import 'dart:async'; import 'package:graphql_parser/graphql_parser.dart'; import 'package:graphql_schema/graphql_schema.dart'; import 'introspection.dart'; Map foldToStringDynamic(Map map) { return map == null ? null : map.keys.fold>( {}, (out, k) => out..[k.toString()] = map[k]); } class GraphQL { final List customTypes = []; GraphQLSchema _schema; GraphQL(GraphQLSchema schema, {bool introspect: true, List customTypes = const []}) : _schema = schema { if (customTypes?.isNotEmpty == true) { this.customTypes.addAll(customTypes); } if (introspect) { var allTypes = []; allTypes.addAll(this.customTypes); _schema = reflectSchema(_schema, allTypes); for (var type in allTypes) { if (!this.customTypes.contains(type)) { this.customTypes.add(type); } } } if (_schema.query != null) this.customTypes.add(_schema.query); if (_schema.mutation != null) this.customTypes.add(_schema.mutation); } GraphQLType convertType(TypeContext ctx) { if (ctx.listType != null) { return new GraphQLListType(convertType(ctx.listType.type)); } else if (ctx.typeName != null) { switch ( { case 'Int': return graphQLString; case 'Float': return graphQLFloat; case 'String': return graphQLString; case 'Boolean': return graphQLBoolean; case 'ID': return graphQLId; case 'Date': case 'DateTime': return graphQLDate; default: return customTypes.firstWhere((t) => ==, orElse: () => throw new ArgumentError( 'Unknown GraphQL type: "${}"')); } } else { throw new ArgumentError('Invalid GraphQL type: "${ctx.span.text}"'); } } Future> parseAndExecute(String text, {String operationName, sourceUrl, Map variableValues: const {}, initialValue}) { var tokens = scan(text, sourceUrl: sourceUrl); var parser = new Parser(tokens); var document = parser.parseDocument(); return executeRequest(_schema, document, operationName: operationName, initialValue: initialValue, variableValues: variableValues); } Future> executeRequest( GraphQLSchema schema, DocumentContext document, {String operationName, Map variableValues: const {}, initialValue}) async { var operation = getOperation(document, operationName); var coercedVariableValues = coerceVariableValues(schema, operation, variableValues ?? {}); if (operation.isQuery) return await executeQuery( document, operation, schema, coercedVariableValues, initialValue); else { throw new UnimplementedError('mutations'); // return executeMutation( // document, operation, schema, coercedVariableValues, initialValue); } } OperationDefinitionContext getOperation( DocumentContext document, String operationName) { var ops = document.definitions.where((d) => d is OperationDefinitionContext); if (operationName == null) { return ops.length == 1 ? ops.first as OperationDefinitionContext : throw new GraphQLException.fromMessage( 'This document does not define any operations.'); } else { return ops.firstWhere( (d) => (d as OperationDefinitionContext).name == operationName, orElse: () => throw new GraphQLException.fromMessage( 'Missing required operation "$operationName".')) as OperationDefinitionContext; } } Map coerceVariableValues( GraphQLSchema schema, OperationDefinitionContext operation, Map variableValues) { var coercedValues = {}; var variableDefinitions = operation.variableDefinitions?.variableDefinitions ?? []; for (var variableDefinition in variableDefinitions) { var variableName =; var variableType = variableDefinition.type; var defaultValue = variableDefinition.defaultValue; var value = variableValues[variableName]; if (value == null) { if (defaultValue != null) { coercedValues[variableName] = defaultValue.value.value; } else if (!variableType.isNullable) { throw new GraphQLException.fromSourceSpan( 'Missing required variable "$variableName".', variableDefinition.span); } } else { var type = convertType(variableType); var validation = type.validate(variableName, value); if (!validation.successful) { throw new GraphQLException(validation.errors .map((e) => new GraphQLExceptionError(e, locations: [ new GraphExceptionErrorLocation.fromSourceLocation( variableDefinition.span.start) ])) .toList()); } else { coercedValues[variableName] = type.deserialize(value); } } } return coercedValues; } Future> executeQuery( DocumentContext document, OperationDefinitionContext query, GraphQLSchema schema, Map variableValues, initialValue) async { var queryType = schema.query; var selectionSet = query.selectionSet; return await executeSelectionSet( document, selectionSet, queryType, initialValue, variableValues); } Future> executeSelectionSet( DocumentContext document, SelectionSetContext selectionSet, GraphQLObjectType