/// Server-side support for WebSockets. library angel_websocket.server; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:mirrors'; import 'package:angel_auth/angel_auth.dart'; import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart'; import 'package:json_god/json_god.dart' as god; import 'package:merge_map/merge_map.dart'; import 'angel_websocket.dart'; export 'angel_websocket.dart'; part 'websocket_context.dart'; part 'websocket_controller.dart'; /// Used to assign routes to a given handler. typedef AngelWebSocketRegisterer(Angel app, RequestHandler handler); /// Broadcasts events from [HookedService]s, and handles incoming [WebSocketAction]s. class AngelWebSocket extends AngelPlugin { Angel _app; List _clients = []; final List _servicesAlreadyWired = []; final StreamController _onAction = new StreamController(); final StreamController _onData = new StreamController(); final StreamController _onConnection = new StreamController.broadcast(); final StreamController _onDisconnect = new StreamController.broadcast(); /// If this is not `true`, then all client-side service parameters will be /// discarded, other than `params['query']`. final bool allowClientParams; /// If `true`, then clients can authenticate their WebSockets by sending a valid JWT. final bool allowAuth; /// Include debug information, and send error information across WebSockets. final bool debug; /// Registers this instance as a route on the server. final AngelWebSocketRegisterer register; /// A list of clients currently connected to this server via WebSockets. List get clients => new List.unmodifiable(_clients); /// Services that have already been hooked to fire socket events. List get servicesAlreadyWired => new List.unmodifiable(_servicesAlreadyWired); /// The endpoint that users should connect a WebSocket to. final String endpoint; /// Used to notify other nodes of an event's firing. Good for scaled applications. final WebSocketSynchronizer synchronizer; /// Fired on any [WebSocketAction]. Stream get onAction => _onAction.stream; /// Fired whenever a WebSocket sends data. Stream get onData => _onData.stream; /// Fired on incoming connections. Stream get onConnection => _onConnection.stream; /// Fired when a user disconnects. Stream get onDisconnection => _onDisconnect.stream; AngelWebSocket( {this.endpoint: '/ws', this.debug: false, this.allowClientParams: false, this.allowAuth: true, this.register, this.synchronizer}); serviceHook(String path) { return (HookedServiceEvent e) async { if (e.params != null && e.params['broadcast'] == false) return; var event = await transformEvent(e); event.eventName = "$path::${event.eventName}"; _filter(WebSocketContext socket) { if (e.service.properties.containsKey('ws:filter')) return e.service.properties['ws:filter'](socket); else return true; } await batchEvent(event, filter: _filter); }; } void _printDebug(String msg) { if (debug == true) print(msg); } /// Slates an event to be dispatched. Future batchEvent(WebSocketEvent event, {filter(WebSocketContext socket), bool notify: true}) async { // Default implementation will just immediately fire events _clients.forEach((client) async { var result = true; if (filter != null) result = await filter(client); if (result == true) { var serialized = event.toJson(); _printDebug('Batching this event: $serialized'); // print('Serialized: ' + JSON.encode(serialized)); client.io.add(god.serialize(event.toJson())); } }); if (synchronizer != null && notify != false) synchronizer.notifyOthers(event); } /// Returns a list of events yet to be sent. Future> getBatchedEvents() async => []; /// Responds to an incoming action on a WebSocket. Future handleAction(WebSocketAction action, WebSocketContext socket) async { if (action.eventName == ACTION_AUTHENTICATE) return await handleAuth(action, socket); var split = action.eventName.split("::"); if (split.length < 2) return socket.sendError(new AngelHttpException.badRequest()); var service = _app.service(split[0]); if (service == null) return socket.sendError(new AngelHttpException.notFound( message: "No service \"${split[0]}\" exists.")); var actionName = split[1]; if (action.params is! Map) action.params = {}; if (allowClientParams != true) { if (action.params['query'] is Map) action.params = {'query': action.params['query']}; else action.params = {}; } var params = mergeMap([ god.deserializeDatum(action.params), { "provider": Providers.WEBSOCKET, '__requestctx': socket.request, '__responsectx': socket.response } ]); try { if (actionName == ACTION_INDEX) { return socket.send( "${split[0]}::" + EVENT_INDEXED, await service.index(params)); } else if (actionName == ACTION_READ) { return socket.send("${split[0]}::" + EVENT_READ, await service.read(action.id, params)); } else if (actionName == ACTION_CREATE) { return new WebSocketEvent( eventName: "${split[0]}::" + EVENT_CREATED, data: await service.create(action.data, params)); } else if (actionName == ACTION_MODIFY) { return new WebSocketEvent( eventName: "${split[0]}::" + EVENT_MODIFIED, data: await