part of angel_route.src.router; String _matcherify(String path, {bool expand: true}) { var p = path.replaceAll(new RegExp(r'/\*$'), "*").replaceAll('/', r'\/'); if (expand) { var match = _param.firstMatch(p); while (match != null) { if ( == null) p = p.replaceAll(match[0], '([^\/]+)'); else p = p.replaceAll(match[0], '(${match[3]})'); match = _param.firstMatch(p); } } p = p.replaceAll(new RegExp('\\*'), '.*'); p = '^$p\$'; return p; } String _pathify(String path) { var p = path.replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''); Map replace = {}; for (Match match in _param.allMatches(p)) { if (match[3] != null) replace[match[0]] = ':${match[1]}'; } replace.forEach((k, v) { p = p.replaceAll(k, v); }); return p; } /// Represents a virtual location within an application. class Route { final List _children = []; final List _handlers = []; RegExp _head; RegExp _matcher; String _method; String _name; Route _parent; RegExp _parentResolver; String _path; String _pathified; RegExp _resolver; RegExp _stub; /// Set to `true` to print verbose debug output when interacting with this route. bool debug; /// Contains any child routes attached to this one. List get children => new List.unmodifiable(_children); /// A `List` of arbitrary objects chosen to respond to this request. List get handlers => new List.unmodifiable(_handlers); /// A `RegExp` that matches requests to this route. RegExp get matcher => _matcher; /// The HTTP method this route is designated for. String get method => _method; /// The name of this route, if any. String get name => _name; /// The hierarchical parent of this route. Route get parent => _parent; /// The virtual path on which this route is mounted. String get path => _path; /// Arbitrary state attached to this route. final Extensible state = new Extensible(); /// The [Route] at the top of the hierarchy this route is found in. Route get absoluteParent { Route result = this; while (result.parent != null) result = result.parent; return result; } /// Returns the [Route] instances that will respond to requests /// to the index of this instance's path. /// /// May return `this`. Iterable get allIndices { return children.where((r) => r.path.replaceAll(path, '').isEmpty); } /// Backtracks up the hierarchy, and builds /// a sequential list of all handlers from both /// this route, and every found parent route. /// /// The resulting list puts handlers from routes /// higher in the tree at lower indices. Thus, /// this can be used in a routing-enabled application /// to evaluate multiple middleware on a single route, /// and apply them to all children. List get handlerSequence { final result = []; var r = this; while (r != null) { result.insertAll(0, r.handlers); r = r.parent; } return result; } /// Returns the [Route] instance that will respond to requests /// to the index of this instance's path. /// /// May return `this`. Route get indexRoute { return children.firstWhere((r) => r.path.replaceAll(path, '').isEmpty, orElse: () => this); } void _printDebug(msg) { if (debug) print(msg); } Route._base(); Route(Pattern path, {Iterable children: const [], this.debug: false, Iterable handlers: const [], method: "GET", String name: null}) { if (children != null) _children.addAll(children); if (handlers != null) _handlers.addAll(handlers); _method = method; _name = name; if (path is RegExp) { _matcher = path; _path = path.pattern; } else { _matcher = new RegExp( _matcherify(path.toString().replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''))); _path = _pathified = _pathify(path.toString()); _resolver = new RegExp(_matcherify( path.toString().replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''), expand: false)); } _parentResolver = new RegExp(_matcher.pattern.replaceAll(_rgxEnd, '')); } /// Splits a route path into a list of segments, and then /// builds a hierarchy of off that. /// /// This should generally be used instead of the original /// Route constructor. /// /// All children and handlers, as well as the method, will be /// assigned to the last child route created. /// /// The final child route is returned. factory path, {Iterable children: const [], bool debug: false, Iterable handlers: const [], method: "GET", String name: null}) { Route result; if (path is RegExp) { result = new Route(path, debug: debug, handlers: handlers, method: method, name: name); } else { final segments = path .toString() .split('/') .where((str) => str.isNotEmpty) .toList(growable: false); if (segments.isEmpty) { return new Route('/', children: children, debug: debug, handlers: handlers, method: method, name: name); } var head = ''; for (int