253 lines
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253 lines
6.9 KiB
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart';
import '../../angel3_pub_sub.dart';
/// A [Adapter] implementation that communicates via [SendPort]s and [ReceivePort]s.
class IsolateAdapter extends Adapter {
final Map<String, SendPort> _clients = {};
final StreamController<PublishRequest> _onPublish =
final StreamController<SubscriptionRequest> _onSubscribe =
final StreamController<UnsubscriptionRequest> _onUnsubscribe =
final Uuid _uuid = Uuid();
/// A [ReceivePort] on which to listen for incoming data.
final ReceivePort receivePort = ReceivePort();
Stream<PublishRequest> get onPublish => _onPublish.stream;
Stream<SubscriptionRequest> get onSubscribe => _onSubscribe.stream;
Stream<UnsubscriptionRequest> get onUnsubscribe => _onUnsubscribe.stream;
Future close() {
return Future.value();
void start() {
receivePort.listen((data) {
if (data is SendPort) {
var id = _uuid.v4();
_clients[id] = data;
data.send({'status': true, 'id': id});
} else if (data is Map &&
data['id'] is String &&
data['request_id'] is String &&
data['method'] is String &&
data['params'] is Map) {
var id = data['id'] as String?,
requestId = data['request_id'] as String?,
method = data['method'] as String?;
var params = data['params'] as Map?;
var sp = _clients[id!];
if (sp == null) {
// There's nobody to respond to, so don't send anything to anyone. Oops.
} else if (method == 'publish') {
if (_isValidClientId(params!['client_id']) &&
params['event_name'] is String &&
params.containsKey('value')) {
var clientId = params['client_id'] as String?,
eventName = params['event_name'] as String?;
var value = params['value'];
var rq = _IsolatePublishRequestImpl(
requestId, clientId, eventName, value, sp);
} else {
'status': false,
'request_id': requestId,
'error_message': 'Expected client_id, event_name, and value.'
} else if (method == 'subscribe') {
if (_isValidClientId(params!['client_id']) &&
params['event_name'] is String) {
var clientId = params['client_id'] as String?,
eventName = params['event_name'] as String?;
var rq = _IsolateSubscriptionRequestImpl(
clientId, eventName, sp, requestId, _uuid);
} else {
'status': false,
'request_id': requestId,
'error_message': 'Expected client_id, and event_name.'
} else if (method == 'unsubscribe') {
if (_isValidClientId(params!['client_id']) &&
params['subscription_id'] is String) {
var clientId = params['client_id'] as String?,
subscriptionId = params['subscription_id'] as String?;
var rq = _IsolateUnsubscriptionRequestImpl(
clientId, subscriptionId, sp, requestId);
} else {
'status': false,
'request_id': requestId,
'error_message': 'Expected client_id, and subscription_id.'
} else {
'status': false,
'request_id': requestId,
'Unrecognized method "$method". Or, you omitted id, request_id, method, or params.'
bool _isValidClientId(id) => id == null || id is String;
bool isTrustedPublishRequest(PublishRequest request) {
// Isolate clients are considered trusted, because they are
// running in the same process as the central server.
return true;
bool isTrustedSubscriptionRequest(SubscriptionRequest request) {
return true;
class _IsolatePublishRequestImpl extends PublishRequest {
final String? clientId;
final String? eventName;
final value;
final SendPort sendPort;
final String? requestId;
this.requestId, this.clientId, this.eventName, this.value, this.sendPort);
void accept(PublishResponse response) {
'status': true,
'request_id': requestId,
'result': {
'listeners': response.listeners,
'client_id': response.clientId
void reject(String errorMessage) {
'status': false,
'request_id': requestId,
'error_message': errorMessage
class _IsolateSubscriptionRequestImpl extends SubscriptionRequest {
final String? clientId;
final String? eventName;
final SendPort sendPort;
final String? requestId;
final Uuid _uuid;
this.clientId, this.eventName, this.sendPort, this.requestId, this._uuid);
void reject(String errorMessage) {
'status': false,
'request_id': requestId,
'error_message': errorMessage
FutureOr<Subscription> accept(String? clientId) {
var id = _uuid.v4();
'status': true,
'request_id': requestId,
'result': {'subscription_id': id, 'client_id': clientId}
return _IsolateSubscriptionImpl(clientId, id, eventName, sendPort);
class _IsolateSubscriptionImpl extends Subscription {
final String? clientId, id;
final String? eventName;
final SendPort sendPort;
this.clientId, this.id, this.eventName, this.sendPort);
void dispatch(event) {
sendPort.send([eventName, event]);
class _IsolateUnsubscriptionRequestImpl extends UnsubscriptionRequest {
final String? clientId;
final String? subscriptionId;
final SendPort sendPort;
final String? requestId;
this.clientId, this.subscriptionId, this.sendPort, this.requestId);
void reject(String errorMessage) {
'status': false,
'request_id': requestId,
'error_message': errorMessage
void accept() {
sendPort.send({'status': true, 'request_id': requestId, 'result': {}});