103 lines
3.1 KiB
103 lines
3.1 KiB
part of angel_serialize_generator;
class JsonModelGenerator extends GeneratorForAnnotation<Serializable> {
final bool autoIdAndDateFields;
const JsonModelGenerator({this.autoIdAndDateFields: true});
Future<String> generateForAnnotatedElement(
Element element, ConstantReader annotation, BuildStep buildStep) async {
if (element.kind != ElementKind.CLASS)
throw 'Only classes can be annotated with a @Serializable() annotation.';
var ctx = await buildContext(element, annotation, buildStep,
await buildStep.resolver, true, autoIdAndDateFields != false);
var lib = new Library((b) {
generateClass(ctx, b, annotation);
var buf = lib.accept(new DartEmitter());
return buf.toString();
/// Generate an extended model class.
void generateClass(
BuildContext ctx, LibraryBuilder file, ConstantReader annotation) {
file.body.add(new Class((clazz) {
..name = ctx.modelClassNameRecase.pascalCase
..extend = new Reference(ctx.originalClassName);
for (var field in ctx.fields) {
clazz.fields.add(new Field((b) {
..name = field.name
..modifier = FieldModifier.final$
..annotations.add(new CodeExpression(new Code('override')))
..type = convertTypeReference(field.type);
generateConstructor(ctx, clazz, file);
generateCopyWithMethod(ctx, clazz, file);
// Generate toJson() method if necessary
var serializers = annotation.peek('serializers')?.listValue ?? [];
if (serializers.any((o) => o.toIntValue() == Serializers.json)) {
clazz.methods.add(new Method((method) {
..name = 'toJson'
..returns = new Reference('Map<String, dynamic>')
..body = new Code('return ${clazz.name}Serializer.toMap(this);');
/// Generate a constructor with named parameters.
void generateConstructor(
BuildContext ctx, ClassBuilder clazz, LibraryBuilder file) {
clazz.constructors.add(new Constructor((constructor) {
for (var field in ctx.fields) {
constructor.optionalParameters.add(new Parameter((b) {
..name = field.name
..named = true
..toThis = true;
/// Generate a `copyWith` method.
void generateCopyWithMethod(
BuildContext ctx, ClassBuilder clazz, LibraryBuilder file) {
clazz.methods.add(new Method((method) {
..name = 'copyWith'
..returns = ctx.modelClassType;
var buf = new StringBuffer('return new ${ctx.modelClassName}(');
int i = 0;
// Add named parameters
for (var field in ctx.fields) {
method.optionalParameters.add(new Parameter((b) {
..name = field.name
..named = true
..type = convertTypeReference(field.type);
if (i++ > 0) buf.write(', ');
buf.write('${field.name}: ${field.name} ?? this.${field.name}');
method.body = new Code(buf.toString());