import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io' show HttpDate; import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart'; import 'package:dart2_constant/convert.dart'; import 'package:file/file.dart'; //import 'package:intl/intl.dart'; import 'package:mime/mime.dart'; import 'virtual_directory.dart'; /// Generates a weak ETag from the given buffer. String weakEtag(List buf) { return 'W/${buf.length}' + base64Url.encode(buf.take(50).toList()); } /// Returns a string representation of the given [CacheAccessLevel]. String accessLevelToString(CacheAccessLevel accessLevel) { switch (accessLevel) { case CacheAccessLevel.PRIVATE: return 'private'; case CacheAccessLevel.PUBLIC: return 'public'; default: throw new ArgumentError('Unrecognized cache access level: $accessLevel'); } } /// A `VirtualDirectory` that also sets `Cache-Control` headers. class CachingVirtualDirectory extends VirtualDirectory { final Map _etags = {}; /// Either `PUBLIC` or `PRIVATE`. final CacheAccessLevel accessLevel; /// If `true`, responses will always have `private, max-age=0` as their `Cache-Control` header. final bool noCache; /// If `true` (default), `Cache-Control` headers will only be set if the application is in production mode. final bool onlyInProduction; /// If `true` (default), ETags will be computed and sent along with responses. final bool useEtags; /// The `max-age` for `Cache-Control`. /// /// Set this to `null` to leave no `Expires` header on responses. final int maxAge; CachingVirtualDirectory(Angel app, FileSystem fileSystem, {this.accessLevel: CacheAccessLevel.PUBLIC, Directory source, bool debug, Iterable indexFileNames, this.maxAge: 0, this.noCache: false, this.onlyInProduction: false, this.useEtags: true, bool allowDirectoryListing, bool useBuffer: false, String publicPath, callback(File file, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res)}) : super(app, fileSystem, source: source, indexFileNames: indexFileNames ?? ['index.html'], publicPath: publicPath ?? '/', callback: callback, allowDirectoryListing: allowDirectoryListing, useBuffer: useBuffer); @override Future serveFile( File file, FileStat stat, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) { if (onlyInProduction == true && != true) { return super.serveFile(file, stat, req, res); } bool shouldNotCache = noCache == true; if (!shouldNotCache) { shouldNotCache = req.headers.value('cache-control') == 'no-cache' || req.headers.value('pragma') == 'no-cache'; } if (shouldNotCache) { res.headers['cache-control'] = 'private, max-age=0, no-cache'; return super.serveFile(file, stat, req, res); } else { if (useEtags == true) { var etags = req.headers['if-none-match']; if (etags?.isNotEmpty == true) { bool hasBeenModified = false; for (var etag in etags) { if (etag == '*') hasBeenModified = true; else { hasBeenModified = _etags.containsKey(file.absolute.path) && _etags[file.absolute.path] == etag; } } if (hasBeenModified) { res.statusCode = 304; setCachedHeaders(stat.modified, req, res); return new Future.value(false); } } } if (req.headers.ifModifiedSince != null) { try { var ifModifiedSince = req.headers.ifModifiedSince; if (ifModifiedSince.compareTo(stat.modified) >= 0) { res.statusCode = 304; setCachedHeaders(stat.modified, req, res); if (_etags.containsKey(file.absolute.path)) res.headers['ETag'] = _etags[file.absolute.path]; return new Future.value(false); } } catch (_) { throw new AngelHttpException.badRequest( message: 'Invalid date for If-Modified-Since header.'); } } return file.readAsBytes().then((buf) { var etag = _etags[file.absolute.path] = weakEtag(buf); res.statusCode = 200; res.headers ..['ETag'] = etag ..['content-type'] = lookupMimeType(file.path) ?? 'application/octet-stream'; setCachedHeaders(stat.modified, req, res); res.add(buf); return false; }); } } void setCachedHeaders( DateTime modified, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) { var privacy = accessLevelToString(accessLevel ?? CacheAccessLevel.PUBLIC); res.headers ..['cache-control'] = '$privacy, max-age=${maxAge ?? 0}' ..['last-modified'] = HttpDate.format(modified); if (maxAge != null) { var expiry = new Duration(seconds: maxAge ?? 0)); res.headers['expires'] = HttpDate.format(expiry); } } } enum CacheAccessLevel { PUBLIC, PRIVATE }