497 lines
17 KiB
497 lines
17 KiB
part of 'angel3_serialize_generator.dart';
class SerializerGenerator extends GeneratorForAnnotation<Serializable> {
final bool autoSnakeCaseNames;
const SerializerGenerator({this.autoSnakeCaseNames = true});
Future<String?> generateForAnnotatedElement(
Element element, ConstantReader annotation, BuildStep buildStep) async {
log.fine('Running SerializerGenerator');
if (element.kind != ElementKind.CLASS) {
throw 'Only classes can be annotated with a @Serializable() annotation.';
var ctx = await buildContext(element as ClassElement, annotation, buildStep,
buildStep.resolver, !autoSnakeCaseNames);
if (ctx == null) {
log.severe('Invalid builder context');
throw 'Invalid builder context';
var serializers = annotation.peek('serializers')?.listValue ?? [];
if (serializers.isEmpty) {
log.severe("No Serializers");
return null;
// Check if any serializer is recognized
if (!serializers.any((s) => Serializers.all.contains(s.toIntValue()))) {
log.severe("No recognizable Serializers");
return null;
var lib = Library((b) {
serializers.map((s) => s.toIntValue() ?? 0).toList(), ctx, b);
generateFieldsClass(ctx, b);
var buf = lib.accept(DartEmitter(useNullSafetySyntax: true));
return buf.toString();
/// Generate a serializer class.
void generateClass(
List<int> serializers, BuildContext ctx, LibraryBuilder file) {
log.fine('Generate serializer class');
// Generate canonical codecs, etc.
var pascal = ctx.modelClassNameRecase.pascalCase.replaceAll('?', '');
var camel = ctx.modelClassNameRecase.camelCase.replaceAll('?', '');
log.fine('Generating ${pascal}Serializer');
if (ctx.constructorParameters.isEmpty) {
log.fine("Constructor is empty");
const ${pascal}Serializer ${camel}Serializer = ${pascal}Serializer();
class ${pascal}Encoder extends Converter<$pascal, Map> {
const ${pascal}Encoder();
Map convert($pascal model) => ${pascal}Serializer.toMap(model);
class ${pascal}Decoder extends Converter<Map, $pascal> {
const ${pascal}Decoder();
$pascal convert(Map map) => ${pascal}Serializer.fromMap(map);
file.body.add(Class((clazz) {
clazz.name = '${pascal}Serializer';
if (ctx.constructorParameters.isEmpty) {
clazz.extend = TypeReference((b) => b
..symbol = 'Codec'
..types.addAll([ctx.modelClassType, refer('Map')]));
// Add constructor, Codec impl, etc.
clazz.constructors.add(Constructor((b) => b..constant = true));
clazz.methods.add(Method((b) => b
..name = 'encoder'
..returns = refer('${pascal}Encoder')
..type = MethodType.getter
..body = refer('${pascal}Encoder').constInstance([]).code));
clazz.methods.add(Method((b) => b
..name = 'decoder'
..returns = refer('${pascal}Decoder')
..type = MethodType.getter
..body = refer('${pascal}Decoder').constInstance([]).code));
} else {
clazz.abstract = true;
if (serializers.contains(Serializers.map)) {
generateFromMapMethod(clazz, ctx, file);
if (serializers.contains(Serializers.map) ||
serializers.contains(Serializers.json)) {
generateToMapMethod(clazz, ctx, file);
// Generate toMapMethod
void generateToMapMethod(
ClassBuilder clazz, BuildContext ctx, LibraryBuilder file) {
var originalClassName = ctx.originalClassName;
if (originalClassName == null) {
log.warning('Unable to generate toMap(), classname is null');
clazz.methods.add(Method((method) {
..static = true
..name = 'toMap'
..returns = Reference('Map<String, dynamic>')
..requiredParameters.add(Parameter((b) {
..name = 'model'
..type = TypeReference((b) => b
..symbol = originalClassName
..isNullable = true);
var buf = StringBuffer();
ctx.requiredFields.forEach((key, msg) {
if (ctx.excluded[key]?.canSerialize == false) return;
if (model.$key == null) {
throw FormatException("$msg");
buf.writeln('return {');
var i = 0;
// Add named parameters
for (var field in ctx.fields) {
var type = ctx.resolveSerializedFieldType(field.name);
// Skip excluded fields
if (ctx.excluded[field.name]?.canSerialize == false) continue;
var alias = ctx.resolveFieldName(field.name);
if (i++ > 0) buf.write(', ');
var serializedRepresentation = 'model.${field.name}';
String serializerToMap(ReCase rc, String value) {
// if (rc.pascalCase == ctx.modelClassName) {
// return '($value)?.toJson()';
// }
return '${rc.pascalCase.replaceAll('?', '')}Serializer.toMap($value)';
var fieldNameSerializer = ctx.fieldInfo[field.name]?.serializer;
if (fieldNameSerializer != null) {
var name = MirrorSystem.getName(fieldNameSerializer);
serializedRepresentation = '$name(model.${field.name})';
// Serialize dates
else if (dateTimeTypeChecker.isAssignableFromType(type)) {
var question =
field.type.nullabilitySuffix == NullabilitySuffix.question
? "?"
