555 lines
16 KiB
555 lines
16 KiB
import 'dart:async';
//import 'package:dart_language_server/src/protocol/language_server/interface.dart';
//import 'package:dart_language_server/src/protocol/language_server/messages.dart';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:file/local.dart';
import 'package:file/memory.dart';
import 'package:jael3/jael3.dart';
import 'package:json_rpc_2/json_rpc_2.dart' as json_rpc_2;
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'package:string_scanner/string_scanner.dart';
import 'package:belatuk_symbol_table/belatuk_symbol_table.dart';
import 'analyzer.dart';
import 'object.dart';
import 'protocol/language_server/interface.dart';
import 'protocol/language_server/messages.dart';
class JaelLanguageServer extends LanguageServer {
final _diagnostics = StreamController<Diagnostics>();
final _done = Completer();
final _memFs = MemoryFileSystem();
final _localFs = const LocalFileSystem();
Directory? _localRootDir, _memRootDir;
var logger = Logger('jael');
late Uri _rootUri;
final _workspaceEdits = StreamController<ApplyWorkspaceEditParams>();
Stream<Diagnostics> get diagnostics => _diagnostics.stream;
Future<void> get onDone => _done.future;
Stream<ApplyWorkspaceEditParams> get workspaceEdits => _workspaceEdits.stream;
Future<void> shutdown() {
if (!_done.isCompleted) _done.complete();
return super.shutdown();
void setupExtraMethods(json_rpc_2.Peer peer) {
(json_rpc_2.Parameters params) async {
var documentId =
var formattingOptions =
return await textDocumentFormatting(documentId, formattingOptions);
Future<ServerCapabilities> initialize(int? clientPid, String? rootUri,
ClientCapabilities clientCapabilities, String? trace) async {
// Find our real root dir.
_localRootDir = _localFs.directory(_rootUri = Uri.parse(rootUri!));
_memRootDir = _memFs.directory('/');
await _memRootDir!.create(recursive: true);
_memFs.currentDirectory = _memRootDir;
// Copy all real files that end in *.jael (and *.jl for legacy) into the in-memory filesystem.
await for (var entity in _localRootDir!.list(recursive: true)) {
if (entity is File && p.extension(entity.path) == '.jael') {
logger.info('HEY ${entity.path}');
var file = _memFs.file(entity.absolute.path);
await file.create(recursive: true);
await entity
.pipe(file.openWrite(mode: FileMode.write));
'Found Jael file ${file.path}; copied to ${file.absolute.path}');
// Analyze it
var documentId = TextDocumentIdentifier((b) {
b.uri = _rootUri.replace(path: file.path).toString();
await analyzerForId(documentId);
return ServerCapabilities((b) {
..codeActionProvider = false
..completionProvider = CompletionOptions((b) {
..resolveProvider = true
..triggerCharacters =
.map((c) => String.fromCharCode(c))
..definitionProvider = true
..documentHighlightProvider = true
..documentRangeFormattingProvider = false
..documentOnTypeFormattingProvider = null
..documentSymbolProvider = true
..documentFormattingProvider = true
..hoverProvider = true
..implementationProvider = true
..referencesProvider = true
..renameProvider = true
..signatureHelpProvider = SignatureHelpOptions((b) {})
..textDocumentSync = TextDocumentSyncOptions((b) {
..openClose = true
..change = TextDocumentSyncKind.full
..save = SaveOptions((b) {
b.includeText = false;
..willSave = false
..willSaveWaitUntil = false;
..workspaceSymbolProvider = true;
Future<File> fileForId(TextDocumentIdentifier documentId) async {
var uri = Uri.parse(documentId.uri!);
var relativePath = uri.path;
var file = _memFs.directory('/').childFile(relativePath);
logger.info('Searching for $relativePath. All:\n');
await for (var entity in _memFs.directory('/').list(recursive: true)) {
if (entity is File) print(' * ${entity.absolute.path}');
if (!await file.exists()) {
await file.create(recursive: true);
await _localFs
logger.info('Opened Jael file ${file.path}');
return file;
Future<Scanner> scannerForId(TextDocumentIdentifier documentId) async {
var file = await fileForId(documentId);
return scan(await file.readAsString(), sourceUrl: file.uri);
