2017-10-04 10:09:12 -04:00

119 lines
4 KiB

library angel_framework.http.controller;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'package:angel_route/angel_route.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'metadata.dart';
import 'request_context.dart';
import 'response_context.dart';
import 'routable.dart';
import 'server.dart' show Angel;
/// Supports grouping routes with shared functionality.
class Controller {
Angel _app;
/// The [Angel] application powering this controller.
Angel get app => _app;
final bool debug;
/// If `true` (default), this class will inject itself as a singleton into the [app]'s container when bootstrapped.
final bool injectSingleton;
/// Middleware to run before all handlers in this class.
List middleware = [];
/// A mapping of route paths to routes, produced from the [Expose] annotations on this class.
Map<String, Route> routeMappings = {};
Controller({this.debug: false, this.injectSingleton: true});
Future configureServer(Angel app) async {
_app = app;
if (injectSingleton != false) _app.container.singleton(this);
// Load global expose decl
ClassMirror classMirror = reflectClass(this.runtimeType);
Expose exposeDecl = findExpose();
if (exposeDecl == null) {
throw new Exception(
"All controllers must carry an @Expose() declaration.");
var routable = new Routable();
app.use(exposeDecl.path, routable);
TypeMirror typeMirror = reflectType(this.runtimeType);
String name = == true
: MirrorSystem.getName(typeMirror.simpleName);
app.controllers[name] = this;
// Pre-reflect methods
InstanceMirror instanceMirror = reflect(this);
final handlers = []..addAll(exposeDecl.middleware)..addAll(middleware);
final routeBuilder = _routeBuilder(instanceMirror, routable, handlers);
Function _routeBuilder(
InstanceMirror instanceMirror, Routable routable, List handlers) {
return (Symbol methodName, MethodMirror method) {
if (method.isRegularMethod &&
methodName != #toString &&
methodName != #noSuchMethod &&
methodName != #call &&
methodName != #equals &&
methodName != #==) {
Expose exposeDecl = method.metadata
.map((m) => m.reflectee)
.firstWhere((r) => r is Expose, orElse: () => null);
if (exposeDecl == null) return;
var reflectedMethod = instanceMirror.getField(methodName).reflectee;
var middleware = []..addAll(handlers)..addAll(exposeDecl.middleware);
String name = == true
: MirrorSystem.getName(methodName);
// Check if normal
if (method.parameters.length == 2 &&
method.parameters[0].type.reflectedType == RequestContext &&
method.parameters[1].type.reflectedType == ResponseContext) {
// Create a regular route
routeMappings[name] = routable
.addRoute(exposeDecl.method, exposeDecl.path, (req, res) async {
var result = await reflectedMethod(req, res);
return result is RequestHandler ? await result(req, res) : result;
}, middleware: middleware);
var injection = preInject(reflectedMethod);
if (exposeDecl?.allowNull?.isNotEmpty == true)
routeMappings[name] = routable.addRoute(exposeDecl.method,
exposeDecl.path, handleContained(reflectedMethod, injection),
middleware: middleware);
/// Used to add additional routes to the router from within a [Controller].
void configureRoutes(Routable routable) {}
/// Finds the [Expose] declaration for this class.
Expose findExpose() => reflectClass(runtimeType)
.map((m) => m.reflectee)
.firstWhere((r) => r is Expose, orElse: () => null);