: "";
serializedRepresentation =
// Serialize model classes via `XSerializer.toMap`
else if (isModelClass(type)) {
var rc = ReCase(type.getDisplayString(withNullability: true));
serializedRepresentation = serializerToMap(rc, 'model.${field.name}');
} else if (type is InterfaceType) {
if (isListOfModelType(type)) {
var name =
type.typeArguments[0].getDisplayString(withNullability: true);
if (name.startsWith('_')) name = name.substring(1);
var rc = ReCase(name);
var m = serializerToMap(rc, 'm');
var question =
(field.type.nullabilitySuffix == NullabilitySuffix.question)
? '?'
: '';
serializedRepresentation =
'model.${field.name}$question.map((m) => $m).toList()';
log.fine('serializedRepresentation => $serializedRepresentation');
} else if (isMapToModelType(type)) {
var rc = ReCase(
type.typeArguments[1].getDisplayString(withNullability: true));
serializedRepresentation =
'''model.${field.name}.keys.fold({}, (map, key) {
return map..[key] =
${serializerToMap(rc, 'model.${field.name}[key]')};
} else if (type.element is Enum) {
var convert =
(field.type.nullabilitySuffix == NullabilitySuffix.question)
? '!'
: '';
serializedRepresentation = '''
model.${field.name} != null ?
${type.getDisplayString(withNullability: false)}.values.indexOf(model.${field.name}$convert)
: null
} else if (const TypeChecker.fromRuntime(Uint8List)
.isAssignableFromType(type)) {
var convert =
(field.type.nullabilitySuffix == NullabilitySuffix.question)
? '!'
: '';
serializedRepresentation = '''
model.${field.name} != null ?
: null
buf.write("'$alias': $serializedRepresentation");
method.body = Block.of([
'if (model == null) { throw FormatException("Required field [model] cannot be null"); }'),
// Generate fromMapMethod
void generateFromMapMethod(
ClassBuilder clazz, BuildContext ctx, LibraryBuilder file) {
clazz.methods.add(Method((method) {
..static = true
..name = 'fromMap'
..returns = ctx.modelClassType
Parameter((b) => b
..name = 'map'
..type = Reference('Map')),
// Add all `super` params
if (ctx.constructorParameters.isNotEmpty) {
for (var param in ctx.constructorParameters) {
method.requiredParameters.add(Parameter((b) => b
..name = param.name
..type = convertTypeReference(param.type)));
var buf = StringBuffer();
// Required Fields
ctx.requiredFields.forEach((key, msg) {
if (ctx.excluded[key]?.canDeserialize == false) return;
var name = ctx.resolveFieldName(key);
if (msg.contains("'")) {
if (map['$name'] == null) {
throw FormatException("$msg");
} else {
if (map['$name'] == null) {
throw FormatException('$msg');
buf.writeln('return ${ctx.modelClassName}(');
var i = 0;
// Parameters in the constructor
for (var param in ctx.constructorParameters) {
if (i++ > 0) buf.write(', ');
// Fields
for (var field in ctx.fields) {
var type = ctx.resolveSerializedFieldType(field.name);
if (ctx.excluded[field.name]?.canDeserialize == false) continue;
var alias = ctx.resolveFieldName(field.name);
if (i++ > 0) buf.write(', ');
var deserializedRepresentation =
"map['$alias'] as ${typeToString(type)}";
if (type.nullabilitySuffix == NullabilitySuffix.question) {
deserializedRepresentation += '?';
var defaultValue = 'null';
var existingDefault = ctx.defaults[field.name];
if (existingDefault != null) {
var d = dartObjectToString(existingDefault);
if (d != null) {
defaultValue = d;
if (!deserializedRepresentation.endsWith("?")) {
deserializedRepresentation += "?";
deserializedRepresentation =
'$deserializedRepresentation ?? $defaultValue';
var fieldNameDeserializer = ctx.fieldInfo[field.name]?.deserializer;
if (fieldNameDeserializer != null) {
var name = MirrorSystem.getName(fieldNameDeserializer);
deserializedRepresentation = "$name(map['$alias'])";
} else if (dateTimeTypeChecker.isAssignableFromType(type)) {
if (field.type.nullabilitySuffix != NullabilitySuffix.question) {
if (defaultValue.toLowerCase() == 'null') {
