * specified, the full file is unlocked, If only `start` is * specified the file is unlocked from byte position `start` to the * end of the file. * * *NOTE* file locking does have slight differences in behavior across * platforms: * * See [lock] for more details. */ Future unlock([int start = 0, int end = -1]); /** * Synchronously unlocks the file or part of the file. * * Unlocks the byte range from [start] to [end] of the file, with * the byte at position `end` not included. If no arguments are * specified, the full file is unlocked, If only `start` is * specified the file is unlocked from byte position `start` to the * end of the file. * * *NOTE* file locking does have slight differences in behavior across * platforms: * * See [lockSync] for more details. */ void unlockSync([int start = 0, int end = -1]); /** * Returns a human-readable string for this RandomAccessFile instance. */ String toString(); /** * Gets the path of the file underlying this RandomAccessFile. */ String get path; } /** * Exception thrown when a file operation fails. */ class FileSystemException implements IOException { /** * Message describing the error. This does not include any detailed * information form the underlying OS error. Check [osError] for * that information. */ final String message; /** * The file system path on which the error occurred. Can be `null` * if the exception does not relate directly to a file system path. */ final String path; /** * The underlying OS error. Can be `null` if the exception is not * raised due to an OS error. */ final OSError osError; /** * Creates a new FileSystemException with an optional error message * [message], optional file system path [path] and optional OS error * [osError]. */ const FileSystemException([this.message = "", this.path = "", this.osError]); String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.write("FileSystemException"); if (!message.isEmpty) { sb.write(": $message"); if (path != null) { sb.write(", path = '$path'"); } if (osError != null) { sb.write(" ($osError)"); } } else if (osError != null) { sb.write(": $osError"); if (path != null) { sb.write(", path = '$path'"); } } else if (path != null) { sb.write(": $path"); } return sb.toString(); } } NN<,43"CK4#=C5$ >K8''8C>-4(2)EI*?A+ 58D>7-@,:DQ>5;5 @&:, EG=*&>7 3BKD,$ D"aIHjQRL2JEH 7'&F?I0'+C(GD/KFO0FJ7?0K<,@2)/<J0G!+O<:#+>Q>:3I?)A?++O<:#+>Q>:3I?)AF+;?F&)1FFIACFG*8<=FL-OGG4::8 :%?;D<PI:LF".($<>JE&<P%D,<!NMOLKDPOPN<@1901A+< ON<C27!KLJ<BG906"F<B;5?<39667<&B9>1F<!?)0<99:$=<)OF>FEFKJI;DII@FGEFEFKJM9D9I@FGEFI"B9DB>FI&2IA13FCEFD FGP*%&!"&Mfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/io/file_impl.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of; // Read the file in blocks of size 64k. const int _blockSize = 64 * 1024; class _FileStream extends Stream> { // Stream controller. StreamController> _controller; // Information about the underlying file. String _path; RandomAccessFile _openedFile; int _position; int _end; final Completer _closeCompleter = new Completer(); // Has the stream been paused or unsubscribed? bool _unsubscribed = false; // Is there a read currently in progress? bool _readInProgress = true; bool _closed = false; bool _atEnd = false; _FileStream(this._path, this._position, this._end) { if (_position == null) _position = 0; } _FileStream.forStdin() : _position = 0; StreamSubscription> listen(void onData(List event), {Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError}) { _setupController(); return, onError: onError, onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: cancelOnError); } void _setupController() { _controller = new StreamController>( sync: true, onListen: _start, onResume: _readBlock, onCancel: () { _unsubscribed = true; return _closeFile(); }); } Future _closeFile() { if (_readInProgress || _closed) { return _closeCompleter.future; } _closed = true; void done() { _closeCompleter.complete(); _controller.close(); } _openedFile.close().catchError(_controller.addError).whenComplete(done); return _closeCompleter.future; } void _readBlock() { // Don't start a new read if one is already in progress. if (_readInProgress) return; if (_atEnd) { _closeFile(); return; } _readInProgress = true; int readBytes = _blockSize; if (_end != null) { readBytes = min(readBytes, _end - _position); if (readBytes < 0) { _readInProgress = false; if (!_unsubscribed) { _controller.addError(new RangeError("Bad end position: $_end")); _closeFile(); _unsubscribed = true; } return; } } { _readInProgress = false; if (_unsubscribed) { _closeFile(); return; } _position += block.length; if (block.length < readBytes || (_end != null && _position == _end)) { _atEnd = true; } if (!_atEnd && !_controller.isPaused) { _readBlock(); } _controller.add(block); if (_atEnd) { _closeFile(); } }).catchError((e, s) { if (!_unsubscribed) { _controller.addError(e, s); _closeFile(); _unsubscribed = true; } }); } void _start() { if (_position < 0) { _controller.addError(new RangeError("Bad start position: $_position")); _controller.close(); _closeCompleter.complete(); return; } void onReady(RandomAccessFile file) { _openedFile = file; _readInProgress = false; _readBlock(); } void onOpenFile(RandomAccessFile file) { if (_position > 0) { file.setPosition(_position).then(onReady, onError: (e, s) { _controller.addError(e, s); _readInProgress = false; _closeFile(); }); } else { onReady(file); } } void openFailed(error, stackTrace) { _controller.addError(error, stackTrace); _controller.close(); _closeCompleter.complete(); } if (_path != null) { new File(_path) .open(mode: .then(onOpenFile, onError: openFailed); } else { try { onOpenFile(_File._openStdioSync(0)); } catch (e, s) { openFailed(e, s); } } } } class _FileStreamConsumer extends StreamConsumer> { File _file; Future _openFuture; _FileStreamConsumer(this._file, FileMode mode) { _openFuture = mode); } _FileStreamConsumer.fromStdio(int fd) { _openFuture = new Future.value(_File._openStdioSync(fd)); } Future addStream(Stream> stream) { Completer completer = new Completer.sync(); _openFuture.then((openedFile) { var _subscription; void error(e, [StackTrace stackTrace]) { _subscription.cancel(); openedFile.close(); completer.completeError(e, stackTrace); } _subscription = stream.listen((d) { _subscription.pause(); try { openedFile .writeFrom(d, 0, d.length) .then((_) => _subscription.resume(), onError: error); } catch (e, stackTrace) { error(e, stackTrace); } }, onDone: () { completer.complete(_file); }, onError: error, cancelOnError: true); }).catchError(completer.completeError); return completer.future; } Future close() => _openFuture.then((openedFile) => openedFile.close()).then((_) => _file); } // Class for encapsulating the native implementation of files. class _File extends FileSystemEntity implements File { String _path; Uint8List _rawPath; _File(String path) { if (path is! String) { throw new ArgumentError('${Error.safeToString(path)} is not a String'); } _path = path; _rawPath = FileSystemEntity._toUtf8Array(path); } _File.fromRawPath(Uint8List rawPath) { if (rawPath == null) { throw new ArgumentError('rawPath cannot be null'); } _rawPath = FileSystemEntity._toNullTerminatedUtf8Array(rawPath); _path = FileSystemEntity._toStringFromUtf8Array(rawPath); } String get path => _path; // WARNING: // Calling this function will increase the reference count on the native // namespace object. It should only be called to pass the pointer to the // IOService, which will decrement the reference count when it is finished // with it. static int _namespacePointer() => _Namespace._namespacePointer; static Future _dispatchWithNamespace(int request, List data) { data[0] = _namespacePointer(); return _IOService._dispatch(request, data); } Future exists() { return _dispatchWithNamespace(_IOService.fileExists, [null, _rawPath]) .then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "Cannot check existence", path); } return response; }); } external static _exists(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath); bool existsSync() { var result = _exists(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath); throwIfError(result, "Cannot check existence of file", path); return result; } File get absolute => new File(_absolutePath); Future create({bool recursive: false}) { var result = recursive ? parent.create(recursive: true) : new Future.value(null); return result .then((_) => _dispatchWithNamespace(_IOService.fileCreate, [null, _rawPath])) .then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "Cannot create file", path); } return this; }); } external static _create(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath); external static _createLink( _Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath, String target); external static _linkTarget(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath); void createSync({bool recursive: false}) { if (recursive) { parent.createSync(recursive: true); } var result = _create(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath); throwIfError(result, "Cannot create file", path); } Future _delete({bool recursive: false}) { if (recursive) { return new Directory(path).delete(recursive: true).then((_) => this); } return _dispatchWithNamespace(_IOService.fileDelete, [null, _rawPath]) .then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "Cannot delete file", path); } return this; }); } external static _deleteNative(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath); external static _deleteLinkNative(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath); void _deleteSync({bool recursive: false}) { if (recursive) { return new Directory.fromRawPath(_rawPath).deleteSync(recursive: true); } var result = _deleteNative(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath); throwIfError(result, "Cannot delete file", path); } Future rename(String newPath) { return _dispatchWithNamespace( _IOService.fileRename, [null, _rawPath, newPath]).then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse( response, "Cannot rename file to '$newPath'", path); } return new File(newPath); }); } external static _rename( _Namespace namespace, Uint8List oldPath, String newPath); external static _renameLink( _Namespace namespace, Uint8List oldPath, String newPath); File renameSync(String newPath) { var result = _rename(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath, newPath); throwIfError(result, "Cannot rename file to '$newPath'", path); return new File(newPath); } Future copy(String newPath) { return _dispatchWithNamespace( _IOService.fileCopy, [null, _rawPath, newPath]).then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse( response, "Cannot copy file to '$newPath'", path); } return new File(newPath); }); } external static _copy( _Namespace namespace, Uint8List oldPath, String newPath); File copySync(String newPath) { var result = _copy(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath, newPath); throwIfError(result, "Cannot copy file to '$newPath'", path); return new File(newPath); } Future open({FileMode mode:}) { if (mode != && mode != FileMode.write && mode != FileMode.append && mode != FileMode.writeOnly && mode != FileMode.writeOnlyAppend) { return new Future.error( new ArgumentError('Invalid file mode for this operation')); } return _dispatchWithNamespace( _IOService.fileOpen, [null, _rawPath, mode._mode]).then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "Cannot open file", path); } return new _RandomAccessFile(response, path); }); } Future length() { return _dispatchWithNamespace( _IOService.fileLengthFromPath, [null, _rawPath]).then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse( response, "Cannot retrieve length of file", path); } return response; }); } external static _lengthFromPath(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath); int lengthSync() { var result = _lengthFromPath(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath); throwIfError(result, "Cannot retrieve length of file", path); return result; } Future lastAccessed() { return _dispatchWithNamespace(_IOService.fileLastAccessed, [null, _rawPath]) .then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse( response, "Cannot retrieve access time", path); } return new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(response); }); } external static _lastAccessed(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath); DateTime lastAccessedSync() { var ms = _lastAccessed(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath); throwIfError(ms, "Cannot retrieve access time", path); return new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(ms); } Future setLastAccessed(DateTime time) { int millis = time.millisecondsSinceEpoch; return _dispatchWithNamespace( _IOService.fileSetLastAccessed, [null, _rawPath, millis]) .then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "Cannot set access time", path); } return null; }); } external static _setLastAccessed( _Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath, int millis); void setLastAccessedSync(DateTime time) { int millis = time.millisecondsSinceEpoch; var result = _setLastAccessed(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath, millis); if (result is OSError) { throw new FileSystemException( "Failed to set file access time", path, result); } } Future lastModified() { return _dispatchWithNamespace(_IOService.fileLastModified, [null, _rawPath]) .then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse( response, "Cannot retrieve modification time", path); } return new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(response); }); } external static _lastModified(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath); DateTime lastModifiedSync() { var ms = _lastModified(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath); throwIfError(ms, "Cannot retrieve modification time", path); return new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(ms); } Future setLastModified(DateTime time) { int millis = time.millisecondsSinceEpoch; return _dispatchWithNamespace( _IOService.fileSetLastModified, [null, _rawPath, millis]) .then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse( response, "Cannot set modification time", path); } return null; }); } external static _setLastModified( _Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath, int millis); void setLastModifiedSync(DateTime time) { int millis = time.millisecondsSinceEpoch; var result = _setLastModified(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath, millis); if (result is OSError) { throw new FileSystemException( "Failed to set file modification time", path, result); } } external static _open(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath, int mode); RandomAccessFile openSync({FileMode mode:}) { if (mode != && mode != FileMode.write && mode != FileMode.append && mode != FileMode.writeOnly && mode != FileMode.writeOnlyAppend) { throw new ArgumentError('Invalid file mode for this operation'); } var id = _open(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath, mode._mode); throwIfError(id, "Cannot open file", path); return new _RandomAccessFile(id, _path); } external static int _openStdio(int fd); static RandomAccessFile _openStdioSync(int fd) { var id = _openStdio(fd); if (id == 0) { throw new FileSystemException("Cannot open stdio file for: $fd"); } return new _RandomAccessFile(id, ""); } Stream> openRead([int start, int end]) { return new _FileStream(path, start, end); } IOSink openWrite({FileMode mode: FileMode.write, Encoding encoding: utf8}) { if (mode != FileMode.write && mode != FileMode.append && mode != FileMode.writeOnly && mode != FileMode.writeOnlyAppend) { throw new ArgumentError('Invalid file mode for this operation'); } var consumer = new _FileStreamConsumer(this, mode); return new IOSink(consumer, encoding: encoding); } Future> readAsBytes() { Future> readDataChunked(RandomAccessFile file) { var builder = new BytesBuilder(copy: false); var completer = new Completer>(); void read() { { if (data.length > 0) { builder.add(data); read(); } else { completer.complete(builder.takeBytes()); } }, onError: completer.completeError); } read(); return completer.future; } return open().then((file) { return file.length().then((length) { if (length == 0) { // May be character device, try to read it in chunks. return readDataChunked(file); } return; }).whenComplete(file.close); }); } List readAsBytesSync() { var opened = openSync(); try { List data; var length = opened.lengthSync(); if (length == 0) { // May be character device, try to read it in chunks. var builder = new BytesBuilder(copy: false); do { data = opened.readSync(_blockSize); if (data.length > 0) builder.add(data); } while (data.length > 0); data = builder.takeBytes(); } else { data = opened.readSync(length); } return data; } finally { opened.closeSync(); } } String _tryDecode(List bytes, Encoding encoding) { try { return encoding.decode(bytes); } catch (_) { throw new FileSystemException( "Failed to decode data using encoding '${}'", path); } } Future readAsString({Encoding encoding: utf8}) { // TODO(dart:io): If the change in async semantics to run synchronously // until await lands, this is as efficient as // return _tryDecode(await readAsBytes(), encoding); var stack = StackTrace.current; return readAsBytes().then((bytes) { try { return _tryDecode(bytes, encoding); } catch (e) { return new Future.error(e, stack); } }); } String readAsStringSync({Encoding encoding: utf8}) => _tryDecode(readAsBytesSync(), encoding); Future> readAsLines({Encoding encoding: utf8}) => readAsString(encoding: encoding).then(const LineSplitter().convert); List readAsLinesSync({Encoding encoding: utf8}) => const LineSplitter().convert(readAsStringSync(encoding: encoding)); Future writeAsBytes(List bytes, {FileMode mode: FileMode.write, bool flush: false}) { return open(mode: mode).then((file) { return file.writeFrom(bytes, 0, bytes.length).then((_) { if (flush) return file.flush().then((_) => this); return this; }).whenComplete(file.close); }); } void writeAsBytesSync(List bytes, {FileMode mode: FileMode.write, bool flush: false}) { RandomAccessFile opened = openSync(mode: mode); try { opened.writeFromSync(bytes, 0, bytes.length); if (flush) opened.flushSync(); } finally { opened.closeSync(); } } Future writeAsString(String contents, {FileMode mode: FileMode.write, Encoding encoding: utf8, bool flush: false}) { try { return writeAsBytes(encoding.encode(contents), mode: mode, flush: flush); } catch (e) { return new Future.error(e); } } void writeAsStringSync(String contents, {FileMode mode: FileMode.write, Encoding encoding: utf8, bool flush: false}) { writeAsBytesSync(encoding.encode(contents), mode: mode, flush: flush); } String toString() => "File: '$path'"; static throwIfError(Object result, String msg, String path) { if (result is OSError) { throw new FileSystemException(msg, path, result); } } } abstract class _RandomAccessFileOps { external factory _RandomAccessFileOps(int pointer); int getPointer(); int close(); readByte(); read(int bytes); readInto(List buffer, int start, int end); writeByte(int value); writeFrom(List buffer, int start, int end); position(); setPosition(int position); truncate(int length); length(); flush(); lock(int lock, int start, int end); } class _RandomAccessFile implements RandomAccessFile { static bool _connectedResourceHandler = false; final String path; bool _asyncDispatched = false; SendPort _fileService; _FileResourceInfo _resourceInfo; _RandomAccessFileOps _ops; _RandomAccessFile(int pointer, this.path) { _ops = new _RandomAccessFileOps(pointer); _resourceInfo = new _FileResourceInfo(this); _maybeConnectHandler(); } void _maybePerformCleanup() { if (closed) { _FileResourceInfo.FileClosed(_resourceInfo); } } _maybeConnectHandler() { if (!_connectedResourceHandler) { // TODO(ricow): We probably need to set these in some initialization code. // We need to make sure that these are always available from the // observatory even if no files (or sockets for the socket ones) are // open. registerExtension( '', _FileResourceInfo.getOpenFiles); registerExtension( '', _FileResourceInfo.getFileInfoMapByID); _connectedResourceHandler = true; } } Future close() { return _dispatch(_IOService.fileClose, [null], markClosed: true) .then((result) { if (result == -1) { throw new FileSystemException("Cannot close file", path); } closed = closed || (result == 0); _maybePerformCleanup(); }); } void closeSync() { _checkAvailable(); var id = _ops.close(); if (id == -1) { throw new FileSystemException("Cannot close file", path); } closed = closed || (id == 0); _maybePerformCleanup(); } Future readByte() { return _dispatch(_IOService.fileReadByte, [null]).then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "readByte failed", path); } _resourceInfo.addRead(1); return response; }); } int readByteSync() { _checkAvailable(); var result = _ops.readByte(); if (result is OSError) { throw new FileSystemException("readByte failed", path, result); } _resourceInfo.addRead(1); return result; } Future> read(int bytes) { if (bytes is! int) { throw new ArgumentError(bytes); } return _dispatch(_IOService.fileRead, [null, bytes]).then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "read failed", path); } _resourceInfo.addRead(response[1].length); List result = response[1]; return result; }); } List readSync(int bytes) { _checkAvailable(); if (bytes is! int) { throw new ArgumentError(bytes); } var result =; if (result is OSError) { throw new FileSystemException("readSync failed", path, result); } _resourceInfo.addRead(result.length); return result; } Future readInto(List buffer, [int start = 0, int end]) { if ((buffer is! List) || ((start != null) && (start is! int)) || ((end != null) && (end is! int))) { throw new ArgumentError(); } end = RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, buffer.length); if (end == start) { return new Future.value(0); } int length = end - start; return _dispatch(_IOService.fileReadInto, [null, length]).then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "readInto failed", path); } int read = response[1]; List data = response[2]; buffer.setRange(start, start + read, data); _resourceInfo.addRead(read); return read; }); } int readIntoSync(List buffer, [int start = 0, int end]) { _checkAvailable(); if ((buffer is! List) || ((start != null) && (start is! int)) || ((end != null) && (end is! int))) { throw new ArgumentError(); } end = RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, buffer.length); if (end == start) { return 0; } var result = _ops.readInto(buffer, start, end); if (result is OSError) { throw new FileSystemException("readInto failed", path, result); } _resourceInfo.addRead(result); return result; } Future writeByte(int value) { if (value is! int) { throw new ArgumentError(value); } return _dispatch(_IOService.fileWriteByte, [null, value]).then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "writeByte failed", path); } _resourceInfo.addWrite(1); return this; }); } int writeByteSync(int value) { _checkAvailable(); if (value is! int) { throw new ArgumentError(value); } var result = _ops.writeByte(value); if (result is OSError) { throw new FileSystemException("writeByte failed", path, result); } _resourceInfo.addWrite(1); return result; } Future writeFrom(List buffer, [int start = 0, int end]) { if ((buffer is! List) || ((start != null) && (start is! int)) || ((end != null) && (end is! int))) { throw new ArgumentError("Invalid arguments to writeFrom"); } end = RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, buffer.length); if (end == start) { return new Future.value(this); } _BufferAndStart result; try { result = _ensureFastAndSerializableByteData(buffer, start, end); } catch (e) { return new Future.error(e); } List request = new List(4); request[0] = null; request[1] = result.buffer; request[2] = result.start; request[3] = end - (start - result.start); return _dispatch(_IOService.fileWriteFrom, request).then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "writeFrom failed", path); } _resourceInfo.addWrite(end - (start - result.start)); return this; }); } void writeFromSync(List buffer, [int start = 0, int end]) { _checkAvailable(); if ((buffer is! List) || ((start != null) && (start is! int)) || ((end != null) && (end is! int))) { throw new ArgumentError("Invalid arguments to writeFromSync"); } end = RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, buffer.length); if (end == start) { return; } _BufferAndStart bufferAndStart = _ensureFastAndSerializableByteData(buffer, start, end); var result = _ops.writeFrom(bufferAndStart.buffer, bufferAndStart.start, end - (start - bufferAndStart.start)); if (result is OSError) { throw new FileSystemException("writeFrom failed", path, result); } _resourceInfo.addWrite(end - (start - bufferAndStart.start)); } Future writeString(String string, {Encoding encoding: utf8}) { if (encoding is! Encoding) { throw new ArgumentError(encoding); } var data = encoding.encode(string); return writeFrom(data, 0, data.length); } void writeStringSync(String string, {Encoding encoding: utf8}) { if (encoding is! Encoding) { throw new ArgumentError(encoding); } var data = encoding.encode(string); writeFromSync(data, 0, data.length); } Future position() { return _dispatch(_IOService.filePosition, [null]).then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "position failed", path); } return response; }); } int positionSync() { _checkAvailable(); var result = _ops.position(); if (result is OSError) { throw new FileSystemException("position failed", path, result); } return result; } Future setPosition(int position) { return _dispatch(_IOService.fileSetPosition, [null, position]) .then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "setPosition failed", path); } return this; }); } void setPositionSync(int position) { _checkAvailable(); var result = _ops.setPosition(position); if (result is OSError) { throw new FileSystemException("setPosition failed", path, result); } } Future truncate(int length) { return _dispatch(_IOService.fileTruncate, [null, length]).then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "truncate failed", path); } return this; }); } void truncateSync(int length) { _checkAvailable(); var result = _ops.truncate(length); if (result is OSError) { throw new FileSystemException("truncate failed", path, result); } } Future length() { return _dispatch(_IOService.fileLength, [null]).then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "length failed", path); } return response; }); } int lengthSync() { _checkAvailable(); var result = _ops.length(); if (result is OSError) { throw new FileSystemException("length failed", path, result); } return result; } Future flush() { return _dispatch(_IOService.fileFlush, [null]).then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "flush failed", path); } return this; }); } void flushSync() { _checkAvailable(); var result = _ops.flush(); if (result is OSError) { throw new FileSystemException("flush failed", path, result); } } static const int lockUnlock = 0; // static const int lockShared = 1; // static const int lockExclusive = 2; // static const int lockBlockingShared = 3; // static const int lockBlockingExclusive = 4; int _fileLockValue(FileLock fl) => fl._type; Future lock( [FileLock mode = FileLock.exclusive, int start = 0, int end = -1]) { if ((mode is! FileLock) || (start is! int) || (end is! int)) { throw new ArgumentError(); } if ((start < 0) || (end < -1) || ((end != -1) && (start >= end))) { throw new ArgumentError(); } int lock = _fileLockValue(mode); return _dispatch(_IOService.fileLock, [null, lock, start, end]) .then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, 'lock failed', path); } return this; }); } Future unlock([int start = 0, int end = -1]) { if ((start is! int) || (end is! int)) { throw new ArgumentError(); } if (start == end) { throw new ArgumentError(); } return _dispatch(_IOService.fileLock, [null, lockUnlock, start, end]) .then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, 'unlock failed', path); } return this; }); } void lockSync( [FileLock mode = FileLock.exclusive, int start = 0, int end = -1]) { _checkAvailable(); if ((mode is! FileLock) || (start is! int) || (end is! int)) { throw new ArgumentError(); } if ((start < 0) || (end < -1) || ((end != -1) && (start >= end))) { throw new ArgumentError(); } int lock = _fileLockValue(mode); var result = _ops.lock(lock, start, end); if (result is OSError) { throw new FileSystemException('lock failed', path, result); } } void unlockSync([int start = 0, int end = -1]) { _checkAvailable(); if ((start is! int) || (end is! int)) { throw new ArgumentError(); } if (start == end) { throw new ArgumentError(); } var result = _ops.lock(lockUnlock, start, end); if (result is OSError) { throw new FileSystemException('unlock failed', path, result); } } bool closed = false; // WARNING: // Calling this function will increase the reference count on the native // object that implements the file operations. It should only be called to // pass the pointer to the IO Service, which will decrement the reference // count when it is finished with it. int _pointer() => _ops.getPointer(); Future _dispatch(int request, List data, {bool markClosed: false}) { if (closed) { return new Future.error(new FileSystemException("File closed", path)); } if (_asyncDispatched) { var msg = "An async operation is currently pending"; return new Future.error(new FileSystemException(msg, path)); } if (markClosed) { // Set closed to true to ensure that no more async requests can be issued // for this file. closed = true; } _asyncDispatched = true; data[0] = _pointer(); return _IOService._dispatch(request, data).whenComplete(() { _asyncDispatched = false; }); } void _checkAvailable() { if (_asyncDispatched) { throw new FileSystemException( "An async operation is currently pending", path); } if (closed) { throw new FileSystemException("File closed", path); } } } YNN<(".+,  51,7**E?-I3  &%"M#=! 4!K /!M.$N"*-D&# )/"%2 ->(3**>5<$/ 0*)D" #/,O?7N4)9E>KKMBA#0K(PD;B01MM(LD?H-*;62LK(LJN.NA6(#L(&A @@$DD&#J(&? @"BBB!"#&,F#M(J4#K(&?LCB$Q(&<@J =;8*.#F(P$<,.L%;$Q(&B@J =A8*.#F(&=$<,.L%AL>!"#&,GA0-*3H*5.O"#&,G85$?32,!5 . +@( "#  (>5 .2#$(: %%L;L29$( ,+8/AK=J-<*E:#)<4 4%.& P"*&K(@8&623 &61!#..1 3&QGKGL(EB(@"H(I "F&&K(E1&"&#F*E0,!A"P(I$2#A0,!A4F#2&P(J!!&(G7"0,AA% G"  /J(J<C0,EA%@M/GB6#!)(,C!)()H(I"F7C(L'-I2P(I"(FF(G D%E(FC#&).1/!KC!H!%D(EC,!!J(GKC!H!%.B3,!!4DKML('GM;CPA %<:Vfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/io/file_system_entity.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of; /** * The type of an entity on the file system, such as a file, directory, or link. * * These constants are used by the [FileSystemEntity] class * to indicate the object's type. * */ class FileSystemEntityType { static const file = const FileSystemEntityType._internal(0); @Deprecated("Use file instead") static const FILE = file; static const directory = const FileSystemEntityType._internal(1); @Deprecated("Use directory instead") static const DIRECTORY = directory; static const link = const FileSystemEntityType._internal(2); @Deprecated("Use link instead") static const LINK = link; static const notFound = const FileSystemEntityType._internal(3); @Deprecated("Use notFound instead") static const NOT_FOUND = notFound; static const _typeList = const [ FileSystemEntityType.file,,, FileSystemEntityType.notFound, ]; final int _type; const FileSystemEntityType._internal(this._type); static FileSystemEntityType _lookup(int type) => _typeList[type]; String toString() => const ['file', 'directory', 'link', 'notFound'][_type]; } /** * A FileStat object represents the result of calling the POSIX stat() function * on a file system object. It is an immutable object, representing the * snapshotted values returned by the stat() call. */ class FileStat { // These must agree with enum FileStat in file.h. static const _type = 0; static const _changedTime = 1; static const _modifiedTime = 2; static const _accessedTime = 3; static const _mode = 4; static const _size = 5; static const _notFound = const FileStat._internalNotFound(); /** * The time of the last change to the data or metadata of the file system * object. * * On Windows platforms, this is instead the file creation time. */ final DateTime changed; /** * The time of the last change to the data of the file system object. */ final DateTime modified; /** * The time of the last access to the data of the file system object. * * On Windows platforms, this may have 1 day granularity, and be * out of date by an hour. */ final DateTime accessed; /** * The type of the object (file, directory, or link). * * If the call to stat() fails, the type of the returned object is notFound. */ final FileSystemEntityType type; /** * The mode of the file system object. * * Permissions are encoded in the lower 16 bits of this number, and can be * decoded using the [modeString] getter. */ final int mode; /** * The size of the file system object. */ final int size; FileStat._internal(this.changed, this.modified, this.accessed, this.type, this.mode, this.size); const FileStat._internalNotFound() : changed = null, modified = null, accessed = null, type = FileSystemEntityType.notFound, mode = 0, size = -1; external static _statSync(_Namespace namespace, String path); /** * Calls the operating system's stat() function on [path]. * * Returns a [FileStat] object containing the data returned by stat(). * If the call fails, returns a [FileStat] object with .type set to * FileSystemEntityType.notFound and the other fields invalid. */ static FileStat statSync(String path) { final IOOverrides overrides = IOOverrides.current; if (overrides == null) { return _statSyncInternal(path); } return overrides.statSync(path); } static FileStat _statSyncInternal(String path) { // Trailing path is not supported on Windows. if (Platform.isWindows) { path = FileSystemEntity._trimTrailingPathSeparators(path); } var data = _statSync(_Namespace._namespace, path); if (data is OSError) return FileStat._notFound; return new FileStat._internal( new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(data[_changedTime]), new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(data[_modifiedTime]), new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(data[_accessedTime]), FileSystemEntityType._lookup(data[_type]), data[_mode], data[_size]); } /** * Asynchronously calls the operating system's stat() function on [path]. * * Returns a Future which completes with a [FileStat] object containing * the data returned by stat(). If the call fails, completes the future with a * [FileStat] object with `.type` set to FileSystemEntityType.notFound and * the other fields invalid. */ static Future stat(String path) { final IOOverrides overrides = IOOverrides.current; if (overrides == null) { return _stat(path); } return overrides.stat(path); } static Future _stat(String path) { // Trailing path is not supported on Windows. if (Platform.isWindows) { path = FileSystemEntity._trimTrailingPathSeparators(path); } return _File._dispatchWithNamespace(_IOService.fileStat, [null, path]).then( (response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { return FileStat._notFound; } // Unwrap the real list from the "I'm not an error" wrapper. List data = response[1]; return new FileStat._internal( new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(data[_changedTime]), new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(data[_modifiedTime]), new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(data[_accessedTime]), FileSystemEntityType._lookup(data[_type]), data[_mode], data[_size]); }); } String toString() => """ FileStat: type $type changed $changed modified $modified accessed $accessed mode ${modeString()} size $size"""; /** * Returns the mode value as a human-readable string. * * The string is in the format "rwxrwxrwx", reflecting the user, group, and * world permissions to read, write, and execute the file system object, with * "-" replacing the letter for missing permissions. Extra permission bits * may be represented by prepending "(suid)", "(guid)", and/or "(sticky)" to * the mode string. */ String modeString() { var permissions = mode & 0xFFF; var codes = const ['---', '--x', '-w-', '-wx', 'r--', 'r-x', 'rw-', 'rwx']; var result = []; if ((permissions & 0x800) != 0) result.add("(suid) "); if ((permissions & 0x400) != 0) result.add("(guid) "); if ((permissions & 0x200) != 0) result.add("(sticky) "); result ..add(codes[(permissions >> 6) & 0x7]) ..add(codes[(permissions >> 3) & 0x7]) ..add(codes[permissions & 0x7]); return result.join(); } } /** * The common super class for [File], [Directory], and [Link] objects. * * [FileSystemEntity] objects are returned from directory listing * operations. To determine if a FileSystemEntity is a [File], a * [Directory], or a [Link] perform a type check: * * if (entity is File) (entity as File).readAsStringSync(); * * You can also use the [type] or [typeSync] methods to determine * the type of a file system object. * * Most methods in this class occur in synchronous and asynchronous pairs, * for example, [exists] and [existsSync]. * Unless you have a specific reason for using the synchronous version * of a method, prefer the asynchronous version to avoid blocking your program. * * Here's the exists method in action: * * entity.exists().then((isThere) { * isThere ? print('exists') : print('non-existent'); * }); * * * ## Other resources * * * [Dart by * Example]( * provides additional task-oriented code samples that show how to use various * API from the [Directory] class and the [File] class, both subclasses of * FileSystemEntity. * * * [I/O for Command-Line * Apps](, * a section from _A Tour of the Dart Libraries_ covers files and directories. * * * [Write Command-Line Apps](, * a tutorial about writing command-line apps, includes information about * files and directories. */ abstract class FileSystemEntity { String _path; Uint8List _rawPath; String get path; /** * Returns a [Uri] representing the file system entity's location. * * The returned URI's scheme is always "file" if the entity's [path] is * absolute, otherwise the scheme will be empty. */ Uri get uri => new Uri.file(path); /** * Checks whether the file system entity with this path exists. Returns * a [:Future:] that completes with the result. * * Since FileSystemEntity is abstract, every FileSystemEntity object * is actually an instance of one of the subclasses [File], * [Directory], and [Link]. Calling [exists] on an instance of one * of these subclasses checks whether the object exists in the file * system object exists and is of the correct type (file, directory, * or link). To check whether a path points to an object on the * file system, regardless of the object's type, use the [type] * static method. * */ Future exists(); /** * Synchronously checks whether the file system entity with this path * exists. * * Since FileSystemEntity is abstract, every FileSystemEntity object * is actually an instance of one of the subclasses [File], * [Directory], and [Link]. Calling [existsSync] on an instance of * one of these subclasses checks whether the object exists in the * file system object exists and is of the correct type (file, * directory, or link). To check whether a path points to an object * on the file system, regardless of the object's type, use the * [typeSync] static method. */ bool existsSync(); /** * Renames this file system entity. * * Returns a `Future` that completes with a * [FileSystemEntity] instance for the renamed file system entity. * * If [newPath] identifies an existing entity of the same type, that entity * is replaced. If [newPath] identifies an existing entity of a different * type, the operation fails and the future completes with an exception. */ Future rename(String newPath); /** * Synchronously renames this file system entity. * * Returns a [FileSystemEntity] instance for the renamed entity. * * If [newPath] identifies an existing entity of the same type, that entity * is replaced. If [newPath] identifies an existing entity of a different * type, the operation fails and an exception is thrown. */ FileSystemEntity renameSync(String newPath); /** * Resolves the path of a file system object relative to the * current working directory. * * Resolves all symbolic links on the path and resolves all `..` and `.` path * segments. * * [resolveSymbolicLinks] uses the operating system's native * file system API to resolve the path, using the `realpath` function * on linux and OS X, and the `GetFinalPathNameByHandle` function on * Windows. If the path does not point to an existing file system object, * `resolveSymbolicLinks` throws a `FileSystemException`. * * On Windows the `..` segments are resolved _before_ resolving the symbolic * link, and on other platforms the symbolic links are _resolved to their * target_ before applying a `..` that follows. * * To ensure the same behavior on all platforms resolve `..` segments before * calling `resolveSymbolicLinks`. One way of doing this is with the `Uri` * class: * * var path = Uri.parse('.').resolveUri(new Uri.file(input)).toFilePath(); * if (path == '') path = '.'; * new File(path).resolveSymbolicLinks().then((resolved) { * print(resolved); * }); * * since `Uri.resolve` removes `..` segments. This will result in the Windows * behavior. */ Future resolveSymbolicLinks() { return _File._dispatchWithNamespace( _IOService.fileResolveSymbolicLinks, [null, _rawPath]).then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse( response, "Cannot resolve symbolic links", path); } return response; }); } /** * Resolves the path of a file system object relative to the * current working directory. * * Resolves all symbolic links on the path and resolves all `..` and `.` path * segments. * * [resolveSymbolicLinksSync] uses the operating system's native * file system API to resolve the path, using the `realpath` function * on linux and OS X, and the `GetFinalPathNameByHandle` function on * Windows. If the path does not point to an existing file system object, * `resolveSymbolicLinksSync` throws a `FileSystemException`. * * On Windows the `..` segments are resolved _before_ resolving the symbolic * link, and on other platforms the symbolic links are _resolved to their * target_ before applying a `..` that follows. * * To ensure the same behavior on all platforms resolve `..` segments before * calling `resolveSymbolicLinksSync`. One way of doing this is with the `Uri` * class: * * var path = Uri.parse('.').resolveUri(new Uri.file(input)).toFilePath(); * if (path == '') path = '.'; * var resolved = new File(path).resolveSymbolicLinksSync(); * print(resolved); * * since `Uri.resolve` removes `..` segments. This will result in the Windows * behavior. */ String resolveSymbolicLinksSync() { var result = _resolveSymbolicLinks(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath); _throwIfError(result, "Cannot resolve symbolic links", path); return result; } /** * Calls the operating system's stat() function on the [path] of this * [FileSystemEntity]. * * Identical to [:FileStat.stat(this.path):]. * * Returns a [:Future:] object containing the data returned by * stat(). * * If the call fails, completes the future with a [FileStat] object * with .type set to * FileSystemEntityType.notFound and the other fields invalid. */ Future stat() => FileStat.stat(path); /** * Synchronously calls the operating system's stat() function on the * [path] of this [FileSystemEntity]. * * Identical to [:FileStat.statSync(this.path):]. * * Returns a [FileStat] object containing the data returned by stat(). * * If the call fails, returns a [FileStat] object with .type set to * FileSystemEntityType.notFound and the other fields invalid. */ FileStat statSync() => FileStat.statSync(path); /** * Deletes this [FileSystemEntity]. * * If the [FileSystemEntity] is a directory, and if [recursive] is false, * the directory must be empty. Otherwise, if [recursive] is true, the * directory and all sub-directories and files in the directories are * deleted. Links are not followed when deleting recursively. Only the link * is deleted, not its target. * * If [recursive] is true, the [FileSystemEntity] is deleted even if the type * of the [FileSystemEntity] doesn't match the content of the file system. * This behavior allows [delete] to be used to unconditionally delete any file * system object. * * Returns a [:Future:] that completes with this * [FileSystemEntity] when the deletion is done. If the [FileSystemEntity] * cannot be deleted, the future completes with an exception. */ Future delete({bool recursive: false}) => _delete(recursive: recursive); /** * Synchronously deletes this [FileSystemEntity]. * * If the [FileSystemEntity] is a directory, and if [recursive] is false, * the directory must be empty. Otherwise, if [recursive] is true, the * directory and all sub-directories and files in the directories are * deleted. Links are not followed when deleting recursively. Only the link * is deleted, not its target. * * If [recursive] is true, the [FileSystemEntity] is deleted even if the type * of the [FileSystemEntity] doesn't match the content of the file system. * This behavior allows [deleteSync] to be used to unconditionally delete any * file system object. * * Throws an exception if the [FileSystemEntity] cannot be deleted. */ void deleteSync({bool recursive: false}) => _deleteSync(recursive: recursive); /** * Start watching the [FileSystemEntity] for changes. * * The implementation uses platform-dependent event-based APIs for receiving * file-system notifications, thus behavior depends on the platform. * * * `Windows`: Uses `ReadDirectoryChangesW`. The implementation only * supports watching directories. Recursive watching is supported. * * `Linux`: Uses `inotify`. The implementation supports watching both * files and directories. Recursive watching is not supported. * Note: When watching files directly, delete events might not happen * as expected. * * `OS X`: Uses `FSEvents`. The implementation supports watching both * files and directories. Recursive watching is supported. * * The system will start listening for events once the returned [Stream] is * being listened to, not when the call to [watch] is issued. * * The returned value is an endless broadcast [Stream], that only stops when * one of the following happens: * * * The [Stream] is canceled, e.g. by calling `cancel` on the * [StreamSubscription]. * * The [FileSystemEntity] being watches, is deleted. * * Use `events` to specify what events to listen for. The constants in * [FileSystemEvent] can be or'ed together to mix events. Default is * [FileSystemEvent.ALL]. * * A move event may be reported as seperate delete and create events. */ Stream watch( {int events: FileSystemEvent.all, bool recursive: false}) { // FIXME(bkonyi): find a way to do this using the raw path. final String trimmedPath = _trimTrailingPathSeparators(path); final IOOverrides overrides = IOOverrides.current; if (overrides == null) { return _FileSystemWatcher._watch(trimmedPath, events, recursive); } return overrides.fsWatch(trimmedPath, events, recursive); } Future _delete({bool recursive: false}); void _deleteSync({bool recursive: false}); static Future _identical(String path1, String path2) { return _File._dispatchWithNamespace( _IOService.fileIdentical, [null, path1, path2]).then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "Error in FileSystemEntity.identical($path1, $path2)", ""); } return response; }); } /** * Checks whether two paths refer to the same object in the * file system. * * Returns a [:Future:] that completes with the result. * * Comparing a link to its target returns false, as does comparing two links * that point to the same target. To check the target of a link, use * explicitly to fetch it. Directory links appearing * inside a path are followed, though, to find the file system object. * * Completes the returned Future with an error if one of the paths points * to an object that does not exist. */ static Future identical(String path1, String path2) { IOOverrides overrides = IOOverrides.current; if (overrides == null) { return _identical(path1, path2); } return overrides.fseIdentical(path1, path2); } static final RegExp _absoluteWindowsPathPattern = new RegExp(r'^(\\\\|[a-zA-Z]:[/\\])'); /** * Returns a [bool] indicating whether this object's path is absolute. * * On Windows, a path is absolute if it starts with \\\\ or a drive letter * between a and z (upper or lower case) followed by :\\ or :/. * On non-Windows, a path is absolute if it starts with /. */ bool get isAbsolute { if (Platform.isWindows) { return path.startsWith(_absoluteWindowsPathPattern); } else { return path.startsWith('/'); } } /** * Returns a [FileSystemEntity] whose path is the absolute path to [this]. * * The type of the returned instance is the type of [this]. * * The absolute path is computed by prefixing * a relative path with the current working directory, and returning * an absolute path unchanged. */ FileSystemEntity get absolute; String get _absolutePath { if (isAbsolute) return path; String current = Directory.current.path; if (current.endsWith('/') || (Platform.isWindows && current.endsWith('\\'))) { return '$current$path'; } else { return '$current${Platform.pathSeparator}$path'; } } Uint8List get _rawAbsolutePath { if (isAbsolute) return _rawPath; var current = Directory.current._rawPath.toList(); assert(current.last == 0); current.removeLast(); // Remove null terminator. if ((current.last == '/'.codeUnitAt(0)) || (Platform.isWindows && (current.last == '\\'.codeUnitAt(0)))) { current.addAll(_rawPath); return new Uint8List.fromList(current); } else { current.addAll(utf8.encode(Platform.pathSeparator)); current.addAll(_rawPath); return new Uint8List.fromList(current); } } static bool _identicalSync(String path1, String path2) { var result = _identicalNative(_Namespace._namespace, path1, path2); _throwIfError(result, 'Error in FileSystemEntity.identicalSync'); return result; } /** * Synchronously checks whether two paths refer to the same object in the * file system. * * Comparing a link to its target returns false, as does comparing two links * that point to the same target. To check the target of a link, use * explicitly to fetch it. Directory links appearing * inside a path are followed, though, to find the file system object. * * Throws an error if one of the paths points to an object that does not * exist. */ static bool identicalSync(String path1, String path2) { IOOverrides overrides = IOOverrides.current; if (overrides == null) { return _identicalSync(path1, path2); } return overrides.fseIdenticalSync(path1, path2); } /** * Test if [watch] is supported on the current system. * * OS X 10.6 and below is not supported. */ static bool get isWatchSupported { final IOOverrides overrides = IOOverrides.current; if (overrides == null) { return _FileSystemWatcher.isSupported; } return overrides.fsWatchIsSupported(); } // The native methods which determine type of the FileSystemEntity require // that the buffer provided is null terminated. static Uint8List _toUtf8Array(String s) => _toNullTerminatedUtf8Array(utf8.encode(s)); static Uint8List _toNullTerminatedUtf8Array(Uint8List l) { if (l == null) { return null; } if (l.isNotEmpty && l.last != 0) { final tmp = new Uint8List(l.length + 1); tmp.setRange(0, l.length, l); return tmp; } else { return l; } } static String _toStringFromUtf8Array(Uint8List l) { if (l == null) { return ''; } Uint8List nonNullTerminated = l; if (l.last == 0) { nonNullTerminated = new Uint8List.view(l.buffer, 0, l.length - 1); } return utf8.decode(nonNullTerminated, allowMalformed: true); } /** * Finds the type of file system object that a path points to. * * Returns a [:Future:] that completes with the result. * * [FileSystemEntityType] has the constant instances file, directory, * link, and notFound. [type] will return link only if the optional * named argument [followLinks] is false, and [path] points to a link. * If the path does not point to a file system object, or any other error * occurs in looking up the path, notFound is returned. The only * error or exception that may be put on the returned future is ArgumentError, * caused by passing the wrong type of arguments to the function. */ static Future type(String path, {bool followLinks: true}) { return _getType(_toUtf8Array(path), followLinks); } /** * Synchronously finds the type of file system object that a path points to. * * Returns a [FileSystemEntityType]. * * [FileSystemEntityType] has the constant instances file, directory, * link, and notFound. [type] will return link only if the optional * named argument [followLinks] is false, and [path] points to a link. * If the path does not point to a file system object, or any other error * occurs in looking up the path, notFound is returned. The only * error or exception that may be thrown is ArgumentError, * caused by passing the wrong type of arguments to the function. */ static FileSystemEntityType typeSync(String path, {bool followLinks: true}) { return _getTypeSync(_toUtf8Array(path), followLinks); } /** * Checks if type(path, followLinks: false) returns */ static Future isLink(String path) => _isLinkRaw(_toUtf8Array(path)); static Future _isLinkRaw(Uint8List rawPath) => _getType(rawPath, false) .then((type) => (type ==; /** * Checks if type(path) returns FileSystemEntityType.file. */ static Future isFile(String path) => _getType(_toUtf8Array(path), true) .then((type) => (type == FileSystemEntityType.file)); /** * Checks if type(path) returns */ static Future isDirectory(String path) => _getType(_toUtf8Array(path), true) .then((type) => (type ==; /** * Synchronously checks if typeSync(path, followLinks: false) returns * */ static bool isLinkSync(String path) => _isLinkRawSync(_toUtf8Array(path)); static bool _isLinkRawSync(rawPath) => (_getTypeSync(rawPath, false) ==; /** * Synchronously checks if typeSync(path) returns * FileSystemEntityType.file. */ static bool isFileSync(String path) => (_getTypeSync(_toUtf8Array(path), true) == FileSystemEntityType.file); /** * Synchronously checks if typeSync(path) returns * */ static bool isDirectorySync(String path) => (_getTypeSync(_toUtf8Array(path), true) ==; external static _getTypeNative( _Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath, bool followLinks); external static _identicalNative( _Namespace namespace, String path1, String path2); external static _resolveSymbolicLinks(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List path); // Finds the next-to-last component when dividing at path separators. static final RegExp _parentRegExp = Platform.isWindows ? new RegExp(r'[^/\\][/\\]+[^/\\]') : new RegExp(r'[^/]/+[^/]'); /** * Removes the final path component of a path, using the platform's * path separator to split the path. * * Will not remove the root component of a Windows path, like "C:\\" or * "\\\\server_name\\". Ignores trailing path separators, and leaves no * trailing path separators. */ static String parentOf(String path) { int rootEnd = -1; if (Platform.isWindows) { if (path.startsWith(_absoluteWindowsPathPattern)) { // Root ends at first / or \ after the first two characters. rootEnd = path.indexOf(new RegExp(r'[/\\]'), 2); if (rootEnd == -1) return path; } else if (path.startsWith('\\') || path.startsWith('/')) { rootEnd = 0; } } else if (path.startsWith('/')) { rootEnd = 0; } // Ignore trailing slashes. // All non-trivial cases have separators between two non-separators. int pos = path.lastIndexOf(_parentRegExp); if (pos > rootEnd) { return path.substring(0, pos + 1); } else if (rootEnd > -1) { return path.substring(0, rootEnd + 1); } else { return '.'; } } /** * The directory containing [this]. */ Directory get parent => new Directory(parentOf(path)); static FileSystemEntityType _getTypeSyncHelper( Uint8List rawPath, bool followLinks) { var result = _getTypeNative(_Namespace._namespace, rawPath, followLinks); _throwIfError(result, 'Error getting type of FileSystemEntity'); return FileSystemEntityType._lookup(result); } static FileSystemEntityType _getTypeSync( Uint8List rawPath, bool followLinks) { IOOverrides overrides = IOOverrides.current; if (overrides == null) { return _getTypeSyncHelper(rawPath, followLinks); } return overrides.fseGetTypeSync( utf8.decode(rawPath, allowMalformed: true), followLinks); } static Future _getTypeRequest( Uint8List rawPath, bool followLinks) { return _File._dispatchWithNamespace( _IOService.fileType, [null, rawPath, followLinks]).then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "Error getting type", utf8.decode(rawPath, allowMalformed: true)); } return FileSystemEntityType._lookup(response); }); } static Future _getType( Uint8List rawPath, bool followLinks) { IOOverrides overrides = IOOverrides.current; if (overrides == null) { return _getTypeRequest(rawPath, followLinks); } return overrides.fseGetType( utf8.decode(rawPath, allowMalformed: true), followLinks); } static _throwIfError(Object result, String msg, [String path]) { if (result is OSError) { throw new FileSystemException(msg, path, result); } else if (result is ArgumentError) { throw result; } } // TODO(bkonyi): find a way to do this with raw paths. static String _trimTrailingPathSeparators(String path) { // Don't handle argument errors here. if (path is! String) return path; if (Platform.isWindows) { while (path.length > 1 && (path.endsWith(Platform.pathSeparator) || path.endsWith('/'))) { path = path.substring(0, path.length - 1); } } else { while (path.length > 1 && path.endsWith(Platform.pathSeparator)) { path = path.substring(0, path.length - 1); } } return path; } // TODO(bkonyi): find a way to do this with raw paths. static String _ensureTrailingPathSeparators(String path) { // Don't handle argument errors here. if (path is! String) return path; if (path.isEmpty) path = '.'; if (Platform.isWindows) { while (!path.endsWith(Platform.pathSeparator) && !path.endsWith('/')) { path = "$path${Platform.pathSeparator}"; } } else { while (!path.endsWith(Platform.pathSeparator)) { path = "$path${Platform.pathSeparator}"; } } return path; } } /** * Base event class emitted by []. */ class FileSystemEvent { /** * Bitfield for [], to enable [FileSystemCreateEvent]s. */ static const int create = 1 << 0; @Deprecated("Use create instead") static const int CREATE = 1 << 0; /** * Bitfield for [], to enable [FileSystemModifyEvent]s. */ static const int modify = 1 << 1; @Deprecated("Use modify instead") static const int MODIFY = 1 << 1; /** * Bitfield for [], to enable [FileSystemDeleteEvent]s. */ static const int delete = 1 << 2; @Deprecated("Use delete instead") static const int DELETE = 1 << 2; /** * Bitfield for [], to enable [FileSystemMoveEvent]s. */ static const int move = 1 << 3; @Deprecated("Use move instead") static const int MOVE = 1 << 3; /** * Bitfield for [], for enabling all of [create], * [modify], [delete] and [move]. */ static const int all = create | modify | delete | move; @Deprecated("Use all instead") static const int ALL = create | modify | delete | move; static const int _modifyAttributes = 1 << 4; static const int _deleteSelf = 1 << 5; static const int _isDir = 1 << 6; /** * The type of event. See [FileSystemEvent] for a list of events. */ final int type; /** * The path that triggered the event. * * Depending on the platform and the FileSystemEntity, the path may be * relative. */ final String path; /** * Is `true` if the event target was a directory. * * Note that if the file has been deleted by the time the event has arrived, * this will always be `false` on Windows. In particular, it will always be * `false` for `delete` events. */ final bool isDirectory; FileSystemEvent._(this.type, this.path, this.isDirectory); } /** * File system event for newly created file system objects. */ class FileSystemCreateEvent extends FileSystemEvent { FileSystemCreateEvent._(path, isDirectory) : super._(FileSystemEvent.create, path, isDirectory); String toString() => "FileSystemCreateEvent('$path')"; } /** * File system event for modifications of file system objects. */ class FileSystemModifyEvent extends FileSystemEvent { /** * If the content was changed and not only the attributes, [contentChanged] * is `true`. */ final bool contentChanged; FileSystemModifyEvent._(path, isDirectory, this.contentChanged) : super._(FileSystemEvent.modify, path, isDirectory); String toString() => "FileSystemModifyEvent('$path', contentChanged=$contentChanged)"; } /** * File system event for deletion of file system objects. */ class FileSystemDeleteEvent extends FileSystemEvent { FileSystemDeleteEvent._(path, isDirectory) : super._(FileSystemEvent.delete, path, isDirectory); String toString() => "FileSystemDeleteEvent('$path')"; } /** * File system event for moving of file system objects. */ class FileSystemMoveEvent extends FileSystemEvent { /** * If the underlying implementation is able to identify the destination of * the moved file, [destination] will be set. Otherwise, it will be `null`. */ final String destination; FileSystemMoveEvent._(path, isDirectory, this.destination) : super._(FileSystemEvent.move, path, isDirectory); String toString() { var buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.write("FileSystemMoveEvent('$path'"); if (destination != null) buffer.write(", '$destination'"); buffer.write(')'); return buffer.toString(); } } class _FileSystemWatcher { external static Stream _watch( String path, int events, bool recursive); external static bool get isSupported; } NN<Q<"?"D'&?"C&%#$#4DOPI34!""