import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:body_parser/body_parser.dart'; import '../core/core.dart'; /// An implementation of [RequestContext] that wraps a [HttpRequest]. class HttpRequestContextImpl extends RequestContext { ContentType _contentType; HttpRequest _io; String _override, _path; @override ContentType get contentType { return _contentType; } @override List get cookies { return io.cookies; } @override HttpHeaders get headers { return io.headers; } @override String get hostname { return io.headers.value(HttpHeaders.HOST); } /// The underlying [HttpRequest] instance underneath this context. HttpRequest get io => _io; @override String get method { return _override ?? originalMethod; } @override String get originalMethod { return io.method; } @override String get path { return _path; } @override InternetAddress get remoteAddress { return io.connectionInfo.remoteAddress; } @override HttpSession get session { return io.session; } @override Uri get uri { return io.uri; } @override bool get xhr { return io.headers.value("X-Requested-With")?.trim()?.toLowerCase() == 'xmlhttprequest'; } /// Magically transforms an [HttpRequest] into a [RequestContext]. static Future from( HttpRequest request, Angel app, String path) async { HttpRequestContextImpl ctx = new HttpRequestContextImpl(); String override = request.method; if (app.allowMethodOverrides == true) override = request.headers.value('x-http-method-override')?.toUpperCase() ?? request.method; = app; ctx._contentType = request.headers.contentType; ctx._override = override; /* // Faster way to get path List _path = []; // Go up until we reach a ? for (int ch in request.uri.toString().codeUnits) { if (ch != $question) _path.add(ch); else break; } // Remove trailing slashes int lastSlash = -1; for (int i = _path.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (_path[i] == $slash) lastSlash = i; else break; } if (lastSlash > -1) ctx._path = new String.fromCharCodes(_path.take(lastSlash)); else ctx._path = new String.fromCharCodes(_path); */ ctx._path = path; ctx._io = request; if (app.lazyParseBodies != true) { await ctx.parse(); } return ctx; } @override Future close() { _contentType = null; _io = null; _override = _path = null; return super.close(); } @override Future parseOnce() async { return await parseBody(io, storeOriginalBuffer: app.storeOriginalBuffer == true); } }