git-subtree-dir: packages/client git-subtree-mainline:ae0afd3408
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/// Client library for the Angel framework.
library angel_client;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
export 'package:angel_http_exception/angel_http_exception.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
/// A function that configures an [Angel] client in some way.
typedef FutureOr<void> AngelConfigurer(Angel app);
/// A function that deserializes data received from the server.
/// This is only really necessary in the browser, where `json_god`
/// doesn't work.
typedef T AngelDeserializer<T>(x);
/// Represents an Angel server that we are querying.
abstract class Angel extends http.BaseClient {
/// A mutable member. When this is set, it holds a JSON Web Token
/// that is automatically attached to every request sent.
/// This is designed with `package:angel_auth` in mind.
String authToken;
/// The root URL at which the target server.
final Uri baseUrl;
: this.baseUrl = baseUrl is Uri ? baseUrl : Uri.parse(baseUrl.toString());
/// Prefer to use [baseUrl] instead.
String get basePath => baseUrl.toString();
/// Fired whenever a WebSocket is successfully authenticated.
Stream<AngelAuthResult> get onAuthenticated;
/// Authenticates against the server.
/// This is designed with `package:angel_auth` in mind.
/// The [type] is appended to the [authEndpoint], ex. `local` becomes `/auth/local`.
/// The given [credentials] are sent to server as-is; the request body is sent as JSON.
Future<AngelAuthResult> authenticate(
{@required String type,
String authEndpoint = '/auth',
@deprecated String reviveEndpoint = '/auth/token'});
/// Shorthand for authenticating via a JWT string.
Future<AngelAuthResult> reviveJwt(String token,
{String authEndpoint = '/auth'}) {
return authenticate(
type: 'token',
credentials: {'token': token},
authEndpoint: authEndpoint);
/// Opens the [url] in a new window, and returns a [Stream] that will fire a JWT on successful authentication.
Stream<String> authenticateViaPopup(String url, {String eventName = 'token'});
/// Disposes of any outstanding resources.
Future<void> close();
/// Applies an [AngelConfigurer] to this instance.
Future<void> configure(AngelConfigurer configurer) async {
await configurer(this);
/// Logs the current user out of the application.
FutureOr<void> logout();
/// Creates a [Service] instance that queries a given path on the server.
/// This expects that there is an Angel `Service` mounted on the server.
/// In other words, all endpoints will return [Data], except for the root of
/// [path], which returns a [List<Data>].
/// You can pass a custom [deserializer], which is typically necessary in cases where
/// `dart:mirrors` does not exist.
Service<Id, Data> service<Id, Data>(String path,
{@deprecated Type type, AngelDeserializer<Data> deserializer});
Future<http.Response> delete(url, {Map<String, String> headers});
Future<http.Response> get(url, {Map<String, String> headers});
Future<http.Response> head(url, {Map<String, String> headers});
Future<http.Response> patch(url,
{body, Map<String, String> headers, Encoding encoding});
Future<http.Response> post(url,
{body, Map<String, String> headers, Encoding encoding});
Future<http.Response> put(url,
{body, Map<String, String> headers, Encoding encoding});
/// Represents the result of authentication with an Angel server.
class AngelAuthResult {
String _token;
final Map<String, dynamic> data = {};
/// The JSON Web token that was sent with this response.
String get token => _token;
AngelAuthResult({String token, Map<String, dynamic> data = const {}}) {
_token = token;
this.data.addAll(data ?? {});
/// Attempts to deserialize a response from a [Map].
factory AngelAuthResult.fromMap(Map data) {
final result = new AngelAuthResult();
if (data is Map && data.containsKey('token') && data['token'] is String)
result._token = data['token'].toString();
if (data is Map)
result.data.addAll((data['data'] as Map<String, dynamic>) ?? {});
if (result.token == null) {
throw new FormatException(
'The required "token" field was not present in the given data.');
} else if (data['data'] is! Map) {
throw new FormatException(
'The required "data" field in the given data was not a map; instead, it was ${data['data']}.');
return result;
/// Attempts to deserialize a response from a [String].
factory AngelAuthResult.fromJson(String s) =>
new AngelAuthResult.fromMap(json.decode(s) as Map);
/// Converts this instance into a JSON-friendly representation.
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return {'token': token, 'data': data};
/// Queries a service on an Angel server, with the same API.
abstract class Service<Id, Data> {
/// Fired on `indexed` events.
