316 lines
9.1 KiB
316 lines
9.1 KiB
library symbol_table;
import 'package:collection/collection.dart' show IterableExtension;
part 'variable.dart';
part 'visibility.dart';
/// A hierarchical mechanism to hold a set of variables, which supports scoping and constant variables.
class SymbolTable<T> {
final List<SymbolTable<T>> _children = [];
final Map<String, Variable<T>?> _lookupCache = {};
final Map<String, int> _names = {};
final List<Variable<T>> _variables = [];
int _depth = 0;
T? _context;
SymbolTable<T>? _parent, _root;
/// Initializes an empty symbol table.
/// You can optionally provide a [Map] of starter [values].
SymbolTable({Map<String, T> values: const {}}) {
if (values.isNotEmpty == true) {
values.forEach((k, v) {
_variables.add(Variable<T>._(k, this, value: v));
/// Returns the nearest context this symbol table belongs to. Returns `null` if none was set within the entire tree.
/// This can be used to bind values to a `this` scope within a compiler.
T? get context {
SymbolTable<T>? search = this;
while (search != null) {
if (search._context != null) return search._context;
search = search._parent;
return null;
/// Sets a local context for values within this scope to be resolved against.
void set context(T? value) {
_context = value;
/// The depth of this symbol table within the tree. At the root, this is `0`.
int get depth => _depth;
/// Returns `true` if this scope has no parent.
bool get isRoot => _parent == null;
/// Gets the parent of this symbol table.
SymbolTable<T>? get parent => _parent;
/// Resolves the symbol table at the very root of the hierarchy.
/// This value is memoized to speed up future lookups.
SymbolTable<T>? get root {
if (_root != null) return _root;
SymbolTable<T> out = this;
while (out._parent != null) out = out._parent!;
return _root = out;
/// Retrieves every variable within this scope and its ancestors.
/// Variable names will not be repeated; this produces the effect of
/// shadowed variables.
/// This list is unmodifiable.
List<Variable<T>> get allVariables {
List<String> distinct = [];
List<Variable<T>> out = [];
void crawl(SymbolTable<T> table) {
for (var v in table._variables) {
if (!distinct.contains(v.name)) {
if (table._parent != null) crawl(table._parent!);
return new List<Variable<T>>.unmodifiable(out);
/// Helper for calling [allVariablesWithVisibility] to fetch all public variables.
List<Variable<T>> get allPublicVariables {
return allVariablesWithVisibility(Visibility.public);
/// Use [allVariablesWithVisibility] instead.
List<Variable<T>> allVariablesOfVisibility(Visibility visibility) {
return allVariablesWithVisibility(visibility);
/// Retrieves every variable of the given [visibility] within this scope and its ancestors.
/// Variable names will not be repeated; this produces the effect of
/// shadowed variables.
/// Use this to "export" symbols out of a library or class.
/// This list is unmodifiable.
List<Variable<T>> allVariablesWithVisibility(Visibility visibility) {
List<String> distinct = [];
List<Variable<T>> out = [];
void crawl(SymbolTable<T> table) {
for (var v in table._variables) {
if (!distinct.contains(v.name) && v.visibility == visibility) {
if (table._parent != null) crawl(table._parent!);
return new List<Variable<T>>.unmodifiable(out);
Variable<T>? operator [](String name) => resolve(name);
void operator []=(String name, T value) {
assign(name, value);
void _wipeLookupCache(String key) {
_children.forEach((c) => c._wipeLookupCache(key));
/// Use [create] instead.
Variable<T> add(String name, {T? value, bool? constant}) {
return create(name, value: value, constant: constant);
/// Create a new variable *within this scope*.
/// You may optionally provide a [value], or mark the variable as [constant].
Variable<T> create(String name, {T? value, bool? constant}) {
// Check if it exists first.
if (_variables.any((v) => v.name == name))
throw new StateError(
'A symbol named "$name" already exists within the current context.');
Variable<T> v = new Variable._(name, this, value: value);
if (constant == true) v.lock();
return v;
/// Use [assign] instead.
Variable<T> put(String name, T value) {
return assign(name, value);
/// Assigns a [value] to the variable with the given [name], or creates a new variable.
/// You cannot use this method to assign constants.
/// Returns the variable whose value was just assigned.
Variable<T> assign(String name, T value) {
return resolveOrCreate(name)..value = value;
/// Removes the variable with the given [name] from this scope, or an ancestor.
/// Returns the deleted variable, or `null`.
/// *Note: This may cause [resolve] calls in [fork]ed scopes to return `null`.*
/// *Note: There is a difference between symbol tables created via [fork], [createdChild], and [clone].*
Variable<T>? remove(String name) {
SymbolTable<T>? search = this;
while (search != null) {
var variable = search._variables.firstWhereOrNull((v) => v.name == name);
if (variable != null) {
return variable;
search = search._parent;
return null;
/// Finds the variable with the given name, either within this scope or an ancestor.
/// Returns `null` if none has been found.
Variable<T>? resolve(String name) {
var v = _lookupCache.putIfAbsent(name, () {
var variable = _variables.firstWhereOrNull((v) => v.name == name);
if (variable != null)
return variable;
else if (_parent != null)
return _parent?.resolve(name);
return null;
if (v == null) {
return null;
} else {
return v;
/// Finds the variable with the given name, either within this scope or an ancestor.
/// Creates a new variable if none was found.
/// If a new variable is created, you may optionally give it a [value].
/// You can also mark the new variable as a [constant].
Variable<T> resolveOrCreate(String name, {T? value, bool? constant}) {
var resolved = resolve(name);
if (resolved != null) return resolved;
return create(name, value: value, constant: constant);
/// Creates a child scope within this one.
/// You may optionally provide starter [values].
SymbolTable<T> createChild({Map<String, T> values: const {}}) {
var child = SymbolTable(values: values);
.._depth = _depth + 1
.._parent = this
.._root = _root;
return child;
/// Creates a scope identical to this one, but with no children.
/// The [parent] scope will see the new scope as a child.
SymbolTable<T> clone() {
var table = SymbolTable<T>();
.._depth = _depth
.._parent = _parent
.._root = _root;
return table;
/// Creates a *forked* scope, derived from this one.
/// You may provide starter [values].
/// As opposed to [createChild], all variables in the resulting forked
/// scope will be *copies* of those in this class. This makes forked
/// scopes useful for implementations of concepts like closure functions,
/// where the current values of variables are trapped.
/// The forked scope is essentially orphaned and stands alone; although its
/// [parent] getter will point to the parent of the original scope, the parent
/// will not be aware of the new scope's existence.
SymbolTable<T> fork({Map<String, T> values: const {}}) {
var table = SymbolTable<T>();
.._depth = _depth
.._parent = _parent
.._root = _root;
table._variables.addAll(_variables.map((Variable v) {
Variable<T> variable = new Variable._(v.name, this, value: v.value);
variable.visibility = v.visibility;
if (v.isImmutable) variable.lock();
return variable;
return table;
/// Returns a variation on the input [name] that is guaranteed to never be repeated within this scope.
/// The variation will the input [name], but with a numerical suffix appended.
/// Ex. `foo1`, `bar24`
String uniqueName(String name) {
int count = 0;
SymbolTable? search = this;
while (search != null) {
if (search._names.containsKey(name)) count += search._names[name]!;
search = search._parent;
_names.putIfAbsent(name, () => 0);
var n = _names[name];
if (n != null) {
_names[name] = n;
return '$name$count';