objectType, objectValue, Map variableValues) async { var groupedFieldSet = collectFields(document, objectType, selectionSet, variableValues); var resultMap = {}; for (var responseKey in groupedFieldSet.keys) { var fields = groupedFieldSet[responseKey]; for (var field in fields) { var fieldName =; var fieldType = objectType.fields .firstWhere((f) => == fieldName, orElse: () => null) ?.type; if (fieldType == null) continue; var responseValue = await executeField(document, fieldName, objectType, objectValue, fields, fieldType, variableValues); resultMap[responseKey] = responseValue; } } return resultMap; } Future executeField( DocumentContext document, String fieldName, GraphQLObjectType objectType, objectValue, List fields, GraphQLType fieldType, Map variableValues) async { var field = fields[0]; var argumentValues = coerceArgumentValues(objectType, field, variableValues); var resolvedValue = await resolveFieldValue( objectType, objectValue,, argumentValues); return completeValue( document, fieldName, fieldType, fields, resolvedValue, variableValues); } Map coerceArgumentValues(GraphQLObjectType objectType, SelectionContext field, Map variableValues) { var coercedValues = {}; var argumentValues = field.field.arguments; var fieldName =; var desiredField = objectType.fields.firstWhere((f) => == fieldName); var argumentDefinitions = desiredField.arguments; for (var argumentDefinition in argumentDefinitions) { var argumentName =; var argumentType = argumentDefinition.type; var defaultValue = argumentDefinition.defaultValue; var value = argumentValues.firstWhere((a) => == argumentName, orElse: () => null); if (value?.valueOrVariable?.variable != null) { var variableName =; var variableValue = variableValues[variableName]; if (variableValues.containsKey(variableName)) { coercedValues[argumentName] = variableValue; } else if (defaultValue != null || argumentDefinition.defaultsToNull) { coercedValues[argumentName] = defaultValue; } else if (argumentType is GraphQLNonNullableType) { throw new GraphQLException.fromSourceSpan( 'Missing value for argument "$argumentName".', value.valueOrVariable.span); } else { continue; } } else if (value == null) { if (defaultValue != null || argumentDefinition.defaultsToNull) { coercedValues[argumentName] = defaultValue; } else if (argumentType is GraphQLNonNullableType) { throw new GraphQLException.fromMessage( 'Missing value for argument "$argumentName".'); } else { continue; } } else { var validation = argumentType.validate(fieldName, value.valueOrVariable.value.value); if (!validation.successful) { throw new GraphQLException.fromSourceSpan( 'Coercion error for value of argument "$argumentName".', value.valueOrVariable.span); } else { var coercedValue = validation.value; coercedValues[argumentName] = coercedValue; } } } return coercedValues; } Future resolveFieldValue(GraphQLObjectType objectType, T objectValue, String fieldName, Map argumentValues) async { var field = objectType.fields.firstWhere((f) => == fieldName); if (field.resolve == null) { return null; } else { return await field.resolve(objectValue, argumentValues) as T; } } Future completeValue( DocumentContext document, String fieldName, GraphQLType fieldType, List fields, result, Map variableValues) async { if (fieldType is GraphQLNonNullableType) { var innerType = fieldType.innerType; var completedResult = completeValue( document, fieldName, innerType, fields, result, variableValues); if (completedResult == null) { throw new GraphQLException.fromMessage( 'Null value provided for non-nullable field "$fieldName".'); } else { return completedResult; } } if (result == null) { return null; } if (fieldType is GraphQLListType) { if (result is! Iterable) { throw new GraphQLException.fromMessage( 'Value of field "$fieldName" must be a list or iterable, got $result instead.'); } var innerType = fieldType.innerType; var out = []; for (var resultItem in (result as Iterable)) { out.add(await completeValue(document, '(item in "$fieldName")', innerType, fields, resultItem, variableValues)); } return out; } if (fieldType is GraphQLScalarType) { try { var validation = fieldType.validate(fieldName, result); if (!validation.successful) { return null; } else { return validation.value; } } on TypeError { throw new GraphQLException.fromMessage( 'Value of field "$fieldName" must be ${fieldType.valueType}, got $result instead.'); } } if (fieldType is GraphQLObjectType || fieldType is GraphQLUnionType) { GraphQLObjectType objectType; if (fieldType is GraphQLObjectType && !fieldType.isInterface) { objectType = fieldType; } else { objectType = resolveAbstractType(fieldType, result); } var subSelectionSet = mergeSelectionSets(fields); return await executeSelectionSet( document, subSelectionSet, objectType, result, variableValues); } throw new UnsupportedError('Unsupported type: $fieldType'); } GraphQLObjectType resolveAbstractType(GraphQLType type, result) { List possibleTypes; if (type is GraphQLObjectType) { possibleTypes = type.possibleTypes; } else if (type is GraphQLUnionType) { possibleTypes = type.possibleTypes; } else { throw new ArgumentError(); } for (var t in possibleTypes) { try { var validation = t.validate('@root', foldToStringDynamic(result as Map)); if (validation.successful) { return t; } } catch (_) {} } throw new StateError('Cannot convert value $result to type $type.'); } SelectionSetContext mergeSelectionSets(List fields) { var selections = []; for (var field in fields) { if (field.field?.selectionSet != null) { selections.addAll(field.field.selectionSet.selections); } else if (field.inlineFragment?.selectionSet != null) { selections.addAll(field.inlineFragment.selectionSet.selections); } } return new SelectionSetContext.merged(selections); } Map> collectFields( DocumentContext document, GraphQLObjectType objectType, SelectionSetContext selectionSet, Map variableValues, {List visitedFragments}) { var groupedFields = >{}; visitedFragments ??= []; for (var selection in selectionSet.selections) { if (getDirectiveValue('skip', 'if', selection, variableValues) == true) continue; if (getDirectiveValue('include', 'if', selection, variableValues) == false) continue; if (selection.field != null) { var responseKey =; var groupForResponseKey = groupedFields.putIfAbsent(responseKey, () => []); groupForResponseKey.add(selection); } else if (selection.fragmentSpread != null) { var fragmentSpreadName =; if (visitedFragments.contains(fragmentSpreadName)) continue; visitedFragments.add(fragmentSpreadName); var fragment = document.definitions .where((d) => d is FragmentDefinitionContext) .firstWhere( (f) => (f as FragmentDefinitionContext).name == fragmentSpreadName, orElse: () => null) as FragmentDefinitionContext; if (fragment == null) continue; var fragmentType = fragment.typeCondition; if (!doesFragmentTypeApply(objectType, fragmentType)) continue; var fragmentSelectionSet = fragment.selectionSet; var fragmentGroupFieldSet = collectFields( document, objectType, fragmentSelectionSet, variableValues); for (var responseKey in fragmentGroupFieldSet.keys) { var fragmentGroup = fragmentGroupFieldSet[responseKey]; var groupForResponseKey = groupedFields.putIfAbsent(responseKey, () => []); groupForResponseKey.addAll(fragmentGroup); } } else if (selection.inlineFragment != null) { var fragmentType = selection.inlineFragment.typeCondition; if (fragmentType != null && !doesFragmentTypeApply(objectType, fragmentType)) continue; var fragmentSelectionSet = selection.inlineFragment.selectionSet; var fragmentGroupFieldSet = collectFields( document, objectType, fragmentSelectionSet, variableValues); for (var responseKey in fragmentGroupFieldSet.keys) { var fragmentGroup = fragmentGroupFieldSet[responseKey]; var groupForResponseKey = groupedFields.putIfAbsent(responseKey, () => []); groupForResponseKey.addAll(fragmentGroup); } } } return groupedFields; } getDirectiveValue(String name, String argumentName, SelectionContext selection, Map variableValues) { if (selection.field == null) return null; var directive = selection.field.directives.firstWhere((d) { var vv = d.valueOrVariable; if (vv.value != null) return vv.value.value == name; return == name; }, orElse: () => null); if (directive == null) return null; if (directive.argument?.name != argumentName) return null; var vv = directive.argument.valueOrVariable; if (vv.value != null) return vv.value.value; var vname =; if (!variableValues.containsKey(vname)) throw new GraphQLException.fromSourceSpan( 'Unknown variable: "$vname"', vv.span); return variableValues[vname]; } bool doesFragmentTypeApply( GraphQLObjectType objectType, TypeConditionContext fragmentType) { var type = convertType(new TypeContext(fragmentType.typeName, null)); if (type is GraphQLObjectType && !type.isInterface) { for (var field in type.fields) if (!objectType.fields.any((f) => == return false; return true; } else if (type is GraphQLObjectType && type.isInterface) { return objectType.isImplementationOf(type); } else if (type is GraphQLUnionType) { return type.possibleTypes.any((t) => objectType.isImplementationOf(t)); } return false; } }