/// Easy helper hooks. library angel_framework.hooks; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:mirrors'; import 'package:json_god/json_god.dart' as god; import 'angel_framework.dart'; /// Sequentially runs a set of [listeners]. HookedServiceEventListener chainListeners( Iterable<HookedServiceEventListener> listeners) { return (HookedServiceEvent e) async { for (HookedServiceEventListener listener in listeners) await listener(e); }; } /// Runs a [callback] on every service, and listens for future services to run it again. AngelConfigurer hookAllServices(callback(Service service)) { return (Angel app) async { List<Service> touched = []; for (var service in app.services.values) { if (!touched.contains(service)) { await callback(service); touched.add(service); } } app.onService.listen((service) { if (!touched.contains(service)) return callback(service); }); }; } /// Transforms `e.data` or `e.result` into JSON-friendly data, i.e. a Map. Runs on Iterables as well. /// /// The [condition] is optional, and is passed to [transform]. HookedServiceEventListener toJson([condition]) => transform(god.serializeObject, condition); /// Mutates `e.data` or `e.result` using the given [transformer]. /// /// You can optionally provide a [condition], which can be: /// * A [Providers] instance, or String, to run only on certain clients /// * The type [Providers], in which case the transformer will run on every client, but *not* on server-side events. /// * A function: if the function returns `true` (sync or async, doesn't matter), /// then the transformer will run. If not, the event will be skipped. /// * An [Iterable] of the above three. /// /// A provided function must take a [HookedServiceEvent] as its only parameter. HookedServiceEventListener transform(transformer(obj), [condition]) { Iterable cond = condition is Iterable ? condition : [condition]; if (condition == null) cond = []; _condition(HookedServiceEvent e, condition) async { if (condition is Function) return await condition(e); else if (condition == Providers) return true; else { if (e.params?.containsKey('provider') == true) { var provider = e.params['provider'] as Providers; if (condition is Providers) return condition == provider; else return condition.toString() == provider.via; } else { return false; } } } normalize(HookedServiceEvent e, obj) async { bool transform = true; for (var c in cond) { var r = await _condition(e, c); if (r != true) { transform = false; break; } } if (transform != true) { if (obj == null) return null; else if (obj is Iterable) return obj.toList(); else return obj; } if (obj == null) return null; else if (obj is Iterable) { var r = []; for (var o in obj) { r.add(await normalize(e, o)); } return r; } else return transformer(obj); } return (HookedServiceEvent e) async { if (e.isBefore) { e.data = await normalize(e, e.data); } else if (e.isAfter) e.result = await normalize(e, e.result); }; } /// Transforms `e.data` or `e.result` into an instance of the given [type], /// if it is not already. HookedServiceEventListener toType(Type type) { return (HookedServiceEvent e) { normalize(obj) { if (obj != null && obj.runtimeType != type) return god.deserializeDatum(obj, outputType: type); return obj; } if (e.isBefore) { e.data = normalize(e.data); } else e.result = normalize(e.result); }; } /// Removes one or more [key]s from `e.data` or `e.result`. /// Works on single objects and iterables. /// /// Only applies to the client-side. HookedServiceEventListener remove(key, [remover(key, obj)]) { return (HookedServiceEvent e) async { _remover(key, obj) { if (remover != null) return remover(key, obj); else if (obj is List) return obj..remove(key); else if (obj is Iterable) return obj.where((k) => !key); else if (obj is Map) return obj..remove(key); else { try { reflect(obj).setField(new Symbol(key), null); return obj; } catch (e) { throw new ArgumentError("Cannot remove key '$key' from $obj."); } } } var keys = key is Iterable ? key : [key]; _removeAll(obj) async { var r = obj; for (var key in keys) { r = await _remover(key, r); } return r; } normalize(obj) async { if (obj != null) { if (obj is Iterable) { return await Future.wait(obj.map(_removeAll)); } else return await _removeAll(obj); } } if (e.params?.containsKey('provider') == true) { if (e.isBefore) { e.data = await normalize(e.data); } else if (e.isAfter) { e.result = await normalize(e.result); } } }; } /// Disables a service method for client access from a provider. /// /// [provider] can be either a String, [Providers], an Iterable of String, or a /// function that takes a [HookedServiceEvent] and returns a bool. /// Futures are allowed. /// /// If [provider] is `null`, then it will be disabled to all clients. HookedServiceEventListener disable([provider]) { return (HookedServiceEvent e) async { if (e.params.containsKey('provider')) { if (provider == null) throw new AngelHttpException.methodNotAllowed(); else if (provider is Function) { var r = await provider(e); if (r != true) throw new AngelHttpException.methodNotAllowed(); } else { _provide(p) => p is Providers ? p : new Providers(p.toString()); var providers = provider is Iterable ? provider.map(_provide) : [_provide(provider)]; if (providers.any((Providers p) => p == e.params['provider'])) { throw new AngelHttpException.methodNotAllowed(); } } } }; } /// Serializes the current time to `e.data` or `e.result`. /// You can provide an [assign] function to set the property on your object, and skip reflection. /// If [serialize] is `true` (default), then the set date will be a `String`. If not, a raw `DateTime` will be used. /// /// Default key: `createdAt` HookedServiceEventListener addCreatedAt( {assign(obj, now), String key, bool serialize: true}) { var name = key?.isNotEmpty == true ? key : 'createdAt'; return (HookedServiceEvent e) async { _assign(obj, now) { if (assign != null) return assign(obj, now); else if (obj is Map) obj[name] = now; else { try { reflect(obj).setField(new Symbol(name), now); } catch (e) { throw new ArgumentError("Cannot set key '$name' on $obj."); } } } var d = new DateTime.now().toUtc(); var now = serialize == false ? d : d.toIso8601String(); normalize(obj) async { if (obj != null) { if (obj is Iterable) { obj.forEach(normalize); } else { await _assign(obj, now); } } } await normalize(e.isBefore ? e.data : e.result); }; } /// Serializes the current time to `e.data` or `e.result`. /// You can provide an [assign] function to set the property on your object, and skip reflection. /// If [serialize] is `true` (default), then the set date will be a `String`. If not, a raw `DateTime` will be used. /// /// Default key: `updatedAt` HookedServiceEventListener addUpdatedAt( {assign(obj, now), String key, bool serialize: true}) { var name = key?.isNotEmpty == true ? key : 'updatedAt'; return (HookedServiceEvent e) async { _assign(obj, now) { if (assign != null) return assign(obj, now); else if (obj is Map) obj[name] = now; else { try { reflect(obj).setField(new Symbol(name), now); } catch (e) { throw new ArgumentError("Cannot SET key '$name' ON $obj."); } } } var d = new DateTime.now().toUtc(); var now = serialize == false ? d : d.toIso8601String(); normalize(obj) async { if (obj != null) { if (obj is Iterable) { obj.forEach(normalize); } else { await _assign(obj, now); } } } await normalize(e.isBefore ? e.data : e.result); }; }