?L CHHC8O#)M,)L%.@=IFA*7&%32A74#EFF3LJQM.7!/2AQ(#C%GHH58NPNO$P;;= --'GBA2@B%K+GP'(< XQMkQRL"EJ3%J8G>FFGCBH G>FEAGB&@ENLK34CNL;/? P?HGL<OL2OM Q%A P*)Q(&>? 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Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of; abstract class _IOResourceInfo { final String type; final int id; String get name; static int _count = 0; static final Stopwatch _sw = new Stopwatch()..start(); static final _startTime = new; static double get timestamp => _startTime + _sw.elapsedMicroseconds / 1000; _IOResourceInfo(this.type) : id = _IOResourceInfo.getNextID(); /// Get the full set of values for a specific implementation. This is normally /// looked up based on an id from a referenceValueMap. Map get fullValueMap; /// The reference map, used to return a list of values, e.g., getting /// all open sockets. The structure of this is shared among all subclasses. Map get referenceValueMap => { // The type for a reference object is prefixed with @ in observatory. 'type': '@$type', 'id': id, 'name': name, }; static int getNextID() => _count++; } abstract class _ReadWriteResourceInfo extends _IOResourceInfo { int totalRead; int totalWritten; int readCount; int writeCount; double lastRead; double lastWrite; // Not all call sites use this. In some cases, e.g., a socket, a read does // not always mean that we actually read some bytes (we may do a read to see // if there are some bytes available). void addRead(int bytes) { totalRead += bytes; readCount++; lastRead = _IOResourceInfo.timestamp; } // In cases where we read but did not necessarily get any bytes, use this to // update the readCount and timestamp. Manually update totalRead if any bytes // where actually read. void didRead() { addRead(0); } void addWrite(int bytes) { totalWritten += bytes; writeCount++; lastWrite = _IOResourceInfo.timestamp; } _ReadWriteResourceInfo(String type) : totalRead = 0, totalWritten = 0, readCount = 0, writeCount = 0, lastRead = 0.0, lastWrite = 0.0, super(type); Map get fullValueMap => { 'type': type, 'id': id, 'name': name, 'totalRead': totalRead, 'totalWritten': totalWritten, 'readCount': readCount, 'writeCount': writeCount, 'lastRead': lastRead, 'lastWrite': lastWrite }; } class _FileResourceInfo extends _ReadWriteResourceInfo { static const String _type = '_file'; final file; static Map openFiles = new Map(); _FileResourceInfo(this.file) : super(_type) { FileOpened(this); } static FileOpened(_FileResourceInfo info) { assert(!openFiles.containsKey(; openFiles[] = info; } static FileClosed(_FileResourceInfo info) { assert(openFiles.containsKey(; openFiles.remove(; } static Iterable> getOpenFilesList() { return new List.from( => e.referenceValueMap)); } static Future getOpenFiles(function, params) { assert(function == ''); var data = {'type': '_openfiles', 'data': getOpenFilesList()}; var jsonValue = json.encode(data); return new Future.value(new ServiceExtensionResponse.result(jsonValue)); } Map getFileInfoMap() { return fullValueMap; } static Future getFileInfoMapByID(function, params) { assert(params.containsKey('id')); var id = int.parse(params['id']); var result = openFiles.containsKey(id) ? openFiles[id].getFileInfoMap() : {}; var jsonValue = json.encode(result); return new Future.value(new ServiceExtensionResponse.result(jsonValue)); } String get name { return '${file.path}'; } } class _ProcessResourceInfo extends _IOResourceInfo { static const String _type = '_process'; final process; final double startedAt; static Map startedProcesses = new Map(); _ProcessResourceInfo(this.process) : startedAt = _IOResourceInfo.timestamp, super(_type) { ProcessStarted(this); } String get name => process._path; void stopped() { ProcessStopped(this); } Map get fullValueMap => { 'type': type, 'id': id, 'name': name, 'pid':, 'startedAt': startedAt, 'arguments': process._arguments, 'workingDirectory': process._workingDirectory == null ? '.' : process._workingDirectory, }; static ProcessStarted(_ProcessResourceInfo info) { assert(!startedProcesses.containsKey(; startedProcesses[] = info; } static ProcessStopped(_ProcessResourceInfo info) { assert(startedProcesses.containsKey(; startedProcesses.remove(; } static Iterable> getStartedProcessesList() => new List.from( => e.referenceValueMap)); static Future getStartedProcesses( String function, Map params) { assert(function == ''); var data = {'type': '_startedprocesses', 'data': getStartedProcessesList()}; var jsonValue = json.encode(data); return new Future.value(new ServiceExtensionResponse.result(jsonValue)); } static Future getProcessInfoMapById( String function, Map params) { var id = int.parse(params['id']); var result = startedProcesses.containsKey(id) ? startedProcesses[id].fullValueMap : {}; var jsonValue = json.encode(result); return new Future.value(new ServiceExtensionResponse.result(jsonValue)); } } class _SocketResourceInfo extends _ReadWriteResourceInfo { static const String _tcpString = 'TCP'; static const String _udpString = 'UDP'; static const String _type = '_socket'; final /*_NativeSocket|*/ socket; static Map openSockets = new Map(); _SocketResourceInfo(this.socket) : super(_type) { SocketOpened(this); } String get name { if (socket.isListening) { return 'listening:${}:${socket.port}'; } var remote = ''; try { var remoteHost =; var remotePort = socket.remotePort; remote = ' -> $remoteHost:$remotePort'; } catch (e) {} // ignored if we can't get the information return '${}:${socket.port}$remote'; } static Iterable> getOpenSocketsList() { return new List.from( => e.referenceValueMap)); } Map getSocketInfoMap() { var result = fullValueMap; result['socketType'] = socket.isTcp ? _tcpString : _udpString; result['listening'] = socket.isListening; result['host'] =; result['port'] = socket.port; if (!socket.isListening) { try { result['remoteHost'] =; result['remotePort'] = socket.remotePort; } catch (e) { // UDP. result['remotePort'] = 'NA'; result['remoteHost'] = 'NA'; } } else { result['remotePort'] = 'NA'; result['remoteHost'] = 'NA'; } result['addressType'] =; return result; } static Future getSocketInfoMapByID( String function, Map params) { assert(params.containsKey('id')); var id = int.parse(params['id']); var result = openSockets.containsKey(id) ? openSockets[id].getSocketInfoMap() : {}; var jsonValue = json.encode(result); return new Future.value(new ServiceExtensionResponse.result(jsonValue)); } static Future getOpenSockets(function, params) { assert(function == ''); var data = {'type': '_opensockets', 'data': getOpenSocketsList()}; var jsonValue = json.encode(data); return new Future.value(new ServiceExtensionResponse.result(jsonValue)); } static SocketOpened(_SocketResourceInfo info) { assert(!openSockets.containsKey(; openSockets[] = info; } static SocketClosed(_SocketResourceInfo info) { assert(openSockets.containsKey(; openSockets.remove(; } } NN<!9GNAQ9)HN2N &@MO)*OP+&- & " 9'1)0.-.,=LK4C'M*Q&&I)M5*;,%/$- )Q 54&53&EN?54Q'MA5&2,)M;**)#5+4@ 2*.>;?N,C.*" :2%% ##6@5&&O)MM6G'M2/!2.!Kfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/io/io_sink.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of; /** * A combined byte and text output. * * An [IOSink] combines a [StreamSink] of bytes with a [StringSink], * and allows easy output of both bytes and text. * * Writing text ([write]) and adding bytes ([add]) may be interleaved freely. * * While a stream is being added using [addStream], any further attempts * to add or write to the [IOSink] will fail until the [addStream] completes. * * It is an error to add data to the [IOSink] after the sink is closed. */ abstract class IOSink implements StreamSink>, StringSink { /** * Create an [IOSink] that outputs to a [target] [StreamConsumer] of bytes. * * Text written to [StreamSink] methods is encoded to bytes using [encoding] * before being output on [target]. */ factory IOSink(StreamConsumer> target, {Encoding encoding: utf8}) => new _IOSinkImpl(target, encoding); /** * The [Encoding] used when writing strings. Depending on the * underlying consumer this property might be mutable. */ Encoding encoding; /** * Adds byte [data] to the target consumer, ignoring [encoding]. * * The [encoding] does not apply to this method, and the `data` list is passed * directly to the target consumer as a stream event. * * This function must not be called when a stream is currently being added * using [addStream]. * * This operation is non-blocking. See [flush] or [done] for how to get any * errors generated by this call. * * The data list should not be modified after it has been passed to `add`. */ void add(List data); /** * Converts [obj] to a String by invoking [Object.toString] and * [add]s the encoding of the result to the target consumer. * * This operation is non-blocking. See [flush] or [done] for how to get any * errors generated by this call. */ void write(Object obj); /** * Iterates over the given [objects] and [write]s them in sequence. * * If [separator] is provided, a `write` with the `separator` is performed * between any two elements of objects`. * * This operation is non-blocking. See [flush] or [done] for how to get any * errors generated by this call. */ void writeAll(Iterable objects, [String separator = ""]); /** * Converts [obj] to a String by invoking [Object.toString] and * writes the result to `this`, followed by a newline. * * This operation is non-blocking. See [flush] or [done] for how to get any * errors generated by this call. */ void writeln([Object obj = ""]); /** * Writes the character of [charCode]. * * This method is equivalent to `write(new String.fromCharCode(charCode))`. * * This operation is non-blocking. See [flush] or [done] for how to get any * errors generated by this call. */ void writeCharCode(int charCode); /** * Passes the error to the target consumer as an error event. * * This function must not be called when a stream is currently being added * using [addStream]. * * This operation is non-blocking. See [flush] or [done] for how to get any * errors generated by this call. */ void addError(error, [StackTrace stackTrace]); /** * Adds all elements of the given [stream] to `this`. * * Returns a [Future] that completes when * all elements of the given [stream] are added to `this`. */ Future addStream(Stream> stream); /** * Returns a [Future] that completes once all buffered data is accepted by the * underlying [StreamConsumer]. * * This method must not be called while an [addStream] is incomplete. * * NOTE: This is not necessarily the same as the data being flushed by the * operating system. */ Future flush(); /** * Close the target consumer. * * NOTE: Writes to the [IOSink] may be buffered, and may not be flushed by * a call to `close()`. To flush all buffered writes, call `flush()` before * calling `close()`. */ Future close(); /** * Get a future that will complete when the consumer closes, or when an * error occurs. This future is identical to the future returned by * [close]. */ Future get done; } class _StreamSinkImpl implements StreamSink { final StreamConsumer _target; final Completer _doneCompleter = new Completer(); StreamController _controllerInstance; Completer _controllerCompleter; bool _isClosed = false; bool _isBound = false; bool _hasError = false; _StreamSinkImpl(this._target); void _reportClosedSink() { // TODO(29554): this is very brittle and depends on the layout of the // stderr class. if (this == stderr._sink) { // We can't report on stderr anymore (as we would otherwise // have an infinite recursion. throw new StateError("Stderr is closed."); } // TODO(29554): throw a StateError, and don't just report the problem. stderr.writeln("StreamSink is closed and adding to it is an error."); stderr.writeln(" See"); stderr.writeln(StackTrace.current); } void add(T data) { if (_isClosed) { _reportClosedSink(); return; } _controller.add(data); } void addError(error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) { if (_isClosed) { _reportClosedSink(); return; } _controller.addError(error, stackTrace); } Future addStream(Stream stream) { if (_isBound) { throw new StateError("StreamSink is already bound to a stream"); } if (_hasError) return done; _isBound = true; var future = _controllerCompleter == null ? _target.addStream(stream) : _controllerCompleter.future.then((_) => _target.addStream(stream)); _controllerInstance?.close(); // Wait for any pending events in [_controller] to be dispatched before // adding [stream]. return future.whenComplete(() { _isBound = false; }); } Future flush() { if (_isBound) { throw new StateError("StreamSink is bound to a stream"); } if (_controllerInstance == null) return new Future.value(this); // Adding an empty stream-controller will return a future that will complete // when all data is done. _isBound = true; var future = _controllerCompleter.future; _controllerInstance.close(); return future.whenComplete(() { _isBound = false; }); } Future close() { if (_isBound) { throw new StateError("StreamSink is bound to a stream"); } if (!_isClosed) { _isClosed = true; if (_controllerInstance != null) { _controllerInstance.close(); } else { _closeTarget(); } } return done; } void _closeTarget() { _target.close().then(_completeDoneValue, onError: _completeDoneError); } Future get done => _doneCompleter.future; void _completeDoneValue(value) { if (!_doneCompleter.isCompleted) { _doneCompleter.complete(value); } } void _completeDoneError(error, StackTrace stackTrace) { if (!_doneCompleter.isCompleted) { _hasError = true; _doneCompleter.completeError(error, stackTrace); } } StreamController get _controller { if (_isBound) { throw new StateError("StreamSink is bound to a stream"); } if (_isClosed) { throw new StateError("StreamSink is closed"); } if (_controllerInstance == null) { _controllerInstance = new StreamController(sync: true); _controllerCompleter = new Completer(); _target.addStream( { if (_isBound) { // A new stream takes over - forward values to that stream. _controllerCompleter.complete(this); _controllerCompleter = null; _controllerInstance = null; } else { // No new stream, .close was called. Close _target. _closeTarget(); } }, onError: (error, stackTrace) { if (_isBound) { // A new stream takes over - forward errors to that stream. _controllerCompleter.completeError(error, stackTrace); _controllerCompleter = null; _controllerInstance = null; } else { // No new stream. No need to close target, as it has already // failed. _completeDoneError(error, stackTrace); } }); } return _controllerInstance; } } class _IOSinkImpl extends _StreamSinkImpl> implements IOSink { Encoding _encoding; bool _encodingMutable = true; _IOSinkImpl(StreamConsumer> target, this._encoding) : super(target); Encoding get encoding => _encoding; void set encoding(Encoding value) { if (!_encodingMutable) { throw new StateError("IOSink encoding is not mutable"); } _encoding = value; } void write(Object obj) { String string = '$obj'; if (string.isEmpty) return; add(_encoding.encode(string)); } void writeAll(Iterable objects, [String separator = ""]) { Iterator iterator = objects.iterator; if (!iterator.moveNext()) return; if (separator.isEmpty) { do { write(iterator.current); } while (iterator.moveNext()); } else { write(iterator.current); while (iterator.moveNext()) { write(separator); write(iterator.current); } } } void writeln([Object object = ""]) { write(object); write("\n"); } void writeCharCode(int charCode) { write(new String.fromCharCode(charCode)); } } KNN<$E2NINHENO&Q)@9CQ8MN$MB?N$FM+N$<B9N$#)NN$$@MN$18,=.Q"HM MNJF4#4+"!J B%1KJ7(2-'G .$N"L$?DQ.!$?)%K,#'&:'7(?4'A.7F/'&> (FA'&G1  I Q&&> #=*& !% $!'%.Nfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/io/io_service.dart'// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of; class _IOService { // This list must be kept in sync with the list in runtime/bin/io_service.h static const int fileExists = 0; static const int fileCreate = 1; static const int fileDelete = 2; static const int fileRename = 3; static const int fileCopy = 4; static const int fileOpen = 5; static const int fileResolveSymbolicLinks = 6; static const int fileClose = 7; static const int filePosition = 8; static const int fileSetPosition = 9; static const int fileTruncate = 10; static const int fileLength = 11; static const int fileLengthFromPath = 12; static const int fileLastAccessed = 13; static const int fileSetLastAccessed = 14; static const int fileLastModified = 15; static const int fileSetLastModified = 16; static const int fileFlush = 17; static const int fileReadByte = 18; static const int fileWriteByte = 19; static const int fileRead = 20; static const int fileReadInto = 21; static const int fileWriteFrom = 22; static const int fileCreateLink = 23; static const int fileDeleteLink = 24; static const int fileRenameLink = 25; static const int fileLinkTarget = 26; static const int fileType = 27; static const int fileIdentical = 28; static const int fileStat = 29; static const int fileLock = 30; static const int socketLookup = 31; static const int socketListInterfaces = 32; static const int socketReverseLookup = 33; static const int directoryCreate = 34; static const int directoryDelete = 35; static const int directoryExists = 36; static const int directoryCreateTemp = 37; static const int directoryListStart = 38; static const int directoryListNext = 39; static const int directoryListStop = 40; static const int directoryRename = 41; static const int sslProcessFilter = 42; external static Future _dispatch(int request, List data); } 8NN<N####!!1"%(&$,*-*-#&'"&'(((("'""&.-)))-,++)*<Hfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/io/link.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of; /** * [Link] objects are references to filesystem links. * */ abstract class Link implements FileSystemEntity { /** * Creates a Link object. */ factory Link(String path) { final IOOverrides overrides = IOOverrides.current; if (overrides == null) { return new _Link(path); } return overrides.createLink(path); } factory Link.fromRawPath(Uint8List rawPath) { // TODO(bkonyi): handle overrides return new _Link.fromRawPath(rawPath); } /** * Creates a [Link] object. * * If [path] is a relative path, it will be interpreted relative to the * current working directory (see [Directory.current]), when used. * * If [path] is an absolute path, it will be immune to changes to the * current working directory. */ factory Link.fromUri(Uri uri) => new Link(uri.toFilePath()); /** * Creates a symbolic link. Returns a [:Future:] that completes with * the link when it has been created. If the link exists, * the future will complete with an error. * * If [recursive] is false, the default, the link is created * only if all directories in its path exist. * If [recursive] is true, all non-existing path * components are created. The directories in the path of [target] are * not affected, unless they are also in [path]. * * On the Windows platform, this will only work with directories, and the * target directory must exist. The link will be created as a Junction. * Only absolute links will be created, and relative paths to the target * will be converted to absolute paths by joining them with the path of the * directory the link is contained in. * * On other platforms, the posix symlink() call is used to make a symbolic * link containing the string [target]. If [target] is a relative path, * it will be interpreted relative to the directory containing the link. */ Future create(String target, {bool recursive: false}); /** * Synchronously create the link. Calling [createSync] on an existing link * will throw an exception. * * If [recursive] is false, the default, the link is created only if all * directories in its path exist. If [recursive] is true, all * non-existing path components are created. The directories in * the path of [target] are not affected, unless they are also in [path]. * * On the Windows platform, this will only work with directories, and the * target directory must exist. The link will be created as a Junction. * Only absolute links will be created, and relative paths to the target * will be converted to absolute paths. * * On other platforms, the posix symlink() call is used to make a symbolic * link containing the string [target]. If [target] is a relative path, * it will be interpreted relative to the directory containing the link. */ void createSync(String target, {bool recursive: false}); /** * Synchronously updates the link. Calling [updateSync] on a non-existing link * will throw an exception. * * On the Windows platform, this will only work with directories, and the * target directory must exist. */ void updateSync(String target); /** * Updates the link. Returns a [:Future:] that completes with the * link when it has been updated. Calling [update] on a non-existing link * will complete its returned future with an exception. * * On the Windows platform, this will only work with directories, and the * target directory must exist. */ Future update(String target); Future resolveSymbolicLinks(); String resolveSymbolicLinksSync(); /** * Renames this link. Returns a `Future` that completes * with a [Link] instance for the renamed link. * * If [newPath] identifies an existing link, that link is * replaced. If [newPath] identifies an existing file or directory, * the operation fails and the future completes with an exception. */ Future rename(String newPath); /** * Synchronously renames this link. Returns a [Link] * instance for the renamed link. * * If [newPath] identifies an existing link, that link is * replaced. If [newPath] identifies an existing file or directory * the operation fails and an exception is thrown. */ Link renameSync(String newPath); /** * Returns a [Link] instance whose path is the absolute path to [this]. * * The absolute path is computed by prefixing * a relative path with the current working directory, and returning * an absolute path unchanged. */ Link get absolute; /** * Gets the target of the link. Returns a future that completes with * the path to the target. * * If the returned target is a relative path, it is relative to the * directory containing the link. * * If the link does not exist, or is not a link, the future completes with * a FileSystemException. */ Future target(); /** * Synchronously gets the target of the link. Returns the path to the target. * * If the returned target is a relative path, it is relative to the * directory containing the link. * * If the link does not exist, or is not a link, throws a FileSystemException. */ String targetSync(); } class _Link extends FileSystemEntity implements Link { String _path; Uint8List _rawPath; _Link(String path) { if (path is! String) { throw new ArgumentError('${Error.safeToString(path)} ' 'is not a String'); } _path = path; _rawPath = FileSystemEntity._toUtf8Array(path); } _Link.fromRawPath(Uint8List rawPath) { _rawPath = FileSystemEntity._toNullTerminatedUtf8Array(rawPath); _path = FileSystemEntity._toStringFromUtf8Array(rawPath); } String get path => _path; String toString() => "Link: '$path'"; Future exists() => FileSystemEntity._isLinkRaw(_rawPath); bool existsSync() => FileSystemEntity._isLinkRawSync(_rawPath); Link get absolute => new Link.fromRawPath(_rawAbsolutePath); Future create(String target, {bool recursive: false}) { if (Platform.isWindows) { target = _makeWindowsLinkTarget(target); } var result = recursive ? parent.create(recursive: true) : new Future.value(null); return result .then((_) => _File._dispatchWithNamespace( _IOService.fileCreateLink, [null, _rawPath, target])) .then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse( response, "Cannot create link to target '$target'", path); } return this; }); } void createSync(String target, {bool recursive: false}) { if (recursive) { parent.createSync(recursive: true); } if (Platform.isWindows) { target = _makeWindowsLinkTarget(target); } var result = _File._createLink(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath, target); throwIfError(result, "Cannot create link", path); } // Put target into the form "\??\C:\my\target\dir". String _makeWindowsLinkTarget(String target) { Uri base = new Uri.file('${Directory.current.path}\\'); Uri link = new Uri.file(path); Uri destination = new Uri.file(target); String result = base.resolveUri(link).resolveUri(destination).toFilePath(); if (result.length > 3 && result[1] == ':' && result[2] == '\\') { return '\\??\\$result'; } else { throw new FileSystemException( 'Target $result of Link.create on Windows cannot be converted' + ' to start with a drive letter. Unexpected error.'); } } void updateSync(String target) { // TODO(12414): Replace with atomic update, where supported by platform. // Atomically changing a link can be done by creating the new link, with // a different name, and using the rename() posix call to move it to // the old name atomically. deleteSync(); createSync(target); } Future update(String target) { // TODO(12414): Replace with atomic update, where supported by platform. // Atomically changing a link can be done by creating the new link, with // a different name, and using the rename() posix call to move it to // the old name atomically. return delete().then((_) => create(target)); } Future _delete({bool recursive: false}) { if (recursive) { return new Directory.fromRawPath(_rawPath) .delete(recursive: true) .then((_) => this); } return _File._dispatchWithNamespace( _IOService.fileDeleteLink, [null, _rawPath]).then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "Cannot delete link", path); } return this; }); } void _deleteSync({bool recursive: false}) { if (recursive) { return new Directory.fromRawPath(_rawPath).deleteSync(recursive: true); } var result = _File._deleteLinkNative(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath); throwIfError(result, "Cannot delete link", path); } Future rename(String newPath) { return _File._dispatchWithNamespace( _IOService.fileRenameLink, [null, _rawPath, newPath]).then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse( response, "Cannot rename link to '$newPath'", path); } return new Link(newPath); }); } Link renameSync(String newPath) { var result = _File._renameLink(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath, newPath); throwIfError(result, "Cannot rename link '$path' to '$newPath'"); return new Link(newPath); } Future target() { return _File._dispatchWithNamespace( _IOService.fileLinkTarget, [null, _rawPath]).then((response) { if (_isErrorResponse(response)) { throw _exceptionFromResponse( response, "Cannot get target of link", path); } return response; }); } String targetSync() { var result = _File._linkTarget(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath); throwIfError(result, "Cannot read link", path); return result; } static throwIfError(Object result, String msg, [String path = ""]) { if (result is OSError) { throw new FileSystemException(msg, path, result); } } bool _isErrorResponse(response) { return response is List && response[0] != _successResponse; } _exceptionFromResponse(response, String message, String path) { assert(_isErrorResponse(response)); switch (response[_errorResponseErrorType]) { case _illegalArgumentResponse: return new ArgumentError(); case _osErrorResponse: var err = new OSError(response[_osErrorResponseMessage], response[_osErrorResponseErrorCode]); return new FileSystemException(message, path, err); default: return new Exception("Unknown error"); } } } HNN<627'0&+JEH ?M<-?03I3LJKN)MKK?MK@BLLJK*MKK;QL""JM:L"&)%@2(BB?@/M3B(&G<*/M661<#,PF %KD#MMI 'MMI 721#)G(L.NK6()P(&A $NF)G(&:E4G8$@B(1%$A2</Rfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/io/namespace_impl.dartb// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of; // Each Isolate may run in a different "namespace", which provides the scope in // which file paths are resolved. abstract class _Namespace { // This getter does not increase the reference count on the underlying native // object. It cannot be passed in a dispatch message to the IOService thread. external static _Namespace get _namespace; // This getter does increase the reference count on the underlying native // object. It must be passed in a dispatch message to the IOService thread. external static int get _namespacePointer; // This sets up the Isolate's namespace. It should be set up by the embedder. // If it is not set up by the embedder, relative paths will be resolved // relative to the process's current working directory and absolute paths will // be left relative to the file system root. external static void _setupNamespace(var namespace); } NN<P"PP-LN-PJQ/7Mfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/io/overrides.dart// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of; final _ioOverridesToken = new Object(); const _asyncRunZoned = runZoned; /// This class facilitates overriding various APIs of dart:io with mock /// implementations. /// /// This abstract base class should be extended with overrides for the /// operations needed to construct mocks. The implementations in this base class /// default to the actual dart:io implementation. For example: /// /// ``` /// class MyDirectory implements Directory { /// ... /// // An implementation of the Directory interface /// ... /// } /// /// main() { /// IOOverrides.runZoned(() { /// ... /// // Operations will use MyDirectory instead of dart:io's Directory /// // implementation whenever Directory is used. /// ... /// }, createDirectory: (String path) => new MyDirectory(path)); /// } /// ``` abstract class IOOverrides { static IOOverrides _global; static IOOverrides get current { return Zone.current[_ioOverridesToken] ?? _global; } /// The [IOOverrides] to use in the root [Zone]. /// /// These are the [IOOverrides] that will be used in the root Zone, and in /// Zone's that do not set [IOOverrides] and whose ancestors up to the root /// Zone do not set [IOOverrides]. static set global(IOOverrides overrides) { _global = overrides; } /// Runs [body] in a fresh [Zone] using the provided overrides. /// /// See the documentation on the corresponding methods of IOOverrides for /// information about what the optional arguments do. static R runZoned(R body(), { // Directory Directory Function(String) createDirectory, Directory Function() getCurrentDirectory, void Function(String) setCurrentDirectory, Directory Function() getSystemTempDirectory, // File File Function(String) createFile, // FileStat Future Function(String) stat, FileStat Function(String) statSync, // FileSystemEntity Future Function(String, String) fseIdentical, bool Function(String, String) fseIdenticalSync, Future Function(String, bool) fseGetType, FileSystemEntityType Function(String, bool) fseGetTypeSync, // _FileSystemWatcher Stream Function(String, int, bool) fsWatch, bool Function() fsWatchIsSupported, // Link Link Function(String) createLink, // Socket Future Function(dynamic, int, {dynamic sourceAddress, Duration timeout}) socketConnect, Future> Function(dynamic, int, {dynamic sourceAddress}) socketStartConnect, // Optional Zone parameters ZoneSpecification zoneSpecification, Function onError}) { IOOverrides overrides = new _IOOverridesScope( // Directory createDirectory, getCurrentDirectory, setCurrentDirectory, getSystemTempDirectory, // File createFile, // FileStat stat, statSync, // FileSystemEntity fseIdentical, fseIdenticalSync, fseGetType, fseGetTypeSync, // _FileSystemWatcher fsWatch, fsWatchIsSupported, // Link createLink, // Socket socketConnect, socketStartConnect, ); return _asyncRunZoned(body, zoneValues: {_ioOverridesToken: overrides}, zoneSpecification: zoneSpecification, onError: onError); } /// Runs [body] in a fresh [Zone] using the overrides found in [overrides]. /// /// Note that [overrides] should be an instance of a class that extends /// [IOOverrides]. static R runWithIOOverrides(R body(), IOOverrides overrides, {ZoneSpecification zoneSpecification, Function onError}) { return _asyncRunZoned(body, zoneValues: {_ioOverridesToken: overrides}, zoneSpecification: zoneSpecification, onError: onError); } // Directory /// Creates a new [Directory] object for the given [path]. /// /// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of /// `new Directory()` and `new Directory.fromUri()`. Directory createDirectory(String path) => new _Directory(path); /// Returns the current working directory. /// /// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of /// the static getter `Directory.current` Directory getCurrentDirectory() => _Directory.current; /// Sets the current working directory to be [path]. /// /// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of /// the setter `Directory.current`. void setCurrentDirectory(String path) { _Directory.current = path; } /// Returns the system temporary directory. /// /// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of /// `Directory.systemTemp`. Directory getSystemTempDirectory() => _Directory.systemTemp; // File /// Creates a new [File] object for the given [path]. /// /// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of /// `new File()` and `new File.fromUri()`. File createFile(String path) => new _File(path); // FileStat /// Asynchronously returns [FileStat] information for [path]. /// /// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of /// `FileStat.stat()`. Future stat(String path) { return FileStat._stat(path); } /// Returns [FileStat] information for [path]. /// /// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of /// `FileStat.statSync()`. FileStat statSync(String path) { return FileStat._statSyncInternal(path); } // FileSystemEntity /// Asynchronously returns `true` if [path1] and [path2] are paths to the /// same file system object. /// /// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of /// `FileSystemEntity.identical`. Future fseIdentical(String path1, String path2) { return FileSystemEntity._identical(path1, path2); } /// Returns `true` if [path1] and [path2] are paths to the /// same file system object. /// /// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of /// `FileSystemEntity.identicalSync`. bool fseIdenticalSync(String path1, String path2) { return FileSystemEntity._identicalSync(path1, path2); } /// Asynchronously returns the [FileSystemEntityType] for [path]. /// /// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of /// `FileSystemEntity.type`. Future fseGetType(String path, bool followLinks) { return FileSystemEntity._getTypeRequest(utf8.encode(path), followLinks); } /// Returns the [FileSystemEntityType] for [path]. /// /// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of /// `FileSystemEntity.typeSync`. FileSystemEntityType fseGetTypeSync(String path, bool followLinks) { return FileSystemEntity._getTypeSyncHelper(utf8.encode(path), followLinks); } // _FileSystemWatcher /// Returns a [Stream] of [FileSystemEvent]s. /// /// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of /// ``. Stream fsWatch(String path, int events, bool recursive) { return _FileSystemWatcher._watch(path, events, recursive); } /// Returns `true` when [] is supported. /// /// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of /// `FileSystemEntity.isWatchSupported`. bool fsWatchIsSupported() => _FileSystemWatcher.isSupported; // Link /// Returns a new [Link] object for the given [path]. /// /// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of /// `new Link()` and `new Link.fromUri()`. Link createLink(String path) => new _Link(path); // Socket /// Asynchronously returns a [Socket] connected to the given host and port. /// /// When this override is installed, this functions overrides the behavior of /// `Socket.connect(...)`. Future socketConnect(host, int port, {sourceAddress, Duration timeout}) { return Socket._connect(host, port, sourceAddress: sourceAddress, timeout: timeout); } /// Asynchronously returns a [ConnectionTask] that connects to the given host /// and port when successful. /// /// When this override is installed, this functions overrides the behavior of /// `Socket.startConnect(...)`. Future> socketStartConnect(host, int port, {sourceAddress}) { return Socket._startConnect(host, port, sourceAddress: sourceAddress); } } class _IOOverridesScope extends IOOverrides { final IOOverrides _previous = IOOverrides.current; // Directory Directory Function(String) _createDirectory; Directory Function() _getCurrentDirectory; void Function(String) _setCurrentDirectory; Directory Function() _getSystemTempDirectory; // File File Function(String) _createFile; // FileStat Future Function(String) _stat; FileStat Function(String) _statSync; // FileSystemEntity Future Function(String, String) _fseIdentical; bool Function(String, String) _fseIdenticalSync; Future Function(String, bool) _fseGetType; FileSystemEntityType Function(String, bool) _fseGetTypeSync; // _FileSystemWatcher Stream Function(String, int, bool) _fsWatch; bool Function() _fsWatchIsSupported; // Link Link Function(String) _createLink; // Socket Future Function(dynamic, int, {dynamic sourceAddress, Duration timeout}) _socketConnect; Future> Function(dynamic, int, {dynamic sourceAddress}) _socketStartConnect; _IOOverridesScope( // Directory this._createDirectory, this._getCurrentDirectory, this._setCurrentDirectory, this._getSystemTempDirectory, // File this._createFile, // FileStat this._stat, this._statSync, // FileSystemEntity this._fseIdentical, this._fseIdenticalSync, this._fseGetType, this._fseGetTypeSync, // _FileSystemWatcher this._fsWatch, this._fsWatchIsSupported, // Link this._createLink, // Socket this._socketConnect, this._socketStartConnect, ); // Directory @override Directory createDirectory(String path) { if (_createDirectory != null) return _createDirectory(path); if (_previous != null) return _previous.createDirectory(path); return super.createDirectory(path); } @override Directory getCurrentDirectory() { if (_getCurrentDirectory != null) return _getCurrentDirectory(); if (_previous != null) return _previous.getCurrentDirectory(); return super.getCurrentDirectory(); } @override void setCurrentDirectory(String path) { if (_setCurrentDirectory != null) _setCurrentDirectory(path); else if (_previous != null) _previous.setCurrentDirectory(path); else super.setCurrentDirectory(path); } @override Directory getSystemTempDirectory() { if (_getSystemTempDirectory != null) return _getSystemTempDirectory(); if (_previous != null) return _previous.getSystemTempDirectory(); return super.getSystemTempDirectory(); } // File @override File createFile(String path) { if (_createFile != null) return _createFile(path); if (_previous != null) return _previous.createFile(path); return super.createFile(path); } // FileStat @override Future stat(String path) { if (_stat != null) return _stat(path); if (_previous != null) return _previous.stat(path); return super.stat(path); } @override FileStat statSync(String path) { if (_stat != null) return _statSync(path); if (_previous != null) return _previous.statSync(path); return super.statSync(path); } // FileSystemEntity @override Future fseIdentical(String path1, String path2) { if (_fseIdentical != null) return _fseIdentical(path1, path2); if (_previous != null) return _previous.fseIdentical(path1, path2); return super.fseIdentical(path1, path2); } @override bool fseIdenticalSync(String path1, String path2) { if (_fseIdenticalSync != null) return _fseIdenticalSync(path1, path2); if (_previous != null) return _previous.fseIdenticalSync(path1, path2); return super.fseIdenticalSync(path1, path2); } @override Future fseGetType(String path, bool followLinks) { if (_fseGetType != null) return _fseGetType(path, followLinks); if (_previous != null) return _previous.fseGetType(path, followLinks); return super.fseGetType(path, followLinks); } @override FileSystemEntityType fseGetTypeSync(String path, bool followLinks) { if (_fseGetTypeSync != null) return _fseGetTypeSync(path, followLinks); if (_previous != null) return _previous.fseGetTypeSync(path, followLinks); return super.fseGetTypeSync(path, followLinks); } // _FileSystemWatcher @override Stream fsWatch(String path, int events, bool recursive) { if (_fsWatch != null) return _fsWatch(path, events, recursive); if (_previous != null) return _previous.fsWatch(path, events, recursive); return super.fsWatch(path, events, recursive); } @override bool fsWatchIsSupported() { if (_fsWatchIsSupported != null) return _fsWatchIsSupported(); if (_previous != null) return _previous.fsWatchIsSupported(); return super.fsWatchIsSupported(); } // Link @override Link createLink(String path) { if (_createLink != null) return _createLink(path); if (_previous != null) return _previous.createLink(path); return super.createLink(path); } // Socket @override Future socketConnect(host, int port, {sourceAddress, Duration timeout}) { if (_socketConnect != null) { return _socketConnect(host, port, sourceAddress: sourceAddress, timeout: timeout); } if (_previous != null) { return _previous.socketConnect(host, port, sourceAddress: sourceAddress, timeout: timeout); } return super.socketConnect(host, port, sourceAddress: sourceAddress, timeout: timeout); } @override Future> socketStartConnect(host, int port, {sourceAddress}) { if (_socketStartConnect != null) { return _socketStartConnect(host, port, sourceAddress: sourceAddress); } if (_previous != null) { return _previous.socketStartConnect(host, port, sourceAddress: sourceAddress); } return super.socketStartConnect(host, port, sourceAddress: sourceAddress); } } NN<(!HGQ?- 6  J6 C#73MN%-BL8!2013(.*:6FBC*(,9<'"+3 #4.NJBA#4.=O7B-O,97O&*.O? 8O-3@O'!1O#-LO$:6=O(6:DOKM5O#GP0O"M?AO+? 8O-3 NP/+'9P P"DK.5/-.0 %+'73C?@' % (AQ"   +AC( $EC( *&" + ' 'KF+ !7># '+8 #/# /+"(;1;+9 D'L6)OLfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/io/platform.dart// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of; /** * Information about the environment in which the current program is running. * * Platform provides information such as the operating system, * the hostname of the computer, the value of environment variables, * the path to the running program, * and so on. * * ## Get the URI to the current Dart script * * Use the [script] getter to get the URI to the currently running * Dart script. * * import 'dart:io' show Platform; * * void main() { * // Get the URI of the script being run. * var uri = Platform.script; * // Convert the URI to a path. * var path = uri.toFilePath(); * } * * ## Get the value of an environment variable * * The [environment] getter returns a the names and values of environment * variables in a [Map] that contains key-value pairs of strings. The Map is * unmodifiable. This sample shows how to get the value of the `PATH` * environment variable. * * import 'dart:io' show Platform; * * void main() { * Map envVars = Platform.environment; * print(envVars['PATH']); * } * * ## Determine the OS * * You can get the name of the operating system as a string with the * [operatingSystem] getter. You can also use one of the static boolean * getters: [isMacOS], [isLinux], and [isWindows]. * * import 'dart:io' show Platform, stdout; * * void main() { * // Get the operating system as a string. * String os = Platform.operatingSystem; * // Or, use a predicate getter. * if (Platform.isMacOS) { * print('is a Mac'); * } else { * print('is not a Mac'); * } * } * * ## Other resources * * [Dart by Example]( * provides additional task-oriented code samples that show how to use * various API from the [dart:io] library. */ class Platform { static final _numberOfProcessors = _Platform.numberOfProcessors; static final _pathSeparator = _Platform.pathSeparator; static final _operatingSystem = _Platform.operatingSystem; static final _operatingSystemVersion = _Platform.operatingSystemVersion; static final _localHostname = _Platform.localHostname; static final _version = _Platform.version; /** * The number of individual execution units of the machine. */ static int get numberOfProcessors => _numberOfProcessors; /** * The path separator used by the operating system to separate * components in file paths. */ static String get pathSeparator => _pathSeparator; /** * Get the name of the current locale. */ static String get localeName => _Platform.localeName(); /** * A string representing the operating system or platform. */ static String get operatingSystem => _operatingSystem; /** * A string representing the version of the operating system or platform. */ static String get operatingSystemVersion => _operatingSystemVersion; /** * The local hostname for the system. */ static String get localHostname => _localHostname; /** * Whether the operating system is a version of * [Linux]( * * This value is `false` if the operating system is a specialized * version of Linux that identifies itself by a different name, * for example Android (see [isAndroid]). */ static final bool isLinux = (_operatingSystem == "linux"); /** * Whether the operating system is a version of * [macOS]( */ static final bool isMacOS = (_operatingSystem == "macos"); /** * Whether the operating system is a version of * [Microsoft Windows]( */ static final bool isWindows = (_operatingSystem == "windows"); /** * Whether the operating system is a version of * [Android]( */ static final bool isAndroid = (_operatingSystem == "android"); /** * Whether the operating system is a version of * [iOS]( */ static final bool isIOS = (_operatingSystem == "ios"); /** * Whether the operating system is a version of * [Fuchsia]( */ static final bool isFuchsia = (_operatingSystem == "fuchsia"); /** * The environment for this process as a map from string key to string value. * * The map is unmodifiable, * and its content is retrieved from the operating system on its first use. * * Environment variables on Windows are case-insensitive, * so on Windows the map is case-insensitive and will convert * all keys to upper case. * On other platforms, keys can be distinguished by case. */ static Map get environment => _Platform.environment; /** * The path of the executable used to run the script in this isolate. * * The literal path used to identify the script. * This path might be relative or just be a name from which the executable * was found by searching the system path. * * Use [resolvedExecutable] to get an absolute path to the executable. */ static String get executable => _Platform.executable; /** * The path of the executable used to run the script in this * isolate after it has been resolved by the OS. * * This is the absolute path, with all symlinks resolved, to the * executable used to run the script. */ static String get resolvedExecutable => _Platform.resolvedExecutable; /** * The absolute URI of the script being run in this isolate. * * If the script argument on the command line is relative, * it is resolved to an absolute URI before fetching the script, and * that absolute URI is returned. * * URI resolution only does string manipulation on the script path, and this * may be different from the file system's path resolution behavior. For * example, a symbolic link immediately followed by '..' will not be * looked up. * * If the executable environment does not support [script], * the URI is empty. */ static Uri get script => _Platform.script; /** * The flags passed to the executable used to run the script in this isolate. * * These are the command-line flags to the executable that precedes * the script name. * Provides a new list every time the value is read. */ static List get executableArguments => _Platform.executableArguments; /** * This returns `null`, as `packages/` directories are no longer supported. * */ @Deprecated('packages/ directory resolution is not supported in Dart 2') static String get packageRoot => null; // TODO(mfairhurst): remove this /** * The `--packages` flag passed to the executable used to run the script * in this isolate. * * If present, it specifies a file describing how Dart packages are looked up. * * Is `null` if there is no `--packages` flag. */ static String get packageConfig => _Platform.packageConfig; /** * The version of the current Dart runtime. * * The value is a [semantic versioning]( * string representing the version of the current Dart runtime, * possibly followed by whitespace and other version and * build details. */ static String get version => _version; } NN<N?E$-C'1$'& /JMF'=! EH3/2/(!" ^G+C9=K9-><A5):=9LG(523DB,=23=2KA2NA2/92>APN<@<GH3M-I8?3C(H?