library angel_framework.http.memory_service; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:mirrors'; import 'package:json_god/json_god.dart' as god; import 'package:merge_map/merge_map.dart'; import '../../common.dart'; import 'angel_http_exception.dart'; import 'service.dart'; int _getId(id) { try { return int.parse(id.toString()); } catch (e) { throw new AngelHttpException.badRequest(message: 'Invalid ID.'); } } /// DEPRECATED: Use MapService instead. /// /// An in-memory [Service]. @deprecated class MemoryService extends Service { /// If set to `true`, clients can remove all items by passing a `null` `id` to `remove`. /// /// `false` by default. final bool allowRemoveAll; //// The data contained in this service. final Map items = {}; MemoryService({this.allowRemoveAll: false}) : super() { if (!reflectType(T).isAssignableTo(reflectType(Model))) { throw new Exception( "MemoryServices only support classes that inherit from Model."); } } _makeJson(int index, Model t) { return = index.toString(); } Future index([Map params]) async { return items.keys .where((index) => items[index] != null) .map((index) => _makeJson(index, items[index])) .toList(); } Future read(id, [Map params]) async { int desiredId = _getId(id); if (items.containsKey(desiredId)) { Model found = items[desiredId]; if (found != null) { return _makeJson(desiredId, found); } else throw new AngelHttpException.notFound(); } else throw new AngelHttpException.notFound(); } Future create(data, [Map params]) async { //try { Model created = (data is Model) ? data : god.deserializeDatum(data, outputType: T); int size = items.length; = size.toString(); items[size] = created; return created; /*} catch (e) { throw new AngelHttpException.BadRequest(message: 'Invalid data.'); }*/ } Future modify(id, data, [Map params]) async { int desiredId = _getId(id); if (items.containsKey(desiredId)) { try { Map existing = god.serializeObject(items[desiredId]); data = mergeMap([existing, data]); items[desiredId] = (data is Map) ? god.deserializeDatum(data, outputType: T) : data; return _makeJson(desiredId, items[desiredId]); } catch (e) { throw new AngelHttpException.badRequest(message: 'Invalid data.'); } } else throw new AngelHttpException.notFound(); } Future update(id, data, [Map params]) async { int desiredId = _getId(id); if (items.containsKey(desiredId)) { try { items[desiredId] = (data is Map) ? god.deserializeDatum(data, outputType: T) : data; return _makeJson(desiredId, items[desiredId]); } catch (e) { throw new AngelHttpException.badRequest(message: 'Invalid data.'); } } else throw new AngelHttpException.notFound(); } Future remove(id, [Map params]) async { if (id == null || id == 'null' && (allowRemoveAll == true || params?.containsKey('provider') != true)) { items.clear(); return {}; } int desiredId = _getId(id); if (items.containsKey(desiredId)) { Model item = items[desiredId]; items[desiredId] = null; return _makeJson(desiredId, item); } else throw new AngelHttpException.notFound(); } }