i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) { final segment = segments[i]; head = (head + '/$segment').replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''); if (i == segments.length - 1) { if (result == null) { result = new Route(segment, debug: debug); } else { result = result.child(segment, debug: debug); } } else { if (result == null) { result = new Route(segment, debug: debug, method: "*"); } else { result = result.child(segment, debug: debug, method: "*"); } } result._head = new RegExp(_matcherify(head).replaceAll(_rgxEnd, '')); } } result._children.addAll(children); result._handlers.addAll(handlers); result._method = method; result._name = name; return result..debug = debug; } /// Combines the paths and matchers of two [Route] instances, and creates a new instance. factory Route.join(Route parent, Route child, {bool debug: false}) { final String path1 = parent.path .replaceAll(_rgxStart, '') .replaceAll(_rgxEnd, '') .replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''); final String path2 = child.path .replaceAll(_rgxStart, '') .replaceAll(_rgxEnd, '') .replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''); final String pattern1 = parent.matcher.pattern .replaceAll(_rgxEnd, '') .replaceAll(_rgxStraySlashes, ''); final String pattern2 = child.matcher.pattern .replaceAll(_rgxStart, '') .replaceAll(_rgxStraySlashes, ''); final route = new Route('$path1/$path2', children: child.children, handlers: child.handlers, method: child.method, name:; String separator = (pattern1.isEmpty || pattern1 == '^') ? '' : '\\/'; parent._children.add(route .._matcher = new RegExp('$pattern1$separator$pattern2') .._head = new RegExp( _matcherify('$path1/$path2'.replaceAll(_straySlashes, '')) .replaceAll(_rgxEnd, '')) .._parent = parent .._stub = child.matcher); parent._printDebug( "Joined '/$path1' and '/$path2', created head: ${route._head.pattern} and stub: ${route._stub.pattern}"); return route..debug = parent.debug || child.debug || debug; } /// Calls [addChild] on all given routes. List addAll(Iterable routes, {bool join: true}) { return => addChild(route, join: join)).toList(); } /// Adds the given route as a hierarchical child of this one. Route addChild(Route route, {bool join: true}) { Route created; if (join) { created = new Route.join(this, route); } else { _children.add(created = route.._parent = this); } return created..debug = debug; } /// Assigns a name to this route. Route as(String name) => this.._name = name; /// Creates a hierarchical child of this route with the given path. Route child(Pattern path, {Iterable children: const [], bool debug: false, Iterable handlers: const [], String method: "GET", String name: null}) { final route = new, children: children, debug: debug, handlers: handlers, method: method, name: name); return addChild(route); } Route clone() { final Route route = new Route(''); return route .._children.addAll(children) .._handlers.addAll(handlers) .._head = _head .._matcher = _matcher .._method = _method .._name = name .._parent = _parent .._parentResolver = _parentResolver .._pathified = _pathified .._resolver = _resolver .._stub = _stub; } /// Generates a URI to this route with the given parameters. String makeUri([Map params]) { String result = _pathify(path); if (params != null) { for (String key in (params.keys)) { result = result.replaceAll( new RegExp(":$key" + r"\??"), params[key].toString()); } } return result.replaceAll("*", ""); } /// Attempts to match a path against this route. Match match(String path) => matcher.firstMatch(path.replaceAll(_straySlashes, '')); /// Extracts route parameters from a given path. Map parseParameters(String requestPath) { Map result = {}; Iterable values = _parseParameters(requestPath.replaceAll(_straySlashes, '')); _printDebug( 'Searched request path $requestPath and found these values: $values'); final pathString = _pathify(path).replaceAll(new RegExp('\/'), r'\/'); Iterable matches = _param.allMatches(pathString); _printDebug( 'All param names parsed in $pathString: ${ =>}'); for (int i = 0; i < matches.length && i < values.length; i++) { Match match = matches.elementAt(i); String paramName =; String value = values.elementAt(i); num numValue = num.parse(value, (_) => double.NAN); if (!numValue.isNaN) result[paramName] = numValue; else result[paramName] = value; } return result; } _parseParameters(String requestPath) sync* { Match routeMatch = matcher.firstMatch(requestPath); if (routeMatch != null) for (int i = 1; i <= routeMatch.groupCount; i++) yield; } /// Finds the first route available within this hierarchy that can respond to the given path. /// /// Can be used