import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:mirrors'; import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart'; import 'plural.dart' as pluralize; import 'no_service.dart'; /// Represents a relationship in which the current [service] "owns" /// members of the service at [servicePath]. Use [as] to set the name /// on the target object. /// /// Defaults: /// * [foreignKey]: `userId` /// * [localKey]: `id` HookedServiceEventListener hasMany(Pattern servicePath, {String? as, String? foreignKey, String? localKey, Function(dynamic obj)? getLocalKey, Function(dynamic foreign, dynamic obj)? assignForeignObjects}) { return (HookedServiceEvent e) async { var ref = e.getService(servicePath); var foreignName = as?.isNotEmpty == true ? as : pluralize.plural(servicePath.toString()); if (ref == null) throw noService(servicePath); dynamic _getLocalKey(obj) { if (getLocalKey != null) { return getLocalKey(obj); } else if (obj is Map) { return obj[localKey ?? 'id']; } else if (localKey == null || localKey == 'id') { return; } else { return reflect(obj).getField(Symbol(localKey)).reflectee; } } dynamic _assignForeignObjects(foreign, obj) { if (assignForeignObjects != null) { return assignForeignObjects(foreign, obj); } else if (obj is Map) { obj[foreignName] = foreign; } else { reflect(obj).setField(Symbol(foreignName!), foreign); } } Future _normalize(obj) async { if (obj != null) { var id = await _getLocalKey(obj); var indexed = await ref.index({ 'query': {foreignKey ?? 'userId': id} }); if (indexed is! List || indexed.isNotEmpty != true) { await _assignForeignObjects([], obj); } else { await _assignForeignObjects(indexed, obj); } } } if (e.result is Iterable) { //await Future.wait(; await; } else { await _normalize(e.result); } }; }