=G$OKG>-PF7PNKJKQ1>.=B;)Qfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/io/platform_impl.dartx// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of; class _Platform { external static int _numberOfProcessors(); external static String _pathSeparator(); external static String _operatingSystem(); external static _operatingSystemVersion(); external static _localHostname(); external static _executable(); external static _resolvedExecutable(); /** * Retrieve the entries of the process environment. * * The result is an [Iterable] of strings, where each string represents * an environment entry. * * Environment entries should be strings containing * a non-empty name and a value separated by a '=' character. * The name does not contain a '=' character, * so the name is everything up to the first '=' character. * Values are everything after the first '=' character. * A value may contain further '=' characters, and it may be empty. * * Returns an [OSError] if retrieving the environment fails. */ external static _environment(); external static List _executableArguments(); external static String _packageRoot(); // TODO(mfairhurst): remove this external static String _packageConfig(); external static String _version(); external static String _localeName(); external static Uri _script(); static String executable = _executable(); static String resolvedExecutable = _resolvedExecutable(); static String packageRoot = null; // TODO(mfairhurst): remove this static String packageConfig = _packageConfig(); static String Function() _localeClosure; static String localeName() { final result = (_localeClosure == null) ? _localeName() : _localeClosure(); if (result is OSError) { throw result; } return result; } // Cache the OS environment. This can be an OSError instance if // retrieving the environment failed. static var /*OSError|Map*/ _environmentCache; static int get numberOfProcessors => _numberOfProcessors(); static String get pathSeparator => _pathSeparator(); static String get operatingSystem => _operatingSystem(); static Uri get script => _script(); static String _cachedOSVersion; static String get operatingSystemVersion { if (_cachedOSVersion == null) { var result = _operatingSystemVersion(); if (result is OSError) { throw result; } _cachedOSVersion = result; } return _cachedOSVersion; } static String get localHostname { var result = _localHostname(); if (result is OSError) { throw result; } return result; } static List get executableArguments => _executableArguments(); static Map get environment { if (_environmentCache == null) { var env = _environment(); if (env is! OSError) { var isWindows = operatingSystem == 'windows'; var result = isWindows ? new _CaseInsensitiveStringMap() : new Map(); for (var str in env) { if (str == null) { continue; } // The Strings returned by [_environment()] are expected to be // valid environment entries, but exceptions have been seen // (e.g., an entry of just '=' has been seen on OS/X). // Invalid entries (lines without a '=' or with an empty name) // are discarded. var equalsIndex = str.indexOf('='); if (equalsIndex > 0) { result[str.substring(0, equalsIndex)] = str.substring(equalsIndex + 1); } } _environmentCache = new UnmodifiableMapView(result); } else { _environmentCache = env; } } if (_environmentCache is OSError) { throw _environmentCache; } else { return _environmentCache; } } static String get version => _version(); } // Environment variables are case-insensitive on Windows. In order // to reflect that we use a case-insensitive string map on Windows. class _CaseInsensitiveStringMap extends MapBase { final Map _map = new Map(); bool containsKey(Object key) => key is String && _map.containsKey(key.toUpperCase()); bool containsValue(Object value) => _map.containsValue(value); V operator [](Object key) => key is String ? _map[key.toUpperCase()] : null; void operator []=(String key, V value) { _map[key.toUpperCase()] = value; } V putIfAbsent(String key, V ifAbsent()) { return _map.putIfAbsent(key.toUpperCase(), ifAbsent); } void addAll(Map other) { other.forEach((key, value) => this[key.toUpperCase()] = value); } V remove(Object key) => key is String ? _map.remove(key.toUpperCase()) : null; void clear() { _map.clear(); } void forEach(void f(String key, V value)) { _map.forEach(f); } Iterable get keys => _map.keys; Iterable get values => _map.values; int get length => _map.length; bool get isEmpty => _map.isEmpty; bool get isNotEmpty => _map.isNotEmpty; Iterable> get entries => _map.entries; Map map(MapEntry transform(String key, V value)) =>; V update(String key, V update(V value), {V ifAbsent()}) => _map.update(key.toUpperCase(), update, ifAbsent: ifAbsent); void updateAll(V update(String key, V value)) { _map.updateAll(update); } void removeWhere(bool test(String key, V value)) { _map.removeWhere(test); } String toString() => _map.toString(); } NN<-+--$!)6J6@0>:F?"7J+%(!,7;&"-$.!$#I/% 66) IFAI.!40 M!( +CD@4" _watchSignal(ProcessSignal signal); } /** * Exit the Dart VM process immediately with the given exit code. * * This does not wait for any asynchronous operations to terminate. Using * [exit] is therefore very likely to lose data. * * The handling of exit codes is platform specific. * * On Linux and OS X an exit code for normal termination will always * be in the range [0..255]. If an exit code outside this range is * set the actual exit code will be the lower 8 bits masked off and * treated as an unsigned value. E.g. using an exit code of -1 will * result in an actual exit code of 255 being reported. * * On Windows the exit code can be set to any 32-bit value. However * some of these values are reserved for reporting system errors like * crashes. * * Besides this the Dart executable itself uses an exit code of `254` * for reporting compile time errors and an exit code of `255` for * reporting runtime error (unhandled exception). * * Due to these facts it is recommended to only use exit codes in the * range [0..127] for communicating the result of running a Dart * program to the surrounding environment. This will avoid any * cross-platform issues. */ void exit(int code) { if (code is! int) { throw new ArgumentError("Integer value for exit code expected"); } if (!_EmbedderConfig._mayExit) { throw new UnsupportedError( "This embedder disallows calling dart:io's exit()"); } _ProcessUtils._exit(code); } /** * Set the global exit code for the Dart VM. * * The exit code is global for the Dart VM and the last assignment to * exitCode from any isolate determines the exit code of the Dart VM * on normal termination. * * Default value is `0`. * * See [exit] for more information on how to chose a value for the * exit code. */ void set exitCode(int code) { if (code is! int) { throw new ArgumentError("Integer value for exit code expected"); } _ProcessUtils._setExitCode(code); } /** * Get the global exit code for the Dart VM. * * The exit code is global for the Dart VM and the last assignment to * exitCode from any isolate determines the exit code of the Dart VM * on normal termination. * * See [exit] for more information on how to chose a value for the * exit code. */ int get exitCode => _ProcessUtils._getExitCode(); /** * Sleep for the duration specified in [duration]. * * Use this with care, as no asynchronous operations can be processed * in a isolate while it is blocked in a [sleep] call. */ void sleep(Duration duration) { int milliseconds = duration.inMilliseconds; if (milliseconds < 0) { throw new ArgumentError("sleep: duration cannot be negative"); } if (!_EmbedderConfig._maySleep) { throw new UnsupportedError( "This embedder disallows calling dart:io's sleep()"); } _ProcessUtils._sleep(milliseconds); } /** * Returns the PID of the current process. */ int get pid => _ProcessUtils._pid(null); /** * [ProcessInfo] provides methods for retrieving information about the * current process. */ class ProcessInfo { /** * The current resident set size of memory for the process. * * Note that the meaning of this field is platform dependent. For example, * some memory accounted for here may be shared with other processes, or if * the same page is mapped into a process's address space, it may be counted * twice. */ external static int get currentRss; /** * The high-watermark in bytes for the resident set size of memory for the * process. * * Note that the meaning of this field is platform dependent. For example, * some memory accounted for here may be shared with other processes, or if * the same page is mapped into a process's address space, it may be counted * twice. */ external static int get maxRss; } /** * Modes for running a new process. */ class ProcessStartMode { /// Normal child process. static const normal = const ProcessStartMode._internal(0); @Deprecated("Use normal instead") static const NORMAL = normal; /// Stdio handles are inherited by the child process. static const inheritStdio = const ProcessStartMode._internal(1); @Deprecated("Use inheritStdio instead") static const INHERIT_STDIO = inheritStdio; /// Detached child process with no open communication channel. static const detached = const ProcessStartMode._internal(2); @Deprecated("Use detached instead") static const DETACHED = detached; /// Detached child process with stdin, stdout and stderr still open /// for communication with the child. static const detachedWithStdio = const ProcessStartMode._internal(3); @Deprecated("Use detachedWithStdio instead") static const DETACHED_WITH_STDIO = detachedWithStdio; static List get values => const [ normal, inheritStdio, detached, detachedWithStdio ]; String toString() => const ["normal", "inheritStdio", "detached", "detachedWithStdio"][_mode]; final int _mode; const ProcessStartMode._internal(this._mode); } /** * The means to execute a program. * * Use the static [start] and [run] methods to start a new process. * The run method executes the process non-interactively to completion. * In contrast, the start method allows your code to interact with the * running process. * * ## Start a process with the run method * * The following code sample uses the run method to create a process * that runs the UNIX command `ls`, which lists the contents of a directory. * The run method completes with a [ProcessResult] object when the process * terminates. This provides access to the output and exit code from the * process. The run method does not return a Process object; this prevents your * code from interacting with the running process. * * import 'dart:io'; * * main() { * // List all files in the current directory in UNIX-like systems. *'ls', ['-l']).then((ProcessResult results) { * print(results.stdout); * }); * } * * ## Start a process with the start method * * The following example uses start to create the process. * The start method returns a [Future] for a Process object. * When the future completes the process is started and * your code can interact with the * Process: writing to stdin, listening to stdout, and so on. * * The following sample starts the UNIX `cat` utility, which when given no * command-line arguments, echos its input. * The program writes to the process's standard input stream * and prints data from its standard output stream. * * import 'dart:io'; * import 'dart:convert'; * * main() { * Process.start('cat', []).then((Process process) { * process.stdout * .transform(utf8.decoder) * .listen((data) { print(data); }); * process.stdin.writeln('Hello, world!'); * process.stdin.writeln('Hello, galaxy!'); * process.stdin.writeln('Hello, universe!'); * }); * } * * ## Standard I/O streams * * As seen in the previous code sample, you can interact with the Process's * standard output stream through the getter [stdout], * and you can interact with the Process's standard input stream through * the getter [stdin]. * In addition, Process provides a getter [stderr] for using the Process's * standard error stream. * * A Process's streams are distinct from the top-level streams * for the current program. * * ## Exit codes * * Call the [exitCode] method to get the exit code of the process. * The exit code indicates whether the program terminated successfully * (usually indicated with an exit code of 0) or with an error. * * If the start method is used, the exitCode is available through a future * on the Process object (as shown in the example below). * If the run method is used, the exitCode is available * through a getter on the ProcessResult instance. * * import 'dart:io'; * * main() { * Process.start('ls', ['-l']).then((process) { * // Get the exit code from the new process. * process.exitCode.then((exitCode) { * print('exit code: $exitCode'); * }); * }); * } * * ## Other resources * * [Dart by Example]( * provides additional task-oriented code samples that show how to use * various API from the [dart:io] library. */ abstract class Process { /** * Returns a [:Future:] which completes with the exit code of the process * when the process completes. * * The handling of exit codes is platform specific. * * On Linux and OS X a normal exit code will be a positive value in * the range [0..255]. If the process was terminated due to a signal * the exit code will be a negative value in the range [-255..-1], * where the absolute value of the exit code is the signal * number. For example, if a process crashes due to a segmentation * violation the exit code will be -11, as the signal SIGSEGV has the * number 11. * * On Windows a process can report any 32-bit value as an exit * code. When returning the exit code this exit code is turned into * a signed value. Some special values are used to report * termination due to some system event. E.g. if a process crashes * due to an access violation the 32-bit exit code is `0xc0000005`, * which will be returned as the negative number `-1073741819`. To * get the original 32-bit value use `(0x100000000 + exitCode) & * 0xffffffff`. */ Future get exitCode; /** * Starts a process running the [executable] with the specified * [arguments]. Returns a [:Future:] that completes with a * Process instance when the process has been successfully * started. That [Process] object can be used to interact with the * process. If the process cannot be started the returned [Future] * completes with an exception. * * Use [workingDirectory] to set the working directory for the process. Note * that the change of directory occurs before executing the process on some * platforms, which may have impact when using relative paths for the * executable and the arguments. * * Use [environment] to set the environment variables for the process. If not * set the environment of the parent process is inherited. Currently, only * US-ASCII environment variables are supported and errors are likely to occur * if an environment variable with code-points outside the US-ASCII range is * passed in. * * If [includeParentEnvironment] is `true`, the process's environment will * include the parent process's environment, with [environment] taking * precedence. Default is `true`. * * If [runInShell] is `true`, the process will be spawned through a system * shell. On Linux and OS X, [:/bin/sh:] is used, while * [:%WINDIR%\system32\cmd.exe:] is used on Windows. * * Users must read all data coming on the [stdout] and [stderr] * streams of processes started with [:Process.start:]. If the user * does not read all data on the streams the underlying system * resources will not be released since there is still pending data. * * The following code uses `Process.start` to grep for `main` in the * file `test.dart` on Linux. * * Process.start('grep', ['-i', 'main', 'test.dart']).then((process) { * stdout.addStream(process.stdout); * stderr.addStream(process.stderr); * }); * * If [mode] is [ProcessStartMode.normal] (the default) a child * process will be started with `stdin`, `stdout` and `stderr` * connected. * * If `mode` is [ProcessStartMode.detached] a detached process will * be created. A detached process has no connection to its parent, * and can keep running on its own when the parent dies. The only * information available from a detached process is its `pid`. There * is no connection to its `stdin`, `stdout` or `stderr`, nor will * the process' exit code become available when it terminates. * * If `mode` is [ProcessStartMode.detachedWithStdio] a detached * process will be created where the `stdin`, `stdout` and `stderr` * are connected. The creator can communicate with the child through * these. The detached process will keep running even if these * communication channels are closed. The process' exit code will * not become available when it terminated. * * The default value for `mode` is `ProcessStartMode.normal`. */ external static Future start( String executable, List arguments, {String workingDirectory, Map environment, bool includeParentEnvironment: true, bool runInShell: false, ProcessStartMode mode: ProcessStartMode.normal}); /** * Starts a process and runs it non-interactively to completion. The * process run is [executable] with the specified [arguments]. * * Use [workingDirectory] to set the working directory for the process. Note * that the change of directory occurs before executing the process on some * platforms, which may have impact when using relative paths for the * executable and the arguments. * * Use [environment] to set the environment variables for the process. If not * set the environment of the parent process is inherited. Currently, only * US-ASCII environment variables are supported and errors are likely to occur * if an environment variable with code-points outside the US-ASCII range is * passed in. * * If [includeParentEnvironment] is `true`, the process's environment will * include the parent process's environment, with [environment] taking * precedence. Default is `true`. * * If [runInShell] is true, the process will be spawned through a system * shell. On Linux and OS X, `/bin/sh` is used, while * `%WINDIR%\system32\cmd.exe` is used on Windows. * * The encoding used for decoding `stdout` and `stderr` into text is * controlled through [stdoutEncoding] and [stderrEncoding]. The * default encoding is [systemEncoding]. If `null` is used no * decoding will happen and the [ProcessResult] will hold binary * data. * * Returns a `Future` that completes with the * result of running the process, i.e., exit code, standard out and * standard in. * * The following code uses `` to grep for `main` in the * file `test.dart` on Linux. * *'grep', ['-i', 'main', 'test.dart']).then((result) { * stdout.write(result.stdout); * stderr.write(result.stderr); * }); */ external static Future run( String executable, List arguments, {String workingDirectory, Map environment, bool includeParentEnvironment: true, bool runInShell: false, Encoding stdoutEncoding: systemEncoding, Encoding stderrEncoding: systemEncoding}); /** * Starts a process and runs it to completion. This is a synchronous * call and will block until the child process terminates. * * The arguments are the same as for ``. * * Returns a `ProcessResult` with the result of running the process, * i.e., exit code, standard out and standard in. */ external static ProcessResult runSync( String executable, List arguments, {String workingDirectory, Map environment, bool includeParentEnvironment: true, bool runInShell: false, Encoding stdoutEncoding: systemEncoding, Encoding stderrEncoding: systemEncoding}); /** * Kills the process with id [pid]. * * Where possible, sends the [signal] to the process with id * `pid`. This includes Linux and OS X. The default signal is * [ProcessSignal.sigterm] which will normally terminate the * process. * * On platforms without signal support, including Windows, the call * just terminates the process with id `pid` in a platform specific * way, and the `signal` parameter is ignored. * * Returns `true` if the signal is successfully delivered to the * process. Otherwise the signal could not be sent, usually meaning * that the process is already dead. */ external static bool killPid(int pid, [ProcessSignal signal = ProcessSignal.sigterm]); /** * Returns the standard output stream of the process as a [:Stream:]. */ Stream> get stdout; /** * Returns the standard error stream of the process as a [:Stream:]. */ Stream> get stderr; /** * Returns the standard input stream of the process as an [IOSink]. */ IOSink get stdin; /** * Returns the process id of the process. */ int get pid; /** * Kills the process. * * Where possible, sends the [signal] to the process. This includes * Linux and OS X. The default signal is [ProcessSignal.sigterm] * which will normally terminate the process. * * On platforms without signal support, including Windows, the call * just terminates the process in a platform specific way, and the * `signal` parameter is ignored. * * Returns `true` if the signal is successfully delivered to the * process. Otherwise the signal could not be sent, usually meaning * that the process is already dead. */ bool kill([ProcessSignal signal = ProcessSignal.sigterm]); } /** * [ProcessResult] represents the result of running a non-interactive * process started with [] or [Process.runSync]. */ class ProcessResult { /** * Exit code for the process. * * See [Process.exitCode] for more information in the exit code * value. */ final int exitCode; /** * Standard output from the process. The value used for the * `stdoutEncoding` argument to `` determines the type. If * `null` was used this value is of type `List` otherwise it is * of type `String`. */ final stdout; /** * Standard error from the process. The value used for the * `stderrEncoding` argument to `` determines the type. If * `null` was used this value is of type `List` * otherwise it is of type `String`. */ final stderr; /** * Process id of the process. */ final int pid; ProcessResult(, this.exitCode, this.stdout, this.stderr); } /** * On Posix systems, [ProcessSignal] is used to send a specific signal * to a child process, see [:Process.kill:]. * * Some [ProcessSignal]s can also be watched, as a way to intercept the default * signal handler and implement another. See [] for more * information. */ class ProcessSignal { static const ProcessSignal sighup = const ProcessSignal._(1, "SIGHUP"); static const ProcessSignal sigint = const ProcessSignal._(2, "SIGINT"); static const ProcessSignal sigquit = const ProcessSignal._(3, "SIGQUIT"); static const ProcessSignal sigill = const ProcessSignal._(4, "SIGILL"); static const ProcessSignal sigtrap = const ProcessSignal._(5, "SIGTRAP"); static const ProcessSignal sigabrt = const ProcessSignal._(6, "SIGABRT"); static const ProcessSignal sigbus = const ProcessSignal._(7, "SIGBUS"); static const ProcessSignal sigfpe = const ProcessSignal._(8, "SIGFPE"); static const ProcessSignal sigkill = const ProcessSignal._(9, "SIGKILL"); static const ProcessSignal sigusr1 = const ProcessSignal._(10, "SIGUSR1"); static const ProcessSignal sigsegv = const ProcessSignal._(11, "SIGSEGV"); static const ProcessSignal sigusr2 = const ProcessSignal._(12, "SIGUSR2"); static const ProcessSignal sigpipe = const ProcessSignal._(13, "SIGPIPE"); static const ProcessSignal sigalrm = const ProcessSignal._(14, "SIGALRM"); static const ProcessSignal sigterm = const ProcessSignal._(15, "SIGTERM"); static const ProcessSignal sigchld = const ProcessSignal._(17, "SIGCHLD"); static const ProcessSignal sigcont = const ProcessSignal._(18, "SIGCONT"); static const ProcessSignal sigstop = const ProcessSignal._(19, "SIGSTOP"); static const ProcessSignal sigtstp = const ProcessSignal._(20, "SIGTSTP"); static const ProcessSignal sigttin = const ProcessSignal._(21, "SIGTTIN"); static const ProcessSignal sigttou = const ProcessSignal._(22, "SIGTTOU"); static const ProcessSignal sigurg = const ProcessSignal._(23, "SIGURG"); static const ProcessSignal sigxcpu = const ProcessSignal._(24, "SIGXCPU"); static const ProcessSignal sigxfsz = const ProcessSignal._(25, "SIGXFSZ"); static const ProcessSignal sigvtalrm = const ProcessSignal._(26, "SIGVTALRM"); static const ProcessSignal sigprof = const ProcessSignal._(27, "SIGPROF"); static const ProcessSignal sigwinch = const ProcessSignal._(28, "SIGWINCH"); static const ProcessSignal sigpoll = const ProcessSignal._(29, "SIGPOLL"); static const ProcessSignal sigsys = const ProcessSignal._(31, "SIGSYS"); @Deprecated("Use sighup instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGHUP = sighup; @Deprecated("Use sigint instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGINT = sigint; @Deprecated("Use sigquit instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGQUIT = sigquit; @Deprecated("Use sigill instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGILL = sigill; @Deprecated("Use sigtrap instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGTRAP = sigtrap; @Deprecated("Use sigabrt instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGABRT = sigabrt; @Deprecated("Use sigbus instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGBUS = sigbus; @Deprecated("Use sigfpe instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGFPE = sigfpe; @Deprecated("Use sigkill instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGKILL = sigkill; @Deprecated("Use sigusr1 instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGUSR1 = sigusr1; @Deprecated("Use sigsegv instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGSEGV = sigsegv; @Deprecated("Use sigusr2 instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGUSR2 = sigusr2; @Deprecated("Use sigpipe instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGPIPE = sigpipe; @Deprecated("Use sigalrm instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGALRM = sigalrm; @Deprecated("Use sigterm instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGTERM = sigterm; @Deprecated("Use sigchld instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGCHLD = sigchld; @Deprecated("Use sigcont instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGCONT = sigcont; @Deprecated("Use sigstop instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGSTOP = sigstop; @Deprecated("Use sigtstp instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGTSTP = sigtstp; @Deprecated("Use sigttin instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGTTIN = sigttin; @Deprecated("Use sigttou instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGTTOU = sigttou; @Deprecated("Use sigurg instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGURG = sigurg; @Deprecated("Use sigxcpu instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGXCPU = sigxcpu; @Deprecated("Use sigxfsz instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGXFSZ = sigxfsz; @Deprecated("Use sigvtalrm instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGVTALRM = sigvtalrm; @Deprecated("Use sigprof instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGPROF = sigprof; @Deprecated("Use sigwinch instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGWINCH = sigwinch; @Deprecated("Use sigpoll instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGPOLL = sigpoll; @Deprecated("Use sigsys instead") static const ProcessSignal SIGSYS = sigsys; final int _signalNumber; final String _name; const ProcessSignal._(this._signalNumber, this._name); String toString() => _name; /** * Watch for process signals. * * The following [ProcessSignal]s can be listened to: * * * [ProcessSignal.sighup]. * * [ProcessSignal.sigint]. Signal sent by e.g. CTRL-C. * * [ProcessSignal.sigterm]. Not available on Windows. * * [ProcessSignal.sigusr1]. Not available on Windows. * * [ProcessSignal.sigusr2]. Not available on Windows. * * [ProcessSignal.sigwinch]. Not available on Windows. * * Other signals are disallowed, as they may be used by the VM. * * A signal can be watched multiple times, from multiple isolates, where all * callbacks are invoked when signaled, in no specific order. */ Stream watch() => _ProcessUtils._watchSignal(this); } class SignalException implements IOException { final String message; final osError; const SignalException(this.message, [this.osError = null]); String toString() { var msg = ""; if (osError != null) { msg = ", osError: $osError"; } return "SignalException: $message$msg"; } } class ProcessException implements IOException { /** * Contains the executable provided for the process. */ final String executable; /** * Contains the arguments provided for the process. */ final List arguments; /** * Contains the system message for the process exception if any. */ final String message; /** * Contains the OS error code for the process exception if any. */ final int errorCode; const ProcessException(this.executable, this.arguments, [this.message = "", this.errorCode = 0]); String toString() { var msg = (message == null) ? 'OS error code: $errorCode' : message; var args = arguments.join(' '); return "ProcessException: $msg\n Command: $executable $args"; } } NN<9+*1&+-LBJ14ECDD8DF FC2FA?E# =-FECE$-FEC23F7 .C$ >&+)G>MNO &MMNO "$=$ 8C*-A?&$F(H/8H P0#DHG*EMKIP3JB" ,;=8#>K,=4;(1346 L7IK?CG@K:8366., ^G+L!6FGE=EHAFHG=H7' DG-PLJJLJLLJJLMMMMMMMMMMMMKMMQMOMK$.$.%0$.%0%0$.$.%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0$.%0%0'4%0&2%0$.9 8!=<<<=BO@E/>#,076 CB:0I$CXfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/io/secure_server_socket.dart// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of; /** * The [SecureServerSocket] is a server socket, providing a stream of high-level * [Socket]s. * * See [SecureSocket] for more info. */ class SecureServerSocket extends Stream { final RawSecureServerSocket _socket; SecureServerSocket._(this._socket); /** * Returns a future for a [SecureServerSocket]. When the future * completes the server socket is bound to the given [address] and * [port] and has started listening on it. * * The [address] can either be a [String] or an * [InternetAddress]. If [address] is a [String], [bind] will * perform a [InternetAddress.lookup] and use the first value in the * list. To listen on the loopback adapter, which will allow only * incoming connections from the local host, use the value * [InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4] or * [InternetAddress.loopbackIPv6]. To allow for incoming * connection from the network use either one of the values * [InternetAddress.anyIPv4] or [InternetAddress.anyIPv6] to * bind to all interfaces or the IP address of a specific interface. * * If [port] has the value [:0:] an ephemeral port will be chosen by * the system. The actual port used can be retrieved using the * [port] getter. * * The optional argument [backlog] can be used to specify the listen * backlog for the underlying OS listen setup. If [backlog] has the * value of [:0:] (the default) a reasonable value will be chosen by * the system. * * Incoming client connections are promoted to secure connections, using * the server certificate and key set in [context]. * * [address] must be given as a numeric address, not a host name. * * To request or require that clients authenticate by providing an SSL (TLS) * client certificate, set the optional parameter [requestClientCertificate] * or [requireClientCertificate] to true. Requiring a certificate implies * requesting a certificate, so setting both is redundant. * To check whether a client certificate was received, check * SecureSocket.peerCertificate after connecting. If no certificate * was received, the result will be null. * * [supportedProtocols] is an optional list of protocols (in decreasing * order of preference) to use during the ALPN protocol negogiation with * clients. Example values are "http/1.1" or "h2". The selected protocol * can be obtained via [SecureSocket.selectedProtocol]. * * The optional argument [shared] specifies whether additional * SecureServerSocket objects can bind to the same combination of `address`, * `port` and `v6Only`. If `shared` is `true` and more `SecureServerSocket`s * from this isolate or other isolates are bound to the port, then the * incoming connections will be distributed among all the bound * `SecureServerSocket`s. Connections can be distributed over multiple * isolates this way. */ static Future bind( address, int port, SecurityContext context, {int backlog: 0, bool v6Only: false, bool requestClientCertificate: false, bool requireClientCertificate: false, List supportedProtocols, bool shared: false}) { return RawSecureServerSocket .bind(address, port, context, backlog: backlog, v6Only: v6Only, requestClientCertificate: requestClientCertificate, requireClientCertificate: requireClientCertificate, supportedProtocols: supportedProtocols, shared: shared) .then((serverSocket) => new SecureServerSocket._(serverSocket)); } StreamSubscription listen(void onData(SecureSocket socket), {Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError}) { return => new SecureSocket._(rawSocket)).listen( onData, onError: onError, onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: cancelOnError); } /** * Returns the port used by this socket. */ int get port => _socket.port; /** * Returns the address used by this socket. */ InternetAddress get address => _socket.address; /** * Closes the socket. The returned future completes when the socket * is fully closed and is no longer bound. */ Future close() => _socket.close().then((_) => this); void set _owner(owner) { _socket._owner = owner; } } /** * The RawSecureServerSocket is a server socket, providing a stream of low-level * [RawSecureSocket]s. * * See [RawSecureSocket] for more info. */ class RawSecureServerSocket extends Stream { final RawServerSocket _socket; StreamController _controller; StreamSubscription _subscription; final SecurityContext _context; final bool requestClientCertificate; final bool requireClientCertificate; final List supportedProtocols; bool _closed = false; RawSecureServerSocket._( this._socket, this._context, this.requestClientCertificate, this.requireClientCertificate, this.supportedProtocols) { _controller = new StreamController( sync: true, onListen: _onSubscriptionStateChange, onPause: _onPauseStateChange, onResume: _onPauseStateChange, onCancel: _onSubscriptionStateChange); } /** * Returns a future for a [RawSecureServerSocket]. When the future * completes the server socket is bound to the given [address] and * [port] and has started listening on it. * * The [address] can either be a [String] or an * [InternetAddress]. If [address] is a [String], [bind] will * perform a [InternetAddress.lookup] and use the first value in the * list. To listen on the loopback adapter, which will allow only * incoming connections from the local host, use the value * [InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4] or * [InternetAddress.loopbackIPv6]. To allow for incoming * connection from the network use either one of the values * [InternetAddress.anyIPv4] or [InternetAddress.anyIPv6] to * bind to all interfaces or the IP address of a specific interface. * * If [port] has the value [:0:] an ephemeral port will be chosen by * the system. The actual port used can be retrieved using the * [port] getter. * * The optional argument [backlog] can be used to specify the listen * backlog for the underlying OS listen setup. If [backlog] has the * value of [:0:] (the default) a reasonable value will be chosen by * the system. * * Incoming client connections are promoted to secure connections, * using the server certificate and key set in [context]. * * [address] must be given as a numeric address, not a host name. * * To request or require that clients authenticate by providing an SSL (TLS) * client certificate, set the optional parameters requestClientCertificate or * requireClientCertificate to true. Require implies request, so one doesn't * need to specify both. To check whether a client certificate was received, * check SecureSocket.peerCertificate after connecting. If no certificate * was received, the result will be null. * * [supportedProtocols] is an optional list of protocols (in decreasing * order of preference) to use during the ALPN protocol negotiation with * clients. Example values are "http/1.1" or "h2". The selected protocol * can be obtained via [RawSecureSocket.selectedProtocol]. * * The optional argument [shared] specifies whether additional * RawSecureServerSocket objects can bind to the same combination of * `address`, `port` and `v6Only`. If `shared` is `true` and more * `RawSecureServerSocket`s from this isolate or other isolates are bound to * the port, then the incoming connections will be distributed among all the * bound `RawSecureServerSocket`s. Connections can be distributed over * multiple isolates this way. */ static Future bind( address, int port, SecurityContext context, {int backlog: 0, bool v6Only: false, bool requestClientCertificate: false, bool requireClientCertificate: false, List supportedProtocols, bool shared: false}) { return RawServerSocket .bind(address, port, backlog: backlog, v6Only: v6Only, shared: shared) .then((serverSocket) => new RawSecureServerSocket._( serverSocket, context, requestClientCertificate, requireClientCertificate, supportedProtocols)); } StreamSubscription listen(void onData(RawSecureSocket s), {Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError}) { return, onError: onError, onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: cancelOnError); } /** * Returns the port used by this socket. */ int get port => _socket.port; /** * Returns the address used by this socket. */ InternetAddress get address => _socket.address; /** * Closes the socket. The returned future completes when the socket * is fully closed and is no longer bound. */ Future close() { _closed = true; return _socket.close().then((_) => this); } void _onData(RawSocket connection) { var remotePort; try { remotePort = connection.remotePort; } catch (e) { // If connection is already closed, remotePort throws an exception. // Do nothing - connection is closed. return; } _RawSecureSocket .connect(connection.address, remotePort, context: _context, is_server: true, socket: connection, requestClientCertificate: requestClientCertificate, requireClientCertificate: requireClientCertificate, supportedProtocols: supportedProtocols) .then((RawSecureSocket secureConnection) { if (_closed) { secureConnection.close(); } else { _controller.add(secureConnection); } }).catchError((e, s) { if (!_closed) { _controller.addError(e, s); } }); } void _onPauseStateChange() { if (_controller.isPaused) { _subscription.pause(); } else { _subscription.resume(); } } void _onSubscriptionStateChange() { if (_controller.hasListener) { _subscription = _socket.listen(_onData, onError: _controller.addError, onDone: _controller.close); } else { close(); } } void set _owner(owner) { (_socket as dynamic)._owner = owner; } } %NN<Q%8'&BE-2@GD=';>?GGAGFGK6DOOM=?G,JKM:AOPIBI*2,,'!&@@4IL?M'+ .2F-KQ(>!1/"'')%%!9.&'/EE-2@GD=';>?GGAGFGE<DOQPPM,JKM=AGEOOI!-2,,'O=&&"M?-I+ .2F-*.' *J,1 @@43"+$  &#.E )Qfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/io/secure_socket.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of; /** * A high-level class for communicating securely over a TCP socket, using * TLS and SSL. The [SecureSocket] exposes both a [Stream] and an * [IOSink] interface, making it ideal for using together with * other [Stream]s. */ abstract class SecureSocket implements Socket { external factory SecureSocket._(RawSecureSocket rawSocket); /** * Constructs a new secure client socket and connects it to the given * [host] on port [port]. The returned Future will complete with a * [SecureSocket] that is connected and ready for subscription. * * The certificate provided by the server is checked * using the trusted certificates set in the SecurityContext object. * The default SecurityContext object contains a built-in set of trusted * root certificates for well-known certificate authorities. * * [onBadCertificate] is an optional handler for unverifiable certificates. * The handler receives the [X509Certificate], and can inspect it and * decide (or let the user decide) whether to accept * the connection or not. The handler should return true * to continue the [SecureSocket] connection. * * [supportedProtocols] is an optional list of protocols (in decreasing * order of preference) to use during the ALPN protocol negotiation with the * server. Example values are "http/1.1" or "h2". The selected protocol * can be obtained via [SecureSocket.selectedProtocol]. * * The argument [timeout] is used to specify the maximum allowed time to wait * for a connection to be established. If [timeout] is longer than the system * level timeout duration, a timeout may occur sooner than specified in * [timeout]. On timeout, a [SocketException] is thrown and all ongoing * connection attempts to [host] are cancelled. */ static Future connect(host, int port, {SecurityContext context, bool onBadCertificate(X509Certificate certificate), List supportedProtocols, Duration timeout}) { return RawSecureSocket.connect(host, port, context: context, onBadCertificate: onBadCertificate, supportedProtocols: supportedProtocols, timeout: timeout) .then((rawSocket) => new SecureSocket._(rawSocket)); } /// Like [connect], but returns a [Future] that completes with a /// [ConnectionTask] that can be cancelled if the [SecureSocket] is no /// longer needed. static Future> startConnect(host, int port, {SecurityContext context, bool onBadCertificate(X509Certificate certificate), List supportedProtocols}) { return RawSecureSocket.startConnect(host, port, context: context, onBadCertificate: onBadCertificate, supportedProtocols: supportedProtocols) .then((rawState) { Future socket = rawState.socket.then((rawSocket) => new SecureSocket._(rawSocket)); return new ConnectionTask._( socket: socket, onCancel: rawState._onCancel); }); } /** * Takes an already connected [socket] and starts client side TLS * handshake to make the communication secure. When the returned * future completes the [SecureSocket] has completed the TLS * handshake. Using this function requires that the other end of the * connection is prepared for TLS handshake. * * If the [socket] already has a subscription, this subscription * will no longer receive and events. In most cases calling * `pause` on this subscription before starting TLS handshake is * the right thing to do. * * The given [socket] is closed and may not be used anymore. * * If the [host] argument is passed it will be used as the host name * for the TLS handshake. If [host] is not passed the host name from * the [socket] will be used. The [host] can be either a [String] or * an [InternetAddress]. * * Calling this function will _not_ cause a DNS host lookup. If the * [host] passed is a [String] the [InternetAddress] for the * resulting [SecureSocket] will have the passed in [host] as its * host value and the internet address of the already connected * socket as its address value. * * See [connect] for more information on the arguments. * */ static Future secure(Socket socket, {host, SecurityContext context, bool onBadCertificate(X509Certificate certificate)}) { return ((socket as dynamic /*_Socket*/)._detachRaw() as Future) .then((detachedRaw) { return[0] as RawSocket, subscription: detachedRaw[1] as StreamSubscription, host: host, context: context, onBadCertificate: onBadCertificate); }).then((raw) => new SecureSocket._(raw)); } /** * Takes an already connected [socket] and starts server side TLS * handshake to make the communication secure. When the returned * future completes the [SecureSocket] has completed the TLS * handshake. Using this function requires that the other end of the * connection is going to start the TLS handshake. * * If the [socket] already has a subscription, this subscription * will no longer receive and events. In most cases calling * [:pause:] on this subscription before starting TLS handshake is * the right thing to do. * * If some of the data of the TLS handshake has already been read * from the socket this data can be passed in the [bufferedData] * parameter. This data will be processed before any other data * available on the socket. * * See [SecureServerSocket.bind] for more information on the * arguments. * */ static Future secureServer( Socket socket, SecurityContext context, {List bufferedData, bool requestClientCertificate: false, bool requireClientCertificate: false, List supportedProtocols}) { return ((socket as dynamic /*_Socket*/)._detachRaw() as Future) .then((detachedRaw) { return RawSecureSocket.secureServer(detachedRaw[0] as RawSocket, context, subscription: detachedRaw[1] as StreamSubscription, bufferedData: bufferedData, requestClientCertificate: requestClientCertificate, requireClientCertificate: requireClientCertificate, supportedProtocols: supportedProtocols); }).then((raw) => new SecureSocket._(raw)); } /** * Get the peer certificate for a connected SecureSocket. If this * SecureSocket is the server end of a secure socket connection, * [peerCertificate] will return the client certificate, or null, if no * client certificate was received. If it is the client end, * [peerCertificate] will return the server's certificate. */ X509Certificate get peerCertificate; /** * The protocol which was selected during ALPN protocol negotiation. * * Returns null if one of the peers does not have support for ALPN, did not * specify a list of supported ALPN protocols or there was no common * protocol between client and server. */ String get selectedProtocol; /** * Renegotiate an existing secure connection, renewing the session keys * and possibly changing the connection properties. * * This repeats the SSL or TLS handshake, with options that allow clearing * the session cache and requesting a client certificate. */ void renegotiate( {bool useSessionCache: true, bool requestClientCertificate: false, bool requireClientCertificate: false}); } /** * RawSecureSocket provides a secure (SSL or TLS) network connection. * Client connections to a server are provided by calling * RawSecureSocket.connect. A secure server, created with * [RawSecureServerSocket], also returns RawSecureSocket objects representing * the server end of a secure connection. * The certificate provided by the server is checked * using the trusted certificates set in the SecurityContext object. * The default [SecurityContext] object contains a built-in set of trusted * root certificates for well-known certificate authorities. */ abstract class RawSecureSocket implements RawSocket { /** * Constructs a new secure client socket and connect it to the given * host on the given port. The returned [Future] is completed with the * RawSecureSocket when it is connected and ready for subscription. * * The certificate provided by the server is checked using the trusted * certificates set in the SecurityContext object If a certificate and key are * set on the client, using [SecurityContext.useCertificateChain] and * [SecurityContext.usePrivateKey], and the server asks for a client * certificate, then that client certificate is sent to the server. * * [onBadCertificate] is an optional handler for unverifiable certificates. * The handler receives the [X509Certificate], and can inspect it and * decide (or let the user decide) whether to accept * the connection or not. The handler should return true * to continue the [RawSecureSocket] connection. * * [supportedProtocols] is an optional list of protocols (in decreasing * order of preference) to use during the ALPN protocol negotiation with the * server. Example values are "http/1.1" or "h2". The selected protocol * can be obtained via [RawSecureSocket.selectedProtocol]. */ static Future connect(host, int port, {SecurityContext context, bool onBadCertificate(X509Certificate certificate), List supportedProtocols, Duration timeout}) { _RawSecureSocket._verifyFields( host, port, false, false, false, onBadCertificate); return RawSocket.connect(host, port, timeout: timeout).then((socket) { return secure(socket, context: context, onBadCertificate: onBadCertificate, supportedProtocols: supportedProtocols); }); } /// Like [connect], but returns a [Future] that completes with a /// [ConnectionTask] that can be cancelled if the [RawSecureSocket] is no /// longer needed. static Future> startConnect(host, int port, {SecurityContext context, bool onBadCertificate(X509Certificate certificate), List supportedProtocols}) { return RawSocket.startConnect(host, port) .then((ConnectionTask rawState) { Future socket = rawState.socket.then((rawSocket) { return secure(rawSocket, context: context, onBadCertificate: onBadCertificate, supportedProtocols: supportedProtocols); }); return new ConnectionTask._( socket: socket, onCancel: rawState._onCancel); }); } /** * Takes an already connected [socket] and starts client side TLS * handshake to make the communication secure. When the returned * future completes the [RawSecureSocket] has completed the TLS * handshake. Using this function requires that the other end of the * connection is prepared for TLS handshake. * * If the [socket] already has a subscription, pass the existing * subscription in the [subscription] parameter. The [secure] * operation will take over the subscription by replacing the * handlers with it own secure processing. The caller must not touch * this subscription anymore. Passing a paused subscription is an * error. * * If the [host] argument is passed it will be used as the host name * for the TLS handshake. If [host] is not passed the host name from * the [socket] will be used. The [host] can be either a [String] or * an [InternetAddress]. * * Calling this function will _not_ cause a DNS host lookup. If the * [host] passed is a [String] the [InternetAddress] for the * resulting [SecureSocket] will have this passed in [host] as its * host value and the internet address of the already connected * socket as its address value. * * See [connect] for more information on the arguments. * */ static Future secure(RawSocket socket, {StreamSubscription subscription, host, SecurityContext context, bool onBadCertificate(X509Certificate certificate), List supportedProtocols}) { socket.readEventsEnabled = false; socket.writeEventsEnabled = false; return _RawSecureSocket.connect( host != null ? host :, socket.port, is_server: false, socket: socket, subscription: subscription, context: context, onBadCertificate: onBadCertificate, supportedProtocols: supportedProtocols); } /** * Takes an already connected [socket] and starts server side TLS * handshake to make the communication secure. When the returned * future completes the [RawSecureSocket] has completed the TLS * handshake. Using this function requires that the other end of the * connection is going to start the TLS handshake. * * If the [socket] already has a subscription, pass the existing * subscription in the [subscription] parameter. The [secureServer] * operation will take over the subscription by replacing the * handlers with it own secure processing. The caller must not touch * this subscription anymore. Passing a paused subscription is an * error. * * If some of the data of the TLS handshake has already been read * from the socket this data can be passed in the [bufferedData] * parameter. This data will be processed before any other data * available on the socket. * * See [RawSecureServerSocket.bind] for more information on the * arguments. * */ static Future secureServer( RawSocket socket, SecurityContext context, {StreamSubscription subscription, List bufferedData, bool requestClientCertificate: false, bool requireClientCertificate: false, List supportedProtocols}) { socket.readEventsEnabled = false; socket.writeEventsEnabled = false; return _RawSecureSocket.connect(socket.address, socket.remotePort, context: context, is_server: true, socket: socket, subscription: subscription, bufferedData: bufferedData, requestClientCertificate: requestClientCertificate, requireClientCertificate: requireClientCertificate, supportedProtocols: supportedProtocols); } /** * Renegotiate an existing secure connection, renewing the session keys * and possibly changing the connection properties. * * This repeats the SSL or TLS handshake, with options that allow clearing * the session cache and requesting a client certificate. */ void renegotiate( {bool useSessionCache: true, bool requestClientCertificate: false, bool requireClientCertificate: false}); /** * Get the peer certificate for a connected RawSecureSocket. If this * RawSecureSocket is the server end of a secure socket connection, * [peerCertificate] will return the client certificate, or null, if no * client certificate was received. If it is the client end, * [peerCertificate] will return the server's certificate. */ X509Certificate get peerCertificate; /** * The protocol which was selected during protocol negotiation. * * Returns null if one of the peers does not have support for ALPN, did not * specify a list of supported ALPN protocols or there was no common * protocol between client and server. */ String get selectedProtocol; } /** * X509Certificate represents an SSL certificate, with accessors to * get the fields of the certificate. */ abstract class X509Certificate { external factory X509Certificate._(); /// The DER encoded bytes of the certificate. Uint8List get der; /// The PEM encoded String of the certificate. String get pem; /// The SHA1 hash of the certificate. Uint8List get sha1; String get subject; String get issuer; DateTime get startValidity; DateTime get endValidity; } class _FilterStatus { bool progress = false; // The filter read or wrote data to the buffers. bool readEmpty = true; // The read buffers and decryption filter are empty. bool writeEmpty = true; // The write buffers and encryption filter are empty. // These are set if a buffer changes state from empty or full. bool readPlaintextNoLongerEmpty = false; bool writePlaintextNoLongerFull = false; bool readEncryptedNoLongerFull = false; bool writeEncryptedNoLongerEmpty = false; _FilterStatus(); } class _RawSecureSocket extends Stream implements RawSecureSocket { // Status states static const int handshakeStatus = 201; static const int connectedStatus = 202; static const int closedStatus = 203; // Buffer identifiers. // These must agree with those in the native C++ implementation. static const int readPlaintextId = 0; static const int writePlaintextId = 1; static const int readEncryptedId = 2; static const int writeEncryptedId = 3; static const int bufferCount = 4; // Is a buffer identifier for an encrypted buffer? static bool _isBufferEncrypted(int identifier) => identifier >= readEncryptedId; RawSocket _socket; final Completer<_RawSecureSocket> _handshakeComplete = new Completer<_RawSecureSocket>(); StreamController _controller; Stream _stream; StreamSubscription _socketSubscription; List _bufferedData; int _bufferedDataIndex = 0; final InternetAddress address; final bool is_server; SecurityContext context; final bool requestClientCertificate; final bool requireClientCertificate; final Function onBadCertificate; var _status = handshakeStatus; bool _writeEventsEnabled = true; bool _readEventsEnabled = true; int _pauseCount = 0; bool _pendingReadEvent = false; bool _socketClosedRead = false; // The network socket is closed for reading. bool _socketClosedWrite = false; // The network socket is closed for writing. bool _closedRead = false; // The secure socket has fired an onClosed event. bool _closedWrite = false; // The secure socket has been closed for writing. // The network socket is gone. Completer _closeCompleter = new Completer(); _FilterStatus _filterStatus = new _FilterStatus(); bool _connectPending = true; bool _filterPending = false; bool _filterActive = false; _SecureFilter _secureFilter = new _SecureFilter(); String _selectedProtocol; static Future<_RawSecureSocket> connect( dynamic /*String|InternetAddress*/ host, int requestedPort, {bool is_server, SecurityContext context, RawSocket socket, StreamSubscription subscription, List bufferedData, bool requestClientCertificate: false, bool requireClientCertificate: false, bool onBadCertificate(X509Certificate certificate), List supportedProtocols}) { _verifyFields(host, requestedPort, is_server, requestClientCertificate, requireClientCertificate, onBadCertificate); if (host is InternetAddress) host =; InternetAddress address = socket.address; if (host != null) { address = InternetAddress._cloneWithNewHost(address, host); } return new _RawSecureSocket( address, requestedPort, is_server, context, socket, subscription, bufferedData, requestClientCertificate, requireClientCertificate, onBadCertificate, supportedProtocols) ._handshakeComplete .future; } _RawSecureSocket( this.address, int requestedPort, this.is_server, this.context, this._socket, this._socketSubscription, this._bufferedData, this.requestClientCertificate, this.requireClientCertificate, this.onBadCertificate, List supportedProtocols) { if (context == null) { context = SecurityContext.defaultContext; } _controller = new StreamController( sync: true, onListen: _onSubscriptionStateChange, onPause: _onPauseStateChange, onResume: _onPauseStateChange, onCancel: _onSubscriptionStateChange); _stream =; // Throw an ArgumentError if any field is invalid. After this, all // errors will be reported through the future or the stream. _secureFilter.init(); _secureFilter .registerHandshakeCompleteCallback(_secureHandshakeCompleteHandler); if (onBadCertificate != null) { _secureFilter.registerBadCertificateCallback(_onBadCertificateWrapper); } _socket.readEventsEnabled = true; _socket.writeEventsEnabled = false; if (_socketSubscription == null) { // If a current subscription is provided use this otherwise // create a new one. _socketSubscription = _socket.listen(_eventDispatcher, onError: _reportError, onDone: _doneHandler); } else { if (_socketSubscription.isPaused) { _socket.close(); throw new ArgumentError("Subscription passed to TLS upgrade is paused"); } // If we are upgrading a socket that is already closed for read, // report an error as if we received readClosed during the handshake. dynamic s = _socket; // Cast to dynamic to avoid warning. if (s._socket.closedReadEventSent) { _eventDispatcher(RawSocketEvent.readClosed); } _socketSubscription ..onData(_eventDispatcher) ..onError(_reportError) ..onDone(_doneHandler); } try { var encodedProtocols = SecurityContext._protocolsToLengthEncoding(supportedProtocols); _secureFilter.connect(, context, is_server, requestClientCertificate || requireClientCertificate, requireClientCertificate, encodedProtocols); _secureHandshake(); } catch (e, s) { _reportError(e, s); } } StreamSubscription listen(void onData(RawSocketEvent data), {Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError}) { _sendWriteEvent(); return _stream.listen(onData, onError: onError, onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: cancelOnError); } static void _verifyFields( host, int requestedPort, bool is_server, bool requestClientCertificate, bool requireClientCertificate, Function onBadCertificate) { if (host is! String && host is! InternetAddress) { throw new ArgumentError("host is not a String or an InternetAddress"); } if (requestedPort is! int) { throw new ArgumentError("requestedPort is not an int"); } if (requestedPort < 0 || requestedPort > 65535) { throw new ArgumentError("requestedPort is not in the range 0..65535"); } if (requestClientCertificate is! bool) { throw new ArgumentError("requestClientCertificate is not a bool"); } if (requireClientCertificate is! bool) { throw new ArgumentError("requireClientCertificate is not a bool"); } if (onBadCertificate != null && onBadCertificate is! Function) { throw new ArgumentError("onBadCertificate is not null or a Function"); } } int get port => _socket.port; InternetAddress get remoteAddress => _socket.remoteAddress; int get remotePort => _socket.remotePort; void set _owner(owner) { (_socket as dynamic)._owner = owner; } int available() { return _status != connectedStatus ? 