service.modify(action.id, action.data, params)); } else if (actionName == ACTION_UPDATE) { return new WebSocketEvent( eventName: "${split[0]}::" + EVENT_UPDATED, data: await service.update(action.id, action.data, params)); } else if (actionName == ACTION_REMOVE) { return new WebSocketEvent( eventName: "${split[0]}::" + EVENT_REMOVED, data: await service.remove(action.id, params)); } else { return socket.sendError(new AngelHttpException.methodNotAllowed( message: "Method Not Allowed: \"$actionName\"")); } } catch (e, st) { if (e is AngelHttpException) return socket.sendError(e); else if (debug == true) socket.sendError(new AngelHttpException(e, message: e.toString(), stackTrace: st, errors: [st.toString()])); else socket.sendError(new AngelHttpException(e)); } } /// Authenticates a [WebSocketContext]. Future handleAuth(WebSocketAction action, WebSocketContext socket) async { if (allowAuth != false && action.eventName == ACTION_AUTHENTICATE && action.params['jwt'] is String) { try { var auth = socket.request.grab(AngelAuth); var jwt = action.params['jwt'] as String; AuthToken token; token = new AuthToken.validate(jwt, auth.hmac); var user = await auth.deserializer(token.userId); var req = socket.request; req ..inject(AuthToken, req.properties['token'] = token) ..inject(user.runtimeType, req.properties["user"] = user); socket.send(EVENT_AUTHENTICATED, {'token': token.serialize(auth.hmac), 'data': user}); } catch (e, st) { // Send an error if (e is AngelHttpException) socket.sendError(e); else if (debug == true) socket.sendError(new AngelHttpException(e, message: e.toString(), stackTrace: st, errors: [st.toString()])); else socket.sendError(new AngelHttpException(e)); } } } /// Hooks a service up to have its events broadcasted. hookupService(Pattern _path, HookedService service) { String path = _path.toString(); var batch = serviceHook(path); service ..afterCreated.listen(batch) ..afterModified.listen(batch) ..afterUpdated.listen(batch) ..afterRemoved.listen(batch); _servicesAlreadyWired.add(path); } /// Runs before firing [onConnection]. Future handleConnect(WebSocketContext socket) async {} /// Handles incoming data from a WebSocket. handleData(WebSocketContext socket, data) async { try { socket._onData.add(data); var fromJson = JSON.decode(data); var action = new WebSocketAction.fromJson(fromJson); _onAction.add(action); if (action.eventName == null || action.eventName is! String || action.eventName.isEmpty) { throw new AngelHttpException.badRequest(); } if (fromJson is Map && fromJson.containsKey("eventName")) { socket._onAction.add(new WebSocketAction.fromJson(fromJson)); socket.on ._getStreamForEvent(fromJson["eventName"].toString()) .add(fromJson["data"]); } if (action.eventName.contains("::")) { var split = action.eventName.split("::"); if (split.length >= 2) { if (ACTIONS.contains(split[1])) { var event = handleAction(action, socket); if (event is Future) event = await event; } } } } catch (e, st) { // Send an error if (e is AngelHttpException) socket.sendError(e); else if (debug == true) socket.sendError(new AngelHttpException(e, message: e.toString(), stackTrace: st, errors: [st.toString()])); else socket.sendError(new AngelHttpException(e)); } } /// Transforms a [HookedServiceEvent], so that it can be broadcasted. Future transformEvent(HookedServiceEvent event) async { return new WebSocketEvent(eventName: event.eventName, data: event.result); } /// Hooks any [HookedService]s that are not being broadcasted yet. wireAllServices(Angel app) { for (Pattern key in app.services.keys.where((x) { return !_servicesAlreadyWired.contains(x) && app.services[x] is HookedService; })) { hookupService(key, app.services[key]); } } @override Future call(Angel app) async { _app = app..container.singleton(this); if (runtimeType != AngelWebSocket) app.container.singleton(this, as: AngelWebSocket); // Set up services wireAllServices(app); app.onService.listen((_) { wireAllServices(app); }); handler(RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) async { if (!WebSocketTransformer.isUpgradeRequest(req.io)) throw new AngelHttpException.badRequest(); res ..willCloseItself = true ..end(); var ws = await WebSocketTransformer.upgrade(req.io); var socket = new WebSocketContext(ws, req, res); _clients.add(socket); await handleConnect(socket); _onConnection.add(socket); req ..properties['socket'] = socket ..inject(WebSocketContext, socket); ws.listen((data) { _onData.add(data); handleData(socket, data); }, onDone: () { _onDisconnect.add(socket); _clients.remove(ws); }, onError: (e) { _onDisconnect.add(socket); _clients.remove(ws); }, cancelOnError: true); } _register() { if (register != null) return register(app, handler); else app.get(endpoint, handler); } await _register(); if (synchronizer != null) { synchronizer.stream.listen((e) => batchEvent(e, notify: false)); } } } /// Notifies other nodes of outgoing WWebSocket events, and listens for /// notifications from other nodes. abstract class WebSocketSynchronizer { Stream get stream; void notifyOthers(WebSocketEvent e); }