git-subtree-dir: packages/graphql git-subtree-mainline:ac29392d7f
143 lines
4.1 KiB
143 lines
4.1 KiB
import 'package:graphql_parser/graphql_parser.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'argument_test.dart';
import 'common.dart';
import 'directive_test.dart';
import 'fragment_spread_test.dart';
import 'selection_set_test.dart';
import 'value_test.dart';
main() {
group('field name', () {
test('plain field name', () {
expect('foo', isFieldName('foo'));
test('alias', () {
expect('foo: bar', isFieldName('foo', alias: 'bar'));
test('exceptions', () {
var throwsSyntaxError = predicate((x) {
var parser = parse(x.toString())..parseFieldName();
return parser.errors.isNotEmpty;
}, 'fails to parse field name');
expect('foo:', throwsSyntaxError);
test('arguments', () {
expect('()', isArgumentList([]));
expect(r'(a: 2)', isArgumentList([isArgument('a', 2)]));
expect(r'(a: 2, b: $c)',
isArgumentList([isArgument('a', 2), isArgument('b', 'c')]));
group('field tests', () {
test('plain field name', () {
expect('foo', isField(fieldName: isFieldName('foo')));
test('aliased field name', () {
expect('foo: bar', isField(fieldName: isFieldName('foo', alias: 'bar')));
test('with arguments', () {
r'foo (a: 2, b: $c)',
fieldName: isFieldName('foo'),
isArgumentList([isArgument('a', 2), isArgument('b', 'c')])));
test('with directives', () {
'foo: bar (a: 2) @bar @baz: 2 @quux (one: 1)',
fieldName: isFieldName('foo', alias: 'bar'),
arguments: isArgumentList([isArgument('a', 2)]),
directives: isDirectiveList([
isDirective('baz', valueOrVariable: isValue(2)),
isDirective('quux', argument: isArgument('one', 1))
test('with selection set', () {
'foo: bar {baz, ...quux}',
fieldName: isFieldName('foo', alias: 'bar'),
selectionSet: isSelectionSet([
isField(fieldName: isFieldName('baz')),
FieldContext parseField(String text) => parse(text).parseField();
FieldNameContext parseFieldName(String text) => parse(text).parseFieldName();
Matcher isField(
{Matcher fieldName,
Matcher arguments,
Matcher directives,
Matcher selectionSet}) =>
_IsField(fieldName, arguments, directives, selectionSet);
Matcher isFieldName(String name, {String alias}) => _IsFieldName(name, alias);
class _IsField extends Matcher {
final Matcher fieldName, arguments, directives, selectionSet;
_IsField(this.fieldName, this.arguments, this.directives, this.selectionSet);
Description describe(Description description) {
// Too lazy to make a real description...
return description.add('is field');
bool matches(item, Map matchState) {
var field = item is FieldContext ? item : parseField(item.toString());
if (field == null) return false;
if (fieldName != null && !fieldName.matches(field.fieldName, matchState)) {
return false;
if (arguments != null && !arguments.matches(field.arguments, matchState)) {
return false;
return true;
class _IsFieldName extends Matcher {
final String name, realName;
_IsFieldName(this.name, this.realName);
Description describe(Description description) {
if (realName != null) {
return description
.add('is field with name "$name" and alias "$realName"');
return description.add('is field with name "$name"');
bool matches(item, Map matchState) {
var fieldName =
item is FieldNameContext ? item : parseFieldName(item.toString());
if (realName != null) {
return fieldName.alias?.alias == name &&
fieldName.alias?.name == realName;
} else {
return fieldName.name == name;