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398 lines
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import 'dart:async';
import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart';
import 'package:dart2_constant/convert.dart';
import 'exception.dart';
import 'response.dart';
import 'token_type.dart';
/// A request handler that performs an arbitrary authorization token grant.
typedef Future<AuthorizationTokenResponse> ExtensionGrant(
RequestContext req, ResponseContext res);
String _getParam(RequestContext req, String name, String state,
{bool body: false}) {
var map = body == true ? req.body : req.query;
var value = map.containsKey(name) ? map[name]?.toString() : null;
if (value?.isNotEmpty != true) {
throw new AuthorizationException(
new ErrorResponse(
'Missing required parameter "$name".',
statusCode: 400,
return value;
Iterable<String> _getScopes(RequestContext req, {bool body: false}) {
var map = body == true ? req.body : req.query;
return map['scope']?.toString()?.split(' ') ?? [];
/// An OAuth2 authorization server, which issues access tokens to third parties.
abstract class AuthorizationServer<Client, User> {
const AuthorizationServer();
static const String _internalServerError =
'An internal server error occurred.';
/// A [Map] of custom authorization token grants. Use this to handle custom grant types, perhaps even your own.
Map<String, ExtensionGrant> get extensionGrants => {};
/// Finds the [Client] application associated with the given [clientId].
FutureOr<Client> findClient(String clientId);
// TODO: Is this ever used???
/// Verify that a [client] is the one identified by the [clientSecret].
Future<bool> verifyClient(Client client, String clientSecret);
/// Prompt the currently logged-in user to grant or deny access to the [client].
/// In many applications, this will entail showing a dialog to the user in question.
Client client,
String redirectUri,
Iterable<String> scopes,
String state,
RequestContext req,
ResponseContext res) {
throw new AuthorizationException(
new ErrorResponse(
'Authorization code grants are not supported.',
statusCode: 400,
/// Create an implicit authorization token.
/// Note that in cases where this is called, there is no guarantee
/// that the user agent has not been compromised.
Future<AuthorizationTokenResponse> implicitGrant(
Client client,
String redirectUri,
Iterable<String> scopes,
String state,
RequestContext req,
ResponseContext res) {
throw new AuthorizationException(
new ErrorResponse(
'Authorization code grants are not supported.',
statusCode: 400,
/// Exchanges an authorization code for an authorization token.
Future<AuthorizationTokenResponse> exchangeAuthorizationCodeForToken(
String authCode,
String redirectUri,
RequestContext req,
ResponseContext res) {
throw new AuthorizationException(
new ErrorResponse(
'Authorization code grants are not supported.',
req.query['state'] ?? '',
statusCode: 400,
/// Refresh an authorization token.
Future<AuthorizationTokenResponse> refreshAuthorizationToken(
Client client,
String refreshToken,
Iterable<String> scopes,
RequestContext req,
ResponseContext res) {
throw new AuthorizationException(
new ErrorResponse(
'Refreshing authorization tokens is not supported.',
req.body['state'] ?? '',
statusCode: 400,
/// Issue an authorization token to a user after authenticating them via [username] and [password].
Future<AuthorizationTokenResponse> resourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsGrant(
Client client,
String username,
String password,
Iterable<String> scopes,
RequestContext req,
ResponseContext res) {
throw new AuthorizationException(
new ErrorResponse(
'Resource owner password credentials grants are not supported.',
req.body['state'] ?? '',
statusCode: 400,
/// Performs a client credentials grant. Only use this in situations where the client is 100% trusted.
Future<AuthorizationTokenResponse> clientCredentialsGrant(
Client client, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) {
throw new AuthorizationException(
new ErrorResponse(
'Client credentials grants are not supported.',
req.body['state'] ?? '',
statusCode: 400,
/// A request handler that invokes the correct logic, depending on which type
/// of grant the client is requesting.
