2019-10-16 20:54:38 -04:00

122 lines
3.8 KiB

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart';
import 'package:matcher/matcher.dart';
import 'form.dart';
import 'form_renderer.dart';
/// Holds the result of validating a field.
class FieldReadResult<T> {
/// If `true`, then validation was successful.
/// If `false`, [errors] must not be empty.
final bool isSuccess;
/// The value provided by the user.
final T value;
/// Any errors that arose during validation.
final Iterable<String> errors;
: isSuccess = true,
errors = [];
: isSuccess = false,
value = null;
/// An abstraction used to fetch values from request bodies, in a type-safe manner.
abstract class Field<T> {
/// The name of this field. This is the name that users should include in
/// request bodies.
final String name;
/// An optional label for the field.
final String label;
/// Whether the field is required. If `true`, then if it is not
/// present, an error will be generated.
final bool isRequired;
Field(, {this.label, this.isRequired = true});
/// Reads the value from the request body.
/// If it returns `null` and [isRequired] is `true`, an error must
/// be generated.
FutureOr<FieldReadResult<T>> read(
Map<String, dynamic> fields, Iterable<UploadedFile> files);
/// Accepts a form renderer.
FutureOr<U> accept<U>(FormRenderer<U> renderer);
/// Wraps this instance in one that throws an error if any of the
/// [matchers] fails.
Field<T> match(Iterable<Matcher> matchers) => _MatchedField(this, matchers);
/// Calls [read], and returns the retrieve value from the body.
/// If [query] is `true` (default: `false`), then the value will
/// be read from the request `queryParameters` instead.
/// If there is an error, then an [AngelHttpException] is thrown.
/// If a [defaultValue] is provided, it will be returned in case of an
/// error or missing value.
Future<T> getValue(RequestContext req,
{String errorMessage, T defaultValue, bool query = false}) async {
var uploadedFiles = <UploadedFile>[];
if (req.hasParsedBody || !query) {
await req.parseBody();
uploadedFiles = req.uploadedFiles;
var result =
await read(query ? req.queryParameters : req.bodyAsMap, uploadedFiles);
if (result?.isSuccess != true && defaultValue != null) {
return defaultValue;
} else if (result == null) {
errorMessage ??= Form.reportMissingField(name, query: query);
throw AngelHttpException.badRequest(message: errorMessage);
} else if (!result.isSuccess) {
errorMessage ??= result.errors.first;
throw AngelHttpException.badRequest(
message: errorMessage, errors: result.errors.toList());
} else {
return result.value;
class _MatchedField<T> extends Field<T> {
final Field<T> inner;
final Iterable<Matcher> matchers;
_MatchedField(this.inner, this.matchers)
: super(, label: inner.label, isRequired: inner.isRequired) {
FutureOr<U> accept<U>(FormRenderer<U> renderer) => inner.accept(renderer);
Future<FieldReadResult<T>> read(
Map<String, dynamic> fields, Iterable<UploadedFile> files) async {
var result = await, files);
if (!result.isSuccess) {
return result;
} else {
var errors = <String>[];
for (var matcher in matchers) {
if (!matcher.matches(result.value, {})) {
var desc = matcher.describe(StringDescription());
errors.add('Expected $desc for field "${}".');
if (errors.isEmpty) {
return result;
} else {
return FieldReadResult.failure(errors);