Stream<List<Data>> get onIndexed;
/// Fired on `read` events.
Stream<Data> get onRead;
/// Fired on `created` events.
Stream<Data> get onCreated;
/// Fired on `modified` events.
Stream<Data> get onModified;
/// Fired on `updated` events.
Stream<Data> get onUpdated;
/// Fired on `removed` events.
Stream<Data> get onRemoved;
/// The Angel instance powering this service.
Angel get app;
Future close();
/// Retrieves all resources.
Future<List<Data>> index([Map<String, dynamic> params]);
/// Retrieves the desired resource.
Future<Data> read(Id id, [Map<String, dynamic> params]);
/// Creates a resource.
Future<Data> create(Data data, [Map<String, dynamic> params]);
/// Modifies a resource.
Future<Data> modify(Id id, Data data, [Map<String, dynamic> params]);
/// Overwrites a resource.
Future<Data> update(Id id, Data data, [Map<String, dynamic> params]);
/// Removes the given resource.
Future<Data> remove(Id id, [Map<String, dynamic> params]);
/// Creates a [Service] that wraps over this one, and maps input and output using two converter functions.
/// Handy utility for handling data in a type-safe manner.
Service<Id, U> map<U>(U Function(Data) encoder, Data Function(U) decoder) {
return new _MappedService(this, encoder, decoder);
class _MappedService<Id, Data, U> extends Service<Id, U> {
final Service<Id, Data> inner;
final U Function(Data) encoder;
final Data Function(U) decoder;
_MappedService(this.inner, this.encoder, this.decoder);
Angel get app => inner.app;
Future close() => new Future.value();
Future<U> create(U data, [Map<String, dynamic> params]) {
return inner.create(decoder(data)).then(encoder);
Future<List<U>> index([Map<String, dynamic> params]) {
return inner.index(params).then((l) => l.map(encoder).toList());
Future<U> modify(Id id, U data, [Map<String, dynamic> params]) {
return inner.modify(id, decoder(data), params).then(encoder);
Stream<U> get onCreated => inner.onCreated.map(encoder);
Stream<List<U>> get onIndexed =>
inner.onIndexed.map((l) => l.map(encoder).toList());
Stream<U> get onModified => inner.onModified.map(encoder);
Stream<U> get onRead => inner.onRead.map(encoder);
Stream<U> get onRemoved => inner.onRemoved.map(encoder);
Stream<U> get onUpdated => inner.onUpdated.map(encoder);
Future<U> read(Id id, [Map<String, dynamic> params]) {
return inner.read(id, params).then(encoder);
Future<U> remove(Id id, [Map<String, dynamic> params]) {
return inner.remove(id, params).then(encoder);
Future<U> update(Id id, U data, [Map<String, dynamic> params]) {
return inner.update(id, decoder(data), params).then(encoder);
/// A [List] that automatically updates itself whenever the referenced [service] fires an event.
class ServiceList<Id, Data> extends DelegatingList<Data> {
/// A field name used to compare [Map] by ID.
final String idField;
/// A function used to compare the ID's two items for equality.
/// Defaults to comparing the [idField] of `Map` instances.
Equality<Data> get equality => _equality;
Equality<Data> _equality;
final Service<Id, Data> service;
final StreamController<ServiceList<Id, Data>> _onChange =
new StreamController();
final List<StreamSubscription> _subs = [];
ServiceList(this.service, {this.idField = 'id', Equality<Data> equality})
: super([]) {
_equality = equality;
_equality ??= new EqualityBy<Data, Id>((map) {
if (map is Map)
return map[idField ?? 'id'] as Id;
throw new UnsupportedError(
'ServiceList only knows how to find the id from a Map object. Provide a custom `Equality` in your call to the constructor.');
// Index
_subs.add(service.onIndexed.where(_notNull).listen((data) {
// Created
_subs.add(service.onCreated.where(_notNull).listen((item) {
// Modified/Updated
handleModified(Data item) {
var indices = <int>[];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (_equality.equals(item, this[i])) indices.add(i);
if (indices.isNotEmpty) {
for (var i in indices) this[i] = item;
// Removed
_subs.add(service.onRemoved.where(_notNull).listen((item) {
removeWhere((x) => _equality.equals(item, x));
static bool _notNull(x) => x != null;
/// Fires whenever the underlying [service] fires a change event.
Stream<ServiceList<Id, Data>> get onChange => _onChange.stream;
Future close() async {
await _onChange.close();