Future authorizationEndpoint(RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) async {
String state = '';
try {
state = req.query['state']?.toString() ?? '';
var responseType = _getParam(req, 'response_type', state);
if (responseType == 'code') {
// Ensure client ID
// TODO: Handle confidential clients
var clientId = _getParam(req, 'client_id', state);
// Find client
var client = await findClient(clientId);
if (client == null) {
throw new AuthorizationException(new ErrorResponse(
'Unknown client "$clientId".',
// Grab redirect URI
var redirectUri = _getParam(req, 'redirect_uri', state);
// Grab scopes
var scopes = _getScopes(req);
return await requestAuthorizationCode(
client, redirectUri, scopes, state, req, res);
if (responseType == 'token') {
var clientId = _getParam(req, 'client_id', state);
var client = await findClient(clientId);
if (client == null) {
throw new AuthorizationException(new ErrorResponse(
'Unknown client "$clientId".',
var redirectUri = _getParam(req, 'redirect_uri', state);
// Grab scopes
var scopes = _getScopes(req);
var token =
await implicitGrant(client, redirectUri, scopes, state, req, res);
Uri target;
try {
target = Uri.parse(redirectUri);
var queryParameters = <String, String>{};
'access_token': token.accessToken,
'token_type': 'bearer',
'state': state,
if (token.expiresIn != null)
queryParameters['expires_in'] = token.expiresIn.toString();
if (token.scope != null)
queryParameters['scope'] = token.scope.join(' ');
var fragment = queryParameters.keys
.fold<StringBuffer>(new StringBuffer(), (buf, k) {
if (buf.isNotEmpty) buf.write('&');
return buf
'$k=' + Uri.encodeComponent(queryParameters[k]),
target = target.replace(fragment: fragment);
return false;
} on FormatException {
throw new AuthorizationException(
new ErrorResponse(
'Invalid URI provided as "redirect_uri" parameter',
statusCode: 400);
throw new AuthorizationException(
new ErrorResponse(
'Invalid or no "response_type" parameter provided',
statusCode: 400);
} on AngelHttpException {
} catch (e, st) {
throw new AuthorizationException(
new ErrorResponse(
error: e,
statusCode: 500,
stackTrace: st,
static final RegExp _rgxBasic = new RegExp(r'Basic ([^$]+)');
static final RegExp _rgxBasicAuth = new RegExp(r'([^:]*):([^$]*)');
/// A request handler that either exchanges authorization codes for authorization tokens,
/// or refreshes authorization tokens.
Future tokenEndpoint(RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) async {
String state = '';
Client client;
try {
AuthorizationTokenResponse response;
await req.parse();
state = req.body['state'] ?? '';
var grantType = _getParam(req, 'grant_type', state, body: true);
if (grantType != 'authorization_code') {
var match =
_rgxBasic.firstMatch(req.headers.value('authorization') ?? '');
if (match != null) {
match = _rgxBasicAuth
.firstMatch(new String.fromCharCodes(base64Url.decode(match[1])));
if (match == null) {
throw new AuthorizationException(
new ErrorResponse(
'Invalid or no "Authorization" header.',
statusCode: 400,
} else {
var clientId = match[1], clientSecret = match[2];
client = await findClient(clientId);
if (client == null) {
throw new AuthorizationException(
new ErrorResponse(
'Invalid "client_id" parameter.',
statusCode: 400,
if (!await verifyClient(client, clientSecret)) {
throw new AuthorizationException(
new ErrorResponse(
'Invalid "client_secret" parameter.',
statusCode: 400,
if (grantType == 'authorization_code') {
var code = _getParam(req, 'code', state, body: true);
var redirectUri = _getParam(req, 'redirect_uri', state, body: true);
response = await exchangeAuthorizationCodeForToken(
code, redirectUri, req, res);
} else if (grantType == 'refresh_token') {
var refreshToken = _getParam(req, 'refresh_token', state, body: true);
var scopes = _getScopes(req);
response = await refreshAuthorizationToken(
client, refreshToken, scopes, req, res);
} else if (grantType == 'password') {
var username = _getParam(req, 'username', state, body: true);
var password = _getParam(req, 'password', state, body: true);
var scopes = _getScopes(req);
response = await resourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsGrant(
client, username, password, scopes, req, res);
} else if (grantType == 'client_credentials') {
response = await clientCredentialsGrant(client, req, res);
if (response.refreshToken != null) {
// Remove refresh token
response = new AuthorizationTokenResponse(
expiresIn: response.expiresIn,
scope: response.scope,
} else if (extensionGrants.containsKey(grantType)) {
response = await extensionGrants[grantType](req, res);
if (response != null) {
return {'token_type': AuthorizationTokenType.bearer}
throw new AuthorizationException(
new ErrorResponse(
'Invalid or no "grant_type" parameter provided',
statusCode: 400,
} on AngelHttpException {
} catch (e, st) {
throw new AuthorizationException(
new ErrorResponse(
error: e,
statusCode: 500,
stackTrace: st,