# shelf [![Pub](https://img.shields.io/pub/v/angel_shelf.svg)](https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/angel_shelf) [![build status](https://travis-ci.org/angel-dart/shelf.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/angel-dart/shelf) Shelf interop with Angel. This package lets you run `package:shelf` handlers via a custom adapter. Use the code in this repo to embed existing Angel/shelf apps into other Angel/shelf applications. This way, you can migrate legacy applications without having to rewrite your business logic. This will make it easy to layer your API over a production application, rather than having to port code. - [Usage](#usage) - [embedShelf](#embedshelf) - [Communicating with Angel](#communicating-with-angel-with-embedshelf) - [`AngelShelf`](#angelshelf) # Usage ## embedShelf This is a compliant `shelf` adapter that acts as an Angel request handler. You can use it as a middleware, or attach it to individual routes. ```dart import 'dart:io'; import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart'; import 'package:angel_shelf/angel_shelf.dart'; import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart' as shelf; import 'api/api.dart'; main() async { var app = Angel(); var http = AngelHttp(app); // Angel routes on top await app.mountController(); // Re-route all other traffic to an // existing application. app.fallback(embedShelf( shelf.Pipeline() .addMiddleware(shelf.logRequests()) .addHandler(_echoRequest) )); // Or, only on a specific route: app.get('/shelf', wrappedShelfHandler); await http.startServer(InternetAddress.loopbackIPV4, 3000); print(http.uri); } ``` ### Communicating with Angel with embedShelf You can communicate with Angel: ```dart handleRequest(shelf.Request request) { // Access original Angel request... var req = request.context['angel_shelf.request'] as RequestContext; // ... And then interact with it. req.container.registerNamedSingleton('from_shelf', Foo()); // `req.container` is also available. var container = request.context['angel_shelf.container'] as Container; container.make().drive(); } ``` ### AngelShelf Angel 2 brought about the generic `Driver` class, which is implemented by `AngelHttp`, `AngelHttp2`, `AngelGopher`, etc., and provides the core infrastructure for request handling in Angel. `AngelShelf` is an implementation that wraps shelf requests and responses in their Angel equivalents. Using it is as simple using as using `AngelHttp`, or any other driver: ```dart // Create an AngelShelf driver. // If we have startup hooks we want to run, we need to call // `startServer`. Otherwise, it can be omitted. // Of course, if you call `startServer`, know that to run // shutdown/cleanup logic, you need to call `close` eventually, // too. var angelShelf = AngelShelf(app); await angelShelf.startServer(); await shelf_io.serve(angelShelf.handler, InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4, 8081); ``` You can also use the `AngelShelf` driver as a shelf middleware - just use `angelShelf.middleware` instead of `angelShelf.handler`. When used as a middleware, if the Angel response context is still open after all handlers run (i.e. no routes were matched), the next shelf handler will be called. ```dart var handler = shelf.Pipeline() .addMiddleware(angelShelf.middleware) .addHandler(createStaticHandler(...)); ```