2017-03-03 23:14:39 -05:00

134 lines
4 KiB

import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analyzer/analyzer.dart';
import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:console/console.dart';
import 'package:pubspec/pubspec.dart';
class RenameCommand extends Command {
String get name => 'rename';
String get description => 'Renames the current project.';
String get invocation => '$name <new name>';
run() async {
String newName;
if (
newName =;
else {
var p = new Prompter('Enter new project name: ');
newName = await p.prompt(checker: (String str) => str.isNotEmpty);
var ch = new Chooser<String>(['Yes', 'No'],
message: 'Rename the project to `$newName`? ');
var choice = await ch.choose();
if (choice == 'Yes') {
print('Renaming project to `$newName`...');
var pubspecFile =
new File.fromUri(Directory.current.uri.resolve('pubspec.yaml'));
if (!await pubspecFile.exists()) {
throw new Exception('No pubspec.yaml found in current directory.');
} else {
var pubspec = await PubSpec.load(Directory.current);
var oldName =;
var newPubspec =
new PubSpec.fromJson(pubspec.toJson()..['name'] = newName);
await renameDartFiles(Directory.current, oldName, newName);
print('Now running `pub get`...');
var pub = await Process.start('pub', ['get']);
await pub.exitCode;
renameDartFiles(Directory dir, String oldName, String newName) async {
var entry = new File.fromUri(dir.uri.resolve('lib/$oldName.dart'));
if (await entry.exists()) {
await entry.rename('lib/$newName.dart');
print('Renaming library file `${entry.absolute.path}`...');
await for (FileSystemEntity file in dir.list(recursive: true)) {
if (file is File && file.path.endsWith('.dart')) {
var contents = await file.readAsString();
var ast = parseCompilationUnit(contents);
var visitor = new RenamingVisitor(oldName, newName)
if (visitor.replace.isNotEmpty) {
visitor.replace.forEach((range, replacement) {
if (range.first is int) {
contents =
contents.replaceRange(range.first, range.last, replacement);
} else if (range.first is String) {
contents = contents.replaceAll(range.first, replacement);
await file.writeAsString(contents);
print('Updated file `${file.absolute.path}`.');
class RenamingVisitor extends RecursiveAstVisitor {
final String oldName, newName;
final Map<List, String> replace = {};
RenamingVisitor(this.oldName, this.newName);
String updateUri(String uri) {
if (uri == 'package:$oldName/$oldName.dart') {
return 'package:$newName/$newName.dart';
} else if (uri.startsWith('package:$oldName/')) {
return 'package:$newName/' + uri.replaceFirst('package:$oldName/', '');
} else
return uri;
visitExportDirective(ExportDirective ctx) {
var uri = ctx.uri.stringValue, updated = updateUri(uri);
if (uri != updated) replace[[uri]] = updated;
visitImportDirective(ImportDirective ctx) {
var uri = ctx.uri.stringValue, updated = updateUri(uri);
if (uri != updated) replace[[uri]] = updated;
visitLibraryDirective(LibraryDirective ctx) {
var name =;
if (name.startsWith(oldName)) {
replace[[ctx.offset, ctx.end]] =
'library ' + name.replaceFirst(oldName, newName) + ';';
visitPartOfDirective(PartOfDirective ctx) {
var name =;
if (name.startsWith(oldName)) {
replace[[ctx.offset, ctx.end]] =
'part of ' + name.replaceFirst(oldName, newName) + ';';