152 lines
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152 lines
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import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:angel_auth/angel_auth.dart';
import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:random_string/random_string.dart' as rs;
import 'package:twitter/twitter.dart';
class TwitterStrategy<User> extends AuthStrategy<User> {
/// The options defining how to connect to the third-party.
final ExternalAuthOptions options;
/// The underlying [BaseClient] used to query Twitter.
final http.BaseClient httpClient;
/// A callback that uses Twitter to authenticate a [User].
/// As always, return `null` if authentication fails.
final FutureOr<User> Function(Twitter, RequestContext, ResponseContext)
/// The root of Twitter's API. Defaults to `'https://api.twitter.com'`.
final Uri baseUrl;
TwitterStrategy(this.options, this.verifier,
{http.BaseClient client, Uri baseUrl})
: this.baseUrl = baseUrl ?? Uri.parse('https://api.twitter.com'),
this.httpClient = client ?? http.Client() as http.BaseClient;
String _createSignature(
String method, String uriString, Map<String, String> params,
{@required String tokenSecret}) {
// Not only do we need to sort the parameters, but we need to URI-encode them as well.
var encoded = new SplayTreeMap();
for (String key in params.keys) {
encoded[Uri.encodeComponent(key)] = Uri.encodeComponent(params[key]);
String collectedParams =
encoded.keys.map((key) => "$key=${encoded[key]}").join("&");
String baseString =
String signingKey =
// After you create a base string and signing key, we need to hash this via HMAC-SHA1
var hmac = new Hmac(sha1, signingKey.codeUnits);
// The returned signature should be the resulting hash, Base64-encoded
return base64.encode(hmac.convert(baseString.codeUnits).bytes);
Future<http.Request> _prepRequest(String path,
{String method = "GET",
Map<String, String> data = const {},
String accessToken,
String tokenSecret = ''}) async {
var headers = new Map<String, String>.from(data);
headers["oauth_version"] = "1.0";
headers["oauth_consumer_key"] = options.clientId;
// The implementation of _randomString doesn't matter - just generate a 32-char
// alphanumeric string.
headers["oauth_nonce"] = rs.randomAlphaNumeric(32);
headers["oauth_signature_method"] = "HMAC-SHA1";
headers["oauth_timestamp"] =
(new DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch / 1000).round().toString();
if (accessToken != null) {
headers["oauth_token"] = accessToken;
var request = http.Request(method, baseUrl.replace(path: path));
headers['oauth_signature'] = _createSignature(
method, request.url.toString(), headers,
tokenSecret: tokenSecret);
var oauthString = headers.keys
.map((name) => '$name="${Uri.encodeComponent(headers[name])}"')
.join(", ");
return request
..headers['authorization'] = "OAuth $oauthString";
Future<Map<String, String>> _parseUrlEncoded(http.BaseRequest rq) async {
var response = await httpClient.send(rq);
var rs = await http.Response.fromStream(response);
var body = rs.body;
if (rs.statusCode != 200) {
throw new AngelHttpException.notAuthenticated(
message: 'Twitter authentication error: $body');
return Uri.splitQueryString(body);
Future<Map<String, String>> getAccessToken(
String token, String verifier) async {
var request = await _prepRequest("oauth/access_token",
method: "POST", data: {"verifier": verifier}, accessToken: token);
request.bodyFields = {'oauth_verifier': verifier};
return _parseUrlEncoded(request);
Future<Map<String, String>> getRequestToken() async {
var request = await _prepRequest("oauth/request_token",
method: "POST",
data: {"oauth_callback": options.redirectUri.toString()});
// _mapifyRequest is a function that sends a request and parses its URL-encoded
// response into a Map. This detail is not important.
return await _parseUrlEncoded(request);
Future<User> authenticate(RequestContext req, ResponseContext res,
[AngelAuthOptions options]) async {
if (options != null) {
return await authenticateCallback(req, res, options);
} else {
var result = await getRequestToken();
var token = result['oauth_token'];
var url = baseUrl.replace(
path: p.join(baseUrl.path, 'oauth/authenticate'),
queryParameters: {'oauth_token': token});
return null;
Future<User> authenticateCallback(
RequestContext req, ResponseContext res, AngelAuthOptions options) async {
// TODO: Handle errors
print('Query: ${req.queryParameters}');
var token = req.queryParameters['oauth_token'] as String;
var verifier = req.queryParameters['oauth_verifier'] as String;
var loginData = await getAccessToken(token, verifier);
var twitter = Twitter(this.options.clientId, this.options.clientSecret,
loginData['oauth_token'], loginData['oauth_token_secret']);
return await this.verifier(twitter, req, res);