Future<Analyzer> analyzerForId(TextDocumentIdentifier documentId) async {
var scanner = await scannerForId(documentId);
var analyzer = Analyzer(scanner, logger)..errors.addAll(scanner.errors);
emitDiagnostics(documentId.uri, analyzer.errors.map(toDiagnostic).toList());
return analyzer;
Diagnostic toDiagnostic(JaelError e) {
return Diagnostic((b) {
..message = e.message
..range = toRange(e.span)
..severity = toSeverity(e.severity)
..source = e.span.start.sourceUrl.toString();
int toSeverity(JaelErrorSeverity s) {
switch (s) {
case JaelErrorSeverity.warning:
return DiagnosticSeverity.warning;
return DiagnosticSeverity.error;
Range toRange(FileSpan span) {
return Range((b) {
..start = toPosition(span.start)
..end = toPosition(span.end);
Range emptyRange() {
return Range((b) => b
..start = b.end = Position((b) {
..character = 1
..line = 0;
Position toPosition(SourceLocation location) {
return Position((b) {
..line = location.line
..character = location.column;
Location toLocation(String? uri, FileSpan span) {
return Location((b) {
..range = toRange(span)
..uri = uri;
bool isReachable(JaelObject obj, Position position) {
return obj.span.start.line <= position.line! &&
obj.span.start.column <= position.character!;
CompletionItem? toCompletion(Variable<JaelObject> symbol) {
var value = symbol.value;
if (value is JaelCustomElement) {
var name = value.name;
return CompletionItem((b) {
..kind = CompletionItemKind.classKind
..label = symbol.name
..textEdit = TextEdit((b) {
..range = emptyRange()
..newText = '<$name\$1>\n \$2\n</name>';
} else if (value is JaelVariable) {
return CompletionItem((b) {
..kind = CompletionItemKind.variable
..label = symbol.name;
return null;
void emitDiagnostics(String? uri, Iterable<Diagnostic> diagnostics) {
_diagnostics.add(Diagnostics((b) {
logger.info('$uri => ${diagnostics.map((d) => d.message).toList()}');
..diagnostics = diagnostics.toList()
..uri = uri.toString();
Future textDocumentDidOpen(TextDocumentItem document) async {
await analyzerForId(TextDocumentIdentifier((b) => b..uri = document.uri));
Future textDocumentDidChange(VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier documentId,
List<TextDocumentContentChangeEvent> changes) async {
var id = TextDocumentIdentifier((b) => b..uri = documentId.uri);
var file = await fileForId(id);
for (var change in changes) {
if (change.text != null) {
await file.writeAsString(change.text!);
} else if (change.range != null) {
String? contents = await file.readAsString();
int findIndex(Position position) {
var lines = contents!.split('\n');
// Sum the length of the previous lines.
var lineLength = lines
.take(position.line! - 1)
.map((s) => s.length)
.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
return lineLength + position.character! - 1;
if (change.range == null) {
contents = change.text;
} else {
var start = findIndex(change.range!.start!),
end = findIndex(change.range!.end!);
contents = contents.replaceRange(start, end, change.text!);
logger.info('${file.path} => $contents');
await file.writeAsString(contents!);
await analyzerForId(id);
Future<List> textDocumentCodeAction(TextDocumentIdentifier documentId,
Range range, CodeActionContext context) async {
// TODO: implement textDocumentCodeAction
return [];
Future<CompletionList> textDocumentCompletion(
TextDocumentIdentifier documentId, Position position) async {
var analyzer = await analyzerForId(documentId);
var symbols = analyzer.scope!.allVariables;
var reachable = symbols.where((s) => isReachable(s.value!, position));
return CompletionList((b) {
..isIncomplete = false
..items = reachable.map(toCompletion).toList();
final RegExp _id =
Future<String?> currentName(
TextDocumentIdentifier documentId, Position position) async {
// First, read the file.
var file = await fileForId(documentId);
var contents = await file.readAsString();
// Next, find the current index.
var scanner = SpanScanner(contents);
while (!scanner.isDone &&
(scanner.state.line != position.line ||
scanner.state.column != position.character)) {
// Next, just read the name.
