149 lines
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149 lines
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/// Support for using `angel_validate` with the Protevus Framework.
library protevus_validate.server;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:protevus_framework/protevus_framework.dart';
import 'src/async.dart';
import 'protevus_validate.dart';
export 'src/async.dart';
export 'protevus_validate.dart';
/// Auto-parses numbers in `req.bodyAsMap`.
RequestHandler autoParseBody(List<String> fields) {
return (RequestContext req, res) async {
await req.parseBody();
req.bodyAsMap.addAll(autoParse(req.bodyAsMap, fields));
return true;
/// Auto-parses numbers in `req.queryParameters`.
RequestHandler autoParseQuery(List<String> fields) {
return (RequestContext req, res) async {
req.queryParameters.addAll(autoParse(req.queryParameters, fields));
return true;
/// Filters unwanted data out of `req.bodyAsMap`.
RequestHandler filterBody(Iterable<String> only) {
return (RequestContext req, res) async {
await req.parseBody();
var filtered = filter(req.bodyAsMap, only);
return true;
/// Filters unwanted data out of `req.queryParameters`.
RequestHandler filterQuery(Iterable<String> only) {
return (RequestContext req, res) async {
var filtered = filter(req.queryParameters, only);
return true;
/// Validates the data in `req.bodyAsMap`, and sets the body to
/// filtered data before continuing the response.
RequestHandler validate(Validator validator,
{String errorMessage = 'Invalid data.'}) {
return (RequestContext req, res) async {
await req.parseBody();
var app = req.app;
if (app != null) {
var result = await asyncApplyValidator(validator, req.bodyAsMap, app);
if (result.errors.isNotEmpty) {
throw ProtevusHttpException.badRequest(
message: errorMessage, errors: result.errors);
return true;
/// Validates the data in `req.queryParameters`, and sets the query to
/// filtered data before continuing the response.
RequestHandler validateQuery(Validator validator,
{String errorMessage = 'Invalid data.'}) {
return (RequestContext req, res) async {
var app = req.app;
if (app != null) {
var result =
await asyncApplyValidator(validator, req.queryParameters, app);
if (result.errors.isNotEmpty) {
throw ProtevusHttpException.badRequest(
message: errorMessage, errors: result.errors);
return true;
/// Validates the data in `e.data`, and sets the data to
/// filtered data before continuing the service event.
HookedServiceEventListener validateEvent(Validator validator,
{String errorMessage = 'Invalid data.'}) {
return (HookedServiceEvent e) async {
var app = e.request?.app ?? e.service.app;
var result = await asyncApplyValidator(validator, e.data as Map, app);
if (result.errors.isNotEmpty) {
throw ProtevusHttpException.badRequest(
message: errorMessage, errors: result.errors);
/// Asynchronously apply a [validator], running any [ProtevusMatcher]s.
Future<ValidationResult> asyncApplyValidator(
Validator validator, Map data, Protevus app) async {
var result = validator.check(data);
if (result.errors.isNotEmpty) return result;
var errantKeys = <String>[], errors = <String>[];
for (var key in result.data.keys) {
var value = result.data[key];
var description = StringDescription("'$key': expected ");
for (var rule in validator.rules[key]!) {
if (rule is ProtevusMatcher) {
var r =
await rule.matchesWithProtevus(value, key, result.data, {}, app);
if (!r) {
var m = Map<String, dynamic>.from(result.data);
for (var key in errantKeys) {
return result.withData(m).withErrors(errors);