0 : _secureFilter.buffers[readPlaintextId].length; } Future close() { shutdown(SocketDirection.both); return _closeCompleter.future; } void _completeCloseCompleter([RawSocket dummy]) { if (!_closeCompleter.isCompleted) _closeCompleter.complete(this); } void _close() { _closedWrite = true; _closedRead = true; if (_socket != null) { _socket.close().then(_completeCloseCompleter); } else { _completeCloseCompleter(); } _socketClosedWrite = true; _socketClosedRead = true; if (!_filterActive && _secureFilter != null) { _secureFilter.destroy(); _secureFilter = null; } if (_socketSubscription != null) { _socketSubscription.cancel(); } _controller.close(); _status = closedStatus; } void shutdown(SocketDirection direction) { if (direction == SocketDirection.send || direction == SocketDirection.both) { _closedWrite = true; if (_filterStatus.writeEmpty) { _socket.shutdown(SocketDirection.send); _socketClosedWrite = true; if (_closedRead) { _close(); } } } if (direction == SocketDirection.receive || direction == SocketDirection.both) { _closedRead = true; _socketClosedRead = true; _socket.shutdown(SocketDirection.receive); if (_socketClosedWrite) { _close(); } } } bool get writeEventsEnabled => _writeEventsEnabled; void set writeEventsEnabled(bool value) { _writeEventsEnabled = value; if (value) { => _sendWriteEvent()); } } bool get readEventsEnabled => _readEventsEnabled; void set readEventsEnabled(bool value) { _readEventsEnabled = value; _scheduleReadEvent(); } List read([int length]) { if (length != null && (length is! int || length < 0)) { throw new ArgumentError( "Invalid length parameter in (length: $length)"); } if (_closedRead) { throw new SocketException("Reading from a closed socket"); } if (_status != connectedStatus) { return null; } var result = _secureFilter.buffers[readPlaintextId].read(length); _scheduleFilter(); return result; } // Write the data to the socket, and schedule the filter to encrypt it. int write(List data, [int offset, int bytes]) { if (bytes != null && (bytes is! int || bytes < 0)) { throw new ArgumentError( "Invalid bytes parameter in (bytes: $bytes)"); } if (offset != null && (offset is! int || offset < 0)) { throw new ArgumentError( "Invalid offset parameter in (offset: $offset)"); } if (_closedWrite) { _controller.addError(new SocketException("Writing to a closed socket")); return 0; } if (_status != connectedStatus) return 0; if (offset == null) offset = 0; if (bytes == null) bytes = data.length - offset; int written = _secureFilter.buffers[writePlaintextId].write(data, offset, bytes); if (written > 0) { _filterStatus.writeEmpty = false; } _scheduleFilter(); return written; } X509Certificate get peerCertificate => _secureFilter.peerCertificate; String get selectedProtocol => _selectedProtocol; bool _onBadCertificateWrapper(X509Certificate certificate) { if (onBadCertificate == null) return false; var result = onBadCertificate(certificate); if (result is bool) return result; throw new HandshakeException( "onBadCertificate callback returned non-boolean $result"); } bool setOption(SocketOption option, bool enabled) { if (_socket == null) return false; return _socket.setOption(option, enabled); } void _eventDispatcher(RawSocketEvent event) { try { if (event == { _readHandler(); } else if (event == RawSocketEvent.write) { _writeHandler(); } else if (event == RawSocketEvent.readClosed) { _closeHandler(); } } catch (e, stackTrace) { _reportError(e, stackTrace); } } void _readHandler() { _readSocket(); _scheduleFilter(); } void _writeHandler() { _writeSocket(); _scheduleFilter(); } void _doneHandler() { if (_filterStatus.readEmpty) { _close(); } } void _reportError(e, [StackTrace stackTrace]) { if (_status == closedStatus) { return; } else if (_connectPending) { // _connectPending is true until the handshake has completed, and the // _handshakeComplete future returned from SecureSocket.connect has // completed. Before this point, we must complete it with an error. _handshakeComplete.completeError(e, stackTrace); } else { _controller.addError(e, stackTrace); } _close(); } void _closeHandler() { if (_status == connectedStatus) { if (_closedRead) return; _socketClosedRead = true; if (_filterStatus.readEmpty) { _closedRead = true; _controller.add(RawSocketEvent.readClosed); if (_socketClosedWrite) { _close(); } } else { _scheduleFilter(); } } else if (_status == handshakeStatus) { _socketClosedRead = true; if (_filterStatus.readEmpty) { _reportError( new HandshakeException('Connection terminated during handshake'), null); } else { _secureHandshake(); } } } void _secureHandshake() { try { _secureFilter.handshake(); _filterStatus.writeEmpty = false; _readSocket(); _writeSocket(); _scheduleFilter(); } catch (e, stackTrace) { _reportError(e, stackTrace); } } void renegotiate( {bool useSessionCache: true, bool requestClientCertificate: false, bool requireClientCertificate: false}) { if (_status != connectedStatus) { throw new HandshakeException( "Called renegotiate on a non-connected socket"); } _secureFilter.renegotiate( useSessionCache, requestClientCertificate, requireClientCertificate); _status = handshakeStatus; _filterStatus.writeEmpty = false; _scheduleFilter(); } void _secureHandshakeCompleteHandler() { _status = connectedStatus; if (_connectPending) { _connectPending = false; try { _selectedProtocol = _secureFilter.selectedProtocol(); // We don't want user code to run synchronously in this callback. => _handshakeComplete.complete(this)); } catch (error, stack) { _handshakeComplete.completeError(error, stack); } } } void _onPauseStateChange() { if (_controller.isPaused) { _pauseCount++; } else { _pauseCount--; if (_pauseCount == 0) { _scheduleReadEvent(); _sendWriteEvent(); // Can send event synchronously. } } if (!_socketClosedRead || !_socketClosedWrite) { if (_controller.isPaused) { _socketSubscription.pause(); } else { _socketSubscription.resume(); } } } void _onSubscriptionStateChange() { if (_controller.hasListener) { // TODO(ajohnsen): Do something here? } } void _scheduleFilter() { _filterPending = true; _tryFilter(); } void _tryFilter() { if (_status == closedStatus) { return; } if (_filterPending && !_filterActive) { _filterActive = true; _filterPending = false; _pushAllFilterStages().then((status) { _filterStatus = status; _filterActive = false; if (_status == closedStatus) { _secureFilter.destroy(); _secureFilter = null; return; } _socket.readEventsEnabled = true; if (_filterStatus.writeEmpty && _closedWrite && !_socketClosedWrite) { // Checks for and handles all cases of partially closed sockets. shutdown(SocketDirection.send); if (_status == closedStatus) { return; } } if (_filterStatus.readEmpty && _socketClosedRead && !_closedRead) { if (_status == handshakeStatus) { _secureFilter.handshake(); if (_status == handshakeStatus) { throw new HandshakeException( 'Connection terminated during handshake'); } } _closeHandler(); } if (_status == closedStatus) { return; } if (_filterStatus.progress) { _filterPending = true; if (_filterStatus.writeEncryptedNoLongerEmpty) { _writeSocket(); } if (_filterStatus.writePlaintextNoLongerFull) { _sendWriteEvent(); } if (_filterStatus.readEncryptedNoLongerFull) { _readSocket(); } if (_filterStatus.readPlaintextNoLongerEmpty) { _scheduleReadEvent(); } if (_status == handshakeStatus) { _secureHandshake(); } } _tryFilter(); }).catchError(_reportError); } } List _readSocketOrBufferedData(int bytes) { if (_bufferedData != null) { if (bytes > _bufferedData.length - _bufferedDataIndex) { bytes = _bufferedData.length - _bufferedDataIndex; } var result = _bufferedData.sublist(_bufferedDataIndex, _bufferedDataIndex + bytes); _bufferedDataIndex += bytes; if (_bufferedData.length == _bufferedDataIndex) { _bufferedData = null; } return result; } else if (!_socketClosedRead) { return; } else { return null; } } void _readSocket() { if (_status == closedStatus) return; var buffer = _secureFilter.buffers[readEncryptedId]; if (buffer.writeFromSource(_readSocketOrBufferedData) > 0) { _filterStatus.readEmpty = false; } else { _socket.readEventsEnabled = false; } } void _writeSocket() { if (_socketClosedWrite) return; var buffer = _secureFilter.buffers[writeEncryptedId]; if (buffer.readToSocket(_socket)) { // Returns true if blocked _socket.writeEventsEnabled = true; } } // If a read event should be sent, add it to the controller. _scheduleReadEvent() { if (!_pendingReadEvent && _readEventsEnabled && _pauseCount == 0 && _secureFilter != null && !_secureFilter.buffers[readPlaintextId].isEmpty) { _pendingReadEvent = true;; } } _sendReadEvent() { _pendingReadEvent = false; if (_status != closedStatus && _readEventsEnabled && _pauseCount == 0 && _secureFilter != null && !_secureFilter.buffers[readPlaintextId].isEmpty) { _controller.add(; _scheduleReadEvent(); } } // If a write event should be sent, add it to the controller. _sendWriteEvent() { if (!_closedWrite && _writeEventsEnabled && _pauseCount == 0 && _secureFilter != null && _secureFilter.buffers[writePlaintextId].free > 0) { _writeEventsEnabled = false; _controller.add(RawSocketEvent.write); } } Future<_FilterStatus> _pushAllFilterStages() { bool wasInHandshake = _status != connectedStatus; List args = new List(2 + bufferCount * 2); args[0] = _secureFilter._pointer(); args[1] = wasInHandshake; var bufs = _secureFilter.buffers; for (var i = 0; i < bufferCount; ++i) { args[2 * i + 2] = bufs[i].start; args[2 * i + 3] = bufs[i].end; } return _IOService._dispatch(_IOService.sslProcessFilter, args) .then((response) { if (response.length == 2) { if (wasInHandshake) { // If we're in handshake, throw a handshake error. _reportError( new HandshakeException('${response[1]} error ${response[0]}'), null); } else { // If we're connected, throw a TLS error. _reportError( new TlsException('${response[1]} error ${response[0]}'), null); } } int start(int index) => response[2 * index]; int end(int index) => response[2 * index + 1]; _FilterStatus status = new _FilterStatus(); // Compute writeEmpty as "write plaintext buffer and write encrypted // buffer were empty when we started and are empty now". status.writeEmpty = bufs[writePlaintextId].isEmpty && start(writeEncryptedId) == end(writeEncryptedId); // If we were in handshake when this started, _writeEmpty may be false // because the handshake wrote data after we checked. if (wasInHandshake) status.writeEmpty = false; // Compute readEmpty as "both read buffers were empty when we started // and are empty now". status.readEmpty = bufs[readEncryptedId].isEmpty && start(readPlaintextId) == end(readPlaintextId); _ExternalBuffer buffer = bufs[writePlaintextId]; int new_start = start(writePlaintextId); if (new_start != buffer.start) { status.progress = true; if ( == 0) { status.writePlaintextNoLongerFull = true; } buffer.start = new_start; } buffer = bufs[readEncryptedId]; new_start = start(readEncryptedId); if (new_start != buffer.start) { status.progress = true; if ( == 0) { status.readEncryptedNoLongerFull = true; } buffer.start = new_start; } buffer = bufs[writeEncryptedId]; int new_end = end(writeEncryptedId); if (new_end != buffer.end) { status.progress = true; if (buffer.length == 0) { status.writeEncryptedNoLongerEmpty = true; } buffer.end = new_end; } buffer = bufs[readPlaintextId]; new_end = end(readPlaintextId); if (new_end != buffer.end) { status.progress = true; if (buffer.length == 0) { status.readPlaintextNoLongerEmpty = true; } buffer.end = new_end; } return status; }); } } /** * A circular buffer backed by an external byte array. Accessed from * both C++ and Dart code in an unsynchronized way, with one reading * and one writing. All updates to start and end are done by Dart code. */ class _ExternalBuffer { // This will be an ExternalByteArray, backed by C allocated data. List data; int start; int end; final size; _ExternalBuffer(this.size) { start = end = size ~/ 2; } void advanceStart(int bytes) { assert(start > end || start + bytes <= end); start += bytes; if (start >= size) { start -= size; assert(start <= end); assert(start < size); } } void advanceEnd(int bytes) { assert(start <= end || start > end + bytes); end += bytes; if (end >= size) { end -= size; assert(end < start); assert(end < size); } } bool get isEmpty => end == start; int get length => start > end ? size + end - start : end - start; int get linearLength => start > end ? size - start : end - start; int get free => start > end ? start - end - 1 : size + start - end - 1; int get linearFree { if (start > end) return start - end - 1; if (start == 0) return size - end - 1; return size - end; } List read(int bytes) { if (bytes == null) { bytes = length; } else { bytes = min(bytes, length); } if (bytes == 0) return null; List result = new Uint8List(bytes); int bytesRead = 0; // Loop over zero, one, or two linear data ranges. while (bytesRead < bytes) { int toRead = min(bytes - bytesRead, linearLength); result.setRange(bytesRead, bytesRead + toRead, data, start); advanceStart(toRead); bytesRead += toRead; } return result; } int write(List inputData, int offset, int bytes) { if (bytes > free) { bytes = free; } int written = 0; int toWrite = min(bytes, linearFree); // Loop over zero, one, or two linear data ranges. while (toWrite > 0) { data.setRange(end, end + toWrite, inputData, offset); advanceEnd(toWrite); offset += toWrite; written += toWrite; toWrite = min(bytes - written, linearFree); } return written; } int writeFromSource(List getData(int requested)) { int written = 0; int toWrite = linearFree; // Loop over zero, one, or two linear data ranges. while (toWrite > 0) { // Source returns at most toWrite bytes, and it returns null when empty. var inputData = getData(toWrite); if (inputData == null || inputData.length == 0) break; var len = inputData.length; data.setRange(end, end + len, inputData); advanceEnd(len); written += len; toWrite = linearFree; } return written; } bool readToSocket(RawSocket socket) { // Loop over zero, one, or two linear data ranges. while (true) { var toWrite = linearLength; if (toWrite == 0) return false; int bytes = socket.write(data, start, toWrite); advanceStart(bytes); if (bytes < toWrite) { // The socket has blocked while we have data to write. return true; } } } } abstract class _SecureFilter { external factory _SecureFilter(); void connect( String hostName, SecurityContext context, bool is_server, bool requestClientCertificate, bool requireClientCertificate, Uint8List protocols); void destroy(); void handshake(); String selectedProtocol(); void rehandshake(); void renegotiate(bool useSessionCache, bool requestClientCertificate, bool requireClientCertificate); void init(); X509Certificate get peerCertificate; int processBuffer(int bufferIndex); void registerBadCertificateCallback(Function callback); void registerHandshakeCompleteCallback(Function handshakeCompleteHandler); // This call may cause a reference counted pointer in the native // implementation to be retained. It should only be called when the resulting // value is passed to the IO service through a call to dispatch(). int _pointer(); List<_ExternalBuffer> get buffers; } /** A secure networking exception caused by a failure in the * TLS/SSL protocol. */ class TlsException implements IOException { final String type; final String message; final OSError osError; const TlsException([String message = "", OSError osError = null]) : this._("TlsException", message, osError); const TlsException._(this.type, this.message, this.osError); String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.write(type); if (!message.isEmpty) { sb.write(": $message"); if (osError != null) { sb.write(" ($osError)"); } } else if (osError != null) { sb.write(": $osError"); } return sb.toString(); } } /** * An exception that happens in the handshake phase of establishing * a secure network connection. */ class HandshakeException extends TlsException { const HandshakeException([String message = "", OSError osError = null]) : super._("HandshakeException", message, osError); } /** * An exception that happens in the handshake phase of establishing * a secure network connection, when looking up or verifying a * certificate. */ class CertificateException extends TlsException { const CertificateException([String message = "", OSError osError = null]) : super._("CertificateException", message, osError); } NN<JB?0>HEB7GK?NH7<0JOL:PPJJ26 :'/04=CIK :*404$N19DC?G/C>C?GGGF?DB":4 =D/AN/=DC?G5C>EDCB?,.,,*D/PN&>>3=ECJ@='GNG)J6M<#,.F:;N*5EK=6GIFIQHGFNH7<3JOL=9 :'$6M-I-IEM >,)& 9$$#4F5 !3'$---&0# 0- 1 6,!*4+ !<NA&FJ79K<NO.$5L(H4?00'"C6'/0 *27##2#"LJK7 +& %4" - %N !(##,/&$;N&+ >J<8  <5"%&&#,#,- '#  *OK*) L,'.,=  ' &!; : 9 :" , #3!?;Q#8%" )9A' )$:(!)?!; !#!;,@!<#-16/(&,'%C"=M4N 352K?< keyBytes, {String password}); /** * Sets the set of trusted X509 certificates used by [SecureSocket] * client connections, when connecting to a secure server. * * [file] is the path to a PEM or PKCS12 file containing X509 certificates, * usually root certificates from certificate authorities. For PKCS12 files, * [password] is the password for the file. For PEM files, [password] is * ignored. Assuming it is well-formatted, all other contents of [file] are * ignored. * * NB: This function calls [File.readAsBytesSync], and will block on file IO. * Prefer using [setTrustedCertificatesBytes]. * * iOS note: On iOS, this call takes only the bytes for a single DER * encoded X509 certificate. It may be called multiple times to add * multiple trusted certificates to the context. A DER encoded certificate * can be obtained from a PEM encoded certificate by using the openssl tool: * * $ openssl x509 -outform der -in cert.pem -out cert.der */ void setTrustedCertificates(String file, {String password}); /** * Sets the set of trusted X509 certificates used by [SecureSocket] * client connections, when connecting to a secure server. * * Like [setTrustedCertificates] but takes the contents of the file. */ void setTrustedCertificatesBytes(List certBytes, {String password}); /** * Sets the chain of X509 certificates served by [SecureServerSocket] * when making secure connections, including the server certificate. * * [file] is a PEM or PKCS12 file containing X509 certificates, starting with * the root authority and intermediate authorities forming the signed * chain to the server certificate, and ending with the server certificate. * The private key for the server certificate is set by [usePrivateKey]. For * PKCS12 files, [password] is the password for the file. For PEM files, * [password] is ignored. Assuming it is well-formatted, all * other contents of [file] are ignored. * * NB: This function calls [File.readAsBytesSync], and will block on file IO. * Prefer using [useCertificateChainBytes]. * * iOS note: As noted above, [usePrivateKey] does the job of both * that call and this one. On iOS, this call is a no-op. */ void useCertificateChain(String file, {String password}); /** * Sets the chain of X509 certificates served by [SecureServerSocket] * when making secure connections, including the server certificate. * * Like [useCertificateChain] but takes the contents of the file. */ void useCertificateChainBytes(List chainBytes, {String password}); /** * Sets the list of authority names that a [SecureServerSocket] will advertise * as accepted when requesting a client certificate from a connecting * client. * * [file] is a PEM or PKCS12 file containing the accepted signing * authority certificates - the authority names are extracted from the * certificates. For PKCS12 files, [password] is the password for the file. * For PEM files, [password] is ignored. Assuming it is well-formatted, all * other contents of [file] are ignored. * * NB: This function calls [File.readAsBytesSync], and will block on file IO. * Prefer using [setClientAuthoritiesBytes]. * * iOS note: This call is not supported. */ void setClientAuthorities(String file, {String password}); /** * Sets the list of authority names that a [SecureServerSocket] will advertise * as accepted, when requesting a client certificate from a connecting * client. * * Like [setClientAuthorities] but takes the contents of the file. */ void setClientAuthoritiesBytes(List authCertBytes, {String password}); /** * Whether the platform supports ALPN. This always returns true and will be * removed in a future release. */ @deprecated external static bool get alpnSupported; /** * Sets the list of application-level protocols supported by a client * connection or server connection. The ALPN (application level protocol * negotiation) extension to TLS allows a client to send a list of * protocols in the TLS client hello message, and the server to pick * one and send the selected one back in its server hello message. * * Separate lists of protocols can be sent for client connections and * for server connections, using the same SecurityContext. The [isServer] * boolean argument specifies whether to set the list for server connections * or client connections. */ void setAlpnProtocols(List protocols, bool isServer); /// Encodes a set of supported protocols for ALPN/NPN usage. /// /// The `protocols` list is expected to contain protocols in descending order /// of preference. /// /// See RFC 7301 ( for the encoding of /// `List protocols`: /// opaque ProtocolName<1..2^8-1>; /// /// struct { /// ProtocolName protocol_name_list<2..2^16-1> /// } ProtocolNameList; /// /// The encoding of the opaque `ProtocolName` vector is /// described in RFC 2246: 4.3 Vectors. /// /// Note: Even though this encoding scheme would allow a total /// `ProtocolNameList` length of 65535, this limit cannot be reached. Testing /// showed that more than ~ 2^14 bytes will fail to negotiate a protocol. /// We will be conservative and support only messages up to (1<<13)-1 bytes. static Uint8List _protocolsToLengthEncoding(List protocols) { if (protocols == null || protocols.length == 0) { return new Uint8List(0); } int protocolsLength = protocols.length; // Calculate the number of bytes we will need if it is ASCII. int expectedLength = protocolsLength; for (int i = 0; i < protocolsLength; i++) { int length = protocols[i].length; if (length > 0 && length <= 255) { expectedLength += length; } else { throw new ArgumentError( 'Length of protocol must be between 1 and 255 (was: $length).'); } } if (expectedLength >= (1 << 13)) { throw new ArgumentError( 'The maximum message length supported is 2^13-1.'); } // Try encoding the `List protocols` array using fast ASCII path. var bytes = new Uint8List(expectedLength); int bytesOffset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < protocolsLength; i++) { String proto = protocols[i]; // Add length byte. bytes[bytesOffset++] = proto.length; int bits = 0; // Add protocol bytes. for (int j = 0; j < proto.length; j++) { var char = proto.codeUnitAt(j); bits |= char; bytes[bytesOffset++] = char & 0xff; } // Go slow case if we have encountered anything non-ascii. if (bits > 0x7f) { return _protocolsToLengthEncodingNonAsciiBailout(protocols); } } return bytes; } static Uint8List _protocolsToLengthEncodingNonAsciiBailout( List protocols) { void addProtocol(List outBytes, String protocol) { var protocolBytes = utf8.encode(protocol); var len = protocolBytes.length; if (len > 255) { throw new ArgumentError( 'Length of protocol must be between 1 and 255 (was: $len)'); } // Add length byte. outBytes.add(len); // Add protocol bytes. outBytes.addAll(protocolBytes); } List bytes = []; for (var i = 0; i < protocols.length; i++) { addProtocol(bytes, protocols[i]); } if (bytes.length >= (1 << 13)) { throw new ArgumentError( 'The maximum message length supported is 2^13-1.'); } return new Uint8List.fromList(bytes); } } NN<?=.O5KOJ8!&Q>NMFHOPDDB?;CNJL'6JKDHPLP(QQD6JHBF=NOKNP1GFMO>?F=GLHGPHNOK?+P.D;<HGDJQH DINN+P/+=QI ENN"*HKEGEHMO@?PM )9H*APMOH6,B*0()"!M'>N/0#+/(,AE> <1&!I&1(%>*Rfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/io/service_object.dart// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of; int _nextServiceId = 1; // TODO(ajohnsen): Use other way of getting a unique id. abstract class _ServiceObject { int __serviceId = 0; int get _serviceId { if (__serviceId == 0) __serviceId = _nextServiceId++; return __serviceId; } Map _toJSON(bool ref); String get _servicePath => "$_serviceTypePath/$_serviceId"; String get _serviceTypePath; String get _serviceTypeName; String _serviceType(bool ref) { if (ref) return "@$_serviceTypeName"; return _serviceTypeName; } } NN<9 :>"*Jfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/io/socket.dartkC// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of; /** * [InternetAddressType] is the type an [InternetAddress]. Currently, * IP version 4 (IPv4) and IP version 6 (IPv6) are supported. */ class InternetAddressType { static const InternetAddressType IPv4 = const InternetAddressType._(0); static const InternetAddressType IPv6 = const InternetAddressType._(1); static const InternetAddressType any = const InternetAddressType._(-1); @Deprecated("Use IPv4 instead") static const InternetAddressType IP_V4 = IPv4; @Deprecated("Use IPv6 instead") static const InternetAddressType IP_V6 = IPv6; @Deprecated("Use any instead") static const InternetAddressType ANY = any; final int _value; const InternetAddressType._(this._value); factory InternetAddressType._from(int value) { if (value == 0) return IPv4; if (value == 1) return IPv6; throw new ArgumentError("Invalid type: $value"); } /** * Get the name of the type, e.g. "IPv4" or "IPv6". */ String get name { switch (_value) { case -1: return "ANY"; case 0: return "IPv4"; case 1: return "IPv6"; default: throw new ArgumentError("Invalid InternetAddress"); } } String toString() => "InternetAddressType: $name"; } /** * An internet address. * * This object holds an internet address. If this internet address * is the result of a DNS lookup, the address also holds the hostname * used to make the lookup. * An Internet address combined with a port number represents an * endpoint to which a socket can connect or a listening socket can * bind. */ abstract class InternetAddress { /** * IP version 4 loopback address. Use this address when listening on * or connecting to the loopback adapter using IP version 4 (IPv4). */ static InternetAddress get loopbackIPv4 => LOOPBACK_IP_V4; @Deprecated("Use loopbackIPv4 instead") external static InternetAddress get LOOPBACK_IP_V4; /** * IP version 6 loopback address. Use this address when listening on * or connecting to the loopback adapter using IP version 6 (IPv6). */ static InternetAddress get loopbackIPv6 => LOOPBACK_IP_V6; @Deprecated("Use loopbackIPv6 instead") external static InternetAddress get LOOPBACK_IP_V6; /** * IP version 4 any address. Use this address when listening on * all adapters IP addresses using IP version 4 (IPv4). */ static InternetAddress get anyIPv4 => ANY_IP_V4; @Deprecated("Use anyIPv4 instead") external static InternetAddress get ANY_IP_V4; /** * IP version 6 any address. Use this address when listening on * all adapters IP addresses using IP version 6 (IPv6). */ static InternetAddress get anyIPv6 => ANY_IP_V6; @Deprecated("Use anyIPv6 instead") external static InternetAddress get ANY_IP_V6; /** * The [type] of the [InternetAddress] specified what IP protocol. */ InternetAddressType get type; /** * The numeric address of the host. For IPv4 addresses this is using * the dotted-decimal notation. For IPv6 it is using the * hexadecimal representation. */ String get address; /** * The host used to lookup the address. If there is no host * associated with the address this returns the numeric address. */ String get host; /** * Get the raw address of this [InternetAddress]. The result is either a * 4 or 16 byte long list. The returned list is a copy, making it possible * to change the list without modifying the [InternetAddress]. */ List get rawAddress; /** * Returns true if the [InternetAddress] is a loopback address. */ bool get isLoopback; /** * Returns true if the [InternetAddress]s scope is a link-local. */ bool get isLinkLocal; /** * Returns true if the [InternetAddress]s scope is multicast. */ bool get isMulticast; /** * Creates a new [InternetAddress] from a numeric address. * * If the address in [address] is not a numeric IPv4 * (dotted-decimal notation) or IPv6 (hexadecimal representation). * address [ArgumentError] is thrown. */ external factory InternetAddress(String address); /** * Perform a reverse dns lookup on the [address], creating a new * [InternetAddress] where the host field set to the result. */ Future reverse(); /** * Lookup a host, returning a Future of a list of * [InternetAddress]s. If [type] is [InternetAddressType.ANY], it * will lookup both IP version 4 (IPv4) and IP version 6 (IPv6) * addresses. If [type] is either [InternetAddressType.IPv4] or * [InternetAddressType.IPv6] it will only lookup addresses of the * specified type. The order of the list can, and most likely will, * change over time. */ external static Future> lookup(String host, {InternetAddressType type: InternetAddressType.any}); /** * Clones the given [address] with the new [host]. * * The [address] must be an [InternetAddress] that was created with one * of the static methods of this class. */ external static InternetAddress _cloneWithNewHost( InternetAddress address, String host); } /** * A [NetworkInterface] represents an active network interface on the current * system. It contains a list of [InternetAddress]es that are bound to the * interface. */ abstract class NetworkInterface { /** * Get the name of the [NetworkInterface]. */ String get name; /** * Get the index of the [NetworkInterface]. */ int get index; /** * Get a list of [InternetAddress]es currently bound to this * [NetworkInterface]. */ List get addresses; /** * Whether [list] is supported. * * [list] is currently unsupported on Android. */ external static bool get listSupported; /** * Query the system for [NetworkInterface]s. * * If [includeLoopback] is `true`, the returned list will include the * loopback device. Default is `false`. * * If [includeLinkLocal] is `true`, the list of addresses of the returned * [NetworkInterface]s, may include link local addresses. Default is `false`. * * If [type] is either [InternetAddressType.IPv4] or * [InternetAddressType.IPv6] it will only lookup addresses of the * specified type. Default is [InternetAddressType.any]. */ external static Future> list( {bool includeLoopback: false, bool includeLinkLocal: false, InternetAddressType type: InternetAddressType.any}); } /** * A [RawServerSocket] represents a listening socket, and provides a * stream of low-level [RawSocket] objects, one for each connection * made to the listening socket. * * See [RawSocket] for more info. */ abstract class RawServerSocket implements Stream { /** * Returns a future for a [:RawServerSocket:]. When the future * completes the server socket is bound to the given [address] and * [port] and has started listening on it. * * The [address] can either be a [String] or an * [InternetAddress]. If [address] is a [String], [bind] will * perform a [InternetAddress.lookup] and use the first value in the * list. To listen on the loopback adapter, which will allow only * incoming connections from the local host, use the value * [InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4] or * [InternetAddress.loopbackIPv6]. To allow for incoming * connection from the network use either one of the values * [InternetAddress.anyIPv4] or [InternetAddress.anyIPv6] to * bind to all interfaces or the IP address of a specific interface. * * If an IP version 6 (IPv6) address is used, both IP version 6 * (IPv6) and version 4 (IPv4) connections will be accepted. To * restrict this to version 6 (IPv6) only, use [v6Only] to set * version 6 only. * * If [port] has the value [:0:] an ephemeral port will * be chosen by the system. The actual port used can be retrieved * using the [:port:] getter. * * The optional argument [backlog] can be used to specify the listen * backlog for the underlying OS listen setup. If [backlog] has the * value of [:0:] (the default) a reasonable value will be chosen by * the system. * * The optional argument [shared] specifies whether additional RawServerSocket * objects can bind to the same combination of `address`, `port` and `v6Only`. * If `shared` is `true` and more `RawServerSocket`s from this isolate or * other isolates are bound to the port, then the incoming connections will be * distributed among all the bound `RawServerSocket`s. Connections can be * distributed over multiple isolates this way. */ external static Future bind(address, int port, {int backlog: 0, bool v6Only: false, bool shared: false}); /** * Returns the port used by this socket. */ int get port; /** * Returns the address used by this socket. */ InternetAddress get address; /** * Closes the socket. The returned future completes when the socket * is fully closed and is no longer bound. */ Future close(); } /** * A [ServerSocket] represents a listening socket, and provides a * stream of [Socket] objects, one for each connection made to the * listening socket. * * See [Socket] for more info. */ abstract class ServerSocket implements Stream { /** * Returns a future for a [:ServerSocket:]. When the future * completes the server socket is bound to the given [address] and * [port] and has started listening on it. * * The [address] can either be a [String] or an * [InternetAddress]. If [address] is a [String], [bind] will * perform a [InternetAddress.lookup] and use the first value in the * list. To listen on the loopback adapter, which will allow only * incoming connections from the local host, use the value * [InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4] or * [InternetAddress.loopbackIPv6]. To allow for incoming * connection from the network use either one of the values * [InternetAddress.anyIPv4] or [InternetAddress.anyIPv6] to * bind to all interfaces or the IP address of a specific interface. * * If an IP version 6 (IPv6) address is used, both IP version 6 * (IPv6) and version 4 (IPv4) connections will be accepted. To * restrict this to version 6 (IPv6) only, use [v6Only] to set * version 6 only. * * If [port] has the value [:0:] an ephemeral port will be chosen by * the system. The actual port used can be retrieved using the * [port] getter. * * The optional argument [backlog] can be used to specify the listen * backlog for the underlying OS listen setup. If [backlog] has the * value of [:0:] (the default) a reasonable value will be chosen by * the system. * * The optional argument [shared] specifies whether additional ServerSocket * objects can bind to the same combination of `address`, `port` and `v6Only`. * If `shared` is `true` and more `ServerSocket`s from this isolate or other * isolates are bound to the port, then the incoming connections will be * distributed among all the bound `ServerSocket`s. Connections can be * distributed over multiple isolates this way. */ external static Future bind(address, int port, {int backlog: 0, bool v6Only: false, bool shared: false}); /** * Returns the port used by this socket. */ int get port; /** * Returns the address used by this socket. */ InternetAddress get address; /** * Closes the socket. The returned future completes when the socket * is fully closed and is no longer bound. */ Future close(); } /** * The [SocketDirection] is used as a parameter to [Socket.close] and * [RawSocket.close] to close a socket in the specified direction(s). */ class SocketDirection { static const SocketDirection receive = const SocketDirection._(0); static const SocketDirection send = const SocketDirection._(1); static const SocketDirection both = const SocketDirection._(2); @Deprecated("Use receive instead") static const SocketDirection RECEIVE = receive; @Deprecated("Use send instead") static const SocketDirection SEND = send; @Deprecated("Use both instead") static const SocketDirection BOTH = both; final _value; const SocketDirection._(this._value); } /** * The [SocketOption] is used as a parameter to [Socket.setOption] and * [RawSocket.setOption] to set customize the behaviour of the underlying * socket. */ class SocketOption { /** * Enable or disable no-delay on the socket. If tcpNoDelay is enabled, the * socket will not buffer data internally, but instead write each data chunk * as an individual TCP packet. * * tcpNoDelay is disabled by default. */ static const SocketOption tcpNoDelay = const SocketOption._(0); @Deprecated("Use tcpNoDelay instead") static const SocketOption TCP_NODELAY = tcpNoDelay; static const SocketOption _ipMulticastLoop = const SocketOption._(1); static const SocketOption _ipMulticastHops = const SocketOption._(2); static const SocketOption _ipMulticastIf = const SocketOption._(3); static const SocketOption _ipBroadcast = const SocketOption._(4); final _value; const SocketOption._(this._value); } /** * Events for the [RawSocket]. */ class RawSocketEvent { static const RawSocketEvent read = const RawSocketEvent._(0); static const RawSocketEvent write = const RawSocketEvent._(1); static const RawSocketEvent readClosed = const RawSocketEvent._(2); static const RawSocketEvent closed = const RawSocketEvent._(3); @Deprecated("Use read instead") static const RawSocketEvent READ = read; @Deprecated("Use write instead") static const RawSocketEvent WRITE = write; @Deprecated("Use readClosed instead") static const RawSocketEvent READ_CLOSED = readClosed; @Deprecated("Use closed instead") static const RawSocketEvent CLOSED = closed; final int _value; const RawSocketEvent._(this._value); String toString() { return const [ '', 'RawSocketEvent.write', 'RawSocketEvent.readClosed', 'RawSocketEvent.closed' ][_value]; } } /// Returned by the `startConnect` methods on client-side socket types `S`, /// `ConnectionTask` allows cancelling an attempt to connect to a host. class ConnectionTask { /// A `Future` that completes with value that `S.connect()` would return /// unless [cancel] is called on this [ConnectionTask]. /// /// If [cancel] is called, the `Future` completes with a [SocketException] /// error whose message indicates that the connection attempt was cancelled. final Future socket; final void Function() _onCancel; ConnectionTask._({Future socket, void Function() onCancel}) : assert(socket != null), assert(onCancel != null), this.socket = socket, this._onCancel = onCancel; /// Cancels the connection attempt. /// /// This also causes the [socket] `Future` to complete with a /// [SocketException] error. void cancel() { _onCancel(); } } /** * The [RawSocket] is a low-level interface to a socket, exposing the raw * events signaled by the system. It's a [Stream] of [RawSocketEvent]s. */ abstract class RawSocket implements Stream { /** * Set or get, if the [RawSocket] should listen for [] * events. Default is [:true:]. */ bool readEventsEnabled; /** * Set or get, if the [RawSocket] should listen for [RawSocketEvent.write] * events. Default is [:true:]. * This is a one-shot listener, and writeEventsEnabled must be set * to true again to receive another write event. */ bool writeEventsEnabled; /** * Creates a new socket connection to the host and port and returns a [Future] * that will complete with either a [RawSocket] once connected or an error * if the host-lookup or connection failed. * * [host] can either be a [String] or an [InternetAddress]. If [host] is a * [String], [connect] will perform a [InternetAddress.lookup] and try * all returned [InternetAddress]es, until connected. Unless a * connection was established, the error from the first failing connection is * returned. * * The argument [sourceAddress] can be used to specify the local * address to bind when making the connection. `sourceAddress` can either * be a `String` or an `InternetAddress`. If a `String` is passed it must * hold a numeric IP address. * * The argument [timeout] is used to specify the maximum allowed time to wait * for a connection to be established. If [timeout] is longer than the system * level timeout duration, a timeout may occur sooner than specified in * [timeout]. On timeout, a [SocketException] is thrown and all ongoing * connection attempts to [host] are cancelled. */ external static Future connect(host, int port, {sourceAddress, Duration timeout}); /// Like [connect], but returns a [Future] that completes with a /// [ConnectionTask] that can be cancelled if the [RawSocket] is no /// longer needed. external static Future> startConnect(host, int port, {sourceAddress}); /** * Returns the number of received and non-read bytes in the socket that * can be read. */ int available(); /** * Read up to [len] bytes from the socket. This function is * non-blocking and will only return data if data is available. The * number of bytes read can be less then [len] if fewer bytes are * available for immediate reading. If no data is available [:null:] * is returned. */ List read([int len]); /** * Writes up to [count] bytes of the buffer from [offset] buffer offset to * the socket. The number of successfully written bytes is returned. This * function is non-blocking and will only write data if buffer space is * available in the socket. * * The default value for [offset] is 0, and the default value for [count] is * [:buffer.length - offset:]. */ int write(List buffer, [int offset, int count]); /** * Returns the port used by this socket. */ int get port; /** * Returns the remote port connected to by this socket. */ int get remotePort; /** * Returns the [InternetAddress] used to connect this socket. */ InternetAddress get address; /** * Returns the remote [InternetAddress] connected to by this socket. */ InternetAddress get remoteAddress; /** * Closes the socket. Returns a Future that completes with [this] when the * underlying connection is completely destroyed. * * Calling [close] will never throw an exception * and calling it several times is supported. Calling [close] can result in * a [RawSocketEvent.readClosed] event. */ Future close(); /** * Shutdown the socket in the [direction]. Calling [shutdown] will never * throw an exception and calling it several times is supported. Calling * shutdown with either [SocketDirection.both] or [SocketDirection.receive] * can result in a [RawSocketEvent.readClosed] event. */ void shutdown(SocketDirection direction); /** * Use [setOption] to customize the [RawSocket]. See [SocketOption] for * available options. * * Returns [:true:] if the option was set successfully, false otherwise. */ bool setOption(SocketOption option, bool enabled); } /** * A high-level class for communicating over a TCP socket. * * The [Socket] exposes both a [Stream] and a [IOSink] interface, making it * ideal for using together with other [Stream]s. */ abstract class Socket implements Stream>, IOSink { /** * Creates a new socket connection to the host and port and returns a [Future] * that will complete with either a [Socket] once connected or an error * if the host-lookup or connection failed. * * [host] can either be a [String] or an [InternetAddress]. If [host] is a * [String], [connect] will perform a [InternetAddress.lookup] and try * all returned [InternetAddress]es, until connected. Unless a * connection was established, the error from the first failing connection is * returned. * * The argument [sourceAddress] can be used to specify the local * address to bind when making the connection. `sourceAddress` can either * be a `String` or an `InternetAddress`. If a `String` is passed it must * hold a numeric IP address. * * The argument [timeout] is used to specify the maximum allowed time to wait * for a connection to be established. If [timeout] is longer than the system * level timeout duration, a timeout may occur sooner than specified in * [timeout]. On timeout, a [SocketException] is thrown and all ongoing * connection attempts to [host] are cancelled. */ static Future connect(host, int port, {sourceAddress, Duration timeout}) { final IOOverrides overrides = IOOverrides.current; if (overrides == null) { return Socket._connect(host, port, sourceAddress: sourceAddress, timeout: timeout); } return overrides.socketConnect(host, port, sourceAddress: sourceAddress, timeout: timeout); } /// Like [connect], but returns a [Future] that completes with a /// [ConnectionTask] that can be cancelled if the [Socket] is no /// longer needed. static Future> startConnect(host, int port, {sourceAddress}) { final IOOverrides overrides = IOOverrides.current; if (overrides == null) { return Socket._startConnect(host, port, sourceAddress: sourceAddress); } return overrides.socketStartConnect(host, port, sourceAddress: sourceAddress); } external static Future _connect(host, int port, {sourceAddress, Duration timeout}); external static Future> _startConnect(host, int port, {sourceAddress}); /** * Destroy the socket in both directions. Calling [destroy] will make the * send a close event on the stream and will no longer react on data being * piped to it. * * Call [close](inherited from [IOSink]) to only close the [Socket] * for sending data. */ void destroy(); /** * Use [setOption] to customize the [RawSocket]. See [SocketOption] for * available options. * * Returns [:true:] if the option was set successfully, false otherwise. */ bool setOption(SocketOption option, bool enabled); /** * Returns the port used by this socket. */ int get port; /** * Returns the remote port connected to by this socket. */ int get remotePort; /** * Returns the [InternetAddress] used to connect this socket. */ InternetAddress get address; /** * Returns the remote [InternetAddress] connected to by this socket. */ InternetAddress get remoteAddress; Future close(); Future get done; } /** * Datagram package. Data send to and received from datagram sockets * contains the internet address and port of the destination or source * togeter with the data. */ class Datagram { List data; InternetAddress address; int port; Datagram(, this.address, this.port); } /** * The [RawDatagramSocket] is a low-level interface to an UDP socket, * exposing the raw events signaled by the system. It's a [Stream] of * [RawSocketEvent]s. * * Note that the event [RawSocketEvent.readClosed] will never be * received as an UDP socket cannot be closed by a remote peer. */ abstract class RawDatagramSocket extends Stream { /** * Set or get, if the [RawDatagramSocket] should listen for * [] events. Default is [:true:]. */ bool readEventsEnabled; /** * Set or get, if the [RawDatagramSocket] should listen for * [RawSocketEvent.write] events. Default is [:true:]. This is a * one-shot listener, and writeEventsEnabled must be set to true * again to receive another write event. */ bool writeEventsEnabled; /** * Set or get, whether multicast traffic is looped back to the host. * * By default multicast loopback is enabled. */ bool multicastLoopback; /** * Set or get, the maximum network hops for multicast packages * originating from this socket. * * For IPv4 this is referred to as TTL (time to live). * * By default this value is 1 causing multicast traffic to stay on * the local network. */ int multicastHops; /** * Set or get, the network interface used for outgoing multicast packages. * * A value of `null`indicate that the system chooses the network * interface to use. * * By default this value is `null` */ NetworkInterface multicastInterface; /** * Set or get, whether IPv4 broadcast is enabled. * * IPv4 broadcast needs to be enabled by the sender for sending IPv4 * broadcast packages. By default IPv4 broadcast is disabled. * * For IPv6 there is no general broadcast mechanism. Use multicast * instead. */ bool broadcastEnabled; /** * Creates a new raw datagram socket binding it to an address and * port. */ external static Future bind(host, int port, {bool reuseAddress: true}); /** * Returns the port used by this socket. */ int get port; /** * Returns the address used by this socket. */ InternetAddress get address; /** * Close the datagram socket. */ void close(); /** * Send a datagram. * * Returns the number of bytes written. This will always be either * the size of [buffer] or `0`. */ int send(List buffer, InternetAddress address, int port); /** * Receive a datagram. If there are no datagrams available `null` is * returned. * * The maximum length of the datagram that can be received is 65503 bytes. */ Datagram receive(); /** * Join a multicast group. * * If an error occur when trying to join the multicast group an * exception is thrown. */ void joinMulticast(InternetAddress group, [NetworkInterface interface]); /** * Leave a multicast group. * * If an error occur when trying to join the multicase group an * exception is thrown. */ void leaveMulticast(InternetAddress group, [NetworkInterface interface]); } class SocketException implements IOException { final String message; final OSError osError; final InternetAddress address; final int port; const SocketException(this.message, {this.osError, this.address, this.port}); const SocketException.closed() : message = 'Socket has been closed', osError = null, address = null, port = null; String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.write("SocketException"); if (!message.isEmpty) { sb.write(": $message"); if (osError != null) { sb.write(" ($osError)"); } } else if (osError != null) { sb.write(": $osError"); } if (address != null) { sb.write(", address = ${}"); } if (port != null) { sb.write(", port = $port"); } return sb.toString(); } } LNN<F>JJJ"1"1!.,1!!56<5CFAD !GF=*6GF=*6B:3%1B:3%1E G;!