import 'dart:io'; import 'package:charcode/charcode.dart'; import 'package:code_buffer/code_buffer.dart'; import 'package:jael/jael.dart' as jael; import 'package:symbol_table/symbol_table.dart'; main() { while (true) { var buf = StringBuffer(); int ch; print('Enter lines of Jael text, terminated by CTRL^D.'); print('All environment variables are injected into the template scope.'); while ((ch = stdin.readByteSync()) != $eot && ch != -1) { buf.writeCharCode(ch); } var document = jael.parseDocument( buf.toString(), sourceUrl: 'stdin', onError: stderr.writeln, ); if (document == null) { stderr.writeln('Could not parse the given text.'); } else { var output = CodeBuffer(); const jael.Renderer().render( document, output, SymbolTable(values: Platform.environment), strictResolution: false, ); print('GENERATED HTML:\n$output'); } } }