138 lines
4.5 KiB
138 lines
4.5 KiB
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:angel3_framework/angel3_framework.dart';
import '../options.dart';
import '../strategy.dart';
/// Determines the validity of an incoming username and password.
// typedef FutureOr<User> LocalAuthVerifier<User>(String? username, String? password);
typedef LocalAuthVerifier<User> = FutureOr<User?> Function(
String? username, String? password);
class LocalAuthStrategy<User> extends AuthStrategy<User> {
final _log = Logger('LocalAuthStrategy');
final RegExp _rgxBasic = RegExp(r'^Basic (.+)$', caseSensitive: false);
final RegExp _rgxUsrPass = RegExp(r'^([^:]+):(.+)$');
LocalAuthVerifier<User> verifier;
String usernameField;
String passwordField;
String invalidMessage;
final bool allowBasic;
final bool forceBasic;
String realm;
{this.usernameField = 'username',
this.passwordField = 'password',
this.invalidMessage = 'Please provide a valid username and password.',
this.allowBasic = false,
this.forceBasic = false,
this.realm = 'Authentication is required.'}) {
_log.info('Using LocalAuthStrategy');
Future<User?> authenticate(RequestContext req, ResponseContext res,
[AngelAuthOptions? options]) async {
var localOptions = options ?? AngelAuthOptions();
User? verificationResult;
if (allowBasic) {
var authHeader = req.headers?.value('authorization') ?? '';
if (_rgxBasic.hasMatch(authHeader)) {
var base64AuthString = _rgxBasic.firstMatch(authHeader)?.group(1);
if (base64AuthString == null) {
return null;
var authString = String.fromCharCodes(base64.decode(base64AuthString));
if (_rgxUsrPass.hasMatch(authString)) {
Match usrPassMatch = _rgxUsrPass.firstMatch(authString)!;
verificationResult =
await verifier(usrPassMatch.group(1), usrPassMatch.group(2));
} else {
_log.warning('Bad request: $invalidMessage');
throw ProtevusHttpException.badRequest(errors: [invalidMessage]);
if (verificationResult == null) {
..statusCode = 401
..headers['www-authenticate'] = 'Basic realm="$realm"';
await res.close();
return null;
//Allow non-null to pass through
//return verificationResult;
} else {
var body = await req
.then((_) => req.bodyAsMap)
.catchError((_) => <String, dynamic>{});
if (_validateString(body[usernameField]?.toString()) &&
_validateString(body[passwordField]?.toString())) {
verificationResult = await verifier(
body[usernameField]?.toString(), body[passwordField]?.toString());
// User authentication succeeded can return Map(one element), User(non null) or true
if (verificationResult != null && verificationResult != false) {
if (verificationResult is Map && verificationResult.isNotEmpty) {
return verificationResult;
} else if (verificationResult is! Map) {
return verificationResult;
// Force basic if set
if (forceBasic) {
//res.headers['www-authenticate'] = 'Basic realm="$realm"';
..statusCode = 401
..headers['www-authenticate'] = 'Basic realm="$realm"';
await res.close();
return null;
// Redirect failed authentication
if (localOptions.failureRedirect != null &&
localOptions.failureRedirect!.isNotEmpty) {
await res.redirect(localOptions.failureRedirect, code: 401);
return null;
_log.info('Not authenticated');
throw ProtevusHttpException.notAuthenticated();
if (verificationResult is Map && verificationResult.isEmpty) {
if (localOptions.failureRedirect != null &&
localOptions.failureRedirect!.isNotEmpty) {
await res.redirect(localOptions.failureRedirect, code: 401);
return null;
if (forceBasic) {
res.headers['www-authenticate'] = 'Basic realm="$realm"';
return null;
return null;
} else if (verificationResult != false ||
(verificationResult is Map && verificationResult.isNotEmpty)) {
return verificationResult;
} else {
_log.info('Not authenticated');
throw AngelHttpException.notAuthenticated();
bool _validateString(String? str) => str != null && str.isNotEmpty;