>CKMABC@=7E(4C?%4DBBEFD<5J*5-NK"-.?'"1*/H*LP7E;7$$;ED!">AE-2@GD=';>?GBBA:D GFGQQLQL2BA+.F-#BC8>E-2@GD=';>?GBBAGAGFGNQOKI2?A+.F- FFEBB%2",",(GJ MO"(B(6HHFD%@AFB"+#-(8$/'#LKK:MO#A "#&@JH=L"M"E3QM.MIAPCLL PPJJ2<*CFQJ>FDGMLJO!8+:@G%M43N*KKN8,JK5;L2=QJ.MIAPCLL PPJJ20+7);/9CCE7M4':*OLMFJK5+:@G%EG 0FFA@B>8>DC+G/A#9EMC%'4G@ED A"+. E"AGMBKBL/!P!,*!!"/"Ifile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/io/stdio.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of; const int _stdioHandleTypeTerminal = 0; const int _stdioHandleTypePipe = 1; const int _stdioHandleTypeFile = 2; const int _stdioHandleTypeSocket = 3; const int _stdioHandleTypeOther = 4; class _StdStream extends Stream> { final Stream> _stream; _StdStream(this._stream); StreamSubscription> listen(void onData(List event), {Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError}) { return _stream.listen(onData, onError: onError, onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: cancelOnError); } } /** * [Stdin] allows both synchronous and asynchronous reads from the standard * input stream. * * Mixing synchronous and asynchronous reads is undefined. */ class Stdin extends _StdStream implements Stream> { int _fd; Stdin._(Stream> stream, this._fd) : super(stream); /** * Synchronously read a line from stdin. This call will block until a full * line is available. * * The argument [encoding] can be used to changed how the input should be * decoded. Default is [systemEncoding]. * * If [retainNewlines] is `false`, the returned String will not contain the * final newline. If `true`, the returned String will contain the line * terminator. Default is `false`. * * If end-of-file is reached after any bytes have been read from stdin, * that data is returned. * Returns `null` if no bytes preceded the end of input. */ String readLineSync( {Encoding encoding: systemEncoding, bool retainNewlines: false}) { const CR = 13; const LF = 10; final List line = []; // On Windows, if lineMode is disabled, only CR is received. bool crIsNewline = Platform.isWindows && (stdioType(stdin) == StdioType.terminal) && !lineMode; if (retainNewlines) { int byte; do { byte = readByteSync(); if (byte < 0) { break; } line.add(byte); } while (byte != LF && !(byte == CR && crIsNewline)); if (line.isEmpty) { return null; } } else if (crIsNewline) { // CR and LF are both line terminators, neither is retained. while (true) { int byte = readByteSync(); if (byte < 0) { if (line.isEmpty) return null; break; } if (byte == LF || byte == CR) break; line.add(byte); } } else { // Case having to handle CR LF as a single unretained line terminator. outer: while (true) { int byte = readByteSync(); if (byte == LF) break; if (byte == CR) { do { byte = readByteSync(); if (byte == LF) break outer; line.add(CR); } while (byte == CR); // Fall through and handle non-CR character. } if (byte < 0) { if (line.isEmpty) return null; break; } line.add(byte); } } return encoding.decode(line); } /** * Check if echo mode is enabled on [stdin]. */ external bool get echoMode; /** * Enable or disable echo mode on [stdin]. * * If disabled, input from to console will not be echoed. * * Default depends on the parent process, but usually enabled. * * On Windows this mode can only be enabled if [lineMode] is enabled as well. */ external void set echoMode(bool enabled); /** * Check if line mode is enabled on [stdin]. */ external bool get lineMode; /** * Enable or disable line mode on [stdin]. * * If enabled, characters are delayed until a new-line character is entered. * If disabled, characters will be available as typed. * * Default depends on the parent process, but usually enabled. * * On Windows this mode can only be disabled if [echoMode] is disabled as well. */ external void set lineMode(bool enabled); /** * Whether connected to a terminal that supports ANSI escape sequences. * * Not all terminals are recognized, and not all recognized terminals can * report whether they support ANSI escape sequences, so this value is a * best-effort attempt at detecting the support. * * The actual escape sequence support may differ between terminals, * with some terminals supporting more escape sequences than others, * and some terminals even differing in behavior for the same escape * sequence. * * The ANSI color selection is generally supported. * * Currently, a `TERM` environment variable containing the string `xterm` * will be taken as evidence that ANSI escape sequences are supported. * On Windows, only versions of Windows 10 after v.1511 * ("TH2", OS build 10586) will be detected as supporting the output of * ANSI escape sequences, and only versions after v.1607 ("Anniversary * Update", OS build 14393) will be detected as supporting the input of * ANSI escape sequences. */ external bool get supportsAnsiEscapes; /** * Synchronously read a byte from stdin. This call will block until a byte is * available. * * If at end of file, -1 is returned. */ external int readByteSync(); /** * Returns true if there is a terminal attached to stdin. */ bool get hasTerminal { try { return stdioType(this) == StdioType.terminal; } on FileSystemException catch (_) { // If stdioType throws a FileSystemException, then it is not hooked up to // a terminal, probably because it is closed, but let other exception // types bubble up. return false; } } } /** * [Stdout] represents the [IOSink] for either `stdout` or `stderr`. * * It provides a *blocking* `IOSink`, so using this to write will block until * the output is written. * * In some situations this blocking behavior is undesirable as it does not * provide the same non-blocking behavior as dart:io in general exposes. * Use the property [nonBlocking] to get an `IOSink` which has the non-blocking * behavior. * * This class can also be used to check whether `stdout` or `stderr` is * connected to a terminal and query some terminal properties. */ class Stdout extends _StdSink implements IOSink { final int _fd; IOSink _nonBlocking; Stdout._(IOSink sink, this._fd) : super(sink); /** * Returns true if there is a terminal attached to stdout. */ bool get hasTerminal => _hasTerminal(_fd); /** * Get the number of columns of the terminal. * * If no terminal is attached to stdout, a [StdoutException] is thrown. See * [hasTerminal] for more info. */ int get terminalColumns => _terminalColumns(_fd); /* * Get the number of lines of the terminal. * * If no terminal is attached to stdout, a [StdoutException] is thrown. See * [hasTerminal] for more info. */ int get terminalLines => _terminalLines(_fd); /** * Whether connected to a terminal that supports ANSI escape sequences. * * Not all terminals are recognized, and not all recognized terminals can * report whether they support ANSI escape sequences, so this value is a * best-effort attempt at detecting the support. * * The actual escape sequence support may differ between terminals, * with some terminals supporting more escape sequences than others, * and some terminals even differing in behavior for the same escape * sequence. * * The ANSI color selection is generally supported. * * Currently, a `TERM` environment variable containing the string `xterm` * will be taken as evidence that ANSI escape sequences are supported. * On Windows, only versions of Windows 10 after v.1511 * ("TH2", OS build 10586) will be detected as supporting the output of * ANSI escape sequences, and only versions after v.1607 ("Anniversary * Update", OS build 14393) will be detected as supporting the input of * ANSI escape sequences. */ bool get supportsAnsiEscapes => _supportsAnsiEscapes(_fd); external bool _hasTerminal(int fd); external int _terminalColumns(int fd); external int _terminalLines(int fd); external static bool _supportsAnsiEscapes(int fd); /** * Get a non-blocking `IOSink`. */ IOSink get nonBlocking { if (_nonBlocking == null) { _nonBlocking = new IOSink(new _FileStreamConsumer.fromStdio(_fd)); } return _nonBlocking; } } class StdoutException implements IOException { final String message; final OSError osError; const StdoutException(this.message, [this.osError]); String toString() { return "StdoutException: $message${osError == null ? "" : ", $osError"}"; } } class StdinException implements IOException { final String message; final OSError osError; const StdinException(this.message, [this.osError]); String toString() { return "StdinException: $message${osError == null ? "" : ", $osError"}"; } } class _StdConsumer implements StreamConsumer> { final _file; _StdConsumer(int fd) : _file = _File._openStdioSync(fd); Future addStream(Stream> stream) { var completer = new Completer(); var sub; sub = stream.listen((data) { try { _file.writeFromSync(data); } catch (e, s) { sub.cancel(); completer.completeError(e, s); } }, onError: completer.completeError, onDone: completer.complete, cancelOnError: true); return completer.future; } Future close() { _file.closeSync(); return new Future.value(); } } class _StdSink implements IOSink { final IOSink _sink; _StdSink(this._sink); Encoding get encoding => _sink.encoding; void set encoding(Encoding encoding) { _sink.encoding = encoding; } void write(object) { _sink.write(object); } void writeln([object = ""]) { _sink.writeln(object); } void writeAll(objects, [sep = ""]) { _sink.writeAll(objects, sep); } void add(List data) { _sink.add(data); } void addError(error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) { _sink.addError(error, stackTrace); } void writeCharCode(int charCode) { _sink.writeCharCode(charCode); } Future addStream(Stream> stream) => _sink.addStream(stream); Future flush() => _sink.flush(); Future close() => _sink.close(); Future get done => _sink.done; } /// The type of object a standard IO stream is attached to. class StdioType { static const StdioType terminal = const StdioType._("terminal"); static const StdioType pipe = const StdioType._("pipe"); static const StdioType file = const StdioType._("file"); static const StdioType other = const StdioType._("other"); @Deprecated("Use terminal instead") static const StdioType TERMINAL = terminal; @Deprecated("Use pipe instead") static const StdioType PIPE = pipe; @Deprecated("Use file instead") static const StdioType FILE = file; @Deprecated("Use other instead") static const StdioType OTHER = other; final String name; const StdioType._(; String toString() => "StdioType: $name"; } Stdin _stdin; Stdout _stdout; Stdout _stderr; // These may be set to different values by the embedder by calling // _setStdioFDs when initializing dart:io. int _stdinFD = 0; int _stdoutFD = 1; int _stderrFD = 2; // This is an embedder entrypoint. void _setStdioFDs(int stdin, int stdout, int stderr) { _stdinFD = stdin; _stdoutFD = stdout; _stderrFD = stderr; } /// The standard input stream of data read by this program. Stdin get stdin { if (_stdin == null) { _stdin = _StdIOUtils._getStdioInputStream(_stdinFD); } return _stdin; } /// The standard output stream of data written by this program. Stdout get stdout { if (_stdout == null) { _stdout = _StdIOUtils._getStdioOutputStream(_stdoutFD); } return _stdout; } /// The standard output stream of errors written by this program. Stdout get stderr { if (_stderr == null) { _stderr = _StdIOUtils._getStdioOutputStream(_stderrFD); } return _stderr; } /// For a stream, returns whether it is attached to a file, pipe, terminal, or /// something else. StdioType stdioType(object) { if (object is _StdStream) { object = object._stream; } else if (object == stdout || object == stderr) { int stdiofd = object == stdout ? _stdoutFD : _stderrFD; switch (_StdIOUtils._getStdioHandleType(stdiofd)) { case _stdioHandleTypeTerminal: return StdioType.terminal; case _stdioHandleTypePipe: return StdioType.pipe; case _stdioHandleTypeFile: return StdioType.file; } } if (object is _FileStream) { return StdioType.file; } if (object is Socket) { int socketType = _StdIOUtils._socketType(object); if (socketType == null) return StdioType.other; switch (socketType) { case _stdioHandleTypeTerminal: return StdioType.terminal; case _stdioHandleTypePipe: return StdioType.pipe; case _stdioHandleTypeFile: return StdioType.file; } } if (object is _IOSinkImpl) { try { if (object._target is _FileStreamConsumer) { return StdioType.file; } } catch (e) { // Only the interface implemented, _sink not available. } } return StdioType.other; } class _StdIOUtils { external static _getStdioOutputStream(int fd); external static Stdin _getStdioInputStream(int fd); /// Returns the socket type or `null` if [socket] is not a builtin socket. external static int _socketType(Socket socket); external static _getStdioHandleType(int fd); } NN<($$&%-#E?"IL;> ?ML+NI%J;I$A-4  <C#) - M ##) 7 ) "/-<AP,/-O9AR,KML4GHH7MJ;KJK)P(< 4)PLENKIP H?21=-0N"4.N"0KML4GHH7MJ;KJK=&)'5" I/7N.6M:;/% ! #'*$#+) '"2'%#I##!<C;;=&."&"&#( +C+#7<9@<B<O5<8%#!!64%#!! 3>16M2/Vfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/io/string_transformer.dartn// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of; /// The current system encoding. /// /// This us used for converting from bytes to/from String when /// communicating on stdin, stdout and stderr. /// /// On Windows this will use the currently active code page for the /// conversion. On all other systems it will always use UTF-8. const SystemEncoding systemEncoding = const SystemEncoding(); @Deprecated("Use systemEncoding instead") const SystemEncoding SYSTEM_ENCODING = const SystemEncoding(); /** * The system encoding is the current code page on Windows and UTF-8 on * Linux and Mac. */ class SystemEncoding extends Encoding { const SystemEncoding(); String get name => 'system'; List encode(String input) => encoder.convert(input); String decode(List encoded) => decoder.convert(encoded); Converter> get encoder { if (Platform.operatingSystem == "windows") { return const _WindowsCodePageEncoder(); } else { return const Utf8Encoder(); } } Converter, String> get decoder { if (Platform.operatingSystem == "windows") { return const _WindowsCodePageDecoder(); } else { return const Utf8Decoder(); } } } class _WindowsCodePageEncoder extends Converter> { const _WindowsCodePageEncoder(); List convert(String input) { List encoded = _encodeString(input); if (encoded == null) { throw new FormatException("Invalid character for encoding"); } return encoded; } /** * Starts a chunked conversion. */ StringConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink> sink) { return new _WindowsCodePageEncoderSink(sink); } external static List _encodeString(String string); } class _WindowsCodePageEncoderSink extends StringConversionSinkBase { // TODO(floitsch): provide more efficient conversions when the input is // not a String. final Sink> _sink; _WindowsCodePageEncoderSink(this._sink); void close() { _sink.close(); } void add(String string) { List encoded = _WindowsCodePageEncoder._encodeString(string); if (encoded == null) { throw new FormatException("Invalid character for encoding"); } _sink.add(encoded); } void addSlice(String source, int start, int end, bool isLast) { if (start != 0 || end != source.length) { source = source.substring(start, end); } add(source); if (isLast) close(); } } class _WindowsCodePageDecoder extends Converter, String> { const _WindowsCodePageDecoder(); String convert(List input) { return _decodeBytes(input); } /** * Starts a chunked conversion. */ ByteConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink sink) { return new _WindowsCodePageDecoderSink(sink); } external static String _decodeBytes(List bytes); } class _WindowsCodePageDecoderSink extends ByteConversionSinkBase { // TODO(floitsch): provide more efficient conversions when the input is // a slice. final Sink _sink; _WindowsCodePageDecoderSink(this._sink); void close() { _sink.close(); } void add(List bytes) { _sink.add(_WindowsCodePageDecoder._decodeBytes(bytes)); } } NN<!?/D?>*?H(<@-1. "-1. "E#$.C"F2:EJ+GCB.-E#$ "A28CJ+<Ofile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/io/sync_socket.dart// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of; /** * A low-level class for communicating synchronously over a TCP socket. * * Warning: [RawSynchronousSocket] should probably only be used to connect to * 'localhost'. The operations below will block the calling thread to wait for * a response from the network. The thread can process no other events while * waiting for these operations to complete. [RawSynchronousSocket] is not * suitable for applications that require high performance or asynchronous I/O * such as a server. Instead such applications should use the non-blocking * sockets and asynchronous operations in the Socket or RawSocket classes. */ abstract class RawSynchronousSocket { /** * Creates a new socket connection and returns a [RawSynchronousSocket]. * * [host] can either be a [String] or an [InternetAddress]. If [host] is a * [String], [connectSync] will perform a [InternetAddress.lookup] and try * all returned [InternetAddress]es, until connected. Unless a * connection was established, the error from the first failing connection is * returned. */ external static RawSynchronousSocket connectSync(host, int port); /** * Returns the number of received and unread bytes in the socket that can be * read. */ int available(); /** * Closes the [RawSynchronousSocket]. * * Once [closeSync] has been called, attempting to call [readSync], * [readIntoSync], [writeFromSync], [remoteAddress], and [remotePort] will * cause a [SocketException] to be thrown. */ void closeSync(); /** * Reads into an existing [List] from the socket into the range: * [[start],[end]). * * Reads into an existing [List] from the socket. If [start] is present, * the bytes will be filled into [buffer] from index [start], otherwise index * 0. If [end] is present, [end] - [start] bytes will be read into [buffer], * otherwise up to [buffer.length]. If [end] == [start], no bytes are read. * Returns the number of bytes read. */ int readIntoSync(List buffer, [int start = 0, int end]); /** * Reads up to [bytes] bytes from the socket. * * Blocks and waits for a response of up to a specified number of bytes * sent by the socket. [bytes] specifies the maximum number of bytes to * be read. Returns the list of bytes read, which could be less than the * value specified by [bytes]. */ List readSync(int bytes); /** * Shutdown a socket in the provided direction. * * Calling shutdown will never throw an exception and calling it several times * is supported. If both [SocketDirection.RECEIVE] and [SocketDirection.SEND] * directions are closed, the socket is closed completely, the same as if * [closeSync] has been called. */ void shutdown(SocketDirection direction); /** * Writes data from a specified range in a [List] to the socket. * * Writes into the socket from a [List]. If [start] is present, the bytes * will be written to the socket starting from index [start]. If [start] is * not present, the bytes will be written starting from index 0. If [end] is * present, the [end] - [start] bytes will be written into the socket starting * at index [start]. If [end] is not provided, [buffer.length] elements will * be written to the socket starting from index [start]. If [end] == [start], * nothing happens. */ void writeFromSync(List buffer, [int start = 0, int end]); /** * The port used by this socket. */ int get port; /** * The remote port connected to by this socket. */ int get remotePort; /** * The [InternetAddress] used to connect this socket. */ InternetAddress get address; /** * The remote [InternetAddress] connected to by this socket. */ InternetAddress get remoteAddress; } oNN<HNOMKOKK&KMMAPDO (FM-HPPON'@0JJK!!2QPL",HQNOQOPB#28?%Pfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/isolate/isolate.dartn// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /** * Concurrent programming using _isolates_: * independent workers that are similar to threads * but don't share memory, * communicating only via messages. * * To use this library in your code: * * import 'dart:isolate'; * * {@category VM} */ library dart.isolate; import "dart:async"; part "capability.dart"; /** * Thrown when an isolate cannot be created. */ class IsolateSpawnException implements Exception { /** Error message reported by the spawn operation. */ final String message; IsolateSpawnException(this.message); String toString() => "IsolateSpawnException: $message"; } /** * An isolated Dart execution context. * * All Dart code runs in an isolate, and code can access classes and values * only from the same isolate. Different isolates can communicate by sending * values through ports (see [ReceivePort], [SendPort]). * * An `Isolate` object is a reference to an isolate, usually different from * the current isolate. * It represents, and can be used control, the other isolate. * * When spawning a new isolate, the spawning isolate receives an `Isolate` * object representing the new isolate when the spawn operation succeeds. * * Isolates run code in its own event loop, and each event may run smaller tasks * in a nested microtask queue. * * An `Isolate` object allows other isolates to control the event loop * of the isolate that it represents, and to inspect the isolate, * for example by pausing the isolate or by getting events when the isolate * has an uncaught error. * * The [controlPort] identifies and gives access to controlling the isolate, * and the [pauseCapability] and [terminateCapability] guard access * to some control operations. * For example, calling [pause] on an `Isolate` object created without a * [pauseCapability], has no effect. * * The `Isolate` object provided by a spawn operation will have the * control port and capabilities needed to control the isolate. * New isolate objects can be created without some of these capabilities * if necessary, using the [Isolate.Isolate] constructor. * * An `Isolate` object cannot be sent over a `SendPort`, but the control port * and capabilities can be sent, and can be used to create a new functioning * `Isolate` object in the receiving port's isolate. */ class Isolate { /** Argument to `ping` and `kill`: Ask for immediate action. */ static const int immediate = 0; /** Argument to `ping` and `kill`: Ask for action before the next event. */ static const int beforeNextEvent = 1; /** * Control port used to send control messages to the isolate. * * The control port identifies the isolate. * * An `Isolate` object allows sending control messages * through the control port. * * Some control messages require a specific capability to be passed along * with the message (see [pauseCapability] and [terminateCapability]), * otherwise the message is ignored by the isolate. */ final SendPort controlPort; /** * Capability granting the ability to pause the isolate. * * This capability is required by [pause]. * If the capability is `null`, or if it is not the correct pause capability * of the isolate identified by [controlPort], * then calls to [pause] will have no effect. * * If the isolate is spawned in a paused state, use this capability as * argument to the [resume] method in order to resume the paused isolate. */ final Capability pauseCapability; /** * Capability granting the ability to terminate the isolate. * * This capability is required by [kill] and [setErrorsFatal]. * If the capability is `null`, or if it is not the correct termination * capability of the isolate identified by [controlPort], * then calls to those methods will have no effect. */ final Capability terminateCapability; /** * Create a new [Isolate] object with a restricted set of capabilities. * * The port should be a control port for an isolate, as taken from * another `Isolate` object. * * The capabilities should be the subset of the capabilities that are * available to the original isolate. * Capabilities of an isolate are locked to that isolate, and have no effect * anywhere else, so the capabilities should come from the same isolate as * the control port. * * Can also be used to create an [Isolate] object from a control port, and * any available capabilities, that have been sent through a [SendPort]. * * Example: * ```dart * Isolate isolate = findSomeIsolate(); * Isolate restrictedIsolate = new Isolate(isolate.controlPort); * untrustedCode(restrictedIsolate); * ``` * This example creates a new `Isolate` object that cannot be used to * pause or terminate the isolate. All the untrusted code can do is to * inspect the isolate and see uncaught errors or when it terminates. */ Isolate(this.controlPort, {this.pauseCapability, this.terminateCapability}); /** * Return an [Isolate] object representing the current isolate. * * The current isolate for code using [current] * is the isolate running the code. * * The isolate object provides the capabilities required to inspect, * pause or kill the isolate, and allows granting these capabilities * to others. * * It is possible to pause the current isolate, but doing so *without* * first passing the ability to resume it again to another isolate, * is a sure way to hang your program. */ external static Isolate get current; /** * The location of the package configuration of the current isolate, if any. * * This getter returns `null`, as the `packages/` directory is not supported * in Dart 2. */ @Deprecated('packages/ directory resolution is not supported in Dart 2.') external static Future get packageRoot; /** * The package root of the current isolate, if any. * * If the isolate is using a [packageRoot] or the isolate has not been * setup for package resolution, this getter returns `null`, otherwise it * returns the package config URI. */ external static Future get packageConfig; /** * Maps a package: URI to a non-package Uri. * * If there is no valid mapping from the package: URI in the current * isolate, then this call returns `null`. Non-package: URIs are * returned unmodified. */ external static Future resolvePackageUri(Uri packageUri); /** * Creates and spawns an isolate that shares the same code as the current * isolate. * * The argument [entryPoint] specifies the initial function to call * in the spawned isolate. * The entry-point function is invoked in the new isolate with [message] * as the only argument. * * The function must be a top-level function or a static method * that can be called with a single argument, * that is, a compile-time constant function value * which accepts at least one positional parameter * and has at most one required positional parameter. * The function may accept any number of optional parameters, * as long as it *can* be called with just a single argument. * The function must not be the value of a function expression * or an instance method tear-off. * * Usually the initial [message] contains a [SendPort] so * that the spawner and spawnee can communicate with each other. * * If the [paused] parameter is set to `true`, * the isolate will start up in a paused state, * just before calling the [entryPoint] function with the [message], * as if by an initial call of `isolate.pause(isolate.pauseCapability)`. * To resume the isolate, call `isolate.resume(isolate.pauseCapability)`. * * If the [errorsAreFatal], [onExit] and/or [onError] parameters are provided, * the isolate will act as if, respectively, [setErrorsFatal], * [addOnExitListener] and [addErrorListener] were called with the * corresponding parameter and was processed before the isolate starts * running. * * If [errorsAreFatal] is omitted, the platform may choose a default behavior * or inherit the current isolate's behavior. * * You can also call the [setErrorsFatal], [addOnExitListener] and * [addErrorListener] methods on the returned isolate, but unless the * isolate was started as [paused], it may already have terminated * before those methods can complete. * * Returns a future which will complete with an [Isolate] instance if the * spawning succeeded. It will complete with an error otherwise. */ external static Future spawn( void entryPoint(T message), T message, {bool paused: false, bool errorsAreFatal, SendPort onExit, SendPort onError}); /** * Creates and spawns an isolate that runs the code from the library with * the specified URI. * * The isolate starts executing the top-level `main` function of the library * with the given URI. * * The target `main` must be callable with zero, one or two arguments. * Examples: * * * `main()` * * `main(args)` * * `main(args, message)` * * When present, the parameter `args` is set to the provided [args] list. * When present, the parameter `message` is set to the initial [message]. * * If the [paused] parameter is set to `true`, * the isolate will start up in a paused state, * as if by an initial call of `isolate.pause(isolate.pauseCapability)`. * To resume the isolate, call `isolate.resume(isolate.pauseCapability)`. * * If the [errorsAreFatal], [onExit] and/or [onError] parameters are provided, * the isolate will act as if, respectively, [setErrorsFatal], * [addOnExitListener] and [addErrorListener] were called with the * corresponding parameter and was processed before the isolate starts * running. * * You can also call the [setErrorsFatal], [addOnExitListener] and * [addErrorListener] methods on the returned isolate, but unless the * isolate was started as [paused], it may already have terminated * before those methods can complete. * * If the [checked] parameter is set to `true` or `false`, * the new isolate will run code in checked mode (enabling asserts and type * checks), respectively in production mode (disabling asserts and type * checks), if possible. If the parameter is omitted, the new isolate will * inherit the value from the current isolate. * * In Dart2 strong mode, the `checked` parameter only controls asserts, but * not type checks. * * It may not always be possible to honor the `checked` parameter. * If the isolate code was pre-compiled, it may not be possible to change * the checked mode setting dynamically. * In that case, the `checked` parameter is ignored. * * WARNING: The [checked] parameter is not implemented on all platforms yet. * * If the [packageConfig] parameter is provided, then it is used to find the * location of a package resolution configuration file for the spawned * isolate. * * If the [automaticPackageResolution] parameter is provided, then the * location of the package sources in the spawned isolate is automatically * determined. * * The [environment] is a mapping from strings to strings which the * spawned isolate uses when looking up [String.fromEnvironment] values. * The system may add its own entries to environment as well. * If `environment` is omitted, the spawned isolate has the same environment * declarations as the spawning isolate. * * WARNING: The [environment] parameter is not implemented on all * platforms yet. * * Returns a future that will complete with an [Isolate] instance if the * spawning succeeded. It will complete with an error otherwise. */ external static Future spawnUri( Uri uri, List args, var message, {bool paused: false, SendPort onExit, SendPort onError, bool errorsAreFatal, bool checked, Map environment, @Deprecated('The packages/ dir is not supported in Dart 2') Uri packageRoot, Uri packageConfig, bool automaticPackageResolution: false}); /** * Requests the isolate to pause. * * When the isolate receives the pause command, it stops * processing events from the event loop queue. * It may still add new events to the queue in response to, e.g., timers * or receive-port messages. When the isolate is resumed, * it starts handling the already enqueued events. * * The pause request is sent through the isolate's command port, * which bypasses the receiving isolate's event loop. * The pause takes effect when it is received, pausing the event loop * as it is at that time. * * The [resumeCapability] is used to identity the pause, * and must be used again to end the pause using [resume]. * If [resumeCapability] is omitted, a new capability object is created * and used instead. * * If an isolate is paused more than once using the same capability, * only one resume with that capability is needed to end the pause. * * If an isolate is paused using more than one capability, * each pause must be individually ended before the isolate resumes. * * Returns the capability that must be used to end the pause. * This is either [resumeCapability], or a new capability when * [resumeCapability] is omitted. * * If [pauseCapability] is `null`, or it's not the pause capability * of the isolate identified by [controlPort], * the pause request is ignored by the receiving isolate. */ Capability pause([Capability resumeCapability]) { resumeCapability ??= new Capability(); _pause(resumeCapability); return resumeCapability; } /** Internal implementation of [pause]. */ external void _pause(Capability resumeCapability); /** * Resumes a paused isolate. * * Sends a message to an isolate requesting that it ends a pause * that was previously requested. * * When all active pause requests have been cancelled, the isolate * will continue processing events and handling normal messages. * * If the [resumeCapability] is not one that has previously been used * to pause the isolate, or it has already been used to resume from * that pause, the resume call has no effect. */ external void resume(Capability resumeCapability); /** * Requests an exit message on [responsePort] when the isolate terminates. * * The isolate will send [response] as a message on [responsePort] as the last * thing before it terminates. It will run no further code after the message * has been sent. * * Adding the same port more than once will only cause it to receive one exit * message, using the last response value that was added, * and it only needs to be removed once using [removeOnExitListener]. * * If the isolate has terminated before it can receive this request, * no exit message will be sent. * * The [response] object must follow the same restrictions as enforced by * [SendPort.send]. * It is recommended to only use simple values that can be sent to all * isolates, like `null`, booleans, numbers or strings. * * Since isolates run concurrently, it's possible for it to exit before the * exit listener is established, and in that case no response will be * sent on [responsePort]. * To avoid this, either use the corresponding parameter to the spawn * function, or start the isolate paused, add the listener and * then resume the isolate. */ /* TODO(lrn): Can we do better? Can the system recognize this message and * send a reply if the receiving isolate is dead? */ external void addOnExitListener(SendPort responsePort, {Object response}); /** * Stops listening for exit messages from the isolate. * * Requests for the isolate to not send exit messages on [responsePort]. * If the isolate isn't expecting to send exit messages on [responsePort], * because the port hasn't been added using [addOnExitListener], * or because it has already been removed, the request is ignored. * * If the same port has been passed via [addOnExitListener] more than once, * only one call to `removeOnExitListener` is needed to stop it from receiving * exit messages. * * Closing the receive port that is associated with the [responsePort] does * not stop the isolate from sending uncaught errors, they are just going to * be lost. * * An exit message may still be sent if the isolate terminates * before this request is received and processed. */ external void removeOnExitListener(SendPort responsePort); /** * Sets whether uncaught errors will terminate the isolate. * * If errors are fatal, any uncaught error will terminate the isolate * event loop and shut down the isolate. * * This call requires the [terminateCapability] for the isolate. * If the capability is absent or incorrect, no change is made. * * Since isolates run concurrently, it's possible for the receiving isolate * to exit due to an error, before a request, using this method, has been * received and processed. * To avoid this, either use the corresponding parameter to the spawn * function, or start the isolate paused, set errors non-fatal and * then resume the isolate. */ external void setErrorsFatal(bool errorsAreFatal); /** * Requests the isolate to shut down. * * The isolate is requested to terminate itself. * The [priority] argument specifies when this must happen. * * The [priority], when provided, must be one of [immediate] or * [beforeNextEvent] (the default). * The shutdown is performed at different times depending on the priority: * * * `immediate`: The isolate shuts down as soon as possible. * Control messages are handled in order, so all previously sent control * events from this isolate will all have been processed. * The shutdown should happen no later than if sent with * `beforeNextEvent`. * It may happen earlier if the system has a way to shut down cleanly * at an earlier time, even during the execution of another event. * * `beforeNextEvent`: The shutdown is scheduled for the next time * control returns to the event loop of the receiving isolate, * after the current event, and any already scheduled control events, * are completed. * * If [terminateCapability] is `null`, or it's not the terminate capability * of the isolate identified by [controlPort], * the kill request is ignored by the receiving isolate. */ external void kill({int priority: beforeNextEvent}); /** * Requests that the isolate send [response] on the [responsePort]. * * The [response] object must follow the same restrictions as enforced by * [SendPort.send]. * It is recommended to only use simple values that can be sent to all * isolates, like `null`, booleans, numbers or strings. * * If the isolate is alive, it will eventually send `response` * (defaulting to `null`) on the response port. * * The [priority] must be one of [immediate] or [beforeNextEvent]. * The response is sent at different times depending on the ping type: * * * `immediate`: The isolate responds as soon as it receives the * control message. This is after any previous control message * from the same isolate has been received and processed, * but may be during execution of another event. * * `beforeNextEvent`: The response is scheduled for the next time * control returns to the event loop of the receiving isolate, * after the current event, and any already scheduled control events, * are completed. */ external void ping(SendPort responsePort, {Object response, int priority: immediate}); /** * Requests that uncaught errors of the isolate are sent back to [port]. * * The errors are sent back as two elements lists. * The first element is a `String` representation of the error, usually * created by calling `toString` on the error. * The second element is a `String` representation of an accompanying * stack trace, or `null` if no stack trace was provided. * To convert this back to a [StackTrace] object, use [StackTrace.fromString]. * * Listening using the same port more than once does nothing. * A port will only receive each error once, * and will only need to be removed once using [removeErrorListener]. * Closing the receive port that is associated with the port does not stop * the isolate from sending uncaught errors, they are just going to be lost. * Instead use [removeErrorListener] to stop receiving errors on [port]. * * Since isolates run concurrently, it's possible for it to exit before the * error listener is established. To avoid this, start the isolate paused, * add the listener and then resume the isolate. */ external void addErrorListener(SendPort port); /** * Stops listening for uncaught errors from the isolate. * * Requests for the isolate to not send uncaught errors on [port]. * If the isolate isn't expecting to send uncaught errors on [port], * because the port hasn't been added using [addErrorListener], * or because it has already been removed, the request is ignored. * * If the same port has been passed via [addErrorListener] more than once, * only one call to `removeErrorListener` is needed to stop it from receiving * uncaught errors. * * Uncaught errors message may still be sent by the isolate * until this request is received and processed. */ external void removeErrorListener(SendPort port); /** * Returns a broadcast stream of uncaught errors from the isolate. * * Each error is provided as an error event on the stream. * * The actual error object and stackTraces will not necessarily * be the same object types as in the actual isolate, but they will * always have the same [Object.toString] result. * * This stream is based on [addErrorListener] and [removeErrorListener]. */ Stream get errors { StreamController controller; RawReceivePort port; void handleError(message) { String errorDescription = message[0]; String stackDescription = message[1]; var error = new RemoteError(errorDescription, stackDescription); controller.addError(error, error.stackTrace); } controller = new StreamController.broadcast( sync: true, onListen: () { port = new RawReceivePort(handleError); this.addErrorListener(port.sendPort); }, onCancel: () { this.removeErrorListener(port.sendPort); port.close(); port = null; }); return; } } /** * Sends messages to its [ReceivePort]s. * * [SendPort]s are created from [ReceivePort]s. Any message sent through * a [SendPort] is delivered to its corresponding [ReceivePort]. There might be * many [SendPort]s for the same [ReceivePort]. * * [SendPort]s can be transmitted to other isolates, and they preserve equality * when sent. */ abstract class SendPort implements Capability { /** * Sends an asynchronous [message] through this send port, to its * corresponding `ReceivePort`. * * The content of [message] can be: primitive values (null, num, bool, double, * String), instances of [SendPort], and lists and maps whose elements are any * of these. List and maps are also allowed to be cyclic. * * In the special circumstances when two isolates share the same code and are * running in the same process (e.g. isolates created via [Isolate.spawn]), it * is also possible to send object instances (which would be copied in the * process). This is currently only supported by the dartvm. For now, the * dart2js compiler only supports the restricted messages described above. * * The send happens immediately and doesn't block. The corresponding receive * port can receive the message as soon as its isolate's event loop is ready * to deliver it, independently of what the sending isolate is doing. */ void send(var message); /** * Tests whether [other] is a [SendPort] pointing to the same * [ReceivePort] as this one. */ bool operator ==(var other); /** * Returns an immutable hash code for this send port that is * consistent with the == operator. */ int get hashCode; } /** * Together with [SendPort], the only means of communication between isolates. * * [ReceivePort]s have a `sendPort` getter which returns a [SendPort]. * Any message that is sent through this [SendPort] * is delivered to the [ReceivePort] it has been created from. There, the * message is dispatched to the `ReceivePort`'s listener. * * A [ReceivePort] is a non-broadcast stream. This means that it buffers * incoming messages until a listener is registered. Only one listener can * receive messages. See [Stream.asBroadcastStream] for transforming the port * to a broadcast stream. * * A [ReceivePort] may have many [SendPort]s. */ abstract class ReceivePort implements Stream { /** * Opens a long-lived port for receiving messages. * * A [ReceivePort] is a non-broadcast stream. This means that it buffers * incoming messages until a listener is registered. Only one listener can * receive messages. See [Stream.asBroadcastStream] for transforming the port * to a broadcast stream. * * A receive port is closed by canceling its subscription. */ external factory ReceivePort(); /** * Creates a [ReceivePort] from a [RawReceivePort]. * * The handler of the given [rawPort] is overwritten during the construction * of the result. */ external factory ReceivePort.fromRawReceivePort(RawReceivePort rawPort); /** * Inherited from [Stream]. * * Note that [onError] and [cancelOnError] are ignored since a ReceivePort * will never receive an error. * * The [onDone] handler will be called when the stream closes. * The stream closes when [close] is called. */ StreamSubscription listen(void onData(var message), {Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError}); /** * Closes `this`. * * If the stream has not been canceled yet, adds a close-event to the event * queue and discards any further incoming messages. * * If the stream has already been canceled this method has no effect. */ void close(); /** * Returns a [SendPort] that sends to this receive port. */ SendPort get sendPort; } abstract class RawReceivePort { /** * Opens a long-lived port for receiving messages. * * A [RawReceivePort] is low level and does not work with [Zone]s. It * can not be paused. The data-handler must be set before the first * event is received. */ external factory RawReceivePort([Function handler]); /** * Sets the handler that is invoked for every incoming message. * * The handler is invoked in the root-zone ([Zone.root]). */ void set handler(Function newHandler); /** * Closes the port. * * After a call to this method any incoming message is silently dropped. */ void close(); /** * Returns a [SendPort] that sends to this raw receive port. */ SendPort get sendPort; } /** * Description of an error from another isolate. * * This error has the same `toString()` and `stackTrace.toString()` behavior * as the original error, but has no other features of the original error. */ class RemoteError implements Error { final String _description; final StackTrace stackTrace; RemoteError(String description, String stackDescription) : _description = description, stackTrace = new StackTrace.fromString(stackDescription); String toString() => _description; } NN<,3$%-38':'LM9L>KJQ GBLMDI%D@I:NM5B"N(@.9LI6;-O10IL$?AJ<6(JEH(OMMK *C' HIHOB2&GGIF)'OOL/6IL%1/GCALFKB0558@@A%H+CBNLHE5(3>B&M@O@?LIFELN1;7FLI:A2EIDE@7FEL,3K5J1H34E=BF4K! ,,G4120 3 )IP0P0D"QQ<PQMMMPOH@ ?&OG4J:IKN./5KMP="6OKM"A/6>N7H; 5HF7B<)K?1MK%;$B%lfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/patch/isolate_patch.dartJ// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Patch file for the dart:isolate library. import 'dart:_js_helper' show patch, NoReifyGeneric; import 'dart:async'; @patch class Isolate { // `current` must be a getter, not just a final field, // to match the external declaration. @patch static Isolate get current => _unsupported(); @patch static Future get packageRoot => _unsupported(); @patch static Future get packageConfig => _unsupported(); static Uri _packageBase = Uri.base.resolve('packages/'); @patch static Future resolvePackageUri(Uri packageUri) async { if (packageUri.scheme != 'package') return packageUri; return _packageBase.resolveUri(packageUri.replace(scheme: '')); } @patch static Future spawn(void entryPoint(T message), T message, {bool paused = false, bool errorsAreFatal, SendPort onExit, SendPort onError}) => _unsupported(); @patch static Future spawnUri(Uri uri, List args, var message, {bool paused = false, SendPort onExit, SendPort onError, bool errorsAreFatal, bool checked, Map environment, Uri packageRoot, Uri packageConfig, bool automaticPackageResolution = false}) => _unsupported(); @patch void _pause(Capability resumeCapability) => _unsupported(); @patch void resume(Capability resumeCapability) => _unsupported(); @patch void addOnExitListener(SendPort responsePort, {Object response}) => _unsupported(); @patch void removeOnExitListener(SendPort responsePort) => _unsupported(); @patch void setErrorsFatal(bool errorsAreFatal) => _unsupported(); @patch void kill({int priority = beforeNextEvent}) => _unsupported(); @patch void ping(SendPort responsePort, {Object response, int priority = immediate}) => _unsupported(); @patch void addErrorListener(SendPort port) => _unsupported(); @patch void removeErrorListener(SendPort port) => _unsupported(); } /** Default factory for receive ports. */ @patch class ReceivePort { @patch factory ReceivePort() = _ReceivePort; @patch factory ReceivePort.fromRawReceivePort(RawReceivePort rawPort) => _unsupported(); } /// ReceivePort is supported by dev_compiler because async test packages /// (async_helper, unittest) create a dummy receive port to keep the Dart VM /// alive. class _ReceivePort extends Stream implements ReceivePort { close() {} get sendPort => _unsupported(); listen(onData, {onError, onDone, cancelOnError}) => _unsupported(); } @patch class RawReceivePort { @patch factory RawReceivePort([void handler(event)]) => _unsupported(); } @patch class Capability { @patch factory Capability() => _unsupported(); } @NoReifyGeneric() T _unsupported() { throw UnsupportedError('dart:isolate is not supported on dart4web'); } yNN<,59( 0 8 :; ?;D I   K +7 > > F F > A #: : =* ( DIM ; "F C *GSfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/isolate/capability.dart// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.isolate; /** * An unforgeable object that comes back as equal when passed through other * isolates. * * Sending a capability object to another isolate, and getting it back, * will produce an object that is equal to the original. * There is no other way to create objects equal to a capability object. * * Capabilities can be used as access guards: A remote isolate can send * a request for an operation, but it is only allowed if the request contains * the correct capability object. * * This allows exposing the same interface to multiple clients, * but restricting some operations to only those clients * that have also been given the corresponding capability. * * Capabilities can be used inside a single isolate, * but they have no advantage over * just using `new Object` to create a unique object, * and it offers no real security against other code * running in the same isolate. */ class Capability { /** * Create a new unforgeable capability object. */ external factory Capability(); } $NN<L H9IHN"@9;5#65 1!rfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/lib/js/dart2js/js_dart2js.dartG// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /** * Support for interoperating with JavaScript. * * This library provides access to JavaScript objects from Dart, allowing * Dart code to get and set properties, and call methods of JavaScript objects * and invoke JavaScript functions. The library takes care of converting * between Dart and JavaScript objects where possible, or providing proxies if * conversion isn't possible. * * This library does not yet make Dart objects usable from JavaScript, their * methods and proeprties are not accessible, though it does allow Dart * functions to be passed into and called from JavaScript. * * [JsObject] is the core type and represents a proxy of a JavaScript object. * JsObject gives access to the underlying JavaScript objects properties and * methods. `JsObject`s can be acquired by calls to JavaScript, or they can be * created from proxies to JavaScript constructors. * * The top-level getter [context] provides a [JsObject] that represents the * global object in JavaScript, usually `window`. * * The following example shows an alert dialog via a JavaScript call to the * global function `alert()`: * * import 'dart:js'; * * main() => context.callMethod('alert', ['Hello from Dart!']); * * This example shows how to create a [JsObject] from a JavaScript constructor * and access its properties: * * import 'dart:js'; * * main() { * var object = new JsObject(context['Object']); * object['greeting'] = 'Hello'; * object['greet'] = (name) => "${object['greeting']} $name"; * var message = object.callMethod('greet', ['JavaScript']); * context['console'].callMethod('log', [message]); * } * * ## Proxying and automatic conversion * * When setting properties on a JsObject or passing arguments to a Javascript * method or function, Dart objects are automatically converted or proxied to * JavaScript objects. When accessing JavaScript properties, or when a Dart * closure is invoked from JavaScript, the JavaScript objects are also * converted to Dart. * * Functions and closures are proxied in such a way that they are callable. A * Dart closure assigned to a JavaScript property is proxied by a function in * JavaScript. A JavaScript function accessed from Dart is proxied by a * [JsFunction], which has a [apply] method to invoke it. * * The following types are transferred directly and not proxied: * * * "Basic" types: `null`, `bool`, `num`, `String`, `DateTime` * * `Blob` * * `Event` * * `HtmlCollection` * * `ImageData` * * `KeyRange` * * `Node` * * `NodeList` * * `TypedData`, including its subclasses like `Int32List`, but _not_ * `ByteBuffer` * * `Window` * * ## Converting collections with JsObject.jsify() * * To create a JavaScript collection from a Dart collection use the * [JsObject.jsify] constructor, which converts Dart [Map]s and [Iterable]s * into JavaScript Objects and Arrays. * * The following expression creates a new JavaScript object with the properties * `a` and `b` defined: * * var jsMap = new JsObject.jsify({'a': 1, 'b': 2}); * * This expression creates a JavaScript array: * * var jsArray = new JsObject.jsify([1, 2, 3]); */ library dart.js; import 'dart:collection' show HashMap, ListMixin; import 'dart:_js_helper' show Primitives; import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS; import 'dart:_runtime' as dart; final JsObject context = _wrapToDart(dart.global_); /** * Proxies a JavaScript object to Dart. * * The properties of the JavaScript object are accessible via the `[]` and * `[]=` operators. Methods are callable via [callMethod]. */ class JsObject { // The wrapped JS object. final dynamic _jsObject; // This should only be called from _wrapToDart JsObject._fromJs(this._jsObject) { assert(_jsObject != null); } /** * Constructs a new JavaScript object from [constructor] and returns a proxy * to it. */ factory JsObject(JsFunction constructor, [List arguments]) { var ctor = constructor._jsObject; if (arguments == null) { return _wrapToDart(JS('', 'new #()', ctor)); } var unwrapped = List.from(; return _wrapToDart(JS('', 'new #(...