defaultValue = 'DateTime.parse("1970-01-01 00:00:00")';
} else {
defaultValue = 'DateTime.parse("$defaultValue")';
deserializedRepresentation = "map['$alias'] != null ? "
"(map['$alias'] is DateTime ? (map['$alias'] as DateTime) : DateTime.parse(map['$alias'].toString()))"
' : $defaultValue';
// Serialize model classes via `XSerializer.toMap`
else if (isModelClass(type)) {
var rc = ReCase(type.getDisplayString(withNullability: true));
deserializedRepresentation = "map['$alias'] != null"
" ? ${rc.pascalCase.replaceAll('?', '')}Serializer.fromMap(map['$alias'] as Map)"
' : $defaultValue';
} else if (type is InterfaceType) {
if (isListOfModelType(type)) {
if (defaultValue == 'null') {
defaultValue = '[]';
var rc = ReCase(
type.typeArguments[0].getDisplayString(withNullability: true));
deserializedRepresentation = "map['$alias'] is Iterable"
" ? List.unmodifiable(((map['$alias'] as Iterable)"
'.map(${rc.pascalCase.replaceAll('?', '')}Serializer.fromMap))'
' : $defaultValue';
} else if (isMapToModelType(type)) {
// TODO: This requires refractoring
if (defaultValue == 'null') {
defaultValue = '{}';
var rc = ReCase(
type.typeArguments[1].getDisplayString(withNullability: true));
deserializedRepresentation = '''
map['$alias'] is Map
? Map.unmodifiable((map['$alias'] as Map).keys.fold({}, (out, key) {
return out..[key] = ${rc.pascalCase.replaceAll('?', '')}Serializer
.fromMap(((map['$alias'] as Map)[key]) as Map);
: $defaultValue
} else if (type.element is Enum) {
deserializedRepresentation = '''
map['$alias'] is ${type.getDisplayString(withNullability: true)}
? (map['$alias'] as ${type.getDisplayString(withNullability: true)}) ?? $defaultValue
map['$alias'] is int
? ${type.getDisplayString(withNullability: true)}.values[map['$alias'] as int]
: $defaultValue
//log.warning('Code => $deserializedRepresentation');
} else if (const TypeChecker.fromRuntime(List)
.isAssignableFromType(type) &&
type.typeArguments.length == 1) {
if (defaultValue == 'null') {
defaultValue = '[]';
var arg = convertTypeReference(type.typeArguments[0])
.accept(DartEmitter(useNullSafetySyntax: true));
deserializedRepresentation = '''
map['$alias'] is Iterable
? (map['$alias'] as Iterable).cast<$arg>().toList()
: $defaultValue
} else if (const TypeChecker.fromRuntime(Map)
.isAssignableFromType(type) &&
type.typeArguments.length == 2) {
var key = convertTypeReference(type.typeArguments[0])
.accept(DartEmitter(useNullSafetySyntax: true));
var value = convertTypeReference(type.typeArguments[1])
.accept(DartEmitter(useNullSafetySyntax: true));
if (defaultValue == 'null') {
defaultValue = '{}';
deserializedRepresentation = '''
map['$alias'] is Map
? (map['$alias'] as Map).cast<$key, $value>()
: $defaultValue
} else if (const TypeChecker.fromRuntime(Uint8List)
.isAssignableFromType(type)) {
deserializedRepresentation = '''
map['$alias'] is Uint8List
? (map['$alias'] as Uint8List)
map['$alias'] is Iterable<int>
? Uint8List.fromList((map['$alias'] as Iterable<int>).toList())
map['$alias'] is String
? Uint8List.fromList(base64.decode(map['$alias'] as String))
: $defaultValue
buf.write('${field.name}: $deserializedRepresentation');
method.body = Code(buf.toString());
void generateFieldsClass(BuildContext ctx, LibraryBuilder file) {
//log.fine('Generate serializer fields');
file.body.add(Class((clazz) {
..abstract = true
..name = '${ctx.modelClassNameRecase.pascalCase}Fields';
clazz.fields.add(Field((b) {
..static = true
..modifier = FieldModifier.constant
..type = TypeReference((b) => b
..symbol = 'List'
..name = 'allFields'
..assignment = literalConstList(
ctx.fields.map((f) => refer(f.name)).toList(),
for (var field in ctx.fields) {
clazz.fields.add(Field((b) {
..static = true
..modifier = FieldModifier.constant
..type = Reference('String')
..name = field.name
..assignment = Code("'${ctx.resolveFieldName(field.name)}'");