2021-06-26 19:02:51 +08:00

161 lines
7 KiB

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:angel3_framework/angel3_framework.dart';
import 'package:angel3_security/angel3_security.dart';
import 'rate_limiting_window.dart';
/// A base class that facilitates rate limiting API's or endpoints,
/// typically to prevent spam and abuse.
/// The rate limiter operates under the assumption that a [User] object
/// can be computed from each request, as well as information about
/// the current rate-limiting window.
abstract class RateLimiter<User> {
/// The maximum number of points that may be consumed
/// within the given [windowDuration].
final int maxPointsPerWindow;
/// The amount of time, during which, a user is not allowed to consume
/// more than [maxPointsPerWindow].
final Duration windowDuration;
/// The error message to send to a [User] who has exceeded the
/// rate limit during the current window.
/// This only applies to the default implementation of
/// [rejectRequest].
final String errorMessage;
RateLimiter(this.maxPointsPerWindow, this.windowDuration,
{String? errorMessage})
: errorMessage = errorMessage ?? 'Rate limit exceeded.';
/// Computes the current window in which the user is acting.
/// For example, if your API was limited to 1000 requests/hour,
/// then you would return a window containing the current hour,
/// and the number of requests the user has sent in the past hour.
FutureOr<RateLimitingWindow<User>> getCurrentWindow(
RequestContext req, ResponseContext res, DateTime currentTime);
/// Updates the underlying store with information about the new
/// [window] that the user is operating in.
FutureOr<void> updateCurrentWindow(RequestContext req, ResponseContext res,
RateLimitingWindow<User> window, DateTime currentTime);
/// Computes the amount of points that a given request will cost. This amount
/// is then added to the amount of points that the user has already consumed
/// in the current [window].
/// The default behavior is to return `1`, which signifies that all requests
/// carry the same weight.
FutureOr<int> getEndpointCost(RequestContext req, ResponseContext res,
RateLimitingWindow<User> window) {
return Future<int>.value(1);
/// Alerts the user of information pertinent to the current [window].
/// The default implementation is to send the following headers, akin to
/// Github's v4 Graph API:
/// * `X-RateLimit-Limit`: The maximum number of points consumed per window.
/// * `X-RateLimit-Remaining`: The remaining number of points that may be consumed
/// before the rate limit is reached for the current window.
/// * `X-RateLimit-Reset`: The Unix timestamp, at which the window will
/// reset.
FutureOr<void> sendWindowInformation(RequestContext req, ResponseContext res,
RateLimitingWindow<User> window) {
'x-ratelimit-limit': window.pointLimit.toString(),
'x-ratelimit-remaining': window.remainingPoints.toString(),
(window.resetTime!.millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000).toString(),
/// Signals to a user that they have exceeded the rate limit for the
/// current window, and terminates execution of the current [RequestContext].
/// The default implementation is throw an [AngelHttpException] with
/// status code `429` and the given `errorMessage`, as well as sending
/// a [`Retry-After`](
/// header, and then returning `false`.
/// Whatever is returned here will be returned in [handleRequest].
FutureOr<Object> rejectRequest(RequestContext req, ResponseContext res,
RateLimitingWindow<User> window, DateTime currentTime) {
var retryAfter = window.resetTime!.difference(currentTime);
res.headers['retry-after'] = retryAfter.inSeconds.toString();
throw AngelHttpException(null, message: errorMessage, statusCode: 429);
/// A request middleware that returns `true` if the user has not yet
/// exceeded the [maxPointsPerWindow].
/// Because this handler is typically called *before* business logic is
/// executed, it technically checks whether the *previous* call raised the
/// number of consumed points to greater than, or equal to, the
/// [maxPointsPerWindow].
Future handleRequest(RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) async {
// Obtain information about the current window.
var now =;
var currentWindow = await getCurrentWindow(req, res, now);
// Check if the rate limit has been exceeded. If so, reject the request.
// To perform this check, we must first determine whether a new window
// has begun since the previous request.
var currentWindowEnd = currentWindow.startTime.toUtc().add(windowDuration);
// We must also compute the missing information about the current window,
// so that we can relay that information to the client.
var remainingPoints = maxPointsPerWindow - currentWindow.pointsConsumed;
..pointLimit = maxPointsPerWindow
..remainingPoints = remainingPoints < 0 ? 0 : remainingPoints
..resetTime = currentWindow.startTime.add(windowDuration);
// If the previous window ended in the past, begin a new window.
if (now.compareTo(currentWindowEnd) >= 0) {
// Create a new window.
var cost = await getEndpointCost(req, res, currentWindow);
var remainingPoints = maxPointsPerWindow - cost;
var newWindow = RateLimitingWindow(currentWindow.user, now, cost)
..pointLimit = maxPointsPerWindow
..remainingPoints = remainingPoints < 0 ? 0 : remainingPoints
..resetTime = now.add(windowDuration);
await updateCurrentWindow(req, res, newWindow, now);
await sendWindowInformation(req, res, newWindow);
// If we are still within the previous window, check if the user has
// exceeded the rate limit.
// Otherwise, update the current window.
// At this point in the computation,
// we are still only considering whether the *previous* request took the
// user over the rate limit.
else if (currentWindow.pointsConsumed >= maxPointsPerWindow) {
await sendWindowInformation(req, res, currentWindow);
await rejectRequest(req, res, currentWindow, now);
//var result = await rejectRequest(req, res, currentWindow, now);
//if (result != null) return result;
return false;
} else {
// Add the cost of the current endpoint, and update the window.
var cost = await getEndpointCost(req, res, currentWindow);
currentWindow.pointsConsumed += cost;
var remaining = currentWindow.remainingPoints;
if (remaining == null) {
currentWindow.remainingPoints = 0;
} else {
currentWindow.remainingPoints = remaining - cost;
if (currentWindow.remainingPoints! < 0) {
currentWindow.remainingPoints = 0;
await updateCurrentWindow(req, res, currentWindow, now);
await sendWindowInformation(req, res, currentWindow);
// Pass through, so other handlers can be executed.
return true;