122 lines
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122 lines
3.9 KiB
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:angel_container/angel_container.dart';
import 'package:angel_route/angel_route.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'env.dart';
import 'hostname_parser.dart';
import 'request_context.dart';
import 'response_context.dart';
import 'routable.dart';
import 'server.dart';
/// A utility that allows requests to be handled based on their
/// origin's hostname.
/// For example, an application could handle example.com and api.example.com
/// separately.
/// The provided patterns can be any `Pattern`. If a `String` is provided, a simple
/// grammar (see [HostnameSyntaxParser]) is used to create [RegExp].
/// For example:
/// * `example.com` -> `/example\.com/`
/// * `*.example.com` -> `/([^$.]\.)?example\.com/`
/// * `example.*` -> `/example\./[^$]*`
/// * `example.+` -> `/example\./[^$]+`
class HostnameRouter {
final Map<Pattern, Angel> _apps = {};
final Map<Pattern, FutureOr<Angel> Function()> _creators = {};
final List<Pattern> _patterns = [];
{Map<Pattern, Angel> apps = const {},
Map<Pattern, FutureOr<Angel> Function()> creators = const {}}) {
Map<Pattern, V> _parseMap<V>(Map<Pattern, V> map) {
return map.map((p, c) {
Pattern pp;
if (p is String) {
pp = HostnameSyntaxParser(p).parse();
} else {
pp = p;
return MapEntry(pp, c);
apps ??= {};
creators ??= {};
apps = _parseMap(apps);
creators = _parseMap(creators);
var patterns = apps.keys.followedBy(creators.keys).toSet().toList();
// print(_creators);
factory HostnameRouter.configure(
Map<Pattern, FutureOr<void> Function(Angel)> configurers,
{Reflector reflector = const EmptyReflector(),
AngelEnvironment environment = angelEnv,
Logger logger,
bool allowMethodOverrides = true,
FutureOr<String> Function(dynamic) serializer,
ViewGenerator viewGenerator}) {
var creators = configurers.map((p, c) {
return MapEntry(p, () async {
var app = Angel(
reflector: reflector,
environment: environment,
logger: logger,
allowMethodOverrides: allowMethodOverrides,
serializer: serializer,
viewGenerator: viewGenerator);
await app.configure(c);
return app;
return HostnameRouter(creators: creators);
/// Attempts to handle a request, according to its hostname.
/// If none is matched, then `true` is returned.
/// Also returns `true` if all of the sub-app's handlers returned
/// `true`.
Future<bool> handleRequest(RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) async {
if (req.hostname != null) {
for (var pattern in _patterns) {
// print('${req.hostname} vs $_creators');
if (pattern.allMatches(req.hostname).isNotEmpty) {
// Resolve the entire pipeline within the context of the selected app.
var app = _apps[pattern] ??= (await _creators[pattern]());
// print('App for ${req.hostname} = $app from $pattern');
// app.dumpTree();
var r = app.optimizedRouter;
var resolved =
r.resolveAbsolute(req.path, method: req.method);
var pipeline = MiddlewarePipeline<RequestHandler>(resolved);
// print('Pipeline: $pipeline');
for (var handler in pipeline.handlers) {
// print(handler);
// Avoid stack overflow.
if (handler == handleRequest) {
} else if (!await app.executeHandler(handler, req, res)) {
// print('$handler TERMINATED');
return false;
} else {
// print('$handler CONTINUED');
// Otherwise, return true.
return true;