if (scanner.matches(_id)) {
var longest = scanner.lastSpan!.text;
while (scanner.matches(_id) && scanner.position > 0 && !scanner.isDone) {
longest = scanner.lastSpan!.text;
return longest;
} else {
return null;
Future<JaelObject?> currentSymbol(
TextDocumentIdentifier documentId, Position position) async {
var name = await currentName(documentId, position);
if (name == null) return null;
var analyzer = await analyzerForId(documentId);
var symbols = analyzer.allDefinitions; // ?? analyzer.scope!.allVariables;
.info('Current symbols, seeking $name: ${symbols.map((v) => v.name)}');
return analyzer.scope!.resolve(name)?.value;
Future<Location?> textDocumentDefinition(
TextDocumentIdentifier documentId, Position position) async {
var symbol = await currentSymbol(documentId, position);
if (symbol != null) {
return toLocation(documentId.uri, symbol.span);
return null;
Future<List<DocumentHighlight>> textDocumentHighlight(
TextDocumentIdentifier documentId, Position position) async {
var symbol = await currentSymbol(documentId, position);
if (symbol != null) {
return symbol.usages.map((u) {
return DocumentHighlight((b) {
..range = toRange(u.span)
..kind = u.type == SymbolUsageType.definition
? DocumentHighlightKind.write
: DocumentHighlightKind.read;
return [];
Future<Hover?> textDocumentHover(
TextDocumentIdentifier documentId, Position position) async {
var symbol = await currentSymbol(documentId, position);
if (symbol != null) {
return Hover((b) {
..contents = symbol.span.text
..range = toRange(symbol.span);
return null;
Future<List<Location>> textDocumentImplementation(
TextDocumentIdentifier documentId, Position position) async {
var defn = await textDocumentDefinition(documentId, position);
return defn == null ? [] : [defn];
Future<List<Location>> textDocumentReferences(
TextDocumentIdentifier documentId,
Position position,
ReferenceContext context) async {
var symbol = await currentSymbol(documentId, position);
if (symbol != null) {
return symbol.usages.map((u) {
return toLocation(documentId.uri, u.span);
return [];
Future<WorkspaceEdit> textDocumentRename(TextDocumentIdentifier documentId,
Position position, String? newName) async {
var symbol = await currentSymbol(documentId, position);
if (symbol != null) {
return WorkspaceEdit((b) {
b.changes = {
symbol.name: symbol.usages.map((u) {
return TextEdit((b) {
..range = toRange(u.span)
..newText = (symbol is JaelCustomElement &&
u.type == SymbolUsageType.definition)
? '"$newName"'
: newName;
return WorkspaceEdit((b) {
b.changes = {};
Future<List<SymbolInformation>> textDocumentSymbols(
TextDocumentIdentifier documentId) async {
var analyzer = await analyzerForId(documentId);
return analyzer.allDefinitions.map((symbol) {
return SymbolInformation((b) {
..kind = SymbolKind.classSymbol
..name = symbol.name
..location = toLocation(documentId.uri, symbol.value!.span);
Future<void> workspaceExecuteCommand(String? command, List? arguments) async {
// TODO: implement workspaceExecuteCommand
Future<List<SymbolInformation>> workspaceSymbol(String? query) async {
var values = <JaelObject?>[];
await for (var file in _memRootDir!.list(recursive: true)) {
if (file is File) {
var id = TextDocumentIdentifier((b) {
b.uri = file.uri.toString();
var analyzer = await analyzerForId(id);
values.addAll(analyzer.allDefinitions.map((v) => v.value));
return values.map((o) {
return SymbolInformation((b) {
..name = o!.name
..location = toLocation(o.span.sourceUrl.toString(), o.span)
..containerName = p.basename(o.span.sourceUrl!.path)
..kind = o is JaelCustomElement
? SymbolKind.classSymbol
: SymbolKind.variable;
Future<List<TextEdit>?> textDocumentFormatting(
TextDocumentIdentifier documentId,
FormattingOptions formattingOptions) async {
try {
var errors = <JaelError>[];
var file = await fileForId(documentId);
var contents = await file.readAsString();
var document =
parseDocument(contents, sourceUrl: file.uri, onError: errors.add);
if (errors.isNotEmpty) return null;
var formatter = JaelFormatter(
formattingOptions.tabSize!, formattingOptions.insertSpaces, 80);
var formatted = formatter.apply(document!);
if (formatted.isNotEmpty) await file.writeAsString(formatted);
return [
TextEdit((b) {
..newText = formatted
..range = toRange(document
.span); //document == null ? emptyRange() : toRange(document.span);
} catch (e, st) {
logger.severe('Formatter error', e, st);
return null;
void initialized() {
// TODO: implement initialized
// TODO: implement showMessages
Stream<ShowMessageParams>? get showMessages => null;
abstract class DiagnosticSeverity {
static const int error = 0, warning = 1, information = 2, hint = 3;
class FormattingOptions {
final num? tabSize;
final bool? insertSpaces;
FormattingOptions(this.tabSize, this.insertSpaces);
factory FormattingOptions.fromJson(Map json) {
return FormattingOptions(
json['tabSize'] as num?, json['insertSpaces'] as bool?);