git-subtree-dir: packages/serialize git-subtree-mainline:f7c6ebf200
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export 'dart:convert' show json, Codec, Converter;
export 'package:angel_model/angel_model.dart';
export 'package:collection/collection.dart';
export 'package:meta/meta.dart' show required, Required;
export 'package:quiver_hashcode/hashcode.dart' show hashObjects;
/// Excludes a field from being excluded.
class Exclude extends SerializableField {
const Exclude({bool canDeserialize = false, bool canSerialize = false})
: super(
exclude: true,
canDeserialize: canDeserialize,
canSerialize: canSerialize);
/// No longer necessary, as this is the default.
const SerializableField nullable = SerializableField(isNullable: true);
/// Marks a field as not accepting `null` values.
const SerializableField notNull = SerializableField(isNullable: false);
const Exclude exclude = Exclude();
/// Shorthand for [SerializableField].
class DefaultsTo extends SerializableField {
const DefaultsTo(value) : super(defaultValue: value);
/// Shorthand for [SerializableField].
class HasAlias extends SerializableField {
const HasAlias(String name) : super(alias: name);
/// Attaches options to a field.
class SerializableField {
/// An alternative name for this field.
final String alias;
/// A default for this field.
final defaultValue;
/// A custom serializer for this field.
final Symbol serializer;
/// A custom serializer for this field.
final Symbol deserializer;
/// An error message to be printed when the provided value is invalid.
final String errorMessage;
/// Whether this field can be set to `null`.
final bool isNullable;
/// Whether to exclude this field from serialization. Defaults to `false`.
final bool exclude;
/// Whether this field can be serialized, if [exclude] is `true`. Defaults to `false`.
final bool canDeserialize;
/// Whether this field can be serialized, if [exclude] is `true`. Defaults to `false`.
final bool canSerialize;
/// May be used with [serializer] and [deserializer].
/// Specifies the [Type] that this field serializes to.
/// Ex. If you have a field that serializes to a JSON string,
/// specify `serializesTo: String`.
final Type serializesTo;
const SerializableField(
this.isNullable = true,
this.exclude = false,
this.canDeserialize = false,
this.canSerialize = false,
/// Marks a class as eligible for serialization.
class Serializable {
const Serializable(
{this.serializers = const [Serializers.map, Serializers.json],
this.autoSnakeCaseNames = true,
// ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
@deprecated this.autoIdAndDateFields = true,
this.includeAnnotations = const []});
/// A list of enabled serialization modes.
/// See [Serializers].
final List<int> serializers;
/// Overrides the setting in `SerializerGenerator`.
final bool autoSnakeCaseNames;
/// Overrides the setting in `JsonModelGenerator`.
final bool autoIdAndDateFields;
/// A list of constant members to affix to the generated class.
final List includeAnnotations;
const Serializable serializable = Serializable();
/// Used by `package:angel_serialize_generator` to reliably identify generated models.
class GeneratedSerializable {
const GeneratedSerializable();
const GeneratedSerializable generatedSerializable = GeneratedSerializable();
/// The supported serialization types.
abstract class Serializers {
/// All supported serialization types.
static const List<int> all = [map, json, typescript];
/// Enable `fromMap` and `toMap` methods on the model class.
static const int map = 0;
/// Enable a `toJson` method on the model class.
static const int json = 1;
/// Generate a TypeScript definition file (`.d.ts`) for use on the client-side.
static const int typescript = 2;
class DefaultValue {
final value;
const DefaultValue(this.value);
/// Prefer [SerializableField] instead.
class Alias {
final String name;
const Alias(this.name);