#)', ctor, unwrapped)); } /** * Constructs a [JsObject] that proxies a native Dart object; _for expert use * only_. * * Use this constructor only if you wish to get access to JavaScript * properties attached to a browser host object, such as a Node or Blob, that * is normally automatically converted into a native Dart object. * * An exception will be thrown if [object] either is `null` or has the type * `bool`, `num`, or `String`. */ factory JsObject.fromBrowserObject(object) { if (object is num || object is String || object is bool || object == null) { throw ArgumentError("object cannot be a num, string, bool, or null"); } return _wrapToDart(_convertToJS(object)); } /** * Recursively converts a JSON-like collection of Dart objects to a * collection of JavaScript objects and returns a [JsObject] proxy to it. * * [object] must be a [Map] or [Iterable], the contents of which are also * converted. Maps and Iterables are copied to a new JavaScript object. * Primitives and other transferable values are directly converted to their * JavaScript type, and all other objects are proxied. */ factory JsObject.jsify(object) { if ((object is! Map) && (object is! Iterable)) { throw ArgumentError("object must be a Map or Iterable"); } return _wrapToDart(_convertDataTree(object)); } static _convertDataTree(data) { var _convertedObjects = HashMap.identity(); _convert(o) { if (_convertedObjects.containsKey(o)) { return _convertedObjects[o]; } if (o is Map) { final convertedMap = JS('', '{}'); _convertedObjects[o] = convertedMap; for (var key in o.keys) { JS('', '#[#] = #', convertedMap, key, _convert(o[key])); } return convertedMap; } else if (o is Iterable) { var convertedList = []; _convertedObjects[o] = convertedList; convertedList.addAll(; return convertedList; } else { return _convertToJS(o); } } return _convert(data); } /** * Returns the value associated with [property] from the proxied JavaScript * object. * * The type of [property] must be either [String] or [num]. */ dynamic operator [](Object property) { if (property is! String && property is! num) { throw ArgumentError("property is not a String or num"); } return _convertToDart(JS('', '#[#]', _jsObject, property)); } /** * Sets the value associated with [property] on the proxied JavaScript * object. * * The type of [property] must be either [String] or [num]. */ void operator []=(Object property, value) { if (property is! String && property is! num) { throw ArgumentError("property is not a String or num"); } JS('', '#[#] = #', _jsObject, property, _convertToJS(value)); } int get hashCode => 0; bool operator ==(other) => other is JsObject && JS('bool', '# === #', _jsObject, other._jsObject); /** * Returns `true` if the JavaScript object contains the specified property * either directly or though its prototype chain. * * This is the equivalent of the `in` operator in JavaScript. */ bool hasProperty(property) { if (property is! String && property is! num) { throw ArgumentError("property is not a String or num"); } return JS('bool', '# in #', property, _jsObject); } /** * Removes [property] from the JavaScript object. * * This is the equivalent of the `delete` operator in JavaScript. */ void deleteProperty(property) { if (property is! String && property is! num) { throw ArgumentError("property is not a String or num"); } JS('bool', 'delete #[#]', _jsObject, property); } /** * Returns `true` if the JavaScript object has [type] in its prototype chain. * * This is the equivalent of the `instanceof` operator in JavaScript. */ bool instanceof(JsFunction type) { return JS('bool', '# instanceof #', _jsObject, _convertToJS(type)); } /** * Returns the result of the JavaScript objects `toString` method. */ String toString() { try { return JS('String', 'String(#)', _jsObject); } catch (e) { return super.toString(); } } /** * Calls [method] on the JavaScript object with the arguments [args] and * returns the result. * * The type of [method] must be either [String] or [num]. */ dynamic callMethod(method, [List args]) { if (method is! String && method is! num) { throw ArgumentError("method is not a String or num"); } if (args != null) args = List.from(; var fn = JS('', '#[#]', _jsObject, method); if (JS('bool', 'typeof(#) !== "function"', fn)) { throw NoSuchMethodError(_jsObject, Symbol(method), args, {}); } return _convertToDart(JS('', '#.apply(#, #)', fn, _jsObject, args)); } } /** * Proxies a JavaScript Function object. */ class JsFunction extends JsObject { /** * Returns a [JsFunction] that captures its 'this' binding and calls [f] * with the value of this passed as the first argument. */ factory JsFunction.withThis(Function f) { return JsFunction._fromJs(JS( '', 'function(/*...arguments*/) {' ' let args = [#(this)];' ' for (let arg of arguments) {' ' args.push(#(arg));' ' }' ' return #(#(...args));' '}', _convertToDart, _convertToDart, _convertToJS, f)); } JsFunction._fromJs(jsObject) : super._fromJs(jsObject); /** * Invokes the JavaScript function with arguments [args]. If [thisArg] is * supplied it is the value of `this` for the invocation. */ dynamic apply(List args, {thisArg}) => _convertToDart(JS( '', '#.apply(#, #)', _jsObject, _convertToJS(thisArg), args == null ? null : List.from(; } // TODO(jmesserly): this is totally unnecessary in dev_compiler. /** A [List] that proxies a JavaScript array. */ class JsArray extends JsObject with ListMixin { /** * Creates a new JavaScript array. */ JsArray() : super._fromJs([]); /** * Creates a new JavaScript array and initializes it to the contents of * [other]. */ JsArray.from(Iterable other) : super._fromJs([]..addAll(; JsArray._fromJs(jsObject) : super._fromJs(jsObject); _checkIndex(int index) { if (index is int && (index < 0 || index >= length)) { throw RangeError.range(index, 0, length); } } _checkInsertIndex(int index) { if (index is int && (index < 0 || index >= length + 1)) { throw RangeError.range(index, 0, length); } } static _checkRange(int start, int end, int length) { if (start < 0 || start > length) { throw RangeError.range(start, 0, length); } if (end < start || end > length) { throw RangeError.range(end, start, length); } } // Methods required by ListMixin E operator [](Object index) { // TODO(justinfagnani): fix the semantics for non-ints // if (index is num && index == index.toInt()) { _checkIndex(index); } return super[index] as E; } void operator []=(Object index, value) { // TODO(justinfagnani): fix the semantics for non-ints // if (index is num && index == index.toInt()) { _checkIndex(index); } super[index] = value; } int get length { // Check the length honours the List contract. var len = JS('', '#.length', _jsObject); // JavaScript arrays have lengths which are unsigned 32-bit integers. if (JS('bool', 'typeof # === "number" && (# >>> 0) === #', len, len, len)) { return JS('int', '#', len); } throw StateError('Bad JsArray length'); } void set length(int length) { super['length'] = length; } // Methods overridden for better performance void add(E value) { callMethod('push', [value]); } void addAll(Iterable iterable) { var list = (JS('bool', '# instanceof Array', iterable)) ? iterable : List.from(iterable); callMethod('push', list); } void insert(int index, E element) { _checkInsertIndex(index); callMethod('splice', [index, 0, element]); } E removeAt(int index) { _checkIndex(index); return callMethod('splice', [index, 1])[0] as E; } E removeLast() { if (length == 0) throw RangeError(-1); return callMethod('pop') as E; } void removeRange(int start, int end) { _checkRange(start, end, length); callMethod('splice', [start, end - start]); } void setRange(int start, int end, Iterable iterable, [int skipCount = 0]) { _checkRange(start, end, this.length); int length = end - start; if (length == 0) return; if (skipCount < 0) throw ArgumentError(skipCount); var args = [start, length] ..addAll(iterable.skip(skipCount).take(length)); callMethod('splice', args); } void sort([int compare(E a, E b)]) { // Note: arr.sort(null) is a type error in FF callMethod('sort', compare == null ? [] : [compare]); } } // Cross frame objects should not be considered browser types. // We include the instanceof Object test to filter out cross frame objects // on FireFox. Surprisingly on FireFox the instanceof Window test succeeds for // cross frame windows while the instanceof Object test fails. bool _isBrowserType(o) => JS( 'bool', '# instanceof Object && (' '# instanceof Blob || ' '# instanceof Event || ' '(window.KeyRange && # instanceof KeyRange) || ' '(window.IDBKeyRange && # instanceof IDBKeyRange) || ' '# instanceof ImageData || ' '# instanceof Node || ' // Int8Array.__proto__ is TypedArray. '(window.Int8Array && # instanceof Int8Array.__proto__) || ' '# instanceof Window)', o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o); class _DartObject { final _dartObj; _DartObject(this._dartObj); } dynamic _convertToJS(dynamic o) { if (o == null || o is String || o is num || o is bool || _isBrowserType(o)) { return o; } else if (o is DateTime) { return Primitives.lazyAsJsDate(o); } else if (o is JsObject) { return o._jsObject; } else if (o is Function) { return _putIfAbsent(_jsProxies, o, _wrapDartFunction); } else { // TODO(jmesserly): for now, we wrap other objects, to keep compatibility // with the original dart:js behavior. return _putIfAbsent(_jsProxies, o, (o) => _DartObject(o)); } } dynamic _wrapDartFunction(f) { var wrapper = JS( '', 'function(/*...arguments*/) {' ' let args =, #);' ' return #(#(...args));' '}', _convertToDart, _convertToJS, f); JS('', '#.set(#, #)', _dartProxies, wrapper, f); return wrapper; } // converts a Dart object to a reference to a native JS object // which might be a DartObject JS->Dart proxy Object _convertToDart(o) { if (o == null || o is String || o is num || o is bool || _isBrowserType(o)) { return o; } else if (JS('!', '# instanceof Date', o)) { num ms = JS('!', '#.getTime()', o); return DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(ms); } else if (o is _DartObject && !identical(dart.getReifiedType(o), dart.jsobject)) { return o._dartObj; } else { return _wrapToDart(o); } } Object _wrapToDart(o) => _putIfAbsent(_dartProxies, o, _wrapToDartHelper); Object _wrapToDartHelper(o) { if (JS('bool', 'typeof # == "function"', o)) { return JsFunction._fromJs(o); } if (JS('bool', '# instanceof Array', o)) { return JsArray._fromJs(o); } return JsObject._fromJs(o); } final _dartProxies = JS('', 'new WeakMap()'); final _jsProxies = JS('', 'new WeakMap()'); Object _putIfAbsent(weakMap, o, getValue(o)) { var value = JS('', '#.get(#)', weakMap, o); if (value == null) { value = getValue(o); JS('', '#.set(#, #)', weakMap, o, value); } return value; } // The allowInterop method is a no-op in Dart Dev Compiler. // TODO(jacobr): tag methods so we can throw if a Dart method is passed to // JavaScript using the new interop without calling allowInterop. /// Returns a wrapper around function [f] that can be called from JavaScript /// using the package:js Dart-JavaScript interop. /// /// For performance reasons in Dart2Js, by default Dart functions cannot be /// passed directly to JavaScript unless this method is called to create /// a Function compatible with both Dart and JavaScript. /// Calling this method repeatedly on a function will return the same function. /// The [Function] returned by this method can be used from both Dart and /// JavaScript. We may remove the need to call this method completely in the /// future if Dart2Js is refactored so that its function calling conventions /// are more compatible with JavaScript. F allowInterop(F f) => f; Expando _interopCaptureThisExpando = Expando(); /// Returns a [Function] that when called from JavaScript captures its 'this' /// binding and calls [f] with the value of this passed as the first argument. /// When called from Dart, [null] will be passed as the first argument. /// /// See the documentation for [allowInterop]. This method should only be used /// with package:js Dart-JavaScript interop. Function allowInteropCaptureThis(Function f) { var ret = _interopCaptureThisExpando[f]; if (ret == null) { ret = JS( '', 'function(/*...arguments*/) {' ' let args = [this];' ' for (let arg of arguments) {' ' args.push(arg);' ' }' ' return #(...args);' '}', f); _interopCaptureThisExpando[f] = ret; } return ret; } JNN</JOIOMH;NMO4L2LDO7'DC: (NNLGNNH:A@  G3DL'P9/42*' 4(K;1%O ?&3<@P GPDN!/QL.FLLJN9#5?2"0.%+-"C " ./ N >)3>@I >.3>BNM4@3>64D"3>4PH%HE 3K<,/<@06DI)$K:," '")!"  :L<< AA16%!J"<7:0!>07'0'2# ;2+;23-JQ", /!&<&/5+#)%0Q*7'7 '2:?KO? 5;!*A"P'; N+? %=  3?.P0(4!; K1"-.,/.. JS('=Object', '{}'); hasProperty(o, name) => JS('bool', '# in #', name, o); getProperty(o, name) => JS('Object', '#[#]', o, name); setProperty(o, name, value) => JS('', '#[#]=#', o, name, value); callMethod(o, String method, List args) => JS('Object', '#[#].apply(#, #)', o, method, o, args); instanceof(o, Function type) => JS('bool', '# instanceof #', o, type); callConstructor(Function constr, List arguments) { if (arguments == null) { return JS('Object', 'new #()', constr); } if (JS('bool', '# instanceof Array', arguments)) { int argumentCount = JS('!', '#.length', arguments); switch (argumentCount) { case 0: return JS('Object', 'new #()', constr); case 1: var arg0 = JS('', '#[0]', arguments); return JS('Object', 'new #(#)', constr, arg0); case 2: var arg0 = JS('', '#[0]', arguments); var arg1 = JS('', '#[1]', arguments); return JS('Object', 'new #(#, #)', constr, arg0, arg1); case 3: var arg0 = JS('', '#[0]', arguments); var arg1 = JS('', '#[1]', arguments); var arg2 = JS('', '#[2]', arguments); return JS('Object', 'new #(#, #, #)', constr, arg0, arg1, arg2); case 4: var arg0 = JS('', '#[0]', arguments); var arg1 = JS('', '#[1]', arguments); var arg2 = JS('', '#[2]', arguments); var arg3 = JS('', '#[3]', arguments); return JS( 'Object', 'new #(#, #, #, #)', constr, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } } // The following code solves the problem of invoking a JavaScript // constructor with an unknown number arguments. // First bind the constructor to the argument list using bind.apply(). // The first argument to bind() is the binding of 't', so add 'null' to // the arguments list passed to apply(). // After that, use the JavaScript 'new' operator which overrides any binding // of 'this' with the new instance. var args = [null]..addAll(arguments); var factoryFunction = JS('', '#.bind.apply(#, #)', constr, constr, args); // Without this line, calling factoryFunction as a constructor throws JS('String', 'String(#)', factoryFunction); // This could return an UnknownJavaScriptObject, or a native // object for which there is an interceptor return JS('Object', 'new #()', factoryFunction); // TODO(sra): Investigate: // // var jsObj = JS('', 'Object.create(#.prototype)', constr); // JS('', '#.apply(#, #)', constr, jsObj, // []..addAll(; // return _wrapToDart(jsObj); } NN<ONJK''GDEKKIN83=#.,#0+ F ,- $77A+:G3,580.7..@...I....LD3IJ+O&1LH.?.3C07$Jfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/math/math.dart// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /** * Mathematical constants and functions, plus a random number generator. * * To use this library in your code: * * import 'dart:math'; * * {@category Core} */ library dart.math; part "jenkins_smi_hash.dart"; part "point.dart"; part "random.dart"; part "rectangle.dart"; /** * Base of the natural logarithms. * * Typically written as "e". */ const double e = 2.718281828459045; /** * Natural logarithm of 10. * * The natural logarithm of 10 is the number such that `pow(E, LN10) == 10`. * This value is not exact, but it is the closest representable double to the * exact mathematical value. */ const double ln10 = 2.302585092994046; /** * Natural logarithm of 2. * * The natural logarithm of 2 is the number such that `pow(E, LN2) == 2`. * This value is not exact, but it is the closest representable double to the * exact mathematical value. */ const double ln2 = 0.6931471805599453; /** * Base-2 logarithm of [e]. */ const double log2e = 1.4426950408889634; /** * Base-10 logarithm of [e]. */ const double log10e = 0.4342944819032518; /** * The PI constant. */ const double pi = 3.1415926535897932; /** * Square root of 1/2. */ const double sqrt1_2 = 0.7071067811865476; /** * Square root of 2. */ const double sqrt2 = 1.4142135623730951; /** * Returns the lesser of two numbers. * * Returns NaN if either argument is NaN. * The lesser of `-0.0` and `0.0` is `-0.0`. * If the arguments are otherwise equal (including int and doubles with the * same mathematical value) then it is unspecified which of the two arguments * is returned. */ external T min(T a, T b); /** * Returns the larger of two numbers. * * Returns NaN if either argument is NaN. * The larger of `-0.0` and `0.0` is `0.0`. If the arguments are * otherwise equal (including int and doubles with the same mathematical value) * then it is unspecified which of the two arguments is returned. */ external T max(T a, T b); /** * A variant of [atan]. * * Converts both arguments to [double]s. * * Returns the angle in radians between the positive x-axis * and the vector ([b],[a]). * The result is in the range -PI..PI. * * If [b] is positive, this is the same as `atan(b/a)`. * * The result is negative when [a] is negative (including when [a] is the * double -0.0). * * If [a] is equal to zero, the vector ([b],[a]) is considered parallel to * the x-axis, even if [b] is also equal to zero. The sign of [b] determines * the direction of the vector along the x-axis. * * Returns NaN if either argument is NaN. */ external double atan2(num a, num b); /** * Returns [x] to the power of [exponent]. * * If [x] is an [int] and [exponent] is a non-negative [int], the result is * an [int], otherwise both arguments are converted to doubles first, and the * result is a [double]. * * For integers, the power is always equal to the mathematical result of `x` to * the power `exponent`, only limited by the available memory. * * For doubles, `pow(x, y)` handles edge cases as follows: * * - if `y` is zero (0.0 or -0.0), the result is always 1.0. * - if `x` is 1.0, the result is always 1.0. * - otherwise, if either `x` or `y` is NaN then the result is NaN. * - if `x` is negative (but not -0.0) and `y` is a finite non-integer, the * result is NaN. * - if `x` is Infinity and `y` is negative, the result is 0.0. * - if `x` is Infinity and `y` is positive, the result is Infinity. * - if `x` is 0.0 and `y` is negative, the result is Infinity. * - if `x` is 0.0 and `y` is positive, the result is 0.0. * - if `x` is -Infinity or -0.0 and `y` is an odd integer, then the result is * `-pow(-x ,y)`. * - if `x` is -Infinity or -0.0 and `y` is not an odd integer, then the result * is the same as `pow(-x , y)`. * - if `y` is Infinity and the absolute value of `x` is less than 1, the * result is 0.0. * - if `y` is Infinity and `x` is -1, the result is 1.0. * - if `y` is Infinity and the absolute value of `x` is greater than 1, * the result is Infinity. * - if `y` is -Infinity, the result is `1/pow(x, Infinity)`. * * This corresponds to the `pow` function defined in the IEEE Standard 754-2008. * * Notice that an [int] result cannot overflow, but a [double] result might * be [double.infinity]. */ external num pow(num x, num exponent); /** * Converts [radians] to a [double] and returns the sine of the value. * * If [radians] is not a finite number, the result is NaN. */ external double sin(num radians); /** * Converts [radians] to a [double] and returns the cosine of the value. * * If [radians] is not a finite number, the result is NaN. */ external double cos(num radians); /** * Converts [radians] to a [double] and returns the tangent of the value. * * The tangent function is equivalent to `sin(radians)/cos(radians)` and may be * infinite (positive or negative) when `cos(radians)` is equal to zero. * If [radians] is not a finite number, the result is NaN. */ external double tan(num radians); /** * Converts [x] to a [double] and returns its arc cosine in radians. * * Returns a value in the range 0..PI, or NaN if [x] is outside * the range -1..1. */ external double acos(num x); /** * Converts [x] to a [double] and returns its arc sine in radians. * * Returns a value in the range -PI/2..PI/2, or NaN if [x] is outside * the range -1..1. */ external double asin(num x); /** * Converts [x] to a [double] and returns its arc tangent in radians. * * Returns a value in the range -PI/2..PI/2, or NaN if [x] is NaN. */ external double atan(num x); /** * Converts [x] to a [double] and returns the positive square root of the value. * * Returns -0.0 if [x] is -0.0, and NaN if [x] is otherwise negative or NaN. */ external double sqrt(num x); /** * Converts [x] to a [double] and returns the natural exponent, [e], * to the power [x]. * * Returns NaN if [x] is NaN. */ external double exp(num x); /** * Converts [x] to a [double] and returns the natural logarithm of the value. * * Returns negative infinity if [x] is equal to zero. * Returns NaN if [x] is NaN or less than zero. */ external double log(num x); NN<I%#$MN'JN')*&+)'+.MO)'+BQC))<'8JKM1*%+LNP?;=.DL@E@;OP#J:I>QL'G;"I;"JPI;"E@CFFCQMEN60ifile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/patch/math_patch.dartU// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Patch file for dart:math library. import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS; import 'dart:_js_helper' show patch, nullCheck, notNull; import 'dart:typed_data' show ByteData; @patch @notNull T min(@nullCheck T a, @nullCheck T b) => JS('-dynamic', r'Math.min(#, #)', a, b); @patch @notNull T max(@nullCheck T a, @nullCheck T b) => JS('-dynamic', r'Math.max(#, #)', a, b); @patch @notNull double sqrt(@nullCheck num x) => JS('num', r'Math.sqrt(#)', x); @patch @notNull double sin(@nullCheck num radians) => JS('num', r'Math.sin(#)', radians); @patch @notNull double cos(@nullCheck num radians) => JS('num', r'Math.cos(#)', radians); @patch @notNull double tan(@nullCheck num radians) => JS('num', r'Math.tan(#)', radians); @patch @notNull double acos(@nullCheck num x) => JS('num', r'Math.acos(#)', x); @patch @notNull double asin(@nullCheck num x) => JS('num', r'Math.asin(#)', x); @patch @notNull double atan(@nullCheck num x) => JS('num', r'Math.atan(#)', x); @patch @notNull double atan2(@nullCheck num a, @nullCheck num b) => JS('num', r'Math.atan2(#, #)', a, b); @patch @notNull double exp(@nullCheck num x) => JS('num', r'Math.exp(#)', x); @patch @notNull double log(@nullCheck num x) => JS('num', r'Math.log(#)', x); @patch @notNull num pow(@nullCheck num x, @nullCheck num exponent) => JS('num', r'Math.pow(#, #)', x, exponent); const int _POW2_32 = 0x100000000; @patch class Random { static final _secureRandom = _JSSecureRandom(); @patch factory Random([int seed]) => (seed == null) ? const _JSRandom() : _Random(seed); @patch factory => _secureRandom; } class _JSRandom implements Random { // The Dart2JS implementation of Random doesn't use a seed. const _JSRandom(); @notNull int nextInt(int max) { if (max <= 0 || max > _POW2_32) { throw RangeError("max must be in range 0 < max ≤ 2^32, was $max"); } return JS("int", "(Math.random() * #) >>> 0", max); } /** * Generates a positive random floating point value uniformly distributed on * the range from 0.0, inclusive, to 1.0, exclusive. */ @notNull double nextDouble() => JS("double", "Math.random()"); /** * Generates a random boolean value. */ @notNull bool nextBool() => JS("bool", "Math.random() < 0.5"); } class _Random implements Random { // Constants used by the algorithm or masking. static const double _POW2_53_D = 1.0 * (0x20000000000000); static const double _POW2_27_D = 1.0 * (1 << 27); static const int _MASK32 = 0xFFFFFFFF; // State comprised of two unsigned 32 bit integers. @notNull int _lo = 0; @notNull int _hi = 0; // Implements: // uint64_t hash = 0; // do { // hash = hash * 1037 ^ mix64((uint64_t)seed); // seed >>= 64; // } while (seed != 0 && seed != -1); // Limits for pos/neg seed. // if (hash == 0) { // hash = 0x5A17; // } // _lo = hash & _MASK_32; // _hi = hash >> 32; // and then does four _nextState calls to shuffle bits around. _Random(int seed) { int empty_seed = 0; if (seed < 0) { empty_seed = -1; } do { int low = seed & _MASK32; seed = (seed - low) ~/ _POW2_32; int high = seed & _MASK32; seed = (seed - high) ~/ _POW2_32; // Thomas Wang's 64-bit mix function. // // via. // key = ~key + (key << 21); int tmplow = low << 21; int tmphigh = (high << 21) | (low >> 11); tmplow = (~low & _MASK32) + tmplow; low = tmplow & _MASK32; high = (~high + tmphigh + ((tmplow - low) ~/ 0x100000000)) & _MASK32; // key = key ^ (key >> 24). tmphigh = high >> 24; tmplow = (low >> 24) | (high << 8); low ^= tmplow; high ^= tmphigh; // key = key * 265 tmplow = low * 265; low = tmplow & _MASK32; high = (high * 265 + (tmplow - low) ~/ 0x100000000) & _MASK32; // key = key ^ (key >> 14); tmphigh = high >> 14; tmplow = (low >> 14) | (high << 18); low ^= tmplow; high ^= tmphigh; // key = key * 21 tmplow = low * 21; low = tmplow & _MASK32; high = (high * 21 + (tmplow - low) ~/ 0x100000000) & _MASK32; // key = key ^ (key >> 28). tmphigh = high >> 28; tmplow = (low >> 28) | (high << 4); low ^= tmplow; high ^= tmphigh; // key = key + (key << 31); tmplow = low << 31; tmphigh = (high << 31) | (low >> 1); tmplow += low; low = tmplow & _MASK32; high = (high + tmphigh + (tmplow - low) ~/ 0x100000000) & _MASK32; // Mix end. // seed = seed * 1037 ^ key; tmplow = _lo * 1037; _lo = tmplow & _MASK32; _hi = (_hi * 1037 + (tmplow - _lo) ~/ 0x100000000) & _MASK32; _lo ^= low; _hi ^= high; } while (seed != empty_seed); if (_hi == 0 && _lo == 0) { _lo = 0x5A17; } _nextState(); _nextState(); _nextState(); _nextState(); } // The algorithm used here is Multiply with Carry (MWC) with a Base b = 2^32. // // The constant A (0xFFFFDA61) is selected from "Numerical Recipes 3rd // Edition" p.348 B1. // Implements: // var state = (A * _lo + _hi) & _MASK_64; // _lo = state & _MASK_32; // _hi = state >> 32; void _nextState() { // Simulate (0xFFFFDA61 * lo + hi) without overflowing 53 bits. int tmpHi = 0xFFFF0000 * _lo; // At most 48 bits of significant result. int tmpHiLo = tmpHi & _MASK32; // Get the lower 32 bits. int tmpHiHi = tmpHi - tmpHiLo; // And just the upper 32 bits. int tmpLo = 0xDA61 * _lo; int tmpLoLo = tmpLo & _MASK32; int tmpLoHi = tmpLo - tmpLoLo; int newLo = tmpLoLo + tmpHiLo + _hi; _lo = newLo & _MASK32; int newLoHi = newLo - _lo; _hi = ((tmpLoHi + tmpHiHi + newLoHi) ~/ _POW2_32) & _MASK32; assert(_lo < _POW2_32); assert(_hi < _POW2_32); } @notNull int nextInt(@nullCheck int max) { if (max <= 0 || max > _POW2_32) { throw RangeError("max must be in range 0 < max ≤ 2^32, was $max"); } if ((max & (max - 1)) == 0) { // Fast case for powers of two. _nextState(); return _lo & (max - 1); } int rnd32; int result; do { _nextState(); rnd32 = _lo; result = rnd32.remainder(max); // % max; } while ((rnd32 - result + max) >= _POW2_32); return result; } @notNull double nextDouble() { _nextState(); int bits26 = _lo & ((1 << 26) - 1); _nextState(); int bits27 = _lo & ((1 << 27) - 1); return (bits26 * _POW2_27_D + bits27) / _POW2_53_D; } @notNull bool nextBool() { _nextState(); return (_lo & 1) == 0; } } class _JSSecureRandom implements Random { // Reused buffer with room enough for a double. final _buffer = ByteData(8); _JSSecureRandom() { var crypto = JS("", "self.crypto"); if (crypto != null) { var getRandomValues = JS("", "#.getRandomValues", crypto); if (getRandomValues != null) { return; } } throw UnsupportedError( "No source of cryptographically secure random numbers available."); } /// Fill _buffer from [start] to `start + length` with random bytes. void _getRandomBytes(int start, int length) { JS("void", "crypto.getRandomValues(#)", _buffer.buffer.asUint8List(start, length)); } @notNull bool nextBool() { _getRandomBytes(0, 1); return _buffer.getUint8(0).isOdd; } @notNull double nextDouble() { _getRandomBytes(1, 7); // Set top bits 12 of double to 0x3FF which is the exponent for numbers // between 1.0 and 2.0. _buffer.setUint8(0, 0x3F); int highByte = _buffer.getUint8(1); _buffer.setUint8(1, highByte | 0xF0); // Buffer now contains double in the range [1.0-2.0) // with 52 bits of entropy (not 53). // To get 53 bits, we extract the 53rd bit from higthByte before // overwriting it, and add that as a least significant bit. // The getFloat64 method is big-endian as default. double result = _buffer.getFloat64(0) - 1.0; if (highByte & 0x10 != 0) { result += 1.1102230246251565e-16; // pow(2,-53). } return result; } @notNull int nextInt(@nullCheck int max) { if (max <= 0 || max > _POW2_32) { throw RangeError("max must be in range 0 < max ≤ 2^32, was $max"); } int byteCount = 1; if (max > 0xFF) { byteCount++; if (max > 0xFFFF) { byteCount++; if (max > 0xFFFFFF) { byteCount++; } } } _buffer.setUint32(0, 0); int start = 4 - byteCount; int randomLimit = pow(256, byteCount); while (true) { _getRandomBytes(start, byteCount); // The getUint32 method is big-endian as default. int random = _buffer.getUint32(0); if (max & (max - 1) == 0) { // Max is power of 2. return random & (max - 1); } int result = random.remainder(max); // Ensure results have equal probability by rejecting values in the // last range of k*max .. 256**byteCount. // TODO: Consider picking a higher byte count if the last range is a // significant portion of the entire range - a 50% chance of having // to use two more bytes is no worse than always using one more. if (random - result + max < randomLimit) { return result; } } } } ^NN<%'9( 8- 8- @ J J J @ @ @ 4* > > 6/"2 : ,$> &I8O7 8' 8"1=4)6   6G A '!(,> 6); } static int finish(int hash) { hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x03ffffff & hash) << 3)); hash = hash ^ (hash >> 11); return 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x00003fff & hash) << 15)); } static int hash2(a, b) => finish(combine(combine(0, a), b)); static int hash4(a, b, c, d) => finish(combine(combine(combine(combine(0, a), b), c), d)); } +NN<D;K#> +M,(> = >?"AKfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/math/point.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.math; /** * A utility class for representing two-dimensional positions. */ class Point { final T x; final T y; const Point(T x, T y) : this.x = x, this.y = y; String toString() => 'Point($x, $y)'; /** * A `Point` is only equal to another `Point` with the same coordinates. * * This point is equal to `other` if, and only if, * `other` is a `Point` with * [x] equal to `other.x` and [y] equal to `other.y`. */ bool operator ==(other) { if (other is! Point) return false; return x == other.x && y == other.y; } int get hashCode => _JenkinsSmiHash.hash2(x.hashCode, y.hashCode); /** * Add [other] to `this`, as if both points were vectors. * * Returns the resulting "vector" as a Point. */ Point operator +(Point other) { return new Point(x + other.x, y + other.y); } /** * Subtract [other] from `this`, as if both points were vectors. * * Returns the resulting "vector" as a Point. */ Point operator -(Point other) { return new Point(x - other.x, y - other.y); } /** * Scale this point by [factor] as if it were a vector. * * *Important* *Note*: This function accepts a `num` as its argument only so * that you can scale Point objects by an `int` factor. Because the * star operator always returns the same type of Point that originally called * it, passing in a double [factor] on a `Point` _causes_ _a_ * _runtime_ _error_ in checked mode. */ Point operator *(num /*T|int*/ factor) { return new Point((x * factor), (y * factor)); } /** * Get the straight line (Euclidean) distance between the origin (0, 0) and * this point. */ double get magnitude => sqrt(x * x + y * y); /** * Returns the distance between `this` and [other]. */ double distanceTo(Point other) { var dx = x - other.x; var dy = y - other.y; return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); } /** * Returns the squared distance between `this` and [other]. * * Squared distances can be used for comparisons when the actual value is not * required. */ T squaredDistanceTo(Point other) { var dx = x - other.x; var dy = y - other.y; return dx * dx + dy * dy; } } \NN<? (K58')E<0(3C0(3:ONPE(.5N/6&$>P(Lfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/math/random.dart'// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.math; /// A generator of random bool, int, or double values. /// /// The default implementation supplies a stream of pseudo-random bits that are /// not suitable for cryptographic purposes. /// /// Use the []() constructor for cryptographic purposes. abstract class Random { /** * Creates a random number generator. * * The optional parameter [seed] is used to initialize the * internal state of the generator. The implementation of the * random stream can change between releases of the library. */ external factory Random([int seed]); /** * Creates a cryptographically secure random number generator. * * If the program cannot provide a cryptographically secure * source of random numbers, it throws an [UnsupportedError]. */ external factory; /** * Generates a non-negative random integer uniformly distributed in the range * from 0, inclusive, to [max], exclusive. * * Implementation note: The default implementation supports [max] values * between 1 and (1<<32) inclusive. */ int nextInt(int max); /** * Generates a non-negative random floating point value uniformly distributed * in the range from 0.0, inclusive, to 1.0, exclusive. */ double nextDouble(); /** * Generates a random boolean value. */ bool nextBool(); } 4NN<7P-F(=@?'A>@$P-K&P:'Ofile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/math/rectangle.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.math; /** * A base class for representing two-dimensional axis-aligned rectangles. * * This rectangle uses a left-handed Cartesian coordinate system, with x * directed to the right and y directed down, as per the convention in 2D * computer graphics. * * See also: * [W3C Coordinate Systems Specification]( * * The rectangle is the set of points with representable coordinates greater * than or equal to left/top, and with distance to left/top no greater than * width/height (to the limit of the precision of the coordinates). */ abstract class _RectangleBase { const _RectangleBase(); /** The x-coordinate of the left edge. */ T get left; /** The y-coordinate of the top edge. */ T get top; /** The width of the rectangle. */ T get width; /** The height of the rectangle. */ T get height; /** The x-coordinate of the right edge. */ T get right => left + width; /** The y-coordinate of the bottom edge. */ T get bottom => top + height; String toString() { return 'Rectangle ($left, $top) $width x $height'; } bool operator ==(other) { if (other is! Rectangle) return false; return left == other.left && top == && right == other.right && bottom == other.bottom; } int get hashCode => _JenkinsSmiHash.hash4( left.hashCode, top.hashCode, right.hashCode, bottom.hashCode); /** * Computes the intersection of `this` and [other]. * * The intersection of two axis-aligned rectangles, if any, is always another * axis-aligned rectangle. * * Returns the intersection of this and `other`, or `null` if they don't * intersect. */ Rectangle intersection(Rectangle other) { var x0 = max(left, other.left); var x1 = min(left + width, other.left + other.width); if (x0 <= x1) { var y0 = max(top,; var y1 = min(top + height, + other.height); if (y0 <= y1) { return new Rectangle(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0); } } return null; } /** * Returns true if `this` intersects [other]. */ bool intersects(Rectangle other) { return (left <= other.left + other.width && other.left <= left + width && top <= + other.height && <= top + height); } /** * Returns a new rectangle which completely contains `this` and [other]. */ Rectangle boundingBox(Rectangle other) { var right = max(this.left + this.width, other.left + other.width); var bottom = max( + this.height, + other.height); var left = min(this.left, other.left); var top = min(,; return new Rectangle(left, top, right - left, bottom - top); } /** * Tests whether `this` entirely contains [another]. */ bool containsRectangle(Rectangle another) { return left <= another.left && left + width >= another.left + another.width && top <= && top + height >= + another.height; } /** * Tests whether [another] is inside or along the edges of `this`. */ bool containsPoint(Point another) { return another.x >= left && another.x <= left + width && another.y >= top && another.y <= top + height; } Point get topLeft => new Point(this.left,; Point get topRight => new Point(this.left + this.width,; Point get bottomRight => new Point(this.left + this.width, + this.height); Point get bottomLeft => new Point(this.left, + this.height); } /** * A class for representing two-dimensional rectangles whose properties are * immutable. */ class Rectangle extends _RectangleBase { final T left; final T top; final T width; final T height; /** * Create a rectangle spanned by `(left, top)` and `(left+width, top+height)`. * * The rectangle contains the points * with x-coordinate between `left` and `left + width`, and * with y-coordinate between `top` and `top + height`, both inclusive. * * The `width` and `height` should be non-negative. * If `width` or `height` are negative, they are clamped to zero. * * If `width` and `height` are zero, the "rectangle" comprises only the single * point `(left, top)`. */ const Rectangle(this.left,, T width, T height) : this.width = (width < 0) ? -width * 0 : width, // Inline _clampToZero. this.height = (height < 0) ? -height * 0 : height; /** * Create a rectangle spanned by the points [a] and [b]; * * The rectangle contains the points * with x-coordinate between `a.x` and `b.x`, and * with y-coordinate between `a.y` and `b.y`, both inclusive. * * If the distance between `a.x` and `b.x` is not representable * (which can happen if one or both is a double), * the actual right edge might be slightly off from `max(a.x, b.x)`. * Similar for the y-coordinates and the bottom edge. */ factory Rectangle.fromPoints(Point a, Point b) { T left = min(a.x, b.x); T width = max(a.x, b.x) - left; T top = min(a.y, b.y); T height = max(a.y, b.y) - top; return new Rectangle(left, top, width, height); } } /** * A class for representing two-dimensional axis-aligned rectangles with mutable * properties. */ class MutableRectangle extends _RectangleBase implements Rectangle { /** * The x-coordinate of the left edge. * * Setting the value will move the rectangle without changing its width. */ T left; /** * The y-coordinate of the left edge. * * Setting the value will move the rectangle without changing its height. */ T top; T _width; T _height; /** * Create a mutable rectangle spanned by `(left, top)` and * `(left+width, top+height)`. * * The rectangle contains the points * with x-coordinate between `left` and `left + width`, and * with y-coordinate between `top` and `top + height`, both inclusive. * * The `width` and `height` should be non-negative. * If `width` or `height` are negative, they are clamped to zero. * * If `width` and `height` are zero, the "rectangle" comprises only the single * point `(left, top)`. */ MutableRectangle(this.left,, T width, T height) : this._width = (width < 0) ? _clampToZero(width) : width, this._height = (height < 0) ? _clampToZero(height) : height; /** * Create a mutable rectangle spanned by the points [a] and [b]; * * The rectangle contains the points * with x-coordinate between `a.x` and `b.x`, and * with y-coordinate between `a.y` and `b.y`, both inclusive. * * If the distance between `a.x` and `b.x` is not representable * (which can happen if one or both is a double), * the actual right edge might be slightly off from `max(a.x, b.x)`. * Similar for the y-coordinates and the bottom edge. */ factory MutableRectangle.fromPoints(Point a, Point b) { T left = min(a.x, b.x); T width = max(a.x, b.x) - left; T top = min(a.y, b.y); T height = max(a.y, b.y) - top; return new MutableRectangle(left, top, width, height); } T get width => _width; /** * Sets the width of the rectangle. * * The width must be non-negative. * If a negative width is supplied, it is clamped to zero. * * Setting the value will change the right edge of the rectangle, * but will not change [left]. */ void set width(T width) { if (width < 0) width = _clampToZero(width); _width = width; } T get height => _height; /** * Sets the height of the rectangle. * * The height must be non-negative. * If a negative height is supplied, it is clamped to zero. * * Setting the value will change the bottom edge of the rectangle, * but will not change [top]. */ void set height(T height) { if (height < 0) height = _clampToZero(height); _height = height; } } /** * Converts a negative [int] or [double] to a zero-value of the same type. * * Returns `0` if value is int, `0.0` if value is double. */ T _clampToZero(T value) { assert(value < 0); return -value * 0; } NN<JIJ lMLD/,+ %&-. 7+! -E6PK2$:$<;0*0&+$K1GH+(D73#86E+ %#=KDNL;Q'>I6DQ:O;;'4@B4G89$$7Q@(K (L =!'>I6DQ;DHC'4@B4G8@$$>&%=D!3'&>E 6K:)lfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/patch/mirrors_patch.dart// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Patch library for dart:mirrors. import 'dart:_js_helper' show patch; import 'dart:_js_mirrors' as js; import 'dart:_runtime' as dart; @patch class MirrorSystem { @patch LibraryMirror findLibrary(Symbol libraryName) { return libraries.values .singleWhere((library) => library.simpleName == libraryName); } @patch static String getName(Symbol symbol) => js.getName(symbol); @patch static Symbol getSymbol(String name, [LibraryMirror library]) { return js.getSymbol(name, library); } } @patch MirrorSystem currentMirrorSystem() => js.currentJsMirrorSystem; @patch InstanceMirror reflect(Object reflectee) => js.reflect(reflectee); @patch ClassMirror reflectClass(Type key) { if (key is! Type || key == dynamic) { throw ArgumentError('$key does not denote a class'); } TypeMirror tm = reflectType(key); if (tm is! ClassMirror) { throw ArgumentError("$key does not denote a class"); } return (tm as ClassMirror).originalDeclaration; } @patch TypeMirror reflectType(Type type, [List typeArguments]) { if (typeArguments != null) { type = _instantiateClass(type, typeArguments); } return js.reflectType(type); } /// Instantiates the generic class [type] with [typeArguments] and returns the /// result. /// /// [type] may be instantiated with type arguments already. In that case, they /// are ignored. For example calling this function with `(List, [String])` /// and `(List, [String])` will produce `List` in both cases. Type _instantiateClass(Type type, List typeArguments) { var unwrapped = dart.unwrapType(type); var genericClass = dart.getGenericClass(unwrapped); if (genericClass == null) { throw ArgumentError('Type `$type` must be generic to apply ' 'type arguments: `$typeArguments`.'); } var typeArgsLenth = typeArguments.length; var unwrappedArgs = List(typeArgsLenth); for (int i = 0; i < typeArgsLenth; i++) { unwrappedArgs[i] = dart.unwrapType(typeArguments[i]); } var typeFormals = dart.getGenericTypeFormals(genericClass); if (typeFormals.length != typeArgsLenth) { throw ArgumentError('Type `$type` has ${typeFormals.length} type ' 'parameters, but $typeArgsLenth type arguments were ' 'passed: `$typeArguments`.'); } // TODO(jmesserly): this does not validate bounds, as we don't have them // available at runtime. Consider storing them when dart:mirrors is enabled. return dart.wrapType(dart.instantiateClass(genericClass, unwrappedArgs)); } TNN<#%!  2F > B(@C%(9$92@3O OPO>)6A.,+,:>-G>&KOLVfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/typed_data/typed_data.dart.// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// Lists that efficiently handle fixed sized data /// (for example, unsigned 8 byte integers) and SIMD numeric types. /// /// To use this library in your code: /// /// import 'dart:typed_data'; /// /// {@category Core} library dart.typed_data; import "dart:_internal" show UnmodifiableListBase; part "unmodifiable_typed_data.dart"; /** * A sequence of bytes underlying a typed data object. * * Used to process large quantities of binary or numerical data * more efficiently using a typed view. */ abstract class ByteBuffer { /** * Returns the length of this byte buffer, in bytes. */ int get lengthInBytes; /** * Creates a [Uint8List] _view_ of a region of this byte buffer. * * The view is backed by the bytes of this byte buffer. * Any changes made to the `Uint8List` will also change the buffer, * and vice versa. * * The viewed region start at [offsetInBytes] and contains [length] bytes. * If [length] is omitted, the range extends to the end of the buffer. * * The start index and length must describe a valid range of the buffer: * * * `offsetInBytes` must not be negative, * * `length` must not be negative, and * * `offsetInBytes + length` must not be greater than [lengthInBytes]. */ Uint8List asUint8List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]); /** * Creates a [Int8List] _view_ of a region of this byte buffer. * * The view is backed by the bytes of this byte buffer. * Any changes made to the `Int8List` will also change the buffer, * and vice versa. * * The viewed region start at [offsetInBytes] and contains [length] bytes. * If [length] is omitted, the range extends to the end of the buffer. * * The start index and length must describe a valid range of the buffer: * * * `offsetInBytes` must not be negative, * * `length` must not be negative, and * * `offsetInBytes + length` must not be greater than [lengthInBytes]. */ Int8List asInt8List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]); /** * Creates a [Uint8ClampedList] _view_ of a region of this byte buffer. * * The view is backed by the bytes of this byte buffer. * Any changes made to the `Uint8ClampedList` will also change the buffer, * and vice versa. * * The viewed region start at [offsetInBytes] and contains [length] bytes. * If [length] is omitted, the range extends to the end of the buffer. * * The start index and length must describe a valid range of the buffer: * * * `offsetInBytes` must not be negative, * * `length` must not be negative, and * * `offsetInBytes + length` must not be greater than [lengthInBytes]. */ Uint8ClampedList asUint8ClampedList([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]); /** * Creates a [Uint16List] _view_ of a region of this byte buffer. * * The view is backed by the bytes of this byte buffer. * Any changes made to the `Uint16List` will also change the buffer, * and vice versa. * * The viewed region start at [offsetInBytes], which must be 16-bit aligned, * and contains [length] 16-bit integers. * If [length] is omitted, the range extends as far towards the end of * the buffer as possible - * if [lengthInBytes] is not even, the last byte can't be part of the view. * * The start index and length must describe a valid 16-bit aligned range * of the buffer: * * * `offsetInBytes` must not be negative, * * `offsetInBytes` must be divisible by two, * * `length` must not be negative, and * * `offsetInBytes + length * 2` must not be greater than [lengthInBytes]. */ Uint16List asUint16List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]); /** * Creates a [Int16List] _view_ of a region of this byte buffer. * * The view is backed by the bytes of this byte buffer. * Any changes made to the `Int16List` will also change the buffer, * and vice versa. * * The viewed region start at [offsetInBytes], which must be 16-bit aligned, * and contains [length] 16-bit integers. * If [length] is omitted, the range extends as far towards the end of * the buffer as possible - * if [lengthInBytes] is not even, the last byte can't be part of the view. * * The start index and length must describe a valid 16-bit aligned range * of the buffer: * * * `offsetInBytes` must not be negative, * * `offsetInBytes` must be divisible by two, * * `length` must not be negative, and * * `offsetInBytes + length * 2` must not be greater than [lengthInBytes]. */ Int16List asInt16List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]); /** * Creates a [Uint32List] _view_ of a region of this byte buffer. * * The view is backed by the bytes of this byte buffer. * Any changes made to the `Uint32List` will also change the buffer, * and vice versa. * * The viewed region start at [offsetInBytes], which must be 32-bit aligned, * and contains [length] 32-bit integers. * If [length] is omitted, the range extends as far towards the end of * the buffer as possible - * if [lengthInBytes] is not divisible by four, the last bytes can't be part * of the view. * * The start index and length must describe a valid 32-bit aligned range * of the buffer: * * * `offsetInBytes` must not be negative, * * `offsetInBytes` must be divisible by four, * * `length` must not be negative, and * * `offsetInBytes + length * 4` must not be greater than [lengthInBytes]. */ Uint32List asUint32List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]); /** * Creates a [Int32List] _view_ of a region of this byte buffer. * * The view is backed by the bytes of this byte buffer. * Any changes made to the `Int32List` will also change the buffer, * and vice versa. * * The viewed region start at [offsetInBytes], which must be 32-bit aligned, * and contains [length] 32-bit integers. * If [length] is omitted, the range extends as far towards the end of * the buffer as possible - * if [lengthInBytes] is not divisible by four, the last bytes can't be part * of the view. * * The start index and length must describe a valid 32-bit aligned range * of the buffer: * * * `offsetInBytes` must not be negative, * * `offsetInBytes` must be divisible by four, * * `length` must not be negative, and * * `offsetInBytes + length * 4` must not be greater than [lengthInBytes]. */ Int32List asInt32List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]); /** * Creates a [Uint64List] _view_ of a region of this byte buffer. * * The view is backed by the bytes of this byte buffer. * Any changes made to the `Uint64List` will also change the buffer, * and vice versa. * * The viewed region start at [offsetInBytes], which must be 64-bit aligned, * and contains [length] 64-bit integers. * If [length] is omitted, the range extends as far towards the end of * the buffer as possible - * if [lengthInBytes] is not divisible by eight, the last bytes can't be part * of the view. * * The start index and length must describe a valid 64-bit aligned range * of the buffer: * * * `offsetInBytes` must not be negative, * * `offsetInBytes` must be divisible by eight, * * `length` must not be negative, and * * `offsetInBytes + length * 8` must not be greater than [lengthInBytes]. */ Uint64List asUint64List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]); /** * Creates a [Int64List] _view_ of a region of this byte buffer. * * The view is backed by the bytes of this byte buffer. * Any changes made to the `Int64List` will also change the buffer, * and vice versa. * * The viewed region start at [offsetInBytes], which must be 64-bit aligned, * and contains [length] 64-bit integers. * If [length] is omitted, the range extends as far towards the end of * the buffer as possible - * if [lengthInBytes] is not divisible by eight, the last bytes can't be part * of the view. * * The start index and length must describe a valid 64-bit aligned range * of the buffer: * * * `offsetInBytes` must not be negative, * * `offsetInBytes` must be divisible by eight, * * `length` must not be negative, and * * `offsetInBytes + length * 8` must not be greater than [lengthInBytes]. */ Int64List asInt64List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]); /** * Creates a [Int32x4List] _view_ of a region of this byte buffer. * * The view is backed by the bytes of this byte buffer. * Any changes made to the `Int32x4List` will also change the buffer, * and vice versa. * * The viewed region start at [offsetInBytes], which must be 128-bit aligned, * and contains [length] 128-bit integers. * If [length] is omitted, the range extends as far towards the end of * the buffer as possible - * if [lengthInBytes] is not divisible by 16, the last bytes can't be part * of the view. * * The start index and length must describe a valid 128-bit aligned range * of the buffer: * * * `offsetInBytes` must not be negative, * * `offsetInBytes` must be divisible by sixteen, * * `length` must not be negative, and * * `offsetInBytes + length * 16` must not be greater than [lengthInBytes]. */ Int32x4List asInt32x4List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]); /** * Creates a [Float32List] _view_ of a region of this byte buffer. * * The view is backed by the bytes of this byte buffer. * Any changes made to the `Float32List` will also change the buffer, * and vice versa. * * The viewed region start at [offsetInBytes], which must be 32-bit aligned, * and contains [length] 32-bit integers. * If [length] is omitted, the range extends as far towards the end of * the buffer as possible - * if [lengthInBytes] is not divisible by four, the last bytes can't be part * of the view. * * The start index and length must describe a valid 32-bit aligned range * of the buffer: * * * `offsetInBytes` must not be negative, * * `offsetInBytes` must be divisible by four, * * `length` must not be negative, and * * `offsetInBytes + length * 4` must not be greater than [lengthInBytes]. */ Float32List asFloat32List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]); /** * Creates a [Float64List] _view_ of a region of this byte buffer. * * The view is backed by the bytes of this byte buffer. * Any changes made to the `Float64List` will also change the buffer, * and vice versa. * * The viewed region start at [offsetInBytes], which must be 64-bit aligned, * and contains [length] 64-bit integers. * If [length] is omitted, the range extends as far towards the end of * the buffer as possible - * if [lengthInBytes] is not divisible by eight, the last bytes can't be part * of the view. * * The start index and length must describe a valid 64-bit aligned range * of the buffer: * * * `offsetInBytes` must not be negative, * * `offsetInBytes` must be divisible by eight, * * `length` must not be negative, and * * `offsetInBytes + length * 8` must not be greater than [lengthInBytes]. */ Float64List asFloat64List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]); /** * Creates a [Float32x4List] _view_ of a region of this byte buffer. * * The view is backed by the bytes of this byte buffer. * Any changes made to the `Float32x4List` will also change the buffer, * and vice versa. * * The viewed region start at [offsetInBytes], which must be 128-bit aligned, * and contains [length] 128-bit integers. * If [length] is omitted, the range extends as far towards the end of * the buffer as possible - * if [lengthInBytes] is not divisible by 16, the last bytes can't be part * of the view. * * The start index and length must describe a valid 128-bit aligned range * of the buffer: * * * `offsetInBytes` must not be