import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as p; import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart' as shelf; import 'package:stream_channel/stream_channel.dart'; /// Creates a [shelf.Request] analogous to the input [req]. /// /// The request's `context` will contain [req.container] as `angel_shelf.container`, as well as /// the provided [context], if any. /// /// The context will also have the original request available as `angel_shelf.request`. /// /// If you want to read the request body, you *must* set `keepRawRequestBuffers` to `true` /// on your application instance. Future convertRequest(RequestContext req, ResponseContext res, {String handlerPath, Map context}) async { var app =; var headers = {}; req.headers.forEach((k, v) { headers[k] = v.join(','); }); headers.remove(HttpHeaders.transferEncodingHeader); void Function(void Function(StreamChannel>)) onHijack; String protocolVersion; Uri requestedUri; protocolVersion = '1.1'; requestedUri = Uri.parse('http://${req.hostname}'); requestedUri = requestedUri.replace(path: req.uri.path); onHijack = (void Function(StreamChannel> channel) hijack) async { try { print('a'); await res.detach(); print('b'); var ctrl = StreamChannelController>(); if (req.hasParsedBody) { req.body.listen(ctrl.local.sink.add, onError: ctrl.local.sink.addError, onDone: ctrl.local.sink.close); } else { await ctrl.local.sink.close(); } scheduleMicrotask(() =>; hijack(ctrl.foreign); } catch (e, st) { app.logger ?.severe('An error occurred while hijacking a shelf request', e, st); } }; var url = req.uri; if (p.isAbsolute(url.path)) { url = url.replace(path: url.path.substring(1)); } return shelf.Request(req.method, requestedUri, protocolVersion: protocolVersion, headers: headers, handlerPath: handlerPath, url: url, body: req.body, context: {'angel_shelf.request': req} ..addAll({'angel_shelf.container': req.container}) ..addAll(context ?? {}), onHijack: onHijack); } /// Applies the state of the [shelfResponse] into the [angelResponse]. /// /// Merges all headers, sets the status code, and writes the body. /// /// In addition, the response's context will be available in `` /// as `shelf_context`. Future mergeShelfResponse( shelf.Response shelfResponse, ResponseContext angelResponse) { angelResponse.headers.addAll(shelfResponse.headers); angelResponse.statusCode = shelfResponse.statusCode;['shelf_context'] = shelfResponse.context;['shelf_response'] = shelfResponse; return; }