git-subtree-dir: packages/paginate git-subtree-mainline:12aa791a8e
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/// Efficiently paginates collections of items in an object-oriented manner.
class Paginator<T> {
final Map<int, PaginationResult<T>> _cache = {};
PaginationResult<T> _current;
int _page = 0;
/// The collection of items to be paginated.
final Iterable<T> _items;
/// The maximum number of items to be shown per page.
final int itemsPerPage;
/// If `true` (default), then the results of paginations will be saved by page number.
/// For example, you would only have to paginate page 1 once. Future calls would return a cached version.
final bool useCache;
Paginator(this._items, {this.itemsPerPage: 5, this.useCache: true});
/// Returns `true` if there are more items at lesser page indices than the current one.
bool get canGoBack => _page > 0;
/// Returns `true` if there are more items at greater page indices than the current one.
bool get canGoForward => _page < _lastPage();
/// The current page index.
int get index => _page;
/// Returns the greatest possible page number for this collection, given the number of [itemsPerPage].
int get lastPageNumber => _lastPage();
/// The current page number. This is not the same as [index].
/// This getter will return user-friendly numbers. The lowest value it will ever return is `1`.
int get pageNumber => _page < 1 ? 1 : (_page + 1);
/// Fetches the current page. This will be cached until [back] or [next] is called.
/// If [useCache] is `true` (default), then computations will be cached even after the page changes.
PaginationResult<T> get current {
if (_current != null)
return _current;
return _current = _getPage();
PaginationResult<T> _computePage() {
var len = _items.length;
var it = _items.skip(_page * (itemsPerPage ?? 5));
var offset = len - it.length;
it = it.take(itemsPerPage);
var last = _lastPage();
// print('cur: $_page, last: $last');
return new _PaginationResultImpl(it,
currentPage: _page + 1,
previousPage: _page <= 0 ? -1 : _page,
nextPage: _page >= last - 1 ? -1 : _page + 2,
startIndex: it.isEmpty ? -1 : offset,
endIndex: offset + it.length - 1,
itemsPerPage < _items.length ? itemsPerPage : _items.length,
total: len);
PaginationResult<T> _getPage() {
if (useCache != false)
return _cache.putIfAbsent(_page, () => _computePage());
return _computePage();
int _lastPage() {
var n = (_items.length / itemsPerPage).round();
// print('items: ${_items.length}');
// print('per page: $itemsPerPage');
// print('quotient: $n');
var remainder = _items.length - (n * itemsPerPage);
// print('remainder: $remainder');
return (remainder <= 0) ? n : n + 1;
/// Attempts to go the specified page. If it fails, then it will remain on the current page.
/// Keep in mind - this just not be a zero-based index, but a one-based page number. The lowest
/// allowed value is `1`.
void goToPage(int page) {
if (page > 0 && page <= _lastPage()) {
_page = page - 1;
_current = null;
/// Moves the paginator back one page, if possible.
void back() {
if (_page > 0) {
_current = null;
/// Advances the paginator one page, if possible.
void next() {
if (_page < _lastPage()) {
_current = null;
/// Stores the result of a pagination.
abstract class PaginationResult<T> {
factory PaginationResult.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) =>
new _PaginationResultImpl((map['data'] as Iterable).cast<T>(),
currentPage: map['current_page'],
endIndex: map['end_index'],
itemsPerPage: map['items_per_page'],
nextPage: map['next_page'],
previousPage: map['previous_page'],
startIndex: map['start_index'],
total: map['total']);
List<T> get data;
int get currentPage;
int get previousPage;
int get nextPage;
int get itemsPerPage;
int get total;
int get startIndex;
int get endIndex;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson();
class _PaginationResultImpl<T> implements PaginationResult<T> {
final Iterable<T> _data;
Iterable<T> _cachedData;
final int currentPage;
List<T> get data => _cachedData ?? (_cachedData = new List<T>.from(_data));
final int endIndex;
final int itemsPerPage;
final int nextPage;
final int previousPage;
final int startIndex;
final int total;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return {
'total': total,
'items_per_page': itemsPerPage,
'previous_page': previousPage,
'current_page': currentPage,
'next_page': nextPage,
'start_index': startIndex,
'end_index': endIndex,
'data': data