negative, * * `offsetInBytes` must be divisible by sixteen, * * `length` must not be negative, and * * `offsetInBytes + length * 16` must not be greater than [lengthInBytes]. */ Float32x4List asFloat32x4List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]); /** * Creates a [Float64x2List] _view_ of a region of this byte buffer. * * The view is backed by the bytes of this byte buffer. * Any changes made to the `Float64x2List` will also change the buffer, * and vice versa. * * The viewed region start at [offsetInBytes], which must be 128-bit aligned, * and contains [length] 128-bit integers. * If [length] is omitted, the range extends as far towards the end of * the buffer as possible - * if [lengthInBytes] is not divisible by 16, the last bytes can't be part * of the view. * * The start index and length must describe a valid 128-bit aligned range * of the buffer: * * * `offsetInBytes` must not be negative, * * `offsetInBytes` must be divisible by sixteen, * * `length` must not be negative, and * * `offsetInBytes + length * 16` must not be greater than [lengthInBytes]. */ Float64x2List asFloat64x2List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]); /** * Creates a [ByteData] _view_ of a region of this byte buffer. * * The view is backed by the bytes of this byte buffer. * Any changes made to the `ByteData` will also change the buffer, * and vice versa. * * The viewed region start at [offsetInBytes] and contains [length] bytes. * If [length] is omitted, the range extends to the end of the buffer. * * The start index and length must describe a valid range of the buffer: * * * `offsetInBytes` must not be negative, * * `length` must not be negative, and * * `offsetInBytes + length` must not be greater than [lengthInBytes]. */ ByteData asByteData([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]); } /** * A typed view of a sequence of bytes. */ abstract class TypedData { /** * Returns the number of bytes in the representation of each element in this * list. */ int get elementSizeInBytes; /** * Returns the offset in bytes into the underlying byte buffer of this view. */ int get offsetInBytes; /** * Returns the length of this view, in bytes. */ int get lengthInBytes; /** * Returns the byte buffer associated with this object. */ ByteBuffer get buffer; } abstract class _TypedIntList extends TypedData { /** * Returns the concatenation of this list and [other]. * * If other is also a typed-data integer list, the returned list will * be a type-data integer list capable of containing all the elements of * this list and of [other]. * Otherwise the returned list will be a normal growable `List`. */ List operator +(List other); } abstract class _TypedFloatList extends TypedData { /** * Returns the concatenation of this list and [other]. * * If other is also a typed-data floating point number list, * the returned list will be a type-data float list capable of containing * all the elements of this list and of [other]. * Otherwise the returned list will be a normal growable `List`. */ List operator +(List other); } /** * Describes endianness to be used when accessing or updating a * sequence of bytes. */ class Endian { final bool _littleEndian; const Endian._(this._littleEndian); static const Endian big = const Endian._(false); static const Endian little = const Endian._(true); static final Endian host = (new ByteData.view(new Uint16List.fromList([1]).buffer)).getInt8(0) == 1 ? little : big; } /** * A fixed-length, random-access sequence of bytes that also provides random * and unaligned access to the fixed-width integers and floating point * numbers represented by those bytes. * * `ByteData` may be used to pack and unpack data from external sources * (such as networks or files systems), and to process large quantities * of numerical data more efficiently than would be possible * with ordinary [List] implementations. * `ByteData` can save space, by eliminating the need for object headers, * and time, by eliminating the need for data copies. * Finally, `ByteData` may be used to intentionally reinterpret the bytes * representing one arithmetic type as another. * For example this code fragment determine what 32-bit signed integer * is represented by the bytes of a 32-bit floating point number: * * var buffer = new Uint8List(8).buffer; * var bdata = new ByteData.view(buffer); * bdata.setFloat32(0, 3.04); * int huh = bdata.getInt32(0); */ abstract class ByteData implements TypedData { /** * Creates a [ByteData] of the specified length (in elements), all of * whose bytes are initially zero. */ external factory ByteData(int length); /** * Creates an [ByteData] _view_ of the specified region in [buffer]. * * Changes in the [ByteData] will be visible in the byte * buffer and vice versa. * If the [offsetInBytes] index of the region is not specified, * it defaults to zero (the first byte in the byte buffer). * If the length is not specified, it defaults to `null`, * which indicates that the view extends to the end of the byte buffer. * * Throws [RangeError] if [offsetInBytes] or [length] are negative, or * if [offsetInBytes] + ([length] * elementSizeInBytes) is greater than * the length of [buffer]. */ factory ByteData.view(ByteBuffer buffer, [int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { return buffer.asByteData(offsetInBytes, length); } /** * Returns the (possibly negative) integer represented by the byte at the * specified [byteOffset] in this object, in two's complement binary * representation. * * The return value will be between -128 and 127, inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * greater than or equal to the length of this object. */ int getInt8(int byteOffset); /** * Sets the byte at the specified [byteOffset] in this object to the * two's complement binary representation of the specified [value], which * must fit in a single byte. * * In other words, [value] must be between -128 and 127, inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * greater than or equal to the length of this object. */ void setInt8(int byteOffset, int value); /** * Returns the positive integer represented by the byte at the specified * [byteOffset] in this object, in unsigned binary form. * * The return value will be between 0 and 255, inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * greater than or equal to the length of this object. */ int getUint8(int byteOffset); /** * Sets the byte at the specified [byteOffset] in this object to the * unsigned binary representation of the specified [value], which must fit * in a single byte. * * In other words, [value] must be between 0 and 255, inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, * or greater than or equal to the length of this object. */ void setUint8(int byteOffset, int value); /** * Returns the (possibly negative) integer represented by the two bytes at * the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in two's complement binary * form. * * The return value will be between -215 and 215 - 1, * inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 2` is greater than the length of this object. */ int getInt16(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]); /** * Sets the two bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this * object to the two's complement binary representation of the specified * [value], which must fit in two bytes. * * In other words, [value] must lie * between -215 and 215 - 1, inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 2` is greater than the length of this object. */ void setInt16(int byteOffset, int value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]); /** * Returns the positive integer represented by the two bytes starting * at the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in unsigned binary * form. * * The return value will be between 0 and 216 - 1, inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 2` is greater than the length of this object. */ int getUint16(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]); /** * Sets the two bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this object * to the unsigned binary representation of the specified [value], * which must fit in two bytes. * * In other words, [value] must be between * 0 and 216 - 1, inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 2` is greater than the length of this object. */ void setUint16(int byteOffset, int value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]); /** * Returns the (possibly negative) integer represented by the four bytes at * the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in two's complement binary * form. * * The return value will be between -231 and 231 - 1, * inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this object. */ int getInt32(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]); /** * Sets the four bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this * object to the two's complement binary representation of the specified * [value], which must fit in four bytes. * * In other words, [value] must lie * between -231 and 231 - 1, inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this object. */ void setInt32(int byteOffset, int value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]); /** * Returns the positive integer represented by the four bytes starting * at the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in unsigned binary * form. * * The return value will be between 0 and 232 - 1, inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this object. */ int getUint32(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]); /** * Sets the four bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this object * to the unsigned binary representation of the specified [value], * which must fit in four bytes. * * In other words, [value] must be between * 0 and 232 - 1, inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this object. */ void setUint32(int byteOffset, int value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]); /** * Returns the (possibly negative) integer represented by the eight bytes at * the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in two's complement binary * form. * * The return value will be between -263 and 263 - 1, * inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this object. */ int getInt64(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]); /** * Sets the eight bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this * object to the two's complement binary representation of the specified * [value], which must fit in eight bytes. * * In other words, [value] must lie * between -263 and 263 - 1, inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this object. */ void setInt64(int byteOffset, int value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]); /** * Returns the positive integer represented by the eight bytes starting * at the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in unsigned binary * form. * * The return value will be between 0 and 264 - 1, inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this object. */ int getUint64(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]); /** * Sets the eight bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this object * to the unsigned binary representation of the specified [value], * which must fit in eight bytes. * * In other words, [value] must be between * 0 and 264 - 1, inclusive. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this object. */ void setUint64(int byteOffset, int value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]); /** * Returns the floating point number represented by the four bytes at * the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in IEEE 754 * single-precision binary floating-point format (binary32). * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this object. */ double getFloat32(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]); /** * Sets the four bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this * object to the IEEE 754 single-precision binary floating-point * (binary32) representation of the specified [value]. * * **Note that this method can lose precision.** The input [value] is * a 64-bit floating point value, which will be converted to 32-bit * floating point value by IEEE 754 rounding rules before it is stored. * If [value] cannot be represented exactly as a binary32, it will be * converted to the nearest binary32 value. If two binary32 values are * equally close, the one whose least significant bit is zero will be used. * Note that finite (but large) values can be converted to infinity, and * small non-zero values can be converted to zero. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this object. */ void setFloat32(int byteOffset, double value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]); /** * Returns the floating point number represented by the eight bytes at * the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in IEEE 754 * double-precision binary floating-point format (binary64). * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this object. */ double getFloat64(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]); /** * Sets the eight bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this * object to the IEEE 754 double-precision binary floating-point * (binary64) representation of the specified [value]. * * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or * `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this object. */ void setFloat64(int byteOffset, double value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]); } /** * A fixed-length list of 8-bit signed integers. * * For long lists, this implementation can be considerably * more space- and time-efficient than the default [List] implementation. * * Integers stored in the list are truncated to their low eight bits, * interpreted as a signed 8-bit two's complement integer with values in the * range -128 to +127. */ abstract class Int8List implements List, _TypedIntList { /** * Creates an [Int8List] of the specified length (in elements), all of * whose elements are initially zero. */ external factory Int8List(int length); /** * Creates a [Int8List] with the same length as the [elements] list * and copies over the elements. * * Values are truncated to fit in the list when they are copied, * the same way storing values truncates them. */ external factory Int8List.fromList(List elements); /** * Creates an [Int8List] _view_ of the specified region in [buffer]. * * Changes in the [Int8List] will be visible in the byte * buffer and vice versa. * If the [offsetInBytes] index of the region is not specified, * it defaults to zero (the first byte in the byte buffer). * If the length is not specified, it defaults to `null`, * which indicates that the view extends to the end of the byte buffer. * * Throws [RangeError] if [offsetInBytes] or [length] are negative, or * if [offsetInBytes] + ([length] * elementSizeInBytes) is greater than * the length of [buffer]. */ factory Int8List.view(ByteBuffer buffer, [int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { return buffer.asInt8List(offsetInBytes, length); } static const int bytesPerElement = 1; } /** * A fixed-length list of 8-bit unsigned integers. * * For long lists, this implementation can be considerably * more space- and time-efficient than the default [List] implementation. * * Integers stored in the list are truncated to their low eight bits, * interpreted as an unsigned 8-bit integer with values in the * range 0 to 255. */ abstract class Uint8List implements List, _TypedIntList { /** * Creates a [Uint8List] of the specified length (in elements), all of * whose elements are initially zero. */ external factory Uint8List(int length); /** * Creates a [Uint8List] with the same length as the [elements] list * and copies over the elements. * * Values are truncated to fit in the list when they are copied, * the same way storing values truncates them. */ external factory Uint8List.fromList(List elements); /** * Creates a [Uint8List] _view_ of the specified region in [buffer]. * * Changes in the [Uint8List] will be visible in the byte * buffer and vice versa. * If the [offsetInBytes] index of the region is not specified, * it defaults to zero (the first byte in the byte buffer). * If the length is not specified, it defaults to `null`, * which indicates that the view extends to the end of the byte buffer. * * Throws [RangeError] if [offsetInBytes] or [length] are negative, or * if [offsetInBytes] + ([length] * elementSizeInBytes) is greater than * the length of [buffer]. */ factory Uint8List.view(ByteBuffer buffer, [int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { return buffer.asUint8List(offsetInBytes, length); } /** * Returns a concatenation of this list and [other]. * * If [other] is also a typed-data list, then the return list will be a * typed data list capable of holding both unsigned 8-bit integers and * the elements of [other], otherwise it'll be a normal list of integers. */ List operator +(List other); static const int bytesPerElement = 1; } /** * A fixed-length list of 8-bit unsigned integers. * * For long lists, this implementation can be considerably * more space- and time-efficient than the default [List] implementation. * * Integers stored in the list are clamped to an unsigned eight bit value. * That is, all values below zero are stored as zero * and all values above 255 are stored as 255. */ abstract class Uint8ClampedList implements List, _TypedIntList { /** * Creates a [Uint8ClampedList] of the specified length (in elements), all of * whose elements are initially zero. */ external factory Uint8ClampedList(int length); /** * Creates a [Uint8ClampedList] of the same size as the [elements] * list and copies over the values clamping when needed. * * Values are clamped to fit in the list when they are copied, * the same way storing values clamps them. */ external factory Uint8ClampedList.fromList(List elements); /** * Creates a [Uint8ClampedList] _view_ of the specified region in the * specified byte [buffer]. * * Changes in the [Uint8List] will be visible in the byte buffer * and vice versa. * If the [offsetInBytes] index of the region is not specified, * it defaults to zero (the first byte in the byte buffer). * If the length is not specified, it defaults to `null`, * which indicates that the view extends to the end of the byte buffer. * * Throws [RangeError] if [offsetInBytes] or [length] are negative, or * if [offsetInBytes] + ([length] * elementSizeInBytes) is greater than * the length of [buffer]. */ factory Uint8ClampedList.view(ByteBuffer buffer, [int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { return buffer.asUint8ClampedList(offsetInBytes, length); } static const int bytesPerElement = 1; } /** * A fixed-length list of 16-bit signed integers that is viewable as a * [TypedData]. * * For long lists, this implementation can be considerably * more space- and time-efficient than the default [List] implementation. * * Integers stored in the list are truncated to their low 16 bits, * interpreted as a signed 16-bit two's complement integer with values in the * range -32768 to +32767. */ abstract class Int16List implements List, _TypedIntList { /** * Creates an [Int16List] of the specified length (in elements), all of * whose elements are initially zero. */ external factory Int16List(int length); /** * Creates a [Int16List] with the same length as the [elements] list * and copies over the elements. * * Values are truncated to fit in the list when they are copied, * the same way storing values truncates them. */ external factory Int16List.fromList(List elements); /** * Creates an [Int16List] _view_ of the specified region in [buffer]. * * Changes in the [Int16List] will be visible in the byte * buffer and vice versa. * If the [offsetInBytes] index of the region is not specified, * it defaults to zero (the first byte in the byte buffer). * If the length is not specified, it defaults to `null`, * which indicates that the view extends to the end of the byte buffer. * * Throws [RangeError] if [offsetInBytes] or [length] are negative, or * if [offsetInBytes] + ([length] * elementSizeInBytes) is greater than * the length of [buffer]. * * Throws [ArgumentError] if [offsetInBytes] is not a multiple of * [bytesPerElement]. */ factory Int16List.view(ByteBuffer buffer, [int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { return buffer.asInt16List(offsetInBytes, length); } static const int bytesPerElement = 2; } /** * A fixed-length list of 16-bit unsigned integers that is viewable as a * [TypedData]. * * For long lists, this implementation can be considerably * more space- and time-efficient than the default [List] implementation. * * Integers stored in the list are truncated to their low 16 bits, * interpreted as an unsigned 16-bit integer with values in the * range 0 to 65535. */ abstract class Uint16List implements List, _TypedIntList { /** * Creates a [Uint16List] of the specified length (in elements), all * of whose elements are initially zero. */ external factory Uint16List(int length); /** * Creates a [Uint16List] with the same length as the [elements] list * and copies over the elements. * * Values are truncated to fit in the list when they are copied, * the same way storing values truncates them. */ external factory Uint16List.fromList(List elements); /** * Creates a [Uint16List] _view_ of the specified region in * the specified byte buffer. * * Changes in the [Uint16List] will be visible in the byte buffer * and vice versa. * If the [offsetInBytes] index of the region is not specified, * it defaults to zero (the first byte in the byte buffer). * If the length is not specified, it defaults to `null`, * which indicates that the view extends to the end of the byte buffer. * * Throws [RangeError] if [offsetInBytes] or [length] are negative, or * if [offsetInBytes] + ([length] * elementSizeInBytes) is greater than * the length of [buffer]. * * Throws [ArgumentError] if [offsetInBytes] is not a multiple of * [bytesPerElement]. */ factory Uint16List.view(ByteBuffer buffer, [int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { return buffer.asUint16List(offsetInBytes, length); } static const int bytesPerElement = 2; } /** * A fixed-length list of 32-bit signed integers that is viewable as a * [TypedData]. * * For long lists, this implementation can be considerably * more space- and time-efficient than the default [List] implementation. * * Integers stored in the list are truncated to their low 32 bits, * interpreted as a signed 32-bit two's complement integer with values in the * range -2147483648 to 2147483647. */ abstract class Int32List implements List, _TypedIntList { /** * Creates an [Int32List] of the specified length (in elements), all of * whose elements are initially zero. */ external factory Int32List(int length); /** * Creates a [Int32List] with the same length as the [elements] list * and copies over the elements. * * Values are truncated to fit in the list when they are copied, * the same way storing values truncates them. */ external factory Int32List.fromList(List elements); /** * Creates an [Int32List] _view_ of the specified region in [buffer]. * * Changes in the [Int32List] will be visible in the byte * buffer and vice versa. * If the [offsetInBytes] index of the region is not specified, * it defaults to zero (the first byte in the byte buffer). * If the length is not specified, it defaults to `null`, * which indicates that the view extends to the end of the byte buffer. * * Throws [RangeError] if [offsetInBytes] or [length] are negative, or * if [offsetInBytes] + ([length] * elementSizeInBytes) is greater than * the length of [buffer]. * * Throws [ArgumentError] if [offsetInBytes] is not a multiple of * [bytesPerElement]. */ factory Int32List.view(ByteBuffer buffer, [int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { return buffer.asInt32List(offsetInBytes, length); } static const int bytesPerElement = 4; } /** * A fixed-length list of 32-bit unsigned integers that is viewable as a * [TypedData]. * * For long lists, this implementation can be considerably * more space- and time-efficient than the default [List] implementation. * * Integers stored in the list are truncated to their low 32 bits, * interpreted as an unsigned 32-bit integer with values in the * range 0 to 4294967295. */ abstract class Uint32List implements List, _TypedIntList { /** * Creates a [Uint32List] of the specified length (in elements), all * of whose elements are initially zero. */ external factory Uint32List(int length); /** * Creates a [Uint32List] with the same length as the [elements] list * and copies over the elements. * * Values are truncated to fit in the list when they are copied, * the same way storing values truncates them. */ external factory Uint32List.fromList(List elements); /** * Creates a [Uint32List] _view_ of the specified region in * the specified byte buffer. * * Changes in the [Uint32List] will be visible in the byte buffer * and vice versa. * If the [offsetInBytes] index of the region is not specified, * it defaults to zero (the first byte in the byte buffer). * If the length is not specified, it defaults to `null`, * which indicates that the view extends to the end of the byte buffer. * * Throws [RangeError] if [offsetInBytes] or [length] are negative, or * if [offsetInBytes] + ([length] * elementSizeInBytes) is greater than * the length of [buffer]. * * Throws [ArgumentError] if [offsetInBytes] is not a multiple of * [bytesPerElement]. */ factory Uint32List.view(ByteBuffer buffer, [int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { return buffer.asUint32List(offsetInBytes, length); } static const int bytesPerElement = 4; } /** * A fixed-length list of 64-bit signed integers that is viewable as a * [TypedData]. * * For long lists, this implementation can be considerably * more space- and time-efficient than the default [List] implementation. * * Integers stored in the list are truncated to their low 64 bits, * interpreted as a signed 64-bit two's complement integer with values in the * range -9223372036854775808 to +9223372036854775807. */ abstract class Int64List implements List, _TypedIntList { /** * Creates an [Int64List] of the specified length (in elements), all of * whose elements are initially zero. */ external factory Int64List(int length); /** * Creates a [Int64List] with the same length as the [elements] list * and copies over the elements. * * Values are truncated to fit in the list when they are copied, * the same way storing values truncates them. */ external factory Int64List.fromList(List elements); /** * Creates an [Int64List] _view_ of the specified region in [buffer]. * * Changes in the [Int64List] will be visible in the byte buffer * and vice versa. * If the [offsetInBytes] index of the region is not specified, * it defaults to zero (the first byte in the byte buffer). * If the length is not specified, it defaults to `null`, * which indicates that the view extends to the end of the byte buffer. * * Throws [RangeError] if [offsetInBytes] or [length] are negative, or * if [offsetInBytes] + ([length] * elementSizeInBytes) is greater than * the length of [buffer]. * * Throws [ArgumentError] if [offsetInBytes] is not a multiple of * [bytesPerElement]. */ factory Int64List.view(ByteBuffer buffer, [int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { return buffer.asInt64List(offsetInBytes, length); } static const int bytesPerElement = 8; } /** * A fixed-length list of 64-bit unsigned integers that is viewable as a * [TypedData]. * * For long lists, this implementation can be considerably * more space- and time-efficient than the default [List] implementation. * * Integers stored in the list are truncated to their low 64 bits, * interpreted as an unsigned 64-bit integer with values in the * range 0 to 18446744073709551615. */ abstract class Uint64List implements List, _TypedIntList { /** * Creates a [Uint64List] of the specified length (in elements), all * of whose elements are initially zero. */ external factory Uint64List(int length); /** * Creates a [Uint64List] with the same length as the [elements] list * and copies over the elements. * * Values are truncated to fit in the list when they are copied, * the same way storing values truncates them. */ external factory Uint64List.fromList(List elements); /** * Creates an [Uint64List] _view_ of the specified region in * the specified byte buffer. * * Changes in the [Uint64List] will be visible in the byte buffer * and vice versa. * If the [offsetInBytes] index of the region is not specified, * it defaults to zero (the first byte in the byte buffer). * If the length is not specified, it defaults to `null`, * which indicates that the view extends to the end of the byte buffer. * * Throws [RangeError] if [offsetInBytes] or [length] are negative, or * if [offsetInBytes] + ([length] * elementSizeInBytes) is greater than * the length of [buffer]. * * Throws [ArgumentError] if [offsetInBytes] is not a multiple of * [bytesPerElement]. */ factory Uint64List.view(ByteBuffer buffer, [int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { return buffer.asUint64List(offsetInBytes, length); } static const int bytesPerElement = 8; } /** * A fixed-length list of IEEE 754 single-precision binary floating-point * numbers that is viewable as a [TypedData]. * * For long lists, this * implementation can be considerably more space- and time-efficient than * the default [List] implementation. * * Double values stored in the list are converted to the nearest * single-precision value. Values read are converted to a double * value with the same value. */ abstract class Float32List implements List, _TypedFloatList { /** * Creates a [Float32List] of the specified length (in elements), all of * whose elements are initially zero. */ external factory Float32List(int length); /** * Creates a [Float32List] with the same length as the [elements] list * and copies over the elements. * * Values are truncated to fit in the list when they are copied, * the same way storing values truncates them. */ external factory Float32List.fromList(List elements); /** * Creates a [Float32List] _view_ of the specified region in [buffer]. * * Changes in the [Float32List] will be visible in the byte * buffer and vice versa. * If the [offsetInBytes] index of the region is not specified, * it defaults to zero (the first byte in the byte buffer). * If the length is not specified, it defaults to `null`, * which indicates that the view extends to the end of the byte buffer. * * Throws [RangeError] if [offsetInBytes] or [length] are negative, or * if [offsetInBytes] + ([length] * elementSizeInBytes) is greater than * the length of [buffer]. * * Throws [ArgumentError] if [offsetInBytes] is not a multiple of * [bytesPerElement]. */ factory Float32List.view(ByteBuffer buffer, [int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { return buffer.asFloat32List(offsetInBytes, length); } static const int bytesPerElement = 4; } /** * A fixed-length list of IEEE 754 double-precision binary floating-point * numbers that is viewable as a [TypedData]. * * For long lists, this * implementation can be considerably more space- and time-efficient than * the default [List] implementation. */ abstract class Float64List implements List, _TypedFloatList { /** * Creates a [Float64List] of the specified length (in elements), all of * whose elements are initially zero. */ external factory Float64List(int length); /** * Creates a [Float64List] with the same length as the [elements] list * and copies over the elements. */ external factory Float64List.fromList(List elements); /** * Creates a [Float64List] _view_ of the specified region in [buffer]. * * Changes in the [Float64List] will be visible in the byte * buffer and vice versa. * If the [offsetInBytes] index of the region is not specified, * it defaults to zero (the first byte in the byte buffer). * If the length is not specified, it defaults to `null`, * which indicates that the view extends to the end of the byte buffer. * * Throws [RangeError] if [offsetInBytes] or [length] are negative, or * if [offsetInBytes] + ([length] * elementSizeInBytes) is greater than * the length of [buffer]. * * Throws [ArgumentError] if [offsetInBytes] is not a multiple of * [bytesPerElement]. */ factory Float64List.view(ByteBuffer buffer, [int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { return buffer.asFloat64List(offsetInBytes, length); } static const int bytesPerElement = 8; } /** * A fixed-length list of Float32x4 numbers that is viewable as a * [TypedData]. * * For long lists, this implementation will be considerably more * space- and time-efficient than the default [List] implementation. */ abstract class Float32x4List implements List, TypedData { /** * Creates a [Float32x4List] of the specified length (in elements), * all of whose elements are initially zero. */ external factory Float32x4List(int length); /** * Creates a [Float32x4List] with the same length as the [elements] list * and copies over the elements. */ external factory Float32x4List.fromList(List elements); /** * Creates a [Float32x4List] _view_ of the specified region in [buffer]. * * Changes in the [Float32x4List] will be visible in the byte * buffer and vice versa. * If the [offsetInBytes] index of the region is not specified, * it defaults to zero (the first byte in the byte buffer). * If the length is not specified, it defaults to `null`, * which indicates that the view extends to the end of the byte buffer. * * Throws [RangeError] if [offsetInBytes] or [length] are negative, or * if [offsetInBytes] + ([length] * elementSizeInBytes) is greater than * the length of [buffer]. * * Throws [ArgumentError] if [offsetInBytes] is not a multiple of * [bytesPerElement]. */ factory Float32x4List.view(ByteBuffer buffer, [int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { return buffer.asFloat32x4List(offsetInBytes, length); } /** * Returns the concatenation of this list and [other]. * * If [other] is also a [Float32x4List], the result is a new [Float32x4List], * otherwise the result is a normal growable `List`. */ List operator +(List other); static const int bytesPerElement = 16; } /** * A fixed-length list of Int32x4 numbers that is viewable as a * [TypedData]. * * For long lists, this implementation will be considerably more * space- and time-efficient than the default [List] implementation. */ abstract class Int32x4List implements List, TypedData { /** * Creates a [Int32x4List] of the specified length (in elements), * all of whose elements are initially zero. */ external factory Int32x4List(int length); /** * Creates a [Int32x4List] with the same length as the [elements] list * and copies over the elements. */ external factory Int32x4List.fromList(List elements); /** * Creates a [Int32x4List] _view_ of the specified region in [buffer]. * * Changes in the [Int32x4List] will be visible in the byte * buffer and vice versa. * If the [offsetInBytes] index of the region is not specified, * it defaults to zero (the first byte in the byte buffer). * If the length is not specified, it defaults to `null`, * which indicates that the view extends to the end of the byte buffer. * * Throws [RangeError] if [offsetInBytes] or [length] are negative, or * if [offsetInBytes] + ([length] * elementSizeInBytes) is greater than * the length of [buffer]. * * Throws [ArgumentError] if [offsetInBytes] is not a multiple of * [bytesPerElement]. */ factory Int32x4List.view(ByteBuffer buffer, [int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { return buffer.asInt32x4List(offsetInBytes, length); } /** * Returns the concatenation of this list and [other]. * * If [other] is also a [Int32x4List], the result is a new [Int32x4List], * otherwise the result is a normal growable `List`. */ List operator +(List other); static const int bytesPerElement = 16; } /** * A fixed-length list of Float64x2 numbers that is viewable as a * [TypedData]. * * For long lists, this implementation will be considerably more * space- and time-efficient than the default [List] implementation. */ abstract class Float64x2List implements List, TypedData { /** * Creates a [Float64x2List] of the specified length (in elements), * all of whose elements have all lanes set to zero. */ external factory Float64x2List(int length); /** * Creates a [Float64x2List] with the same length as the [elements] list * and copies over the elements. */ external factory Float64x2List.fromList(List elements); /** * Returns the concatenation of this list and [other]. * * If [other] is also a [Float64x2List], the result is a new [Float64x2List], * otherwise the result is a normal growable `List`. */ List operator +(List other); /** * Creates a [Float64x2List] _view_ of the specified region in [buffer]. * * Changes in the [Float64x2List] will be visible in the byte * buffer and vice versa. * If the [offsetInBytes] index of the region is not specified, * it defaults to zero (the first byte in the byte buffer). * If the length is not specified, it defaults to `null`, * which indicates that the view extends to the end of the byte buffer. * * Throws [RangeError] if [offsetInBytes] or [length] are negative, or * if [offsetInBytes] + ([length] * elementSizeInBytes) is greater than * the length of [buffer]. * * Throws [ArgumentError] if [offsetInBytes] is not a multiple of * [bytesPerElement]. */ factory Float64x2List.view(ByteBuffer buffer, [int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) { return buffer.asFloat64x2List(offsetInBytes, length); } static const int bytesPerElement = 16; } /** * Float32x4 immutable value type and operations. * * Float32x4 stores 4 32-bit floating point values in "lanes". * The lanes are "x", "y", "z", and "w" respectively. */ abstract class Float32x4 { external factory Float32x4(double x, double y, double z, double w); external factory Float32x4.splat(double v); external factory; external factory Float32x4.fromInt32x4Bits(Int32x4 x); /// Sets the x and y lanes to their respective values in [v] and sets the z /// and w lanes to 0.0. external factory Float32x4.fromFloat64x2(Float64x2 v); /// Addition operator. Float32x4 operator +(Float32x4 other); /// Negate operator. Float32x4 operator -(); /// Subtraction operator. Float32x4 operator -(Float32x4 other); /// Multiplication operator. Float32x4 operator *(Float32x4 other); /// Division operator. Float32x4 operator /(Float32x4 other); /// Relational less than. Int32x4 lessThan(Float32x4 other); /// Relational less than or equal. Int32x4 lessThanOrEqual(Float32x4 other); /// Relational greater than. Int32x4 greaterThan(Float32x4 other); /// Relational greater than or equal. Int32x4 greaterThanOrEqual(Float32x4 other); /// Relational equal. Int32x4 equal(Float32x4 other); /// Relational not-equal. Int32x4 notEqual(Float32x4 other); /// Returns a copy of [this] each lane being scaled by [s]. /// Equivalent to this * new Float32x4.splat(s) Float32x4 scale(double s); /// Returns the lane-wise absolute value of this [Float32x4]. Float32x4 abs(); /// Lane-wise clamp [this] to be in the range [lowerLimit]-[upperLimit]. Float32x4 clamp(Float32x4 lowerLimit, Float32x4 upperLimit); /// Extracted x value. double get x; /// Extracted y value. double get y; /// Extracted z value. double get z; /// Extracted w value. double get w; /// Extract the sign bits from each lane return them in the first 4 bits. /// "x" lane is bit 0. /// "y" lane is bit 1. /// "z" lane is bit 2. /// "w" lane is bit 3. int get signMask; /// Mask passed to [shuffle] or [shuffleMix]. static const int xxxx = 0x0; static const int xxxy = 0x40; static const int xxxz = 0x80; static const int xxxw = 0xC0; static const int xxyx = 0x10; static const int xxyy = 0x50; static const int xxyz = 0x90; static const int xxyw = 0xD0; static const int xxzx = 0x20; static const int xxzy = 0x60; static const int xxzz = 0xA0; static const int xxzw = 0xE0; static const int xxwx = 0x30; static const int xxwy = 0x70; static const int xxwz = 0xB0; static const int xxww = 0xF0; static const int xyxx = 0x4; static const int xyxy = 0x44; static const int xyxz = 0x84; static const int xyxw = 0xC4; static const int xyyx = 0x14; static const int xyyy = 0x54; static const int xyyz = 0x94; static const int xyyw = 0xD4; static const int xyzx = 0x24; static const int xyzy = 0x64; static const int xyzz = 0xA4; static const int xyzw = 0xE4; static const int xywx = 0x34; static const int xywy = 0x74; static const int xywz = 0xB4; static const int xyww = 0xF4; static const int xzxx = 0x8; static const int xzxy = 0x48; static const int xzxz = 0x88; static const int xzxw = 0xC8; static const int xzyx = 0x18; static const int xzyy = 0x58; static const int xzyz = 0x98; static const int xzyw = 0xD8; static const int xzzx = 0x28; static const int xzzy = 0x68; static const int xzzz = 0xA8; static const int xzzw = 0xE8; static const int xzwx = 0x38; static const int xzwy = 0x78; static const int xzwz = 0xB8; static const int xzww = 0xF8; static const int xwxx = 0xC; static const int xwxy = 0x4C; static const int xwxz = 0x8C; static const int xwxw = 0xCC; static const int xwyx = 0x1C; static const int xwyy = 0x5C; static const int xwyz = 0x9C; static const int xwyw = 0xDC; static const int xwzx = 0x2C; static const int xwzy = 0x6C; static const int xwzz = 0xAC; static const int xwzw = 0xEC; static const int xwwx = 0x3C; static const int xwwy = 0x7C; static const int xwwz = 0xBC; static const int xwww = 0xFC; static const int yxxx = 0x1; static const int yxxy = 0x41; static const int yxxz = 0x81; static const int yxxw = 0xC1; static const int yxyx = 0x11; static const int yxyy = 0x51; static const int yxyz = 0x91; static const int yxyw = 0xD1; static const int yxzx = 0x21; static const int yxzy = 0x61; static const int yxzz = 0xA1; static const int yxzw = 0xE1; static const int yxwx = 0x31; static const int yxwy = 0x71; static const int yxwz = 0xB1; static const int yxww = 0xF1; static const int yyxx = 0x5; static const int yyxy = 0x45; static const int yyxz = 0x85; static const int yyxw = 0xC5; static const int yyyx = 0x15; static const int yyyy = 0x55; static const int yyyz = 0x95; static const int yyyw = 0xD5; static const int yyzx = 0x25; static const int yyzy = 0x65; static const int yyzz = 0xA5; static const int yyzw = 0xE5; static const int yywx = 0x35; static const int yywy = 0x75; static const int yywz = 0xB5; static const int yyww = 0xF5; static const int yzxx = 0x9; static const int yzxy = 0x49; static const int yzxz = 0x89; static const int yzxw = 0xC9; static const int yzyx = 0x19; static const int yzyy = 0x59; static const int yzyz = 0x99; static const int yzyw = 0xD9; static const int yzzx = 0x29; static const int yzzy = 0x69; static const int yzzz = 0xA9; static const int yzzw = 0xE9; static const int yzwx = 0x39; static const int yzwy = 0x79; static const int yzwz = 0xB9; static const int yzww = 0xF9; static const int ywxx = 0xD; static const int ywxy = 0x4D; static const int ywxz = 0x8D; static const int ywxw = 0xCD; static const int ywyx = 0x1D; static const int ywyy = 0x5D; static const int ywyz = 0x9D; static const int ywyw = 0xDD; static const int ywzx = 0x2D; static const int ywzy = 0x6D; static const int ywzz = 0xAD; static const int ywzw = 0xED; static const int ywwx = 0x3D; static const int ywwy = 0x7D; static const int ywwz = 0xBD; static const int ywww = 0xFD; static const int zxxx = 0x2; static const int zxxy = 0x42; static const int zxxz = 0x82; static const int zxxw = 0xC2; static const int zxyx = 0x12; static const int zxyy = 0x52; static const int zxyz = 0x92; static const int zxyw = 0xD2; static const int zxzx = 0x22; static const int zxzy = 0x62; static const int zxzz = 0xA2; static const int zxzw = 0xE2; static const int zxwx = 0x32; static const int zxwy = 0x72; static const int zxwz = 0xB2; static const int zxww = 0xF2; static const int zyxx = 0x6; static const int zyxy = 0x46; static const int zyxz = 0x86; static const int zyxw = 0xC6; static const int zyyx = 0x16; static const int zyyy = 0x56; static const int zyyz = 0x96; static const int zyyw = 0xD6; static const int zyzx = 0x26; static const int zyzy = 0x66; static const int zyzz = 0xA6; static const int zyzw = 0xE6; static const int zywx = 0x36; static const int zywy = 0x76; static const int zywz = 0xB6; static const int zyww = 0xF6; static const int zzxx = 0xA; static const int zzxy = 0x4A; static const int zzxz = 0x8A; static const int zzxw = 0xCA; static const int zzyx = 0x1A; static const int zzyy = 0x5A; static const int zzyz = 0x9A; static const int zzyw = 0xDA; static const int zzzx = 0x2A; static const int zzzy = 0x6A; static const int zzzz = 0xAA; static const int zzzw = 0xEA; static const int zzwx = 0x3A; static const int zzwy = 0x7A; static const int zzwz = 0xBA; static const int zzww = 0xFA; static const int zwxx = 0xE; static const int zwxy = 0x4E; static const int zwxz = 0x8E; static const int zwxw = 0xCE; static const int zwyx = 0x1E; static const int zwyy = 0x5E; static const int zwyz = 0x9E; static const int zwyw = 0xDE; static const int zwzx = 0x2E; static const int zwzy = 0x6E; static const int zwzz = 0xAE; static const int zwzw = 0xEE; static const int zwwx = 0x3E; static const int zwwy = 0x7E; static const int zwwz = 0xBE; static const int zwww = 0xFE; static const int wxxx = 0x3; static const int wxxy = 0x43; static const int wxxz = 0x83; static const int wxxw = 0xC3; static const int wxyx = 0x13; static const int wxyy = 0x53; static const int wxyz = 0x93; static const int wxyw = 0xD3; static const int wxzx = 0x23; static const int wxzy = 0x63; static const int wxzz = 0xA3; static const int wxzw = 0xE3; static const int wxwx = 0x33; static const int wxwy = 0x73; static const int wxwz = 0xB3; static const int wxww = 0xF3; static const int wyxx = 0x7; static const int wyxy = 0x47; static const int wyxz = 0x87; static const int wyxw = 0xC7; static const int wyyx = 0x17; static const int wyyy = 0x57; static const int wyyz = 0x97; static const int wyyw = 0xD7; static const int wyzx = 0x27; static const int wyzy = 0x67; static const int wyzz = 0xA7; static const int wyzw = 0xE7; static const int wywx = 0x37; static const int wywy = 0x77; static const int wywz = 0xB7; static const int wyww = 0xF7; static const int wzxx = 0xB; static const int wzxy = 0x4B; static const int wzxz = 0x8B; static const int wzxw = 0xCB; static const int wzyx = 0x1B; static const int wzyy = 0x5B; static const int wzyz = 0x9B; static const int wzyw = 0xDB; static const int wzzx = 0x2B; static const int wzzy = 0x6B; static const int wzzz = 0xAB; static const int wzzw = 0xEB; static const int wzwx = 0x3B; static const int wzwy = 0x7B; static const int wzwz = 0xBB; static const int wzww = 0xFB; static const int wwxx = 0xF; static const int wwxy = 0x4F; static const int wwxz = 0x8F; static const int wwxw = 0xCF; static const int wwyx = 0x1F; static const int wwyy = 0x5F; static const int wwyz = 0x9F; static const int wwyw = 0xDF; static const int wwzx = 0x2F; static const int wwzy = 0x6F; static const int wwzz = 0xAF; static const int wwzw = 0xEF; static const int wwwx = 0x3F; static const int wwwy = 0x7F; static const int wwwz = 0xBF; static const int wwww = 0xFF; /// Shuffle the lane values. [mask] must be one of the 256 shuffle constants. Float32x4 shuffle(int mask); /// Shuffle the lane values in [this] and [other]. The returned /// Float32x4 will have XY lanes from [this] and ZW lanes from [other]. /// Uses the same [mask] as [shuffle]. Float32x4 shuffleMix(Float32x4 other, int mask); /// Returns a new [Float32x4] copied from [this] with a new x value. Float32x4 withX(double x); /// Returns a new [Float32x4] copied from [this] with a new y value. Float32x4 withY(double y); /// Returns a new [Float32x4] copied from [this] with a new z value. Float32x4 withZ(double z); /// Returns a new [Float32x4] copied from [this] with a new w value. Float32x4 withW(double w); /// Returns the lane-wise minimum value in [this] or [other]. Float32x4 min(Float32x4 other); /// Returns the lane-wise maximum value in [this] or [other]. Float32x4 max(Float32x4 other); /// Returns the square root of [this]. Float32x4 sqrt(); /// Returns the reciprocal of [this]. Float32x4 reciprocal(); /// Returns the square root of the reciprocal of [this]. Float32x4 reciprocalSqrt(); } /** * Int32x4 and operations. * * Int32x4 stores 4 32-bit bit-masks in "lanes". * The lanes are "x", "y", "z", and "w" respectively. */ abstract class Int32x4 { external factory Int32x4(int x, int y, int z, int w); external factory Int32x4.bool(bool x, bool y, bool z, bool w); external factory Int32x4.fromFloat32x4Bits(Float32x4 x); /// The bit-wise or operator. Int32x4 operator |(Int32x4 other); /// The bit-wise and operator. Int32x4 operator &(Int32x4 other); /// The bit-wise xor operator. Int32x4 operator ^(Int32x4 other); /// Addition operator. Int32x4 operator +(Int32x4 other); /// Subtraction operator. Int32x4 operator -(Int32x4 other); /// Extract 32-bit mask from x lane. int get x; /// Extract 32-bit mask from y lane. int get y; /// Extract 32-bit mask from z lane. int get z; /// Extract 32-bit mask from w lane. int get w; /// Extract the top bit from each lane return them in the first 4 bits. /// "x" lane is bit 0. /// "y" lane is bit 1. /// "z" lane is bit 2. /// "w" lane is bit 3. int get signMask; /// Mask passed to [shuffle] or [shuffleMix]. static const int xxxx = 0x0; static const int xxxy = 0x40; static const int xxxz = 0x80; static const int xxxw = 0xC0; static const int xxyx = 0x10; static const int xxyy = 0x50; static const int xxyz = 0x90; static const int xxyw = 0xD0; static const int xxzx = 0x20; static const int xxzy = 0x60; static const int xxzz = 0xA0; static const int xxzw = 0xE0; static const int xxwx = 0x30; static const int xxwy = 0x70; static const int xxwz = 0xB0; static const int xxww = 0xF0; static const int xyxx = 0x4; static const int xyxy = 0x44; static const int xyxz = 0x84; static const int xyxw = 0xC4; static const int xyyx = 0x14; static const int xyyy = 0x54; static const int xyyz = 0x94; static const int xyyw = 0xD4; static const int xyzx = 0x24; static const int xyzy = 0x64; static const int xyzz = 0xA4; static const int xyzw = 0xE4; static const int xywx = 0x34; static const int xywy = 0x74; static const int xywz = 0xB4; static const int xyww = 0xF4; static const int xzxx = 0x8; static const int xzxy = 0x48; static const int xzxz = 0x88; static const int xzxw = 0xC8; static const int xzyx = 0x18; static const int xzyy = 0x58; static const int xzyz = 0x98; static const int xzyw = 0xD8; static const int xzzx = 0x28; static const int xzzy = 0x68; static const int xzzz = 0xA8; static const int xzzw = 0xE8; static const int xzwx = 0x38; static const int xzwy = 0x78; static const int xzwz = 0xB8; static const int xzww = 0xF8; static const int xwxx = 0xC; static const int xwxy = 0x4C; static const int xwxz = 0x8C; static const int xwxw = 0xCC; static const int xwyx = 0x1C; static const int xwyy = 0x5C; static const int xwyz = 0x9C; static const int xwyw = 0xDC; static const int xwzx = 0x2C; static const int xwzy = 0x6C; static const int xwzz = 0xAC; static const int xwzw = 0xEC; static const int xwwx = 0x3C; static const int xwwy = 0x7C; static const int xwwz = 0xBC; static const int xwww = 0xFC; static const int yxxx = 0x1; static const int yxxy = 0x41; static const int yxxz = 0x81; static const int yxxw = 0xC1; static const int yxyx = 0x11; static const int yxyy = 0x51; static const int yxyz = 0x91; static const int yxyw = 0xD1; static const int yxzx = 0x21; static const int yxzy = 0x61; static const int yxzz = 0xA1; static const int yxzw = 0xE1; static const int yxwx = 0x31; static const int yxwy = 0x71; static const int yxwz = 0xB1; static const int yxww = 0xF1; static const int yyxx = 0x5; static const int yyxy = 0x45; static const int yyxz = 0x85; static const int yyxw = 0xC5; static const int yyyx = 0x15; static const int yyyy = 0x55; static const int yyyz = 0x95; static const int yyyw = 0xD5; static const int yyzx = 0x25; static const int yyzy = 0x65; static const int yyzz = 0xA5; static const int yyzw = 0xE5; static const int yywx = 0x35; static const int yywy = 0x75; static const int yywz = 0xB5; static const int yyww = 0xF5; static const int yzxx = 0x9; static const int yzxy = 0x49; static const int yzxz = 0x89; static const int yzxw = 0xC9; static const int yzyx = 0x19; static const int yzyy = 0x59; static const int yzyz = 0x99; static const int yzyw = 0xD9; static const int yzzx = 0x29; static const int yzzy = 0x69; static const int yzzz = 0xA9; static const int yzzw = 0xE9; static const int yzwx = 0x39; static const int yzwy = 0x79; static const int yzwz = 0xB9; static const int yzww = 0xF9; static const int ywxx = 0xD; static const int ywxy = 0x4D; static const int ywxz = 0x8D; static const int ywxw = 0xCD; static const int ywyx = 0x1D; static const int ywyy = 0x5D; static const int ywyz = 0x9D; static const int ywyw = 0xDD; static const int ywzx = 0x2D; static const int ywzy = 0x6D; static const int ywzz = 0xAD; static const int ywzw = 0xED; static const int ywwx = 0x3D; static const int ywwy = 0x7D; static const int ywwz = 0xBD; static const int ywww = 0xFD; static const int zxxx = 0x2; static const int zxxy = 0x42; static const int zxxz = 0x82; static const int zxxw = 0xC2; static const int zxyx = 0x12; static const int zxyy = 0x52; static const int zxyz = 0x92; static const int zxyw = 0xD2; static const int zxzx = 0x22; static const int zxzy = 0x62; static const int zxzz = 0xA2; static const int zxzw = 0xE2; static const int zxwx = 0x32; static const int zxwy = 0x72; static const int zxwz = 0xB2; static const int zxww = 0xF2; static const int zyxx = 0x6; static const int zyxy = 0x46; static const int zyxz = 0x86; static const int zyxw = 0xC6; static const int zyyx = 0x16; static const int zyyy = 0x56; static const int zyyz = 0x96; static const int zyyw = 0xD6; static const int zyzx = 0x26; static const int zyzy = 0x66; static const int zyzz = 0xA6; static const int zyzw = 0xE6; static const int zywx = 0x36; static const int zywy = 0x76; static const int zywz = 0xB6; static const int zyww = 0xF6; static const int zzxx = 0xA; static const int zzxy = 0x4A; static const int zzxz = 0x8A; static const int zzxw = 0xCA; static const int zzyx = 0x1A; static const int zzyy = 0x5A; static const int zzyz = 0x9A; static const int zzyw = 0xDA; static const int zzzx = 0x2A; static const int zzzy = 0x6A; static const int zzzz = 0xAA; static const int zzzw = 0xEA; static const int zzwx = 0x3A; static const int zzwy = 0x7A; static const int zzwz = 0xBA; static const int zzww = 0xFA; static const int zwxx = 0xE; static const int zwxy = 0x4E; static const int zwxz = 0x8E; static const int zwxw = 0xCE; static const int zwyx = 0x1E; static const int zwyy = 0x5E; static const int zwyz = 0x9E; static const int zwyw = 0xDE; static const int zwzx = 0x2E; static const int zwzy = 0x6E; static const int zwzz = 0xAE; static const int zwzw = 0xEE; static const int zwwx = 0x3E; static const int zwwy = 0x7E; static const int zwwz = 0xBE; static const int zwww = 0xFE; static const int wxxx = 0x3; static const int wxxy = 0x43; static const int wxxz = 0x83; static const int wxxw = 0xC3; static const int wxyx = 0x13; static const int wxyy = 0x53; static const int wxyz = 0x93; static const int wxyw = 0xD3; static const int wxzx = 0x23; static const int wxzy = 0x63; static const int wxzz = 0xA3; static const int wxzw = 0xE3; static const int wxwx = 0x33; static const int wxwy = 0x73; static const int wxwz = 0xB3; static const int wxww = 0xF3; static const int wyxx = 0x7; static const int wyxy = 0x47; static const int wyxz = 0x87; static const int wyxw = 0xC7; static const int wyyx = 0x17; static const int wyyy = 0x57; static const int wyyz = 0x97; static const int wyyw = 0xD7; static const int wyzx = 0x27; static const int wyzy = 0x67; static const int wyzz = 0xA7; static const int wyzw = 0xE7; static const int wywx = 0x37; static const int wywy = 0x77; static const int wywz = 0xB7; static const int wyww = 0xF7; static const int wzxx = 0xB; static const int wzxy = 0x4B; static const int wzxz = 0x8B; static const int wzxw = 0xCB; static const int wzyx = 0x1B; static const int wzyy = 0x5B; static const int wzyz = 0x9B; static const int wzyw = 0xDB; static const int wzzx = 0x2B; static const int wzzy = 0x6B; static const int wzzz = 0xAB; static const int wzzw = 0xEB; static const int wzwx = 0x3B; static const int wzwy = 0x7B; static const int wzwz = 0xBB; static const int wzww = 0xFB; static const int wwxx = 0xF; static const int wwxy = 0x4F; static const int wwxz = 0x8F; static const int wwxw = 0xCF; static const int wwyx = 0x1F; static const int wwyy = 0x5F; static const int wwyz = 0x9F; static const int wwyw = 0xDF; static const int wwzx = 0x2F; static const int wwzy = 0x6F; static const int wwzz = 0xAF; static const int wwzw = 0xEF; static const int wwwx = 0x3F; static const int wwwy = 0x7F; static const int wwwz = 0xBF; static const int wwww = 0xFF; /// Shuffle the lane values. [mask] must be one of the 256 shuffle constants. Int32x4 shuffle(int mask); /// Shuffle the lane values in [this] and [other]. The returned /// Int32x4 will have XY lanes from [this] and ZW lanes from [other]. /// Uses the same [mask] as [shuffle]. Int32x4 shuffleMix(Int32x4 other, int mask); /// Returns a new [Int32x4] copied from [this] with a new x value. Int32x4 withX(int x); /// Returns a new [Int32x4] copied from [this] with a new y value. Int32x4 withY(int y); /// Returns a new [Int32x4] copied from [this] with a new z value. Int32x4 withZ(int z); /// Returns a new [Int32x4] copied from [this] with a new w value. Int32x4 withW(int w); /// Extracted x value. Returns false for 0, true for any other value. bool get flagX; /// Extracted y value. Returns false for 0, true for any other value. bool get flagY; /// Extracted z value. Returns false for 0, true for any other value. bool get flagZ; /// Extracted w value. Returns false for 0, true for any other value. bool get flagW; /// Returns a new [Int32x4] copied from [this] with a new x value. Int32x4 withFlagX(bool x); /// Returns a new [Int32x4] copied from [this] with a new y value. Int32x4 withFlagY(bool y); /// Returns a new [Int32x4] copied from [this] with a new z value. Int32x4 withFlagZ(bool z); /// Returns a new [Int32x4] copied from [this] with a new w value. Int32x4 withFlagW(bool w); /// Merge [trueValue] and [falseValue] based on [this]' bit mask: /// Select bit from [trueValue] when bit in [this] is on. /// Select bit from [falseValue] when bit in [this] is off. Float32x4 select(Float32x4 trueValue, Float32x4 falseValue); } /** * Float64x2 immutable value type and operations. * * Float64x2 stores 2 64-bit floating point values in "lanes". * The lanes are "x" and "y" respectively. */ abstract class Float64x2 { external factory Float64x2(double x, double y); external factory Float64x2.splat(double v); external factory; /// Uses the "x" and "y" lanes from [v]. external factory Float64x2.fromFloat32x4(Float32x4 v); /// Addition operator. Float64x2 operator +(Float64x2 other); /// Negate operator. Float64x2 operator -(); /// Subtraction operator. Float64x2 operator -(Float64x2 other); /// Multiplication operator. Float64x2 operator *(Float64x2 other); /// Division operator. Float64x2 operator /(Float64x2 other); /// Returns a copy of [this] each lane being scaled by [s]. /// Equivalent to this * new Float64x2.splat(s) Float64x2 scale(double s); /// Returns the lane-wise absolute value of this [Float64x2]. Float64x2 abs(); /// Lane-wise clamp [this] to be in the range [lowerLimit]-[upperLimit]. Float64x2 clamp(Float64x2 lowerLimit, Float64x2 upperLimit); /// Extracted x value. double get x; /// Extracted y value. double get y; /// Extract the sign bits from each lane return them in the first 2 bits. /// "x" lane is bit 0. /// "y" lane is bit 1. int get signMask; /// Returns a new [Float64x2] copied from [this] with a new x value. Float64x2 withX(double x); /// Returns a new [Float64x2] copied from [this] with a new y value. Float64x2 withY(double y); /// Returns the lane-wise minimum value in [this] or [other]. Float64x2 min(Float64x2 other); /// Returns the lane-wise maximum value in [this] or [other]. Float64x2 max(Float64x2 other); /// Returns the lane-wise square root of [this]. Float64x2 sqrt(); } NN<3D&"3%7@(7C:FMIK-*J>B:EMIK-*J<J:MMIK-*JLD:GO,INK-1*N@C:FO,INK-1*N>D:GO,IOK-2*N@C:FO,IOK-2*N>D:GO,IPK-3*N@C:FO,IPK-3*N>E:HP-IML-5*OBE:HO,IOK-2*NBE:HO,IPK-3*NBG:JP-IML-5*OFG:JP-IML-5*OFB:EMIK-*J<(O O0:19HKH)39?L3K/@&35OMG'HH=)J6J0GB-."