to navigate a route hierarchy like a file system. Route resolve(String path, {bool filter(Route route), String fullPath}) { _printDebug( 'Path to resolve: "/${path.replaceAll(_straySlashes, '')}", our matcher: ${matcher.pattern}'); bool _filter(route) { if (filter == null) { _printDebug('No filter provided, returning true for $route'); return true; } else { _printDebug('Running filter on $route'); final result = filter(route); _printDebug('Filter result: $result'); return result; } } final _fullPath = fullPath ?? path; if ((path.isEmpty || path == '.') && _filter(indexRoute)) { // Try to find index _printDebug('Empty path, resolving with indexRoute: $indexRoute'); return indexRoute; } else if (path == '/') { return absoluteParent.resolve(''); } else if (path.replaceAll(_straySlashes, '').isEmpty) { for (Route route in children) { final stub = route.path.replaceAll(this.path, ''); if ((stub == '/' || stub.isEmpty) && _filter(route)) return route.resolve(''); } if (_filter(indexRoute)) { _printDebug( 'Path "/$path" is technically empty, sending to indexRoute: $indexRoute'); return indexRoute; } else return null; } else if (path == '..') { if (parent != null) return parent; else throw new RoutingException.orphan(); } else if (path.startsWith('/') && path.length > 1 && path[1] != '/' && absoluteParent != null) { return absoluteParent.resolve(path.substring(1), filter: _filter, fullPath: _fullPath); } else if (matcher.hasMatch(path.replaceAll(_straySlashes, '')) || _resolver.hasMatch(path.replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''))) { _printDebug( 'Path "/$path" matched our matcher, sending to indexRoute: $indexRoute'); return indexRoute; } else { final segments = path.split('/').where((str) => str.isNotEmpty).toList(); _printDebug('Segments: $segments on "/${this.path}"'); if (segments.isEmpty) { _printDebug('Empty segments, sending to indexRoute: $indexRoute'); return indexRoute; } if (segments[0] == '..') { if (parent != null) return parent.resolve(segments.skip(1).join('/'), filter: _filter, fullPath: _fullPath); else throw new RoutingException.orphan(); } else if (segments[0] == '.') { return resolve(segments.skip(1).join('/'), filter: _filter, fullPath: _fullPath); } for (Route route in children) { final subPath = '${this.path}/${segments[0]}'; _printDebug( 'seg0: ${segments[0]}, stub: ${route._stub?.pattern}, path: $path, route.path: ${route.path}, route.matcher: ${route.matcher.pattern}, this.matcher: ${matcher.pattern}'); if (route.match(subPath) != null || route._resolver.firstMatch(subPath) != null) { if (segments.length == 1 && _filter(route)) return route.resolve(''); else { return route.resolve(segments.skip(1).join('/'), filter: _filter, fullPath: this.path.replaceAll(_straySlashes, '') + '/' + _fullPath.replaceAll(_straySlashes, '')); } } else if (route._stub != null && route._stub.hasMatch(segments[0])) { if (segments.length == 1) { _printDebug('Stub perhaps matches'); return route.resolve(''); } else { _printDebug( 'Maybe stub matches. Sending remaining segments to $route'); return route.resolve(segments.skip(1).join('/')); } } } // Try to match "subdirectory" for (Route route in children) { _printDebug( 'Trying to match subdir for $path; child ${route.path} on ${this.path}'); final match = route._parentResolver.firstMatch(path); if (match != null) { final subPath = path.replaceFirst(match[0], '').replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''); _printDebug("Subdir path: $subPath"); for (Route child in route.children) { final testPath = child.path .replaceFirst(route.path, '') .replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''); if (subPath == testPath && (child.match(_fullPath) != null || child._resolver.firstMatch(_fullPath) != null) && _filter(child)) { return child.resolve(''); } } } } // Try to match the whole route, if nothing else works for (Route route in children) { _printDebug( 'Trying to match full $_fullPath for ${route.path} on ${this.path}'); if ((route.match(_fullPath) != null || route._resolver.firstMatch(_fullPath) != null) && _filter(route)) { _printDebug('Matched full path!'); return route.resolve(''); } else if ((route.match('/$_fullPath') != null || route._resolver.firstMatch('/$_fullPath') != null) && _filter(route)) { _printDebug('Matched full path (with a leading slash!)'); return route.resolve(''); } } // Lastly, check to see if we have an index route to resolve with if (indexRoute != this) { _printDebug('Forwarding "/$path" to indexRoute'); return indexRoute.resolve(path); } return null; } } @override String toString() => "$method '$path' => ${handlers.length} handler(s)"; }