2021-02-14 13:22:25 +08:00

28 lines
901 B

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart';
/// A middleware that enables the caching of response serialization.
/// This can improve the performance of sending objects that are complex to serialize.
/// You can pass a [shouldCache] callback to determine which values should be cached.
RequestHandler cacheSerializationResults(
{Duration timeout,
FutureOr<bool> Function(RequestContext, ResponseContext, Object)
shouldCache}) {
return (RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) async {
var oldSerializer = res.serializer;
// TODO: Commented out as it is not doing anything useful
//var cache = <dynamic, String>{};
res.serializer = (value) {
//if (shouldCache == null) {
// return cache.putIfAbsent(value, () => oldSerializer(value));
return oldSerializer(value);
return true;