$/H%)G;B>GK+&@9AJHF L9A?NE"-*9AKNK N9A>HK,&@9AJIF L9A?OE#-*9AKOK N9A>IK-&@9AJJF L9A?PE$-*9AKHI()F#C1:G;B> DB> DB>B>B>B>2@K?L0                PBJ)3GGGG@"@")(;168A; %!%!%%%' ' ' ' J0                PBH)/EEEEHHHHEEEED<>?2?+2.%+9))))>2@K?LGG@"@"3ofile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/input_sdk/patch/typed_data_patch.dart// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:collection'; import 'dart:_js_helper' show patch; import 'dart:_native_typed_data'; @patch class ByteData { @patch factory ByteData(int length) = NativeByteData; } @patch class Float32List { @patch factory Float32List(int length) = NativeFloat32List; @patch factory Float32List.fromList(List elements) = NativeFloat32List.fromList; } @patch class Float64List { @patch factory Float64List(int length) = NativeFloat64List; @patch factory Float64List.fromList(List elements) = NativeFloat64List.fromList; } @patch class Int16List { @patch factory Int16List(int length) = NativeInt16List; @patch factory Int16List.fromList(List elements) = NativeInt16List.fromList; } @patch class Int32List { @patch factory Int32List(int length) = NativeInt32List; @patch factory Int32List.fromList(List elements) = NativeInt32List.fromList; } @patch class Int8List { @patch factory Int8List(int length) = NativeInt8List; @patch factory Int8List.fromList(List elements) = NativeInt8List.fromList; } @patch class Uint32List { @patch factory Uint32List(int length) = NativeUint32List; @patch factory Uint32List.fromList(List elements) = NativeUint32List.fromList; } @patch class Uint16List { @patch factory Uint16List(int length) = NativeUint16List; @patch factory Uint16List.fromList(List elements) = NativeUint16List.fromList; } @patch class Uint8ClampedList { @patch factory Uint8ClampedList(int length) = NativeUint8ClampedList; @patch factory Uint8ClampedList.fromList(List elements) = NativeUint8ClampedList.fromList; } @patch class Uint8List { @patch factory Uint8List(int length) = NativeUint8List; @patch factory Uint8List.fromList(List elements) = NativeUint8List.fromList; } @patch class Int64List { @patch factory Int64List(int length) { throw UnsupportedError("Int64List not supported by dart2js."); } @patch factory Int64List.fromList(List elements) { throw UnsupportedError("Int64List not supported by dart2js."); } } @patch class Uint64List { @patch factory Uint64List(int length) { throw UnsupportedError("Uint64List not supported by dart2js."); } @patch factory Uint64List.fromList(List elements) { throw UnsupportedError("Uint64List not supported by dart2js."); } } @patch class Int32x4List { @patch factory Int32x4List(int length) = NativeInt32x4List; @patch factory Int32x4List.fromList(List elements) = NativeInt32x4List.fromList; } @patch class Float32x4List { @patch factory Float32x4List(int length) = NativeFloat32x4List; @patch factory Float32x4List.fromList(List elements) = NativeFloat32x4List.fromList; } @patch class Float64x2List { @patch factory Float64x2List(int length) = NativeFloat64x2List; @patch factory Float64x2List.fromList(List elements) = NativeFloat64x2List.fromList; } @patch class Float32x4 { @patch factory Float32x4(double x, double y, double z, double w) = NativeFloat32x4; @patch factory Float32x4.splat(double v) = NativeFloat32x4.splat; @patch factory =; @patch factory Float32x4.fromInt32x4Bits(Int32x4 x) = NativeFloat32x4.fromInt32x4Bits; @patch factory Float32x4.fromFloat64x2(Float64x2 v) = NativeFloat32x4.fromFloat64x2; } @patch class Int32x4 { @patch factory Int32x4(int x, int y, int z, int w) = NativeInt32x4; @patch factory Int32x4.bool(bool x, bool y, bool z, bool w) = NativeInt32x4.bool; @patch factory Int32x4.fromFloat32x4Bits(Float32x4 x) = NativeInt32x4.fromFloat32x4Bits; } @patch class Float64x2 { @patch factory Float64x2(double x, double y) = NativeFloat64x2; @patch factory Float64x2.splat(double v) = NativeFloat64x2.splat; @patch factory =; @patch factory Float64x2.fromFloat32x4(Float32x4 v) = NativeFloat64x2.fromFloat32x4; } NN<%" 1 7 8" 7 8" 3 M 3 M 1 K 5 O 5 O A :' 3 M "C 3C #D 4D 7 9" ; =$ ; =$ O = 3 1' P ? M 3' ; = 3 Pcfile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/typed_data/unmodifiable_typed_data.dart// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart.typed_data; /** * A read-only view of a [ByteBuffer]. */ class UnmodifiableByteBufferView implements ByteBuffer { final ByteBuffer _data; UnmodifiableByteBufferView(ByteBuffer data) : _data = data; int get lengthInBytes => _data.lengthInBytes; Uint8List asUint8List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) => new UnmodifiableUint8ListView(_data.asUint8List(offsetInBytes, length)); Int8List asInt8List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) => new UnmodifiableInt8ListView(_data.asInt8List(offsetInBytes, length)); Uint8ClampedList asUint8ClampedList([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) => new UnmodifiableUint8ClampedListView( _data.asUint8ClampedList(offsetInBytes, length)); Uint16List asUint16List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) => new UnmodifiableUint16ListView(_data.asUint16List(offsetInBytes, length)); Int16List asInt16List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) => new UnmodifiableInt16ListView(_data.asInt16List(offsetInBytes, length)); Uint32List asUint32List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) => new UnmodifiableUint32ListView(_data.asUint32List(offsetInBytes, length)); Int32List asInt32List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) => new UnmodifiableInt32ListView(_data.asInt32List(offsetInBytes, length)); Uint64List asUint64List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) => new UnmodifiableUint64ListView(_data.asUint64List(offsetInBytes, length)); Int64List asInt64List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) => new UnmodifiableInt64ListView(_data.asInt64List(offsetInBytes, length)); Int32x4List asInt32x4List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) => new UnmodifiableInt32x4ListView( _data.asInt32x4List(offsetInBytes, length)); Float32List asFloat32List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) => new UnmodifiableFloat32ListView( _data.asFloat32List(offsetInBytes, length)); Float64List asFloat64List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) => new UnmodifiableFloat64ListView( _data.asFloat64List(offsetInBytes, length)); Float32x4List asFloat32x4List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) => new UnmodifiableFloat32x4ListView( _data.asFloat32x4List(offsetInBytes, length)); Float64x2List asFloat64x2List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) => new UnmodifiableFloat64x2ListView( _data.asFloat64x2List(offsetInBytes, length)); ByteData asByteData([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length]) => new UnmodifiableByteDataView(_data.asByteData(offsetInBytes, length)); } /** * A read-only view of a [ByteData]. */ class UnmodifiableByteDataView implements ByteData { final ByteData _data; UnmodifiableByteDataView(ByteData data) : _data = data; int getInt8(int byteOffset) => _data.getInt8(byteOffset); void setInt8(int byteOffset, int value) => _unsupported(); int getUint8(int byteOffset) => _data.getUint8(byteOffset); void setUint8(int byteOffset, int value) => _unsupported(); int getInt16(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _data.getInt16(byteOffset, endian); void setInt16(int byteOffset, int value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _unsupported(); int getUint16(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _data.getUint16(byteOffset, endian); void setUint16(int byteOffset, int value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _unsupported(); int getInt32(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _data.getInt32(byteOffset, endian); void setInt32(int byteOffset, int value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _unsupported(); int getUint32(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _data.getUint32(byteOffset, endian); void setUint32(int byteOffset, int value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _unsupported(); int getInt64(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _data.getInt64(byteOffset, endian); void setInt64(int byteOffset, int value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _unsupported(); int getUint64(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _data.getUint64(byteOffset, endian); void setUint64(int byteOffset, int value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _unsupported(); double getFloat32(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _data.getFloat32(byteOffset, endian); void setFloat32(int byteOffset, double value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _unsupported(); double getFloat64(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _data.getFloat64(byteOffset, endian); void setFloat64(int byteOffset, double value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) => _unsupported(); int get elementSizeInBytes => _data.elementSizeInBytes; int get offsetInBytes => _data.offsetInBytes; int get lengthInBytes => _data.lengthInBytes; ByteBuffer get buffer => new UnmodifiableByteBufferView(_data.buffer); void _unsupported() { throw new UnsupportedError( "An UnmodifiableByteDataView may not be modified"); } } abstract class _UnmodifiableListMixin, TD extends TypedData> { L get _list; TD get _data => (_list as TD); int get length => _list.length; N operator [](int index) => _list[index]; int get elementSizeInBytes => _data.elementSizeInBytes; int get offsetInBytes => _data.offsetInBytes; int get lengthInBytes => _data.lengthInBytes; ByteBuffer get buffer => new UnmodifiableByteBufferView(_data.buffer); } /** * View of a [Uint8List] that disallows modification. */ class UnmodifiableUint8ListView extends UnmodifiableListBase with _UnmodifiableListMixin implements Uint8List { final Uint8List _list; UnmodifiableUint8ListView(Uint8List list) : _list = list; } /** * View of a [Int8List] that disallows modification. */ class UnmodifiableInt8ListView extends UnmodifiableListBase with _UnmodifiableListMixin implements Int8List { final Int8List _list; UnmodifiableInt8ListView(Int8List list) : _list = list; } /** * View of a [Uint8ClampedList] that disallows modification. */ class UnmodifiableUint8ClampedListView extends UnmodifiableListBase with _UnmodifiableListMixin implements Uint8ClampedList { final Uint8ClampedList _list; UnmodifiableUint8ClampedListView(Uint8ClampedList list) : _list = list; } /** * View of a [Uint16List] that disallows modification. */ class UnmodifiableUint16ListView extends UnmodifiableListBase with _UnmodifiableListMixin implements Uint16List { final Uint16List _list; UnmodifiableUint16ListView(Uint16List list) : _list = list; } /** * View of a [Int16List] that disallows modification. */ class UnmodifiableInt16ListView extends UnmodifiableListBase with _UnmodifiableListMixin implements Int16List { final Int16List _list; UnmodifiableInt16ListView(Int16List list) : _list = list; } /** * View of a [Uint32List] that disallows modification. */ class UnmodifiableUint32ListView extends UnmodifiableListBase with _UnmodifiableListMixin implements Uint32List { final Uint32List _list; UnmodifiableUint32ListView(Uint32List list) : _list = list; } /** * View of a [Int32List] that disallows modification. */ class UnmodifiableInt32ListView extends UnmodifiableListBase with _UnmodifiableListMixin implements Int32List { final Int32List _list; UnmodifiableInt32ListView(Int32List list) : _list = list; } /** * View of a [Uint64List] that disallows modification. */ class UnmodifiableUint64ListView extends UnmodifiableListBase with _UnmodifiableListMixin implements Uint64List { final Uint64List _list; UnmodifiableUint64ListView(Uint64List list) : _list = list; } /** * View of a [Int64List] that disallows modification. */ class UnmodifiableInt64ListView extends UnmodifiableListBase with _UnmodifiableListMixin implements Int64List { final Int64List _list; UnmodifiableInt64ListView(Int64List list) : _list = list; } /** * View of a [Int32x4List] that disallows modification. */ class UnmodifiableInt32x4ListView extends UnmodifiableListBase with _UnmodifiableListMixin implements Int32x4List { final Int32x4List _list; UnmodifiableInt32x4ListView(Int32x4List list) : _list = list; } /** * View of a [Float32x4List] that disallows modification. */ class UnmodifiableFloat32x4ListView extends UnmodifiableListBase with _UnmodifiableListMixin implements Float32x4List { final Float32x4List _list; UnmodifiableFloat32x4ListView(Float32x4List list) : _list = list; } /** * View of a [Float64x2List] that disallows modification. */ class UnmodifiableFloat64x2ListView extends UnmodifiableListBase with _UnmodifiableListMixin implements Float64x2List { final Float64x2List _list; UnmodifiableFloat64x2ListView(Float64x2List list) : _list = list; } /** * View of a [Float32List] that disallows modification. */ class UnmodifiableFloat32ListView extends UnmodifiableListBase with _UnmodifiableListMixin implements Float32List { final Float32List _list; UnmodifiableFloat32ListView(Float32List list) : _list = list; } /** * View of a [Float64List] that disallows modification. */ class UnmodifiableFloat64ListView extends UnmodifiableListBase with _UnmodifiableListMixin implements Float64List { final Float64List _list; UnmodifiableFloat64ListView(Float64List list) : _list = list; } 1NN<'9>0@O>MN,<BQ@OBQ@OBQ@OD'7D'7D'7H)9H)9>M%5:<=>>@*LA+M@*LA+M@*LA+ME,QE,Q:00I <<!",:00I6B;<5A9:=II" J7C=>6B;<7C=>6B;<7C=>6B;<8HC@:LID:LID8GB@8GB@ffile:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/indexed_db/dart2js/indexed_db_dart2js.dart/** * A client-side key-value store with support for indexes. * * Many browsers support IndexedDB—a web standard for * an indexed database. * By storing data on the client in an IndexedDB, * a web app gets some advantages, such as faster performance and persistence. * To find out which browsers support IndexedDB, * refer to [Can I Use?]( * * In IndexedDB, each record is identified by a unique index or key, * making data retrieval speedy. * You can store structured data, * such as images, arrays, and maps using IndexedDB. * The standard does not specify size limits for individual data items * or for the database itself, but browsers may impose storage limits. * * ## Using indexed_db * * The classes in this library provide an interface * to the browser's IndexedDB, if it has one. * To use this library in your code: * * import 'dart:indexed_db'; * * A web app can determine if the browser supports * IndexedDB with [IdbFactory.supported]: * * if (IdbFactory.supported) * // Use indexeddb. * else * // Find an alternative. * * Access to the browser's IndexedDB is provided by the app's top-level * [Window] object, which your code can refer to with `window.indexedDB`. * So, for example, * here's how to use window.indexedDB to open a database: * * Future open() { * return'myIndexedDB', * version: 1, * onUpgradeNeeded: _initializeDatabase) * .then(_loadFromDB); * } * void _initializeDatabase(VersionChangeEvent e) { * ... * } * Future _loadFromDB(Database db) { * ... * } * * * All data in an IndexedDB is stored within an [ObjectStore]. * To manipulate the database use [Transaction]s. * * ## Other resources * * Other options for client-side data storage include: * * * [Window.localStorage]—a * basic mechanism that stores data as a [Map], * and where both the keys and the values are strings. * * * [dart:web_sql]—a database that can be queried with SQL. * * For a tutorial about using the indexed_db library with Dart, * check out * [Use IndexedDB]( * * [IndexedDB reference]( * provides wiki-style docs about indexedDB * * {@category Web} */ library dart.dom.indexed_db; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:html'; import 'dart:html_common'; import 'dart:_native_typed_data'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'dart:_js_helper' show Creates, Returns, JSName, Native; import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS; import 'dart:_interceptors' show Interceptor, JSExtendableArray; // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // DO NOT EDIT - unless you are editing documentation as per: // // Auto-generated dart:svg library. class _KeyRangeFactoryProvider { static KeyRange createKeyRange_only(/*Key*/ value) => _only(_class(), _translateKey(value)); static KeyRange createKeyRange_lowerBound( /*Key*/ bound, [bool open = false]) => _lowerBound(_class(), _translateKey(bound), open); static KeyRange createKeyRange_upperBound( /*Key*/ bound, [bool open = false]) => _upperBound(_class(), _translateKey(bound), open); static KeyRange createKeyRange_bound(/*Key*/ lower, /*Key*/ upper, [bool lowerOpen = false, bool upperOpen = false]) => _bound(_class(), _translateKey(lower), _translateKey(upper), lowerOpen, upperOpen); static var _cachedClass; static _class() { if (_cachedClass != null) return _cachedClass; return _cachedClass = _uncachedClass(); } static _uncachedClass() => JS('var', '''window.webkitIDBKeyRange || window.mozIDBKeyRange || window.msIDBKeyRange || window.IDBKeyRange'''); static _translateKey(idbkey) => idbkey; // TODO: fixme. static KeyRange _only(cls, value) => JS('KeyRange', '#.only(#)', cls, value); static KeyRange _lowerBound(cls, bound, open) => JS('KeyRange', '#.lowerBound(#, #)', cls, bound, open); static KeyRange _upperBound(cls, bound, open) => JS('KeyRange', '#.upperBound(#, #)', cls, bound, open); static KeyRange _bound(cls, lower, upper, lowerOpen, upperOpen) => JS( 'KeyRange', '#.bound(#, #, #, #)', cls, lower, upper, lowerOpen, upperOpen); } // Conversions for IDBKey. // // Per // // "A value is said to be a valid key if it is one of the following types: Array // JavaScript objects [ECMA-262], DOMString [WEBIDL], Date [ECMA-262] or float // [WEBIDL]. However Arrays are only valid keys if every item in the array is // defined and is a valid key (i.e. sparse arrays can not be valid keys) and if // the Array doesn't directly or indirectly contain itself. Any non-numeric // properties are ignored, and thus does not affect whether the Array is a valid // key. Additionally, if the value is of type float, it is only a valid key if // it is not NaN, and if the value is of type Date it is only a valid key if its // [[PrimitiveValue]] internal property, as defined by [ECMA-262], is not NaN." // What is required is to ensure that an Lists in the key are actually // JavaScript arrays, and any Dates are JavaScript Dates. /** * Converts a native IDBKey into a Dart object. * * May return the original input. May mutate the original input (but will be * idempotent if mutation occurs). It is assumed that this conversion happens * on native IDBKeys on all paths that return IDBKeys from native DOM calls. * * If necessary, JavaScript Dates are converted into Dart Dates. */ _convertNativeToDart_IDBKey(nativeKey) { containsDate(object) { if (isJavaScriptDate(object)) return true; if (object is List) { for (int i = 0; i < object.length; i++) { if (containsDate(object[i])) return true; } } return false; // number, string. } if (containsDate(nativeKey)) { throw new UnimplementedError('Key containing DateTime'); } // TODO: Cache conversion somewhere? return nativeKey; } /** * Converts a Dart object into a valid IDBKey. * * May return the original input. Does not mutate input. * * If necessary, [dartKey] may be copied to ensure all lists are converted into * JavaScript Arrays and Dart Dates into JavaScript Dates. */ _convertDartToNative_IDBKey(dartKey) { // TODO: Implement. return dartKey; } /// May modify original. If so, action is idempotent. _convertNativeToDart_IDBAny(object) { return convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone(object, mustCopy: false); } // TODO(sra): Add DateTime. const String _idbKey = 'JSExtendableArray|=Object|num|String'; const _annotation_Creates_IDBKey = const Creates(_idbKey); const _annotation_Returns_IDBKey = const Returns(_idbKey); // Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. @Unstable() @Native("IDBCursor") class Cursor extends Interceptor { Future delete() { try { return _completeRequest(_delete()); } catch (e, stacktrace) { return new Future.error(e, stacktrace); } } Future update(value) { try { return _completeRequest(_update(value)); } catch (e, stacktrace) { return new Future.error(e, stacktrace); } } @JSName('continue') void next([Object key]) { if (key == null) { JS('void', '#.continue()', this); } else { JS('void', '#.continue(#)', this, key); } } // To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings. factory Cursor._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); } final String direction; @_annotation_Creates_IDBKey @_annotation_Returns_IDBKey final Object key; @_annotation_Creates_IDBKey @_annotation_Returns_IDBKey final Object primaryKey; @Creates('Null') @Returns('ObjectStore|Index|Null') final Object source; void advance(int count) native; void continuePrimaryKey(Object key, Object primaryKey) native; @JSName('delete') Request _delete() native; Request _update(/*any*/ value) { var value_1 = convertDartToNative_SerializedScriptValue(value); return _update_1(value_1); } @JSName('update') Request _update_1(value) native; } // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. @Unstable() @Native("IDBCursorWithValue") class CursorWithValue extends Cursor { // To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings. factory CursorWithValue._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); } dynamic get value => _convertNativeToDart_IDBAny(this._get_value); @JSName('value') @annotation_Creates_SerializedScriptValue @annotation_Returns_SerializedScriptValue final dynamic _get_value; } // Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /** * An indexed database object for storing client-side data * in web apps. */ @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME) @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.FIREFOX, '15') @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10') @Unstable() @Native("IDBDatabase") class Database extends EventTarget { ObjectStore createObjectStore(String name, {String keyPath, bool autoIncrement}) { var options = {}; if (keyPath != null) { options['keyPath'] = keyPath; } if (autoIncrement != null) { options['autoIncrement'] = autoIncrement; } return _createObjectStore(name, options); } Transaction transaction(storeName_OR_storeNames, String mode) { if (mode != 'readonly' && mode != 'readwrite') { throw new ArgumentError(mode); } // TODO(sra): Ensure storeName_OR_storeNames is a string or List, // and copy to JavaScript array if necessary. // Try and create a transaction with a string mode. Browsers that expect a // numeric mode tend to convert the string into a number. This fails // silently, resulting in zero ('readonly'). return _transaction(storeName_OR_storeNames, mode); } Transaction transactionStore(String storeName, String mode) { if (mode != 'readonly' && mode != 'readwrite') { throw new ArgumentError(mode); } // Try and create a transaction with a string mode. Browsers that expect a // numeric mode tend to convert the string into a number. This fails // silently, resulting in zero ('readonly'). return _transaction(storeName, mode); } Transaction transactionList(List storeNames, String mode) { if (mode != 'readonly' && mode != 'readwrite') { throw new ArgumentError(mode); } List storeNames_1 = convertDartToNative_StringArray(storeNames); return _transaction(storeNames_1, mode); } Transaction transactionStores(DomStringList storeNames, String mode) { if (mode != 'readonly' && mode != 'readwrite') { throw new ArgumentError(mode); } return _transaction(storeNames, mode); } @JSName('transaction') Transaction _transaction(stores, mode) native; // To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings. factory Database._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); } /** * Static factory designed to expose `abort` events to event * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Database]. * * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information. */ static const EventStreamProvider abortEvent = const EventStreamProvider('abort'); /** * Static factory designed to expose `close` events to event * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Database]. * * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information. */ static const EventStreamProvider closeEvent = const EventStreamProvider('close'); /** * Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Database]. * * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information. */ static const EventStreamProvider errorEvent = const EventStreamProvider('error'); /** * Static factory designed to expose `versionchange` events to event * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Database]. * * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information. */ static const EventStreamProvider versionChangeEvent = const EventStreamProvider('versionchange'); final String name; @Returns('DomStringList|Null') @Creates('DomStringList') final List objectStoreNames; @Creates('int|String|Null') @Returns('int|String|Null') final int version; void close() native; ObjectStore _createObjectStore(String name, [Map options]) { if (options != null) { var options_1 = convertDartToNative_Dictionary(options); return _createObjectStore_1(name, options_1); } return _createObjectStore_2(name); } @JSName('createObjectStore') ObjectStore _createObjectStore_1(name, options) native; @JSName('createObjectStore') ObjectStore _createObjectStore_2(name) native; void deleteObjectStore(String name) native; /// Stream of `abort` events handled by this [Database]. Stream get onAbort => abortEvent.forTarget(this); /// Stream of `close` events handled by this [Database]. Stream get onClose => closeEvent.forTarget(this); /// Stream of `error` events handled by this [Database]. Stream get onError => errorEvent.forTarget(this); /// Stream of `versionchange` events handled by this [Database]. Stream get onVersionChange => versionChangeEvent.forTarget(this); } // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // WARNING: Do not edit - generated code. typedef void ObserverCallback(ObserverChanges changes); // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME) @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.FIREFOX, '15') @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10') @Unstable() @Native("IDBFactory") class IdbFactory extends Interceptor { /** * Checks to see if Indexed DB is supported on the current platform. */ static bool get supported { return JS( 'bool', '!!(window.indexedDB || ' 'window.webkitIndexedDB || ' 'window.mozIndexedDB)'); } Future open(String name, {int version, void onUpgradeNeeded(VersionChangeEvent event), void onBlocked(Event event)}) { if ((version == null) != (onUpgradeNeeded == null)) { return new Future.error(new ArgumentError( 'version and onUpgradeNeeded must be specified together')); } try { var request; if (version != null) { request = _open(name, version); } else { request = _open(name); } if (onUpgradeNeeded != null) { request.onUpgradeNeeded.listen(onUpgradeNeeded); } if (onBlocked != null) { request.onBlocked.listen(onBlocked); } return _completeRequest(request); } catch (e, stacktrace) { return new Future.error(e, stacktrace); } } Future deleteDatabase(String name, {void onBlocked(Event e)}) { try { var request = _deleteDatabase(name); if (onBlocked != null) { request.onBlocked.listen(onBlocked); } var completer = new Completer.sync(); request.onSuccess.listen((e) { completer.complete(this); }); request.onError.listen(completer.completeError); return completer.future; } catch (e, stacktrace) { return new Future.error(e, stacktrace); } } /** * Checks to see if getDatabaseNames is supported by the current platform. * TODO(terry): Should be able to always return false? */ bool get supportsDatabaseNames { return supported && JS('bool', '!!(#.getDatabaseNames || #.webkitGetDatabaseNames)', this, this); } // To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings. factory IdbFactory._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); } int cmp(Object first, Object second) native; @JSName('deleteDatabase') OpenDBRequest _deleteDatabase(String name) native; @JSName('open') @Returns('Request') @Creates('Request') @Creates('Database') OpenDBRequest _open(String name, [int version]) native; } /** * Ties a request to a completer, so the completer is completed when it succeeds * and errors out when the request errors. */ Future _completeRequest(Request request) { var completer = new Completer.sync(); // TODO: make sure that completer.complete is synchronous as transactions // may be committed if the result is not processed immediately. request.onSuccess.listen((e) { T result = request.result; completer.complete(result); }); request.onError.listen(completer.completeError); return completer.future; } // Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. @Unstable() @Native("IDBIndex") class Index extends Interceptor { Future count([key_OR_range]) { try { var request = _count(key_OR_range); return _completeRequest(request); } catch (e, stacktrace) { return new Future.error(e, stacktrace); } } Future get(key) { try { var request = _get(key); return _completeRequest(request); } catch (e, stacktrace) { return new Future.error(e, stacktrace); } } Future getKey(key) { try { var request = _getKey(key); return _completeRequest(request); } catch (e, stacktrace) { return new Future.error(e, stacktrace); } } /** * Creates a stream of cursors over the records in this object store. * * See also: * * * [ObjectStore.openCursor] */ Stream openCursor( {key, KeyRange range, String direction, bool autoAdvance}) { var key_OR_range = null; if (key != null) { if (range != null) { throw new ArgumentError('Cannot specify both key and range.'); } key_OR_range = key; } else { key_OR_range = range; } var request; if (direction == null) { // FIXME: Passing in "next" should be unnecessary. request = _openCursor(key_OR_range, "next"); } else { request = _openCursor(key_OR_range, direction); } return ObjectStore._cursorStreamFromResult(request, autoAdvance); } /** * Creates a stream of cursors over the records in this object store. * * See also: * * * [ObjectStore.openCursor] */ Stream openKeyCursor( {key, KeyRange range, String direction, bool autoAdvance}) { var key_OR_range = null; if (key != null) { if (range != null) { throw new ArgumentError('Cannot specify both key and range.'); } key_OR_range = key; } else { key_OR_range = range; } var request; if (direction == null) { // FIXME: Passing in "next" should be unnecessary. request = _openKeyCursor(key_OR_range, "next"); } else { request = _openKeyCursor(key_OR_range, direction); } return ObjectStore._cursorStreamFromResult(request, autoAdvance); } // To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings. factory Index._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); } @annotation_Creates_SerializedScriptValue final Object keyPath; final bool multiEntry; String name; final ObjectStore objectStore; final bool unique; @JSName('count') Request _count(Object key) native; @JSName('get') @Returns('Request') @Creates('Request') @annotation_Creates_SerializedScriptValue Request _get(Object key) native; Request getAll(Object query, [int count]) native; Request getAllKeys(Object query, [int count]) native; @JSName('getKey') @Returns('Request') @Creates('Request') @annotation_Creates_SerializedScriptValue @Creates('ObjectStore') Request _getKey(Object key) native; @JSName('openCursor') @Returns('Request') @Creates('Request') @Creates('Cursor') Request _openCursor(Object range, [String direction]) native; @JSName('openKeyCursor') @Returns('Request') @Creates('Request') @Creates('Cursor') Request _openKeyCursor(Object range, [String direction]) native; } // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. @Unstable() @Native("IDBKeyRange") class KeyRange extends Interceptor { factory KeyRange.only(/*Key*/ value) => _KeyRangeFactoryProvider.createKeyRange_only(value); factory KeyRange.lowerBound(/*Key*/ bound, [bool open = false]) => _KeyRangeFactoryProvider.createKeyRange_lowerBound(bound, open); factory KeyRange.upperBound(/*Key*/ bound, [bool open = false]) => _KeyRangeFactoryProvider.createKeyRange_upperBound(bound, open); factory KeyRange.bound(/*Key*/ lower, /*Key*/ upper, [bool lowerOpen = false, bool upperOpen = false]) => _KeyRangeFactoryProvider.createKeyRange_bound( lower, upper, lowerOpen, upperOpen); // To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings. factory KeyRange._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); } @annotation_Creates_SerializedScriptValue final Object lower; final bool lowerOpen; @annotation_Creates_SerializedScriptValue final Object upper; final bool upperOpen; @JSName('bound') static KeyRange bound_(Object lower, Object upper, [bool lowerOpen, bool upperOpen]) native; bool includes(Object key) native; @JSName('lowerBound') static KeyRange lowerBound_(Object bound, [bool open]) native; @JSName('only') static KeyRange only_(Object value) native; @JSName('upperBound') static KeyRange upperBound_(Object bound, [bool open]) native; } // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. @Unstable() @Native("IDBObjectStore") class ObjectStore extends Interceptor { Future add(value, [key]) { try { var request; if (key != null) { request = _add(value, key); } else { request = _add(value); } return _completeRequest(request); } catch (e, stacktrace) { return new Future.error(e, stacktrace); } } Future clear() { try { return _completeRequest(_clear()); } catch (e, stacktrace) { return new Future.error(e, stacktrace); } } Future delete(key_OR_keyRange) { try { return _completeRequest(_delete(key_OR_keyRange)); } catch (e, stacktrace) { return new Future.error(e, stacktrace); } } Future count([key_OR_range]) { try { var request = _count(key_OR_range); return _completeRequest(request); } catch (e, stacktrace) { return new Future.error(e, stacktrace); } } Future put(value, [key]) { try { var request; if (key != null) { request = _put(value, key); } else { request = _put(value); } return _completeRequest(request); } catch (e, stacktrace) { return new Future.error(e, stacktrace); } } Future getObject(key) { try { var request = _get(key); return _completeRequest(request); } catch (e, stacktrace) { return new Future.error(e, stacktrace); } } /** * Creates a stream of cursors over the records in this object store. * * **The stream must be manually advanced by calling [] after * each item or by specifying autoAdvance to be true.** * * var cursors = objectStore.openCursor().listen( * (cursor) { * // ...some processing with the cursor *; // advance onto the next cursor. * }, * onDone: () { * // called when there are no more cursors. * print('all done!'); * }); * * Asynchronous operations which are not related to the current transaction * will cause the transaction to automatically be committed-- all processing * must be done synchronously unless they are additional async requests to * the current transaction. */ Stream openCursor( {key, KeyRange range, String direction, bool autoAdvance}) { var key_OR_range = null; if (key != null) { if (range != null) { throw new ArgumentError('Cannot specify both key and range.'); } key_OR_range = key; } else { key_OR_range = range; } // TODO: try/catch this and return a stream with an immediate error. var request; if (direction == null) { request = _openCursor(key_OR_range); } else { request = _openCursor(key_OR_range, direction); } return _cursorStreamFromResult(request, autoAdvance); } Index createIndex(String name, keyPath, {bool unique, bool multiEntry}) { var options = {}; if (unique != null) { options['unique'] = unique; } if (multiEntry != null) { options['multiEntry'] = multiEntry; } return _createIndex(name, keyPath, options); } // To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings. factory ObjectStore._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); } final bool autoIncrement; @Returns('DomStringList|Null') @Creates('DomStringList') final List indexNames; @annotation_Creates_SerializedScriptValue final Object keyPath; String name; final Transaction transaction; @Returns('Request') @Creates('Request') @_annotation_Creates_IDBKey Request _add(/*any*/ value, [/*any*/ key]) { if (key != null) { var value_1 = convertDartToNative_SerializedScriptValue(value); var key_2 = convertDartToNative_SerializedScriptValue(key); return _add_1(value_1, key_2); } var value_1 = convertDartToNative_SerializedScriptValue(value); return _add_2(value_1); } @JSName('add') @Returns('Request') @Creates('Request') @_annotation_Creates_IDBKey Request _add_1(value, key) native; @JSName('add') @Returns('Request') @Creates('Request') @_annotation_Creates_IDBKey Request _add_2(value) native; @JSName('clear') Request _clear() native; @JSName('count') Request _count(Object key) native; Index _createIndex(String name, Object keyPath, [Map options]) { if (options != null) { var options_1 = convertDartToNative_Dictionary(options); return _createIndex_1(name, keyPath, options_1); } return _createIndex_2(name, keyPath); } @JSName('createIndex') Index _createIndex_1(name, keyPath, options) native; @JSName('createIndex') Index _createIndex_2(name, keyPath) native; @JSName('delete') Request _delete(Object key) native; void deleteIndex(String name) native; @JSName('get') @Returns('Request') @Creates('Request') @annotation_Creates_SerializedScriptValue Request _get(Object key) native; Request getAll(Object query, [int count]) native; Request getAllKeys(Object query, [int count]) native; Request getKey(Object key) native; Index index(String name) native; @JSName('openCursor') @Returns('Request') @Creates('Request') @Creates('Cursor') Request _openCursor(Object range, [String direction]) native; Request openKeyCursor(Object range, [String direction]) native; @Returns('Request') @Creates('Request') @_annotation_Creates_IDBKey Request _put(/*any*/ value, [/*any*/ key]) { if (key != null) { var value_1 = convertDartToNative_SerializedScriptValue(value); var key_2 = convertDartToNative_SerializedScriptValue(key); return _put_1(value_1, key_2); } var value_1 = convertDartToNative_SerializedScriptValue(value); return _put_2(value_1); } @JSName('put') @Returns('Request') @Creates('Request') @_annotation_Creates_IDBKey Request _put_1(value, key) native; @JSName('put') @Returns('Request') @Creates('Request') @_annotation_Creates_IDBKey Request _put_2(value) native; /** * Helper for iterating over cursors in a request. */ static Stream _cursorStreamFromResult( Request request, bool autoAdvance) { // TODO: need to guarantee that the controller provides the values // immediately as waiting until the next tick will cause the transaction to // close. var controller = new StreamController(sync: true); //TODO: Report stacktrace once issue 4061 is resolved. request.onError.listen(controller.addError); request.onSuccess.listen((e) { T cursor = request.result as dynamic; if (cursor == null) { controller.close(); } else { controller.add(cursor); if (autoAdvance == true && controller.hasListener) {; } } }); return; } } // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. @Native("IDBObservation") class Observation extends Interceptor { // To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings. factory Observation._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); } final Object key; final String type; final Object value; } // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. @Native("IDBObserver") class Observer extends Interceptor { // To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings. factory Observer._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); } factory Observer(ObserverCallback callback) { return Observer._create_1(callback); } static Observer _create_1(callback) => JS('Observer', 'new IDBObserver(#)', callback); void observe(Database db, Transaction tx, Map options) { var options_1 = convertDartToNative_Dictionary(options); _observe_1(db, tx, options_1); return; } @JSName('observe') void _observe_1(Database db, Transaction tx, options) native; void unobserve(Database db) native; } // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. @Native("IDBObserverChanges") class ObserverChanges extends Interceptor { // To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings. factory ObserverChanges._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); } final Database database; final Object records; final Transaction transaction; } // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. @Unstable() @Native("IDBOpenDBRequest,IDBVersionChangeRequest") class OpenDBRequest extends Request { // To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings. factory OpenDBRequest._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); } /** * Static factory designed to expose `blocked` events to event * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [OpenDBRequest]. * * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information. */ static const EventStreamProvider blockedEvent = const EventStreamProvider('blocked'); /** * Static factory designed to expose `upgradeneeded` events to event * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [OpenDBRequest]. * * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information. */ static const EventStreamProvider upgradeNeededEvent = const EventStreamProvider('upgradeneeded'); /// Stream of `blocked` events handled by this [OpenDBRequest]. Stream get onBlocked => blockedEvent.forTarget(this); /// Stream of `upgradeneeded` events handled by this [OpenDBRequest]. Stream get onUpgradeNeeded => upgradeNeededEvent.forTarget(this); } // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. @Unstable() @Native("IDBRequest") class Request extends EventTarget { // To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings. factory Request._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); } /** * Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Request]. * * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information. */ static const EventStreamProvider errorEvent = const EventStreamProvider('error'); /** * Static factory designed to expose `success` events to event * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Request]. * * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information. */ static const EventStreamProvider successEvent = const EventStreamProvider('success'); final DomException error; final String readyState; dynamic get result => _convertNativeToDart_IDBAny(this._get_result); @JSName('result') @Creates('Null') final dynamic _get_result; @Creates('Null') final Object source; final Transaction transaction; /// Stream of `error` events handled by this [Request]. Stream get onError => errorEvent.forTarget(this); /// Stream of `success` events handled by this [Request]. Stream get onSuccess => successEvent.forTarget(this); } // Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. @Unstable() @Native("IDBTransaction") class Transaction extends EventTarget { /** * Provides a Future which will be completed once the transaction has * completed. * * The future will error if an error occurrs on the transaction or if the * transaction is aborted. */ Future get completed { var completer = new Completer(); this.onComplete.first.then((_) { completer.complete(db); }); this.onError.first.then((e) { completer.completeError(e); }); this.onAbort.first.then((e) { // Avoid completing twice if an error occurs. if (!completer.isCompleted) { completer.completeError(e); } }); return completer.future; } // To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings. factory Transaction._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); } /** * Static factory designed to expose `abort` events to event * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Transaction]. * * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information. */ static const EventStreamProvider abortEvent = const EventStreamProvider('abort'); /** * Static factory designed to expose `complete` events to event * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Transaction]. * * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information. */ static const EventStreamProvider completeEvent = const EventStreamProvider('complete'); /** * Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Transaction]. * * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information. */ static const EventStreamProvider errorEvent = const EventStreamProvider('error'); final Database db; final DomException error; final String mode; @Returns('DomStringList|Null') @Creates('DomStringList') final List objectStoreNames; void abort() native; ObjectStore objectStore(String name) native; /// Stream of `abort` events handled by this [Transaction]. Stream get onAbort => abortEvent.forTarget(this); /// Stream of `complete` events handled by this [Transaction]. Stream get onComplete => completeEvent.forTarget(this); /// Stream of `error` events handled by this [Transaction]. Stream get onError => errorEvent.forTarget(this); } // Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. @Unstable() @Native("IDBVersionChangeEvent") class VersionChangeEvent extends Event { // To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings. factory VersionChangeEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); } factory VersionChangeEvent(String type, [Map eventInitDict]) { if (eventInitDict != null) { var eventInitDict_1 = convertDartToNative_Dictionary(eventInitDict); return VersionChangeEvent._create_1(type, eventInitDict_1); } return VersionChangeEvent._create_2(type); } static VersionChangeEvent _create_1(type, eventInitDict) => JS( 'VersionChangeEvent', 'new IDBVersionChangeEvent(#,#)', type, eventInitDict); static VersionChangeEvent _create_2(type) => JS('VersionChangeEvent', 'new IDBVersionChangeEvent(#)', type); final String dataLoss; final String dataLossMessage; @Creates('int|String|Null') @Returns('int|String|Null') final int newVersion; @Creates('int|String|Null') @Returns('int|String|Null') final int oldVersion; @JSName('target') final OpenDBRequest target; }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file:///b/build/slave/dart-sdk-mac-stable/build/sdk/sdk/lib/html/dart2js/html_dart2js.dart/** * HTML elements and other resources for web-based applications that need to * interact with the browser and the DOM (Document Object Model). * * This library includes DOM element types, CSS styling, local storage, * media, speech, events, and more. * To get started, * check out the [Element] class, the base class for many of the HTML * DOM types. * * For information on writing web apps with Dart, see * * {@category Web} */ library dart.dom.html; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:collection' hide LinkedList, LinkedListEntry; import 'dart:_internal' hide Symbol; import 'dart:html_common'; import 'dart:indexed_db'; import "dart:convert"; import 'dart:math'; import 'dart:_native_typed_data'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'dart:svg' as svg; import 'dart:svg' show Matrix; import 'dart:svg' show SvgSvgElement; import 'dart:web_audio' as web_audio; import 'dart:web_audio' show AudioBuffer, AudioTrack, AudioTrackList; import 'dart:web_gl' as gl; import 'dart:web_gl' show RenderingContext, RenderingContext2; import 'dart:web_sql'; import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS, JS_INTERCEPTOR_CONSTANT; // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // DO NOT EDIT - unless you are editing documentation as per: // // Auto-generated dart:html library. // Not actually used, but imported since dart:html can generate these objects. import 'dart:_js_helper' show convertDartClosureToJS, Creates, JavaScriptIndexingBehavior, JSName, Native, Returns, ForceInline, findDispatchTagForInterceptorClass, setNativeSubclassDispatchRecord, makeLeafDispatchRecord, registerGlobalObject, applyExtension; import 'dart:_interceptors' show Interceptor, JavaScriptFunction, JSExtendableArray, JSUInt31, findInterceptorConstructorForType, findConstructorForNativeSubclassType, getNativeInterceptor, setDispatchProperty; export 'dart:math' show Rectangle, Point; /** * Top-level container for a web page, which is usually a browser tab or window. * * Each web page loaded in the browser has its own [Window], which is a * container for the web page. * * If the web page has any `